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Thread: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

  1. #41
    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    I always liked scenes like "vignettes" that's why I love Duranna.

  2. #42
    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    This is still so hot, I re-read it and came again!

    I hope there's still more fourway fuck action to come, it'd be amazing if they kept swapping positions so they all got a chance to lock up with each other in the fourway fuck. And then maybe they end up fighting while both paired cunt to cunt, similar to Desert Duels.

    I just love that position so much, two scissored pairs joining together to combine into a fourway. Holy shit it's out of this world

    - - - Updated - - -

    Omg - I just realised it's be insane if they started wrestling for top while joined in the fourway.

    Like, let's say Inge and Conchita are scissoring on top of Tana and Rakara, who are also scissoring. But Tana and Rakara don't want to be on the bottom, so they roll all four of them over!

    Then Inge and Conchita decide they want to re-take the top, so they roll them all over again!

    Going back and forth, both pairs tryna come out on top!

    Jungle Queens!
    Jungle Queens!

    Maybe the flipping gets so wild they end up switching partners? So now Inge is scissoring Rakara, on top of Tana and Conchita! So now the alliances switch!!!

    Holy fuuuuuuck

  3. #43
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Here is the conclusion of the story and a few short epilogues. I hope you've all enjoyed this story as much I enjoyed writing it.


    Part IX:

    The morning sun rose on the incredible sight of four perfect female bodies, soaked in cum and sweat, tangled up in a voluptuous, sensuous pile of flesh. The women had covered each other in their ejaculations and secretions, they had licked and sucked, eaten and tasted, rubbed and ground every inch of their bodies together. They had given each other exquisite pleasure and finally succeeded in draining each other of their sexual stamina.

    Inge slowly awoke. There was a pressure in her mind, a feeling that someone was calling her, pushing her back to consciousness despite the physical exhaustion of her body. She blinked up at the jungle canopy, lit on fire by the rapidly rising sun. She realized that she had felt this feeling before. The voice was the same one that had awakened her years before, when she and Sheena, her jungle queen rival, had fucked each other to exhaustion. The voice had awoken her and given her the opportunity to leave before Sheena could recover. Inge realized the voice was doing the same thing now. Whatever the goddess Ura had wanted from them, she now had. It was time for Inge and Conchita to leave.

    Inge realized she was under the pile of perfect, womanly flesh. She looked to her left directly into Tana’s fragrant, hairy, cum-slicked twat. It was easy to see what she had been doing before she passed out. On her left, Rakara was draped across her body. The redhead’s right leg was twined in Inge’s left leg, her hand was resting on Inge’s massive left tit. The redhead’s gorgeous face was only centimeters from Inge’s face. Conchita was resting on Rakara, her head nestled in the curve of the redhead’s hip, facing down the woman’s body. Conchita’s arm was between Rakara’s legs. It looked like she may have been tonguing the cavewoman’s asshole before she passed out in bliss and tiredness. Tana’s head was resting on Inge’s crotch, her lips just a whisper from kissing Inge’s cunt lips.

    Slowly, carefully, Inge disentangled herself from the other women. Tana and Rakara murmured and shifted a bit as Inge pushed their limbs and bodies aside, but they stayed asleep. When she was able to stand, Inge carefully stepped over Rakara’s body and reached down to shake Conchita awake. The Spanish jungle woman opened her bleary eyes, but her gaze soon sharpened as she looked up at Inge and her memory came back.

    “We have to leave,” Inge whispered to her partner and rival. “The goddess woke me. Our mission here is done. It’s time to go back.”

    Conchita nodded and got slowly to her feet. Both jungle queens felt hungry and dehydrated and a little unsteady on their feet. Their pussies and breasts were sore and marked with the imprints of hands and teeth, but they did not waste any time. Quickly, Inge and Conchita recovered their bikinis and knives. Holding their meager clothing and weapons, not bothering to dress, the naked goddesses retreated into the forest, leaving their beautiful rivals and fuck partners behind.

    For the first time in hours, Inge touched the pendant hanging on her neck. It seemed inactive. Perhaps the intelligence guiding them knew that they were experienced trackers and travelers and needed no help in getting back to the place where they had entered this time. Still, Inge could feel a sense of watchfulness. The pendant might be inactive but the mind operating through it was still present.

    Inge and Conchita paused at the pool where they had first stopped and quenched their thirst. They bathed, scrubbing off the dried cum and sweat crusting their bodies. In the humid heat, it would take some time for them to dry off, so they tied on their bikinis anyway and quickly resumed their nude march through the forest.

    After walking another 30 minutes, they came up to the place where the portal had opened into this time. For a moment, Inge was a bit concerned. When she had traveled to Africa to fuckfight Sheena, the portal was located inside another altar similar to the one in the abandoned city in her home jungle. In this place, the portal had appeared in mid-air and there was no guarantee that it would open for them again. However, as they approached the spot, the women’s medallions began to glow. A shimmer appeared in the air, the hints of the portal, but it needed more to activate it.

    Conchita smiled as she turned to Inge. The blonde woman returned the grin. They both knew what they needed to do. Conchita walked up to Inge and placed her hands on the blonde’s powerful shoulders. Inge wrapped her arms around the brunette’s muscular back. They pulled each other in, sighing with pleasure as their massive tits mated, the thick meat crushing and throbbing, their nipples hardening into brown, pulsing rods. The women’s tongues slid together then descended into a ravenous kiss. Their hard, bare bellies slapped, then undulated as they rocked their hips and rubbed their nearly nude, voluptuous bodies together.

    As their lust grew, the rip in the fabric of space and time expanded, glowing and growing, until they could see through to the other side and the familiar room in the abandoned temple from which they had left.

    Conchita and Inge reluctantly broke off their kiss, taking turns to suck the other’s tongue before they disengaged.

    “When we get to the other side, I’m going to fuck you dry,” Conchita whispered in Inge’s ear.

    “I’m going to ride you into the ground, fucker,” Inge breathed. “This place has made me really horny and I want a nice cunt to grind, meat to meat.”

    The jungle queens kissed again, taking turns sucking the other’s tongue and sharing hot spit. Then, hand in hand, they walked through the portal back to their own place and time.

    Shortly after Inge and Conchita retreated into the forest, Rakara and Tana returned to consciousness. The naked women looked around and then at each other, their beautiful eyes flaring with hate and rage.

    “Those bitches are gone!” Tana cried.

    “Obviously, you stupid slut,” Rakara snapped. “Does this mean they beat us?”

    “It means they recovered before we did and got the fuck out of here,” Tana snarled, her gorgeous face twisted in anger. In her mind, this meant she and her rival had, indeed, been defeated. “You stupid whore!” Tana cried. “This is your fault!”

    “My fault?” the redhead growled. “How is this my fault?”

    “You could not keep up your end of the fight! You kept getting fucked out your mind!”

    “You bitch!” Rakara shouted. “I carried you for most of the night! You and your pathetic cunt and tits aren’t good for anything except spraying cum all over everything!”

    “You fucked me for most of the night, you slut! Do you think I couldn’t tell when it was your clit grinding on my clit or your mouth sucking my tits or your tongue in my mouth?! You didn’t miss a chance to stick your tongue up my ass instead of going after those bitches!”

    The naked, gorgeous women got to their feet and approached each other, both intent on fighting it out in that moment. Their shared hatred was more intense than ever, fueled now by their need to blame the other for losing their battle with their rivals.
    Rakara and Tana sank their fingers into the other’s mane and pulled viciously. Their bare feet pounded the dry earth as they yanked each other around the clearing, screaming and hissing in rage and pain.

    “Fucking cow!”

    “Dirty slut!”

    The women finally disengaged and stood a few meters apart, facing each other, their incredible nude bodies on fire, their massive tits heaving with their enraged pants. Rakara wanted to tear the blonde bitch apart, she wanted to make her rival eat her delicious pussy in submission. Tana’s eyes burned with anger and humiliation. It was bad enough losing a fuckfight to two bitch strangers, now she had to endure insults from this redheaded whore!

    “Fuck this!” Rakara suddenly exclaimed. She dropped her fighting stance and began racing around the clearing, grabbing the scraps of fur that made her bikini and tying them onto her lush body. Her top stretched horizontally across the middle of her massive tits, enough to barely cover her nipples and held in place by the tension of her tits pushing out. Her thong cupped her pussy tightly, but could not completely cover the thick red bush that tufted over the lip of the loincloth. She grabbed her spear.

    “What are you doing?” Tana asked, her blood still boiling.

    “I’m not letting those bitches get away!” Rakara snarled. “They can’t have gotten far. If they think this is over, they’re wrong. We can catch them and fuck their brains out!”

    Tana raced for her meager clothing and her spear. In moments, the two cavewomen were running through the jungle, their powerful muscles churning, following the clear path left behind by their enemies, their blood burning with hate and no small amount of lust.

    Within half an hour, the two women came up to the hill where the space-time portal opened. There was a strange smell in the air that neither could identify.

    Rakara looked at the ground. There were clear signs of Inge and Conchita’s bare feet in the grass, standing side by side. Then, they were gone. Tana kneeled at the spot, examining it carefully, then looked around. She could track as well as Rakara and they both understood that what they were seeing made no sense. There were no trees nearby into which their rivals could have climbed, no sign of jumping or running. Their prints simply stopped.

    “What the fuck is this?” Tana asked.

    “Look around,” Rakara replied. “Maybe we’ll find some other clues.”

    No sooner did she say this that both women’s attention was drawn to a distinct “clack” sound from the edge of the clearing. They looked and saw a rectangular wooden chest beneath a tree. Rakara and Tana looked at each other. They had not seen the chest before. Both were certain it had not been there a moment ago. They approached the strange object carefully. As they drew near, the lid of the chest slowly opened. Inside were two necklaces attached to round, flat pendants. The pendants were each about an inch in diameter and marked with ornate symbols that looked familiar.

    “These are the same kind of necklaces those cunts were wearing!” Tana exclaimed.

    “Yes,” Rakara nodded. “I think we’re supposed to put them on.”

    The two cavewomen looked at each other fearfully. Up until now, everything they had experienced over the past day and a half had fit well within their experience. Now, however, strange things were happening and their natural superstitions were coming to the fore. As their fear started to build, something else happened.

    Rakara gasped as her pussy suddenly grew hot and wet. It throbbed with sexual tension and pleasure, her clit distending as it filled with a surge of blood. In Rakara’s mind, she felt the clear promise of unbearable sexual pleasure, if she just put on the necklace. For a woman as erotically charged as the redhead, it was an offer she would not even try to resist.

    Rakara turned her heated gaze to Tana and was not surprised to see the look of pure sexual desire and pleasure lighting the blonde woman’s beautiful face. Like Rakara, Tana had felt a powerful erotic charge in her nether regions, a charge that now filled her entire voluptuous body with fire.

    The cavewomen glared at each other, pure lust competing with mutual hate. They slowly approached each other, the promise of sexual ecstasy to be found between the legs of the other woman drawing them in. Tana and Rakara reached out and intertwined their fingers, shuddering as their bare flesh came together. They pushed hard and moved closer, the tips of their swollen nipples reaching for each other through the thin layers of their miniscule bikini tops.

    “Gods, I’m going to fuck your brains out, you sow,” Rakara breathed, her eyes shining with lust.

    “Fuck you. I’m going to ride your cunt raw, fucker,” Tana moaned in reply.

    The women drew closer and closer, their lips opened, their hot, panting breath mixed. They slowly moved in for a ravenous kiss, their tits a hair’s breadth away from mating. Then the medallions in the box began to chime, a low, pleasant ring.

    Rakara and Tana started, releasing each other’s hands as the sexual trance broke.

    The women approached the box. Rakara reached in and took one of the pendants; Tana took another. The moment the pendants left the box, the lid closed firmly. The women stared at the metal disks. A powerful compulsion ran through them. In unison, they placed the necklaces around their necks. The moment the emblems settled between the women’s deep cleavages, a flood of information flowed into Rakara’s and Tana’s minds.

    In an instant, they understood that the power communicating with them was the goddess Ura, that Inge and Conchita were women from another time and place, and that they had come back into the past on a specific mission for the goddess: to engage Rakara and Tana in the epic fuckfight they had just concluded. Tana and Rakara were not sure why the goddess had done this but gleaned a vague sense that the sexual battle empowered her in some important way. Now it was over and they did not need to fight anymore.

    “Please,” Tana murmured, “please, give us the chance…we can give you so much more, just let us fuck those bitches some more…”

    “Yes,” Rakara moaned. “Yes, please, give us the chance…”

    The cavewomen did not know what would happen next. Through the haze of their own erotic thirst and the effect on their minds of so much sudden knowledge, they had the feeling that the goddess was considering their pleas.

    Where Inge’s and Conchita’s footsteps had stopped, there appeared a rip in the air, a shimmering haze that could have been just heat but quickly became stronger, darker, and soon a tear that opened onto another world, another time. The cavewomen moved forward, too fascinated and enthralled by the sight to feel any fear. When they stood close, they could see to the other side. What they saw made them smile and exchange fiery grins.

    Rakara took Tana’s hand. They squeezed hard, testing the other’s strength. They did not bother with their spears. Wearing only their makeshift bikinis, the two gloriously voluptuous and beautiful savage women stepped into the portal together. The light flashed and closed behind them and quiet descended on the early morning forest. Silently, without anyone to see, the mysterious box vanished.

    Inge and Conchita moaned in ecstasy. They were naked, slick with sweat, and scissor-locked, their burning pudenda joined and sealed pussy lips to lips. Their engorged clits worked feverishly, stroking and thrusting, sending shockwaves of aching pleasure radiating through their exquisite bodies. The jungle women were tit to tit, grinding hard, feeding each other all the erotic stimulation they could manage, riding each other towards an excruciatingly intense orgasm. Their eyes were locked in a feverish gaze, both completely absorbed in giving and taking all the fucking they could endure.

    When they had crossed back into the temple chamber, the women sensed that they had returned at almost the moment they had left. They wasted no time. Conchita eagerly stripped off her bikini; Inge did the same. Wearing only their medallions, the jungle goddesses closed on each other. They caressed naked flesh and firm, thick tits. They slipped questing fingers down between the other’s legs, massaging and probing, stroking pulsating clits until they moaned in sexual agony, needing to fuck so desperately they could not control themselves. They wrapped their arms around naked bodies and slid to the ground and spread their legs. Hot, wet fuckmeat slapped to fuckmeat and the ravenously aroused jungle goddesses fucked furiously, their moans and cries of pleasure echoing through the cavernous space.

    Inge and Conchita did not notice when the light from the portal flared. They were too focused on each other. A few minutes later, their bodies reached the peak of what they could endure. The two women shrieked like banshees as they came into each other, over and over, cumming and cumming, pumping each other full of hot ejaculate, their sealed nipples exploding as they struggled to contain rivers of nipple cum. They fell on their backs and writhed uncontrollably, hips bucking, moaning and gasping as they gave each other the delicious pleasure they had come to expect, to need, from the other’s juicy cunt and incredible body.

    Slick with sweat, the meaty intersection of their lush bodies creamed with ejaculate, the two women lay panting, recovering their strength. Their lush tits jiggled with each pant, their perfect flesh gleamed in the glow of the portal and the light from the moon, filtering in from the night sky above.

    “So, you bitches thought you could just fuck us and leave, hm?”

    Inge and Conchita started, both sitting up, gasping as they recognized Rakara and Tana. The cavewomen stood just at the edge of the altar, looking down on the sex-slimed jungle women. Inge and Conchita glanced at each other and smiled. Their loins grew hotter, thicker as their bodies readied themselves to resume the epic fuckfight they thought they had left far behind.

    Inge and Conchita slowly separated, their hungry, wet twats sucking apart in a gush of cum. They did not bother getting up. Instead, the jungle women turned on their asses to face the altar, spread their thighs wide and offered their red, hot cunts to the cavewomen in challenge.

    “I think this is what you’ve come for, sluts,” Conchita purred, smiling lasciviously in the light of the moon.

    “You whores made a mistake coming after us,” Inge continued. “We were happy to just leave you two behind, covered in cum. But you couldn’t let things rest. Now, you’re not leaving here until our cunts eat yours alive.”

    Rakara and Tana exchanged looks of raging lust and pure sexual hunger. Their bodies were burning with need. Despite all the incredible fucking they had given and taken from these women over the past many hours, it was as if their lust had never been quenched. This must be a gift from the goddess, Tana thought.

    Slowly, seductively, Tana and Rakara removed their straining bikini tops. Their massive, perfect tits bounced free and jiggled enticingly, growing thicker and firmer with every moment. Their brown nipples flared into fleshy spikes. Smiling viciously, the beautiful cavewomen slipped off their tiny loincloths that barely contained their thick, meaty pudenda.

    Inge and Conchita fixed their gazes on their opponents’ juicy cunts and licked their lips in anticipation. They had spent hours eating and grinding those luscious genitals and now they wanted more, much more.

    The naked cavewomen descended from the altar and approached the jungle queens. They sat on their muscular, perfect asses and spread their legs wide, presenting their throbbing cunts, ready for combat. All four nude women smiled wildly, pure animal lust lighting their eyes, burning through every cell in their voluptuous bodies.

    Rakara and Tana slid forward to scissor with their rivals. Rakara lined up with Conchita, Tana chose to align her throbbing cunt with Inge’s once again. The blondes smiled at each other savagely, both glad to renew their rivalry. Rakara and Conchita grinned, their eyes locked in feverish lust. The cavewomen stopped an inch from their juicy fuckmeat crushing and merging with that of their enemies. The women felt the intense heat pouring off their genitals, combining to form a raging furnace between their legs. Soon, they would come together and begin destroying each other with raw, unbearable sexual ecstasy.

    “This time, we don’t stop until we all know who are the best women here. Agreed?” Inge purred.

    “Absolutely,” Tana panted. “We came all this way to make sure that we fuck you two whores until your cunts are raw meat. We won’t leave until we destroy you.”

    Rakara smiled. “We’re not letting you go until you beg us to stop fucking you.”

    “You dirty whores made the worst mistakes of your lives,” Conchita hissed. “We’re going to fuck you raw then throw your fat asses back across that portal.”

    “No more talk, cunt,” Rakara snapped. “Let’s fuck!”

    Conchita closed the final distance between their hungry twats. Her fuckmeat slapped into Rakara’s eager cunt with a wet, thick slap. Their fat pussy lips pressed and fused, sizzling with heat. Their vaginas opened like meaty flowers and their swollen clits emerged like fleshy spears, meeting head to head. A shockwave of pure ecstasy radiated from their locked clits and the women threw back their heads to shriek in joy.

    Beside them, Tana and Inge locked up, cunt to cunt, clit to clit. All four women screamed and grunted as their bodies went to war, side by side. Inge reached out and grabbed Rakara’s head, pulling the redhead to her and shoving her tongue into the woman’s mouth. Conchita forced her way in and so did Tana. For a time, all four women shared bites, kisses and thrusting tongues, even as their hips worked their clits against their one particular rival. Inge and Tana rubbed tits, biting and cursing, occasionally taking a moment to bite or claw at the other women next to them. Conchita and Rakara did the same. All four luscious bodies fed each other’s heat, their hips and thighs touching and tangling even as they fucked other women. The women fell onto their backs and worked their hips and asses, grinding and fucking relentlessly. Their screams and gasps of pleasure echoed through the massive chamber.

    Inge reached for Conchita, who was writhing and bucking beside her, and pulled the Spanish woman into a hot, thick kiss. Conchita instantly returned it. As the jungle women’s lower bodies fucked the cavewomen’s cunts, Inge and Conchita pleasured each other, letting their mutual erotic stimulation feed their sexual power. Tana realized what their rivals were doing and reached out to pull Rakara to her. The redhead and the blonde cavewomen hated each other, but they would not be outdone in this contest of sexual superiority.

    Bucking, grinding, heaving, the women fucked and fucked and fucked. Their shrieks of ecstatic competition filled the temple chamber and tore through the jungle. After a half hour of grinding ecstasy, the women screamed in sexual bliss, all reaching their climaxes at the same moment. They took only a short time to recover, then started again, changing partners, Inge against Rakara, Conchita fucking Tana. The women knew it was just a matter of time before they all fell into another intense orgy, all of them fucking each other. This time they would keep going until they could not go on, no matter how long it took.


    Three nights and three days later, the sublime orgy fight finally came to a conclusion. Late in the afternoon of the third day, the four perfect, savage women succeeded in completely draining and exhausting each other, fucking each other senseless. All too spent to move, they collapsed in a tangled, erotic heap of naked flesh and lay twined together, passed out, their sweat mixing, their bodies spent, their senses overwhelmed by the pure, unbearable pleasure they had given to each other.

    In another dimension, the great goddess Ura smiled. She felt sated, powered with more sexual energy than she had accessed in a very long time. The four women she had brought together had served her purposes even more admirably than she had expected.
    She gestured and the medallions around the necks of Rakara and Tana began to glow. The cavewomen’s bodies disentangled from the jungle queens then floated off the ground and toward the portal that had opened within the altar. Ura returned Rakara and Tana to their place and time, placing them gently on the ground next to their discarded spears, returning them only a moment after they had left.

    Inge and Conchita remained unconscious, tangled up on the floor of the temple chamber. Ura smiled down on them. The jungle women had proven to be two of her most diligent disciples, however inadvertently. She had been experimenting with using portals to bring together women from times and places who could best serve her purpose of creating and expending huge amounts of sexual power. The goddess sat back in her celestial chair and smiled and contemplated who else, of her many disciples, did she want to bring together in sexual warfare?

    Ura gave her followers one final gift. She blew a kiss of erotic energy and watched the power fill the four women, restoring them.

    Epilogue II:

    On the temple floor, Inge and Conchita came awake. They looked around, realizing that Rakara and Tana were gone.

    “Did those bitches beat us?” Conchita asked, her voice reflecting her irritation.

    “I don’t think so,” Inge replied, pointing to some scraps of cloth on the steps leading to the altar. They were the fur that made up the cavewomen’s bikinis. For the other women to have left naked suggested they were carried out of the temple.

    “I think that the goddess just sent them home, naked.”

    Conchita stretched out beside Inge, raising her hands over her head, arching her back like a cat. Her perfect body gleamed, streaked with sweat and cum, but unbelievably beautiful and desirable. Her massive tits jiggled deliciously as her muscles tensed.

    “Fuck, that was good. That was so, so good.” She smiled, her eyes lit with the memory of all she and Inge had done with the cavewomen, of the intense pleasure they had shared.

    “It was,” Inge agreed. “Those bitches were really incredible.” She looked at Conchita, her eyes glowing with growing lust. She touched the medallion hanging around her neck. “You know, with these things, we can go back whenever we want and fuck those cunts again.”

    “Yes,” Conchita agreed. “Now that we understand how the altar works, we may be able to control it. I still think we’ll need the goddess’ permission to do that.”

    “Maybe,” Inge smiled. “But I don’t think that will be hard to get.”

    Carefully, Inge rolled on top of Conchita. The Spanish woman did not resist. She wrapped her arms and then her legs around Inge’s lush body and signed in pleasure.

    “If we’re going to take on those two bitches again,” Inge murmured, “I think we should get in some more practice.”

    Conchita smiled and spread her legs wide. Inge slipped in and the two women moaned in bliss as their dripping cunts sank into a juicy fuck kiss, as their hot clits connected.

    “Fuck, yes,” Conchita groaned. She pulled Inge into a deep kiss and began moving her hips in time to the other jungle queen’s thrusts.

    Epilogue III:

    In another time and place, Rakara and Tana awoke. They looked around and saw their discarded spears beside them.

    “Where is our clothing?” Rakara asked.

    “It doesn’t seem to be here,” Tana replied, after a moment of scanning the nearby ground.

    “Did those bitches throw us back here and keep our clothing as trophies?! Fuck!"

    Tana answered carefully. “I don’t think so. I have the feeling that we were touched by the goddess. I don’t think that anyone walked away from that fuckfight. We didn’t win but neither did they.”

    Rakara stook up and ran her hands down her voluptuous body. She was tattooed with hand and teethmarks. Her skin showed every sign of the sex marathon she and her rival had just been through. Strangely, she did not feel tired or even sore. If anything, her libido was already starting to pulse and throb as her thoughts returned to what she and the other three women had done to each other over the course of their epic fuckwar.

    “Those fucking cunts,” Rakara breathed.

    Tana stood as well and then noticed the ornate charm hanging from her neck. She held it up and regarded the pendant carefully. Thoughts and memories, a new kind of knowledge, stirred in the back of her mind. She could not yet make sense of all she now knew but she felt that it was just a matter of time before her mind processed and understood the information nested within it.

    “I think that these things can teach us a great deal, including how to cross over to the other side,” Tana said, jiggling her pendant.

    Rakara ran her fingers over the symbols covering her own pendant and shuddered as electricity seemed to flow into her head. She sensed the new knowledge too and, with it, new possibilities.

    “So you think we may be able to go back and give those cunts the fucking they deserve?”

    “I think that is possible. I think it’s what the goddess wants, too.” Tana’s eyes lit with lust. “I think that those cunts may come back for us.”

    Rakara walked up to Tana. The naked women regarded each other, their mutual desire building, their shared hate taking on a new life as their hungry bodies began to align.

    “You’re a stupid whore, Tana,” Rakara breathed, pushing her aching chest into the blonde’s matching rack. The women shuddered as their bodies merged, nipples burning into one, thick titflesh pulsing with heat.

    “You’re a fucking cunt, Rakara,” Tana murmured. She caressed the redhead’s hips and touched noses. Their hot breath mixed, their lips touched, feather light.

    “If we’re going to beat those bitches the next time they come, we need to work together,” Rakara whispered. Her lust was burning through her, filling her muscles with tension. She pushed her hips forward and delighted as she felt her thick mat of pubic hair touch and start to mesh with the fur between Tana’s legs.

    “Yes,” Tana agreed, as she wrapped her arms around Rakara’s waist and pulled the redhead hard into her body. “But we still need to settle things between us, first.”

    The women’s ravenous mouths snapped together in a savage kiss. In an instant, their hands buried themselves into the other woman’s thick mane. The two cavewomen strained against each other, their powerfully muscled bodies trembling as their limbs twined and locked. They fell to the ground, still kissing violently. Their arms and legs wrapped together and they began rolling and thrashing, grunting and gasping, as they resumed their relentless battle for sexual supremacy.

    The End

  4. #44
    Hostboard Member Miahb1's Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    JB, loved it, what a fantastic story and the ending is open for more, brilliant

  5. #45
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    Masterpiece. These four’s addictions to each other is so hot and compelling. I also can’t help but wonder what Ura has planned and why she wants all that energy.

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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    Thanks for all the comments! I'm glad this story has been as well-received as it has been. I had fun writing it. I've been wanting to get back to Tana and Rakara for ages - well over a decade, in fact - and I'm always happy to have the energy/inspiration to write another Inge/Conchita story. The last one was "Conchita vs. Martina" which was the end of 2020!

    I'm currently working on a new "Neverwhere" story that should be up soon- then back to the bane of my existence! (I won't mention which story that is!)

    I hope to bring Tana and Rakara back before too long.


  7. #47
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    In general, I’d say you’re right below King when it comes to writing great group matches.

  8. #48
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

  9. #49
    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    Omg, JB I just realised I forgot to comment on this after you'd uploaded the final parts.

    Suffice to say it was brilliant. I absolutely love how these four came together (quite literally, holy shit) to become something greater than the sum of their parts. This was truly wonderful storytelling, and lava-hot smut. I've read it again and again and again, enjoying it each time.

    I'm so glad you wrote this story, I'm sure it'll be one of the classics of the genre. Perhaps the first four-way clit battle ever? Hopefully not the last, either 😅

    Thank you so much. I absolutely love your writing.

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    Re: Jungle Queens vs. Cavewomen -by JB57

    Thanks very much, Elza! I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I enjoyed writing it.

    Currently, I've got two different stories on the go. One is another Neverwhere story featuring Allanar (from Duranna) and the Red Queen, Kil. I've written two parts of that but I don't plan to post it until it is done.

    The second is one I've just started and am pretty excited about. It's a sequel to Anubisx's great, recent story "Of Swords and Sex." I'm writing this with Anubis' blessing. I hope to make some progress on that over the next little while.

    Other than that, I've got the story that shall not be named and a new Latischa story on the back burner. I'm also contemplating another story taking place in the Kris universe, though not necessarily featuring her.

    I won't be doing any more four-way fights for a while, but I really appreciate that this story was so appreciated. It was fun to write and it got me back to the Cavewomen as well as Inge/Conchita, who are always a treat. Now that I've introduced the portals and the concept of cross time and space sexual warfare, all sorts of new possibilities have presented themselves. However, again, I won't be going much with this for a while.


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