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Thread: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Post New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Prologue: Surpassing the mortal world in a single bound!

    Stories of deities and demons were something every child grew up hearing, whether one lived in a thriving metropolis or the rural countryside. Powerful warriors and heroes who could fly through the skies, seize stars and up-end the very heavens themselves! Eternal beings who could close their eyes only to open them again a millennia later! But no different from any other childhood belief like Santa, The Tooth Fairy, or The Easter Bunny, these larger-than-life fantasies would be buried and smothered under the reality of growing up.

    And yet, as she stood alone under the autumnal glow of the setting sun, the endless expanding skies an orange hue, here, such a ‘fantasy’ appeared before her…

    She had been standing on the school roof, casting a curvy - if not somewhat short - silhouette that for once was going unappreciated. After all, she was a girl with a following by no means small, gained from balancing her roles of the ‘popular one’, the ‘smart one’, and the ‘beautiful one’ over many years. Blonde hair, a narrow waist, and an *** that seemed desperate to pop out of whatever clothing it was wrapped, she was her school’s number one, unmatched in academia and looks. Underneath the glitz and the glam, under her cultivated aura of perfection, there had always been a sense of incongruity deep inside, a feeling that she was meant for more than anything the world could offer her. But this belief was crushed under the tedious grind of everyday life, with only the meager satisfaction offered by her school ‘queen’ status to compensate.

    But at this moment all her beliefs about the world she lived in her shattered, and all her sense of tedium blown away as a grey-hair man appeared before her-. Old, adorned in eastern-looking robes, and flying- or floating- just off the edge of the school rooftop.

    The thought that she could be the victim of a prank hadn’t even crossed her mind when the grey-haired elder, with a swish of his sleeve, brought her flying through the air towards him. She was grabbed by the scruff of her neck as though she weighed nothing, and before she could even let out a scream of protest, the two were shooting through the skies, a multi-colored blur to any who happened to look up.

    Dangling in the air, like a kitten lifted by the nape, she shook and wailed in fright, she had never felt so shocked, and never felt so far from the jaded beauty she had considered herself not even five minutes ago. She was aware that despite their lightning-fast speed, she couldn’t feel the cut of the wind, and was also aware that there was something under her dangling feet, perhaps the source of the miraculous flight, but her thoughts her too chaotic and disordered to think any further than this. The dizzying heights robbing her of her usual wit. Yet in a display of surprising adaptability, by the time they had raced across a second city like a shooting star, she stopped shaking, her jewel-like eyes gaining their usual calm collectedness, as her breathing began to slow. As her curious eyes attempted to examine the object under her, an imperceivable glimmer of approval flashed in the grey-haired elder’s eyes as he gently lowered her down, until her feet touched the cold metal beneath.

    It was a strange object, she observed. Wide enough to side cross-legged, and space still in front even with the elderly man behind her. It seemed as though it were made of azure sapphire, though as more menacing sapphire than she had ever seen, as its sides had a subtle sharpness to them, and there was a lethal point at the front end.

    “It’s a sword.” The ancient-looking man finally spoke, as if to answer her unvoiced question, “Most Immortals use treasures of various kinds for flight.”

    She waited patiently for the man to continue speaking, but after one…two…three minutes had passed, she realized that was all he was going to say on the topic and thus she remained silent, judging that he would talk when he wanted to.

    Unbeknownst to her, another hint of approval flickered in his eyes at her tact.


    As she anticipated, she received an explanation not long after. They were soaring through the skies when space seemed to rip open in front of them, and the world she had always known vanished in an instant. Instead, a new land, a new world unveiled itself in front of her, mountains suspended in the sky surrounded by countless mortal settlements below, like subjects trying to get as close as possible to their king. They flew directly over to this flying mountain, where she was dropped at a large, white-jade pavilion, and the elderly man vanished in an instant. Thankfully, there was a young woman nearby, who promptly introduced herself as her ‘sixth senior sister’. It was explained that she had been accepted as the ninth direct disciple of the sect master, a true immortal. The Master had eight disciples before her, each of whom she would refer to as senior brother, or senior martial sister respectively.

    What followed was a rapid education that almost caused her head to explode, that deities and demons waged war and contented against each other and the heavens, concealed from the sight of the mortals of earth. That humans cultivated the mind, soul, and body, to attempt to achieve immortality, and grew their forces and armies in worlds of their own to battle one another for resources.

    It seemed even immortals had their struggles.

    But this new world was as bloody and violent as it was fantastical. A human, no different from her could develop themselves to the point of flying through the skies unaided, lifting mountains with one and churning the seas with the other! But perhaps even more jaw-dropping than that, at least to the sensibilities of a young and gorgeous 18-year-old, was the fact that the ‘senior sister’, who possessed a mature charm and grace she had never seen before, was actually over a hundred years old! The beauty that millions attempted to cling to in the mortal world… was as easy to keep as it was to breathe, in the lofty world of immortals!

    There were myriad paths to pursuit immortality and cultivate oneself to the pinnacle, and her master clearly sensed she possess the innate potential to be worthy of her position as his ninth disciple, but neither of them knew what this talent could be. Hence what followed next was a period of painful experimentation.
    Sword talent? Short sword? Broadsword? Long Sword? No talent...

    How about Spear talent? Nope.

    Talent of the Bow? Not at all.

    Maybe Beast Taming? Definitely not.

    Body Cultivation? Pass- No interest in being a bodybuilder.

    At last, she tried her hand at Alchemy, or more specifically, Eastern Alchemy. Unlike Western Alchemy which occupied itself with the transmutation of materials, and was closing tied with weapon forging, mechanics, and puppetry, Eastern Alchemy oversaw the concoction of medical pills and elixirs, as well as the brewing of poisons and toxins. Whilst it was a somewhat usual sight, such a beautiful girl fussing over a bubbling medicinal cauldron, she saw great success!

    In fact, the words ‘great success’ would be an understatement, as it was rumored that her master, a man of great wisdom and composure ripped off his beard in shock when the first medicinal pills she concocted were brought to him by her sixth senior sister. These medicinal pills were of course ‘beauty preservation pills’, designed to fix one’s appearance at its current state until the day the one died. These were not particularly rare, nor particularly difficult to make, but the purity was unprecedented, at these were her first pills, made on the time attempt! Countless alchemy legends would have wept tears of blood to know that such talent was being wasted on mere beauty preservation pills!

    She naturally didn’t know if this highly embarrassing rumor was true or false, nor did she dare to walk up to her master’s face to have a look as she would catch a beating even if she was a rare talent. She did know, however, that when it came to alchemy she was like a fish in water, and that when rumors of her unparalleled alchemical talent began to spread across the immortal worlds, her master did not step out to downplay or correct them.

    Within the immortal world, talent doesn’t necessarily have to be an individual’s innate talent but can also refer to one’s mindset. The process of cultivating oneself to the pinnacle is daunting, tedious, repetitive, and lonely. An individual’s path is unique to them, and no one can walk it alongside them. Going to into seclusion to meditate and immerging a dozen, even a hundred years later is common, thus one must be indifferent to the world around them.

    Time flows like water, and one can never walk against the flow, because of this the barrier between Mortal and Immortal can never be breached. A short nap for an Immortal, and an entire generation passes in the mortal world. How can one have mortal friends and family when the two are so different? This is a lesson every immortal cultivator must experience personally to understand.

    A lesson she was now to learn.

    As her sixth senior sister stirred her from what she believed was three months of fanatical alchemy practice, she was gently informed that it had instead been… 10 years.

    Her body had long since unknowingly ceased to be human. Her skin was more supple and fair, her body overflowing with a soft, unintended seduction, and eyes that shone with a profound light, her beauty had practically transcended the mortal world despite her not aging a single day. Not to mention that despite her focusing entirely on making medicinal pills and poisons, her strength could now bend metal with ease, and a single breath could sustain her for a month.

    She was more aware than anyone, of just how inhuman she had become, yet it was a fact was hadn’t entirely been understood until she realized that her parents would think her long dead, and she would be nothing but an old memory to anyone who once knew her. She had always intended to go back, even if just to visit on occasion friends and family on occasion, never having understood that she had taken a step she could never take back. She didn’t hate her master for dragging her into this strange new world, after all, she never protested, never attempted, or wanted to escape, never looked back even looked back as they flew away.
    But now she could only imagine how many things had changed in 10 years, thinking about the life that could have been. Prom Queen and a tearful graduation, all kinds of fun and excitement at college, meeting someone, and, maybe settling down with someone special. A lot could have happened in those 10 years and the many years that would follow. But now they never would.

    It was not a sense of regret that seized her, but a complex kind of uncertainty and doubt. A return of the incongruity she thought she had left behind.

    It was under the gentle and consoling words of her beautiful and supple senior sister that she understood that to feel this way was normal, and even a good thing to confront sooner, rather than later. To let these doubts fester would turn them into a heart devil, a demon of the psyche that could rear its head at any moment to ruin her and cripple her path to immortality permanently. It is precisely to prevent this from happening that it is common practice across the immortal worlds to send all young disciples from mortal origins back to their homeland after a certain period of time for a process known as their ‘mortal severing’.

    Mortal severing could be anything and involve anything, so long as it doesn’t cross certain taboos, and in the case of Earth, blatantly expose the existence of the immortal worlds. Most likened it to going out to play, then coming back when the game got boring. Some, however, would realize that the Immortal Path isn’t for them, and wish to return to mortal life.

    And so, with her sixth senior sister waving farewell, she departed from her master’s immortal world sitting on a flight treasure of her own, one that took the shape of a large folding fan.

    Unbeknownst to her, however, she was not the only ‘unparalleled alchemical prodigy’ whose talent was making waves in the immortal world. In fact, there was another young and blonde ninth disciple who had been hidden away in her master’s immortal domain for the last 10 years. A girl with medicinal means just as miraculous as her own, and whose poisons were equally deadly.

    A girl who was also setting out on a mortal severing of her own. Like this, two supposedly unparalleled talents were about to have an unexpected encounter!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Boththis prologue as well as chapter 1 are mostly world building and establishingthe setting. It is based of my favorite genre of fiction, a Chinese genrecalled Xianxia, which basically means immortal heroes. I got carried away withwriting this opening bit, but I decided to keep it in as I enjoyed the process.If you really want to beat your meat, skip to chapter 2 lol.

    Whether you like or dislike the story, I would greatly appreciate feedback by either commenting or private message.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 1: Tiger descends from the mountain, only to be bullied by wolves.

    The Violet Mountain Sect could be considered a benevolent overlord to the mortal populace of its immortal world. It did not allow its disciples to run rampant, ensured law and good order through its unspoken connection with the Emperor of the mundane world, and was relatively generous when accepting disciples from the common folk. It could always be seen, the huge mountain it was located on suspended in the violet-hued skies as though it was a nail trying to pierce through the heavens themselves, the base of the mountain concealed by gold-tinted clouds. Streams of ethereal silver light flowed from the peak of the mountain, gently cascading outwards to the edges of the world, leaving trails like silver paint across a violet canvas. This was the physical manifestation of the world’s qi, a mystical substance that would typically be too dispersed for any mortal to lay eyes on. It was this qi that allowed the populace to grow strong and healthy, possess clear skin and strong bodies, as well as live the old age of a hundred years old. These were blessings bestowed by the Violet Mountain Sect, it was because of the sect that Qi surrounded them in such high density, found in the earth they walked on, the food they ate, and the air they breathed. And as if these blessings weren’t enough, every ten years, the Immortals from the Violet Mountain would descend to the ground and begin recruitment, searching the land for young talents, giving them, mere mortals, the opportunity to set foot on the road to immortality!

    It was for these reasons that those on the ground were incredibly enthusiastic whenever they saw an Immortal leaving the mountain on a majestic flying treasure. On this day, however, it was a flying treasure they had never seen before. Unlike the usual flying swords, it was an ornately detailed folding fan, so large and its gold engravings so shiny, that its peach blossom patterns could be made out from the ground. It was cruising through the purple skies at a gentle speed unusual for the straightforward and often busy immortals of the sect, who would rush to and fro as they hurriedly completed their missions and assignments.

    It was after watching the delicate looking, if not overly large, folding fan meander through the skies for a quarter of an hour that a member of the spectating crowd shouted,

    “It’s the Ninth Miss! It must be!”

    A collective flash of realization passed through the group as other voices cried out to support the idea. They had heard that the sect leader of the Violet Mountain sect had brought back a disciple ten years ago, a young lady who would be his ninth and final disciple. Since then, rumors had spread about her shocking talent at alchemy, but no one had managed to see her.

    In fact, they still couldn’t see her, what with her being so high in the sky, but they were confident it was her simply because they had never seen such as folding fan treasure before. They promptly brought out the gongs, drums, and great big banners to show their enthusiasm to the ‘Ninth Miss’. It was undoubtedly the behavior of a bunch of bootlickers, but to lick the boots of an immortal was a privilege not many had access to.

    This was another reason they so zealously memorized the flying treasure of each immortal. Attempting to lick the boots of the irritable and stern ‘First Sir’ who rode on his ugly lump of black iron would only be courting humiliation, he would be quite likely to send thunder and lightning their way as punishment. The boots of the gentle and kind ‘Sixth Miss’, however, were always a pleasure to lick, she quite enjoyed the pomp whenever she left the mountain and would often send down rewards to the most enthusiastic.

    The crowd knew they had struck gold when they saw the flying fan stop its movement, and a melodious laugh rang out like the tinkling of a bell.

    “I accept your greetings,” A voice resounded, amusement and satisfaction apparent despite the few words spoken. The words seemed like they were spoken from amongst the crowd, despite the speaker being amongst the silvery streams following through the sky. A demonstration of voice transmission was nothing new to the experienced bootlickers, however, what followed next was something they would never forget, and a legend that would be passed down for generations to come.

    Golden dust that seemed too shiny with the light of the stars began to fall on them from the violet skies above, dispersing across the attendees of the festival-like gathering. The more elderly members of the crowd, those who were nearing their one-hundredth birthday, the limit of longevity for mortals, looked at each other in shock as the wrinkles on their wizened faces began to disappear, and their sickly grey sick regained some of its luster. The crowd was immediately aware, with an intuitive understanding, that they had been granted an extra ten years of life. Such fortune came so quickly that they froze in shocked disbelief, a chance at a longevity pill is something a mortal would climb scale a mountain of knives for, but one this day such fortune was dropped on their heads, literally! The crowd could only fall to their knees and weep, touching their foreheads to the floor in veneration of the Ninth Miss, crying out her title in worship.

    Such boundless benevolence! Such boundless grace!

    Far up in the violet skies, sitting on her folding fan, this boundlessly benevolent Ninth Miss had a strange expression on her face. Looking as though she just swallowed the most bitter of pills, she groaned to herself,
    “I threw out the wrong bag…!” (╥﹏╥)


    The Ninth Miss, otherwise known as Anna, quickly continued her journey, trying to forcibly forget how much money she had just wasted. Her master’s sixth disciple, her sixth senior sister had told her that it would be good for her reputation to bestow some fortune on the mortals below, but she certainly hadn’t intended for this fortune to be quite so large… It could have been worse, however, had she dropped the bag of aphrodisiac pills, the consequences would not have been pretty at all… Using her full efforts to console herself, she managed to shake her head and let it go. After all, ten years ago she had been a mortal just like them, yet now she could accidentally bestow half a millennium worth of lifespan across a crowd of 50. In fact, she had been even worse than them ten years ago, as whilst they lived within the Violet Mountain Immortal World, rich with qi and all its benefits, she had lived on Earth, a place nearly devoid of the magical substance.

    A place she was now returning to.

    Anna sprawled out on her folding fan, lying within its folds in surprising comfort, as she raced towards the exit of the world. The crowd from before would be surprised to see their goddess look so slovenly. Smooth legs that seemed to have been sculpted with great care had been casually kicked over one of the folds of the fan, her dainty feet dangling in the air.

    Anna was short, only 5’4”, but despite this, her long legs and high, narrow waist gave the impression of her being taller, especially as she threw aside all modestly and sprawled out atop her flying treasure. Despite being 28, her whimsical demeanor and carefree attitude, humming a light-hearted tune as she wiggled her toes gave off the impression of someone younger. In truth, whilst it had been ten years since she arrived, the decade passed in such a blur that she felt as though only a few months had passed.

    Her appearance only reinforced this mistaken belief, her skin clear and free of any signs of age, her curves just as firm, if not firmer than they were before, as her wide hips and bountiful ass seemed to be struggling to escape her disciple's robe. The first pills she concocted when she began to walk the path of alchemy were ‘beauty preservation pills’, tablets capable of maintaining her appearance at the time of consumption until the day her longevity runs out, and so she would remain forever evergreen, never looking older than 18 even as centuries passed.

    As the flying fan ripped through the now-familiar violet skies, breaching through space to bring her back to Earth’s blue sky, she grew tense, and her humming stopped.

    As light-hearted as she tried to be, and as much as she enjoyed her new life as a disciple of the Violet Mountain sect, returning to the land of her birth brought a feeling of forlorn melancholy, as she realized that the world had kept on spinning during her trip to a magical new world. The purpose of this trip was to see which was stronger, her desire to pursue immortality or her ties to Earth. If, her heart remained stable, even as she looked at her parents, who lost their daughter, or her friends who had graduated into normal life, she would sever her ties and any effect, and be able to pursue the alchemical path wholeheartedly. If not, she could have to cripple her accumulated qi, the fruit of her efforts in pursuing the eternal.

    And her heart did remain stable, even as she watched her parents from a distance, hidden from sight. Their hair was greyer than it was when she left, and grief had taken a toll on them, but thankfully, it seemed a senior disciple from the sect had brought them closure, likely through magical means, as they believed her long dead. They still missed her, but they were moving on with life. She left a box of medicinal pills at their doorstep that would ensure health until they passed on and muttered a silent apology for being a failure of a daughter before leaving.

    She did not turn back.

    Anna then went on to check on old friends, always remaining out of sight, her flying treasure offering an innate concealment from the eyes of mortals. She saw a variety of outcomes, some were happily married, with loving partners. Others had built themselves successful careers. Some had been beaten down by life’s trials and tribulations, living in misery.

    Regardless of whether they were happy or sad, however, the hints of aging couldn’t escape her senses. The slightest discoloration of hair, the most subtle smell of youth beginning to decay, bodily failure, and disease starting to claw its way in.

    Her heart remained stable. Everyone had their own life to live, and whether it was full of joy or sorrow, no one else could live it for them.

    As she had been forbidden to return until a year had passed, she roamed around for the following months, aimlessly soaking in the mortal world, looking for the slightest hint of lingering attachment. The qi, though meager on Earth, was enough to sustain her, meaning she didn’t need to eat or drink. The passing of the sun and moon had no bearing on her, as she witnessed the cycles of the Earth from atop her flying fan. Even the most beautiful places on Earth seemed so mundane compared to the splendor that awaited her in the many immortal worlds.

    After much contemplation, Anna found a random town, not dissimilar from her hometown, and descended from her fan.

    She bought clothes, dressed in styles both new and old, and drew many eyes as she did so. It was enjoyable, being able to wear whatever she wanted and show off as much skin as she desired. She settled for an old favorite outfit, a pair of tight, denim booty shorts to show off her long, flawless legs and ass. Her navel was left exposed by a white crop top that complimented her breasts, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and then threaded through the back of a red cap, matched by red converse on her feet. The outfit came together to give her a youthful vibe to match her appearance, a great contrast from the traditional-looking robes that were common within the sect.

    Step by step she walked through the town, attempting to recapture old thoughts and sentiments with little success. Just about she was about to depart again since the allure of fashion would obviously not restrain someone capable of discarding even familial affection, she stopped.

    Anna had arrived, by coincidence, at the gate of a local high school. She felt her heart stir with lingering sentiments and couldn’t help but reminisce how she had put so much effort into her attempts to excel and appear perfect. It seemed so childish now.

    On a whim, she decided to start attending. It wasn’t hard to gain admission, not with the many supernatural means at her disposal, and so long as she didn’t blatantly go around exposing the existence of the immortal world, some light abuse of power would always be permitted.

    She wanted to see if slipping into her old roles, her old personas, would evoke any lingering attachments. If not, not she would have officially finished severing her mortal ties, and would simply hide away until the year’s end before returning to the sect.

    Very quickly Anna fell into a familiar routine, amassing a legion of followers, both guys, and girls alike, this time however with even greater ease than before. She may have been dressed like a mortal and acting like a mortal, but Anna was undeniably post-human. Her very aura seemed to bring forth a subconscious submission from those around her.

    It was amusing and enjoyable but reminded her of why she grew so tired of her old life to begin with.
    Her heart was stable, and it was time to go.

    At least, that is what she believed until a stranger appeared at the school.

    An incredibly attractive girl, the likes of which she had only ever seen when she looked in the mirror. The stranger matched her height, her style, her glossy skin and hair, and bright eyes. Even her perfect ass, and narrow waist! She thought that her long, smooth, and well-shaped legs were unique to her even across the immortal worlds, but here, in the mortal world she had been looking down on from up high, she had a rival! The girl gave off the impression of being majoritively leg and ass, yet somehow, she appeared sexy and alluring, rather than uneven and disproportionate. The unique advantage she had always held over others was now being held over her, and it didn’t feel good at all.

    And as if these similarities weren’t enough, even the girl’s name sounded similar to her own,


    Anna scoffed, incredibly irked that this unwelcome transfer had ruined the last part of her mortal severing, destroying her tranquillity with her mere presence. Even more offensive, was Emma was just as annoyed at Anna, as Anna was at Emma. She would notice the girl glaring at her and biting her lip in annoyance, and they would often lock eyes in vicious glares, neither deterred by the other’s flawless aura.

    Anna had never even considered that mortals could look so good. The girl had no signs of cosmetic surgery, and she couldn’t help but notice, with her senses far beyond that of a normal human, that the girl even smelt amazing, no unpleasant smell of sweat masked by layers of overpowering perfume, just the subtle fragrance of peaches.

    'What- Do you wipe yourself down with peaches every morning or something?' Anna couldn’t help but grumble. She quite liked the scent of peaches and had even concocted and consumed fragrance pills that changed her natural scent to that exact smell but seeing her efforts be duplicated by a mere mortal girl wounded her pride. A pride that had unknowingly formed when she had been chosen above all others to enter the Violet Mountain sect, and a pride that had only been reinforced during her travels on Earth since her return.

    'Even when I was a mortal, I could call myself number one in high school, so could this bitch possibly be my equal now?!' Anna fumed.

    When Anna was truly still 18 and didn’t just look like an 18-year-old, she carved out her place as the number one in her high school based on three points. The first was her astounding grades, the second was her charm and social skills, and the third was obviously her looks. Whilst there may have been taller girls with larger tits, her unique appearance as well as her other strong points put her in an uncontested first.
    By that logic, even if this girl, Emma, was a perfect match against her physically, the unexpected rival, a mirror image of Anna in all areas except the face, she could still beat push this challenger into the mud using her other, non-physical assets.

    But there lay the crux of the problem. Anna had transcended what it meant to be mortal, she could calculate as fast and as accurately as a computer, memorize a library’s worth of books, and could break records in whatever field of academia she chose by virtue of the advantages given through cultivating to immortality. How could she heal her bruised pride by defeating Emma when in possessive of so many advantages?

    It was similarly the case for utilizing her social skills, and in truth, she hadn’t bothered to memorize any of her new followers' names, and it would truly be debasing herself too much to start fawning over mortals.

    This was why Anna had fixated on comparing her appearance to that of her rival’s. She hadn’t altered her body at all, despite having ample opportunity, simply because she had always liked the way she looked. Therefore, this point was the one least affected by her status as an immortal cultivator.

    This new ‘rival’ became more and more of a threat as the days passed. Each day Anna would dress her best only to be matched by the other girl. Anna discarded all modesty piece-by-piece, entirely unconcerned about the opinions of those around her, instead focused only on forcing Emma into submission. Yet submission never came. Instead, she found herself devoting more and more attention to the girl, seething and stewing in bitter jealously, falling into alternating emotions of self-loathing and hatred towards the other blonde beauty.
    Anna was almost glad she had never learned any eye spells or anything of the sort, otherwise, her constant staring would have already taken her rival’s life… Her incredibly acute vision meant that she could compare herself with the other blonde with divine precision, however, which only caused her negative emotions to snowball.

    'Same size feet, but surely mine would look better if we directly compared…?'

    Devolved into…

    'You slut, how much leg do you need to show off? So what if your legs are so perfect, mine could snap yours in half!'

    Followed by…

    'Fuck! You dare shake your ass at me like that? Take off those pushup shorts and see if your ass can compare to mine!'

    Hotpants, mini-skirts, skin-tight leggings, and even slutty spandex shorts, the days flew by as their outfits became more obscene.

    Anna's eyes grew bloodshot from the staring, her lips raw from the constant gnawing, and even her palms bloody from digging her nails into her flesh.

    'God, fuck this little cunt! How are we so similar?! We could swap bodies from the neck down and no one would notice any difference!'

    An annoyance had rapidly turned into a massive threat. The purpose of the moral severing trial was to cut ties from the mortal world, yet Anna had stumbled miserably at the final hurdle.

    Her situation could be likened to the saying- Once you ride a tiger, you can’t dismount!

    Mindset was of critical importance to immortal cultivators, and keeping one’s heart free of disturbances and doubt let one walk further and faster on the road to immortality. Doubts and demons left unattended in the heart and mind may ‘attack’ at an important moment, causing an individual to go insane or lose all their progress and regress to a mortal. It was to prevent this that the mortal severing was done as early as possible, to rid the individual’s heart of danger before it can rear its head.

    These so-called heart-demons are not just limited to the mortal world, they are equally as common in the immortal world too. For example, two life-long martial rivals, who have always been equal, fight. Yet for the first time, there is a clear, unequivocal victor. Unless there is unfairness or foul-play involved, there would be a strong risk of the undefeated party developing a heart-demon from the trauma, that, if left unchecked could take their life in a moment of unguardedness.

    The feud between Anna and the equally beautiful, equally sexy Emma had already become a matter of life and death for the Violet Mountain sect’s ninth disciple, and too prideful to simply retreat and ask her more experienced seniors for counsel, she could only press onwards.

    Breathing heavily, with her tender cheeks flushed red from agitation, Anna had finally had enough of Emma.

    Despite not exchanging a single word between them, her hatred was sky-high and as the bells rang signally the end of the school day, she hid from the sight of her followers before storming quickly to Emma’s classroom.

    She was going to slap the arrogant girl unconscious, rip her clothes off, and then properly compare her body with her own. Then, when it was clear that Anna’s body was better, and her rapidly growing heart-demon was destroyed, she could leave and be done with this cursed mortal severing.

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Very intresting setup. The supernatural is always a treat and the one up each other was fun to read. Looking forward to more.

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Quote Originally Posted by kingofdapirates1 View Post
    Very intresting setup. The supernatural is always a treat and the one up each other was fun to read. Looking forward to more.
    Thank you! I was going to upload chapter 2 with the rest of it all in one go, but it kept adding my new posts as edits of the first one, rather than as additional replies to the thread, so hopefully chapter 2 goes out okay.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Chapter 2: One courts misfortune by flaunting wealth.

    As if drawn to each other by magnetic attraction, the two collided at every opportunity within the canteen and corridors, prancing around in front of the other as they showed off their long legs, narrow waist, and firm ass. Anna would taunt and tease in hope of eliciting a reaction, only to be taunted and teased in return. Naturally, she didn’t want to show that the girl was getting to her, so she would swallow her anger and indignance down and simply provoke her opponent even harder.

    It was due to this cycle of mutual torment that she had now been pushed past her limit and had decided to resort to some… less honorable tactics. As for the morality of knocking the girl out and ripping her clothes off, just so she can compare their bodies directly…

    ‘Who cares! She is just a mortal at the end of the day. It is her good luck that I’ve paid her so much attention up until now!’

    There was a common understanding among the mortals of the countless immortal worlds: Mortals are like ants to cultivators, and if they don’t step on you, it’s not because they cannot bear to, but rather they cannot be bothered!

    Naturally, this isn’t always true, but the underlying principle rings true… Do not expect kindness and respect from beings who are so very different!

    Emma had long since crossed Anna’s bottom line, and it was only due to her fear of creating a heart-demon that she hadn’t already killed the girl and been done with this farce!

    With this new resolution, Anna stormed down the school corridor, her half-up, half-down blonde hair flowing behind her. She had dressed more revealingly today than any other during her ‘attendance’ at the school, wearing pink skin-tight gym shorts that looked to be a few sizes too small and a sports bra of matching color.

    The outfit would have had her turned away at the front gate had she not used some more mystical immortal means to befuddle the senses of those around her. Despite this, Emma, as though reading her mind, had somehow managed to get inside wearing the same outfit.

    And she looks good in it too, Anna was forced to admit to herself throughout the day, and once again as she laid eyes on the girl during her march down the corridor.

    Emma was storming down the corridor, looking about as flustered and annoyed as Anna felt, the blonde beauty for once going unnoticed by the crowds as the ordinary students flowed gradually out of the building.

    Anna found it strange that the girl wasn’t being fawned over by her lapdogs, but it would only make things easier for her. Anna herself was also free for the attention of her followers, in fact, she was like a ghost as she moved through the school, her presence unnoticed by all. Whilst she specialized in alchemy and poison concoction, she had of course reached the basic level in all aspects of general knowledge in the immortal world, and performing simple tricks to mess with the minds of mortals was as easy as breathing to her. It was for this reason that Emma wouldn’t see the impending slap coming.

    Strangely though, just as Anna positioned herself directly in front of her unwelcomed rival, primed to slap her over the head and render her unconscious, Emma also stopped her furious march.

    The two stared at each other in a sudden, confused silence. Anna had been certain that the girl couldn’t see her, but the way her emerald-green eyes seemed to be examining her suggested otherwise.

    “You can see me…?!” Anna questioned quietly, shock apparent in her voice, only to hear the same words from the other girl’s cherry red lips.

    ‘What does she mean by that?!’ Her thoughts started running wild instantly. ‘No, it’s not possible, the odds of this happening… I mean… I lived 18 years and never ran into-‘

    “Why wouldn’t I be able to see you, slut?” She spat defensively, trying to keep the dread in her voice hidden. Only adding to her mortification, however, Emma hissed the same words, as though the duo were reading from the same script.

    The scent of peaches in the air suddenly seemed sickly sweet as Anna felt her stomach drop. She simply stared at her near-reflection, before, as if by a sudden impulse, she took a swing at Emma’s cheek.

    Contrary to her earlier plans, she wasn’t holding back at all, instead, using the entirety of her steel-bending strength in a vicious, panic-fuelled slap.

    Confirming her suspicions, Emma’s head did not explode all over the corridor, instead, the girl’s skin possessed a leather-like toughness and caused her hand to sting in pain. Before Anna could untangle her feelings to decide if she was relieved that she hadn’t just killed the other blonde, she received a slap to the face that sent her stumbling to the side.

    Staggering to the side of the corridor, she felt the wall crack and crumble as her hands collided with it. The sight in front of her confirmed the only explanation and one she had been blind to the entire time-

    Emma was also an immortal cultivator like her.

    “Oh, you bitch!” She shrieked, anger deafening her to the identical shout from Emma.
    “You deceitful little slut!”

    “What are you doing here?”

    “Who sent you to fuck with me?!”

    The duo held their red cheeks, cursing furiously from the opposite sides of the corridor they had been slapped to. Neither answering the other’s questions and instead getting angrier and angrier. Anna wasn’t sure what was more aggravating, the slap, or the fact that Emma had been duplicitously hiding the fact that she was an immortal cultivator the entire time. Naturally, in her anger, Anna paid no heed to the fact that she had also been hiding the fact that she was an immortal, and that it was certainly not something to be broadcast across the mortal world. Her Violet Mountain sect had many enemies, however, and she had been told by her senior disciples how astounding her talent was, and that there is a possibility of other powers acting with ruthless decisiveness.

    After all, a common saying across the immortal worlds, is that it doesn’t matter how talented you are if you die prematurely!

    The two beauties stood, long legs slightly spread and hands-on their wide hips, both shouting furiously at the other as their chests heaved up and down, as if trying to burst out of their sports bras.

    Had any of Anna’s fellow sect members seen her screeching, they would have been dumbfounded, wondering where their sweet and mild-mannered junior sister disappeared to, and why two young immortals had thrown aside all etiquette and bearing and were screaming at each other like shrews.

    Anna felt as though she were overflowing with rage and humiliation. Emma’s stunning looks had pushed her to her wits end during their comparisons, constantly undermining her long-established pride. That Anna was an immortal cultivator who could do the impossible, who would still be young whilst her hateful rival was rotting in a care home, this fact had unknowingly become a pillar of support and great consolation for the immature and inexperienced immortal.

    Only, this pillar of support had just been smashed down upon realizing that the impossibly perfect girl in front of her was just as otherworldly as her.

    In a blind rage, Anna threw herself at the other blonde, wanting to beat the girl into the ground with her full strength, any self-imposed restraints on the conflict castoff. Clearly, Emma had the same idea, however, as the two collided, their fingers interlocking in a mutual crushing grip as their bloodshot emerald eyes drilled into one another in a vicious glare.

    “Cough it up,” Emma hissed into Anna’s face, as the girls settled in a brutal strength comparison, each attempting to force the other back. “Which force are you from?”

    “Enough pretending,” Anna spat back, her breaths mixing with those of her rival’s as she tried desperately to push her physical clone back with little success. “Since you came to fuck up my mortal severing you obviously know who I am.”

    The two grunted and groaned as their arms shook with the strain of their contest. Anna had never specifically trained her body, instead, focusing her efforts entirely on her alchemy practice, but as one cumulated qi and advanced in their own field of practice, the body, mind, and soul would naturally undergo certain changes and developments as part of a holistic growth. Even alchemists like her could endure a fall from orbit, assuming their progress on the road to immortality, their ‘cultivation’, had advanced far enough. At her current progress, whilst she couldn’t survive falls from space or lift a mountain, hoisting a bus above her head was certainly doable, yet despite pushing herself to the point of sweating, she hadn’t managed to move Emma an inch.

    “You’re the one fucking up my mortal severing, bitch,” Emma groaned back. The two felt their foreheads press together as piercing green eyes surged with venomous loathing and competitive desire.

    Even as the ground cracked and crumbled beneath them, and sports sneakers exploded under the immense force baring their soft, fairy-like feet, the two continued to hiss at each other, neither willing to back down and answer the other’s questions first.

    The corridors were long empty at this time, the two alone as they struggled against each other, fingers interlocked and arms shaking, as their long legs were bent as though the two were doing lunges together, fat and round asses tight and tensed, almost looking as though they were going to break out of their gym shorts.

    “Tell me who sent - No, you tell me – Stop copying me, you fucking whore!” As though speaking in synchrony once wasn’t enough, the thought process of the rivals seemed just as identical as their matching bodies, much to the mutual disgust of the two.

    ‘This is ridiculous’, Anna thought, ‘I could have just turned and walked away the second I realized she wasn’t a mortal, what shame would there be in being equally as beautiful as her if she has also entered that world?’

    Indeed, the entire reason Emma had bothered her so much, was that she couldn’t tolerate the thought of being equal to a common 18-year-old girl. With it having been revealed that her rival was actually like her, a magical, mystical immortal from a world beyond Earth, she should have been able to let the grudge go, and take a step back from the situation.

    Deep down, however, she knew the enmity had become too deep to simply bury, and the question of who was more beautiful, whose legs were more flawless, whose ass was better, who the better woman was, still had to be answered. This didn’t change simply because their identities had changed.

    If she backed down now, without even putting up a fight, this conflict could later become a mental demon far more dangerous than the demons she had left the sect to prevent. After all, memories of parents and childhood friendships would eventually be left behind and buried in time, whilst a grudge with a fellow immortal could last countless millennia! It was for this reason that immortals often tried to avoid pointless grudges like these.

    Anna discarded these distracting thoughts, ‘There is no point crying over spilled milk… Since the situation has come this far, I need to beat this bitch down no matter what…’

    As if by an unspoken agreement, the two suddenly released their grip, springing backward. Catching her breath, Anna began to look tauntingly at the other girl’s body. She could feel Emma’s scornful eyes roaming across her body in turn, and the duo unconsciously started walking in a circle, stepping lightly on flawless toes as if ready to strike at any moment.

    “You don’t think those flabby legs of yours can compete with mine, do you?” Emma laughed, a menacing glint in her eyes.

    The opposite girl was like a predator on the prowl, undaunted confidence shining through in her mannerisms. Despite her short height, Emma’s long, exposed legs gave her an intimidating edge. Even the way she strutted in this tense standoff gave her an undeniably sexual appeal. The tight pink gym shorts that seemed sprayed onto her only served to make her legs seem longer, her thighs toned and well-shaped, yet still giving off an air of softness and temptation. Her tight, exposed stomach, when paired with her generous hips and narrow waist, seemed to possess an innate suggestiveness.

    “They can do more than compete,” Anna snapped back, not letting her inspection of her enemy’s body slow her reply. “It’s that stomach of yours you need to worry about, it’s not like immortals need to eat anymore, but I can see you haven’t stopped.”

    Not unlike the meld of hard and soft that Emma’s legs possessed, her stomach had the same qualities, tight, whilst still having a soft layer over the top. Truthfully, Anna didn’t think it was a bad thing at all, the softness helping the girl avoid appearing like a fitness freak and giving her a feminine touch. That wouldn’t stop her from trying to get in Emma’s head, however.

    “Maybe you should look in a mirror!” The other blonde hissed in response. “All your fat went to your stomach, instead of your tits.”

    Anna had to resist the urge to throw herself at the other girl. Naturally, she didn’t take Emma’s words about her stomach to heart, but the remark about her tits stung. They couldn’t be said to be big by any means, but she didn’t consider herself small either, and besides, her legs and ass drew more than enough attention.

    “They’re still bigger than yours, you washboard,” Anna snarled. Ironically enough, despite their bodies being nearly identical, they had focused the confrontation there, rather than on their faces. Whilst the two could be said to be similar facially, with plump red lips, cute noses, and upturned, green eyes that gave the impression of being witty and smart, no one would confuse the two.

    It was the fact that the physique she had always thought unique to her, was mirrored in this rival that was the root cause of the enmity, however. Anna had been proud, that despite her short stature and modest breasts, she could compete -and outclass- those more traditionally attractive by relying on her wide hips, firm and large ass, and long legs. Her legs were the true ace-in-the-hole that prevented her from appearing overly bottom-heavy, giving her the appearance of being taller than she was.

    “I’ve had enough of your loose mouth,” Emma spoke, hatred apparent in her words, “How about we measure up? Since your skin was thick enough to endure that slap, you can witness just how much better my body is.”

    “Just what I was thinking,” Anna accepted, the hatred in her own words not concealed in the slightest, “How about… for every part of your body I beat down, you must answer a question?”

    “That’s fine with me,” Emma said proudly as if she was confident she would never lose. Overflowing with arrogance, she went on to say, “Forget beating me, if you can even match me, I’ll answer your questions.”

    “Ha, how generous,” Anna laughed coldly. “Fine, if you can match me with any part of that inferior body of yours, I’ll answer your questions.”

    The two lapsed into a tense silence, each practically overflowing with anger and indignance at the other girl’s arrogance.

    After a movement of hesitation, Anna decided to double down on her bold words, feeling as though just matching Emma’s stakes weren’t enough,

    “The loser has to beat the winner’s feet; do you dare agree?” She taunted, nodding her head towards the girl’s feet as though to demonstrate her point.

    The shock and hesitation on Emma’s face was a joy to see, and just when she was about to take back her words, after all, she didn’t want to scare her off completely, the opposite blonde agreed,

    “Why would I not dare? Having you lick my feet when I’ve shown you how inferior you are will be nice.” Emma said, her words brimming with unparalleled self-confidence. “Two stakes then, questions, and then at the final result, you can lick my feet.”

    “You can lick mine,” Anna interrupted, “But that’s right, if you can even match me, I’ll answer your questions, and lick those pig trotters of yours.”

    Emma hastily echoed her words, as if scared that a moment's delay would mean she had less courage and confidence.

    The two then made a verbal pledge out loud, a promise to the heavens to abide by the terms of the bet, and they could hear the rumbling of heavenly thunder in acknowledgment. Making a vow to the heavens was common within the immortal world, and should either party break a pact formed under the acknowledgment of the heavens, they would be faced with heavenly punishment in response, a barrage of vicious lightning striking down from heaven-on-high.

    This was Anna’s first time making such a vow, however, and as talented as she was, she was inexperienced in matters of the immortal world, having never left the comfort of the Violet Mountain sect in the ten years since entering this new and fantastical world. With this experience, and goaded on by the infuriating Emma, she had worded the vow sloppily, and Emma, perhaps as equally inexperienced, had echoed the words without thinking about it… The consequences being that if the duo measured up and compared bodies directly, and were still evenly matched, not only would they have to answer each other’s questions, they would also have to lick each other’s feet else risk divine punishment…

    Neither of them had realized this hidden risk, however, and even if they had, they wouldn’t have paid it much mind, as filled with forced bravado as they were.

    Having settled the terms of the bet, Anna dragged Emma, whilst also being dragged by Emma, into a nearby classroom.

    ‘Finally, a chance to wipe the smirk off this bitch’s face’, Anna laughed inwardly, ‘You had so much fun provoking me whilst I thought you were a mortal… That’s the only reason I let you strut around for so long after all, but since you’re an immortal cultivator too I don’t need to worry about crushing you into the dirt…’

    Having dragged each other into the classroom, they turned to face each other. If not for the difference in facial features, it would have almost looked like a girl pressed up against a mirror, having a staring contest with her reflection. From their bare feet, up to their foreheads, there was just a hairsbreadth of distance between them as they stared at each other with taunting arrogance.

    “So,” They both began, before grimacing in synchrony.

    “Where do we start first?” Emma said softly, batting her long eyes lashes as she took the initiative to speak.

    “How about I let you get a feel of the feet you’ll be licking later?” Anna whispered cockily, her sweet breath kissing Emma’s pursed lips not even an inch away from her own.

    “Look at how eager you are,” Emma purred in response. “You can’t wait to suck my toes later, so you wanna check them out now.”

    Exchanging glares, the two separated their bodies, each dragging over a chair to sit on. Sitting opposite each other, the rivals lifted their feet in tandem before pressing them together, right against left, left against right.

    Anna had brought her thighs together and linked her arms together under them as she lifted her small feet in the air. Emma had done the same, each presenting their rival with an intoxicatingly sensual view of their smooth legs and firm ass wrapped in tight, pink gym shorts. It was a slightly embarrassing pose, almost as if she were presenting herself to the other blonde, and this embarrassment was only compounded by the sensation of their toes being gently pressed together. The contact sent an electrifying shiver down her spine and caused her face to adopt a faint blush, an ambiguous air seemed to drift between them as Anna bit on her lower lip in nervous anticipation. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Emma’s face was a similar hue and that the other also had a habit of chewing her lip.

    Refocusing her attention, she continued cooperating with her rival as they pressed the rest of their small, white feet together, from toes to soles, down to their heels.

    The hardness of the other immortal’s skin that Anna felt earlier seemed to be a lie as she pressed her feet carefully into the opposing pair. Emma’s feet were soft and smooth and felt as though they had undergone careful pedicure treatment only minutes ago. She had been aware of the benefits of cultivating immortality but had never fully appreciated them until meeting Emma. Perhaps the contrast with the normal, spotty, sweaty, and smelly teenagers made the other girl shine even brighter, her beauty even more dazzling when compared to those surrounding her.

    As that could be heard from the duo in the tense silence of the room were hot breaths and the occasional suppressed gasp, as they aligned their feet. Anna would usually reserve such levels of care and precision for her alchemy concocting, but now she was using every bit of focus to press her feet against her rival’s.

    Up and down, side to side, the two pairs of feet pressed and rubbed together until twin groans of frustration spill from the mouth of the matching beauties.

    ‘I knew we were the same size, but I hadn’t even thought that it was possible for our feet to be so similar…’ Anna complained internally.

    The holistic improvements brought to her body by cultivating didn’t stop at more durable, flawless skin or an enhanced appearance, her five senses had also been strengthened beyond the mortal limit. It was this improved sense of touch that allowed her to feel the humiliating identicality between their feet in excruciating, superhuman detail. Forget the size and softness, even the bone structure and muscle density were identical, as though she wasn’t pressing her feet against those of another girl, but instead a mirror. It was because of her ability to distinguish such details that she had been confident that she was more perfect than Emma, but the comparison had only been a painful slap in the face so far.

    ‘We haven’t checked out the top though…’ The frustration in her eyes was replaced by a reignited competitive desire as the two locked eyes in a taunting exchange.

    “We’re pretty well matched-” Anna said,

    “Yeah, it was quite close-” Emma interrupted,

    “Too bad for you though-”

    “We’ll do the top of our feet-”

    “And then it’ll be clear who got the more perfect pair.”

    The two taunted and boasted, each finishing the other’s sentence before uttering the final words in synchrony. Anna separated her feet from Emma’s, a faint feeling of reluctance going ignored as the two stood up, pressing their legs together, Anna’s left leg against Emma’s right, and Emma’s left leg against Anna’s right.

    As tempting as it was to immediately begin the inevitable leg comparison, Anna suppressed the urge and twisted her left leg outward whilst Emma did the same with her right. Exchanging burning glares, the two lifted their feet whilst keeping their legs straight, until the two flawless feet were aligned in the air.

    Unlike before, where differences could be directly felt, this time the duo had to rely on eyesight to distinguish superiority and inferiority between them. A task that quickly left the two frowning in annoyance.

    Again, the similarities were uncanny, from the healthy pink hue of their toenails to the smooth and perfectly sculpted structure, to their delicate and tender ankles, the left and right feet seemed as though they belonged as a pair.

    ‘Why is it that our feet are a more perfect pair than my own two feet are?!’ Anna cursed inwardly, gritting her teeth as she wrapped her arms around Emma’s waist, as if for balance, before shooting the girl with a hateful glare.

    A glare that was sent straight back as Emma wrapped her arms around Anna’s thin waist, the girl’s arms dangerous close to her firm ass.

    Anna could feel the butterflies in her stomach and was convinced she could feel them in Emma’s too, as tightly pressed as their exposed navels were. The two rotated, ready to compare their other feet.

    The end came quickly, and neither girl could muster much resistance at the result, both too prideful to demean themselves by quibbling. As with the prior outcome, Anna’s right foot matched Emma’s left perfectly, as though the two feet were designed to be a pair but wound up on different girls.

    “We both get a question then,” Anna spoke, annoyance and frustration evident in her voice. Just because she hadn’t disputed the outcome didn’t mean she didn’t hate it and hate Emma for the result.

    “Fine,” Emma hissed back in a tone that told Anna their feelings about the result, and each other, were as identical as their feet.

    “What sect are you from?” They asked in unison, keeping their bodies pressing together, with their arms around the other’s waist.

    “Violet Mountain Sect.”

    “The Hanging Temple.”

    The two spoke in unison again, but this time naturally with different results.

    Neither could hide the caution and wariness that flashed through their eyes at the other’s words. Anna had long since been told by her sixth senior sister that whilst the Violet Mountain sect had its fair share of rival sects and clans, the Hanging Temple was by far its biggest competitor. It was a sect possessing a similarly long history, with an equality deep foundation of martial arts, secret techniques, hidden treasures, and resources. The sect also possessed an immortal world of similar size to their own Violet Mountain world, equally flushed with resources, and most dangerous of all, it was relatively close. When ripping through the void with a flight treasure, it wouldn’t take long to arrive at the Hanging Temple sect’s immortal world. It could be considered a miracle and a result of the two sect leaders' relatively stable temperaments that the two sects hadn’t already embarked on a war of sect destruction. Nevertheless, it was impossible for the disciplines and loyal subsidiary sects under each faction to avoid clashing in small-scale skirmishes, and so long as certain lines weren’t crossed, the upper echelon of each sect never bothered to involve themselves, granting an unspoken tacit approval.

    “So… You’re a little rat from the Hanging Temple…” Anna hissed, strengthening her grip around the other girl’s waist. “No wonder, you approached me so shamelessly, hiding yourself like that…”

    “Typical behavior from the Violet Mountain sect, inverting black and white like that,” Emma spat back, matching the crushing waist grip tit-for-tat. “Just like a prostitute bragging about her virginity, you’re so full of shit. We both know you approached me first…”

    “Oh, go fuck yourself,” Anna grunted back as their soft navels were crushed together by their mutual grip. “So, what, are we doing stomachs now then?” She questioned angrily.

    “How about legs first bitch?” Emma groaned back, “We both know you were tempted just now, I could see you checking me out-”

    “Checking you out?!” Anna laughed mockingly, “It was you checking me out, I was starting to think you want to lick my legs later too!”

    “I won’t be doing any licking at all,” the Hanging Temple disciple replied coldly, “But you’re more than welcome to lick mine.”

    Anna simply scoffed in response as the two released their grips and pulled their bodies apart. Clearly, the two were on the same wavelength, as they sat down on the floor in similar positions to their foot comparison. Facing each other, each girl had her thighs pressed together and lifted into the air. They pressed their feet together again, but this time, they continued to raise their feet higher to the air, their long and sensual legs being brought together by the moment. This continued until they felt their bouncy asses pressed gently together, this contact signifying that their legs were as high as they could go. Anna felt a familiar spark of nervous excitement as their asses touched, her skin tight and skimpy gym shorts offering little protection against the feeling of her rival’s bubble-like ass cheeks making contact with her own.

    ‘Calm down Anna’, she thought, ‘This is serious, I can’t lose to this Hanging Temple slut again’.

    Naturally, in her mind, a draw was no different from defeat, after all, if it’s not victory, what is it other than a loss?

    Trying to ignore the electrifying sensation coming from the ass contact, she refocused on the leg comparison, from the top of her thighs to the bottom of her calves, each leg was firmly pressed against the opposing leg, shooting straight up in the air like bamboo.

    As before, the two rubbed and twitched as they aligned their bodies, feeling every sensation magnified a thousandfold as they compared their anatomies. Bone, blood, muscle, and skin, every check and comparison was made, and it was with great heartbreak that Anna once again found herself in furious disbelief. Even their pores were pressed together in perfect harmony, seeking each other out and pressing together as though lovers reuniting after a lifelong absence. As if in denial, the two switched positions again and again, intertwining their legs like vines, before then standing and comparing left and right, then right and left, as though a difference between them would suddenly make itself apparent.

    Sadly for the two disciples, no such difference materialized, and they found themselves standing face-to-face again, arms back around the other’s waist, this time with even more force than before. Anger, hatred, and unwillingness were overflowing from their mutual glares as hot breaths collided between snarling mouths.

    “Good for you, you get another question,” They spat bitingly at each other. They grimaced, after yet another stalemate, speaking in unison again was like having salt rubbed in their wounds.

    “Why are you here, in this random high school in the mortal world?” They asked, the words meeting between their plump red lips.

    Whilst the terms of their bet were sloppily defined, and still uncontained a yet to be discovered flaw, it had specified that they must answer honestly, hence each girl diligently explained that there was no plot or scheme and that she was here as part of her mortal severing process, attempting to cut all ties from the mortal world. Each was surprised that the other’s presence at the high school was a complete coincidence, and that their entering the school under the guise of a student was simply a last-minute whim before heading back to the sect.

    Other than filling Anna with a sense of bitterness at the near-impossible odds of something like this happening, this explanation also told her something else,
    Mortal severing is typically done sooner rather than later… We may be quite close in age…’ She mused inwardly as the two fell into a contemplative silence.

    Snapping out of her thoughts, Anna fixed her enemy with another glare. She felt as though she had glared more today than she had across the rest of her life, but she couldn’t help herself, every time she laid eyes on Emma she felt as though she were going to explode from hatred and annoyance if she didn’t vent it in some way. As her mind wandered slightly, she thought amusedly that it was lucky that Emma and herself were immune to eye strain, else they would end up having to go to the opticians together when this feud was settled.

    She only stirred from her distracting thoughts when she felt the tip of her nose gently brush against the other blonde’s, causing her to snap back to reality. Emma looked equally dazed for a split second before the duo felt all the annoyance returning upon looking at the other. They pressed their foreheads together as their bodies were crushed together,

    “Next comparison then,” Anna spoke, breaking the slightly awkward silence.

    “Naturally,” Emma responded.

    The duo acted in harmonious synchrony yet again, as they turned their bodies sideways, pressing the sides of their asses together before turning fully until they were back-to-back. They interlocked their arms at the elbow, each blonde binding the other before the comparison commenced. As they were the same height, the two firm, bubble butts barely covered by the skin-tight gym shorts were pressed lightly together, each ass cheek deforming slightly under the contact.

    Anna hesitated for a second, this contact would undoubtedly be more intimate than the others, especially with their heightened senses, but she had known it was rapidly approaching when their earlier ass-press had lit a competitive fire within her. She was relieved that Emma had hesitated too, the girl from the Hanging Temple as nervous as her.

    “Ready to lose?” Anna taunted, “You’ve been staring at my ass all week, now you get to rub it to your heart’s content.”

    “You’ve been staring at mine too,” Emma scoffed in response, “Every opportunity you had, I could feel those dog eyes of yours glued to my ass.”

    “Just seeing how inferior it is,” Anna shot back.

    “Funny, I was doing the same thing,” Emma hissed.

    As they exchanged barbed words, the two interlocked their fingers, neither sure if it was to prevent the other from escaping, or a subconscious mutual comfort before their conflict crosses a line.

    With harrumphs escaping their lips in unison, the two began to slowly grind and rub their bountiful asses together. Unlike the previous two conflicts, the duo were in no rush to find the perfect comparison position, instead seemingly using their own ass to molest and ‘grope’ the other girl’s. Anna felt as though they had a tacit understanding to ‘warm up’ their asses first, before finding the right position.

    The girls teetered back and forth as they crushed their asses together, each having gasps and moans forced from their lips as their shorts hiked up higher and higher until four perfectly-shaped ass cheeks were colliding, each as smooth and flawless as the next. Anna felt her ass molested and molded under Emma’s gentle assault, feeling her tight and firm ass being squished and squashed like dough. Thankfully, she could feel Emma’s firmness also giving way to malleableness under the pressure of her own ass. They would cooperate seamlessly with each other’s grinding, Emma would raise herself on her tiptoes, pressing down on Anna’s ass from above, and without even meaning to, Anna would lower her body to press on Emma’s ass from below. Then their positions would change, with Anna crushing Emma from above, and Emma crushing Anna from below.

    Despite their tender movements and perfect coordination, however, each girl was naturally still nursing a belly full of anger towards the other, and each was counting down the seconds until they felt they were ‘warmed up’ ready for the true comparison to start.

    Hot pants and moans filled the room as the contact grew more and more sexual. Despite her hatred and bitterness towards the Hanging Temple disciple, she felt as though she were getting hotter and hotter, her face flushed and her legs trembling from the electrifying sensations coming from her increasingly soft and bouncy ass. She could hear Emma’s gasps escaping her lips too, as both girls had seemingly lost control of their vocal cords despite their immortal cultivation. She could feel their interlocked fingers were laced with slightly sickly sweat, and the air was filled with the smell of peaches and an intimate ‘heat’ that neither girl could stop.

    Finally, their movements ceased, as their asses had practically been rubbed red-raw under the persistent grinding, sweat almost visibly evaporating under the heat of their tightly pressed ass cheeks.

    They straightened up, fingers still interlocked, and asses still glued together, and turned their heads so that their faces were almost touching. Whilst their faces were flushed red, and their hair stuck to their skin by sweat, their eyes were still ice cold and filled with mutual loathing.

    “You ready to stop burying your head in the sand and face the truth?” Emma asked scathingly, her confidence seemingly undamaged during their ass grinding.

    “Oh, I’m happy to face the truth, I’m afraid it’s you who’ll be crying tears of regret,” Anna whispered back, just as arrogant as before.

    The two turned their heads for one last glare, before returning to the back-to-back grinding. This time the contact was gentle, their steaming hot asses, soft and flexible under the touch of their rival. Ass meat warped and was warped, both pushing the opposing cheek back, whilst being pushed back in turn. The tender and bouncy flesh blending like yin-yang symbols, before finally being crushed flat as though pressed against a mirror. Twin grunts echoed out, as the eyes of the two disciples flickered and darted, their minds filled with sensations and information beyond the comprehension of mortals. It almost seemed as if the two were overheating, though it was unknown whether it was from the searing contact between ass flesh or the activity in their minds.

    Suddenly with unwilling moans, the two separated their interlocked fingers and arms, each grabbing her ass cheeks and pulling them up and apart, before they slammed their asses back together with a hateful slap of wet flesh and re-joined their arms and fingers.

    Anna was not at all willing to accept what her senses were telling her, and clearly, Emma was equally unwilling. Hence why the two furiously spread their asses, forcing their tender buttocks into a new position before resuming the contact. Their gym shorts had long since been drenched in sweat and pulled into a tight wedgie, their most intimate folds and flesh exposed in a detailed camel toe due to the tightness of the material.

    Again and again, their asses were crushed, with the two collapsing to their hands and knees on the floor, any pretence of good form and graceful concession discarded under the overflowing desire to win. To Anna, if she couldn’t win with her legs, she at least had to win with her ass, else, what else should she compete with.

    ‘Just a bit longer’, she consoled herself, ‘just a bit longer, and I’m sure she’ll crumble’. What was supposed to be a direct comparison had devolved into a strange endurance match, but Emma was just as willing to continue as Anna was, neither girl willing to have this comparison end in another stalemate.

    The wetness of their asses had long since flooded their crotches and had started running down their legs onto the floor beneath them, and Anna was subconsciously aware that it was not just sweat flowing from her, but she was of no mind to pay it any attention. The humiliating identicality of their ass flesh was occupying all her attention, as every inch of ass met an equal and opposing force from the other girl. Every twitch and spasm of muscle occurred in unison, and every pleasure-inducing electric current that rushed up her spine, she felt with painful clarity, the same reaction occurring simultaneously in Emma.

    Finally, after a particularly brutal ass contact, Anna felt her willpower tremble. She has filled with just as much unwillingness and hatred as before but for a single second the acknowledgment that their asses were equally match overpowered these emotions, and that was all it took for her to succumb to a wilfully ignored pleasure that had been building in her ass and across her body. She felt a humiliating moan erupt from her lips, as her eyes rolled back, her entire body throbbing and trembling with an unstoppable pleasure. The fact that Emma had erupted in pleasure at the exact same moment caused her to let go of any resistance to the overwhelming tide of pleasure, which in turn only caused the climax to reach even greater heights.

    It felt as though Emma’s ass was secreting some unknown hormone that caused Anna’s own ass to twitch and thrum in unstoppable ecstasy, a pleasure that caused her back arch and toes to curl in absolute bliss. Even as their dual climaxes carried them higher, it was as though their superior senses had penetrated too far into the other’s body to be pulled out, each girl experiencing again and again how their bodies succumbed to each other, their asses practically fusing together as their sense of self broke down under a barrage of mirrored, mind-melting pleasure.

    Anna cried out in defeat, desperately for the horrifyingly pleasurable sensation to stop, but it felt as though her voice was echoing from far away. Again and again, she cried out weakly, as the pleasure struct wave after wave, until she felt herself sprawled out on the floor in a puddle of sweat and cum, her ass still glued against Emma’s, and their fingers still interlocked.

    “You win, you win,” She gasped, her mind too battered to even feel unwilling about the admission of defeat, “Just ask your question already.”

    Having said that, however, she froze, as though in part processing what she had said, but also because she had heard something else. She turned her head and saw on Emma’s stunned face, a look of bitterness, hatred, unwillingness, and disbelief. A look that she suspected was no different from her own.

    They had once again spoken in unison.

    Violently wrenching their bodies apart, the two fumed and hissed as though they had just received a fresh injection of hatred and loathing for the other girl, as if being forced into that terrifying climax together was humiliating enough, they had once again spoken at the same time.

    Equally, however, Anna was relieved that Emma had spoken the words simultaneously, as whilst another draw was still a loss in Anna’s book, at least it was a mutual loss.

    ‘It’s fine, it’s fine, she consoled inwardly, as painful it is, at least this fucking bitch still hasn’t beaten me.’

    She thought for a moment, wondering which question she would be best to ask next. She had a faint premonition and a feeling of dread, that even if they continued this comparison between their identical bodies, the results would be a series of endless draws. She also got the sense that Emma’s was starting to feel the same way, no matter how unwilling either of them would be to admit it out loud.

    This only deepened her hatred, however. There was no way that she could take a step back now, she felt such loathing and disgust for the other girl that she wished she could skin her alive and drink her blood, despite her still twitching body that was continuing to cry out for more pleasure. With these facts in mind, she was already planning how to conduct the next clash. Knowing that the other girl was an immortal, she did not need to continue to compare bodies, and she could instead throw her unparallel talents in the field of alchemy in her rival’s face.
    ‘But then again, it would only be a meaningful victory if she has some talent in alchemy… And if it turns out she is an expert swordmaster, or something, it’s not like I’d be willing to accept she’s better than me anyway…’

    In a tired silence, the duo’s thoughts raced, each calculating the pros and the cons of each course of action, wondering where to direct the conflict next, and which question to ask…

    Eventually, the two stopped thinking, instead, pulling themselves up and returning to what had become their ‘question asking position’, face-to-face, with their faces so close it looked as though they were about to kiss and their arms around the other’s waist.

    The contact between their lower bodies caused the two to jump and twitch as if they were being electrocuted, and their arms being so close to their sensitive asses caused their hips to unconsciously move forward until their still soaked crotches were being tightly squeezed together. This caused both Anna and Emma to blush furiously, with shame and hatred practically oozing from every pore across their identical bodies, but neither moved back, feeling as though it would be a loss for them.

    “Next question,” They spoke together, breath colliding and mixing between their wet, red lips.

    “What immortal path do you walk? What do you specialize in, other than being a slut?” They said, neither concealing the threatening malice in their voice.

    What followed next was a tense silence, Anna knew that for once, she wanted nothing more than for the two of them to speak the same words, as they always seemed to. The obvious, ill-intentioned desire in Emma’s eyes made it obvious that she was thinking the same thing.


    And the matching pairs of emerald-green eyes lit up with a malicious predatorial desire, like a hunter laying eyes on its prey, as their red lips arching into vicious smirks.

    “Great, this little comparison is over then?” Anna questioned in a voice with confidence, as though she had won every bout.

    “Naturally,” Emma affirmed. “We clearly have much more important things to be doing.”

    Having said that, and just as both intended to leave this degrading contest behind them, and move on to the real competition, the duo heard the threatening sound of thunder and were filled with a soul-shaking sense of dread, as though the grim reaper were standing right behind them, ready to take their lives.

    Both instantly fell into a fluster, knowing that it was the result of the nearly breaking the vow they had made before the heavens. Their minds racing and relying on their perfect memories, they went over the results of the pact once again, making sure they had adhered to the agreement before suddenly they froze.

    “You need to lick my feet!” They shouted in a panic.

    “Me?!” They yelled in synchrony again.

    “You dumb bitch, you messed up the vow!” Emma yelled, practically roaring. “If we had to answer each other’s questions after a tie, but what about that last condition?”

    “Fuck!” Anna yelled, before retorting with hatred-laced words, “You didn’t think to check the vow before saying it, and you’re calling me a dumb bitch?!”

    In a furious silence, the two glared at each other, chests heaving with frustration. Just when they thought there were about to get the upper hand in this battle, it turns out they must lick the feet of their most bitter, most hated enemy. How come they possibly be willing!

    As the sound of thunder grew louder and louder, however, and the sense of dread grew strong still, both Anna and Emma knew they had two choices.

    First, continue to the comparison. They had already compared all their strong points, but nothing was stopping them from comparing the rest of their bodies. They could compare hands, arms, breasts, navels, maybe even their lips, which looked similar enough. But neither could shake the feeling that even if they put themselves through it… the results wouldn’t change. They would still be equal, identical, perfect copies and clones of each other. Perhaps the mind-melding fusion of senses they had just experienced had already confirmed the inevitable deep down in their hearts, as loath as they were to admit it to one another.

    But the second choice… licking one another’s feet… was truly bitter.

    Ultimately, however, both were struck by the despair-inducing belief that ever since they first interlocked fingers outside in the corridors, and dragged each other into this classroom, they were destined for this painful, humiliating result.

    As though they could sense the other’s despair, they moved in tandem, sitting down opposite each other, just as they did when comparing their feet, and lifted their legs. Anna grabbed hold of Emma’s feet, and Emma held Anna’s, and both brought their enemy's feet over to their face.

    ‘God, I can’t believe I have to do this’, Anna thought tearfully, ‘It’s all this bitch’s fault!’

    The vicious look Emma was sending her told Anna that her rival held the same sentiments towards her. Clearly, both were pushing the blame onto the other.

    No matter how reluctant, however, the girls had to do it, their only consolation being that the other girl was going through an identical torment.

    Anna licked up and down Emma’s flawless feet, feet that she had been forced to acknowledge were a perfect match with her own. Her soft long tongue slipping between delicate toes and down the bottom of her rival’s right foot. She couldn’t deny that having Emma lick her own feet was a very enjoyable, pleasurable experience that sent shivers down her spine, but it was undoubtedly ruined by the fact that she had to do the same to Emma. She gagged and retched exaggeratedly, attempting to taunt the other girl that her feet tasted disgusting. Naturally, this wasn’t true, how could it be when immortals like them had long since cleansed the body of impurities. Their bodies would always remain clean, not to mention the natural peach fragrance Emma emitted meant that licking the girl’s feet was not difficult or physically repelling at all. The disgust was naturally psychological, and she would never let her enemy think that she enjoyed licking her feet.

    Emma was doing the same, pulling faces and sticking her tongue out in an exaggerated display of nausea. Despite, Anna knowing exactly what she was doing, it still managed to infuriate her, however, and her own efforts had the same effect on Emma. Clearly, they were just destined enemies who couldn’t help but lose their temper at the other.

    Sometime after both had moved onto their rival’s other foot, the mutual punishment had taken a strange turn, not unlike how their ass comparison took an unexpected turn. Each was meticulously and carefully servicing the other with their tongue, as though in competition to see how could be more diligent and submissive to the other. Sucking on toes, running tongues temptingly up the length of the foot whilst seductively batting eyelashes… The sound of thunder and sense of danger had long since faded but the duo were still going, in fact, whilst Anna was licking Emma’s left foot, and Emma licking Anna’s right, their other feet had subconsciously found each other, pressing and rubbing together as though the earlier contact between them wasn’t enough and they still wanted more.

    Eventually, the two snapped out of their daze, both channeling their shame and embarrassment at their unconscious actions into anger at the other.

    “You fucking feet-obsessed slut!” Anna screamed, her hair practically standing on end at she scrambled away for the other blonde.

    “You the obsessed one, you foot-fetishist!” Emma screamed in response, equally as flustered at the turn of events.

    Soon enough, the two immortals felt their embarrassment quell, and they started to arrange their next competition.

    They chose a new meeting place, both done with acting like schoolgirls.

    Instead, in their next conflict, they would be proud disciples of the Violet Mountain and Hanging Temple sects respectively.

    Last edited by Lotus9; April 14th, 2022 at 11:16 AM. Reason: previous version not processing italics, this tesxt uploaded makes me want to kill myself btw

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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Very intresting

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Building back up to another climax, the chapter was too long so I split it! I hope you enjoy, the next part will hopefully follow soon

    Chapter 3: Not shedding tears till you see your coffin, Part 1

    It had been three days since the clash between the two disciples, and despite the constant mediation, Anna still felt the humiliation and rage smoldering in her chest. Just imagining Emma’s face would cause the blood to rush to her heart, all tranquillity and calm ruined at the thought of her.

    She had sat at her fan, her enchanted flight treasure bestowed by her master before she left the Violet Mountain sect. Using its mystical abilities to block the wind and maintain a comfortable temperature, she had escaped from the mortal world below and was secluded at a dizzying height, preparing for what she hoped would be the final clash with Hanging Temple disciple.

    Having discarded the mortal clothes that brought her nothing but shame, she had returned to wearing her disciple's robe, a long, almost dressing-gown-like garment that was the typical attire of sect disciples. The robe was durable, would never be dirtied, and could be adjusted with a single thought, allowing a degree of personalization. It was a violet color, and when Anna wasn’t cursing or acting slovenly, it gave her an ethereal and otherworldly charm.

    With it on, she finally felt like a mystical immortal again, the noble and proud Ninth Miss of the Violet Mountain, rather than the depraved mortal she had been acting like three days prior.

    Other than dusting off her alchemy cauldron, she hadn’t touched it for the sake of practice. In the world of immortals, where a decade could rush by as though it were only a few months, what would a few days of practice do for her condition, other than disturb her calm.

    Not that she had done much other than feel disturbed.

    It’s almost time… She mused to herself.

    The two of them had arranged to meet at a nearby mountain, where they would have a formal competition of alchemy, each acting in her capacity as a disciple of her sect. Though, behind closed doors, with the two of them alone, Anna was truthfully unsure whether she or Emma would be able to restrain their tempers.

    Upon thinking of her bitter rival, Anna instantly began grinding her teeth in anger, ruining her ethereal charm. After huffing and puffing in frustration for a while, Anna decided to do one final check off her alchemy ingredients before leaving. She laid a finger on the bangle on her wrist, like her flying fan, it was a treasure indispensable to an immortal cultivator, a storage bracelet, that could almost be said to contain a small world of its own. Within the expansive bracelet were all the pills and elixirs she had concocted over the years at the sect, her ingredients and cauldron, spare robes, alchemy manuals, and secret texts, as well as other miscellaneous items, all easily accessible just by touching her finger to the bracelet.

    After doing one final check, and touching up her makeup slightly, she set off towards the mountain she and Emma had arranged to meet at.

    Contrary perhaps to expectations, Anna didn’t feel particularly nervous about the alchemy competition, instead, more concerned about her temper and conforming to the etiquette expected of someone of her position. After all, she had been told countless times how talented she was and had witnessed the talent of the usual, novice alchemists within the Violet Mountain sect, all of whom had mostly catastrophic results even when concocting basic alchemy pills. Even the older alchemists of the sect, whose longevity had almost run dry after countless years of life, couldn’t match her unique insights into alchemy, even if they could match her still budding talent with their many years of experience. That is why this ‘competition’ was mostly a joke to Anna.

    Naturally, with the understanding of Emma she possessed, she knew the girl would have some tricks and schemes in mind, some level of confidence that allowed her to smirk so viciously when they admitted their strengths to one another. Ultimately though, she didn’t pay much heed to the other girl, whatever plots and plans Emma had, she would demolish them with her unparalleled talent and skill.

    If your bold claims can be backed up, it wasn’t arrogance, but instead confidence!

    Compared to the size of the Violet Mountain sect’s immortal world, Earth could be considered small, and accordingly, Anna arrived at the mountain in no time at all. Continuing the comparison between the two worlds, the mountain was a lot smaller than those she was accustomed back at the sect, but on the plus side, it meant she could find Emma with relatively little trouble.

    And when she did find Emma, Anna almost exploded in an instantaneous fit of anger.

    Her opponent was riding a flying treasure of her own, which of course is to be expected. What Anna did not expect is that it was also a folding paper fan treasure, almost identical to her own. She could see Emma standing comfortably on it, wrapped in a soft green robe that gave her a gentle and calm aura.

    Anna’s experience with Emma three days prior let her understand almost instantly, however, that the girl was anything but gentle and calm now. The opposing blonde attempting and failing to conceal her shock and fury at their identical flight treasures was as clear as day in Anna’s eyes. She was so capable at recognizing the shift in her rival’s emotions that she could even pick out the amusement in the girl’s eyes as she in turn recognized Anna’s own frustration and annoyance at their near-matching fans.

    It was painful and frustrating how transparent they were in front of each other. In fact, from a certain perspective, it wasn’t even necessary to have a deep understanding of the other. They were so similar, both in body and mind, that Anna even had the impression that she could simply assume that Emma was thinking the same as her at any given moment, and 99% of the time, she would be right.

    It was by this unfounded, but strangely accurate logic, that Anna suspected that her hateful rival was about to try and throw her identity in the Hanging temple sect in her face because this was exactly what Anna herself was about to do.

    “Ninth disciple of the Hanging Temple sect offerings greetings,” Emma spoke, her voice melodious like the chirping of an oriole. The other blonde was overflowing with pride and arrogance as she greeted Anna, bringing her hands together in a traditional martial arts greeting, as was the common custom between immortal cultivators, looking down her nose at Anna as she did so.

    It was transparent that Emma was proud of her status within her sect. Referring to herself specifically as ‘Ninth disciple’ meant she wasn’t just a random nobody, but instead a direct disciple of the sect leader, and one of the leading figures of the Hanging Temple’s younger generation.

    Anna naturally wouldn’t be deterred, however,

    “Ninth disciple of the Violet Mountain sect offerings greetings”, Anna shot back, taking care to articulate the words as melodiously as possible, her youthful voice crisp and clear. Anna was the beloved treasure of her senior disciples, each of them having visited to offer greeting gifts over the years, and each being impressed with who was assumed as their master’s last disciple.

    The number nine had special connotations within the Violet Mountain sect, and across many of the immortal worlds. To many, it signified the apex: the completion of the path to immortality and the very heavens themselves. This was why many great sages only accepted nine disciples, and the importance of the ninth disciple was no less than the first.

    It was for this reason that Anna could take so much pride in her status, yet unfortunately, Emma was the ninth disciple of the Hanging Temple, a sect that existed on equal terms with her own Violet Mountain sect.

    “Ah, so junior sister is also a ninth disciple…” They spoke in unison, each taking the position and tone of a more senior disciple. The term ‘sister’ did not imply the same relationship that each had with their fellow disciples under the same master, but was instead a more general term, used as a courtesy between fellow immortal cultivators. Issues of seniority would often cause tension in the immortal world, however, as a great emphasis was placed on the concept. It was for this reason that the duo froze in shocked disbelief at the other's audacity at believing herself her senior.

    “Junior sister may not be aware,” Anna explained, sharpness apparent in her voice, “but in the immortal world, who is the senior and who is the junior is decided by both position… and strength.”

    “This is not something I need you to teach me, junior sister,” Emma stated coldly, hissing the words ‘junior sister’ through clenched teeth. “Naturally, I have the strength to dare act as your senior.”

    “I, your senior sister, am not convinced of those words,” Anna said plainly.

    The expressions of the two girls had warped into tight, forced smiles, both visibly straining to restrain their anger, as their flight treasures smoothly cruised closer and closer.

    “It’s a good thing we are both here for an alchemy exchange today then, junior sister,” Emma whispered. Despite her soft tone, a murderous intent seemed to be oozing from her body, her eyes containing a threatening shine.

    “It is a good thing,” Anna agreed, “I’m always happy to provide some advice to my juniors.” Anna’s demeanor was no less menacing. She seemed like a sheathed sword about to unveil its cruel edge.

    The two beauties exchanged a smile that didn’t reach their emerald, green eyes.

    Despite the tension between them skyrocketing to new heights, the duo maintained the façade of civility, riding side by side over to the mountainside, where they discounted their fans. With a thought, Anna’s flying folding fan shrunk down, until it was small enough to fit in her hand, at which point, she folded it up and put it into her storage bracelet.

    Emma having finished doing the same, the two turned to look at each other.

    An amused and scornful look passed through Anna’s eyes as she checked out her rival before she opened her mouth to speak.

    “Junior sister, your robe is looking a little small on you?” They both taunted in unison, causing both to cringe simultaneously.

    Anna’s words weren’t wrong, the other blonde’s outfit seemed more like a tight mini dress than a martial robe. The green robe only just covered her ass and crotch and left the entirety of her long, creamy legs exposed, their perfection clear for anyone to see. The fabric was obscenely tight around her hips and waist, leaving very little to the imagination, and even Emma’s moderate tits seemed generous and perky, looking as though they were about to rip out of the fabric.

    ‘God, you fucking slut. You just can’t resist, can you?’ She disdained inwardly.

    Much to Anna’s shock, however, Emma’s words weren’t wrong either. She couldn’t comprehend when it had happened, but her own violet robe was hugging her figure in much the same way as Emma’s hugged hers. Long, domineering legs exposed, with the crotch just barely covered as the robe clung desperately to her plump, well-sculpted thighs. Her hips seemed even wider than usual, her waist so thin it was about to snap, and even her tits that she never placed much attention on seemed to be elevated to sexier heights under the robe's complimentary new fit.

    She was certain that her robe had been in order when she had arrived at the mountain, and faintly recalled that when she first saw Emma, her robe didn’t look like that either.

    The two locked eyes as their faces exploded into an embarrassed flush. The only explanation is that as they flew over to the mountainside, exchanging words back and forth and trying to one-up the other, they were subconsciously shaping their adaptive, enchanted robes into a sexier form, their competitive desires getting the better of them without either Anna or Emma noticing.

    ‘This was meant to be a serious clash between noble disciples… So why do we now look like two sluts turning up at the club ready to fuck?!’ Anna bitterly complained.

    Emma was obviously thinking the same thing, her face warped in a mixture of embarrassment, shame, and annoyance.

    “You shameless junior,” They spat in synchrony, “Are you trying to seduce me?”

    Instantly the two girl’s restraint crumbled, and they flung themselves at the other party. As though there existed an unnoticed magnetism between their bodies, the duo found themselves pressed tightly together once again, their tight violet and green robes crushed without a single gap between them.

    Their hands wrapped around the other’s narrow waist so naturally, it was as if they belonged there, whilst breasts, stomachs, crotches, and thighs squashed against their counterparts as if eager to be ground and mixed together.

    Anna could feel the twinges of nervous anticipation shooting through her mirror image’s body, could feel the butterflies in the girl’s stomach through their navels that were practically glued together like the rest of their bodies.

    The only parts of them that still had some distance were their faces, keep apart as they glared into matching green eyes. Contrary to the excitement and desire their flesh seemed to possess for the other girl, their minds were still ice cold, each staring at her rival with eyes filled with loathing and venomous hatred.

    Being so close to Emma made Anna feel like she was going to be sick, but she just couldn’t resist the urge to get in the other girl’s face, knowing that her rival found such close contact equally as unpleasant.

    She closely examined the other blonde’s face, her small, cute nose, her wide, expressive eyes, soft, smooth cheeks, and cherry red lips. Emma was incredibly gorgeous, possessing an intoxicating charm that filled Anna with a jealous hatred and a desire to bite the other girl to death.

    “You think you’re so cute, don’t you, junior?” Emma hissed into Anna’s face, the girl’s tone informing her that her rival was just as close to biting Anna to death as Anna was doing the same.

    “Oh, I know I am,” Anna hissed back, “Sexier too, junior.”

    Anna knew that the argument about seniority was the last thing on her mind right now, but Emma was succeeding in her goal of trying to infuriate her, so naturally, Anna fought fire with fire, throwing the phrase back in the other blonde’s face. She was succeeding too, and feeling Emma’s nails digging into her back filled her with malicious glee.

    “We both know you’re no sexier than I am,” Emma spat. The words caused both girls to glare hatefully at the other, having been reminded of the results of their last clash. How could Anna be sexier than Emma, or Emma sexier than Anna, when their bodies were identical from the curves of their hips to even the placement of their pores, each girl a mirror image of the other.

    Anna felt her body begging her to continue arguing, to suggest another comparison so they could press bare flesh against bare flesh again, so their twin bodies could conquer and be conquered again, mutually succumbing to each other’s touch again.

    Whilst feeling betrayed by her own flesh, however, she forced down the twisted desire, instead forcingly changing the topic,

    “Let's not get into this again,” She suggested. “How about we prep the area, and then get into this alchemy exchange?”

    “Fine by me,” Emma replied.

    With that the two pried their bodies apart, burying any reluctant to part deep in their hearts. The duo turned, walking towards the mountain rock. Both blondes pressed a finger against their storage bracelets, causing a strange sword to materialize in front of them, floating in the air. These two swords then shot towards the rocky surface of the mountain wall, the blades cutting into it like hot knives through butter.

    In very little time, the swords had carved out a cave in the mountainside. It was common practice in the immortal worlds for cultivators to reside in such ‘immortal caves’, though these abodes would be dug in places with highly dense and pure qi, so that their training would progress at twice the speed with half as much effort.

    Whilst this cave was only intended to be a private space for their duel, rather than any sort of long-term residence, the makeshift arena had smooth surfaces, with a corridor leading to the main room.

    Trying her best to ignore Emma for now, else another argument erupts, Anna went to work inserting luminous pearls into the walls, to provide light, as well as decorating the room with miscellaneous knickknacks she found in her storage bracelet. Even if the cave was just for temporary use, she still wanted to breathe some life into it!

    Having finished her work as an interior designer, and ready to finally do some alchemy, she turned around to see that Emma had been decorating the other side of the cave. The result was, much to Anna’s chagrin, very tasteful and well-coordinated with her own side of the room.

    Rolling her eyes, and noticing Emma doing the same, she walked to the table placed in the middle of the room, before placing her hands on it and staring across at the other blonde, who was unsurprisingly doing the same.

    After fixing the other with a stern glare, the two began to discuss the details of the alchemy exchange. Assuming there wasn’t a huge disparity in skills that rendered the entire competition a joke, they would first compete to see who could produce the highest quality medicinal pill when both were unfamiliar with the recipe and had no previous experience concocting it.

    Then, should the results require further competition, they would examine a previously concocted pill or elixir provided by the other, to see who could distinguish the ingredients first.

    The competition would then continue, testing the various other aspects of alchemy, though, Anna doubted they would even need to go that far. She believed without a shadow of a doubt, that whilst Emma and she were physical clones of the other, her skills and talent in alchemy were truly unmatched within her generation. This wasn’t a confidence that was born from the praise of her fellow disciples or the senior alchemists from within the sect, but a belief that stemmed from the depths of her heart.

    When she was a mortal, existing within the tedious confines of Earth, she had always felt as though she were meant for more, that she was missing something fundamental to her existence. The feeling had disappeared the second she started practicing alchemy, and she believed that if the heavens far above the immortal worlds truly did exist, then it was such heavens that bestowed her talent for alchemy, her purpose!

    This was something Emma would never be able to match, no matter how identical their bodies were!

    Thinking this, her eyes ignited with a prideful fire, she began to look through her storage bracelet for pill recipes she hadn’t yet studied, as Emma did the same.

    After some back-and-forth, the two decided on a pill to compete with. It was called the ‘mind-sea expansion pill’, a rare pill of great use to cultivators who had focused their efforts on the development of the mind and soul. Whether these immortal cultivators developed the mind and soil for the sake of controlling armies of battle puppets or beasts, maintaining colossal magical array formations, slavery techniques, or a myriad of other fields that relied on this foundation, the mind-sea expansion pill was almost like a super drug that could dramatically improve their strength.

    In fact, the pill was actually quite valuable to alchemists like Anna and Emma too, which is why both girls had been intending to eventually concoct a pill for their own consumption. As young, spoilt scions of great talent from their respective sects, each girl had enough ingredients for three attempts at the pill sitting in their respective storage bracelets.

    ‘Seems this bitch really isn’t too shabby at alchemy if she’s carrying around ingredients of this rarity, Anna mused internally.

    ‘Regardless, I’ll show her the difference between the sort of talent you can find in any old sect, and the kind of talent that only appears once in a generation- no, once in history!’

    Having bolstered her spirits, she matched away from the white-jade table in the center of the room, over to where she had placed her cauldron, an extremely rare treasure of the sect called the ’Violet-Heavens Cauldron’. It was a violet-gold color, adorned with silver dragons that snaked around the cauldron, not unlike the streams of silver qi that flowed through the violet skies above the Violet Mountain sect. Made from mythical materials unknown to her, she couldn’t comprehend how ancient and illustrious the history of the cauldron was.

    That she, a ‘young’ disciple not even a century old had been entrusted with it by her master demonstrated his attitude towards her, even if she had never seen him since he found her on Earth and brought her back to the sect. It also demonstrated his confidence in himself and the Violet Mountain sect, daring to entrust a treasure rare enough to blind the countless immortal world with greed, to a disciple as weak as her.

    That she dared to expose the treasure in front of Emma was truthfully a great display of trust that she doubted would be noticed by her arrogant rival. Ultimately, she felt that as hateful and insanity-inducing as the girl was, Emma was equally as prideful, that she wouldn’t resort to murder and theft for the sake of a treasure.

    Whether this trust was a result of a true understanding of Emma’s character or simple naivety to the cruelty and duplicity of the immortal world, none could say. Regardless, Anna’s trust was well-placed, as whilst she saw admiration flash through her rival’s eyes, there was no greed or envy, and soon enough the other girl moved her attention back to her own cauldron.

    Anna felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. Relief that the girl hadn’t attempted to rob her treasure, but disappointment because her reaction was so subdued.

    She understood why Emma’s reaction was so calm, however, when she turned her attention to the cauldron of the Hanging Temple disciple opposite.

    It appeared to be a mixture of green and white jade, with intricate patterns of constellations engraved across its body. It possessed an ancient aura no less than her own cauldron, and the sight of it almost caused her to gasp in admiration. Suddenly it was made clear to her why the other girl wouldn’t covet her cauldron. Even if Emma’s cauldron could be said to be inferior to her own, it wouldn’t be by much at all, so why would she be stewing in envy?

    Rapidly regaining her calm, she questioned Emma,

    “Are you ready to start, junior sister?”

    “Of course, junior sister, are you?” She responded near-instantly, sending Anna an irritated glance as she did so.

    “Naturally.” Anna spat back, shooting the girl an annoyed glance of her own.

    Like that, the two began heating their cauldrons ready for the concoction process, using rare and mystical firewood to ignite the flames. More experienced alchemists would possess mythic fires that they would use to control the heat of the cauldron with a signal thought, but the fortune of possessing one such fire could only be found and not sought. For a young immortal such as Anna, she had plenty of time to slowly roam the countless immortal worlds in search of fortuitous encounters later.

    Many alchemy recipes were incredibly vague, just stating the ingredients required rather than the actual process of concoction. It was because alchemy was an otherworldly process than could work differently for whoever attempted to enter the field. Each alchemist’s mythic fire or firewood would be different, their cauldrons would be different, and everyone’s qi, vital for condensing the pill at the end of the process, would naturally have its own uniqueness and personal flair. Some cold in nature, and others hot. Some soft and flexible, and others hard and rigid.

    To summarise, alchemy required far more than simply following instructions like a chef. It required intuition and perception in addition to focus and precision.

    As the cauldron bubbled, and more ingredients were added, Anna’s mind was devoid the anger and loathing she had felt brewing inside her since she met Emma. In fact, she had forgotten the existence of her rival entirely. The only thing that existed in her mind at that moment as alchemy.

    Her strengthened senses that had been wasted on vulgar and base pursuits days prior were now strained as she listened for the reactions occurring within the violet-gold cauldron, her nose twitching as the scent of the ingredients mingle and mixed, her ears listening for the intensity of the bubbling, and the viscosity of the liquid.

    Her eyes were like an eagle fixed on its prey, possessing an unshakable focus and her fingers twitched as she utilized her qi to control the flames burning under the ancient melting pot, the temperature needing constant adjustment.

    Eventually, though, the bubbling mixture turned a muddy brown, producing a foul smell and black smoke. Anna’s first attempt was a failure. Normally she wouldn’t be conscious of a setback like this, after all, even alchemy masters who had lived thousands of years longer than her would fail many times when learning to concoct a new pill, but this time was not a private attempt, but rather a competition.

    Having snapped out of her focused trance, it was only natural for her thoughts to snap back to Emma, her stomach churning in anxiety at the thought that her opponent may not have failed in her attempt yet. Thankfully when she turned her head, she saw Emma looking straight back at her in a fluster, black smoke and a foul smell pouring from the other girl’s cauldron too.

    Each exhaled a sigh of relief at the sight of the other’s failure.

    Their failure and desire to overcome the challenge of concocting this new pill outweighed their urges to taunt the other at this moment, contrary to even their expectations, as the two spoke in cold and determined voices,

    “Next attempt.”

    Before the duo turned back around to drain their cauldrons and prepare for the next concoction.

    Soon enough, Anna had reached the point where she had failed before. With her prior experience and aided by a subconscious understanding of the underlying laws of alchemy, however, this time she delicately avoided the pitfall, a bead of sweat dripping down her forehead.

    The process moved swiftly from there, as Anna demonstrated why she was worthy of her reputation as an unparalleled talent across the immortal worlds, nearing the brink of success on only her second attempt, whilst others may require thousands or even tens of thousands of attempts to reach match her progress.

    There was a reason investing in, and raising an alchemist was an expensive and dangerous gamble after all! Only sects and clans with serious capital and resource channels could acquire the materials and ingredients for the countless resources needed to pave the way to an alchemist’s eventual success!

    As if being sucked into a miniature black hole, the liquid was flowing to the center of the cauldron in the final step of the concoction, the pill-forming process. As Anna used to qi to facilitate the process, however, she took a single misstep that caused the formation to fail.

    Demonstrating the attitude of a true alchemist, she instantly began to reflect on her failure, her mind racing as she watched as the nearly complete pill crumbled to ashes.

    After realizing where she went wrong with pinpoint accuracy, and planning what she would do differently next time, she took a deep breath to calm her mind, before turning around to check the process of the Hanging Temple disciple.

    What came next was a flurry of emotions that shocked her to the core. At first, upon seeing that Emma had also failed, and the other girl was also looking over at her, she thought it natural. Anna assumed the girl had been watching for a while, assuming that her rival had perhaps made a little more progress in her second attempt before the concoction failed.

    When she noticed the traces of the pill-forming process in the other blonde’s cauldron, however, she felt her knee grow weak as she felt as though she had been hit by a sledgehammer.

    ‘How is this possible?!’ She thought in panicked disbelief. ‘How could she possibly have made so much progress?!’

    She felt a familiar feeling of deep dread and anxiety at the thought that the girl could be far more talented than she thought possible. In her sudden onset of terror, she could almost envision the previous outcome of their body comparison repeating itself, the two girls being stuck in a deadlock as even their alchemy talent was identical!

    ‘No! That is not possible! Anna thought as she felt a venomous hatred spread across her core as her eyes grew bloodshot. ‘This fucking bitch has already matched the body I’ve always been so proud of, I will not allow her to match my talent too!’

    Anna’s sudden anger left her blind to the fact that her fingernails were cutting into her palms, causing blood to drip down her hands onto the floor around her. Her emerald-green eyes were locked with Emma’s in a stare-down brimming with hatred, jealously, and murderous intent. She didn’t have any interest in the girl’s jaw-dropping physique or even notice the blood running down Emma’s hands, as she was practically left breathless at the immense hatred that seemed to be pumped to every inch of her body via her boiling blood.

    Despite the faint smell of blood in the air, and the duo being on the edge of crossing a line neither could ever turn back from, neither moved, instead both frozen as though statues.

    After what seemed like an eternity, the two exhaled ice-cold breaths in unison.

    “I underestimated you, Anna.” The Hanging Temple disciple spoke, her voice sharp like a blade.

    “I underestimated you, Emma.” The Violet Mountain disciple replied, her words no less pointed.

    Despite having accounted for the possibility of the exchange lasting longer than this competition, Anna only anticipated having to partake in them should her enemy be unwilling to accept a loss. The thought that they would have to proceed with a second-round due to being so evenly matched hadn’t even occurred to her until now.

    She suspected that Emma had been under the same misconception, having now seen her talent in action.

    For reasons unknown to her, their mutual admissions sent a strange shiver down her spine and made her want to march to the middle of the room and press her body up against Emma’s.

    In fact, she had already taken an unconscious step forward to do just that before she managed to stop herself.

    It didn’t escape her attention that Emma had done the same, and it was at that moment she was aware that the other blonde had the exact same impulse as her. She saw an embarrassed flush blossom on her rival’s face and felt her own adopt a matching hue as if to mirror Emma.

    The pair couldn’t help but writhe in embarrassment at how transparent they were before the other.

    This mutual misstep did help to diffuse the tension in the room, however, as the atmosphere between the duo was slightly ambiguous, as each girl’s thoughts ran wild.

    ‘Why does my body seem to have a mind of its own?’ Anna cringed inwardly. ‘I want nothing more than to kill this bitch right now, but my traitorous body seems to have other intentions…’

    Blaming her body for the ambiguous feeling she refused to acknowledge existed, she forced herself to concentrate on the alchemy exchange instead.

    “Our last attempt then.” She said in an obvious attempt to move past the embarrassment and awkwardness each girl was feeling, brushing some stray hairs behind her ear as she spoke.

    “Our last attempt,” Emma repeating, clearly wanting to say something to sweep away the ambiguous atmosphere they duo had accidently created. The blonde attempting to straighten out her robes, not knowing what to do with them in a rare moment of awkwardness, having forgotten, however, that her usually loose robes were now skin-tight, her hands ended up skimming past her perky breasts.

    The duo lapsed into another awkward silence before they turned back to their cauldrons in unison.

    Whilst Anna had calmed down from her previous rage, she was just as unwilling to lose to her rival and just as angry and bitter at the narrow gap between their performances. Reminding herself of why it was so important to win this battle. It wasn’t just about pride or winning glory for the faction behind her. On a fundamental level, losing to Emma would damage her confidence in her ‘unparalleled’ talent to the extent that a heart-demon, a mental shadow of catastrophic proportions would be born within her. With such a failure weighing her down and destabilizing her psyche, how could she continue her rapid ascension along the immortal path.

    Her self-perception would affect her results, which would then cause her self-confidence to plummet even lower, creating a downward spiral until she was no longer a young talent, but just another piece of trash.

    ‘This is why I must win!’ She reminded herself, the long-legged beauty now feeling as though she had been drenched in cold water.

    The awkward and ambiguous atmosphere was like it never existed as each sent a fierce glare toward their rival, before stepping back to their workstations.

    Anna’s ancient cauldron bubbled and brewed as her progress raced like never before. Her mind was not as clear and calm as it was before, instead filled with a burning ambition to defeat her loathsome enemy.

    Usually, such a mental state would ruin a concoction attempt, but it would seem as though 100% of Anna’s talent and skill were squeezed out under the furious motivation, as her third attempt was a success, the pill forming into a perfect sphere that resembled a jawbreaker candy.

    She quickly encased the sea-blue pill in a wooden box intended to help maintain its medicinal properties, before turning and walking to the white-jade table in the center of the room.

    It was impossible for her to miss the fact that Emma was holding a similar box, causing her stomach to lurch uncomfortably.

    ‘It’s fine,’ she consoled herself, ‘She likely just barely managed to form the pill, whilst mine could be said to be a solid success.’

    As the two stood at opposite sides of the small, square table, she flipped open the box to admire her work.

    Pills would be distinguished with a grading system from one to nine. Grades one-to-three were the lowest levels of quality, the pill slightly off-color or misshapen in places. Such pills would still get the job done, performing their purpose, but naturally, these pills were mostly sold in mass for a cheaper price.

    Grades four-to-six denoted the intermediate level of quality, the pills would be a healthy hue, with performance and efficacy ranging from 40% up to 80%, on the higher side of the bracket. Anna judged that her pill was between grades five and six, which could be considered an astounding result for a third attempt.

    With further attempts, she would be able to refine pills in the upper grade, hitting the ninth and highest grade before long. A pill of such quality would have golden lines and patterns appear on it to signify its perfection, bestowed by heaven itself. These pills would surpass the 100% performance of a grade eight pill, instead, bringing the pill to 150%-200% efficacy! Accordingly, such pills were incredibly rare to find, and they would be sold at auctions for sky high prices, regardless of what type of pill it actually was.

    Most alchemists wouldn’t have the confidence of refining a grade nine pill in their lifetime, and any that did would consider it a high point in their career, yet to Anna, bringing her concoctions to grade nine was matter of course, something she would naturally do to prove she had mastered a pills concoction before she moved onto the next pill.

    It could only be said that geniuses truly live in a different reality from the masses…

    Satisfied with pill she had made under such a ruinous mental state, she shot her opponent a taunting smirk, paying no attention to the fact that Emma shot her one of her own, instead she slid the wooden box across the table, for the other blonde to inspect.

    “You’re the one who wanted to compete in alchemy,” She laughed smugly, her emerald eyes brimming with pride. “So don’t blame me for the result.”

    “Ha, I would never blame you, I just hope you don’t blame me,” Emma replied with arrogance laced words.

    Each girl was a feast for the eyes, wrapped in their now skin-tight, mini-dress like robes, blonde hair cascading down their backs as their perky tits and firm asses seemed ready to burst out of the fabric. Each pair of long, divine legs brimmed with a seductive hypnotism that would make any onlooker wished to bend down to worship them. Yet neither blonde could appreciate the sight of their rival’s long legs and asses as they leaned on the table. Even as buttocks were about to pop out from the meager restraints of their robes, each was more focused on the pill in front of their eyes.

    ‘How is this possible?!’ Anna thought, her mind breaking down into a fluster haze. The pill in front of her was indistinguishable from her own, a deep sea-blue, perfectly spherical orb, around 2 inches large.

    She felt anger and unwillingness bubbling in her stomach like magma as she inspected the pill carefully, comparing it mentally with her own creation, before finally, she looked up with a huff.

    She and her near-identical twin locked eyes in an aggrieved stare, each girl gnawing on her lower lips in consternation. The similarities between their pills went beyond looking as though they were concocted by the same person, the pills were as flawlessly identical as their twin bodies.

    In unison, each grabbed the pill in front of them before quickly stepping to the side of the table. Standing side by side, with the left side of Anna’s body pressed tightly against Emma’s right side, the two placed the pills next to one another on the table, their creations matching their own positions.

    The aggrieved and furious duo then inspected the pills from every angle, their sharp eyes desperately seeking the slightest difference between the twin creations. To the delight of their bodies, they unknowingly plastered themselves closer and closer together as their searched, soft thighs rubbing as their robes hiked up and their touching ass cheeks glued themselves together. Their perky tits were squashed together too, an unseen magnetism existing between the robe covered orbs as left and right tits gently stuck together, with even their cherry red nipples being perfectly aligned. Their faces, wearing stern and focused masks to hide the panic and dread, were touching too, their soft cheeks pressed together as though to imitate their ass cheeks, whilst blonde hairs intertwined and knotted together.

    After there eyes had long grown bloodshot, and an indeterminate amount of time had passed within the cave, twin sighs echoed in unison as both Anna and Emma gave up trying to delay the inevitable.

    “You truly are talented,” Emma sighed helplessly, as the two looked away from the table, rotating their bodies so that they were face-to-face. “I doubt two pills have ever been so identical in the history of alchemy.”

    An unwillingness and bitter sense of irony were present in her words, two sentiments that Anna felt too.

    “You’re clearly no less talented,” She replied, neither girl sure if they were complementing or mocking the other. “You forced me to understand that bodies can be perfectly identical, but I never realized that talent could be too.”

    Despite the words that seemed to suggest the battle was over, and that the enmity could be buried, their bodies seemed to disagree, pressing and forcing themselves together as though they were attempting to fuse. Two pairs of tits squeezed together as lower navels and upper thighs were matched against their counterparts. With all the comparing and the constant, unconscious grinding of their bodies, the only part of themselves that the duo hadn’t forced together were their lips and the most intimate folds between their legs. Burning heat and a constant, synchronous throbbing in their crotches seemed to beg them to settle the dispute in another way in another way, however…

    Ignoring her body’s tempting cries, Anna still believed she could win, even after the constant stalemates and mutual defeats. Even if their bodies were identical, even if their talent was identical, she still had a few tricks and schemes, and a trump card yet to be revealed to her enemy.

    “I’ve got an idea for the next round,” She whispered, her hot breath grazing Emma’s wet lips that were so tantalizingly close to her own. “A way to make it a bit more exciting.”

    “What a surprise, I do too,” Emma purred. “A talented and skillful alchemist like you can naturally decipher the ingredients of a pill by consuming it, right?”

    The faint hint of danger in the blonde’s coy and gentle words went seemingly unnoticed by Anna, the curvaceous beauty distracted as she felt the other girl’s body push a little harder into her own, causing her violet-clad flesh to twitch and pound in yearning.

    A sensual moan escaped her lips as she pushed back against her copycat’s identical body, feeling Emma twitch in response.

    “Of course, I have some minor skills,” she muttered, her eyes flashing in weakness, “I’m not confident at all though…”

    “Oh, me neither,” Emma assured softly, the girl seeming ashamed and embarrassed at her perceived inability. “Back at the Hanging Temple sect, I was experimenting with my alchemy, attempting to recreate common pills using unusual ingredients, I was just playing around mostly…”

    “What a coincidence,” Anna injected with a small chuckle, “I’ve had similar ideas before, wanting to reproduce common effects with typically unused plants.”

    “Perfect then!” Emma exclaimed, joyfully grabbing Anna’s hands, and interlocking their fingers as though the two were a pair of best friends rather than two enemies desperate to crush the other beneath their feet.

    Under her humble and sweet façade, however, dark thoughts were swirling in Anna’s mind, ‘You dare to eat one of my medicinal pills? You are just begging to be humiliated…’

    After all, in the field of alchemy, medicine and poison, healing and harm, are just two sides of the same coin…
    Last edited by Lotus9; April 14th, 2022 at 11:01 AM. Reason: previous version not processing italics

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Chapter 3: Not shedding tears till you see your coffin, Part 2

    The grand archives of the Violet Mountain sect had countless ancient tomes, each containing various martial and immortal arts from across the countless epochs of the many immortal worlds. Disciples of the sect would have to complete missions and earn contribution points to redeem time in the library, but as the much doted on last disciple of the sect leader, the elder in charge of the archives didn’t dare ask her to pay for entrance, allowing her to come and go as she pleased. It was in this library that she learned of many recipes for rare and exotic pills and elixirs, but she had also found a technique many practitioners of the immortal arts were too afraid to try, the ‘Ten Thousand Poisons Body’.

    They were as many mystical physiques across the world, many of them possessed by individuals at birth. Some, such as the Pure-Yang physique, would grant the individual immense talent for fire-related arts, others, such as the Undying-Indestructible physique, would grant the individual a resilience far from common even amongst immortals, rending their skin as hard as the hardest of metals, as well as allow them to be reborn from even a single drop of blood should they die.

    Not all physiques were innate, however. Someone, such as the Ten Thousand Poisons Body, could be developed by anyone, assuming they had the willpower and resolution to see it through. The cultivation of such an ominous physique required the individual to ingest deadly poisons, allowing their flesh and blood to become a battleground for the poisons to war against each other. With each milestone of success, such as the 10-poison body, 100-poison body, etc, the practitioner would not only grow increasingly immune to poisons, but they would also be able to control the deadly, and endlessly adaptive poison that lurked within them. It could be emitted close range from the body, or injected into qi and then shot out as a ranged attack.

    Anna understood that others may find it strange that a beautiful and endlessly charming girl like her could cultivate such a cruel technique, but ever since she had decided on walking the path of alchemy, she knew she would have to resort to drastic means to guarantee her fighting potential.

    Many alchemists were dependent on others for protection, selling pills and accumulating favors to build a network of protection with themselves in the center.

    Anna was unwilling to leave her fate in the hands of others, however, even the hands of her senior disciples and master. After all, individual strength was the most important thing in the ruthless and cruel immortal world.

    She was naïve and inexperienced, but she possessed a good head, clear vision, and a strong will. These were the reason she had come so far, so quickly, and they were also the reason she had chosen to cultivate this dreadful physique!

    Naturally, it was because of this physique she had developed that she dared to engage in this dubious exchange with Emma. Whilst she hadn’t cultivated the technique to completion yet, she had reached the 100-Poisons milestone not long before leaving the Violet Mountain sect, the poison lying dormant in her flesh ever since. In its current, hibernating state, the poison was formless and traceless, needing Anna to stir it to action before it would gain its malicious, venomous properties. It was for this reason that she didn’t need to worry that Emma had discovered her secret during their various interactions.

    Even during their humiliating mutual orgasm, where their very souls seemed to blend as the line between the duo blurred, the poison remained silent and unseen.

    Anna stirred from her thoughts, realizing that her supple and sensual body was still tightly glued to the other girl’s matching form. Exchanging plastic smiles, the two pulled their bodies apart, before retrieving chairs from their storage bracelets, on which they then sat, at opposite sides of the table.

    Each also brought out a few medicinal pills of various types, it was with these that the two would be competing with on the surface, after all.

    “So, our concoction and refinement skills were…” Anna began to speak, before trailing off, her face contorted by bitterness.

    “Equal,” Emma finished for her, the beauty looking as though she had swallowed a fly as she said the word.

    “Equal,” Anna repeated, disgust flooding her mouth as she voiced the word. “But naturally we need to decide a winner.”

    “Naturally,” Emma interjected as if annoyed at letting Anna take the lead in the conversation. “So, we will compare how good we are at identifying the ingredients. An alchemist needs sharp senses after all.”

    Her rival’s pink tongue appeared for a split second following her words, as the girl wetted her lips in a movement Anna found infuriatingly attractive. Her emerald-green eyes lingered on Emma’s soft lips a moment longer than she was comfortable with.

    Having caught the smug flash of satisfaction in her opponent’s eyes, she struggled to prevent her face from flushing red.

    “Of course, an alchemist needs a sensitive tongue too,” She said in a seductive drawl, flashing the other girl a glimpse of her own tongue as she spoke. Shivers ran down her spine when she caught Emma’s eyes on her tongue, satisfaction welling up inside her when her rival began sporting a small blush of her own.

    “Let’s start then,” Emma hurriedly spoke, wanting to swiftly move the attention away from her rosy cheeks.

    Anna allowed it to happen, just as eager as Emma was to avoid the embarrassment, she was equally as eager to finally get one up on the girl.

    Each passed a small medicinal pill to the other, before exchanging brief glances. For once, Anna couldn’t quite understand the cryptic look in the other girl’s eyes, but she suppressed her confusion, instead, tipping the pill into her mouth. It was about an inch wide, a cool and pleasant green. The second it touched her tongue it dissolved into a sweet and slightly grassy tasting liquid that then rushed down into her stomach.

    She instantly felt the familiar effects of a common healing pill, spreading throughout her body, her chewed lip and cut palms healing under its effects. Strangely, she also felt a response from her Ten Thousand Poisons Body, the venom lying dormant within her stirring for a moment like a monstrous dragon raising its head from the deep sea. Just as quickly as it began to move, it soon returned to dormancy, having achieved whatever it was it wanted to do.

    Its sudden energy left Anna confused as to whether she had imagined the phenomenon. Unless utilized, the poison should only stir when she was faced with a poison attack, but whilst she hadn’t figured out the ingredients of the pill yet, she naturally had enough knowledge to understand it was not poisonous in the slightest.

    Putting that aside though, the difficulty of this exchange was in discovering which ingredients the talented alchemist opposite her had used to achieve these effects. Her mind raced as she picked out the ingredients one by one starting from the most common, before working her way to the more unusual ingredients.

    She could only acknowledge that Emma’s alchemy skills were just as enigmatic and profound as her own as she discovered an array of bizarre and typically useless ingredients were used to refine the pill.

    ‘The effects aren’t extraordinary by any means, but if the Hanging Temple sect started mass producing these pills on a large scale, the profit that could be made by using these ‘trash’ ingredients instead…’ Anna gasped through clenched teeth.

    If she had been unwilling to acknowledge her rival’s talent before now, too angry, and jealous at the similarities between them for any sort of respect to form, she had no choice but to acknowledge her now.

    She sent Emma an appreciative look and noticed she received one in return. Her insights were no less impressive than her rival’s, and she felt gratified to receive respect from the other girl.

    ‘Pah! Who wants your respect,’ She suddenly thought, struck by the urge to slap herself. ‘You’re my rival and my enemy, I don’t need to cherish your talent, I need to stomp it out!’

    “The ingredients you used were-“ She called out, before stopping when Emma called out simultaneously.

    “Write them down,” She instructed the other girl, frowning as she instructed the same.

    Whilst exchanging mutual glares with the other blonde as if each were trying to tell the other she was just loathsome as ever, they still obeyed the other’s instruction.

    She notebook and pen out of her storage bracelet and quickly started writing down the ingredients used. They weren’t particularly fitting tools for an immortal who had surpassed mortal means, but some habits can’t be kicked.

    In no time at all, both girls had finished and then swapped notebooks to assess the other’s accuracy.

    ‘Urgh, does your handwriting have to be so girly?’ Anna thought as she rolled her eyes, entirely missing that Emma had just rolled hers too.

    It was with complex feelings that she placed the notebook down on the table. Emma was perfectly accurate.

    “You discovered every single ingredient, well done,” She praised casually, her tone light and calm.

    “You too, well done,” Emma said back, her voice not betraying any frustration at the draw.

    If not for the enmity between them, and the grudge that seemed to deepen with every interaction they had, she would have been gratified that the girl could match her wavelength. Ultimately though, her annoyance at the girl’s talent outweighed her appreciation of it. The reason Anna was so calm, despite yet another draw between the two was that she had another purpose when suggesting this round of competition.

    Ultimately, she couldn't ignore the possibility that every clash and exchange she and Emma had could end in a tie. Three days ago, she hadn’t thought it possible for two different bodies to be so perfectly matched, for two minds to be so synchronous, for every thought identical, and for every sensation to be felt in parallel. She had been proven wrong, leaving her despondent and broken.

    Just a few hours ago, she thought her talent and potential at alchemy concoction was unparalleled, and unique under heaven. She had been proven wrong as she and Emma produced utterly identical pills, an act that had perhaps never occurred before, even in the endless history of the immortal realms.

    Determined to break the stalemate and forcefully prove to the girl that she was better than her, she had already made her move.

    Attached to the pill that she had given Emma was a wisp of her poison-loaded qi.

    It wasn’t going to kill the girl by any means, just embarrass her a bit and show her that she wasn’t as amazing as she believed herself to be. How could she be Anna’s match when she couldn’t even comprehend how she was poisoned?

    She watched on in anticipation, waiting for the effects to hit the Hanging Temple disciple. But the silence between the two dragged on, and nothing seemed to be happening to the other girl.

    ‘Did I hold back too much? Should I have used a stronger dosage?’ Anna mused.

    She reached into her storage bracelet, searching for another pill. She was going to embarrass Emma, even if it took a few tries to get it right. Her eyes flashed as her perception locked onto a bag of pills. Retrieving the bag, she plucked a light pink pill from it.

    Looking at Emma, she saw her rival holding a pink pill of her own, a similar bag next to her on the table.

    Anna silently injected a stronger wisp of qi into the pill, before rising to her feet. She leaned across the table, holding the pill between two fingers, the pellet no bigger than a fingernail.

    “You ready for round two?” She asked in a teasing tone, gesturing to Emma that she was going to put her pill in the girl’s mouth.

    Instantly Emma rose to her feet, leaning towards Anna with her pill also pinched between two fingers.

    “Oh, I’m ready and waiting for you,” she replied coquettishly, opening her mouth, and exposing her soft pink tongue, inviting Anna to place the pill on it.

    Seeing this, Anna naturally responded in kind, moving her mouth over to her rival’s outstretched fingers and reaching out with her wet tongue to receive the pill.

    ‘Ha, you want to play this game with me?’ Anna laughed coldly, behind her seductive and tempting appearance, her thoughts were filled with malicious calculations. ‘You’ll be begging for it in a minute…’

    Two tongues traced temptingly across the outstretched fingers before each girl brought the pill into her mouth. Their outstretch hands continued past the other’s face, gently holding the back of their rival’s head, and pulling them towards themselves.

    The two were soon touching foreheads as they leaned across the table, staring into the deep green eyes opposite their own. The duo then gulped in unison as they swallowed the sweet, nectar-like liquid that flowed from the dissolving pill.

    “I thought this was about deducing medicinal ingredients?” They moaned into the other’s face as red blushes began to spread across their faces, “Yet here you are feeding me aphrodisiac pills?”

    Anna attempted to send her rival an annoyed glare, when she saw Emma’s simultaneous attempt, she realized that under the lust-inducing effects of the mutually swallowed pills, they seemed more charming and flirtatious than annoyed.

    ‘I just need to go along with it a little longer…’ She plotted, ‘With the venom I attached to the pill working in combination with the aphrodisiac… She’ll be nothing more than a bitch in heat, willing to do anything I say…’

    The poison qi she had slipped into her rival’s body would not only act alongside the aphrodisiac to weaken Emma’s willpower, but it would also impair the blonde’s decision-making and scramble her mind into a submissive, drunken-like state.

    The humiliation of being forced to a brain-melting orgasm by the other girl was still fresh on her mind, as was the foot-licking punishment she had been forced to perform. What better redemption would there be than turning Emma into a twitching and spasming mess with her pills and poison, the girl being forced to climax helplessly whilst Anna watched on scornfully…

    She knew Emma was smart and scheming though. It would be better to lure the girl into a false sense of security, but feeding her the aphrodisiac pill openly, as a form of ‘open and transparent scheme’. That she accepted the other girl’s pill would also serve to lower her guard. All the while, the true danger was hidden out of sight…

    Her thoughts were interrupted when Anna felt her venomous physique rear its head again. The aphrodisiac was poison, so naturally her Ten Thousand Poisons Body, the source of the poisonous qi she had infected the other girl with, sprung to life to attempt to neutralize the aphrodisiac attacking her.

    ‘I can’t detoxify the poison though… What if she notices something wrong?’ Anna mused.

    Ultimately, Anna decided to completely commit to the scheme. She was a skilled alchemist, so she knew that the consumed dosage wouldn’t have too much of an effect on its own, so she forcibly suppressed her body’s anti-poison properties.

    Having allowed the aphrodisiac free reign, her thoughts soon began to run wild under its effects. Her breathing grew heavier as her body grew hotter.

    It felt as though her body were a volcano on the verge of an eruption as heat filled her from head to toe. Her long, smooth legs grew weak and began to twitch as it suddenly felt as though their sensitivity had been dialed up to max.

    The two blondes were leaning across the small table, propping themselves up with their soft and fair arms, their green eyes chained together in an inescapable stare. Anna felt as though she could grow addicted to seeing the unconcealed lust and helpless desire in Emma’s eyes.

    From the corner of her eyes, she could see Emma’s narrow waist leading down to her sexy, bulging ass sticking up in the air as she leaned across the table. The ‘minidress’ like robe looked as though it needed just a single tug up to send her ass bouncing out of its constraints.

    ‘That’s the ass that fucked me silly the other day…’ She admitted to herself, ‘But today I’m going to punish this slut and her big, fat ass…’

    Anna felt their noses pressed together, as her thoughts grew increasingly disorientated. She had just planned to poison the other girl and watch her descend into a horny mess. She had intended to over Emma some relief when she denigrated herself enough, losing all pride as she begged and pleaded for her touch. Even then, the relief would have been performed with her feet, trampling the other girl’s sensitive body as a spiteful form of payback.

    Yet now, without her even being aware of it, Anna was fantasizing about pushing the other girl down and abusing her tantalizing ass from behind. Groping it to her heart's content, spanking it, and watching it ripple and deform, before finally slamming her crotch into the girl’s fat ass and fucking her until her identical rival had succumbed to her.

    Thinking up to this point, Anna felt her clitoris burning as it felt as though all the blood in her body had rushed to it, causing it to grow painfully erect. She could feel herself pitching a tent in her skin-tight robes, her engorged and throbbing clit rubbing against the table between her and her rival, as though trying to grind its way through the barrier and to the other girl’s soft body.

    She felt her nose press against Emma’s, pulling her thoughts away from her spear-like clitoris. Her upper lips were getting increasingly close to her near-identical ‘twin’, arousing much jealousy in her lower lips that were leaking down twitching legs. Emma’s hot pants and moans had been seducing her forward, her rival’s tempting, fragrant breath almost possessing a hypnotic effect, as she was unwittingly lured closer. Anna’s own breath had caused a matching response from the other girl, her own exhalations just as sweet and seductive to Emma’s lungs.

    It was as though the two pairs of lips were being slowly brought together by an unseen magnetic attraction.

    Despite this attraction and obvious desire both possessed for the other’s lips, neither of the two were willing to tilt their head to better enable the impending and inevitable lip-lock. Competitiveness towards the other was ingrained deep in their bones even as their minds were being submerged in a swamp of lust.

    Their cute, button-like noses were squashed downwards against each other, before suddenly, as if being granted release, Anna’s nose was upturned by Emma’s nose, whilst Emma’s nose was upturned by Anna’s. This caused the blonde battlers’ bodies to throb and twitch in unison, as the seductive and sweet exhalations of their rival were now being ‘injected’ directly into their airways as the two breathed back and forth as though trading oxygen.

    Had Anna had possessed her usual reasoning, she would have found being in such a state with the enemy she so loathed utterly humiliating, no less shameful than the two having to lick each other’s feet. Yet, the loss of reason and control she was suffering was far past the effects of an aphrodisiac, yet, as her Ten Thousand Poison Body attempted to resist, she would continually force down its resistance as though it were disobedience and unrepentant pet not listening to its owner.

    Her mind was too hazy and clouded with lust to consider why she was in the same condition as the girl she had infected with her poison qi…

    As the struggling of her loyal and protective venomous physique finally ceased, her wonderous and magically body having finally given up on her, the duo seemed lost within their endless stare, hearts pounding with mutual desire and fascination.

    Anna’s upper lip had just begun to touch Emma’s, the seductive arches of their mouths perfectly aligning when it faintly occurred to her that something was wrong… A faint remnant of reason, a single drop of willpower amidst a deluge of lust, warning her that something was wrong.

    But the rest of her mind, consumption by lust, struggled to come up with an explanation. Her typical and often-praised wit and intelligence had been sapped and drained by the beauty she was desperate to have her way with.

    At that moment, she heard a dazed, surprised gasp from Emma,

    “Ah… I forgot to think about the pill properly…” She said in a hushed, low tone. Her voice oozed with an unconscious seduction.

    Whilst at any other time, Anna would have been confused by what ‘think about the pill properly’ was supposed to mean, her current feverish state meant that she instantly understood what her rival meant.

    “Oh!” She moaned, “I forgot too,” She spoke into the other girl’s mouth, her nose still kissing Emma’s.

    “Then, we’ll have another one,” The duo moaned in synchrony, reaching into the pill bags placed on the table and bringing a pill to the other’s lips.

    She pushed the pill between Emma’s puckered, wet lips, feeling the other blonde do the same to her.

    Anna swallowed it whole, entirely forgetting about tasting it for ingredients. She then stuck out her tongue, it hanging down like a dog’s as if to prove to her mirror image that she had swallowed the second pill. Emma did the same, causing the two tongues to press together as though they were attempting to measure to see whose was longer.

    The two tongues continued to extend; the entireties of the wet, pink muscles pressed together. Perhaps the bone-deep competitiveness each possessed flared up at this moment, or perhaps the two were simply desperate to deepen their contact, as each reached her hands around the other’s head, pulling the other towards them.

    Twin moans erupted from the girl’s almost touching lips. The duo used their hands to bring their heads closer, and their tongues further into contact, which meant losing their bodies losing support as they leaned across the table towards the other. Both Anna and Emma being short in stature meant their feet, drenched in their love juices, were lifted off the floor as the two became balanced together solely by their kissing noses and wet tongues.

    Anna felt her erect, throbbing clitoris crush against the table as she tipped forward. She saw stars as a ferocious squirt of ecstasy shot from between her tensed legs and tightened ass cheeks onto the floor.

    Toes curled and twitched as simultaneous orgasms tore through the pair.

    As their rock-hard clits were crushed by their unwitting actions, Anna’s felt her tongue succumb to its twin, and Emma’s felt her twin tongue succumb to Anna’s as the identical arches and curls of their long, wet muscles pressed together. Each girl’s lust-clouded mind was bombarded by the sweet taste of the other’s tongue, as tastebuds perfectly aligned in a kiss of their own.

    The two tongues, perhaps satisfied at having proven their identicality, coiled around each other as if to imitate a double-helix, before their lips made contact, gently at first, as though each was afraid of scaring the other off, before rapidly descending into a feverish, impromptu kissing-match, each disciple trying to pin the other’s lips between their own.

    Again and again, however, Anna’s lips would collide with Emma’s as though she were kissing her reflection in a mirror. The pair were puppets on the same string, neither managing to get the edge over their rival no matter how many attempts were made.

    Eventually, as if by tacit agreement between their plump, wet lips, both pairs collided and were forced apart by the other set. Each lip softened in a seductive invitation to its competitor, spreading to allow access to the sweet saliva contained in the wet mouth behind.

    Anna sucked and slurped as though her saliva of her enemy were the sweet of nectars, whilst feeling the suction of Emma’s own ravenous thirst for her own saliva.

    The lower bodies of the dueling girls continued to twitch and spasm as they squirted in synchrony onto the floor of the now steaming mountain cave. The boiling bodies practically evaporating their sweat and cum into a gas that only caused their lust to spiral further out of control.

    As saliva poured out of their sealed lips, and the heat from between their legs continued to leak, the table grew wet and slippery. The two girls, still conjoined at the mouth, slid off to one side together, causing the table to flip over and the pills to scattered around the cave.

    As if to rebel against the relative harmony that the two had been kissing in, the girls exploded in a flustered of flailing limbs and twisting torsos as they fell to the floor. Their lips still locked, the blondes thrashed and bucked as their hands desperately ripped at each other’s formfitting robe.

    The desire to push her rival down was the only thing in Anna’s mind. A desperate longing to see her enemy’s soft and supple body under her own, forcing her to climax again and again as Emma wailed in embarrassment and humiliation. No thought was spared to ponder why she suddenly felt this way, why she was so vulnerable to the effects of the aphrodisiac, why she would be so willing to devour the other girl’s lips, drink so deeply her saliva, and be so desperate to fill her lungs with her enemies breath.

    A violet and green blur, the pair rolled, again and again, each trying to mount the other to rip off her robe.

    Their painfully erect clitoris were attempting to flatten each other as the girl’s drenched, body-hugging, robe-covered crotches became the glue that held them together. Whenever their lips would pop apart, revealing a thick bridge of saliva connecting them, the duo stopped their scrambling for a moment to grab the other by the back of the head and yank their rival’s lips back to their own.

    Had they two been mortals, they would have snapped their necks, or at least knocked out teeth, by recommencing the kiss so frantically, thankfully though, their bodies were more durable than steel and more flexible than elastic.

    “Your robe…Take it off…” Anna moaned into Emma’s mouth, feeling Emma do the same.

    Anna instantly willed her robe to loosen, the enchanted garments heeding her mental command. The pair of twin-bodied immortals cooperated to sit up, each with her long, cum-soaked legs wrapped around the other’s thin waist, left leg over right, with their feet crisscrossed as their heels squeezed their rival’s bulging ass cheeks.

    They separated their soft lips, pulling their faces apart and watching in fascination as a thick trail of saliva connected them.

    Spreading soft and sticky thighs, Anna felt her pussy lips throb and pulse with heat, her overflowing pussy leaking sweet nectar into the small gap between her and Emma.

    Anna pulled and tugged at the green robe concealing the body of her most desired enemy, she could almost ‘feel’ Emma’s pussy boiling and overflowing with tempting heat. It felt as though the slight gap between their two lower bodies had become a battlefront of its own, as each blonde’s desperate lower lips spitting moist pheromones of seduction at the opposite pair of lips, as though begging the rival pussy to cross the last distance between them.

    As of sets of mouths panting and moans, breaths loaded with lustful thoughts colliding and mixing in the space between, the two finally managed to pull the soaked robe off the other, each throwing it disdainfully to the side before gasping in dumbstruck awe at the sight opposite them.

    Anna had seen Emma mostly naked before, on the day of their body comparison where she was wearing only skimpy gym shorts and a sports bra. But seeing the other blonde’s body with no layers to veil its lithe enticement took her breath away. Love hearts could almost be said to have appeared in Anna’s green eyes, the temptation and desire burning so strongly within the once pristine and noble jewels.

    The girl’s bare shoulders, small and soft, lead down to her perky breasts, atop of which stood burning, elongated nipples that seemed to be trying to reach across to her own pair of equally erect buds.

    Under the tantalizing breasts, that Anna was longing to bring into her mouth were her rivals’ supple waist and wide, child-bearing hips. Her body possessed a naturally seductive ebb and flow that directed any eyes downwards to her most intimate folds.

    Anna felt a desperate moan escape her lips as her lusty gaze finally reached her mirror’s fluffy, engorged pussy. Emma’s rod-like clitoris was the first thing she noticed. The sensitive bud that would have once been hidden by its protective folds was standing tall as boiling blood surged through it. It seemed to be throbbing in tandem with her own, as though responding to the girl’s desires.

    Above Emma’s erect spear was her hairless vulva, glistening with sweat and the sweet, sticky flow produced by the battling twins. Whilst below the intimidating clitoris was her rival’s labia, the lower lips spreading themselves seductively as hot nectar spilled out from within.

    As immortals, both Anna and Emma could survive off the qi in the air, forgoing the need for food and water, even on the qi-sparse Earth. This meant that their leaking pussies would continue to overflow with no limit to the desperate heat that drenched their thighs and the ground under them.

    “Naughty girl…” Anna teased, her moaned words brimming with lust and desire. “You’re leaking all over the floor…”

    “You’re the one leaking…” Emma panted back, instinctively argumentative even after logic had been long buried under lust. “I’ll need to… plug you up…”

    “I’ll plug you up…” Anna groaned in response. Her competitiveness still burning within, even as if was distorted and warped under the combination of the two aphrodisiac pills… and whatever unnoticed threat was impairing her logic.

    Anna then reached out, intertwining her fingers with Emma’s as she tried to push the girl backward onto the floor. She wanted to spread Emma’s long pair of matching legs and smash her cunt into the other girl’s, punishing her for all the humiliation by bullying and abusing her rival’s cunt with her own.

    Emma had the same thoughts, however, as the other blonde rocked with simultaneous momentum towards Anna. This caused the duo to remain in place, sitting upright with legs crossed around the other.

    Their faces warped in desperate confusion; each girl lost as to why they couldn’t press the other to the ground. When each belatedly realized that the reason she couldn’t push down her seductive rival was that their mirror was trying to push them down too, their faces contorted into an erotic grimace.

    “I’m fucking you… stop fighting me…you hot bitch!” Anna spat in a half-moan, half-growl.

    “I’m… the one fucking you… you sexy slut!” Emma hissed back, her sweet breath meeting Anna’s as their words collided between them.

    “You’re the sexy slut!”

    “You’re the hot bitch!”

    They moaned at each other, the pair growing snappy even as lust and desire continued to spiral out of control.

    Even as their arms shook with strain, neither could push the other down. It was as though their first clash were repeating itself, only this time, their fight had reached a sultrier, sexier, and more depraved depth.

    Their powerful legs, wrapped around the other’s waist and ass, constricted into a vicious mutual crush, as though two boa constrictors coiled together. Tender and wet ass cheeks were warped and deformed under the brutal suppression of the other. Each girl’s burning ass meat was like a full sponge, with every flex of legs and ruthless squeeze causing sweet nectar to pour and squirt from their burning slits.

    Every splash of Emma’s love juices hitting her cunt caused Anna to grow even more frenzied with lust. The desperate heat had been building and building within her, begging for release, and it wouldn’t spare her until she had pushed the other girl down and used her seductive and slutty body to climax until she was satisfied.

    Emma was no different, however, every splash of Anna’s heat that hit her caused her to descend further and further into a lust-fuelled delirium. All she wanted was to force Anna to the ground and fuck every inch of her rival’s body, every bit of skin, every crack and crevice, every hole imaginable.

    Anna thrashed and moaned in unwilling pleasure as their clits were crushed together again and again under their mutual vice-grip. She should have loved it, but that Emma’s wet slit was so painfully close was driving her berserk.

    All she wanted to do was press her wet pussy against the other immortal’s, yet their clits would collide in each attempt, each girl’s stalwart defense seemingly trying to protect their most precious gems.

    It felt as though her hot clit were a burning spear trying to break through the other girl’s last line of protection, but her attacks kept meeting her rival’s, two points of identical spears colliding perpetually with superhuman precision.

    Twin growls burst from their lungs in unison, each girl experiencing as much frustration as pleasure as their searing weapons skewered each other in a painful collision. It was like two nails were lined up perfectly, then hammered into the other simultaneously, each bending and deforming the other into useless scrap. Both clits were forced to yield, succumbing in tandem as they were pushed back into their protective folds. Twin orgasms tore through the unwilling bodies, each twitching and thrashing as though being electrocuted as an assault of pleasure decimated their minds. The identical duo scratched and clawed at the other wildly as their eyes rolled back into their heads.

    The pair tipped sideways, beginning to scramble for the higher position even as their bodies continued to jolt and twitch as the twin orgasms rampaged through them. Rolling repeatedly as their sweaty, intertwining bodies coiled together like snakes. Raw tits pressed together, causing red, sensitive nipples to wage a war of their own as though eager to avenge the defeated clitorises.

    Anna would manage to mount Emma and would slam her hips down on the other girl, attempting to smother her rival’s puffy pussy lips with her own, yet, Emma would buck and resist as she tried to counterattack from below. Their broken and battered clits would collide as though guided by an excruciating magnetic attraction, blocking both from their most desired contact. Then Emma would manage to gain the top position, pinning Anna helplessly beneath her, before attempting her own cunt thrust. But like the vengeful souls of two fallen soldiers, intertwining and feuding even in death, the deflated and battered buds continued to block the rival’s attempt at making cunt contact as the two clashed again and again with unbreaking symmetry.

    The constant moans poured from the girl’s gaping mouths, as their wet pussies continued to overflow like waterfalls, a constant stream of desire spilling from their most secretive source. This overflow would trickle down from the burning lips of the elevated fighter onto the throbbing cunt of the mounted below in an agonizing process that would cause the temporarily dominated blonde to wail in unwilling bliss, as their desperate slit was coated in sweet nectar. The dominator and dominated would then switch places, as the blondes would experience heart-racing role reversal.

    “Argh! Just… let me fuck you already…!” The duo moaned pleadingly to each other as they rolled onto their sides in a temporary truce.

    Anna’s pussy had been drenched in Emma’s love juices, and Emma’s cunt had been soaked in Anna’s. Despite no contact being made between the painfully opposed lower lips, they had already been bathed in each other’s sweet scent, their bodies accepting the other’s overflow with a yearning hard to find in even the most intimate of lovers.

    Laying in each other’s arms, their long legs pressed together as though against a mirror, Anna suddenly felt like Emma’s words weren’t that unreasonable. She suddenly found herself strangely willing to roll onto her back and spread her legs for her beautiful rival.

    ‘Yeah… It would make sense to let her play with me for a bit… Lure her into a false sense of security or something,’ Anna thought, quickly trying to explain her irrational desire with haphazard logic. Maybe it was the burning heat in her pussy that kept building and building with no release that was affecting her thought process, or maybe it was something else, the warning of which she had since suppressed and forced down…

    Whilst Anna wasn’t aware of it, Emma possessed a Ten Thousand Poison Body too, and had reached the same stage of completion as her, meaning the adaptive poison lurking within her seductive frame was just as potent as Anna’s own. Had the duo’s reasoning not been impaired by pride and arrogance, as well as the desire to scheme against the other, their innate poison resistance would have alerted them to the other’s scheme. Sadly, both girls had suppressed their detoxification abilities, each believing they had the situation under control, and each thinking that she was the predator and her rival the prey.

    Neither managed to maintain and clear and rational mind long enough under the dual assault of aphrodisiac and their enemy’s poison qi to realize that each was both predator and prey. That Anna and Emma both had walked into traps they couldn’t escape from in an attempt to lower the other’s guard.

    Even as the twin fighters, caught in the other’s snare, continued to sink to further and further depths, neither thought anything was wrong. Their usual cleverness and willpower were suppressed under layers of heat, leaving only a hollow shell of intelligence as well as a bundle of prideful, arrogant ego. Both blondes still believed they had the situation under control, that they had the other dancing in the palm of their hand.

    ‘Yeah, she can swing her hips like the lustful monkey she is, then when she’s all tired out, I can take control…’ Anna's desirous mind ‘schemed’.

    Thinking as such, she pulled herself away from the other blonde, her body almost sticking to Emma’s as their fused sweat acted like glue.

    Rolling onto her back, Anna wrapped her arms around her long, cum-soaked legs, lifting them in a submissive spread as she exposed her dripping slit to her rival.

    “You want to fuck me?” She moaned, her face flushed red, “Come and get me then.”

    She was surprised, however, when instead of a vicious assault from the other girl, she realized her rival’s curvy ass was pushing against her own as their bouncy ass meat was squished together. She also felt her feet once again press against the other’s girl, and just the same as how they first compared them, the four feet were touched in perfect alignment, from their toes to their heels.

    Belatedly, Anna’s lust-clouded mind realized that the other girl had spoken similar words, taunting and goading Anna to fuck her whilst lifting her long legs to expose her leaking cunt in a submission simultaneous to Anna’s own.

    Their desperate eyes flared with anger. Rage and annoyance overpowered the lust-inducing poison in a demonstration of how each girl’s hatred for the other had seeped into their very bone marrow and couldn’t be concealed even when drugged with two aphrodisiacs and spiked into an almost-hypnotic, debilitative state by a silent infiltration of poison qi.

    Glares filled with loathing collided, as sparks flew between their green eyes. Each managed to maintain this display of hatred for a moment before they were seduced in unison by the sight of the other presenting herself.

    Anna could see steam was practically rising from Emma’s tight slit as her love juices evaporated under the burning lust plaguing heat, delicious-looking nectar running down their touching asses every time her rival’s body twitched and throbbed.

    All thoughts of pressing herself to Emma flew out of Anna’s mind as she scrambled to her knees ready to smash her cunt into Emma’s vulnerable pussy, only to collide head to head with the other girl as she hurled herself at Anna. Nipples stabbed into one another as tits pancaked together.

    Mournful howl escaped their lips as they cried out, each almost pushed to the point of insanity that the tantalizing meal presented to them had disappeared a second before it entered her mouth.

    The two fell to the floor in a thrashing knot, each mindlessly trying to seize the initiative to lock her lower lips around their rival’s opposing pair.

    Their soft tits were forced together by the identical immortals’ crushing grip, deforming as they were flattened against the other pair. Nipples were like red-hot iron swords, stabbing together again and again as they tried to force their way into ‘enemy territory’: the opposing blonde’s tender and tempting mammary glands.

    Clits were forced back into battle, erect again in a display of an immortal’s astounding recovery abilities, as well as the aphrodisiac pill’s potent effects. The dreadfully sensitive rods continued to helplessly collide in a repeat of their earlier clash, each girl’s anger and warped resolve being obliterated under their mutually destructive assaults.

    As clits were about to break and be broken for a second time, and dueling nipples were showing signs of a similar fate, the two girls happened to roll next to a pair of aphrodisiac pills. They had been flung around the immortal cave when the table was thrown aside and entirely forgotten about in the haze that followed.

    As though their brains had been wired together, the desperate competitors grabbed a pill each, before forcing them into the other girl’s mouth simultaneously. Perhaps hoping that the third bomb of lustful heat exploding inside their rival would render them unable to muster any more resistance.

    Their actions were futile and even counterproductive, however, as both seemed to grow even more frenzied under the third pills’ effects, their nipples and clits growing harder and larger.

    Anna felt as though she were being impaled by Emma’s rock-hard nipples, her breasts being penetrated and fucked by her worst enemy’s sword-like erections. Her tits weren’t the only thing being fucked. Her clit felt as though it were being melted down under the assault of Emma’s magma hot rod, the thousands of nerving endings within all screaming out in pleasure.

    Anna couldn’t even recognize that Emma had been reduced to the same state as her, her rival just as tormented by Anna’s touch, as Anna was by Emma’s. Though even if she possessed the soundness of mind to recognize it, it was unknown if she would be happy about it.

    The hatred and loathing of their similarity, their identicality, was the root of all her enmity towards the other girl. If she had managed to prove herself superior, or even if Emma had proven herself superior, none of this would have happened, nor would it have escalated to such a stage. So whilst in the convention sense, Emma being less affected by their predicament would have reflected poorly on Anna, it was exactly this sort of difference that she now subconsciously craved. Longing for a difference to prove that the two are distinct, that there is meaning in her existence.

    After all, in their current state of synchrony and symmetrically, if Emma exists, what purpose is there in Anna’s existence?

    If Anna exists, what purpose is there in Emma’s existence?

    That’s why, even as nipples were forced back into their burning tits and blazing hot clits seemed to melt and fuse into one long, throbbing mass. Even as noses were upturned and squashed together, tongues coiled and lips locked, neither girl was content to just succumb to pleasure in synchrony. Each fighting and scheming for a difference to appear. A difference that could break the endless stalemate and lead to their victory, or at least, the end of the battle. An end would be a mercy for both, at this point.

    So, they continually rolled, their perfectly identical bodies grinding and pressing together to the point where neither could distinguish where she ended, and her mirror image began. Whenever they rolled into the pills scattered on the floor, they would force the other into consuming them. Their crotches pounding hard enough it seemed as though their wombs would rip outwards through their stomachs.

    Their struggle against the constantly rising heat seemed to go on and on, and the floor gradually became devoid of aphrodisiac pills as it grew increasingly wet with a mix of the two girls’ desires.

    Eventually, after what felt like an eternity, the two found themselves sitting upright, legs crossed around each other’s waist. Neither could construct a coherent thought anymore or give voice to words any sane man would understand.

    Thankfully, both had been driven equally insane under the effects of their perfectly refined pills, so the shattered and broken beauties sobbed in synchrony,

    “…Fuck each other… Let’s give in… Be equal…”

    Their tongues remained flattened together as they spoke, causing their words to come out lispy and slurred. The saliva coating had practically glued the twin muscles into one. Both could understand each other though. They had always been able to read the other like an open book, and that didn’t change even now.

    Both girls gave up their resistance, gave up their desperate desire to create a difference between themselves. Instead, each submitted to the unyielding synchrony between them, embracing it so they could finally crush their lower lips together and began to release the boiling heat trapped inside them.

    Anna and Emma reached down, each spreading her drenched pussy lips revealing moist pink flesh before moving forward to meet their rival.

    Guttural moans echoed out their mouths and down their clone’s throat, as the simmering slits finally made contact, clits disappearing under the conjoining of sticky labia as their most intimate folds stuck together as though pressing against a mirror.

    Every inch of their bodies were identical. Dainty feet, plump asses, perky tits, soft tongues, and cute, button-like noses. If it could be pointed out on one blonde’s body, it was certain to appear to the other’s with a 100% likeness. Tears streamed down Anna’s face, her eyes rolling back as if she were having a seizure as she discovered the same was true for their tender pussies. Each bump of her hot cunt, each curve, and every layer of flesh pressed against its matching counterpart, sending the duo into a catatonic bliss as their pussy lips tightened and contracted in euphoria, locking the overflowing and gapping lower mouths together in a burning cage of lust.

    Beneath their tighten lips, four holes had collided and were slowly ‘consuming’ each other. Anna howled in ecstasy as she experienced an incomprehensive pleasure from her never-before-stimulated urethra. Like her and Emma’s upper lips, their tiny and tender slits had stuck together in a kiss of their own.

    Mortals with lesser, weaker senses wouldn’t be able to distinguish the various pleasures of a trib as hard and intimate as this, but Anna and Emma could. Each felt her body twitch and throb as their urethras, previous only used to expel pee and (having met the other,) squirt were forced instead to accept the other’s forceful ‘ejaculations’. Hot, viscous shots of girlcum were colliding in the now conjoined passageway between bladders, rushing into an agonizing stalemate before each stream would yield to the other, both being allowed passage into their competitor’s body.

    Anna moaned and sobbed as she felt her insides being pumped with Emma’s fluids, her stomach beginning to bulge slightly. Her hazy and lust-crazed mind cursed for the umpteenth time their terrifying identicality, insanity-inducing compatibility, and transcendent senses that allowed such collisions to be felt in excruciating, ecstatic detail. It was a mirror of the collision of saliva occurring in their sealed mouths, their fragrant drool colliding and mixing in melting pots that were their mouths before the delicious spit would be relentlessly forced down the other’s throat.

    Just the mutual pumping between their mouths and urethras was enough to push the duo to point of complete collapse, their toes clenching as their coiled legs squeeze tighter and tighter around their rival’s burning ass meat.

    Their third openings commencing their clash, however, truly marked the end of the ‘fight’.

    Anna screamed as the entrance to her desperate womb kissed the entrance to Emma’s. It felt as though the core of her very being had been forcefully intertwined with her rival’s, her most precious female organ beating and throbbing in unison with the other girl’s as the overwhelming pleasure of each seemed to bleed and blend into the sensations of the other.

    Emma twitched and shook as Anna’s ravenous pussy seemed to be consuming her own, devouring and absorbing every inch of precious cunt flesh.

    Anna spasmed and twitched as Emma’s voracious cunt seemed to be consuming her own, consuming and swallowing every inch of cherished pussy meat.

    Emma moaned in euphoria as she felt Anna’s cunt succumb to her own, the blonde’s tender flesh helpless before her overwhelming suction.

    Anna groaned in bliss as she felt Emma’s pussy surrender to her own, the blonde’s delicate meat defenseless before her overpowering tightness.

    Both felt as though they were dominating their foe whilst simultaneously being dominated back, each feeling a sick sense of ecstasy at violating the other as they experienced the forced bliss of being violated, each receiving the satisfaction of gaining complete control and the release of losing it.

    Their pleasure continued to tangle and knot, as sensations and thoughts continued to be scrambled together in a process neither was aware if she could recover from. A single aphrodisiac pill could ruin lesser minds, leaving them broken under the pleasure, yet both of the constantly climaxing disciples had consumed nine brutally potent pills and three of the highest quality pills imaginable. Their strong cultivations and bodies could endure the ceaseless assaults of pleasure without breaking down, but whether their minds could do the same was yet to be seen…

    Minutes turned into hours, then into days, then into weeks as the pair continued to crush their bodies together, their searing hot forms practically melted together at the crotch with neither separating their lip-locked cunts for even a single moment.

    Each had utterly coated the other in her scent and fluids, and been drenched in turn as the duo fucked and were fucked without end. Whilst their cunts remained conjoined throughout their mutual assaults, the rest of their bodies tangled in endless variations.

    The two cooperated to pull their fused nipples apart, an act requiring considerable effort as though their nerve-endings were attempting to fuse before their urethrae were separated, causing the two to gush over the other like a hosepipe, showering their rival in their steaming and sweet blended juices.

    The two would fuck each other from behind, interlocking their fingers as their heavy asses collided, again and again, each dragged back to the other ass after every rebound by the elastic band-like connection their pussies possessed. Every inch of symmetrical ass meat would burn with pleasure at each wet slap, assholes would pucker and kiss as though replicating the passionate pussies below.

    When the floor under them was soaked and sticky under their endless orgasms, the two slipped down to the floor, lying on their fronts as their lower bodies remained connected in a deep scissor. As their connected cunts continued to devour each other, each would lick their mirror’s juices off the ground in front of them, the delicious nectar passing through their throats causing climax on consumption.

    After an unknown amount of time had passed in the cave without sun or moon, the two rolled over onto their backs, asses and cunts remained glued together as tender urethras were brought back into contact. They would then use their cum covered, fairy-like feet to seductively rub the other's tender breasts, pinching nipples between toes before tugging on them brutally, eliciting howls of ecstasy as all pain was molded into bubbling pleasure. Tugging and teasing would then become trampling, Anna and Emma both abusing the other’s perky tits, warping and deforming the sensitive tit-flesh under simultaneous assaults. Whilst it seemed painful, their bulging navels belied the orgasmic pleasure as each would cum into the other’s body, giving them an enema with their own fluids.

    After their tits had been trampled to the point of the four identical lumps beginning to leak breast milk, the two hurriedly sat up and forced their leaking nipples together. Breasts feeding mothers would feed their children, but Anna and Emma weren’t mothers, and they wanted nothing more than to fill the other with her milk. Neither possessed ample enough breasts to put them into the other’s mouth however, so as if to replicate the connections between their many other holes and the wars between their many other fluids and juices, the pair pressed their nipples together, each forcing her warm milk into the other’s milk ducts.

    The two rotated endlessly between these positions and acts of perversion, as well as many more. Anna licked Emma’s sweat and cum coated body, whilst Emma licked her. Emma sucked on Anna’s toes, dragging her tongue across smooth feet whilst Anna did the same to hers. Anna pumped Emma with her endless discharge, whilst Emma pumped her with her own. Emma inflated Anna’s soft tits two sizes bigger by filling her with breast milk, as she was given a boob job in return by Anna’s equally invasive milk.

    The mind-destroying, soul-shattering effects of the many aphrodisiac pills would last through countless climaxes and continued to work in tandem with the reason-reducing, submission-inducing poison qi. The unnoticed venoms being endlessly reinforced, subconscious actions by the perfectly identical fighters as they constantly exchanged poison-loaded body fluids. Their bodies’ anti-poison properties had smothered into inaction so many times, that their physiques had long since ceased in their attempts to prevent the effects of the toxins.

    All either seemed able to say was the other’s name, as they moaned and scream out to their rival, exploding in simultaneous bliss again and again…

  7. #7
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    I forgot to include a little preamble, so I'm adding it in now lol.

    'I hope you enjoy, it has lots of erotic and perverted things in it.

    I think this is the hottest sexfight I've written - though I've only written a few, so that's not saying much.

    Please let me know what you think, things you like, or things I can improve next time! '

    I would have included a poll if I could figure out how, unfortunately, hostboard continues to confuse me. If you are interested and have an account(?) you can engage with the poll over on the pixiv upload of this chapter. [R-18] #互角 #キャットファイト (Al)chemical solution - 3.2 / 炼金术之战 3. - pixiv

    I felt the story brought itself to a natural end at this point, but never actually got to the fight that motivated to write this out all LMAO. So I thought I'd ask any interested readers what they thought. Another fight, then the epilogue, or just wrap the story up with an epilogue now?

  8. #8
    Hostboard Member Eights's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Hey you're on Pixiv, Nice!

    This story was a blast. The amount of world building in the first few chapters was incredibly well done. Had a very "Tales of Demons and Gods" vibe to it if you're into Manhua.

    Your mirror matches are always fun, especially the parts were one submits then gets flustered cause the other gave in at the same time. And the fact this boiled down to the girls "transmuting" each other into their own personal sextoy, HA!

    On your vote, I went epilogue. Two reasons, one being the aftermath of them finally coming out of there "bloodlust". How much time past? What happened to their sects, how they interact with each other afterwards, did they surpass the poison level bar.

    Two, you've got a world built with these two that could easily be a series of stories, just in the points I mentioned above. So I'm down for more of these two experimenting on each other. Or using their feud to distract from how fast they put everything aside just to fuck each other into a stupor.

    Whatever comes next I know will be a blast.

  9. #9
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Quote Originally Posted by Eights View Post
    Hey you're on Pixiv, Nice!

    This story was a blast. The amount of world building in the first few chapters was incredibly well done. Had a very "Tales of Demons and Gods" vibe to it if you're into Manhua.

    Your mirror matches are always fun, especially the parts were one submits then gets flustered cause the other gave in at the same time. And the fact this boiled down to the girls "transmuting" each other into their own personal sextoy, HA!

    On your vote, I went epilogue. Two reasons, one being the aftermath of them finally coming out of there "bloodlust". How much time past? What happened to their sects, how they interact with each other afterwards, did they surpass the poison level bar.

    Two, you've got a world built with these two that could easily be a series of stories, just in the points I mentioned above. So I'm down for more of these two experimenting on each other. Or using their feud to distract from how fast they put everything aside just to **** each other into a stupor.

    Whatever comes next I know will be a blast.
    I thanked you over on pixiv, and I'll thank you over here too!

    Your kind words and feedback really mean the world to me, I was worried about the reception to this story from start to finish, so to know you not only enjoyed the sexfight, but the world building too makes everything worth it.

    Thank you also for explaining your vote! I am leaning more towards just writing the epilogue too. I feel like taking the fight any further would just be rehashing old ground, and as you said, there is plenty of room for other stories. I could easily adapt this next potential fight to fit another pair of fighters, it's all fantasy anyways, a poison battle or a soul battle or a magic battle are all just ways to frame the fantastical fights I want to write about!

  10. #10
    Junior Hostboard Member Unala's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: (Al)chemical Solution

    Long time lurker and first time poster here.

    I have to say thank you. I’ve been looking for a story with a well described trib fight that includes mating urethras and cervixes. This story in particular has all of my personal favorite interests, matching like-to-like from tongues to feet and all the erogenous zones in-between, and I couldn’t be more grateful to have it to read. Thank you for this upload!

    If you needed some convincing to write more like this, I hope that my anonymous enjoyment and gratitude helps. I’m eagerly and patiently waiting to read your next tale!

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