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    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    The sex twilight

    ⁓Hello board, for a while I have been here, reading as just a spectator all the fantastic works that you share, now I also want to try my luck.

    This story is just a prologue that I will update in the thread (English is not my native language, any correction in private or in the thread itself would be appreciated) thank you very much for your attention.⁓

    It was a hot day in the Gone of Sernol city, the sunlight breaking through the few clouds and reflecting off the windows of the 500 foot skyscrapers that decorated the city, the traffic was miraculously light, but what gave a majestic image to the city. It has large population with approximately 40 million inhabitants of different traits, cultures, thoughts and tastes.

    This world seemed like a normal one, but it had some differences. One of them is Nadile, a beautiful lady who is prostrated in her chair in front of a cafeteria. The woman would be 25 years old and would be looking at her laptop with discouragement, having the document sheet in white, a boring day.

    Nadile would be 5 feet tall with bountiful cup C breasts squeezed into her white button down shirt along with a tight waist she was endowed with a beautiful golden mane, her hair reaching a little past her shoulders. She has pale white skin, giving a more fragile appearance. There was no doubt that the woman was beautiful in every feature that many would like, but there were small details in her as if Nadile was trying to hide that own beauty, as if every inch of her burning body still hid something else.

    The blonde, as you might have suspected from her listless demeanor in her chair, is on a creative block, first typing on her laptop only to then delete all it then heave a sigh and finish by taking one more sip of her cup of coffee with sugar and some milk, at least the drink was to her liking, the blonde is in charge of uploading reviews to the website of the company, a temporary job while she writes her new horror book, even so Nadile needed a spark of emotion to start writing, something more liberating.

    While the girl was still lost in her creative efforts, something would happen; Several spheres of a kind of metal emerged from the clouds, which dimmed the light from the skyscrapers, darkening the glorious city in the process. The inhabitants would look expectantly at the spheres that continued to descend from the sky, speechless, cold as their inexpressive body could transmit, finally the spheres would begin to release powerful red lightning that hit the huge buildings exploding the glass, with the falling pieces the citizens ran avoiding the remains of the glass but now the fire would come as a result of the explosions. A few minutes ago the city was a utopia of peace now it was chaos with some citizens running and panicking but other people, especially the elderly, walked calmly, after everything was not the first or the last alien invasion that the city would have, looking at their cell phones they would see that the invasion only affected their city, which meant that it was not a great global danger, maybe in 30 minutes everything will be resolved for her?

    And who is she?

    She is a normal girl, of course she is sexy but nothing from another world, but she is just really from another world, she left a tip on the cafeteria table for courtesy, she ran in the opposite direction of the crowd fleeing from danger, she ripped her shirt of buttons revealing her large breasts covered in a light blue latex suit tight on her figure, perhaps the inhabitants who were running for their lives could have had the privilege of looking at that imposing image of the blonde woman revealing part of her suit, this normal girl that we know under the name of Nadile, is actually Sunswoman, the currently strongest superhero on earth.

    She hid at great speed in an alley, where she took off her clothes. Without those clothes her figure was left alone tight in latex, the blonde is a sexy woman but that would be just a controlled way, a mere deception to not attract attention, although failing on some occasions.
    (ya lo revise)

    The blue latex covered a bit of her neck and reached the tips of her feet, her hands and feet were white, the suit would serve to grow with the figure of the woman, something very useful for Nadile and thus become her true self, she relaxes letting out her breasts that were close to a D cup before now they grow abundantly becoming beautiful D cup breasts closer to E Cup, even her nipples had become firmer being slightly marked in her tight suit, but it was not a figure of only sensuality, her large breasts would be accompanied with a slight toning accentuated by her muscular shoulders that along with her thin arms equally marked from biceps to triceps and forearms. They gave him a powerful image, his abdominal area was not inferior with the latex you would see the beautifully muscular belly in his small waist, if you looked down you could see a wide powerful hip that would continue to extend with long, marked and sensual thighs and calves ; His height had grown along with his entire body, now standing at 6 feet tall. Every inch of that beautiful body wrapped deliciously tight in that latex outfit.

    Her blonde hair grew a little more, some tips would take on a red color, the woman's skin would take on a slight blue tone, her eyes would turn completely red and the most remarkable thing would be some red lines that went down one part of her cheeks and if Some lucky person would know that those lines continue down his neck, curve in his shoulder blades, fall down his back and before falling to his butt they disappear, it was a birthmark.

    Sunswoman gains momentum by slightly flexing one of her legs, beginning to levitate and finally fly, her figure rising in the crowd would attract attention, at that moment many fans would take out her cell phones and professional cameras; some take out their cameras every day hoping to photograph a superhero, something good has to come out of catastrophes. The flash of the images manage to make the rubber suit shine, Nadile's rear part composed of a wide defined back that enhanced her butt , with their huge and thick cheeks, they gave the impression of being squeezed but nadile did not even make an effort.

    At that moment where the spheres would stop to look at her superhero who was now at the top of a skyscraper with broken glass and with some sections on fire, the powerful figure of feminine power, sensuality and perfection, one that citizens from earth would see still worried about their lives or taking photos for their social networks, at that precise moment the heroine could only think of something after reflecting and observing the spheres meticulously.

    "Maybe I should do an article on The Phantasm Movie?"
    A completely random and partly ridiculous comment said by the blonde heroine, but for the girl today was already a normal day for her, so normal that thinking about horror movies was the most natural thing. The spheres would begin to surround her as she stretched out her arms flexing her biceps until she tightly closed her hands, forming her dangerous fists "Maybe.... it will be over in 15 minutes"

    The news of the invasion flew for a few hours on social networks, as is common when the superhero Sunswoman appears, the Instagram and Twitter accounts that are responsible for collecting the best photos of the powerful female compete for attention. Nadile was not considered the number one hero of the earth just for her beauty, her power was so great that in just 10 minutes she stopped the invasion, with her fists she crashed into the spheres making the metal creak around her knuckles, after verifying that they were just robots and not a circular life form, the superhero had no mercy in hitting with an overwhelming force that made the spheres scrap, with her complete victory.

    The hologram of a kind of Martian would come out threatening the heroine and the planet with a second attack , disappearing with an evil laugh. The reporters were more attentive to the perfect angle to capture Sunswoman, it would sound strange to think that the matter of the heroine's sensuality would have more attention than the invasion itself, but the attack, although it caused material damage and injuries, did not cause any victims deadly, the affected buildings already had behavior manuals in case of alien invasion, even what to do in a situation where a Lovecraftian god decides to destroy the world.

    It turns out that there are more differences in this world, in this land the population has become accustomed to being the center of the worst dangers, it was not an exaggeration to think that trying to make a homemade medicine could accidentally make an invocation that would open the same doors from hell and that would be just a Monday. In this penumbra of coincidences that bring disasters there are also events in which superhumans are formed, many normal people suffered from situations that gave them powers, some took advantage of them and became villains, but those who resisted and opposed everything evil were the heroes. Nadile is the icon of this generation, but she was far from the only one, there would be millions of superheroes scattered around the world, some working for the government or international associations and others like Sunswoman independently.

    Already in the present, the blonde heroine would be helping the victims, carrying them in her arms and flying to the nearest hospitals; with her smile she relieved those affected, although many men would feel very nervous when feeling pressed against the woman's magnificent body, even women would also feel that pressure, the most submissive would simply subjugate themselves to her protection and would see her perfect body. Some women more jealous and proud of their own beauty to feel Nadile's body, they could only burn with anger, there was no way to overcome it, there was not an inch of her delicious body in which a normal woman could compete, even her face which was now different from her controlled form, not only was her eye color change and the slight blue tint to her skin, it was also even more polished, with slightly larger cheeks and a smaller nose, with slightly darker lips. meatier. All those minimal features that had yet to shine were now a polished diamond, a very sexy diamond.

    Nadile lands looking for more people to help, but she would see prima help workers mobilize in the most affected areas, the employees were part of a company dedicated to repairing disasters resulting from combats between heroes and villains, also some rookie heroes would arrive and they would help, for which Sunswoman was no longer necessary, something annoying in superhero work is the damage produced, Sunswoman is famous for being the heroine with the least damage produced, but it was still obvious why all independent heroes hide their true identities , to avoid damage claims and repair bills.

    After a few hours, everything would return to normal with the noise of the streets back to normal now some roads were closed for repairs, common traffic had returned, the skyscrapers with their glass windows could not illuminate the twilight of the day. The Phantasm article had already been published, it was a good day, the girl would think as she rested on top of a building.

    The blonde would be having a milkshake and a pizza, it was not an everyday whim, even Nadile had to be rigorous with her diet to have her body, she takes out her cell phone inspected the reactions on her article and some of the photos of Sunswoman uploaded by her fans, would it sound bad if the most famous heroine, a martyr for justice and right, was extremely proud of her figure?

    Nadile has always tried do the right thing since the day she learned that she inherited her mother's powers, over the years knowing that no other superhero generated as much attention as her on social networks made her proud, she was sure it made her fellow heroes hate her out of jealousy for it, but all the effort she put into her body and in her fight against evil deserved that moment of glory knowing that she was the best….

    there would be a bit of melancholy in being the best, from the top of the destroyed building, the heroine was alone, at the peak of humanity, at the cusp of superheroes, at the perfection of power and sensuality, the greatest enemy that now the unique woman was facing was sexual dissatisfaction.

    This morning Nadile went out in the suit for a reason and it wasn't to be prepared for danger; with her super speed that was absurd. The reason for wearing said tight suit was because of the feel of the fabric created with the highest technology to try and serve as armor, the fabric pressed against her firm curvy figure, rubbing in the skin, pressing between her breasts and between her crotch forming a slight, but sexy cameltoe. If she was lucky some attack or blow from some villain could make her body react slightly, that was unfortunately the closest thing to sexual pleasure.

    Being the strongest heroine means being able to take down any threat very easily, although she sometimes allied herself with other superheroes for some huge threat, these threats were usually groupings of villains or monstrous figures, none of which drew sexual attention from the poor woman, there was no one who could measure up to Sunswoman, she simply had to assume it, there would never be any lover who could surpass or equal her.

    To relieve some of this pain, she would have long masturbation sessions, her fingers furiously pumping her pussy with hundreds of tons opening her vaginal folds, sinking one, two, three and even four fingers into her hot vagina to squeeze and massage her big hard clit; With her other hand grasping and kneading her breasts, squeezing her nipples, finally spurting spurts of hot cum, with it she managed to keep her sanity in abstinence.

    Although her sexual desire would never be satisfied, she found something that was much better, Nadile would see one last image in the cell phone, her girlfriend, the woman she loves with all her being.

    The blonde would still be lost in her cell phone only for seconds until, interrupted by the symbol of a wolf appearing on her touch screen, Nadile hastily took the call.

    -end for now-
    Last edited by Canary-; April 29th, 2022 at 12:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    If Earth had a superhero that hot... I think I would be a supervillain to have them always chasing after me lol, very funny that how hot she is takes the attention away from the invasion!

    A strong prologue for sure, I can't wait for her enemy (?) to be introduced, enjoyed it a lot

    Don't stress about the english/grammar in my opinion, it is readable, and you can always go back in the future to make edits etc

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    Hi Canary! This is a good start with a great premise. I've had a superheroine vs. villain story on the books now for ages, so I appreciate and endorse the premise of the story! Though, in my case, I'm working with actual Marvel characters, which might explain why I've made so little progress.

    One question: in the text, you seem to suggest that Nadile/Sunswoman is 5 feet tall. That is tiny! I have nothing against really tiny women but I wonder if you meant to make her that small? Given what you are describing, I wonder if you meant to make her 6 feet tall? (A woman 5 feet tall with D or E cup breasts would be massively out of proportion, for one thing)

    Take care,


  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    From one long-time spectator and just recently turned author to another, welcome to the board. I don’t regret it at all. A superhero story, huh? Interested to see more

  5. #5
    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus9 View Post
    If Earth had a superhero that hot... I think I would be a supervillain to have them always chasing after me lol, very funny that how hot she is takes the attention away from the invasion!

    A strong prologue for sure, I can't wait for her enemy (?) to be introduced, enjoyed it a lot

    Don't stress about the english/grammar in my opinion, it is readable, and you can always go back in the future to make edits etc
    I'm glad you liked that humorous scene, I think that kind of jokes are my style (sorry if they're very bad) and of course, her villain is very soon to appear, thanks for your comment!
    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi Canary! This is a good start with a great premise. I've had a superheroine vs. villain story on the books now for ages, so I appreciate and endorse the premise of the story! Though, in my case, I'm working with actual Marvel characters, which might explain why I've made so little progress.

    One question: in the text, you seem to suggest that Nadile/Sunswoman is 5 feet tall. That is tiny! I have nothing against really tiny women but I wonder if you meant to make her that small? Given what you are describing, I wonder if you meant to make her 6 feet tall? (A woman 5 feet tall with D or E cup breasts would be massively out of proportion, for one thing)

    Take care,

    Hello JB57! It is an honor for me that you have read something of mine, much of what will be seen in this story was inspired by you (The fate of the world for example), I hope it will be seen as a tribute or inspiration and not a simple robbery.

    About Nadile's height, an apology, it was my mistake. I don't explain it in the text, "Nadile" is 5 feet tall and has C cup breasts, although her breasts are close to D, already in her Sunswoman form she is 6 feet tall her breasts are now D cup but they seem to be E (just a literary exaggeration on my part) I hope that the mental image that I formed in my mind was attractive to others.

    It is those errors that I will be correcting, thank you very much!
    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    From one long-time spectator and just recently turned author to another, welcome to the board. I don’t regret it at all. A superhero story, huh? Interested to see more
    Yuri*****Lover.... you are the first reason why I am here, I wanted to be just a spectator until I read your sleepover story. See how a viewer became a writer and be well received, I encourage you to try your luck, thank you very much

    I also want to thank Moanalo, a user who seems inactive but i loves his court "Off The Court"

  6. #6
    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    I do not promise that this is normal, but I will publish as soon as possible, thanks for the attention

    Chapter 1
    The first step

    "I told you not to hack my phone again!"
    There would only be silence, finally Nadile gave in "what do you want?" almost whispering.

    Seconds later "It's happening again, I already sent you the coordinates, Nadile" It was a hard voice, a bit scratchy, but it was clearly a female voice, one that even the blonde would recognize as a sensual voice. Although this situation would not have anything sensual, the voice belonged to Yukon, she was human or at least as far as Nadile would know, a human with an enormous intellect almost equal to her apparent great fortune.

    One day without prior notice, the cell phone of the most powerful superhero was hacked by this heroine, forming the powerful duo, Sunswoman could not resist because the calls always ended with that subtle threat of mentioning her true identity, a very aggressive measure; Nadile would be happy to help a heroic partner, perhaps Yukon was too proud to ask for help.

    The call had already been hung up, Sunswoman had already taken flight to the coordinates, breaking through the air and clouds. On the way she would see a black jet, smiling. It flies until it is in the cabin where pilot would be seen.

    Is Yukon, she dressed completely in dark armor of a kind of kevlar, which covered her face, shoulders, abdomen, elbows and knees. Yukon is the name of a kind of wolf, so it had some details on its body, small claws on its hands and a necklace of teeth on its neck, along with its mask which left a space for its long black hair to come out. in a ponytail, the mask would bear a resemblance to a wolf's face. For static purposes or purposes of showing off her body, a cloth covered the rest of her body. She looked athletic and sexy, although she could not rival Nadile, she possessed large breasts, a tight waist and toned as well as long legs.

    An image that would make the gothic heroine look like the female counterpart of the god Anubis, with the face of a canine and a divine body, in this case a female one.

    Even with that imposing image, Nadile would only be rubbing her cheeks against the jet's windshield in a childish way, irritating her partner "it's going to take ages to get there at this speed!" With that said, her ally gives her a cold look and then speaks in her sexy voice.
    "So what do you suggest?"

    An answer that generates a huge smile in Sunswoman "I'm glad you asked hehe"

    Nadile flies to the back of the jet, stretching out her powerful arms, she presses her hands against the surface and then pushes the jet with great force, the vehicle exceeds its speed limit, leaving the pilot pressed against her chair. Only because of his rigorous pilot training was he able to withstand the journey, but still cursed Sunswoman.

    They finally reached their destination, Nadile still carrying the ship, both superheroes would see a vast forest, bordered by large mountains and with great vegetation, although the landscape would not be in its best state, trees would have fallen in sequence forming a circle, within the sphere would be an eye with a triangle in the middle.

    Nadile looks at the symbol with a little annoyance, she knows what that meant or at least in part, for an unknown amount of time the symbol has appeared, no attention was paid at the time, a symbol is nothing compared to the giant nuclear monster that attacks Japan every day. but that changed with a new phenomenon with the eye, every time it appeared there would be something that prevented approaching it, one of the appearances of the symbol was in a city; with the present risk of casualties. The superhero known as the Shadow Demon attempted to inspect the symbol.

    Demon Shadow is a friend of Sunswoman and his powers of darkness gave him the number 5 spot in the world of superheroes; the hero ended up wounded in the hospital with several fractures.

    Whatever it was that attacked him was so powerful and fast, that he could not even react. After that disaster the heroes were more attentive to the danger of this symbol, but that was just a brutal failure. The rare occurrences of symbols were found thanks to a radio sling signal which emits, the group of explorers they ended seriously injured and with a diffuse memory; the phenomenon caught the attention of the internet, as several of his appearances were in Mexico with the moonlight, he was given the name of Metztli, a lunar divinity.

    Nadile now understood why Yukon had required her help, after all it was rumored that she and demonic shadow had had some relationship, so it would be logical for the gothic heroine to turn to the number one superhero to end any false god.

    The jet lands on the green ground, the doors of the vehicle open, Yukon descending a little dizzy, seeing her surroundings she is impressed to see Sunswoman with a serious expression, leaving aside her usual calm or mocking expression . Walking through the woods, the goth heroine would be taking photos and collecting samples, for future analysis, she would pause for a moment looking at boar tracks, she squats down, marking her butt on the dark cloth, nadile looked discreetly and then concentrated on the mission.

    "Yukon, what's up? Are you afraid of animals? haha"
    The heroine responded with a cold gaze.
    "I was just saying" covering her mouth.

    "These are wild boar marks, but this is not their habitat, and along the way I found other marks such as jaguar, panther and leopard, all this group of animals concentrated here does not make sense"

    “Wonderful zoo, although also incredible your deduction with only footprints; Are you an animal lover?"
    Before Yukon can make another cold comment or glare at her partner's behavior, the blonde superhero and the dark vigilante notice two female figures, one perched on a tree branch and one hidden by the shadow of the tree and weed.

    The figure on the branch was a tall woman, a little thicker than the other 3 females present, but she also exuded a femininity worthy of the Amazons, with brown skin only with small torn fabrics that partially hid her breasts and crotch, but for displeasure of Yukon. The brunette had necklaces of wolf teeth on her neck, wrists and ankles; next to hers two yellow eyes of hers with a vertical and slanted pupil, the eyes of a wolf.

    Tala, that's the name of this villain, Yukon knew many villains by heart, just by a measure in her work, names and the history of villains, as mere numbers, the clash of gazes, it was one that brought so many feelings of hatred between both, sharing a fascination for wolves and being human, put them in a strong enmity.

    Below the wild woman, the other female form peeks out, her figure finally out of the shadows, her breasts are the first to show the light of sun, they were huge close to an E Cup, her left leg with which she takes the first step It is beautifully muscular, it had toned and powerful legs, this succulent body covered by a white suit that reminded that of professional swimmers similar to lycra, it covered its neck, extended to the wrists of its hands and ended at its knees, exposing its fantastic calves and leaving bare feet.

    Nadile fixes her eyes on this threat, she couldn't believe it until a few seconds ago yukon, was the only one who could compare to her body, but finally she found an equal, her breasts, her tight hips, big hard butts and the muscles of her bodies, they were so perfect in volume, definition. Both magnificent bodies covered in blue latex and white lycra, were like a reflection; that generated one more reason to hate her, not only was her body hers, she was sure that this woman is Metztli.

    She is the danger that defeated demonic shadow and the other heroes, of that she was sure. The figure also looks at Nadile with the same feeling of hatred, Metztli would have a skull mask, with two sockets where her eyes would be seen. Gray, but just as piercing as Nadile's reds, behind the mask short black hair with blue tips resting on her neck.

    Yukon and Tala remain silent, neither wanting to break the silence, they would turn to see their companions, the superhumans would extend one of their muscular legs to take a step, leaving a mark on the ground, walking slowly, with a slight movement of the hip each time. closer to each other, the impatient blonde is the one who has the first word.

    "So hey villains, let's go to the end where they are defeated and their evil plan to destroy or control the world fails?"

    “How about you do something more productive? there are many cats that can't get down from the trees ”answered her dark haired rival immediately with the same mocking tone.
    Last edited by Canary-; June 5th, 2022 at 10:03 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    So both Nadile and Yukon have met a rival worthy of them?? Can't wait to read more, take your time with writing it, no stress

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    Very very much enjoying this. Superheros and their rivals, such a good combo. Your writing is fantastic and the mystery and designs are great. Can’t wait for more.

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    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    ⁓Hello board, here again with a chapter (although I will divide it as if it were two, just to give a kind of order to the different points of the story) for those who only like sexual or tit fights, I hope you can forgive a little for that, soon that part will start.

    With nothing more to add, enjoy and thank you for your attention⁓
    Episode 2

    Nadile had a moment of silence for the surprise, commonly her villains become aggressive and very vulgar at the first mockery she makes, she did not expect her rival to be different, responding to her mockery with a mockery, that mocking tone and sure of herself.

    ¿Who does she think she is, The rival to the strongest superhero in the world? And before she could come up with a theory, the fight began with the supervillain flying and making a tackle, meat colliding with meat, Metztli wrapped her arms around the blonde's marked abdomen trying to knock the superhero down; Nadile put up resistance by wrapping her arms around the dark-haired woman's back trying to press her against the ground, in the superior position, but both powerful females continued their struggle, the ground broke with their legs seeking support, Metztli was not crushed by the weight of Sunswoman, in turn the villain could not bring down her powerful enemy, the ground was cracking so deep destroying in the process the grass and flowers under it, that frustrated Nadile but she had to end their grappling match, in which she was sure that she would have been the only winner to avoid unnecessary damage to nature.

    Both impatient women slap each other in the body, switching positions for mutual agreement, right and left palms coming together and raised above their heads, each trying to push the other's arm away while their other arm grabs their opponent's shoulder. Metztli wasn't willing to continue this grappling match, she couldn't destroy the terrain, her opponent seemed stubborn in continuing this challenge, which was good for her next move. From one moment to another, Nadile's knee collides with the black-haired woman's abdomen, the blow is thunderous, not come alone. At the same moment Metztli threw a header in the face of her opponent, both women backed down, those surprise blows were not expected.

    Sunswoman using her power of flight with a jump, levitates over the villain and notices that her partner is with the wild brunette engaged in a fight, Yukon had taken out her metal rod that collides strongly with the spear of the wild. The blonde, seeing that her partner was not facing any superhuman, assumed that she could deal with her, now she focuses again on her opponent, who looks at her from the ground, she also stopped to watch the battle of her wild partner, trusting also in his victory. The red eyes that rise into the sky staring now into the gray eyes anchored in the destroyed ground, light and dark, but with something in common; her sensuality and unbeknownst to them there was something else in common, her sexual desire.

    The forest was filled with the groans of the four females fighting, the humans were using their weapons on each other. Tala did not hesitate to use her spear to finish off yukon but the gothic heroine slid elegantly in each attack, her great control disappeared when she counterattacked, the wild woman also dodged masterfully. The spear and the metal rod only slid through their figures , even in their large breasts. They didn't exchange any words or taunts, just wanting to finish off their rival and show who the true alpha wolf was.

    The humans continued their attacks, counterattacks, blocks and dodges; only to then feel how the air moved, shaking the leaves of the trees, Nadile and the villain bumped their fists, almost like a challenge of resistance.

    In their hand-to-hand combat, each one tried to resist their blows, but it was impossible, for each would make the other one end up flying several meters in one direction; the fight destroyed an area of ​​the forest with the trees being pushed and cut down for the two fighting bodies of the powerful women

    Sunswoman connects a blow to the lower abdomen, with the force of a world heavyweight boxer it is nullified by Metztli's abs, the next blow was with the force of a truck, the attack has no effect when colliding in the face of the skull; increasing the intensity of the blows hits the middle abdomen, the knuckles sink into the fine white fabric but there is no effect, the superhero is getting irritated. Not only was it her anger that her first blows hadn't left her opponent on the ground, but during her blows, she felt Metztli's blows hitting the same points and with the same force. Was Metztli measuring her? Nadile felt slighted, she was the only one who controlled herself when she was fighting a villain, now this black-haired woman attacks taunt with taunt, she answers her strength with the same strength, in silence they both finally take a combat position with Nadile placing her hands on her chin and Metztli extending one hand and the other on guard near his chi, The supervillain takes the floor this time first.

    "Ingenious, I admit it, you are leveling up your blows so as not to hurt your rival so much, something very perfect for a heroine like you, maybe I should have tried that with a demonic shadow?" The shot had been fired and along with the comment was a small laugh, one that made the blonde's blood boil.

    "I'll beat you back for all the heroes you've hurt" an unheroic threat, but this skull bitch, it's bringing out the worst in her, something was emerging. It was a rage she didn't know she could have, to find someone like her sexy and powerful, it was not something that Nadile was going to accept.

    They both approached and continued where they left off, neither blocking an attack, hitting and receiving punches and now using kicks, the blows connecting on her powerful figures, even her beautiful faces were points of attack. Both powerful arms slide between her guards slamming into their faces at the same time, the villain's and heroine's heads fly from side to side, recovering from the blow both turning their faces back into eye contact, their cheeks red. Nadile made a serious hit after a long time in her life she was forced to do it and this bitch resisted it and returned it.

    Sunswoman wanted to fight with everything, but the damage to the forest could be enormous and even Yukon and the other humans could be caught in the crossfire. There was something else that stopped her from going all out, it was her pride. A lion does not have to hunt, the herd is the one who hunts for him, that is how nature endows some with gifts and talents to dominate their allies and enemies, Nadile was that lion, that dominatrix destined to overcome any obstacle, this little prey, force her to use all her power? The blonde was not going to allow it, during an exchange of vicious blows to her body with her opponent, Metztli threw a right hand with her powerful arm which Nadile avoided by tilting her body.

    She managed to infiltrate her guard. Gray eyes widen of the skull, the villain would see the blonde's back, was she preparing a spin to kick? And as she suspected, Sunswoman throws her left foot in the face, the villain covers herself with her arms, but she didn't realize that the blonde didn't just throw a kick, the two latex covered legs manage to once again go through the guard of the villain, clenching on the sides of the mask, Nadile was preparing a powerful lock, her calves sliding into her face, planning to finish with her thighs on neck, the heroine of the sun squeezing and cutting the air from the villain of darkness.

    All this movement was fast, extremely fast for even some slow cameras, it all started when the black haired girl missed her first blow, that gave Nadile the opportunity to enter her area and take advantage of the skull mask that surely obstructed part of her view. She used that blind spot to go around, he concluded that Metztli would panic and think about taking cover from a kick, his prediction was correct. The villain covered herself for an attack, so the grab on two legs was a success, to do this feat the heroine used her power of levitation, with this power the hand to hand combat, the blows and keys were more complex, the blonde had achieved a check.

    Even so, the game continues; at that moment where the legs were in the correct position, the thighs of the light were approaching the neck of the dark, the moon goddess did not give up, she can also levitate, her legs left the ground immediately, the thighs coiling in the heroin.

    While Yukon gaspsd with her rival, both had wounds from their weapons combat, the Kevlar suit torn by the sharp spear with some bleeding wounds and the wild one instead with her brown skin having scratches and bruises from the rod, in her state wounded they could only remain silent, Sunswoman and Metztli trusted their victory, in turn the humans trusted the victory of their superhuman companions, they took a second to watch their confrontation. To her surprise, her powerful allies were on the ground with thighs pressed between their heads, rolling and squeezing. The image of perfection reduced to primitive women in violence, each one increasing the pressure exerted by her muscular legs, none of them wanted to cause permanent damage, only her powerful will made them avoid going to complete savagery.

    Although the pressure between their heads was hard, the blonde is who suffered the most, she did not have a mask that served as protection, she felt that her head was about to explode, Metztli felt how her helmet was molded between the legs of the heroine. If this continued, the goddess of the moon would win, the dark haired woman smiles under the mask the pain was great, but she could endure to leave this superhero stunned with pain or even better, force her to let out a cry of surrender

    In her confidence she felt how her legs were grabbed by the powerful Nadile's arms, the intention was to successfully open her legs and end this lock. The supervillain felt her legs around her head giving way, the victory was hers. With the last seconds of this lock about to end, it was Sunswoman who tricked Metztli again, her legs hadn't weakened and not even her arms were really trying to release the lock; that was just a trick, Nadile's legs manage to slide and tighten around the dark haired girl's neck, that was the first goal anyway.

    Metztli cursed herself, fell into another trick, one that was more dangerous, she would only have seconds without the air supply she would be rendered unconscious, she grabs the sun woman's legs and with her nails dug her nails into the skin, Nadile Gasping at that pain, Metztli's legs slide to place her thighs on Sunswoman's neck, now both in a choking lock, they went all out.

    The seconds passed and with her neck agonizing between her legs; the air that was necessary even for superhumans, was being cut off, none wanted to give in, their red faces were a sign of it, luckily for Metztli her skull mask hid part of her pathetic state although at the same time it more difficult to breathe, desperate that this be her undoing she rips the mask from her face, it was not surprising that without the mask a beautiful face will be revealed, even with the red tone of her skin together with her clenched teeth, the image of a sensual warrior with black hair and a slight shade of blue on his skin, he also had some blue lines that went down his cheeks and ended up disappearing on the neck covered by the white suit.

    With her face exposed, Nadile still couldn't see her, in her 69 position, she could only see her impressive ass and part of her pussy pressed into the fabric, forming a cameltoe. Like Metztli, a strange feeling was going through both fighters, it wasn't a complete feeling of anger, they both knew they were in a 69 position, it was pathetic that their partners saw them in such a humiliating position, but their eyes were watching perfectly the buttocks of the other woman and in the glorious pussy tight in the tight fabric.

    Never had any of the women come so close to a perfect cameltoe, the long labia embroidered by clothing, the glorious flesh of her shapely legs pressed together by the force they gave to their thighs and still squeezing their necks, the lack of air made them see less clearly, giving in to an instinct typical of their race, with their hands trembling and at the same time, both took the ass covered by that tight suit, almost hypnotically, the anger was latent in they, but lust was also present.

    Their mouths trembling slowly approaching each other's covered pussy, their teeth were going to rip that damn cover, so they would have their opponent's ass and pussy in full view, only then could they make the real move, sinking their jaws into this prey enemy and thus satisfy their hunger.

    The asses wrapped by the powerful hands, still with their legs open and wrapped in enemy necks, Nadile and Metztli had their mouths closer and closer to her target, until suddenly, Tala broke her silence.

    "It's ready! Let's go!" shouts the wild one, a jaguar appears of the trees but it was not a physical animal, it was the spectral form of one, more animals of the forest appeared, wild boars, panthers and leopards, all of them with a purple tone in their transparent body, they running in a single direction.

    Yukon took out his hook pistol, in order to escape from the stampede, he hit the shot on a tree branch and as he climbed he looks for the last time at his rival who rode a jaguar, Sunswoman and Metztli separate their thighs from the neck from the other, they roll on the ground each one breathing hard, their faces recovering the color of their skin, Tala passes by her partner and extends a hand grabbing the arm of the moon goddess , luckily the superhuman still had a human weight, she was able to lift her body.

    They moved away at high speed on the jaguar, Metztli turned slightly while riding, now the villain looked from above at her opponent who was breathing hard and lying on the ground, red and gray eyes with the same thought, their real fight was interrupted.

    Looking at each other's faces, there was something familiar in the beautiful face of her opponent, that thought was suppressed by her anger.

    The villains end up getting lost in the forest, no heroine had the strength to chase them, Nadile on the ground and Yukon on the tree could only gasp, soon her gasp of exhaustion becomes that of surprise. A purple light crosses the sky and collides with the eye symbol, its brightness was hypnotic almost divine, the purple light was absorbed by the eye symbol, Yukon did not understand what was happening, but her trance is broken first by the branch on which it, begins to fall apart with a jump it manages to land perfectly in the brush, only to notice how it is also falling apart.

    The entire area of ​​​​the forest scene of this battle ended up in dust, both heroines perplexed by the desolate landscape, this was a failure, Nadile the heroine numere one, she could only see the rotten and undone nature around her, clenching her fists Strongly, she swore to herself, that this was not going to happen again.

    Capitule 3
    Acting and lies

    The injured Yukon took some samples of the powder, Sunswoman was still in a bad mood, almost as a gesture of friendship, Yukon invited her to get on her jet, silence was very present in the cabin, Nadile was always the one who forced conversations, but this time was different

    "For me you are still the strongest, that bitch only surprised you, don't trust yourself and you will kick her ass, next time" Nadile remained silent, the gothic was cheering her on, she also put aside her elegant vocabulary to curse Metztli, without being able to hold back emotion, the blonde's arms wrap around his neck.

    "Aww and you will also finish off that brunette, she had a weapon to kill and you had a weapon to stun, despite that you were winning" Now silence returned again, the heroine of the sun smiled, at least for a brief moment they it seemed friends, the gothic heroine flew at full speed to Gone of Sernol, the jet was in its invisible form on the roof of a building, Nadile got off, she did not have to hide anything from the wolf, so he used his controlled form in front of her.

    Stowing her latex suit in her tote bag and donning her spare white shirt and skirt, the color of her blue skin fading with the lines of her cheeks, Yukon smiles beneath the mask, now she is sexier than the writer Nadile.

    "Keep an eye on your cell phone, Nadile '' said Yukon left on her jet, Nadile did not stop waving goodbye to her with her hand. After a while she turned around, going down the stairs of the roof more slowly, it's not his first defeat, but there was something different, Metztli was not an ordinary villain, the pain in her neck returned in the elevator, seeing her neck in a reflection, She took makeup out of her handbag, with which she hid the traces of the fight.

    She hadn't had to use it for a long time, that annoyed her, there was also that last moment of the fight, Nadile's mind was not clear due to lack of air, that had clouded her vision , but she remembered a feeling, a new one .Those thoughts continued until she arrived at her apartment, she had a lease on a spacious apartment, at least she was lucky that her girlfriend paid a large part of the rent, she entered her home at last.

    She turns on the lights, the room would have a life size figure of Frankenstein, black and white movie posters, with various classic monsters. There would also be some abstract paintings with such a wide range of colors giving a horrendous sight, Nadile hated those paintings but her girlfriend let him put her things up.

    With his great speed he organized the home in a few seconds, he had already bought all the food they were going to need, so today he had fulfilled all the tasks that he had pending, he stretched his arms behind his head and looked at the clock, it was very late!

    She looked at the clock again, and was worried. Kayla should have arrived from her waitress shift, fear ran through Nadile, perhaps Kayla was a victim of the attack on the city.

    Concerned, checked her cell phone. Sometimes deaths are hidden in the news. A method used to control the panic of the population and ¿if Kayla was injured or worse, if she died in today's invasion? So many ideas went through Nadile's mind in a second, only to then see the door handle move, the door open, it was Kayla.

    Kayla came with a black shirt (with the image of a cat made up of numbers), she had a scarf around her neck and a pink skirt, her hair was black, she had a similar body to her girlfriend, only she was taller and with tonified legs a little, her gaze was low, almost depressed but her eyes connect with Nadile's, the blonde runs towards her and hugs her.

    "Sorry for not calling you after the invasion!" Nadile hugs her tightly, but she controls herself, she doesn't want to hurt her, Kayla stays silent and finally hugs her back.

    "No problem, I didn't call you either, I'm sorry, I thought you were far from the affected area and I didn't want to bother you, I already read your article" The black haired woman searches her handbag for something, until she takes it out, it was a VHS tape with the title of Phantasm "I brought you a surprise!"

    Nadile's jaw dropped “but how did you get it!? The only VHS store in the world that still exists must be across town!”

    "Ehh I found another store, maybe another day I'll show it to you, I'm hungry, shall we cook now?" her girlfriend nods, now in the kitchen shoulder to shoulder, Nadile and Kayla cooked together, passing ingredients as the food heated up, touching and kissing until Nadile saw Kayla's scarf "why don't you take it off?"

    "Oh yes, I had forgotten" Kayla takes it off and throws it on the sofa "my throat hurts a little" the brunette smiles, there were some small marks on her neck, Nadile sees them "don't worry, they are for the new uniform, I'll have to ask someone to fix it” he replied immediately.

    "My throat hurts too, I think I have a cough, let's try not to talk too much"

    "That won't be a problem" he takes Nadile by the shoulder, bringing their faces closer, sealing their mouths, after a hard day for both of them, they hold each other's shoulders, plunging their tongues deep into their girlfriend's mouth, tongues curled holding the kiss for several seconds, this was not a dominance fight, Nadile and Kayla take turns pressing their lips together and thrusting their sexy girlfriend's tongue into the hot, wet space.

    They parted reluctantly due to hunger, they ate on the sofa watching the VHS, the mischievous looks of both were a harbinger of how that night was going to end, they washed dishes, went to the bathroom, brushed their teeth and finally undressed.

    Their breasts pointed at each other, nipple by nipple, each one grabbed the other's biceps, sharing a smile, they kissed again, Nadile was impatient but her girlfriend too, pushing each other they fell on the bed without separating their mouths, the dark haired on the blonde their breasts pressed against their slim stomachs and what they most desired, their wet pussy lips pressed at last, Kayla moved over her girlfriend with her hands on the bed she spread their hungry mouths, Nadile reached out her hands to grab every cheek of her girlfriend's ass, the bed began to squeak with Kayla's pelvic thrusts.

    Her girlfriend was helping her with her thrusts, with her powerful thrusts, each one gasping from the grinding of their hard clitorises, each one wanted fucking his girlfriend until exhaustion, their breasts also rubbed against each other.

    The view is beautiful in the dark room, the expression of love and lust between the bodies of two lovers in the enjoyment of merging genitals, their bodies moving, joining in various positions, from eating each other's pussies, sinking their fingers in burning vaginas and tight asses, with kisses full of passion and lust. The sweat glistened on both bodies together with their love juices.

    In that sweet dance, Nadile was just an actress, an expert in controlling her body, in faking panting, sweating and even forcing her pussy to have a fake orgasm; it was something she controlled perfectly. A lustful performance for the enjoyment of her partner, for Nadile happiness is to share lust with her, a false.

    The blonde kneaded and squeezed Kayla's ass, she was begging to grab these cheeks with all the strength of her body, drive her clit into her fiery hole, free her clit from the bonds, and crush it face to face with a big hard clit. The image of a warrior appears with blue lines, riding her body, that rival possessing a worthy body, worthy of battle, it was a dream or a nightmare, the blonde opens her eyes with shame, how could she change Kayla for that bitch of Metztli?

    It was time, raising her hips and taking a breath, she lets out a cry
    “OHHH YEAH!!”
    As real as her broken soul could convey, her girlfriend trembled until she felt Nadile's fake cum, it was an almost cold cum and so dry, Kayla pressing her forehead finally breaks.
    “OHHHHH GOD!!”
    Nadile's recessive cunt receives a cold cum and short, the brunette collapses on the blonde.

    Panting side by side, both women gloriously naked face to face as they caress each other, the blonde saw that satisfied face of her woman, that would be enough for her, that alone would perhaps be enough light in this gloom of chastity, this miserable torture, his sexual hell.

    Kayla runs her fingers down Nadile's cheek. "Did you like it?" the words came out of the black haired girl with a pleading look, Nadile holding her hand.

    "Of course yes! You are my best fuck!” her look was serious, Kayla smiles and kisses her, both hugging. The heroine falls fast asleep, both sleeping all night, the next day in the morning her girlfriend's cell phone would ring.

    The naked black-haired woman gets out of bed and takes her cell phone, she makes sure that Nadile is asleep as she walks to the living room, answers the phone, the voice on the other end was guttural but at the same time very hot, it was Tala calling from a phone booth "I'm sorry I had to lie to you, but with those heroines interrupting the ritual, it wasn't going to work."

    The black haired girl only remains silent while she looks at herself in the large mirror in the room, the marks on her neck bring back a bitter memory.

    "Look I understand that it bothers you that you couldn't beat that fucking heroine, but you should have seen her on the ground. She looked so pathetic, an unknown villain left on the ground the strongest superhero in the world you will win the next fight, Metztli"

    Front of the mirror the image of that sexy coffee pot had disappeared, there was only the female figure of a toned and curvy body, clenching her fist, with longer black hair, with blue lines running down her cheeks with tips of her blue hair, Kayla had had to control this figure but remembering her opponent she couldn't take it anymore "I swear next time, you won't be so lucky Sunswoman, dirty traitor hybrid" Tala on the other side of the line just hung up, she no had more coins for the phone.

    For a few seconds Kayla looked at her beautiful body in the mirror, she admitted that the blonde was sexy but she was much better, she was sure of that. The door of the room she shares with her girlfriend opens, frightened she returns to the form of a waitress, nadile comes out with a wide shirt covering her body, she would be yawning "what are you doing up so early and why are you out there naked?

    “ehh a surprise breakfast?” she says as she looks to the sides, Nadile just nods as she sits at the table until finally murmuring sleepily "I want pancakes, I want pancakes" hitting the table rhythmically, that causes a smile in her girlfriend.

    Preparing breakfast, leaving her bare back in view of her sleepy girlfriend but the horror writer could n't think of her partner, she swore to herself that next time she was going to defeat Metztli.

    Breakfast already served, both women on one side of the table, eating while smiling at each other, smiles still lustful, a hunger that they have been unable to satisfy for years. The legs of the writer and the waitress extend caressing the naked pussy of the other, not knowing that their fake moans were going to be real, in the future the body of the supervillain and the superhero, they were going to form a mass of writhing bodies and fucking, in search of absolute domination.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus9 View Post
    So both Nadile and Yukon have met a rival worthy of them?? Can't wait to read more, take your time with writing it, no stress
    oh yes powerful rivals, although the protagonists are Nadile and Metztli, at some point there will be an individual story for the humans

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by kingofdapirates1 View Post
    Very very much enjoying this. Superheros and their rivals, such a good combo. Your writing is fantastic and the mystery and designs are great. Can’t wait for more.
    Thank you very much for your comment, you are the great teacher of tension and relationships, another inspiration for me.

    Thank you for valuing the theme of the mystery, I hope that some people may like that plot

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: The sex twilight

    What a tease! Just moments away from getting really crazy and they are interrupted! Thank you for the upload!

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