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Thread: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

  1. #21
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannesdk View Post
    Although I'm still in the progress of reading this story, I feel the the need to express my gratitude to the author.

    I really, really love how this story contains a plot which involves several women and how there is a logical (although magical) chain of events.

    Thank you so much JB

    from Johannes

    Epilog: I've now read the entire story and I'm impressed with the intelligent plot and the powerful build-up. I think JB is surpassing himself when writing stories about supernatural beings. Remember still an earliger story, where our human female hero walks down the stairs inside a magical tree to meet with a succubus resting at the end of the stairs. JB's description off that descent was excellent writing.

    Greetings again
    Thanks Johannes. The scene you are describing was in "Fire With Fire" where Robin fought the succubus Alara. This story, obviously, takes place in the same universe and I hope to eventually bring all of these characters together.

    Take care,


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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Thanks Johannes. The scene you are describing was in "Fire With Fire" where Robin fought the succubus Alara. This story, obviously, takes place in the same universe and I hope to eventually bring all of these characters together.

    Take care,

    Going full Maggie and Amber with this, huh? Sounds awesome.

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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Sir What About Tara And Carrie

  4. #24
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by naresh View Post
    Sir What About Tara And Carrie
    He just finished their story a few days ago.

  5. #25
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Here is the conclusion of the story. I hope you enjoy it! This is a bit of a record for me, I think, writing a 44 page story in less than a week! I hope that means I'll have a productive summer!


    The Demon Lover, Part IV:


    Daphne entered her mansion and pressed the security button after she closed the door. The mansion sealed off, the security system turning on. She doffed her high heel shoes and walked bare foot through the house, shutting off lights and double-checking locks as she went. This had been part of her routine ever since she had experienced a break-in a few years before. The security system was new and guaranteed to be secure, but she still maintained the habit.

    Daphne turned off the main floor lights, throwing most of the house into darkness. She made her way upstairs, entered her bedroom, and closed the door, activating its electronic lock. She paused to enjoy the view from her bedroom. The wall of ceiling to floor windows looked out on Vancouver Harbour and the city skyline. She stripped down in the dark. She was wearing a black cocktail dress and a thong and nothing else. She clicked on the bedroom light and placed her amber necklace on the dresser as she passed by it on her walk into the ensuite bathroom to get the shower going.

    Daphne had spent the night at a sex club in the downtown core. It was one of the places she frequented and where she had arranged to meet Lara for a rendezvous. They had ended up fucking each other furiously in one of the upstairs rooms. They had succeeded in getting each other off multiple times and Lara was already expressing an interest in getting together again as soon as possible. Daphne was open to the idea, but sex with normal humans no longer gave her the kind of satisfaction that it had in the past. Even someone as gorgeous as Lara could not match the level of pure erotic sensuality that Daphne experienced with the succubus. Of course, it was a terribly unfair comparison, but it was one she could not avoid.

    The amber pendant had been working exactly as Diana intended. The curse was now reversed. Whenever she was wearing it, Daphne was capable of experiencing intense sexual pleasure with other people, including powerful orgasms. While it was difficult to calibrate, she believed she was back at the level of sexual enjoyment and endurance she had been at before this entire erotic ordeal had started. When she did not wear the pendant, getting off became much, much more difficult. Her sexual endurance and stamina increased exponentially and only the most extraordinary and sexually powerful lovers could bring her to orgasm. So far, only Diana had succeeded in pushing her over the edge, though she had hopes for Lara.

    Daphne showered, enjoying the heat of the water. She had already showered back at the club, but this was part of her preparation for bed. She felt relaxed. The sex with Lara had been very, very good and it had released a lot of tension. Still, she could not deny the sense of dissatisfaction nagging at the margins of her libido.

    Naked, Daphne entered her bedroom and turned down her bed. She glanced at the clock. It was a little past 1 AM. She intended to sleep in the next day, so she was not too concerned about the late night.

    She climbed into bed, enjoying the feel of the crisp sheets on her nude body and the comfortable weight of the duvet. Sighing, she settled in and turned off the light. The room plunged into darkness, the only light filtering in from the cloud-filled sky.

    The security system whirred almost silently on the main floor. Cameras positioned all over the house captured every movement and every corner of every room. Darkness and quiet settled over the entire mansion.

    At 1:45 AM, Daphne’s phone beeped, then chirped. She woke with a start. It took her a moment to realize what had awakened her. The internal security system detected something. It was alerting her to assess the severity of the threat. Daphne picked up the phone to see what was going on. She was surprised to see that the system had detected some kind of movement in the game room. As she watched, it detected movement in the basement hall, just outside the game room. She used the security app to scroll through what the cameras were viewing, but she could not see any image of anyone on the video feed. She switched the cameras to infrared view but still could see nothing. The motion sensors were picking up something the cameras were not catching. Perhaps it was a mouse. That had happened before.

    Suddenly, a random thought entered her mind and Daphne felt a chill run up her spine. It was not fear. It was intense erotic tension and pure desire. She began to pant. She felt her tits swell in arousal, her nipples crust and tighten and lengthen and thicken, all at once. Her pussy began to pulse, then pound, flaring with heat. Her labia burned, her clit began to throb with electricity and heat. It swelled up like a balloon, growing to its full size almost in an instant.

    Daphne felt almost silly. Her body was reacting to a thought, to a hope that she had, nothing more. She could easily be deceiving herself. The security system could be malfunctioning. As these thoughts flowed through her head, the security system’s motion sensors detected movement through the main floor and into the great room. Daphne found it harder to breathe. She turned off the security alert system, just in case.

    Daphne turned on the audio for the security system app and listened carefully. In the pitch dark, she heard the sound of gentle slaps on the wooden stairs leading to the upper floor. The slaps continued, getting closer and closer to her bedroom door, where they paused. The door was locked. Daphne considered unlocking it with the phone. The sound of a whir and click reached her ears. The door had unlocked itself.

    The sky had cleared enough to allow in some light from the moon, which cast a gentle glow into the bedroom. Daphne watched the dark rectangle of the bedroom door swing open. She held her breath, her heart pounding. A dark figure moved into the room. Its eyes glowed green, the lush mane of its thick hair formed a halo around the face. Daphne made out the incredibly voluptuous, nude body of Amunet by the light of the moon. The bedroom door closed and locked.

    Amunet stood in the shadows, her glowing green eyes fixed on Daphne in the bed. Daphne stared back, her eyes locked with the green orbs. Daphne’s heart was pounding, her breath was coming in deep pants, her tits heaved with passion. Her cunt was burning, hotter than she could ever remember it being, save the night she and Amunet had fucked each other to the purest, most overwhelming ecstasy she had ever experienced. Her breasts were thick and hot and her nipples pulsed almost painfully with every beat of her heart.

    Daphne stared at the succubus a while longer. The demon woman stood immobile in the doorway, but Daphne could hear her panting breath and make out the woman’s heaving tits. Not saying a word, Daphne put her phone on the night table. She then slid towards the center of her king-size bed. She lay down, flat on her back, the sheets and the heavy duvet tucked under her chin, and waited. She closed her eyes. As she waited, she turned her mind to check her body. She was so aroused that she was almost experiencing an out of body sensation. Every nerve in her body was on fire and the heat and sensitivity seemed to be increasing with every moment of anticipation.

    Daphne heard the sound of bare feet crossing the floor to her bed. She opened her eyes and looked up into Amunet’s glowing green orbs. The pure, unbearable lust reflected in those eyes filled Daphne with an almost bottomless hunger. She knew that her own eyes mirrored what the succubus was feeling, what the demon wanted.

    Daphne’s sensitive nose detected the scent of hot pussy. Her own cunt was burning, leaking copious amounts of pussy juice. Her inner thighs were wet and the spot on the bed where her ass rested was already damp with secretions.

    Amunet pulled back the bedsheets and slid under, her naked body moving sinuously beneath the sheets. Daphne did not move, but her heart pounded with excitement as she felt the nude demon come closer and closer, as she felt the heat of lust radiating off Amunet’s perfect, luscious body. An instant later, Amunet was on top of her. Their naked flesh came together. Every inch of Daphne’s body burned deliciously where Amunet’s flesh made contact with her flesh, every nerve was on fire. She knew that her own touch burned Amunet’s luscious body too. The women cried out in shared lust as their naked bodies eclipsed each other, fitting together perfectly.

    “Ahhh! Oh, yes!” Daphne cried, unable to stop herself. “Yes, yes!!”

    “Unnnnnmmmm,” Amunet groaned, the sudden, intense pleasure irresistible.

    Heavy, thick tits crushed, sending pulses of pure erotic pleasure coursing through their bodies, filling the dense titflesh with electric heat. Nipples seared, fusing tip to tip. Muscled bellies slapped tight and hard. Deep, sexy navels sucked. Daphne eagerly spread her legs and let Amunet slip inside her trembling thighs. Amunet spread her own legs, pressing her inner thighs against Daphne’s, matching like to like. The scalding heat from their sopping wet genitals warmed their inner thighs.

    Amunet leaned forward, letting her body weight rest more heavily on their massive, mated tits. She held her hips up over Daphne’s hips, cocked and ready to thrust, but withholding her raging cunt from connecting with Daphne’s drooling, open twat, at least for the moment. Daphne felt some of Amunet’s cunt juice drip onto her labia. She could sense the demon’s swollen, rock hard clit hovering just millimeters above her own equally hot, hungry clit.

    The women stared deeply into each other’s eyes, feeling themselves slowly going insane with pure, unlimited lust. Their burning bodies were merging, mating, flowing together electrically as their nerves joined and fused. Their searing nipples locked as one, nipple holes sealed, pleasure radiating through their mashed and throbbing tits. But everything waited for the ultimate contact, the meeting of clit to clit, of fuckmeat to fuckmeat.

    Daphne knew that now that she had lost her curse she could not be sure she had the wherewithal to bring Amunet to orgasm. But she had to try and she swore that she would do everything in her power to satisfy the succubus and make her want to come back. First, she had to prove she could keep up with her.

    Daphne panted at her demon lover, her voice a low, desperate growl of pure need. “Fuck me. Fuck me, you succubus whore.”

    “Yes,” Amunet murmured, her husky voice thick with lust. The demon’s green eyes flashed. “My cunt hungers for your cunt, little bitch. It needs to eat yours alive.”

    Daphne moaned, her excitement and anticipation more than she could stand. “Let’s see whose cunt eats whose, you bitch!” Her voice trembled with need.

    The women’s glowing eyes narrowed. Their hearts pounded into each other through their mashed, throbbing tits. They smiled at each other.

    “Yes, let us see, you little whore.”

    The women carefully, slowly, teasingly, pushed their clits together head to head. Their eyes were locked, they stared into each other desperately as their fuck horns met and caressed and sizzled and mated. Everything they both dreamed of, every memory of the pure ecstasy they had given each other, disappeared and paled to nothing beside the lived experience of meeting clit to clit.

    Daphne’s hands snapped down to grip and sink her fingers into Amunet’s taut, round ass. She pulled the demon onto, into her even harder. Amunet’s hands gripped Daphne’s ass. For a moment, the women could not scream; the intensity of the pleasure was too great. Their eyes remained locked, until they threw back their heads and shrieked in unspeakable joy.


    “MITRA! GREAT FUCKING MITRAAAAAA!!” Amunet shrieked.

    The women’s hungry mouths snapped together, tongues instantly twisting into knots. They screamed and moaned into each other’s throats, their mouths quickly filling with spit as their tongues thrashed. They moved their hips in hard but short jerks, moving their swollen pulsing clits around and around each other, torturing each other clit to clit, letting the swollen, exquisitely sensitive nubs send electrical shockwaves coursing through their oversensitive bodies with every mutual thrust. Daphne met every one of Amunet’s thrusts, keeping their fuck horns glued together, working them around and around, pressing them length to length, rubbing and grinding head to head. Tears streamed from Daphne’s eyes as she met Amunet blow for blow, even as they were still locked in an endless kiss. Vaguely, the brunette fuckfighter realized that tears were streaming down the succubus’ gorgeous face too.

    The women’s erotic moaning grew higher and higher, harmonizing as the battle wore on. Every inch of skin, ever nerve ending, was on fire, a fire that melted the women together, making them feel like one body. Daphne did not know where she ended and Amunet began. Her mind was already floating away, overloaded with ecstasy so pure and absolute that she was not sure she could survive the climax to come. She twined her legs with Amunet’s powerful limbs, locking their bodies in place. The women’s hips moved together, jerking in a slow, steady rhythm of ecstatic humping. Every muscle strained with its counterpart and their lush bodies trembled with tension and pleasure. Daphne felt like she was in paradise. She could not imagine anything better than what she was feeling at that very moment. She prayed it would not stop and she did her utmost to make sure the fucking kept going on and on.
    Trapped together under the heavy duvet, the women’s writhing bodies turned the space under the sheets into a furnace. Soon, their voluptuous bodies were slick with sweat, but it only added to the sensual pleasure as their skin slipped and slid, as their heavy tits and taut bellies rubbed and played. Amunet broke the kiss and rested her beautiful face forehead to forehead, nose to nose, with Daphne. The women stared into each other, their hot lips touching, string of spit connecting them. Their panting breath mixed, their gasps and moans of ecstasy filled the room. They grunted and moaned with each tantalizing thrust, the pleasure building and building one hard jerk at a time. Their bodies were soaked with sweat, hot with their exertion. Daphne and Amunet watched each other intently, seeing the raw pleasure in the other’s eyes, looking for the moment when the other would pass the orgasmic threshold.

    Lost in the demon’s eyes, in the exquisite sensations wracking her perfect body, Daphne could only endure the unbelievable pleasure. The small part of her mind that still functioned was aware that she and the succubus had been fucking each other for a long, long time yet, somehow, she had managed to keep the surging pleasure from overwhelming her and pushing her to a devastating orgasm. Somehow, she was matching the succubus. She began to feel that holding on until the demon ejaculated inside of her was possible.

    Amunet snarled at Daphne, the succubus’ eyes blazing with heat and lust. Her mind was torn between her sexual pride as a succubus and her need to know that no human could be her match versus her overpowering desire to achieve the exquisite pleasure she had been denied until so recently and her hope that this beautiful bitch under her might, once again, be able to bring her to a delicious orgasm.

    After more than an hour of grinding at each other, of sharing growing and growing pleasure, the two women saw the signs in the other’s eyes that they had passed the point of no return.

    Amunet whimpered and threw back her head to gasp and smile, her gorgeous face lit by the joyful realization that she would, once again, experience an excruciating orgasm with the woman she was riding. Her entire body trembled in anticipation of delirious satisfaction.

    Daphne moaned in joy, her body shaking and quivering with the tension of the unbearable sexual pleasure she had somehow managed to hold back, to keep in her quaking muscles, until this moment. Now that she knew she could bring the succubus to satisfaction, she struggled to keep the fuck going, to get even more out of the impending orgasmic explosion that was pushing at the boundaries of their lush bodies.

    Their panting and gasping became more frantic, their jerking hips began humping harder, torturing each other with even greater pleasure.

    “Together,” Daphne gasped at Amunet. “I want us to go together.”

    The succubus’ eyes blazed even brighter and she smiled and nodded. “The same time, you little bitch. We cum as one.”

    The women’s eyes locked even harder, they prepared to release, to flow into one. They fucked vigorously, riding hard. Then the moment came and they both knew.

    “JESUSSSSSSSSSS!! FUCKING GOOOODDDDD!!” Daphne howled as her cunt contracted then released in a gusher of hot ejaculate. Her body convulsed in pure sensation and burned uncontrollably as she felt herself merge and melt into Amunet. She spread her legs wide, wanting to take in as much of the demon’s body, her hot cum, as she could. She felt her nipples ejaculating, their fluids backed up and blocked by their joining to Amunet’s sucking nipples.

    “MITRRRRRAAAA!!” Amunet shrieked, screaming out to her ancient god, as her body shuddered in orgasmic bliss. Her powerful cunt squeezed Daphne’s twat mercilessly, then pumped ejaculate into Daphne’s welcoming cunt. Her nipples came with her pussy, surging slick juices into Daphne’s tits, bubbling out to coat the women’s bulging chests. She slammed her twat onto Daphne’s pulsing cunt and worked her pussy around and around, trying to draw out their shared orgasms for as long as she could.

    Screaming, moaning, writhing uncontrollably, the women’s magnificent bodies undulated and bucked under the sheets, pulling orgasm after orgasm out of each other, soaking both women in sweat and ejaculate. On and on they rode each other, screaming and crying out in shared ecstasy as the passion and power that had built up in both gorgeous women over the months exploded in gushes of hot cum. After some time, Daphne felt herself losing consciousness, her senses overpowered by the exquisite pleasure. She felt herself falling into an erotic hole, her mind shutting down to save her sanity from the pure erotic sensations.

    Some time later, Daphne slowly regained consciousness. She had been fucked out of her mind and every nerve in her body was jangling with electricity. It took her a few moments to realize that there remained a hot, pleasant weight on her body. She realized that Amunet was still lying on top of her. The gorgeous succubus was asleep in her arms. Daphne smiled. She had expected the demon to be gone when she awoke. The fact that Amunet was still here meant that the demon had been as sexually exhausted by their fucking as she was. She surreptitiously watched the beautiful face for a few moments. Daphne felt out her body. Did she have the strength for more fucking? Her clit twitched and her nipples started to harden, as if in response to her personal question. She smiled again. Apparently, her body had its own ideas.

    She turned her head gently to look at the clock. It read 4:15 AM. There were still a couple of hours before dawn.

    Carefully, Daphne wrapped her arms and Amunet’s lush body. She thrilled to feel the supernatural being’s voluptuous body in her arms, Amunet’s flawless flesh at her mercy. She braced herself then rolled their bodies, mounting Amunet as she took the top position. Her body was burning now, becoming more aroused with every moment, lighting up in anticipation of more fucking.

    Amunet’s beautiful green eyes snapped open. For a moment, her gaze was confused. “What…?” the demon murmured. Daphne covered Amunet’s mouth with her own, her tongue plunged into the depths of the demon’s scalding mouth. She scoured the inside of Amunet’s mouth. The demon and the woman moaned together, both enjoying the sensuous contact. Their tongues tangled together and a flow of saliva passed between them, joining their sexual essences once more.

    Suddenly, Amunet’s eyes snapped open as she realized what was happening. She broke the kiss, gasping and growling. “You little bitch!” the demon snapped. “Do you think you can ride me? Play the aggressor with me? I’ll….Aaaahhhh!!”

    As Amunet talked, Daphne slid her engorged clit the length of the woman’s fuck trough and ended her attack stroke with a strong, hard probe at the demon’s solid clit. The shock of ecstasy threw Amunet off, catching her unaware. She threw back her head and groaned tortuously. For the first time in millennia, she was not in control of a sexual encounter.

    “Don’t worry, baby,” Daphne purred as she consolidated her position on top of the writhing demon. “I’m going to fuck your brains out. Just lie back and enjoy it.”

    “You little slut…” Aaaaahhhhhhhh!” Amunet moaned as Daphne’s clit pinned hers and then locked and knotted the throbbing nerves into one. As they both grew more aroused, their hooked clits swelled into an unbreakable bond, capable of separating only once they were satisfied. Panting, glaring at each other, Amunet and Daphne resumed their fucking, their powerful bodies writhing and undulating, their thick lipped twats slapping and sucking, their heavy tits fusing and crushing. Amunet raged and yet thrilled at the same time, part of her demonic sadism loving the idea of being controlled and dominated by another woman.

    In passion, they bit and clawed each other. Daphne felt Amunet’s fingers scratching her pumping ass, she could tell finger marks would be left behind on many parts of her luscious body. She gave back all she could, leaving her marks on the demon’s flawless skin.

    More than an hour later, they went rigid in each other’s arms as their bodies convulsed in orgasm. Amunet went first, her head thrashing from side, her beautiful mouth twisted in an expressive “o” before she began to scream, her body bucking furiously as she came. Daphne watched this with an expression of delight, triumph and pure joy on her beautiful face as she made the succubus cum hard. She contracted her cunt, sucking and holding as much of the demon ejaculate inside as she could, trying absorb it into her body. Mere moments later, she was cumming herself, screaming in ecstasy, thrashing and moaning, crying out as her body exploded in a flare of heat that went on and on, that merged her flesh with that of Amunet. Their muscles strained and flexed as they bucked together, pumping cum back and forth, writhing and undulating like mating snakes as they came again and again.

    Finally, the women held each other, their hearts pounding in their mashed tits, their breath coming in ragged pants. The pleasure subsided. Daphne rolled off of the demon, throwing back the covers as she did so, exposing their perfect, naked bodies, releasing the furnace-like heat that had built up on the bed. The women lay side by side, their long hair tangled, brown with auburn, their sweaty faces only inches apart, their heavy tits rising and falling, jiggling deliciously, as they glared at each other through half-closed eyes.

    “You little whore,” Amunet finally said.

    “Dirty slut,” Daphne shot back.

    Amunet reached down and cupped Daphne’s hot, naked twat and squeezed. The brunette moaned and twisted her hips in pleasure. She slid her hand down to gently hold Amunet’s steaming cunt and slipped two fingers inside. She stroked Amunet’s clit and was rewarded with a shudder from the demon and long, slow clenching of teeth and a tortured moan.

    Amunet sat up suddenly and turned herself toward Daphne, her legs spread wide. Daphne sat up in reply. She looked down into the demon’s glorious cunt and felt a surge of sexual energy roar through her lush body. Daphne did not know where this incredible erotic energy was coming from, but she knew now that her experience with the curse, the experience of fucking the succubus, even the energy from the demon cum inside of her vagina, had somehow altered her body and libido in ways that allowed her to keep pace with a sexual demon in bed, to even beat that demon if she put her mind to it. She spread her legs in reply to Amunet’s challenge and smiled viciously. The demon smiled back.

    “I’m glad to see you still have some fight in you, little girl,”Amunet purred.

    “I’ve got more than fight, you big bitch,” Daphne smiled. “I’m going to fuck your cunt off.”

    The demon gave her a feverish grin. “That’s what I like. A lot of misplaced confidence. Come, girl. Let’s fuck.”

    “Gladly, you cunt,” Daphne moaned.

    The women slid together, thick-lipped twat slapping together with a wet clap, juicy pudenda merging and spreading under pressure, holes opening and sucking with ravenous hunger. Their swollen clits intersected head to head and pure ecstasy exploded through their bodies. They threw back their heads and shrieked in unison. They braced their bodies with their powerful arms, their eyes locked in a shared, murderous glare, and the fuckfighting women began grinding and thrusting, their hips rolling, their asses flexing. Their big tits bounced furiously, jiggling in time to each thrust.

    More than an hour later, they lay panting, locked together cunt to cunt, their bodies slick with sweat and the copious amounts of ejaculate they had gushed on each other. They were flat on their backs on the bed, staring at the ceiling, both women almost delirious with the aftermath of ecstasy. The room still echoed with their screams and shrieks of sexual completion.

    After a time, Amunet pushed herself up to stare at Daphne down the length of their cunt-locked bodies. “How?” the demon whispered. “How can you be so good, so powerful?”

    “I don’t know,” Daphne replied, her voice hoarse. “I think it has something to do with the curse, with your body. I can feel your cum inside of me and it is burning me but it feels so good, too. It feels like it is feeding me, giving me pleasure but something more.”

    Amunet looked out the window. It was still dark but a line of light had started to hint at the horizon. “I must leave,” Amunet sighed. “I cannot let the sun catch me here.”

    Daphne pushed herself and reached for her phone on the night table. She tapped a few buttons. After a moment, steel shutters began falling into place over the windows. In a moment, the room was pitch dark, except for a sliver of light coming under the en suite door.

    Daphne turned on a light on the night table and put her phone down. She smiled lasciviously at the succubus. “Now, there’s no need for you to go anywhere,” she purred.

    Amunet smiled lustily. The women were still joined at their cunts. She sat up and Daphne moved to meet her. Their heavy tits crushed tight as their arms wrapped around naked backs. Daphne spread her legs wider and slipped her hands down to seize Amunet’s perfect, massive ass. The succubus stroked Daphne from asshole up her ass crack to her shoulders, causing the brunette to shudder with pleasure. The women pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, and smiled, their ravenous hunger growing more intense with every moment. They touched tongues, then slowly slid into a deep, deep kiss. Their tongues twisted and stroked, the spit flowed freely between their sealed mouths.

    They finally broke the kiss. They rested face to face, panting, letting their bodies grow hotter, harder, more hungry for each other with every moment.

    “I’m not leaving here until I suck every drop of cum out of your arrogant little cunt, girl,” Amunet whispered. “You need to be put in your place.”

    “You’re welcome to try, you big slut,” Daphne whispered back. “But I think my cunt is a lot more than you can handle and I’m not going to stop before I fuck you raw.”

    The women smiled at each other even wider. Both women saw endless pleasure stretching out before them, hours and hours of fucking each other relentlessly, of giving each other unbearable pleasure, of fulfilling each other’s deepest needs. Amunet felt a surge of pure demonic joy. Whatever this woman was, however she was doing it, Daphne’s body had given the ancient succubus more pleasure than she had experienced in centuries. She could not let that go. Daphne felt the same. What Amunet was doing to her was transporting her to erotic places that no one else could touch.

    The women kissed again, a gentle kiss that soon became hot and angry, a struggle for domination. Their bodies began moving together, clits stroking, stroking, pure pleasure radiating from their luscious flesh. The day was young and there was so much more to do to each other….

    Epilogue I:

    Amunet and Daphne spent the entire day in bed, devouring each other’s bodies in every way they could imagine. Daphne knew that she should be exhausted, but being with Amunet fed her sexual energy and pure lust in a way she had never felt before. She could tell the demon was not feeding off of her; part of her wondered if the reverse was true.

    When the sun finally set, the naked women left the bedroom and made their way down the great room. There, they turned on the fireplace and fucked each other senseless on the rug before the raging fire, ruining yet another expensive carpet. Around 1:30 in the morning, they made their way down to the game room in the basement. They ravaged each other for the rest of the night.

    At 6 AM, Daphne and Amunet lay side by side on the pool table, which had become their arena for the night. The surface of the table was wrecked too, saturated with their sweat and cum. Daphne did not care. Nothing mattered except fucking Amunet. Everything else could be fixed.

    The women were pressed close, Daphne draped over Amunet, pressed into the demon’s side, their thick tits kissing, Daphne’s leg thrown carelessly over Amunet’s limbs. They were panting, enjoying the pungent smell of the other. After more than a day of hot, relentless sex, they were both covered in each other’s scents and fluids and both women loved it.

    “You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had,” Daphne whispered to her lover.

    “Of course,” the demon replied. “That goes without saying. What is more remarkable is that I can honestly say to you that you are the best fuck I have had in hundreds of years. Maybe the best I have ever had, too, though my memories are a bit hazy.”

    “You’re such a bitch,” Daphne smiled. “I don’t want this to end. I want you to come back. I want you to keep coming back.”

    Amunet stretched on the table, her big tits pressing against Daphne’s arm, which was thrown across her chest. “Many have said that to me over the centuries. This is the first time I can say that I plan to come back and enjoy you, enjoy your body, just as you enjoy me. I have no desire to feed on you. Oddly, I’m not even sure that I can.”

    Daphne shifted and crawled on top of the succubus. The women moaned together, both feeling the heat of lust as their bulbous chests crushed tight. The heat from their crushed tits radiated down to their aching twats, rekindling the hunger between their legs.

    “I have to go,” Amunet repeated, her green eyes searching Daphne’s blue.

    “Do you really have to go?” the brunette asked, her hunger growing with every moment.

    Amunet hesitated. “No,” she whispered, pulling Daphne’s face down on her, drawing the beautiful woman into a kiss.

    Daphne broke the kiss after a minute. The women were ravenously hungry again, their lust rejuvenated, their need for each other setting their loins on fire.

    “You belong to me,” Daphne growled, her eyes glowing with desire.

    “You belong to me, woman,” Amunet growled back. Her rage against her status as a demonic slave briefly resurfaced.

    “We belong to each other,” Daphne amended, her desire flaring beyond all control.

    The succubus nodded, then kissed her again. “Let’s settle who belongs to who,” the demon purred.

    “What do you have in mind?” Daphne murmured, sitting back on the pool table, spreading her legs, displaying her succulent cunt. Her burning pussy dripped juice on the felt surface. Her fat tits felt swollen with heat.

    “Oh, I’m sure we’ll think of something,” Amunet grinned, her swollen twat closing in on Daphne’s fuckmeat like a predator. Daphne smiled and surged forward to meet her lover.

    Two days later, Daphne finally staggered out of the game room. Her body was completely ravaged, covered in bruises and love bites, scratches and the imprints of hands. Her pussy felt unbearably raw and her tits ached and her nipples were incredibly sore. The beautiful woman pulled her naked body up to her bedroom where she finally passed out, more exhausted and more sexually satisfied than she had ever been in her life.

    Epilogue II:

    Diana was gratified to see Daphne enter the shop. The brunette woman looked fantastic. She was dressed in stylish jeans and a leather jacket which did little to hide her remarkable figure. She was glowing, almost radiating sexual power and health. After a moment, Diana’s smile faded away. As her mystical senses got a fuller bearing on the gorgeous woman in front of her, the sorceress realized that her impression that Daphne was radiating sexual power was not just a metaphor. The woman really was generating some kind of supernatural power, something she had not done before. Moreover, Diana knew where she had seen this kind of thing before.

    “Daphne,” Diana began. “It’s so wonderful to see you! How have you been doing?”

    “Oh, pretty well. It’s good to see you too, Diana.” The brunette reached behind her neck and undid the clasp that held the silver chain and the amber pendant. “I just wanted to return this to you. I don’t need it anymore.”

    “Oh?”Diana asked, taking the charm. “Why is that?”

    “I’ve found a new lover, someone who can meet my sexual needs without the help of the pendant. She and I have decided to become exclusive. Well, kind of. We both step out on each other every now and then, but we let the other one know.” Daphne smiled and Diana barely stopped herself from staggering under the power of the woman’s erotic charm.

    “She sounds wonderful. I’d like to meet her sometime, if that’s possible.” The beautiful sorceress smiled her most winning smile.

    The two women locked eyes. Neither was fooling the other at all. They both knew exactly what was happening, what had happened, even if Diana was very confused about some of the details of how.

    “I’ll check with her. I think she’d like to meet you and I’d love for the two of you to get along. But I think we should meet someplace neutral.”

    Daphne stepped a bit closer to her friend. “Diana, I’m really happy right now and I’m not in any danger. I’d be really happy if you promised not to cause problems.”

    “I need to meet her and assess the situation before I can make a promise like that, Daphne,” the sorceress replied. “You are a friend and I have responsibilities.”

    The brunette backed up and nodded. “I understand. Well, we’ll see about that meeting.” She turned away, heading back to the door of the little magic shop. “I’ve got to go. I’ve got an appointment. But I will be in touch.” She waved as she went out the door.

    Diana frowned deeply as she stared at the charm in her hand. After a moment, she started going around the shop, reinforcing the wards that were already there. It never hurt to be cautious.

    Epilogue III:

    Daphne woke up from a deep sleep. The chime on her phone was going and had probably been beeping for a few seconds. She turned it off, then took a moment to clear her head. Already, she felt her body getting hot. By the time she rolled out of bed, her breasts had started to swell, her nipples thicken. A pulse began in her clit.

    The nude woman made her way through the dark house, her bare feet almost silent on the wooden floors. She left the bedroom, walked down the stairs, passed through the great room, and descended into the pitch dark basement. She made her way through the dark to the game room and entered. It was pitch black inside the room too, but she made no move to turn on a light. Instead, she stood silently a few meters inside the door, her senses alert to the blackness around her.

    Daphne smelled the faint whiff of brimstone, something she now knew indicated a teleportation portal had opened in the room. She listened for the sound of breathing or movement. An instant later, she sensed movement and heat coming up behind her. Heavy tits crushed into her naked back and an arm slid up her torso until a hand groped and squeezed one of her own massive tits. The other hand slid down her taut, smooth belly and buried itself in her slick, hot cunt. The fingers stroked her pussy lips and probed deeper, teasing her swelling clit. Daphne gasped as the shockwave of pleasure rolled through her. She reached behind her and seized the succubus’ succulent thighs. She turned her head and Amunet locked her into a lustful kiss. Daphne turned herself around and Amunet let her, both women wanting to feel each other tit to tit, belly to belly. Their ravenous mouths locked in a deep, hungry, passionate kiss and they moaned in shared delight as their naked bodies met head on. Their arms wrapped around each other and their legs twined. The nude women fell to the mats that had been set up in the center of the room for exactly this situation.

    They rolled back and forth on the mats, their naked bodies writhing and rubbing, both women intent on feeling every inch of the other. Amunet and Daphne both wanted the top position, neither woman was comfortable being in the subservient role. However, Amunet eventually managed to pin her brunette lover to the mat. Daphne accepted this and spread her legs wide in acquiescence.

    “God, please,” Daphne moaned. Amunet eagerly complied and, an instant later, the women screamed out in shared ecstasy as their clits came together, as their bodies flowed into one, as raw pleasure enveloped their struggling, writhing bodies. The room filled with their cries and screams, with their howls and grunts, and the sound of hot, wet pussy slapping and sucking. More than an hour later, the women screamed at the top of their lungs, sharing a chain of multiple orgasms that took almost 15 minutes to finally abate.

    Panting in the dark, soaked with sweat and cum, Daphne and Amunet held each other, letting their bodies rest until they were ready for the next round. Daphne nuzzled her lover and the demon kissed her back.

    “How long can you stay?” the brunette murmured into her lover’s neck.

    “As long as we need each other, as long as we need to satisfy both of us,” the succubus replied breathlessly. She had come to regard these liaisons as indispensable and she was already feeling the rising heat in her loins.

    “Good,” Daphne purred. She rolled her lover over in the dark and mounted Amunet. Her blue eyes shone in the dark with their own glow, a pale reflection of the demon’s blazing green eyes, but growing stronger all the time.

    The women smiled at each other again, their hunger growing out of control.

    “You belong to me,” Amunet whispered, her eyes blazing with lust.

    “You belong to me, too,” Daphne replied. Her blue eyes flickered in the dark. The women smiled again, and set about satisfying each other’s deepest desires.

    The End

  6. #26
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Diana and Amunet meeting will be very interesting.

  7. #27
    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Another amazing story, the ending reminds me of Thorns of Karevi, with being owned by each other, a line that I love.

    It can mean the beginning of love or just a relationship where it matters to satisfy sexual desire.

  8. #28
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Canary- View Post
    Another amazing story, the ending reminds me of Thorns of Karevi, with being owned by each other, a line that I love.

    It can mean the beginning of love or just a relationship where it matters to satisfy sexual desire.

    In this case, I suspect it is very much the latter!


  9. #29
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57



    Very hot, very well written to all its details, till the latest one... One of your best, and as i said, consider this as a compliment because I am not for supernatural stuff, especially in an erotic story. But your story is so great !

    I agree with your comment. There is no love between Daphne and the succubus. Especially from Amunet's part. It is pure sexual desire.
    And... as a wise saying goes... to stay for long and / or to live with a tiger is rather dangerous...

    I also agree with Yuri, a meeting between Diane and Amunet wll be VERY interesting !
    Diane is able to feel/see in Amunet's behavior what Daphne can not... because of her huge carnal passion for her...
    And Amunet is also able to know that Diane knows... so she is a threat for her....
    So anything between them (even a sexfight) will be not that friendly...

    Or the opposite, all OK and here it comes a very hot 3some !! LOL
    (I am not for 3somes, but i am not for supernatural stuff also and you "turned" me to like this one !).

    Thoughts... You keep the pen, you decide.
    But maybe later you will come to a sequel, the way you prefer.
    Whatever it is i bet it will be great again...

    Thanks because you shared this masterpiece with us !
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; May 1st, 2022 at 03:31 PM.

  10. #30
    Hostboard Member Miahb1's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: The Demon Lover -JB57

    That was a great story as always, a follow up would be interesting with Diana...just a thought 😀 👍

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