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Thread: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

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    Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Dear Board,

    Ok, so here is my greatest failure as a writer. This part of the story, apparently, went up more than six years ago. And then the whole story stalled and I was unable to continue. Well, today, I'm happy to say, another part of this story is finally done. I was thinking about sitting on it until the entire story is finished, but I've decided to post it as a spur to me to keep working on completing the whole tale.

    I want to apologize to all the people who have waited so many years for this. I hope to have the entire story done within the next few months. Then, finally, this albatross will be removed from my neck!

    As always, comments and feedback appreciated.


    Wife vs. Mistress Part II: The Rematch, Part III

    Deanna drove through the night, the lights of her Mercedes momentarily illuminating the dark forests on either side of her speeding car. She was several miles outside of the city, in a rural area that was the location of many mansions of the rich and famous. The acreages and estates were well-spaced, affording their owners considerable privacy. Deanna’s navigational system guided her. She finally pulled up to a driveway barred by a massive steel gate set into solid brick masonry. A number to call was displayed in a plaque on the wall. Deanna punched the number into her phone.

    “Yes?” The voice was that of a woman.

    “Domino is home,” Deanna said, being careful to enunciate each word.

    There was a momentary pause. “Yes, that is the correct password. Please drive up the lane and park at the foot of the main staircase. One of our valets will park your car, if you give them the key card.”

    The gate hummed open. Deanna drove up the driveway. The lane was bordered by thick forest. She still could not see the mansion that she was approaching. After a few turns, however, a glow appeared at the end of the tunnel of trees. The car emerged into a huge open space that revealed a massive house, five stories high. The building was awash in light, not just from the spotlights shining on it from the yard but from the glow emanating from almost every window. About a dozen cars were parked in the circular driveway in front of the house. A number of young men and women, dressed as valets, were handling the many vehicles, driving them to a makeshift parking area on the lawn to the side of the mansion.

    Deanna drove right up to the foot of the front steps, as she had been instructed. She parked then quickly reached down to the passenger seat and retrieved the feathered domino mask that had arrived at her house that afternoon. She put it onto her face. She did not want to be recognized. The mask gave her a sense of security, though perhaps that was misplaced.

    A valet approached the driver’s side door. Deanna swung her long, tan legs out of the car and handed the valet, a young woman, her key card and a sizable tip. The valet was wearing a mask, one that left only her mouth clearly exposed. “Thanks very much, ma’am.”

    Deanna smiled and nodded, then began the walk up the front steps, her three-inch heels clicking. Her bare legs flashed. She wore a short raincoat that was buttoned up to her neck. The hem of the coat reached mid-thigh. Deanna was naked under the coat.

    As she climbed the stairs to the brightly illuminated mansion, Deanna’s mind flashed back to earlier in the day. She had been eagerly anticipating driving to Jannette’s apartment to begin their marathon, weekend-long fuckfight, the battle that would determine, once and for all, which of them was the Alpha. When she arrived home, a parcel was waiting for her at the front door with a note attached. The envelope containing the note was marked with Deanna’s name, but the return address was Jannette. Deanna realized it have something to do with tonight.

    She tore open the note and scanned its contents.

    “Hello, Bitch,” the note read. “I know you were expecting to have our little tete a tete at my apartment, but I have a better idea. Come to the address at the bottom of this page. It’s a mansion that serves as a very special club on the weekends. The password to get in is “Domino is home.” Be there by 8. The box contains a mask that is the only adornment required. In fact, it’s the only adornment allowed. I think it is time you and I really settled this between us in the most definitive way possible. You claim that you are a better fuck than I am. You claim that you are better at sex. I think it is time we learned if that is really true. Come and meet my challenge. We will have all weekend to test each other’s limits. Jannette.”

    Deanna seethed, but part of her could not help but thrill to this new challenge. She was not surprised at the contents of the box- the feathered domino mask. She knew that Jannette had just invited her to a sex club. But if the brunette woman had expected Deanna to be intimidated, she would be deeply disappointed. Deanna was not a stranger to these kinds of places and games. Before she had met Richard, she had, on occasion, attended various sex parties and sex clubs. She was more than ready for whatever Jannette had in mind.

    Deanna reached the top of the stairs. A butler admitted her to the mansion. The moment she stepped into the foyer, she was immediately confronted with the spectacle of dozens of people, men and women, completely in the nude. Everyone was wearing a mask. Most of the women were wearing high heels. The men were in slippers, though a few had kept on their formal shoes and socks, creating a rather ludicrous effect.

    The butler inclined his head at her, politely indicating his intention to take her coat. Without a moment’s hesitation, Deanna unbuttoned the coat and slipped it off her shoulders, handing it to the butler. She stood gloriously, spectacularly nude. Deanna was proud of her body and happy to show it off. For her, modesty was not an issue. Before she walked into the house, she turned back to the butler.

    “How will you know which coat is mine?” she asked. There was really no place for her to put a ticket.

    “I have a very good memory, ma’am,” the older man replied graciously. Deanna noted how well-trained the man was. There was not a hint of irony in his words or manner. He was treating her exactly as if she was attending a high society, public event.

    Deanna walked into the mansion and began looking around, trying to find Jannette. She attracted immediate attention. The room was filled with gorgeous women with beautiful bodies, probably most of them prostitutes and trophy wives and mistresses, but Deanna had the body of a goddess and she knew it. For now, people looked at her with a combination of admiration and awe, taking in the swing of her curving hips and the flex of her gorgeous calves and the bounce of her incredible tits. But no one approached her. She knew that would change soon, so she kept moving, trying to avoid any entanglements until she could find her rival.

    Deanna walked out of the foyer and into a massive great room. It was filled with people, most of them sprawled out on the floor, engaged in sexual acts. At first, Deanna thought it was an orgy, but she soon realized that the groups involved were small and seemed focused only on each other. She watched an older man thrust his moderate-sized cock between the ass cheeks of a beautiful young man. Beside them, a young man was riding a gorgeous young woman, mauling her tits with his hands as his ass pumped. The woman writhed and moaned, crying out with every thrust. Beside them, two beautiful women were scissored and grinding at each other feverishly. That pair attracted Deanna’s immediate attention. From the way they were furiously rutting, she wondered if they were sexfighting. It was impossible to tell.

    Deanna scanned the room, looking for Jannette in the ocean of flesh and fucking before her. She did not see her enemy, however, so moved on to the next room. She felt a bit frustrated, but she also found herself getting powerfully aroused. Taking on Jannette in this kind of environment, a place where pure, unrestrained sex was the rule, had become incredibly appealing. They were involved in a sexwar. It felt appropriate that they should decide their war in a place dedicated to the full roster of human sexual perversion.

    As Deanna moved from room to room, she became aware that she had picked up an entourage. Four or five men and an equal number of women were trailing behind her, watching her with ravenous eyes. She was not surprised this was happening and she did not really mind. It mirrored her past experiences at places like this. But having so many eyes on her dulled her ability to sense Jannette. She was sure that the brunette knew she was here and might even be watching her now, but she could not tell.

    Finally, when Deanna had explored most of the open rooms on the main floor and was planning to start on the second floor, one of her admirers struck up the nerve to approach her. It was a young woman, very beautiful, with a pair of incredible tits. She was not quite as well-rounded as Deanna but she was incredibly attractive.

    “Pardon me, miss,” the woman began. Deanna cut her off.

    “I’m sorry,” Deanna said, smiling apologetically. “I think you are really lovely, but I’m here looking for someone. I am not available at the moment.” She paused. “Maybe later.”

    The woman inclined her head and nodded. “I understand. If you do become available at some point over the weekend, please look for me. I am planning to be here until Sunday morning.” The woman pointed to a symbol on her mask. “I am the moon and waves,” she said, indicating a picture of a crescent moon over a squiggly line. For the first time, Deanna realized each mask had its own symbol. She had not looked carefully at her own. She did not know what symbol she was wearing. She would need to find someplace private where she could take off the mask and check, or find a mirror or a bathroom.

    Deanna continued onto the second floor. A pair of women were locked in a passionate 69 on the second floor landing. As she passed them, one of the women jammed three fingers into her lover’s asshole and licked the woman’s pussy at the same time. Her partner howled. Deanna could tell she had just cum.

    The miasma of sex, the sounds and smells of people unleashing their animal desires on each other, fed Deanna’s growing hunger. Her nipples stiffened and her tits thickened, growing hot and tight with lust. Deanna felt the pressure between her legs and knew it would not be long before her pussy lips began to gleam with moisture. Deanna breathed deeply, trying to keep herself calm and her heart rate down. Her body was on fire. Her clit was pulsing. She was primed to fuck. But she knew that any sexfight was won or lost in the mind of the sexfighter and she could not afford to be too aroused going into this battle. She needed to be in control. This weekend would decide her rivalry with her husband’s mistress and Deanna could not bear the thought of leaving this mansion defeated, humbled by the slut who had intruded on her marriage, who had claimed what belonged to Deanna. Jannette had outfucked Deanna in the past. The blonde wife was absolutely determined to fuck her enemy to the death, if necessary.

    Two arms suddenly wrapped around Deanna’s body from behind. One hand reached up to cup and squeeze Deanna’s right tit; the other slid down and grasped her hot, smooth-shaven cunt. At the same instant, Deanna felt the full impact of a luscious woman’s nude body on her naked back. She felt hard nipples spearing below her shoulder blades, the weight of two heavy tits crushing to her flesh, and the touch of a wet, clean-shaven pussy on her bare ass. The hand on her pussy slipped two fingers inside of her slit; Deanna gasped. The hand on her tit squeezed hard and the naked body on her back pressed closer.

    “Deanna! How wonderful that you could make it,” Janette hissed in the blonde’s ear. “I’ve been so looking forward to this.”

    “I’ve been looking forward to it as well, you homewrecking cunt,” Deanna snarled. “Now take your fucking hands off me!” She pulled at the hands on her cunt and tit and pushed back with her ass, shoving her assailant away. Deanna spun around, her tits heaving, to confront Jannette, her rival. Jannette was completely nude, except for her shoes and her domino mask. Her eyes were bright with lust and excitement.

    “I hope you had no problem finding this place,” Jannette smiled. “I used to come here pretty regularly. I even came here with Robert, once. I’m friends with the manager here. She’s agreed to help us in our little competition.”

    “What do you mean?” Deanna hissed. The idea of bringing other people into their private rivalry did not appeal to her at all. Still, she knew that at these kind of clubs privacy was the single greatest concern.

    “This little rivalry between us is about which of us is better at sex, right? Who is the better fuck, who is the better woman? We’ve fucked each other a number of times now and I think we’ve shown that we’re pretty even. Now, we could have just gone to my place and fucked each other raw by the end of the weekend, but I don’t think that would really settle much. But here…” Jannette waved her hand to encompass the mansion, the sweating, panting bodies around them, the entirety of the sex club, “here, we can really put each other to the test.”

    “Again, what do you mean?” Deanna snarled. “Do you want to see which of us is more perverted, who can take the most cocks in her cunt, who can suck off more men?”

    Jannette smiled wider. “Maybe. Some of that sounds really fun. Yes, those are the sort of things I have in mind. To be honest, my friend is the one in charge of the festivities.”

    Deanna glared at the dark-haired vixen. She was irritated at being put in this spot. On the other hand, there was a large part of her that found what Jannette was proposing very appealing. Deanna had always been a very sexually adventurous woman, from an early age.

    Deanna walked closer to Jannette, her hips swaying, her massive tits jiggling delightfully. Jannette smiled and walked to meet her blonde enemy. She liked what she was seeing. She was not surprised to see the look of excitement in the wife’s eyes. The women closed the distance between their nude bodies. They shuddered in pleasure and anticipation as their naked flesh came together. Deanna looped her arms over Jannette’s shoulders; Jannette hugged Deanna around her upper back. The women’s tits mashed, nipple spearing nipple. They pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Around them, several of the guests paused to watch the scene of two incredibly voluptuous, beautiful women coming together.

    “Let’s do this, fucker,” Deanna whispered. “I’ll take on anything your friend comes up with. But, at the end of the day, it’s still going to come down to your cunt against mine, you and me going at each other clit to clit and tit to tit until one of us submits.”

    “Of course, Deanna,” Jannette breathed. “This will end with us fucking each other raw, one way or the other.”

    The women turned their heads, slipped their noses passed each other and slid into a hard, deep, tongue-twisting kiss. Their bodies gyrated slow and hard, rubbing tits and bellies, muscular thighs pressing into wet cunts. For several minutes, the women kissed passionately, their bodies growing hotter and wetter. Spit overflowed their mouths and dribbled down their chins to their cleavages. Finally, they broke the kiss and pulled back.

    “Let’s get started, bitch,” Jannette smiled.

    “Lead the way, cunt,” Deanna replied.

    The women released each other. Jannette turned on her spike heel and proceeded down the hall, deeper into the house. Her womanly hips swayed, her perfect ass rippled, each cheek clenching and unclenching with each step. Deanna watched her rival’s sinuous display and found it almost hypnotic. The blonde’s luscious body was awash in erotic tension and sensuous feelings. Being in this place, in this house saturated with sex, being with her fuck rival, about to embark on an odyssey of unrestrained hedonism – all of it felt almost surreal, but delightfully so.

    Jannette paused before a large wooden door. She turned to face Deanna, her beautiful face lit with a seductive smile.
    “This is our room, our little arena, where we will decide things between us. We will be leaving here from time to time to enjoy some of the house’s other… hospitalities. But we’ll get things off in here.”

    So saying, she punched a code into the lock and pushed the door wide. Deanna followed the brunette into the room. It was a spacious bedroom. A large window on the wall looked out towards the front of the house, where red light was pouring in from one of the spotlights. The room itself was lit dimly, in a way that almost created a sense of smoky haze. Once again, Deanna was struck with a wave of surrealism. A huge queen bed dominated the room. A couple of chairs flanked a fireplace, where a hearty fire warmed the hearth. A large animal skin rug was cast before the fireplace, clearly inviting people to fuck. The floor seemed to be marble. A door led into what must be an ensuite bathroom. Paintings adorned the walls, most of them of beautiful women in various stages of undress, or couples copulating furiously in various scenic locations. Deanna felt like she had walked into a Playboy pictorial from the 1980s, or maybe a bachelor’s idea of a romantic shag pad.

    She looked more closely at the bed and saw that various ropes and chains were attached to each of its four posts. Not surprisingly, a bed-sized mirror was fixed to the ceiling.

    “It’s wonderfully tacky, isn’t it?” Jannette purred. “The proprietor loves giving her clients what they want and what a lot of people want is a stereotypical sex fantasy.”

    Deanna removed her mask. She looked at it, noting it showed a full moon and a star. She placed it on a table just inside the door. Jannette smiled and removed her mask, too. Inside this room, they did not need the anonymity.

    Deanna walked slowly towards Jannette, who stood waiting for her, her hands on her hips, just beside the fur rug.

    “I think it’s time we got started, Jannette,” Deanna smiled. “We’ll be playing games all weekend, but right here and now, it’s time for us to fuck it out.” Her eyes turned cold and hard. “I’m going to make you pay for sticking your diseased twat into my marriage, you whore. You shouldn’t put your dirty cunt where it doesn’t belong, slut, and I’m going to teach you that lesson in a way that you’ll never forget.”

    “And I’m going to make you pay for challenging me, you bitch,” Jannette replied, her eyes glinting with malice. “A woman like you should know her place, especially when facing a woman like me. You could have accepted that your husband had found a better woman to fuck and just waited it out, like the submissive you should be. Instead, you’ve decided to fight me. So now, I’m going to destroy you and your dirty cunt.”

    “We’re both women who need to dominate, Jannette,” Deanna purred. The women stopped just inches from each other, their naked bodies tantalizing, taunting. “We just need to decide which of us is the superior woman.”

    After a moment, Deanna reached out and gently cupped and squeezed one of Jannette’s perfect tits. The brunette’s breath hitched, but she gently returned the grip, caressing Deanna’s heavy left breast, gently squeezing the enflamed nipple. Deanna grunted, then stroked Jannette’s brown nipple. The women moaned in concert as the heat from their throbbing tits radiated from their nipples to feed and swell their hot titmeat, before flowing into their bellies and down to their pulsing clits.

    “You’re good,” Jannette whispered, drawing closer to her blonde rival. “You’re very good.”

    “So are you, cunt,” Deanna whispered, moving to close the distance between their incredible bodies. “But I’m better…”

    “Like fuck…”

    Jannette looped one arm around Deanna’s neck and the other around her back and drew the blonde in. Deanna wrapped both her arms around Jannette’s back and moved into her rival. The women’s massive tits met nipple to nipple. The hard nubs pushed back into heavy titflesh, areola mating, sizzling with heat, nipple holes sucking ravenously. Their tits crushed, pushing and throbbing. The women groaned in shared pleasure at the pain and exquisitely delicious sensations of this mutual violation. Their bellies clapped together. The women touched tongues, they lapped at each other, their breath growing hot and hard as their arousal grew into a fever. They took turns sucking on the other woman’s tongue for a few moments, then slid their tongues together and followed them into a deep, deep kiss. Their pink muscles wrestled within their inosculated mouths, pushing and shoving, twining and licking. Spit flowed, both women deliberately letting her saliva build up and pushing it into the other’s mouth. Jannette and Deanna swallowed the other’s spit, sucking it back. Even so, the spit soon overflowed their locked mouths and trickled down their chins to land in the crevasse of the massive shared cleavage created by their mashed-together tits. The four heavy glands resisted compression, creating thick, taut mounds of quivering meat. The saliva filled their line of cleavage, bubbling up.

    The naked women pressed their voluptuous bodies together, undulating sinuously, rubbing silken flesh to flesh. Their hands gripped hard, round asses and caressed and traced the curve of lush backs. They pulled hair and pushed their faces more deeply together. They moaned deep in their throats as their bodies lit on fire, as the pure lust and desire to fuck became overpowering. Their kissing became more passionate, more aggressive, as they forced their mouths deeper and harder into each other, as they pulled hair and ground their naked bodies more forcefully, rubbing tits, slapping hot, hard bellies and pushing their muscled thighs harder into thick-lipped cunts. The smooth muscles of their thighs became slick and wet with lubrication as their naked pussies leaked.

    Deanna and Jannette yanked each other’s hair viciously, savagely, and pulled their mouths apart. Thick strings of spit linked their lips and they panted into each other’s gorgeous faces, their eyes locked, their mutual excitement and desire almost uncontrollable. Nose to nose, forehead to forehead, they glared at each other, the intensity of their hatred growing with every moment.

    “I’m going to fuck every inch of your fucking body, you dirty whore,” Deanna promised. “Think of me as the revenge of all the women whose husbands you’ve fucked.”

    “I’ve fucked more men and women than you can even imagine, cunt,” Jannette snarled back. “You’ve got a good body, but you don’t have my experience and that is going to cost you.”

    “Bragging about being a whore takes the cake, slut.”

    “You’re just as big a whore as I am, Deanna,” Jannette replied with a smirk. “You’re just too gutless to admit it.”

    The women released each other and pulled apart. They stepped back, their high heels clicking on the marble tile. Their beautiful bodies burned, electricity flowing through every nerve. Their nipples were swollen to twice their normal size. Their massive tits were engorged with blood and felt at least a cup size larger. Their pussies were saturated with pussy juice, dripping to the floor. Their tits heaved as their excitement built.

    “I want to hurt you, Deanna,” Jannette whispered, her eyes bright.

    “I want to hurt you, too, Jannette,” the blonde beauty replied, a savage smile lighting her beautiful face.

    The women smiled at each other, both understanding what they wanted, needed, to do.

    Carefully, Jannette reached down and removed her stilettos. Bare foot, now completely naked, she threw the shoes aside and stepped back onto the rug in front of the fireplace. Deanna threw her shoes aside and followed her rival onto the carpet.

    Jannette lowered herself to her knees in the center of the carpet. Deanna kneeled in front of her. For a moment, the naked women studied each other, their eyes bright, both eager to begin the next phase in their struggle for domination.

    Deanna bent forward, placing her hands on the carpet; Jannette moved to meet her. The women kissed, slow and hard, licking each other’s lips, playing with their tongues, lapping at each other’s strong pink muscles, before locking in a deep, tongue-twisting, spit-filled kiss. They pushed up, rising on their knees, their hands sinking into the other’s thick hair. Their tits crushed, nipple pulsing and searing against nipple, sending heat arcing into their swollen breasts. After a while, they pulled back, licking their lips. Then, without warning, Deanna whipped her hand out and slapped Jannette smartly across her beautiful face.

    Jannette gasped, and almost fell over. She caught herself and put a hand to her stinging cheek. Then she retaliated, slapping Deanna with a whip-crack blow. The blonde staggered on her knees and almost fell, her face red where the open hand landed. The women glared at each other, their blood hot, their hate flaring.

    “You FUCK!!” Deanna shrieked as she launched herself at Jannette.

    “You CUNT!!” Jannette screamed as she hurled her luscious body at her blonde foe.

    The women came together, their massive tits crushing immediately, their solid bellies clapping with the taut impact. Their hands buried themselves deep in the other woman’s long, thick hair and they pulled savagely, trying to rip out each other’s locks at the scalp. They rocked back and forth on their knees, face to face, pulling hair savagely, struggling to control each other, snarling and cursing, screaming with pain and rage as they fought.

    “You bitch, you fucking dirty bitch,” Jannette gasped.

    “Slut, you cuntfucking slut,” Deanna groaned back.

    With a shared, tortuous groans, the women tried to push with their legs to overpower the other. They tottered back and forth, then fell on their sides. Instantly, the naked women twined their legs tightly and began to roll back and forth on the rug, both struggling to get and keep the top position. They bit and clawed at each other, but both wanted to stay wrapped together, their naked bodies straining and writhing as they tumbled from one end of the rug to the other. Their massive tits wrestled, rock-hard nipples stabbing into dense titflesh, heavy orbs rubbing and grinding. They slapped and gripped taut asses, leaving handprints. They punched and kicked when they could, trying to inflict raw physical pain on the other woman.

    Deanna and Jannette fought savagely for almost 15 minutes, their mutual hatred acting like limitless fuel, powering their body to body struggle. The voluptuous catball rolled back and forth on the rug, neither woman able to hold the top position for long. Their lush bodies were soon slicked with sweat and they were breathing heavily, gasping and moaning as they struggled, but neither was willing to separate. Jannette finally managed to pin Deanna to the rug. Hands locked, fingers intertwined, she pressed the blonde’s arms to either side of her body. The women’s legs wrestled, powerful limbs locking and straining. The women pushed muscled thighs into the other’s pussy. Their legs squeezed each other’s powerful thighs between their own, straining, sweaty skin sliding on sweaty skin. Their glutes worked hard, power against power. The women panted and groaned, Jannette struggling to keep Deanna’s hands locked, Deanna arching her back, trying to roll or throw the brunette. Finally, Jannette succeeded in getting her legs between Deanna’s thighs and forced the blonde’s legs apart. She executed a perfect pussy pin. With their hands locked and their arms stretched out on the carpet above their heads, Jannette slapped her hot, slick cunt down onto Deanna’s exposed twat. The women’s sizzling pussy lips fused, wet meat clinging, opening and spreading, squishing as blood-engorged, thick flesh squashed on equally thick cunt lips. Their swollen, burning clits rubbed and flicked, head to head, sending a shock of pure ecstasy burning through the women’s bodies. Deanna and Jannette panted and moaned. They writhed, flesh to flesh, grinding, penetrating.

    “I fucking hate you, you dirty whore,” Deanna whispered, as she bucked her hips upwards, grinding her cunt with all her power into Jannette’s wet twat.

    “You fucking cunt,” Jannette gasped as she lowered her face to Deanna’s, forcing her lips onto the other woman. Deanna opened her mouth wide and eagerly took Jannette in. The women’s tongues twisted and tied, pushed and shoved, trying to push out the other and invade her opponent’s mouth.

    The rhythm of their fucking bodies became slow and hard, Jannette’s ass pumping steadily, grinding her clit down into the blonde’s lush labia. Deanna matched her stroke for stroke, their hips moving in time, keeping their ravenous cunts glued together, neither woman wanting to separate until the winner of this skirmish was decided. Their clits caressed, each delicious impact sending electrical shocks of pure ecstasy cascading through their bodies. Deanna slipped her sweaty hands free of Jannette’s grip and wrapped her arms around the brunette’s strongly thrusting hips, filling her hands with the mistress’ flexing ass. Their kiss grew deeper, hungrier. Jannette gripped Deanna by her hair, twining her fingers into the thick blonde mane, pulling and using it to control the wife’s head. Their undulating bodies continued to move in rhythm, mutually fucking slow and hard, grinding each other to higher and higher levels of raw pleasure.

    They broke the kiss, both women gasping. Cheek to cheek, faces turned, Deanna and Jannette panted and moaned, groaning and crying out as the pleasure built inside of them like a slowly expanding explosion. Their voluptuous bodies trembled with tension as they strained against each other, muscles locked. The women struggled to hold back the explosion of pleasure building inside but, finally, it was too much.

    “OH GOD, YOU FUCKING WHORE!!” Deanna screamed. Her hips jerked spasmodically as she erupted, ejaculating in long, hard gushes of cum, soaking the women’s legs and the intersection of their writhing bodies.

    “YES, FUCK YES, YOU CUNT!!” Jannette howled. She came hard, cumming into Deanna, loving the feeling of Deanna cumming into her. She allowed herself a moment of triumphant satisfaction at having forced the blonde to ejaculate before her. Then, she lost herself in the pure ecstasy of sharing orgasm after orgasm with her opponent.

    It took some time for the battling women to drain each other, and even longer for them to come down from the erotic high that their fuckfight had given to them. Jannette finally rolled off of the blonde, and the women lay side by side, hearts pounding, tits jiggling as their labored breathing filled the room.

    Finally, Deanna sat up. She glared at the brunette beside her, but said nothing. Jannette smiled lazily, smugly. “First blood to me, cuntfucker,” she purred. “That’s a sign of how this is going to end.”

    “Like fuck,” Deanna snapped. “You may have won the first round, but we’ll be going at each other for the next two days. By the time I’m finished with you, you won’t be able to sit for a week.”

    “Hmmmm,” Jannette grinned. “Promises, promises. But I’m more woman that you can handle. I’m glad we’ll have all the time we need to work each other over. I’m going to turn your cunt into hamburger meat by the time we’re done here.”

    Both women got to their hands and knees on the soaked fur rug and faced each other, nose to nose. “No more threats, bitch,” Deanna growled. “It’s time for you to back them up with action.”

    Jannette licked Deanna’s lips and pushed forehead to forehead. “It’s too bad you’re such a cunt, Deanna,” the brunette smiled. “We could have been friends, if you’d just accepted that you’re a submissive. Instead, you’ve forced me to humiliate you and break you.”

    “I would never be friends with a slutty jizz towel like you, Jannette,” the blonde snapped. “But I am looking forward to fucking you blind and teaching you where you belong – sucking my cunt and submitting to my pussy.”

    The women glared at each other, eye to eye. Their mutual hate was overflowing, but so was their shared lust. They wanted to completely devour each other, but they also wanted to completely humiliate and control the other woman. Their hatred and lust was tinged with growing excitement. For both, putting everything they were on the line like this was thrilling.

    Jannette sat back on her haunches and placed her hands on her thighs. Deanna mirrored the position, waiting for whatever was next. For now, she was willing to go along with the brunette’s show.

    “Now that we’ve got the preliminary fuck out of the way,” Jannette smiled, “It’s time to get this weekend’s festivities started.”

    “Like what?” the blonde asked.

    There was a knock on the door. Jannette smiled and got smoothly to her feet. “Well, right on cue.”

    Jannette walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. She glanced back at Deanna and smiled. Then she opened the door wide and waved in whoever was on the other side.

    “Ladies!” Jannette exclaimed. “You’re right on time! So good to see you!”

    Two women entered the room. One was a redhead, the other dark-haired. Both women were completely naked, with only spike heels on their feet and matching chokers. They were both incredibly beautiful, with bodies that rivaled those of Deanna and Jannette. They were wearing domino masks and Deanna suddenly realized her own mask was on the table by the door, but it was too late to put it on. The women smiled at Deanna as they entered.

    Jannette closed the door, then moved to the side of the redhead and smiled viciously at Deanna. She reached out and cupped the redhead’s right tit and squeezed it gently.

    “These lovely ladies,” Jannette purred, “are going to help us in a little competition.”

    Deanna got to her feet. She noted with satisfaction that both of the newcomers watched the jiggle of her tits with great appreciation. She smiled like a tiger.

    “Tell me more,” the blonde woman said, her voice low, the heat in her eyes mirroring the heat in her body. The night was getting very interesting.

    To be continued:

  2. #2
    Hostboard Member thedemba2's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Welp...once again reading it, and being done way too fast, good job me.

    Jokes aside, congrats on being able to tackle this six year old monster.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Worth the wait. Granted, I’ve only been here a couple years, so I didn’t wait as long as others but this was incredibly hot. Can’t wait for the next part. I was guessing they’d bring other babes into their rivalry. Glad you’re finally finishing what has been bugging you for years now

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    Junior Hostboard Member Maritalkombat's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Great first post. Can't wait to read the rest. (I did have to log in to see it don't know if that was a glitch.)

  5. #5
    Junior Hostboard Member sexyvalquiria44's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    The joy that it gives me to know that the end of the best story of sexual fights between alphas is near, but also sadness because it is going to end, but I still want to see it! thanks jb57!

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    You did it JB57,

    Yes it is a VERY well written story ! This is not a surprise.
    It comes from you, i did not expect anything less from you. Your unquestionable writing talent is a guarantee that we will like very much any outcome of your pen.

    However, here I have a feeling.
    I dare to say it.
    I sense a surprise. I may be wrong, I know.
    But i feel that you will surprise us...
    I do not know how .
    Let's see if I am right.
    One is for sure : either i am right or not, this story is great and i can hardly wait for more !

  7. #7
    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    It's out! I love where you are taking this story, and can't wait to see you expand on the battles in this sex club. Wife vs Mistress is already a classic, and with the zero inhibitions that these two women show, you could really get them into some amazing positions and games. I wonder if either girl would ever get embarrassed enough to back down, but I doubt it. Can't wait for more. Showdown as well, I need to read the next part! I'll message more on this later.

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    HB Forum Owner thecatzman's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    wow ! can not wait to see what will happen next with these four women !

    Can someone could repost the missing parts of these great story ?
    part I can be found at
    Wife vs. Mistress by JB57 - Fights.Sexy

    part II: part II here
    Wife vs. Mistress Part Two: Part II

    but I can not find part II : part I
    and it seems there is a "mini part III" because there is a comment at on the part I page saying there is a "mini part 3 where both have verbal fight in video chat"
    Last edited by thecatzman; February 18th, 2022 at 04:25 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Quote Originally Posted by thecatzman View Post
    wow ! can not wait to see what will happen next with these four women !

    Can someone could repost the missing parts of these great story ?
    part I can be found at
    Wife vs. Mistress by JB57 - Fights.Sexy

    part II: part II here
    Wife vs. Mistress Part Two: Part II

    but I can not find part II : part I
    and it seems there is a "mini part III" because there is a comment at on the part I page saying there is a "mini part 3 where both have verbal fight in video chat"
    You can find Part II: Part 1 on the huge list. It’s always linked on the first few pages on the forum. You’ll have to use the wayback machine, the link at the start of the list to access it, though

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    Hostboard Member Gsbux's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Wife vs. Mistress, Part II: Part III

    Dear JB57

    Excellent Work As Always
    Is There Any Three Some Clash Come When Robert involve in Clash of These Beauties


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