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Thread: Red Twin x Blue Twin

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    Junior Hostboard Member sexyvalquiria44's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    fabulous story, with a very intense rivalry, I want to see more!

  2. #12
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin Part 2

    Part 2

    The following 12 hours felt like torture to Kate. Shutting her bedroom door and knowing she was hidden from her sister’s gaze had caused her to deflate like a balloon, collapsing to the floor instantly. Now alone, she couldn’t help but notice the pleasure still pulsing through her body. It was if as Claire’s ass was still being pressed against her own, sending shivers down her spine. She almost felt like she would climax again without needing to touch herself. The pleasure wouldn’t fade even after she dragged herself from the floor and into bed. In fact, it only got worse.

    She felt as though she had been caked in Claire’s sweat and scent, as if her entire body had been contaminated by her sister. Every time she drew breath, her twin’s smell flooded her lungs, causing her entire body to burn with an unwilling heat. No matter how she scrubbed herself in the shower or tried to distract herself, traces of her sister haunted her like a persistent ghost.

    Despite managing to avoid her red-headed sister, due to her bedroom functionally being its own ‘mini-apartment’, she couldn’t break free of her influence, her mind constantly filled with images of her. Again and again, she imagined barging into Claire’s room, pushing her to the ground and crushing her to the point of no dispute, but whenever her hand touched the door handle, she didn’t dare to open it. She still believed in her body and her beauty, still certainly despising her sister, but the constant trembling in her legs, the flush that wouldn’t leave her face, and the heat in her crotch left her feeling weaker than ever. She didn’t know what face she’d make if she stepped out and saw Claire; whether she would be able to pull off her usual arrogant smirk and exchange biting words. So, she stayed hidden in her room, consoled only by the fact that she hadn’t heard Claire’s door opening, and hoping that meant she must be feeling the same. Instead, she hid in her room, her hand unconsciously reaching for her throbbing crotch over and over and with superhuman willpower, she would grit her teeth and resist the urge. After all, she was hotter and sexier than Claire, and it would be a denial of the fact for her to masturbate to her sister, even if it was the thought of beating her down.

    It was after a long night filled with dreams of her vermillion-haired clone that Kate awoke, the heat inside her finally suppressed and determined to regain her confidence and pride. She meticulously applied make-up, bringing her enhancing her beauty to the point it could topple a country, and carefully chose her outfit before admiring herself in the mirror. The legs that had been shamed yesterday were now wrapped up in white pantyhose. Her ass, as firm and tight as ever, was hidden by a blue and white skirt, neither too high nor too low, she was seductive and sexy without appearing slutty and loose. Her top half matched the body half, a blue and white top that would focus eyes on her large and perky breasts, without the need to show excessive skin and demean herself. With her azure hair in a high ponytail, she gave the impression of a proud and unintentionally seductive beauty, an untouchable goddess who could only be looked at from afar, and never blasphemed.

    But the moment she stepped from her sanctuary; she was met with living blasphemy. In front of her was Claire, the twin she wished she never had, who was wearing an identical outfit of a different shade, red and black, as if chosen purposefully to contrast her own blue and white. She bit her lips as she tried to suppress her pounding heartbeat and blue eyes that wanted to wander all over her sister’s body.

    “You are sick in the head, Claire,” She huffed, making no attempt to hide the annoyance stewing inside her. “I’ve never even seen you wear that, then you decide to wear it today of all days?”

    “Why would I not wear this?” Claire questioned in response. “I, unlike you, can actually pull off this outfit.” The redhead’s classic condescension instantly got under Kate’s skin.

    “Ha!” Kate laughed, “You think you’re pulling that off? Baby, you look like a cheap imitation, and that’s all you are.” She scoffed, folding her arms under her heavy breasts, and leaning back as she dragged her eyes over the other girl’s body.

    Kate had never denied or disputed that her sister was beautiful. Her vermillion-haired twin could stand proud over every other woman in existence, that was only natural when she copied Kate to such a degree. But no matter how sexy Claire’s long legs were, no matter how tight her ass, and how big her tits, she was destined to fall short compared to Kate. That was the basis of Kate’s pride, and why she could always hold her head high, no matter how many eyes her sister attracted. However, whilst she had always believed this, yesterday’s draw had brought her a flicker of self-doubt and anxiety. It had been the first time their comparisons moved beyond checking each other out, and the results were mixed at best.

    “You’re funny,” Claire laughed back, “No wonder you look like a clown.” Despite her laughter, however, her gaze was cold as her eyes cut into Kate’s body like icy blades.

    “You’re too proud to recognize the difference between us,” The azure-haired beauty growled. “But follow me out to buy new yoga pants, and you’ll get the reality check you clearly need.”

    “It’s you who’ll have to face reality…" Claire huffed, before quickly adding, "And I was going out anyway!”


    Claire had never cared about the opinion of others as much as she did walking down the sunlight streets towards the mall. She had long since mastered the ability to block out the people staring at her, taking their admiration for granted. Today, however, she was craving the attention and validation, needing it more than oxygen, as it would prove she looked better than Kate. They frequently wore similar outfits, but after so many years of comparisons, she had grown numb to it. Not anymore though. Yesterday had reignited the fire within her, a burning desire to tear her twin’s pride to pieces and utterly conquer her body, forcing her to submit. A goal that felt paradoxically close and far. Yesterday had resulted in a reluctant draw, but it wasn’t without its benefits. She could tell her sister’s pride had been wounded, why else would she be dressed up to such an extent just to go shopping? By attracting more eyes on this shopping trip, she could get the snowball rolling, and begin to assert her dominance more and more, until the final victory was hers.

    That said, it wasn’t going too well. She was attracting lots of eyes, gazes of infatuation, envy, and lust from the surrounding shoppers, but not all of them. The rest were ogling at her copycat of a sister. Kate was being especially desperate today, sticking her tits and ass out, doing anything she could to grab more attention. Naturally, this meant that Claire had to do the same, also forcing out her proud and perky breasts, even slightly pressing them together with her arms, making them pop out even more.

    “God, you are acting like such a slut right now, I’m embarrassed to even know you.” Claire opened her mouth to speak, only to hear the words she was about to say exit her sister’s lips instead.

    “You’re the one sticking her tits out like a cheap whore, get down off your pedestal, bitch,” Claire spat back.

    “Ha, I’d rather be a whore than a fucking dairy cow like you. You look like you want to be milked, sticking them out like that,” Kate hissed, stepping closer and pressing her chest against Claire’s.

    “You look like a cow, waving those saggy udders round.” The vermillion beauty groaned back, not shying away from the breast contact, instead, pushing her own back into her sister’s. Suppressing a shudder as she felt her heavy tit-flesh pressing against Kate’s, the two locked eyes in a hateful glare, irritation rising to new heights.

    The two marched in lockstep into a nearby clothing store before pulling themselves apart with a huff.

    “Go graze somewhere whilst I do some shopping, cow,” Kate said, her words dripping with venom, turning away, and storming off before Claire could respond.

    Claire watched her leave in stunned silence, simultaneously seething with anger and wanting to pursue her to carry on fighting, whilst also unsure if following her would be a show of weakness. Her eyes followed, however, glued to her twin’s curvaceous blue and white frame until she turned a corner and disappeared from sight.

    She could only let out a sigh. After all, they both knew their bickering with words was just that, meaningless bickering. Neither one wanted to settle things with a verbal spat, or the opinions of strangers, even if they could. Instead, it would be through a clash of bodies that superiority and inferiority were decided.

    Thinking as such, the red and black bombshell beauty turned and walked in the opposite direction to Kate. She would put Kate in her place when she stopped running away, she wasn’t going to chase after her.

    The opportunity to do so took longer to arrive than she anticipated however, it was only after a lengthy browse and moving to a different store that she caught a glimpse of her sister again. The azure-haired woman was facing away from her, occupied with looking at clothes in an empty part of the store. Claire couldn’t stop a smile from appearing on her face as she silently approached, her twin entirely unaware of her presence. Thinking back to Kate’s harsh words from earlier, Claire knew how she would attack.


    Kate was enjoying her time unbothered by her sister, proud that she had gotten the last word before the split up. She had moved from department to department, riding the high of her minor victory, imagining the look on Claire’s face as she watched her strut away. Whilst she knew coming out on top in an exchange of biting words wasn’t worth much, it was still a bit of sweetness that she would never turn down.

    She had just moved to a new store, not thinking too hard as to where her vermillion lesser was when she suddenly sensed movement behind her. Before she could even react, she felt strong and violent hands reach around her, and dig into her breasts. She couldn’t even assemble a single thought; she was so panicked. Despite her stunning beauty and covetous looks, no one had ever dared to molest her before, hence, whilst she would consider herself a rational and composed person, she couldn’t help but let out a panicked shriek and flail around in an attempt to escape. It was then that she heard a sultry and familiar voice whisper in her ear,

    “So, these are the tits you’re so proud of.”
    Suddenly, the tension left her body as she realized it was Claire. It was Claire’s hands that were groping her breasts, Claire’s tits that were being pushed into her back, and Claire’s crotch that had upturned her skirt and was being rubbed into her ass.

    “You fucking bitch,” Kate gasped, “You think you’re so sly. If you wanted to grope me, all you had to do was ask.” She gave a perfunctory thrash in a half-hearted attempt to escape her sister’s hold. The contrast between the panicked terror and the strange sense of security in knowing it was Claire molesting her made her feel like she was going insane. She should be angry at this, not comforted, but the warm relief and pleasure she was starting to leave her at a loss.

    “I don’t know if I’ve ever seen you so submissive, Kate,” Claire hummed happily, her hands continuing to knead Kate’s perky tits, squeezing, and pulling them over the top of her shirt. “Maybe you really are a cow?”

    Claire continued to rub her breasts up and down Kate’s back, leaving the azure-haired woman hopelessly overstimulated from her touch, only gasps and moans leaving her wet lips, unable to string together a proper response. She could feel her face was bright red, tears building in her eyes from the pleasure, which made her feel ashamed and humiliated, yet she couldn’t seem to muster the will to resist her sister.

    Kate was subconsciously bent forward, trying to create distance between her and her sister, but all this did was cause the contact between her curvy ass and her assaulter’s crotch to deepen. She could hear the scratching of white and black nylon pantyhose grinding together as her twin dry-humped her from behind. Without meaning to, her act of bending over unknowing made her seem even more submissive, her long legs being spread apart by Claire’s own. She had no choice but to hold onto the clothing racks to prevent herself from toppling over, tacitly allowing the molestation to continue.

    “No wonder you were talking about dairy cows earlier,” Claire mused. “These tits are just like udders.” Her hands moved under Kate’s top whilst she spoke, pulling her bra off her breasts, grabbing Kate’s engorged nipples and tugging hard.

    It took all Kate had to suppress the deep groan that wanted to escape her lungs, but it was almost as if her twin had a sixth sense that allowed her to know Kate’s weak points, as she began to squeeze down on her tits, pulling her nipples and crushing them between her thumb and index finger as though milking a cow.

    Kate’s mind had long since forgotten the word ‘shame’ as her body twitched and throbbed with joy under her sister’s hands, her proud and strong body becoming weak and soft. All that escaped her lips were hot moans and whimpers as all her pride evaporated before the burning pleasure. As her trembling grew more and more intense, her legs wobbling and knees shaking, she felt her sister suddenly release her, the domineering groping and relentless grinding stopping, as their bodies separated. Before she could even decide if she was happy or disappointed that it was over, however, she felt a sharp pain from her sticking out ass, a burning, electrifying sting from her right ass cheek. To her great shock, she realized that she had been spanked! Icy hatred born from shame had just started to build within her when another spank landed, this time directly above her pussy. She felt her sister’s fingers press into her wet sex, and it caused her mind to go blank as pleasure exploded from her crotch like a volcanic eruption. Losing the strength to stand, she collapsed to the floor, face-down ass-up, as waves of pleasure shot through her again and again. She could only grit her teeth and try not to moan in an attempt to preserve whatever dignity she had left.


    Claire watched her sister convulsing on the floor with sheer joy. She had done it! Conquered and humiliated her once prideful sister, and reduced her to a drooling, squirting mess. The difference between the arrogant and cocky woman who left the apartment early that morning and the pathetic bitch on the floor in front of her was so great she almost thought she was dreaming. She licked her fingers, as she gazed down on her defeated sister, smug satisfaction shining from her vermillion eyes. Whilst it hadn’t necessarily been a straightforward or honest victory, it was a victory regardless. One Kate would no doubt have to admit later, after all, she had hardly resisted and even seemed to give in and let herself be conquered. Claire watched over her twitching twin as the orgasm started to subside, taking in every moment of her shame until the defeated woman started to recover. Claire gave the surrounding a quick scan to make sure no one was nearby, before leaving her beaten sister to continue her shopping.

    She spent the next hour or so replaying the events in her mind, unable to hide her overflowing pride as she moved from shop to shop. Her entire body felt energized and overflowing with beauty. Never had she felt so untouchable, it was as though this is how she was meant to be all along, and Kate's continuous presence had stopped her from achieving her full potential. But now she had broken free of her sister’s influence, she would never feel the sting of comparison ever again, and it would be undeniable that she was the better of the two, the true, undisputed number one beauty.

    Despite her soaring mood, however, she maintained her vigilance, looking out for any signs of Kate and a potential counterattack, but even as one hour turned into two, she didn’t see her sister’s shadow.

    As she was looking at a new pair of yoga pants, however, she was suddenly grabbed from behind, arms coiling around her like snakes before viciously biting into her breasts. Claire had thought herself prepared for a counterattack from her sister, but when the moment came, she froze, all rational thought leaving her mind. It didn’t even occur to her that it could be Kate’s retaliation, the only thing she felt was a sickening horror and a deep sense of violation. She had just begun to struggle and was about to scream when she was slammed in the ass by her groper’s crotch, a startling jolt that left her stunned and lost for words.

    “Huh, you know, I’m starting to think you wanted this all along.” She heard a familiar voice say, “You came over, groped me to your heart's content, then carried on without a care in the world. You even found a nice spot with no one around, just for me to get my payback.” The voice snarled.
    Claire flushed as she realized it was Kate, cursing herself for being so panicked and losing her calm.

    “What? You’re coming over to get your little revenge?” Claire smirked, grinding her ass into Kate’s crotch. She had no interest in taking her sister seriously after seeing the state she was in earlier.

    It was a mistake.

    “Shut the fuck up,” Kate hissed, bringing a savage slap down on her ass. She bucked in pain, attempting to pull herself free, but the azure-haired aggressor had resumed her vice grip on her tits with shocking speed. It sent shivers down Claire’s spine as she realized Kate wasn’t her usual self. She was less flirty and more aggressive, colder, and harsher than she had ever known her to be.

    “Kate, just-” She began, before another harsh slap landed on her ass, causing her to cry out. Whilst still painful, she was dumbfounded that there was a throbbing in her crotch in response to the slap, with her ass unwillingly thrusting backward into Kate’s crotch as if begging for more.

    “Oh~ I see,” Kate laughed, her voice now less cold and more charming, “You get off on being spanked.”

    “That’s not-“

    A second slap struck Claire’s nylon-covered ass as her upper body rocked forward. She was panting and gasping for breath and could feel her face burning red with shame. She didn’t know why she couldn’t shut her mouth and didn’t know why it felt so good when her twin spanked her.

    “Looks like your body is more honest than your mouth, you slut,” Kate whispered into her ear.

    Claire felt her sister’s hands moving up her shirt, unclipping her bra and grabbing her heaving chest.

    Very honest,” Kate hummed, her fingers skimming over Claire’s painfully erect nipples. Instead of touching them, however, she squeezed hard on the bountiful boobs, groping the abundant and gravity-defying tit-flesh callously.

    “Prattling on about udders and even daring to spank me, clearly you were just too embarrassed to tell you how you want to be treated,” Kate spat mockingly, crushing Claire’s tits between her fingers as she did so.

    Despite the brutal treatment, Claire was just getting hotter and hotter, all resistance had left her, as the throbbing in her pussy sent tremors throughout her body. The azure-haired woman’s barrage of insults and putdowns made her feel exposed and ashamed for reasons she couldn’t even comprehend, clearly Kate had been the one enjoying it earlier, so how dare she be so ridiculous as to invert black and white now? Despite this, she didn’t dare open her mouth again, worried that Kate’s humiliating fate would be her own if she was spanked again.

    “You think I can’t tell what you’re thinking?” Kate asked, “I don’t need to spank you to make you blow your brains out, slut.” The blue-haired woman was clearly venting her earlier humiliation, her mouth rattling off insults like a machinegun, barely pausing for breath as she toyed with Claire mercilessly.

    Claire’s thoughts were getting harder and harder to string together, her mind clouded in a pleasure-induced haze. She could barely hear her sister’s words, the sound of grinding pantyhose getting louder and louder, as she desperately forced her ass into Kate’s white-nylon crotch. All she could manage was a questioning moan before the fingers molesting her sweat-soaked tits pinched fiercely on her rock-hard nipples.

    “Cum, you cow,” Were the only spiteful words she heard as she succumbed to the soul-destroying orgasm that followed, and she collapsed to the floor in a twitching heap.


    Watching her vermillion twin squirt all over the floor only partially soothed Kate’s damaged pride. It was extremely satisfying to succeed in her brutal counterattack and bullying Claire into her current state was like a dream come true. Only, the fact that a few hours ago she was in the exact same state ruined her mood. She had managed to claw back some pride after her sister’s cruel surprise attack, but this wasn’t enough, she wasn’t content to just return the insult, she wanted to pay back the humiliation tenfold- a hundredfold, only then, would she begin to feel better. She could get used to it though, watching Claire moan like a bitch in heat. She decided she would bully her like this every day when she was done smashing whatever pride her sister has left. Thinking as such, she continued to watch the fluid leak from her twin’s swollen pussy, clearly visible through the black pantyhose, her toes twitching as the pleasure continued to course through her.

    It was only after the defeated fighter stopped spasming that Kate stopped staring, looking around to make sure no one was nearby before moving over to grab Claire. She wasn’t done, not by a long shot.

    “You done yet, bitch?” She taunted, as she crouched down next to the redhead. “Looked like that felt pretty good, you’re welcome by the way.”

    “You tell me,” Claire spat back in response. “You had the best orgasm of your life earlier, slut.” She began to pull herself up as she spoke until she was also crouched in front of Kate.

    “Ha, you over-estimate yourself.” Kate snapped back, azure eyes meeting vermillion in a hateful glare. “I can’t believe you came from getting milked like a cow, maybe if I train you enough, you’ll start squirting out milk as well as cum?”

    “I can’t believe you came from getting spanked, and that two little taps on that fat ass were all it took,” Her red twin replied. “No wonder you’re always mouthing off, you’ve been wanting it for years.”

    “Stop your bragging, whore. You ambushed me and you know it.”

    “Well, you ambushed me too, cunt.”

    The two stood to their feet, breathing hard into the other’s face, flushed in agitation. Today had been simultaneously the best, and worst day of their lives, having humiliated and dominated the other like never before, but at the cost of having the same done to themselves.

    “Well, I’m not convinced.”

    “Me neither.”

    The two got closer and closer, pressing their identical bodies together perfectly as they reach one hand up to grab their rival’s hair. They forced their heads together until their foreheads were touching, hot breaths colliding in the space between their lips.

    “You said you wanted to beat my body inch by inch,” Whispered Claire, her voice laced with honey.

    “And I meant it,” Kate purred seductively in response. “So no more sneak attacks.”

    “No more sneak attacks,” Claire said softly.

    The two pairs of lips were getting closer and closer, the two almost about to kiss, when they stopped, as if by prior agreement. Each gazing invitingly into the other’s eyes with enough temptation to make another succumb to their charm. Despite the hot breaths mixing in the small space between them, or the intoxicating scent flooding their noses, neither girl moved an inch closer. Anyone else would have long since given in, but not Claire or Kate. Their war was no longer outwardly aggressive, or violent, but it was still ongoing, though their sweet words and gentle demeanors suggested otherwise.

    “I’m going to prove my body is better,” They declared in unison, “Inch by fucking inch.”

    With that said, they separated their bodies with seemingly no hesitation, collected their things that were strewn about the floor, and made their way to the nearby changing rooms. Both had decided to find some privacy before continuing.

    To anyone watching them go in, they may have looked like a pair of good sisters, innocent and pure, who didn’t feel the need to enter separate rooms. The reality though was that the tension between them was rapidly rising to new heights, all grievances and hatred temporarily contained and concealed under a mask of seduction. They closed and bolted the door behind them, before looking at one another once again.

    Claire felt as though she was being bombarded by pheromones the moment she turned to her sister. Invisible waves of seduction and temptation hit her again and again. She wasn’t sure what it was, but she had never thought Kate looked so attractive. Everything about her seemed intimidating, eroticism rolling off her even as she simply stood there examining her. Perhaps the reason her tits looked more sexual and her legs more inviting than ever, was that Claire had molested them as she pleased, knew how good they felt to touch, and undeniably wanted to do it again. Or maybe it was the smell hitting her, a mixture of her natural fragrance, sweat, and sex, all mixing together into an intoxicating blend, an almost hypnotic scent she hadn’t noticed out on the shop floor, but now had no choice but to confront here in the small fitting room. She couldn’t help but cringe, she had acted confidently just moments ago, but now that the moment had come, she had been intimidated. What bolstered her spirits, however, was that she saw a similar grimace flicker across her sister’s face. She wasn’t alone in her hesitation. Claire looked into her rival’s blue eyes and saw a mixture of desire, pride, shame, and anxiety she had no doubt was mirrored in her own eyes.

    “So,” They spoke as one as again. “What should we compare first?” Claire’s eyes darted across her twin’s body, and she felt Kate’s doing the same.

    “How about a strength contest?” Kate suggested, “We interlock our fingers and try to push each other back.”

    “What, so comparing hands? Arms? That’s fine with me.” Claire replied. It wasn’t entirely what she had in mind, but at the same time, she needed more time to cool her body down after that last orgasm.

    Kate kicked off her shoes to match Claire, their pantyhose-covered feet of opposing colors lined up toe-to-toe in the center of the room, and the two held their hands up before interlocking fingers.

    They counted down together and then… didn’t move. Or rather, each woman was applying as much force as she could, trying to bend the other’s arms back, but nothing was happening. Even as they grew red in the face, and their breathing grew heavier, the only thing they accomplished was maintaining a humiliating stalemate.

    Time dragged on, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and finally, 15 minutes had passed. Their breathing was now rough and sharp as their arms trembled with strain. Claire’s body was slick with sweat, and she could feel her feet starting to slip, the wet pantyhose no longer able to provide enough grip. Thankfully, Kate was equally drenched, and as they continued to push against each other, their lower halves slid along the floor in opposite directions. Claire persisted though, hoping that perhaps her sister would slip and fall.

    Whilst their lower bodies got further away, their top halves did the opposite, pressing together for support. She felt her breasts pressed into her sister’s, being flattened into pancakes from the force. She rested her head on Kate’s should whilst her twin did the same on hers, their sweaty cheeks sticking together as they did so.

    With this view, she could see Kate’s feet struggling for grip, being pushed back closer to the wall. She decided that the second she saw her sister’s white feet touch the side of the changing room, she would announce her loss, and claim victory for herself. She watched as they edged closer and closer, and their chests were pressed harder and harder together, until finally, her blue and white-clad twin touched the wall.

    “You lose!” Claire cried out excitedly, only to realize that Kate had said the same thing. She realized that she could feel her feet pressed against the wall behind her and felt at a loss. It should hardly be a surprise, they had received identical results countless times in their lives, but this draw cut especially deep. Perhaps it was the unspoken finality about these comparisons, the mutually shared feeling that this time they would end it all for good. Claire had expected to win, dreaded a loss, yet despite everything, it hadn’t occurred to her that they would...

    “Tie…” They muttered in a synchronized voice, equal bitterness in both.

    They released their interlocked fingers, and keeping their chests together, brought their feet back to the middle of the room before unsticking themselves. Their eyes met and flashed with unspoken resolve that this stalemate would be the last.

    “Get your tits out,” Ordered Claire. “We can’t avoid it anymore, not after just now.”

    “Naturally,” Kate replied. “You’re lucky we didn’t get them out earlier, or you would have already lost.”

    Claire replied by pulling her top off. Her bra was still unhooked from Kate’s attack, though still in place. She didn’t let it drop, instead, holding it with her hands, as she watched her twin strip and unhook her own. The tension in the air was palpable, neither had laid eyes on her sister’s bare boobs before. Claire was holding out hope that beneath the bras, they would look completely different, her tits obviously superior at first glance.

    “3,2,1.” They counted down together, before dropping their red and blue bras to the ground. Claire was immediately frozen upon seeing her twin’s tits. She had gotten used to seeing an identical face her entire life but seeing her breasts on her sister’s chest took her breath away. Everything about them is the same. The color, the texture, the shape, and the fullness. Both pairs were equally perky, in matching defiance of gravity. Their areolas an identical size and shade, and four nipples between them, each looking like a copy of the others. They had always been aware that they were the same size, how could they not be, with how often they checked the other out, but being shown just how identical they still took their breath away.

    Each was struck by a strange sense of betrayal, a feeling of unfairness that a gift she thought was hers alone was in fact something that had to be shared. That was how the duo felt upon seeing the other’s breasts, but they quickly rallied their spirits, convincing themselves that all the years of praise and lust weren’t false and that her tits were the best, it just wasn’t obvious yet.

    They stepped forward, both filled with nervous anticipation and pride. Each determined to prove that her tits were the best.


    Kate’s heart was pounding in her chest, as they paused, their breasts just an inch apart. She could feel beads of sweat rolling down her milky orbs, and she gulped as she stared at Claire’s nipples. They looked incredibly thick, swollen, and engorged, looking more like weapons of war than symbols of maternity. Took a deep breath, one she heard her sister echo, before she raised her head, glaring at the woman who could mirror her appearance to the point of causing slight fear.

    “Ready for those weak tits of yours to be beaten black and blue?” Kate bragged, breaking the nervous silence.

    “The only weak tits here are yours,” Claire spat back. “They’re all size, but no firmness. I’ve seen obese bitches with perkier tits than yours.”

    “Oh please.” Kate scoffed; her peaceful façade forgotten about as she sought to lower her sister’s morale in any way she could before they made contact. “I’m looking at an obese bitch right now, and her tits sure as hell sag.”

    “No wonder, you cow, you just looked in the fucking mirror,” Claire hissed in response.

    Kate was incensed at Claire’s venomous words and pushed her breasts forward to make contact with the opposing pair. Kate let out a gasp as bare tit-flesh pressed against bare tit-flesh, their unprotected breasts coming into direct contact at last. She could feel her twin’s firm boobs pressing against her own, trying to push back and flatten them, but more than that, she could feel four burning nipples stabbing into one another hidden by their tightly pressed tits.

    “You fucking cow,” The azure twin moaned. The raw contact between their bodies was making her feel like she was going to explode. She wrapped in arms around her sister's back, digging her fingernails into her skin and she pulled her closer.

    “You dirty bitch”, The vermillion twin groaned back, matching Kate’s grip with one of her own.

    Together the two pulled their bodies tighter and tighter, crushing the air out of the other’s lungs as their tits pancaked together. Kate felt as though her nipples were being impaled, split open by her twin’s hot rods in an excruciating process that brought equal pain and pleasure. She could see her reaction mirrored in her sister however and found small comfort in the fact that she was giving as good as she got.

    “You feel that? That’s my nipples fucking yours,” Kate boasted. “That’s all your tits are good for, getting fucked.”

    “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Claire spat back. “I’ve just fucked your nipples inverted, you stupid slut, and here you are bragging as though you’ve won.”

    “You’re the stupid slut, your weak tits were made to be fucked by mine.” Kate hissed. “You want proof? All we need to do to ease up the pressure, and you’ll see the truth.”

    “Fine, let’s do it,” Claire agreed, loosening her vicious grip on Kate’s back.

    Together the two began to pull apart, feeling their battered and flattened tit-flesh bounce back into shape, but still, the tight and penetrative sensation coming from their nipples persisted. As the firm breasts were peeled apart, they saw the bizarre cause of the painful pleasure. Kate’s right nipple had pushed back Claire’s inverting it and penetrating the vermillion woman’s tit. Yet on the other side, Kate’s left tit was being fucked by Claire’s right nipple. The two fell into stunned silence before both exploded into a rage born of shame.

    “You fucking whore!” They spat in unison, “You actually dare fuck my tit? Let's do it again!”

    Like that, the two pulled apart their nipples, feeling some resistance as they did so almost as if the ends of their nipples were glued together, before realigning them and crushing their tits together again. Once more they engaged in a mutual bearhug, crushing their breasts in perfect symmetry as though pressed against a mirror. Neither twin paid any attention to their tragically equal tit-flesh though, instead focused acutely on the feeling of penetrating the other’s nipples. Kate’s head rested on her sister’s shoulder as they crushed their bodies together as hard as they could.

    Unbeknownst to the twin fighters, their sweaty and shaking nylon-clad legs had coiled around each other like snakes, as if to match their upper bodies' desire to be crushed together. Further still, their black and white crotches were grinding together without the sisters’ consent, throbbing cunts helpless before the mutual attraction and indescribable magnetism between them.

    After a few minutes of pressing, the two pried their breasts apart again, they could help but feel an ache in their tits. Both pairs looked battered and less perky than they did earlier, but whilst they were heartbroken to see their chests starting to be broken down, both women knew the fight was between their nipples now. They slow leaned back until their nipples became visible, and once again both were outraged. The previous outcome had repeated, but on opposite sides, with each sister’s left nipple fucking the other’s right.

    “Again!” They groaned, pushing their slightly sagging tit-flesh together for the third time.

    The third press was much like the second, only, by this point, the pleasure had begun to far outweigh the pain, and at some stage during the process, the dam burst, and the duo descended into orgasmic bliss. The feeling of their nipples fucking and being fucked, their feet and legs coiling and rubbing together, and cunts crushing uncontrollably left the duo drowning in unstoppable pleasure.

    Perhaps it was the pheromones in the air at fault for their mutual collapse, infecting and invading their brains, melting all reason and pride and replacing it with the raw desire for sex and pleasure. Each woman felt as though her sense of self was being destroyed by the clinch they had trapped themselves in. Two proud and confident beauties had entered, but they had been reduced to two beasts in heat. It was as though their bodies were designed to bring the other as much pleasure as possible, neither twin had ever thought it possible to feel pleasure from her feet, much less climax from them, yet the two of them managed it as their toes intertwined and locked together like puzzle pieces. They came again and again, only able to cling to one another, saliva leaking from their mouths and down the other’s back as each orgasm hit harder than the last.


    When the two finally came to, they were coiled together on the floor, legs wrapped around the other’s waist, tits still stuck together. Neither twin knew how to react to what just happened and desperately wanted to break their contact. They looked down, and as if by unspoken agreement, reached down and grabbed their tender breasts, cooperating to pull them apart.

    All the two could manage was a hollow and bitter laugh when they saw that all four nipples had been pushed back into their breasts, the ends of which glued together so firmly, that neither twin could muster the energy to break the connection. They sat, having no choice but to face each other in all their mutual shame and humiliation. They were drenched in sweat and cum, their faces puffy and red, stained with mucus and saliva.

    It was only by pressing their feet together, ignoring the pleasure that came from it, and pushing their bodies apart that the two managed to separate their practically fused nipples. Each stared forlornly at the other’s deflated tits and soft nipples, knowing her own looked no different.

    "Looks like your tits aren't any better than mine,” The vermillion twin taunted with a sigh.

    “And yours no better than mine,” The azure twin spat in response.

    Their eyes lokcked in a begruding silent acknowledgement, each feeling embarrassed and ashamed at the result of their titfight. Each had hurled all sorts of degredation at the other, only for the result to be a tie.

    Both knew that their unwilling hyper-sensitivity to the other had derailed their breast battle, but neither could say with confidence that the result would have changed even if such a thing didn’t occur. After all, whilst the endless explosion of mutually inflicted climaxes was pride-shattering and terrifying, it didn’t change the reality that they had fucked each other’s tits into submission, no matter how begrudging they were to admit it.

    Each sister, both blue and red, however, were incredibly resilient and determined people, neither willing to take a loss without a counterattack. So, as they pulled their shaking and twitching bodies off the floor, the gears in their brains were turning as they tried to think of how to conduct their next comparison. After all, one mutual defeat was nothing, when they had been equal their entire lives. Whilst this admittedly stung more than most, it was nothing they couldn’t move past.

    “You liked rubbing them against mine just now,” Spoke Claire, breaking the silence. “So how about we compare our legs and feet next?”

    “That’s fine with me,” Kate replied. “I do think we’ll need to change location though. I imagine you’ve made a shitload of noise.”

    “Don’t pretend you didn’t scream your lungs out too.” Claire shot back, rolling her eyes.

    “Fine, but you can’t pretend you didn’t like rubbing your legs and feet against mine too.” Kate taunted.

    Neither girl bothered to deny the accusations. They were too proud, even in defeat, to deny the obvious.

    Before Kate could ask what Claire had in mind, the vermillion twin began to pull the black pantyhose off her long legs, the nylon drenched in sweat and cum. Kate copied, not entirely sure what Claire was thinking, but all was made clear when the black pantyhose was offered to her, and her own white pair was pulled from her grasp.

    They were going to swap.

    End of part 2 \o/

    Hopefully it was okay, after all the lovely feedback I actually ended up feeling kinda nervous about writing again, worried I wouldn’t improve etc. It was actually meant to end after the second sneak attack, but I like equal fights and try to write for people who feel the same, so I couldn’t just leave it there.

    I’m actually not a massive ***-fight fan, but It felt like something Kate and Claire would do so I pushed myself and tried to write one in my own way lol.

    Hopefully it was an enjoyable read, and as always, any feedback is appreciated, positive or negative (please be civil though) as I want to improve my writing
    Last edited by Lotus9; June 6th, 2022 at 01:19 PM. Reason: Spell check, clarity, and changed dialogue

  3. #13
    Junior Hostboard Member sexyvalquiria44's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin Part 2

    amazing fight! I liked seeing how each sister humiliated the other and also the tit fight was incredible, it was good to see that you took on the challenge of doing it in order to maintain the personality of the twins.

    I also liked the comparison of forces, each one red and pushing, very interested in knowing how it continues!

  4. #14
    Hostboard Member Eights's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    The smack talking is top notch. Especially one sister saying what the other was about to. Love them both getting a little domination in, just to get dominated in return.

    You're killing on the details and sensuality with the "milking" spankings, titfight/nipple fight, playing mercy. Damn dude you covered a lot of ground with this, and at no point did it feel rushed. Also in the small things, like them being relieved its their sister doing the surprise attack, how "over stimulated" they're making each other or the resignation of them stalemating/both losing again. The swapping panty hose thing was a nod to that Dancing Nylon Catfight story from way back right?

  5. #15
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    Red Twin x Blue Twin

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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Lotus9 (cool pen name),

    I've only read part one, but I must say that if this is a first story attempt, it's very impressive. I'm struck by your descriptive ability...lovey wording and many phrases that got my attention and prompted a "wow."

    Keep up the good work!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Even better than the first part. I love how much they enjoy dominating each other. I imagine eventually they find another girl to play with a make a competition over who can please her more.

  7. #17
    Junior Hostboard Member Laura_'s Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Lovely story. Would love to see more like this!

  8. #18
    Junior Hostboard Member flowerfeast's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    This is so good! I love twin sexfights and sadly there’s not enough of them on the internet. Also love the spanking so so much and hope to see it again in part 3! Maybe in a shower or bath scene. You have a lot of talent as a writer and I’m excited to see what you come up with next.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Better idea. What if they find another pair of twins to play with?

  10. #20
    Junior Hostboard Member sole2solegrind's Avatar
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    Re: Red Twin x Blue Twin

    Unbelievable story so hot

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