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Thread: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

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    New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is a bit of treat. Some backstory. First, this story is based on a Penthouse Comix series from years ago called "The Lost World." One of the characters was an African American woman named Latischa. The main character in this story is based on her and the story itself is quite similar, in some ways, to the original story, but also very different in many important ways. I'm attaching a few pages from the original series so people have an idea of what Latischa looks like and what I am describing in some of the text, especially at the beginning.

    I have had this story on the backburner for years and, for some reason, I was suddenly inspired to write it this past weekend. In fact, I spent most of the weekend on it, which was not good for all the other things I should have been doing! Anyway, this process illustrates how important inspiration is to completing these kind of stories.

    I probably should wait to finish this before I post it, but I am happy with what I have and I want to get it up on the board. This is the first two parts of the story. I have finished part 3 and part 4 is just getting started, though I don't know when I will get it done - my work cannot be ignored any longer and that means it may be a while until this is finished. But I hope not! As it is, I already have the next Latischa story planned out and I would love to get to it. Anyway, this should be a four part story.

    A few other points: I have already worked out how to bring Latischa and her world into the world of Inge and Conchita, so there is hope for a crossover between these characters - though that is likely way, way in the future, and after I finish many more stories, including incomplete ones that shall not be named! Also, I have made good progress on the second part of "Duranna vs. Kath" and I will probably have that part up fairly soon. HOwever, that story I posted as a standalone, so I don't feel much urgency in getting it done.

    Anyway, I hope that people enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed/am enjoying writing it!


    Latischa in the Lost World – Part I

    Latischa moaned, holding her aching head, as she slowly returned to consciousness. It took her several moments to remember where she was, what had happened, and what she was feeling. She was completely nude and lying on top of a couch. She was staring up at the ceiling of the giant private jet in which she was employed as a flight attendant. The roof of the cabin was torn open like it had been shredded by a can opener. Bright sunlight streamed in through the rip in the fuselage and she could see enormous trees and other signs of a jungle beyond. The air was hot and very humid. She turned her head carefully and looked out the window right next to the couch. The view confirmed that the plane had crashed in some kind of lush jungle, which made no sense to her. The plane had been right over the middle of the Pacific when it went down.

    Latischa pushed herself into a sitting position and examined her naked body. She reached up and squeezed her massive breasts, then ran her hands down her taut, muscled abdomen. Her long, powerful legs stretched out in front of her. She examined her voluptuous, mahogany-colored body for any signs of injury. Miraculously, she appeared to be unhurt. When the calamity struck, Latischa had been bent over the couch, her hands sunk into the thick material, a man’s thick, hard cock pumping her pussy vigorously from behind. The impact that destroyed the plane must have thrown her onto the couch and somehow held her in place as the rest of the plane shredded around her. It was unbelievable good luck, a reality that struck her even harder as she looked around the large, private, upper-deck cabin and took in the carnage. The room was strewn with dead, naked bodies. The copper scent of blood was in the air and many of the bodies were horribly injured. The men had been members of a professional football team. The women, all of them beautiful and voluptuous, had been the flight attendants hired for this private flight. The women knew that entertaining their passengers was one of their expected duties and all of them had taken to it enthusiastically. Latischa had been a bit reticent until she met Marcus, a quarterback for the team. The two had hit it off like lightning and, within moments of meeting, he had stripped off his clothes, she had ripped away her uniform and they had started fucking like rabbits. The entire upper cabin had been the site of six hour orgy that was suddenly and fatally interrupted.

    Latischa found Marcus’ body crumpled up against a bulkhead, twisted under another flight attendant and a football player. She mourned for the man, but she knew she had no time to waste. She had no idea if the plane was on the verge of exploding and she had to get out. She made her way gingerly across the cabin, amazed at how badly damaged the plane was. It had broken into at least two parts, probably more. She went to the front of the plane and climbed up a ladder to the hidden compartment where the flight attendants had private sleeping quarters. She retrieved her bag from her locker. She found the biggest knife she could find in the upper cabin galley. It was a steel blade and came with a plastic sheath. She also stuck as many packaged snacks as she could find into a plastic bag. She knew she might need to come back for more supplies but, for now, she would wait until she had a better idea of what her situation was and what condition the plane was in.

    The heat and humidity of the jungle was sitting heavily on her. It was so hot that, at first, she feared she was feeling some unseen fire originating with the crash. Once she was out of the plane, however, she could tell that it was the jungle itself that was blazing with heat. The plane was in five different pieces, scattered over a few hundred meters. The fuselage had shattered and she could not imagine anyone else had survived. She called out, walking around the plane, but there were no answers. There was fuel leaking from the engines, but the plane had traveled more than half its journey when it crashed, so the fuel supply was relatively low. Even so, some of the small fires burning on the smashed hull were close to the jet fuel stream and she was sure the plane would soon go up. It would be better for her to be far away when that happened.

    Latischa rifled through her bag and pulled out a tiny leopard print bikini, the smallest one that she had. In this heat, she figured the less she was wearing, the better. Latischa was a deliciously voluptuous woman, a specimen of near perfection, a necessary condition for her job as a private flight attendant. She pulled on the bikini, which showed off her incredible figure to spectacular effect. The top stretched tight across her thick, taut tits, covering her dark brown nipples and little more. Her huge, perfect breasts bulged out from her chest, her cleavage and underboob generously displayed. Her bare torso was powerfully muscled and flared out into wide, strong hips. Her bare legs were long and generously muscled, the product of years of dance, running and weight-lifting. The thong fit snugly over her clean-shaven pussy, stretching low on her hips and leaving most of her rounded ass bare, as thongs do.

    The bikini was appropriate, given the environment in which she found herself. She fished a handbag out of her baggage and put in it some medicine and identity papers, things she would need if she found civilization. She stuffed in as many of the packaged snacks as she could fit. She shoved the knife into the bag. As fully equipped as possible, she walked into the thick jungle, the loam soft against her bare feet. The only shoes she had in her bag were high heels and her runners were in her locker in the upper levels of the plane. She had forgot to bring them in her rush to get her bag and now it was too late to go back inside.

    “Well, looks like I’m on my own here,” the beautiful woman thought to herself. The humid air and the deep heat soon had her voluptuous body covered in a light sheen of sweat. Her tiny bikini clung to her skin, the thong wedging her cunt slit, the bra tight against her bulging nipples.

    “Fuck,”Latischa thought. “I need food and I need water.” At least she was shielded from the intense sun by the dense jungle foliage, and her dark skin made it much harder for her to burn anyway. But she could already tell that surviving in this jungle was going to be an ordeal. She had taken survival training several years ago before going on a deep woods camping trip and she had a good skill set. But, so far, she had not recognized a single edible plant and the sounds and signs of the jungle filled her with apprehension. The fact that the plane had crashed on an island that should not even have been there was preying on the back of her mind. Something in the air felt wrong. Even more, she had a vague sense that whatever was strange about this place was working on her mind in ways she did not yet understand.

    Latischa walked for about an hour, careful to avoid making too much noise, her senses alert. Already, she had spotted signs of large predators and footprints that indicated elephant-sized animals were roaming this forest. As a child, she had an interest in zoology and she was concerned that she could not identify the species to which the footprints belonged. The roars and cries of the forest around her were unnerving.

    After another hour, Latischa found a stream and quenched her thirst, then began looking around for a place to spend the night. Judging by the sun in the sky and assuming they had gone down near the equator, she estimated she had maybe another two hours of sunlight. She decided that wandering too far from the plane was not a good idea. If there was rescue coming, it would find the plane much more easily than her on her own. But she needed a safe place to hide and a fire. She also needed food. She was not yet hungry, but that would come. The snacks she had brought from the plane would not last long and were not very healthy. She hoped she could locate fruit and other edible plants. She had no desire to try to kill an animal for meat. Her instincts told her that spilling blood in this jungle was sure to attract creatures she did not want to attract.

    Latischa found a small clearing a short distance from the stream. She put down her bag and began gathering dead branches from the nearby foliage, intent on starting a fire. She looked up at some of the giant trees around her and wondered if it made sense to climb into one of them and spend the night on a giant branch. Being on the ground made her nervous.

    It was then that she heard a low growl. She spun around, her instincts immediately alert, her skin breaking out in a cold sweat, even in the jungle heat. Her breath hitched. A massive reptilian creature was slowly emerging from the thick foliage around the base of a giant tree. It was easily the size of a human, larger when factoring in its whipping tail. The animal was crouched down, its sharp claws digging into the dirt, but it was walking on its two hind legs. Its arms were strongly developed and brandished scythe-like claws. Its feet were three toed and ended in hooked bone knives. Its prominent dew claw was clearly designed to disembowel its prey. Latischa recognized the creature as something like a velociraptor; she had seen enough “Jurassic Park” movies to know that much.

    As it slowly entered the clearing, the creature’s amber eyes locked on Latischa. She felt panic growing in her ample chest, pushing aside her shocked disbelief. However impossible this creature was, it was here and it was going to kill her if she did not act. She had left her knife in her bag, which was now on the ground three meters away from her. Even if she had it, she did not know what good her weapon would do against a beast like this. Sucking in all the air she could, Latischa did the only thing she could: she shrieked at the top of her lungs, a long, shrill bellow. She knew that loud noises could sometimes startle dangerous animals and scare them away.

    The velociraptor started and its body language indicated its surprise. In that moment, Latischa dived for her bag, hoping to get to the knife. The beast snarled and began to dash across the clearing, covering the distance between them in a lightning blur. Latischa could not reach the bag. She braced herself, thinking in that last moment that it would have been better for her to die in the crash than survive to be savaged by the claws and teeth of this monster.

    Suddenly, something flashed out from the cover of the trees. The speeding dinosaur let out a croaking gasp then crashed to the ground, the momentum of its rush carrying it almost all the way to Latischa. The woman looked up, shocked and gratified by the turn of events. A massive spear was jutting out of the animal’s neck. Latischa looked to where the spear had come. A man was standing there, on the edge of the clearing.

    And what a man he was! He was enormous, his bronzed skin rippling with bulging muscle. His hair was long and black and, even from the distance, Latischa could see that his eyes were a startling blue. Her mind immediately flashed to a popular image of Tarzan or Conan the Barbarian. The man was almost naked, wearing nothing but an animal fur loincloth. A sharp stone knife was strapped to his thigh. If Latischa was an image of perfect female voluptuousness, this man was her male counterpart. He walked towards her, his bare feet silent on the ground.

    Latischa stood up straight. Her massive tits jutted out and jiggled as she moved. The man’s eyes swept over her delicious body, resting on her tits, traveling down her muscled abdomen to her wide hips and long, powerful bare legs. Latischa had left her bag on the ground, but she suddenly wondered if she needed the knife after all. She put the thought out of her mind. This man had saved her and she needed to thank him, whatever that might entail.

    As the man got closer, Latischa held out her hand. She had no expectation that he could speak her language, but she wanted to make a gesture of friendliness and gratitude. “Thanks so much,” she said, her voice calm. “You saved my life. I can’t thank you enough.” The words sounded silly, but she had to say something.

    The man ignored her hand. Somewhat awkwardly, Latischa pulled it in. The man crouched by the dead dinosaur. She watched as he easily extracted the long spear that he had thrown with such power and precision. Blood gushed from the body, then slowed to a steady flow of red that seeped into the earth. The smell of blood soon filled the clearing.

    The man stood straight and looked Latischa in the eye, then ran his gaze over her nearly nude body once again. He certainly seemed intelligent, but he still said nothing. After a moment, he gestured at her. He turned on his heel and began to walk back towards the forest. She picked up her bag and followed the man. For the first time, she had a sense of safety. She had met someone who knew the forest, could obviously take care of himself, and who seemed inclined to help her.

    They walked under the green canopy, following a jungle path. Latischa stayed close behind her protector. After a few minutes, the man stopped. Latischa halted beside him, looking up into his blue eyes.

    “What name?” he asked her. Latischa started.

    “You speak English?” she said, stating the obvious.

    “Some,” the man replied. It looked like he was trying to remember words from a language he had not used in a long time. “Not much. Will remember more.”

    “That’s great!” Latischa said excitedly. “My name is La-Ti-Sha- Latischa.” She spoke slowly and clearly.

    “Latischa,” he repeated, then nodded. “Follow.”

    They continued their walk. Latischa considered asking the man’s name, but she did not try to fill the space with talk. It made little sense, since his grasp of English was clearly limited. She would ask later, when she felt more settled and safe.

    After walking for more than an hour, the pair approached another massive tree. The man gestured upwards and Latischa saw a rope descending from a thick, broad branch. She realized the man must have his camp in the tree, just as she had considered doing. She also realized that they had retraced some of her own journey from the plane. The man must have seen her passing under his tree and had been following her for some time before he intervened to save her. She would need to ask him about that, if the chance came. Latischa climbed the rope easily, her powerful arms pulling her up the seven or eight meters into the tree. The jungle man followed close behind her, unabashedly looking up at her exposed ass and the tiny scrap of cloth that barely covered her clearly-defined pussy.

    The sun was low in the sky. Latischa knew that it would soon drop like a stone and the jungle would plunge into night. She was grateful to be off the jungle floor. On the branch, the man had built a sort of nest made of branches and leaves and a makeshift shelter. She got the sense that this was a temporary campsite, not his true home. There were signs of an earlier fire in a natural bowl set in the tree. The indentation was filled with dirt, to insulate the branch from the fire and prevent it from catching. A dead animal, resembling a small deer, was hanging from a smaller branch further back on the tree. It had been drained of blood and skinned, so it did not attract scavengers or predators so easily.

    The man took off his knife, embedded it in the branch, and set about making a fire. Latischa put down her bag and helped, gathering twigs and leaves that he could use for kindling. Soon, there was a good fire going on the branch and the man had used his knife to carve off a piece of the deer for them to eat. The man skewered the meat and cooked it over the fire. He provided water from a carved wooden bottle hidden in the shelter. Latischa was soon enjoying her first good meal of the day. As they ate, the sun fell from the sky and the darkness closed in. With it came the sounds and animals of the night. Before they had finished eating, Latischa could hear scuffling noises from around the base of the tree. But it seemed that the animals of the forest knew the man and feared him. None tried to climb the tree and attack them for their food.

    Feeling better than she had all day, Latischa tried to find out how much English the man knew. “What is your name?” she asked him.

    “Rumon,” he replied, gesturing at himself.

    “Rumon,” Latischa repeated. “I am pleased to meet you. Again, thank you for saving my life.”

    The man nodded. He stood up, reached down, and pulled off his loincloth. He was completely naked. His enormous member hung down between his legs, almost half-way to his knees. It was a bigger cock than any Latischa had ever seen. As she watched, the incredible shaft began to swell and thicken and rise higher as it hardened with arousal.

    Rumon gestured to his steadily growing shaft and then to Latischa. “Latischa fuck Rumon,” he said, very clearly.

    “Oh, boy,” Latischa murmured, her eyes fixed on the massive cock growing before her eyes. It was getting bigger and thicker with every moment and was already an intimidating girth. Latischa quickly calculated her situation. She was with a strange, powerful man in a dangerous forest. If she resisted his desires, she did not know if he would force himself on her and if he threw her out of the tree for rejecting his advances, she would be on her own in a very hostile environment. But she suddenly realized none of that really mattered. As she watched the man’s incredible shaft get bigger, thicker, longer, she felt a powerful surge of erotic desire. She realized that she was filling with lust. She wanted that cock. She wanted to feel that monstrous erection hard between her legs. Could she get that thing balls-deep inside of her? What would it feel like, to be stretched and completely penetrated by such an incredible dick? How good would it feel to have this awesome specimen of manhood reaming her cunt with his massive shaft? What would it be like to have his weight crushing her body, to have him licking and sucking her tits, sharing sweat and spit and ejaculations with him? She realized that she really, really wanted to find out.

    Latischa got carefully to her feet. “Well, I guess I do owe you for saving me…” she murmured. She reached up and slid the tight bikini top off of her tits and over her head. Her massive, meaty tits sprang free. The taut flesh jiggled deliciously and the man’s eyes fixed on the woman’s incredible rack as her tits bounced. His cock grew suddenly rock-hard and jutted from between his legs like a baseball bat. It continued to harden and thicken with every passing moment. Latischa tossed the bikini top aside. She felt the humid night air caress her wet, swollen nipples.

    Latischa reached out and grasped Rumon’s prick, wrapping her hand around as much of the shaft as she could hold. She loved the feel of the hot, thick, pulsing erection and was happily surprised to find her fingers could not close around the throbbing shaft. Rumon gasped as her warm hand caressed then squeezed the pulsing flesh. His prick grew even bigger, harder, at the contact. Latischa gasped to feel the man’s cock expanding even as she held it. She lowered her head and licked the tip of Rumon’s penis, then kissed and sucked the throbbing head. Holding his cock with one hand, she used her other hand to slide her bikini thong off her hips and down her legs and kicked it away. Now she was nude. She fell to her knees in front of the man. She fastened her lips around the top of the jungle man’s shaft and took as much of the massive erection into her mouth as she could, sucking and licking, pushing aside the foreskin with her tongue to get at the sensitive tip around the hole. For a few moments, the sound of wet, vigorous sucking joined the sounds of the forest. Rumon threw back his head and moaned with pleasure. His legs trembled as the woman expertly feasted on his pulsating, aching erection.

    “Mmmnnfff,” Latischa grunted. The man’s prick just kept getting bigger and she was afraid her mouth would soon be stuck in place, possibly causing her to choke on his cock, if she tried to keep sucking him with her entire mouth. She could not fit him down her throat, her usual method of giving blow jobs. She licked up and down the length of the throbbing member and dipped her head under Rumon’s swollen shaft to suck gently but deeply on his sack and the delicate balls inside. The man trembled with pleasure and groaned as the surge of ecstasy rippled through his genitals, setting his penis on fire with electrical sensations. Latischa continued to use her considerable skills at cock-sucking to take Rumon to new heights of pleasure, but she also knew that if she was going to satisfy this man she was going to have to take his enormous erection right up her cunt. Her eyes glinted with excitement. Rumon was much bigger than any man she had ever had inside of her, that was true. But she was also very experienced at sex and the challenge of taking this monster cock all the way in was thrilling.

    “Get onto your back, baby,” Latischa said to Rumon, gesturing at the makeshift bed he had assembled on the branch. Rumon eagerly did as he was told. He lay on the bed, his hands at his sides, his massive erection jutting up to point at the night sky. Latischa stood over the supine man, her feet on either side of his hips. She positioned herself directly over his cock. Her vagina was hot, throbbing with tension, and already sopping wet. She squeezed her twat and a hot trickle of cunt juice fell from her cunt to the top of the man’s prick, lubricating the turgid shaft and splashing Rumon’s belly. Slowly, slowly, Latischa lowered herself onto the meat spear, squatting down, holding the phallus to aim it into her juiced-up twat. She moaned in delight as she felt the thick flesh push slow and hard into her wet cunt, forcing her slick vaginal lips further and further apart, sliding inside her wet labia, stretching her inner vaginal lips tight as a drum, slowly and inexorably filling her to the brim as it plunged deeper and deeper inside of her. She moaned in joy as she slowly impaled herself on the cockmeat. The pain was exquisite. As the man’s shaft pierced and filled her womanhood to the breaking point, Latischa felt the delicious burning fill her with sexual ecstasy. She felt her swollen, pulsing clit crush hard against the top of the shaft as it penetrated her. Her clit slid the endless length of the hard member as it went deeper and deeper into her core.

    “Unnnngggghhhhh,” Latischa moaned. “Oh God, oh God, oh fuck, oh yesssssssssss…..”

    About two-thirds of the way in, Rumon’s cock became stuck inside Latischa’s tight vaginal canal. The man’s prick was now going into places in her body that had never been penetrated by any man before. Latischa smiled and pushed harder, driving her body down the rest of the monstrous shaft, forcing it further and further inside, ignoring the pain, reveling in the exquisite pleasure until, finally, her naked vaginal lips were flat to Rumon’s groin, nestled in his pubic hair, every millimeter of his erection swallowed by her cunt, lodged deep inside of her, her ass almost on his balls. Sweat dripped from Latischa’s voluptuous body, her muscles trembled with pleasure and tension.

    “Oh god, oh fucking god, this feels so fucking good!” Latischa thought. She put her hands on Rumon’s massive chest, sank her fingers into the taut muscle, and threw back her head to moan loudly in pure erotic joy. Beneath her, the man was panting and gasping. He was also lost in the delicious sensations of feeling his entire monstrous erection sheathed all the way inside the woman’s hot, wet core. Latischa wondered if this was also the first time Rumon had met a woman capable of taking in every millimeter of his enormous shaft.

    “Let’s see how he likes a little muscle control,” Latischa thought. She watched Rumon’s expression carefully, a predatory smile on her beautiful face, as she used her deep vaginal muscles to massage and ripple the length of his prick, squeezing and releasing, sending tremors of erotic sensation pulsing through his cockmeat.

    Rumon’s expression went from one of astonished surprise to ecstatic delight. He threw back his head and groaned in sheer pleasure. He gripped Latischa’s hips and cried out as she began to rock her body, sliding his cock up and down her tight, hot pussy. He reached up to cup and squeeze her massive, taut tits. Even his enormous hands could not fully hold Latischa’s abundant titmeat. As his lust and excitement grew, the man could not contain himself. Unexpectedly, he surged up, pushing Latischa over onto her back. The black-haired beauty laughed in delight, her cunt filled to the brim with pleasure and tension. Flat on her back, her face wearing a smile of rapturous pleasure, Latischa cried out as Rumon rammed into her. He pulled out two-thirds of his cock then thrust home, slamming himself into her over and over, his prick burning with electric sensations. Rumon filled his hands with the woman’s massive tits and squeezed mercilessly. Her hard nipples pushed into his palms. He threw back his head and grunted like an animal as he drove himself deep into Latischa’s core. The delicious pleasure took him. Latischa churned her hips, working his cock, delighting in the feeling of her meaty tits being squeezed and massaged. Her succulent cunt held and released Rumon’s prick, working it like a pump. The man and woman rutted furiously, transported by the pure erotic pleasure of their fucking. On and on it went, both trying to keep the pleasure going for as long as possible. Finally, the man went stiff and came incredibly hard in a gush of cum, deep inside of Latischa. It felt like a hot fire hose going off in her deepest core and Latischa screamed in ecstasy as she came too, her pussy clamping on Rumon’s erection, squeezing it like a vice, pulling even more hot ejaculations out of the jungle man.

    Rumon collapsed on top of Latischa, crushing her into the bed of leaves, his massive dead weight pinning her voluptuous body. She loved it. Latischa wrapped her wet thighs around the man’s hips, twined her powerful legs through his muscled limbs, slid her arms around his broad back, and squeezed hard. She squeezed his throbbing cock with her pussy, eliciting a groan of pleasure. Her body was slick with sweat and so was his. But their night was just getting started. Only minutes later, Rumon rose up, withdrew his shaft from Latischa’s sopping cunt in a spray of cum and cunt juice, and moved down Latischa’s supine body. He buried his face between her legs and began to lick, suck and eat. Latischa cried out in delight and twisted and bucked her hips, rubbing her cunt into Rumon’s face.

    “That’s it, baby, suck that clit, lick my pussy!” Rumon lifted her hips off the ground like she was a child and buried his face in her twat. She slung her legs over his shoulders, on either side of his head, as he devoured her pussy. Latischa ejaculated powerfully into his face. She screamed out and dug her hands into his hair as she came again and again. Her heels beat a rhythm on his muscled back.

    Latischa and Rumon’s screams, groans, grunts and animal cries joined the night sounds of the jungle. They fucked and fucked and fucked, both insatiable in their lust for each other. At some point during their hours-long fuckfest, Latischa found herself holding onto the trunk of the tree as Rumon fucked her from behind, his hips and ass jerking like pistons as he pounded her relentlessly. The whole tree shuddered with the power of his machine-like thrusts and Latischa felt her cunt and her insides stretched and churned to their limits. She loved every delicious thrust. Rumon went stiff and then released a stream of hot cum deep inside of her. Latischa squeezed him and milked his cock, getting him to cum several more times. After ejaculating in her pussy, the man pulled himself out. He did not wait to reload. Instead, he pulled Latischa’s firm ass cheeks apart and shoved a large thumb deep into her anus, loosening the tight flesh. He aimed his cum-slicked prick and, with a powerful thrust, fully penetrated her puckered anus. Using all the enormous power of his hips and ass, he shoved his massive cock all the way up the woman’s tight, hot asshole until his balls were slapping against her taut ass. Latischa shrieked out in pain and absolute ecstasy. She loved every second of it. Being ravaged by the savage jungle man was easily the best sex she had ever had, and that was saying something.

    Rumon ass-fucked Latischa for what seemed forever, stretching and driving into her welcoming body, riding her hard, until he finally released a torrent of cum. He pulled himself out of her, leaving her ass filled with his ejaculate, and carried Latischa back to the bed. He set her down on her back, then dived on top of her and began licking, sucking and biting at her thick-nippled tits. He squeezed and mauled the massive glands, sucking as much into his mouth as he could, chewing on the thick flesh in a lustful frenzy. Latischa rubbed her boobs into his face and arched her back, writhing and moaning as Rumon devoured her chest. They fucked and fucked deep into the night until, finally, they collapsed in an exhausted sleep.

    Latischa in the Lost World, Part II

    Latischa woke with the early morning sun. Her pussy felt raw, but deliciously stretched and full. Her asshole ached and she could feel the trickle of cum leaking out. It had been a long time since she had been fucked so thoroughly and she had never taken a prick as huge as that of the jungle man inside of her before. She smiled and stretched her lush, naked body. She had impressed herself with her own sexual capacity. The fact that enormous cock had gone balls-deep inside of her -both in her cunt and her ass- had been both exquisitely painful and incredibly pleasurable. She could not wait to take it inside of herself again and go at it as hard as they could. She had loved Rumon’s cock in her vagina, but she had enjoyed it nearly as much in her ass. She wanted much, much more.

    She looked around. When she had finally passed out, she and Rumon had been wrapped together, both of them exhausted by the continuous rutting that had gone on for hours. She had woken once during the night and he had still been there with her, his flaccid cock hanging between his legs, his hand on her tit. But he was gone now. She wondered where he had taken himself. As these thoughts crossed her mind, she heard some noises at the foot of the tree and saw the rope move, as if it had been pulled. She popped her head over the edge of the branch she was on.

    “Hey, baby, want to go another round or two?” she called out. She was quite intent on resuming their sexual marathon.

    The moment the words were out of her mouth, she realized her mistake. At the foot of the tree was a hunting party of ten men. They were dark-skinned and clothed in fur loincloths. They were carrying spears, bows and arrows, and a few had axes. The leader of the group, the man who had pulled on the rope, was adorned in ornate jewelry and bracelets, signs of his seniority.

    “Who are you?” the leading man said to her. His English was much better than Rumon’s, she could tell that immediately.

    Latischa looked around for Rumon, but he seemed to be gone. She pushed back the shock of fear and anger. She got up and looked for her bikini. She pulled it on quickly and then shimmied down the rope to the ground. “My name is Latischa,” she said. The group of men clustered around her curiously. Their eyes lit up as they examined her incredible body. She could see the signs of lust in the sudden erections of a few of the men, but they were also strangely reverential. “I crashed in an airplane.”

    “Do you mean a ship from the sky?” the head man asked.

    “Uh…yes,” Latischa replied. “Can you take me someplace where I can communicate with my people?”

    The leading man looked at her curiously. “You do not seem to understand. You are no longer on your world. You are in a different world. Many others like you have come here before, so I know some of your languages. But there is no way back for you. At least, no way that I know.”

    Latischa took in this information. She did not find it hard to believe. Everything that had happened so far seemed to confirm what the man was saying, especially the appearance of the raptor.

    “We will take you back to our village,” the man continued. “Our chieftain, the great Mananda, will need to meet you. She was like you – a woman from the sky.”

    Latischa seized on this. “Yes, please, I’d like to meet this woman.” Someone like this Mananda would be sure to understand her situation and offer help, or at least shelter and security.

    “We have been waiting for someone like you,” the head man continued. He bowed his head to Latischa. The rest of the hunting party followed suit. His words startled Latischa.

    “Waiting for ‘someone like me’? What the fuck does that mean?” She decided to keep her questions to herself until she had a chance to meet the chieftain.

    The men led Latischa through the forest. She was happy to have the escort, given her apprehension about the predators lurking in the forest. But she was increasingly tense. She did not know what these people wanted of her, but it was clear that they had some kind of purpose.

    They walked for more than an hour. Finally, the solid wooden walls of a large village appeared in a clearing. The walls were enough to keep out even the largest dinosaurs, Latischa thought. The small entourage marched up to a giant, reinforced gate. The gate swung open and the party proceeded into the village. The village was impressive, maybe a few hundred neatly and solidly built huts and other, larger structures. Their procession attracted a crowd of villagers. The followers gawked at Latischa as her party led her towards a large, central hut. Latischa took in as much information about the people around her as she could. The villagers looked well-fed and healthy, but Latischa realized that none of them was quite in her class of beauty. With her powerful, muscular body, bulging chest and sculpted face, she realized, to her consternation, that the villagers could be seeing her as some kind of Amazonian monster. A moment later, however, she realized her mistake. The villagers did not see her as a dangerous freak. If anything, they saw her as some kind of goddess.

    This became apparent to her as her party reached the central hut. The leader of her group approached the hut, knocked on the wall beside the door. A voice inside barked out an assent. The man pushed aside the mat covering the opening and went inside. Latischa stood in the middle of the group of hunters, her nervousness building. Something was going on and, somehow, she was at the center of this new development.

    The woven mat covering the entrance of the hut was brushed aside. An incredible woman stepped through. The woman was topless, so her perfect, massive tits bounced free. Her powerful, muscled torso rippled. Her bare legs bulged with muscle and her bare feet were adorned with jeweled sandals. Around her waist was fastened a fur loincloth that hung down to her knees. Other than an armband and an ornate necklace, the woman was naked. Her hair was pulled back on her head and a silver circlet held it in place, causing her natural afro to puff up behind the silver restraint. The woman’s beautiful dark body glistened with a sheen of sweat.

    The woman smiled when she saw Latischa. Her eyes roamed over the flight attendant’s spectacular body, blatantly examining every curve, every inch of exposed flesh. The woman placed her hands on her muscular hips and thrust out her bulging chest. Her tits quivered.

    “I am Mananda,” the woman declared. “Who are you?”

    “I am happy that you speak my language!” Latischa began. She could tell that this woman was a native English speaker. That also explained why the hunter’s leader spoke English so well. “I am Latischa. I was on a plane that crashed not far from here. I am the only survivor. Please, will you help me?”

    Mananda laughed. “Oh, I don’t think I will be helping you, Latischa. These men have not explained what is about to happen here, so I will do it for them.”

    Mananda stepped closer to Latischa, until the women were almost huge tit to huge tit. They stood at the same height and Latischa realized that she and Mananda were perfectly matched in almost every way. Their bulging breasts seemed to be roughly the same size and beautifully shaped. Even their nipples lined up. Their hips were equally wide, their powerful legs were the same length and seemed equally muscled. They easily could have been twin sisters, if not for their different faces. But the antagonism emanating off the other woman surprised and frightened her.

    “The people of this village have been led by women from the sky for quite some time. You see, every so many years, a plane or some other visitor from the outside world ends up here. I don’t know how it started, but somewhere along the way, one of those visitors was a woman who established herself as the chieftain here, after defeating the previous chieftain in combat. Ever since, the tradition has been established that when new women from the sky come here, they have to fight the present chieftain to guarantee their place in the village. I arrived here ten years ago. I defeated the previous woman in charge and now I am the chieftain. And if you want these people to help you, you will need to defeat me and establish your leadership here.”

    “What? But I don’t want to lead these people!”

    “I did not want to either. But it was either do that or face survival in the jungle on my own. In the end, this has worked out well for me and I have no intention of giving it up.”

    Latischa stepped back. She had absolutely no desire to fight this woman. She had no idea what that entailed. But she also knew that she needed the resources of this village to survive, at least for now. She did not want to be on her own in a jungle filled with raptors and probably other, equally dangerous creatures.

    “You are their chieftain. You don’t have to do this!”

    “You are wrong,” Mananda replied. “This is the one ritual in this village that is not negotiable. The people see every new woman from the sky as a challenger sent by the gods. And someone like you, with a body like your’s, just makes them more certain of your purpose. If I don’t fight you, my authority will be lost. And, quite frankly, you look like you may present me with a real challenge.” Mananda smiled wider, a predatory grin. “We don’t often get women who look like you. I want to test myself against you.”

    Latischa shook her head in exasperation. It looked like there was no way out of this.

    “What does this battle involve?”

    “It’s very simple. We fight, right here, in front of the village. Whoever overpowers the other wins. It’s not a fight to the death, but there are no rules. Anything goes. Whoever submits is the loser.”

    Latischa looked at the beautiful, powerful woman in front of her. Surprisingly, she did not feel any dread or anger. Instead, she felt something else building inside of her, something that had been growing and growing ever since she had stepped out of the wreckage of the plane and pulled on her bikini, something that had blossomed fully into life last night, as she and Rumon had fucked and fucked like wild animals in heat. What she felt was a wild power, a primal instinct for survival and pleasure. She felt a sudden, overwhelming desire to pit her power as a woman against the power of this other woman and see which of them was truly the superior bitch. Latischa realized, with a start, that her feelings were raw and sexual.

    Mananda watched the emotions flicker across Latischa’s beautiful face. She recognized what she was seeing. She smiled wolfishly and stepped even closer. Her naked, meaty tits crushed hard into Latischa’s equally thick rack. Latischa’s titflesh flowed up from around the meager bikini top and burned deliciously as it met Mananda’s naked flesh. The women felt their matching nipples harden into each other, pulsing and throbbing as the sensitive nubs tried to push each other back.

    “You feel it, don’t you, bitch?” Mananda breathed into Latischa’s face, the women almost nose to nose. “You feel the wildness, the awakening of your hunger and power as a woman, don’t you? There is something about this place – something in the air, the food, the water – that turns us ‘civilized’ people into the wild animals we were meant to be.” She smiled hungrily. “In fact, we get it even worse than the people born here. It’s irresistible. It feels wonderful, to give into that animal lust and desire and let it lead wherever it wants.”

    Latischa put her hands on Mananda’s naked shoulders and pushed the woman away from her. She knew that the bitch was right and that the only way for her to win this battle was to surrender to the primal instincts now forcing their way into her consciousness.

    “If we’re going to fight, let’s fight, you cunt,” Latischa breathed. She gripped her bikini top, pulled it over her head, and threw it aside. The crowd cheered. A young girl on the perimeter caught the top and held it reverently.

    Mananda smiled. She reached up and unlatched her necklace and handed it to the leader of the hunting party. Latischa realized this necklace must be a symbol of the woman’s office. Mananda undid her armband and gave it to the man. She stepped out of her sandals. She reached down and pulled off her loincloth. Latischa saw that the other woman was wearing a thong, like her. But Mananda did not stop with the loincloth. She slipped her thong off her hips and down her thighs, revealing a thick-lipped, juicy looking pussy that had been shaved bare.

    Latischa immediately copied her rival. Her thong fell at her bare feet and she kicked it aside. She felt a growing, exciting heat in her naked cunt. Now, both gorgeous women were equally nude.

    They stepped closer to each other, crouched down, their massive tits swinging, their bare feet shifting in the dirt. Mananda extended one hand. Latischa took it. The women twined fingers and locked palm to palm, first one hand then the other. They shuddered as bare skin met bare skin. Latischa had trained as a fighter and she had been particularly adept at wrestling. She used that skill now and quickly bent back one of Mananda’s wrists. The chieftain gasped and fell to her knees as Latischa forced her down. The crowd gasped, surprised to see the village leader so easily overpowered. Mananda pulled her hands free and stood up, shaking her wrist. She was angry at herself for underestimating her new opponent. She swore to herself that would not happen again.

    The women locked hands again, but this time, neither was able to overpower the other. Grunting, gasping, they strained muscle against muscle, neither able to gain ground. Their massive tits quivered on their chests as their voluptuous bodies struggled. Their toes dug into the earth, seeking purchase. Their bare feet scrabbled in the soft dirt. Soon, they were both panting hard and their incredibly curvaceous bodies were drenched with sweat in the humid air. Sweat dripped from the tips of their engorged nipples. The women soon had problems holding each other’s hands as the perspiration made their flesh too slick. Mananda slipped her hands free of Latischa’s grip and hurled her naked body at her foe, slamming tit to tit with the flight attendant. She wrapped her arms around Latischa’s back and squeezed hard, mashing their titmeat. A powerful erotic thrill arced through both women as their nipples met, as their breasts compressed. Latischa immediately returned the grip. The naked women fell to the ground. Their powerful limbs thrashed only for moments before muscular legs grapevined and thick arms crushed their powerful torsos together. Solid, bare bellies slapped loudly and the women writhed on the ground, naked bodies bucking and twisting against each other as each woman sought to gain an advantage. Nose to nose, pulling hair, clawing and slapping at each other’s naked backs and round asses, Latischa and Mananda rolled back and forth in the dirt, each one trying to control the other. As she squirmed and strained against Mananda’s incredible body, every inch of her flesh rubbing and sliding against every inch of flesh on the other woman, Latischa felt the heat between her legs grow into a furnace. She felt the heat between the other woman’s legs too and realized that she wanted to share and match that heat. Her nipples were already as hard as rocks and she could feel Mananda’s nipples were just as big and hard.

    The women were forehead to forehead, gasping and panting. “Fuck you, whore,” Latischa gasped into Mananda’s savage face.

    “Try it, you cunt,” Mananda groaned back.

    The nude women continued to roll back and forth in the dirt, their luscious bodies plastered together from toe to tit, bellies flat, their powerful, mahogany limbs twined in unbreakable knots, their meaty tits crushed into each other nipple to nipple and grinding furiously as they writhed. They were trapped in mutual bearhugs, each trying to crush the other into submission. Their sweat drenched bodies soon became even harder to hold onto and the women finally released each other and rolled apart.

    Panting, dripping with sweat, Latischa and Mananda got back to their feet and faced each other. Neither was even close to giving up, but Latischa could see this would be a long, vicious, possibly very dangerous battle. She also found that she was incredibly aroused. Being in such close, intimate contact with the other woman’s incredible body had filled her with intense sexual energy. Her nipples were so hard they hurt, her breasts were swollen with arousal and felt twice as big as their usual size. Most intensely, her pussy was on fire, her clit throbbing and twitching with tension, her cunt fully lubricated and dripping cunt juice. She did not feel shame, even though her intense arousal was evident to anyone who looked. She could see that Mananda was equally horny. The other woman’s pussy was freely dripping liquid to the ground.

    “Are you ready for more, Latischa?”

    “I am ready for anything you bring, Mananda.”

    Warily, the women moved closer to each other, crouched down, their hands ready to grapple. Latischa waited for the other woman to attack, but the attack did not come. Instead, Mananda took a step back. She smiled at Latischa, a fevered grin.

    “I can already tell this will be a long, savage battle, Latischa. Both of us will probably end up badly hurt before we are done with each other. We can fight that way or we can fight another way, a way that is far less painful and just as decisive.”

    “What do you have in mind?” Latischa asked warily. But she had a strong suspicion of where this was heading.

    “We fight woman to woman. We fight cunt to cunt, clit to clit, tit to tit. The woman who makes the other cum first is the winner. The loser submits and leaves the village.”

    Latischa felt a flare of heat and lust in her pussy that was so intense she nearly passed out. Just hearing these words from Mananda filled her with a desire so great that she could not help gushing in response. A stream of cunt juice splattered her feet and the crowd murmured in appreciation. She was amazed that she was reacting this way. She had never considered herself a woman with lesbian inclinations. But, right now, whatever savage sexual beast had been unleashed inside her during her brief stay in this lost world was raging with insatiable power and it wanted to meet the woman before her in the most primal, erotic combat.

    Latischa smiled. “I agree. Your sex against mine. The loser is the one who gets fucked into submission.”

    Mananda smiled, a smirk that could not mask her raging lust. At Latischa’s words, the village chieftain gushed herself, her naked pussy suddenly contracting and squirting a stream of cunt juice. The women shared ravenous grins. They both wanted each other, they wanted to meet and decide their contest in the most deeply erotic, intimate way that two women could fight. And they were going to do it right here, in front of the whole village.

    Mananda walked towards Latischa. Latischa moved to meet her. When the women were about two meters apart, Mananda stopped. She dropped to her knees, resting her ass on her heels. Her massive tits quivered. Latischa dropped to mirror Mananda’s position. The women’s eyes locked. As one, they sat back on their perfect, round asses. The women braced their bodies with their arms behind them and, in unison, slowly spread their thighs.

    The crowd of villagers murmured and gasped as they saw the succulent cunt of their chieftain confront the dripping, red-lipped cunt of the challenger. Both women’s clits were huge, fully engorged, and twitching with tension. Their clits swelled out of the crests of their fuck slits, which were dripping with lubrication. The villagers had seen Mananda fuckfight and soundly defeat several other women in the past, but this was the first time that their chieftain was facing a woman who seemed to be her equal in every way.

    Mananda and Latischa pushed closer to each other. Latischa reached out a bare foot; Mananda offered her bare foot in reply. The women pushed their toes together and pressed hard. They smiled at each other, both enjoying the teasingly erotic sensations of toes to toes. They pressed the full soles of both their feet together. Latischa wasn’t at all surprised to see that their feet seemed exactly the same size, yet another way in which she and this woman were equals.

    “This bitch and I really were made to fight each other,” Latischa thought. The idea thrilled her and she trembled with anticipation, both of the pleasure to come and of the resolution of the sudden, intense rivalry she had with this woman she had just met. She was about to engage in the most intimate sex of her life with a woman who was a complete stranger, yet who somehow challenged Latischa in the most primitive, erotic ways possible. The part of Latischa that was capable of shame or even hesitation was gone. The only part left was that filled with animalistic desire and the need to satisfy her overflowing sexual hunger.

    Feet pressed tight, the women pushed closer and closer, spreading their legs wider and wider until their dripping cunts were only inches apart. It was only then that they disengaged their feet and toes and slid right legs over lefts and pushed together so they could lock up in a scissor. They turned their hips so their fuck slits could properly align. Neither women could tear her eyes away from the other woman’s approaching cunt. Their swollen clits vibrated with pure lust. Latischa felt a sexual hunger even greater than what she had felt last night when she had contemplated Rumon’s cock driving up into her fuckmeat. What she was preparing to do now with Mananda was somehow even more primal and even more pleasurable. She was ready to use the most sensitive and exquisite sexual organ on her body against the matching organ on a woman whom she had already grown to hate in a battle of ecstasy against ecstasy. She knew that, win or lose, this battle would bring her incredible pleasure. She hoped that she could last. She feared that the overwhelming arousal already suffusing her luscious body could cause her to explode in an orgasm at the first contact of clit to clit.

    The women pushed closer and closer. Their cunts were less than an inch apart when they stopped. Their eyes locked. Mananda and Latischa were panting hard with excitement and pure desire. They could both feel the heat and power coming off the other’s naked genitals. They could see their throbbing, aching clits, ready for battle.

    “Are you ready, bitch?” Mananda whispered. She had fought many women before but, somehow, this cunt was different. The power she sensed, the sexual energy she felt from Latischa, was greater than any she had yet encountered.

    “Let’s do it, cunt,” Latischa whispered. “Let’s fuck!”

    Signaling with their eyes, the women drew back their hips and then thrust with all their power, driving thick-lipped twats together. Juicy fuckmeat came together with a resounding wet clap, spraying pussy juice on impact. Hot vaginas sucked and locked, a powerful, thick suction forming instantly between the women’s pudenda. Their soft, slick labia sizzled as they merged and fused. Thick, tense clits rammed together, head to head, and held in a quivering stalemate.

    Latischa threw back her head and screamed in pure ecstasy, shrieking her pleasure out to the jungle sky. “Oh God, OH FUCKING GOOOOODDDDDDD!!” Part of her wanted to withdraw, to pull back her hips, to disengage her burning clit and cunt from this unbearably exquisite pleasure. Instead, she thrust harder, the animal inside of her wanting even more.

    Mananda’s eyes opened wide in astonishment. She screamed in ecstasy on first contact. “ARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!” she shrieked. “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!” Mananda had crossed clits with many women before, but she had never felt anything like this. But, like Latischa, she did not back down. Instead, she thrust harder, sealing her cunt to Latischa’s, driving their clits together with even greater force.

    The villagers watched with rapt attention. All of the men sported enormous erections. All of the women felt their pussies get hot and wet and their clits swell with tension. They all knew they were bearing witness to a sexual battle of epic proportions.

    Latischa and Mananda looped one thigh around the other’s hip, to lock their bodies in place. Leaning back, their arms holding them in place, they churned their hips and asses, grinding and grinding into each other, the supremely sensitive heads of their throbbing clits jousting in constant, relentless contact. Their massive tits bounced and jolted on their chests in response to every powerful thrust. Their powerful abdomens rippled as the fuckfight raged on, the deep muscles of their vaginas locked and sucking at each other in competition. Their bodies were drenched in sweat. The women’s eyes locked, but both had problems keeping their eyes open as unbearable erotic sensations roared through their luscious bodies in unrelenting waves of electricity. They panted, their breathing coming in ragged gasps, as they rode each other mercilessly.

    “Oh god, you fuck, you filthy fucking whore…” Latischa moaned, her hatred for Mananda growing exponentially, in tandem with the excruciating pleasure wracking her body. She had not known that sex could be this good, that her body could feel such overwhelming ecstasy and not explode in gushers of cum. Yet, somehow, she was still twisting and thrusting her hips, rubbing her clit directly into Mananda’s swollen clit, squeezing and sucking at Mananda’s cunt with her own, eating and being eaten at once. All the incredible pleasure she had experienced with Rumon the night before paled in comparison to what she and this woman were doing to each other now.

    “Cunt, you fucking, fucking cunt…,” Mananda groaned back. Her body was trembling, every muscle, every inch of flesh was on fire. Her clit felt ten times its normal size, every stroke of Latischa’s clit on her’s sent waves of unbearable pleasure coursing through her body. She wanted nothing more than to just explode in a release of pure ecstasy. She had never felt anything like this, she had never been fucked so hard, so well, with such incredible pleasure as the result. But she kept thrusting, kept meeting blow for blow, kept forcing her voluptuous body to somehow accept even more pleasure and continue the battle. As much as she wanted it to end, another, stronger, more animalistic part of her wanted this exquisite fucking to go on and on and on.

    Gripping each other’s wet thighs, Mananda and Latischa kept grinding and grinding, driving into each other, penetrating and violating each other. Clit to clit, cunt sucked and locked to cunt. The wet sounds of juicy flesh merging and sealing filled the space before the chieftain’s hut. The women’s grunts, cries and screams became louder and more intense as their desperate fucking went on. Their hips snapped and jerked, thrusting and thrusting their clits and cunts together, never breaking the seal between their hot, wet genitals, never letting their swollen, burning clits separate from their head to head duel.





    “Fuck you, fuck you, FUCK YOU……!!!”

    “You cunt, you fucking cunt, you fucking, FUCKING CUNT….!!!”

    Ten minutes became twenty, twenty became thirty. The crowd of villagers watched the erotic spectacle before them, completely mesmerized by the beautiful, voluptuous bodies that writhed so sinuously, that moved in constant rhythm, thrusting and thrusting endlessly, their perfect muscles flexing and rippling, their massive tits bouncing, spraying sweat with every jolt. The faces of the beautiful women were twisted in erotic agony. Their eyes were locked and every villager could feel the intensity of the intimacy and hatred shared by these women, the fact that they were destroying each other with pleasure, using the most erotic weapons any humans could use to annihilate each other.

    “Oh god,” Latischa thought, “Oh god, I can’t take much more.” She did not know how she had held out so long. Every grind of clit to clit sent paroxysms of pure ecstasy coursing through her body. It was a level of pleasure equivalent to the most intense orgasms of her life. By rights, she should have exploded and passed out from pleasure long, long ago. Yet, somehow, her body kept taking the assault, kept storing away the building ecstasy in her ravished flesh, kept feeding her need for even more. She felt like her genitals had become one mass of heat and pulsating pleasure, that she was melted into Mananda and that they were sharing one set of cunts, one set of clits, that they had become one steaming, fucking, bucking body between their legs, and that they could never separate again. She was sucking and eating Mananda’s cunt with her own and she felt Mananda squeezing and sucking her back. She had never fought anyone on this intimate level before in her life, she had not even dreamed such intimacy and pure ecstasy was possible. Yet, she knew the end would come. She knew, eventually, she or Mananda would be unable to take any more and they would erupt in a geyser of cum. She could feel her incredible body getting closer and closer to that edge.

    Mananda had exactly the same feelings. Her incredible body was wracked with ecstasy, she did not know any more where her cunt ended and Latischa’s began, she had lost all track of time and space. The only thing that existed for her was the pleasure pouring out of her genitals, the ecstasy suffusing her body, and the beauty of Latischa’s perfect form, bucking and grinding and thrusting endlessly against hers.

    The fuckfight raged on and on. The villagers watched, completely enthralled, as the battle reached one hour. The fucking women were drenched in sweat, their locked pudenda were slick with cunt juices, the sand beneath their writhing, bucking bodies was damp with their secretions. Latischa and Mananda’s screams and curses faded away, but the villagers could tell this was because the pleasure torturing their perfect bodies had robbed them of their voices. Even so, the gasps, pants and moans of pure ecstasy continued to pour from their lips.

    Latischa pushed herself up and reached for Mananda’s body. Manada eagerly reached for Latischa. The women spread their legs wider and pulled each other in, until their massive, swollen tits crushed tight, until their throbbing nipples speared each other and sucked and held, tip to tip. The women pushed tighter and rubbed their tits around and around, setting their chests on fire. They whimpered as the added erotic stimulation pushed them closer and closer to the edge.

    “Oh fuck, fuck, you cunt…” Latischa moaned. Before Mananda could reply, she pulled the woman into a deep, tongue-thrusting kiss. Mananda eagerly returned it.

    The women’s jerking, thrusting hips had slowed as they kissed and rubbed tits, but now they broke the kisses, leaned back, and began pumping each other with even greater force and determination. They both felt the end coming and they were in the final race to the finish.

    Mananda reached out and filled her hand with one of Latischa’s bouncing tits. She squeezed and massaged the taut, thick meat. Latischa instantly did the same. The women groaned as they fondled each other’s magnificent chests, as the sensations poured from their aching nipples directly into their overflowing clits.

    It happened all at once. Suddenly, the constant surges of pleasure that Latischa felt with every clit to clit grind became an overwhelming, impossibly enormous wave of pure ecstasy. It was like every ounce of pleasure she had stored up was suddenly released as the dam holding back the wave broke. The ecstasy filled every cell in her body, every inch of flesh, and exploded from her. She felt everything concentrated in her throbbing, aching clit, then radiate out to her entire body in relentless waves of unbearable pleasure.


    At the same instant, exactly the same explosion of pure ecstasy roared through Mananda’s luscious body. Her clit, already fused with Latischa’s clit, detonated in a release of pleasure much more intense than anything the chieftain had ever felt before in her life.


    The writhing, grinding women fell onto their backs. Their convulsing cunts closed on each other, squeezing and clamping in an unbreakable grip. Their hips bucked high, their backs arched, their bouncing tits fell back to hit their beautiful faces. Their powerful abdomens rippled as their bodies undulated uncontrollably, writhing in a shared agony of indescribable pleasure. Latischa and Mananda ejaculated with incredible force, again and again, injecting steaming cum into each other. Their ejaculate shot everywhere, gushing out of the seal of their locked genitals, shooting several feet into the air, splashing back down on their twisting, jerking bodies.



    The fuckfighting women kept cumming and cumming, pulling orgasm after orgasm out of each other, draining each other. Their screams of erotic ecstasy filled the afternoon sky, disturbing the rhythms of the jungle and sending many animals scurrying for cover. Ten minutes after the orgasms started, they finally slowed and abated.

    The villagers watched this display with awe. They had never seen or felt anything like it. Many men and women ejaculated along with the battling fuckfighters, caught by the incredible display of pure erotic power they had just witnessed.

    After a time, Latischa and Mananda lay still. Their bodies remained locked tight at their cunts, their flesh covered in sweat and cum. The high priestess of the village stepped forward. She leaned down to speak to Mananda.

    “My chieftain, can you hear me?”

    Mananda did not stir for a moment, but finally managed to speak. “Adoran,” she whispered. “Did I win? Did my cunt break that bitch?”

    “No, my chieftain, you did not win. But neither did she. You defeated each other at the same moment.”

    Mananda groaned in despair. “Then, what is the next step? What does the ritual require?”

    “One of you must win, my chieftain,” the priestess replied. “You must continue to battle until one of you conquers the other.”

    Mananda groaned but, deep down, part of her thrilled in delight to this news. The pleasure that she and Latischa had just inflicted on each other was beyond anything the beautiful woman had thought possible. The idea of experiencing it again filled her with an aching desire.

    “You must both rest,” the priestess continued. “We will feed and bathe you. Tonight, after the feast, you must retire to the chieftain’s hut together, and fight each other through the night, through the day, however long it takes until one of you can defeat the other. Only then can one claim to be our chieftain.”

    Mananda felt a pressure in her cunt. Latischa was squeezing her, sucking at her cunt to cunt. The chieftain pushed herself up on her elbows. She looked over her fully aroused tits, down her body, at Latischa, who was staring at her. Mananda squeezed back and, for a long, hot moment, the women’s interlocked genitals quivered with tension as they cunt wrestled.

    Latischa finally spoke. “I will fuck you for as long as it takes,” she whispered. “I want both of us to know which of us is the better woman.”

    “I will fuck you raw and dry, you whore,” Mananda replied. “We are not going to stop until one of us is destroyed.”

    “Good,” Latischa grunted.

    Gathering their strength, Mananda and Latischa slowly pulled their bodies apart. Their cunts sucked apart slowly, painfully. Their throbbing clits disengaged reluctantly and both women felt a wave of sorrow and anguish when their lush bodies finally separated from each other.

    They kneeled in the dirt before the hut, their perfect bodies dripping with sweat, soaked in cum. Mananda and Latischa glared at each other. They felt the heat of desire, the need to bring their bodies together once again and finish what they had started. But, for the moment, it was time to rest.
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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57


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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    wow!! That was such a hot story.

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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by darkmoonfades View Post
    wow!! That was such a hot story.
    Thanks! And there is more to come! (So to speak)


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Great story as usual, JB. I really like the premise of a woman from our world discovering a civilization where sexfighting is tradition and law.

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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Great beginning but i did not expect something different since i read who the writer is.
    Plot, describtion, hot scenes... all are here.

    I wish the next chapter to be ready soon.
    To let more women to keep a role also. HOT role ! LOL

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    Hostboard Member darkmoonfades's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    I have to say , since I started getting a taste of this kink , I have followed your stories throughout these years and I must say each has a great backstory before the actual sexfight happens. Unlike many (or a few) in this forum, I like the backstory which gives many reasons as to why the women compete physically and what setting they compete on. All of your great work exhibited everything I liked about in a sexfight story. And a very detailed sexfight which goes all the way back and forth. Thank you Jb57 for entertaining us throughout these years with your great masterclass sexfight saga’s. I’m so excited to see how the Jungle queens crossover sexfight would go. Oh boy this is going to be the ultimate sexfight.

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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Amazing as always!!! The fight in chapter two was so raw!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by darkmoonfades View Post
    I have to say , since I started getting a taste of this kink , I have followed your stories throughout these years and I must say each has a great backstory before the actual sexfight happens. Unlike many (or a few) in this forum, I like the backstory which gives many reasons as to why the women compete physically and what setting they compete on. All of your great work exhibited everything I liked about in a sexfight story. And a very detailed sexfight which goes all the way back and forth. Thank you Jb57 for entertaining us throughout these years with your great masterclass sexfight saga’s. I’m so excited to see how the Jungle queens crossover sexfight would go. Oh boy this is going to be the ultimate sexfight.

    Thanks very much! As I've written before, for me, the backstory is everything - or at least, most of it! There are a few writers who may be able to get away with a minimal backstory, but to enjoy my work -and, for the most part, those of others - I need to be caught up in the setting in which the battle is taking place and the reasons for it. Most of my favorite writers on this board put some effort into setting the scene and this makes an enormous difference to my ability to imaginatively engage with a story/characters. I often take quite a bit of time getting the characters into place before the first punch is thrown (or some other body parts are brought into the action!)


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    New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

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    Re: New Story: Latischa in the Lost World- JB57

    Excellent backstory building as always, JB. The final duel to the finish should be mind bending.


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