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Thread: New Story: Mutual Obsession

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Double the obsession, double the danger! Two women completely obsessed with each other collided in a battle for domination.

    Each wants to own the other in body and soul… But who will get their way…?

    Mutual Obsession / Yandere x Yandere Part 1

    The popular live streaming platform, ‘Tw!tch’, was home to many ‘e-celebrities and many aspiring influencers. Some streamed themselves playing video games, others brought their audience with them on their daily routines, and others streamed from the comfort of their hot tubs, revealing plenty of skin as they did so.

    One streamer, [MilkyMeli ❤︎] used a virtual avatar to interact with her audience, which enabled to her maintain her anonymity whilst also using the expressive avatar to charm her viewers.

    A charming and sexy anime-style character represented [MilkyMeli ❤︎] on screen, laughing along with the many fans, pulling strange faces at their ridiculous requests, and floundering in adorable confusion when her gaming sessions went awry.

    “Really, I need to go and get food!” A teasing and seductive voice echoed out of the speakers of over eight thousand viewers. As enjoyable as [MilkyMeli ❤︎]’s daily live streams were, they always had to end, much to the dismay of her adoring fans.

    17:52 [MasterBaiter: NOOOO DON’T GOO!!!!!]
    17:52 [GoldenSpear69: I can’t believe you are leaving usssss ;-;]
    17:52 [littlebean17: SOMEONE DONATE!!!! I NEED TO SEE THE MILK!]
    17:52 [BenDover11: WHERE IS #1?? WHERE IS HE WHEN WE NEED HIM??!]

    The virtual avatar slowly stopped moving as [MilkyMeli ❤︎] began to remove the expensive upper-body rig that tracked her movements.

    17:53 [BenDover11: WHERE ARE YOU??!!]
    17:53 [BenDover11: YOU ARE BEING SUMMONED!]
    17:53 [BenDover11: WE THIRSTY BROTHERS NEED YOU!11]

    [MilkyMeli ❤︎] laughed gently, having read [BenDover11]’s spam, “Looks like my number one fan isn’t here today, too bad for you guys~ haha❤︎”

    Yet just as she was about to say goodnight and thank the viewers for watching…

    [Number1MilkyMeliFan donated $500!]
    17:54 [Number1MilkyMeliFan: Milky<3]

    Instantly the chat erupted, with countless messages filling the screen!

    17:54 [GoldenSpear69: OMG THE RETURN OF THE KING ;-; ;-;]
    17:54 [littlebean17: milkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilkmilk]
    17:54 [BenDover11: LETS GOOOOOOO!!!]
    17:54 [BenDover11: the big boss with a bigger wallet is finally here!]

    “Ahaha, ooh dear~ ❤︎” [MilkyMeli ❤︎] giggled, her voice endlessly flirtatious. “Looks like I’m in trouble now!”

    [Number1MilkyMeliFan donated $500!!]
    17:55 [Number1MilkyMeliFan: Camera on?<3]

    It immediately became clear to any first-time viewer why [Number1MilkyMeliFan] was so popular amongst the chat- they could do what any ordinary (poor) viewer couldn’t!

    Pull [MilkyMeli ❤︎] out from behind her avatar!

    “You’re so generous, but I really need to-“

    [Number1MilkyMeliFan donated $500!!]

    “Okay, okay, the camera is going on!” She exclaimed in shock before adding, “Really, you need to save more and spend less okay, there is no need for this Number1MilkyMeliFan!”

    “Ah, this wire goes here… Adjust these settings here…”

    The virtual avatar disappeared from the screen as the chat continued to seethe in excitement.

    17:55 [littlebean17: MILKMILKMILK MILKMILKMILK!!!]
    17:55 [RagingDragon: LET’S SEE THEMMM!!!]
    17:55 [GoldenSpear69: My spear is ready to go!]

    “Jeez, calm down guys, okay?” [MilkyMeli❤︎] chuckled. “This is only because Number1MilkyMeliFan was so kind, and I’m wearing a facemask to keep my privacy, okay?”

    17:56 [BenDover11: NO PROBLEM]
    17:56 [MasterBaiter: We only care about your tits anyway]
    17:56 – [MasterBaiter] banned for 24 hours.

    With a sudden buzz, the frozen avatar and lively background art were replaced by the sight of a dim room, the only source of light coming from the computer monitor. Rapidly coming into focus, however, was [MilkyMeli❤︎] herself.

    The number of viewers had shot up, reaching nine thousand, and if the eager spectators had been together in the same room, the sudden intake of breath would have drained it of oxygen.

    Whilst what little that could be seen of [MilkyMeli❤︎]’s face was soul-stirring and undeniably devasting, and her pink gaming headset with cat ears was extremely adorable, the real reason for the viewers’ shock was-

    17:57: [GoldenSpear69: HOLY SHITT]
    17:57: [RagingDragon: wtfffffffff]
    17:57 [littlebean17: MASSIVE MILKERS!]

    -Her gigantic tits.

    Wearing a hoodie that only managed to zip up halfway, her behemoth breasts were practically spilling out, barely restrained by her clothes.

    17:57 [BenDover11: fuck each one is bigger than my fucking head]
    17:57 [RagingDragon: I CAN DIE A HAPPY MAN]
    17:57 [littlebean17: milk O.O]

    “Really guys, I need to go now! I am about to starve to death! Thank you all so much for watching and being so generous today! I love you all!”

    Even in the dim lighting, the almost ten thousand viewers could see her eyes arch into a smile. She gave a wave goodbye, causing her chest to sway slightly, prompting another wave of lecherous comments before…

    - [Stream Ended]


    The moment the stream ended the smile instantly disappeared from her face, all warmth draining from her cold blue eyes.

    Her viewers loved her and believed that although they couldn’t see her face, they at least knew her personality and name, but unfortunately, even those were lies!

    “Fucking disgusting.” Paige spat, as she pulled the kitty-cat headphones off. “Only thing these degenerates are good for is their money.”

    Paige took off her black facemask, revealing soft cheeks, a cute nose, and large cherry red lips. A sweet and sexy face that juxtaposed her poisonous words.

    The rest of her body was just as bombastic as her breasts, her waist tantalizingly tight and her hips astoundingly wide. With long legs and an ass you could bounce a quarter off, she was every Tw!tch viewers’ wet dream.

    Pulling herself away from her computer after four hours of streaming, she raced to the kitchen. Her eyes trained on the clock; she threw together some refrigerated leftovers before rushing over to her couch.

    Throwing herself down and pulling her dark hair out of its overly cutesy style, she kicked her legs up on the coffee table, turned on the TV, and signed into the ‘Tw!tch’ app, quickly making her way into her favourite streamer’s page.

    Paige had never understood the idea of love and lust, always finding it hard to empathise with others, that was, until she started live streaming, and she became a huge fan of a fellow streamer herself-

    18:00 [CocoNut❤︎] is live!

    “Hey, guys!❤︎”

    Like one of Pavlov’s dogs, who began to salivate at the ring of the dinner bell, the sound of [CocoNut❤︎]’s voice caused an instant response in Paige.

    Without even thinking about it, her hand shot between her legs, to her already wet crotch.

    She was more than a huge fan; she was completely obsessed with [CocoNut❤︎].

    The fact that [CocoNut❤︎] used a virtual avatar didn’t stop Paige’s constant fantasizing about the other woman.

    But whilst these fantasies had started innocent enough, daydreaming about meeting the target of her admiration on the street, they had long since begun to escalate.

    Desire and delusion churned together into a deranged and sinister blend inside Paige’s heart.


    “You’re mine, CocoNut!”

    “I’m not going to let anyone else have you!”

    “I know you want to be mine, I know it!”

    Paige watched the live stream for hours, her unblinking eyes not straying from the TV for even a split second as she rubbed her clit and fingered her desperate slit endlessly, sticky white sprays squirting from her spread legs every few minutes.

    “It’s not enough, nowhere near enough…!” She rasped; her voice rough from nonstop moaning. Her body burned with a blazing fire that only [CocoNut❤︎] could extinguish.

    “Hnnng!!” Paige groaned as she viciously squeezed her gargantuan breasts. The meat sacks deformed under her cruel grip as they were pulled and stretched.

    “How’d you like that CocoNut?!” She moaned, her eyes still glued to the TV. Her desire to ravage [CocoNut❤︎] had spiralled to such an extent that she could only fall further into delusion, treating her own sensitive flesh as though it was the subject of her desire’s.

    “You’re going to be mine…CocoNut!” She groaned as two shots of hot milk erupted from her engorged nipples, an inevitable result of her non-stop masturbation.

    Powerlessly, she collapsed into the couch, her bombastic body coated with a mix of sweat, milk and cum.

    “I’m almost ready to make you mine…” Paige whispered to herself as she finally pulled her dark eyes away from the TV to instead look at her phone.

    On it, her a huge collection of images featuring a single woman with enormous breasts. Every time [CocoNut❤︎] would go live, she would donate a large sum of money in exchange for [CocoNut❤︎] turning on her camera during her live stream.

    Day after day her collection grew.

    Scrolling through the dozens of images, she finally got to a few blurry photos. These weren’t pictures Paige had taken of her computer monitor, but rather photos she had taken from her car…

    Photos of an unsuspecting ‘CocoNut❤︎’ leaving her apartment to go shopping.

    Long, luscious locks of brown hair and gorgeous dark eyes that shimmered and shone in the sunlight. A jaw-dropping waist and set of hips demanded the attention of everyone nearby. Long, powerful legs and a firm, yet plump ass.

    She could finally appreciate the full beauty of [CocoNut❤︎].

    Yes, the oblivious streamer had taken many steps to ensure her anonymity, but Paige’s singular focus, her singular desire, could break down any barrier.

    “Haaa….” Paige moaned, feeling her body begin to heat up again, the hours of nonstop pleasure still not managing to quell her desire for the other woman. “You’re so perfect… You were made for me, CocoNut…!”

    “You were made FOR ME!” She hissed, louder this time. Her eyes rolled back as she began to ravage her body with her collection of sex toys.

    “I’ll love you every day…Every minute of every day…!”

    “You were made for me!” She groaned as she violently shoved a dildo into her gaping slit. The dildo was small and unassuming in appearance but was made of luxury ‘smart materials’. Paige flipped the small switch on its base, and quickly it began to grow, rapidly filling her vagina until it had become a perfectly shaped ‘key’ to fit Paige’s ‘lock’.

    With a lecherous moan, Paige pressed the switch again, and the dildo began to retract into its previous innocuous form.

    “I’m going to fuck you into my shape…” She panted, staring proudly at the dildo in her hand, “That’s okay with you, right?” She asked the image on her TV.

    “You’re happy for me to make you mine? For me to become your everything? You want that, don’t you??!”

    In a fit of derangement, she logged into ‘Tw!tch’ on her phone, quickly typing out a message along with a donation.

    [Number1CocoNutFan donated $500!!]
    19:31 [Number1CocoNutFan: Coco!<3

    She didn’t pay attention to the explosion of excitement with the chat, only focused on CocoNut’s happy and excited voice.

    [Number1CocoNutFan donated $500!!]
    19:32 [Number1CocoNutFan: Camera maybe?<3]

    Even as [CocoNut❤︎] made excuse after excuse, Paige’s eyes were as dark as black holes as she stared at the virtual avatar looking flustered on the screen.

    “You want to be mine, don’t you CocoNut?? I know you do, so get on the camera, and I promise I will make you my woman in body and soul…!”

    [Number1CocoNutFan donated $500!!]

    Finally, the large breasts that Paige was so familiar with appeared on the screen.

    The mask the brunette wore couldn’t hide her identity from Paige.

    “I knew you felt the same as me…Megan!” Paige panted, practically hyperventilating from excitement.

    “It’s only because I’m in a good mood today, don’t misunderstand, okay?” [CocoNut❤︎] – no, Megan, laughed, her voice as sonorous as the ringing of a bell.

    Despite the many viewers asking what happened to make her so happy, she refused to answer, and soon after signed off for the night.

    Paige’s TV went dark.

    Her eyes, two swirling whirlpools of desire, locked onto a bag she had long since prepared.

    Paige had always considered Megan to be hers.

    But the mostly innocent delusion that the popular streamer was her soulmate had been warped and corrupted under the heat of Paige’s burning desire. It was no longer enough for Megan to be her soulmate, an equal partner in intimate love. She wanted, demanded more.

    Megan was her woman, her slave, her property! Her body and soul existed only for Paige’s sake!


    Megan lived close, in the same city as Paige, which removed a lot of the difficulties in her plan.

    Naturally, the first step, discovering her identity and home address, had been fulfilled.

    The next step was naturally whisking the woman away.

    It would not only involve breaking into Megan’s apartment but also moving her somewhere more private.

    Somewhere the sounds of their passionate ‘lovemaking’ wouldn’t be overheard.

    Thankfully, there were many facilities throughout the city, provided by those of dubious character, that would provide her with all the privacy and security to she needed to make Megan hers.

    It was simple enough to find one such soundproofed basement room within a suitable distance from Megan’s apartment, and the hiring process was even easier.

    When she had only just begun to mention that she would pay half the fee in advance, and the rest after when the owner became carried away with his misunderstanding, believing that she would be splitting the fee with her ‘lover’.

    Naturally, she agreed, as everything of Megan’s would soon be hers.

    And thus, the last step was to bring Megan there.

    With the silver moon resting high in the night sky, Paige set out.

    Her bouncing breasts were barely contained by her black camouflage, with her firm ass threatening to rip through her pants. Other than her clothes, the backpack strapped to her back also looked as though it was about to split.

    What it was filled with was none other than the many toys and tools that she would use to prove the depths of her love for Megan.

    Slinking through the quiet back alleys of the sleepy city center, Paige moved closer and closer to her target, until suddenly, she jolted with surprise.

    At the other end of the long alleyway, just having turned the corner…

    Was Megan!

    She had climaxed to the blurry and poorly lit outline of Megan countless times, so she couldn't be mistaken as to the identity of the hazy and undefined figure now approaching her.

    “I knew you wanted it too!! You are destined to be mine, Megan…” Paige purred to herself, feeling a shudder of excitement run down her spine. Wet tongue flickered across plump lips as she strode closer to the other woman, her steps unknowingly becoming sexier and more seductive, the eager brunette no longer able to contain herself when the target of her desire was so close.

    It didn’t escape her attention that Megan seemed to imitate her movements, the woman suddenly oozing with sex appeal. Her mountainous mammaries shook with every step, as her ass sashayed from side to side.

    Yet, as the two women got closer, a strange tension filled the narrow alley.

    When the pair were only 15 feet away, Paige’s hand reached behind her and into her back pocket, from which she pulled a syringe filled with a colorless fluid.

    The distance between them disappeared rapidly, as Megan’s face could finally be seen in all its beauty. Soft cheeks, thick red lips, and mesmerizing brown eyes. Paige had thought it before upon managing to find Megan’s private social media accounts, but the pair were incredibly similar. Not indistinguishable by any means, but the pair could likely pass as twins with ease.

    And now, only a few feet apart, Paige’s body seemed to be screaming at her to pounce on her lookalike.

    To ruthlessly squeeze down on Megan’s fat tits like she imagined doing so many times.

    To push her down and have her way with the woman until she understood that her curvaceous body belonged entirely to her!

    But Paige forcibly restrained herself.

    She wouldn’t want to scare Megan away before the other woman could understand the depth of her love.

    This was the purpose of the syringe held behind her back. To help break down any barriers preventing Megan from understanding that the two of them are meant to be…

    Maintaining her momentum, she stepped to the side, intending to slip past Megan, only for the other woman to step in the same direction.

    To the surprise of both, two pairs of breasts collided, flattening against each other as their subtly menacing momentum was brought to a halt.

    Reflectively, Paige cried out,

    ““Ah, I’m so sorry-““

    Yet before either girl could feel touched at their synchrony, their next words sent shivers down their respective spines…


    In a sudden flurry of emotion, delusion-born happiness that her ‘property’ somehow recognized her collided with the stomach-churning somehow knowing something they shouldn’t, but before Paige could even understand this surge of contradicting emotions, she felt a sudden piercing pain in her side.


    Pained moans echoed out as the two stumbled apart. Paige found her vision growing blurry a bizarre feeling of drunkenness flooded her head.

    Two sets of brown eyes locked together in mutual incomprehension at the situation.

    Paige could see that she had managed to inject Megan with the serum, the girl dazed and wobbling under its effects already… Yet, why was she also feeling woozy?

    Looking down, she saw a syringe sticking out of her side.

    Despite her consciousness feeling heavier and heavier, Paige still felt a spike of fury. An extreme rage that her slave had dared to rebel against her.

    ““You…”” The duo slurred through gritted teeth.

    In one final act, before the drug drained her consciousness, Paige stumbled towards Megan, only for the pair to collide tit-to-tit once again, their bodies rocking forward as their eyes rolled back and soft cheeks squashed together.


    Under the light of the few stars to pierce the city’s sky, a strange situation was unfolding.

    Two figures, clad entirely in black, staggered through the dim back alleys. The duo looked like they were participating in a three-legged race, tightly pressed together on their left and right sides. Unlike the harmonious cooperation between two partners in one such race, however, the pair viciously pressed their bodies together, as though attempting to crush the other flat.

    Plump thighs and firm ass cheeks were being flattened against each other, whilst two equally protruding tits were squashed together. Even their soft cheeks weren’t spared, the nonstop pressure dyeing them an identical shade of red as their slightly touching lips.

    Each beauty had one arm wrapped around the other’s neck, keeping them in a headlock as brown locks of hair tangled together, whilst their other arms had crisscrossed in front of them, both women grabbing onto the other’s narrow waist.

    It would have been an erotic sight if not for the large backpack weighing the duo down, in addition to the fact that neither woman seemed completely conscious.

    The pair staggered and stumbled so much; it would become immediately obvious to any observer that if not for the duo leaning on each other for support and their surprisingly synchronized steps, they would have collapsed to the ground long ago.

    Likewise, had either woman ceased in her domineering attempts to grind down the other’s curves, their perfect balance would have crumbled, and taking yet another step back, if not for the fact that their gargantuan chests and perky posteriors were so symmetrical, their mutual, yet accidental support would have bounced apart on first contact.

    These many minor ‘miracles’ went unnoticed by Paige, however. Even with her various functions impaired, she knew what she had to do.

    Drag Megan to the preprepared ‘love’ chamber, so that when they arrived…

    She could crush any thoughts of rebellion and disobedience Megan may possess.

    One thing that Paige did possess that the capacity to appreciate though, was that Megan was being very cooperative, working with her every step they took.

    Hot groans and grunts met in the space between their lips as the pair took step after painstaking step until finally, Paige managed to bring Megan to the basement room.

    Almost stumbling down the external stairs, Paige only had to input the entry code for the door. Not wanting to let go of Megan, she moved her right hand away from her slave’s waist and clicked the first two numbers.

    However, before she could input the last two digits, Megan’s left hand had moved from her waist to input them herself!

    With a soft buzz, the lock released, and the door swung open, causing the pair to fall forwards into the dark room.

    Surprised, Paige attempted to roll their bodies, so that Megan would hit the ground first, and act as her cushion, only for Megan to match her movements yet again.

    Neither woman released their grip around the other’s neck, and in an instant, the pair crashed to the floor ass-up.

    ““UMPHH!!”” Both groaned in pain, their large breasts had been forced to soften their fall, whilst their heavy bags had only added to their impact.

    Hearing the door click shut behind her, Paige finally released her stubborn slave and rolled onto her side.

    Perhaps the impact had helped to force the drug out of her system, as her thoughts felt clearer now, her body lighter.

    Finally shedding her bundle of equipment, The beautiful brunette, rose to her feet and unzipped her black hoodie, feeling relaxed enough to try and cool down her sweat-soaked skin.

    As the lights in the room flickered to life one after another, she took the opportunity to inspect the room. Walls covered in soundproofing material, low-hanging railings she could affix her various types of equipment to, and a large bed in the center of the underground room, it was perfect for her multitude of needs. Seeing her slave, blissfully unaware of her situation and still mimicking her movements, she decided to lay out the situation.

    “I’ve got you now,” Paige said.

    “I’ve got you now,” Megan said.

    As the lights in the room flickered to life one after another, two defiant and domineering gazes clashed.

    ““I’VE got YOU.”” Both said through gritted teeth, their chests rising and falling as their breathing grew heavier.

    Paige had imagined this moment countless times. About how Megan would leap into her arms professing her love for her, or how Megan would be… temporarily confused and not understand how she was, in fact, Paige’s property, but would understand her place and Paige’s love for her after an extended training session…

    What Paige hadn’t imagined, however, was Megan getting their roles mixed up, and believing, astoundingly, that Paige… belonged to her. She could sense it so clearly.

    Megan truly believed that Paige belonged to her.

    This ridiculous overturning of reality angered her more than she thought possible, her body practically shaking with rage as she glared at the other woman.

    “You are mine, Megan! You were born for me! Every inch of you exists… for me! Deep down you understand this! That’s why you show off your tits whenever I splash some cash on your stream, that was me by the way, your number one donor.”

    She screamed the words, feeling almost betrayed at how unruly Megan was behaving, yet as she did so, the other woman screamed simultaneously, their baleful howls and piercing words colliding!

    “You are mine, Paige! You were made for me! Every part of you exists… for me! I know you understand this! It’s why you show off your tits whenever I throw some cash on your stream, that’s right, I’m the one who pays your rent!”

    The duo stilled at the other’s words, both feeling a sense of absurdity at their situation. Megan’s donations had funded Paige’s donations to Megan, which had funded Megan’s donations to Paige…

    ““It was easy to track you down after you got on camera for me every day,”” They both yelled, indignant glares clashing again.

    Despite her stomach-churning anger, Paige’s nipples were painfully hard, but to her joy, she could see Megan’s fat nipples were equally erect, threatening to pierce through the girl’s hoodie.

    ““See, your tits are honest!”” Paige yelled gleefully, only to hear the same words from Megan’s impertinent mouth.

    ““YOU!!!”” Twin shrieks echoed out as the women hurled themselves at each other.

    Crashing to the floor, the pair locked together in a furious catball, delusion and warped desires colliding in a tangle of limbs. Shoes, kicked from their feet, flew through the air as clothes were yanked off and ripped apart layer by layer.

    Each used one hand to violently clamp their rebellious slave’s mouth shut whilst the other hand yanked hair and delivered harsh slaps and spanks in a desperate attempt at discipline.

    Paige’s heart bled at attacking her beloved so savagely, but the girl refused to listen to reason, and if she relaxed for just a moment, having gained the top position, she would be forced off, whether via a foot to the face or a savage hip thrust.

    When she was shamefully pressed down by Megan, she naturally wouldn’t let the girl even attempt to speak, instantly counterattacking and sending the duo tumbling and rolling again.

    Bodies screwed together, with legs locked around each other’s waist and chests crushing together, neither even had the mind to appreciate how sexual their fight had turned. Such an intimate position would have sent Paige’s heart pounding at any other moment, but now, all she could think about was how hateful it was that Megan was refusing to become hers.

    However, the fight was forced to stop when Paige and Megan, lying on their sides in an unwilling stalemate, both felt their chests soaked in a sudden wetness.

    Pulling apart in shock, Paige a sea of thick milky-white strands connecting the pair, their perky and protruding tit-flesh coated in a sticky layer of creamy breast milk.

    Paige felt her heart drop, a sudden feeling of shame swelling within her. Embarrassed at the fact that she had started leaking, she went to pull away, only to notice that whilst it was true that she was still dripping milk from her engorged nipples, Megan was too! The other woman’s nipples were swollen and puffy, oozing hot milk.

    Suddenly, the shame exploded into a sudden surge of arousal, swirling within her as she reaffirmed once again that Megan was truly made for her!

    “You truly are made for me, why can’t you see it…” Paige sighed, her rage leaving her as she stared at the lactation leaking from Megan’s chest.

    “You’re the one who’s made for me,” Megan whispered back, “Leaking after coming into contact with me…”

    “You did too…” Paige said back.

    The pair stared into the other’s brown eyes, mutual looks of longing and endless seduction mixed and melted into one another.

    “I never wanted to rip you apart like this,” Megan confessed, gesturing towards Paige’s soft skin, covered in bloody scratches.

    “Me neither,” Paige admitted, “But you wouldn’t give me a chance to show you,”

    “To show me… that I belong to you?” Megan said tentatively, gazing deeply into Paige’s eyes, as though trying to see into her soul.

    “You do.”

    “But you need to understand… that you belong to me,” Megan countered softly.

    In response, Paige returned a gaze of her own, gentle yet penetrating, looking into Megan’s eyes to see the truth of her statement.

    Realizing that Megan truly believed every word she said, Paige felt a strange throbbing in her crotch.

    “Then I will give you a chance to make me yours,” Paige said, touching her forehead against Megan’s.

    “Then you can try to make me yours too,” Megan replied, touching the tip of her nose against Paige’s.

    “I brought lots of toys,” Paige panted, her breathing growing heavier by the second.

    “I also brought lots of toys,” Megan moaned, her face adopting a red hue.

    As if by silent agreement, long legs and soft, plump thighs drenched with pre-fuck excitement the pair untangled as they rolled in opposite directions towards their bags.

    Two bodies moving in unison, the duo stuck their wide hips out as they bent down to look in their bags.

    Paige pulled out a small smartwatch-like device, and tossed it over to Megan, catching a similar watch that her soon-to-be slave had thrown over.

    Exchanging teasing glances, both women strapped the device to their wrists.

    ““Then… Who is getting their chance…first…?””

    A small flicker of tyrannical desire flickered in their seductive gazes.
    Last edited by Lotus9; August 3rd, 2022 at 04:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Now this is definitely interesting. The creepiness of their obsessions with each other may be a turn off for some but it is still very unique. I’m certainly captivated.

  3. #3
    Junior Hostboard Member Kimjunilu's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    this is really great build up, it's for sure hot and interesting , i hoped you wrote more details about the first catball tangle , yet i am looking forward to read the next chapter.
    thanks for the great story sofar.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Now this is definitely interesting. The creepiness of their obsessions with each other may be a turn off for some but it is still very unique. I’m certainly captivated.
    The creepiness is lessened massively by the fact that they’re both obsessed. One way would’ve been too much for me. I’m quickly becoming a fan of Lotus’s work. I’m into equally matched gals.

    These two remind me of two girls from a gambling anime I watched a bit ago.

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    The creepiness is lessened massively by the fact that they’re both obsessed. One way would’ve been too much for me. I’m quickly becoming a fan of Lotus’s work. I’m into equally matched gals.

    These two remind me of two girls from a gambling anime I watched a bit ago.
    Yeah as Yuri said, I understand that some may put off by the creepiness/immorality of the situation etc, but hoped that this impact would be lessened by the fact that both are equally guilty. I'm glad it worked for you Spartwow, and i'm glad you are liking my stories

    I would like to tentatively push the idea of two women doing terrible things to each other a bit further in another story, but for this one, it won't really get any creepier than this.

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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Amazing!!!! Love the hate and obsession!
    hope to see a milk duel between them!
    very curious what toys they have? Perhaps a double dildo was packed?

  7. #7
    Hostboard Member naresh's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Another Gem From You Sir..
    Loved Your Stories..

    Waiting For Part 2...

  8. #8
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Quote Originally Posted by naresh View Post
    Another Gem From You Sir..
    Loved Your Stories..

    Waiting For Part 2...
    Thank you for saying that Naresh, as it happens I had just logged on to upload part 2!


    Mutual Obsession / Yandere x Yandere: Part 2

    Within a soundproofed basement room, two women stood opposing each other, both naked and unadorned with the except of the matching smartwatches on their wrists.

    Both women had similar facial features and long brown hair with eyes of a matching shade. Despite these similarities, however, looking above the neck, the duo would never be confused, yet below the neck…

    Behemoth tits so perky they seemed to defy gravity, and asses you could bounce a quarter off. Soft thighs atop long legs. Tight waists and wide hips, hips that their hands were resting upon as they found themselves stuck in another stare down.

    The pair were incredibly similar, likely even identical in regards to their intensely feminine physiques, yet contradicting this common cause of conflict between women, neither Megan nor Paige were concerned about who had the fattest ass or the biggest tits.

    Nor did they hate each other.

    On the contrary, Paige loved Megan so immensely, that she wanted nothing more than to bring the other woman home, lock in her bedroom and fuck her every minute of every day for the rest of their lives. She wanted to be the one and only thing Megan would ever think of!

    Megan shared these feelings completely, wanting nothing more than to tie Paige to her bedposts and imprint herself on the other woman in every way imaginable, not relenting for the rest of their lives. She wanted to be the one and only thing Paige would ever think of!

    The only issue was…

    ““So… Are you ready to become mine?❤︎❤︎””

    Both wanted nothing other than complete domination and ownership of the other. Neither woman was willing to compromise in the slightest!

    Paige wanted 100% of Megan!

    Megan wanted 100% of Paige!

    To prevent themselves from descending into a furious catfight, the pair had decided to take turns… both attempting to prove that the other was theirs, that they were born to belong to them!

    They had worked together to set up a few bondage bindings, but now the issue of who would be bound first arose.

    “Flip a coin?” Paige suggested, her eyes taking in Megan’s every curve, from her proud chest to her lithe waist.

    “Fine by me,” Megan replied, her eyes no less shy than Paige’s, roaming across her soon-to-be slave’s seductive form.

    The coin was flipped, and the order was decided.

    Paige would be bound first, and Megan would get her chance.

    “Go on then,” Paige purred, standing under the bondage equipment and allowing Megan to bind her hands high above her head, showing off her armpits, whilst her ankles were bound together.

    Being bound up like a damsel in distress by someone they had only met a short while ago, anyone else would have been afraid of never being released.

    But Paige knew that there was a tacit understanding between them, that as deranged as Megan was, she wouldn’t go back on her words, and one-sidedly trap her.

    Both women were proud and equally determined to dominate the other, and what both women wanted, was to completely subdue the other in body and soul. Underhanded tricks, such as Megan not allowing her to have her chance at domination, would only work against her in the long run.

    “What are you going to try then?” Paige hummed, rocking her hips forward at Megan, her buxom breasts shaking slightly as she did so.

    “Well, first, I thought you deserve a little punishment for daring to drug me earlier,” Megan chuckled lightly, reaching into her bag, and pulling out a whip, specially designed for bondage torture. “Don’t worry though, I promise I’ll be gentle… I’ve practiced a lot.”

    She licked the whips slightly as she spoke, her eyes a mix of domineering desire and lustful anticipation.

    “We’ll go until you cum… and we both know that with these watches on, there is no hiding it,” She laughed, glancing at the smartwatch Paige had thrown her earlier.

    “Go on then, let’s see how good you are,” Paige taunted, unafraid despite her bindings. “You belong to me, not the other way around. I’ll prove it.”

    A menacing smile spread across Megan’s face, one which Paige mirrored.


    The whip lashed out, a test strike that landed a few feet away from the bound woman.

    Before Paige could mutter another taunt, however, a second strike lashed out, and this one made contact.

    “Ahh!!” Paige cried out in surprise as the whip cracked against her soft waist.

    A third soon followed, and then a fourth, lashing her ass and tits respectively.

    “Haa…” Paige shuddered, her face red hot. “That all you got?”

    “No, it’s not, but you’re leaking already,” Megan taunted, her eyes flickering proudly to Paige’s perky tits and engorged nipples, from which small streams of frothy milk had begun to leak.

    The bound beauty looked just as arrogant as ever, but her body couldn’t hide the signs of arousal. Pussy lips slick with excitement, the wetness ran down her legs whilst milk leaked from her chest.

    Lash after lash assaulted sensitive skin, and each gasp and moan further stoked Megan’s desire to completely dominate Paige, her brown eyes devoid of light as extreme domineering desire took hold of her. Conversely, the more Paige was whipped, the hotter her body got, trembling and twitching as an uncontrollable pleasure began to build within her.

    “You’re so hot, so wet…! Look at how sensitive you are to my touch…!” Megan moaned as her whipping continued.

    “These long legs…exist only to carry you to me…!”


    Toes clenched as softly sculpted thighs were attacked.

    “These wide hips… exist only to seduce me…!”


    Amazonian hips spasmed under the lash of the whip.

    “These fat tits…exist only…for me to drink from…!”


    Large tits were crushed under the whip’s merciless grip, causing two jets of hot milk to squirt from the perky orbs, a far more violent stream than the earlier leakage.

    “You belong to me, Paige…! In body and soul! You’re not allowed to disobey me… so when I tell you to cum… You cum…!”

    “AHHH- SHITTTT!!❤︎”

    And finally, against Paige’s will, her curvaceous body shook against its restraints as she flailed wildly, a scream escaping her gaping mouth as she was forced to climax.

    Even as she squeezed her thighs together and clenched her cunt as hard as she could in an attempt to somehow contain the sudden surge of pleasure, a torrent of cum exploded out of her twitching twat, soaking her legs and the ground beneath her. The steaming hot squirt was joined by a spray of milk from her heaving chest as if her entire body was demonstrating with painful honesty- how good Megan had made her feel.

    Her eyes rolled back as her consciousness practically ascended to high heaven, Paige couldn’t even hear the piercing beeping noise coming from the smartwatch on her wrist.

    “I was worried you’d try to hide it, but you feel so good being loved by me, you couldn’t help but let it out,” Megan said proudly, relaxing her arm and lowering the whip, as the buxom beauty strode towards Paige.

    “Let’s see how long you managed to last,” She purred as she inspected the watch on her soon-to-be slave’s wrist.

    The watch could detect biological signals and sense when its wearer experiences an orgasm, Megan had brought it in case Paige was unwilling to admit that she was made for her.

    A concern Paige had clearly shared, hence why Megan was also wearing one on her wrist.

    “2 minutes, 11 seconds. That’s how long it took me to give you the best orgasm of your life, with just a little whipping,” Megan said, leaning close to whisper it in Paige’s ear. “Your stubbornness didn’t last for long at all…So… Do you get it now? How you were made for me?”

    “If you understand, be good and get onto the bed for me,” She said, her words taking on a tyrannical tone as she released the bindings holding Paige upright.

    Paige slumped to her knees in a wet heap, gasping and spluttering, her face entirely flushed. She quickly began to move, unbinding her ankles, however, she did not go to the bed, instead rising back to her feet, and glaring defiantly at Megan.

    Her body as proud and perky as ever, even soaked in milk and cum, she stood straight as an arrow, her nipples like daggers as she locked eyes with her soon-to-be slave.

    “What are you talking about…” She panted, “You’re the one who was made for me, and it’s my turn to prove it!”

    With a shrug of the shoulders and a coy glance, Megan allowed herself to be bound in an identical posture to the one Paige just escaped from. An alluring hourglass figure was presented before Paige’s eyes, Megan’s skin shimmering with a slight sweat.

    “Go on then,” She purred teasingly, shaking her tits towards her captor, “You’re not going to get anything out of me, not after you barely lasted two minutes under my hands.”

    As if mimicking Megan’s earlier actions, Paige simply replied with a grim smile, before-


    The whip struck the floor next to the bound girl, a testing lash that Paige seemed pleased with, nodding to herself before fixing her eyes on Megan’s seductive body.

    Before the bound brunette could utter anything else, the whip lashed out again, coiling around Megan’s tight waist with a striking sting before peeling off.

    “Ahh!!” Megan cried out, yet this cry didn’t prevent the third and fourth lashes from hitting her ass and tits respectively.

    “Haa…” Megan panted, her face red hot. “That all you got?”

    “Ha, it’s not I’m not sure if you’ll be able to handle it though,” Paige teased, her eyes glued to Megan’s proud tits and engorged nipples, from which small streams of frothy milk had begun to leak.

    The bound beauty was as arrogant and domineering in her words as always, but her body was telling a different story. Pussy lips wet with excitement, the traces of arousal ran down her legs whilst milk ran down her boobs and onto her stomach.

    Lash after lash assaulted sensitive skin, and each gasp and moan further stoked Paige’s desire to completely dominate Megan, her brown eyes devoid of light as extreme domineering desire took hold of her. Conversely, the more Megan was whipped, the hotter her body got, trembling and twitching as an uncontrollable pleasure began to build within her.

    “You’re so turned on, completely soaked…! Look at how your body craves me, my touch…!” Paige moaned as her whipping continued.

    “These long legs…exist only to bring you to me…!”


    Toes clenched as softly sculpted thighs were attacked.

    “These wide hips… exist only to tempt me…!”


    Amazonian hips spasmed under the lash of the whip.

    “These fat tits…exist only …for me to drink from…!”


    Large tits were compressed under the whip’s merciless squeeze, causing two jets of hot milk to squirt from the perky orbs, a far more violent stream than the earlier leakage.

    “You belong to me, Megan…! In body and soul! You’re not allowed to disobey me… so when I tell you to cum… You cum…!”

    “AHHH- FUCKKK!!❤︎”

    And finally, against Megan’s will, her curvaceous body shook against its restraints as she flailed wildly, a scream escaping her gaping mouth as she was forced to climax.

    Even as she squeezed her thighs together and clenched her cunt as hard as she could in an attempt to somehow contain the sudden surge of pleasure, a torrent of cum exploded out of her twitching twat, soaking her legs and the ground beneath her. The steaming hot squirt was joined by a spray of milk from her heaving chest as if her entire body was demonstrating with painful honesty- how good Paige had made her feel.

    Her eyes rolled back as her consciousness practically ascended to high heaven, Megan couldn’t even hear the piercing beeping noise coming from the smartwatch on her wrist.

    It was as though the scene had been rewound, only for the events to play out again with the roles reversed, Paige abusing Megan in the exact same way she had just been abused, and Megan reacting with just as much lustful joy as the girl she had just been dominating, yet neither woman even noticed the uncanny similarity, both too absorbed in the other.

    “See, you exploded everywhere even quicker than me,” Paige purred into Megan’s ear, her still sticky breasts just grazing against the bound brunette heaving pair.

    “I…lasted…longer…than you…!” Megan panted in response, glaring defiantly at her abuser.

    “Hmph, let’s check your watch then,” Paige harrumphed back, releasing the bindings as she did so.

    Megan collapsed to the floor, her legs still shaking as Paige looked down on her condescendingly. Soon enough, however, she unclipped her ankle bindings, and stood up, thrusting her chest out towards Paige’s.

    “I’m happy to prove you wrong,” She spat, “You belong to me, and no amount of orgasms is going to change that,”

    “You took the words right out of my mouth,” Paige spat back, pressing her chest into Megan’s as she did so.

    The four breasts continued to be crushed together into a milk-covered mess as the pair turned their attention to the watch on Megan’s wrist. Only, as they leaned in, their cheeks touching as they did so, both were met with an unexpected number-

    ““2 minutes, 11 seconds…”” Two dumbstruck women spoke in one voice.

    Both girls felt a sudden relief that they didn’t go off quicker than their ‘opponent’ followed by a slight irritation that the other would believe herself their equal…

    ““It’s just a coincidence!”” Both cried out, ““You’re still mine!””

    “You’re my woman,” Paige stated, her face twitching slightly when she heard Megan say the same.

    “You’re my property,” Megan countered, a slight frown appearing on her charming face when she realized Paige spoke in unison.

    ““You’re… my… slave…!”” Both growled together. As if in an attempt to demonstrate their point, each woman applied more force into their subtle tit-battle, causing a sudden collision of breast milk that sprayed out at all angles, dripping from their crushed tit-flesh.

    Foreheads touched as the two blew hot air into each other’s lungs, frustration rearing its head in the couple once again.

    ““Why won’t you just admit it and become mine?!”” They questioned in one voice, their eyes, four dark orbs of domineering desire glaring into each other as delusional hysterical gnawing at their hearts.

    With great effort, Paige managed to suppress the violent urge building up inside her, however., After all, she wanted to treasure Megan and her flawless body, not rip it again limb by limb.

    “Let’s change it up then,” Megan said, having managed to suppress her own malevolent intent, “We’ll do it at the same time, and when I make you cum, you’ll have no choice but to accept the truth.”

    “That’s fine with me,” Paige replied, “But it’ll be you realizing the truth and becoming my slave when we’re done.”

    Megan snorted in response, bending down to pick up her discarded whip.

    Each taking a few steps back, the two equally tyrannical and bombastically bodied beauties were ready to launch their mutual offensives!

    As though at the shot of a starting pistol, the two whips ripped through the air simultaneously, each woman aiming, once again, for the other’s wide hips!


    The long whips collided mid-air, tangling together like snakes!

    Annoyed groans escaped both girls panting mouths, but yanking their weapons apart, neither paused for a single second as a second attack flew out, then a third, a fourth, followed by a rapid fifth and sixth!

    A shared total of twelve attacks within the space of 20 seconds, yet, only deepening their mutual frustration, the whips wrapped themselves together each time, neutralizing both girls’ stinging strikes.

    Each time they yanked their weapons apart, both would inadvertently take a small, half-step forward, resulting in the pair slowly, and unknowingly inching closer and closer.

    Finally, Paige’s seventh lash of the whip managed to avoid becoming entangled with Megan’s narrowly avoided the opposing weapon and landed a sudden strike on the other woman’s curvy hips.

    Simultaneously, however, Paige felt a sudden sting flaring across her own hip, her tightly sculpted ass quivering at the impact.

    ““AHH?!❤︎❤︎”” Two erotic moans echoed out in unison, both women shocked at the sudden pleasureful pain.

    Exchanging hot glares, they stuck out once more, only, like a pair of dueling swordswomen, their mutual attacks blocked one another yet again.

    The ninth… tenth… and eleventh strikes saw similar results, tangled weaponry and an unconscious shuffle forward as they pull them apart…

    The two equally endowed women were panting with desire, their fatally seductive forms flushed red hot and shimmering with various bodily fluids.


    The whips flew out again, lashing each woman’s side and wrapping around her back before delivering a savage slap to dense mounds of tit-flesh!

    “MMMMN??!!❤︎❤︎” The women cried out, both hit with a horrendous pleasure that caused their knees to grow weak, as small squirts of female ejaculate leaked from two desperately clamped cunts on the floor beneath them.

    Still, looking at one another with beet-red faces and teary eyes, neither could hear the other’s smartwatch exposing their climax, and obvious to both was the desire for domination still blazing in the opposite pair of brown eyes.

    ““Again!❤︎❤︎”” They called out. Words that were intended to commanding and arrogant, yet only sounded as though said by women in heat.

    Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!

    Collision after collision, closer and closer.

    Unlike before, where their ankle bindings held their legs together, offering them a small amount of protection, their most sensitive regions were now exposed and vulnerable to the other’s tyrannical attacks and they stood opposite one another like two parallel lines.

    Something both would regret when on the seventeenth mutual attack…

    “FUAH?!!❤︎❤︎”” The duo screamed in forced ecstasy, as the whips coiled around their inner thighs, getting dangerously close to their overflowing slits.

    Crack! Crack! Crack!

    Paige and Megan had lashed out in attempts to bring the other under their control a total of twenty times, yet despite only three of these attacks landing on each woman, both had already been pushed to the point of climax! In fact, the duo were barely holding on, each desperately clenching her lower lips together in an attempt to suppress the inevitable orgasm just long enough to let the other go off first.

    They had never felt more turned on in their entire lives, and neither was sure what exactly was causing her body to shake and convulse so frantically.

    Maybe it was the fact that the target of their overflowing love was right in front of them, about to become hers.

    Or maybe it was the burning and embarrassed glares they exchanged whenever their whips got tangled together, looks that sent shivers down their spines and mortifying wetness down their thighs.

    Was it the thrill of a tense clash between two equal ‘rivals in love’… or their warped and deranged affection colliding and crashing each other into a new, strange shape…?

    The distance between them had all but disappeared, each forced to concede ground every time their whips locked together. Long trails of vaginal ejaculate stained the floor beneath them, two lines that were just about to make contact.

    “Are you…ready…to become…mine?” Paige panted; her cherry-red lips open wide as she took ragged breaths to quell the bubbling pleasure inside her.

    “Ha…Are you… ready to… become…mine…?” Megan gasped back; her mouth so close to Paige it looked as though the pair were on the verge of kissing.

    It seemed as though chains of electricity connected their brown eyes, in the depths of which burned possessive fires.

    ““Hmmph!”” Both harrumphed, their final olive branches rejected.

    The pair lashed out with their whips, dexterous strikes that arched like waxing moons to account for the near non-existent distance between them.

    They flinched slightly, feeling the slight sting of the whip curving up their asses. This small, subconscious reaction, however, caused the pair to unknowingly close the remaining distance between them, their hips swaying forward and coming into contact.

    Two pairs of eyes flashed with slight panic at the unexpected and unintentional contact, their stomachs, slick with sweat and breast milk, pressing together from their belly buttons down to the pubic region. Yet, before the duo could even begin to cry out in shock, the long whips wrapped around their backs, causing the two to squash together further.

    Proud and perky protruding orbs collapsed into one another, each being pushed back and flattened by the opposing breast. It was as though each woman were pressing herself up against a mirror in an attempt to fight her reflection, no matter how proud and confident, the only result was being squashed flat!

    The unison of tit-flesh occurred in a split second, with no tense back and forth, and no time exchanging of barbed words, only a wet and sticky splat as trembling tits collided, and the result was decided!

    Eyes, still locked together, grew hazy with pleasure as the pair felt their perky chests pulse with heat, each felt as though her breasts were about to erupt like never before, a violent spray of bubbling milk soaking their rival for domination, yet their mutual strikes had still not finished, the whips still flying through the air!

    Paige’s whip finished its arc around Megan’s body, just as Megan’s whip finished wrapping around Paige’s. Carried by the momentum, Paige’s whip looped back around, wrapping around her own body, just as Megan’s whip did the same to her. This caused yet another violent compression of their sensitive breasts, the overflowing tit-flesh expanding in all directions as their crushed chests tried in vain to escape the electrifying contact with the other rack.

    Eyes rolled back as the pleasure- and their situation, became too erotic, too arousing for the duo to withstand. Paige couldn’t even think of how pathetic it was to be forced to cum like this by the woman she was desperate to conquer, yet even as hot milk exploded in all directions from the tightly packed tits, the whips still flew!

    Underneath tight bubble butts, still tensed in shock, and in-between slippery, perfectly sculpted thighs, the ends of the whips flew…directly landing on the trembling twats of the two women! The gates holding back the rush of pleasure had been broken down, but only adding to the devastatingly strong climax, each woman once again jolted forward at the sudden strike on her genitals, which caused their crotches to slam together!

    Painfully erect clits smashed together, a soul-destroying mutual attack in which the most sensitive spots on their bodies impaled each other, the proud sex-horns crushing, piercing and bending one another back in instantaneous defeat!

    This rapid assault on their bodies all occurred in an instant, from the second their whips flew, both determined to take each other down, to now, where their searing clits had skewered each other, not even a single second had passed!

    Finally, the pair managed to put their feelings into words, but-

    “HNNG?!? ❤︎❤︎CUMMI-!!??!❤︎❤︎❤︎❤︎”” The pair cried out as one, not even able to finish a single word before their minds were submerged in a sea of overwhelming pleasure. Their convulsing cunts exploded with a non-stop flood of hot girl-cum. Long legs, completely soaked, twitched helplessly, coiling together for support, or perhaps to bind themselves even closer.

    Their smartwatches sounded off relentlessly, the piercing beeping echoing out from two wrists in synchrony, yet neither watch was able to finish a single notification chime before interrupting itself to start another one.

    The pair were trapped in a sudden rush of non-stop orgasms, their bodies only able to spasm and shake against each other. The chain of interlinking climaxes was just like the whips restraining them, mutual restraint and reinforcement that served to continue the endless cycle of pleasure.

    The tyrannical beauties would shudder and tremble in unison, identical bodies melting under explosions of pleasure, yet, Paige’s heaving chest and roaring jets of breast milk would bombard Megan’s chest, and Paige’s helplessly convulsing crotch, thrashing and trembling, would bash against Megan’s, causing the other bound beauty to spiral into another orgasm. Megan’s bombastic body would cause the exact same reaction in Paige, which would then set off another inescapable chain of convulsion-inducing climaxes.

    Paige and Megan squirted all over each other’s chest, their engorged nipples pinched together by the crushing density of their packed tit-flesh, which only led to another jetstream of milk rushing against their sensitive nipples, leaking down their crushed chests.

    Megan and Paige soaked each other’s thighs, their clits crushed into one by their unconscious grinding, which only led to another mind-breaking orgasm, causing another desperate and unconscious thrust forward.

    A never-ending cycle of mutual reinforcing climaxes, the whips, that each had wanted to use to break the other’s pride, had locked together in bitter irony. They had weaved between one another around their backs, and even the ends of the whips, which had finished their journeys on their twitching twats, had managed to lock together, forming a ‘rope’ that dug into their soaked lower lips. There was no choice but to helplessly melt into one another as moving backward caused pleasure and moving forward caused pleasure.

    They had released their grips on the whips, not to pull themselves apart, but to grab the other round the neck and pull them forward into a desperate, thoughtless kiss. It was a sloppy and inelegant kiss, much like their current state, with it looking as though each girl was trying to swallow the other’s mouth. Neither woman cooperated in the slightest, noses squashing and teeth bashing as tongues were one-sidedly forced down each other’s throat. Each coated the other’s face and mouth with sweet saliva, as though trying to claim it as her own territory, but neither cared about the other’s actions in the slightest, each only following her desperate desire to claim the other as her woman, her slave, her property.

    Seeing nothing but white, pride and rationality were temporarily forgotten, and the delusional duo fell onto the cum-drenched floor in a writhing, wriggling heap.

    Screams and shouts melted into the soundproof walls as the bed stood entirely forgotten in the room separated from the outside world.

    Eventually, the whips slipped apart, and the pair managed to separate, lying side by side, both desperately gasping for air as their chests and cunts still squirted weakly with post-orgasmic ecstasy.

    “You ready to admit it?” Paige gasped, not even having the strength to lift her head and look at her soon-to-slave.

    “You’re the one who should be admitting it,” Megan panted back, her body refusing to move as she just stared at the ceiling. She could feel the heat emanating off the seductive form of her soon-to-be slave, however, her exhausted body was so close it was sending a tingling sensation up her left side.

    “Fine, you’re not convinced, I’m happy to keep going then,” Paige spat, forcing herself onto her side.

    “Let’s do it then,” Megan groaned, matching Paige’s movements so that they were face-to-face. Megan felt a shiver run down her spine as her breasts rubbed against Paige’s pair, her nipples beginning to harden once more. “You definitely came more than me just now though, so let’s check that first.”

    “Don’t regret it then.”

    Both girls hissed through gritted teeth as they turned their bodies once more so that they were lying on their fronts, a blush spreading across their faces as they felt their sideboobs press together.

    Their inside arms snaked around the other’s back, each woman grabbing onto her rival’s waist and pulling them closer, causing soft buttocks to press gently together. Competitiveness and the desire for complete domination was clear in both their eyes, neither woman needing to hide their intentions in the slightest. Delicate feet, sticky with various fluids, rested in the air behind them, brushing together in a teasing and intimate manner.

    Their other arms moved in front of them bringing their smartwatches closer for inspection.

    “I definitely made you cum more than you made me cum,” Megan bragged, “After all, those huge tits of yours, that fat ass and tight little pussy, were all made for me.”

    “No way, I made you cum way more than you made me cum,” Paige scoffed, “It’s you who was made for me, every inch you exist to seduce and service me, that’s why I can get you off so easily.”

    Both felt their hearts skip a beat at the other’s words, a shot of frantic heat rushing through their tired bodies.

    Though neither would ever admit it, the other’s domineering attitude turned them on as much as it pissed them off, and that said, even though they felt frustrated with the other, exchanging arrogant words like this was ten thousand times more thrilling than the fantasies they had masturbated to for so long.

    What neither even noticed themselves, though, was how their opinion on the other’s ‘delusional beliefs’ had changed. The anger at the other for believing that she owned her was no longer as explosive or violent as when they first started fighting for supremacy, a nearly imperceptible shift occurring in the pair, somewhere along the line…

    These complicated thoughts and unnoticed feelings, went unvoiced, however. Both harrumphed at the other’s words and bumped their hips together in mutual annoyance.

    Ignoring the clap of wet ass cheeks slapping together, they turned their attention to the watches in front of them once more.

    Holding them out, so they were side by side, the screens lit up, displaying the number of climaxes each woman had experienced so far.

    15, was the number of times Paige had been forced to cum by Megan.

    15, was the number of times Megan had been forced to cum by Paige.

    Speechless, the pair froze, their brown eyes practically bulging in shock.

    They were pulled from their state of shock when they felt their hips and ass cheeks grinding together as though trying to create enough friction to start a fire, their bodies desiring domination just as much as their minds.

    “Ha… I can see why you think you’re qualified to own me,” Megan said, turning her face slightly.

    “Hmph… I can see why you think the same,” Paige said back, matching her rival’s movement so that their long dark eyelashes were fluttering against each other. “You’re miles off if you think you’re going to tame me though, Megan.”

    “And you’re not even close to subduing me, Paige.”

    Puckering their lips, the two blew hot breath into the other’s face, a teasing and coquettish action that caused their blood to boil in unison.

    “You’re mine!” Megan growled, baring her teeth at her foe.

    “You’re mine!” Paige hissed, flashing white teeth in response.

    The pair rolled in opposite directions before springing to their feet, chests heaving in a mixture of excitement and annoyance.

    “You’re going to worship the ground I walk on when I’m done with you!” Paige swore.

    “You’re going to be thinking of me every second when I’m done with you!” Megan spat.

    ““Then try it! Make me yours, if you can!”” The duo challenged, sparks flying as passionate glares collided.

    Turning away from each other, they strode over to their respective bags.

    Paige pulled out a net of interconnected pads, electric shock bondage equipment, before turning and seeing Megan had pulled out a similar-looking string of equipment…


    With a similar set-up to last time, the pair decide to take turns binding one another with an endurance-style competition to see who could outlast the other.

    This time, Megan was bound first, and Paige, after wiping down the woman’s body, stuck the nodes to her slave. One on each nipple, a few more across her expansive breasts, with others on her waist, hips, ass, and inner thighs. Whilst none were placed directly on the woman’s sensitive slit, they were placed on her lower abdomen, a few inches below the belly direct, to stimulate the area around the womb.

    “You ready?❤︎” Paige purred, licking her lips as she looked her captive up and down.

    “Just give it your worst-HYAAA…?!❤︎” Megan squealed; her words interrupted by the sudden jolt of the various pads sparking to life.

    “Fuc…Ahhh…Ooooh..?!!?❤︎” Various moans escaped Megan’s mouth as both sets of lips grew wetter and wetter under the nerve simulating pleasure of the electric shock equipment. Twin trails of saliva and pussy juice dripped down on the floor as the girl twitched and shook.

    “If only your fans could see you now, drooling from both mouths,” Paige laughed, seizing the chance to take the woman’s arrogance down a notch.

    “You won’t have to work ever again… You won’t have to think ever again… if you just… become mine, Megan…” She whispered in the bound brunette’s ear, her voice soft and seductive, tempting Megan down a path of endless joy and pleasure.

    “No stress… Only the bliss of being mine… and the joy of having me be your everything…”

    “I’ll be your one and only, your master, your life… You want that… don’t you…?❤︎”

    Megan’s eyes were struggling to stay focused, her moans even more incomprehensible as toes twitched and her crotched throbbed. Paige could practically hear the pounding of the girl’s womb in response to her words.

    Soon enough…

    “AHHNNNGGG!!❤︎” Megan cried out, her body twitching and spasming without end. A powerful squirt of girl-cum erupted from her crotch, soaking Paige’s feet.

    The sound of the watch confirmed the obvious, and Paige stopped the electric current and released the bindings, allowing Megan to slump to the floor.

    Squatting down next to the collapsed woman, a trail of shining fluid leaked from her slit as love and affection overflowed from Paige’s eyes, the brown orbs practically taking the shape of hearts.

    “I knew you wanted to be mine!” She sang out, her voice joyous. “Call me Master, Megan. I know you want to…!”

    “You…first…!” Shuddered Megan, still fighting to suppress the shuddering. Ignoring Paige, who looked as though she had just eaten a fly, Megan looked at her wrist. “3 minutes, 5 seconds. You took even longer to make me cum than last time…”

    Forcing herself to her feet, and not even bothering to detach the equipment from her body, she began to stick her own set of equipment onto Paige.

    Bouncing back from her forlorn state, Paige’s eyes regained their arrogant and as she allowed herself to be bound up, she bragged,

    “It took longer? Big words, I didn’t even touch that leaking pussy of yours, and you still barely lasted 3 minutes!”

    “Then, let’s see how long you last, shall we?❤︎” Megan whispered, her mouth smiling like a Cheshire cat.

    “Longer than you-HMNNN…?!❤︎” Paige squeaked; her words interrupted by the sudden jolt of the various pads sparking to life.

    “Shi…Mhhh…Hnnng..?!!?❤︎” Various moans escaped Paige’s mouth as both sets of lips grew wetter and wetter under the shocking pleasure of the torturous bondage equipment. Twin streams of saliva and pussy juice mixed on the floor beneath her as the girl twitched and shook.

    “If only your fans knew how their goddess is just only worth this much,” Paige laughed, seizing the chance to take the woman’s arrogance down a notch.

    “Just give it up… All of it… All your ego, your pride… you’ll be so much more without it…” She whispered in the bound brunette’s ear, her voice light but her words heavy with temptation, seducing Paige down a path of never-ending bliss and ecstasy.

    “No more worries… Just… the knowledge that you belong to me… I’ll be your everything, your every thought, and desire…”

    “I’ll be your one and only, your master, your life… You want that… don’t you…?❤︎”

    Paige’s eyes were cloudy with desire, her moaning even more incomprehensible as toes twitched and her crotched convulsed. Megan could practically hear the pounding of the girl’s womb in response to her words.

    Soon enough…

    “MMMNNNHHH!!❤︎” Paige howled, her body twitching and trembling constantly. A powerful squirt of girl-cum exploded from her crotch, soaking Megan’s feet.

    The sound of the watch confirmed the obvious, and Megan stopped the electric current and released the bindings, allowing Paige to collapse to the floor in a heap.

    She squatted down, staring in admiration at the flow of thick nectar pouring from Paige’s cunt onto the floor, completely oblivious to the fact that she was still leaking too.

    “I knew you were pretending to hate the idea,” Megan cried out happily, her eyes almost taking the shape of love hearts. “You want to be mine really!”

    Saying this, she paused for a moment, as a feeling of déjà vu suddenly welled up within her, before she could think on it further, however, Paige, still twitching, managed to sit up, glaring at her as viciously as she could.

    “Get…real…!” She spat, still attempting to suppress the spasms. “Let’s check my time before you get too excited.”

    Megan was let down by the fact that she still hadn’t broken- convinced- Paige to become hers but saw the sense in her rival’s words. Bending down, she lifted the brunette still shaking hand and inspected the smartwatch.

    “3 minutes…5…seconds…!” Megan gasped, their astounding identicality still catching her by surprise, despite their current track record.

    She heard a frustrated groan from Paige, and when she turned to look at her was suddenly tackled to the floor!

    In an instant, Paige had pinned her to the ground, her heavy chest pressing down on hers, whilst her left leg rested top Megan’s right. Thankfully, Megan had moved subconsciously, managing to hook her left leg around Paige’s right, allowing her a small amount of leverage.

    “Guess we settle it…like this then…!” Paige growled, the second set of identical results causing her temper to flare, despite the strange feeling of arousal she was experiencing. She reached out for the switch to the equipment Megan still hadn’t removed.

    “Fine… by me…!” Megan growled back, feeling as irritated with the situation as she was turned on. She matched Paige’s movements, quickly reaching out for the switch to her equipment.

    Two switches were flipped in unison, causing the pair to squeal like pigs as their curvaceous bodies were bombarded by pleasure.


    Unlike before, where the duo merely had to contend against the pleasure of the current surging through their erogenous zones, they now had to endure the pleasure of their bodies squashing together, as well as the double assault of pleasure from where their sticky pads overlapped!

    The pads on their nipples pressed together as the rest of the stimulation spots on the breasts followed suit, causing both women’s mouths to go slack as pleasured groans escaped their throats.

    Finger intertwined, Paige was pinning Megan to the ground, trying her best to withstand the heat building inside of her, when Megan’s left foot, wet with cum and sweat, reached up and pressed itself against Paige’s cheek, giving her a push sideways!

    Paige fell to the side, and Megan pressed herself into her with sudden force, breasts pancaking against one another as the pads on the navels came into contact. This move was a double-edged sword, however, as whilst it help her mount her rival in a single movement, it also resulted in twin shrieks echoing out as their watches sounded off in synchrony.


    Subconsciously grabbing hold of each other’s hands, two pairs of brown eyes rolled back as the duo squirted over each other’s crotch from the sudden stimulation.

    Megan locked her left foot around Paige’s right, in an attempt to prevent receiving a simple comeuppance, yet Paige’s left foot swung upwards, implanting itself on Megan’s cheek, and with a push, she sent her tumbling back the way she came.

    Forcibly pressing herself into the other girl, despite the spike in pleasure, Paige attempted to replicate the same move that Megan pulled off, trying to roll herself on top of the other, only to feel as though she had just collided into a wall, her rival’s body braced and ready for the attack.

    Despite her readiness, however, the sudden chest crush and full body contact took its toll on Megan, sending the woman into another orgasm, yet unfortunately, it had the same effect on Paige, with both fighters climaxing in tandem once again.

    ““FUUUC-!!!❤︎❤︎”” They both attempted to curse before their breath left them, forced out by the tide of pleasure sweeping across them. Dense tit-flesh was jolting and shaking against dense tit-flesh, whilst the stimulation on their lower navels was sending shivers and shocks to the most intimate parts of the female anatomy.

    Locking their ankles around one another to prevent their rival from mounting them, the pair exchanges frustrated glares that seemed to be melting under the searing pleasure they were giving each other.

    Released their interlocking fingers, they wrapped their arms around the other’s back, cooperating to crush themselves even tighter. Their legs mimic the movement, tensing with tremendous force, which forced their heavy asses together with a wet slap.

    Just as blissful moans were on the verge of escaping their mouths, the duo smashed their gaping maws together, lips locking as their orgasmic roars were released into each other’s throats.

    Swallowing their rival’s scream did little to stop the humiliating announcement of their watches, both women forced to listen to the proof of them going off in synchrony once again.

    Untangling their legs as if by unspoken agreement, each woman wrapped her long legs around the other’s meaty ass, applying a brutal amount of force as though they were trying to squeeze the life out of one another.

    Muffled moans echoed out as the inner curves of their proud asses were squashed together, the heart-pounding contact between sensitive and stimulated skin set the two off, but neither even heard the watch this time, the pleasure reaching dangerous heights.

    The pleasure had built and compounded to such an extent that their once domineering kiss, which had been more akin to two alligators trying to eat each other, had melted into an erotic and thoroughly mutual oral fellatio, with both women taking the initiative to suck on the other’s tongue and allow the opposing pink muscle into her mouth. Tongues rubbed and ground against one another, twisting and knotting together as they explored each other’s mouths with rapidly growing intimacy.

    Paige serviced Megan’s mouth and tongue, licking the inside of her cheeks and drinking her saliva with incredible dedication, whilst Megan serviced Paige’s mouth and tongue, licking her teeth and drinking saliva with equal concentration.

    Their lower lips were just about touching too, brushing and grazing against each other like shy lovers daring the other to make the first move, a painful tease that only added to the pleasure. Yet for better or worse, the overlapping patches for the electrostimulation prevented the cunt-to-cunt contact from getting any deeper.

    The watches chimed again, and again, and again, and again.

    But neither could hear it, both too absorbed in the other.

    All good things come to an end, however, and the battery packs for the electrostimulation quickly ran dry, which cause the pair to lose their tension and suddenly slip apart.

    They sat up, eyes cloudy with lust and oblivious to the incredible sticky wetness connecting their crotches. All they wanted was to resume the blissful connection between them, so they leaned forward, tongues outstretched submissively for the other to do with as they please.

    ““Ahhh…❤︎❤︎”” They moaned together, both submissive and obedient at last.

    Fused saliva spilled out of their awaiting mouths as they moved for each other’s mouth, yet, when the tips of their tongues touched…

    The spell they had bound each other in shattered! The sudden contact snapped the pair from their pleasure-induced haze, causing them both to freeze in shock!

    Suddenly the pair recoiled in opposite directions as though hit with lightning!

    Hearts pounding uncontrollably and faces completely flushed, all either woman could think was –

    ‘What just happened to me…?!’

    [Part 2 END]

    Author comments

    I must admit, this story is unrealistic in many ways. This whips used aren't sex whips, and the crack of the whip is due to the sound barrier being broken, so if this story was realistic, Megan and Paige would be very bloody/very dead. The electrostimulation also was not researched, simply because I didn't want to stress about the details too much.

    I hope you managed to switch off your brain and enjoy the story without picking apart my plot lol.

    Please let me know what you would like to see next!

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    Junior Hostboard Member paki042's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    story is getting better and better............. cant wait to read the next part

  10. #10
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Mutual Obsession

    Mutual Obsession / Yandere x Yandere: Part 3

    ‘What just happened to me…?!’

    The pair thought, springing apart in horror.

    Paige felt unnerved, the feeling of her body being out of her control sent shivers down her spine even as a hot, tingling sensation spread across her still wet body.

    Her heavy breasts throbbed with red hot desire, and she could feel her pussy twitching and convulsing, as though begging for more of whatever it was she just experienced.

    Cringing internally with her cheeks burning, her brown eyes flickered towards Megan, dreading the smug look she was about to see on her rival’s face…only to see her near mirror image sporting the exact same look as her. The woman looked awkward and embarrassed, nervously brushing stray locks of hair behind her ear. Paige practically fell in love all over again at the sight of such a demure and shy Megan. At the same time, however, she realized that whilst she had leaned forward, sticking out her tongue towards Megan just now… Megan had done the same, presenting her soft tongue to her!

    ““You gave in to me, you became mine!”” Paige cried out, only to hear Megan say the same.

    ““No, I didn’t!”” Megan spat back, only to hear Paige say the same.

    “You did! You stuck your tongue out for me like a cute little slave, so go on, do it again!” Paige demanded, rising to her knees to look down on Megan, even as her body still trembled slightly in the afterglow of pleasure.

    “YOU stuck your tongue out for ME! You became my woman, so why are you denying it now? Be good and do it again!” Megan commanded back, matching Paige’s movements and rising to her knees to oppose her competitor.

    Panting hard and glaring into each other’s eyes, the pair entered a tense stalemate, their shaky and slutty bodies just a foot apart. From the neck down, it was as though each woman was staring into a mirror, their hefty breasts jutting forward with identical, gravity-defying aplomb, their soft stomachs drawing eyes to tight waists and wide, breedable hips.

    Megan and Paige both felt tormented, the person they craved and desired ownership and total control of had submitted to them but only for a single moment, and was now refusing to admit it! Adding insult to injury, though neither would admit it, was that both women had missed the opportunity to further solidify their dominance over the other, their minds clouded by lust and desire to think straight.

    That is all the unexpected incident was to either girl, a moment of weakness caused by too many climaxes, not in the slightest was it any sort of admission that the other’s claims of ownership may have had some truth to them. At least… that’s what both women were telling themselves.

    Suddenly both sprang forward, hands reaching out for the other’s crotch in an attempt to make up for their recent mistake, their failure to seize the initiative. Both wanted to pounce whilst the other was still weak, and make them admit who was the master, and who was the slave once and for all!

    The vicious assaults of two right hands landed on their targets in synchrony!

    ““UNGH!!❤❤”” The duo groaned as their curvaceous bodies slapped together, sweaty and milk-drenched tits being squashed into one another. Middle and ring fingers had slipped between dripping wet folds to instantly begin their penetrative pumps in each woman’s twat, whilst the index and pinky fingers were brought together before being pulled apart, spreading puffy labia as they did so!

    Each’s painfully erect bean-like clit was crushed and ground ruthlessly by the other’s thumb, both women striking the other’s pleasure nexus with astounding accuracy.

    As the embarrassing sounds of heavy arousal echoed out of their mercilessly stirred honeypots, their upper halves were straining against each other as each woman tried to bend the other back. Despite their knees growing increasingly sore from the pressure, however, the only result was their ever-expanding mass of tit-flesh molding and being molded in all directions.

    Megan’s left hand wrapped around Paige’s back, and grabbed onto her long brown locks, before pulling on it in an attempt to unbalance the other woman. Unfortunately, whilst she succeeded and Paige was yanked back, unbeknownst to her, Paige’s hand had grabbed onto her hair too!

    Megan was tugged backward in tandem with her rival, their backs arching, which allowed their squashed tits a moment to relax, yet this sudden destabilization caused both fighters to subconsciously, clench their right hands!

    A vicious mutual assault occurred on both brunette’s cunts! Clits were crushed by thumbs, whilst their index and ring fingers, which had been ruthlessly finger-fucking the twitching twats, tensed in the sudden subconscious squeeze, digging into roughly textured vaginal walls, their G-spots!

    Both sides of their sensitive clits were savagely pinched down on perfect synchrony, a sudden and unexpected karmic retribution for both Paige and Megan!

    ““AAHHHHH!!!❤❤”” Both screamed out in shock the eruption of painful pleasure smashing the pair into another shared climax!

    Watches chimed in unison, but all either woman was focused on was their rival, their opponent, their woman!

    Their slave!

    Gritting their teeth in frustration and locking eyes in a taunting and tyrannical glare, the pair continued their painful pinching, neither wanting to be the first to let go.

    Paige yanked on Megan’s hair again, this time using it to pull herself upright again, whilst Megan used her hair to achieve the same goal. Chests were forced back into a crushing compression, whilst their hands released the locks of brown hair and instead wrapped around the other’s neck, pulling their face in close.

    Foreheads collided as the duo hissed and groaned into the other’s face.

    ““Let go…!”” The two commanded in one voice, strained from both pleasure and pain.

    ““Stick your tongue out for me… and I will…!”” They groaned together, the non-stop pressure on their cunts practically driving them insane with furious lust.

    “YOU…!” Both began, about to spit out a threat before they were interrupted by another forcefully imposed climax.

    ““HNNNGGG-FUUCKKKKK!!!❤❤”” The duo screamed together. Each was being forcefully fucked, made to cum again and again by the woman they were desperate to dominate!

    Paige’s delusional belief that Megan was made for her, that she could make Megan feel better than anyone was growing stronger and stronger by the second. Each orgasm that she forced upon the woman reinforced her perceived reality layer by layer! But to her dismay, Megan, who claimed that Paige belongs to her… seemed to be just as correct! Paige had been forced to share every climax in synchrony with her ‘slave’, with not a single triumph over the other girl!


    Megan’s delusional belief that Paige was made for her, that she could make Paige feel better than anyone was growing stronger and stronger by the second. Each orgasm that she forced upon the woman reinforced her perceived reality layer by layer! But to her dismay, Paige, who claimed that Megan belongs to her… seemed to be just as correct! Megan had been forced to share every climax in synchrony with her ‘slave’, with not a single triumph over the other girl!

    The smartwatches, constantly tracking their climaxes, only added to the mutual humiliation. Neither woman could avert their eyes from the fact… that they just keep cumming together! The overlapping sounds of their watches beeping were like a hammer nailing the other’s bold claims into their minds.

    ““OOHHHH??!!❤❤”” The pair moaned again, identical bodies shuddering against each other as waterfalls of girl-cum gushed out of the convulsing cunts.

    Mouths smashed together as each, trapped in the throes of pleasure, tried to forcefully claim her prize. Lips locked and teeth bashed as both tried to forcefully ‘outkiss’ the other, yet it was as though kissing a mirror!

    Attempting to through the stalemate, Paige suddenly started to force herself to her feet, her legs twitching and shaking, yet her mouth now baring down on Megan’s. Her tongue like a powerful pink spear, she forced her way into Megan’s mouth in a sudden intrusion.

    Twin squirts escaped tortured twats as the dominator and dominated climaxed together, yet, perhaps fuelled by humiliation, and as the echo of the watches’ chimes still resounded, Megan counterattacked!

    Not to be outdone, she began rising to her feet, matching Paige’s rise in elevation, before painstakingly… surpassing it!

    Sweaty and cum soaked, her legs trembled like a fawn’s under her rival’s dual assaults on upper and lower mouths, yet she pushed through the pleasure, and began bearing down on Paige’s lips, forcing her tongue into Paige’s wet mouth!

    Roles temporarily reversed, yet the result was still the same, both helpless before yet another mutually inflicted orgasm.

    The rivals in domination stumbled and staggered around the basement room, their trembling legs crisscrossing as they suppressed one another before being suppressed in turn.

    Occasionally, after mutually inflicted orgasms tore through their tightly pressed bodies, their mouths would pop apart, thick trails of saliva connecting them, so that they could spit demands at each other. Hot breaths would collide as sticky saliva bridges conjoined their tongues before their lips were smashed together once again.

    ““Give up! Become mine!””


    ““Stop resisting! You were made for me!””


    ““I’m your everything! Your…Master!””


    As if tied together by invisible ropes, the pair were locked together face-to-face as they spun in circles around the room, a non-stop chain of climaxes following them relentlessly, until finally, the pair spun to a stop at the foot of the large queen-sized bed.

    The bombastic brunettes had, at some point, released their grip on the other’s cunt, instead moving both hands to their rival in love’s ass. Both women’s ass-meat was being ruthlessly crushed, spilling out from between fingers, yet neither seemed to care. The duo pressed together, tit-to-tit, crotch-to-crotch, both balanced on their tiptoes in an attempt to gain the advantage in their kiss fight. Neither woman could stand any taller, yet unsurprisingly, they stood at a perfectly equal height!

    Glaring at one another, even as their tongues coiled together inside their shared cage, the duo pulled their hips back, then, both forcefully pulled the other’s ass towards them!

    Crotches smashed together, prompting moans of pained pleasure to echo out alongside their watches’ drone, yet neither stopped, instead pulling back again!



    Clits nailed into each other as intertwining squirts of cum spilled onto the floor!

    Thick ass cheeks were separated by invasive fingers, strands of sweat and cum connecting each fighter’s powerful buns, before,




    Again and again, increasingly delirious duellists smacked their cunts together, each giving as good as they got, and gaining as much ground as they lost.

    ““Call me…Master…!❤❤””

    They commanded, each woman’s pleasure-fried mind having decided to force the acknowledgment out of the other, no matter the cost!


    Another collision, another climax.

    ““Call…me…Master…!!❤❤”” They demanded again, eyes beginning to roll back even as they pulled one another into another tongue-tangling kiss.

    ““Call…me…!”” Each began, almost pleading with one another to submit so they could release one another from the insanity-inducing pleasure. Yet as they spoke, hips pulled back, revealing long strands of shimmering girl-cum stretching between them like glue, and before either could finish her words, red-raw crotches and battered clits collided once more!

    An eruption of pleasure exploded out of them, Paige and Megan both screaming out in wild, frantic ecstasy as any space still remaining between them was crushed out of existence by their shaking bodies squashing together.

    ““MASTERRR!!!❤❤”” The duo wailed in one voice as their mouths went slack in pleasure, long tongues falling out of their mouths before plastering together. Their precariously maintained balance crumbled as the twin fighters collapsed in convulsions onto the bed beside them, limbs wrapping around the other like an octopus’s tentacles.

    Whether it was a string of orgasms detonating so impossibly close together, or a single shared climax that eclipsed anything either woman thought possible, neither Megan nor Paige nor their smartwatches could tell. The watching beeping was entirely suppressed by the scream erupting from the girls’ sealed mouths.

    Something else, the pair didn’t know, their minds entirely swallowed by relentless, soul-destroying pleasure, was whether their final cry, both screaming- sobbing, the word ‘Master’…was the end of one sentence…or the beginning of another.


    Coming to, Megan found herself completely within Paige’s grasp, the other woman’s arms and legs locked around her, whilst her mouth had been pried open, her rival’s tongue practically reaching her throat.

    As she continued to recover, however, she was pleased to sense that she had locked herself around Paige too, her arms and legs crushing the woman’s body into her own, whilst she had forced her rival to deepthroat her tongue in return.

    She was internally debating whether or not this could be considered a victory, when her eyes were locked onto by another pair of brown orbs.

    She froze, suddenly feeling foolish for thinking of this situation as anything other than an embarrassing defeat. The opposite eyes flickered with similar sentiments, humiliation, shame, frustration along with unwilling and unacknowledged pleasure appearing within.

    Hands thrust out as the pair pushed each other away, their lips separating with a wet pop. Both managed to ignore the thick bridges of mixed saliva connecting their mouths, but as their bodies continued to pull apart, neither could ignore the messy mix of breast milk coating their tits. Countless dense strands of breast ejaculate could be seen between their enormous expanse of tit-flesh. Long strings of creamy milk stretched between their still engorged nipples, like chains of pure white attempting to bind them together.

    Megan had started lactating following her descent into a deranged desire for Paige, or [MilkyMeli❤︎], as she had known her, a result of her violent and non-stop masturbation, yet it had never sprayed out so relentlessly!

    Pulling their sticky tits apart, the duo groaned in unison, which caused their eyes to flicker together.

    An uncompromising desire for total dominance collided with the unshakable need for complete submission!

    “That milk you’ve been spraying everywhere, your body makes it for me!” Paige huffed, her brow raised in irritation. “It’s because, deep down, you want to be my little milk cow!”

    “You’re the milk cow,” Megan spat back. “That’s why you haven’t stopped leaking this entire time, your body is designed to satisfy me, and this is how I want you to be!”

    Sparks flying between them, they sat up.

    “You’ve definitely spewed more milk than me!”

    “It’s you who’s sprayed more than me!”

    ““That’s it!”” They growled, deciding to waste no more words and instead prove their points with action!

    Right leg over left, the duo dragged themselves together so that they were sitting with their legs around the other’s waist, the hot air emanating from their still dripping cunts fusing in the small space between them.

    Megan and Paige each grabbed the other’s heavy right breast, and lifted the dense tit-flesh. Only having to lower their heads slightly, such was the size of their near-boundless breasts, the rivals each opened her jaw wide and latched her mouth onto the opposing woman’s nipple!

    Immediately, a battle of sucking and biting commenced!

    Stimulating the heavy tit-flesh with teasing bites, before ruthlessly sucking on the erect nipple as though it were a straw!

    Bubbling hot milk erupted from each woman’s mammary gland, pouring down their rival’s throat!

    Eyes locked in a hateful glare, each woman ashamed that her proud and perky tits gave in so easily, yet both turned on for reasons they couldn’t explain!

    They had each masturbated to the thought of milking each other’s fat tits countless times, and yet, neither had even thought once about allowing the other to do the same to them, despite their lactation problem.

    This meant that neither Paige nor Megan could explain to themselves… why it felt so good to be milked by the woman they were supposed to be milking…!

    ““Mmmmhhh…❤❤”” The pair groaned, the muffled admissions of pleasure escaping before either noticed.

    Eyes snapped back to focus and locked together in a flustered glare, the duo acting like cats whose tails had been stepped on.

    Pulling the teat from their mouths, they grabbed onto their partner’s neglected tits, shifting their focus to suck on it instead.

    Areolas were teased with stimulating bites, and erect nipples given better blowjobs than most men would ever enjoy. Mouthful after mouthful of delicious milk was swallowed in tandem, igniting a lustful fire in their leaking lower lips, a wetness spreading on the bedsheets under them.

    Yet, once again, the pair began to lose their competitive edge, each becoming submerged in the strange satisfaction of being…providing for the other. Perhaps, their pleasure-ravaged minds craved a quiet movement of intimacy, or it was a simple effect of neurological wiring, their inbuilt motherly instincts being drawn out by the other’s desperate suckling.

    Maybe it was neither of these reasons, the cause, in fact, being something neither wanted to admit…That they were slowly being-

    ““Aaahhhhh…❤❤”” The ‘dueling’ duo moaned in unison, their minds flying out of their bodies like two doves. Yet, whether for good or bad, this noise once again snapped the pair from their daze.

    Both felt bloated from all the milk, yet neither of them seemed to be running dry, much to their mutual disappointment, their breasts willing to provide as much as the other wanted to take.

    Still trying to prove that the other was their milk cow, however, they forced themselves to continue, this time forcing both nipples into their mouths. The four tits were all squeezed together like sardines, heavy tit-flesh rubbing and grinding together, whilst the ‘inside’ breasts were crushed and compressed on both sides.

    Gnawing on their rival’s nipples as violently as they could, as though to prevent themselves from losing focus yet again, the pair drained each other’s sweat-soaked milksacks relentlessly. Twisting and turned engorged nipples, tongues flicking the sensitive teats, the duo managed to avoid the strange, unnerving satisfaction, at the cost of being forced to endure the sexual pleasure instead.

    Their lower lips spluttered and spat, each woman’s twats twitching in burning desire.

    Lust, annoyance, defiance, and desire all coalesced into a raging wildfire within the pair, their lower lips spluttering and spitting, as each woman’s twat twitched in desperate craving.

    Their long legs, locked around the other’s waist, were slowly tightening their hold, bringing the duo closer and closer. Eventually, still staring into the other’s eyes, both in furious rebellion against the other’s claim of ownership, as well as anxious search for weakness, their foreheads touched. Their chests were compressed to an unimaginable degree, to the point where they could stick out their tongues and lick all four nipples at the same time.

    Taunting glares lead the pair of identically-endowed women to give one last squeeze, their locked ankles pushing the other’s ass towards them, yet, what neither released, so absorbed in their thrillingly erotic staredown, was that the constantly tightening of their legs…was about to bring their aching slits together.

    ““MMMMNHHH??!!❤❤”” The buxom brunettes attempt to scream at the sudden contact of their puffy pussy lips touching, yet sudden explosions of milk erupted into their mouths, each girl’s nipples practically acting like hosepipes to blast bubbling and frothy milk directly in the other’s stomach.

    In shock, legs clamped even tighter, which only allowed their cunts to deepen their kiss. Perfectly aligned slits pressed together, with vaginal folds helping to spread each other part, their most intimate secrets were crushed together, causing an instant climax to rampage through each of them.

    Tits pinged from their mouths, both women spluttering mouthfuls of milk down themselves, whilst their perky breasts, still mid eruption, coated the opposing woman in a bukkake of bubbling milk. Thrashing backward, still coughing white, their breasts pointed towards the ceiling, the streams of milk spraying up before pouring down like rain, drenching the duo.

    A result of the pair flailing back, however, was that Paige’s legs had been pinning under Megan’s firm ass, whilst Megan’s legs had been pinned under Paige’s strong butt, effectively pinning their pussies together.

    Megan’s tight cunt was sprayed with Paige’s boiling squirt and Paige’s clamped twat was squirted with Megan’s boiling spray. Their two-way cum injection instantly set the pair off again, and what could have only been a single shared orgasm quickly became two, then three, then four…

    Hips jumped up in unison, jolting in ecstasy again and again, yet, even with their feet now free of the other’s heavy ass, neither took the initiative to pull away and escape the pleasurable hell they had become trapped in. On the contrary, they reached out to hold onto their rival’s ankles, using them to pull themselves even tighter together.



    ““M….MASTERRRR!!!❤❤”” The pair screamed in synchrony, their rationality too shattered under the never-ending tide of pleasure to hold back the pleading and submissive words.

    Determination broken, their screams and moans became increasingly incomprehensible, until the two women passed out, collapsing helplessly onto the bed. Yet, even unconscious, their hips continued to thrash, and their watches chime as each climax was recorded in absolute synchrony.

    Though irrelevant to the unconscious women, their sudden stalemate-shattering orgasms didn’t appear out of nowhere but were rather the result of different overlapping factors. Their spread legs had exposed their twitching twats to the torrent of seductive pheromones gushing from their rival’s twat, a barrage of hormones, all screaming ‘Fuck me!’, that blasted directly onto their respective slits. Yet, Paige and Megan, too distracted by their mutual milking, left their slits burning up with the desperate desire to lock together and pump each other full of cum. Similarity, their desperate tit sucking had caused a build-up of pleasure within in woman, yet both were too distracted by the humiliating joy of providing for one another, of being treated like their rival’s possession, to notice. These factors were like kindling piled high, and the sudden contact between cunts was the spark that set the firewood ablaze!

    Plus… Paige and Megan…

    Were far too compatible.


    While suspecting this would not be the last time, Megan and Paige separated their trembling and twitching bodies, and simply…stared at one another.

    Their gazes were strange and facing flushed, as though, rather than two mutually obsessed stalkers, they were two strangers who somehow happened to end up naked on the bed together.

    Perhaps this was the look people in the middle ages wore when they realized the possibility that the Earth revolved around the sun, and not the other way round.

    That they could have been wrong, all along.

    Their small feet, sticky with cum, happened to touch as they sat awkwardly opposite one another, causing the pair to cry out shyly. Despite the embarrassment, however, neither girl pulled back, instead pressing their dainty feet and small toes together even as their flushes spread to their ears.

    ““Just so you know-”” They began, before trailing off, flustered by speaking at the same time. Both women seemed to twitch at their shared words, their synchrony causing their cunts to clench in unison.

    Swallowing their bewilderment at the sudden embarrassment at their synchrony, and exchanging looks of encouragement they continued,

    ““I’m still going to make you mine, you know?””

    Their toes twitched against each other in unison, both flinching at the other’s words.

    ““You can try,”” They whispered, both trying to reclaim some of the domineering spirit that had somehow been fucked out of them.

    Partially succeeding, they reluctantly pulled their feet apart, both women swinging themselves off opposite sides of the bed. Rising to her feet, Megan strode over to her bag, still full of equipment and toys she hadn’t used. She dragged it over to the bed, watching Paige do the same.

    “Next time you get off this bed, you’ll have become mine, Paige,” Megan promised, hands upon her wide hips.

    “I’m not letting you off this bed until you admit you’re mine, Megan,” Paige swore back, her hands resting on her curvy hips.

    Toys in hand, the duo knelt on the bed, slowly lowering to all fours as they moved closer and closer…


    ““Urgghhh-FUCKKKK…!❤❤”” They cried out as they were ravaged by vibrating eggs . In a face-to-face competition to see who could outlast the other, both women had spread their legs in an ‘M’ shape, whilst every sensitive spot on their bodies was forced to contend with the non-stop vibrations. Tits, nipples, lower navels, clits, pussies, and inner ass cheeks were all tormented in synchrony. Exploding in unison, their searing streams of girl-cum collided between them, spraying over their crotches. Another tie.


    ““Huh?! NONONONO…! OOOOOH-SHITTTTT❤❤”” They screamed out in embarrassment, each forced to an explosive orgasm by their rival’s footjob. They had goaded each other into it, both boasting that the real ‘Master’ wouldn’t climax to her slave’s footjob, yet, they squirted across each other’s feet far quicker than either of them had expected. Touching their squirt-soaked toes together, they bit their lips with flushed faces another shameful tie.


    ““HNNNGGG!!!❤❤”” The duo groaned as cum sprayed down their legs, each woman’s chins resting on the other’s shoulder. Their tight and bouncy buttocks were covered in red handprints, the pair just having engaged in a disciplinary competition. Their twisted logic was that the submissive slave would climax first. Yet, as the twin streams running down their trembling thighs suggested… it was a draw.


    Face-to-face and resting on all fours, their battered asses pointing in different directions, Megan and Paige brought a double-dildo to their outstretched tongues. As seductively as they could, each girl coated her end in a thick layered of saliva, bringing it into her mouth whilst keeping her eyes glued to her rival. When both ends when drenched in sweet and sticky spit, they spun the dildo round.

    Pressing the dildo against their wet and waiting lips, the two worked together to keep it balanced in place, whilst their hands reached to the back of their slave’s head. Exchanging cocky looks, they yanked the other woman’s head forward, and each had their mouth suddenly filled by the dildo soaked in their rival’s saliva.

    ““HNGNNNN…?!?❤❤”" Both retched, their moans suppressed by the dildo throat-fucking them.

    They pulled back, looking as though they had decided against the competition, yet, just when the dildo was about to leave their mouths, they suddenly yanked each other forward once more! Over and over, the duo throat-fucked each other, only stopping to spin the dildo around so they could swap sides again!

    Runny noses squashed together connecting them with trials of snot, yet the pair persisted in their mutual abuse, even as tears ran down their cheeks!

    Eventually, the two succumbed to the torment simultaneously, the pair collapsing face-down onto the cum soaked bed, their asses twitching as they squirted across the ass cheeks opposite.


    Picking themselves up, Paige and Megan decided to use the saliva-soaked dildo yet again, this time each attempting to fuck the other with it. The side coated in Megan’s spit was aligned with Paige’s pussy, and the side coated with Paige’s was aligned with Megan’s pussy.

    Legs locking around the other’s waist, the pair were ready to begin, when they opened their mouths to taunt,

    ““You ready to get fuck-HYAAAA?!!?❤❤”” - Only to be interrupted by simultaneous sneak attacks, each woman tightening her legs and impaling their rival on the dildo.

    ““OOOHHHH-YOUUUU…!❤❤”” They moaned, both melting under the other’s merciless pounding.

    Swallowing the dildo to the base, their clits collided at the very center point of the long toy. Lower lips stuck together only to be pulled apart as each woman clenched her cunt as hard as she could, their vaginal canals constricting around the dildo. Each wanted to fuck the other one-sidely with it, but all either woman could feel was their precious pussy being ruthlessly pounded, leaving them only able to cum again and again, without the slightest chance of retaliation. If not for their watches, still chiming and chirping in unison, each would have truly believed she was being entirely dominated!

    After a dozen rapid orgasms, the pair rolled onto their front and forced themselves into the doggy position. Reaching back so they could hold hands, they slammed their asses back countless times, fat buttocks ripping against one another with wet slaps as primal moans ripped out of their throats, the desperate mating cries of conquered women ricocheting off the walls!

    In a single shared movement, they thrust back, the dildo disappearing entirely as the entrances to their wombs were ruthlessly slammed!



    Twin screams echoed out, both desperately attempting to pull themselves off the dildo as their climaxes reached terrifying heights, only for their cunts to refuse to let go! Only by aligning their feet to push themselves apart were the pair able to free themselves, each collapsing face-down, ass-up as a frothy mixture of love juice and saliva poured out of their gaping twats.


    ““Mmmhh…❤❤”” The duo moaned together, taking the dildo into their mouths once more, Paige eagerly throating the side drenched Megan’s cunt juice, whilst Megan desperately swallowed the side soaked in Paige’s girl-cum. Their eyes still cloudy from the horrendous pleasure they just experienced, neither girl had any awareness of what they were doing, acting entirely on impulse.


    ““Since you like my taste so much… you’ll love this!❤❤”” The pair of identically bodied brawlers cried out, pouncing on each other, each girl's cunt throbbing in embarrassment for so hungrily sucking the dildo. Each forced the other head between their legs, ruthlessly crushing them between their thighs.

    Muffled moans and hot pants echoed against the savage squeezed of sweaty thighs, their voices reverberating up their convulsing cunts as the duo swallowed mouthful after mouthful of delicious cum, straight from their lover’s hot cunt.


    Sex toy after sex toy was used to no avail, neither woman managing to seize a single victory over their rival, until, finally each only had one left.

    Two small toys, each looking like the base of a dildo, only with a small switch.

    A dildo made of smart materials that could mold to the owner’s shape, becoming the perfect pleasure. Paige had long since dreamed of shoving the toy into Megan’s cunt and molding the woman to her shape.

    Megan had the same fantasy.

    Squatting down in front of one another, and balancing on their tiptoes, the pair spread their legs for one another. Chest crushed together and sensitive inner thighs pressed into one another. Each girl leaned in, closing any final distance between them, and inserted the base of the toy into their rival’s wet lower mouth, before sharing a subtle glance.

    “Let’s do it…❤” Megan whispered, blowing hot air into Paige’s face.

    “Let’s…❤︎” Paige purred back. “I promised I was going to make you mine…❤︎”

    “And I promised I was going to make you mine!❤” Megan countered.

    With one last glance, filled with indescribable emotions, the duo flicked the switches, causing the dildos to rapidly expand!

    “AUHHH?!❤︎” Paige gasped in shock, as her insides were filled with the shape of Megan’s cunt.

    “FUHHH?!❤” Megan moaned in surprise, as her insides were filled with the shape of Paige’s cunt.

    Weak spots neither girl knew they had were instantly fucked by the invasive dildos’ touch as four brown eyes practically became love hearts.

    ““OH FUCK, OH FUCK, OH FUCKKKK!!!❤❤”” They cried out together, interlocking their fingers as their scorching gazes collided.

    “You were born for me!❤❤”” They moaned desperately, trying to suppress the pleasure. “You were made to be mine, to belong to me!❤❤””

    ““You’re being fucked by the shape of me…❤❤”” They said, thrusting their hips forward to that the base of their dildos collided, sending the cunt shaped dildos savagely inward.

    ““You’re…mine…!❤❤”” The two gasped, hot air mixing between their lips.

    ““I’ll never… be yours…❤❤”” Megan and Paige swore, just as an orgasm tore through them, causing them to shake helplessly against one another.

    ““Admit…that…I’m your…Master…❤❤”” Paige and Megan ordered. Their words lacked any force, yet both women let out a wet moan at the command, their tongues reaching out to touch, pressing together as though comparing the length.

    Erect nipples rubbed together, poking one another into the dense tit-flesh, whilst their spear-like clit bashed and bump together.

    Neither Paige nor Megan had ever looked worse, soaked in sticky milk from head to toe, and stinking of sex and cum, yet each woman knew that the other was the most hopelessly addictive, endlessly intoxicating woman she’d ever meet, her perfect match in body and soul

    The other wouldn’t give in, so there was only one thing they could do, the duo thought in tandem, twats twitching relentlessly at the very thought...

    “I’M YOURS, MASTERRR…!!!❤❤❤❤” The pair cried out in submission, completely giving into the other. As if to follow their pride, their identical bodies collapsed into a tangled, twitched heap as an orgasm unlike any other exploded from their crotches. Intertwined girl-cum drenched the sheet, by neither noticed, their attention entirely devoted to their ‘master’.

    Orgasm after orgasm tore through the writhing brunettes as the lines between master and slave became were obliterated. Perhaps they had been obliterated long ago, with neither girl able to tell what was getting her off, bullying and abusing her rival…or being bullied and abused by her rival. The countless climaxes had seemingly blended the two pleasures together, neither woman able to distinguish one from the other any longer.

    Trapped in a cycle of mutual torment, and mutual pleasure, Paige had let go of her goal of subduing Megan. Likewise, Megan had forsaken her goal of subduing Paige. Domineering desires had smashed together, intertwining and interweaving into a warped relationship of mutual domination and mutual submission.

    The duo had collided, again and again, in never-ending attempts to conquer each other, despite both knowing, deep down, that every attempt would result in their perfectly matched bodied collapsing into a tangled heap.

    Somewhere, somehow, the pair had become addicted to it.

    ““Urgghhh-FUCKKKK…!❤❤” - Helplessly exploding into simultaneous climaxes, a mutual pleasure neither could rebel against.

    ““Huh?! NONONONO…! OOOOOH-SHITTTTT❤❤””- Boasting and bragging in unison, only to be forced to swallow their words, a mutual embarrassment they couldn’t resist.

    ““I’M YOURS, MASTERRR…!!!❤❤❤❤”” - Turning from arrogant tyrants into submissive slaves, their pride collapsing as they became nothing but a wet pussy for their master to toy with, a mutual humiliation and mutual degradation that neither knew they wanted, but now neither could live without.


    “You belong to me…and I… belong… to you…❤❤” Two exhausted women sighed, as their consciousnesses finally faded into sleep after the longest night of their lives. Intertwined from head to toe, however, they would be many more days and nights of ‘battles’ ahead. Each thoroughly addicted to the pleasure they could only receive from each other.


    A week later, in the offline, ‘afterhours’, chat on the popular streamer [MilkyMeli❤]’s page, some loyal fans were having a discussion.

    20:15 [littlebean17: why no milk lately?? Where titties?? Ppl pls donate more]
    20:15 [BenDover11: the number1fan hasn’t been here for a few days, maybe he ran out of money]
    20:15 [GoldenSpear69: dudes have you not seen the announcements?]
    20:15 [GoldenSpear69: MilkyMeli isn’t going on cam for donations anymore]
    20:15 [MasterBaiter: you shittin me? Am I gonna have to go over to fckin [CocoNut❤]’s stream for my fap material instead??
    20:16 [TigBittiesLover: Coco isn’t going on cam either these days, it’s why I came over here instead… ;-;]
    20:16 [BenDover11: Maybe they both got bfs lolllll]
    20:16 [littlebean17: FUCK NO!]
    20:16 [GoldenSpear69: nah probably not]
    20:16 [GoldenSpear69: they’ve announced loads of voice acting roles too, so maybe it’s an image thing. They are moving up in the world ya know]
    20:17 [BenDover11: cope harder dude, they are defo getting fucked rn LMAO]
    20:17 [GoldenSpear69: dude im not fcking coping. VA roles and they are commentating on that E-sports tournament together. It’s an image thing.]
    20:17 [BenDover11: you are so gullible. What they are doing is raking in as much money as they can so they can give it all to their bf]
    20:17 [MasterBaiter: stop trolling dude]
    20:17 [BenDover11: Im serious. Possessive bfs arent letting them show tits to make more money. That’s your answer @[littlebean17]

    Little did [BenDover11] know how close he was to the truth, but that rather than boyfriends not allowing the girls to show any skin on stream…

    The pair had been reduced each other to slaves, whose seductive bodies existed only for their master’s eyes only!


    [Final Words]

    I really enjoyed writing this story, and tried a lot of new things. I couldn’t fit everything I wanted to, just because it would have taken too long, and I likely would have run out of motivation if the writing process took any longer. Expanding on the footfight and 69 would have been good.

    I also used a lot of hearts❤❤ because I thought they were really cute! Please let me know if it was too much!

    I used two types of hearts, one for each woman, but sadly on Hboard, only 1 of them registered! If you would like to read this story on Pixiv, however, here is the link: [R-18] #sexfight #同一CP Mutual Obsession Part 3/ END - Lotus - pixiv

    See you next time!

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