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Thread: My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

  1. #11
    Hostboard Member Gsbux's Avatar
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    Talking Re: My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

    Hi Everyone
    There is no Any Doubt on Jb57's Work.
    He Always Write Excellent Work, the thing which I like Very much is All Characters are Evenly Match or Physically Twins
    No one Other Can Do this as Jb57 do

    Dear I want to Request kindly Update us Regarding "Wife Vs Mistress "


  2. #12
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    My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

    Ragnar0k's Avatar
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    Re: My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

    Yuri, I'd like to say a very big thank you for including me in your list of top ten favorite writers. It was a very pleasant surprise, especially as I haven't been active as a writer on the board of late.

    I'm also thrilled to see you beginning to write stories of your own. That was how I started out... getting inspired by reading and rereading the greats, like JB, A Penman, Deensmith, ccfight and Angeldawn. Then figuring I should have a go at writing my own tales.

    Interestingly, I would include the majority of the writers on your list as formative influences when I was figuring out how to approach writing Boarding School Queen. HG Hunt's Bush War, in particular, helped inform the way I wanted to write about Helen and Mhairi's ongoing contest which formed the main thread in BSQ Book 1.

    Though I haven't posted any stories here for a while, I've been keeping active writing and producing catfight comics based around different genres. Some involve my BSQ characters like Helen, Mhairi and Amita too. I might look to post some new writing here in the not too distant future as well.

    All the best,


  3. #13
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

    I think I could’ve gone into more detail about Deensmith. There are two things about his stories that I particularly like. Firstly, you can tell how much he loves writing MILFs. The Moms in his story are hot as can be and great characters in general. Secondly, the teasing. He’s a master at this. Not just the usual trash talk but the girls seducing each other is done extremely well. The girls openly lust for each other while also hating each other, saying how good they taste, what they will do to them both during and after the fight, etc. It adds so much tension.

    There is one mostly consistent problem that I have with his stories and sadly, it’s a pretty big one. He has a strong tendency to not finish when writing a series and the ones he does finish often tease at a sequel that never comes. This isn’t totally the case with my favorite story of his “What Nick and John Saw.” It does tease at more to come but it ends with complete closure and you are left satisfied. This is, however, very much the case with “A Battle for A Soul.” It ended on a very tragic note for a great character of his and it definitely leaves you wanting more.

    As for the stories that were left unfinished, like “The Burbs” and “Downfall of a Slayer”, they were both left on massive cliffhangers and that really sucks. Deen, if you’re reading this, I hope it doesn’t come off as me nagging you to finish these stories or make sequels to them. I’m just speaking purely from the perspective of a reader. If you come back, it should be entirely by your choice and your desire and that will reflect in the quality of your work. I absolutely love your stories and just wanted to express that. The mood of the writer plays a massive part in how their work turns out and you should only come back if you feel truly motivated and want to do so.

  4. #14
    Senior Hostboard Member Rivals_Rapture's Avatar
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    Red face Re: My Top 10 Favorite Sexfight Authors

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    ....I've really enjoyed the work of Rival's Rapture, especially her story of Brie and Kylie and "Bar Top Battle", which she brought to ane excellent conclusion on her website....

    I am sooo busy these days with all my various pursuits, that I only rarely find myself on this forum, as much as it will always have a super special place in my heart. Because of that, I only found this mention, when I was checking my site's presence on various search engines. Which is why it has taken me so long to reply to it.

    I am so very glad you enjoyed that story Bar Top Battle, JB. I can tell you that it might never have been written, if you had not shown such intense interest in it. It's hard for me to focus my efforts on sexfighting and titfighting exclusively or even mostly (even though it's my favorite), given how broad of a net I am trying to cast. But, dipping into the genre every now and then is certainly refreshing and fun.

    I try not to rank writers, for a lot of reasons. As a creator, I know that it hurts to be forgotten and left out. Or to hear that someone else's work is better than your own. I've not only felt that myself, but having worked with writers for so long now, I know that feeling unappreciated is one of the biggest and most painful issues that they/we suffer from.

    That being said, I will always admit, and often tell people, that you, JB, are now and always have been my favorite fem fight author. Your take on the sexfight fantasy is just so perfectly matched with my own, even if somehow, when we tell our stories, they come out very different. Knowing that I have created something that you enjoy means the world to me.

    Thank you for being such a wonderful pillar of this corner of the fetish, keeping this forum alive, and trusting me with your incredible stories.

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