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Thread: Red Twin x Blue Twin

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Post Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Admiring herself was a key part of Claire's morning routine. Without fail- every morning, after showering and styling her vermillion red hair, she would stand in front of her mirror, her body completely bare, and admire her stunning looks. Claire certainly had the right to do so. Standing at 5.8ft, she was a bombshell beauty. A face that could be pure and innocent one moment, yet flirtatious and seductive the next. A curvaceous body overflowing with sensuality, that oozed sex appeal with every movement. Claire was a walking disaster, breaking up couples wherever she went as men and women alike couldn't help but ogle at her heart-stopping body.

    If 10 men were to be asked what they found most attractive about her, 10 different answers would be received in turn. One would find her narrow and supple waist hopelessly attractive, whilst another would find himself enamored by her dainty and fairy-like feet. From silky smooth legs, the perfect mixture of soft and muscular to her cherry red lips always bearing a subtle smile. Even 100 men could each list their favorite thing about her without repetition, yet there are still the two most eye-catching parts of Claire. These were: first- her undeniably large, creamy breasts that always seemed so tantalizingly full without ever seeming fat. Breasts that sat atop her chest without sagging, drawing eyes from all directions and suppressing those of other, more inferior women effortlessly. And second - her round, toned ass that not unlike a juicy peach, filled others with the desire to take a bite. An ass that seemed to be in a constant struggle with whatever she wore, always trying to rip its way out, and the product of countless squats.

    Whilst Claire would be considered a flawless goddess by anyone's standard, she was tragically not alone in her perfection. In fact, since childhood, she had been competing against her rival, who stuck to her like a persistent ghost. Every 1st place she won was a victory she was forced to share. Every step she took to develop her body, was a step mirrored. Women and girls that knew they couldn’t compare to either of them would speak malicious words soaked in envy, analyzing and comparing the two, and indeed, the two were truly similar beyond distinct, if not for their long hair being opposite colors, they would undoubtedly be indistinguishable. This life of non-stop comparisons and desperate competitions had begun in elementary school and never stopped since, following her all the way through college, right into her apartment of choice.

    A question Claire had been asking her whole life: 'Since I was born to stand above every other woman, why was I born a twin?’


    It was a new morning, and Kate was in a good mood. Who wouldn’t be, being able to appreciate a flawless beauty unabashedly, no need to peek or avert one’s eyes? The azure-haired woman twisted and turned in front of the mirror with grace and an unconscious seduction that could let any man die with no regrets if he were to witness. She was wearing tight yoga pants, the same blue shade as her hair, which only served to accentuate her curvaceous figure. Her firm and well-shaped ass, precisely sculpted into the shape of an inverse heart, looked like it would burst out at any moment. As her eyes roamed across her body, she couldn’t help but fall into a daze as she saw the pants pulled tight into her crotch, revealing a deep camel-toe. Naturally, she wouldn’t be generous enough to allow anyone else to see it, but within her own home, she saw no reason not to indulge her more narcissistic tendencies. After all, she worked hard to sculpt her body bountiful body into the perfection she could now admire. Though it wasn’t just for her enjoyment that she pushed herself for untold hours and sweat enough to fill an ocean. Her twin sister, Claire, was obsessed with copying her, always insistent on competing, and to slack in her efforts at self-actualization, even for a single moment, would be to damn herself to the hell of losing.

    Feeling proud and more confident of her body than ever, she decided to change it up, and do her morning yoga routine in her apartment's main room for once. Typically, Kate would stay in her bedroom, knowing that even chancing an encounter with Claire would ruin her mood and make a peaceful yoga session an impossibility. But in her current form, and with her confidence seemingly unbreakable, she stepped out, ready to start the day right.

    Yet life can be cruel, and she felt as though she had been given a slap to the face when she stepped out and saw her vermillion-haired twin stepping out of her room too. She was wearing red yoga pants, no looser than her own, and with a tightness around the crotch as clear as day. Her heavy breasts were held in a black sports bra as if intentionally contrary to Kate’s own white sports bra. Feeling anger and indignance build up inside when she saw Claire also carrying a yoga mat, she naturally wasn’t going to hold her tongue.

    “Claire,” she spoke with feigned politeness, “Don’t tell me you just happened to want to do yoga out here? Of all days?” Whilst she kept a gentle smile on her face, and she batted her eyes innocently, the accusation was as clear as day.

    “Kate,” she sighed back, biting her cherry red lips as though she were troubled. Kate detected a trace of exasperation in her sister’s tone that made her smile become forced, “I know very well that you do your routine in your room, so why not today? If you want me to advise you, I’m more than willing. Just wait until I’m done, okay?”

    Kate was instantly incensed by her arrogant and condescending words, but just as her twin knew how to get under her skin, she knew how to do the same. Taking the initiative, she strutted to their lounge, her ass swaying with a flirtatious and confident suggestiveness.

    Tying her azure hair in a ponytail as she walked, she tilted her head, and spoke challengingly “Even if you wanted to teach me, I’m afraid you don’t have the qualifications.” Her eyes flickered across her twin’s body, from her soft but muscular thighs to her wide hips and narrow waist, before meeting the woman’s cold red eyes with her own smug gaze.

    As Kate bent down to set up her yoga mat, she could feel her vermillion-haired rival’s icy glare digging into her thighs and ass with such raw aggression and jealousy it sent shivers down her spine.
    Despite this, she couldn’t help but feel a feverish, burning excitement from her navel, a unique joy, and pleasure she could only get at the expense of her sister. The heat rapidly filled her entire body, from her dainty white feet, laid bare on the wooden floor, up past her flushed red face.

    Turning round to enjoy her sister’s inferiority, she was instead met with an ass, thrust out as the other women bent down to prepare her a yoga mat of her own. Kate unknowingly took a half step back to properly look at the jaw-dropping sight in front of her. She couldn’t help but admit that her sister truly understood the principle that less is more. Whilst Claire could prance around in skimpy yoga shorts or even panties, flexing her bare legs, by covering them, even in those tight red yoga pants, any who even glanced would find themselves fantasizing about what the legs underneath looked like, and Kate was truly curious. Clenching her teeth, her eyes traveled up her twin’s inviting legs before lodging themselves between the ever-so-round ass cheeks. Packed into the tight red pants was truly the most tempting-second most tempting-ass she had ever seen, and the narrow, supple narrow waist only served to make it look larger.

    The blue-haired beauty couldn’t help but linger on the sight in front of her as her thoughts grew chaotic and she felt a mixture of hatred, envy, and unyielding competitiveness boil up from within.

    Her thoughts were interrupted, however, when Claire teased, “Judging from how hard you’re staring, it’s clear I do have the qualifications, honey.”

    Despite her inner turmoil, Kate spat back “I was searching for whatever it is you see in yourself, sadly despite looking for so long, I couldn’t find anything impressive.”

    Claire rose back up, and the two found themselves face-to-face, each breathing hard in barely concealed mutual annoyance and vexation. Both leaned forward, attempting to pressure the other, and felt their heaving breasts press lightly together. Each tensed slightly at the contact between their large yet perky breasts, but then quickly relaxed before the other twin noticed. Seemingly by tacit agreement neither mentioned the contact, instead of continuing to breathe hot air into the other’s face and maintain the smoldering eye contact between them.

    “Well then, let’s see how long you last,” whispered Claire.

    “Outlasting you won’t take much at all,” Kate purred in response.

    And like that, the pair turned away to their yoga mats placed side-by-side and began their routine, staying in perfect synchrony as they did so.


    Claire understood she wasn’t going to end this yoga session feeling the usual serene tranquillity, but now she was competing for something better. She longer to achieve a real, complete victory over her azure competitor, and could only imagine the pleasureful heat that would course through her body should she achieve it. Even her minor victory before, when she felt Kate’s penetrative stare burning into her ass, made her feel as though her soul had been set ablaze- and that was with the knowledge that she had previously earned equal humiliation by doing the same. The thought desire to win and the belief that she deserved to, pushed her from pose to pose in the most intense yoga she had ever performed.

    How would she win? Naturally, when Kate collapsed to the floor in a sweaty, sticky mess, gasping for breath, she would know she had won. And yet as time dragged on, her twin showed no signs of slowing down, much less collapsing to the floor, and as such Claire had no choice but to carry on.

    The two transitioned from pose to pose simultaneously, neither entirely sure who was leading and who was following. Had a third party been lucky enough to watch the duo, perhaps they would have likened them to two puppets attached to the same set of strings, moving as if mirror images of the other.

    Though unbeknownst to either girl, as they panted and tried to ignore the scent and heat of their competitor, they had strayed off their yoga mat, and partially onto the other's. Almost as if there existed an unseen magnetism between them, they were slowly getting closer and closer.

    Claire, not aware that half her body was on her sister’s mat, had bent over, her hands touching the floor whilst her sweaty ass was thrust out behind her when she felt it press against something. Something equally as round, and equally as firm as her own. The second that she realized her ass was pressed up against her twin’s, she felt a searing excitement explode out from her navel and spread throughout her softly trembling body. Blushing to her ears, as she attempted to suppress her shaking, she looked past her large breasts and between her spread legs to glare at Kate.

    Kate was equally flustered and glaring back. Claire couldn’t help but find her twin’s attempt at a glare amusing. As the thought crossed her mind, and a trace of scorn crossed her face, she saw the same disdain on Kate's face, causing her to lash out,

    “So you wanted to feel the ass of a superior woman? All you had to do was ask, Kate.”

    “I can feel my superior ass whenever I want,” she hissed back, “You don’t have to pretend anymore, it’s clear you’re enjoying this.”

    “I’m enjoying it? You should see the look on your face you horny slut!” Claire growled.

    “Oh please,” Kate grunted in between moans. “Keep your tongue in your mouth before trying to speak, you’re clearly just a bitch in heat.”

    Without either of the two being aware, they had started rubbing and grinding their hot asses against their rival, the two perfect bubble butts dragging along the surface of the other, from left to right, up and down. Whilst their movements were slow, the shaking of arms and the trembling of their legs revealed the immense force traveling through their bodies.

    Their tensed and trembling legs were perfectly aligned, from their feet that were placed parallel, up past their calves to their red and blue-clad thighs, each a perfect blend of soft and hard, fat and muscle.

    Claire felt a trace of fiery shame and disappointment, she had protected her body zealously for years, believing no one to be worthy of it, and under her intimidating beauty, none had dared attempt to cross the line. Yet here she was, pressing asses with her most desperate rival with enough friction to start a fire. Despite that, their mutual moaning of insults back and forth had caused the uncontrollable excitement inside Claire to rocket to an intensity never felt before, every inch of her skin feeling like it was about to ignite.

    As she rubbed her ass against Kate’s with force concealed by their slow movements, she felt the heat building higher and higher in her squashed pieces of sweat-drenched ass-meat. Claire struggled to suppress a spasm as she felt her inner ass cheeks press against those of the other woman. The flexible asses, lubricated by the duo’s unending sweat, were engaging in a constant battle for dominance, each trapping the other ass between her strong glutes before ruthlessly grinding against her rival’s valley. Like two puzzle pieces fitting perfectly, the two asses would unite in a mutual violation before separating as the two continued to grind.

    For once Claire regretted wearing such skin-tight yoga pants, if they weren’t so tight, she may be afforded some protection in this agonizing battle. But Kate hadn’t backed down, so she had no choice but to continue the electrifying mutual ass-rape.

    Again, and again the two dragged burning flesh against burning flesh, their sweat-soaked pants unable to hold anymore sweat as it oozed out of the matching asses. Every inch of ass that she managed to crush, her own was crushed in return, the red and blue buttocks stuck in constant equilibrium.

    For what seemed like hours the twin fighters panted and moaned, their words becoming fewer and fewer, each silently hoping the other would concede and bring the duel to an end. But in a sudden surprise, both Claire and Kate, with their relentless grinding and crushing, had forced the other’s glutes apart. The twin asses simultaneously gave way, allowing themselves to be spread completely, as the penetrative invasion of their sensitive flesh continue down their ass cracks.

    Twin shrieks echoed off the apartment walls as their assholes pressed together and the build-up of torturous heat exploded. Claire felt ecstasy flood her entire body as her mind grew hazy. Seeing stars, her eyes rolled back, and her mouth fell open as she could only allow the orgasm to rampage through her. The only thing she was aware of whilst trapped in the throes of bliss was that Kate was coming too.


    It was only when the storm of pleasure that tore through Kate’s mind had begun to recede that she realized what had happened. That she had spread her unyielding twin’s ass and forced her to the best orgasm of her life made Kate feel immensely proud, and more confident in her body than ever, yet, on the other hand, her treasured body had been completely defiled and forced into a heartbreakingly good orgasm of her own. Just remembering this almost gave her a mental breakdown and made her want to never look Claire in the eye again.

    It was as she stood there, lost in the contradictory blend of emotions stewing within her, that she realized her posture was off. Her hands weren’t on the ground, yet despite her body leaning forward with no support, she hadn’t fallen. With a flash of annoyance and shame, she realized that she had grabbed hold of Claire’s arms mid-orgasm, clearly subconsciously wanting to pull her body even closer to her sister’s. It was because of the duo sinking their nails into the other’s arms in a mutual grip that they were still standing on their admittedly shaky legs, with their soaked asses still spreading themselves open.

    Turning her head, Kate finally remembered the large mirror on the wall, and hurriedly turned to see her expression. Tragically what she saw was not the same proud and seductive woman that she was used to seeing, but instead what could only be described as the face of a bitch who had just been fucked silly. Her azure blue hair was a sweaty and tangled mess, her eyes of a matching shade filled with moisture. Her cheeks were still a bright red with obvious tearstains. Causing her great shame was her runny nose and mouth that seemed to be stuck in a loose and blissful smile. Her proud tits were heaving up and down as she tried to catch her breath, and she felt her nipples were painfully erect under her sports bra.

    To add insult to injury, when she turned her gaze to her azure-wrapped rear, she realized that despite everything, whilst she hasn’t lost to Claire, she nevertheless hadn’t defeated her even a little either. If not for the color difference, it would without a doubt look as though she had simply pressed her ass up against a mirror. She would be impressed at their ability to remain so equally matched if she hadn’t long since gotten sick of it.

    As ragged breaths traveled across the room, Kate finally turned her attention to Claire, who, as she predicted, was also looking right back. Knowing Claire was witnessing all her shame and weakness made her feel sick to her stomach and endlessly bitter; yet being able to see the same disheveled appearance on the other woman felt like a deliciously sweet reward after the painful bitterness. Taking in all the damage their battle had done to her, from her messy vermilion hair to dazed and tears eyes and stained cheeks still flushed red made her feel as though she were being spoon-fed sugar. And as if that wasn’t enough, the running nose and a smile that screamed- ‘I’ve just been fucked’- made Kate happier than she had for years. Taking in her lifelong rival’s weakness reignited the competitive desires within her, and feeling her ass begin to heat up once more she locked eyes with her twin.

    “You slut,” they groaned in unison, both refusing to let go of their hold on the other and allow their asses to separate.

    “Don’t think this is over,” Kate threatened, a cold chill in her azure eyes.

    “Like hell it is!” Claire growled back, menace in her voice. “I’ve still got two more positions to go, dare to measure up against me?”

    “Why would I not dare? But you look like you’re about to pass out, so I’ll end this quickly, for your sake,” Kate barked back, unwilling to show the slightest hint of weakness.

    With a mutual huff, the two straighten their backs and released the other girl from their grip. Standing back-to-back, buttocks still squashed together as if by silent agreement, the two bend forward once more. Each lifted her left leg behind her as she did so until their bodies were like two straight lines as they assumed the standing splits position.

    A sharp intake of breath could be heard from both Kate and Claire, as their asses tightened together with this new position. Kate felt her right glute stiffen as she balanced her body, hardening against Claire’s relaxed left glute. Her joy at pushing down on her twin was cut short however when she realized that her left ass cheek was being pushed in by Claire’s firm right glute. The women were like two pairs of scissors trying to cut each other in half as they balanced strenuously on one leg.

    Kate could feel their asses devouring one another as they ‘bit’ down on the other girl, their asses like ravenous beasts whose hunger could never be satiated. Unlike their previous battle, where firmness met firmness and softness met softness in perfect equilibrium- this time they were savaging attacking every weakness the other left vulnerable, even if it meant they would be attacked in return. Kate attacked and attacked, not even entertaining the idea of defense. She would not allow herself to fall into passivity, always fighting for the initiative. Their blue and red asses were like an ouroboros consuming itself with no regard as the sweat-slicked buns drilled deeper and harder in a violent mutual penetration.


    Kate and Claire were once again bent over looking at the other’s gorgeous face, both glaring daggers with clenched teeth, spit flying as they released painful breath after breath. Despite their many years of competition and comparison, the two had never clashed like this, in such a raw and sexual way. In fact, the physicality between them only went as far as shoves and an occasional hip bump. Today however caught up in the feverish excitement burning their insides, and swept away by their fierce competitiveness, they had shattered any walls between them and started a whole new war for them to wage.

    Each had long since grown tired of the compliments and flattery from the people around her, horny teenagers and lustful men that didn’t know their limits, believing themselves unheard as they openly talked about her.

    About how her bountiful breasts shook as she walked, and how badly they wanted to suck on them.
    About how her incredible ass haunted their dreams, and that they’d die to fuck it.
    About wanting to worship her tight stomach, licking it from top to bottom.
    About wanting to be suffocated between her creamy white thighs or be stepped on by her cute dainty feet.
    Perverts of a million different varieties who all longed her, and to her, receiving such desire was no different than breathing.

    No wonder having an identical twin who refused to do the same left her breathlessly gnashing her teeth. Each wanted her impertinent bitch of a sister, who dared glare back at her, to bow and worship the ground she walked on. To force her twin to bow down and acknowledge her superiority, to toy with her submissive body whenever she pleased. They wanted to mark the other with her scent and color, to brand her body and soul.

    “Kate, you whore!” Claire roared with lustful fury, “I am so done with you thinking you’re hotter than me-”

    “I’m fucking done with you, you delusional slut!” Kate howled in response, “You can’t compare, and you know it-”

    “I’m superior and I’m going to prove it, even if we have to go inch by fucking inch!” The twins hissed in one voice, “Starting with your loose cunt that’s been leaking all over my leg!”

    With their mutual declaration, the two thrust their wide hips back. Red and blue asses collided with unstoppable force, and true to their words, their swollen camel toes of opposing colors connected in an instant, as if controlled by magnetic attraction.


    Despite the two pairs of yoga pants between them, the feeling of her swollen and soaked pussy lips making contact with the other woman's was utterly euphoric. That said, Claire refused to reveal the pleasure their lip-locked sexes were bringing her, stifling her moans with her hand. Never content to just go with the flow, she thought to up the ante further still.

    “I’m not sure we’re close enough, balanced like this, what do you say we take this to the floor?” She whispered, her vermilion eyes and cherry red lips curving seductively as she shot her twin a meaningful glance via the mirror.

    “I can’t think of any position better to beat you in,” Kate murmured in response, licking her lips flirtatiously as she batted her eyelashes at Claire.

    Working in tandem, the duo lowered themselves to the ground until they were lying back-to-back, neither having shown the slightest intention of separating their dripping wet bodies. From there, the twin fighters lifted their top legs, glued together with sweat and girlcum, into the air. Using their tender asses as a pivot, the two rotated their bodies, dropping their legs to the floor on the opposite side. Like this, the duo was finally face-to-face, legs pressed together from their ankles to upper thighs as they did the splits, only a small gap between their now separated sexes.

    Knowing this was the calm before the storm, she took the chance to study her twin, ruby-red eyes unabashedly roaming across the girl’s face. She felt Kate’s own sapphire blue eyes judging her in return and suddenly became conscious of the smell of sweat and sex clinging to them. She panted, trying to block out the intoxicating fusion of scents trying to choke her, and felt their hot breath mix between their upper lips. She felt a throb in her crotch as she flushed red from the sensuality of the situation. Their eyes met in a stare of mutual temptation, each using every bit of charm they possessed to try and get an edge over the other.

    “You sure you don’t want to back down now? You’re my sister, after all, I don’t want to completely ruin you.” Claire whispered, maintaining the soul-stirring stare.

    “If you were so capable, I’d already be ruined,” Kate said softly in response, her gaze soft and filled with desire, yet unyielding all the same. “It’s you who’ll end up ruined. After all, I’m not going to stop at just that wet cunt of yours. I’ll prove every inch of my body is better than yours and turn you into an obedient little slave, no matter how long it takes.”

    “I don’t need long to turn you into my bitch Kate. You’d best hold your head high whilst you still can.” Claire replied, the pride and confidence in herself undiminished despite everything.

    “Then stop stalling and bring your cunt over here, you slut,” She purred in response, arrogance spilling from her blue eyes.

    With that, both girls leaned back, placing their hands on the floor for support, and after exchanging cocky smirks, slid their crotches the last few inches forward. Neither could help but yelp in inconcealable pleasure as their burning slits were pressed together in a deep kiss, each girl’s pussy aligning perfectly with her rival’s. Puffy labia stuck together, and hardened clitoris collided, as the duo applied more and more force to their battling cunts.

    No different from their previous clashes, their twin bodies were being crushed together with enough force to bend steel, but due to their strength being so identical, it would look as though neither were moving.

    Claire felt as though her pussy possessed a boundless thirst, trying desperately to drink as much of the juice spilling from her twin’s hot cunt as possible. Through their increasingly frayed yoga pants, she could feel her cunt spasming and twitching in pleasure as her twin’s fluids poured into her. Overwhelmed and overstimulated as she was, she seized by the belief that even the juices soaking their conjoined crotches were waging a war of their own. Such thoughts only got her hotter and wetter as the cunts ground into one another as though trying to reduce the opponent to dust.

    Claire’s head rolled back as she felt her pussy deepening its kiss with its mirror image. Their labia matching together fold-to-fold, the pleasure only seemed to be multiplying for every second their cunts kissed. She did not doubt that she would have already climaxed countless times if not for the yoga pants providing a little protection.

    “Bet you’re really feeling it in that ugly little pussy of yours,” Claire moaned, trying to block out the chaos in her mind.

    “I can tell how wet you’ve gotten from getting to touch my superior pussy, you slut!” Kate panted in an instant response.

    “I can tell you’re about to cum,” Claire spat, lowering her head to look at her azure twin. “Go on, shoot it out all over my pussy.”

    “I can tell you’re about to cum too,” Kate replied, matching her sister’s gaze. “You’re dying to explode all over my tight little cunt.”

    “Just let it out.” The sisters said as one, both trapped, spellbound in a final staredown.

    With those words, the two succumbed to their mutual seduction and all defenses were blown away as their interlocked cunts exploded simultaneously. Pleasure flooded their minds as they drowned one another in ecstasy, every inch of their touching lower bodies turning into erogenous zones as they climaxed, again and again, each no weaker than the last. All that could be heard from the twin sisters were a series of incomprehensible moans, as they thrashed uncontrollably.

    The savage series of orgasms may well have continued forever had the twins not, in their mindless spasming, managed to lift a leg to their rival’s sweat-drenched stomach, each woman kicking the other away. It was only after they had flopped to the floor, each twin on her front, that the dreadful pleasure started to subside.

    Like this, the red and blue sisters lay exhausted and gasping for air. It was only when she felt her lower body beginning to cool, and her tits pressed against the floor begin to ache, that she started to push herself off the sticky ground.

    Turning her head, her vermillion eyes almost fell out of their sockets when she saw her sister’s large ass spilling out of her blue yoga pants. A clear hole had been ripped in them leaving the red-raw ass twitching pathetically before her scornful gaze.

    “Looks like you couldn’t take the fiction.” Two smug voices taunted.

    In shock, Claire’s eyes flashed to her ass, and to her horror, her yoga pants had also been ripped, her once proud and firm ass beat and raw. Looking closely, she could see a tangle of purple threads connecting their bodies. Clearly during their battle threads had come loose and begun to intertwine, forming many unnoticed knots that helped keep their bodies bound.

    “You bitch!” Roared Kate, her body growing rigid with rage.

    “You stupid whore, look what you’ve done to my pants!” Claire yelled back, channeling her humiliation into rage. She wasn’t sure whether she was angry about the orgasm they had just suffered, or the ripped pants, but either way, she wasn't willing to appear weak.

    “What I’ve done?!” Kate laughed in hateful disbelief and she started to pick herself off the ground. “This all because of that flabby fucking ass of yours.”

    Claire responded by giving the purple thread that connected them a hard yank, causing her sister to stumble towards her. The azure beauty gave the thick and tangled thread a tug of her own in reply, causing Claire to trip.

    The two glared at each other as their wet legs trembled like fawns, before beginning to forcibly yank one another towards their bedrooms, the sound of their favorite yoga pants ripping and tearing accompanying them as they did so. Every few steps one of the women would come close to tripping over her feet, causing the other to laugh at her expense. Like that, the twins switched alternatively between scorn and shame, mocking the other before being mocked in return, causing the walk to feel far longer than it actually was.

    When they arrived at their respective bedroom doors, their yoga pants were nothing but red and blue rags, soaked with sweat and cum. Each girl grabbed a handful, averting their eyes from the other’s bare crotch as if by tacit agreement, before escaping to their rooms and slamming the doors.
    Last edited by Lotus9; June 6th, 2022 at 01:14 PM. Reason: Tweaks, general spell checking and clarity

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Blue hair, huh? I guess this takes place in anime world. Don’t think of that as an insult. I actually like it and it makes the girls more unique. I also love the concept of a sexfight between twins, which is surprisingly rare. Hope the next parts get more intimate with tongue kissing and such. The only thing I’d fix is, of course, the censorship. I’m not entirely sure how. I think copying and pasting the story fixes it but I can’t quite remember.

    Once we get more admins, can they please change this? Please? It’s like the literature equivalent of Japanese porn. The censorship defeats the entire purpose of this platform. We’re here to read about hot babes sexually dominating each other. Why would we ever want it censored?

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Blue hair, huh? I guess this takes place in anime world. Don’t think of that as an insult. I actually like it and it makes the girls more unique. I also love the concept of a sexfight between twins, which is surprisingly rare. Hope the next parts get more intimate with tongue kissing and such. The only thing I’d fix is, of course, the censorship. I’m not entirely sure how. I think copying and pasting the story fixes it but I can’t quite remember.

    Once we get more admins, can they please change this? Please? It’s like the literature equivalent of Japanese ****. The censorship defeats the entire purpose of this platform. We’re here to read about hot babes sexually dominating each other. Why would we ever want it censored?
    Thank you for pointing that out, I hadn't even realised. It should be fixed now, and should be a more enjoyable read too. They will absolutely get more intimate next time Thank you for reading and commenting it means a lot.

    Something I forgot to mention in the main post (which I don't want to edit in case the censoring issue returns), is that this was based off an RP with Christianp/cccppp92 on discord who really brought Kate to life
    Last edited by Lotus9; January 18th, 2022 at 06:11 AM.

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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Yes, it’s fixed. Good work. Like I said, this shouldn’t happen in the first place and the admins really need to fix this as it goes against the entire idea of this forum but I digress. Maybe I’ll re-read this at some point now that I can fully appreciate it. And I’m looking forward to the more intimate future installments.

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    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    super hot story! thanks for that! i can not wait when they drop their yoga pants

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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    This was fun, the details, the character building and the tension up to the fight were a blast to read. Especially the banter, them echoing their taunts at each other during parts of the fight was a good laugh. That and literally grinding the pants of each other. I've got a weakness for intense fights with no clear winners so I'm down for more of these two "competing".

  7. #7
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Thank you both! I will aim to make their next 'competition' even more enjoyable.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    hi Lotus,
    great start !
    As a big fan of as-equal-as-possible rivals twins are beyond perfect.
    Keep up the good work

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Great story! I really like even rivals and this hit the mark to the EXTREME. The details of the fight and sex were fantastic and I can't wait to see what else will happen between Kate and Claire. Great first story and looking forward to more.

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    Junior Hostboard Member Robertlow's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Really Amazing story!

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