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Thread: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

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    Junior Hostboard Member 070101a's Avatar
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    Looking for 2 stories: When I Was Popular & Pride Comes B...

    It may just be my imagination but I think there were 2 stories on here called "When I was popular" and "Pride Comes Before a Fall".

    They may have been from an author that decided to quit and delete everything they ever wrote, or maybe they started their own private website.
    Last edited by 070101a; August 4th, 2022 at 09:48 AM.

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    Junior Hostboard Member 070101a's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    Pride Before a Fall by chillycold was posted by Catharsis:

    Looking for a story (

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    Junior Hostboard Member Coldrin25's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    'When I Was Popular' used to be on either this forum, or Freecatfights. Sadly I haven't been able to track it down either, was a good read.

  4. #4
    Hostboard Member Catharsis's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    "WHEN I WAS POPULAR" by ForeShadow was in the backup file for this forum. Hopefully the author doesn't mind it being reposted.
    NOTE: the text was run through a spell checker, but no other modifications to the content were made.


    By ForeShadow

    Angela hadn't wanted to come to the prom, but it wasn't her choice. She didn't have a date, and everyone else only acknowledged her in passing... and she didn't blame them. Angela didn't stand out much anymore. Her hair was plain, she'd only applied a faint hint of makeup, and her dress was loose and unflattering, with long sleeves and no neckline to speak of. She looked plain and forgettable.

    It wasn't that Angela was unattractive. If one was to stop and look closely, she actually had a very pretty face, with high, round, cheeks, almond eyes, and full lips. She had longish, curly, blonde hair, which fell full and lustrous just past her shoulders... even if it wasn't done up, it was easy to tell it was well cared for. It wasn't that she looked particularly BAD, just that she made no effort to look good.

    It wasn't always like this. Despite how she looked now, plain and alone, Angela had once been the most popular girl at school... and lost it all in a single night. She could feel tears welling her in eyes as she watched the reason for her current situation dancing and taking the stage beside her former boyfriend to be crowned Prom Queen... a position that should have been hers!

    All eyes had been on Jennifer the entire night. The boys starred at her with naked lust, and the girls with envy (and a few of the bi-curious girls with lust as well). The Asian beauty looked the part of Prom Queen, her shiny, shoulder length, black hair done up high in a Chinese style bun, her exotic face perfectly made up. Her red dress reflected the light like satin, highlighting the soft curves of her incredibly body. Jennifer had long legs for her 5'4" height, which led up to wide, curvy hips, and a waist tight from playing volleyball. But the thing that drew everyone's attention, especially Angela's, were the large, round, breasts showcased by her neckline that plunged scandalously deep, revealing the dark, almost ominous, cleavage of her rare 38DD Asian tits.

    Angela caught Jennifer's eye as they placed the Prom crown on her head, and she gave a slight smirk, before turning to give a passionate kiss to Angela's ex-boyfriend, crushing those massive breasts into his chest. Angela really wished should could leave, but it was part of bet she'd made with Jennifer, and she was to afraid of what would happen if she reneged on it in any way, as she remembered back to how this humiliation had all started...


    8 months ago...

    It was plain to see why Angela was the most popular girl at school. Angela has always been a pretty girl, even when she was young, with shiny, blonde, curly hair, a pretty face with a wide, pretty, smile. She had started to develop at an early age, and was the first girl in her class to get her training bra, which she quickly outgrew. By the time she was 14, Angela had developed an amazing body which brought her popularity among the boys, and the envy of the girls.

    At 18 she was now fully developed, standing 5'6" with long, coltish, legs, wide hips, a round, full, ass, slim waist, and her greatest pride, a 40D chest. Angela loved her chest. She was the biggest girl in school and liked the feeling of power that brought her. Angela wasn't particularly a bitch or anything... she actually got along quite well with everyone. But there had been times in the locker room when she'd had to intimidate some upstart girl, angry over the looks her boyfriend had given Angela during gym class or in the hall, into submission. Usually all it took was for her to thrust her rack out a bit and breath in, inflating her chest to it's maximum capacity, to make them back off. Angela was no stranger to jealousy, having had to endure some teasing since she'd gotten her first bra in 6th grade, but as she grew she learned to use her growing bust to her advantage.

    The first time Angela had gotten any indication of how her growing chest could affect other was in the 7th grade. Her friend, Destiny, and her were talking in her bedroom on day after school. Angela's mother was still out, and the two girls were along for a few hours. Destiny had turned the discussion to the new bra her mother had bought her, an upgrade from her training bra. Angela listened politely, but didn't seem impressed when Destiny bragged about her 32B bra size, which seemed to irk the proud girl. Destiny discreetly began to suggest that the girls compare their chests, which Angela declined, which caused Destiny to only insist more strongly. Tiring of her friends poking, Angela finally agreed, and the two girls lifted their shirts. Destiny's breasts were little more than a delicate handful, which she proudly pushed out, hoping to impress her friend, but when Angela raised her shirt, revealing her firm, round, breasts confirmed in a snug 34C cup bra, Destiny gasped, and seemed to shy away from the impressive bosom, hunching over and recovering her smaller chest. Seeing this, Angela pushed her tits out a little more and took a deep breath, causing them to swell against her bra cups. Destiny looked away, and tried to change the subject as Angela finally brought her sweater back down, a satisfied smirk on her face. After this, there were similar scenes whenever some jealous girl would pick on her chest, and Angela soon shamed all the girls in her class into silence.

    Now it was the first day of her final year of high school, a bright, warm, September day. The wind wiped her blonde hair, shining in the sun, around her as she walked through the parking lot. Angela was dressed in her usual wardrobe; tight jeans hugging her firm ass as it rolled from side to side, and a moderately cut tank top hugged her breasts tightly as they bounced ever-so-slightly, giving just a hint of cleavage. She wore light makeup, which accentuated her features, and round, silver, earrings. Her hair was tied back in a ponytail. She was a vision of summer beauty, on the first day of the school year.

    As Angela walked toward the door, she spotted Destiny and waved. Destiny waved back and walked to meet her. Destiny had matured a bit since their childhood, and was fairly attractive in her own right, but even that only seemed to serve to make Angela look better when you compared her to another attractive girl. Destiny stood about and inch shorter, and her breasts were a full cup smaller.

    "Hey Angela, how was the beach?" Destiny asked, as she met her, talking as they made their way inside.

    "It was fun. You should have took the last week off instead of working until schools started. It's a waste of summer vacation," Angela replied, flipping some hair from her eye, "Ready for the new year?"

    "Yeah, my Mom drove me this morning, so I got here early, and there's already news," Destiny said as they arrived at their lockers. She continued as they began to load their lockers, "There's some new girl transferring in... from HONG KONG! Can you believe that? Apparently she was born here, but lived in China for, like, the last three years or something."

    "Really? That's pretty cool. What's she look like," Angela said. Whenever she heard about any female for the first time, Angela had the subconscious habit of asking what they looked like. No one but Destiny had ever noticed this little trait, and most people thought nothing of it, but it always came up whenever Destiny would talk to Angela.

    "I don't know... Asian, I guess... short, black hair-"

    "-small chest?" Angela blurted out absentmindedly as she rummaged in her bag for some loose pencils.

    "I don't know. I haven't seen her yet." Destiny concluded. They closed their lockers and talked a bit more as the halls filled, speculating on the school year, saying hi to friends, and generally gossiping until the first bell rang, signaling for everyone to go to homeroom, which for Angela was English this year.


    Angela took a seat near the middle of the class, not wanting to stand out to much. She hated when the teacher would try to look down her shirt as she took notes, but didn't like being to far back from the blackboard when taking notes. Angela wasn't exactly top of the honor role, but she wasn't stupid either, and took school very serious, having a solid B+-A average. As she sat, she felt someones breath on her ear, "Hey babe, ready for this shit?", muttered Angela's boyfriend, Derek, giving her a light kiss and nuzzle as he flopped into the seat next to her. Derek wasn't what you'd usually imagine a jock to be. At about 6'0" even, he wasn't overly tall, but well built. His face was handsome, with a sharp, serious brow, dark eyebrows, and a shaved head. He wore glasses, but they suited his strong face. Derek was a decent student, but excelled at sports. He was well liked by everyone, a fun guy that could get along with anyone, which allowed him to pull together the schools various teams.

    "I thought you liked English?" Angela responded, leaning her head on her wrist as she looked at him.

    "Yeah, but Mr. Wickett is sort of a douche." , Derek replied blandly, leaning back in his chair.

    "He's not bad... I just hate it when he tries to look down my shirt. That's gross." Angela commented. Derek responded by raising slightly in his chair and gazing down at the aforementioned valley of her cleavage.

    "Everyone tries to look down your tits... that's how we met.", Derek joked, receiving a solid punch in the arm from Angela as he laughed, "Shut UP you ass! Jesus."

    The second bell rang and the class quickly filled, but there was still no teacher to be seen even as the morning announcements started. Even after the announcements finished, Mr. Wickett has yet to arrive.

    "Sweet... wank day?" Derek inquired to anyone that would answer.

    Finally Mr. Wickett entered the room, followed by a stunning Asian girl, probably around 18 like everyone else. She was dressed in some snug jeans, but not too tight, that hugged her wide hips and round ass snugly, and a light blouse that hung off what looked to be massive breasts which bounced heavily in the loose shirt. As she reached the front of the class, she turned, revealing an impressive expanse of cleavage in the modestly cut shirt. Her shoulder length black hair shone as it swayed lightly with the turn. The understated, but none-the-less impressive, entrance had all eyes on her, including Angela.

    Derek turned slightly to Angela as whispers shot through the class, and he whispered as well, "Who the FUCK is that?" he questioned, never taking his eyes off of her. Angela whispered coolly, "That must be the new transfers student..." trailing off slightly as she took her in. Derek leaned back in his seat and muttered, "She's sort of hot, dontcha think?" Derek wasn't one for subtlety, and Angela had heard him make such blunt statements before, but this was the first time she'd had to agree.

    "Morning class, please settle," Mr. Wickett started from his desk, "As you can see, we have a new student this year. Her name is Jennifer, and she has transferred here from Hong Kong. I was just showing her to class. Now I'm sure you'd all like to know more about her, but please try to restrain yourselves until class is over. There'll be plenty of time to chat then. Jennifer, please take a seat."

    Jennifer bowed slightly at the teacher, giving a quick, but deep, glimpse of her cleavage to the bald teacher, causing him to blush slightly, before she took an empty seat, just in front of Angela. As the class started, Angela found it hard to concentrate on the orientation information Mr. Wickett droned on about, and instead absently observed Jennifer, not entirely clear on what this odd feeling she had was. The bell rang, shaking Angela from her slight stupor, as chairs squeaked on the floor as kid filed out, a slight murmur building as they began to talk again, and a crowd formed around Jennifer. Derek wrapped his arm around Angela as they left the class.


    Angela has four classes in a day, English, Advanced Calculus, Art, and Gym, and Jennifer was in all her classes excluding Advanced Calculus, in which she instead had Computer Sciences, and despite this, Angela never attempted to talk to the new girl, only observed her as other students flocked around her, introducing themselves, excited to learn more about this beautiful new student. As much as she tried to hide it, Angela was irked by this for some reason. She hadn't even met Jennifer face to face yet, and had no real reason to feel annoyed with her, but it the transfer students newfound popularity bothered Angela on some level, especially given the comments she picked up in the halls.

    "DAMN! That new girl is STACKED."

    "She's really nice. She was telling me what Hong Kong was like."

    "I've didn't know Asian chicks could even get that big..."

    "I hear she's really smart, and her parents are loaded."

    "I think that bitch might even be hotter than Angela..."

    Angela had been used to people talking about her. She knew she was pretty hot and smart and her parents were fairly well off, and people talked about her all the time. She got along well with everyone and Derek was popular as well, increasing her own social circle to include his friends. She'd lived with people constantly talking about her for years and had sort of become used to it... sort of expected it. "She's just new," She thought to herself, "in a week, she'll just be another girl." Angela didn't know why she thought that... why it mattered so much that this girl just fade into the crowd like any other. There were other pretty girls in the school... other girls with breasts as big or bigger than hers... but they were just like anyone else she'd met... intimidated and soon forgotten. Why should Jennifer be any different?


    The week passed slowly, and the next began, and interest in the sexy new student failed to wain. Jennifer was gaining more and more popularity as the days passed. Among the boys she was seen as a knockout sex bomb, and the girls appreciated her intelligence and good nature. She was doing well in her classes, and proved to be an exceptional athlete in gym class, and showed interest in joining the girls Volleyball team... a team to which Angela also belong. But even as Jen (as her new, closer, friends called her) became more popular, it didn't affect Angela's status all that much. She was, as ever, the most popular girl in school... it was just that Jen was becoming equally popular.

    Few words passed between the girls, even after Angela formally introduced herself to the new girl. For Angela, it had been a somewhat awkward encounter, as she was still struggling with how self felt about this new girl. She'd been polite enough, offering her hand, which Jen took, and making small talk. Their conversation was short, and it was impossible for her to read what the other girl was thinking. After that they acknowledged each others presence and occasional exchanged words, but it was always short lived and seemed forced. Angela didn't particularly make any effort to befriend Jen, but Jen didn't seem particularly receptive to Angela anyways. They were perfectly polite to each other, and there didn't really seem to be any animosity... at least on the surface.

    Angela felt a slight feeling of resentment growing in her for the new girl. Something about the way she carried herself, or the way she dressed, bothered her. Jen didn't dress particularly provocatively... there were much sluttier girls in the school that taxed the dress code far worse than she did... but she did dress to make the most of what she had... form fitting jeans, the occasional tastefully short skirt, tight shirts that hugged her heavy boobs, or flattering blouses that hinted at the dizzying depths of her dark cleavage. Angela realized that this was a bit hypocritical, as she had a similar wardrobe, but it was still getting to her.

    It also bothered her how Derek seemed to have developed a classroom friendship with Jennifer in English and Art. She knew that he didn't really talk with her outside of class aside from the occasional greeting in the hallway, as English and Art were the only two classes they shared, and it all seemed innocent enough, given Derek's somewhat rough sense of humor, and his surprising interest in Asian culture... plus he was constantly embarrassing himself with his naive ability to continually mistake Japan with China. Angela had no real interest in anime or manga, so she was actually somewhat relieved that Derek had someone who was actually interested in something he knew nothing about anyways, but also resented that it gave them something in common.

    Angela and Jen's slight indifference continued up until the third week of school, when their Wednesday art class changed everything. Mr. Brown fancied himself an artist that was never discovered and took the class very seriously, which was good on a certain level, but it also made what should have been a 'wank' class one of the most difficult to pass, and left the curriculum in constant flux as he experimented with how far he could push his students creativity. Last year he had suddenly become enamored with the idea of using live models, as he tried to make the class as similar to his own college experiences.

    Angela knew that something was up as Mr. Brown entered the class, rubbing his hands excitedly. The desks had been moved around in a half circle around a the small "stage", and there were makeshift curtains built around it. They were black and opaque, and it was impossible to see through them, but it was plainly obvious that someone was behind the curtains, as there was occasional movement and shuffling.

    They were used to life drawing, though it wasn't actually part of the curriculum, but it wasn't something the students generally looked forward too, as it was difficult to render the figure fully clothed, and resulted in a lot of frustration and unfinished projects, which Mr. Brown unpityingly marked harshly anyways.

    "AW FUCK! Brown's making us do this shit AGAIN?", Derek groaned, slapping his hand to his forehead, before taking off his glasses to rub his eyes, as if trying to relieve some kind of pain. Angela looked at him blankly as she set up her easel, "What the hell are you complaining about? This is your best class! You always finish and always get the highest mark anyways?"

    "Yeah, but it's such bullshit. My cousin's in animation and he says that real life drawing isn't just about drawing what you's about the study of the human form. The way we do it here is just, like, copying or some shit, y'know? We don't actually learn anything," Derek complained, actually quite seriously for him. Art was the only class he actually took seriously, even though his grades were pretty decent.

    "Why don't you just take some life drawing classes then?" Angela questioned. She knew he was interested in art, and although she was something of a Sunday painter herself, the only reason she actually took this class was to be near Derek, but this was the first she'd even heard of his interest in serious art.

    "You have to be 18 years old," he blandly replied, as he sat at his easel, prepared for the class.

    "... why?", Angela asked, curious.

    "Naked people. Don't look at me like that. For real, nude models. My cousin snuck me into a class last year while his teacher was out. It was actually pretty cool," Derek's mood picked up a the memory of it, which irked Angela slightly.

    "So... what, you drew some naked girl and didn't tell me about it?", Angela replied with mock anger in her voice.

    "What? No... NO! I didn't tell you... well, anyone, actually... because it was a... Christ... dude.", Derek blushed slightly as he whispered the last part. The rest of the class was slowly preparing, and Mr. Brown was talking to whoever was behind the curtain.

    "HA! Seriously? Did you think I'd think you're gay or something? I'm not dumb. I know you like art. You should have just told me. Even if it's had been a girl, I know it's not sexual or anything. You can trust me. I won't get jealous or anything just because you drew some other girl naked.", Angela leaned over and gave Derek's shoulders a loving squeeze, "Besides... I bet all the models are ugly. Hot models get photo shoots, they don't pose in college art classes."

    Derek had a reply for that, but Mr. Brown suddenly decided to start the class. He dimmed the lights and had two spotlights set up facing the stage for lighting.

    "Okay class, I have a special treat this week! As you know, I've been trying to give you all the best art experience I can, but the high school setting is conservative and it's hard to get the permissions needed to do the things I really want to. I know that you don't really like doing extended contour drawing, and it's difficult with the clothing obscuring the form. It distracts from the gesture of the post and you get to caught up in details. But I've got a special treat this week. It's not exactly a nude model," with this there was a quiet 'Woooo!' from one of the less mature students, who got the eye from Mr. Brown, and fell instantly silent, ", but it'll be close enough to give you the experience of what a real nude model is like. A student has volunteered to do an extended pose in a swimsuit. I think you're all mature enough to appreciate this, and I expect to see some excellent work today. Derek, you especially should pay attention, this will be portfolio material for you. She's even volunteered to model after class if you need more time or what more pieces for your portfolio," Derek hunkered in his chair uncomfortably as he was singled out.

    Mr. Brown moved to the side of the stage as he explained the nature of the assignment, "You'll have an hour and a half. We're doing a light study, so pay use your conte to show depth and form through use of shadow and highlight. Lightly sketch out the gesture of the pose, and remember that proportion counts, so measure carefully and properly," the class excitedly prepared their newsprint pads, the boys more so than the girls, and even Angela was somewhat more excited than usual about this assignment. She hadn't gotten a chance to look around the class before, and now that it was dark, she couldn't really tell who was not present, so she was curious to see who the model was... but her heart dropped Mr. Brown initiated the class with his next works, "Ready Jennifer?"

    "Yes, Mr. Brown," came Jennifer's voice from behind the curtain as the teacher removed the curtain. Jennifer sat facing away from the class on a stool, her body twisted slightly to the side, giving a good view of her staggering profile. Her legs where hooked around the legs of the stool to provide stability, one hand on her knee and the other crossed beneath her large chest, lifting it slightly. A slight gasp escaped everyone's lips, but Angela's was the loudest. She starred dumbfounded at the Asian beauty, taking in the staggering sight. Even though the bikini she wore would have been modest on any other girl, Jen filled it to capacity, straining it fully. It covered the majority of her full breasts, but the parts it didn't bulged slightly from the top and sides, hinting at the volume and mass of her chest.

    Angela starred for a full five minutes, mouth slightly ajar, unable to believe the audacity of what she was looking at. What was this exactly? Was this Jennifer's idea? What about the swimsuit? It wasn't really daring, but wasn't it a bit to tight? And what about Mr. Brown's comments about Jennifer volunteering to model after class? Was this some sort of play for Derek? What the hell was going on?

    Angela broke off her star and looked over at Derek who was absorbed in his drawing, completely guileless, his eyes dashing from Jen to the page in front of him. Angela watched his for a moment, looking to see if his eyes lingered, when she felt a hand on her shoulder, as Mr. Brown leaned over and whispered in her ear, "I know an hour and a half seems like a long time, but for a project this complicated, it really isn't. I appreciate that you took the time to study the figure, but you should really get started. This will go toward being a large part of your mark in the year end review."

    Angela couldn't believe what was happening to her. Not only had this she been upstaged by this audacious play for her boyfriends attention, but now she was to DRAW the object of her newfound animosity? FOR A PASSING GRADE? Angela gritted her teeth and picked up her conte. Even through his bewilderment, she was somehow able to find some concentration, and became absorbed in the project as she was forced to study the form of her newfound... rival?

    Was Jen really her rival now? Angela knew that Jennifer was really into art class as well, and she got along with Derek. They were both into anime and comics... maybe she just volunteered for the sake of art? And maybe Derek had mentioned something about life drawing in one of their talks? But wait... hadn't Derek said he hadn't told ANYONE about that? Was Jennifer privy to things in his life that Angela wasn't?

    As Angela continued to take in Jen's form over the course of the class, she couldn't help be note how she looked. She'd looked at Jennifer with a critical eye briefly in class or in the hallway before, but usually just noting her taste in clothes, rather than assessing her actual body. Now, stripped to a state near nudity, she couldn't help but notice how curvy and toned Jennifer was. Her legs were quite long considering her height, and her body had a slight thickness to it that made her looks strong. Her waist was slim, and lead to curvy hips. During the short model break, Angela could see that her stomach was flat and tight, slightly toned from athletics, just like the rest of her... excluding her breasts. Her breasts looked huge on her small, solid, frame, and seemed both firm and soft at the same time. It was impossible to tell exactly how they were shaped with the tight bikini top lifting and pressing them together, putting her deep, dark, cleavage prominently on display. "Just how big is she anyways?" Angela caught herself thinking almost venomously.

    The hour and a half passed slowly for Angela, and nearly drove her insane as she was filled with conflicting emotions and ran the same arguments and justifications through her head over and over again. Mr. Brown had ended the class with the last 15 minutes left to collect the assignment and give Jennifer a chance to get changed, and she left the class wrapped in a robe to change for her next class, which was gym. Angela almost wanted to follow and confront her about what had happened, but thought better of it. "Good work, Angela, though" Mr. Brown commented as he collected her assignment,"the proportions could use some work..." Angela looked at it for a moment before ripping it off to hand it to the teacher. It was a fairly decent rendering, through it looked someone inaccurate proportionally, especially in the breast area which seemed disproportionately huge, "It happens sometimes when you focus to much on one area. Try moving around more next time."

    Mr. Brown came to Derek next, and stepped back to look at it, even as Derek was still working on it, "EXCELLENT work as always Derek. Definite portfolio material." Angela's head snapped to catch a glimpse of her boyfriends drawing before it was taken away, and was greeted by a near perfect rendering of Jennifer as she had appeared on the stage. The care that had been taken even in the rushed hour and a half was obvious, though Derek seemed unsatisfied as he continued to deepen this shadows and darken his highlights. He reluctantly handed the piece to Mr. Brown, who took the pile of assignments back to his desk. The bell rang as the class finally finished. Derek wrapped his arm around Angela and gave her a slight peck on the head, "Have a good time in gym. I'll see you after school, 'kay?"

    "Mm-hmm..." Angela hummed noncommittally, her mind still reeling from the events of the last two hours.

    "You okay? You seem out of it," Derek said with slight concern. Angela blinked and replied quickly, "No, I'm fine. Just tired. I'll see you later. I have to change."


    Jen had already changed by the time Angela had arrived, and was already stretching and doing warm-up exercises in preparation for class. That day was going to be volleyball, a precursor to the actual beginning of the season for the girls Volleyball team, of which Angela had been a member since she began high school. She already knew that Jen had tried out and made the team, but hadn't seen her play, as she was busy, so she was interested in seeing how Jen played... especially after the modeling debacle of the last class. Angela was incensed, and was looking forward to showing her up in some way. She realized it was petty, but Angela was really angry... more so than she had ever been in her life.

    Destiny saw Angela shaking slightly as she clutched her tight spare shirt in her hands, and asked, "Angela? Is something wrong?"

    Angela didn't even look at her friend, ignoring the concern in her voice, and simply muttered, "I'll show her."

    "Show who?" Destiny questioned, baffled as to the meaning of these cryptic words, but Angela continued to ignore her. Destiny simple shrugged and continued changing. Angela had been in a weird place the last few weeks and had been short with her for a while now, so she decided it was better to just leave her alone.

    Angela changed quickly into her gym clothes, which usually consisted of a sturdy sports bra, and loose comfortable shorts and tee-shirt, but today, she decided to wear a tighter shirt. This would be her answer to Jen's challenged. Angela was completely confident in her on-court skills, and was looking forwards to putting Jen in her place, and she wanted to look good doing it. She had never intended this before hand, but now it seemed not only appropriate, but necessary.

    Angela exited the change room, turning heads as she began her warm up, her tight shirt hugging her bosom, straining to contain it. Angela starred intently at Jen as she stretched, psyching herself up for the athletic confrontation, and subtly showing off her body to Jen, who would occasionally look her way while making small talk with some of the other girls.

    Mrs. Hartman broke them into teams after about 15 minutes of warm up, and as Angela had hoped, Jen was on the opposing team. There were four teams of girls total at the two nets they had set up, and the plan was to play round robin until the end of class. While Angela had gotten her wish of Jen being on an opposing team, she would unfortunately have to wait until later to face her team, but it gave her an opportunity to judge her unknowing opponent's skill.

    Even with her attention divided, Angela was good. VERY good. Her teammates barely had to work for their first win. The problem was that Jen seemed to be equally good. Angela remained confident, but now it appeared she might have to actually work for it. Angela's team won their first game, and played the team that lost to Jen's team next, winning that game with equal ease.

    Finally it was time for Angela and Jen to face each other. The other girls noted that they both seemed to be in top form today, but Angela was blocking all that out. She was focused now. More than anything, she wanted to beat Jen... not just beat her... crush her. Right now, she wanted that more than anything else. For her part, Jen seemed oblivious to any animosity there might be between them, and even went as far as to compliment Angela's team on their wins, which Angela ignored. She didn't care how nice or charming this girl seemed. Whether she knew it or not, she'd crossed a line with Angela, and it was time for her to be put in her place.

    The game progressed evenly, with neither team taking the advantage. For her part, Angela seemed to be everywhere on the court, but it was to no avail, as Jen played equally hard. The two beauties worked up an intense sweat from their competition, and Angela was becoming red in the face with frustration. She wiped sweat from her eyes, as her vision become slightly clouded as she thought to herself, "Why?", images appeared before her as she ran the last few weeks through her head "Why can't I beat her?" In her minds eye visions of Jen's first appearance, the ease with which she'd made friends, and her daily flaunting of her beauty filled her head. Images of Derek and Jen talking and laughing together came to her... what secrets did he share with Jennifer that he had kept from Angela? Her teeth gritted as she hit the ball over the net, and Jen moved to return it... there was a slight, but noticeable movement under her loose fitting shirt, as he large breasts moved even in the confines of her tight sports bra, which brought back the image Angela had been forced to burn into her mind of Jen's incredible body... and especially, the beauty and size of her chest. The ball seemed to slow as it sailed through the air, and sweat began to mix with tears as Angela launched herself into the air. Timed seemed to stand still, Angela brought her hand over her head as she sailed to met the ball, and she came to a sudden epiphany as her vision went red, "I hate her." Angela's hand came down hard, spiking the ball with power seemingly beyond her physical limit, sending it straight down towards Jen with an incredible speed that even Jen couldn't match. The ball struck her hard right in her sternum, slightly crushing her great boobs before they bounced back, pushing the ball away, and knocking her on her rounded ass. There was a sudden silence, as Jen lied there for a moment, unmoving. Slowly Jen turned over, attempting to rise, but falling to her hands and knees, gasping slightly for breath, her breasts hanging below her, as girls from both sides of the court rushed to surround her. It was Destiny and one other girl that helped her up and asked if she was all right, as Angela stood there, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling heavily, as she wiped the sweat and hers from her eyes. Jen turned with the other two girls assistance, and glared at Angela, standing on her own now, and letting the girls know to back off. Angela glared intently back at Jennifer, and there seemed a spark of menace between the two girls.

    Despite the power of the spike, it had been a fair shot and the winning point of the game, which Mrs. Hartman announced, "Game..." just as the bell rang, "... and class dismissed. Go get changed girls. Angela... good hustle, good fire, but try to save some for the other schools. This is just a skirmish. Jen, you all right." Jen only nodded in reply, not taking her eyes off of Angela, who was still breathing heavily, coming down from her adrenaline high. "Okay then... hit the showers. Angela, I need to go over the first tournament schedule before you leave today."

    Angela turned to follow the teacher, and began to feel a bit guilty as she walked to her office, and turned her head slightly to watch Jen hobble into the change room out of the corner of her eye. She had wanted to beat Jennifer, but didn't want to hurt her... or did she? She remembered a flash of red, and faintly remembered an overpowering feeling come over her, but it was all a blur now. Did she really mean it?


    Angela hadn't really paid attention to Mrs. Hartman as she'd gone over the details of the first tournament for the girls Volleyball team. She's re-run her match with Jen over in her head, trying to make sense of her feelings. She felt justified in her petty revenge, even though she still had no proof it was an actual slight against her, or a play for Derek, but why had she reacted so strongly. It wasn't like her to get so angry, and in all her life she'd never actually hurt anyone physically. She'd never had to. She was popular and well liked, and had never been in conflict with another person... well that wasn't true, but she'd always managed to resolve it without having to resort to physical force, or in most cases even harsh words. Most people where just so intimidated by her, that she could easily end any conflict with just a look or by arching her back a bit. But it felt GOOD to hurt Jen... and that's what bothered her most.

    Angela had been in Mrs. Hartman's office for 15 minutes, which was enough time for everyone else to shower, change, and leave. Students generally didn't stick around to long after last class if they didn't have to, or if there was nothing going on, and right now Angela wanted to be alone anyways. She entered the change room, and pulled the tight, sweaty, tee-shirt over her, and tossed her sports bra next to it. As she bent to take off her shorts she noticed that the water was still running in the shower. "Hmmm... someone must have stayed..." she thought. It was a little weird, but not uncommon. Some girls would take a longer shower if they had a date after school, and do their makeup before leaving. Angela finished disrobing and grabbed her soap and shampoo from her gym bag, and entered the steamy shower.

    The steam was thick as Angela entered the shower. It was a large area, but separated by open partitions. Angela couldn't seen who was in the shower, but heard some splashing. Wanting to just be left alone with her thoughts, Angela didn't say anything, and simply picked a partition and turned on the water. She let it run over her, running her hands through her hair, and moaning quietly as the comforting water washed over her. She stood there a moment and just let the water run down her body, as she contemplated what the hell she should do next, when she heard someone say, "Hey."

    Angela turned abruptly and was frozen with shock as the object of her thoughts stood before her, equally wet, but wrapped in a towel. They starred at each other for a moment, with only the sound of two showers running. Had Jennifer been waiting here this whole time? Angela wanted to turn away, but found she couldn't take her eyes off of her newfound rival. Jen's hair was still wet and clung to her neck and shoulders, and her breasts heaved slightly under the tightly wrapped towel, which was wrapped high on her chest.

    Angela felt at a disadvantage as she stood naked before Jen, and brought her arm over her chest. Jen continued to let her eyes roam over Angela's body somewhat coldly, her expression blank. Angela didn't really feel fear, but her inability to read Jen's face had her slightly concerned. What did she want? Jen suddenly spoke, calmly but firmly, "Do you have some kind of problem with me?" Although she had transferred from Hong Kong, Jen had been born in North America, and her voice was devoid of all but the slightest of an accent, "And don't bother asking me what I'm talking about, because I think you do." Angela didn't say anything, opting instead to let Jen have her piece so she could see where exactly they stood.

    "I'm not dumb you know. We've talked before, in passing, and you were as polite as you are with anyone, but I see you watching me, judging me," Jen continued, one hand on her hip, as the other held the towel in place, "And I saw you today. In art. And I saw you before gym." Jen stepped forward slightly, but Angela stood her ground, and let Jen continue, as she apparently had more to say, "See, I know how girls like you are. I've been to four different schools, and there's always this one girl that lives in this safe little world where everything goes her way and she gets everything she wants, just because she looks good. Everyone loves her, she has the hot boyfriend, and most of all, has never had any sort of conflict in her life. Every time some other girls comes around that she feels threatened by, she manages to intimidate. That's you isn't it?" Jen, stepped forward again, bringing her within a foot and a half of Angela, as she continued, "So used to getting your way all the time and so used to being everyone's Princess, the first time someone comes along that gets some attention, and you don't know how to deal with it. You see it as a threat, and when you try your little tricks on her," removes the hand holding her towel in place and lets it drop, revealing her incredible body to Angela with seemingly planned flourish, "she's not intimidated... YOU are. You think I didn't notice the way you started to dress after my first day? Or how you'd lean over in front of me, or arch you back at me when I was around or happened to look your way? The way you puff out those little titties or yours at me, trying to intimidate me that way you have other girls?" Angela blinked at this, and opened her mouth to respond, but Jen continued, as the water ran over the two girls now, "Oh I know ALL about you. Girls talk all the time. DESTINY told me what you did to her, your best friend. But it's not going to work on me. I know how I look. I didn't purposely try to outdo you. I just DO. Or..." with this pause, Jen closed the gap between them, and swiftly moved Angela's arm out of the way, freeing her breasts to meet with Jennifer's own tits, as they pressed snugly together, "... do you really still think you're better than me?"

    Jen held Angela fast as she began to struggle, her breasts pressing tightly against the firm DD's of the Asian, but Angela managed to push her away and staggered back, falling against the wall, and sliding down to the floor, as the water continued to run down her body. Jen stood above her, looking down between her powerful chest, "Admit you're intimidated and back off. Or, if you really want to settle this..."

    "I DO you bitch. You think you can just waltz into this school, bounce those fat things around and get everyone on your side? You think you can pull something like you did today without me fighting back? YOu think you can make a play for MY boyfriend right in front of my face and make me draw that chubby body of yours, and I won't say anything? Bitches like you come around all the time," Angela shot back angrily as she stood back up, anger at Jen's accusations and audacity increasing her confidence, "And they all know they're place as soon as they see even a hint of this," Angela slide her hands over her body, and lingered at her firm breasts, puffing out her beautiful chest a bit more, "and you're no different... just a little fatter."

    The girls glared angrily at each other, both of them breathing heavy now, neither of them willing to show any sign of weakness or intimidation. Angela had forgotten all thoughts of guilt from before, and realized that she was justified in hating this arrogant bitch. She desperately wanted to settle this... even if it came down to a fight. Angela was at least a head bigger than Jennifer, and though she was toned, Angela's slim body was more defined than the slightly stockier girl before her. Angela didn't really want a fight, but figured she could win if it came to that. Jen for her part, took a deep breath, and smirked, crossing her arms under her substantial chest, lifting it slightly, "All right. We'll settle this then. But not with a fight. Violence of that kind doesn't prove anything. This is about intimidation and popularity. This is about one hot bitch invading another territory. And apparently, this school isn't big enough for two of us."

    Angela was confused, "So what do you want then?"

    Angela was loath to admit that Jen was in control of this now, but Angela agreed that she didn't want a fight if possible, so she listened to the Asian beauties proposal receptively, "My parents are gone for two weeks visiting family in Hong Kong, so I have the house to myself. This Saturday, you come to my place and we'll settle who's the hotter of us. Wear you hottest clothes, and your best bra. We're going to settle this with a tit-fight."

    Angela felt her mouth drop at the last words, and it took a moment to sink in, before she started laughing in Jen's face, "HA HA! A TIT-FIGHT? What the hell? That's your big idea? That's ridiculous! How would that solve anything? What the hell are you talking about? For reals. HA HA!

    Now it was Jen's turn to look uncomfortable, as if this was not the reaction she'd expected, "SHUT UP and just listen! What this all comes down to is that you think you're hotter than me, and you want me to be intimidated right? And what is the most intimidating thing about girls like us? Our breasts. Titfights are a real thing, just look it up on the internet! It's about who hotter, more sensual, and more sexual. It's psychological as well as physical. What it comes down to is that my breasts are bigger and better than yours, and you can't handle it. I saw your drawing. I saw you starring at my tits. I saw you flaunting your tits at me. We're doing it even NOW!" she exclaimed, punctuating her point by thrusting out her chest again, giving it a slight bounce with her heels, "That's what this is all about, and that's the best way to settle this, with no one getting hurt. One of us is better, and the resilience and sensuality of their breasts will prove it."

    Angela listened seriously, her chuckling subsiding. She glance down at Jen's tits again, and realized that she was probably right, as she thrust out her own tits again. She still didn't exactly understand how a titfight would work, but she could find out by Saturday, and she didn't think that Jen stood a chance of outdoing her chest. Angela's chest had been her pride and joy since Elementary school, and she remembered how easily she had been able to make other girls submit to the intimidating power of her breasts before, as absurd as it seemed to think of it like that. She could do this.

    "Okay, fine. If this will get you to leave me and Derek alone, fine, I'll take part in your stupid lezzy tit battle or whatever. But just so you know, "Angela bent over and pressed her shoulders together, causing her chest to balloon out, "I'm going to make you cry. It's obvious that my tits are firmer than your fat bags. I'm going to make you cry and you're going to leave me alone, knowing what I'll do to you if you EVER fuck with me or my boyfriend again."

    Jen's eyes widened a bit as she watched Angela's firm 40D's expand out toward her. Jennifer straightened a bit and lifted her tits higher in response, "If you're so fucking hot, why are you so worried about your boyfriend and me? Talk all you want slut, but you know I've got you beat. SATURDAY. I can't wait to crush those little things." Jen and Angela glared at each other one more time, before Jen finally turned to leave, pausing at the doorway to the change room, "SATURDAY." And with that final threat, she was gone.

    Angela's breathing was raged as she absorbed the strange and heated events of the last 10 minutes. She was visibly shaking as she turned back to the shower, feeling the hot spray run other her once again, as she replayed the encounter in her head again, and began to wash up, as she had intended. Her hands roamed her body as she lathered up her hands, and she paused as she came to her left nipple. Angela remembered the feeling of Jen's breasts pressing against hers, and tried to remember if they had engulfed hers, or if hers hand pushed Jen's back. Her nipple was already slightly erect as she lightly pinched it, coaxing it to further erection. Her hand started to tweak and pull at her tit, as stifled a slight moan. Her other hand slowly moved down to her pussy, which began to weep at the lewd thoughts that filled her head, and the physical sensations in her breast. "I'm going to beat her. I'm going to beat her at her own stupid game," Angela thought as she increased her tempo, "I'll show her what I've always known... what everyone knows... that my tits are beautiful and intimidating... that they're better than anyone else's..." Angela now fell against the side of the partition, roughly manipulating her tit, as her other hand worked her fingers in her pussy. Everything went white as she came, barely managing to stifle her scream, and gasping in raspy breathes.

    Angela somehow managed to compose herself and finally finished cleaning. As she returned to the change room to finish changing, she noticed a small puddle on the bench where Jennifer usually sat.


    PART 2


    The next day seemed to drag on forever for Angela. When she had awoke that morning she was half convinced that yesterday's events had been some sort of bizarre dream, but arriving at school brought her back to reality when she saw Jennifer, and all the intense emotions of the previous day came rushing back over her. Jen's usual wardrobe of sultry, but tasteful, clothes had been replaced by a boundary pushing new outfit that Angela had never seen her in before. Gone were her usual tight jeans and flattering blouse, replaced instead by knee high boots, a daringly short skirt, and what seemed to be an uncomfortably tight baby-doll tee, through which it was easy to make out her lacy black bra. Jen spotted Angela from her locker at the other end of the hall as she talked with one of her new friends, and paused only momentarily to give her a mocking smile and courtesy wave, raising her arm high to make sure her breasts swayed as she waved. This was just an opening volley in anticipation of their coming confrontation.

    Even through her stupor the previous night, Angela had been able to remember what Jen said about tit-fighting and the internet, and had done some research of her own. She still found it to be a ridiculous idea, and all her research lead her to believe that it was really nothing more than male lesbian fantasy, but she had to admit that she also saw how it was applicable to her rivalry with Jen. Angela refused to admit to some kind of obsession with her own chest, but she was proud of her breasts, and knew of their intimidating power over others. What this really came down to was a psychological conflict with a physical element, and Jen's display was all part of it. An immature attempt to intimidate her, but Angela wasn't going to fall for it... and was ready for it.

    Angela liked attention, but didn't usually feel the need to go out of her way to call attention to herself, and thus, didn't necessarily go out of her way to flaunt her body... just about anything looked good on her. But after yesterdays confrontation, she'd expected that Jen would try to unnerve her, and she didn't want to give her any such advantage, so she'd dressed to burn out retinas. For this rare occasion she decided to wear heels, which she usually avoided wearing in school, to give her a more regal bearing, and dangerously short denim shirt and with a strappy belt, and barely covering her chest was a mid-drift bearing tube top, which left her sexy shoulders bear. Usually Angela would wear a rather conservative sturdy supportive bra, but opted to go for maximum impact today and wore her Wonderbra, which, combined with her almost impossibly tight top, pushed her chest up high, creating a shelf of cleavage one could get lost in. Not to be outdone, Angela responded to Jen's wave by bending over slightly to wave back. Everyone in the hall was dumbfounded by the two beauties sudden, drastic, change in wardrobe, but, the males at least, were thankful for it, whatever it's reasons. The girls on the other hand could feel some sinister ulterior motive to the drastic step up in their sexiness... as if they were saying to each other, "It's on."

    Their brief display over, the girls moods suddenly changed and their faces became grim, as they turned from each other. Angela didn't know if she had actually accomplished anything other than bringing some unwanted attention to their continuing conflict, but she was damned if she'd let Jen have any sort of upper hand.

    "What the hell are you wearing today?", came a voice from in front of her, startling Angela slightly and breaking her revelry about the last few seconds. Destiny stood before Angela looking slightly aghast. Having been friends with Angela for years, she was used to Angela looking good, and had even seen her dressed to kill like this for parties or dates, but it was shocking to see it on a normal school day. She simply looked blankly at Angela, as if awaiting some sort of explanation.

    Angela composed herself, and formulated some inane response. She knew she'd call attention to herself, but hadn't wanted to call attention to her conflict with Jen. She was actually a little embarrassed at the idea of the core conflict becoming public knowledge and just wanted to keep it all quiet until it was done with.

    "Oh, I just felt like looking... sexy today. You just feel like it sometimes you know?" Angela replied somewhat flatly. Angela remembered what Jen had said yesterday about Destiny telling her about that time when they were kids, and had felt somewhat betrayed. She hadn't even known that Destiny was talking to Jen at all, and the fact that she'd confide in her something so deep and personal... something even they hadn't talked about since it had happened... to some new girl... a girl that Angela was coming to hate more and more... hurt her deeply.

    "What are you talking about? You never dress like this for school," Destiny insisted. Angela was starting to get slightly irritated now, and thought she could detect a certain amount of venom in her 'friends' voice.

    "Yeah, well, maybe you don't know me as well as you thought you did. As well as I thought I knew you," Angela retorted, standing tall and straight now, her right hand clenching her bag tightly. She didn't want to do this right now. She had her hand full enough with Jen, and regretted saying anything now, and began to walk to the bathroom, but Destiny clutched her books and followed her indignantly.

    "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is there something wrong with you today? You've been acting weird, like, all week now," Destiny said as she followed Angela into the bathroom. Now annoyance was plainly obvious in her voice, which ignited Angela's own temper.

    "Why don't you ask you friend Jennifer? Doesn't she tell you all her fucking secrets, like you tell her yours?" Angela was slightly pleased to see the shock on Destiny's face, as she whirled on her and spit her accusation out in the empty bathroom.

    Destiny was taken aback, and looks off to the side and slightly to the ground, a hint of regret in her voice, "She told you about that? Look, we were just talking, and it came up ok? I-I didn't mean anything by it, really. I just never told anyone about it before, and I needed to get it out, okay."

    Angela's anger was still rising, but she also felt a pang of sadness in her as her emotions became conflicted, "SO!?! You could have talked to me! Aren't we friends? If it bothered you, you should have told me!"

    It was Destiny's turn to be angry now, her arms flung to the side, and almost sent her books flying as she spat back, "And what would I say to you? That I was proud of my breasts, and that you took all that away? Would you like to hear about every day after that? How watching you flaunt your big fucking tits every... single... day... took a bit more of my confidence away?", Destiny was livid, and tears began to form at the sides of her eyes, "And it wasn't just me either! You did it to everyone! Everywhere we went! You had to beat down everyone around you... and you'd succeed. And I'd have to watch it, knowing that every time you won another stupid victory over some other girl, it was another lose for me," a tear fell down either side of Destiny's face, "Why do you think I started working summers? I couldn't take going to the beach with you anymore. Watching you show off, with me just standing there, in your fucking shadow. You know what? It sucks being your friend. I can't even get a boyfriend, because guys always see you first... and after that I don't even look second best."

    Angela didn't know what to do... her anger had subsided for the moment and she now felt shame as took in Destiny's words. She'd never known how that day had affected her, or even considered why Destiny had not found a boyfriend, despite all the parties and outings they'd gone out to. Destiny continued, sniffling a bit, and wiping her tears with her sleeve, "When I started talking to Jen, it was just a relief. She didn't judge me, or look down on me. She knew how I felt, because she'd gone through the same thing at her other schools..." Angela felt her hand tighten at this, and her shame was now replaced by renewed anger.

    "What the fuck are you talking about? LOOK AT HER! You're a fucking hypocrite! How can you say I make you feel like shit and she doesn't!?! So this is all just about picking on me? About making me the bitch? What, did you her to do the same to me? To make me feel the way you did? You think just because that fat bitch is a little bigger, you can make me feel smaller?" Angela now felt hot tears falling down her cheeks, as she angrily advanced on Destiny. She couldn't tell why she was crying, but she knew she was still angry at Destiny's betrayal. She couldn't help how she looked, and now it was all coming out... years of fake smiles and secret jealousy. If she'd known, maybe she could have said something... done something... to help. But that was all gone now. They couldn't undo years of lies and hidden feelings, and they couldn't ignore what was happening at this moment. Angela stood taller as she moved toward Destiny, and thrust her shoulders back and her breasts out, as she backed her into the wall, "Well fuck you both. I don't have anything to apologize for. You started everything that day... I didn't care, and I didn't even want to show you. You were trying to to me what you're accusing me of doing... but you didn't have the goods...", Angela finally closed the last bit of space between them, and their much contested breasts touched lightly, tip to tip, "and you STILL don't, you traitorous bitch!"

    With that last statement, Angela moved forward again, putting all the pressure she could on Destiny's outmatched 34C's, and easily pushed them back, and then engulfed them in her bigger, firmer, breasts. Angela suddenly felt a wave of satisfaction wash over her as she felt Destiny's smaller breasts give way and collapse against hers. She suddenly felt more powerful and confident than she ever had before as she outright dominated Destiny for the second time in their relationship, 'So this is what a tit-fight must feel like...' Angela thought, glancing down to survey her victorious chest, and grinding it into Destiny a bit more, "I think I LIKE it!'

    Destiny followed Angela's gaze with a look of terror in her eyes, and starred down at the deep cleavage that had so easily swallowed up by the breasts she had secretly envied and feared since childhood. Tears filled her eyes again and she began to cry as she realized her greatest nightmare. Destiny roughly pushed past Angela, and ran for the door, turning briefly, and screaming through her tears, "I HATE YOU! And I hope Jen gives you exactly what you deserve!"

    Angela stood there in the bathroom, alone, panting slightly, her victory high wearing off. She suddenly felt something hot on her flushed cheeks, and turned to look in the mirror. Angela saw herself in her short skirt and tight top... her breasts where firm and high and slightly flushed. They looked powerful and beautiful and slightly swollen with her victory. Yet tears ran down her cheeks. 'Why,' she thought, 'Why am I crying' Angela put her hands on the counter to steady herself as she felt her eyes fill with more tears, as she realized that she had just lost her best friend, probably for good... to Jen.

    Angela, leaned her head back and began to sob more powerfully until she heard the first bell ring. She held her breath and sniffled, stifling her tears, which she wiped from her face. Her makeup was slightly smudged, so she wiped it off, and tugged at her clothes as she composed herself, and headed for class, still lightly sobbing, even though her tears had dried, and it seemed she had no more to cry.


    Angela arrived at class just before the second bell rang, and stood at the door. After the bathroom incident, she wasn't sure she could take her battle with Jen anymore... she'd already lost so much to the brunette bombshell. She peeked in the class to get a look at her rival, who was sitting talking to Derek. Angela watched with cold interest as they talked and laughed. Jen flaunted herself at Derek, leaning over in her chair and pushing her breasts together between her arms, emphasizing their great size while still looking somewhat casual. Sometimes she'd lean back to laugh, causing her tits to thrust out. For his part, though, Derek seemed unaffected as this casual flirtatious show she was putting on was lost on him, which brought a small smile to Angela's face. Even if Destiny had betrayed her... even if Jen had managed to steal her best friend... Derek wouldn't betray her. And even Jen's fat tits couldn't do anything about that. But, still, Angela could feel her resentment of Jennifer returning, and could feel that resentment growing into anger as she watched Jen run her hand down Derek's arm, in brief, suggestive, physical contact. 'That fucking bitch...' Angela raged silently, 'She'll pay for this. She will pay.' Angela thought back to the contact her breasts had made with Destiny's... and the victorious feeling of pushing them back. She remembered how easy it had been, and it renewed her confidence. She put her feelings of betrayal behind her, and looked to the future. She still had things to settle.

    Angela entered the class as the bell rang, which garnered a cold glare from Jen, which she returned. Derek turned, smiling... and his smile soon dropped, as he mouthed the words, "HOLY SHIT" at his girlfriend. He'd seen her dressed like this before, and while he liked it when it was just them, it made him nervous in public. Derek trusted Angela, and was confident in his own ability to keep his girlfriend, but he knew how hot she was, and didn't really like all the extra attention she got when she really showed off. But right now he was just too blown away to care. Angela, for her part, was more than satisfied with his reaction, and smiled back lovingly, even as she shot a knowing look at Jen, narrowing her eyes at her slightly, to indicate that this was a victory for her this time, as she approached and bent down, shoving her cleavage close to Jen's face as she gave her boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips. Jen leaned back in her chair quietly as Angela sat, a look of annoyance on her face. Angela knew she was the clear winner of this round as another uneventful class began. On an unrelated note, for Mr. Wickett, this was the best day of his entire teaching career, which just made both girls uncomfortable.


    The rest of the day saw more small, silent, bouts between the girls, in class and in the hallways. To casual observers, it just seemed like the luckiest day of the year for them as the two most popular, hottest, girls in school seemed to want to outdo each other, but underneath it all, their silent war raged on, blow for blow. For every small victory, there seemed to be an equal defeat. For Angela, she enjoyed showing off Derek's increased attention to Jen, but felt her heart drop slightly when she saw Destiny and Jen laughing and whispering to each other, even as Destiny would either coldly hold Angela's gaze, or just look away nervously.

    Post-Gym had been especially uncomfortable as the girls attempted to continue their battle in the shower, which only resulted in getting the schools two outed lesbians even more interested in them than they already were, which cut their battle short from the embarrassment. Jen simply blushed, and mouthed, "TOMORROW" to Angela. When Angela checked her bag, there were MapQuest instructions on how to get to her house, and a list of items she should bring, such as extra clothes, her sexiest bra and panties, a bathing suit, some baby oil, gloves of some sort, and a final item that looked like it said dildo, but had been scratched out. 'What the fuck does she have planned anyways? Maybe she really is just a lesbian...?' Angela thought, as she read the list with wide eyes.

    The day had finally ended, and Angela thanked God for that... it had been intense and distracting, and she was just looking forward to hanging out with Derek for a quiet night in before her big battle with Jen the next day. As she left the school, she saw Jen and Derek talking again, which brought a small frown to her face, 'Doesn't she know when to give up? Christ...' It was then that Jen did something unexpected, putting an arm around Derek's neck and pulling his head down, putter her full lips close to his ear and whispering something, while looking directly at Angela, with a sultry look in her eyes. She smiled smugly as she let go of Derek's neck allowing him to stand tall, and turned to run toward her bus, waving, though Angela wasn't sure if it was to Derek... or her.

    Derek turned to see Angela and smile warmly again, waving her over. Angela watched Jen get on her bus, as she turned and blew Angela a kiss behind Derek's back. Angela's eyes narrowed. She was furious... how had she managed to get the last word in their little contest? Hadn't she done enough today? Angela was brought back to reality when Derek called her name, "ANGELA! Let's go!" he cried, motioning to his car. Angela looked back at him and started to run, "COMING!", pushing all thoughts of Jen out of her head for the moment.


    Angela usually liked these quiet nights with Derek, but the scene from the end of school replayed in her head over and over. What had Jen said to him? There couldn't possibly be something going on between them... could there? No... Derek could never betray her like Destiny had. He was to straight forward and honest and lacking in guile to ever do that. Angela could read him like a book. But something still nagged at her... Derek would never lie to her, but what if there were things he didn't tell her? Like the life-drawing thing. Things he could have told someone else.

    Angela snuggled up against Derek's chest as they watched TV... some anime show that Derek liked to watch every Friday night. Angela didn't mind it, and actually thought it was pretty OK, but she still couldn't wrap her mind around getting into a cartoon... even if it was for adults. She could hear the soft, strong, beat of Derek's heart, and felt safe with his arm around her. She felt she safe and trusted him completely... but she had to know, "Derek..."

    "Mmm... yeah?", he replied dully, his attention focused on the show.

    "Were you talking with Jen today?", Angela probed gently.

    "Huh? Yeah, sure. We talk all the time... you know that.", Derek's attention was still on the show, as he answered her blandly. Angela continued probing.

    "What do you guys talk about?"

    "All kinds of shit I guess. Anime, comics, China, drawing, school, life... same shit I talk about with you. Except, you know, like, China, I guess," he replied, turning his head slightly to look at Angela, "Why? You want to talk about China?"

    Angela laughed slightly, "No, don't be stupid. It's just, you seem like friends, and I wondered what you talked about that's all," Angela paused, and looked into Derek's eye, steeling her heart for her next question... things were going to get tougher from here, "Are there other things you talk to her about that you don't talk to me about?"

    Derek looked at her with slight confusing, and readjusted his position to get more comfortable, "Yeah, I guess... we were talking about art, and I told her about how I wanted to do life drawing. Is that what this is about? I didn't tell her about the model thing, if that's what you're on about. 'My secrets keep themselves' and shit... heh heh... LAST UNICORN."

    Angela rolled her eyes, "I'm not worried about that. I just want you to know you can tell me anything, you know. Is that why she volunteered to model in art class?"

    "I guess...", Derek pondered, "... I never thought about it... Yeah I guess so. HA! Jesus, maybe she likes me or something," he said with a slight laugh and smile, his eyes back on the TV. Angela's heart jumped at that last statement... she loved Derek, but he could be an insensitive jerk at times.

    "What about you. Do you like her?" Angela regretted the tone she'd used to say that. She didn't want Derek to think she was being jealous or clingy, but it bothered her that he realize that Jen might like him. Even Angela still wasn't sure... Jen might just be using him to get to her for all she knew. She never admitted to anything during their shower room confrontation.

    Derek straightened up, and looked at Angela, his eyes the most serious she'd ever seen, "What? Yeah, I guess... but not like that. I like her, but I love you. You know that right? Are you ok? What's this about? You've never brought this up before."

    Now it was Angela who was feeling uncomfortable, as she tried to smooth things over, "I'm just asking. Look... it's hard not to bet a little jealous. I mean... you get along so well, you talk all the time, and I saw her whispering something to you today..."

    "Oh, that? She was just asking when I wanted her to model for me."

    Angela sat up at that, "... what?"

    "She asked if I wanted her to model for me again. I'm trying to get a portfolio together," Derek restated. Angela scanned his face, but saw complete innocence. He wasn't lying... and that was the problem.

    "So what did you say?", Angela's face was slightly shaky now.

    "I said probably in a week or two," Angela backed up at this, and turned away.

    Angela turned back, her emotions taking over, "WHY? Why didn't you ask me?"

    Derek started to look a little guilty now, "I didn't think you'd be interested, and Jen has experience... she's modeled before. It's not like she'd be nude or anything."

    Angela felt her anger building again, "But that's what you want isn't it? To get a look at those fat fucking tits of hers? Am I not good enough?", tears again began to form in her eyes, for the second time that day.

    Derek moved toward Angela, but she flinched way, "Angela... for fuck's sake... I didn't fall in love with your tits. I fell in love with YOU," he managed to put his hand on her shoulder, and she began to cry, "You have to know that. I just get along with her, is all. She likes the same stuff I do... like comics and anime and art. And she's, like, helping me, you know? Look... most people look at me and just see a sport scholarship. But I want to be an artist. I want to draw stories. You know this. I'm not blind... I know how she looks, but I love YOU." Derek pulled Angela close and embraced her while she cried, comforting her.

    Angela felt stupid for doubting Derek. She knew he was right, and she felt guilty for being so selfish and for letting Jen get to her like this. Maybe this whole rivalry was stupid. Maybe she should call the whole thing off? Derek held her close and rubbed her back... and then said the dumbest thing he'd ever said in his life of saying stupid shit, "Shhh... come on... it's all right. I can't believe you'd get so worked up just because her tits are bigger than yours." Derek's face scrunched up as if in pain, the instant realization of what he said coming way to late to be helpful. Angela pushed him with all her strength, pounding on his shoulder repeatedly, and shoving him from the couch, causing him to land roughly on the floor.

    "GET THE FUCK OUT! GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT!" Angela screamed through her tears. Derek just sat there in shock, but eventually composed himself and got up. He attempted to apologize, but Angela just screamed and cried more, and kept pounding on his chest, pushing him out the door. After he was out, she locked it, sliding down the door, crying into her hands. Angela cried for 15 minutes, until she had no more tears. She sat against the door with her head between her knees in silence for another 10 minutes. Finally, she stirred, simply stating, out loud, "That bitch will PAY!"


    The Saturday morning sun hit Angela's face, causing her to stir slightly and turn over, having not slept well the night before. She lie in bed for a moment, pulling the covers up over her head and seriously contemplated just not getting up, when she remembered what day it was, and the plans she had made. Reluctantly, she threw back the covers, sat up and stretched. Angela got out of bed and rubbed her dry eyes as she walked over to her vanity mirror. Her eyes were puffy and slightly red from all the crying she had done last night, but she didn't look nearly as bad as when she had gone to bed, and it wasn't anything she couldn't disguise with makeup.

    Angela slapped her cheeks lightly as she willed herself awake, and surveyed what she had to work with in the large mirror. Though it was now early October, it was unseasonable warm even at night, so Angela had simply worn an oversized tee-shirt that had belonged to Derek to bed, but she pushed that memory aside as she steeled her heart for today's coming confrontation. She grabbed a handful of the material and bunched it up around her waist, pulling the shirt tight against her breasts and turned to the left and right, before letting it drop again and moving close to the mirror to inspect her pretty face, making mental notes as to the best way to accent her natural beauty. She pulled back from the mirror again, and stroked her hand through her hair, letting it fall against her shoulders and back, her natural curls bouncing lightly. Angela was pretty happy with how she looked, aside from her eyes, and thought to herself, 'Time to get to work.'

    Angela had no idea what to expect today, though she had some ideas thanks to her internet research. It bothered her that Jen seemed to have hinted as to having some sort of experience with this kind of thing, as it left Angela at a major disadvantage, and from what she'd read, this type of fight was as much psychological as it was physical. She needed to remove all doubt from her mind now, or she may as well just call the whole thing off... which would be the same as losing, and Angela refused to make any more concessions to that Asian bitch. She had already lost to much to her. Angela needed to psyche herself up. She needed rage to fuel her and a heart of cold confidence to keep her from losing any ground to her enemy.

    Angela's parents were still asleep, having gotten back late from a business party last night, but it didn't matter because Angela had her own bathroom anyways, and planned to leave before they could wake up. She didn't want to have to explain where she was going or how she was dressed. Angela threw her shirt into a laundry basket as she entered her washroom and started to run a hot shower. When the water had warmed, she stepped in and let it wash over her, refreshing her and washing away all her doubts and fears, cleansing her physically and spiritually. She ran her hands over her body, her touching lingering at her large breasts, the object of her contention with Jen. It had been awhile since Angela had assessed her own bountiful attributes, and she felt it would boost her confidence to do so now in privacy.

    She lifted her right breast, feeling it's heavy weight, and squeezed it lightly, testing it's firm resilience. Though she'd had her chest for several years now, she had yet to notice even the slightest sag, hours of exercise making her back and shoulders strong and fit. Angela had taken great care to wear supportive undergarments, especially during any extracurricular activities she participated in. She let her breast drop after lifting it as far as she could, and there was a satisfying slap and elastic bounce to it, as it settled against her rib-cage. She ran her left hand over her other breasts, feeling it's sheer volume and size. Looking down, Angela couldn't make out her stomach or feet, as the breast pushed out far from her body.

    Angela turned off the shower and stepped out into the steamy bathroom, wiping the fog from the mirror and and stepping back to look at her profile in the mirror. Angela was delighted by the shape of her breasts, which stuck out from her chest, not perfectly round, but rather with a slight, graceful, slope that started just below her clavicle, leading to the plump, full, roundness of the mass of her breast tissue. They looked firm and heavy, and she could see how they could intimidate smaller breasted women. Topping the mass of her breasts were her deep pink areola, which looked delicate and soft. Having seen other girls breasts in the shower, Angela was glad that she didn't have huge areola like some of them, finding it unattractive and even a little off putting, her own were about 4 1/2 inches from side to side, and that was enough for her. Capping her areola were her small, delicate nipples, which she now coaxed to hardness, watching them expand with satisfaction to their full size of about 3/8ths of an inch, which looked fairly big to her, and they seemed just a little less thick than a pencil eraser would be. Angela's nipples looked healthy and strong to her, and combine with her areola, seemed in perfect proportion to the rest of her breast... even while her breasts looked out of proportion to the rest of her body. Angela's profile was stagger, and she was proud of how fit and toned she had kept herself.

    Angela continued to survey her body for another minute to two, and then finally leaned against the sink and looked herself in the eye, starring herself down. All doubt had been erased from her mind, and she felt her determination returning as she drudged up the memories of the past few days, and felt her anger and regret returning... and then pictured Jen as she had been in the shower... standing over her imperiously as she had. She imagined that smug smirk on her face, as the voice inside her head psyched her up, 'She's laughing at you. She came to your school thinking she was better than you, and took away so many important things... but she fucked up. You're beautiful and cannot be intimidated. You're the most popular girl at school, and no matter how fat her saggy tits might be, you know that yours have always been the most powerful. Look at yourself. She can't beat you,' she looked deeper into her own eyes as the voice paused, 'Remember that feeling. How good it felt to hurt her. To put her on her ass. Remember how it felt when your breasts crushed Destiny's weak tits. Think of how good it'll feel when you do the same to Jen's. When you beat her at her own stupid game, and she's crying at your feet, cradling her soft, weak, fat, tits. Think about how good it'll feel to put her back in her place and to take back everything she's stolen. Remember all that and take her DOWN.'

    Angela stood up again, turned arched her back one final time, and left the bathroom. She walked over to and threw open the double doors to her closet, surveying her wardrobe. As she stood there, thinking of what she was going to bring to Jen's, she said out loud, to confirm to herself what she now knew inside, "I'm ready."


    Jen's house was located in a different suburb than Angela's, but it was only a 20 minute drive from her own house. It was a bright, sunny, day, and unseasonably warm for early October, so Angela drove with the window open, letting it wipe her hair around, having opted not to do it up, but to go with a looser, windswept, look, since she anticipated that they would simply mess up each other's hairdo's anyways during the course of the encounter.

    Angela's car pulled up Jen's long driveway, and she couldn't help but be impressed by her house. Angela was fairly well off, but Jen's family seemed to be doing pretty well for themselves too. The house had a large front lawn, and was at three stories tall. It wasn't a mansion by any means, but it was impressively spacious and a beautiful property, and Angela could make out a fairly large pool in the back as she pulled up to the house.

    Angela parked her car out front, and paused, taking a deep breath as she tightly gripped the wheel, shaking the nervousness from her. When she had exhaled, she grabbed her back from the passenger seat and got out, hopping up the steps and ringing the doorbell. Angela stood there for about a minute and began to wonder if she'd come too early, as it was barely noon. She waited another moment and started to have doubts, 'Maybe that slut got cold feet and is hiding from me...' she mused, when she suddenly heard the handle turn, and the door swung open, revealing Jennifer.

    The two girls stood and coldly surveyed each other, as had become their new custom. Surprisingly, Jen was dressed in a short bathrobe, which was cinched tightly at the waist, causing her boobs to strain the material around her chest. Her face was obviously made up and she her hair lightly teased. She looked gorgeous, her full lips sparkling slightly with the glossy lipstick she was wearing, looking wet and pouty. Her sharp eyes looked sultry, and had a slightly bit of eye shadow to accentuated their exotic beauty. Even Angela had to admit she looked great... but Angela was not to be outdone, and this round clearly went to her.

    Angela was wearing something that could be considered a top only by the loosest standards, a tight slip of leather material that wrapped around her chest, hugging her curves so firmly that it looked painted on, and was laced up the front. Angela's mother didn't even know she owned this, and Angela had never had the opportunity or nerve to wear it. She had bought in on a dare from Destiny, and had planned to surprised Derek with it on his birthday. Angela's hips were encased in the tightest, most form fitting jeans she owned. They were costumed tailored and cost her a scandalous amount of money. They fit her every curve, and flared at the bottom around her ankles. Angela had decided to wear sandals, which showed off her cute feet and painted toe-nails. Her curly hair bounced slightly against her shoulders, and looked soft and lustrous. Angela wasn't big on makeup, but she knew how to use it expertly to enhance her natural features. She had never looked this good, and was satisfied that Jen looked under-dressed by comparison.

    They finished surveying each other, and Angela smirked slyly, showing that she knew she had already won a small victory, though Jen seemed nonchalant about it, "Sorry I took so long, I was still preparing things. Come on in, and follow me." Jen held the door open as Angela brushed past her, and took off her sandals. Angela followed Jen deeper into the tastefully decorated house, looking around at the various signs of her families Chinese heritage with mock interest. Her heart was starting to beat a little faster as she felt her anticipation building.

    Shortly, they arrived at the large living room, and Angela looked around. She hadn't known what to expect by way of the venue for their private battle, but it seemed fairly simple and obvious now. Jen had removed any obtrusive furniture, and pushed back the couches creating a wide open space on the soft, white rug, and laid out a number of large, thick, blankets, creating an area that was approximately 10 feet by 10 feet. Jen's property was large enough that no one would be able to make out what was happening in the room through the large bay windows, but she'd drawn the translucent white curtains shut anyways, not taking the chance. The sun was high in the sky, and the white room reflected a lot of light even with the curtains drawn. It seemed that Jen had everything prepared.

    Jen walked into the room and turned, pointing to a glass coffee-table that she'd moved into the corner, "You can put your stuff there if you want, and there's a bathroom down the hall so you can get ready."

    Angela blinked, and had a blank expression on her face, "What do you mean, 'ready'?"

    Jen roller her eyes, and had a look of annoyance on her face, "You're not seriously going to fight in that stripper-uniform of yours are you? I told you to bring a bathing suit. Put it on," Jen explained curtly. Angela blushed with slight embarrassment, but then snapped back, "This is your ridiculous idea, how was I supposed to know," she said, turning in the direction of the bathroom, pausing at the doorway to the hall, and shot a sultry look over her shoulders, "And I'm glad to see you're not jealous of how I've already managed to upstage you at your own stupid party, bitch." Jen grunted, and gave her the finger as she went down the hall with her bag.

    Angela entered the large bathroom and locked the door. She doubted that Jen would try to peek at her, but she didn't feel safe, in enemy territory as it were. Angela looked in the large mirror, and almost regretted removing her clothes, which had served their purpose, she supposed. She stripped off her clothes, and stood in her tight, uplifting bra... the same one from the day before. It was lacy and supportive, lifting her already impressive breasts high, creating deep, intimidating cleavage. She had thought they might be fighting in their bra's, but Jen seemed to have other plans, though her note seemed to imply that she was making this all up on a whim, which was encouraging to Angela.

    Angela dug into the bag, and pulled out her bikini, an item she'd only wore once this summer, at the last beach outing of the year. It was another item she'd kept secret from her mother, as it was barely a swimsuit. The top was a little too tight, which caused some slight spillage, but it flared out in the bottom and had the effect of scooping up her breasts, as it wrapped around her neck. It was bright red, with a white flower print on the right cup, and the bottom tightly hugged her hips, the back disappearing into the crack of her tight ass, and snugly hugging her pubis mons, giving a slight hint of camel toe. Derek had almost gone insane the day she wore it, and she'd ended up wearing a towel around her waist to calm him down.

    Angela again surveyed herself in the mirror, and was pleased with what she saw. How could Jen possibly compete with her? 'That bitch better should have brought her A-game... this is going to be laughably easy.' Angela was beginning to get cocky, as her confidence rose. So far she hadn't seen anything to suggest that Jen was even trying to outdo her. If this fight was mostly psychological, then Jen had fucked up, because Angela had yet to be impressed. From her perspective, she had already won. Angela puckered her glossy lips and blew herself a kiss, and winked, as she left the bathroom to return and get this match underway. She was ready to start and confident she'd win.


    PART 3


    Jen was sitting on the couch waiting for Angela to return, her short robe still sashed. Angela made as dramatic an entrance as she could, sauntering into the room, chest thrust out proudly, hips rolling from side to side, a look of intense confidence on her face. The reaction she got was not as extreme as she'd hoped, but it was enough to show that she had shaken Jen. Jen's eyes widened as she looked Angela up and down, and she bite her bottom lip, shifting with slight discomfort on the couch. The side of Angela's mouth turned up slightly. This was the first she'd seen the brunette beauty show even a crack in her usually cool, in control, demeanor. 'Gotcha, bitch,' she thought smugly, thrusting her chest out a bit more, as she felt Jen's eyes drop to her breasts, "Are you ready?" Angela taunted, motioning with her left hand, as she put her right on her hip, cocking her curvy pelvis slightly.

    Jen paused a moment, still lost in the sight of her rival, before standing up abruptly, and turning from Angela. Angela became puzzled as to why she'd turn away from her, but kept her eyes fixated on Jen, as she silently untied her sash, and allowed the shoulder to slip down, revealing the creamy tanned skin of her sultry shoulder. Jen threw Angela a look over her shoulder, and cocked the same, arrogant, smile Angela had seen before, and allowed the rest of the robe to drop, revealing her strong back, and rounded ass. Now it was Angela's turn to be staggered, her mouth dropping slightly. It wasn't just the effort Jen had put into her revelation, nor the shocking beauty of her body, which while thicker than Angela's, was still remarkably fit and toned, with a slight padding that gave her a look of softness... no, it was the fact that even facing away from Angela, she could still make out the sides of her breasts protruding slightly from either side of her torso. Jen turned toward Angela with a slight bounce, and she was once again faced with the chest that had confronted her point blank in the shower. The memory of that moment had faded, as Angela had tried to put it out of her mind, but was now dredged up again, as unfamiliar feelings overtook her again. Even confined in her tight bikini top as she was, Angela could tell that Jen was massively endowed. The suit, while not as skimpy as Angela's, was filled to capacity. It was a shiny black affair that scooped under the breasts and lifted them up, crossing at the clavicle, and wrapping around her neck, leaving a clear view of her cleavage through a hole in the middle of the suit. Breast tissue pushed from every edge, the suit seemingly threatening to burst at any moment. The bottom half hugged her pelvis equally tightly, cutting daringly low to just above her plump vaginal mound. "I've been ready since Thursday, little girl."

    Jennifer's snide remark snapped Angela back to reality, as she re-composed herself. Her calm confidence was now changing back to restrained anger. 'How DARE she!' Angela thought angrily. Angela resented Jen's obnoxious assertion that she was somehow smaller than her. Angela stood a full head taller than Jen's 5'3", and even if Jennifer's breasts were somehow bigger than hers, she still knew she had a large chest. How dare she audaciously belittle Angela's more than abundant attributes. It was taking all of Angela's self restraint to keep from just slapping Jen, but she knew it would prove nothing. It would be satisfying though.

    Angela snapped herself out of her daze, annoyed at her own show of weakness. She let her determination re-establish itself, and stepped forward again, "Okay, fine. I'm ready and you're ready. How do we do this?" Angela still hated that Jennifer was still mostly in control of this contest. As awkward as this whole set-up was, it was Jen's idea in the first place, and she seemed to have some idea of how she wanted to settle their mutual score. But still... it bothered Angela that Jen seemed to have some sort of experience with this. Did this mean that Angela was fighting with a handicap? If so, what kind of advantage did Jen have over her? Still... Jen seemed just as awkward as she herself was. It was possible that this was just some spur of the moment thing she'd come up with, and was just trying to keep up appearances to keep Angela off guard. All Angela knew was that she wanted to beat Jen... HAD to beat Jen.

    Jen stepped forward onto the blankets in the middle of the cleared out space, and knelt down, beckoning Angela towards her with her finger, and Angela followed suit, as Jen explained, "The nature of this fight comes down to intimidation... you've used your tits to intimidate others ever since elementary school, but never expected a bigger fish, so to speak. So what it comes down to is who's breasts are more intimidating... both physically and psychologically. To solve this, we're simply going to try and overwhelm the other's chest... the superior chest pushing down and crushing the inferior chest," with this Jen paused, waiting for this information to settle in, before punctuating her statement, "Just like you did with Destiny."

    Angela flushed slightly at the memory of yesterday's bathroom confrontation, and she felt another pang of betrayal and embarrassment that Destiny would again tell Jen something so personal. Jen noticed Angela's embarrassment, and took advantage of it, "I bet it felt good, didn't it? The feeling of power over another woman, the feeling of superiority, so much more intense than any of the times you've shoved those things in some poor girls face and watched her shrink back or cover up. You must have relished the actual tactile sensation of your breasts dominating someone else's... and the feeling of their self-confidence being crushed. I bet that's what gave you the confidence to go through with this. You wanted to feel that again, didn't you? BUT..." Jen paused her taunting, holding her finger up, "... all you're going to have is that one memory. Because it's not going to happen today. Because these, " Jen crossed her arms under her more than impressive chest, and lifted it slightly for emphasis, "are going to crush your weak tits flat. And you're finally going to learn some fucking humility, you arrogant slut!"

    "OH PLEASE!" Angela responded in exasperation, "How can you make me out to be the bad guy here? I can't help it if Destiny was jealous of my fucking tits! I admit... I've intimidated girls on purpose... but they fucking asked for it! Ever since I hit puberty, jealous bitches like you have been trying to tear me down because I look like this! Well, I LIKE looking good! I LIKE being popular! And I deserve it. I don't lie to peoples faces, I don't go behind their backs, I don't steal their boyfriends, or flaunt my tits in their faces. I'm not a backstabbing bitch like you! You're a fucking hypocrite, and the fact that this whole thing is your stupid idea proves that you're no better than me," Angela stopped, and took a few breathes before continuing, "Besides, '... these are going to be the key to my victory...', who talks like that? You're such a drama-queen, you fat-titted bitch. Do you think you're some kind of supervillian or something?"

    "Sh-shut up! " Jen exclaimed, suddenly pushing forward with her chest... CONTACT! Angela gasped slightly with surprise at the unexpected start to their long awaited fight. Angela had not known how exactly this would start, and was unprepared for her first planned breast-to-breast contact... it was different from when she had dominated Destiny's chest in the bathroom. Instead of the soft satisfaction of eclipsing Destiny's smaller chest, there was instead a tight pressure as Jen's cleavage compressed against hers, causing both sets of tits to balloon out slightly, but not give. Jen increased the pressure a bit more, and Angela quickly recoiled. The pressure released, Angela's breathing became ragged, as she faced a grim faced Jennifer. "This is serious. And if you can't take it, get the fuck out. I have no time for weak willed bitches."

    Angela was a bit taken aback by Jen's seriousness. The idea of using your breasts to prove dominance over another woman seemed absurd to Angela from the beginning, but Jen didn't seem to be joking around... and their brief contact hadn't felt the way she had expected it to. Angela thought back on the last few days... the torrent of emotions she'd gone though, and all the things she'd lost and stood to lose. Her friend, her status... and possibly even her boyfriend. Jen was right; this was serious, and should be treated that way. This was a battle... not entirely physical, but one of strength and will. A battle between women.

    "Ok. I get it. Let's do this," Angela said, all trace of humor having left her voice, "Come at me again."

    Jen again shuffles forward on her knees, and Angela moved to meet her, mirroring her rival's movements, as they placed their hands on each others hips, holding tightly onto each others waists. Their breathing becomes more ragged as they come closer together, and finally press tits together for a second time. This time Angela is ready, but still surprised by the feeling of pressure. She casts a quick gaze down, and watches the sideways expansion of the two, firm, pairs of breasts, before they hold firm, a deep cavern forming between them. As Jen presses forward, Angela matches her, and is satisfied to see that her breasts stand up to Jen's larger tits. Angela begins to press forward more, feeling the glands beneath her areola compress and the unfamiliar feeling of tightness return, as Jen returns the favor and similarly moves forward to match her. They keep this mutual compression up for a moment, determined to see who will give first, but making no headway, and Jen is the first to break the monotony of this strategy and surprises Angela by moving her chest to the side, dragging her tightly packed flesh against Angela's, stimulating her nipples. Angela grunts slightly in surprise, and Jen repeats the move in the opposite direction.

    Jen again shuffled forward on her knees, and Angela moved to meet her, mirroring her rival's movements, as they placed their hands on each others hips, holding tightly onto the others waists. Their breathing became more ragged as they came closer together, and finally pressed tits together for a second time. This time Angela was ready, but still surprised by the feeling of pressure. She casts a quick glance down, and watched the sideways expansion of the two, firm, pairs of breasts, before they hold firm, a deep cavern forming between them. As Jen presses forward, Angela matches her, and is satisfied to see that her breasts stood up to Jen's larger tits. Angela begins to press forward more, feeling the glands beneath her areola compress and the unfamiliar feeling of tightness return, as Jen returns the favor and similarly moves forward to match her. They keep this mutual compression up for a moment, determined to see who will give first, but making no headway, Jen is the first to break the monotony of this strategy and surprised Angela by moving her chest to the side, dragging her tightly packed flesh against Angela's, stimulating her nipples. Angela grunts slightly in surprise, and Jen repeats the move in the opposite direction.

    "Fuck..." Angela grunts in exasperation; she doesn't like the way things are going. Jen is in complete control of the fight and dictates the pace and rhythm. Angela doesn't feel like she's losing yet, but it's clear that Jen is leading and has the advantage... Angela was barely been able to keep up with her opponent, copying Jen's attack and grinding back into Jen's chest. Their flesh bulges and the two girls grunt from the exertion, their eyes narrow, and their teeth grit.

    Angela's furrows her brow in frustration; this is nothing like she'd imagined... she hadn't really known what to expect, but assumed that it was have been more erotic or sexual... more stimulating... it was a BREAST fight after all, and she hadn't exactly been excited by the thought of doing anything sexual with a girl that she hated, but it was Jen that had proposed this kind of fight in the first place, and there was a certain satisfaction to the idea of beating Jen at her own game and then (in this case literally) rubbing it in. There was a feeling of stimulation, mostly in her nipples, but mostly it had been an uncomfortable stimulation that was growing increasingly more disconcerting the longer they kept it up, and the swimsuits were not helping things... even though they'd both worked up a bit of a sweat, the dry suits were fast causing their extended nipples to chaff from the constant repeated rubbing, and it was really starting to hurt.

    "Huff... fucking bitch...", Angela grunted under her breath. She moved her hands from Jen's hips up to her back and leaned in hard, trying to restrict her movement and change the tempo of the fight, and increase the pressure on Jennifer's tits, and hopefully relieve some of the chaffing for a moment. Angela's firm breasts drove into Jen's and broke her rhythm, bulging out to the sides, and causing Jen to gasp for the first time in their fight, catching Angela's attention. Angela repeated this movement, driving her breasts inwards again, using her grip on Jen's back to begin a sort of pumping motion, "HA! Got you now cow!" Angela had now managed to take control of the fight, changing the rhythm and relieving some of her discomfort.

    "Ugh... fuck you..." Jen grunted, moving her hands from Angela's hips and up to Angela's rib cage, trying to lessen the strength of her thrusts, with only minor success. Angela smirked slightly, pleased that she'd managed to turned the tide in her favor, but she was beginning to tire, and Jen was able to lessen her thrusts more. She was going to lose her advantage if she didn't come up with a new strategy soon. Angela felt Jen's hands move again, and slide up to her shoulder blades, and it before she could react, it was already to late... Jen brought her in tight for a clinch, stopping Angela's thrusts, and causing the pressure to increase again between them. Now face to face, Angela had no choice but to squeeze back, and found it difficult to breath. Jen let out a small growl and leaned her head forward against Angela's temple, and resumed her grinding. Though her movement was restricted, the compression was now greater, and Angela could feel it more deeply than before, and now the chaffing in her nipples was really starting to burn. Angela looked determinedly into Jen's fierce eyes, and began to counter her, grinding back, wincing a bit at the pain, both of them breathing heavily though gritted teeth, 'Why won't this bitch give up? There's no way she isn't hurting too... this is so dumb...' Angela though to herself, '... I though she'd done this shit before... did she plan it this way? Does she think I'm so weak that I'd give up first if it started to hurt a little? FUCK THAT! I'll show her how strong my will is. I'm not weak and I'm not afraid of a little hard work..."

    Despite her determined thoughts, Angela was starting to tire now... it'd been almost 20 minutes of physical exertion now, and the stimulation of her nipples had long faded into just plain pain now. To her satisfaction though, it seemed that Jen was tiring too, and each of them were breathing heavily and panting. Their grinding had become less pronounced, and they both began to loosen their grip on the other's back. At about 1/2 an hour into their duel, both girls were panting and leaning on the others shoulder, while still continuing to grind into the other, until they both stopped, and just leaned against each other, breathing heavily.

    Angela's nipples where on fire, and her arms were tired. Surrender wasn't an option, but she was glad for the chance to rest. She wasn't looking forward to resuming the fight either. Wearing the swimsuits had been a stupid idea, and she'd wished that they'd started this topless. She couldn't believe that she was thinking that way now... It would have seemed to weird and embarrassing to her before they'd started their fight, but it seemed to make perfect sense to her now. The pain was hell.

    "Ok," Jennifer was the first to speaking, still panting slightly, "Okay, let's take a break."

    Angela's eyes went wide, "Seriously?" She mouthed a 'Thank GOD' while still leaning on Jen's shoulder, before the two disengaged, and fell back onto their asses.

    "Yeah... I'm not going to lie to you, but this fucking hurts, " Jen admitted, "And don't bother trying to pull any mind game crap on me, because I know you've got to be hurting too. I'd rather keep this going than admit shit to you, so keep your mouth shut if you want any sort of reprise."

    Angela didn't say anything... she knew that she could easily turn Jen's concession to her advantage and get in some good jabs, but she was right... she'd have never brought it up either rather than admit any sort of weakness. They were both in the same boat, and still on equal terms, so it was best to just leave it at that and try to recover.

    The girls leaned back and examined each other. Their hair was sweaty and matted against their foreheads, they were still breathing heavily, and their breasts seemed flushed and slightly swollen. Angela couldn't see how she looked, but she hoped that she looked as good as Jen still did. There was a certain sultry attractiveness to her rival that came from the physical exertion.

    "Look, let's take, like, half and hour or something and go out to the pool," Jen suggested, getting up and flipping her hair back out of her face. Angela rose as well and did the same, running her fingers through her long hair, straightening out any tangles, "Okay, agreed," she responded, and followed Jennifer through the house and out to the pool.


    PART 4


    The sun was shining out in Jen's back yard. It was unseasonably hot, but not uncomfortable, and there was a slight breeze in the air... in short a beautiful day, and perfect for a final swim before the inevitable cool and wet fall.

    Jen's back yard was quite large, and the grounds were well cared for. The grass felt good on Angela's feet as she followed her rival out to the large pool. Angela was still exhausted from the beginning of their fight, and looked forward to a quick swim to refresh herself. So far things had not gone nearly as she'd imagined, but it seemed was at least satisfied that Jen didn't seem to be doing any better, which was all that she could really hope for.

    Jennifer's pool was surrounded by some lounge chairs and also had a large diving board, one part was low and one part was high. Angela also had a pool, but not one nearly this big; she was actually a little impressed, 'Just how rich is this bitch?' The girls separated and picked lounge chairs that were several feet apart from each other to put their towels on. Even if they'd mutually agreed to this slight reprise, they were still enemies, though right now, Angela's animosity towards Jen seemed to have faded a bit. Was it because she had sort of come to respect her, or was she just tired? Either way, it wasn't like she was going to make nice with this bitch, though she supposed she could at least be courteous if she was going to use Jen's pool... besides, the way her breasts, and specifically her nipples felt right now, she wasn't sure she wanted to upset their tenuous peace.

    Jen for her part had been silent since they had come outside, and generally seemed to be ignoring Angela, which was a little annoying to Angela. She didn't like to be ignored... not a bit... and besides, it made her feel awkward. Angela didn't know what to do in this situation, or what to say, and it once again put Jen in control. Finally, Jen turned to Angela, and the two stood in silence, the breeze rustling through the hedges, and it was Jen who again broke the silence, "You can go ahead and jump in, or whatever, don't mind me," she said blandly, frustrating Angela, who was just unable to read her at all. Angela tried to respond equally as emotionless, but her sarcasm was plain, "Whatever..." and she dove into the pool from the side, letting the cool water engulf her body.

    "Aaaaaaaaaah..." she cooed as she came up, flipping her blond hair back. It was a little colder than she had expected, but it relieved the burning in her chest, which felt good. Angela swam around a bit, floating on her back, her breasts sticking far above the surface of the water. Jen seemed content to just sit on the beach chair and observe her opponent. A breeze blew, rustling the leaves still on the trees, as if to punctuate the uneasy silence between the two.

    Angela floated restlessly in the water, as Jen quietly watched, becoming more self-conscious and uneasy, until she finally couldn't take it anymore, turning over and submerging, kicking herself to the side of the pool where Jen sat. Angela emerged from the water and rested her arms on the hot concrete. Jen just continued to stare at her, and Angela stared back, waiting for Jen to break the awkward silence for a moment, before doing it herself.


    Jen blinked twice, and then sat up straight, her face betraying her confusion, "What?"

    "Why this? Why are we here? Why this absurd fight? What do you hope to accomplish? What the fuck is your problem with me? I know this isn't just about what happened in gym-class. You've had some kind of beef with me even before this. You said you knew girls like me? What the hell does that mean? And... why? Why MY fucking boyfriend? Why make my life shit? WHY?" Angela did her best to keep an even tone, not wanting to reignite any negative emotions until she got some answers. She knew why she was here... but why was Jen? This wasn't as stupid or even fun as she'd thought it'd be... it was hard and it hurt, and Jen seemed to be fighting just as hard as she had. But what for? What drove her? It couldn't be simple pride or arrogance or even petty vengeance for the volleyball incident... this pain and discomfort wasn't worth it for anything as simple as that. There was a deeper reason... something driving her. Angela needed to know.

    Jen, again, just stared at Angela, seemingly thinking about if she should even answer. Angela held her stare while she, thought, and, finally, Jen sighed and slapped her hands on her knees, "Okay. Why not? Sure." Jen got up and moved to the side of the pool where Angela sat, sitting down and dangling her legs into the water.

    "See, I didn't hit puberty the same time other girls in my class did, and it didn't help that I was Chinese. Ignorant blondes making stupid jokes about how I'd be lucky to even fill out a training bra. It was just the kind of simple cruelty that girls perpetrate on each other. But it didn't stop at just words... they had to flaunt their dominance. Prove to themselves and others that they were somehow better. I developed some really intense body-image issues... afraid I'd be the skinny, plain, Chinese girl, with no titties forever. That I'd spend my life being intimidated and envious, feeling small and worthless. It was like that until I turned 13... 13 for Christ's sake! By the time I actually needed my training bra, other girls were already almost fully matured, flaunting it in my face, making snide remarks in the shower, generally making me feel like shit..." Jen paused for a moment, her fingers curling at the memories she was relating to her silently listening rival, "... then I started to grow... fast actually. I started to feel better about myself as I filled out, not to sound to vain, and for awhile girls stopped making comments... and I felt good. Then it all changed... now I wasn't someone used to prove their superiority... now I was a rival... and I was still being treated like shit. Flaunting, comparing, showing off... stupid little games to keep me in my place. But I kept getting bigger, more confident, and the little jibs and snide remarks had less impact, until, finally, they just stopped."

    Jen turned to face Angela, looking her in the eye, "I changed schools a bunch of times because of my Dad's work, and in every school, you know what I found? One girl that thought she was the hottest shit... 'Ms. Popular' or whatever. And you know what happened, every time? Shit like this!", Jen said, raising her voice a little, and throwing her arms out in emphasis, "I didn't even have to do anything. I've tried being polite, I've tired being ambivalent, I've tried staying out of their way... but it always comes down to some bitch so used to being the hottest thing around trying to prove she's better than me, coming up with some imagined slight against her as an excuse to get all in my grill and fuck with me. Petty, schoolyard bullshit."

    "That's not fair!", Angela cut in, interrupting Jennifer's tirade, "I didn't make this up. I didn't imagine this! I wasn't jealous or bitchy to you until you started hitting on Derek!"

    "BULLSHIT! I didn't even register on Derek's radar! We were friends! You didn't start being a bitch until the life drawing thing. I'm an artist... Derek's an artist. Did you even know how into his art he is? How seriously he took it? How much he wants to improve? Do you even know what he's interested in? Or did you just start going out with him because he's the most popular guy in school? Because it's what people expected of both of you?" Jen spat back, "You don't even get how into you he is, and it's all bullshit. You don't even trust him enough to have a friendship with another attractive girl. You took your relationship for granted, and at the first sign of some imagined rivalry, you start treating him like shit."

    Angela's breath caught in her throat at that last comment... did she know about her fight with Derek? How? It was impossible for word to spread... no one knew... unless Derek had told her. Jen caught Angela's sharp intake, and smiled smugly, her intuition telling her what was on Angela's mind, "That's right, I know all about your little PMS-fest. Derek had no fucking idea what was wrong with you, so he turned to me. Look... I'm not going to lie to you... I like Derek. I liked Derek from the first time we met... but he LOVED you. I couldn't have made a move on him if I wanted to, and I'm not the kind of bitch that would do something like that. But we're friends... and I'm his only female friend, the only one he can talk to about the shit that you do to him," Jen paused, and narrowed her eyes a little, letting the anticipation of what she was about to say next build in Angela's eyes, "I didn't steal him from you... you drove him to me."

    "YOU BITCH!" Angela shout, throwing herself at Jen, who caught her by the wrists, Angela's momentum still managing to knock them both into the pool. The two girls thrashed around under the surface of the water. Their strength was about even, and Jen was able to use her leverage to keep Angela's hands from reaching her, but soon both girls lungs were burning for air. Jen threw Angela's arms away from her, and raised her legs, letting her feet sink into Angela's soft breast flesh and kicking off of her, to give her some distance. Surprised, Angela gasped, drawing in the chlorinated water, and frantically trashed her way to the surface as well.

    When Angela's head finally broke the surface of the water, she sputter and choked for a moment, as she waded toward the shallow end, her feet finding stability on the floor of the pool. Jen was several feet away, panting from the exertion. Angela coughed a few times as she breathed heavily, trying to catch her breath, managing to choke out, "Fuck... you..." Angela breathed in again, and felt her renewed rage invigorating her, "I've had enough of the games. I don't care about your sob story. I've had enough of you and your fucking with me and accusing me, and trying to get between me and Derek. You're accusing me of thinking I'm hot shit? What about you? You're the one that tried to intimidate me in the shower. You're the one that suggested this whole stupid tit-fight. You think you're so fucking justified because you were picked on by some blonde in Elementary school? So you're taking it out on me now? Trying to prove your superiority now that you're all grown up? Fuck you! I'll never let you win. I AM better than you, and I'll beat you at your own stupid game. Than I want you out of my face."

    Jennifer's breathing was still ragged as she responded, "What are you saying? I'm not going anywhere... I'm not transferring schools again in my last year. If you can't deal with me then you leave!"

    Angela thought about their situation for a moment. Jen wasn't going to leave school, and Angela certainly didn't feel like going anywhere... it just wasn't going to happen. Not this late in the semester of their final year. But it was clear that they couldn't go on like this. Angela began to calm as she thought about it, slowly catching her breath, and then... she had an epiphany. She knew what the new stakes of their fight would be... if the root of their conflict was their perceived hotness and how it affected their social status, their popularity, than the solution was simple.

    "All right..." Angela smile, looking at Jen with cold, calculating eyes, "... then how about this... we finish this stupid fight. We prove which one of us is the better woman... and that one will continue on with her life for the rest of the school year as always... but the other drops completely off the radar."

    Jen looked confused, "What? What are you talking about?"

    Angela continued, for the first time feeling in control of their confrontation, replying haughtily, "Simple. No more makeup, no more low cut shirts, tight pants, jewelry, nothing. One of us remains hot, the other... not. No more flaunting, no more intimidating, no more getting in the others face. You go to school, but you're invisible... you're off the social radar. Everyone forgets you, because I'll prove that you were never worth remembering to begin with." Angela beamed with confidence, having laid down her challenge, standing straight, tall, and confident, her chest thrust out to emphasis her final point.

    Jen stood in quiet shock, as Angela awaited her answer. Had it been to much? Would she go for it? It wasn't like it was all that much to ask, but the results would speak for themselves... a silent submission of one girl to the superiority of the other. "Are you serious? Just, like... go without makeup and wear baggy clothes?"

    "That's right," Angela replied confidently. 'I've got her...' she thought to herself.

    Jen ran her fingers through her wet, silky, hair, mulling it over, and finally responded, "All right... but one more condition... the loser has to show up at all school events, including Prom." Jen thrust her imposing chest out with equal confidence

    Angela felt her confidence shaken with this new addendum to their challenge, "W-Wait... Prom? Like... without a dress?"

    "'That's right'", Jen mocked, doing a sad impression of Angela's voice. Angela bit her lower lip in thought. Prom was a huge event... something that would never happen again. Did she really want to take the chance that she'd lose... no... she couldn't think like that. Angela thought about how it would feel to be at Prom, hanging off Derek's arm, being crowned Prom Queen, looking out into the crowd, and seeing Jennifer there... alone against the wall... wearing some hideously plain gown, her impressive breasts covered and contained as part of her submission to Angela. She thought about how it'd feel to stand there beautiful and radiant, basking in her triumph, while Jen stood in the back, alone and ignored, crying. All she had to do was win. All she had to do was crush Jennifer's fat, Asian, tits and everything would go back to how it was. She'd make up with Derek, and she'd be the most popular girl in school again, and everything would be perfect again.

    Angela breathed in, her chest expanding as her lungs filled, straining her bikini to it's maximum, and then exhaled slowly, "All right... I agree."

    Jen's eyes narrowed, and she smiled that sinister, confident smile of hers. "Excellent. Then let's continue..."


    PART 5


    After having dried off, Jen had led Angela back into the house, but instead of taking her back to the living room where they had started the day, she instead lead Angela up to the second floor of the house and into her room. Angela couldn't tell if there was some significance to this change of venues, but she felt a familiar feeling of discomfort with how Jen seemed to be constantly in control of their duel, and had been since ever since that day in the locker room, as if she was manipulating everything through some unseen means. Angela pushed back these dangerous and disturbing thoughts... admitting that Jen was manipulating everything implied that Jen had some kind of power over her actions, which implied that she was already doomed to defeat... and Angela refused to give Jen that kind of power over her. She had to keep control over herself, and somehow turn the tide of this fight back to her favor, as with the stakes having been raised, she had literally everything to lose if she couldn't.

    Jen opened the door to her room, and motioned for Angela to enter. As Angela crossed through the open doorway, she had to work hard to choke back her laughter. Despite her wealth, her intelligence, her charisma, and her good looks, it was obvious to Angela that Jen was, in fact, a colossal nerd.

    "You've got to be kidding me..." she muttered as she surveyed the large room. There were the usual fixings of a typical girls room... a large, soft-looking bed covered with pillows, a huge dresser, a large vanity covered with makeup and a large mirror, and even another full length mirror in one corner, and a door leading to a private bathroom... but the rest of the room reminded Angela more of Derek's room. There were posters and wall scrolls of various anime characters, none of which Angela could remember the names of, shelves of books with unpronounceable titles written in kanji, and a large display case filled with tiny figurines obtained from vending machines. Off in another corner was a large drafting table which had paper and art supplies strewn about it. Angela wanted to laugh at the ridiculous dichotomy facing her... the marriage of the familiar trappings of girliness and the more absurd affectations of a full blown 'otaku' nerd.

    Angela looked around in disbelief, taking it all in, and even taking the time to examine some of the posters and figures more carefully. The one thing that struck her about all the characters that Jen seemed to like was the breast size. The figures and posters that Jen seemed to gravitate towards, while some featured effeminate looking men or muscular warriors, the main focus of the female characters was busty amazons or demure femme fatales, all sporting more than voluptuous figures. Angela actually recognized one character that recurred the most as being one of Derek's favorites, Mai Shiranui, the ninja girl from some video game that he'd liked. 'No wonder Derek and her got along so well... they've both fucking nerds,' Angela though critically to herself. She loved Derek and found him a fun and personable guy to be with, but she could never understand his obsession with comics and Japanese cartoons. In fact, if there was one thing she could change about him to make him the 'perfect boyfriend' it would be his almost embarrassing hobby... but she'd never ask that of him. She was just pretty much ambivalent about it, indulging his hobby, but never taking an active interest in it.

    Angela heard the door click behind her as Jen closed it, breaking her from her revelry. She turned and faced Jen, as they starred at each other intently again. The room was bright even with the white curtains closed, and Angela could feel the tension begin to rise again, as her gaze slipped down to Jen's deep, tanned, cleavage, watching a drop of water she'd failed to dry off roll down the curve of her sizable chest and into that foreboding cavern. Breathing deep, Angela arched her back slightly to push out her own intimidating chest. The burning discomfort from their first fight was gone, and she could feel her confidence returning, though she wasn't looking forward to a repeat of their first match, which had been painfully uncomfortable. Angela cleared her through and was the first to speak, "Ok, so how are we going to do this?"

    "Well," Jen said, putting her hands on her hips, "I've been thinking about our first match... and it was a big mistake to do it with our suits on. The chaffing was murder, and it wasn't really proving shit other than who could take more pain. This is about who has the actually better chest, and while endurance should be an aspect of it, outright pain shouldn't. That's why I brought you here... I think we should go topless for this part."

    Angela let it sink in, mulling it over, before speaking again, "Uuuuuh, yeah, but, like, I'm not gay."

    Jen rolled her eyes, "Oh PLEASE, like I'm so fucking into you baby. Haven't you been paying attention? There's nothing sexual about this! It's not even FUN. That's why I suggested wearing a bikini in the first place... I didn't think you'd got for doing this topless. But I didn't think it'd hurt so fucking much. Is wrestling gay? Those guys are barely wearing clothes, but you don't see anyone called the Rock a fag, do you? You don't see John Cena chugging cock every Monday night, right? It's a competition. Besides... even if I was all lesbo and shit, I wouldn't even think you're hot. You're all Paris Hilton trashy looking to me."

    Angela felt her anger growing again. She didn't need to take this kind of abuse from a comic geek, "FUCK YOU! Like you're the fucking Queen or something! You're just a fucking gutter-mouthed anime nerd parading your oversized cow tits around in a too tight halter top! You're a fucking joke! A sham! I don't know how you've conned everyone into thinking you're Little Miss Thang, but after today they'll all know the truth! Fine, yeah, lets do it! I don't even care!"

    Angela furiously yanked at her tight bikini top, jerking it up off her breasts, pull it over her head, and gave it an angry toss to the side. She stood trembling with anger, her arms stiff and fists clenched, as her breasts settled heavily on her chest. Angela felt her face flush slightly with self-conscious embarrassment. She was used to changing in front of the other girls in gym class, and indeed even slightly relished the envious stares she'd get, but alone here with Jen? The intimacy of this situation made her uncomfortable, but at the same time... slightly excited her. Angela thrust her chest out slightly, waiting for Jen to make the next move.

    Holding Angela's gaze, Jen slowly crossed her arms, taking hold of the underside of the material tightly clinging to her firm breasts, making a show of carefully tugging the cups up, slowly letting it drag across the bountiful flesh of her chest, lifting the heavy glands, as she teased Angela. Finally the material could no longer hold onto her heavy chest, and her breasts fell with a slight smack and bounced heavily, as she finished pulling the top over her head.

    Angela had seen many girls naked bosoms in the shower after gym, comparing and dismissing them, but never had she encountered a pair of tits like Jen's. Angela was loath to admit that Jen was bigger than her, but it was a mathematical fact that the volume of her chest was greater than her own, but Angela had bitterly consoled herself by assuming that without the support of a sturdy bra or a tight top, she must sag grotesquely, like all the other girls who could claim they were bigger than Angela's 40 D chest. Shockingly, this was not the case, as Jen's breasts were remarkable firm and high set, gracefully sloping and slightly upturned. Her breasts were capped by two dark brown nipples, which were thick and stubby, much different from Angela's own delicate, pink, pert nipples. Angela had secretly hoped as Jen had put on her striptease that there would be some kind of defect or weakness inherent in Jen's tits, something she could point out or laugh at, something she could use to put a chink in her seemingly impenetrable armor... but even Angela had to admit, she was impressed. Jennifer's breasts were as huge, heavy, firm, and intimidating as she felt her own must be.

    Angela couldn't read Jen's expression, but she could tell that she was doing a similar, silent, comparison as she traced Jen's gaze down to her own imposing cleavage. Angela knew every inch of her own chest. She didn't think herself vain, but she took great care in how she looked, and knew how to make the most of her best asset. Her breasts were remarkably firm, much as Jen's were, though she could tell they sagged less than Jen's heavier chest. There were high set and round, with only the slightest hint of drop. Her skin was slightly tanned, but still white and creamy. Capping her breasts were two delicate, pink, nipples, which didn't look to be as thick as Jen's, but were less stubby, sticking out further. Angela's areola were slightly smaller than Jen's as well, and a lighter shade of think than her nipples.

    There was a long pause as the girls examined each other's now naked chests, comparing and categorizing. Angela desperately wished she could find something bad to say about Jen's chest, but could not think of a word. For the first time in her life she could feel the slightest bit of envy poisoning her thoughts, but denied this emotion, for she refused to admit that Jen was in any way her better, for to do so was to admit defeat. 'So what if she's bigger... yeah she's firm, but she's already sagging more than me,' Angela rationalized, 'By the time college is done, she'll look like my grandma, and saggy and stretched out.'

    Their silent vigil continued for about another minute until Jen's expression finally changed, a smug smirk crossing her face, "Hmph..." she grunted, "...I thought you'd be, like, bigger somehow. I'm totally going to crush you." Angela felt a chill go down her spine. She was sick of Jen's arrogance. She wanted to end this stupid fight.

    Angela made the first move this time, quickly advancing on Jen and grabbing her roughly by her wrists, holding them tightly by her sides and mashing her chest into Jen's, pressing forward aggressively, the familiar feeling of pressure from their first confrontation returning as their breasts ballooned out. Angela felt her nipples make contact with Jen's firm flesh, and it sent another shiver through her spine. Having taken the initiative, Angela spat out, "So what if you're bigger you saggy cow! We can both tell I'm firmer than you. Size doesn't mean shit if your tits look flabby and soft!" Angela pressed her advantage, roughly rubbing her chest into Jen's, trying to push her tits back against her rib cage.

    Jen gasped in shock at Angela's unexpected initiative, and step back slightly, trying to relieve the pressure, but Angela just advanced on her, continuing her up-down motion, moving Jen's breasts roughly around her chest. Now topless, the sensations in her chest were vastly different... there was no chaffing, their skin still slightly damp from their swim, and she could feel everything, especially as her nipples dragged against Jen's skin. Jen began to fight back, trying to move counter to Angela's motions, and this added to Angela's own stimulation.

    Angela gasped suddenly as her nipple crossed unexpectedly with Jen's, and the hard stubs brushed against each other. Angela's grip on Jen loosened slightly from the shock. Jen took this chance to change the flow of the fight, loosening her right hand and using it to grab onto Angela's shoulder. Holder her steady, she pressed forward, causing a sudden undulation in Angela's chest, pulled back, and repeated. Angela's eyes squinted slightly and she grunted, back stepping. Jen changed her technique again, and began compress and rub her chest against Angela' moving from side to side now.

    The two girls began to sweat from their mutual exertion, causing their breasts to become slick and slippery, and Jen's sliding motion became less rough, but no less effective. Angela felt a familiar sensation in her nipples and pushed Jen back. Both girls were now breathing heavily, and Angela cast her gaze down to her own chest, and watched as her nipple began to expand. She had never felt them this aroused before, and they felt almost painfully tight as they expanded to their full size of 3/4 of an inch. They looked huge to her. That's when she saw Jen's nipples, which were also turgid now. Thicker than her own, they were just about as long, but a big smaller and slightly puckered. Angela gave a self-satisfied smirk as she realized that hers were a bit longer, but it didn't last for long as Jen maneuvered her breast back to Angela's, and, aligning her nipple with Angela's, stabbed forward.

    Angela gasped again as Jen's hard nipple stabbed in hers, attempting to push in down, but instead she just felt it compress back into her chest, still standing straight and firm. Angela regained her composer and pressed forward, trying to push Jen's own nipple back, and then moved down, trying to bend it. Jen's nipple didn't bend, but it Angela did manage to flick it with her own nipple, resulting in a pained grunt from Jen. Angela repeated this with the other nipple, then then again trying both at once. Their nipples stabbed at each other like dueling swords, and Angela's confidence began to rise as she seemed to be dominating this nipple fight, "You weak slut... your flabby boobs may be bigger, but my nipples are longer and hard than yours! I'm going to bend them right off!", Angela cried, punctuating her statement by again flicking Jen's nipples with her own.

    Jen grunted, but said nothing, as her nipples were pummeled by Angela's hard stubs. Angela felt her confidence rising as she finally seemed to be not only leading, but dominating, the fight. A maniacal smile began he cross her face, as she grit her teeth, pressing her advantage for everything it was worth, venting her frustration and anger at her hated rival. She had her right were she wanted her, Angela's threats slow, inevitably becoming a reality as she punished her rivals nipples. There was a feeling of exhilaration that came from dominating another girl, and it was especially pronounced since it was the one person she hated most in the world. Her mind momentarily hearkened back to her brief confrontation and quick defeat of Destiny a few days earlier. The exhilaration she had felt then paled in comparison to that which she felt now... she could only imagine how it would feel when she finally won... when she'd feel Jen's breasts give in and collapse beneath her own firm, superior, tits as Destiny's had, and forced her to admit defeat before letting up... it could only be orgasmic.

    The two girls continued to struggle in the middle of Jennifer's room, grunting and grinding, their bodies slick with sweat from their continued exertion. Angela was starting to gain ground on Jen, attempting to push her back towards the wall, with the intention of giving herself more leverage. He continued her nipple assault as she held Jen's arms tightly, stabbing and flicking her thick nubs, occasionally pausing to pull back and slam her firm breasts into Jen's, pushing her back, step by step. Jen only winced and grunted as she gave ground, making only a token effort to fend off Angela's attacks, and trying to flick Angela's nipples back, but Angela seemed to have to much momentum in their conflict. As they fought Angela continued to shit-talk Jennifer, using curses she'd never spoken before, and names that she'd often scolded Derek for using her in presence... but Jen said nothing. She gave no argument when Angela called her slut, whore, skank, or bitch. She just stoically took Angela's verbal and physical punishment, face grim, while slowly giving up more ground, until her back was finally against the wall.

    "Back against the wall bitch?" Angela hissed viciously, venom dripping from her usually sultry, airy, voice, "Bet that's never happened to you before, you fucking slut." Angela punctuated her insult with another hard slam against Jennifer's creamy tits, eliciting another grunt, and then pressed forward hard, watching as her tits mushroomed against Jen's. "How many fights like this have you had? How many guys have you tried to steal? How many friends have you turned against people? How many girls have you messed with for no reason? You're so full of shit. You deserve this. You deserve to be beaten. To have those soft, weak, boobs you're so fucking proud of battered and flattened. Whore!"

    Jen locked eyes with Angela, as she slowly increased the pressure between their breast, pinning her tighter against the wall, taking a few shallow breathes before responding, "You really still don't get it do you? You're still really convinced that all this is my doing? And you really think that you're actually winning? Are you that ignorant and arrogant?"

    Confusion crossed Angela's face as she digested Jennifer's words, giving Jennifer the chance to take a deep breath, expanding her chest, and pushing back Angela's tits, her own, bigger chest suddenly overwhelming Angela's. Angela looked down, distracted, and Jennifer suddenly pushed forward, using her left foot to push off the wall, driving Angela tumbling back, as Jen shoved her towards her bed. Angela lost her footing has the back of her calves made contact with the edge of the soft bed, and she fell back, with Jen still on top of her. Jennifer's breasts slammed down with explosive force into Angela's chest, causing her to cry out. Angela lost her grip on Jen's arms, allowing Jen to grab and pin her own arms down, as she straddled Angela's body. It had taken only a matter of seconds for Jennifer to not only turn the tide of the battle, but put herself in a position of dominance over her blonde foe.

    "Angela... Angela, look." Jen taunted, as Angela shook the cobwebs from her head, her dazed eyes looking straight up at Jen's breasts, which now eclipsed her vision, "Look at my nipples. Do you see it?" Angela focused in on Jen's dark nipples, not knowing what she was supposed to be looking at, when she saw it. Jen's nipple was hardening and lengthening, as impossible as that seemed to Angela. She had assumed that Jen's dark, thick, nips were already hard when she'd begun her nipple assault... nipples that big couldn't possible get any bigger, but it was happening, right there before her captive gaze. Angela watched in horror as Jen's deep brown areolas became flushed and bumpy, and her nipple continued to lengthen and thicken slightly. "See, it takes me awhile to get fully aroused. I'm not easy like you. All that before? That was like foreplay to me. I could have taken you at any time... but that would have been to easy. See... it's arrogant bitches like you... you won't accept being beaten unless it's completely, and totally. Unless I show you just that I am really and truly superior. Unless I show you just how powerless and insignificant you truly are to me." Jen mocked from her superior position, "So I let you think you were winning. The further your confidence rises, the greater it has to fall when I do this..."

    Jen lowered her breasts towards Angela's, lining up their nipples, as Angela looked on, still in shock. Jen's nipples had to be almost an inch in length now, and could touch Angela's areola without Angela's touching hers. Jen then began to twist her shoulders, back and forth, causing her nipples to flick repeatedly and painfully against Angela's. Angela's nipples didn't bend, but the pain was intense. Jen did this for a few minutes as Angela helplessly struggled beneath her, before changing her tactics. Rising up, she lined her nipples up with Angela's, and stabbed directly down, her longer, thicker nipples meeting Angela's, and lancing off, stabbing into the sensitive areola underneath. Angela cried out, and Jen repeated this tactic, each time, glancing off again.

    Angela began to tear up a bit, a feeling of helplessness overcoming her. From her prone position underneath her Asian opponent, she could do nothing but twist slightly as she struggled to get some kind of leverage, but it was impossible to avoid Jen's relentless attacks. Finally it happened. Jen lined herself up again, pulling herself up as high as possible, her strong arms holding Angela's down, and she stabbed down again, just as she had done countless times before now, but this time her nipple didn't glance off... instead, Angela's bent, folding beneath Jen's thicker, harder, stronger, nipples.

    Angela cried out, and gasped, as a sly smile crossed Jen's face, "Harder, better, faster, stronger," she sang mockingly, pushing down harder, driving Angela's defeated nipples back into her own areola. Angela tossed her head from side to side, tears running down her face, "No-no-no..."

  5. #5
    Junior Hostboard Member DTThrow's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    Was this story ever completed?

  6. #6
    Hostboard Member Catharsis's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    Quote Originally Posted by DTThrow View Post
    Was this story ever completed?
    That's all there was in the backup file for this forum. Who knows if ForeShadow wrote anything more or whether their now-defunct blog had the full text. Because that blog was set with an adult content warning, doesn't have a copy of its contents.

  7. #7
    Junior Hostboard Member DTThrow's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    Quote Originally Posted by Catharsis View Post
    That's all there was in the backup file for this forum. Who knows if ForeShadow wrote anything more or whether their now-defunct blog had the full text. Because that blog was set with an adult content warning, doesn't have a copy of its contents.
    That's a shame, hopefully someone decides to finish it off if ForeShadow isn't around anymore -- the premise and characters are excellent.

  8. #8
    Hostboard Member christiangassand's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for old story: When I Was Popular

    Hello! It's possible that the stories you mentioned were indeed removed by the author or relocated to a private website. Authors sometimes make such decisions for various reasons. If you're unable to find them here, you might want to explore other online platforms or contact the author directly if possible. Also, if you're into engaging reads, I'd recommend checking out solo leveling chapter 15. It's a captivating chapter that adds depth to the storyline, and I think you might enjoy it. Happy reading!

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