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Thread: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Post New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    To give a quick explanation, I wanted to write a series of one-shots, with lots of different focuses and dynamics, in many different settings, but then also try to build up to a ‘final’ sexfight in the background.

    You are more than welcome to skip this prologue and enjoy the Teacher x Teacher titfight, and each of the future stories I plan to write as standalones, or read the various snippets of background story as you please😊

    Series Prologue: The universe as a chessboard, and all life within as pawns.

    At the top of a white tower, surrounded by the endlessly surrounding cosmos, sat two women. Wearing veils to conceal their faces, and long, flowing garments, black and white respectively, the pair sat opposite one another, with a table in between.

    On the table was a chessboard that possessed a strange, otherworldly fascination. At one glance, it would seem to be nothing but a usual chess board with an 8x8 grid, yet, with another look, the board would seem to stretch on infinitely, as many squares as there are stars in the sky.

    The women, donned in black and white, were looking at the board with focus unconcealable even by their long veils.

    The board was simultaneously full of countless pawns, whilst also only possessing a pawn of each shade. As the board seemed to flicker between altering realities, these two pawns had met in the center of their paths, but, in a bizarre circumvention of the rules of chess, the two pieces had collided, forcing and struggling against each other.

    The women watched with bated breath, as the pawns ground and rubbed together, each trying to force the other back, before finally both ceased to move, seemingly failing to destroy the other.

    Sighs of disappointment echoed out in unison from the two women.

    “Looks like your eyes aren’t as good as you thought,” One of the women said dryly. Her words, despite being said in a monotone voice, seemed to contain a boundless charm that seemed to defy logic like the chessboard between them.

    “Strange…I was certain the little alchemy prodigy was top of her generation…” The other spoke with the disappointment of a parent whose child failed to live up to expectations yet her words also contained an endlessly cold apathy. “You were no doubt let down yourself though,” She continued, “And after all that boasting as well…”

    Piercing through their veils, eyes locked above the table. The pair, both done with talking, stretched their hands out above the chessboard. Fingers paused, still, like a fisherman waiting for a bite, before both women moved in synchrony, their fingers plucking two more pawns from out of thin air.

    Each pawn was placed down on its side of the board, and as though by magic, the two pawns began to move towards each other automatically, each woman leaning back onto her chair and crossing her arms in a display of pride and confidence.

    “Now let’s hope you don’t disappoint me…” Each woman murmured as the pawns arrived at the middle of the board, each blocking the other's path.

    Next to these soon-to-collide pawns, were the first set. This pair, whose battle had already ended, represented two young prodigies, Emma and Anna. Each ethereal beauty had been confident her choice of pawn would win, yet the result was a shameful mutual defeat.

    Yet whilst Anna and Emma were proved to be a disappointment, under the two pairs of eyes that could pierce through time and space, a battle between pawns began anew…


    Teacher vs Teacher

    Allana had always enjoyed attention, and she had never been without it.

    As a child, she was pretty and cute.

    As a teen, she was sexy and wild.

    As an adult, she was gorgeous and domineering in her beauty, putting to shame any to dare to compete with her.

    She had spent her school years showered in the attention of the students around her, and now, in her mid-twenties, she received no less, though now she stood above, rather than amongst the horny teenagers.

    As a teacher in a high school, naturally she wouldn’t dress overly slutty, she needed a job and wasn’t that desperate to draw eyes. The girls she taught, not yet having grown into their womanhood, already hated her enough, seething in bitter inferiority whenever they saw her.

    She did enjoy their envy though, as she strutted down the school corridors, her wavy brown hair flowing behind her. She could practically feel the spiteful and jealous stares digging into her tight, well-shaped ass, the scorching eyes comparing her bulging chest with their more modest assets.

    When writing on the whiteboard, her ‘appropriate’ dresses and skirts would be unable to cover her bubble butt, its almost divine shape clear as day to every student in her class, and her tits would threaten to pop out of any shirt she wore, just as her students’ eyes would seem to pop out their sockets when she walked by.

    She loved the attention and receiving it was as natural as breathing to Allana.

    Which would explain why she felt so short of breath when Selena arrived.

    With a firm, protruding ass that you could balance a wine glass on, and tits that seemed disproportionately perky when compared to their overflowing mass, Selena seemed to suck half the oxygen out of the school, leaving Allena extremely uncomfortable.

    Thankfully, Selena seemed to feel equally flustered, having been unaware that there would be such immediate and brutal competition at her new teaching job.

    It was a hard day for Allana, harder than her first day on the job. Watching the students who normally ogled at her, daydreaming about Selena instead, felt like being forced to drink vinegar. She knew she couldn’t survive this sudden deprivation of attention if she didn’t put the new teacher in her place. Even though she couldn’t pick out any flaws in Selena’s outfit, it being perfectly acceptable for a teacher, it still seemed so slutty in a way she couldn’t describe.

    She finally knew how all the envious little students felt towards her.

    Taking Selena down a peg and forcing her into wearing uglier outfits was naturally her number one priority. She didn’t feel threatened by the tall, busty, black-haired woman, but like a wolf approaching a lion, she wasn’t harmless enough to simply let slide. She had to resolve the situation before a small problem became a big problem.

    The school day having ended, her heeled shoes clicked and legs ‘hissed’ as her long, stocking-covered legs rubbed slightly under her brisk stride down the corridor. Her steps were not as fast as she would have liked due to the tight pencil skirt that seemed desperate to cling to her wide hips and plump ass.

    She jolted to a stop outside the staff room, however, meeting Selena, who had, rather awkwardly, dressed the same as her. It was likely this immediate and glaring similarity between them that had caused her feeling of discontent towards the other woman to consume her rapidly like a flash flood, after all, it had only been this morning that she was introduced to the other woman.

    The tension was immediately palpable in the air as the pair of equally matched beauties found their deep brown eyes locked together

    Both instantly broke out into tight, thin smiles as their voices spiked to a high pitch of false friendliness.

    “Selena, right?” Allena asked, forgoing any handshake to instead take a step toward the other woman. “I wasn’t aware you were joining the school; it was quite a surprise seeing you this morning.”

    “You must be Allana,” The black-haired beauty replied, matching the brunette’s step with one of her own, bringing the four tits into a sudden contact.

    The duo froze, shocked that their tits had actually met. Both had plenty of experience forcing others back through sheer momentum, so for the two pairs of breasts to touch was unexpected for both.

    Quickly recovering, however, Selena continued,

    “It was quite a surprise seeing you too, by the way,” She said, chuckling dryly. “I’ve never seen a teacher dressed like that before… You look great though.”

    Allana did not think for a single moment that her final words were anything but scornful as arrogance blazed from her new rival. Her fingers clenched around the whiteboard pen in her hand, as she tried not to let her temper flare.

    “Me neither,” She laughed coldly, “Comparison is the thief of joy, after all, and the ladies here know to avoid it.” Her eye flickered tauntingly at the other woman’s body, what little of it she could see passed their touching tits.

    “I noticed,” Selena smiled back, “You don’t seem to mind the comparison though, well done for not letting it get you.” The dark-haired beauty instantly shot back, returning tit-for-tat as she made no attempt to hide her leering gaze.

    Clenching her teeth, Allana took half a step forward, her large, shirt-covered mounds pressing into Selena,

    “Why would I mind?” She smirked, “Having a foil has actually been great, I’m so glad you’re here.” A lie, naturally, Selena’s very presence at the school made her feel nauseous, but she wouldn’t admit that.

    “Funny, I’ve been thinking the same thing,” Selena laughed out in harsh disbelief, taking a step toward to match Allana’s. Cleavage crushed together as both women tensed their legs to avoid getting forced back.

    “You think I’m making you look better?” Allana questioned mockingly, a hint of strain in her voice from keeping her back straight under Selena’s pressing advancement into her chest. “You are delusional if you think you look better than me!”

    “You’re the delusional one!” Selena shot back; her also voice not as relaxed as it was moments before. “My curves are sexier than yours, and my tits are bigger too, why wouldn’t I look better?”

    “Who cares if your tits are big if they sag like an old lady’s?” Allana groaned, forcing her forward as she spoke.

    Their warring chests had accumulated a layer of sweat, the white shirts growing transparent to reveal matching white bras containing the caramel-colored cleavage.

    “It’s those cow-tits of yours that sag,” Selena growled in response as she matched every bit of force from Allana with an equal demonstration of power in return.

    The furious duo hissed and growled as their proud mounds were squashed and flattened together. Both women had reached around their newfound nemesis’s back to hold themselves together, each interlocking her hands around her whiteboard pen as they cooperated to form a vicious bearhug. A white-stocking clad leg had slipped into each woman’s crotch as their legs tensed more and more, their toes clenched as though attempting to dig into the floor beneath them.

    Groans and hisses of pain and exertion continued to escape from their tight lips as the pair glared into the opposing brown eyes, mouths forcefully contorted into arrogant smirks.

    “How is it?” Selena questioned shakily, “To feel the tits of a real woman?”

    “You tell me,” Allana spat back, “You should appreciate it, you know? I haven’t let anyone get to second base so quickly in years.”

    “So you say, but you still smell like a slut,” Selena groaned, visibly trying to ignore the pain.

    Allana could definitely feel the pain too, no matter how little she wanted to admit it. The chest crush felt as though she were being flattened by a steamroller, Selena’s tanned tits seemed to cause more pain the more visible they became through her transparent white shirt. She had never experienced a woman so tenacious and committed to opposing her, never been strained to such an extent when intimidating others.

    “You look like you’re in pain,” Allana panted, feeling a bead of sweat rolling down her cheek, “Just stop dressing like such a bitch in my school, and you’ll never have a promise with me again.”

    She hated having to put the offer across. Whenever she had established the hierarchy with other women in the past, they had always crumbled under her aura, breaking down into a nervous heap of inferiority before she laid down her demands. Yet now, she hadn’t ever gotten an edge over Selena, but she was throwing her demands out there, fishing for a concession. It felt as though she were exposing her weakness just by suggesting this.

    “This stopped being your school the second I walked in,” Selena grunted back, perspiration visible on her forehead. “Stop dressing like the top bitch, know your place, and maybe I’ll let you dress up from time to time.”

    Before Allana could laugh at the suggestion, however, the sound of footsteps echoing down the hallway interrupted their feud.

    The pupils of the two women shrunk in shock as they quickly released their grips on the other, moving to pull their chests away. As they did so, however, both were met with resistance.

    Looking down in shock, Allana realized that two of the buttons on her shirt had caught together with two of Selena’s buttons. Their eyes locked together in surprise before warping into furious glares.

    The pair viciously ripped themselves apart.

    “I’m not done with you, bitch.” They hissed one another in hushed voices, before snarling at one another with white teeth exposed when they discovered their unexpected synchrony.

    “There are staff restrooms on the third floor no one likes to use,” Allana whispered, “How about we go up there to finish this?”

    “Great, there is no way I’m letting you off easy,” Selena spat back, bristling with rage like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

    The two stormed away from the staff room entrance, marching in lockstep towards the stairs, pressing into side boobs and ass cheeks together as they walked as if to compare whose extended further, the duo continuing to trade taunts and insults as they walked.

    “It was you who was let off easy, you slut.”

    “Shut your mouth, you whore, your cow udders have nothing on me.”

    “You belong in a nursing home, with tits as saggy as those, yet you dare to speak to me like that?”

    Back and back, and round and round, the two hurled insults at one another until each had expressed in every way possible that her tits were bigger, perkier, sexier and that the other’s meat-sacks were worth shit.

    By the time they arrived at the third-floor staff toilets, they were ready to tear each other apart, neither had ever felt such hatred for another woman in her life. Every second their bodies touched, and every moment they failed to prove themselves the better woman caused them to practically overflow with loathing and maddening rage at the other.

    “Fuck… You stupid cunt,” Allana screeched the second they arrived in the restroom and shut the door behind them. “I was going to let you off with being my precious little pet, but since you refuse to shut that mouth of yours, I’m going to make you my fucking dog. You’re going to crawl around these halls until I’m satisfied!”

    “Ha! You fucking whore,” Selena erupted in response, slamming herself into Allana and bringing her face in close. “You walked in here a teacher; you’re crawling out as my bitch. When I tell you to sit, you sit. When I tell you to bark, you fucking bark.”

    Hateful screams echoed around the walks as the pair smashed their bodies together, legs covered in white stocking coiling together and hands reached for hair in cruel grips. The two were hysterical as their spun and stumbled around the restroom, bumping into stall doors as their deranged images reflected in the mirror hissed and spat into each other’s faces.

    The pair were like the swinging desk ball toy in the principal’s office, a Newton’s Cradle. Allana would pull away, before smashing her fat tits into Selena’s pair, sending the other woman recoiling back, only for Selena to return with an equal amount of force, her powerful tit-flesh sending Allana recoiling in response, only for the cycle to begin again.

    The constant slapping sound of bountiful breasts bouncing reverberated around the room, with the pained groans and panted of the two women echoing out in unison with the increasingly painful slaps.

    Soon enough, the busty duo had synchronized their assaults, both slamming forward simultaneously to smash breasts together before all four massive mounds of meat were repelled by a painful equal and opposite force.

    “Urgh… You slut… Just give up…” Allana groaned, the constant clashes taking their toll on the bountiful brunette.

    “Mmnh… You bitch… Back down already…” Selena panted back, the price of the continuing battle no less severe for the black-haired beauty.

    Together the two pulled apart ready for yet another excruciating collision, their bedraggled reflections in the mirror atop the restroom sinks revealing how desperate they were to win. Each woman flushed bright red, with sweat and saliva dripping down their faces as their once neat hair tangled into sweaty knots, not unlike the stocking-covered legs of the dueling women.

    Both Allana and Selena were practically sat straddled on their enemy’s thigh, each fighter, whether willing or not, helping prop the other up so that they could continue to flatten their tits together.

    Pulling apart for the umpteenth time, however, their shirts finally burst apart, the buttons and threads having been tangled and yanked apart so many times that they finally could not endure anymore. Buttons flew around the restroom as caramel-colored tits, both pairs looking slightly red even with the protection of their bras.

    “Your shirt couldn’t take it anymore,” Selena laughed tiredly, “You’re next.”

    “Your shirt couldn’t either,” Allana spat back, “But I promise you, unlike our shirts, you’ll go down first.”

    “You’ll go down first, begging for mercy like the bitch you are,” The battered, but undaunted Selena prophesied.

    “In your dreams,” Allana hissed back. “Wearing the same bra as me doesn’t mean you’re tits are as sexy and as strong as mine.”

    “You’re the one wearing the same bra as me, thank you,” Selena said furiously, “And mine are sexier, and I can prove it.”

    Like this, she lowered her arms, letting her ripped shirt drop to the floor, before lifting her slender arms above her head, giving Allana a taunting and teasing look.

    Allana knew what she was being asked to do and reached around the woman’s sweaty frame to unhook her bra. This maneuver brought her face up against the bulging chest she had been struggling to squash.

    She couldn’t help but gulp in shock, feeling as though each burning hot mammary was the size of her head. As she unhooked the bra and pulled it gently off Selena’s protruding chest, she was hit with the slight smell of sweat from the woman’s overbearing mounds.

    Yet before she could recoil, Selena grabbed her head and pulled it into her deep valley. She flailed and struggled, trying to escape the suffocating cage of tit-flesh, but Selena had an iron grip, refusing to release her.

    Allana seemed to be drowning in her enemy’s chest, a surge of slightly salted flesh flooding her brain with the scent of sweat and sexuality.

    The more she struggled, however, the quicker she seemed to succumb to Selena’s caramel-colored cleavage, her resistance breaking down as the desire for air seemed to beat out her other thoughts.

    After what felt like an eternity, she was finally released. Collapsing to her knees as she desperately inhaled oxygen, too focused on breathing to notice the trail of fluids stretching out from her mouth and nose to Selena’s chest.

    She did notice Selena uncapping a whiteboard pen, and writing something on the bit of skin exposed above her bra.

    Glaring furiously at Selene whilst wiping the unwilling tears from her face, she slapped away her rival’s hand and shot to her feet to look into the mirror.

    As a teacher, she was by no means slow-witted, and she instantly saw what Selena had written on one of her breasts-


    “You must be very proud,” She spat, feeling anger boiling within, “But you haven’t seen my tits yet, and I’m sure you’d like to?”

    She wore a thin, menacing smile as she batted her eyelashes at the other woman, making no comment on the degrading words she had been branded with. Instead, discarding her shirt and lifting her arms as if to mimic Selena’s earlier movements.

    She made no attempt to hide what she was planning to do, but she still knew that Selena would have to take the bait, unless she were willing to be called a coward, that is.

    Sure enough, Selena steeled herself and leaned forward in the same manner that Allana did, her face nearing the breasts that seemed desperate to escape their confines. The moment she heard the ‘click’ of the bra’s clasp coming undone and gently pulled the lingerie from Allana’s protruding mounds, she quickly attempted to escape the sprung trap.

    Allana would never let that happen, however.

    Like a mouse caught in a trap, Selena was instantly smashed into Allana’s overbearing tit-meat by a vicious grip, her head submerged in the all-swallowing embrace of the brunette’s perky bust. Allana watched on in hateful scorn as Selena thrashed and bucked, her ass and legs twitched and flailing in panic, her pencil skirt getting hiked up as the woman was deprived of all oxygen.

    Only when the thrashes and moans subsided into pathetic gasps, did Allana finally let go of Selena, who had collapsed onto her ass. As the woman gasped for air and let out spluttering coughs, Allana, holding a whiteboard pen of her own, bent down to write a word of her own on Selena’s caramel skin.


    The same position as her own brand, as if taunting the other woman’s attempts to one-up her.

    Selena soon shot to her feet, her hair almost standing on end with rage.

    Allana finally had a chance to check out the other’s pair of tits, the obvious sway and bounce unmissable as Selena stood opposite her, huffing and puffing with her hands on her hips. Bordering on gigantic yet standing proudly without sagging, Selena’s tits were like dual mountain peaks, the valley between embarrassingly spattered with saliva and snot during her suffocation.

    Thick, cherry red nipples, the size of thumbs, pointing directly at her like spears. Almost reflexively, Allana gnashed her teeth together, the ravenous desire to crush the impertinent buds between her teeth swelling within her.

    The black-haired beauty seemed to be having similar ideas, as she flashed white teeth menacingly, her gaze fixated on Allana’s no less proud nipples.

    “You think you’re so clever, don’t you?” Selena hissed into the brunette’s face, taking a half step forward. “But imitation can only take you so far, and we both know you can’t copy these.”

    Removing her hands from her hips, she cupped her cleavage, lifting them as if to show them off, all whilst smirking at Allana.

    “Why would I want to copy those bitch-tits?” Allana laugh condescendingly, cupping her own bountiful mounds, the grandeur of her mountain range not diminished by Selena’s expulsions in the slightest. “You had your little ‘victory’ just now, but now the gloves are off now slut, and you’re not getting another.”

    Her nipples seemed to throb and thrum with fighting intent as she took a half-step of her own, the four sacks of tit-flesh separated only by the minuscule distance between the red buds adorning their caramel chests.

    “Oh, I’ll have as many victories as it takes for you to realize you’re not my match,” Selena growled, suddenly letting go of her breasts to instead grab hold of Allana’s.

    A moan was forced from her lips by Selena’s sudden offensive, an offensive she hurriedly matched, grabbing two handfuls of caramel cleavage, her fingers digging and gorging into her rival’s sensitive flesh.

    “As ever…” The brunette groaned, being groped and squeezed as though she were a cow, “All you can do is sneak attack…You weak bitch…”

    “Blaming me for you being slow…?” Selena moaned through clenched teeth, “It’s not my fault you have neither brains nor breasts… This is a war… you stupid slut…”

    Both women had arched their backs as if futilely trying to create distance from the pair of hands assaulting them, yet their lower halves were doing the opposite. As though drawn in by magnetic attraction, their navels were fixed together, crushing into each other with enough force to create indents, whilst their legs were grinding together with the friction to melt the white stockings they wore. Their pencil skirts had long since stopped serving their intended purpose, having been hiked up to their waist, exposing large ass cheeks that were no less protruding than their tits. The only thing the skirts were good for now, was holding their whiteboard pens whilst their hands were otherwise occupied.

    In response to her rival’s hateful, but painfully true words, Allana decided to seize the initiative. She directed her cruel claws to the other woman’s large, pink areola, spitefully squeezing them between her fingers and thumbs. This caused Selena’s fat nipples to stick out even more, their engorged forms almost touching her.

    They did touch, when Selena hastily copied her grip, painfully groping Allana’s breasts into the same shape. Her burning hot nipples were ‘pushed’ out towards Selena’s pair.

    Dual groans escaped from their lips as their sensitive, red cherry-like nipples were pressed together.

    “Fuck,” Selena spat, “You couldn’t wait to get your nipples bent back then?” She dragged Allana’s nipples against her own as she spoke, the burning nerve endings contained within her red nubs screaming out as she did so.

    “I couldn’t wait to bend those little nipples of yours,” Allana spat back, returning the gesture by tugging her enemy’s milkers into contact, viciously grinding them against her own.

    It was a strange battle, each woman seemingly wielding her rival’s flesh as a weapon rather than her own as they hissed and moaned into the space between their panting mouths in pained pleasure. Again and again, the nipples were dragged against each other, left and right, up and down, sending shivers down their spines, and causing their legs to twitch uncontrollably. Perhaps if not for their tangled legs working together to support them, the two would have already collapsed to the ground.

    Eyes locked in a hateful mutual glare, neither girl had the slightest spare attention to notice the trails of sticky liquid leaking from their panties onto the floor, both consumed by their destructive battle. Allana subjected herself to maximum pain and pleasure in order to force the same upon Selena, whilst Selena treated herself just as ruthlessly, determined to go to any length to win.

    Even if the mind was determined, the body had thoughts of its own, however, and suddenly, after one particularly filthy nipple-to-nipple contact, Selena’s caramel body jolted backward, a subconscious and uncontrollable attempt to escape. Because of their tangle of legs, she didn’t get far, but their cleavage connection was broken, provoking Allana’s scorn.

    “See, slut?” She taunted, “When you’re not sneak attacking, that’s all you can manage.” One of her hands callously crushed Selena’s nipple, whilst her other hand retrieved the whiteboard pen from her ‘waistband’ pencil skirt.

    Making sure to take in Selena’s expression of seething indignance and shame, she reached down to first add another mark to the tally on the woman’s upper thigh, just above her sweat-soaked stocking, before eying her rival’s body, inspecting it with appraising eyes for the best place to brand her.

    Despite her unwillingness, Selena let the inspection continue, she needed time to recover after her involuntary concession, taking deep breaths to attempt to calm her electrified tits as she doubled her determination to return any humiliation tenfold!

    Eventually, Allana decided which part of the loser’s body would be her canvas, the curve of her ribcage, just under the minuscule sag of her breast. There she wrote the word:


    Selena shuddered as she felt the word written on her skin, biting her lip in rage as she glared daggers at Allana.

    “Are you done, you fucking cunt?” Words filled with hatred and loathing ripped their way out of Selena’s voice box. “Because I’m not fucking done…”

    Allana didn’t even have time to wipe the smirk from her face before her enemy, burning with rage, resumed their cruel squeeze.

    She proved these words when she ground Allana’s nipples into a sudden and unexpected retreat minutes later, the brunette’s face contorted with surprise at her involuntary escape, as her red-raw nipples throbbed with stinging pain.

    “See, I told you,” Selena taunted as she marked Allana with a matched brand, “You think you’re better than me? Time to face reality, fucking cow tits.”

    “It’s two-two, you stupid slut,” Allana spat, “But you and your saggy sacks can brag as much as you want now because you’re not getting another chance.”

    Two pairs of hands reached to interlock with the opposing pair, before she leaned back, pulling their chests away, before cooperating to slam their bodies together.

    Nipples impaled each other as bountiful tit-flesh was forced apart, the valleys between their orbs colliding with a splat as saliva and sweat stuck together. The intertwined women grunted and gasped as their crushed themselves with enough force to shatter bone, their once overflowing cleavage being compressed and compacted as caramel flesh almost fused.

    Eventually, however, the increasingly pained tits had to escape from the cage of their own making, Allana’s left tit escaping to her left side, along with Selena’s right, whilst Selena’s left breast did the same, popping out from their crush to her left side, along with Allana’s right.

    Screams of hate erupted from the pair, echoing across the walls and between the stalls of the staff lavatory. Allana and Selena were both furious that her breasts had been smashed aside by the other pair.

    Each woman, as if by prior agreement, grabbed her left nipple and her enemy’s right in a malicious grip. Each hand tightened around the pair of fat, red nipples as though around the handlebars of a motorcycle in a competition to see who could not only cause the most pain but also withstand it.

    Once proud mammaries were flattened and stretched together and nipples twisted and crushed as pained groans escaped from their wet lips, the same lips that almost touched as their foreheads collided, both women bringing herself closer to her rival, glaring hatefully into the other’s eyes.

    Allana caught every flash of pain that passed through Selena’s eyes. Every grimace, every flinch, every suppressed whimper. Yet Allana couldn’t feel proud of these concessions because she felt as though she had become a mirror of flesh and blood, involuntarily reflecting every display of pain at Selena.

    They crashed to the ground, rolling again and again in a hissing heap as naked tit-flesh crushed naked tit-flesh, engorged, red nipples catching and bending on each other in an endless cycle of mutual barbarity.

    “CuntcuntcuntcuntcuntCUNT!” The pair screeched at each other in unison. The scent of sweat and sex filled the air, a passionate scent that should be produced by only the most intimate of lovers, yet in this high school bathroom, instead of star-crossed lovers, were two hatefully enemies wishing they could smother the other to death.

    Clenched teeth painfully collided, as their pink lips met, forcing each other apart as though in imitation of the caramel breasts. A ‘kiss’ just as filled with hate as the two women.

    “Noo… you… cunt… FUCK!” The two howled in one voice after a merciless crushing of nipples, suddenly pulling their upper bodies apart as though contact with the other would set their skin ablaze. Allana and Selena had both reached their breaking point with their sadistic and cruel game, the left and right nipples of both women feeling as though they were about to fall off.

    “You pulled back first, you slut,” Allana spat viciously, trying not to show any further signs of weakness.

    “Me?!” Selena hissed back, before continuing with hate-laced words, “It was you and your weak tits that couldn’t handle it.”

    Even as they blustered and taunted, however, neither could escape the infuriating reality that they had both relented simultaneously. Each faced with the bitter truth that she if had endured a moment longer it would have been her victory…Or could have been, if the other hadn’t also endured a moment longer.

    From the skirt that had been pushed up her waist, Allana retrieved the whiteboard pen, and, as if to forcibly denote her victory, uncapped it and began to write on Selena’s sweat-soaked chest once more. She grimaced when she realized that without missing a beat, her enemy was doing the same thing to her.

    Despite the fury and unwillingness that filled her, Allana didn’t slap the woman’s daring hand away, she suspected for the same reason that Selena wasn’t slapping hers away. Both were women of extreme pride, and whether they admitted it or not, both felt they deserved punishment for backing down during the mutual nipple torture.

    Together they twisted their caramel-toned upper bodies to inspect themselves in the mirror, where both Selena and Allana saw the word-


    -On the inside of their left breast.

    Their eyes locked together in a murderous stare through the mirror, as each woman took the initiative to mark a line of defeat on her own thigh.

    A horrendous, tense silence seemed to take hold of the pair as they continued to glare.

    Allana had never expected the situation to spiral to this extent. Never had she been so pressed by a rival, and despite everything she had been put through, Selena didn’t seem to be any closer to giving up. Though, even if Selena did give up, there was no way Allana would be able to simply let the new teacher go. A furious hellfire had built up inside Allana, and she desperately needed to vent it-

    No matter what!

    The look in Selena’s eyes told her that her rival felt the same.

    There would be no mercy for either of them!

    And Allana didn’t need, nor want mercy from the hateful bitch. If, -if- by some cosmic joke, she couldn’t put Selena in her place… if Selena proved herself to be the superior woman… Allana believed she would deserve whatever happened to her.

    “I’m going to put you in the ground, you disgusting bitch,” Allana spoke, her voice calm to the point of being unnerving.

    “You’ll never speak to me like that again,” Selena replied, not unnerved in the slightest, her voice eerily tranquil. “I’m going to abuse those tits of yours until you realize, you’re nothing but fuck meat.”

    The white stockings now ripped and torn; their intertwined legs tensed as they rotated themselves so they were face-to-face again. Breasts touching together softly, yet with a painful symmetry.

    “After today, forget being a teacher,” Allana whispered into Selena’s lips, “You’re not even going to be human.”

    “Dignity? Pride? Self-respect? Forget them all,” Selena whispered back, her sweet breath invading Allana’s mouth. “These words aren’t going to apply to you anymore.”

    The murderous atmosphere would have sent shivers down any onlooker’s spine if not for the fact that the enemies were two busty and beautiful women, pressing their naked and sweat-soaked bodies together.

    Suddenly, malice and ill-intent erupted from their eyes like lava from a volcano as two pairs of hands seized fistfuls of long black hair. The duo were yanked in the same direction, causing them to topple to the floor in a howling, hissing catball.

    Legs thrashed and kicked as the pair attempted to restrain the other. Sweat-soaked bodies slapped together again and again as tit-flesh met tit-flesh, the two women twisting and turning as they grappled for dominance over the other.

    Selena would take the dominant position, pressing down on Allana’s chest with her own until the brunette wailed in painful, unwilling pleasure, at which she would mark her rival’s skin with yet more obscene words, only for Allana to return the insult only moments later with a victory of her own.

    Whore, Sow, Cunt, Fucktoy, Cumdump, Cattle, Meat Toilet, Sex slave… Each woman was degraded more and more under the other assault, and their thighs became the canvas for a tally of losses each suffered, even if only temporarily.

    Rolling across the floor as though they were addicted soon marked five back-and-forth defeats, whilst the tenth tally was engraved simultaneously as both were suffocated in a mutual crush.

    Neither teacher had noticed that their crotches, still clad in matching white panties, had collided countless times, each contact causing the pair to squirt and ooze cum, leaving thick viscous trails of love juices connecting their overflowing cunts. Both were too consumed with hate and envy to notice how much pleasure the situation was causing them.





    The battle seemed endless as the busty beauties collided again and again, neither willing to give up until the other conceded defeat.

    Even after the sun had stopped shining into the third-floor toilets, sunlight replaced by the silver light of the moon, even after wins and losses had blurred into draw after draw, the pair continued to wage a mutual war, furiously penning insults on the other whilst continually adding to their tally across their rival’s thighs

    Pencil skirts had long since been ripped off, panties soaked through as defenses were pounded into sensitive fuck-meat.

    After an unknown amount of time had passed, the two had stopped all movement. Lying on their sides yet facing opposite directions as though about to 69, each was being smothered in the other’s domineering caramel tits, the pair fading in and out of consciousness in a sticky and sweaty world without air or light.

    Neither Allana nor Selena was conscious enough to realize a new day had started, even when another member of staff found them in a wet, sweaty tangle in the restroom, each teacher battered and dazed… and covered with obscenities.

    First Clash: Teacher vs Teacher

    RESULT: Double Career Suicide

    Thank you for reading! Please let me know how you find this story, I wanted to try writing a short one! Everyone is very shy about giving feedback, but as a ‘writer’ I would really appreciate knowing how to improve.

    What didn’t you like? What bits did you like? Any sentences etc that ruined your mood? Please let me know!

    That aside, I have all the combatants for the future stories planned out, but the order is flexible, and I would like to know what interests people the most. Here are a few:

    1) ‘Bully vs Bully’: Extreme hatred, mutual shaming. Past grievances explode in a nightclub toilet stall.
    2) Mage vs Mage’ (the direct sequel to alchemical solution): Time stop magic, wormholes. Sixth senior sisters just as symmetrical as their junior sisters.
    3) ‘Hyper-Compatibility Syndrome!’ Our minds are controlled by our bodily urges, the body’s desires can trump all hatred!

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    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    I'm still taking my time to read "chemical solution" story, but when I'm done I'll give my feedback on this story and future stories you write, you're a very creative author and good at creating the world around rivals.

    By the way, the bully vs bully, I vote for it

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Quote Originally Posted by Canary- View Post
    I'm still taking my time to read "chemical solution" story, but when I'm done I'll give my feedback on this story and future stories you write, you're a very creative author and good at creating the world around rivals.

    By the way, the bully vs bully, I vote for it
    Thank you Canary! I'm really enjoying Sex Twilight, the hero/villain rivalry is just so hot, looking forward to when they finally 'settle' it!

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    I really enjoyed this story. It was very well written and I like the conclusion. My only complaint -and this is one of which you are probably aware -is that it did not resolve in a direct sex fight. As I've often written, I personally find tit fights alone to be only the prelude to the more intimate conflict.

    As far as future stories go, they all look really good, but I'd especially like to see "Bully vs. Bully.".

    Great work!


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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I really enjoyed this story. It was very well written and I like the conclusion. My only complaint -and this is one of which you are probably aware -is that it did not resolve in a direct sex fight. As I've often written, I personally find *** fights alone to be only the prelude to the more intimate conflict.

    As far as future stories go, they all look really good, but I'd especially like to see "Bully vs. Bully.".

    Great work!

    Thank you for the kind words as well as the feedback! I agree with them being more of a prelude, but I wanted to write something small, with a specific, singular focus from the onset (titfight, in this case). This is just to try to quickly get more experience writing different types of cat/sexfights so I can see what I like doing, so some of the future stories will deviate a bit from the traditional sexfight progression.

    Bully vs Bully seems to be the consensus both here and on pixiv, which is interesting! I was going to write a succubus vs succubus story, but then you wrote a succubus related story and I didn't want anyone to think I was copying xD

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Quote Originally Posted by Lotus9 View Post
    Thank you for the kind words as well as the feedback! I agree with them being more of a prelude, but I wanted to write something small, with a specific, singular focus from the onset (titfight, in this case). This is just to try to quickly get more experience writing different types of cat/sexfights so I can see what I like doing, so some of the future stories will deviate a bit from the traditional sexfight progression.

    Bully vs Bully seems to be the consensus both here and on pixiv, which is interesting! I was going to write a succubus vs succubus story, but then you wrote a succubus related story and I didn't want anyone to think I was copying xD

    Don't worry about "copying"! We all inspire each other -heck, a lot of my stories are re-writes of what others have already done (though I always get permission where I can) and the use of succubi in this genre is not uncommon.

    Re: sex fights: a sex fight does not need to be long or drawn out and detailed. Admittedly, given the detail with which you were writing the tit fight, a relatively sparsely detailed sex fight may have been incongruous. However, some of the best sex fights on the board are only a few sentences or paragraphs long. It's really about stimulating the readers' imaginations to the point that they can fill in the blanks. Something to bear in mind for the future.

    Great work, looking forward to more.


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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Don't worry about "copying"! We all inspire each other -heck, a lot of my stories are re-writes of what others have already done (though I always get permission where I can) and the use of succubi in this genre is not uncommon.

    Re: sex fights: a sex fight does not need to be long or drawn out and detailed. Admittedly, given the detail with which you were writing the *** fight, a relatively sparsely detailed sex fight may have been incongruous. However, some of the best sex fights on the board are only a few sentences or paragraphs long. It's really about stimulating the readers' imaginations to the point that they can fill in the blanks. Something to bear in mind for the future.

    Great work, looking forward to more.

    Great insight, thank you! Good stories can be long or short, but it definitely require skill to tell a great story concisely. I'll keep your advice in mind for sure

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    Senior Hostboard Member Anubisx's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Amazing and sexy story. Thanks for sharing it with us
    MY SEXFIGHT E-BOOKS: Anubisx's Amazon

    MY DEVIANTART: Anubisx's DeviantART

    MY LAST SEXFIGHT E-BOOK: Resort Showdown

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Hot story !
    It is well written, you know to write !
    I found the whole plot (not only the teacher vs teacher scene, all of it) not that common. I liked it.
    Whatever wasn't for me, it was because of my differnt taste, not because it was bad.

    Just to let you know, as you asked to do a detailed review, whatever our taste is :

    The whole titfight scene was too detailed and too long for a simple titfight.
    I agree with JB and I could sign his comment. I also consider a titfight, as a prelude of an upcoming titfight. Not the prime scene.
    I am more for friendly confrontations, (I and my good friend A. Penman keep that fortress of "friendly sexfights" ! LOL
    Hatred and violence are not for my cup of tea.
    I like a verbal confrontation full of intense, a "light catfight" also, if it is the prelude of a sexfight.

    Again : Each with is taste. I respect your different one. Besides the story was hot and well written.
    I will take a look in your other stories.
    Your hot story prompts me to do so.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Teacher X Teacher

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Hot story !
    It is well written, you know to write !
    I found the whole plot (not only the teacher vs teacher scene, all of it) not that common. I liked it.
    Whatever wasn't for me, it was because of my differnt taste, not because it was bad.

    Just to let you know, as you asked to do a detailed review, whatever our taste is :

    The whole titfight scene was too detailed and too long for a simple titfight.
    I agree with JB and I could sign his comment. I also consider a titfight, as a prelude of an upcoming titfight. Not the prime scene.
    I am more for friendly confrontations, (I and my good friend A. Penman keep that fortress of "friendly sexfights" ! LOL
    Hatred and violence are not for my cup of tea.
    I like a verbal confrontation full of intense, a "light catfight" also, if it is the prelude of a sexfight.

    Again : Each with is taste. I respect your different one. Besides the story was hot and well written.
    I will take a look in your other stories.
    Your hot story prompts me to do so.
    Thank you for the feedback Giannis! Whilst Bully vs Bully (whether it is the next story or not) will be more of a traditional sexfight, with multiple stages, I am intending for it to be cruel and 'vile' as to reflect the bullies themselves, so I can only apologize in advance!

    I hope you find some enjoyment in my other stories, (Al)chemical Solution and Red Twin x Blue Twin though!

    Thank you again for the feedback and your kind words, it means a lot

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