Quote Originally Posted by apenman View Post
Kama, Giannis,

Originally, I didn't care much for the d-d-m-m story. I just didn't think it was one of my better efforts. I think I was unhappy with how I ended the story...But I've changed my mind recently. In other words, there could be a sequel in the works, AFTER I finish Brandi's Opus. And, I'm pretty sure there will be more to come (***) from Beth and Sandra too, as they have become favored characters in my mind.

BTW, when do we get to read more female vs female from you guys? You are clearly talented wordsmiths.

Hope all is well with you.

I'm overjoyed to hear that Beth and Sandra have become "favored characters" in your mind and that there may be (will be?!!) more to come about them in the future! Fantastic news!