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Thread: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

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    Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

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    Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    Dear Board,
    Many moons ago I was inspired to embark on a ‘Queen of the Nile’-style story. Though a theme that’s been explored extremely well in the past by other writers, I was keen to add Ragnar0k’s interpretation to a popular canon. I've been making good progress with it and should be able to post the second and concluding part relatively quickly.

    This extract also forms part of the narrative to a visual comic book version that will be published in due course, though you get to read it here first!


    Queens of Antiquity: A Legendary Encounter

    When Nefertiti was queen, it was the Eighteenth dynasty of the New Kingdom and the land of Egypt was prosperous and strong, its empire stretching from the Sinai desert in the north as far south down the mighty Nile as Sudan. As befitted one who wore the divine crown of Hathor goddess of love, sexuality and rebirth, the beautiful, raven-haired queen was worshipped as a fertility goddess whose power made the sun rise each day, letting the crops grow tall, ensuring wealth and happiness throughout the land.

    Farther north across the inland sea, the Mycenaean civilization was preeminent in Greece, its strong city states and palatial citadels boasting a rich art and culture. After Mycenae itself none was richer or more powerful than Cadmea, ruled by Queen Antiope whose fair blonde beauty attracted Aphrodite herself as a lover, or so the myth tells us.

    Nefertiti and Antiope knew each other well by reputation before they met in the flesh. The Egyptian queen used her powers to her advantage, and it was rumoured her love-making skills were prodigious, her sexual appetite immense. As the offspring of a mortal and a god, Antiope wielded divine powers too. An avowed nymphomaniac, she had yet to meet a woman who could outmatch her in the bed chamber.

    Overhearing courtiers speculate whether Antiope’s beauty and powers overshadowed her own Nefertiti snapped: “Nonsense! I have conquered the most beautiful and powerful women Egypt has to offer. No harlot queen from the barbarian north can hope to match my carnal powers!”

    But as speculation grew rife a showdown became inevitable. Sending emissaries Nefertiti and Antiope agreed to meet face to face and settle matters between them in the only way that two powerful and sexually dominant women can… a battle of seduction and physical conquest.

    A date for the legendary encounter was set and Egypt’s fleet of royal barges duly set sail, taking six moons and seven sunrises to make the long, arduous crossing of the inland sea. With every day that passed, Nefertiti’s longing to confront her blonde nemesis grew.

    But the fickle winds of fate would not carry the flotilla to Cadmea any faster, so the frustrated queen whiled the long hours away in her cabin, subjecting her ladies-of-the-bedchamber to the choicest seduction techniques in her considerable erotic armoury.

    While the Egyptian fleet was kept awake at night by keening cries of feminine surrender from the queen’s personal quarters, Antiope was enjoying the run of her own highly trained royal concubines. The shrewd Cadmean queen was leaving nothing to chance either.

    On the arrival day Antiope could barely contain her excitement as she issued instructions to her courtiers. “Bring Nefertiti the long way through the palace. Let her envy our wealth before feasting eyes on the one whose beauty and power shall eclipse hers this very day!” Then she prepared herself properly, applying exquisite body scents before dressing in her favourite robe which had the advantage of leaving her magnificent bosom fully on show.

    Presently the Egyptian party alighted before the immense citadel where burly palace guards met Nefertiti on the quay. But of her sister queen there was no sign. “Where is Antiope? I must greet my royal cousin!” Scattering anxious retainers in her wake, Nefertiti rushed up the palace steps for her date with destiny.

    Nefertiti was secretly impressed by the opulent palace rooms stuffed full of exquisite tapestries, mosaics, statues, furnishings, and arms and armour, all superbly crafted; a display of wealth and power clearly intended to awe her. “I’ll enjoy making this treasure trove mine,” she mused happily. Reaching the throne room, she spied Antiope reclining on a dais and caught her breath sharply: the reports of the Greek’s fair beauty were not exaggerated.

    Antiope remained calm as Nefertiti entered but her pulse quickened as the stunning Egyptian sashayed across the marble tiles towards her. As their predatory gazes locked, they became oblivious to all else in the room. Each saw a formidable domme in the other but had never beheld one as desirable and imposing as this before.

    The courtiers in attendance soon divined that nothing separated the two queens in terms of physical perfection, though their appearances formed the most striking and pleasing of contrasts. Nefertiti’s skin shone deep, warm and honey brown; her voluptuous form topped by lustrous long black hair. Antiope’s luminous pale complexion was offset by a mass of blonde locks that sparked gold when the shafts of sunlight caught them. Each queen looked every inch the sex goddess she undoubtedly was.

    There was an undiplomatic pause while Antiope and Nefertiti devoured each other with their eyes. Finally, the host broke the silence to inquire whether her royal cousin had enjoyed a safe and pleasant journey across such perilous seas. Even as she spoke Antiope felt lustful twinges in her groin, eyes drinking in the heavy breasts, slender waist, broad hips, and powerful thighs of the woman standing in front of her.

    Equally distracted by Antiope’s voluptuousness and magnificent exposed teats, Nefertiti thanked her host in courtly tones, adding “while the voyage had its share of adventure, I look forward to enjoying the hospitality the Greeks are famed for even more.”

    Smiling at the wordplay, the fair queen stroked her nipples coyly. “Just so, royal cousin. I can promise you a very warm welcome here indeed!”

    “Fetch my finest reclining rug,” the Greek queen commanded. “Then leave us! Let my royal cousin and I parlay alone here together, this sacred day.”
    Nefertiti watched as a luxurious animal skin was brought and laid down in front of the throne. “So, this will be our battleground,” she mused, her pussy drooling at the thought.

    When they were alone Antiope’s eyes narrowed. “I admire your effrontery in coming here Nefertiti, for spies have warned me your ultimate desire is to conquer my throne and annex these rich lands for Egypt... and yet I behold no forces to press your claim unless those plump teats count as weapons?”

    Nefertiti saw it was time to lay all her cards down. “What need have we of armies of men, when we can settle it between us, woman to woman? I will wager your womanly citadel falls to me today as surely as if by force of arms."

    Antiope threw her head back and laughed. “Do you imagine Greek women are as feeble in body and spirit as the Egyptian whores you frequent? This is one challenge I will gladly accept, for no mortal woman has ever defeated Antiope in her own citadel!”

    With a self-satisfied look, Nefertiti removed the gold tassels from her breasts, exposing strong, erect dark nipples. “Do not confuse me with any mortal woman Greek, for I owe my divine power to the goddess Hathor no less!”

    At this Antiope rose and shed her robe, azure eyes blazing with immodest pride and lust. “Then know that I am the daughter of the river god Asopus, and Aphrodite is my protector. My god-queen’s body is far more than you can handle today, or ever!”

    The Egyptian smiled, delighted now the bait was taken. “Then here is the proposition: we fight for as long as it takes until one conquers the other. The winner takes the loser’s throne; the loser becomes the slave and concubine of the winner. Do you agree to these terms?”

    “Of course,” Antiope retorted. “I’ve waited a long time for a proposal as much to my liking as this one. This will be a full sexual surrender, nothing less.”

    Nefertiti shed her own attire to match Antiope’s glorious nakedness and they inspected each other, gauging the relative firmness and strength of their breasts with practiced gazes. Nothing escaped their attention; the massive, oval glands rolling and quivering as they swung their arms outwards, flexing their shoulder muscles, like prize fighters limbering up before a title match.

    Now they began to circle, eyes narrowed, devouring each other’s perfectly sculptured abdominals, shapely hips, sturdy thighs, and prominent pubic mounds. The thought of pitting mind, body, and soul against such a goddess-like opponent in a contest of raw physical and sexual power made both women incredibly wet. Each knew the battle could only end with one of them prostrate at her rival’s feet. Dominated, defeated, humiliated.

    Antiope and Nefertiti moved closer, wanting nothing more than to tear into each other but experienced enough to hold back, and play the seductive mind games both were so expert at, for now. The soft animal hide caressing their feet still bore the unmistakably feral scent of the feline predator it once was, and this aroused them even more.

    Close enough to feel the warmth from each other’s flushed bodies, their lips parted seductively, eyes boring deeply into each other. The women’s thick nips, ruddy-pink and mahogany brown touched first, and they gasped, shuddering at this delicious first skin to skin contact. Then manicured hands reached out purposefully, to pull themselves close and caress each other, to explore and appraise their perfectly opposing bodies.

    “By the gods I’ll enjoy breaking you, Greek slut,” Nefertiti whispered, her blood rising at the scent of her opponent’s arousal.

    “I’ll take my time finishing you off, Egyptian whore” Antiope retorted. “I’ll humiliate you in ways you haven’t dreamed of!”

    As the sharp nipple shafts pressed in and their big sensitive udders piled up against each other, Nefertiti and Antiope threw their heads back and keened out long, lustful battle cries.

    Nefertiti moaned as Antiope pressed her ample chest into hers, their soft-firm breasts interlocking, the barbarian queen's mouth less than a digit from her own, the woman's breath hot on her tongue, her full lips puckered as if to kiss but tantalizingly out of reach. She's just as strategic as I am, the little minx, the Egyptian god-queen realized, taken aback as much by the golden blonde's cunning and patience as her physical beauty. She had never encountered another woman who could resist the allure of her berry-dark lips for even a few seconds, let alone the time it took for the sweat to rise against her smooth, honey skin. So much the better, she purred to herself, anticipating, at last, a contest worthy of her perfect body and supple mind. The more powerful the adversary the sweeter the victory, she reasoned as a tremor of pure lust tore through her firm muscles like a poison and she found herself trembling.

    She found herself grabbing Antiope's hands almost involuntarily, the Greek's long, strong fingers twining into hers as they locked together, and felt the pounding of the other woman's heart as their chests collided. Perhaps she's not as collected as she pretends, the dark-skinned Queen realized; Antiope's frantic heartbeat was impossible to miss. She could feel the tremors of the other woman's building frenzy with every beat as her diamond-hard nips stabbed almost painfully into Nefertiti's soft areolas. The pleasure/pain of her sensitive breasts pressed against the barbarian's rock-hard nubs was too much to bear and the African beauty found herself screaming against her will, felt the hotness in her face as she flushed in shame, but then she realized that the keening sound she was hearing was not herself alone; the stunning Greek was gasping out her own involuntary wail of anguished delight, her sweet breath hot on the god-queen's face.

    Nefertiti managed, by supreme effort, to open her eyes as she snarled at her rival and found that Antiope had done the same. The young queen's face was set into a rictus of lust and fury as she bared her glistening white teeth at her raven-haired adversary. Looking into those lustrous blue eyes the Egyptian was certain that the Greek was experiencing the same troubling thoughts; this woman, no, goddess, is more than I had bargained for. Could she actually be my equal? I've never encountered such sexual prowess, such physical perfection, such indomitable will. Is it possible that I could even be defeated? Never!

    Grasping each other round the waist, they clapped their pendulous breasts together, groaning and thrilling at the erotically charged impact. A flurry of heavy smacks ensued as they struggled to position their rolling udders to best advantage. Both racks felt tumescent and sweaty; the opposing mounds of flesh, alabaster white and cinnamon brown, held in seeming stalemate as they were slammed, stretched, and squeezed most un-regally.

    Antiope moaned softly and tried to dispel her doubts as Nefertiti matched her for skill and creativity in the breast battle, the dark beauty's superb body a match for her own divine form in physical perfection. She had not expected this; had never met another woman who, like her, was devoid of any blemish or weakness. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she found herself wondering if Nefertiti's claims of divine origin were true. It seemed the only way that the female could be so perfectly formed.

    Sensing a tighter lock-up would be to her advantage, Antiope pulled her rival in. Intense erotic shivers ran down each woman’s spine as their huge fleshy erogenous zones mated, while deep inside the mounds of struggling flesh, their sharp nipple shafts were locked in combat.

    “Admit your weak udders cannot resist mine!” the blonde hissed after they had endured long minutes of intense struggle. But experience seemed to say otherwise, as their opposing teats trembled with tension, but held each other, perfectly matched in firmness, weight, and size. “No woman’s breasts, mortal or godly, have ever defeated these heavyweights,” Nefertiti grunted. “You must try much harder than that if you hope to make a dent in them!”

    And try much harder they did: wrapping long limbs and torsos together so tightly; gouging and squeezing their conjoined breasts so hard they collapsed to their knees before long, writhing in an ecstasy of rapture and heavenly pain.

    To be concluded
    Last edited by Ragnar0k; February 17th, 2022 at 11:42 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    This is a fantastic start to a really, really hot story! This is just up my alley. I'm surprised I did not think of this myself! ;-)
    I have another unfinished story called "Queen of the Nile" (that I will eventually finish) but it has a different premise from this one.

    Anyway, I love this. I am really looking forward to the next part. Apparently, you plan to conclude the story with part two, but I hope you leave it open enough for future encounters between these incredible women.


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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    Fantastic start. A battle between the two oldest human civilizations is both hot and epic. Can’t wait for more

  4. #4
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    Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    What a great start, Rags! The writing is wonderful and very erotic! This type of story usually does not hold my interest, but this one has me waiting with bated breath for the second part. Well done, brother!


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    Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    Hey JB, thanks for the great feedback, I figured this one might be up your alley. I so enjoyed your Queen of the Nile and look forward to the conclusion. As you say, there are many different premises to explore in the ancient world.

    And though I plan to finish Antiope and Nefertiti's initial showdown as a 2-part story, it will certainly leave room for future encounters. Such is the nature of hot rivalries between incredible women like these!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Fantastic start. A battle between the two oldest human civilizations is both hot and epic. Can’t wait for more
    Thanks Yuri, I agree, and I'm very glad you enjoyed the first part.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
    What a great start, Rags! The writing is wonderful and very erotic! This type of story usually does not hold my interest, but this one has me waiting with bated breath for the second part. Well done, brother!

    Many thanks, brother Penman. I know you're not quite as much of a history buff as I am, but at least these sexy ancient gals are operating in the buff!


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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    I hate that I'm done reading already.

    Greats start for a godly battle.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    Hi there! Looking forward to part 2 of this story anxiously! Any sense of when it will be out?



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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    great setup and a very good start.
    maybe the goddesses backing them up will get involved?

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    Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

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    Re: Queens of Antiquity: a Legendary Encounter

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi there! Looking forward to part 2 of this story anxiously! Any sense of when it will be out?


    Hi JB,

    Thanks for following up! The good news is I'm putting the finishing touches to part 2 as we speak. The only thing that might possibly cause delay is that I'm staying somewhere with incredibly slow internet speed and this might cause upload to cut out. But I'll do my best to get it posted very shortly!


    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by thedemba2 View Post
    I hate that I'm done reading already.

    Greats start for a godly battle.
    Thanks for commenting, part 2 should be posted very soon!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Spear View Post
    great setup and a very good start.
    maybe the goddesses backing them up will get involved?
    Thanks for showing your appreciation spear, having the goddesses backing them get involved is a great idea.

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