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Thread: Looking for a story

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    Looking for a story


    hoping to find a story called “pride before a fall” if any you remember it or is it on the way back archive?

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    Hostboard Member Catharsis's Avatar
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    Re: Looking for a story

    Pride before a Fall
    by chillycold

    Chapter 1:

    Click to see Sally (Safe for work)

    Margret the bra fitter wrapped the tape measure around Sally's ribcage. In the last few months Sally's breasts had come on by leaps and bounds and it was again time for Sally to be fitted for a new bra. The woman then placed the tape around the fullest part of Sally's firm breasts and Sally crossed her fingers, licked her lips and waited for the response."Well Sally it looks like we will be seeing a lot more of you, thats 28E now. It wasn't so long ago that I was fitting you for your training bra" Margret giggled. It was true, Sally had transformed in the last few years from the skinny but beautiful quiet girl to a confident curvy young woman. "you'll have all the boys chasing you, as if they weren't already" she smiled " but don't you go letting this go to your head. I don't want to hear about you teasing the... less fortunate girls." Sally said nothing but nodded her head slightly as if to agree with her but a slight smirk worked it's way across her soft pouty lips. Thats exactly what she would be using her new size for.

    Sally was by no means a bad girl but somewhere between filling out a D cup and now, something had happened which turned this shy reserved young girl into one that enjoyed making lesser endowed females feel inferior. That something was a feeling of pride and uniqueness. Sally for good or bad now felt like her breasts made her special. Her intellect was not the sharpest, she struggled to tell a good joke or even understand what was funny but her breasts made sure everyone knew who she was.

    "So what type of bra would you like to look at?"
    Sally looked around the store a spotted a very pretty pink half cut bra. She started making her way towards it but Margret tapped her on the shoulder. "Too small, here come with me." The older woman led her towards the back of the shop, past all the racks where Sally had been used to shopping in."You'll have to look in these rows now I'm afraid, ah look, what about this one?" Margret picked up a heavy looking full cup white bra, Sally immediately decided it looked ugly and gave a confused expression. "It's a minimizer, perfect for a girl your size." Sally's confused expression remained as she spoke. "whats a minimizer?".
    Margret laughed "It'll make your breasts look smaller so you don't keep drawing attention to them." she then looked back at Sally. That same expression was glued to her face. "who on earth would want to make their boobs look smaller?"

    Sally couldn't fathom why anyone would intentionally try to make their breasts look smaller, if anything Sally tried all she could to make hers look bigger than they actually were. Although she had a very healthy cup-size her frame was that of a very petite girl. If her new E cup breasts were placed on the frame of a woman with a 36inch frame they would only measure as a C or D cup. Sally knew this, so to ensure her dominance of the other girls at school she would boost their appearance. Her proud cleavage was host to a good smattering of bronzer makeup, she used it to highlight the curves, accentuating the shadow and giving the illusion of much deeper cleavage. She would pull the straps of her bra tight lifting them and adding to her cleavage. On occasion she would slip the odd breast enhancer into the cup which was her most hypocritical act of all. If Sally ever found out a girl stuffed her bra she would be sure EVERYONE found out about it and she loved to humiliate them.

    Margret frowned slightly "not everyone likes to draw attention to their breasts. They like to be known for more than their fun bags." She looked Sally up and down and noticed how uneasy she was looking following what she had just heard. "You enjoy it don't you?"
    Sally was taken aback, she paused for a moment. "enjoy what?" The woman shook her head in disapointment. "You enjoy being bigger than all the other girls don't you?" Sally was now looking at the floor. "You enjoy the power it gives you." With the mention of power Sally's cheeks suddenly flushed bright pink. Sally didn't answer but her feelings were obvious. "I thought so" Margret sighed "take a look over here then". She moved over to more revealing bras and allowed Sally to browse through the racks. Sally looked up to her again and spoke "which...umm..... which one..." she hesitated. Margret interrupted,"which one will make you look the biggest? That would be this little pink one." She took it off the rack and handed it to Sally who took it from her and headed for the changing rooms.

    Removing her now tight DD bra she looked at herself in the mirror. Her blonde flowing hair reaching down to the middle of her back was glossy and well styled. She looked down towards her breasts, they looked so large against her tiny frame. Her nipples and aereola's a very light pink, she picked up the new E-cup bra and put it on. The effect was exactly what she hoped for as it pushed her large breasts up and forward creating a fantastic deep cleavage.

    She got dressed and walked out of the stall, "I'll take two." Margret picked out the bras for her and Sally paid for them at the till. As she began walking out of the shop a woman came in through the door. A very pretty older woman but with a very average bust, Sally intentionally got in the womans way and bumped breasts with her. The woman was knocked back, "sorry" said sally "These things are always getting in the way." she arched her back as she spoke. "It's ok" the woman said shyly and began to look around. Sally looked at her chest, smirked at said "The training bras are over there", she turned giggled to herself and walked out. She was making a habit of little confrontations like that and had become addicted to the feeling of power it gave her. Knowing she had the biggest breasts gave her a huge high and she wanted everyone to know how proud she was of her size. But like the saying goes, pride comes before a fall.


    Click to see Sally

    Sally woke up ready for a new day at school. As always the first thing she did was stand up and look in the full length mirror against the wall. Wearing only a short pink nightie she arched her back and took in a deep breath. She never tired of looking at her breast and she smiled because she knew no other girl could match her cup-size. As silly as it was, Sally went to her bedside table and opened the drawer taking out a tape measure. Every morning without fail she would measure herself, just to be sure she hadn't grown in the night. She wrapped it around her ribcage..'24 Inches' and then around her bust '34 inches'. Still a 28E, a size to be proud of but not as large as you would assume given her cup-size. Sally was well aware of this and would often only quote the cup size when asked how large her breasts were for fear of people downplaying her size. She knew if she was ever to put on the bra of a girl with a healthy sized chest she could well be swamped by it. But through clever manipulation of her wardrobe, gel pads, makeup and posture she had managed to have everyone at school believing her chest was of monumental proportions. She walked into the en-suite bathroom and began to take a hot shower. Sally had often wanted to take showers at school after netball practice but she was too afraid that without all the padding and pushing her clothes afforded her, she wouldn't intimidate the others so well so she usually just slipped away and showered at home. As the hot water gushed over her supple body she cupped her E cups and moaned. They felt so round and firm, she was going to make so many waves at school when everyone saw her. She stepped out the shower and began to dry herself. Once dry she slipped on a pink thong, low-cut tight denim jeans, her new pink bra and a very tight low cut halter top. She looked in the mirror and was a little disappointed at what she saw. Her breasts sat up firm and high but her cleavage wasn't all she had hoped for. Now all they needed was a little makeup to further highlight her cleavage, she dusted bronzer and foundation into her ample cleavage. 'Perfect' she thought as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, 'every girl is going to be so jealous of me'.

    Her father gave her a lift to school but they caught heavy traffic on the way in. By the time she got into the school grounds she was already late so she started running through the halls making her way to registration class. Her breasts bounced up and down as she ran and she looked down at them in admiration. As she turned a blind corner she ran smack into another girl walking the other way. Both girls fell to the floor and Sally looked up to see who she had bumped into. It was a girl she wasn't familiar with, she had dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. She was wearing a hideously long purple gypsy skirt, stripy socks ,big black boots and a huge Grey hooded top that swamped her body. Sally knew what kind of girls wore baggy hoody's, fat girls. "Watch where you're going you fat bitch you could have knocked me out." Screeched Sally. The girl spoke "I.. umm, sorry, I.. umm, I didn't see you and you were running so fast. I hope I didn't hurt you."
    Sally stood up and dusted herself off, she took in a deep breath and arched her back. "You didn't see me? You should look where you're going you fat bitch I'm going to be late now." Sally picked up her bag and ran off down towards her classroom. She made it to the room, readied herself and walked in. Her back was arched as fully as she could manage, lungs full of air and a pout on her lips. Everyone stopped talking as she walked in and all eyes, both male and female headed straight for Sally's prized assets. She allowed a little smirk to again creep across her face as she took her seat. "Sorry I'm late miss." She said to Miss Gardener.
    "Don't worry, we are still waiting for the new girl to arrive, oh here she is". The door opened and the larger girl whom Sally had just run into walked in through the door. Sally turned to her friend Amy "Great, that fat bitch is joining our class. I ran into her in the hall and bounced off all her fat. We better get to the head of the lunch line before her or there will be nothing left for any of us". Amy her lapdog giggled along with her. Miss Gardener spoke again "Class 12C this is our newest member Holly Adams, please try and make her feel right at home."
    Sally whispered to Amy "Typical, Holly is SO a fat girls name." Both of the girls began to giggle again and Miss Gardener asked them to quite down. The new girl Holly walked to an empty seat and sat down. She turned back to look at Sally, then glancing down at Sally's chest she scoffed and turned away again. "What the fuck is that bitch scoffing at?" Hissed Sally to Amy.
    "She's probably just jealous because her boobs sag to the ground." Both girls giggled again and were promptly shut up by Miss Gardener. Sally looked over to her left and saw Tracey Knox, her arch rival. Tracey was busy pushing out her chest in the direction of one of the guys called Scott. It was common knowledge that Sally and Scott would eventually get together at some point, she would have to put that bitch straight later on in the day.

    The day passed steadily for Sally as she completely ignored everything the teachers were telling her as per usual. All she cared about was making it to lunch so she could continue her social climb to the top. The lunch bell went and she headed for the School cafeteria where she met Amy who was waiting for her. They got in line, Amy tapped Sally on the shoulder "I guess we didn't beat her to it" she said as she pointed to the new girl. Sally looked at Holly's outfit in disgust."She must be so fat to be wearing something that big."
    Amy laughed "It looks like shes got big boobs though."
    Sally immediately shot back "big boobs are nothing if you're fat, anyone can have big boobs if they eat as much as her, look she's taking a sandwich and a banana, what a fat cow." In order for Sally to keep her diminutive size she ate like a pigeon so while Holly's meal was actually perfectly sized and balanced Sally only saw it as a pig at the trough. Both girls picked up their lunch and looked for a table. They spotted Tracey sitting alone and moved over to where she was sitting. Sally had an angry expression on her face "Don't think you can talk to Scott bitch, he's mine".
    Tracey looked up startled "I... we... we were just talking."
    "And that's all you'll ever being doing you flat chested tart. Scott only likes girls with curves" She paused, arched her back "like me." But from another table Sally heard a giggle. It was the new girl Holly and she was looking at Sally and chuckling to herself. "You got a problem fatty?" Holly answered. ""
    "I didn't think so" She turned back to Tracey. "Consider this a warning, go near Scott again and I'll make sure everyone finds out about your little bra stuffing secret." Tracey looked stunned as she spoke. "How.. how did you.."
    "Thank your little brother for me." Sally and Amy found a seat and ate their lunch but as they did Sally felt uneasy stares coming from Holly's direction. Who was this girl? Why was such a badly dressed fatty so willing to laugh at someone of Sally's stature?

    All would soon be revealed.

    Chapter 3.

    Sally and Amy sat eating their lunch in silence then Sally spoke. "That new girl is such a freak, look at her with those big clown feet" sneered Sally. Both girls looked over to Holly who was writing in a tatty looking notepad. "She's probably writing down a list of her favorite foods, fat bitch". Sally was still annoyed by Tracey's attempts to flirt with Scott so during such times she had the habit of hitting out at others she deemed losers. In Sally's eyes, Holly was one of these losers and she didn't care if she made the new girl feel bad about herself. In fact Sally believed she was doing girls like Holly a favour. Perhaps if she bitched at them enough they would start dressing better."Maybe she's nice" said Amy warily "You're being a little harsh... I mean she is new". Sally scowled at her "being new is no excuse for being a fat pig and whats with the way she dresses? You wouldn't catch me in a baggy top like that."
    Amy giggled "Thats because you wouldn't be able to show your boobs off." Sally looked annoyed.

    Sally suddenly stood up and started walking towards Holly. "Hey new girl, what are you doing?" said Sally in an authorative tone. Holly looked up at her cautiously as the last two times Sally had spoken to her she had called her a fat bitch. "I'm writing poetry." Sally laughed "Poetry? god you're not one of these emo losers too are you? let me read it." Before Holly could stop her Sally had snatched the book out of her hands and was now reading it aloud.

    "Her illusion built for power and pride,
    Fear beneath it all,
    Secrets she has tried to hide,
    Pride before her fall,"

    "What the fuck is this bitch?... is this about m..." Sally looked around to see people looking at her and stopped herself before she said anything more. Amy looked at Sally who's face had now gone white. "Whats it mean?" Sally quickly regained her composure. "It's just stupid emo crap, probably about her lesbian girlfriend." Holly didn't answer her but Sally began ripping pages out of the notebook and tearing them up. Holly jumped up "Stop it! what did I do to you, please stop!" Holly was distraught and she raced to pick up the ripped pages. Holly's grandmother had given her the book and Holly had been adding poems to it for over a year now, it was something very dear to her. How could someone be so cruel she thought? But of course she knew why, she knew it as soon as Sally's expression changed after reading the poem. Holly wasn't even thinking about Sally when she wrote it but she knew that those words had struck a chord with confident proud Sally. Sally it seems wasn't as confident or as sure as she made herself out to be, things were about to get interesting. Holly had met girls like Sally before and the reaction she witness only confirmed her opinion of what type of girl Sally was.

    "Come on lets leave this weirdo to it, I'm sick of her face." Both girls walked away but Sally was clearly shaken. She looked back at Holly who was now back in her seat and adjusting the shoulder straps of her bra. Thick white sturdy looking straps very unlike the thin pink straps of her own bra. Sally felt something she hadn't felt in a long time, fear.

    The rest of the day passed without any event worthy of note. As did the rest of the school week. Sally had been avoiding Holly. Why? Well Sally was suddenly very unsure about the new girl and didn't want to get involved with her until she knew more about her. But now Friday was here and an event Sally had been looking forward too had arrived. Scott was throwing one of his trademark parties and she would use this chance to finally snag her man. She would dress to impress so that meant a lot of work needed to be done.

    Sally chose to wear an extremely short denim skirt and a cute white top that was cut very low. Her plan of course was to show off as much cleavage as possible. She picked out a tie bikini and put it on,then from her dressing table she took out a box. Two gel pads, size large complete with realistic nipple nubs. She slipped them into bikini and admired her bust in the mirror. The fake nipples protruded through the thin fabric, she noticed one of her own nipples was visible. The gel pads had pushed her breasts so high that her nipples now sat at the very edge of the bikini fabric, she would need to be extremely careful. She altered the straps of the bra to keep things secure. After applying her trademark makeup to her cleavage she slipped on the skirt and top, perfect she thought. The bikini pulled her breasts high and her breasts looked truly huge, of course almost half of that was due to the enhancers hidden within. Scott's eyes would pop out of her head when he saw her. Click to see sally

    Amy and Sally walked into the house together. The place was packed with people partying. The music was loud as the girls entered and Sally went looking for Scott. A hand tapped her on the shoulder "Hey you, thanks for coming, wow you look amazing." It was Scott, Sally turned around and immediately took in a breath and arched her back. "Of course I would come for you" She winked. Scott took her by the hand and led her to the dining room where a group of people where sitting around the table. "Come on you're just in time for strip poker."
    Sally looked suddenly very worried. "Strip... eh umm no it's ok I think I'll pass." Then she heard a voice she had been trying to avoid all week. "Surely you aren't scared are you. If a fatty like me is playing you have to." It was Holly, she was sat at the end of the table with a deck of cards. She was wearing another of her boring baggy sweaters but this time her long brown hair was down. Sally was shocked, Holly's hair was actually very well styled and the cut complimented her face. "I'm not going to go showing my boobs to everyone here and I certainly don't intend on seeing your fat gut." Scowled Sally. Scott butted in "hey come on girls play nice, look Sally you don't have to take off your bra if you don't want to. Bra and panties is the the limit ok?" Sally was still very uneasy but she didn't want to lose face in front of everyone there. She sat down and was dealt her cards, she looked at them and she began to sweat. Her dad had taught her the rules of poker when she was 5 years old but she could barely remember them, something about pairs and flushes, god why did she agree to this?

    Holly dealt the first hand of cards..Sally lost first hand. She stood up and took off one of her high heeled shoes and placed it on the floor. "oooooooooh" everyone said jokingly. As the game went on Sally's rustyness let her down until finally she was sitting in only her panties, bra and top. She was panicing now, she didn't want this to be the first time Scott saw her in only her bra. But with the next hand Sally let out a squeal, she won and it was her turn to nominate someone to remove an item of clothing. She scanned the room, Scott was already down to his bare minimum of clothes but then her eyes met with Holly. Holly had lost a couple of hands too but still had on her baggy sweater. "I choose Holly." she said with a evil smile. "Ok here goes" Said Holly in a cheerful voice. This was not the reaction Sally had been expecting. Holly stood up but as she did so she knocked the table which in turn bumped Sally's arm causing her to drop the glass of vodka lemonade down her front. Sally jumped up and down squealing as the cold liquid dripped down her front. Scott went over to her with some paper towels and rubbed them on her chest, a brown smudge appeared on the paper and he looked at it "Whats this?" Sally suddenly realised what had happened. The vodka had washed away the cleavage enhancing makeup she had been wearing and now the front of her chest was a smudgy mess. "It's eh it's nothing I don't know." Holly still standing up looked over "It's foundation and bronzer." Scott looked at Holly then back to Sally. "Why were you wearing makeup on your boobs?" Sally responded "I was just.." but before she could finish Holly butted in "It's to make her cleavage look deeper than it actually is. Those skinny flatchested super models always do it. She wears it every day at school, you hadn't noticed?" Scott looked back at Sally's chest, somehow what Holly had said was right. Sally's usually canyon like cleavage looked less dark and inviting, the shadow now gone and the pale tone of sally's skin revealed. "Thats not why!" Squeaked sally distraught, it's just to cover up blemishes!"
    Holly sniggered "Sure sure, are we going to get on with this game?" Sally bit back "SHUT UP YOU FAT BITCH THAT'S NOT WHY I WEAR IT!"
    Holly just smiled and looked at Sally. "Oh you know it is, and Sally, Who told you I was fat?" As soon as those words left Holly's lips Sally's worst nightmare had come true. Holly lifted her sweater up, first revealing her midriff. To Sally's horror the huge gut she had imagined she would see was not there. Instead a flat toned stomach leading up to a belly button could be seen, time seemed to slow as the sweater moved up over Holly's head. Her bra was now revealed and Sally's jaw dropped. Holly's breasts where huge, not big, not large but huge. Strapped into a thick white full cup bra Holly's breasts dwarfed what Sally had to offer, enhancers and all. A gasp traveled around the room, eyes darted back and fourth from Sally to Holly. Could this be possible? Was Sally now replaced, defeated even by this new girl? "Told you I wasn't fat bitch." Sally didn't know how to react to this, she could see the eyes flitting between her chest and Holly's. She had to do something, so taking in a deep breath she arched her back as fully as she could. She could feel the bikini straps beginning to strain under the pressure. She was ready to say something back but before she could think of anything Holly spoke again. "I take it back, you're not a bitch after all, bitches have 6 nipples and not FOUR!" Sally was confused for a second but then suddenly a relisation of what had happened took affect. She looked down in despair, with that extra arch of her back both of her nipples had popped out from the top of her bikini, combined with the two nipples of her enhancers she now had four nipples! Sally screamed and covered her chest, she turned and tried to run for the door but as she did Holly grabbed hold of one of the tiers. As Sally began to run she felt the tension of the bikini suddenly loosen. To her horror her bikini had been untied and both of the enhancers began to slip out. She put her hands up in an attempt to catch them but she was too slow. The front of her bikini was now open and her natural size exposed for the first time. Sally looked towards Scott in a plea for help but his face was in shock. Sally covered her chest Click to see Sally and ran for the door and headed for home. How could this have happened? Utterly humilated in front of the whole school.... in front of Scott! How could she get that bitch Holly back?

    Chapter 4:

    Sally woke up to the sound of a ringing phone. She had been up all night crying in hysterics and she struggled to see with her puffy eyes. Picking up the phone she took in a breath and listened. "Sally it's Amy, oh my god are you ok? I have to tell you something it's urgent." Sally paused for a moment before speaking in a quiet voice. "I'm here."
    "Oh my god everyone knows you're a bra stuffer and I mean EVERYONE." Sally jumped in "I'm not a bra stuffer! I... I just did it that one time to get Scotts attention!"
    "Well... that's what I needed to talk to you about. After you left ...Scott"
    "What about Scott?"
    "Scott and Holly sort of went upstairs together... Sally you need to do something about her." Sally's head was spinning, this couldn't be happening. Holly was a loser, why did he go with her? Of course she knew the reason why but Sally was loathed to admit she could lose a guy to a girl with bigger breasts than her own. The rest of that weekend she kept her head down and stayed off school on Monday morning. However Sally had sent Amy to school with a letter for Scott, Amy slid it in through the door of his locker. She turned around and walked straight into the massive chest of Holly. "What was that?" asked Holly. Amy was a little shocked to see her and stammered, "Wha.. nothing.. no one." Holly looked at her with an air of suspicion. "It was a letter from jelly jugs wasn't it." Amy tried to keep a straight a face as possible but being the giggley sort of girl she was she let out a muffled snigger. "Hey don't call her that!" she protested in a half hearted tone. "why not? It's true isn't it? I bet she's put you down about the size of your boobs too." Holly looked at Amy's face for any sort of reaction. Amy had turned away slightly and was looking at the floor. "A couple of times maybe." she blushed. "Can I ask how big they are?" asked Holly softly. "I... nothing near your size."
    "Don't worry I wont make fun of you."
    "I'm... a 34D" Holly began laughing
    "Hey fuck you I told you I wasn't as big as you!" Amy turned to storm off but Holly called her back.
    "Hey hey I wasn't laughing at you silly I was laughing at her! You've got bigger boobs than her and all this time shes been trying to put you down." Amy was confused by this. "You know how big your are around your bust right?"
    "Umm yeah.. 38 inches why?"
    "Well busty old sally is only 34 inches around her bust, forget the fact shes an E cup they wouldn't fill your cups! Now are you going to let her get away with the way she's treated you all this time? What was the letter about?"
    Amy thought quietly for a moment, Holly was right about Sally. She had been treated like crap by her for too long. "She wants him to go to her house after school for a surprise. Her parents will be out and she will be alone in her room waiting for him with the front door open."
    "Perfect." Said Holly as she took a key out from her pocket. "Oh Scott asked me to pick up his books."
    "Why didn't you just wait for me to leave?"
    "I wanted to make a new friend." Holly smiled and then opened the locker removing the books and as she walked away she slipped the letter into her back pocket."

    Sally was now ready for Scott. She had spent the whole day making sure she looked like a picture of perfection for HER man. She had a heavy amount of makeup on her face and had even put makeup on her cleavage again. She intended to be waiting on her bed for him to arrive in only a bra a panties.

    The time had come for Scott to arrive and Sally heard the front door open, she raced onto the bed and turned side-on to the door.CLICK TO SEE SALLY.
    Arching her back as far as she possibly could her plump breasts sat high and proud. Scott would have a feast for his eyes when he opened the door. Sally held her breath as the door opened, she closed her eyes and held her breath. There was a moments silence but then Sally heard a female voice which she was not expecting. "Aww look at those little things all pushed up, can you say 'trying too hard'?" Sally opened her eyes startled, instead of Scott standing in her bedroom doorway it was Holly. "Wha... what the fuck are you doing here!" Sally quickly covered her chest with her hands "get the fuck out of here! wheres Scott!" Holly walked into the room and closed the door behind her.
    "Your little letter to Scott was intercepted I'm afraid." Holly put her hand into her pocket and slipped out the letter Sally had written.
    "Dear Scott I know you probably think I've been deceiving you but that is the first time I've ever worn pads like that. I just want you to know that the natural me is still VERY ample and I'd love to be able to show you tonight." Holly stopped reading to laugh. "Very Ample eh, you call those tiny little bumps ample?"
    Sally moved her arms to further cover her chest self consiously. "Shut up my tits are big too ok" Sally was distraught, how could anyone call her breasts tiny little bumps? Holly ignored her and carried on reading the letter "The only reason Holly's boobs looked so big is because she was wearing a padded bra that is designed to make them look as big as possible, HAHAHA oh my god you're such an idiot. You think that bra I was wearing was to make my breasts look bigger? It was to make them look as small as possible pancake girl." Sally remembered what Margret had told her about minimizers in the bra shop... surely Holly hadn't been wearing one that night, how big could her breasts possibly be?
    "oh oh I like this bit, I cant wait for you to get your hands on my big 34E tits babe. HAHAHA you wish tiny, bit of a difference between 34Es and 28Es! Now here is whats going to happen, you and I are going to have a little competition." She stepped closer towards where Sally was sitting.
    "what kind of competition?"
    "A titfight, you know what that is right?"
    "Umm when you push your tits against each other or something?"
    "Exactly, I push my breasts against your little girl pancakes and the winner is the one who dominates the other. Understand?"
    "Ye.. yes.. but what happens to the loser?"
    "Well what would you like to happen if I lost?" Sally thought for a moment before speaking
    "You leave Scott alone, you never get your tits out at school again and you disappear."
    Holly did not seem to bothered by this "fine I can do that, Scotts nothing special anyway, now here are my terms. If you lose you have to come with me to that little bra shop I keep hearing you talk about and we pick out a lovely minimizer bra for you. Everything you wear from then on has to make you look as flat as possible, cleavage is a no no."
    Sally was shocked but she couldn't let her rival know it. "Fine, like you could beat me anyway. Your tits aren't THAT big."
    Holly looked at her and paused for a moment and began laughing.
    "Oh you think you could fill my bra do you?"
    "ye... yes I could" Sally had regained a bit of her confidence back and again arched her back.
    "Well come on then lets do it now."
    This wasn't the response Sally had expected but before she could react Holly had pulled her top up over her head and was now unhooking her bra. Sally's mouth dropped as Holly pulled the bra forward away from her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.Click to see Holly Still silent Holly turned to her side and cupped her breasts.

    Click to see Holly
    "Now tiny cups, these are breasts." Sally still sat on the bed silent, too shocked to say anything. "aww whats the matter, cat got your tongue? Why don't you take your bra off if you're so confident?"
    Sally didn't know what to do, she couldn't back down now but she was still so shocked by what she saw. She climbed off the bed, reached around and unhooked her bra. She allowed the straps to slip off and for the bra to fall to the floor. Holly looked at the topless petite Sally. "My my don't they just look so tiny without all that pushing up, wheres your cleavage gone?" Sally covered up with her hands and tried to create a cleavage. Click to see Sally
    "Just shut the fuck up bitch" Sally was nearly in tears
    Holly picked up her bra again and passed it to Sally. Sally looked down at it in disbelief, her bra lay on the floor and next to the mammoth white cups of Holly's bra it looked pathetic. She hadn't noticed Holly moving around behind her. Holly grabbed the bra and with a swift motion pulled the straps up to her shoulder, she then hooked the clasps shut. Sally let out a cry "Oh my god!" she looked down and couldn't believe what she saw. Her breasts were lost in the fabric, Holly moved around infront of her again and tugged the left cup over. Sally looked down in horror as the breasts she had been so proud of popped into only one of Hollys cups. Not only that, both of Sally's breast combined couldn't fill the cup. Holly spoke "admit it and I'll let you go."
    Sally looked up at her with tears now streaming down her face. "Admit what?"
    "You know what. Admit that your tits are tiny little pathetic bumps and you've tricked and manipulated people with padding, makeup and lies to think otherwise."
    "Just stop it ok! I'm not tiny, don't say that!" Sally's biggest fear was admitting the truth about her breasts. Yes they were a good size for her figure but her figure was that of a 12 year old girls at best. Any size of breasts would look big on her but compared to a real woman, one like Holly her breast were tiny.
    "Well in that case.." Holly reached around and unhooked the bra then ripped it off. "I'll have to teach you the hard way." Holly slammed her huge breasts into Sally's chest. A slap cracked out as both girls mounds of flesh collided. The tit fight had begun....

    Chapter 4 END

    Sally was forced back by the weight of Holly's huge breasts. Holly kept slamming her heavy breasts into Sally and forcing her back until she fell back onto the bed behind her. Sally was in shock, the weight of Holly's breasts was immense and she hadn't counted on it. She lay on her back panting while Holly moved forward and then lunged on top of her. "Whats the matter flatty, cant your little bumps cope with a real womans breasts?" As she said that Holly slammed her breasts into Sally again. Holly then grabbed either side of the mattress and began to pull herself down on Sally's much smaller chest. Sally's arms were now trapped underneath Holly and as she looked down her worst nightmare was coming true. Her proud tits, the breast which had gained her so much attention and adulation were being crushed flatter and flatter. With each press Sally was finding it harder and harder to breath. She began gasping for breath and made one final vain attempt to push Holly off. With all her might Sally arched her back and tried to push Holly off her. But the effect wasn't what she had hoped for. She looked down at her cleavage to see it now totally flattened by Holly's pendulous breasts. Holly watched Sally's facial expression change and looked down "aww where did your little bumps go?"
    Tears were now streaming down Sally's face "Stop calling them that!" Frantically she tried to get Holly to release her but with each effort she weakened as she struggled for breath. She soon began to feel faint and her body went limp. Holly climbed off her and stood back from the bed slightly. Staring down at Sally who was now utterly exhausted, sweating and panting. She observed Sally's chest as it went up and down in rytheme with her breaths. On her back Sally looked much less the busty beauty she seemed at school. Her breasts flattened out while on her back and looked anything but impressive. She didn't look for long because this wasn't over, not by a long shot. Holly quickly grabbed Sally by the arm and flipped her over onto her front. Grabbing both of Sally's wrists with one hand she picked Sally's bra off the floor and began to tie Sally's arms together.
    "Wha... what the fuck let me go" This was the ultimate humiliation, Sally's bra, the item which gave her breasts the illusion of size and power was now being used in her humiliation. Sally tried to struggle but was still too weak from the earlier struggle. Holly moved away from her and stood by the door. "Come on the little girl, get up."
    Sally got to her feet slowly, she tried to release her hands but they were bound too tightly. She stood there with her arms now pinned behind her back, chest red from the ordeal. "Dont call me a little girl bitch."
    "Well you aren't a Woman, not with those little girl bumps."
    Sally tried to arch her back again to make her breasts look as big as she could possibly make them. The makeup she had applied earlier still giving a dark cleavage and Sally felt confidence grow with in her again. Of course Holly anticipated this and quickly walked forwards grabbing a pack of makeup wipes on Sally's bedside table. Before Sally could do anything Holly pushed sally back onto the bed and climbed on top again. She started wiping away the makeup on Sally's chest and face. Holly then pulled Sally up again and pushed her over to the full length mirror. Sally turned her head but Holly grabbed her by the jaw and forced her to look. Without the padding, without the aid of her bra, without the makeup to make her cleavage look deep Sally's breasts looked small. Put beside Holly, Sally's breasts looked pathetic. "Admit it bitch, your tits are tiny".
    "Leave me alone! please don't make me say that." The idea of Sally admitting her breasts were anything but huge went against everything Sally stood for. She was the busty girl at school, her breasts were her whole existance. To admit they were tiny and pathetic was to admit that she was tiny and pathetic.
    "Very well you need a bit more punishment." Holly spun Sally around and threw her against the wall. She walked forward and slammed her tits into Sally again. Holly then twisted her body slightly and took hold of one of her own breasts. She began pressing just one of her tits into both of Sallys breasts. "Look little girl, you cant even compete with one of my tits and you call yourself a woman?"
    The blonde was distraught, she looked down to see her tits both dominated by just one of Holly's massive breasts. How could this happen to her? "They're E cups I'm NOT TINY!"
    "HAHA look at them" Holly slammed her breast into Sally's tits again. "E cups on a little girls body, you're tiny admit it."
    Every effort Sally made to fight back was just crushed by the weight and size of Holly. She couldn't go on anymore and finally yielded. "I... I'm tiny ok!"
    "What else?"
    Sally looked into her eyes, her tears were still flowing. "Wha... what else is there, just let me go."
    "You've never even had sex before have you?"
    "Wha.. what does that matter... no I have... just shut up ok."
    "You're just a tease and you flaunt your tits but the truth is you're too afraid to let any guy see them without your pads and pushup bras. So tell me Sally, why do you need birth control pills if you're a virgin?"
    Sally tried to answer but couldn't say anything.
    "You heard they made your tits bigger didn't you. You're so pathetic that you take pills to make your bumps bigger."
    It was true. Without taking those pills Sally would never have developed from her A cup status but she was still to afraid and immature to actually go through with sex. The truth had been exposed, Sally was nothing but a tease, a girl playing dress up. Sally looked over to the mirror. She could see herself, she could see her breasts crushed flat. So many times she had stood in front of that mirror and admired her breasts but today all she could see was how small they really were. Sally was defeated. She slumped to the floor sobbing. Holly stood her up and untied her hands, she then picked up a bag she had taken with her. Opening it she pulled out a bra. "Put this on"
    Sally just looked at her and was too dejected to resist. She took the bra, it was a huge white thing, much uglier than the bras she usually wore. She put it on over her breasts and did up the clasp. She then looked into the mirror and suddenly broke down. It was a minimiser bra, instead of doing everything to make her tits look bigger it instead did everything it could to flatten her chest. Holly handed her a tshirt and forced Sally to put it over her head. Both girls looked at Sally's reflection. Sally's one proud breasts now were pressed and compacted. There was no cleavage to draw attention and their size was no longer boosted. "Welcome to your new world Sally, get used to it."
    Sally looked plain and ordinary without her makeup and now flatchested.

    She went to school the next day wearing a baggy sweater and the bra she had been given. All should could hear were whispers and giggles in the hallway. Nobody had seen her since the party and now all assumed that she had always been flat chested. Her breasts now lost between the clothing she wore, her eyes looked small without all the makeup. She was no longer the centre of attention who walked through school proud and arrogant, she was plain flat Sally. So as they say, pride comes before a fall.

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    Re: Looking for a story

    Thanks for posting this Catharsis. Do you have any other stories by chillycold by an chance? I previously requested this story and another that as far as I remember had the word "popular" in it (Looking for old story: When I Was Popular (, and I'm not sure if they were by the same author.

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