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Thread: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Now that I think about it, that sexfight hotel story would probably work best in a modern setting in a hotel with tens of floors. It can also be a chain with thousands locations all over the world. The women can do it either behind their men’s backs or with their blessing. Or a mix of both. The rooms can have multiple different features for the fights. A jacuzzi, mud bath, water beds, orgy rooms, etc.

    The hotels can also host official tournaments with prizes, like the chance to sexfight a famous pornstar, rare, expensive sex toys, playboy mansions full of women to have fun with, etc. Of course, I won’t object to JB turning Carrie’s place into a sexfight hotel either

  2. #32
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    I personally would like to see Carrie and Tara together in court.
    And they pay each other's Lawer a visit before their court date.
    Or they both visit the judge in the judge's chambers, together. to plead
    their case.
    Some thing, both women will benefit from.
    Loving this smoking story, no matter what happens.
    Last edited by dwcole8; February 5th, 2022 at 09:53 PM.

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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is Part VI of the story. Once again, it's a bit short, but I hope it is satisfying anyway. Part VII is done, but I will hold off posting it for a while, until I am well into Part VIII. I think this will be a 9 part story, with (maybe) an epilogue.



    Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie, Part VI:

    That night, the real weight of their respective decisions came to bear on both women. Tara went to bed late, after reading in the library. She was looking for something to distract her from thoughts of Carrie’s body, of thoughts of what she could be doing to the other woman at that exact moment if she just gave in. She walked past Carrie’s bedroom door on the way to her own room and the temptation was almost more than she could stand. She barely kept herself from knocking on the door and surrendering to Carrie’s proposal.

    Lying in bed, Carrie heard the other woman walk past. She was in a fever. She had quickly come to regret her own gambit. A strategy that made sense in the light of day seemed much more difficult in the night, when she was lying in bed, her mind turned inevitably to the lush body of the woman she could be fucking right now, to the intense pleasure to be found between Tara’s hot, wet legs. Carrie had stripped naked and tried masturbating to reduce the pressure, but it only made her even hotter and wetter. She groaned and bit her lip, but she refused to crack. She consoled herself with the thought and the hope that if she were this tempted to capitulate just to fuck the redhead, the redheaded bitch was probably in the same state. Or so she hoped. Maybe Tara just did not want her as much as Carrie wanted her rival.

    Tara lay in her bed, her body hot and wet, her pussy dripping with its natural lubricants and taut with tension. She had stripped herself naked and masturbated furiously, but it just did not do enough to take the edge off her sexual desire. If anything, the frenzied stroking of her clit seemed to somehow feed the fire burning in her core. She kept imagining her eager fingers to be Carrie’s swollen, rock-hard clit grinding on her own. Tara realized that Carrie may have played her cards very well. She could not imagine spending the rest of the week here in this kind of sluttish fever.

    “That bitch, that fucking, dirty, cunt-eating, slut-whore bitch,” Tara snarled, her rage at Carrie almost as great as her overwhelming desire for the woman’s body.

    Carrie thrashed on her bed, her body burning up. She struggled to find reasons to just give up, to just surrender. She wanted, desperately needed, to go upstairs, force herself into Tara’s room, and fuck the redheaded bitch until they both passed out, then wake up and fuck her again and again. Carrie was shocked at how horny she was. She had always been a woman with a very powerful libido, but what she was feeling now transcended any ordinary kind of lust. She began to worry that she and Tara had released something uncontrollable. For now, she needed to restrain herself. She could not lose her one chance at holding onto her home, her land, things she had devoted herself to building, just because she could not control her need to fuck. But it was so hard.

    Around midnight, Carrie had enough. She was sweating, she paced her room like a caged tiger. The redheaded bitch upstairs was not breaking she decided. Maybe she needed the sex more than Tara, maybe she just lacked self-control, but she just could not see herself holding out for the rest of the time that Tara was here. She cursed herself for thinking she had backed the redhead into a corner when, in truth, she had ended up cornering herself!

    Carrie pulled on the nightshirt she had discarded long before and prepared to swallow her pride, go upstairs, and ravish Tara. Once she did that, the only option left to hold onto her land was to fight Tara in court. She lacked the money to sustain any long case and her rudimentary knowledge of the law led her to believe that she would not win the battle, but she knew that she could not resist the needs of her body any longer.

    There was a knock on her bedroom door. Carrie froze. Carefully, she walked up to the door. Her nightshirt was unbuttoned, her enflamed tits bounced gently. Her heart pounded. She was so tense she was holding her breath.

    “What is it, bitch?” Carrie growled, trying to sound resolute.

    “You win,” Tara answered from the other side of the door. The redhead’s voice sounded hoarse, tense, almost quivering in passion. “I agree to your terms. We will fuckfight. The winner gets the deed. But, right now, I need you to open the door. We need to fuck. We need to fuck right now.”

    Carrie gasped, releasing her breath. She took a moment to gather herself, then another moment to drag out the tension. She opened the door.

    Tara stood in the hallway, her nightshirt fully open and hanging from her shoulders, her red hair down and forming an unkempt mane around her beautiful face. Her body was damp with sweat and it glistened in the lantern light flooding from the room. Her green eyes burned with unbearable lust.

    Carrie was almost a mirror-image. Tara saw the blonde woman’s wild eyes and luscious body, streaked with sweat, her heavy tits thick and aroused, the hard nipples tenting her open nightshirt. Carrie’s bush was flecked with moisture. Tara could see that the blonde was every bit as crazy with lust as she was. None of that mattered right now. All that mattered was feeling the other woman against her body, getting between the bitch’s legs, matching clit to clit and tit to tit and satisfying the incredible hunger firing her loins.

    Tara reached for Carrie; Carrie reached for Tara. Their arms immediately went inside the other’s nightshirt, wrapping around bare backs, and pulling each other in. Their luscious bodies came together with a wet, meaty slap as heavy tits crushed nipple to nipple and flat bellies clapped. The women’s mouths snapped together ravenously and locked in a deep, deep, passionate kiss, their tongues instantly twisting into one spitty knot. The women screamed in each other’s throats, their cries of desire a combination of pure lust and incredible relief as their nearly naked bodies united, as slick skin met slick skin. Tara and Carrie ripped their nightshirts off, leaving them completely nude, and rubbed against each other hard, grinding their naked flesh, both women desperate to feel the other one flesh to flesh, body to body. Their nipples were on fire as they stabbed into meaty titflesh, as they speared each other and flicked and fenced. They mashed and ground their tits furiously. They wriggled bare bellies, rubbing and slapping. At the same time, both women shoved a hot, smooth thigh deep into the slit of the other woman’s succulent cunt. Their juiced-up twats sucked hungrily at the powerful muscles, soaking the hot intersection with their cunt secretions. Their thick cunt fur rubbed into their columnar thighs.

    Carrie and Tara stood in the doorway of the bedroom ravaging each other, rubbing and grinding their nude bodies, both desperate for the flesh to flesh friction. Carrie gripped Tara by the hair near her skull and pulled back savagely, forcing Tara to break their kiss and exposing her throat. Carrie bit and licked the woman’s chin and then bit her way down Tara’s neck, leaving enticing love bites, before sinking her teeth into the redhead’s shoulder.

    “Oh, you fuck, you dirty fucking whore…” Tara moaned. She yanked brutally at Carrie’s hair, pulling the blonde’s head up so she was looking at the ceiling too, both women’s chins touching. Carrie’s grip loosened and Tara lowered her head to bite and suck at Carrie’s perfect neck and throat.

    Cheek to cheek, licking at ears, biting sweaty flesh, exchanging savage kisses, the women wrapped themselves around each other and began to twist and turn in the bedroom, their bare feet slapping the wooden boards, staggering back and forth as they kissed and bit, hugged and rubbed, slapped and scratched, until they threw themselves onto the bed. Immediately, they twined limbs, legs locking, arms wrapping around torsos, hands sliding and gripping, pulling hair. They rolled back and forth, their hunger for each other growing more ravenous by the moment. Their loins burned and ached at once, desperate to lock and merge, fuckmeat to fuckmeat.

    The women worked themselves into a sexual frenzy until they could not wait any longer. Crying out, they pushed each other away and rolled to opposite ends of the bed. They sat up and leaned back on their hands, facing each other, spreading their legs wide. Tara and Carrie caressed and stroked their wet, slick cunts, readying their pulsing pudenda for the mating to come. They brushed their fingers through their thick, bristly cunt bushes, readying their fur to meet and twine. They teased their swollen, pulsing clits out of their hoods and presented their fuck weapons to the other.

    “You slut. You bitch. You fucking whore,” Carrie whispered, her eyes glowing with desire. “Bring that dirty twat over here and let me have it!”

    “Fuck you cunt, you jizz bucket slut,” Tara groaned. “You come to me. We’re going to fuck this out, right now.”

    Eagerly, the sweat-slick vixens slid to the middle of the bed, draping right legs over lefts, scissoring each other. They stopped, their juicy cunts just millimeters from touching and caressing, fusing and mating. They panted with excitement and lust, their massive tits quivering with each gasping breath, their bodies tingling with waves of heat and electricity. Dots of sweat broke out on their lush skin, making their voluptuous bodies glisten in the golden light. Their eyes locked. Carrie and Tara smiled at each other, grins of pure lust and overwhelming hunger. They enjoyed this final tantalizing moment of teasing each other, tempting each other, dragging out their mutual agony until the moment came when they would finally drive their aching fuckholes together and satisfy their mutual hunger. The heat from their genitals warmed their inner thighs and poured out, playing on their thick, wet cuntlips.

    “Fuck, oh God, yes,” Tara moaned, her body needing what was being presented to her. She felt like she had been starving and was now being offered a feast.

    “You bitch, you fucking dirty slut. I’m going to eat you alive,” Carrie whispered.

    “Do it, you fucking whore,” the redhead implored, her body trembling with need. “My cunt is going to eat every inch of you.”

    The women closed the distance. Their hot, slick cunts crushed together, succulent pussy lips mashing tight, their labia squeezing together like sponges, cunt juice splashing out as their twats overflowed with lubrication. The heat between their mating quims exploded in both women, sizzling through every muscle, setting every nerve on fire. They shoved harder, driving their fuckmeat together, sucking and sucking, their swollen clits driving for the other, then crushing and fusing head to head.

    “OH GOD, FUCKING GOD!!” Carrie screamed, throwing back her head, her eyes shut tight, her mind and body struggling to contain the pure sexual pleasure that filled every cell in her luscious body.

    “CHRIST!! FUCKING CHRIST!!” Tara shrieked in the same moment. The delicious sensations that she had wanted so badly, that had driven her insane with longing, was now here and it was every bit as good as she had remembered and imagined.

    Trembling with lust, the women fucked hard, working their asses, driving with their hips, working their bodies into a deeper, stronger penetration. Their cunt lips locked in a deep fuck kiss. They shifted their hips to an angle so they could fit more securely between the other’s legs, letting their pussies lock even more tightly. Their swollen clits were trapped together within the meaty arena of the women’s inosculated cunts. Tara and Carrie squeezed as hard as they could with their genitals, contracting their inner vaginal muscles, crushing the two sex rods together, sending shockwaves of stunning sexual intensity arcing through their writhing bodies.

    “Fuck, oh Fuck, YES, YES, YESSSS!!” Tara screamed, bucking her hips harder, trying to grind herself as deep into her enemy as possible.

    “You bitch, Oh Fuck, you BITCH!!” Carrie cried. She reached for Tara, pushing herself towards the other beautiful woman. She wanted to feel Tara’s body against hers, she wanted to join her body with every inch of the redhead’s flesh. The sexual hunger consuming her needed everything from her rival, she needed to devour the bitch with her cunt.

    Tara reached for Carrie. They pulled their bodies closer, tighter. Massive tits crushed, the women wrapped their legs around the other, twisting their luscious bodies into an erotic knot. They kissed deeply, passionately, their tongues lapping and scouring each other, hugging as hard as they could. They kept moving their hips in gentle but powerful thrusts, sizzling clit grinding and fusing to sizzling clit, the pleasure and tension building in their perfect bodies in undulating waves, filling them to the brim. The sexual electricity tingled and flowed through them, lighting their skin on fire, merging and growing, making them hotter and harder. They panted with pleasure, riding each other to an exquisite end.

    For more than an hour, Tara and Carrie fucked hard and long, giving each other more and more pleasure with each stroke of clit on clit, with each rub of searing nipples to nipples. Their bodies raged with sensations. The women were almost delirious, neither able to do anything but enjoy the building pleasure. Their bodies dripped with sweat, the sheets under their rippling asses soaked with cunt juice. They panted nose to nose, lip to lip, feasting on the other woman’s essence, bound together in intimate lust and hate. Their moans, cries and gasps of pure ecstasy harmonized and filled the room.

    Tara came first, her clit suddenly seeming to swell, to hit its point of unbearable pleasure and tension, then erupt in burst of excruciating pleasure, filling her entire body. Her cunt clenched hard, squeezing mercilessly, then released a gusher of cum as the ecstasy hit an intense peak. Tara shrieked uncontrollably, her body shuddering and shaking as all the incredible tension flowed out in each jerking ejaculation. Her cum burned up into Carrie’s cunt. Carrie gasped as her rival came inside of her, filling her vaginal canal with alien cum, violating her in the most delicious and intimate way. The blonde woman immediately orgasmed, the pleasure of feeling her rival’s cum inside of her too much to resist. The women tightened their grips, their pussies squeezed like meaty vises, and they came, over and over, into each other. The hot ejaculate soaked their lower bodies and splattered up their bellies. At the same time, their overstimulated tits ejaculated too, nipple cum coating their aching breasts and flowing down their bellies to mix with their pussy secretions.

    “Oh God, you whore, you dirty whore…,” Tara whispered to Carrie. Her throat was too clenched to speak, she felt her consciousness fading as the pure ecstasy became too much for her mind to stand.

    “You dirty, fucking cunt,” Carrie moaned in reply. She was floating away, her mind shutting down.

    The intensity of the ecstasy was too much. Carrie and Tara teetered on the edge of fainting, their minds unable to process the unbelievable sexual pleasure that filled their loins, that radiated through their luscious bodies in pulsating waves. They fell away from each other, landing on their backs, their bodies twitching and writhing as they fucked orgasm after orgasm out of each other, as they came over and over. After some time, their voluptuous bodies finally stopped undulating. They lay joined at the cunt, fuckmeat completely sealed to fuckmeat, their tits heaving, their bodies soaked in sweat and cum, too exhausted and satisfied to move. Their beautiful faces were streaked with tears. At some point during their incredible fuck-off, they had started crying.

    The room grew still, except for their panting breath. They lay spent, drifting in and out, basking in the afterglow, relishing the pleasure that kept flowing through their sealed cunts and radiated into the rest of their bodies. Finally, Tara stirred. She pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down their joined bodies to her rival, the woman whose body had given her so much unbelievable pleasure. She smiled. They still had the whole night in front of them and Tara could already feel her unquenchable lust coming back.

    Tara tore herself free of Carrie’s intertwined pubes and pulled their cunts apart. A gush of cum soaked the sheets even more. Carrie groaned, but did not move. Tara got on her haunches, only for a moment. She moved up the bed and crawled onto Carrie, who immediately wrapped her arms around the redhead. Their bodies crushed, thick tits mashing, hard bellies slapping. Tara licked Carrie’s face, she bit around the blonde’s jaw. In a moment, Carrie was kissing and biting back.

    Panting, the women paused. Nose to nose, they smiled.

    “Are you ready for another round, fuckwhore?” Tara breathed.

    “We’re going to fuck all night long, you jizz slut,” Carrie smiled. “We’re not stopping until we’ve drained every drop of cum out of each other.”

    Tara grinned. “You read my mind, you dirty little whore. Tonight, we just fuck. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”


    Tara and Carrie licked each other’s lips, their tongues soon tangling, leading into a deep, deep kiss. Carrie slapped and scratched Tara’s perfect round ass, sliding her fingers into the ass crack and stroking the redhead’s anus. Tara moaned in pleasure. Carrie slowly rolled their undulating bodies, taking the top position. The women released their kiss and rested cheek to cheek, moaning and grunting as their bodies began moving once more, clits stroking, hot cunts merging, tits grinding, as they resumed fucking each other to exhaustion.

    To be continued:

  4. #34
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    This might be the best part yet. I absolutely love how much they hate each other and have serious, potentially life-changing beef but also have uncontrollable lust for each other’s hot bodies that neither can resist no matter how hard they try. To me, it’s that kind of psychological phenomena that makes this kink of our’s so enjoyable. I’m guessing that for the fight itself, they either tie or the winner misses tangling with the loser so much that she keeps coming back. Either way, they decide to own the building together

  5. #35
    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    TO sum up these two super-hot women's relationship.
    That they both love to hate each other. is the main point of this hot
    western type story.

    When Tara said, tonight we just fuck. tomorrow will take care of itself.
    And Carrie agreed.

    That was so hot, and so Hell Yeah.

    Another short but smoking hot chapter. That I hope goes on and on.

    Thanks, JB57
    Last edited by dwcole8; February 7th, 2022 at 01:33 AM.

  6. #36
    Hostboard Member Eights's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Starting to embrace the unwritten rule that any story involving a redhead vs blonde means they'll pine for each other so hard that it overrules whatever hatred they have for each other .

    Trying to kick you out off your property? Ruin your chances to an inheritance? Blacklist you from anime conventions?

    Don't matter sex was sky graying earth shakingly,is that a word?, amazing.

    Stroy is a blast to read my dude, keep it up!

  7. #37
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Eights View Post
    Starting to embrace the unwritten rule that any story involving a redhead vs blonde means they'll pine for each other so hard that it overrules whatever hatred they have for each other .

    Trying to kick you out off your property? Ruin your chances to an inheritance? Blacklist you from anime conventions?

    Don't matter sex was sky graying earth shakingly,is that a word?, amazing.

    Stroy is a blast to read my dude, keep it up!
    And they may just end up being girlfriends and sexfighting two other girls in a pool of oil

  8. #38
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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    And they may just end up being girlfriends and sexfighting two other girls in a pool of oil
    That or drooling on each other wearing collars and latex >.>

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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is Part VII of the story. It may be a while before I can finish parts 8 and 9 (which should conclude it) but I hope this will tide people over!


    Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie, Part VII:

    Carrie and Tara fucked all night. They passed out several times from the sheer intensity of the sexual pleasure they shared; both lost count of how many orgasms they forced out of each other. They rubbed clits until their heads exploded again and again, their voluptuous bodies shaking and shuddering through one set of multiple orgasms after another. They locked into a 69 that lasted for more than two hours as they sucked and fingered and fisted cunts and asses. They feasted on tits, they bit and licked at every inch of skin. Neither woman could ever remember feeling as sexually aroused as they were with the other. They were crazy with desire and they enjoyed taking each other’s body in every way they could imagine. They tested each other, trying to see if one of them could outfuck the other. In the end, they collapsed in a tangled heap of luscious, feminine flesh, fucking each other to a standstill.

    When Tara woke in the morning, she was alone in the bed. A few minutes later, the breakfast bell rang. Tara went downstairs wearing only her nightshirt. She found that Carrie was also clad only in her bedroom attire. The women ate silently, but the sexual tension between them was thick and growing with every moment.

    Finally, Carrie spoke. “Last night was good for both of us. I think it took off the edge. But we’re off limits to each other for the rest of the day. Save anything you’ve got for tonight. We’ll have our fuck contest after supper.”

    Tara nodded curtly. She wanted to save her energy for the battle. Last night was just about fucking each other to ecstasy. Tonight would be a decisive conflict where the winner would be the woman who could better control her raging libido.

    “That’s fine by me. I got what I needed from you last night. I’m looking forward to tonight.”

    After breakfast, the women went their separate ways. Tara went to her room and did some reading. In the late morning, she packed a small bag with a lunch, her hair brush and a drawing pad, then left to go explore the property down to the river. She wanted to stay as far away as she could from the blonde and the temptation of her body. She also wanted to learn more about the property she now legally possessed.

    The redhead walked out to the forest, following the path that led to the clearing where she and Carrie had first fucked each other under the stars, and continued deeper into the woods. She soon found herself at the edge of a brook that fed a small forest lagoon before it moved on to the main river that marked the edge of the property. Tara smiled. She put down her bag, removed her shoes, pulled her dress up over her head, and stood gloriously naked on the side of the pond. She stepped into the soothing, cool water, like a forest nymph enjoying her domain. The heat of the day was already coming on and the water felt delicious against her bronzed skin. Tara swam out, using a powerful frog kick, her brilliant red hair fanned behind her. She dunked her head, then dove to the bottom of the shallow lagoon, before stroking her way back to the edge. Naked, she stretched out on the green grass and let the sun warm and dry her voluptuous body. She enjoyed the play of the heat on her sensitive nipples. She felt the sun warm her pubic bush and kiss her thick pussy lips. Occasionally, a cool breeze lapped across her naked body, sending a playful shiver over her heated flesh. The redhead dozed, cradled in the warmth.

    Tara’s semi-conscious mind turned to Carrie, to the woman’s incredible body, and the excruciating pleasure she had found between the blonde’s beautiful thighs. She soon found the thoughts and the memories overwhelming. Tara slid her hand down her naked, taut belly, she raked her fingers through her dense red bush, and gently caressed her slick, tingling cunt lips. Her clit quickly swelled, growing hot and thick, engorging to the size of a marble topping a thumb-sized shaft, emerging blissfully from its protective hood. Tara masturbated slowly and carefully, her mind lit with the images and memories of Carrie’s lush body. As she heated up, as her pussy leaked more and more, as her throbbing clit twitched with tension, she lifted her left tit to her mouth, and began to suck hungrily on the hard, pulsing nipple.

    “You cunt,” Tara moaned, her body burning as she ministered to herself. “You fucking, fucking cunt.”


    She stretched out the pleasure, playing with her body, letting the fire burn and burn and grow, until she could not stand it anymore. She screamed, her back arching, her toes curling. “Carrie, you dirty fuck!!”she shrieked, uncaring if anyone heard. She let loose a long, hard gush of ejaculate, soaking her inner thighs and even splashing her bare feet.

    Tara lay panting in the grass, her heart pounding. After a few minutes, she got up and slipped back into the lagoon, swimming out to where it met the brook, immersing herself, trying to cool down her hot body. It was no use. It was like she had lit a fuse and the explosion had already gone off. She climbed out of the pool and sat on the grass, letting the sun dry her off. She pulled the brush out of her bag and began running it through her hair in long strokes, smoothing out the crimson locks. Soon, her red hair was back to the wild, curly mane she loved. She lay back down in the grass, letting the shadows lengthen as the heat of the day increased. After a while, she pulled out her lunch and ate it. She thought of how odd it would be if someone should come by now, to see a naked Amazon eating a meal.

    When she felt ready, she got up, pulled on her dress, picked up her shoes and stuffed them in her bag. Barefoot, she walked back to the house. She entered the house and looked for the blonde bitch, but Carrie was not inside. Tara looked through the front window and saw the blonde standing in the barn entrance, drinking from a cup. The woman looked absolutely delicious, her voluptuous body streaked with sweat, her baggy dress doing little to hide her massive tits and tanned, bare legs.

    Carrie had worked through the day. She took care of the few animals she kept in the barn, a pair of horses and some goats. She spent most of the morning cleaning and maintaining the house and its immediate environs. She got the fire going to warm the water. She had been working at the furnace when she saw Tara walk into the woods. She watched the delicious sway of the redhead’s wide, powerful hips, the flex of her perfect ass, but shook her head to break the spell. She was panting with excitement.

    After lunch, Carrie went out and resumed painting the fence around the property but, by early afternoon, it was too hot to continue. She retreated to the barn. She doffed her sun hat and kicked off her shoes. She was sweating, her voluptuous body dripping under her baggy but revealing dress. She let down her hair and used a ladle to fill a cup with cold, clear water from a rain barrel. The blonde woman cupped some water with her hands and soaked her face. “Ahhh,” she moaned, as the cold relief washed over her. The water trickled down her face and into her cleavage, tracing a blissfully cool path down her sweaty chest to her taut belly, before continuing down through her deep navel to where it was absorbed by her dress.

    Tara suddenly appeared on the house’s front porch. She stepped down to the yard and started walking towards the barn. The redhead’s hair was down and she was barefoot. Carrie felt herself growing tense as the other woman approached. Her mind was blank, but her hormones raged. Her lush body reacted immediately and powerfully to the approaching woman.

    The redhead stopped just a meter or so away from the blonde. Carrie could see from the sharp indentations of Tara’s nipples in her dress that the woman was probably naked under the garment. Tara’s green eyes roamed hungrily over Carrie’s hot, sweaty body. Blue eyes and green eyes locked. A powerful charge of raw, erotic energy joined the two women, filling their voluptuous bodies with raging heat. Their erogenous zones almost exploded with electricity. They were instantly wet, leaking from their pussies. Their engorged tits grew even hotter and heavier, their nipples became like fleshy spears. Their clits felt like they inflated like balloons. The women’s eyes glowed with fire.

    “I told you, you won’t taste my cunt again until tonight, when we have our competition,” Carrie breathed, but even she did not believe her own words. She felt her will to resist crumbling with every passing moment.

    “Fuck that,” Tara grunted. “We both want it. We can still have our fight tonight. Let’s fuck right now.”

    Tara approached Carrie, reaching out, her hands aiming for the blonde’s heaving, sweaty tits. At the last moment, Carrie intercepted Tara’s hands with her own. They pressed palm to palm, interlaced their fingers, and squeezed tight. The contact of bare skin to skin sent electrical charges through the women. They gasped with the delicious sensations, the need in their bodies growing even more intense. Carrie pushed their arms up over their heads and the women moved closer, their massive tits rising, their hard nipples pointing directly at the other pair, aching for contact.

    Their nipples touched through the two layers of cloth. The hard brown cylinders tightened and lengthened even more and the surge of heat rippled through the women’s bodies, filling their round tits, radiating down to their swollen clits.

    “Uhhhhhhhh,” Carrie moaned. “Fuck, fuck, yessss…”

    “Aaaaahhhh,” Tara gasped, her body jerking. “Oh God, you cunt, you fucking cunt…”

    The women’s pussies clenched and grew even wetter, the trickle of cunt juice coating their inner thighs turning into a stream, for a moment. Carrie and Tara pushed closer, their meaty tits crushing and compressing, their red lips getting nearer and nearer…
    Suddenly, Carrie released Tara’s hands and stepped back, backing up further into the barn. The two women gasped, both dazed by the sudden breaking of contact. Tara looked confused for a moment, then moaned desperately.

    “No,” she gasped, reaching for Carrie. “Come here, you fuck…!”

    Carrie hesitated, her overwhelming physical lust struggling with her promise to deprive the redhead of her body until the evening. As Tara reached for her, Carrie suddenly gave in to her body’s needs and wants. She needed the other woman’s body, her incredible desire was just too much to contain. She grabbed one of Tara’s hands and squeezed hard.

    “Come with me, cuntfucker,” Carrie breathed. She led the other woman deeper into the barn. The redhead followed her eagerly, her excitement overflowing. They walked quickly, almost running. They moved past the drowsing horses to the back of the barn, to an unused stall strewn with sawdust, a pile of hay piled up near the back. Carrie had cleaned out the stall months ago and put in fresh straw. Carrie stepped into the space and released Tara’s hand. She stepped back, facing the redhead. The women’s eyes burned, their hearts pounded with tension and excitement. Slowly, panting, Carrie reached down and pulled up her dress, pulling the whole thing over her head, slowly revealing her hot, sweaty, magnificent nude body. She threw the dress to the side, on the floor of the stall.

    In reply, Tara pulled up her dress and slowly revealed her incredible body. As Carrie had suspected, her redheaded rival was completely nude under her clothing. Tara hung the dress over the fence on the side of the stall. Both women shivered with anticipation as they devoured the other nude woman with their eyes. Their ravenous hunger threatened to consume them both. They relished the other woman’s gaze on their nakedness.

    Tara stepped forward, her bare feet scuffing the sawdust-strewn ground, and reached out for Carrie. Once again, Carrie intercepted Tara’s hands. They pressed palm to palm, fingers twined, and pushed their arms up, raising their massive tits. Their naked, swollen nipples aligned perfectly. Panting, in heat, their pussies dripping with moisture, the women brought the four meaty masses together. Nipples impaled nipples. Tara and Carrie threw back their heads and moaned in shared bliss, reveling in the exquisite pleasure of tits mashing tits, of nipples searing and sealing. Their flat, muscular bellies slapped together and they twisted their hips, rubbing hot, sweaty flesh to flesh.

    Pure lust exploded in the women like a bomb. They freed their hands and wrapped their arms around each other and crushed their bodies as hard as they could, enjoying the mashing of their chests, their hard nipples stabbing and scraping. They gripped hard, hot flesh. Their mouths snapped together in magnetic desire, their tongues twined into a spitty knot. Tara and Carrie screamed and moaned into the other’s mouth, their incredible bodies writhing sinuously as they tried to rub every inch of naked flesh to naked flesh. They spun around a few times in the stall until they fell into the pile of hay. Their legs instantly wrapped tight, locking their bodies. Their moans and cries grew more intense as they rolled back and forth in the hay, simply enjoying the other woman’s luscious body, letting the sizzling heat and aching tension grow between their legs, waiting for the moment when they could bring their steaming genitals together and truly fuck each other senseless.

    Carrie managed to stay on top after one of their rolls. They broke the kiss, gasping for breath, and pressed their noses and foreheads together. Already, their long red and blonde hair was starting to tangle.

    “You fucking, fucking bitch,” Carrie whispered, her voice quivering with lust. “You couldn’t wait, you had to have me, you weak little cuntlicker....”

    “You dirty, fucking, filthy cunt,” Tara whispered back. “You want it as much as I do! Spread your legs and shut your mouth and let’s go, clit to clit!”

    “I’m going to make you cream, you slut,” Carrie grunted. “I’m going to fuck your twat inside out!”

    “Give it to me, fucker! Let’s take each other out for a long, hard ride!”

    Tara gripped Carrie’s powerful ass roughly, sinking her fingers into the taut meat, and pulled the blonde down on her as hard as she could. At the same time, the redhead spread her legs wide and tilted up her pelvis, presenting her soaking cunt to her rival, desperate for the cuntfucking to come. Carrie raised herself slightly and tilted her pelvis toward her foe, opening her legs too. The women’s thick, wet bushes tangled up tight, meshing, almost tying their bodies together. Their eyes found each other and mirrored the intense anticipation, the insane lust, they felt. They panted, excited beyond measure, dying for the delicious mating their luscious bodies craved. Carrie pushed down, driving her dripping gash deep into Tara’s succulent slit. She felt the heat in their genitals explode. “Oh God,” Carrie groaned. Her clit plunged into Tara’s labia, feeling the heat and wet, parting the soft labia, reaming the tight flesh, finally crushing hard against Tara’s throbbing tool. At the same moment, Tara thrust up to meet her, driving her cunt deep into Carrie’s twat, sealing their fucklips into a searing fuck kiss, driving her clit into Carrie’s thrusting clit. The women’s eyes opened wide as they felt the ecstasy explode in them.

    “OH FUCKING GOD, YES, YES, YESSSSSS!!” Carrie shrieked. She was in paradise. She couldn’t imagine anything that could feel better than this, except the exquisite orgasm that she knew waited for her at the end of this delicious road.

    “CHRIST, OH GOD, OH CHRIST, YEEESSSSS!!” Tara howled, her body straining against Carrie’s lush form. This was everything she had hoped. She had felt the intense lust build and build in her core, all morning, into the afternoon, filling her, torturing her, until she could not wait any longer. Now, finally, her desire would be satisfied.

    Carrie grabbed Tara by her thick red hair and pulled viciously. She worked her hips slow and hard, grinding her clit around and around, rubbing hard with Tara’s clit. Tara gripped Carrie’s ass and thrust her two index fingers up the blonde’s tight asshole, groaning as she felt the orifice close and squeeze around the invading digits. She moved her hips opposite to Carrie, working her clit back into the blonde’s attacking weapon. The continual jousting of engorged clit on clit send constant shocks of pure erotic electricity radiating through the women’s voluptuous bodies. The women’s tits rolled and rippled, dense titflesh stimulating and massaging equally dense titflesh. Their asses pumped, giving and taking exquisite pleasure. The women did not kiss, but rested nose to nose, forehead to forehead, gasping and panting, whimpering and moaning, cursing and whispering, as they fucked each other to ecstasy.

    For more than an hour, the women pumped slow and hard, torturing each other, both struggling to keep from climaxing, both wanting to prolong the unbearable pleasure for as long as they could. Their luscious, perfect bodies grew slick with sweat, making it harder for them to hold to each other, but they still kept working their cunts together, refusing to stop. They whimpered and cried out in sexual agony, desperate for the orgasmic tsunami they were holding back, but also not wanting it to come.

    Finally, they could not last any longer. Tara’s eyes went wide as she felt the tension trapped inside of her, filling her body, suddenly boil over.

    “Oh fuck, you slut, I’m cumming, I’m CUMMING! You BITCH!! YOU FUCK!!”

    “Yes, yes, you fucking whore, you dirty slut, cum for me, cum hard!!” Carrie moaned. She felt Tara convulsing under her, she felt the first hard spurts of the woman’s ejaculation surging into her twat, splashing onto her legs. Carrie suddenly felt the erotic bomb explode inside of her. She knew she could not last a moment more.

    “Fuck you! FUCK YOU,Tara!! I’m cumming, CHRIST, I’m CUMMING!!”

    The women locked their mouths, their tongues twisting. They screamed over and over into the other’s throat, their passionate kiss muffling and absorbing their shared shrieks of pure bliss. They came over and over, ejaculating into each other, all over each other, drowning their quims in cunt juice, covering the thick mats of their intertwined bushes in cum, soaking each other’s thighs and bellies in ejaculate. They shuddered and quaked, their perfectly matched bodies straining muscle to muscle. For almost ten minutes, they trembled through one orgasm after another until, finally, they collapsed in each other’s arms.

    Their voluptuous bodies soaked in sweat and slick with cum, Tara and Carrie lay together, limbs twined, neither willing or able to separate. For more than 30 minutes, they lay together, floating on a cloud of pure bliss, fading in and out of consciousness. Cheek to cheek, they panted and moaned, feeling the other’s heart pound into their own through their mated tits, feeling their swollen clits pulse and throb. They had taken each other to paradise and now they just wanted to bask in the afterglow.

    Finally, Carrie rolled off of Tara. It was hard; their thick pubes had twined together and were almost cemented in placed by the copious amounts of dried cum they had absorbed. Painfully, the women ripped apart. Both enjoyed the pain; it gave them a shared sense of having intimately violated the other. Their bushes were punctuated by the red and blonde hair of the other.

    They lay side by side, shoulder to shoulder, the sides of their tits resting against each other, their thick, long hair tangled up in knots. They panted, their equally massive tits jiggling, compressing each other where they met. Their hips and thighs touched. Tara’s hand rested on Carrie’s wet belly; Carrie’s hand gripped Tara’s thigh, close to her pussy.

    “Fuck,” Tara panted. “Oh fuck, that was good, that was so good…”

    “Yeah,” Carrie agreed, after a moment. Every inch of flesh on her body was still tingling from the excruciating orgasms she had experienced. Once again, she was shocked by how much pure pleasure she and this redheaded cunt were able to give to each other. Even worse, the heat wasn’t going away. The place where her side-tit was pressed up tight against Tara’s side-tit was burning. Where their hips and thighs touched, her body sent pulses of electricity to her clit. She wanted more from this cunt, she felt like she could fuck this whore senseless all over again.

    Tara felt the same way. After another few moments, the redhead stirred, then rolled on top of Carrie, their nude, wet bodies aligning perfectly. Their thick bushes crushed hard and Tara twisted her hips, twining their pubes even tighter, pushing her aching, streaming cunt down onto Carrie’s matching twat. The women shifted their massive tits, rolling them until their hot nipples docked. Their rough areola eclipsed, feeding shocks of heat into their tits.

    Tara pressed forehead to forehead with Carrie, her red hair forming a curtain over their beautiful faces. The women touched lips, their eyes glared deep into each other, both relishing the mutual hunger and the animal lust they saw reflected in the other woman’s eyes. Carrie gripped Tara’s round, perfect ass and sank in her fingers, squeezing hard.

    “I want to fuck some more, Carrie,” Tara whispered, “I want to fuck your cunt off.”

    “Give it to me, you ginger slut,” Carrie whispered back. “Let’s see how long your cunt can last against mine.”

    The women smiled hungrily. Tara’s swollen clit throbbed uncontrollably. She thrust down, penetrating Carrie’s fuck trough, sliding her burning clit through the woman’s labia, until she scraped directly into the blonde’s aching clit. In concert, the women contracted their vaginas, crushing their twined clits within their mated twats, forcing so much aching pleasure on each other that they screamed in concert. Bucking and writhing, Tara and Carrie sealed their mouths together, screaming and moaning, as they fucked hard.

    For the rest of the afternoon, Tara and Carrie fucked each other relentlessly in the unused stall, rolling back and forth across the open space, their luscious bodies growing dirty with sawdust that stuck to their sweat-soaked flesh and their cum-soaked thighs. They scissored and rubbed and ground their clits until they ejaculated all over each other, even their engorged nipples spurting hot liquid. They settled into a delicious 69 and devoured the other’s woman’s succulent cunt, using fingers to probe and tease their assholes, licking and sucking at clits and anuses, until they exploded again and again into each other’s gorgeous faces. The wild manes of their blonde and red hair became soaked in sweat and streaked with cum. They sucked each other’s tits, then rubbed their sweat-slick, bulging chests together, grinding and thrusting until their hot nipples ejaculated, their pussies spraying in sympathy.

    Later in the afternoon, well past the usual time that Carrie would have gone in and started supper, the women lay together in the stall. The pile of hay that had become their fuck nest was strewn around the space. They were lying side by side, Tara slightly on top. They kissed deeply, passionately, their tongues playing, taking turns sucking each other’s tongue like a dick. Tara fondled Carrie’s massive tit, twisting and caressing the nipple. Her other arm was looped around Carrie’s neck, as she concentrated on driving her tongue as deep into the blonde’s mouth as she could. Carrie was giving it back just as good. Her tongue was working hard and she eagerly swallowed the spit flowing from Tara’s mouth into her own. She had one arm under Tara’s body, gripping the redhead’s hip. The other hand was kneading and massaging one of the redhead’s luscious tits.

    Carrie slid her hand down Tara’s wet, smooth belly, combing it through the red, knotted curls of her bush, and began stroking and tracing the slick, wet lips of the woman’s hot cunt. Tara moaned deep in their kiss and slid her hand down Carrie’s lush body. She inserted two fingers into the blonde’s pussy and began teasing and caressing the woman’s pulsing clit. Carrie was doing the same to her. The women moaned deeper, harder in their passionate kiss. Their stroking tongues began following the rhythm of their teasing, tantalizing fingers. Their bodies grew hotter and wetter. The fuck fever in both women, which had been temporarily satiated after hours of relentless pleasure, came roaring back.

    Tara broke the kiss and grinned down at Carrie, excitement and desire lighting her eyes. “Are you ready for more, fucker?” she whispered. “Are you ready for me to take you out for another hard fuck?”

    Carrie smiled back, her eyes burning with lust. However, she suddenly pushed Tara off of her and sat back. The redhead was not expecting this. She rolled onto her back from the push, then sat up in dismay as Carrie got to her feet and walked over to the side of the stall to retrieve her dress.

    “What are you doing? Why are you stopping?” Tara asked, her voice anguished. Her body was burning with heat, she needed more of Carrie’s cunt.

    “We need to wash up, then have dinner,” Carrie replied, brushing some of the sawdust and dirt off her naked body. It was hard, much was stuck to her sweat and cum damp skin. “We can’t just stay out here and fuck each other all day and all night in the barn.”

    “Why not?” Tara grumbled, getting to her feet. She walked to the side of the stall and pulled her dress off the metal bar. She slipped it on, not bothering with the dirt on her body. She knew it would not come off. She was still too wet.

    Carrie was already walking down the length of the barn. She stopped at the rain barrel and used the ladle to fill a cup of water. She gave it to Tara as the redhead walked up. The woman drank it eagerly. Carrie used the ladle to get her drink.

    The blonde picked up her shoes and walked, barefoot, back to the house. Her body was burning with sexual fever. She really could have gone at Tara endlessly in the stall. But they needed to have their fuckfight tonight, so they could not just stay in the barn.

    Tara followed. On entering the house, Carrie dropped her shoes at the door and went immediately to the tub room. She turned on the faucet and began filling the tub. She went upstairs to her room on the second floor. Tara had already headed up to her room on the fourth. Carrie stripped naked, threw her dress on her bed (it would need to be washed tomorrow, she thought to herself), grabbed a towel and her robe and headed down to the tub room. She did not bother putting on the robe.

    The water in the tub went to a few inches below the rim. She stopped it and tested the heat with her finger. It was nice and warm, just the way she liked it, steaming and soothing for her tired muscles and her aching pussy. Gratefully, Carrie lowered herself into the tub. She immersed herself completely in the water, dunking her head, then ran her fingers through her wet hair, smoothing out the tangles, then took a brush off the side table to run it through her for a few strokes. The surface of the water was dotted with specks of hay and dirt from the vigorous fucking in the barn stall. Carrie relaxed back into the water, her head resting on the raised rim of the tub, her eyes closed. She let the heat seep into her powerful muscles, rejuvenating them.

    She was not at all surprised to hear the tub room door open. She opened her eyes to see Tara standing over the tub. The redhead was nude. She hung her robe and towel on a hook on the door and stepped over the side of the tub into the steaming hot water. She lowered herself into the warmth. Carrie spread her legs, letting Tara fit into the limited space. Tara immersed her head, cleaning her hair. The women smiled at each other, their wet hair like shining helmets.

    “Let’s finish up what we started, slut,” Tara purred. Her nipples were pointing out from her lush tits, spearing the steaming water.

    “Gladly, you cuntlicking whore,” Carrie murmured, her eyes lit with fire.

    Carrie pushed herself further up on her side of the tub, then lifted her legs out of the water and hooked her heels on the rim. Tara moved over to Carrie’s side of the tub. She took one of Carrie’s legs and placed it on her shoulder and held it firm between her massive tits. She slipped one of her legs over Carrie’s hip and fit her cunt tight into the fork of the blonde’s legs. She lowered herself down onto Carrie’s juicy, yielding cunt. Both women sighed in delight as their pussies sucked and merged, the heat of the water somehow enhancing the sensation of their lush bodies flowing together, of their labia melting and merging.

    Tara thrust down with her hips, ramming herself deep into Carrie’s twat. Carrie bucked up with her hips, thrusting back, driving her clit deep into the redhead’s delicious fuckmeat. The blonde’s tits bounced and jolted, floating on the surface of the water. Tara was high enough out of the water that her tits could only jiggle and bounce in the open air as she fucked her rival slow and hard, every roll of her hips sending her clit searing along Carrie’s fuck trough, reaming the blonde’s slit, until their clits collided again and again.

    “Mmmmmnnn, yes, fuck, yes….,” Carrie moaned as the pleasure built like a slow, deep wave.

    “Yeah, oh yeah, fuck, fuck, yessss…,” Tara groaned, her head thrown back, her body rejoicing as the delicious sensations radiating out from her clit, suffused her body, filling her with heat.

    The water flowed around the women, bringing them together, adding to the feelings that overwhelmed their senses. Carrie reached up and squeezed Tara’s bouncing tits, weighing and massaging the thick, dense meat. Tara reached down to grip Carrie’s jolting tits. She squeezed their nipples. The women’s bodies moved in rhythm, undulating, writhing, their hips moving tightly, keeping their soaking cunts glued together. The powerful orgasm built and built inside of them, an ever-growing tension that kept increasing with every thrust, that rippled through every muscle, adding layer on layer of pleasure until they could not endure anymore.

    “Oh God, you fuck, you filthy fuck!” Carrie cried. Her pussy clenched hard, then gushed in climax.

    Tara felt Carrie cumming into her cunt, hot ejaculate flowing into her twat, even in the heat of the water. The delicious sensation was too much.

    “Fuck, fuck, yes, yes, yesssss!!”

    Tara and Carrie screamed in unison as they came over and over, harder and harder. Carrie grabbed Tara and pushed her body up. Tara released her rival’s leg and the women wrapped together, crushing tit to tit, belly to belly, kissing frantically as the power of multiple orgasm roared through them. The water in the tub sloshed over the sides, soaking the tile of the bathroom floor. The women convulsed, clinging to the other’s naked body as they rode out the waves of pleasure.

    After, Tara and Carrie collapsed to the either side of the tub. Their genitals pressed tight, their bodies vibrating, they panted for a time, letting their bodies come down from the orgasmic high. After a time, Carrie stirred, then pushed herself up and lifted herself up from the water. Tara watched her through bliss-fogged eyes.

    Carrie stepped out of the tub and wiped herself down. As Tara watched, the blonde brushed out her long, thick hair. The redhead continued to relish the blonde woman’s luscious naked body. She enjoyed the bounce of Carrie’s massive tits as the brush ran through the knots in her hair.

    Carrie looked down at the blissful woman in the tub. “I’ll ring the bell when dinner is ready,” she promised. Naked, her towel and robe hung over her shoulder, she left the tub room.

    Tara smiled and relaxed further back into the hot water. She planned to soak for a while longer. Soon, they would eat. Then, she and Carrie would fuck each other’s brains out in a battle to determine which of them would take possession of the house and property. The evening looked very promising. She could hardly wait to get started.

    To be continued:

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    Re: New Story: Wildcats: Tara vs. Carrie -JB57

    Thanks for this awesome stories , an applause

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