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Thread: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

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    Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    <The Amazon Rainforest>

    "Stay down Barbara. I don't want to have to hurt you!"

    Diana, princess of the Amazons, kept a wary eye on the crouched figure of the Cheetah. As opponents went, while not the biggest nor the strongest, she was easily one of Diana's most troublesome rivals due to her impressive fighting abilities and cat like agility. Giving a snarl worthy of the cat after which she was named the cursed woman launched herself at Wonder Woman, clawed hands and taloned feet slicing at the Amazon who barely got her banded wrists up in time.

    Flipping over Diana, Cheetah grabbed at the woman's long dark hair, flinging her over to crash into an unfortunate clump of trees. Spitting out leaves, irritation showed on Diana's face as Cheetah leapt at her again. Clenching a fist she slammed a punch in her stomach, then an uppercut under the furred woman's jaw sending her flying back to land on her feet, though dazed. Shaking her head she glared across at Diana in fury before giving another feral cry and charging the Amazon on all fours. Before she reached her waiting rival she was stopped cold, literally, in her tracks as she was frozen solid.

    "I had that," Wonder Woman remarked coolly as she adjusted her bands and running her hands through her hair to remove any errant foliage. Superman was offworld, and Supergirl was halfway around the planet in Africa. That left...

    "I'm sure you did, but Michael sent me your way," Karen Starr, aka Kara Zor-el, aka Powergirl said as she hovered slightly behind the Amazon. "With rest of the heavy hitters off world maybe he wants us free and ready in case something comes up."

    Diana felt an all too familiar twitch despite Powergirl's reasonable words. While Michael, Mr. Terrific, was touted as the third smartest man on the planet he tended to be unable to read the room. Supposedly Kal-El's cousin, Supergirl from another dimension, Powergirl adopted a different moniker to avoid confusion. While clearly capable, even moreso than her younger self, Diana found her mannerisms to be bordering almost on arrogance. That and she felt an undercurrent of hostility whenever the two of them were alone at any time. There first meeting hadn't helped none...

    Then she shook her head and wrapped her lasso around the frozen villain and rose into the air. "You're welcome!" Powergirl called as she flew off. Focused on what was in front of her Diana missed the unpleasant look that crossed the blonde's face.


    <Hall of Justice>

    "I had that..." Karen muttered to herself mockingly, ramming a fist through another of the training droids. Bruce was going to have some words for her when he got back, but right now that was the farthest thing from her mind. Even though she knew better, she still wanted to drive her fist into the Amazon's smug face. Especially after she answered Kal's door during her last visit. The wrongness of it hit the female Kryptonian hard and if she hadn't seen...Clark...over her shoulder she might've started something then and there. "Arrogant...self righteous piece of..."

    "I thought I might find you here."

    "Speak of the demoness," Karen thought sourly as the door hissed closed behind Diana. Then she plastered a fake smile across her face. "I was just finishing up, if that's what you were wondering. I might've..."

    "No...I just thought that maybe we should have a talk." Wonder Woman stated as she gave the broken droids a cursory glance. "I was...rude earlier, and it was uncalled for. I appreciate that you want to help but..."

    "Don't worry, I won't step on your toes in the future." The short haired blonde interrupted as she moved to leave the room. "After all it's not like you need help after all am I right?"

    "And that's the other issue," Diana's brow furrowed as she sidestepped to block Powergirl's attempt to walk past. Both women stared hard at the other as their ample chests pressed together. "You have something to say. Well now it's just the two of us so if you have something to get off your chest I'm willing to listen. If you don't want Kal to..."

    "My problem is I don't trust you." Powergirl snapped, Diana's casual use of her cousin's real name setting her teeth on edge. "My other might not see the problem, but I know you...and your kind."

    "My...kind?" Diana blinked at the outburst in confusion. "I have no..."

    "Amazons!" The busty blonde stated bluntly as she stabbed a finger at the dark haired superheroine's cleavage. "I'm hoping you're different from HER, but then I find out that Steve Trevor also exists in this universe."

    "Her?" Wonder Woman's expression grew even more baffled as she tried to make sense of the young blonde's words. "And what does Steve have to do with anything?"

    "Forget it, doesn't matter right now. Just forget I said anything." Karen grunted, irritated at her lack of control, as she moved past the confused woman. Or tried to as a hand grabbed her left wrist and held it in an iron grip. She glanced at the Amazon out of the corner of her eye. "Let...go."

    "Not until you explain what you just said." Diana growled, her expression severe. "What problem do you have with Amazons? With me!"

    Though she was prepared for anything, the swiftness of Powergirl's response almost caught her by surprise as she blocked the blonde heroine's attempt at a gut shot, fingers linking, before Diana released her hold on Karen's wrist and sent her fist towards the woman's face. Now Powergirl's hand caught the punch centimeters from her pert nose as Diana's hand spread and their fingers closed in tight, pulling sharply out and down. After the rapidity of the movements that got them to this point both now remained almost frozen, raven haired demigoddess and blonde Kryptonian, with only the slight trembling in their biceps to give an indicator to the force they were exerting.

    Face to face, bodies pressing together from hips to breasts, left legs bending slightly as they crossed to rest between the other's the two powerful women poured an immense amount of effort into their opponent that had the training room's level quickly rise to a moderate threat level and the dampeners designed to keep damage contained quickly compensated.

    Thirty seconds passed. Then a minute. Then two, and all that changed were the beads of sweat that dotted their foreheads and torsos. Diana could feel Karen's breasts pushing at her own through their blue and white costumes despite the younger woman's shorter build even as their arms slowly stretched out, elbows straightening, until they were fully extended. Powergirl's blue eyes stared into Wonder Woman's, shoving hard as she struggled to overpower the taller Amazon who pushed back with equal energy. Muscles strained and rippled while lips pulled back in ferocious grimaces as neither heroine could budge the other and frustration built at the continued stalemate.

    Giving a sudden growl, Powergirl rammed her knee into Diana's stomach, drawing a croaking gasp from the Amazon as their hands slipped free before hitting her with a low intensity heat vision blast that knocked Wonder Woman to the side. "My problems are none of your business," the blonde heroine declared as Diana moaned from her position on the floor, a brief look of concern crossing Powergirl's face, before it hardened and she marched towards the door. It was whisper of a sound, but she got an arm up to block the intended blow only to stare at the golden lasso. All she caught was Diana's smirk before being yanked off her feet, up into the air before crashing back into the floor, then hurled against the wall farthest from the exit. The shielding crackled at the force of both impacts and the threat level quickly shot up to high.

    "I'm guessing your universe's Amazons gave you some grief, but I am not one of them," Diana stated as she flicked her wrist and the lasso uncurled from Karen's arm before replacing it at her hip. Slowly Powergirl rose to her feet, fists clenching and unclenching. "That much I'm willing to let go. But I will hear just what is the significance of Trevor."

    Jealousy and hostility. Not what she'd been expecting from the adult version of Supergirl and despite what she said she knew they were past talking. Her words were for Bruce, who would undoubtedly learn of this altercation. As such Wonder Woman was ready to raise an arm in time to deflect another heat blast and then to block the punch as the blonde Kryptonian flew at her even as her own counter was also blocked. Then left fists cracked against cheeks as both women were knocked back by simultaneous blows. Taking a moment to touch at her face, Diana hissed at the bruised feeling while Karen winced at her finger's touch. This time the Amazon took the initiative, flying forward to deliver a powerful gut punch that got a gag from Powergirl who then delivered a savage uppercut that snapped Wonder Woman's head back. Toe to toe the heroine's hammered at one another with frightening effect as the room's safeties began to be overwhelmed.

    Fists cracked against faces, upper and lower bodies and their costumes began to tear and shred from the force of the strikes they'd exchanged. Diana punched at the three Powergirls before her, clubbing them with a right cross that caused the slit in the white costume to tear and finally burst open, spilling the heavy pale orbs into the open. On the other side, Karen gritted her aching jaw and her left fist drilled into the ribs of the pair of Wonder Women, causing them to gasp before her right slashed across the chest region freeing the left breast that had been hanging out of tear in the costume.

    A retaliatory blow spun her around, sending her out of range as the two panted heavily, their vision slowly coming back into focus and their multiple opponents returning to singular. Karen's eyes flickered down then up as she took in Diana's torn costume and a small smile curled her lips. "Guess Kryptonian genetics beat out Amazonian." She smirked around a trickle of blood and, at Diana's curious look, fondled her breasts, bouncing the heavy lumps tipped with a thick pink nipple in her hands. Curiosity turned incredulous, then angry then, a smile formed as well on the Amazon's face.

    "I that's how it is." Wonder Woman swept back her long dark hair and slipped a hand under the exposed breast, bouncing it almost absent mindedly in her hand, flicking at an impressively long and brown spike that pointed threateningly in Powergirl's direction. Karen's expression turned wary at the unexpected behavior. "You might be...slightly...bigger, but Kal likes them firm. He especially likes sucking on them when we're together. Why...just before he left we..."

    Diana dodged under the lunge, hand closing in around Kara's face and slamming her to the floor as the shielding crackled, and finally failed. "I'm not sure what relationship you had with the Superman of your universe," she continued. "But in this one he belongs to me, and I...!"

    What she was going to say was left unsaid as her expression turned pained and a sizzling sound came from under her hand. With a howl of pain she yanked the burning limb away even as Powergirl grabbed at the Amazon's costume, flipping her over while shoving her legs. Grabbing out wildly she heard a loud RIP and then another before hovering slightly above the broken floor with the front of her costume torn and a piece of white fabric in her hand.

    " you!?" Powergirl snapped, tossing the blue material to the side as her feet left the floor as well. "I beg to differ, least of all to someone comes from a group that'd sleep with anything on two legs with...or without something in the middle."

    "We are an island of women. What exactly did you expect?" Wonder Woman shook her head, throwing aside her own trophy. "And, again, I don't know how things were in your universe but we don't fuck just anyone and anything. I...never did that."

    "I'd say give it time," Karen replied, body tensing. "But I don't intend to give you the chance."

    "If that's how you want it, then fine." Diana unhitched her lasso and tossed it to the side. "Using the lasso would be an insult to a warrior such as yourself. I'll finish what I started when you first arrived."

    Intentions stated, they eagerly flew together, fists smashing into toned bodies the room was swiftly approaching it's limit. Focused entirely on the other woman neither paid heed to the alarm designed to warn against further action as they slowly floated to the floor. At the end of a punch Karen's fingers opened to latch onto Diana's long hair, that floated before her face, yanking her head to the side as she drilled a series of blows into the raven haired heroine's face. Hurt now, Wonder Woman sagged lashing out blindly until she felt a large mass of flesh under her knuckles. Following a long buried instinct she latched on with her hand, crushing and squeezing until Powergirl shrieked and grabbed at her wrist.

    "What do you think you're doing!?" Kara yelled, pulling frantically at Diana's hand, frightened at the unfamiliar pain. When that failed she released Wonder Woman's wrist and grabbed at Diana's own impressive breasts. Now it was the Amazon's turn to give a yowl that would've made Cheetah proud, her other hand joining the first in twisting at Powergirl's orbs. Neither was prepared for things to take this turn but nevertheless more than willing to continue. Hands full to overflowing with the taut, full, flesh they mauled with the same furious intensity that had marked their fight, shoving each other back and forth. Hands twisting in opposite directions Diana shoved the screaming blonde to her knees even as the Hall's security AI finally took action.

    A series of panels flipped over displaying a several turrets that fired shock darts into Diana's back having her arch in electrified agony, her feet leaving the floor, Powergirl giving an answering yell as Diana's fingers sank deeper into her titflesh in response before she went limp and sank down opposite Kara. But before the blonde Kryptonian could consider her actions the room now glowed a pale green and a wave of nausea and weakness assaulted her already battered body. "Kryptonite..." was her last thought before falling forward. For a moment their limp bodies supported each other before sliding apart and falling onto their faces. With the danger now resolved the autorepair function kicked in and the room began to repair itself around the unconscious heroines.


    Barely an hour later Karen jerked awake, moaning at the aches. Rolling over and sitting up she looked around dazedly before glancing down at her freely hanging breasts. "Shit..." she muttered to herself spotting several light scratches. She'd hoped that last bit had been just a kryptonite fueled nightmare, but not only did she actually get into a brawl with Wonder Woman, they'd also sunk to mangling tits like the girls in her old college used to. More to the point she'd never have guessed she'd had a pair like that under her get up. Getting to her feet she tensed reflexively as she ran, literally, into Diana as she exited the room as the other was entering. Recovering their balance the women stared at each other silently as their bare chests rolled and quivered before settling to point menacingly at their opposite. Face flushed, Amazon extended a hand holding a cup of what smelled like coffee.

    Powergirl regarded the brew suspiciously, accepting it with a brief nod, before following Diana to a convenient bench. Sipping at the drink in an oddly companionable silence the blonde heroine glanced out of the corner of her eye at the brunette. "We're not finished with this, you realize."

    Diana nodded absently, "I'd be disappointed if someone of your caliber was, but we need somewhere stable to continue...and private. Unless you want something worse than last time."


    "Who do you think installed those safeguards that took us down so easily?" Diana rested her empty cup down as a look of concern crossed Karen's face. "Exactly. I trust Bruce, but considering how we ended up...he is a man after all. Best case he keeps it for himself. Worst case..."

    "He shows it to Kal and we have some explaining to do." Karen grimaced at that, neither scenario very appealing. " Fair enough, but there aren't exactly many place that could handle what we put out without causing damages. So what're you thinking?"

    "First, we get changed." Diana regarded both her and Powergirl's state. "And we probably should take a extra set as well. Pat and Stargirl should be here for their shift soon. We'll head out when they arrive."

    Nodding Karen rose, and fixed a smoldering gaze on Wonder Woman. "Just so you know, I've been looking forward to this."

    Diana frowned as the shorter, curvy blonde strutted away, an unfamiliar sense of unease tingling in the back of her head. What had happened to this girl before she ended up here?


    "What is this place?" Powergirl shouted as Diana angled herself towards a small inconspicuous island. Her best guess was that they were somewhere between Hawaii and the Philippines, based on direction and time of flight but she wasn't aware of the League having a base in the region.

    "Blackhawk Island." Diana called back, slowing as she dropped in to land just beyond the beach at the edge of a forest. Karen hovered briefly taking the lay of the land, from the forest, to what looked like a series of dirt runways to a fast moving stream that flowed down a small hill towards a series of structures. Beyond that she could see the land fell off again dramatically to what looked like a naturally walled off beach and bay. Curiosity satisfied she dropped down close by and glanced over at Wonder Woman, as she explained. "After they were raided by a group of Supervillains led by Lex they gave over much of the tech they were protecting to the League and left their base to return to nature."

    "Funny...where I came from they were still active." Powergirl muttered as she dropped her own bag, pulling down her outfit and squinting up at the dark clouds in the sky. "Though they were located in the Mediterranean."

    "Few even know this island exists. It's far from trade lanes and to those that do come close this is just another one of the random unpopulated islands that dot this area." Diana said. She had to admit that Powergirl had her confused. She clearly had no problem working with her on a professional level and she got along famously with Courtney despite the fact the teen was...well...a teen. It was particularly stark considering Stargirl didn't get along with Supergirl all that well...or at all. Other than an Amazonian desire to see just how capable the woman actually was, and the clear hostility Karen had for her on a personal level, she didn't feel any particular need to fight her. "So we should be able to settle this matter of ours without being interrupted or seen...unless you've changed your mind."

    "Hardly," Powergirl snorted derisively as she stripped off her costume, stuffing it into her bag before pulling out a white one piece that could've passed for her outfit if not for the missing slit above her breasts. She turned to face the brunette holding the suit under her arm. "What...are YOU having second thoughts?"

    "Amazons don't walk away from a challenge. At least not in this universe." Diana replied stabbing her sword into the ground before removing her own outfit.

    Naked now the pair stared defiantly at one another. Kara was slightly shorter but fleshier, in all the right places to draw attention giving her an hourglass appearance. Diana was taller and slimmer but still with the all the right bulges in all the right places. Unconsciously their eyes were drawn to the ripe, heavy orbs that hung on their chests. Kara's were larger, though to her irritation not by as much as she'd like, more rounded and oval creamy looking, topped by a thick pink nipple. Diana's pair flowed out from her chest after their long confinement behind her costume, seeming to hang lower due to the length and weight of the sun bronzed flesh. A dark brown nipple sat at the tip, in the middle of an impressively large areola, of each tit which swung away from the other pair as the Amazon wriggled her hips into a blue bikini bottom. Blushing lightly Karen scowled, turning away as she squeezed into her tight number, reaching behind her back for the straps.

    "Here...let me."

    "Thanks," Karen muttered as she felt Diana work a knot to complete her suit. It was just another unusual moment in an unusual day for both heroines. As soon as Wonder Woman was done she turned around, lifting her hair as the Kryptonian returned the favor, pulling tight a red top. "Is there a reason you picked one a size too small?

    "Same reason as you I'd imagine." Diana replied as she spun around to face the other woman. "So we're on the same page. Woman to woman, no powers, no flying."

    "Agreed, not that it'll make a difference." Powergirl cracked her knuckles as she sank into a crouch. "Maybe you aren't like the one from my world. Or maybe you haven't just had a chance. As long as Steve Trevor exists there's a chance you'll be as bad or worse."

    "Was Steve a villain on your Earth?" Diana took a step back as she went low as well, picking up a small stone. "No matter, are you ready?"

    Powergirl merely nodded as the raven haired demigoddess gave the rock a light toss. To the heroines it spun agonizingly slow on it's way down before landing with a muted thump in the sand. Before they even heard it, both women exploded into action, left arms crossing as fists smashed against faces. The force of the blow sent shockwaves that reverberated across the island and over the sea. Knuckles ground into cheeks before pulling back and right arms swung. Diana was slightly faster here and Karen's head snapped back from the uppercut to her chin before a right cross, though blocked, still packed enough force to cause the Amazon to skid backwards in the sand. Glaring across at one another the pair shared a grim smile before coming together again, fists flying.

    The initial exchange was quick and brutal as both had already taken the other's measure from the brief fight back at the Hall of Justice and neither felt the need to feel things out. Both were trained fighters, having sparred with those that didn't have the advantages they did, but even blocked blows were heavy enough to cause the air to shake. A heavy backhand from Powergirl spun Wonder Woman around before a jumping downward blow knocked her tumbling down a small decline to the sandy beach. Sliding down in pursuit Karen ran into a straight right that would've broken her nose, had she been anyone else, before a roundhouse punch knocked her onto her back. Jumping up quickly she grabbed at the fist Diana threw at her, throwing the Amazon over her shoulder. Spinning in the air Wonder Woman landed on her feet, twisting around in a ready position. Regarding each other for a brief moment they waded back in, fists swinging.

    Sand circled them in a massive cloud as they fought up and down the length of the beach exchanging punches, kicks, grabs and holds. A stunningly powerful blow from the Amazonian princess floored the blonde Kryptonian again, sending her skidding backwards until she crashed against a convenient tree. Shaking her head to clear it, eyes widened as Wonder Woman ran forward, lunging at her, fist pulled back. Waiting till the last moment, Karen got her legs up, flipping Diana over to tumble through the air before landing at the edge of the forest. She spun around just in time to be charged by Powergirl who wrapped her arms around the raven haired woman's waist, carrying her further into the forest.

    Karen smiled widely at the crackling of the trees she plowed through and felt their resistance before hearing a pained WHUUFF as they crashed into a boulder. A powerful double handed blow across her back from Diana drove her to a knee before she slammed back with a series of punches into Wonder Woman's midsection before rising back to her feet and finishing with a savage right cross that had the Amazon slide down the cracked rock with a hoarse groan. "You'll learn the same lesson I taught the other one." Pushing her advantage Karen grabbed at Wonder Woman's thick hair slamming a knee into her face. The CRACK from the blow was loud and Powergirl felt the other woman sag. Dragging Diana to her feet she now kicked at Wonder Woman across her mid section, the strike lifting her off her feet. Realizing the effectiveness of the move Kara made to repeat it only for Diana to grab at the proffered limb and butt the blonde Kryptonian while also pulling at her leg. Kara cried out as she fell backwards the dirt, feeling Wonder Woman's fingers tighten just above her ankle.

    "My turn!" Diana gritted out, spinning around to slam Karen's body into the same boulder which shattered from the impact. She spun twice more before releasing the limb and sending Powergirl flying. The blonde briefly rose above the tree tops before falling hard. Rolling and crashing through the trees and brush a deep groove in the dirt marked her passing as she finally slid to a stop against a lone coconut tree. Dizzy from the trip she shook her head before a nut dropped from the tree tops.

    "Ow..." The blonde rubbed at her scalp glaring at the offending fruit before being reminded of her situation by Wonder Woman exploded out from the fallen foliage, pouncing on the downed woman, fists swinging as she slugged viciously at the face and chest of the other heroine. Desperately Powergirl got her guard up as best she could, but several blows to her prodigious chest kindled a kind of feminine anger and she began to swing back as best she could. Fists crissed and crossed while fierce grunts and surprised squeals began working their way from between the lips of the pair as more and more blows began to connect with their chest regions. A low rumble of thunder went unnoticed by the women, focused as they were on each other. Wonder Woman yelped as Karen's fist clipped her breasts dislodging her top and sending her tits jiggling before giving a growl and stabbing her fist down in a blow that the blonde barely got her head out of the way of. As her fist impacted the ground it cracked widely and, this time, both women felt the deep rumble before a geyser erupted and flung them apart.

    Shaking her head Karen licked her lips, the water fresh and surprisingly sweet, before wiping at her face and leaving a smear of mud. Muttering in disgust she pushed herself back to her feet and started to adjust her suit, which had slipped down to expose a single pale breast, before her danger sense screamed at her and spun around in time to get tackled back to ground by a lunging Wonder Woman. Gasping heavily the two wrestled in stubborn determination, lashing out wild blows as they grappled their way across the muddy forest floor. As they rolled Powergirl found herself on top, pounding her fists furiously at the muddy body beneath her before being shoved away by a pair of strong legs. Slipping and sliding, she caught her balance, freezing as she felt her suit top slip down her body even more. "Wa...wait!"

    Bounding back to her feet Diana prepared to charge again before stopping at the blonde's words. Kara couldn't help but notice, in a detached manner, that the Amazon hadn't even bothered fixing her own top before attacking her again. "What? You can't have had enough already."

    "My top's undone..." Karen explained as she felt for the straps under the thick coating of mud that covered her, the movements sending her monstrous mammaries jiggling in a manner that stirred a particular jealousy in the Amazon princess . "I can't..."

    "Is that all?" Uncaringly Wonder Woman yanked her own hanging, mud smeared top free and tossed it to the side to disappear into the muck. "There...we're even now."

    "That's not..." Powergirl reacted reflexively as Diana rushed back into close quarters, the two locking up arms over shoulder. Toes scrabbled to find purchase in the deepening mud as the water continued to fall around them. Breasts brushed lightly together as they shoved at one another causing faces to redden under the mud. Karen's breathing hitched at the sensation then she yelped in as much surprise as pain when Wonder Woman bashed their chests together. "What the hell're you doing !?"

    "Fighting...what else?" Wonder Woman locked eyes with Powergirl over their straining arms. "I've heard from young Barbara that this is a quite popular way of fighting among young women in man's world."

    " is..." Powergirl gritted her teeth as their breasts slammed together again and she involuntarily took a step back. "But do you really think I could've taken part?"

    "You raise a good point...UUNGH!" Diana admitted then grunted in surprised pain as Karen released her grip and wrapped the surprised Amazon in a bearhug. Writhing frantically the demigoddess stamped down with her heel, splashing them with even more mud and water, as well as shocking the other woman long enough to get own arms wrapped snugly around her upper body. "But you've observed quite a few obviously."

    "Obviously," Karen replied matter-of-factually even as arms flexed and foreheads pressed together, teeth bared. The sensation was a mix of the expected pain and unexpected pleasure. The G-cups she was so proud of battled for the limited space between their tense bodies with Wonder Woman's...Es...Fs? She wasn't sure of the size other than they weren't as...small as she'd first thought, but regardless she knew better than to underestimate them because of that. She'd seen more than a few of the bigger girls in her college days get humiliated by those with a smaller pair.

    Shoving her chest forward while crushing Powergirl's body to her own Diana could feel her breasts quivering as they slowly worked their way into the blonde's pair. She still remembered Kal's expression the first time they were together. Her costume kept her bust size a mystery, which suited her just fine considering the amount of attention the more exhibitionist heroines got with their costumes. Then she winced as Powergirl squeezed and thrust back, sharp blue eyes glittering, at the sight of her muddy monsters flowing over Diana's. Amateur she might be, though no expert herself, Karen had the strength and the natural prowess as well as the bust to challenge the Amazon who squeezed back defiantly, letting her know she was in no way intimidated by the size disparity.

    Grunting fiercely the slime covered women slipped and slid in the deep, squelching mire as they attempted to overpower the other. Randomly one would slip in the muck, dropping below the other who pressed forward to take advantage before the downed heroine forced her way back level, expressions getting angrier each time. Once Powergirl slipped, her strong arms pulling Wonder Woman down with her. Muscles flexing, she thrust strongly at the unbalanced blonde even as she slid down, their grips torn as they fell face down in the mud. Spitting out the offending soil Diana clawed the filth from her face in time to catch Karen doing the same. Neither said a word but wobbled as they got back to their feet and carefully reapplied their hugs. A deep breathe later and arms again flexed, muscular backs widened with the effort and they swayed lightly as they fought in a slow circle of strength and breasts.

    The only part of the face either could make out, slimed from tip to toe as they were was the eyes. Both pair of blue orbs focused on the other and neither showed a hint of give. This didn't detract from their desire to win however and both were so focused that neither noticed the geyser had settled into a light bubbling, nor that the sky had darkened considerably as storm clouds began to roll in. Spinning around in the thickening sludge both gasped but otherwise gave no other indication as the skies opened up and the rain began to fall in earnest, the drops hard and cold, Powergirl shoving Diana back several hard fought steps before having her progress reversed. The first crack of thunder however caused both to jump, but neither released her rival and they quickly resumed crushing each other after the startling effect had worn off.

    Panting heavily Diana suddenly slipped, dropping to her knees in the quagmire, head thrown back as Karen pushed forward to loom over the demigoddess. Eyes wide and white teeth standing out starkly on her caked face she rested her heavy breasts on top of Wonder Woman's, driving the orbs downward. "Got'cha this time," she crowed, keeping up the pressure. As a woman, it would feel good, the sensation of her breasts caving in the Amazon's but that would just be the icing on the cake. Groaning at the weight of Karen's boobs pushing down onto her own Diana first attempted to get back to her feet as she'd done before. But the blonde shuffled her body even closer until her legs lay almost on either side of Wonder Woman's bent body. Furious at her failure Diana shouted in anger at herself and, pushing one leg up, pulled Powergirl up and over in a frontal suplex that sent the blonde heroine sailing over her head to land face first into the mud.

    Coughing and spitting Karen wiped at her face, barely able to see through the muck, then yelled as she felt herself being lifted into the air and thrust across Diana's shoulders. Cupping the Kryptonian's jaw with one hand while holding onto her thigh with the other Wonder Woman knelt with Powergirl in a backbreaker. "AAHHHHNNN!!" The blonde Karen cried out at the jerking motion as the Amazon bounced on her knees in the squelching mud.

    "You ready to give...yet?" Diana rasped, mud, sweat and water mingling to make her hold slippery. Even moreso with the girl's frantic struggles to escape from the hold. It behooved her to escalate things like this, since it gave the impression she was admitting defeat in their sudden breastfight, but her main focus was establishing the pecking order with the rebellious Kryptonian woman. Kal was hers.

    "NO. Not...YET!!" Struggling as hard as she could, Karen moaned piteously as her spine was bent before remembering what Black Canary had done to escape a similar hold during training. Her arms were still free and she slapped her right along Diana's front until she felt what she was looking for. Wonder Woman's tensing showed she knew what was coming but couldn't do anything about it without giving up the hold so all she could do was scream as Powergirl's strong fingers sank deep into her breast tissue.

    "GAAAAHHH!" She howled at the sharp insistent pain, twisting her body as if to try and get away. Failing that she began bouncing Powergirl's body more insistently across her back, pulling sharply at her face and leg. It was now the blonde's turn to cry out as her body was bent like a bow, both women torturing each other in a test of endurance that couldn't last long. And it didn't as Diana screamed one final time and thrust Karen's body back off her shoulders to land with a wet SPLAT in the thickening mire. Whimpering, Powergirl bent her body as she massaged at her back even while Wonder Woman clutched at her breast. Then lips curled into a snarl as she twisted around and began crawling towards the Karen's arching body.

    "Back for more, huh." Powergirl twisted around at the sucking sound of Diana's hands and knees and, in doing so she felt a muted snap as if something had realigned, giving a soft sigh of relief. "Well come on then PRINCESS...we're just getting started."

    Crawling together Diana struck first, her fist glancing across Karen's jaw. Rising up on her knees the blonde struck back, smashing a blow into the brunette's cheek twisting the raven haired woman around. Swinging with her entire body behind her Wonder Woman hit back viciously causing Karen to rise up on her knees before the two began hammering furiously at each other, the pace of their blows began to pick up even as they again began slamming the occasional blow to set chests wobbling again with increasing frequency. A now familiar womanly rage at the attacks on what they felt was their femininity bubbled up at each strike that sent their ample chests shaking which in turn led to a retaliation until, instead of the occasional blow, most the punches and uppercuts they swung sent breasts bouncing and swaying.

    "DAMN AMAZON WHORE...LEAVE THEM ALONE!!" Karen bellowed as her temper snapped and she grabbed at Diana's chest, squeezing powerfully and forcing the yelling Amazon onto her back. But her voice soon joined Wonder Woman's as the demigoddess latched onto the heavily hanging orbs above tugging and pulling. "AH...AH....OWWW...STOP IT!"

    "YOU FIRST!" Diana shouted back, yanking at Powergirl's boobs, gobbets of mud flying between them as their fingers slipped and they reapplied grips. Looking nothing like the heroines that stood as shining examples for legions of adoring fans the two women snarled furiously as they ripped at each other's chests viciously. Rocking vigorously Karen cried out, frustrated, as the Amazonian princess toppled her onto the side before swinging a leg over and mounting her in turn. Hands crushing against her breasts as she in turn mangled titflesh while mud oozed between fingers while Diana's red lips pulled back from gritted white teeth making her look like a parody of the Joker. "GODS SPIT ON YOU!"

    Screeching insults as actual pain began to affect the pair Powergirl lurched up, wrapping an arm around Wonder Woman's head and twisting her over to replace her on top. Maintaining the headlock her fist thudded into the top of Diana's head and face, Karen shrieking in an uncontrollable fury as she did so. Diana was unimpressed though, grabbing at the blonde's bedraggled and filthy hair, yanking out tufts of the discolored locks before spinning the Kryptonian over slamming her head repeatedly into the muck. Reacting in a purely feminine manner Karen relinquished her advantageous hold and sank her hands into Diana's thick mud-caked mane, pressing their bodies together as she tugged enthusiastically. It was not the first time her hair had been pulled in a fight but, as Wonder Woman shouted, never had it been done before with such power and intent. Her scalp feeling like it was being torn out the princess exerted her strength against her blonde rival even as she felt herself rolled into the mud, ensuring that the other woman wasn't there for long.

    Any sense of professionalism, or dignity, was thrown to the wayside as they rotated slowly to begin with then gradually picked up speed as they briskly rolled along the forest floor, barreling over brush and through trees. Squawking birds took flight as their roosts were toppled by the fighting femmes while the wildlife quickly vacated the area, recognizing the snarls and angry cries echoing through the forest as a fight for dominance that was common in the animal world. The heavy rain from the thunderstorm clouding their vision and chilling their slimed bodies as they pulled hair, punched, and even bit and scratched. Now and then their progress would slow and one would try to get back to her feet only to be dragged down by her relentless rival. Filthy, but still shapely legs waved wildly as they rolled, or kneed at crotches and stomachs.

    For seven long minutes they fought through the forest, uncaring of anything other than a fierce desire to hurt the other. Any respect was long forgotten as they dragged each other up by the hair Diana flailing a single fist as Karen yanked her head to the side even while the blonde kicked wildly, both screaming incoherently. Hurt, but nowhere near finished Powergirl pushed Wonder Woman away and ran at the Amazon. Gasping, Diana shoved her hair out of her face, squinting through the rain and delivering a hard right that shook Karen to her core, but failed to stop the girl's momentum. Shrieking in surprise, they tumbled back over the unseen edge they'd ended up at, flipping once, before getting dumped into the now swollen river Powergirl had observed earlier.

    The cold shocked lucidity back to the blonde heroine as she broke the surface of the fast flowing river coughing roughly at the water in her lungs. The current was nothing to her, but she looked around concerned for any sign of the Amazon. "WONDER...DIANA!!" She shouted. This wasn't what she wanted. Beaten...yes. Submissive, maybe, but not... Just as she was about to dive down and search the brunette erupted from the river, wrapping a tight arm around Karen's neck and dragging her under. For a long minute all that could be seen was the rough waters as they flowed rapidly towards the island's center due to the rain. But then came a long series of muffled explosions with water spouts gushing upwards before Diana and Karen surged back to the surface, cleansed of the muck and filth, gasping and coughing even as they still clung to one another.

    Karen's fist thudding against her face had Diana groaning in pain and she threw her arms around the other woman in a clinch, trying to limit her movements. Karen responded with her hands circling the blonde's waist, pulling them closer until their boobs met and squashed together. Their breasts hard and nipples stiff from the cold she could feel the woman's spikes digging deep into her dense titflesh. She couldn't know that her own sharp nubs were playing havoc with the Amazon's swollen teats, a suffering she willingly endured for a chance at winning their fight. Tightening her arms Wonder Woman trapped Powergirl's arms against her sides, shifting her upper body to drive first one boob, then the other to bash at the brunette's.

    "Not...letting you go!" Wonder Woman gasped out, wincing as her back crashed against a rock, sending the fighting women into a wild spin. She tensed her muscles, driving her powerful breasts forward while crushing Powergirl's body to her own. "I'm ending this NOW!!"

    "N...nooo..." Karen groaned throwing her head back at the grinding pain, then abruptly slamming it forward to CRACK against Diana's. The headbutt made eyes water and the Amazon's grip briefly loosened before she quickly reapplied it with a vengeance, forcing another croaking cry from Kara before she crashed their heads together again. This time Diana's eyes glazed over, arms weakening, and Powergirl pulled her arms free and threw them over Wonder Woman's shoulders with finger's clasping tight in the small of her back. "Let's see how you take it!"

    Diana bit her lip as Karen's hug increased in power to match her own. Their bodies ricocheted down the rapids as they ignored anything that wasn't the woman they were trying to crush. They sank beneath it's depths, spinning as if they were flight, bubbles of air being pushed out of their lungs by the constant pressure. Even worse was the unfamiliar pain from their breasts. The occasional blow both were used to but the constant pressure was something neither was accustomed to, even though on a primal level they understood what it would mean to have their boobs crushed by another woman. And neither wanted that.

    Powergirl crashed into an underground boulder, shattering the rock but sending them both tumbling even more wildly head over feet until they broke the surface. Gasping and coughing with as much water as air finding it's way into their mouths Diana seemed to recover first and, taking a page out of Karen's playbook, butted the struggling blonde viciously. "FUCK YOU!" Powergirl shouted furiously, butting back savagely and driving the other woman briefly beneath the surface. Sputtering as her head came back above the froth she was defenseless as Kara butted her again below the water. As the pendulum swung her way the Kryptonian smiled briefly before frowning as she felt Wonder Woman's hands moving up her body. "GAHHH!!" She then yelled as she felt her head yanked back by impossibly strong hands as Diana's head slowly came back up.

    "Hera take you!" Wonder Woman hissed spitefully as she wrapped one of her hands in Kara's thick hair before slamming her fist into the woman's face repeatedly. Then her own head was jerked back, her long dark hair again proving a liability. "AAAAGHH!"

    "DAMN YOUR HERA!" Karen bellowed as she yanked Diana's hair, ripping the Amazon's head back and forth even as her own head whipped side to side from Wonder Woman's enthusiastic tugging. The occasional fist was thrown by the thoroughly enraged women but more than anything they tore out handfuls of each other's locks as the made there way down the rapids. A sudden thunderous crashing caused them both to pause, face inches apart in mutual snarls with a fist raised, before they turned to stare at the rapidly approaching waterfall.


    In a testament for their adherence to the rules they'd set, despite how fierce the combat had become, neither even considered using their mastery of flight. Instead they fell over the edge, fists swinging all the way to the bottom until hitting the water.

    A final kick from Powergirl ensured that Wonder Woman hit the water first and was driven into it's depths. The pool was fairly deep and Diana twisted in the mass of bubbles to get her bearings before spotting Kara swimming towards the surface. Her eyes flattened and she swam strongly towards the girl grabbing at a kicking limb. Dragging Powergirl back down, her blue eyes were wide even as she clenched a fist, but Wonder Woman's was already in motion. Much of the force was lost due to the water, but enough remained to rock the Kryptonian. Precious air bubbles leaking past her lips Karen kicked out, driving a foot into the Amazon's gut and pushing her away before propelling herself towards the demigoddess. Hands grabbing at shoulders Powergirl drove them towards the bottom.

    On the surface a family of boars approached the pool, presumably to drink. The rain was slowing and soon the predators would be back out, but as they got closer the parents hesitated. Rumbles too regular to be natural could be felt and the pool rippled steadily as if something big stirred in it's depths. At the bottom, feet planted firmly in the silt Amazon and Kryptonian threw sluggish punches and delivered ponderous kicks that shook their opponent and depleted their dwindling air supply. Closing in they grappled together in a slow, almost choreographed, manner fingers digging into shoulders and faces and necks while also grabbing at the hair floated before them. Their actions kicked up considerable silt that formed a cloud obscuring the fighting pair. Charging out from the cloud Kara carried Diana with her through much of the debris deposited by the falls, until they crashed up against the waterfall cliffside. Stepping back a cruel smile crossed her lips as she drove her fist powerfully into Wonder Woman's stomach, moving her beautiful face in close as she ground the knuckles in.

    The blow proved the final straw for Diana and, as air bubbles gushing from her open mouth, she locked her fists together slamming them up under Powergirl's jaw then down across her head, knocking the smirking blonde down into the muck before frantically swimming for the surface, lungs burning. Breaching the surface she sucked in air greedily until she was yanked back under. Her own face red, Kara threw the hardest blow she'd managed thus far, knuckles cracking against Wonder Woman's surprised face, sending the brunette hurtling out of the pool. Cheeks swelling Powergirl cleared the surface with an explosive gasp, gagging as rain pelted against her face. Sucking in deep lungfuls of sweet air the blonde, bedraggled heroine treaded water for what felt like ages before swimming tiredly towards the shallows. Things calm now she winced as her motions pulled at something above her shoulder. "Damn..." she muttered, feeling what could only be a bite mark.

    Feet touching bottom Kara strode from pool, squinting up at the sky as the clouds began to slowly drift past the sun. Her super hearing caught the crunching of feet that could only be the rapidly approaching Amazon. Moving quickly she managed to get out up to her knees before Diana burst out from the brush, tackling her back into deeper water. Just below the surface they gripped each other firmly around the neck with one hand while the other clipped chins and yanked at hair. Then Karen's mouth opened and gave a screech that was audible even underwater as Wonder Woman latched onto the biggest target floating before her. Relinquishing her hold on Kara's throat Diana now drilled repeated blows into Powergirl's face, through the stream of bubbles, driving her deeper and deeper into the silt. Above water geysers erupted steadily until they abruptly stopped. The boars cautiously approached the now tranquil pool before running off, snorting in fear, as Diana emerged from the water...dragging Kara by the hair.

    Once on the shore she tossed the blonde Kryptonian to fall limply onto the sand near where the pool emptied into a slow flowing stream and took a moment to collect herself and get emotions under control. Not even Cheetah or Rampage had ever caused her to lose control like that. Slapping at her face she approached the downed woman with a concerned look at the lack of movement. Dropping to her knees she rested an ear just above a rolling breast trying to get a feel for her condition. She didn't expect to get yanked off her knees by her hair and pushed into the moist dirt.

    "If you're going to keep grabbing at my's only fair I do the same!" Karen hissed, filling her hands with Wonder Woman's firm boobs as the Amazon arched under her wildly, shouting at the pain. "I don't get what Kal sees in these things. They're...DAMN YOU, LET GO!!"

    "NO, YOU!!" Reacting in a manner any woman would at having her assets disparaged Diana grabbed at the pale monsters hanging over her face. Fingers sank deep into the flesh and Powergirl bellowed at the agony, ripping Wonder Woman's breasts upward. Yelling in fury Diana yanked at the breasts to send the other woman sailing over her head. Clutching at her chest she scrambled to her feet, darting off in the direction she'd thrown the blonde.

    Massaging her aching chest, Powergirl growled in frustration as she heard Diana's approach. Spreading her feet she was ready as the Amazon cleared the forest and barreled into her. Crashing together hands locked, blonde and brunette heroine bringing their immense strength to bear against the other. Massive mammaries also came into conflict, adding an emotional edge to the ferocious fight that had taken the women from the outer edge of the island, to it's centre.

    Teeth clenched Karen could see her frustration mirrored in Diana's eyes. That the Amazon was hurt was undeniable, but she also felt the soreness from the dark haired woman's many blows. She was tough, tougher than the one from her world...and stronger too. Her wrists ached as their arms rose above her head so she exerted herself, forcing an arm down to their hips. She focused her gaze back on Wonder Woman's face. "You're...strong..." She admitted grudgingly, her breathing heavy as they spun slowly in place.

    "You're...strong too..." Diana acknowledged, panting, feeling her breasts complain at the impressive weight of Karen's orbs as they pressed their bodies together. It confused the Amazon why she persisted in comparing the lumps of fat on their chests. She only did it at the time because it seemed the best form of attack but the longer they fought, the more she wanted to know. Were her own stronger. Did Kara respond because she also wondered? Then she shook her head to clear it of distractions, dragged her left hand free and drove it into Kara's ribs. "But I've fought stronger."

    Wincing from the force Diana had put behind the blow Karen smashed her own free hand across Wonder Woman's jaw, knocking the Amazon onto her back. Their right hands still linked together, Kara yanked Wonder Woman back towards her, this time knocking her back as the punch tore their fingers apart. Running at the downed brunette she ran into her feet as Diana kicked up into Powergirl's stomach. Grabbing at the limbs Kara yanked the other woman up into the air, them slammed her down onto the muddy ground. The force of Diana's body hitting the ground splashed her with a sheet of mud, causing her to gag and lose focus as Wonder Woman reared up, kicking her legs free and scissoring them around Kara's upper body and twisting her down onto the ground. Spinning to upright position the princess sat on the Kryptonian's stomach, fist forcing her blonde head deeper into the muck until Kara folded her body and got her legs under Diana's shoulders. With a heave she flipped the growling Amazon off her body before jumping into her own feet and the two again fought savagely on an even field.

    A backhand spun Powergirl around before she came back with an elbow to the chin. Following it with a headbutt she reeled as Diana countered with a vicious uppercut that had her seeing stars. Rearing back she slammed both of her hands across the back of Wonder Woman's head, her wet unkempt hair providing little protection, driving the woman to her knees. Grabbing the blonde's legs the Amazon pulled, dumping her flat onto her back. Shifting the limbs till they rested under her pits she reared back and Powergirl yelled as she flipped twice in the air before landing on her face. Spitting out mud and dirt she quickly got back to her, before just as swiftly dropping into a squat.

    She felt the rush of air as Wonder Woman's fist flew over her and grabbed at the overextended limb flipping her onto her back. Allowing herself to fall forward into a kneeling position Powergirl grabbed at the free arm, trapping both under her knees, and began to punch furiously at the proffered face, stomach and bosom of her raven haired rival. Diana was struggling wildly even before Kara starting punching, but once the first blow landed her gyrations only increased in urgency. Baring her teeth Powergirl only increased the rate of her strikes even as Diana bridged violently raising her entire lower body off the ground, twisting her body left and right in attempt to diminish the force of Kara's blows. Then Karen groaned, and her hand went to her head. It had been so sudden she failed to realize what had happened until Diana's foot cracked fully against her face.

    Falling back she grunted again in surprise as immediately upon having her arms freed Diana hurled a handful of mud at her face. Kara rubbed furiously at her eyes, but the muck on her own hands only made it worse. Then she gave a croaking gasp as Wonder Woman's foot slammed into her midsection and she rose a foot off the ground before flopping forward onto her face. Clutching at her stomach she rolled onto her side and squinted up at the Amazonian princess with watering eyes.

    Diana wasn't sure if she looked as bad as she felt...those shots had hurt her. Then she felt a warmth near her mouth. Frowning she wiped her hand across her lower lips staring as the hand came away with a streak of red. "First blood to you..." She said, spitting, her voice cold as she kicked the blonde Kryptonian again sending her rolling. Coughing, Kara forced herself up as Diana stalked forward. Absently she realized that the sun was out even though there was still a light drizzle. Her body soaked up the yellow light, though dimmed.

    "Told you I was stronger," Kara taunted as she stood, swaying. What was it going to take to put this woman down. Her knuckles were beginning to hurt from how much she'd hit her. Shaking her head to clear out the still present cobwebs Powergirl clenched her fists and ran towards the approaching Amazon. Diana swayed away from the punch, one arm grabbing at the wrist while the other went under and over to rap her knuckles across Karen's face. Staggering back, she twisted around to deliver a roundhouse kick only to have the kicking foot grabbed and her other swept out from under her. "By Hera...ENOUGH!!" Wonder Woman snarled, hefting the blonde heroine she dragged her up by the heel and wrapping her hands at the knee she slammed the blonde heroine face first into the ground.



    A third and fourth, Diana drove the still resisting Kara into the muck. After coming up from the fifth time Powergirl curled inwards, grabbed at Diana's legs and pulled. Falling onto her back with a startled squall Wonder Woman was momentarily defenseless and, taking the chance at revenge presented to her, Kara pulled her legs under her arms and began spinning in place. Picking up speed as she went Powergirl abruptly released the Amazon's feet catapulting the brunette heroine to tumble wildly in the direction of the mountain. A brief pause to the regain her equilibrium and she sprinted off in the same direction.

    Wonder Woman had no sense of what was going on or even how to stop herself without breaking their rules. The end came it was so sudden that she cried out in genuine pain as she slammed up against something hard...and metal by the feel. Hacking and spitting she used the dent she made to pull herself to her feet wiping urgently at her eyes, knowing Karen wouldn't be far behind. She didn't even have time to register the hand in her hair before her face was slammed against the metal. Once more, for good measure probably, had her vision blurring followed two sharp blows to her kidneys before swinging an elbow to crack across Powergirl's face. Twisting around she grabbed the busty blonde and spun her into what, now that she could see, was the massive door in the alcove that led into the Blackhawk's old base. Snarling she slammed Kara's head repeatedly into the structure until a knee to the gut bent her over.

    Growling, Powergirl grabbed at Wonder Woman's hair and twisted around to slam her fully across the surface of the entrance way, a low metallic groan emanating from the structure as the abuse had it caving in on itself. Grabbing Diana by the throat as she started to fall Kara slammed her back up against the metal surface. "Give up...NOW!" She snarled, fist clenched. "You can fight...but I win. Now you're going to tell Kal that..."

    A bloody wad of spittle splattered against her cheek and her expression turned incredulous, then murderous as she wrapped both hands around Diana's neck, squeezing hard. Gagging in agony, the Amazon struggled desperately until, in reflex, her foot flashed upwards...right between Powergirl's legs. The result was instantaneous as the blonde's mouth opened in a soundless scream as she released Diana, falling to her knees and then onto her side as she clutched at her wounded privates.

    "Goddess..." Diana gasped hoarsely, touching her neck, feeling the marks left by the fingers. She could hear Karen rolling in dirt as the shocking pain radiated through her body. Drawing on the outrage at the woman's demand for her surrender, and near strangulation, Wonder Woman staggered to her feet and moved over to the writhing Powergirl. Sinking into a squat she grabbed both of the girl's arms, pinning them under her feet.

    As the first blow smashed against her mouth Kara struggled and strained, trying to free her arms. Failing at that she kicked out with her legs, feet flailing to hit up against Diana's shoulders and neck. Barely enough to hurt, but enough to be an aggravation. After the fourth blow, her vision blurry, Wonder Woman dragged her up her hair. Hands free she hit out, fist crashing against the Amazon's mouth before she was tossed against the rocky ceiling. Falling back down she was grabbed by the throat as, with a bellow, Diana hauled back a fist and slammed a haymaker that reverberated across the island and knocked Karen back across open ground they'd just crossed.

    Body heaving Diana wobbled, lightheaded. "Hera," she gasped out. What, by the pits of Hades, was that about? Moving into a distance covering lope she headed in the direction of the dust cloud. Powergirl wouldn't be downed by that punch and, just as she'd expected, the curvy blonde was already on her feet. To her surprise, though, the woman seemed to be swaying in a drunken manner and her eyes were least until they fell on her...then they hardened.

    "I deserved...that one..." She growled, staggering to the side, resting a hand against a convenient tree trunk. "I lost control...I'm...sorry."

    "Huh, never thought I'd...apology accepted," Diana acknowledged roughly, holding her arms out in front of her. "Are you going to tell me what that was about or do I have to kick our ass some more...little girl?"

    Kara's eyes twitched at that and she lunged at the waiting woman, her impetus sending them rolling before they fought their way back to one knee, wrapped up in a loose clinch. "Who're you calling LITTLE!" She demanded as she shoved her sizeable chest into Wonder Woman's, forcing the four large masses to swell outwards. "I know how long lived you Amazons are, so maybe at your age you need a closer look to realize there's nothing SMALL about what I've got."

    "This again?" Diana growled in confusion. She didn't much like the feeling she got when this came up over the course of their fight. It felt like a distraction...but at the same time a part of her felt furious at the insinuation. "The way those things flop around it's no wonder your outfits are always so tight. It's the only way to keep them under control!"

    "Flop around?" Kara demanded, as she bashed her monsters into Wonder Woman's, causing her to her to briefly drop to both knees, face openly irritated. "Say that again, I fucking dare you!"

    In response Diana slammed back, splashing her tits into Karen's, before swinging them from the side. The resulting impact sent both pair of breasts wobbling delectably. The movement shifted Kara's position and a few seconds of on the knees grappling found her head wedged against Diana's chest in a tight headlock. "See...they flop around quite nicely" Wonder Woman taunted, pressing her own boob into Karen's cheek. "That's how a breast is supposed to feel. Firm and heavy and...OWWW!"

    Furious at being played the fool Kara bit hard at the dirty orb being shoved in her face. As Diana's hold loosened she raised her body, wrapping her arms around Wonder Woman's hips before flipping her over in a suplex. Jumping back to her feet she spun around in time to get knocked off her feet as the Amazon kicked out as she flipped to her feet. Rubbing at her chin she scrambled to her feet rushing at the waiting Diana. Grappling fiercely, both leery of the other's fists, Powergirl slowly began overpowering warrior princess. Eyes wide Diana attempted to escape but Kara shot out a hand, grabbing at the wrist while throwing an arm around her neck and shoved Wonder Woman down across her knee in a backbreaker. "Payback's a bitch ain't it!" Karen growled, smiling ruthlessly, while bending Diana's back like a bow and then slamming an elbow into her gut. Diana cried out loudly as Powergirl ground her elbow in then raised her arm to repeat the process, before giving a bellow of pain all her own as Diana's hard fist slammed up just under her breasts. A second blow to the same sensitive spot was more than she wanted to handle and Kara instead delivered another punishing elbow then lifted the brunette over her head and slammed her onto the ground as hard as she could.

    The dirt and mud provided some protection but Diana still had the wind knocked out of her. Not to mention the pain in her gut. Her eyes were wide as she rolled frantically away from Kara's descending foot. Sweeping at the leg she tripped the blonde Kryptonian who tumbled backwards with a surprised cry, while Wonder Woman spun around a second time to deliver an effective kick to the heroine's jaw. Springing to their feet they circled warily, both breathing hard, then charging together to lock up again in clinch. Arms went around necks, grabbing handfuls of hair, and heads went over shoulders as they struggled. Slowly, inexorably, Wonder Woman began to feel herself being pushed back, and was unable to prevent it no matter how she strained her muscles or scrabbled with her feet. Karen's savage grunts were proof enough that the blonde was straining just as hard, but it was no consolation to the Amazon who was forced to admit that Powergirl was quite likely the stronger of the pair. As they wrestled, though, Diana felt Kara slip and sink below her. Taking advantage of the situation she flipped the woman over in a hip toss while allowing her own body to follow her down, delivering an elbow to her left breast.

    Kara shouted at that, easily the most demonstrative sound over the course of their fight. Rolling away she charged before she even got to her feet grabbing Wonder Woman around her waist, from behind, hefting her into the air. It was the Amazon's turn to yell now as Powergirl crushed her midsection mercilessly while she thrashed, unable to counter from her position. At least that's what Karen thought until Diana's elbow cracked across her face. Still she refused to let go, squeezing even harder until Wonder Woman's arm thudded across her face again. With a throaty groan she sank to her knees, arms hanging limply, only able to watch dully as Diana spun around and her foot cracked against her face.

    Gasping for breathe Wonder Woman felt the slight resistance that could only be Kara getting an arm up as the blonde tumbled back to slam up against a broad tree who's trunk cracked, splintered, and then collapsed. Her own body heaving Powergirl rose slowly, tottering slightly, as she held her head. But when she started back towards the rapidly approaching Amazon her strides were steady. Speeding up the last few steps hands blocked and slapped at the other's attempt to come to grips. Then Diana grabbed hold of Kara's short hair. The blonde heroine gave a pained shriek before retaliating in kind, tugging enthusiastically at the demigoddess's black hair. Twisting and pulling at each other's hair as they fought in a purely feminine fashion within the grove they'd ended up while their ample chests batted together with increasing violence that, for the moment, went ignored due to their scalps being on fire.

    It was gradual, just like before, but slowly Kara began to take control of the fight forcing Diana to retreat slowly. Her eyes gleamed as the realization set in. She was stronger, now she just had to be the better fighter. Even as the thought crossed her mind Wonder Woman's hands fell away from her hair and she slid down her body. Then she yelled in surprise as Diana's legs slipped between her own, tripping her up as they both fell to the ground. Swiftly the Amazon jumped onto her back, arms wrapped firmly around her neck in a chokehold. Karen was only too familiar with the hold, having sparred with Wildcat, and squirmed in frantic fear. Diana however had the leverage, and the strength as she kept up the hold despite Powergirl's choking whines and her rolling on top of the Amazon. Darkness was hovering over the edges of her vision when she could suddenly breathe again. Rolling onto her side she breathed deeply before feeling a light nudge on her back.

    "Neither of us would've accepted it if I won like that," Diana said, as Powergirl stared up at her through watering eyes. She clenched her fists to hide the shaking at what she almost did...what she'd wanted to do. "Get up. Fight, and show me you're the warrior you claim to be."


    Hall of Justice

    Stargirl was bored.

    She thought that with the bulk of the League offworld she'd have a chance to show off her abilities. But it seemed as if all the villains had decided to take time off at the same time. That and she'd hoped to get some time with Karen, but she had taken off shortly after Diana.

    "SOOOOOO BOOOOORED!!!" She shouted, spinning in her chair away from the screens she'd been flipping through hoping to find something, anything...hell she'd settle for a simple mugging. At least it'd break the tedium.

    "Boring is good," Her stepfather, and partner, Pat Dugan pointed out from his place ever working on his S.T.R.I.P.E exosuit. "It means we're making a difference. Besides...don't you have homework?"

    "It's Friday...I've got all weekend," Courtney moaned dramatically, throwing an arm over her face, while Pat merely shook his head in amusement. A light beeping caused him to look up from the circuit board he was tinkering with, but like a flash his stepdaughter was at the console.

    "Hall of Justice, Stargirl reporting!"


    "Cassie?" Stargirl stared at the pretty face surrounded by a mass of blonde hair. "What's up?"

    "What am I? Invisible!"

    "More like a piece of prime rib," Courtney remarked, only half jokingly to Superboy. "Hold on, I'll let you in."

    A short time later a light buzzing announced the teens', in appearance at least, arrival to the inner sanctum of the Hall. "So...what you guys doing here?" Stargirl asked, spinning absently in her chair.

    "We're supposed to meet Diana here for training." Wonder Girl stated loudly, then leaned in close whispering. "Also, got some news...juicy stuff!"

    The younger blonde shot a quick glance at the dark haired Connor who rolled his eyes. "I was there when it happened," he said quietly. "But whatever, I'll be in the Danger Room. Busting up a few droids should get me warmed up."

    "Save some energy for me!" Cassie called, grinning as Pat dropped his screwdriver to stare over in their direction. "Maybe we should take this somewhere else."

    "Good idea," Stargirl leapt from her seat, dashing through the door to the main corridor. A second later her blonde head peeked through to fix her stepfather in a warning stare. "No eavesdropping!"

    Pat Dugan merely sighed and waved his hand as the pair of blondes exited the room. "This is why I prefer working with machines." He muttered to himself.


    Blackhawk Island

    Still weakened from being strangled Powergirl fought valiantly but nonetheless found herself on the backfoot as Diana easily slipped from the headlock she'd pulled her into, swinging around behind and grabbing her in a full nelson. "Fuck!" She cursed, fighting a winning battle against the pressure Wonder Woman put on her neck, her arms slowly pulling forward. Realizing a lost cause Diana instead flipped backward, pulling the blonde into a, literal, earth shaking suplex. Moving quickly she scissored her legs across Powergirl's shoulders, just above the neck, trapping her arms between her legs while also twisting at the right arm in a painful crucifix hold.

    "Give up," Diana grunted. "You are a worthy battle sister, but this has gone on long enough."

    "No...sister of mine...and I'm not...done yet!" Kara moaned as she twisted her head away from the pain. "Not...good enough...for him!"

    "That's not for you to decide!" Diana snapped as she pulled back more on Powergirl's arm. The busty blonde openly screamed at that and Wonder Woman began to worry that she'd have to cripple the girl to get her to stop. Then she blinked as Karen's scream continued to rise in pitch. Only less pain and more anger. Then she felt herself lifted into the air. "What!?"

    Giving a shriek worthy of Banshee, Kara rose to her feet, and ran headfirst through the grove, splintering trees as she carried her tormentor forward. They cleared the forest and Diana tumbled free, gasping as she felt herself roll into water. "You almost broke my arm," Kara hissed as she massaged her shoulder. Diana groaned, flipping back her soaked hair as she stood knee deep in what looked like the stream from earlier.

    "YOU almost broke your arm," Wonder Woman retorted keeping an eye on the blonde Kryptonian, while wading back to shore. "If I wanted to break it, it'd be broken. If you don't believe anything else, believe that!"

    Powergirl darted forward, arms held high, fingers curled into claws. Diana retreated and grabbed at the wrists, her feet sinking into the thin sand. Rolling back she flipped the blonde heroine over into the deeper end. As soon as she got back up she began wading over the direction of the ripples only to have Kara explode from the water, arms wrapping firmly around her body as she powered them backwards. This was what she wanted. Strength against strength, body to body, was her win. If she let Wonder Woman control the pace she'd eventually be worn down.

    Diana dug her feet in as she fought against the younger woman's power, wrapping her own arms around the blonde's body. Struggling hard, she twisted her torso left and right in an attempt to unbalance Kara but, while it failed at that, it did have another...effect. Their large jutting breasts, that had proven to be a source of contention over the course of their battle were squashed together as Kara wrestled Diana backwards, the four dense orbs fighting fiercely for the limited space between the superheroines. Wonder Woman's twisting motion caused her bust to brush roughly back and forth across Kara's, their breasts smacking together repeatedly. These actions so shook Powergirl that she halted her advance, Diana succeeding in forcing her back, the two grunting like a pair a sumo wrestlers.

    Kara's response was instinctual and, before the thought even occurred to her, she began twisting her own body causing their boobs to crush past one another. The water acting like a lubricant as their breasts slipped past and over and under easily which had her give a shiver and she gasped as Diana's movements picked up speed. Feeling herself pushed back even further she abruptly released her hug and shoved the Amazon away. "You bitch! You've fought with those things before haven't you!" Karen hissed, clutching at her chest almost protectively, her voice shrill. "Quit shoving them at me."

    "No I have NOT. But just like you I've borne witness to more than a few in the arenas of Themyscira." Wonder Woman growled in response, hands on her hips, boobs rolling lightly. "And you're one to talk. You were the one shoving ME!!"

    "I have nothing to prove to you, other than how I'm kicking your ass" Kara scoffed, puffing out her chest. "Anyone with a pair of eyes could tell which of us has the better rack."

    "You get a few good hits and think you're beating ME!" Diana's eyes glittered in outrage. "But you are right. Anyone could tell whos is better."

    "Mine!!" Both declared simultaneously. Expressions turned incredulous at the bold statement. "You jest/Those puny things!"

    "Puny?!" Powergirl involuntarily took a step back at the tone in Wonder Woman's voice. But she stood by what she'd said and placed her fists on her hips. "That's right...puny. They're passable, I suppose, but compared to my guns..."

    Diana remembered watching red headed Antiope and blonde haired Melanippe fight with their breasts to a small crowd of close friends. She had followed Artemis who was to judge the winner and had stared, wide-eyed, at the ferocity the two seasoned warriors exhibited. And how emotional Mel had become after Antiope won, the lighter haired woman needing to be restrained from attacking the other Amazon. Asking Artemis why the two had fought in such an unamazon manner the warrior woman had merely laughed and told her she'd understand when she was older. Now, centuries later, she was beginning to understand as she rammed her rack at the arrogant blonde who fell back into the water with a startled cry. "These are far more than passable. You can ask your cousin if you don't believe me," Wonder Woman said, voice mocking.

    "She's serious!" Kara splashed back to her feet, spitting out water, the words rattling around in her head. Her mind went back to the titfights she'd witnessed while younger, the memory of being labelled as a coward because she'd made excuses so as to not to take part still burning even after all these years. She clenched a fist, ready to swing at the egotistical Amazon and resume the asskicking when she saw the contemptuous smirk on the woman's face and the way she stood. Unguarded. The bitch WANTED her to take a swing. It would be tantamount to an admission she was afraid her tits couldn't stack up...well fuck that! Kara Zor-El wasn't afraid of anything. Least of all some puffed up, self righteous Amazon whore.

    "What's she doing?" Diana worried under the confident smile she gave the blonde. She didn't regret responding to the girl's provocations, amateurish though it might be. In an effort to get their fight back on track she presented an easy profile to allow her a free hit after her own cheap blow. Someone hot blooded like Kara wouldn't be able to resist and they could get back to thrashing out this issue between them. Instead, the curvaceous heroine waded up to the lithe Amazon and thrust her dense, heavy, boobs into Wonder Woman's causing the latter to take a step back as the flesh rippled. Rising back to her full height she stared hard at Powergirl. "What do you think you're doing?!"

    "I don't know. What do YOU think I'm doing?" Kara replied snidely, leaning fully against Diana, who pushed back in turn to remain upright. Waist deep in the middle of the stream Karen ground her tits in while staring boldly into the shocked Amazon's face.

    "I think you're making a big mistake," Diana hotly retorted. All she had to do was take a step back and she'd have the blonde at her mercy. Whether she fell flat on her face or just lost her balance Diana would have the advantage. And for a split second she considered it. But then even if...when...she won Karen would lord it over that she had been afraid to face her. And that would never do. Diana of Themyscira never backed down from a challenge!

    "A mistake, huh. You see these?" Karen demanded, hands grabbing at Wonder Woman's biceps, jerking her in closer while bashing their busts together . "These are going to crush those little things you're so proud of. You'll be wearing padding to under your costume when I'm done."

    "So you say!" Diana knew she was being provoked...and it was working. She reciprocated Powergirl's hold thrusting her firm, full boobs back at back at the girl, feeling them burrow their way in as the bigger pair flowed over them. They were disconnected briefly while both women pulled away, boobs filling back out in time with their movements, before they slammed back together. But now Diana found herself in a conundrum since she wasn't sure where to go from this. This wasn't exactly a form of fighting she trained in and she racked her memory for what else she witnessed the other Amazons do.

    "Yeah. So I say!" Kara also was lost on where exactly she wanted to take their fight. The titfights she'd been privy to as a teen, and later young adult, had been girls pressing their boobs together until one finally quit, though occasionally there'd be two that seemed to know they were doing and..."GuHUH!" she abruptly gasped as her hold slipped. Diana also gave light sigh and their breasts quivered between them. Rearing back they both hissed at the friction as Diana's sharp, brown spike brushed roughly against Kara's thick, pink nipple. Reflexively she delivered a sharp blow to the inside of Wonder Woman's left boob which sent the orb jiggling to the side. Similarly Diana's response was automatic as she retaliated, slamming her left into Powergirl's left, the blonde girl grunting as boobs rebounded to send her right wobbling out to the side.

    Eyes flashed as they began hurling their broad breasts in earnest. Unaccustomed as they were to this kind of pain, soft moans and grunts hissed out from between pursed lips as they pounded their boobs in amateurish, but violent abandon. Since they had committed to this humiliation both were determined to carry it through to the conclusion. Better here than somewhere with a crowd both thought. With her more voluptuous form and larger, weightier tits, Powergirl expected to dominate her lithe rival and, to her credit, she did gain an early advantage as she battered Wonder Woman into deeper water despite the Amazon's fierce resistance. Gripping Diana's slim hips Kara gained leverage and swung her heavy boobs to crash into the princess's orbs with as much force as she could muster, reveling in to increasingly pained groans from the other woman. Then their tits smashed together with an impact that caused waves to splash up on shore and Kara to stumble back in shocked pain.

    "No you don't!" Wonder Woman snarled as she grabbed at Powergirl's arms, yanking as she shoved her body forward. The force of their breasts splashing together stunned both heroines with Kara tumbling into the shallows while Diana fell back to lie floating in the deeper end. Getting their feet back under themselves bother women advanced again, eyes wary now that they realized just how effective and painful this could be. But Diana didn't slow as she sloshed her way towards the blonde, pain was nothing to an Amazon, who waited as soon as the water reached her hips. No less familiar to pain than Wonder Woman, Kara's body arched and hurled her right boob to clash with Diana's as soon as the brunette got close enough.

    "Goddamn her..." Powergirl was more than a little irritated at how Wonder Woman was able to keep up with her. Pounding her milky, oval breasts viciously at the Amazon she'd expected her superior size to keep the woman on the backfoot. Instead Diana matched her blow for blow, thrust for thrust as they dueled in their watery arena. She couldn't afford to lose this...she WOULDN'T lose this.

    "Hera...this...hurts!" Wonder Woman fought to keep the pain off her face as she slammed her golden, torpedo-like, boobs at Kara. Each time the orbs collided she cringed internally as they flattened together and then rebounded. This wasn't a fight where she could block and counter. Either hers were better, or they weren't. She clenched her fists at that thought, crossing them behind her back, responding the Kara's savage grunts with her own fearsome growls as she increased the power of her swings to beat back at the short haired blonde, forcing her towards the shoreline.

    Karen hated the whines forced from her from Wonder Woman's steady blows, the force of their breasts clashing going from an annoying stinging to a more insistent thudding pain. Forced to retreat until the water was below her ankles she finally halted Diana's progress as they beat their right boobs together in a violent comparison that had her beautiful face contort from the pain. But the other woman was suffering as well, despite her attempts to hide it. Each time the dense, fleshy domes clapped together her severe expression would twitch and the torment would be on full display. Just a bit more and...Kara's face scrunched up as their breasts slammed together. Then again as she felt an odd stabbing pain when they crashed together once more. "HYAAA!!" Kara finally gave voice to the unexpected pain with a distinctly feminine yelp as she realized Diana had suddenly changed her motion.

    It had been accidental at first. A particularly weighty boob blow had caused Diana to shift ever so slightly to the side and, to compensate, she'd given a light lunge when she slung her breast at Kara. The result had been her nipple stabbing deep into Powergirl's pillow like boob and the surprisingly girlish outcry. Seeing the effectiveness of the tactic she repeated it again...and again...driving her spike as best she could into a rapidly expanding red spot until Kara fell to the sand with a shout of pure pain. Breathing heavily Diana stood over the girl as she clutched at the sore teat, hissing as her fingers brushed over the point of impact. "Cheating bitch!!" She spat, gingerly maneuvering the orb to peer the bruise.

    "Last I checked, nipples were a part of our breasts," Diana replied snidely. "If you're not smart enough to use them...or maybe they're just a floppy as what they're attached to...that's not my problem."

    Powergirl's eyes briefly turned red, before she fought down a desire to fry the Amazon with her heat vision. One, it probably wouldn't work and two it'd be her loss by default. Flipping back to her feet she strode purposefully towards Diana but, to the brunette's surprise she halted just before her. "You talk a big game." She said, bouncing the heavy flesh in her hands, her nipples pointing in Diana's direction. "Why don't you back it up?"

    Diana's eyes flickered down warily. Despite the difference in coloration, just like their breasts the difference in their nipples wasn't that great. Hers were a bit longer and more pointed, just like her breasts, and while Kara's nipples were thicker, they weren't by that much. Maneuvering her boobs around had her spikes pointing straight ahead, directly at Kara's nubs, visibly quivering in excitement. Licking her lips Wonder Woman leaned in towards Powergirl her soaked hair plastered to the top of her chest as she presented her dark nipples to their opponents. Likewise the blonde Kryptonian's pink tips strained in the brunette's direction as they carefully lined them up...then shoved them together. Diana gasped loudly while Kara moaned throatily at the electric sensation that had them hastily pull back. Face coloring at her cowardly response Diana glared across Kara only to find her staring back, pale face a deep pink. Eyes dropping back down they again shoved the turgid nipples together.

    The tips touched and a quiver from one woman, or both, caused them to flick past and stab at areolas. Powergirl winced as Wonder Woman's slightly longer nipples pricked at the sensitive flesh before being withdrawn. Moving quickly it was Diana's turn to gasp as the thick pink nub of Kara's left breast slashed across her right, neither giving way as they locked together. Shifting their attention to the other side, their nipples jousted together as they stabbed and slashed at one another, the pink and brown spikes swelling with even more blood. More and more soft sighs and light whimpers began to accompany the crossing and stabbing as their nipple blows began to pick up speed. Unnoticed because of how wet they were already, droplets of sweat began to form on their skin to mingle with the water, giving their bodies a glistening sheen. Then Wonder Woman's head snapped back and a deep groan emanated from the pit of her stomach. But even as a smile worked it's way onto Powergirl's face she also gasped loudly at a sudden, sharp pain.

    Both looked down at Kara's pink nipple slowly pushing at Diana's light brown tip, gradually forcing it to point upwards at their glistening faces. At the same time on the other side the pink nub was forced sharply to point towards their feet. Looking up both bore a baffled expression at what they viewed as an impossibility, though Diana's clinical mind pushed through the shock at a possible cause. "Bows..." she murmured softly as they kept jabbing at one another ineffectually at one another.

    "What?" Kara demanded loudly pushing Wonder Woman away, while also being pushed, anger and not a little frustration on her face. She'd expected to have the Amazon on the ground admitting defeat long ago, but now was beginning to realize just how badly she'd underestimated this universe's Wonder Woman. She gently massaged her right teat, feeling how limp it was.

    "Nothing," Diana replied gently tweaking her own defeated tip, trying to coax blood back into the softened flesh. "Nothing that matters right now...unless you'd be satisfied with a draw."

    Hearing the edge in Wonder Woman's voice, Powergirl released her boob and crouched slightly in the water. "Not with anyone, least of all you!"

    "One quick amendment though," Diana rasped as they circled slowly on the water. "No powers, but nowhere is off limits. Agreed?"

    "Agreed!" Karen didn't need a moment to consider the words. Their initial attacks on each other's extremities had been, first, accidental and then subject to personal feelings. Now they were legit targets. Now of the same mind, jumping together Powergirl swung an uppercut that sent Wonder Woman's boob bouncing before connecting with the Amazon's jaw. On the other side Diana clubbed her fist at Karen, knuckles dragging down the woman's face before clipping an orb, causing it to jiggle wildly. Flying back to the shore the blonde dug a trench in the sand before stopping while the brunette was tossed into the air before coming down with a splash. Karen was up first, shoving herself in the direction of the stream even as Diana shot up, the two meeting violently in the shallows.

    Fists and feet lashed out at faces, stomachs and chests...a lot at the chests. Both took a kind of perverse pleasure in attacking the bust the other, in their view, flaunted. As they fought and pummeled their way onto dry land Powergirl delivered a ferocious barrage of punches that set Wonder Woman's boobs bouncing wildly despite how many she managed to block. The smirk she shot Diana was the last straw as the Amazon, having had enough, leapt forward driving her knee between the blonde's eyes. Dazed, she was completely open while Wonder Woman grabbed hold of her breasts in both hands, crushing the firm flesh underneath strong fingers. Her shriek was earsplitting, but before she could act she was hefted into the air and slammed onto her back. Reaching up, Karen grabbed at the boobs dangling over her face and dragged the suddenly yelling brunette to crash just below her feet. Acting on a sudden impulse she threw herself onto the woman, crushing their bodies together in a reverse bearhug.

    Grunting fiercely, Diana's arms flew around Karen's waist, holding the girl tight as they squeezed each other in this unfamiliar position. The feeling of their breasts pushing against it's opposite excited something in her and the demigoddess slowly forced the deeply groaning Powergirl onto her side, and then her back as she thrust her boobs at the blonde heroine. She wasn't there for long as Karen pumped and shoved her heavy teats at the straining Amazon, reversing their position with agonizing slowness.

    Covered in sand they gradually rolled and slid back into and then under the water, refusing to release the other woman. But even they needed to breathe and the pressure against their lungs from the compressed breast tissue saw them finally thrust away and broach the surface, coughing and gasping for air. But the separation was only temporary. Wonder Woman recovered first, a roundhouse kick knocking Powergirl back to the shoreline. Shaking her head, she waited until Diana was close before throwing a handful of sand at her face. Blinded, Diana sputtered, unable to defend herself as Karen slammed an elbow into her gut followed by a fist across her face. Then her arms were pinned to her side as she hefted up and cried out as Powergirl crushed her midsection.

    Huffing, her face buried in Diana's cleavage, Karen inhaled the Amazon's musk as she squeezed at the woman. "!" She gritted out as she felt her squirm ineffectually, trying to free her arms. This time she had her.

    Then she screamed.

    Diana's strong legs wrapped themselves around Karen's waist and now the blonde felt herself being crushed and the shock had her legs collapse under her. Falling to her knees, she squeezed all the harder as Wonder Woman's legs tightened around her like a vise. "Let...go!!" She demanded hoarsely, maintaining the devastating bearhug on the brunette.

    "You...first!" Diana gasped back, flexing her arms in an attempt to break free. Though she failed her leg scissors on the blonde Kryptonian forced a whine of torment from her mouth that swiftly became a shriek, Powergirl's arms falling away from around her body to scratch wildly at her legs. Lacking nails, this didn't garner any results and her hands moved up Wonder Woman's body to grab at her hair. The brunette howled as Karen tore out clumps of raven black hair in her frenzy but still Diana's legs refused to budge. That swiftly changed as the frantic blonde heroine shifted her attack to a bare fisted assault on Wonder Woman's heavy chest. Shouting at the pain Diana retaliated in kind, constant uppercuts sending massive mammaries bouncing, the distraction allowing Karen to wriggle free as her legs loosened. This didn't, however, stop their frenzied assault on their rival's breasts.

    Knee to knee they matched each other blow for blow before a punch from Powergirl missed it's mark as Diana swayed backwards, though more a flinch than an attempted dodge, causing her body to fall into Wonder Woman's. In a flash arms were thrown around necks as they wrapped up in a tight clinch. Wrestling with fierce determination, head over shoulders, swaying back and forth their heavy boobs jiggled and bashed together in time with their movements. Feet scrabbled in the loose sand as they fought their way back to their feet, now shoving their boobs together with definite intent even as they swayed and attempted to control the other.

    The heavy orbs clapped together with a wet SMACKING sound that was still audible over the almost desperate cries of the heroines. This was not what they'd intended when they came here but pride would not let them stop until they had humbled their counterpart. Slowly their physical fight began to take a backseat as hands clutched at contrasting clumps of hair, fingers curling tight, and their bodies bent slightly to get more weight behind each time they heaved their boobs at one another. Awkward at first they hit an unintended rhythm as nipples dug into areola, the rounded masses of dense flesh colliding, and collapsing in on one another.

    Diana squealed loudly into Karen's ear as she slung her breasts repeatedly at the blonde's monsters. The pain was tolerable, but at the same time intolerable. The still functioning rational part of her mind identified it as embarrassment at engaging in such unamazon behavior. But she still wouldn't stop, she couldn't. As degrading as this was to a princess of the Amazons she wouldn't stop fighting until there was a winner. To do so would dishonor herself and her opponent.

    Kara gave a guttural groan at the almost liquid heat that flowed through her boobs as she hammered them at the unyielding Amazon. "Wonder if...nngh...this is heat vision feels like...guugh!" She thought to herself. A light tap on the shoulder distracted her from their rhythm and Diana got several free, sharp blows in before she slammed back, forcing a deep grunt from the raven haired woman. Then the skies opened up and the light tap became a deluge, the wind whipping Wonder Woman's hair across her face, followed a familiar crack of thunder.

    Gasping heavily at the sudden downpour they paused briefly in their violent boob banging, Diana flipping Karen over only for the blonde woman to maintain her hold and land on her toes. Muscles straining they froze in a double bridge, eyes staring wide, before flopping onto their backs. Rolling over they quickly got back to their feet, Powergirl yelling at Diana getting an early start and smashing her breasts, left and right into her own. Bashing back at Wonder Woman, her arms slipped down the Amazon's body to grab at the biceps and pull the woman in for a slam. It was the hardest blow either had ever absorbed to that part of their anatomy and they rose to their toes, rigid, in response. Recovering, Powergirl pulled Wonder Woman in for another slam and Diana adjusted her own hold, pulling at Karen as she rebounded off the blonde.

    Hissing as if she was Cheetah herself Diana pulled at Karen, even as the blonde did the same and they gyrated uncontrollably around their current arena bouncing off of each other. The chill of the rain soothed their burning busts, and the bruises that covered their bodies, initially but the violent clapping on their breasts head on created a small pocket that had the droplets disintegrate before they could reach the heated flesh. Crashing with her back up against a tree Powergirl felt Wonder Woman press in close, holding her firm against the shattered stump arms bent rigid at the elbows, grunting ferociously as she slammed her left tit hard against her own. Snarling at the cheap hits Karen struggled to gain the leverage to push away but Diana refused to give up her brief advantage and, slowly, the blonde's angry cries gave way to whines of genuine pain as the Amazon pounded her left boob in the Kryptonian's, stiff nipple raising an expanding bruise on the milky orb. But a mere trunk could not be expected to withstand a pair of angry fighting heroines and, with a loud CRACK, it shattered sending the unbalanced pair back in the direction of the, now swollen, stream.

    Tumbling across the forest floor mud, water and sweat combined to have their hands tear from each other's biceps, rolling apart. Karen recovered first, furious at the soreness in her right boob, swiping the mud from her face and pouncing on the Amazon, grabbing at her hair and slamming her back down. "MINE ARE BETTER!" She shouted in an explosive fury. Copying a favorite finishing move of one of the better fighters in her old dorm, she let gravity do most of the work and dropped her heavy rack to splash on top of Diana's, who's scream demonstrated it's effectiveness. "I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME!!"

    Wonder Woman bellowed as Powergirl dropped her monsters onto her body. It felt as if the girl was trying to drive her breasts into her chest. Maybe she actually was based on her outburst. Kara and Steve...who'd have thought. But why would the girl think she was unfaithful to her cousin? Grabbing at the short blonde hair she yanked and tugged at the soaked locks, ignoring the shriek from the other woman, spinning them over. "I don't care about him. You...can...have...him!" She snapped, glaring into the furious blue eyes under her. "But your FLOPPY tits will NEVER be better than mine!" And to prove her point she dropped her own weighty jugs onto the defiant Powergirl, who's eyes went wide at the feeling of Diana's pointed boobs digging into her own.

    "NO!" Kara pulled at Wonder Woman's long hair too and fro before wrapping her arms around Diana's after the second slam to prevent her from pulling away again. Rocking violently she toppled the demigoddess, slowly rolling her over, crushing the Amazon's body while also shoving her rounded orbs onto the pair under her. "LIAR!!" She shouted, grimacing as Diana's strong fingers kept tugging at her muddy hair, distracting her...hurting her. Then she disengaged one hand, swinging it around her body and pulled them gradually onto their side before throwing a leg over and completing the roll.

    "AMAZON'S DON'T LIE!" Diana screamed at Kara, her cool finally broken by the Kryptonian's constant disparaging remarks of herself, her people, and also by the fact that she was currently rolling around in the mud with the girl like a pair of pornai fighting over a mark. No skill, no finesse, just two women wildly thrashing around in a rapidly expanding pit of mud pulling at hair and squashing tits. Good thing her sisters weren't here to see this. Then she groaned as she felt herself being gradually forced over. Briefly releasing her hug, she jabbed her fist at the slimed face framing a pair of furious blue eyes. Then her eyes were drawn away briefly to the side.

    Powergirl felt herself rocked by the woman's punch but merely growled in response as she forced the wildly struggling, seemingly distracted Amazon onto her side before another blow twisted her head and Diana halted their roll. Swinging her huge breasts at the brunette, Diana responded by squeezing the blonde's voluptuous body closer, expression pained but unafraid as the four large masses between them bulged and quivered. Karen blinked, to clear her eyes of the mud and rain, and stared back hard...equally confident in the breasts that had generated envy and lust ever since she started filling out. Pressing her head against Diana's, their lashes brushed together. "Mine are bigger...and better," she whispered with an absolute confidence that caused a brief flicker of concern across Wonder Woman's face and a hesitation in her thrusting motion. Quick as lightning Powergirl shoved hard, trying to overturn the demigoddess who, showing she retained some martial sense, didn't attempt to resist and went with the roll. Karen now felt fear as the roll continued and then both women gasped as they ended up half submerged in the stream, the sudden chill raising goosebumps and inhalation of water causing them to both to kick away, coughing and gagging. Wiping at her face Kara's eyes fell on Wonder Woman's heaving form and she quickly moved in her direction.

    Diana heard the splashing as Powergirl came charging at her, getting her hands up in time to catch the foot the bedraggled blonde swung at her. Lunging forward, she drilled a fist into the girl's gut, driving her back. Getting to her feet Wonder Woman pursued her advantage, two swift elbow strikes staggering the Kryptonian, but then she got careless and a backhand spun her around. Dancing away to regain her balance she paused, running a tongue across her lips and tasted warm iron. Spitting, her face still bore a satisfied expression that had Karen wary until she touched at her face. She stiffened at the warmth flowing down her nose and at the red streaks on her palm. "Now we're even," Diana stated over the furious expression the other woman shot her before they came together again, the blood making Kara forget about their titfight. Now, all that was roaring through her head was the need to crush, to ruin this woman who dogged her across universes.

    Fighting along the length of the river fists and feet cracked against firm bodies, angry cries and pained squeals echoing across the island. They were so evenly matched that still neither could maintain an advantage over the other for very long. Diana kicked out with a stiff foot against Kara's leg, causing the blonde to stumble before a harsh uppercut catapulted the girl onto her back. Powergirl got her feet up as Wonder Woman leapt at her, flipping the raven haired demigoddess over before flipping up and spinning around to charge at the Amazon, fists flying. More were dodged or blocked that got through, but those that did hurt and Diana found herself on the backfoot the longer she tried exchanging blows with the enraged blonde. "She's getting stronger..." Diana realized with a start, brushing aside a punch and delivering two swift blows to Powergirl's ribs, before getting getting swatted off her feet to the side by a wild haymaker.

    "Don't know when to quit, do you?" Kara gasped out, raising her fists, as Diana leapt back to her feet. Wonder Woman kept moving in and out of her range and it irked her to have to admit it, but THIS Amazon was definitely the better fighter. Not that she'd say it out loud. And her blows were getting harder, hurting more. Closing in Wonder Woman's fist cracked against her face even as hers scrapped across her ribs.

    "I could say the same to you," Diana panted, grabbing at Kara's soaked hair and leaping up to slam her knee into the girl's forehead. Flipping over the Kryptonian, Wonder Woman grabbed at her head, catapulting the screaming woman to land face first back in the water. "You're stronger than me Kara, I'll give you that, but you lack experience. Stop this, I don't have anything to do with Steve in this universe."

    "Steve? You really are stupid, you know that?" Powergirl growled as she merely spat out a mouthful of water and stalked out of the shallows back towards her target. Diana spread her arms as she circled warily to the side, eyes narrowing to slits at the statement. The wind had picked up, whipping her hair across her face and, in the split second she was hidden from view, Powergirl lunged hands snatching at the fluttering locks, dragging the Amazon off her feet. Reminiscent of what had been done to her earlier, Karen swung the woman over her head to slam into the mud around them. This she did four times, each time Wonder Woman flew over her head to slam into the ground Powergirl heard a loud groan of pain. Satisfied, she held the now limp Diana in front of her. On an impulse she slapped at the, as she thought, defeated woman's chest experimentally, the brunette's eyes fluttering open. "Now you'll leave He's too good for the likes of yo..UGGHHH!!"

    "Gets them every time," Diana thought to herself. It didn't ease the pain, but playing possum had at least prevented the blonde from keeping it up and actually putting her down. Kicking, she drove her leg into Powergirl's gut and, as the girl collapsed, leapt onto her shoulders driving her to ground. A smug smile on her face she stared down at the furious expression between her legs. It would be so easy to just squeeze her thighs and...Diana recoiled from the thought and the distraction was enough for the Kryptonian who powered herself first to her knees, then onto trembling legs. The absurdity of it prevented Wonder Woman from seeing what was coming until she was slammed into the ground. "This girl...just will...not...stop" Diana thought as Kara now threw her fully, her arms releasing her legs, an inexplicable fury building in the back of her head. Rolling back to her feet, she heard a scream that echoed to the backdrop of a roll of thunder as Powergirl threw herself at her. With an answering yell Wonder Woman met Kara as the pair tangled in the air before falling to the ground in a wild tangle of flailing limbs.

    Tearing at hair, slapping, punching and kneeing at one another the two heroines fought savagely in the storm that seemed to echo the violence they continued to inflict on one another. Rolling apart briefly the locked up, arm over shoulder with Kara screaming as Diana bit hard just below her wrist. Clubbing the brunette at her ear Powergirl went low even while Wonder Woman punched and hit at her back, butting at her stomach and flipping the Amazon over. Spinning around she waddled into a muddy punch that knocked her to the side. Grabbing at the short, filthy hair Diana slammed Karen's face into the mud repeatedly, a sneer on her face before yanking the girl up. A hard slap sent her down again but as Wonder Woman reached for her again she shot up from her prone position driving the top of her head into the Amazon's face. They exchanged shouts as Diana clutched at her face and Kara, her head, falling back onto their haunches. Eyes crossed Diana glared at Kara, then froze. "Damn you!" She cursed loudly, throwing herself forward. Powergirl raised her arms to defend herself...only to stare blankly as Diana leapt over her, scooping up a shard of broken rock and hurling it at...nothing.

    The air then seemed to shimmer and the rock froze in mid air as a large armored figure appeared. "Well played sister," Ares remarked, crushing the stone as easily as one tore paper. "What gave me away?"

    "Other than pushing us to kill one another!" Diana growled, as Kara got to her feet to stand beside her. "How did you get past the wards I placed in the Hall?"

    "Hall? What hall?" Ares appeared genuinely confused, looking back and forth between the half naked women. Then he laughed uproariously, the metallic monotone through his helmet disturbing. "So that's how it was. How deliciously ironic."

    "You think this funny!" Kara snarled, firing a blast of heat vision that the God of War side stepped, almost casually.

    "Oh, I do indeed, child. You see...I had nothing to do with this quarrel." Ares remarked as the leaned casually against a broken stump. "I sensed your fight in it's early stages, you were already engaged when I arrived. Conflict feeds me, I am drawn to it, like I was drawn to this island."

    "Who knew I'd find my dear sister busy brawling like a mere mortal with another similar to your current favorite. Though I will admit I did chuckle at what he did to Apollo," Ares laughed. "You two put on quite the show and, seeing as how you were deadset on beating the breath out of each other, I thought I'd help liven it up a bit."

    Wonder Woman growled and stretched out an arm. There was a flash as the sword of Athena shot into her hand. "Leave...NOW!" She growled, whipping the blade to point in his direction, Ares's demeanor immediately wary at the sight of the weapon. "This is a private affair, not a death bout."

    "Yeah, get lost creep," Kara cracked her knuckles as she advanced on the black armored god. "This is between me an' the Amazon. It ain't an exhibition."

    "Evidence to the contrary young one," Ares directed his attention to her bouncing breasts, taking amusement in her outrage as her hands attempted to cover the swollen orbs. "But like I stated...I am not responsible for your actions. All I can do is influence...the thought has to already be there to begin with. But if my leaving will allow you to continue then so be it. I will still be fed regardless. 'Tis a pity though that such an encounter will go unwitnessed, but considering your lack of progress who can say how long that'll last."

    With a swirl of his cape the war god folded in on himself and disappeared. Kara blinked again while Diana cursed quietly, the softly spoken words bringing their attention back to the current matter. Springing apart both spread their arms, Wonder Woman throwing her sword to the side to impale the ground. "So?" Kara challenged.

    "So!" Diana retorted. "Still want to fight?"

    Powergirl's response was to dash forward, duck under a reflexive jab from Wonder Woman, spinning around the taller woman. Grabbing at raven black hair she flipped the woman over onto her stomach. Diana quickly rolled to the side, avoiding the worst of the kick the blonde threw at her, jumping to her feet. "What do you think!?" Kara smirked, jumping back to dodge a high kick.

    Diana grinned in response as the two resumed. Without the rage inducing influence of Ares their fight now took on a more clinical, professional edge. Swift, rapid moving punches, kicks and throws benefited Wonder Woman with her centuries of experience. She moved in close, fists smacking against face and ribs, frustrating the fuller woman, legs kicking out at stomach and knees while attempts to keep the Amazon in close found Kara thrown to the ground or tripped. Fierce ground fighting erupted at these points with both of them attempting to pin or subdue the other before they got back to their feet. While her blows raised bruises it was still not enough to permanently down the determined Kryptonian female who rose back to her feet and fought back fiercely, raising her fair share of welts on the battle princess's golden body as her heavy blows were equally capable of knocking the immortal woman onto her rear.


    Hall of Justice

    "So what's this big news?" Courtney demanded, settling down in a cafeteria chair.

    "Huntress and Canary got into it again!"

    "That's it?" Stargirl's expression immediately soured. "Come on, that's nothing new. Those two can barely tolerate each other on a good day."

    "Yeah but get this..." Wonder Girl's eyes shone visibly. "By the time Green Arrow and Connor got in the room to separate them they'd torn each other's costumes to shreds. "

    "You mean...!?!"

    "Yup," Cassie chortled. "Nude. The guys had a time getting them apart since they were trying not to grab anywhere they shouldn't and the two of them weren't ready to stop."

    "So...who won?"

    "Canary of course," Cassie snorted. "I like Helena, but she's no match for Dinah if she gets serious. It was over by the time I got there and Connor managed to pull her off of Huntress."

    "Man...that would've been awesome to watch." Courtney leaned back. Then her eyes got calculating. "Really makes you wonder..."

    "What're you thinking?" Wonder Girl's tone was cautionary. She knew what happened when Stargirl's imagination went into overdrive.

    "I mean...everyone's always asked what would happen if Supes and Bats, or any of the guys had it out," Stargirl raised a finger. At her friend's nod she continued. "But what about the ladies. We know Kara and Karen had it out when she first got here but how many of 'em have secretly duked it out. Hawkgirl and Vixen maybe?"

    "It's possible," Cassie shrugged, then her expression got amused. "Talking from experience? Did Kara give you a spanking or something?"

    "As if," Courtney now snorted. "She got a dose of humility after the beating Powergirl gave her. I mean, Karen really cut loose on her..."

    "Wouldn't know. I showed when Diana pulled Powergirl off of Supergirl," Wonder Girl replied. "Dunno what she said, but it set her off again and the two of them had already started swinging when Supes showed up, then Karen got all girly and clingy. Was kind creepy honestly."

    " that'd be a fight worth seeing. Though Powergirl'd win hands down of course."

    "The hell! Diana's an Amazon demigoddess with centuries of fighting experience. Not to mention MAGIC! She'd have Karen begging for mercy!"

    "No way, she's just like Supes. The longer the fight goes on the stronger she'll get." Stargirl argued back. Good naturedly the two argued the merits of their preferred heroine, but the seed had been planted. Both younger heroes had been expecting to spend time with the older two...who had gone the same time.


    Blackhawk Island

    Demonstrating the prowess that had supervillains re-evaluate her presence as just "Superman's cousin" Karen proved she was more than just a brawler, keeping Diana on her toes.. Though many blows got through, many were also dodged and countered or, more importantly, blocked. Grabbing at overextended limbs Powergirl slowed the fight down to a pace that suited her, dragging the Amazon into clinches and holds that let her bring her strength to bear. While Diana was no less adept at in close fighting Kara was able to maintain her holds for longer periods, slowly wearing down Wonder Woman until she broke free.

    Briefly they separated to catch their breath, gulping down handfuls of warm rainwater and wiping away the more offensive clumps of mud clinging to their bodies. Sweat mingled with the water putting Kara at a disadvantage as holds now became more difficult to maintain and the two slipped and slid past one another as they grappled. It also proved a detriment to Diana as it made throws harder to put force behind if the limb slipped from her grasp. They barely noticed the slowing of the rain to a light drizzle, with the amount of moisture covering them it wouldn't have mattered if it stopped completely. But what they did notice was how much heavier their breathing became and how much more effort it took to continue fighting.

    Body to body in a light hug they pushed and shoved at each other, their breath hot on ears and necks as they tiredly sank to their knees in the muck. As one they released their hold and sank back onto their haunches, just staring at one another.

    "This...isn't working." Diana panted, running a hand through her hair, then whipping to the side to clear it of filth.

    Just as drained, Kara nodded, sitting up as she pressed her hands onto her hips. "Don't...don't even think of calling it off. We aren't leaving till...till I win."

    "You are good Karen...very good." Diana admitted. No shame in telling her the truth, but now to...what was the expression Dick liked to used when about to spar with Damian...right, feed her some humble pie. "But I spar with your cousin on a regular basis and we're even on wins. You don't...!"

    Just like before, mentioning her cousin seemed to trigger something in the busty blonde. With an angry expression on her pretty face she cracked a stiffened palm across Wonder Woman's face. Diana slowly brought her head around, an incredulous look on her face. Kara smirked boldly, and kept the smile even after recovering from the answering backhand. Grabbing at each other hands pulled at hair and skin, bodies squirmed together and they somehow ended up in a double headlock. Gasping hoarsely they alternately swung hard fists at faces as they slid energetically, and planted their hands in the mud to keep their balance. Twisting her body to the right Karen attempted to throw Diana but the stubborn Amazon refused to let go and they slid awkwardly together, punching and slapping.

    A hard right from Karen broke them apart, but neither wasted any time scrambling to their feet and jumping back together. Going low Diana wrapped her arms around Powergirl's midsection, tackling her to the ground. Sitting on her stomach, left hand holding her head steady, Wonder Woman slammed punch after punch into the downed girl's face. "When you've had enough...just say when!" Diana gritted out, feeling her knuckles ache with each blow. Then her fist was shoved to the side and Karen grabbed at her shoulders, pulling her down into a vicious headbutt. Eyes glazing over Wonder Woman tumbled off Powergirl, shaking her head to clear it.

    "You don't have what it takes to make me quit!" Karen gasped, rolling onto her stomach and pushing herself to her knees. Staggering to her feet she barely managed to get her arm up to block a kick from the Amazon. Shoving the limb to the side she moved in to grapple, hands grabbing for hair, Karen yanking Diana's head viciously left and right even as her own scalp complained loudly at the brunette's savage tugs. Bodies bent at almost ninety degree angles before coming together hard with a meaty SMACK! "AAAAHHNNN!" Diana yelled at the collision.

    "OOOOHH!" Kara groaned, her voice melding with the Amazons as their huge breasts splattered together, wobbling and rippling at the impact. Even years later neither could think of an adequate reason as to why their fight took this path. They were too evenly matched, or it was an accident but both agreed it somehow just felt like the only option left to them. Rearing back they slammed them together again, rolling them against one another, the thick breast meat spreading. Another head on impact squashed the turgid orbs in a brutal comparison, their owners grinding their bodies together as if testing the limits of what their breasts could take and just the resilience of the other before rearing back once more.

    Again and again they hammered their slick broad mammaries together with solid, fleshy PLOPS that had them both yelping as the pain grew. Pain was something that, while known, usually took a while to build for those such as they. But for it to build this quickly whenever they just hit each other with their tits was not something either expected. At the same time it was oddly, satisfying. Unlike before, where all they could feel was fury now each woman welcomed the pain. It meant her tits were pushing back against the other woman's despite much and how hard they mashed them together.

    A confidence grew in them and they sped up their movements. Instead of slow, powerful blows they now focused on swift, sharp hits that delivered a different kind of pain. To make things easier they pressed their bodies closer, cheek to cheek, gasps becoming moans and then groans as their dense boobs moved like water in time with their bodies. Receding downward as they pulled away and then flowing forward and upward to splash breasts against breast, the flesh rippling violently as it attempted to erode the firmness in the opposite orb. "Sto...stop. Wait..." Diana abruptly gasped out.

    It wasn't a plea for mercy...not a surrender...but rather a request. And just like at the beginning when her top first fell off both women halted their actions, released their holds, and warily backed off. Massaging at their chests they took a moment to study what, if any, damage they'd inflicted or received. Both were a light red though more obvious on Kara's paler skin but, if anything, to their eyes the orbs were more swollen, larger than they were before. "Are we...are you sure you want to do this?" Diana asked, as they swayed their upper bodies lightly. The movement was almost hypnotic, watching the shapely teats roll delicately from left to right and back again. "This isn't something either of us you not find it...demeaning?"

    "Of course I do!" Kara snapped, taking several steps to the right, hearing the mud squelching under her feet and the light patter of rain on her skin now that she was no longer fighting, Diana mirroring her motion to the left. "But that's the difference between the two of us. I'm willing to endure any humiliation, be it rolling around in the mud or bashing tits, if it helps me beat it into your head to stay away from my he...Kal."

    "Kal does not need your protection. I chose him, and he chose me." Wonder Woman declared coldly as they reversed their movements, the circle slower getting smaller, Kara's pretty face screwing up into the expected pissed expression. Moving forward she pressed her massive, oval boobs up against Diana's as they halted. Diana didn't flinch away, both sets flattening at the tips from the pressure as they both leant in. Cleansed of the filth by the rain Powergirl's creamy skin clashed with Wonder Woman's bronze tan. Though the size disparity was still obvious neither pair gave up any unnecessary real estate that either could see...and they were both looking. Shoving their chests together, both took steps forward and back as they pushed before looking up from the battle between their busts. "Kal is mine, Karen, and I'll do what I have to to keep him. If that means making you experience a terrible feminine be it."

    "He will NEVER be yours!" Kara hissed. "And the one that'll be getting shamed today won't be me Amazon. It'!"

    Rearing back, breast slammed into breast and both heroines stumbled from the backlash. Diana recovered first jumping forward to bash her left boob across Kara's right. Even as the orb quivered the blonde retaliated, her heavy left smacking solidly against the Amazon's left and sending it bouncing outward. Both then swung their right, and the contrasting masses crashing together with a dull thud as their owners pressed them together, the flesh ballooning out as they did so. As the orbs recoiled the left boobs were now hurled together, grimaces tell tale on the women as they were now face to face, shoving the competing breasts together. Letting the heavy orbs fall back onto their chests, rolling gently, Diana bared her teeth in a silent snarl. Her own lips pulled Kara growled openly at the Amazon and, like the sound of the starting gun, both beauties began flinging their treasured teats with amateurish, but violent, abandon.

    On one hand it was humorous the manner in which the pair flailed their massive mammaries at one another, every second or third swing missing and hits glancing off the outside on the rounded orbs. But the ones that connected fully shook the air around them, resonating like the thunderclaps that could be heard in the distance. Flat footed they pounded their boobs together viciously, relying on the impacts of the heavy glands squashing and slamming together to keep them standing. With each miss or mistimed blow one or both staggered to the side which had them continually moving in a jerky, awkward circle. But the two were veteran fighters and, in their own ways, geniuses. Slowly the fight took on a more confident edge and their movements began to resemble a kind of wild and frantic, yet oddly erotic, dance.

    "Uungh," Kara gasped in surprise as she slipped at the end of a savage flurry that had her holding her breath to avoid screaming out at the pain. Seemed Diana was in the same boat if her deep gasping breathes were any indication. But the triumphant smirk on her face irked the hot blooded blonde who leapt to her feet, taking a brief moment to shake off the filth, before wading back in, massive breasts striking huge breasts, the brunette no less willing to resume their fight.

    Blonde and brunette heroine moaned and yelped as they battered each other back and forth with their taut, superhumanly dense breasts. Swinging hard from the hips Wonder Woman forced Powergirl back her stiff, torpedo tits digging deep into the voluptuous Kryptonian's broader pair. Jumping forward Karen shoved all four together, the orbs flattening dramatically as the women brought their bodies to bear before bouncing off one another, the flesh rolling back out to assume their original shape. No advantage...but it had distracted Diana and now Kara moved to capitalize.

    Grunting fiercely she drove the panting Amazon before her, adding the full weight of her upper body to that of her breasts behind each strike. Each blow stung horribly and her breasts began to slowly glow a bright red before her eyes, but she never even considered stopping, or even slowing her swings. And she was rewards when Diana gave a feminine shriek and collapse back into the mud, bouncing and then skating lightly as she fell. "You want more of this?" Powergirl demanded giving her chest a wriggle, fighting the urge to rub at the pain radiating from her breasts. "C'mon you pain in my ass. Get started this after all.

    "I can take...anything you dish out!" Wonder Woman rasped, flipping back to her feet, wincing as the motion had her boobs bouncing uncomfortably. The little digs they'd taken at one another early in their bout had not prepared her for this kind of pain. Her chest felt like it was on fire...but if the glow coming from Kara's breasts were any indication, the blonde had to be feeling the burn as well. Said Kryptonian interrupted her thoughts, charging through the squelching mud and jumping at her. Diana also leapt forward, splattering all four weighty masses together, before rebounding off the other woman. Breasts flopped and flailed as they tried to find back their rhythm. An offcenter blow had Diana wobbling as she tried to recover her balance, something Kara had no intention of allowing. But in her haste she ran straight into what could only be described as a "boob uppercut" when the Amazon shoved upwards and her breasts crashed with stunning force against the underside of her own breasts. The shock of the blow knocked her, literally, off her feet screaming unashamedly in agony before falling supine with a loud SPLAT. Groaning, Diana rubbed at the top of her breasts, staring at the downed blonde. "And last I checked, you hit me first."

    "Yeah, for not minding your own damn business." Kara growled, rolling onto her side, then back to her feet. Warily the two circled, cautious, but at the same time not willing to stop. "And I'll hit you last when you curl up realizing I'm not just stronger, but also have the better tits."

    "Bigger does not mean better," Diana taunted as she swung her left tit to glance across Karen's right, causing it to ripple lightly. "Considering I've knocked you on your ass twice already you'd think you'd have figured that out."

    Wonder Woman then yelped as Powergirl slammed her own left in retaliation, beating it hard against her own left. "Only thing I figured out," the Kryptonian growled around a squeal as the princess clapped back ferociously, the swollen orbs collapsing in against one another. "Is that this is going to feel even better than just beating the shit out of you!"

    Heaving her tits to crash against Karen's, Diana expression was severe as she showed the feeling was mutual. Hammering their pride and joys together brutally the curvy blonde and lithe brunette continued beating each other around the patch they'd ended up in, resuming their obscene dance of twisting bodies a thrashing boobs. First Kara gained an advantage, her heavier tits walloping against Diana's beating the Amazon back mercilessly until she tumbled to the dirt and mud with a sharp cry. Bouncing her orbs in her hands she mocked the downed woman until the furious Wonder Woman leapt back up to resume fighting. Now it was Powergirl being pushed back by the angry brunette, her pointed boobs stabbing into the blonde's pillow like breasts. Fighting back fiercely Kara forcing Diana back several steps before the woman's left tit speared deep and Karen collapsed to her knees with a sharp groan. Glaring up she stared into Wonder Woman's eyes as the brunette mockingly flicked her nipple and pointed it down at her. Trembling in a fury she clenched her fists at her side before propelling herself up, their thick spikes brushing past one another roughly, before they resumed their determined boob battle.

    Despite the size difference their proud breasts proved as evenly matched as they were, smashing each other to the ground almost a dozen times between them. Neither was there for long as the longer they fought with the taut glands, the the pain they became. And, on some level, they began to enjoy learning this different kind of fighting. Using her lower center of gravity Kara began attacking the sensitive undersides of Diana's breasts, taking advantage of their pointed nature, knocking the battle princess to the dirt twice in succession before she countered. Grabbing the blonde into a hug she positioned her boobs on top on the blonde's thick pair. Twisting and squirming, Powergirl couldn't get the leverage to break free, or even hit back, and could only throw her head back and wail in humiliating fashion as Wonder Woman dropped her boobs like a pair of piledrivers onto the pair beneath them. Five painful blows she endured before slipping down the slim body to the ground, groaning in pain. Stepping back Diana couldn't suppress her own moan of suffering that drew a sharp look from the blue eyed Kryptonian. Her rise was slower than before, but once back on her feet she attacked the other woman with the same ferocity that marked their ongoing battle from it's beginning. A sharp right on right knocked them both back, stumbling on suddenly wobbling legs, before darting back in.

    "Gonna crush you!" Kara threatened, reaching out for the Amazon. She was still...fairly in control of herself, but the constant pain to her treasured chest was beginning to chip away at her already volatile temper. Though somewhat obscured by the clouds the sun was now high in the sky indicating they'd been fighting, at the very least, for more than an hour. And the longer it went on the harder it was to suppress her just reduce the damn Amazon to a wet smear in the mud. instead, her fingers dug deep into the muscular upper arm and she tried to pull the brunette into a hug.

    "I'll smash you!" Diana spat, grabbing at the Kryptonian. In the back of her mind she could feel the god powers granted by her father roiling, demanding release, as the blue eyed woman gripped her biceps hard enough to bruise. Magic was one weakness, other than kryptonite, that afflicted Kryptonians and Kal always encouraged her to use it during their spars. "If I don't get hurt, I can't become a better fighter," he'd say. Instead she'd expanded her senses but couldn't detect Ares anywhere so it hit her hard that what she felt was strictly her own, directed firmly at her lover's inter-universal relation. It disturbed her that a fellow heroine could garner this level of reaction out of her when none of her adversaries ever did, but right now she had more concerning matters to deal with.

    Both had similar ideas, but while Kara wanted to get the Amazon in her arms where she was sure her superior strength and mass would give her a swift victory Diana lunged forward, using the blonde's pull and her own momentum to deliver the hardest blow thus far. The resulting boob on boob collision echoed across the island and Powergirl's eyes opened wide, her face going pale, screaming loudly as she stumbled back. Diana's shout was more muted, but the recoil from the breasts slamming together almost knocked her hands loose from Karen's arms. Then she realized...the blonde hadn't let go either. And, with a pain maddened shriek, Diana felt herself pulled in by the enraged Kryptonian for a slam of her own.

    Spinning together in an uncontrolled frenzy the women pounded their breasts together with increasing violence, each blow causing both to bellow in agony. Pretty faces twisted into hideous expressions of pain and rage, they kept pulling at their rival while thrusting their prodigious chests outwards to smack together with solid, loud PLOPS that generated explosive bursts of air. These shockwaves began to displace much of the mud and soil as they twisted and spun together, effectively creating a small arena which they fought in. Then with a low rumble, the rain began to pick up again.

    Blinking the sweat and rain out of her eyes, Powergirl felt herself stumble to the heavy breast blows of the other woman...of the Amazon. She could hear Diana squealing at the brutal head on impacts of their breasts, but her own cries mingled with that of the dark haired woman, her legs feeling jelly. She couldn't lose...she couldn't afford to lose. To lose to this woman in particular would mean...

    The coolness of the sudden large raindrops on her heated skin made Wonder Woman gasp. She felt like she was operating on autopilot, slamming her chest as hard as she was able against Karen, hearing her whine in torment. But despite that the wild blonde kept bashing back, forcing humiliating cries from behind clenched teeth, with those monsters of hers. A sliver of doubt wormed it's way into her mind...that she was going to lose. And for some reason it panicked her.

    Ignoring the rain, the women beat their boobs together frantically, no longer caring how they might look. The specter of defeat had banished any kind of self consciousness and each consecutive blow was harder than the last. And as they twisted and slipped wildly together Diana could feel a slight hesitation in Kara. Her thrusts were taking her closer to the blonde and her answering pulls felt...delayed, as if she was hesitating for a micro second. Then a particularly solid hit had Powergirl rise up on her toes, head thrown back, before Diana threw her body completely against the Kryptonian female. The resulting CRACK as their bodies slammed together was lost in an explosion of thunder as the skies opened up completely again. Arms torn from grasps Kara staggered back with a scream, but barely managed to keep her feet, while Diana sank to a knee with a hacking croak.

    "Yeah...that's right. Stay down..." Powergirl gasped, thrusting out her almost glowing chest. Despite the savage beating, and their swollen state, the reddened orbs still displayed a remarkable firmness, with minimal hang. "Give it up zehdhdosh. I win!"

    Flipping back her hair Diana glared at the smug blonde, shoving herself up and pushing out her chest. "I don't know...what that means, but you haven't beaten me. Or THESE yet!" She hissed, her breasts still pointing directly at their opposites though her nipples were hanging slightly lower than when they'd first started. Wiping her hand across her face she advanced on her rival. Nostrils flaring Kara met her in an ankle deep patch of muck where they exchanged a vicious flurry of boob blows that ultimately saw Wonder Woman crash back into the mud. In an expression of contempt, Kara kicked a sheet of mud to splattered wetly across Diana's heaving body. Scrambling back up, furious, she barely had time to set herself before a supremely confident Powergirl was on her again, swinging her heavy monsters with the express purpose of beating...nay...humiliating the Amazon.

    But then the Kryptonian screeched as she now tumbled back. In shock she merely sat there, shaking her head in disbelief, until something wet spattered across her face. Wiping at her face she raised a trembling hand to stare at the brown filth covering it before glaring up at the waiting brunette who threw another handful of mud across her face. Feet propelling her she leapt at the woman who lunged at her in turn. Like the fists they dearly wanted to use on one another their breasts flailed furiously against one another, the smack of flesh on flesh loud and repetitive. Finally it was Diana that proved to be the main aggressor, plowing her bullet breasts into and against Kara's, beating the girl back step after stubborn step until a hard left on right spun the blonde around. Though she kept her feet Powergirl tottered dazedly, clutching at her chest, her blonde head bowed.

    "Have you had enough?" Diana demanded, warily keeping her distance, only too aware of the girl's volatility. She was torn even as the question passed her lips. On one hand it would be a relief to finally be done with this humiliation. But on the other hand, her warrior blood was pounding in her head. She was...for lack of a better word...enjoying herself. Enjoying being able to fight without the fate of the world at stake...though there was a niggling in the back of her mind that there were stakes to this fight that hadn't yet come to light.

    "" Powergirl panted. It had been a long time since she'd been pushed like this, restrictions or not. That it would be against...HER...rankled, but it was an experience to engage in something she'd always been a spectator in. And she aimed to ensure she was the one standing at the end. So, at Diana's immediate head shake in the negative she waded back in, their swollen breasts smacking together painfully and repeatedly. Ignoring the rain, mud and sweat that covered her body she thrust her breasts at the other woman, determined to be the one to finally humble her.

    Again their movements resembled that of dance steps, supple bodies twisting and feet scrabbling for a firm footing. Trading periods of advantage neither could gain control long enough to establish any kind of dominance. For every time Kara pounded the stubborn Amazon back with her massive, rounded boobs until she fell backwards...Diana would come back, hammering viciously with her firm, pointed breasts causing Powergirl to collapse slowly onto her side. Gasping and panting they taunted each other into scrambling back upright and slinging their tits together again. Guttural moans exploded past plump lips but neither woman even considered calling a halt, if just to resume the more traditional fistfight they'd originally been engaged in. A savagely powerful, nipple to nipple, blow had them rise to their toes before simply crumbling slowly to the ground. Boobs rolling in time with heavy breathing the heroines remained still, unmoving as they stared at feet brushing against thighs. Pride now dictated their movements. One pair of beautiful, if now bruised, breasts had to be better than the other.

    Wearily they began to move. On all fours they found themselves face to face, Diana's long dark hair hanging limply down her face while Kara's was flat against her head. Slowly, deliberately, Powergirl raised herself onto her knees and spread her arms. The invitation was obvious, and though aware of the girl's superior strength Wonder Woman flicked the mud from her fingers and knee walked until their breasts brushed together. Giving a hitching gasp Kara pulled away slightly, but quickly pushed them back together at Diana's mocking smile. Bashing back, any sense of caution was thrown to the wayside as arms were flung around shoulders and boobs thrust together fit to pop. Face to face and nose to nose, strained smiles made their way onto faces.

    "Feel that." Karen whispered, her breath hot on Diana's face, their breasts still spreading. "I always knew I could crush you."

    "An expert now are we?" Wonder Woman hissed back, gasping as they slackened their holds briefly, letting their boobs fill back out slightly before tightening again forcing the still firm orbs into tight quarters conflict. "You couldn't beat me with your fists, you won't beat me with those fat floppy tits of yours!"

    "Better than a pair of bags like those, and you know it!" Powergirl taunted, eyes turning flinty, wincing as the Amazon's boobs pushed their way in even as hers flowed over and around. "Just like you knew I was kicking your ass and...AAGGHHH!"

    Diana crushed the smaller, curvier woman to her in a fury. "I know nothing of the sort!" She snarled, the rage she felt at those words surprising even her. A part of her REALLY didn't like the idea of losing to this voluptuous blonde woman. Shoving her body forward she butted her head at the resisting Kryptonian, pushing her down to lie flat on her back. "You need to be taught a lesson...GIRL! Kal is too kind, so I'll do it for him!"

    Kara bellowed at the brunette woman's weight pressing down on her chest before snarling back and pushing her own chest up to compress against the pair pushing down. Faces turned purple under the dirt and mud before, with a deep groan, Diana felt herself rolled onto her side, and then back. "You? YOU...!!" Powergirl growled, grinding her boobs into Wonder Woman's, shifting her upper body left and right and batting at the breasts under her. "Just try...I fucking dare you!"

    Diana yelled in a fury, shoving her chest up against Kara's, displacing the curvy blonde who shouted back with equal rancor, pumping their sizeable chests at one another while rolling to and fro in the small crater they'd created. The angry cries and squeals from the women began to be punctuated by splashing sounds as their arena was steadily filled by the constant rain. Wrapped together tightly like a pair of fighting snakes it was difficult to separate the two, especially as their bodies, faces and hair was covered in the wet mud that clung to them like a second skin.

    Tearing and yanking at each other's hair they dragged themselves to their knees, still hammering their tits together stubbornly then to their feet. Twisting Diana's long hair around her fists Kara pulled hard at the raven haired goddess's locks, forcing her head, and then upper body to bend backwards. Smiling cruelly the blonde then began heaving her boobs at the sensitive undersides at the frantically struggling Amazon who found herself unable to properly retaliate. Until, grunting furiously, she worked a leg between Powergirl's tripping the smaller woman back with a startled squawk that became a screech when Wonder Woman let gravity put her full weight behind her chest as it fell onto Kara's. Recognizing the effectiveness of the move Diana, raised her body and repeated the fall, hearing the girl's scream then felt her arms around her body and in her hair pulling them to the side.

    Splashing wildly as they grappled fiercely the water rose until it almost covered the one on the bottom as they rolled. Ending up slightly below Powergirl at the edge of the crater Diana glared up at the blonde woman, even as she pumped her boobs downwards. " getting ridiculous," she gasped out. Kara grunted as she stared back, eyes flickering over the steadily rising water.

    "You're not getting away," she growled, still making small thrusts at the Amazon and adjusting her hold. "I'm not letting go."

    "Neither am I," Diana gritted as she pulled Karen even closer, both to show her determination and to prevent those hits she was getting. "But lets at least get out of this sludge."

    Nodding warily the pair rolled quickly, but tensely up the short but sharp incline, eyes watching for any sign of trickery. But there was none. Despite the obvious hostility there was the unbending drive to fight fair that was hard wired into them. Once they hit the top and tumbled down the decline however expressions hardened and they remained motionless, balanced on their sides. Legs relocked and bodies began to tremble violently as they gradually upped the force they poured into the other woman's body. Eyes squeezed shut as they fought down the pain radiating from the continuous pressure on their breast tissue and the glands within while also wrestling to gain the top position or avoid being forced under. Neither had ever imagined this simple, and humiliating, form of fighting could be so draining.

    "Gonna...break your...back!" Kara moaned, breaking the silence, struggling to breathe around the pressure on her breasts and the water and filth on her face. As her eyes were closed she couldn't see her agony mirrored and Diana's face. Her breasts just hurt so much...

    Opposite her, Diana's breathing hitched as she focused her energy on controlling the frighteningly powerful Kryptonian. Their bodies rocked as first one, then the other would up the ante, only to be matched and then overtaken with their cries becoming increasing frantic. She could feel her boobs holding up against Kara's, feel the girl's heartbeat in the rippling mounds that still fought and resisted each other. was...almost...too much...

    A tortured whine escaped a woman's lips and Wonder Woman's eyes flashed open to gaze into Powergirl's wide eyed, panicked stare as her body slowly tilted in the face of Diana's increasingly violent thrusts. The wide white smile on her face quickly disappeared though as, just as slowly as she forced Kara onto her back, the blonde rolled them back into a neutral position and then onto her back. Muscles burning as hot as their aching tits the heroines rolled slowly but steadily across the forest floor, with only brief intermissions where one managed to hold the dominant spot for a few precious seconds to painfully grind away some of the firmness from the other's rack.

    "What is it with her!" Diana despaired as they continued to tumble over and over. Powergirl's whimpers tickled her ear but her hold wouldn't slacken. If anything it felt as if it grew tighter and their titflesh ballooned outwards to touch at their arms. She couldn't feel any significant difference other than how much harder breathing became and how the pain continued to grow.

    "Can't stop...can't let her win..." Kara's thoughts were as desperate as the look on her face. Would they keep rolling...keep fighting until they fell off the edge of the island? If that was what it took, then that was what she'd do. Surely it wouldn't come to that. Not with the sobbing cries she heard coming from the Amazon. It never occurred to her that her own frantic wails were what kept Wonder Woman fighting all the harder.

    Without realizing it to two had become actual rivals to the point that the harder their opponent fought, the harder they did. If they were honest, they knew they were currently tied one for one. Kara was the stronger, but Diana was clearly the better fighter. Under normal circumstances it would come down to a clash of those strengths but fate had conspired to have them pit breast against breast. This had NOTHING to do with being a heroine and everything with being a woman. Both badly wanted THEIR breasts to be the best and the longer they fought evenly the greater another, uncomfortable feeling continued to bubble up.


    Not fear for their lives since neither thought the other's dislike was enough to push them THAT far. And not the fear of losing...or rather not OF the losing since both had tasted defeat before. It was a fear of losing in THIS particular contest and WHO they'd be losing to. So cries became more frantic and grunts increasingly savage as they fought all the more desperately to try and control the other.

    Then they both yelped in surprise. Unknowingly their fighting had carried them, again, towards the river. Eyes wide their rotations had first Diana, then Kara, sink below the fast flowing waterline until they both disappeared beneath it. Spinning slowly they bounced down the light incline to the deeper end, the current of the fast flowing waterway twisting their bodies to a vertical position. With the current behind her Kara gained an advantage shoving at Diana until a long buried trunk tripped the Amazon, sending them spinning wildly. The suddenness pulled them apart and they snatched wildly one another. Diana's long hair proved again her weakness as Powergirl managed to grab a hold and pulled the woman into a reverse bearhug, wrapping her strong arms across Diana's chest squeezing mercilessly.

    Wonder Woman fought down a scream as she couldn't afford to waste the air, but still her muscles burned through the precious substance as she struggled wildly. The water prevented her from getting enough force behind an elbow strike to effectively hurt her blonde tormentor who tightened her grip even more. Curling her legs up to her stomach she flipped herself over, to the surprise of the other heroine, but Kara's arms never slackened. Until her back hit the first boulder, then the second and the third. By the sixth her hold slipped slipped and Diana thrust her arms out, swinging around with a fist that made it's way unerringly into Powergirl's left tit. Propelled back by the blow and the current she rolled along the floor, mouth opening in a soundless scream unintentionally. Slapping a hand over her mouth she paddled frantically for the surface.

    "GWWAHH!!" Kara panted, grabbing hold of a mossy rock, breathing deeply as she massaged at her tit. Head jerking up she slowly turned it around to see Diana staring across at her, holding onto a branch near the shore. Not breaking their staring contest she released her anchor, allowing the current to carry her towards her target. Fists crashed across faces, but Wonder Woman had momentum behind hers, knocking Powergirl away. But her own fist cracked solidly across the brunette's cheek sending then both spinning in the torrent until they bounced up against one another. Coughing and spitting they grabbed blindly, reaching for the other. Diana slipped under the blonde's arm coming up behind her. She felt the Amazon's warm breath at her ear as the Amazon latched onto her, an arm arm under her chin and legs circling her waist.

    "Let's see how you like it!" Diana hissed, slapping a clawed hand across Kara's right monster, fingers digging in deep. Powergirl croaked out a choking scream as water found it's way into her mouth as she thrashed frantically from the feeling of her breast being crushed. Reaching over and back she yanked furiously at Diana's scraggly blue black locks but Wonder Woman merely gritted her teeth and squeezed all the harder.

    While Kara wailed at the torture and Diana grunted the two continued to ping pong their way downstream. Gasping in desperation as she felt Wonder Woman's strong fingers sink even deeper into her breast tissue Powergirl's head sunk forward and she bit down...hard. Diana shrieked as it felt as if the blonde was legitimately trying to take a chunk out of her arm. The hand digging into the tit fell away then began hammering savagely across the girl's face. A final blow snapped her head to the side, teeth torn free, before flying back to smack loudly and wetly across Wonder Woman's face. The double distraction allowed Kara to twist around until they were face to face, tit to tit. Faces twisted with bitter anguish at the seeming unending conflict as they punched, slapped and scratched at faces and upper bodies all while the breasts bounced and rippled together.

    Kara moaned at the copper taste in her mouth. Between the Amazon's stunningly powerful punches and grinding scissors across her ribs she could feel herself slowing down. Her limbs felt like they were full of lead and to was taking all she had just to respond to Wonder Woman's blows. "I can't...I can't..." barely able to form a cognitive thought she still desperately swung her fists at the blurry face in front of her. A blow to the temple had her seeing double, head drooping as she fought to remain conscious. She then felt her head yanked back and a small, solid fist smashed against her cheek. Blindly grabbing at the hand in her hair she squeezed at the wrist, heard a sharp cry and punched hard in it's direction.

    Diana felt herself slipping away everytime what felt like steel tipped knuckles crashed across her face and upper body. In these close quarters it was becoming increasingly difficult to shift her body just enough to avoid the full force of the blonde's blows and the ones she did take head on shook her to her very core. A teeth rattling blow connected and her legs slipped away from the girl's waist. Dragging herself in closer she threw an arm around Kara's neck, jammed a knee into the woman's gut and elbow across the top of her face. Her head then snapped back and she blacked out for a split second at Powergirl's uppercut response pulling the blonde into a clinch in desperation.

    Kara moaned and Diana sighed at the brief relief from each other's fists but where one fight ended another began. Their proud breasts, buoyed by the water and pressed together by their bodies, bulged and shifted in time with their movements. First one, then the other pushed strongly against it's rival before being forced back, the now clean and contrasting flesh providing a mesmerizing show of ripples and quivers as their unbowed tits flowed and stretched and molded in time with their movements. Groaning almost simultaneously both immediately felt pain as the orbs were far looser and softer than earlier. Necks turned and foreheads pressed together gently. Eyelids fluttered open and hoarse demands for surrender died on lips at the fire that still burned in the blue eyes of both women.

    "You're out time, you self righteous bitch!" Panting heavily Karen rolled her deep oval boobs around and over Diana's, some innate feminine instinct telling her that she needed to keep hers over the Amazon's. Whatever it was, Wonder Woman seemed to sense it as well she pumped her still hideously resilient breasts, the flesh molding to allow the tanned flesh to flow over her paler orbs. She winced at the now familiar fire as Diana's nipples, hardened by the freezing river water scrapped a visible trail in the process. Needing to end this, Powergirl's arms lowered from around the brunette's neck to just below her twin peaks...pulling their bodies into closer conflict. "Gonna...crush you now. You'll WISH all I did was knock you on your ass..."

    "Not going to arrogant cow." Grunting, Diana felt the blonde's pull and her own arms slipped down the the Kryptonian's pale body to circle her upper back, trapping Karen's arms under her own. She shoved her breasts forward in time to meet Karen's own thrust, their tits splashing outward dramatically. Through sheer volume Wonder Woman saw Powergirl's prodigious chest push through her own and felt a thrill of fear before her thick tanned tits flowed forward, forcing back the mass pushing against it. "Not easy you had it counterpart can't cross my...two hills!"

    "She was just as...proud and holier...than thou as you are," Powergirl growled, as they twirled into a spin from another piece of debris, trying to will her chest into driving against their rivals. Instead, all four mounds strained in a see saw battle that had the sore orbs sloshing against one another in an almost liquid fashion, the lines between Diana's bronzed boobs and Kara's milky white tits shifting visibly with each movement. "Challenged me to a fight in the Australian...outback. After I pummeled her black and blue, I knocked her clear to the...Philippines to make a po...ungh...point!"

    "I'm...not her," Wonder Woman huffed. "But I think I'll...take some payback...on principle..."

    Wrapped up as they were neither noticed as their momentum picked up, other than the irritation of hitting up against sharp rocks that kept distracting them from the fact they were trying to crush the woman in their arms. Their eyes flickered from the spasms of discomfort on faces to their battling busts. Discomfort began to be mingled with frustration at the back and forth between their ample chests. Wonder Woman's head sunk down, teeth clenched while Powergirl's bust surged forward, flowing over and around her chest. The tense smile on Karen's face lasted only a second as Diana's breathing picked up and her tits bulged forward powerfully forcing the dense flesh to spill outwards and the blonde to twist her head to the side, face scrunching up at the pain.

    Head swinging back to crack smartly against the tired Amazon's it was now Karen's turn to take several deep growling breathes, and her chest to expand against the invading mass until they were back on an even footing. "You can't beat me," she shouted, arms squeezing mightily against the brunette. "I beat you once, and I'll do it again!"

    "I won't lose to you!" Diana shouted back, pulling at the blonde. "You never..."

    Squashed together in a desperate battle for superiority neither heroine realized they were shouting. They had to in order to be heard over the loud crashing and rumbling sound steadily getting closer. Muscled arms pulled bodies into tighter and tighter conflict as they steadily increased the amount of force they exerted in a desperate push to bring the fight to a conclusion. With their pendulous boobs wobbling and shifting, Diana and Kara exchanged snarling grunts as it became all but impossible to tell who held the advantage with how their breasts twitched and slid against each other.

    Then Powergirl went rigid. "Shit..."

    Suspecting a trick, or maybe the blonde was weakening, Wonder Woman Increased her own pull on the girl. In the middle of a thrust they slammed into another boulder that caused them to separate slightly, the distraction just enough to push through the Amazon's battle madness and she slowly turned her head. "Is that...?"

    The realization came too late as the roar of the waterfall drowned out her question as they tumbled over the edge, smashing one last time through a jutting rock which jolted their arms into relaxing their hold. Flying apart as they fell, they grabbed out at their opposite, not out of any sense of concern, but rather to avoid giving her a chance to catch her breath. Karen seized hold of Diana's hair, yanking the Amazon towards her only to be met with a small hard fist. Nose leaking blood she smashed her own knuckles across Wonder Woman's cheek, launching her away. Or it would have had Diana not snatched at Powergirl's wrist, pulling herself back in and doubling up the blonde with a punch to the gut. Unfolding her body Karen grabbed Wonder Woman's head in a two handed grip. Recognizing her intent Diana reciprocated and the headbutt left both women screaming and seeing double as they drifted apart.

    Shaking her head Wonder Woman grunted and angled her body to intercept Powergirl's. Slamming into her back Diana got several free hits before Karen spun around enough to retaliate. "Just like an shot whore!" The Kryptonian spat as she drilled repeated punches into Diana's stomach and chest. "Shut up and fight!" Diana snarled, fists striking at face and bust. At the end of their wild melee, as they landed painfully at the bottom, their arms crossed and the hardest blow either had managed yet cracked against jaws. Already dazed, upon landing their bodies and heads crashed together and the force was enough to finally cause them to lose consciousness.


    Hall of Justice

    "Courtney, did you have some frustration to let off?"

    "What?" Stargirl and Wonder Girl turned to Superboy as he sat down next to the latter.

    "Most of the drones're under maintenance, I barely worked up a sweat."

    "Wasn't me," Courtney frowned then her expression brightened. "But since you're here you can settle an argument me an' Cassie're having."

    "Oh no!" the dark haired Kryptonian waved his hands in front of his face. "Don't drag me into whatever mess you two're goin' on about."

    "Don't be a wuss, it's nothing serious," Cassie rolled her eyes. "We were talking about how you had to help separate Dinah and Helen when...are you drooling!?!"

    " not!" Connor quickly turned away, clearing his mind of the sight of Canary and Huntress rolling around naked. "What does your argument have to do with that?"

    "Well we got to talking about whether or not any other heroes have ever had it out in private," Wonder Girl stared hard at her boyfriend who nodded as nervousness shifted to interest. "And Courtney brought up how Diana and Karen had a short fight when she first got here and..."

    "Diana! Easily."

    "Wait...we didn't get to the question yet!" Courtney said, jumping to her feet. "And besides...why?"

    "Hey, Canary's the one that kicks our butts most of the time during training without using her powers." He reminded them. He paused as Wonder Girl touched at his shoulder, pointing at the buffet. He nodded before turning back to the other blonde. "Dinah's no where near as strong as half of us and makes up for it with skill. I'd say Diana's almost as strong as Karen and a better fighter."

    "Almost," Stargirl argued. "And Karen's no slouch when it comes to fighting either. She spars with Wildcat and Canary as well."

    "I just think it'd come down to if Diana could incapacitate Karen before she really just goes all out." Superboy shrugged. "Hell, I'm not sure we've even seen just how strong Diana could be if SHE'S pushed."

    "I think you're overestimating how strong Powergirl is." It was now Cassie that raised an issue, balancing a trio of cups as she sat back down. "I've seen her fight. She doesn't seem THAT much stronger Kara, just more experienced."

    "Let's just agree to disagree," Connor suggested, taking a sip from his cup, recognizing the sour look on Courtney's face at the mention of Supergirl. "Seems like a pointless argument since we're all probably gonna be related before long. It's gotten to the point where I don't bother using the key my brother gave me in case I walk in on them...again."


    "Uh...forget I said that. Diana threatened that I'd not have to...worry about if we could have kids...if I spoke about it." Connor said, looking more than a little nervous.

    "You don't say..." Courtney glanced across at her, now nervous, friend with a hungry look. "Kids, huh...just how far have you guys gone?"

    "We...OW! What?" Superboy rubbed at his ribs glaring across at the red faced Amazon.


    Blackhawk Island

    "What..." Diana came to with a sharp gasp rolling onto her stomach, gagging as she vomited up copious amounts of salt water. Shaking her head, the roar of the falling water distracting, she tried to focus on what had happened. The last thing she remembered was the sharp pain in her head when they finally hit the bottom of the waterfall and then...nothing. Crawling over water's edge she splashed some across her face and upper body, wincing as the salt stung at her various bruises. She'd underestimated Powergirl badly, she now realized, thinking of her only as an older Supergirl. Whatever she'd gone through in her universe had hardened the girl, she couldn't afford to make that mistake again. "At least the rain's stopped..." she thought to herself before a light noise drew her attention and, looking up, she froze.

    " I doing..." Karen stumbled before dropping to her knees, looking at her reflection in the water. Coming too, she'd found herself alone on the wet sand. Touching at her face she could still see the streaks where blood had leaked from her nose and mouth. She was woman enough to admit she'd underestimated Diana, but that didn't matter. She had to beat her if she wanted any chance of...! At the light sloshing sound she looked up, straight into the dazed blue eyes of said Amazon. Those same eyes quickly became steely and focused as they both leapt to their feet and splashed through the shallows.

    Hands slammed together fingers curling tight. Adrenaline pumped through their bodies at the resumption of the conflict, dulling the aches both felt as they growled fiercely, pitting strength against strength. Knee deep in the clear water with the waterfall as a backdrop while muscles flexed and became more defined. Their arms were held out ahead of them, straining as they struggled to force the other back. The sweat once cleansed by their repeated dunkings and the constant rain erupted from pores, beginning to drip down their bodies. With a deep grunt Wonder Woman shoved Powergirl back two short steps before the blonde woman gave roar, exerting herself and forcing Diana back almost to the shore. Panicking, Diana pulled her hands away, and delivered a sharp kick to the inside of Karen's leg. Spotting the movement the blonde jumped away in time to avoid to worst of the blow, before rushing back in.

    The first blows shook the heroines, reminding them of the sheer force the other was capable of putting behind each punch, but neither shied away from the fight. Karen punched Diana across the face, Diana slammed a kick into Karen's stomach. Powergirl pulled Wonder Woman into a bearhug that had her vertebrae audibly creaking, Wonder Woman threw her to the ground following her down with a knee to the gut. Move and countermove, blow and counterblow. Attacks were slower, but weightier and the fact that they'd been fighting for several hours began to take it's toll. There was also an edge of desperation that hadn't been there before. They were now fully aware they were fighting an opponent that could, in all likelihood, defeat them.

    Panting heavily Karen backhanded Diana viciously which sent the Amazon into a spin that she used to kick out and knock the Kryptonian to the ground, before falling into a seated position herself. Drained, they remained still, chests heaving as they gasped for breath, neither even thinking of moving.


    Diana raised her head, heart sinking as Karen stumbled her way back to her feet. Gasping deeply she gritted her teeth pushed herself back onto tottering legs. "Not by...a long shot! You?"

    Karen didn't bother responding and staggered forward first swinging in a wide, bolo punch. Though she got an arm up, Diana felt the weight and power still behind the blow pushing her to the side before driving her fist into Powergirl's stomach then forcing the girl to her knees with an axe kick. Even that wasn't enough as she jumped back, barely keeping her feet, as the blonde leapt up, her uppercut clipping Wonder Woman's breasts sending the globes wobbling. Falling back in the face of Karen's advance Diana landed several heavy blows that slowed the Kryptonian but couldn't halt her. Face a mask of desperation Powergirl hammered through Wonder Woman's defenses, staggering her, before interlocking her fingers clubbing the dark haired demigoddess off the ground. As she flew through the air it looked almost like she crash onto the ground, but at the last moment she tucked herself into a roll and landed on her feet...then then fell to a knee.

    Looking to push her advantage Karen now ran into an uppercut that Diana turned into a spinning kick that knocked the blonde back several steps, before giving a grunt of frustration and darting back in.

    Toe to toe they exchanged heavy blows before a hard right reminded, and staggered, Wonder Woman that slugging it out with a Kryptonian wouldn't work. Swaying away from a punch she grabbed at the arm and pulled at the blonde, trying to work the girl's head under her arm, but instead of resisting Karen went with the move and slammed herself bodily into Diana. Balance abruptly lost Diana grabbed at Karen even as the blonde heroine snatched at her. Hissing loudly, they winced at the loud hollow PLOP of their massive chests smacking together as they both pulled. Simultaneously digits locked into place at the waist, balance restored.

    "You really want me to humiliate you..." Karen remarked quietly, not knowing why, but somehow knowing it was right sucking in a deep breath she angled herself at the Amazon. "Keep shoving those things at me and I will!"

    "You know nothing of humiliation." Diana replied, just as softly, deliberately lining herself up with the shorter woman. "But if you are so eager I'll happily give you a demonstration."

    "You have nothing on me," Powergirl snarled, swatting her breast at Wonder Woman's both orbs rippling together as they rebounded off each other. "I crushed you in our fight, now I'll flatten those tits of yours!"

    "Who crushed who?!" Diana snapped, shoving her entire body forward, all four rounded globes smacking together loudly and appreciably. Angrily Karen retaliated and their boobs flattened dramatically at the tips as they were held together by the sweating beauties, who stared hard into the opposing blue eyes. "I think it's time I showed you the difference between us."

    Pulling back and twisting her body away, Wonder Woman delivered a harsh blow to the inside of Powergirl's left boob that had the blonde heroine yelp in startled pain. Snarling, she swung back and met Diana's in mid flight. The flesh exploded outwards from the collision flattening at the point of contact as both women pressed hard against one another. Blinking away the sweat that dripped from her lashes, Karen grunted fiercely forcing the Amazon's lithe body to tilt slightly before she was herself pushed almost onto one foot. Both winced at the friction as their taut breasts slowly moved past one another and they slipped past one another.

    Karen had been exerting a considerable force against Diana and as the contact was lost she fell forward, past Wonder Woman, onto her face. Spitting sand, she twisted her head around to look at the brunette's surprised face. A surprise that then turned condescending as she bounced her breasts in her hands. Growling Powergirl leapt to her feet, Wonder Woman rushing to meet her, arms going around necks as they shoved their heaving tits together with as much violence as they could muster. By the fifth blow the top of their domes were glowing red, by the ninth Diana's savage grunts had given over to agonized screams and by the thirteenth Karen had joined in shrieking out her torment.

    "Why won't she...go down..!?" Diana thought, legs trembling at each horrific clap of their breasts coming together. Her boobs felt like they'd almost doubled in size and weight and despite how hard each blow felt...and sounded...the stubborn blonde kept swinging in spite of the wails in Diana's ear. Her confidence was being slowly eroded. Only sheer stubborn will kept her on her feet.

    "Just...fall...damn you!!" Karen thought desperately. She thought she'd been ready for it, that it couldn't be any worse that the punches or kicks that the Amazon had leveled at her, but she'd been so wrong. Adjusting her grip to tangle her fingers in Wonder Woman's thick hair she managed to alter the point of impact as now their breasts now smashed together nipple to nipple. And for the first couple of blows the pain became more manageable before the feel of their nipples stabbing and digging into the still moderately firm flesh began to have them panting at each blow.

    Diana now was the one that flinched away first when, instead of pulling back after a slam, her own arms slid up Kara's neck to grab at her short blonde hair and swinging her boobs laterally to crash into reddened outsides of Powergirl's set before making their way over and around to the other side. Both winced at the sensation of all four mounds attempting to occupy each other's space. Twisting their bodies back and forth slowly both stared in horrified fascination at how their boobs shifted and molded together, neither able to spot anything that would indicate theirs were winning. All they could tell was that neither set was losing.

    As their tits started another pass Diana found her boobs passing on top of Karen's and she tightened her grip, arms dropping to circle the blonde's shoulders, halting their movements. The deep groan from the blonde demonstrated the move's effectiveness and in the back of her mind something clicked.

    "!" Powergirl grunted at the weight on her chest. Wriggling her body she tried to force her breasts around and over Wonder Woman's, but the brunette hung on like a leech. Sucking in a breath she began pushing upwards, forcing Diana's boobs towards her face while the Amazon pushed down. Rocking and rolling the heavy structures of their breasts chipped away at it's opposite, but slowly Diana began to force Karen's greater mass towards her stomach and a taunting smile worked it's way onto her face. Right up until Powergirl dipped her body and slammed her massive mammaries into the sensitive undersides of Diana's huge pair. Wonder Woman's face went white, while Karen winced, the top of her tits still sore from their vicious boob banging earlier. "Uuuuhhnn..!"

    "Let's you like it!" Diana spat, rising on her toes and dropping her weighty glands onto the large oval pair beneath. She felt the blonde's grip on her hair falter before knuckles dug high into her back and her head went back, a loud cry bursting from her lips. "Good...just say...when you're ready to give up."

    Karen's eyes flashed open and her head came back down, teeth bared even as Diana lifted her boobs off of the blonde's again. But as she went up, Karen went down and their tits splashed together with enough force to make legs buckle, and the women scream. As Powergirl had been prepared for the sharp, savage, pain she recovered quickly and heaved her pendulous boobs again into the undersides Wonder Woman's pair. The blow displaced Diana's thick breasts, putting them back on a level playing field, which she immediately used to stab her tits head on into the opposite set. Both magnificent set of orbs quivered at the violation then flattened dramatically almost to their core before the shrieking heroines rebounded off of one another, barely keeping their feet.

    "Goddam you!" Karen croaked, body bowed from the pain in her chest. Her boobs...her beautiful boobs. How did this hurt so much... Swallowing down the pain she turned she turned to the woman responsible and let it fuel her desire to humiliate and hurt the Amazon.

    "Sweet Athena..." Diana clutched at her breasts, horrified at how soft they felt in her hands. The crunching of the sand distracted her from the pain, looking up to stare at the blonde figure coming towards her. The look on her sweat streaked face caused Wonder Woman to take an unconscious step back before, furious at her cowardice, she staggered forward. As soon as they were in range Diana's fist clipped Kara's jaw while blonde's knocked her to the side. Recovering her footing the demigoddess swung hard sending the Kryptonian stumbling backwards. Tensing her body she prepared for the counter but instead, Karen stepped back, hands crossed signaling a time out. Unable to hide her relief at the break Diana rested her hands on her knees, but she kept a wary eye on the other as she started to speak.

    "No fists!" Powergirl gasped, holding her arm out in front of her. "Or we'll be here into tomorrow."

    "So humiliation it is then..." Diana panted, rearing back, trepidation and excitement vying for control despite the fact she could feel the sag in her breasts. "Sure you want to take that step?"

    "Fuck you Amazon," Powergirl growled, pushing out her visibly hanging chest at her rival. "I have you outmuscled and outgunned. We both know how this will end!"

    The first blow was sharp and swift, the softness of their boobs clearly apparent as they molded together. "I know how this will end," Diana hissed at the pain, swinging again from her hips, hands clenched at her side. "You have a delusion. One that I'll happily free you from."

    Karen didn't respond to the taunt verbally, but let her tits speak for her. Using the greater size and weight to her advantage she battered an angry Diana back towards the surf, enduring the pain stoically as the sea surged over their feet, before the brunette cried out as she stumbled onto her ass. "Delusion?" She now snorted, kicking seawater into Wonder Woman's face. "SHE...said the same thing before we started fighting. Wasn't in any condition to say much else afterwards. So consider yourself lucky."

    Diana was up quickly, rushing back at the waiting Karen. Leaping together they bounced off of one another before resuming the vicious boob banging, Wonder Woman in her determination, Powergirl in her confidence. The heavy wounded orbs crashed together with stunning violence as first one, then the other, would force her furious rival into a stubborn retreat. Sweat dripped from their bodies or sprayed onto the other woman as the sun and pain competed just as hard to drain the pair as they did to defeat each other. Swinging their boobs in a rapid side to side motion had the sweaty orbs smacking together almost loud enough to cover the aggressive grunts from the fighting heroines who, having since thrown out their inhibitions, now fought with their unfamiliar weapons clumsily, but enthusiastically.

    A mistimed blow had them now beating the outside of their left breasts repeatedly before a particularly hard blow had the dense orbs pile in together, rolling past one another until their nipples crossed and both beauties hastily leapt back. Whether she recovered first, or she was just willing to make the first move, Diana leapt back in and slammed at Karen, sending her right boob wobbling violently. The Kryptonian struck back hard with her left, but she was now on the backfoot and Wonder Woman was too experienced a brawler to let an advantage slip. Their massive breasts pounded together with brutal, bruising concussions...but despite the heavy, thumping, blows Powergirl felt no give in Diana's boobs and instead felt herself slowly giving ground. Hammering wildly at the Amazon she pushed her back several hard fought steps, but Wonder Woman only hit back all the harder, the sweat from their boobs splattering her face, even as their soft, swollen teats collapsed in on one another repeatedly, her legs shuddering with each impact. A savage boob collision, left on left, finally saw the smaller, curvier, woman collapse with a shocked scream.

    "So you beat my counterpart...what of it?" Diana demanded, tottering back on quivering legs, hoping that the woman had finally had enough. No such luck as Karen rolled over and began to push herself back up. "That carries as much weight as me telling you I've beaten Supergirl. I've already proven I'm different from your Diana...if that was the cause of your grudge then why are we still fighting?"

    Not saying a word the blonde heroine ran back in, breasts flailing at Wonder Woman who swung back with equal ardor. Blue eyes stared hard into blue as they squealed in urgent pain as they danced along the length of the beach, the wet sand crunching under their feet even as the water splashed. Despite the pain the ferocity of their strikes continued to build, rather than diminish, and the end of a wild flurry breast blows found Powergirl again on her rear. Shaking her head briefly she lunged back up, delivering a boob uppercut that immediately staggered her brunette adversary allowing her to batter the Amazon back. Half a dozen vicious blows later and now Diana found herself sitting stunned on the sand.

    "Get up!" Karen screamed at the other woman, stamping her feet. "Damn you...get up and fight me. I'm not done with you yet!!"

    More than happy to oblige her Diana was up quickly and again the wild, violent dance resumed, boobs smashing against boobs until a women fell. This time it was Karen, after absorbing a full on collision of all four orbs she fell back, arms waving wildly. Surging back to her feet she attacked the angry Amazon, neither woman able to make the other move. Three minutes of brutal boob brawling later and the voluptuous blonde gave a bitter shriek as she again fell onto her side. "Come on!!" The furious Amazon shouted at Powergirl. "You wanted to fight me...well here I am!" Screaming, Karen leapt to her feet, lunging at Wonder Woman who slapped away her hands and grabbed at Powergirl's shoulders, halting her movements and yanking the younger woman in for a head on collision of their busts. The blonde bellowed at the feeling of her breasts being penetrated and after the second blow, grabbed at Diana's hips and lent her own strength to their movements.

    Beating their breasts together still neither could gain an advantage, could knock the other woman down. And as such their movements picked up speed and violence. Again and again the fat swollen glands smashed together, flattening, collapsing and swelling against one another as they were forced together. Then rolling back out into their original shape as their owners reared back, hanging lower each time. Panting and moaning and shouting, the pain maddened heroines kept pounding their boobs together, their bodies beginning to tilt forward.

    Almost as if seeking a reprieve they reared back, and slammed their ponderous boobs forward with their full weight and strength behind it. The CRACK of the blow was earsplitting, just like the shrieks of both women who stumbled drunkenly, their fingers slipping from shoulders as first one one...then the other simply dropped to their knees. Wonder Woman took a kind of perverse pleasure in knowing she'd kept her feet for a split second longer than the blonde, but then ache radiating from her chest kicked other matters to the forefront.

    Arms curled over chests as the women's heads remained lowered, hiding the shameful tears that leaked from their eyes and the quiet sniffles at a pain neither ever expected to experience. Neither knew how long they stayed that way but when Diana raised her head she stared into Karen's wet eyes before the Kryptonian hastily looked away. Massaging at her chest wearily she started to move before hearing a low mumbling from her blonde adversary. "What?" she asked, crawling slightly closer, but maintaining enough distance to move quickly if needed.

    " win..." Karen muttered before looking up defiantly at the Amazon princess. "One of us has to win!"

    "...Agreed!" Diana replied, surprised at the shift in Powergirl's attitude. She struggled to her feet opposite the blonde heroine, then pointed at her chest. " and me...woman to woman."

    Karen bowed her head for a moment and then nodded. Coming together they lined up their chests, wincing as they flattened against one another, first at the tip and then gradually all along the swollen mass as they worked their arms around one another's waist. Arms met in the small of the back and fingers locked tight. Muscles tensed, becoming more defined, pulling them into closer conflict as their breasts continued their steady retreat until stomachs kissed. Similarly Amazon and Kryptonian kept their movements slow and deliberate. Neither woman was known for subtlety but seemed to be taking pains to ensure that the other woman didn't suspect any chicanery.

    Once their breasts encountered resistance however, both seemed to get energized. Toes dug into sand as they both sought purchase to shove the other back, fierce grunts and tortured groans came in both pitches, and legs bent briefly as they started to kneel before springing back upright. They kept their breasts plastered together as they moved, bodies tilting to the side almost to fall, before regaining their balance. Karen began rotating her upper body driving first the right, then the left, breast against it's counterpart causing the flesh to jiggle wildly in response to the pressure. Diana groaned as her breasts were assailed in this manner, clutching harder at Powergirl pulling her in even closer while shoving both of her tits forward.

    Powergirl moaned at the feeling of Wonder Woman's boobs drilling their way into her own. Immediately upon feeling the brunette pull away she retaliated in the same manner, slamming her tits forward, adding a grinding motion to the attack. Before she could pull away she felt Diana's hands move up to between her shoulder blades and hold her in tight. "Bring it on Amazon," she growled through gritted teeth feeling all four breasts slide and slip between them. And immediately regretted her words as a cry was torn from her by the woman's viselike grip.

    "It has already been brought, brat!" Diana spat, feeling the blonde's arms shifting up her back for a better grip. Gods, this girl was strong. Crushing their bodies together the heroines hissed as their boobs strained mightily against the opposing pair, the lines shifting visibly as one set forced it's way forward before it's progress was halted and then rolled back. As if mimicking their breasts fight, the women also staggered back and forth almost in time with their respect pair's advance and retreat. "I'm going to break you!"

    Karen snarled at the threat and Diana growled back both tightening their grips, squeezing even harder, eyes focused on the raging battle between their tits. Tighter and closer they crushed each other, eyes watering and breathing becoming hitched, but still neither magnificent pair gave any indication of failing despite how visibly the flesh trembled at being forced together. Finally they loosened their arms, almost springing apart as their ample chests attempted to reassume their original shape before slinging their breasts at one another again.

    Blue eyes widened in shock at how soft and pliable their boobs had become. Instead of slamming, or even slapping, up against it's opposite the loose orbs flowed over, under and around each other with each pass. Lips began to quiver and eyes tear at the sight of the jiggling, shifting flesh. Her anguish mirrored on Karen's face Diana glared furiously at the blonde. "You...see what you've done!!"

    "Me?! You were the...the one that started it!" Karen rested her tits on top of Diana's...or rather tried to as the loose globes rolled around each other between trembling arms. Leaning back Powergirl splashed her pale tits directly into Wonder Woman's, arms clenching tight again, pulling in the Amazon's body. "You're gonna pay...for this...and for everything."

    "You've been...pushing me...for months," Diana moaned, tightening her own arms. Their breasts squashing together, she groaned at the pressure against chest, against her lungs, biceps bulging as she poured even more effort into crushing the blonde. She could hear Karen's grunts as she also upped the ante, feel the trembling in limbs pushed to their limits. "I'm going you...once and for all...which of us the better woman."

    "Not with those weak things you're not!" Powergirl panted. And Wonder Woman cried out as the busty blonde squeezed, before giving a squeal of her own when Diana came back with a vengeance, knuckles digging into her spine. It seemed impossible that they could force their bodies into even close conflict...but that didn't stop them from trying.

    Entire bodies dripping with sweat and trembling with exertion they slowly sank, in relief, to their knees. Faces contorted from the torture of their still even breasts, quivering violently as all four orbs strained one final time to achieve victory. And finally something broke. Both women felt the change and stared down in silent horror as their breasts began pancaking. Diana's right and Karen's left breasts collapsed completely against one another, both massive solid mammaries surrendering simultaneously. Neither winning, both losing. The other pair however...

    Like their partners on the right the dense, swollen pair on the left surrendered ground as if they'd also accepted their equality until one resisted the other's push. It wasn't dramatic, but it was final as the left, bronzed boob retained enough of it's shape to push out and leave a sizeable dent in it's right, paler opposite. Their owners stared in stunned disbelief that it would be so close and come down just a single breast and then Diana's head came up, the triumphant smile on her face fading at the look on Karen's.

    "No..." She whispered, tear streaks running down her face. She kept lightly squeezing almost as if hoping for a different result, as if it hadn't quite registered yet, but each compression only highlighted the fact how easily her left breast folded around Wonder Woman's orb. Diana kept still as she did so, gently embracing the blonde heroine when her arms fell away and she began to openly sob. "No..."

    Wonder Woman held Powergirl awkwardly, not sure how to react. This was not how she'd expected the fiery tempered Kryptonian to respond. Anger, denial or probably a thrown fist leading back to a more traditional brawl would've been what she'd have bet on...not this simple breakdown as if a part of her was broken. "Karen...what..." She started to ask before Diana realized the girl hung limply in her arms. And now she began to feel her own body's hurt as she let the blonde slip onto the sand. Gritting her teeth she lifted the younger woman, hovering slightly to get her bearings and then flying off to where they'd first landed.


    Karen woke up from her faint slowly, her entire body just one hurt. And with the hurt returned the memory of her loss and she covered her face with an arm, body quivering with emotion.

    "Awake I see..." Powergirl sat up quickly, then groaned at the sudden movement, vision blurring as she stared across at Wonder Woman sitting under a convenient tree. "Take it easy, we did a number on one another. Here...try one of these."

    Diana scooped up a trimmed coconut and used her thumb to dig a hole in the top before tossing it at Karen. Grabbing at the nut she drank the juice greedily, feeling it soothe her sore throat. ""

    "How did I beat you?" Diana completed her sentence. At the girl's nod she lay back against the tree trunk. "When I was learning archery I never wore the armor since it made breathing difficult and threw off my aim. Needless to say my left breast was sore after every session."

    "So I lost...because you were a stubborn brat?" Karen hurled the now empty nut to disappear over the ocean. To lose Diana...and like that. It would've been funny if it wasn't so damn pathetic. She glared sullenly at Wonder Woman who stared back warily. "So what now?"

    "That's up to you. Unlike Kryptonians, Amazons don't regain energy from the sun so I'm betting you're feeling stronger by the minute." Diana replied, the way the girl looked away briefly lending truth to her assessment. "But if you're anything like your cousin then you prefer a fair fight which, if I'm honest, I'm in condition to give right now."

    "HE'S NOT MY...forget it!" Karen abruptly trailed off, snatching at her bag that lay near her. Stripping off her bikini she incinerated it with her heat vision and started to pull her costume. "I'll give you this round. But I'm still keeping my eye on you."

    "You know, it might be quicker to just tell me WHY we just humiliated ourselves." Wonder Woman stated, her expression mild as she did the same. Digging into her bag her hand closed in around her lasso. "I might just go to Clark anyway."

    This time Powergirl gave a sharp, bitter, laugh. "No you won't. This is between you and me, and we're the kind of women that settle things ourselves...personally."

    "A truce then...for now."

    "For now. Make no mistake Amazon, I'll be watching you," the blonde Kryptonian started to hover as she tied on her red cape. "You do anything to hurt Kal and all bets are off. You'll be a smear on the floor before anyone can even react!"

    Twisting in the air Powergirl was swiftly a dot in the sky. Diana, half naked stood still for another minute before realizing she still had her hand around her lasso. "Fair enough, but I don't think you fully understand just WHO I am and what I can do!" She murmured to herself, lightning flashing behind her eyes before several bolts stabbed the ground around her.


    Six days later

    The Batcave

    "That's not quite what I was expecting..."

    Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne, Superman and Batman, kept their attention focused on the screen even as Diana adjusted her costume and took off in the direction Themyscira. Almost absently, Superman held out an open hand. Scowling, Bruce dug into his belt for a wad of bills. Peeling off a fifty he slapped it across his friend's palm. "For someone who just won two bets back to back I'd think you'd be in a better mood."

    "We just watched my girlfriend and my cousin beating the crap out of each other and then...doing that..." The blue clad hero sat down in a nearby seat, a strained look on his face. "I mean, I expected them to get into another fight, and for Diana to win. But nothing like this."

    "You expected it to end after what happened at the Hall?" Bruce pushed back his cowl and ran a hand through his dark hair. "I'd be surprised if they had stopped. This IS Diana and Karen we're talking about here."

    " Not that. I mean..." Clark gestured his hands. "Where the hell did they pick that up?"

    "It's more common than you think," Bruce shrugged. At the other's disbelieving look he snorted. "Maybe you should spend less time flying above it all and join us mortals on the ground. You wouldn't believe half of what I've seen that goes on after hours in some areas."

    "Are you suggesting that they've been slumming?"

    "I'm saying that Diana grew up on an island of only women and Karen, if their lifestyle is as similar as she claims, was also living in a dorm room during her teenage years."

    "Fair enough, maybe I better check up on Kara more often." Clark nodded, deferring to Bruce's experience. "I'm concerned about Karen though. Whatever she went through before coming here is clearly clouding her judgment."

    "More importantly...what are we going to do?" Now fully in detective mode he stared hard at Superman. "If word about this ever got out it would hurt the League considerably."

    "Even more than any of the other feuds we've had?" Clark replied, staring at the now blank screens. "There're more feuds in the League than have come to light. But I don't need to tell YOU that, do I."

    "The ones that've come before didn't have the strength to decimate an island even while holding back." Bruce pointed out.

    "But they had enough self control to go some place where they wouldn't make a scene or cause damages."

    "AFTER...being taken down once." Bruce spun around to face his fellow hero fully. "If the safeties hadn't kicked in do you think they'd have stopped on their own or continued until we had another Canary and Huntress situation?"

    Clark winced at that. Canary and Huntress, while excellent heroines individually, had a palpable dislike for one another. Bruce's comparison was not without merit considering the state both pair of women found themselves in after the last incident. "I'd like to believe they would have...but probably not." He admitted grudgingly, but he still had one card left to play. "But it's one thing to confront them that what went on at the Hall, it'd be something entirely different if you brought up Blackhawk."

    Bruce scowled and turned away from him as he considered the argument. Clark was no less concerned by what had happened he knew. But Diana was dear to him and Karen WAS family. And even more than compromising his satellite surveillance, Diana was dear to him as well. He had few he could truly call friend and humiliating one of them left a bad taste in his mouth. He swung his seat back around to stare at Superman. "I'm sure Diana is expecting me to reprimand them about what happened before they left. So I'll do that." Bruce stated. "I'll leave out what happened afterwards but you'll need to deal with that new cousin of yours. First Kara and now Diana? If she proves too much of a loose cannon..."

    "I'll deal handle it," Clark assured him, floating up the stairs. "She listens to me."

    "A little too well..." Bruce thought to himself, spinning back to the computer and bringing back up the fighting women. Scrolling back he resumed play just after they ripped off the other's top. More specifically at Karen's response to Diana's declaration about Clark.

    " you!?" Powergirl snapped, tossing the blue material to the side as her feet left the floor as well. "I beg to differ, least of all to someone comes from a group that'd sleep with anything on two legs with...or without something in the middle."

    The immediate hostile reaction to Diana claiming possession of Clark. Her almost adoration of the man, even moreso than Supergirl who's teenage rebellious streak had her at odds with her cousin at times. He rubbed at his jaw and considered a visit of his own to Blackhawk Island. They had bloodied each other and if he was lucky, maybe there was still some of it there for a dna sample. But first...he flipped open a phone.

    "Selena...Are you busy?" Bruce smiled at the response. "Yes, I aware of the time, that's exactly why I called."


    Who doesn't like heroines getting into it. This was a request/idea given that I ran with after finishing Hatred. Seeing as how DC is determined to run their IP into the ground I took bits and pieces from JLU, Young Justice (before Netflix) and New52 and mashed it into a semi-coherent story.

    Was originally going to be a one shot but people seem to like it so I might do more with other heroines.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    I'm looking forward to reading this! Two of my favorites! There was a story, way back in Gail Simone's tenure on Wonder Woman, where the two fought - PG was mind-controlled of course. Diana ended up winning, after pinning PG in a full nelson, if I recall. They were very evenly matched, but Diana pulled out her superior fighting skills and won decisively, which makes sense. After all, a woman who is as strong as a Kryptonian and also is one of the best fighters in the DCU should be all but unbeatable!


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    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Good to see the superhero theme here, thanks for posting!

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    Hostboard Member Rocko23's Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    This was a wonderful story - an unexpected gem. Thank you for writing it! I hope you do more of these DC match ups. In the end I think the right woman one but it was close and damn hot!

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    Hostboard Member AegonHentaryen's Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Amazing story!

    I liked how it started as a super hero fight and ended up into something of a titfight without losing the whole "super hero" element to it.

    I wasn't sure who should have won, but the explanation was fun, even though it could have worked for Powergirl too, as she keeps flying with that big open cleavage at supersonic speed and bumping into wall chest first. It could have been nice to have her win since she kind of loses the fist fight again Wonder woman.
    Wonder Woman was calculated to be stronger than even Superman on his best form, she is totally broken as a character.

    Only downside in my opinion was the length of the story, it could have been cool to have it split into 2 parts, maybe the first one until the *** fight starts.

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    Hostboard Member Baine's Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Quote Originally Posted by AegonHentaryen View Post
    Amazing story!

    I liked how it started as a super hero fight and ended up into something of a titfight without losing the whole "super hero" element to it.

    I wasn't sure who should have won, but the explanation was fun, even though it could have worked for Powergirl too, as she keeps flying with that big open cleavage at supersonic speed and bumping into wall chest first. It could have been nice to have her win since she kind of loses the fist fight again Wonder woman.
    Wonder Woman was calculated to be stronger than even Superman on his best form, she is totally broken as a character.

    Only downside in my opinion was the length of the story, it could have been cool to have it split into 2 parts, maybe the first one until the *** fight starts.
    Yeah he does tend to lean his stories on the long side. That said not sure where you got the idea that PG was losing. They seemed evenly matched with Gradius going on about how PG was the stronger striker while WW was better at grapples.

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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Quote Originally Posted by Baine View Post
    Yeah he does tend to lean his stories on the long side. That said not sure where you got the idea that PG was losing. They seemed evenly matched with Gradius going on about how PG was the stronger striker while WW was better at grapples.
    Been some time since I read the story but from what I recall, PG only got close to break WW's arm and even when she should have the uper hand when it comes to brute force WW still found a way to get out. On the other hand WW had PG's life between her hands and could have ended her and PG couldn't use her only advantage (brute force) to get free of WW's hold.
    Basically everytime PG did something, WW answered harder and more efficiently. In my reading it wasn't a 50/50, but that's just me

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    Senior Hostboard Member Gradius's Avatar
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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Quote Originally Posted by AegonHentaryen View Post
    Been some time since I read the story but from what I recall, PG only got close to break WW's arm and even when she should have the uper hand when it comes to brute force WW still found a way to get out. On the other hand WW had PG's life between her hands and could have ended her and PG couldn't use her only advantage (brute force) to get free of WW's hold.
    Basically everytime PG did something, WW answered harder and more efficiently. In my reading it wasn't a 50/50, but that's just me
    I like to believe I kept it even throughout the fight. Both WW and PG came close to killing the other over the course of the fight while under Ares' influence before being chased off. And WW responded to moves more efficiently because, well, she is the better fight. Which is something no comic reader (up until DC started pumping out trash) would disagree with. PG was the stronger and drew first blood while also surprising WW over the course of the fight.

    My original reasoning for WW winning the titfight was that since she's a demigoddess she's pretty much all magic...then I realized how stupid that would be since that would also mean that PG never had a chance to begin with. Which was not what I was going for since I started writing this not knowing who was going to win and simply wrote as to how I saw a fight between them going if they limited themselves to being purely physical. I came up with the blow bit after reading up on some Amazon lore and reading the old rumor about how they cut off the breast on their preferred side. Naturally DC Amazons don't do that, but taking into account older images of how stacked they tended to be (and should be )I could imagine quite a few sore tits back on the island.

    I was never very good at doing two parters since I can't seem to find a good spot to end and start the other, plus when I really get going I don't want to stop in case I lose my train of thought.

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    Re: Powergirl vs Wonder Woman

    Quote Originally Posted by Gradius View Post
    I like to believe I kept it even throughout the fight. Both WW and PG came close to killing the other over the course of the fight while under Ares' influence before being chased off. And WW responded to moves more efficiently because, well, she is the better fight. Which is something no comic reader (up until DC started pumping out trash) would disagree with. PG was the stronger and drew first blood while also surprising WW over the course of the fight.

    My original reasoning for WW winning the titfight was that since she's a demigoddess she's pretty much all magic...then I realized how stupid that would be since that would also mean that PG never had a chance to begin with. Which was not what I was going for since I started writing this not knowing who was going to win and simply wrote as to how I saw a fight between them going if they limited themselves to being purely physical. I came up with the blow bit after reading up on some Amazon lore and reading the old rumor about how they cut off the breast on their preferred side. Naturally DC Amazons don't do that, but taking into account older images of how stacked they tended to be (and should be )I could imagine quite a few sore **** back on the island.

    I was never very good at doing two parters since I can't seem to find a good spot to end and start the other, plus when I really get going I don't want to stop in case I lose my train of thought.

    Thank you for the answer! Yes indeed, WW can't lose according to the comics, I think there was a comic issue where she matched if not beaten Superman.
    That was my only "critic": if the story was written as the comic characters only, then yes there's no point in arguing since WW is superior due to the nature of the character.

    Yet when I read the story I was led (by myself) to think that it wouldn't be a comic revisit. And even if it wasn't, as someone who does read comic, I didn't see something different from that comic where PG does punch WW around a whole city but still ends up at the mercy of WW (I think PG was under someone's control), can't remember which issue it was but I could find it if you are interested.

    As for the titfight, in my opinion it was the only part where PG had a real chance and advantage even based on "comics", I mean Amazons have been *** nerfed since a long time ago by DC. While PG's chest is her signature.

    Anyways, the story was AMAZING, everything I stated above is simply fanboy-ism.

    Oh! as for the fact of dividing the story into parts, I think what could have been done in this case is to split the 2 different fights. Not necessarily in the writing process but as part of the editing. Even posting 2 parts at the same time can be a way to do that, but that's just my vision.

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