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Thread: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

  1. #21
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by catfightfan1989 View Post
    thanks for this awesome story JB, eagerly waiting for more. Is there any change tara and carrie from your wildcats series will make a comeback ?
    Hi Catfightfan,

    I really like Tara and Carrie but I don't have any plans for more stories about them just yet. However, I am sure that I will come up with some more adventures for them eventually - maybe a meeting with Ginny from the Ginny series? We'll see.

    I am glad you like the current story. I hope to have the next part up within the next two weeks. Sorry for the delay.


  2. #22
    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Hey JB, this was so good!

    The element of them being trapped together in the sarcophagus was a cool one, I kinda like it when two characters are bound together, adds to the intensity! And I like that even though it was Brianna's doing, she's just as trapped - like, it wasn't one character wielding an advantage over another.

    And holy hell - the clits fusing. That's what did it for me. Hence why the late reply, took a few reads to get through it, ha! Really great fic, I dunno how they have the stamina to go for it for hours and hours. Love when they physically flip who's on top, too - either by agreement or by wrestling for it 😈

    Thanks so much! Very excited to see where this goes next

  3. #23
    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Location, location, location.

    And JB57 has done it again, found a location not seen (I think) on the board = love it.
    A sarcophagus of all places, a coffin - who knew = brilliant.
    Looking forward to the rest of this hot story.

    As for Wildcats: Tara vs Carrie, a JB57 story that I cannot get enough of.
    I personally would like another Carrie vs ANYONE, catfight turn tit/sex fuck fight.
    Being a history nerd, have a couple ideas.

    Cannot wait to see where JB takes his women next - TO GET IT ON.

    Thank you JB57.

  4. #24
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Elza View Post
    Hey JB, this was so good!

    The element of them being trapped together in the sarcophagus was a cool one, I kinda like it when two characters are bound together, adds to the intensity! And I like that even though it was Brianna's doing, she's just as trapped - like, it wasn't one character wielding an advantage over another.

    And holy **** - the clits fusing. That's what did it for me. Hence why the late reply, took a few reads to get through it, ha! Really great fic, I dunno how they have the stamina to go for it for hours and hours. Love when they physically flip who's on top, too - either by agreement or by wrestling for it ������

    Thanks so much! Very excited to see where this goes next
    Hi Elza,

    Thanks! I knew you would love the clits fusing. When I came up with the idea of them testing each other by just going clit to clit that seemed like a natural way to resolve the battle and I thought of you right away!

    As for how they have so much stamina - well, Selena is a supernatural creature who is sucking up sexual energy like a sponge. Brianna is being empowered by her necklace, where she's stored her sexual energy for the past year (and she's also got some of Lana's energy too). So, they can keep going at it like two Energizer bunnies - at least for now! As we'll see in the next part, Brianna's necklace is not a limitless source of power.


  5. #25
    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    I was wondering, would you be interested (or have you written) a fic where being physically on top is a major objective?

    I think it'd be super hot if they just kept flipping and flipping at one point. Maybe they have a timer (kinda like in chess tournaments) and the one who ends up on top the longest is the dom?

    I just want loads of fighting!

    Also, is sweat something that ever interests you (can't remember if I've suggested this before, I have so many smutty ideas) but it'd be so hot where they're both so wet that they slide off each other all the time, dripping onto one another, deliberately sliding their sweaty boobs and thighs together! Licking it off each other, mmmf! Maybe a fight for territory over a sauna.

    Fucken hell, I'm just a sex fiend who can type XD

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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57


    I have been a reader of this board for some time and have enjoyed the fantastic stories created by the multiple talent here. I finally felt like contributing to a thread, this one in particular, for a number of reasons. One: This story has the potential to be one of the best you have ever done. The lustful, combative rivalry between Brianna and Selina is so scorching with the little time they have known each other. The story is erotic, suspenseful and exciting to read (and yes the location helps…sexfighting in a sarcophagus.. I never saw that coming..). Your last post, in October, made it seem like you knew where you wanted to take this story. Unfortunately, for us it has been over two months since the last entry and I fear this story will end up like “Wife versus Mistress” or the story about queens sexfighting in a temple (an old one for sure). If you have writer’s block I have a suggestion or two as I have had time to think about where this story could go. I am hoping that is not the case, and time has just not been your friend lately along with this site’s recent problems. Two: I noticed you bumped up “Nyla and Reina” (another story I wished was finished) and read your reason for it. For the same reason I hope other readers will discover this story as it was getting buried and deserves reading many times over. Three: Your stories are the reason I first started to take an interest in this site especially the “Inge” stories. The best being “Inge vs. Martina – Two Blondes in the Bush.” (though I enjoy all of them). The whole story is suspenseful, hot, and kept me on the edge of my seat as far as who would win. The ending made me wish you would write another chapter or two so we know who won…though the following story might have given a hint…even if the source is not reliable. In time I found other stories and great authors on this forum but felt my first post should be on one of your stories. If not for your stories I may have passed this forum by at the time. Four: Finally, I wanted to thank ALL the authors on this site for their time and effort in creating such wonderful work. Your stories are a treat to read and I look forward to what each of you will produce next. (Lately YuriLesbLover’s terrific work has been keeping me busy). Unfortunately it looks like this site is (temporarily) messed up so I hope to follow where everyone migrates. Most seem to be going to Rival’s site or If that is the case I will look for everyone’s work there. I could easily type another couple pages on what others have published here but I think this tread is getting into novella territory now. . Thank you again for your hard and entertaining work!


    - - - Updated - - -


    I have been a reader of this board for some time and have enjoyed the fantastic stories created by the multiple talent here. I finally felt like contributing to a thread, this one in particular, for a number of reasons. One: This story has the potential to be one of the best you have ever done. The lustful, combative rivalry between Brianna and Selina is so scorching with the little time they have known each other. The story is erotic, suspenseful and exciting to read (and yes the location helps…sexfighting in a sarcophagus.. I never saw that coming..). Your last post, in October, made it seem like you knew where you wanted to take this story. Unfortunately, for us it has been over two months since the last entry and I fear this story will end up like “Wife versus Mistress” or the story about queens sexfighting in a temple (an old one for sure). If you have writer’s block I have a suggestion or two as I have had time to think about where this story could go. I am hoping that is not the case, and time has just not been your friend lately along with this site’s recent problems. Two: I noticed you bumped up “Nyla and Reina” (another story I wished was finished) and read your reason for it. For the same reason I hope other readers will discover this story as it was getting buried and deserves reading many times over. Three: Your stories are the reason I first started to take an interest in this site especially the “Inge” stories. The best being “Inge vs. Martina – Two Blondes in the Bush.” (though I enjoy all of them). The whole story is suspenseful, hot, and kept me on the edge of my seat as far as who would win. The ending made me wish you would write another chapter or two so we know who won…though the following story might have given a hint…even if the source is not reliable. In time I found other stories and great authors on this forum but felt my first post should be on one of your stories. If not for your stories I may have passed this forum by at the time. Four: Finally, I wanted to thank ALL the authors on this site for their time and effort in creating such wonderful work. Your stories are a treat to read and I look forward to what each of you will produce next. (Lately YuriLesbLover’s terrific work has been keeping me busy). Unfortunately it looks like this site is (temporarily) messed up so I hope to follow where everyone migrates. Most seem to be going to Rival’s site or If that is the case I will look for everyone’s work there. I could easily type another couple pages on what others have published here but I think this tread is getting into novella territory now. . Thank you again for your hard and entertaining work!


  7. #27
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Hi Acertainzest -

    Thanks for your comments and for bumping up the story. Boy, I thought everyone (except me!) had forgotten about "Queen of the Nile." That will be done, someday (as will "Wife vs. Mistress" though, as you surmise, I've had massive writer's block on that one).

    This story has not been forgotten! I have been working on the next part and hope to have it up in a week or so. I also know where the story is going, so I don't need help there. I have been very busy with work projects and that has eaten away into my time and energy. But the story will be done!

    Take care,


  8. #28
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Here is Part V of the story. I hope to have the rest up over the next two weeks or so.

    Sorry for the wait.


    Part V:

    Brianna rested and meditated for the rest of the day. She masturbated several times and found that the energy she generated was considerably greater than normal, allowing her to put an appreciable amount of sexual power back into her necklace. Lana joined her. The two women did not have sex, but they lay side by side on the mats in the center of the pavilion and masturbated, occasionally kissing or stroking each other, but mostly using the sight of the other woman in erotic passion to help stimulate themselves. By the time the late afternoon arrived, both women had deposited as much sexual energy into their respective necklaces as they could. They fell asleep, resting for the ordeal to come.

    They woke about two hours before sunset. Lana transferred some of the energy in her own necklace to Brianna’s emerald. Even though there was no accurate way to gauge how much power was left in her necklace, Brianna could tell that it was very depleted. She hoped it would be enough to see her through tonight. If it could not, Lana would have to be the last line of defense against the demon goddess escaping into the world beyond the temple.

    As the night approached, Brianna began the trek down into the depths of the temple. Unlike the previous night, she did not leave early. She left at exactly the time needed to reach the bottom of the ramp when the moon crested the horizon and the hour of the demon goddess was upon them.

    Her bare feet slapped gently on the smooth obsidian rock as she descended. Her bountiful tits jiggled and bounced. She pushed back the feelings of lust and fear running through her body. She would not allow those concerns to control her!

    Brianna reached the bottom of the decline. She started down the long corridor leading to the sandy arena and, beyond that, Selena’s sarcophagus. She was not surprised to see the demon goddess waiting for her, the chocolate-colored woman’s perfect, nude body gleaming in the bright shaft of moonlight illuminating the arena.

    Selena’s bare feet were buried in the sand, her hands on her womanly hips. The demon woman smiled, her beautiful face and shining green eyes bright with lust. The moonlight glinted off the gold band around her head and the gold rings on her bicep.

    Brianna’s heart pounded with excitement as she closed the space between herself and the voluptuous, naked beauty waiting for her. Her fear disappeared, washed away on a flood of desire that coursed through her body on a tide of heat and hormones. Brianna’s magnificent body jolted as the continuous hum of need that had been pulsing through her for the entire day grew to full-blown, raging lust in an instant. Her nipples became fleshy spikes, her pussy caught on fire, her cunt lubricated powerfully. The memories of the intense pleasure that she and Selena had given and taken from each other came flooding back in a torrent. Brianna was only moments from regaining that pleasure, from locking up skin to skin and muscle to muscle with the incredible body before her and fucking and being fucked into ecstasy! She was overwhelmed by the sudden promise of anticipation rewarded.

    Brianna’s feet sank into the sand. All of her senses were incredibly enhanced and she felt the play of every grain of sand between her toes, the caress of the humid air stirring on her bare belly, the touch of aching heat in her throbbing nipples. She stepped closer to Selena. The demon raised her hands, holding them out before her. Brianna reached out and gripped Selena’s hands. They pressed palm to palm, their fingers intertwining, squeezing tight. The women shuddered as bare skin met bare skin, as they gripped each other, and held their trembling bodies at double arm’s length.

    All the signs of full arousal were apparent on Selena’s lush body. The woman’s naked pussy lips glistened with moisture, her brown nipples were thick, long and fully distended. The intoxicating aroma of wet, hot pussy scented the air. The women smiled as they inhaled deeply, taking in the delicious odor of their hot, dripping pudenda. The women’s cunt scents combined into an intoxicating aroma, an erotic perfume that foreshadowed the sensuous union about to begin between their incredible bodies.

    Brianna and Selena pressed closer until the back of their forearms touched, until their heavy tits, compressed and bulging out between their arms, nearly met nipple to nipple. They stopped just before the hard nubs could kiss and seal, but the women could feel the electricity emanating from the other’s throbbing nips.

    The women smiled feverishly, staring into the other’s burning green eyes.

    “Tonight is our final night, Brianna,” Selena purred.

    “Yes,” Brianna whispered. She licked her dry lips.

    “You have been magnificent. You have fucked me as well as any goddess or demon I have encountered in my long life. Maybe even better than any of them.”

    “I am flattered.”

    “This shall be our ultimate test. We can play with each other for now. But later, when we lock together clit to clit and cunt to cunt, I want us to stay sealed as one until the victor is decided. Do you agree?”

    “Yes,” Brianna purred, her voice a hypnotic growl. “When the time comes, no separating, no breaking our cunt lock until one of us defeats the other.”

    “Good,” Selena smiled, her green eyes blazing with desire. “But first…”

    The demon woman freed her hands and wrapped her arms around Brianna’s upper back. Brianna slipped her arms around Selena’s narrow, muscular waist. The women pulled each other in tightly. They moaned in concert as the meaty masses on their chests mashed hot and tight, the firm, pulsating flesh resisting and yielding at the same moment, flowing into one. Nipples seared as they burned and locked, milk holes sizzling with heat. Their flat bellies slapped tight. The women felt the raging heat between their legs, their naked cunts sopping wet, their swollen clits cresting their vulvas, reaching for each other. Their smooth, muscular thighs slid on each other.

    Brianna was going insane with desire. Selena’s sweet breath washed over her face and she pushed her own gorgeous face forward, eager to share tongues and spit with the demon goddess. But Selena smiled as she pulled back, teasing Brianna’s lips with her darting licks of her tongue, but avoiding the kiss.

    “Not yet, my eager fuck toy,” the demon woman cooed. “Let’s play with our tits a bit. I want to feel your little bumps crushed by mine, first.”

    “You want a titfight?” Brianna murmured, her voice a seductive growl. “Gladly, you sloppy fuck. My tits will crush those saggy bags on your chest flat.”

    The women pressed forehead to forehead, staring deep into each other’s eyes. They smiled as they leaned forward, putting all their weight on their thick, meaty tits, letting the succulent masses compress tightly between their straining bodies. Their rock-hard nipples quivered as they sank even more deeply together. The women looped their arms around the other’s shoulders and drew their bellies apart so they could lean into each other and increase the pressure. Their bare toes dug into the sand as they brought their powerful legs to bear. They hugged as hard as they could. At the same time, they pushed out with the power of their chests, struggling to crush their opponent’s thick, juicy, titflesh. Their massive, meaty tits quivered as the dense flesh struggled.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmm,” Brianna moaned, the explosions of heat and electricity in the core of her mammary glands feeding her delicious sensations. “Oh fuck, this feels so fucking good,” she thought.

    “Ummmmnnnnhhhh,” Selena grunted, her perfect body shivering with intense pleasure. She had dreamed of having a titfight with this bitch all day as she lay in her sarcophagus and now she had it. She planned to enjoy every luscious thrust, but she was determined to break this bitch, to finally settle the question of which of them was the stronger woman. The fact that a mortal woman had so far managed to match her thrust for thrust and stroke for stroke in every moment of their fuckwar was a blow to her pride as a succubus goddess.

    Selena and Brianna put their heads on the other’s shoulder. Cheek to cheek, panting and moaning, they thrust and jerked their tits together, the four massive glands shuddering and pulsing as they fought, flesh molded to flesh. Between their straining bodies, the meaty masses held each other at bay, deformed into quivering mounds of oval meat, but neither pair giving any more than the other. The women swayed back and forth, grinding their tits hard, each combatant briefly managing to roll her tits on top of the other’s tits and take a momentary advantage before it was reversed. Sweat poured from their locked glands, making the meaty masses gleam where they were struck by an errant beam of moonlight. Sweat streaked their stomachs, pooling in their navels, trickling into the slits of their juicy cunts, before streaming down their glistening thighs. Selena and Brianna rotated around and around the center of the sand pit, their bare feet churning up the soft powder, their grunts and moans and cries of pleasure filling the space. The luxuriant odor of hot sweat and dripping cunt filled the arena, filling both women’s senses with the intoxicating aroma, feeding their mutual erotic hunger.

    “Oh god, you cunt,” Brianna whispered in Selena’s ear. “You fucking, fucking cunt….” Almost against her will, she bit into the beautiful demon’s muscled shoulder, leaving a gentle lovebite.

    “You little fucking whore, you dirty little slut,” Selena whispered back. Caught up in the passion and pleasure, she bit and sucked at Brianna’s beautiful neck.

    The titfight raged on and on. Their sweaty tits quivered and rippled, mashed and slid, rubbed and rolled, as they worked the massive glands against and around each other. As their tits grew more and more slick with sweat, the delicious sensations grew more intense. The women felt the pleasure building and building inside of their struggling, straining glands. They knew they were heading towards tremendous nipple orgasms as their glands burned and pulsed with pleasure and power.

    “Oh fuck,” Brianna moaned. She felt the tips of her nipples filling her massive breasts with erotic heat like they were jugs of pleasure, then running a straight line of pure erotic sensation through her belly to her throbbing, pulsing clit. She knew she was not long from an intense nipple orgasm. She wanted it desperately but she also did not want to lose to Selena. She had to do something to push the goddess over the edge with her.

    Selena felt her clit throbbing and aching, growing hotter and hotter, more and more engorged, as her tits strained and wrestled with Brianna’s luscious glands. She could tell she was not long from her pussy exploding in ecstasy, brought to that point by the delicious sensations it was receiving from the titfight. She could feel that her nipples were on the verge of ejaculating. They were twitching with tension, even as they remained fused to Brianna’s nips. Selena rejoiced in her heart. This titfight had proven to be every bit as incredible as she had dared hope but she felt she would soon break Brianna’s tits with her own.

    Brianna bit and sucked at Selena’s neck, working up to the demon’s jaw. Selena bit back with equal passion and lust. The women’s nipping, biting attacks inevitably brought their mouths close together. Moaning and crying out in joy, the women finally touched tongues, took turns sucking vigorously on their rival’s tongue, before joining their mouths in a ravenous kiss. They moaned deep in their throats as they fought to control and overwhelm the other, mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue. Hot spit flowed between their inosculated mouths, dripping down their chins to trickle into the cleavage of their mashed, quivering tits. The pleasure spiked even higher.

    It was just a little too much. Brianna felt the heat in her tits surge, feeding the tension in her clit. She knew she was moments away from cumming. Her throbbing clit twitched, she could feel her vaginal clenching and contracting growing more powerful.

    “Oh fuck,” the blonde thought. “Fuck, fuck, fuck…” The glorious sensations radiating through her body had her in an erotic haze, but she knew she had to do something to keep from going off first. She slipped a hand between their sweat-drenched bodies, slid her palm down Selena’s wet, muscular belly, and cupped the demon’s sopping cunt. She rubbed and flicked Selena’s fully distended clit, sending shockwaves of pure ecstasy radiating through the demon goddess’ luscious body, then sank two fingers deep into the woman’s juicy twat.

    Selena trembled and jerked, her whole body suddenly on the edge of pure orgasmic delight. She screamed inside of their locked mouths and instantly returned the favour, driving two fingers deep into Brianna’s tight, wet slit. Brianna screamed uncontrollably, her muffled cries of pleasure joining Selena’s expressions of pure joy. The women shrieked into each other’s mouths, swallowing the other’s ecstasy.

    Somehow, both women held back the tremendous orgasms beating at the walls of their self-control. They continued to finger-fuck, the wet, thick sounds of fingers moving like pistons inside of sloppy cunts echoing in the hot space. Trembling, they fell slowly to their knees in the sand as the muscles in their quivering legs gave out. Tears streamed down their gorgeous faces, their eyes shut tight, their mouths sealed in an unbreakable kiss, as they pushed each other to the edge.

    Simultaneously, the women’s fused nipples ejaculated with incredible force. The nipple cum had nowhere to go, so it remained locked inside of each woman’s nipple ducts, a little squeezing out to combine within their nips, but most searing the inside of their tits, sending a delicious blast of heat through every cell in their mated glands. Their tight, steaming cunts contracted then released powerful gushers of hot cum onto the sand.

    Selena and Brianna broke their kiss, threw back their heads, and shrieked in unison, their howls of pure ecstasy echoing through the lower level of the temple, amplifying as they flowed up the long, dark ramp to the outside world. Sitting cross-legged in the tent, Lana shivered as she heard the screams of pure pleasure, her pussy growing wetter.

    Sobbing, gasping, the fuckfighting women continued to rub each other’s cunts as their bodies shuddered through one orgasm after another. They pulled hair, they moaned and screamed, as they tried to overwhelm the other. Both refused to give up. Shot after shot of ejaculate spattered on their bodies and soaked the sand at their knees. They fell on their sides together, their hands still buried between the other’s legs, and writhed in the sand. They finally rolled onto their backs, side by side, their hands still gripping their rival’s cum-soaked twat, scratching at the other’s slick thigh. Their swollen nipples were linked by strings of viscous nipple cum.

    Silence settled on the sandy arena, the only sounds the gasps and pants of two spent fuckfighters. The women’s titfight had ended in yet another frustrating stalemate. Selena pushed back her resentment. The night was still young and they had a long way to go.
    The women lay shoulder to shoulder, their heavy tits pressed hard side to side. Brianna was floating in the afterglow, her body vibrating. She was sure she had used up all the energy she and Lana had put into the necklace just to match Selena on the last fuck. She prayed the power of the pendant could hold out just a bit longer.

    After a few minutes, Selena spoke.

    “You are an incredible fuck, little whore,” the demon goddess purred.

    “So are you, cunt fucker,” Brianna murmured in reply.

    The women turned to face each other lying on their sides, their heads propped up on their hand, their hips curved up, their voluptuous bodies perfect reflections. Their thick tits lolled on their chests, their nipples pulsing as they rested a whisper apart. Selena reached out and stroked Brianna’s heavy tit, palming and twisting the hard nipple. Brianna bit her lip then cupped and squeezed Selena’s topmost breast, her fingers sinking eagerly into the dense flesh.

    The women smiled. They sat up, still playing with the other’s tit. They kneeled, resting on their haunches, their knees touching, both of their hands enthusiastically exploring the other’s tits. They squeezed, weighed and kneaded the thick, meaty glands, until the dense flesh burned and their nipples quivered with pleasure. Selena pushed hard on Brianna’s meaty tits with both hands. The blonde woman had not been expecting this and found herself falling on her back to the sand, Selena following her down. The demon woman buried her face in Brianna’s thick jugs and licked gently at her rival’s swollen nipples. The intense shock caused Brianna to gasp. A moment later, Selena took as much of Brianna’s left tit into her mouth as she could and sucked hard, biting gently, her tongue continuing to tease and stroke the quivering titmeat.

    “Unnnnhhhh,” Brianna groaned. She could not keep herself from pushing the back of Selena’s head more firmly into her throbbing tit. Even as Selena sucked Brianna’s gland, her other hand kneaded and massaged the blonde’s free tit, molding and squeezing the dense flesh. Brianna writhed, her hips jerking, her taut, round ass grinding into the sand. Vaguely, part of her realized she was suddenly losing the fight, losing control of her body, but the sensations wracking her flesh were too intense for her to care.
    Selena switched to the other tit and sucked and feasted on it with equal fervor, reddening the thick flesh, leaving strings of spit on each areola. She slid down Brianna’s body, licking and sucking at the blonde’s flat belly, her tongue playing in Brianna’s navel, before buried her face into Brianna’s naked, dripping cunt.

    “Oh God!!,” Brianna cried out as the demon’s tongue speared deep into her aching twat. “Oh fucking GOD!!”

    Brianna screamed in joy as Selena lips and tongue wrapped around her engorged clit and sucked lustily, sending waves of pure ecstasy washing through her shuddering body. At some level, her mind screamed at her that she was losing this battle, that the demon was devouring her and destroying her with pleasure, but the rational part of her mind was easily overwhelmed by the intense erotic sensations radiating out of her womanhood.

    Selena smiled as she ate her rival. This battle was finally going the way she wanted it to, the way it always should have gone. The mortal woman was finally running out of sexual energy and was on the verge of becoming a delicious meal for the succubus goddess. Selena drove her face and tongue even more deeply into Brianna’s delicious twat. She loved the taste of Brianna’s genitals, the tang of her pussy juices, the throbbing heat of her twitching clit under Selena’s tongue and lips. Selena slid her arms under and around Brianna’s hips and traced her hands up Brianna’s flat belly to cup and squeeze the blonde’s massive tits mercilessly even as she sucked and slurped at the woman’s wet quim.

    Brianna’s mind had a shocking moment of clarity. If she did not act now, she would be lost. Desperately, she closed her sweaty, cum-soaked thighs around Selena’s head and squeezed. She crossed her ankles in the small of the succubus’ back and jerked upwards with her hips. Selena was caught by surprise. Brianna flipped them over. Her pussy was still locked in the vise of Selena’s mouth, but the succubus was flat on her back with Brianna on top, pressing down. Brianna knew she was still in a vulnerable position as Selena delivered an exquisite suck to her swollen clit. She pulled her legs out from under Selena’s body then rotated herself around on Selena’s face so that she was facing down the bitch’s body. Brianna dived into Selena’s cunt, wrapping her tongue and lips around the demon’s massive, throbbing clit, and sucking and chewing at the distended nerve ravenously.

    Selena screamed into Brianna’s juicy twat as the erotic pleasure rolled up through her body. Suddenly, she was no longer in control. But she did not care. She wrapped her thighs around Brianna’s head, mirroring their positions, and soon the women were eating each other alive in a ravenous 69.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmnnnn,” they moaned in tandem, their cries and groans muffled in the hot, thick meat of the other woman’s drenched and dripping cunt. They fingered each other vigorously. It was not long before Selena spread Brianna’s asshole and went to work on the turgid flesh with her tongue and teeth, sucking hungrily at the tight orifice. Brianna cried out and then buried her face in Selena’s ass, giving back just what she was getting. Once again, the sound of fingers moving hard and wet inside of taut, thick twats filled the space.

    Brianna took the battle to the next level and slowly inserted her entire fist into the vise-like tightness of Selena’s powerful cunt and twisted hard, the thick walls of Selena’s pussy closing on her wrist. Selena screamed and writhed in ecstasy and immediately shoved her entire hand into Brianna’s quim and closed her fist. She screwed the massive invading weapon deeper into the blonde’s body, causing Brianna to jerk like a puppet.

    “Oh fucking God!!” Brianna cried. She pumped her fist hard inside of Selena, pulling a shriek of pleasure from the enrapt succubus.
    The 69 ball of struggling, voluptuous womanhood rolled from one end of the sandy pit and back, before the women rested on their sides and ate and fist-fucked each other from positions of equality.

    Brianna came first, her overloaded pussy clamping on Selena’s wrist as it spasmed, then gushing hard. Selena pulled her hand free and covered Brianna’s ejaculating cunt with her mouth, trying to swallow and contain as much of the hot cum as she could. Brianna writhed and moaned as she came but she continued to pump Selena’s vagina. Moments later, Selena threw back her head and screamed in joy as her cunt detonated. Brianna jerked her hand free of Selena’s powerful twat and fixed her mouth over the demon’s volcanic ejaculation.

    Side by side, moaning in bliss, the fuckfighting women drank from each other as they pulled and sucked three more orgasms from each other. They swallowed back all the cum they needed to but held back a heavy mouthful of the viscous liquid. When their orgasms finally stopped, they released each other and rolled onto their backs, gasping in pleasure.

    Brianna sat up and Selena immediately did the same. They reached for each other, pulling their bodies together, heavy, sweaty tits mashing, and locked their mouths. The women shared the sweet cum, sucking and drooling the tasty ejaculate back and forth, combining the honeyed secretions with their spit, letting some of it drool down their chins to trickle into their mashed cleavage. They moaned passionately. They rolled their meaty tits and pulled hair, enjoying the erotic heat. After a few minutes, they had swallowed back all of the sloppy cum.

    Nose to nose, forehead to forehead, strings of spit and cum linking their lips, Selena and Brianna smiled.

    “Are you ready, fucker?” Selena murmured, her seductive voice a low growl.

    “I’m ready when you are, cuntlicker,” Brianna moaned. Her body was feverish with lust, the delicious 69 had only driven her libido even higher. She wanted Selena, she wanted the pleasure of the woman’s body, the heat of the demon’s cunt. She was going crazy with desire and need.

    The lustful combatants leaned away from each other and arranged their legs, spreading their limbs and scissoring, left legs over rights. They lined up their juicy, dripping fuck mouths and leaned back even further, bracing their trembling bodies with their arms. Their hot, wet red slits aimed at each other. Their pulsing clits swelled up from their twats, prepared to join in battle, twitching with sexual tension and throbbing with heat.

    Brianna looked down at Selena’s gorgeous, naked cunt and moaned in joy. She wanted to mate with that twat, she wanted to join cunt to cunt and devour it. She was almost delirious. Her tits felt like they had swollen at least two cup sizes. Her nipples pulsed and throbbed with tension.

    Selena’s glowing green eyes also locked on Brianna’s delicious-looking twat. She hungrily took in the juicy fuck lips, the distended clit, the heat radiating off the steaming, tumescent fuck flesh. The demon goddess was ravenous with lust. She could not remember the last time she was so incredibly aroused, so desperate to mate with another woman and satisfy her raging hunger.

    Selena placed her hands on the ground behind her, her hands sinking into the sand, and braced her body for a powerful thrust, aiming her twat at Brianna’s steaming fuckflesh. Brianna mirrored her rival’s position. The women’s cunts were only millimeters apart. The women felt the heat warming their inner thighs.

    “Once we lock, we don’t separate, until one of us has won,” Selena whispered.

    “Yes, you fucker, you filthy cunt…” Brianna groaned. Her eyes were glazed with desire and need. Nothing mattered except fucking and fucking until she could not fuck anymore.

    Signaling with their eyes, the two beautiful women closed the final space between their burning cunts. Their juicy fuckmeat slapped wetly, swollen pudenda mashing and locking, slit to slit. Their wet twats opened like hungry mouths and fused hard and tight. Labia melted into labia and their inosculated cunts formed a deep vacuum that locked them into one. Brianna and Selena turned their hips and thrust hard, sinking even more deeply and tightly into each other, their hot cunts slotting and merging. Their tumescent clits met head to head and began jousting, flicking and twisting against each other in the tight, hot arena formed by their sealed twats. With each blow, shockwaves of pure ecstasy radiated through their trembling bodies.

    “God, oh FUCKING GOD!!” Brianna cried. She grabbed Selena’s sweaty thigh for leverage and ground her clit as hard as she could into the demon queen’s engorged sexhorn. She felt on the verge of fainting but she had to have the pleasure.

    “FUCK, OH FUUUCCKKK!!” Selena screamed. She grasped Brianna’s slick thigh and thrust back.

    The women’s hips churned and rolled as they clit-fucked furiously. Their massive tits bounced and jolted with each powerful thrust, spraying sweat. Their powerful abdomens rippled and flexed. Their sculpted asses jiggled with every pump of cunt to cunt.

    Brianna held Selena’s thigh to her chest, between her bouncing tits, and fucked with all her strength, drawing on all the sexual power she could find in herself and in her necklace to give the demon bitch the ride of her immortal life. Selena fucked back just as hard, using all her demonic power to drive her clit against that of her mortal competitor. The demon was amazed at how hard the blonde woman’s clit remained, at how powerful it stayed, even as the succubus fed on the sexual energy their battle generated.

    Grunting, moaning, screaming with pleasure, the sexual warriors fucked to the finish, their lush bodies fully at war. For nearly an hour, Brianna and Selena rode each other mercilessly, every mutual thrust of clit on clit feeding the building store of pleasure deep inside their bodies. They quivered and shuddered with tension, trying to hold back the tide. At some point, when their thighs became too slick with sweat and cunt juice to grip, they fell onto their backs and kept grinding, their hips and asses working feverishly.

    Brianna’s body vibrated with sexual tension. In her delirious state, she felt like she had become one giant clit and that she was wrapped around and fused to Selena, who was also a giant, throbbing clit. Every nerve in her body was at its most sensitive, every inch of her lush flesh burned with sexual power. Selena was in the same condition. She could not remember the last time a lover/adversary had fucked her to this point of pure ecstasy. The women jerked and writhed, grinding and grinding their cunts as hard as they could, their genitals fully merged and locked, their bodies at the absolute limit of what they could stand.

    Brianna’s mind went white, her whole body exploded as every nerve reached the end of its endurance at the same moment. She howled like a banshee as she came harder than she ever had in her life. Hot cum gushed from her cunt like a fire hose. Her back arched, her hips bucked, as she ejaculated again and again.



    Brianna’s hot ejaculate mixed with the gushing jet of cum that Selena released at the same moment. The fuckfighting women came into each other over and over again, emptying their ejaculate into the other woman, filling up their vaginal orifices with the mix of their shared woman-cum. Their bodies thrashed and twisted, convulsing in spasms, as they fucked to the end, their screams of ecstasy slowly fading to moans of exhaustion and completion.

    Brianna passed out, her mind and body spent. A human body could only take so much pleasure. Selena lapsed into unconsciousness, too. The demon queen had been fucked senseless in the past, but the last time another woman had done this to her was eons before.

    For a time, quiet settled over the moon-washed arena. The only sound was the deep breathing of the two combatants. After almost a half hour, Selena pushed herself up on her elbows and looked down her voluptuous, sweat-soaked body at Brianna. The blonde woman remained unconscious. The demon smiled.

    Selena felt fully sated. Her sexual hunger was almost gone, her need almost filled by the sexual power of this blonde woman alone. But she knew she needed more. She wanted more.

    Their genitals were locked tight in a deep fuck-kiss. Their swollen clits throbbed and pulsed against each other. Selena enjoyed the feeling for just a few more moments, then braced herself and pulled her body away from the cunt-lock. It was hard to disengage. She placed her hand on Brianna’s belly to hold the blonde in place as their inosculated cunts sucked apart. Mixed cum gushed out and splattered on the sandy ground.

    Selena got to her feet, staggering a little. She steadied herself and looked down at the beautiful blonde woman she had finally succeeded in fucking into a coma. The silver moonlight glistened on Brianna’s gleaming, wet body. The blonde’s heavy chest rose and fell gently as she slept the sleep of the drained and exhausted.

    “You are very good, little fucker,” Selena smiled. “You are very, very good. But you are just a mortal and I am a goddess. This was the only way our battle could end.”

    Selena stepped forward and put her feet on either side of Brianna’s hips. She stared down at the defeated sex warrior.
    “If you are still here when I get back, maybe I will take you for another ride. For now, just rest easy in the knowledge that you have given me more pleasure than anyone else I can remember. You have fed me almost to the brim, just by yourself. Be proud of that accomplishment.”

    Smiling, her voluptuous body dripping with sweat and hot cum, the demon goddess turned from her adversary. She left the arena. Selena walked down the long corridor, her bare feet slapping gently on the obsidian tile. When she got to the long ramp leading upward, she paused and stared up the ascending corridor. She smiled at the gleam of light at the top and the world beyond. She placed her bare foot on the ramp. She sighed at the first step, delighted to finally start her ascent. She began the long walk up to the surface.

    To be continued:

  9. #29
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    Looks like Lana is up next. Been waiting for her to get in on the action. A long wait but worth it as always.

  10. #30
    Junior Hostboard Member ACertainZest's Avatar
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    Re: By the Light of the Moon -New Story by JB57

    WOW! After reading this I can't wait for the next chapter. Is there one more only or will there be more?

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