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Thread: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

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    A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

    Part 3-

    Amber’s brown eyes flashed back and forth between the singer and the drummer, and the words they had just uttered. Her mind was still a little foggy from the quick-hitting weed she and Natalie had shared, but she knew they meant business. Though, she also couldn’t help taking a second to appreciate how hot her band was in total, like damn. All their sexy bodies seemed to be illuminated by the dim lights of the kitchen and the bright moon outside. The three of them in bikinis would most likely sell a million cover albums, not a bad idea at all.

    It seemed the other girls were waiting for her to speak so she took a breath and steadied her mind. “Decided I wasn’t ready to leave just yet. I was just getting to know your friend Natalie, Jenny. She is pretty fucking cool, unlike her so-called friends, who seem to just like being bitches for the fuck of it.”

    Jenny scoffed as Amber continued, her brown eyes glaring, “Honestly, I’m not that surprised you are acting this way, but what the fuck Daphne?”

    The Greek looking girl gave a small shrug as Amber glared at her. “No hard feelings Amber, but you have been way too distracted to lead our band. This.” She motioned to all three of them with her pointy finger, “Is fucking important, and if you aren’t fully committed then there is no point letting you run it. One of us can lead it better than you, it’s just business babe.”

    Jenny nodded along with Daphne, “The Gala gig was huge, but we all know you were just there to get between your girlfriend’s legs. Fine, whatever, but we need all the info and contacts from the Gala, the info, and contacts that only YOU have! Those are being wasted! We need to get our name out there more, get ready for the big time!”

    “Yeah, and every second we aren’t practicing, we are falling behind. The battle of the bands is going to be at the Showtime or the Lead Performance, and there is another band like ours fighting for the head spot. We have to beat them…and we need you to SHOW UP!” Daphne added, her voice already heated like Jenny’s. It seemed the two girls had been holding this in for quite a while.

    Amber looked back and forth between them, already annoyed she was dealing with this and not begging her girlfriend to forgive her. “Well, that sucks for you both huh? Sadly, for you, I do not care about you right now, so how about this? Fuck the band, I quit.”

    There was a second of silence, followed by the quick outburst, “You are NOT quitting the band!” Jenny growled, and Daphne seemed to stiffen as well at the threat, before hissing, “Absolutely not, I hate it, but it works. We don’t have to be friends; we have to be a band.”

    “Well from my point of view, you guys have nothing on me. If I don’t show up, you can’t perform, and if you try to force me out, I’ll email the group saying we are out.” Amber felt it was a good threat, felt that it might actually work on getting them to back down, but maybe that was the fading weed still messing with her mind because Jenny and Daphne both laughed.

    “Please Amber if you had been paying attention you would know. We might have only played together for a few months, but our names are now intertwined. You won’t get any gigs or venues unless we are there, and the same goes for us without you. You are stuck with us sister, so now we have to figure it out,” Daphne explained with a giggle, shaking her head slightly at her guitarist.

    “And being alone won’t help you against other bands who are going to come for the top spot! Trust me, no other band will accept you or us for…a few reasons.” Jenny breathed bitterly, and Amber sensed that maybe there was something else there.

    She went momentarily quiet, still glancing back and forth between the other two women, the jug of oil moving with Jenny’s shifts. “So we are all stuck together? And you guys want to fight to settle who leads us?”

    “Yes, that’s the situation. That is the reason we are having this talk.” Daphne said, her hands crossed over her chest, the low V-neck shirt she was wearing not hiding her prevalent gap between her breasts.

    “Yeah, so get to the fucking point then?” Amber said, rolling her eyes. It seemed the eye roll was enough for the sexy singer to finally lose it.

    “THE POINT IS, YOU DON’T CARE ENOUGH! SO, YOU CAN’T BE LEAD!” Jenny yelled out, a flash of angry emotion on her pretty girl next door features. She also accidentally squeezed the plastic bottle and its lid popped off easily allowing some of the yellow golden liquid to splash out onto the tiled floor of the kitchen.

    “Woops.” She said looking down at the splotch on Silvia’s kitchen floor, but shrugging to herself, she gazed back up at Amber. The sexy blonde looked as good as she had when they first met so many months ago in the Showtime.

    Jenny knew besides doing this for the band, she also really wanted to beat Amber in a sexfight. Her first loss stung like a nagging headache, and she would never let this girl go forever thinking she was a better fuck. This was just a perfect situation to solve both of her problems, “Let me lay it out for you Amber. You are always late to practice; you don’t set up meetings with potential clients and sometimes when you do, you just don’t show up. We know you have your rich girl shit, but add that with that fucking redhead of yours, and it’s too much. But I guess we don’t have to worry about Maggie, do we? She will be Silvia’s slave once she gets out fucked AGAIN, and Bianca will make sure HER slave gets to us on time.”

    Amber couldn’t stop the snarl escaping her pink lips, “Oh, so that’s what all this team-up stuff is? You and Bianca both desperate for a reason to try and control me and Maggie?”

    “Yeah, that’s part of it…but it’s personal between you and me,” Jenny growled, standing up a bit straighter and pushing her tits out, making sure Amber knew exactly what she meant.

    “Same,” Daphne added, an equal look of hunger and want on her face as she looked at the punk girl while pushing her own chest forward.

    “You both could deal with it and just not bitch?” Amber snapped, but also couldn’t help leaning forward to show off her own cleavage. ‘God, I just can’t not.’ She thought, but it felt right. Besides their obvious sexual challenge, admitting her fault, admitting she might not have been the best band lead was not on the table for Amber. She was already pushing herself to be a, well decent…girlfriend, but because of the way Jenny and Daphne were acting right now…fuck them. “This is my band, but if you think you can beat me, fucking try it.” Amber laughed with confidence that she felt for some reason. It was probably displaced, but she had outfucked Jenny in oil before, and had pinned Daphne by the tits, after tribbing her to orgasm as well. She didn’t have to remind Daphne when Amber had cum on her face after their fight…she was sure the drummer remembered well.

    Jenny’s green eyes seemed to flash in the excitement that they would get to go this path, and not the path of a forever standoff, “I’m sure you can guess baby. Just like how this band got created…a little free for all oil pin fight. The three of us are going into the little kitty pool Silvia has until two of us have been pinned and are out. The last girl un-pinned by the other’s chests is the head of the band going forward.”

    “How fucking original.” Amber mocked, “I’ve beaten you both in oil and pinning and personally, I don’t think either of you deserves a rematch in those, what else you got?” Then a cocky grin came to her lips. “It must drive you guys crazy knowing you are the second and third best fuck in this band. When all our fans want the hottest girl? And you both know after how hard I made each of you cum that you are second and third to me?”

    That comment had the effect desired by the hisses that escape Jenny and Daphne’s lips and the goosebumps rising on their arms. At the same time, they side-eyed each other with that question raised between them by the blonde. Amber didn’t say which of them was the second and the third-best fuck, but the comment was nowhere near enough to break the truce they had going until Amber was fully down and out for the count.

    “Think that all you want, but trust me, you are NOT the queen of this band…OR the best fuck.” Daphne commented, her stance showing off her ass in the tight shiny black pants she wore to so many of their shows. “And why oil and pinning? Well, we are stuck together so we might as well have some traditions going forward, and this is going to be ours. Just like I said, this is how it got created.” Jenny finished posing herself as well.

    Amber simply started laughing with how in sync they seemed, “Nah, come back when you have a better way to sexfight, beating you both again is not worth my time. Now move, I’m going into the basement.”

    “You can try to get past Daphne and me.” Jenny threatened with her own snarl, “Or, we can go play in the oil.” She finished, moving her body slightly towards the basement door, and Daphne mirrored her standing by her shoulder.

    “Like we said, Amber, this is important. We are figuring this out first and foremost WITH OIL, and then you can go find your distracting girlfriend once your ass is pinned…if you are still with her…Jenny said you left her down there…you really are a mess.” The drummer taunted, her tone not hiding her own disdain for how distracted Amber had been.

    Amber looked back and forth…Maggie on her mind, but she was still down there…and even though it might sound hypocritical…she trusted her girlfriend to get out of there in one piece…and not a slave.

    Her choices were seemingly down to one, so Amber gave a little stretch and felt out her body. In fairness her little tender fuck fight with Nat only got her wanting more, and if Daphne and Jenny wanted to be the two to handle it…that was their poor choice. “Well, if it’s a tradition you both want, let’s go play in the oil together…just like a really CLOSE band does, so I can make you both cum like sluts…AGAIN.” A part of her didn’t care, and a part of her did. She hadn’t been a great lead, but she wouldn’t give it up without a fight...because fuck that. She created this, and it was her thing, the one thing besides Maggie that she cared about. Maybe it was still a bit of the weed talking she did think in a self realization.

    “Good choice…hope you stay this confident like your girlfriend was down in the boxing ring…it seems to be a thing between you too” The singer breathed and saying nothing else, Jenny moved past Amber leading them all the back to the stairs, her flexing ass looking huge and firm in the tight black jeans she had picked in part to show off.

    Amber followed her, angry and now feeling well up for another round of making some bitches scream out now, especially these two bitches. She knew it was a trap, but she really had no choice, she needed to wait for Maggie, and her bandmates weren’t letting this go.

    They didn’t go far, going into the opposite rooms of the foyer, then the kitchen which turned out to be a large open space living room. A giant TV hung on the far wall under a beautiful fireplace, a massive, sectioned couch was pushed to the side along with all the other furniture, and a small mini bar built into the other far corner. Amber didn’t know how Silvia afforded or lived like this; the bitch must have more money than she did…but her admiration was quickly ended when she noticed why all the items had been left to the side. In the middle of the room, was a blue inflatable kitty pool, waiting for the three women to jump in and start this fight. It was just like the one Maggie had told her about from the orgy, then she sighed, no doubt it was the same one. It seemed the night was just full of things to remind her of her girlfriend, who was definitely still mad at her.

    “You had this all set up?” Amber questioned as she moved into the room. After seeing the boxing ring, nothing else surprised her. She could only imagine how many other sexual arena’s Silvia set up in her huge house.

    “Well, I didn’t think you would leave the basement or your girlfriend like you did. We were going to make her watch you get beat after she got fucked by Silvia. But yeah, we have been planning this for a while, a shame Daphne was running late, and we didn’t get to see what happened between Silvia and your slut.”

    Amber glared at her, more questions filling her head as Daphne entered the room walking in with a cocky smile on her face that Amber was sure she had forced off after their room fuck.

    “You wondering what happened?” Jenny teased as Amber turned back away from them, looking around the room again.

    Jenny smirked as she studied Amber’s backside, the red shorts showing off some ass cheek. The girl’s protein intake must be the same as hers to maintain an ass like that was her only thought. “It was actually a very hot match to watch, but I didn’t want to tell you that Maggie started crying after you left…Silvia had her…forgive the pun, on the robes.”

    Amber froze, her girlfriend needed her help. “What!?” She hissed, but she didn’t even have time to turn around as Jenny and Daphne suddenly gripped each of her arms at the wrists.

    “Hey! Get the fuck off me!” She yelled, surprised as she was pulled forward by the two other women, heading directly for the kitty pool.

    “No can do! It’s time to play Amber!” Daphne snickered, as she and Jenny were able to slingshot her between them and flung her down into the kitty pool. The guitarist landed on her knees and even before she flipped around, a large splash of slick oil was splattered onto her back. “Ugh.” She felt like a wave in the ocean hitting her as the liquid quickly soaked Amber’s red tank top, shorts and everything underneath. Its slickness was dripping down her arms and legs and instantly starting to pool where her knees and hands pressed. She remembered this feeling…and a purple thong; it instantly got her horny.

    She pushed up and around to her knees, ready to wrestle these bitches down, but neither of the other two women followed her into the pool right away. Instead, they began to strip in front of Amber because it was clear, they wanted to make sure she knew which of them was the sexiest band queen between them. Turning each other on was key because forcing the other two to cum, would be the only to tire them out long enough for a full tit to tit ten count. I mean, they could fight for hours, but fucking each other while doing it was so much more like them.

    The singer was the first to start removing her clothing, and Amber’s brown eyes took in every sexy detail from the little strip show she was getting. Of course, Jenny was a confident striper, she thought as she watched her singer move with her hips to the invisible beat. Her demand to be the center of attention went way beyond just her singing aspirations. As her black jeans were pushed down past her big ass, and her tank top peeled off, she was left with not much else. It was a tiny white bikini, clearly picked to be ready for the oil wrestling, and skimpy was not enough to describe it. Her nipples were covered only by two small triangles that looked to struggle and reach the edge of her areola. It was held together by nearly invisible strings going around her shoulders and back that made her look almost seem nude. Literally, four tiny pieces of cloth, the other two barely covering her pussy, and she assumed the back triangle was just as small. All held together by floss, no wonder she had such a confident smirk on her purple lips. Her body was fantastic, equally as tan as Amber’s and the guitarist got a reminder of their first oil fight so many months ago when they had met for the first time. A sexual battle for control, and now a long-overdue rematch between toned legs, asses, and lips. How Jenny’s ass looked better outside of those jeans than in them was a true wonder.

    “Like what you see Amber?” Jenny teased, doing a light stretch that showed off her slightly toned muscles. A practice rounds with some of the new girl’s in her new friend group gave more confidence than ever. All these new girls in this group, she could beat, and she would start with Amber. Then she would pick off anyone else who got in her way. Band or no band.

    “I never said you weren’t fuckable Jenny, just not as fuckable as me. I proved that last time when I had you tied up.” Amber shot back as she pulled off her red tank top and shorts without the hint of a show. It left her once again in her red thong and sports bra, distinct cum and spit stains on the front complements of Natalie. Daphne and Jenny took in Amber’s body, her chest and those sharp nipples, a smooth stomach and hips that showed off an ass that could match her own. The singer and guitarist both spotted well done natural tans, though it wasn’t as dark as her own natural olive skin. She couldn’t wait to blend them all and find out which came out on top.

    “Don’t get ahead of yourself Amber, you and Jenny aren’t the only one’s playing this time,” Daphne commented, as Amber pulled her eyes away from the skimpy singer and towards the drummer. Daphne stripped quicker than Jenny not wanting to be late in on the action. It seemed she had also picked a thong bikini, but a different style than Jenny’s. It was a light green one, side tied on her hips by black strings, the front had a texture that looked like drapes, while her chest was slightly more covered with a black wrap that covered her cleavage but showed off a lot of under boob. Amber had seen quite a few insta stars wearing this style recently, and she guessed her drummer was secretly in love with all the superstars she constantly talked about.

    Daphne had just finished pulling off the shiny black pants she so normally wore, but Jenny didn’t wait for her to finish slipping off her heels. She had already thrown her own to the side of the room. The brown-haired girl flicked her wavy brown, purple hair back and stepped into the pool with the bottle of oil in her hands. Making sure Amber’s eyes were back on her, she simply poured the whole bottle out in a waterfall pour emptying the entire bottle onto the floor of the pool and some on herself as it exploded hitting the ground. Then she went to her knees and covered her hands in it, before starting to rub it on her hot body.

    “I’ve been waiting a long time for this Amber. I’m going to prove to you that I can fuck you better than you can fuck me.”

    “Oh, poor baby. So, you don’t really care about the band and just need to fix your little ego?” Amber mocked, as she oiled herself up too, staring with her perky ass.

    “Fuck you,” Jenny growled, and jumped forward with a snarl on her purple lips. Amber didn’t hesitate and slid forward to slam her body into Jenny’s. They screamed as their big tits bounced into each other, and then mushroomed as their stomachs met. Hands shot into brown and blonde hair in a sudden catfight. Their not yet fully oiled chests pressed again, not hiding their quickly hardening nipples as they swung each other to the left and right with catty cries.

    “Hey! Not without me!” Daphne yelled, finally down to just her own thong and top. She jumped into the ring on one of the last dry spots of the pool and took hold of the blonde and brown hair. She tried to pull them apart as they struggled chest to chest on their knees lost in their own hair pull. Amber let out a cry as Daphne shifted both hands into her blonde hair, now four of them tearing at her roots. She released one of her grasps of Jenny’s hair and looped it around Daphne’s legs, pulling them together. “AhH!’ Daphne screamed, as Amber threw her body into her knees and sent Daphne falling forward, directly into Jenny who cried as their hot nearly nude bodies crashed. All hands released on the yellow, pink strands, and Amber snickered, as she slid away to the far side of the pool. “Daphne! What the fuck!?” Jenny hissed as she pushed Daphne off her, the drummer’s tits now wet with oil.

    “Don’t fucking get in next time without me Jenny” The drummer hissed, and for a second Amber thought that they would start wrestling between them. But the moment passed as Daphne sat up, off Jenny and the singer flipped her hair back, both pairs of eyes glaring at Amber.

    Amber decided to give them something else to glare at. With a smirk, she peeled her red sports off and threw it out of the pool, her puppies out and jiggling with their firmness. Once they were free, she rubbed oil on them, her nipples becoming spikes as her hands glided over her favorite balls on her chest. She wanted to be slick a possible because it was likely the only thing, she could use to get out of what she assumed was some planned two on one pin her bandmates would try. But she kept her thong on…she couldn’t give them open access to her sex just yet. Being clearly double-teamed didn’t stop her from taunting the two bitches, “I guess this is going to be easy, look how easy I just made you two look like idiots. So much for playing like a team!”

    The intense stare doubled, and then they both smiled at the same time. It would have been creepy if not for how hot they looked doing it.

    “Oh, don’t worry Amber, we have been working on plenty of ‘teamwork’ just for you.” Daphne shot back, though the grimace in it was not unnoticed.

    “If you want to lay down and get pinned…we are happy to make this a little less painful for you.” Jenny breathed as the two women began circling Amber on their knees like she was some fallen prey. Their hot thong covered assess sticking out as Amber watched both, her own ass sticking out as she went into child pose, doing some stretches to loosen her hips.

    “What’s the fun in that?” Amber sarcastically quipped, “This is tradition, right? And from what I can see, I think I can out wrestle and fuck you both.” She shook her perfect ass behind her, making sure Jenny and Daphne could really see what they were planning on fighting. There was no denying all the attraction between them, now it was time to see who could control it.

    “I’m glad you think the same as we do. Once we are all on the same page, this band is going to be perfect.” Daphne snickered back equally as sarcastic as she got a good look at Amber’s hot body. The thin red line of her thong stretched to the limit as Daphne made a full circle. The punk girl was hot, she wouldn’t deny that those tits and ass alone would drive people crazy. Hell, she had wanted to fuck Amber from the moment they met four and half years in the Showtime. Getting introduced to competitive sex by her only increased her interest, and now she found herself in a world filled with these women. Silvia, Jenny, a bunch of girls at the Gala she met…it was like having her eyes opened. She didn’t have any more time to think about this, because without a warning, Jenny moved forward with a hiss ready to fight.

    She followed, and all three bodies met in the center of the pool, they crushed, and they began to slip and slide around in a mix of a catfight and oil wrestling. For all her bluster, it literally only took a few seconds for Amber to be overwhelmed by the two other sexy women. She was thrown down by the shoulders and Jenny jumped on her. Amber kicked her off, but she was replaced by Daphne, Amber’s hands finding hot assess twice in a few seconds. She felt Daphne slide off her, the big olive-toned tits rubbing her face as she went. Amber threw some punches and slaps, but they hit only the legs and backs of one of the girl’s missing the more sensitive areas on her rival’s bodies.

    Unlike their previous misstep, Daphne and Jenny were moving as a team, and Amber felt her body outmatched as she was on the bottom of the two women. Jenny was holding down her shoulders, and Daphne had found her way onto her hips. Seeing Jenny’s swinging tits in her face, Amber leaned up and used her teeth to take hold of the invisible string between the small now see-through triangle of Jenny’s bikini top. Easier than any cloth she had ever done, one tug and Jenny’s top popped off, leaving her own brown sharp nipples hanging out. Amber spit out the cloth and only then did Jenny notice she lost it, but the green eyes didn’t even blink.

    “Jenny, get her to sit up,” Daphne ordered, and the singer’s eye twitched, but she followed them.

    Amber was forced to her ass, while Daphne straightened the blondes’ sexy legs. Amber struggled but the singer held her tight from behind, her nude tits pressed into Amber’s back. There was a slight pause, and only a minute into the match; Amber was trapped.

    The blonde struggled once more, then huffed, “I thought this was fucking free for all?” Amber sarcastically growled as she had four pressing hands on her, finding and touching every crook and nanny of her body.

    “Any boy or girl would die to be where you are now.” Jenny hissed from behind her, her hands rubbing the edges of her red thong, and then up and down her back.

    “We could just hold you down and pin you, but we both have some extra motivation to make you cum like a slut first…it will be more fun making you sexually broken before we take our win...and you are no longer our band lead” Daphne smirked right in front of her. Amber thought about kicking out, but the position she was in would allow her rivals to match any aggressive violence with their own, and she couldn’t risk that.

    “Let’s get that little thong off Daphne…I want to make sure I get it after this fight.” Jenny sneered into her ear, snapping Amber back into the situation while also snapping the side of her tight red thong.

    “Why do you get it?” Daphne said, and the look they shared seemed a little bit less than friendly.

    “Because you have no idea how annoying it is that Silvia still has my purple one that Amber lost to her.”

    A small smile came to the blonde’s pink lips, “Still too scared to give Silvia a third match huh? I beat her before the Gala and let her keep it?” Amber taunted and she felt Jenny stiffen at that.

    “I’m not scared at all of fucking Silvia, but we fought twice, and I beat her twice. Unlike Silvia who just loves fighting for rematches, two times is enough for me to know I’m better than her. She knows it too.”

    “Sounds like you are trying to convince yourself. Maybe you know she is now better than you.”

    The purple claws on her tits tightened slightly, and Amber let out a hiss of pain.

    The drummer listened to the little interaction, slightly annoyed that Jenny and Amber seemed to have a deeper past between them. That was fine, it might give her a chance to play the third wheel until she could take control of the fight. Returning to the fight, she licked Amber’s stomach, up to her tits, and began to suck each one of the blonde’s nipples for a few seconds. There was a risk of letting the blonde’s legs free, but she trusted that Jenny would throw Amber down if she did The blonde groaned as the drummer sucked her babies like a bottle, while she also reached down and took each side of the guitarist’s last remaining piece of cloth.

    For the second time that night in Silvia’s house, Amber was going to be fully nude, though this time not by her choice. The drummer peeled the small red thong off her wet oily cunt, letting it slide down the guitarist sexy legs slowly. Amber’s wet pussy felt a wave of hot air living room turned oil wrestling arena. Once it was off her feet, Daphne twirled the wet cloth on her finger.

    “This will look good on you Jenny.”

    “Can’t wait.” The singer smiled before she went back to licking the back of Amber’s neck. She flicked it out of the ring, and then crawled back on top of Amber’s legs, again trapping her fully. With a little smirk, she pulled her black wrap off, and let her own deeply tanned tits out for display. Amber’s brown eyes went wide, as Daphne then moved forward and pressed her tits right into Amber’s face for just a second before pulling back.

    “You both are absolute sluts.” Amber growled, but the other two didn’t say anything, continuing to hold her in the oily sit-up position. The band hotties continued sandwiching the guitarist’s smooth body with their own, a sexy trio all meshed into one hot form. Jenny was still behind her, the sexy brown-haired girl’s nude tits pressed into the blonde’s back, the brown nipples poking right into Amber’s shoulder blades. Usually Amber enjoyed the feeling of a hot woman like this, but these tits wanted nothing more than to pin her to the ground, so it was hard to enjoy the sensation as she tried to think of a way out. Tired of just nipping Amber’s neck, Jenny’s hands moved slowly under Amber’s armpits to her chest where she filled her palms with the balls womanly of fat. She ran them up and down the tanned skin over the spiky brown nipples before massaging the boobs tenderly. Amber let out a moan as she was fondled, while Daphne’ hands were rubbing her legs, getting closer and closer to her pussy.

    If it was just Jenny and her, she could get out of this, she could turn and bite Jenny or slap or claw at her rival till they were back on even ground. But they weren’t alone, and the third girl in this oil pit had Amber fully locked down in a pleasurable position. Daphne was still in front of her on her knees, with her shins trapping Amber’s thighs under them. This made her slightly higher than Amber who was on her ass and brought the drummer’s big brown tits right in front of the blonde’s face. Not hesitating or waiting to get motorboated again, Amber quickly latched onto the hot left nipple in front of her and began to suck it, her hands gripping Daphne’s toned ass but after only a quick short slurp, Daphne pulled her tit free with a little snarl.

    “Not your turn Amber.” Their brown eyes locked deeply.

    “Hilarious you thought you could make us cum a few times alone…but we can make you cum…hard.” Jenny sighed before giving her ear a little nibble.

    Amber was just about to unleash some ugly retorts, but Daphne lowered her head and captured her lips into a smoldering kiss. Ambers and her tongue quickly entangled into an aggressive knot, each trying to control the kiss, but it was harder for Amber to focus while Jenny started assertively fondling her breasts. Then, just as Amber’s tongue was starting to win, Jenny used her claws and twisted Amber’s tits forcing her to scream and Daphne’s tongue dove into her mouth deep. It almost touched the back of her throat as she was squished between the two heavenly bodies of her band members, getting attacked and sexually and physically at the same time.

    The hot make out trap lasted a good 20 seconds, and Amber groaned as Jenny switched from clawing and massaging her now tendering tits. Unable to help herself, Amber was getting very turned on, her own hands spanking and scratching Daphne’s ass, but it did not have much of an effect except filling the room of the sexy slapping sound as her meat jiggled on contact.

    It seemed the other girls knew Amber was already getting frenzied as well, when one of Jenny’s hands left her tits, and slide down Amber’s oily body with some light pressure. It didn’t distract her enough to feel one of Daphne’s let go of her blonde hair and follow the same path.
    The two hands and ten fingers of the singer and drummer met in front of Amber’s pussy. The blonde whimpered, knowing what was coming would feel both incredible, but dangerous for her fighting spirit. There was no waiting as Daphne’s fingers slipped easily into her open wet sex thanks to Jenny spreading her labia for her teammate’s access. “Fuckkkk.” She moaned as Jenny’s fingers released and she started using her middle finger to toy right over Amber’s already revealed clit, playfully teasing it, while breathing hot air into the blonde’s ear.

    Amber groaned unable to make words, but even those were silenced again by Daphne’s lips.

    “Just cum bitch, then we will pin you…or you can beg, and we can make this last.” Jenny taunted, as she rubbed Amber’s right nipple at the same time, she was rubbing the blonde’s clit.

    “Fuck you both.” Amber hissed, snapping the wet kiss with Daphne, “I’m not going to beg anything from you guys.”

    “Where is that tough talk from earlier? I thought you could beat both of us at the same time?” Daphne teased, her fingers curling in Amber and giving her a little extra pleasure on her g-spot.

    “I’m not done.” Amber hissed, deciding that a little more violence might be risky, but she needed to get out of this. She took her right hand off Daphne’s perfect ass and then flung it back elbowing Jenny in the stomach, sending down to her ass with a gasp.

    Jenny’s hold’s hold broken, Amber pushed Daphne back and then tackled the olive-skinned girl to the ground of the pool, running her hands up the girl’s body from her hips to tits. She massaged the massive balls of fat for a few seconds, trying to turn her rival on more while Daphne attempted to slap her way. “Bitch!” Daphne cried as pulled Amber’s hand off and wrapped her arms around Amber to slam their equally sized chests together. Their mouths met and they began to kiss on the ground as their arms struggled in this awkward missionary position near the edge of the pool. “Maybe I’ll make you cum slut!” Amber growled, not even trying to pin the girl knowing it was no use, but she freed one of her limbs and sent her long fingers south to rub Daphne’s thong covered cunt.

    Daphne moaned but didn’t return the favor, instead, wrapping Amber’s body with her own arms. The blonde didn’t even have time to wonder why when she felt Jenny’s finger’s spread her hot toned buns even while she struggled to hold Daphne down. Her brown eyes shot open, and she ended the spit kiss, turning her head to see Jenny right behind both of them. The green eyes met the brown, and Jenny licked her purple lips at Amber.

    “Jenny!” Amber cried, in frustration and annoyance, quickly trying to break away from the other woman under her, but Daphne’s oily arms and legs wrapped around her, tightening, and smashing their hot tits together giving her no escape.

    Amber turned to look back at Daphne’s taunting face, trapped once again between her two band members. A snarl escaped Amber’s mouth before she shot her tongue into the drummer’s maw with the hopes to gag her and escape. All the while her fingering continued, wet sounds of Daphne’s wet vagina getting rubbed. But there was no chance for Amber to win this race as Jenny placed her tongue onto the blonde’s cunt from behind, tasting her rival for the first time that night. Then, the singer ran her taster muscle up Amber’s exposed ass crack two inches, until she got to the puckered oily asshole. With little circles, she began to rim it with her tongue with enough pressure to make Amber scream into Daphne’s mouth. All in all, the tongue battle was over, she unable to gag Daphne and even worse the scream allowed the drummer to suck the blonde’s tongue into her mouth where she worked it like a cock. She was getting ass tongued, and tongue sucked all at once, and an orgasm was coming on so fast that Amber couldn’t believe it.

    She was so close to cumming, her lack of experience in three ways and even orgies coming back to bite her. Maggie had told her that it was a different practice, but she just laughed it off. Yet, it was…though her girlfriend had never had a two on one, she annoyingly thought. She was still in control of her limps and her mind didn’t go blank yet. More desperate than ever, she bit Daphne’s lower lip aggressively, knowing it could make her rival’s do the same, but having to get out now before she really. But as Jenny started to finger her while also licking her ass, Amber let out a cry as she began to cum.

    “Fuck you bitches!” She cried, as Daphne let her tongue free for Amber to scream but that gave the blonde a chance. She bit Daphne’s sexy red lips, and the other brown-eyed girl gasped as her skin was chewed roughly. She released her tight hold freeing Amber’s arms and tits, giving the guitarist a lot more mobility. She then thrashed her legs and brought back her foot to kick it on Jenny’s stomach and under boob. The singer screamed in pain, while Amber’s thighs slammed into the singer’s head sending her down with a cry.

    Amber was able to roll off Daphne even as she was in the middle of trying to push down her orgasm, her pussy flexing, but with her tits free it became easier. It had been pleasured and hell being trapped like this, but now away, she was able to push it down just enough. In the end, it seemed she had only suffered what she would consider a fake orgasm. She had cum, there was no doubt, but it was like a half measure. It was a term Maggie and she used when one of them got the other off but wasn’t able to really capitalize in the fight. An orgasm in which still the woman was still in control and could escape, not letting it peak and devastate her like a real sexfight orgasm could. It was still not great for this fight and Amber’s body still felt the pressure of her clit shaking, but it was better than cumming as hard as she would have pressed into squishy pair on Daphne’s body with Jenny’s tongue in her ass.

    As the other two girls recovered and turned to look at the blonde with twin smirks, Amber kicked them away, and the other two oily goddesses backed off in safety of her flying limbs as she caught her breath on the other side of the ring.

    “You are good Amber, but you can’t beat us both. We will make you cum so many times unless you just want to get pinned now…then we will only make you cum…maybe a few times.” Jenny giggled, as she held up her cum sticky fingers and Daphne reached over and sucked them into her mouth. Amber’s breathing hitched and it seemed Jenny’s did too, watching Daphne perform her little show, though Jenny’s green eyes narrowed. Daphne taking her attention…not her favorite thing in the world.

    Amber grimaced, so far…they had been working well together, at least when it came to getting her off. But there were moments, like the one she just watched where they weren’t on the same page. “So, what happens when I’m pinned? Which one of you two is going to get her name on the sheet? One you of you won’t, or is this little team up just for me?”

    “Don’t try to turn us against each other. She and I have been working as perfect partners, holding down the fort, while you fucked around. We have other bands trying to take our spot Amber, we need to be a team!” Jenny yelled again, and Daphne nodded in agreement.

    “Yeah, you both really act like it with me.” Amber taunted; she had definitely noticed that neither Jenny nor Daphne had given the other a chance to get on top of each other. It was like they avoided the risk, and Amber was sure it was because they were worried the other would attack…she could use that…somehow.

    “We will figure it out once you get pinned, but you have to learn your lesson, or you will just start fucking off again!” Daphne growled. “And once you are a bit remorseful, then we will make you again part of our TEAM.”

    Amber scoffed, though…for the first time she did feel bad. She knew she had been less than great, but if this is how they wanted to handle it, then fuck them. “Whatever, sluts. Fucking try to pin me, and I’ll fuck you both up.”

    “Perfect.” They both replied, and they launched themselves at Amber who leapt forward as well, crashing their hot bodies together in a mess of incredible bodied women.

    They wrestled in the oil, Amber fully nude, the other two still wearing the white and green thong respectively. Even with the two on one, Amber was going wild, slapping, scratching, and twisting her rival’s, but they were as ferocious as she was, and the cries of pain and pleasure-filled the room from all of their mouths. Breasts were slapped, nipples pinched, and a few hot kisses swapped as the battle raged between the three girls. For once it felt like a free for all, Jenny and Daphne so enraged that they def sucked each other’s tits and rubbed each other, even by accident in an attempt to get Amber between them or under them once again.

    After a minute of wild bodies flying, flipping, and tackling where hands ripped at all colors of hair, Amber found herself in the center of the ring laying on her back, and breathing heavily. She had held her own for a minute, but it felt like an hour as her muscle burned and her sexual energy drained. Jenny and Daphne were on their sides, snarls on their lips as they became more frustrated that Amber was still fighting them, and not just letting them fuck her into a paste and then get pinned by their better set of tits.

    Knowing she needed to somehow get ahead of the game, she pushed herself up just as Jenny tried to rise with her. With a snarl, both girls attempted to slap each other, but Amber’s connected and with a ringing sound, her palm went fully across the girl next door’s face, forcing the singer away with a cry and down to the far side of the ring. Daphne tried to shoot up, hearing the slap, but Amber was moving and flung her lower body forward, her flexibility showing as she got one leg under the Mediterranean girl’s head.

    She was successful in getting Daphne’s head between her oily thighs in a leg lock. “Fuck!” The other brown eyed girl hissed, slapping Amber’s legs, and ass in front of her eyes but the blonde laughed finally in somewhat of control, forcing them into a right angle. This let her reach down to the black strings of the green thong that she pulled lightly, and instantly the cloth was half off her rival’s body. Daphne growled knowing what was happening but unable to stop it as they rotated in the pool, the green thong off her hips just by their movements. This made her the second of the two queens nude, with only Jenny’s tiny white thong still on her hips. Not satisfied with just stripping Daphne, however, Amber’s hand stayed down, increasing the pressure on her rival’s neck, she slipped two fingers into Daphne’s wet cunt, splitting her sex folds as the drummer froze and let out a moan that shook Amber’s body.

    “Oh, someone likes that!” She hissed and began to pump in and out of Daphne’s opening sex with a fast motion. The drummer seemed to stop struggling and just groaned, the headlock making her dizzy as she was forced to take an oily pumping that was making her body begin to send demands of release to her clit.

    Unfortunately for Amber, Jenny was back up, and she slid crawled over to them in a flash, taking Amber’s yellow hair into her hands. “You want to slap huh!?” She cried before starting to slap at Amber but mostly aiming for the girl’s jiggling chest.

    “Ugh!” Amber gasped, her two fingers’ slipping out of Daphne’s cunt as she was bent backwards and took the smacking of her tits and face. Jenny then took two handfuls of her hair and tried to drag Amber away, but the singer’s legs didn’t loosen, taking Daphne by the head with her across the oily pool.

    Finally, a shot to Amber’s punk face caused her long limbs to lessen enough for Daphne to move, but after getting fingered for the last few minutes, she wanted to do much more to Amber. She slid up muscular smooth legs and she sent her tongue into Amber’s cunt while the blonde was still having her hair pulled by Jenny. The blonde screeched, as the tongue entered her folds, wiggling like a worm that made her want to squeeze and cum. But she was quickly outmatched by Jenny who was able to slightly pull her up and throw her down to her side in the oil.

    Daphne’s cum covered tongue lost its cave as Amber was thrown down, and she sat up rubbing her neck. With a light shaking of her limbs, the drummer tried to relax her horny body. The taste of Amber’s cum was so good, and she planned to get plenty more, but the consistent rubbing of her body against Amber’s and Jenny’s was making her want to explode. After the toss, Jenny had fallen back and Amber was getting up again, so Daphne stood and moved, planning on sitting on Amber’s hips and fingering her to another orgasm and getting her pinned. But she wasn’t careful and was not prepared for how angry and willing to fight Amber was.

    The blonde threw a wild kick upwards, not really aiming, but it landed directly on Daphne’s right tit. It was not fully crushing, but the impact made the darker-skinned girl howl in pain and fall back, to the point she fell out of the ring, tripping on edge of the inflatable pool, and landing on the plastic cover with a slam. This left only Jenny and Amber in the ring for the first time. Amber flipped around as Jenny was sitting up on her ass, the pair of green and brown eyes locking with a sense of fire.

    Amber was running on empty physically, but sexually she still had something to give. She threw her whole body at Jenny who was ready, and half caught her as they went into a cat ball in the blue kitty pool. Scratching, biting and slapping big sexy asses, the oiled-up girls wildly rolled around the ring, their tanned skin meshed while their large tits hotly rubbed between their bodies. After going around the whole ring. Amber was able to get to finally claim the top spot, pushing herself to her knees with Jenny under her trying to pull her back down.

    Ignoring the chance of Daphne coming back in, the punk blonde reached down and pulled Jenny’s tiny white thong to the side revealing her open smooth pink pussy lips. Instead of fingering her rival, she crossed her own leg over the singer’s and crushed their sexes together without warning. They moaned loudly in the living room, the incredible sensation of their womanhood’s connecting at the most intimate level overwhelming them. Each of their bodies only intention to break the other before she was broken. For a few seconds, they seemingly just enjoyed their groins connecting, their finger’s interlacing, and the looks of pleasure on their faces gave it away. But quickly, the focus, the anger returned, and they began to grind, using the power made from protein-filled assess that yoga pants were made for, a trib fight starting on one section of the oily pool.

    “Bet you have dreamed of getting me like this again…you secondhand singer.” Amber gasped as she rubbed up and down, her and Jenny’s labia molded into one.

    Even on her back, Jenny’s thrusting ass had equal power and her green eyes narrowed at her bandmate. “You are the pathetic one, obsessed with your slut, losing to Bianca, I’m the singer, I’m center stage, and I won’t let you think for another second you are bett…Ughhh.” Jenny tried to finish, but a particularly good rub caused her legs to spasm.

    “I’ll always be better than you. Always the REAL center of attention!” Amber growled, knowing her ex-friend would hate that more than anything. She was somewhat riding Jenny, though it felt like her pussy was being covered every good hump up by the singer. Oil droplets were flying everywhere as they tribbed, gasping and grunting in heat.

    “You ARE NOT!” Jenny screamed back finally finding her voice, but even in her anger; it was only her sex that was working against her rival. They pushed in tighter, the oil making every bit of the slick, but neither was looking to escape now.

    Amber and Jenny hissed as they dueled their bodies in what was turning into a very important clit fuck, themselves melting into each other like they were made for this. Giant tits bounced, mouths moaned and the blonde rode the singer, who was giving it back just as hard as she was getting.

    Daphne meanwhile had gotten up, rubbing her sore breast, when she glanced up to see Amber forcing Jenny into an oily trib fuck. Amber was on her knees leaning back, while Jenny was on her ass pumping up with that strong booty. Their fingers were interlaced, and it seemed they were lost in the battle, trying to out pussy fuck the original band member, a renewed match long in the making. Jenny’s long brown hair was wet and laid out behind her, while her tits bounced up and down in tune with Ambers. Their hot bodies were pumping each other, strings of cum getting created and snapping every single thrust between the open sexes. For a few seconds, Daphne did nothing but watch, their muscles flexing and their moans filling the room. It was so hot, and she touched her own dripping sex, almost moaning with how wet she was.

    “Cum bitch!”
    “You cum!”
    “Me and you BITCH!”
    The singer and guitarist screamed as the tones of their voices started getting higher. Daphne crawled into the ring but didn’t interrupt, letting it play out in front of her.

    Jenny had wanted this re-match for so long, even when the band had been doing so well. She would not be the second-best fuck in this band, and to prove that she had to make Amber cum and submit. They were sex queens, they met like this, and now they were solving it, yellow-haired with pink and brown with purple just like when they first met. They ground on each other for another minute and the sounds they were making got higher and higher with Jenny’s pitch moving up faster as she neared what felt like a very strong first orgasm.

    Though as the battle between their nether regions raged, Jenny began to wonder in her sexual daze why Daphne had not broken them apart yet. It took a few more thrusts when a blast of realization hit her, she realized that the bitch was letting her and Amber fuck this out between them…and while normally that would be fine, it wasn’t good for what was technically still a free for all. She had taken the bottom without resistance because it had left Amber far more open for a hot finger in her ass or her tits squeezed as they planned. Daphne…that bitch! Jenny freed her hands and pressed them into Amber’s slippery hips to stop the punk girl’s thrusting clit. Amber slapped them away and then reached forward to tweak Jenny’s nipples making her cry out in pleasure.

    The singer’s hands slipped of Amber’s hips, and she put them on the perfect ass, trying to claw it as her tits were rubbed. The trib fuck seemed to shift and Jenny began to get more ridden. She was confused as to where her partner was, and her green eyes shifted to panic as her sex and clit met Amber’s over and over. “Daphne! Fuck! Pull her off meeeee!” Jenny cried as her oily cunt rubbed against the heated body of Amber from the bottom position. She tried to push up, but Amber wasn’t having it and forced her back down. Their wet sexes, glided on each other easy until Amber pushed in meshing their folds, locking their lower lips into a full-lipped sloppy pussy kiss. Either the hot oily drummer didn’t hear Jenny’s cry or didn’t care. She continued to watch from the side, letting the sex trib happen between her band bates.

    Jenny focused her mind and flexed her ass up from the bottom spot, closing her green eyes as she prepared for the impact of their clits crushing head-to-head. It happened quickly, and the two small pleasure organs met, but to Jenny’s surprise, Amber instantly faltered, screaming the second their openly sensitive clits crushed instead of flicked, like to buttons pressing at the impact. Unable to stand it, Amber threw herself off Jenny sending her back, and Jenny’s legs collapsed down.

    Jenny gasped as their legs un-crossed, and her sex was finally free from Amber’s pussy. She had held on, just holding onto her massive orgasm, showing her control. She wasn’t sure, but it seemed her drummer had finally pulled Amber off, ending their heated pussy fuck. ‘Better late than never,’ she thought bitterly and tried to catch her breath. She opened her green eyes just in time to see Amber’s face dive down between her still open limbs.

    Like a lightning bolt spreading down her limps, she felt Amber’s mouth slam onto her cunt, and her clit perfectly sucked seconds after finally being free of the trib. She indistinctly reached down to take hold of the blonde hair in a feeble attempt to rip Amber off, but it was too late. Her little love nub was trapped between Amber’s pink lips, the small piece of flesh sucked tenderly while two fingers pressed up into her deep, rubbing her inner walls, and getting coated with cum. Jenny wailed and she began to come into Amber’s mouth, her white thong still on her hips, but so easily pulled to the side as Amber licked and sucked her pussy. Their eyes locked for a second between the valley of Jenny’s breasts, and Amber almost gasped at the stare…so nearly the same as her girlfriends when Maggie would explode. But the stare didn’t last as the singers back arched like a rainbow, and she let out a moan that hit a note impossible by the other girls in any circumstance. The waves rolled in her, her stomach flexing, her legs going wild as every piece of her body seemed to be in shock. This is what sexfighting did to her. It was why Silvia always wanted it, something Jenny still hadn’t fully embraced. God, it was great, but while the pleasure was so intense, the frustration the anger that Amber had gotten her off…made it better and worse.

    It was almost heavenly sounding as she thrust her cunt into Amber’s face harder. “Fuck, yes!” For a few seconds losing focus and just being a part of the oil sex that was driving her body insane. On the second insertion, she felt Amber’s tongue freeze and then the guitarist moaned into her pussy, sending a vibration from her sex gash into her skull. She let out another gasp and opened her green eyes to look down at Amber’s heart-shaped ass in the air and what looked like Daphne under her, upside down and sucking the blonde’s clit from below with finger’s pianoing her ass. They were a sex train with the sexy blonde somehow finding herself once again in the middle of the two of them.

    Eating out Jenny while also being slurped and toyed with by Daphne was a new experience for Amber in this incredible sex train. She couldn’t stop herself from humping the drummer’s tongue, so turned on from her clit fuck with Jenny that her body was acting on its own. The pink snake slid deeper into her cunt, and Amber moaned as the drummer hit some special spots. She began to cum on Daphne’s face as Jenny came in hers. The blonde screamed loudly into Jenny’s body as she did so, making the whole situation even hotter for the singer who was still cumming herself. The drummer however seemed to enjoy taking Amber at the source, a snicker escaping her lips as she put her whole mouth on Amber’s sex, taking in all the discharge and letting it fill her mouth with a smile knowing what she was doing. The blonde’s own legs went a little wider at her knees, giving more access as Daphne spanked the blonde with her left palm, and used her right hand’s fingers to tease the puckered asshole hidden between the cheeks.

    Amber gasped when she felt the olive-skinned girl’s pointy finger inserted lightly into her ass only to increase how hard Amber’s keegle muscles flexed as felt the waves of pleasure rolldown her core. She arched her back in the reserve of Jenny’s arch, in a nearly fully doggy style position that only the best of sluts could take. She came on her knees in the oil for a good ten seconds, her cunt clenching Daphne’s tongue every thrust over and over until it relaxed, the drummer’s mouth still grinning as she swallowed the cum, and slid out from under Amber with only a light kiss on the blondes clit to say goodbye.

    Finally, Amber and Jenny stopped their orgasms, and the blonde finished the wet sucking of Jenny’s cum. The blonde collapsed down onto her stomach, her third and second full orgasm of the night shaking her core from Daphne’s skilled lips. She seemed out of it and knew that a body pin would be coming shortly. After the body-on-body fuck with Jenny, she hadn’t lasted long with Daphne sliding under her, two on one was not as easy as she had hoped. Keeping her band under her thumb was starting to feel as impossible as it seemed, if they teamed up again and gave her another godly orgasm like this one…she would be out for the count.

    “Fuck…” Jenny gasped as she slid away from the hot bodies of her band and relaxed on the edge of the kitty pool, her clit throbbing from the oil fuck she had just taken. It felt good, really good, but this was not the best-case scenario in terms of what she wanted. This guitar bitch…she was good, even better when they had locked oily bodies back at the Showtime. Even after fucking Natalie, Amber was going at them with sensual savagery that was hard to match. She both loved and hated that the guitarist was a sexual force, one that Jenny needed to tame, something her friend Bianca was successful doing. Bianca had used the mental game though she told herself, something she needed to tab more into. If she could tame Amber, they could be friends, and perfect teammates…she was the force Daphne and her needed against that other bitch band.

    Taking stock of her body as the post-orgasm waves finally started to subside, she took in the sight in front of her. She watched as Daphne rolled Amber onto her back and climbed on top of her by the hips. Amber looked less tan when she was pressed up to the drummer’s darker skin. The girl looked incredible with her strong thick muscular thighs and tits, next to Amber’s tan. The drummer’s wavy long black-brown hair behind her sitting on the equally built fallen woman. Jenny watched the drummer lick her red lips, cleaning a clean sheet of won cum from Amber off them. Then she rolled her neck in a small stretch, a smile on her lips.

    “ good babe?” She asked finally looking up at Jenny while still sitting on Amber’s smooth hips, the drummer’s gym-built ass sliding around the blonde’s oily body. Jenny was watching Daphne with a grimace on her pretty face. The tone her ‘partner’ had used held a hint of hunger, and Jenny felt like their truce; which was already fragile at best; was nearing its end. Though they both could get the contact lists off Amber’s phone; which is why they teamed up; only one of them would have to have their name on the head sheet for the battle of the bands. Jenny knew that Daphne wanted it just as much as she did, very much used to running her own band before joining Ambers. After the punk girl was out, she and Daphne were going to lock their bodies and ride each other until one of them submitted sexually and was pinned. It made perfect sense that the woman who could use her body best out of three of them would be the queen of theirs, that’s how this trio got created anyway. But what Daphne did was dirty, and Jenny no longer felt like they were ‘teammates’ in any sense of the word.

    Jenny gave a little stretch with her arms over her head, her big free tits jiggling slightly as she moved. Then, she readjusted her tiny white bikini thong, putting back in place, though with the oil, her pussy lips were easily visible under the near see-through cloth. “I’m fine, I just didn’t think she would get me off that fast…I’m surprised you couldn’t pull her off me.” The singer responded; an unspoken accusation hidden in the words.

    “The oil made it too difficult.” Daphne laughed, her brown eyes giving little away, but they both knew she was lying. On an impulse, Jenny thought about tackling the other woman off Amber, getting atop her first, and riding her into sexual oblivion…but Amber wasn’t out of the fight yet. If Amber wasn’t removed from the equation, she knew the blonde would come for her first between the two of the remaining queens. Risking a real free for all was not part of her personal plan, so it was time to get the blonde removed from the equation, so she could deal with Daphne’ little play.

    “Hm, I’m sure…”, Jenny hissed, unable to hide the blame now. She noticed Daphne seemed to tense slightly, ready for her, but Jenny didn’t launch forward…yet. The green-eyed girl looked down at the still recovering blonde under the drummer. Amber looked amazing fully nude and oiled, the pink in her hair wet like the rest of her body. She looked very fun to fuck, but Jenny decided if Daphne was going to play the game, so would she. “Maybe we should finish Amber first, and then WE can talk out the rest.”

    Daphne untensed and a smile returned to her face leveled at Jenny, seemingly knowing what her singer was hinting at. She continued playing with Amber’s breasts with her fingers, running up and down the mounds and tracing the nipples. She seemed to be weighing several options in her head and then gave her singer a bigger smile on her red lips. “How about you let me have some fun with Amber, and you go get some water for us…I’m sure you need a little rest after that intense little orgasm you couldn’t hold in.” Daphne hinted that was half a taunt, half a second suggestion as she brought her fingers to Amber’s pink lips. The blonde’s eyes were open, but she still seemed out of it after her 3rd orgasm of the night and second in such a short time.

    Jenny raised an eyebrow at her bandmate, unsure of what game Daphne was playing, but she didn’t care. If this chick wanted to lose the small advantage she had, that was her choice. It might allow Amber to get the drummer off before the next ‘round’. She stood in the oil above the other two girl’s and slowly stepped out of the blue pool, her ass in that tiny white thong looking as bubbly as ever. The juicy oily muscle seemed to flex every step as she walked on the carpet back towards the foyer and kitchen, but she paused at the doorway, “Don’t forget, you can’t pin her unless I’m here too.” She commented without looking back at the other pair.

    “Don’t worry Jenny. I remember the conditions…can’t wait till you get back.” Daphne replied, a little threat in her voice as she took one last look at the sexy little white triangle on her singer’s toned backside. Saying nothing else, Jenny left the room and Daphne slid her hot body down Amber’s prone form, so that she was fully laying on the tanned girl connecting them hip, tits, and legs.

    The punk girl’s brown eyes were now fully open and openly glaring at the drummer’s brown in the top position, their noses touching. “You bitch, what are you planning?” Amber hissed, feeling a little better, and sure that even if Daphne tried, she could hold her own.

    “Am I that easy to read?” Daphne mocked, with fake sincerity licking Amber’s lips teasingly, but the blonde kept her own sore taster in her mouth. She already had the cum of herself, Natalie, and Jenny mixing in her mouth, and she didn’t need more spit at this exact second.

    “You let me fuck Jenny when you absolutely could have separated us. I’m guessing you really want to win, and that was a good chance to get ahead of her.”

    “True…I was thinking that.” Daphne commented, as she slowly began to hump her guitarist slowly, Amber gasped as her sex was once again pressed up to a hot strong thigh. “Well, no point in hiding it, you and I have another problem besides the band.”

    “And what’s that?”

    Daphne’s smirk switched to one of annoyance, “I want the video of our first fight. The one where you…beat me. You are going to give it to me and tell me who you sent it to so I can get that from them too.” Daphne growled into and Amber’s punk face, with a very aggressive glare.

    Amber’s eyebrows raised in surprise, but the leer turned into a cocky little smirk, “Oh, that little video? The one where I spread your legs in front of the camera and you can zoom in to watch your pussy cum under mine?”

    Daphne’s scowl got even worse as she nodded, but she didn’t say anything.

    “Well, I do still have it, and who did I send it to? Hmm, well just me, and my girlfriend, but hey, now after this night, maybe I’ll share it for everyone I have ever met at the Showtime. Going to be hard to be lead of the band with that going around.”

    “Well, you won’t really have the chance. I’ll beat you now for the video, and, then I’ll take care of your girlfriend.”

    “Oh, nice threat. But draining me? You haven’t been able to fuck me down alone, and you think you could take Maggie? My girlfriend is an absolute freak in bed.” She added a little bit of pride in her normally punk tone. She just couldn’t help it.

    “Oh, Jenny and I both know we could take you down alone, and honestly we both wanted to, but we would NOT risk the band and you running it. For me, I think it is just a perfect two birds with one stone scenario.”

    Amber almost responded when Daphne let out a little sigh, “You were my first sexfight Amber, you challenged me in knowing I wouldn’t back down and turned our pin fight into something much more…fun. I do really enjoy this way of settling issues, so I guess I have to thank you for that, but I think that warrants a little payback from me to you...for tricking me. You know more than even Jenny, I hate losing.”

    “Fuck…” Amber breathed as Daphne ran a finger on her still sensitive lower lips while licking Amber’s mouth slightly again. Though it seemed the drummer was not willing to start fighting again just yet.

    “This other girl band…I hear their hot, and friends with the owners of the Lead performance. So now we must rely on Silvia’s team and our own team. So let’s figure this band and video stuff out…because I won’t let you have that over me.”

    With that, Daphne pushed off Amber and stood up, her hot brown body as she flicked her long black, brown hair back. Her incredible nude body on full display, dripping in oil, standing over Amber. The only queen that had not cum yet, though her pussy was dripping some extra substance that she would not be able to hide.

    “Well, I can’t pin you now, and don’t want to tire myself out when Jenny and I have our go…so how about we chill a bit and share a glass of wine? We can talk about my video and kill some time for Jenny to get back. Or we can keep fighting, and I’ll make you cum again.” She added like it was not a problem.

    Amber sarcastically laughed but bit back her retort. She had now had three orgasms tonight, and some form of a break was honestly the best thing she ask for now. Maybe she could convince her drummer to take her side, take out Jenny and convince Daphne that she would be easy prey now? But the more she thought about it, the number of flaws in the plan was again risky. Jenny and Daphne were both driven, but she honestly didn’t know which of the two would be more unbearable as the head if she couldn’t take them out after this. But the video was something…she just wasn’t sure how to use it.

    Daphne was waiting for an answer, and Amber shrugged, “Wine sounds chill till Jenny gets back, and maybe we can make a deal.” Amber replied, flipping her yellow, pink hair back and leaning on the side of the pool. She couldn’t help widening her legs in a challenge at Daphne who gave her a raised eyebrow at the offer but had already started walking towards the bar on the far side of the room. Amber watched her go, the drummer’s ass looking like the drums she played, and equally as slappable. Even if she got Jenny down, beating Daphne in her current state would be no joke Amber thought bitterly.

    Meanwhile, Jenny walked into Silvia’s kitchen with a huff, and quick shriek as she almost slipped on the smooth tile floor thanks to her oily feet. Luckily, she caught herself on the kitchen island, but the almost fall only increased her frustration. “Those bitches.” She breathed, thinking of the drummer and guitarist, knowing that Daphne had let Amber fuck her to orgasm. She underestimated her attraction to her bandmate, and now she was at a disadvantage if Daphne and her little truce ended.

    The drummer was as driven as she was about being the lead and if they were going to go at it as soon as the blonde gave up, she was going into the fight down. If she got pinned by the drummer’s tits then this whole fucking plan would be ruined. She should have guessed that the darker-skinned girl had been practicing aggressive sex, but she didn’t know with who, so it would have been tough to prepare for her, but it seemed Daphne had caught on quickly. But she could get her off first, she could get anyone off.

    She took two bottles of water out of the fridge and took a second to sip some of hers. This was fine, she could still be the head of the band by the end of the night as long as she played her cards right. Amber would be draining Daphne now, even though she knew the blonde was nearing the end of her sexual energy. She closed the fridge and turned back just as the door to the basement opened and she jumped from the sound. She turned her head to find a color of eyes she normally only saw in a mirror looking right back at her. The pale freckled woman froze as well, surprised at seeing someone in the kitchen, dressed in only a tiny white thong and looking shinny in the dim lights above.


    To be continued in Part 4: The Green-Eyed Twins

    Jenny and Maggie running into each other? Easy guess for what MIGHT be next lol. Oh man, if their interaction at the Gala was any hint, I don’t think they are going to see eye to eye much lol. But will Maggie be able to put up much after her fight with Silvia? How much did the oil wrestling tire out Jenny? And what’s next? Where are the other girls? Man, I’m having fun with this story. This one was a bit tough to write as I don’t find 2 vs 1s as interesting, but I tried to give Amber a good show and keep it sexy.
    Umm, yeah, I hope you all enjoyed this part. Sometimes I read old stories and think, man I can’t write something as hot as the old stuff. Then I read other people’s work and think, damn I can’t write stuff this hot! But I’m sure that’s what a lot of people think. I also think i said this same thing before lol. I need new material.

    Thank you for all the comments as always, really motivates me. I’m sorry because I need to respond more, there are so many fun comments! and I'm so happy people enjoy these as much as I do lol. I’m just bad at the responding haha. Promise is to responsed to them in the next message or in the next couple days.

    OK, that’s enough. Next part should be out soonish. Talk to ya later.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

    Arrrrggghhh!! I won't have a chance to read this right away, but I'm really excited to see this great story coming along! Looking forward to the reading experience and sharing my views when I'm done!

    Thanks, King, as always, for being such a prolific writer of great stories. The more Maggie and Amber, the better!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

    A bit short but still very solid. Maggie and Jenny’s match is certainly overdue. I imagine Amber and Daphne will wonder where she is and then spot them fighting and who knows what could happen next? Can’t wait.

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    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

    Dammit! I'm already done reading, Daphne getting some love is a very welcomed entry into our....ummm...."Pirate World"?
    It is a very welcomed expansión to her character, this house really be a wild place, someone is going to open the fridge and find some dildo or something.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens

    Hi King! I had the chance to read this. This is a great addition to the overall epic. The battle between Amber and Jenny was fantastic and I really like the "sex train" you set up. That is an incredibly erotic image. I also like that Daphne is getting some more attention. To now, she has basically been a bit character. Seeing she might be quite devious is a great way to build the character.

    Needless to say, I'm really looking forward to Maggie's rematch with Jenny! Taking each other on when they are basically pretty even will be a fantastic way for them to work out their differences. As I recall, Maggie's only interaction with Jenny to this point has been when she ambushed her during the Gala. They both have a lot of reasons to go after each other. I hope that their battle makes its way back to the pool. It would be great seeing all four women going at each other in the oil!

    Fantastic work. Hope the next part is up soon.


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    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: A Wild Night Part 3: The Band Queens


    Thanks for another amazing chapter. The new one just went up but let's talk about this one.

    I kind of expected the double team lol. Jenny and Daphne were working well together at first but it seems like both might have agendas. Amber was doing really well in a 2v1. I wonder if this might become a 2v2 with Maggie and Amber?

    This is becoming a crazy event like the Gala. I'm excited to see where this goes.

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