Hey, everyone. So, I have finals coming up soon, so my break will be for another couple weeks but after that, I will start my next story, which I will call “Lusty Lives”. It will certainly be something. I was gonna do that Bruce Lee parody story like I said in my previous posts but this one will be very unique and almost like two totally different stories in one. Okay, that little update is out of the way. Now onto the real discussion. How much drama in a story is too much?

We all know why we read these stories but a decent amount of them have some genuine drama and compelling stories behind them. I feel the perfect example of this is, of course, the Maggie and Amber series. The love story between them, especially during their little spat between Maggie’s first fight with Bianca and the Library Gala was very compelling and well written. It made us read the story for more than just the sex. That being said, it never took the drama too far or overemphasized it to the point where it became distracting from the sex.

One example of a story that did just that and then some was a literotica story I read a few years ago whose name I forget. It’s about a man and his wife having a threeway relationship with the man’s best female friend. It was pretty hot and there was some genuine drama with the man and his rather shy, prudish wife coming out of her shell but towards the end it goes WAYYYYYY overboard. The wife tells the story of a lesbian experience with her old College roommate and her strict religious parents disapproving. She later finds out that her roommate also had similar parents and that the roommate killed herself after their encounter.

That was already too much drama but what happens next makes that look tame. The wife, out of guilt and grief, goes insane and tries to kill both her husband and their friend before killing herself. The story actually goes on after that, shoehorns in a political message about guns that is sure to alienate many readers and then the husband and friend go on to replace the wife with a nurse from the hospital. At that point, I was so taken out of the mood by the extreme change in tone and found that last part so tasteless that I stopped reading it.

So…Yeah. That right there I feel is the perfect example of too much drama in a story while I feel that Maggie and Amber is the perfect example of just the right amount. Another good example is Brandi’s Opus. For the most part, it’s a lighthearted series about the various shenanigans of our leading lady and her girlfriends but there is genuine drama when a few of those girlfriends have to leave her and she becomes depressed over it. Still, she never loses her lovable optimism and keeps moving forward.

That being said, most stories I’ve read here don’t bother with that kind of thing at all and are all about the fun. I love stories like that too. Bottomline, just do whatever works for you as a writer. I myself had some drama in my Cops and Robbers series, mostly in regards to Jasmine and Ben. I actually did consider having Ben die from his cancer but I felt that would be too sad and have too much drama for the story and I’m glad I did because he basically became Jasmine’s superpower in her more intense fights.

Don’t take this as a sign of what you can expect from Lusty Lives. There will be a little bit of drama in that one but it will be minimal. I just wanted to get your opinions on something while also giving you an update on what you can expect from me in the future. The story I work on after that will be the Bruce Lee Game of Death parody I talked about before and that one will be pure dumb fun from start to finish. Almost a comedy in its ridiculousness.