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Thread: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    It was the day before the four girls would go to Holly’s beach house for their well-earned vacation. Putting Sabrina away made them heroes and earned Jasmine and Nicole complete pardons…With Vanessa and Holly having to do some convincing on the side but they were more than happy to help out their favorite rivals. Jasmine was beyond relieved that her troubles were over and that she managed to get the ultimate revenge on the people that caused her and her husband so much grief. Still, she couldn’t help but have some lingering questions. What if Sabrina hadn’t cheated during their match in the pool? Would Jasmine have won? Oh, well. That twisted cunt is gonna be behind bars for the rest of her life. No use worrying about it now. She just finished up packing for tomorrow. Her body was tired and her loins were burning with desire for her three frenemies.

    “Are you sure you’re cool with this, honey?” She asked Ben as she crawled into bed with him.

    “Babe, will you relax?” Ben requested. “What warm-blooded straight man wouldn’t love the idea of his girl and three other girls going at it?”

    “You sure I shouldn’t bring a camera?” Jasmine asked him.

    “Nah. It would just distract you to have to film everything. A couple pics are fine. Plus, if I’m ever gonna watch, I want it to be in person.”

    “Noted.” Jasmine said deviously, playing with her raven hair.

    “And promise me your pussy will kick all their pussies, my little champion.” He teased, nuzzling her.

    “Well, I think I should get some last minute training in, just in case, don’t you, handsome?” She teased.

    “I thought you’d never ask.” Ben said as they got under the covers and made love.

    Jasmine’s thoughts were still on the other women. Her nerdy partner, Nicole, the bitchy blonde, Holly and especially her greatest rival, Vanessa…

    Nicole was practically her best friend and had been with her through most of her dilemma. She can’t even imagine what her life would be right now if she hadn’t stolen Nicole’s phone, if Nicole hadn’t challenged her to that sexfight or if she lost to Nicole in that fight. She figured the least she owed her was the rematch that they never got to finish.

    The little rich bitch, Holly. Jasmine was impressed that she was able to last as long as she did in their hotel fourway. She may have a mouth on her but she knows how to use it for much more than yapping. She looked forward to making her use it some more.

    Vanessa…Jasmine’s thoughts on her were complex to say the least. She knew that she owed the brunette. She could’ve just slammed the coughs on her and Nicole right there and while the sexfight was Holly’s idea, Vanessa went along with it too. She even helped Jasmine get her revenge on Sabrina. Still, Jasmine knew that Vanessa took her loss to her hard and was trying very hard to goad her into a rematch. She would’ve given it to her anyway but after she whispered that Ben was hot to her? Oh, she was begging for it. And Jasmine was more than willing to oblige.

    Meanwhile at Nicole’s house…

    Nicole was sitting in a sleeveless undershirt and panties, masturbating to fantasies of what she planned to do at the beach house tomorrow. She was wet for all three of the other girls but she had it bad for Jasmine in particular. Ever since they first met, when Jasmine stole her phone and the redhead tracked her down, she couldn’t resist her. She challenged her to that sexfight thinking the raven owed her that much for the pickpocketing but she never would have imagined that she’d lose and it would make her life so exciting and sexy.

    “Ohhhh, Jazz…” She moaned as she fingered her pussy.

    “Just you wait, babe. I’m gonna fuck you so hard, your husband will have his work cut out for him!”

    Nonetheless, Nicole was also looking forward to locking up with the two flatfoots again. She was deeply embarrassed of being the first to go out during their 2V2 match at the hotel and wanted payback. However, she did have a liking for Holly. That blonde spitfire was just her type. Laidback, hedonistic and fun-loving beneath her bitchiness. However, she really wanted to take Vanessa down a peg. That bitch was full of herself and arrogant despite losing to Jasmine. She was just as much of a nympho as the other three but acted as if she was so superior to them. She couldn’t wait to make her cream all over her.

    Nicole finished her masturbation session and went off to sleep, dreaming of the other three girls frolicking around in bikinis and especially out of bikinis.

    Meanwhile at Holly’s house…

    Holly’s parents were very proud of her for all the progress she had made. Holly was also quite proud of herself for playing such a part. Especially with her idea to drag Nicole out of bed and fix their live feed to Sabrina’s penthouse. She was still bummed that she missed most of such an amazing sexfight but she was going to make up for all of that and then some when they all went to her beach house.

    She lied in her fancy, king-sized bed, contemplating her upcoming matches. Her match with Vanessa was interrupted by Jasmine and Nicole’s heist and she desperately wanted another go. They may have gotten along better since their bust but the two still had deeply clashing personalities. The only thing they really had in common was that they were both raging nymphomaniacs.

    She and Nicole had bonded since the foursome in the hotel. She enjoyed playing around with her in the shower. She still saw her as a sexual rival but she could also see them as becoming good friends. Good friends that fuckfight each other on a regular basis.

    She had come to admire Jasmine after all they had been through. Holly helped keep Jasmine out of jail and helped her take down the cunt responsible for her torment and Jasmine had helped Holly get this huge bust and prove Vanessa and everyone else that doubted her wrong. Suggesting that sexfight back at the safehouse was a huge gamble but it paid off for all of them in the end. Holly was impressed that Jasmine had fucked her into unconsciousness even while outnumbered. She almost wouldn’t mind experiencing that again but Holly played to win.

    Despite her excitement, Holly drifted off to sleep, patting herself on the back.

    Meanwhile at Vanessa’s house…

    Vanessa was doing some last minute paperwork before bed but had a hard time concentrating due to her anticipation of the beach vacation tomorrow. An entire week alone with three hot nymphos. It was like a dream come true. Yes, Vanessa was a nympho and hedonist but she still took her job seriously and wanted to appear professional and dignified. What a conundrum. Her mind raced with thoughts of her rivals…

    Holly, her partner. Her spoiled, rotten, handsy little skank of a partner. She had brought out the inner nympho in Vanessa that was screaming to be set free. She was grateful for that but not grateful enough to show the blonde bimbo any mercy. Not being able to finish their match in the hotel pissed her off and she couldn’t wait to resume it. Still, she did help introduce Vanessa to her true rival.

    Nicole, the nerdy, redheaded, hacking babe. She was impressed by her skills in both hacking and in bed. She may have gone down first in their hotel battle but Vanessa never underestimated her opponents. She would get her alone in good time.

    And last but absolutely not least, there was Jasmine. Vanessa hated to admit it but she was a sore loser and Jasmine had beaten her. She became obsessed over the raven as a result. She went through a lot of trouble to save Jasmine’s hot, grabbable, bountiful ass and it was all for the rematch she craved so much. She had plans for Jasmine, oh, yes. Still, she couldn’t help but admire her skills as a thief and as a lover, her dedication to her man and her being the backbone of the bust she took credit for.

    She honestly wondered if Jasmin and Nicole might make good cops under different circumstances. She finished her paperwork and hit the sack. Her mind flooded with images of the other girls.

    The next day…

    The girls were all packed and drove to the beach house in separate vehicles. They would’ve gone together if they thought they could keep their hands off of each other and not cause an accident. Jasmine kissed Ben goodbye and drove off. They all arrived at the house within minutes of each other. It was incredible. Like a resort. It had a huge kitchen, multiple hot tubs and showers, both outdoors and in and even a small exercise room. As the girls arrived, they all stared at each other intensely for a while. They all knew why they were here. Still, they planned on enjoying themselves no matter what.

    The girls all wore extremely skimpy bikinis. Jasmine wore a red one, Nicole wore blue, Vanessa wore green and Holly wore yellow to match her hair. They all smiled and greeted each other pleasantly before exploring the premises. If they were gonna fuck each other all throughout this house, they wanted to get some amount of familiarity with the environment. Even Holly did this, as this place was a relatively recent purchase for her family. The vacation was just beginning. A week of hot, steamy, sweaty, lesbian debauchery was about to commence.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    This is off to a great start! I can't wait to read more of the adventures of our four lusty lesbians!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    This is off to a great start! I can't wait to read more of the adventures of our four lusty lesbians!

    That’s right. I will alternate between this and Back in the Game. You were actually the one who inspired me to do two stories at once when you said how many stories you were juggling. I figured why not?

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    Hostboard Member Miahb1's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    Yay, the girls are back for round 2, been looking forward to this one.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    Next part should be done by tomorrow or Monday. Afterwards, I’ll go on a break for however long since I have to get my wisdom teeth removed on Tuesday. The production of Lusty Lives was troubled due to real life issues going on but all of that’s done now as a thank you to my readers for their patience, I’m giving you two stories at once! And don’t worry, I’m not forcing myself to do this. I’ve had these stories in the back of my head for a while now and I want to do this. I love writing these and sharing my creations with others, especially my favorite authors. Let me tell you, having legends of the craft like JB, King and Penman praise your work is an amazing feeling. I know I’ve said this a hundred times but I should’ve started writing years ago. Thanks for all the support.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    I think the fact that you were able to churn out "Lusty Lives" as fast as you did is amazing. I have to admit that I have not read it yet - I did not read the first part and then you put out the other parts so fast that I just fell behind. However, I just copied and pasted the entire story into a single document to read later and discovered that it comes to 246 pages - after I made the font smaller! That's amazing. Only King has ever managed to do something comparable. So, I can imagine you've had these stories churning in the back of your mind, just waiting to come out!

    I promise to keep up with your other stories as they come out. Given how long you obviously intend "Back in the Game" to be, it looks like i had better do so! Do you have any idea of how long you plan to make "Sun, Sand and Surf"?

    One additional question: I wonder if Sabrina is going to make a return visit in this story? Jasmine's thinking about her in the first paragraph suggests she might. But there is something that puzzles me - Jasmine thinks that Sabrina "cheated" to win her victory against Jasmine. I just re-read that part of "Cops and Robbers" and I don't see where Sabrina cheated. She really did overpower/outsex Jasmine. It's only after she's won that she drugs her. Is Jasmine misremembering this?

    Take care,

    Last edited by JB57; September 4th, 2022 at 07:12 AM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Spear's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    sorty to ask, but I was not able to follow everything here due to resl live happenings.
    this looks like a sequel but to which story ?

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Spear View Post
    sorty to ask, but I was not able to follow everything here due to resl live happenings.
    this looks like a sequel but to which story ?
    Cops and Robbers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I think the fact that you were able to churn out "Lusty Lives" as fast as you did is amazing. I have to admit that I have not read it yet - I did not read the first part and then you put out the other parts so fast that I just fell behind. However, I just copied and pasted the entire story into a single document to read later and discovered that it comes to 246 pages - after I made the font smaller! That's amazing. Only King has ever managed to do something comparable. So, I can imagine you've had these stories churning in the back of your mind, just waiting to come out!

    I promise to keep up with your other stories as they come out. Given how long you obviously intend "Back in the Game" to be, it looks like i had better do so! Do you have any idea of how long you plan to make "Sun, Sand and Surf"?

    One additional question: I wonder if Sabrina is going to make a return visit in this story? Jasmine's thinking about her in the first paragraph suggests she might. But there is something that puzzles me - Jasmine thinks that Sabrina "cheated" to win her victory against Jasmine. I just re-read that part of "Cops and Robbers" and I don't see where Sabrina cheated. She really did overpower/outsex Jasmine. It's only after she's won that she drugs her. Is Jasmine misremembering this?

    Take care,

    Thanks a lot. As for Sabrina, I wouldn’t wanna spoil it. And as for Jasmine, she considers using the drugs at all to have been cheating, as she believes she could’ve maybe gotten her strength back and continued the fight. I really should’ve clarified this myself. Sorry about that.

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    Re: Sun, Sand and Surf: Part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Cops and Robbers.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Thanks a lot. As for Sabrina, I wouldn’t wanna spoil it. And as for Jasmine, she considers using the drugs at all to have been cheating, as she believes she could’ve maybe gotten her strength back and continued the fight. I really should’ve clarified this myself. Sorry about that.

    OK, thanks for clarifying that. In fact, I think that you can make a case that if anyone "cheated" in that fight, it was Jasmine- she basically let Sabrina be ravaged by three other women before she finally finished her off! Anyway, I am hoping for a nice, long sweaty rematch between Sabrina and Jasmine, one that is more even. If I had a criticism of the first story it would be that Jasmine really doesn't beat Sabrina at all - Sabrina just kind of caves in fear when Jasmine frees herself. This time, if Sabrina does reappear,I hope that they really do settle the entire thing between their pussies and maybe without outside intervention of any kind. A real all-night battle would be a treat!

    Looking forward to more,


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