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Thread: 732 Forever: Part 1

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    732 Forever: Part 1

    Vanessa, Holly and Nicole were determined to track down Sabrina and avenge Jasmine’s crushing defeat at her hands but the three girls could not help but feel rather dejected themselves after seeing the state Jasmine had been put in. The raven’s absence was depressing for them, as their team did not feel remotely complete without her. 732 is and always would be a foursome, no pun intended. Still, they had to push on and start somewhere. The three had a meeting to discuss their leads on how they might track down Sabrina. They decided to meet at Nicole’s house. Vanessa and Holly knocked on Nicole’s door and the nerdy redhead answered, happy to see her frenemies. She and Holly hugged, lightly pressing their G cups together.

    “I’ve got a surprise for you.” Vanessa said excitedly, hiding something behind her back.

    “What is it?!” Nicole asked with an almost child-like enthusiasm.

    Vanessa revealed that behind her back, wrapped in plastic and in a hanger, was Nicole’s new police uniform.

    “Awesome!” Nicole said as she grabbed it and the three beauties walked inside.

    “Now, why don’t you go upstairs and get dressed and we can get down to business?” Holly asked.

    “Why not get dressed here?” Nicole asked. “Not like either of you aren’t deeply familiar with my naked body as is.”

    “Well, the princess here wouldn’t be able to control herself if you did that.” Vanessa answered teasingly.

    “Please, like you could keep your hands off of her either, thunder thighs.” Holly shot back.

    Nicole went upstairs and got dressed. As she came down, Vanessa and Holly cheered and whistled. The uniform fit Nicole amazingly and more importantly, made her look hot as Hell. It squeezed her in all the right places. She posed in the polyester outfit, showing off for her teammates. It highlighted her shapely ass amazingly and showed off her beloved G cups just right.

    “You like it?” Nicole asked as if she didn’t already know the answer.

    “You look so yummy!” Holly said.

    “Any perp will stop dead in their tracks just ogle you, honey.” Vanessa said.

    Nicole played around a bit more, posing her hands as a gun.

    “Now let’s see Jazz’s new uni…” Nicole began before stopping herself and getting a sad look on her face.

    “She’ll come around. Don’t worry.” Vanessa reassured her.

    “How has she been doing?” Holly asked.

    “Ben says she’s still stuck in bed and barely eating.” Vanessa answered. “Still hasn’t said a single word.”

    “Fuck…” Nicole said.

    “Well, hopefully we’ll find that bitch before she loses the weight in her tits.” Holly joked, trying to lighten the mood. It didn’t work but it didn’t touch any nerves, thankfully.

    “What leads do we have?” Nicole asked as she sat down with her fellow crime fighters.

    “We have reason to believe that she had help inside the prison.” Vanessa began. “On the night of the riot that eventually became a breakout, the cameras were mysteriously cut but no one was seen entering the camera room before that.”

    “Could it have just been a power outage?” Holly asked.

    “No.” Vanessa answered. “Only the cameras were shut down. Everything else worked fine and the footage shows no one near anything that could’ve caused that when it happened. Everyone at the precinct is stumped.”

    “So, what? We have nothing to go on?” Nicole asked.

    “There is something.” Vanessa answered. “Seems that our target had a visitor. Sabrina’s cousin, Grace Phillips. Comes from the same rich family but lived in Vegas until recently. She’s been staying here since Sabrina was incarcerated, claiming that she wants to support her family in their time of hardship but I don’t buy it.”

    “You think she might’ve bribed some officials in the prison to kill the cameras remotely?” Nicole asked.

    “Or maybe seduced him.” Holly added.

    “Hard to say but the prison staff confirmed that she was visiting Sabrina every chance she got, including on the day of the riot.” Vanessa answered. “Coincidence?”

    Holly and Nicole’s silence said everything.

    “If she helped that bitch breakout, then she’s just as guilty for the state Jasmine is in as Sabrina.” Nicole said with uncharacteristic anger in her voice.

    “Control yourself, red.” Vanessa warned. “You’re a cop now. Calm and collected…Until we find Sabrina herself…Then we can take all the revenge we want.”

    “I can’t wait.” Holly said. “What do we do about Grace?“

    “That’s where you come in, blondie.” Vanessa answered.

    “Huh?” Holly asked, confused.

    “Grace has been avoiding law enforcement and the media like the plague since she arrived.” Vanessa clarified. “If Nicole or I approached her as cops, she’d either panic and run, play dumb or deny everything.”

    “Oh, I see.” Nicole said. “But Holly comes from a rich family like she does, so she’ll trust her more.”

    “Exactly.” Vanessa agreed. “And that’s why Holly will go undercover to a press conference that Grace is hosting at the hotel and see if she can get Grace alone.”

    “But won’t she recognize me as one of the cops that busted her cousin?” Holly asked.

    “No.” Vanessa answered. “All of our names were kept anonymous, remember? No one outside of the precinct knows that we had anything to do with it.”

    “Oh, yeah.” Holly said.

    “Why is she holding a press conference, anyway?” Nicole asked. “I thought you said she was avoiding the media.”

    “Yes but that was before the breakout.” Vanessa clarified. “Now she knows that suspicion will land on her and laying low will only make her look worse.”

    “Alright then. I’m in.” Holly said.

    “About time you did something useful, blondie.” Nicole teased.

    “Shut up, fire crotch!” Holly said. “You and your girlfriend would be behind bars right now if it wasn’t for my suggestion!”

    “Alright, chill.” Nicole said.

    Holly brushed it off but like she told the semi-comatose Jasmine privately, she was feeling a bit insecure about her own contributions to the team. This would give her a chance to prove herself.

    “The press conference starts tomorrow at sundown.” Vanessa said as she got out her phone. “Oh and this is what Grace looks like.”

    Vanessa showed them a picture of their target. She was quite stunning. Like her cousin, she was a redhead with long, thick hair but a different shade. More of a bright, pinkish red. Somewhere between Nicole’s dark, crimson red and Sabrina’s bright, fiery orange. Predictably, she also shared her cousin’s G cups. She had hazel eyes hidden behind a pair of sensual glasses, giving her a sexy secretary/librarian look. Holly hoped that Grace played the game, as she would enjoy the interrogation much more.

    “Any other questions?” Vanessa asked. “Good. Let’s get to work, 732.”

    A couple of days had passed and the night of the press conference was upon them. Holly was given a fancy dress with a small, camouflaged wiretap attached to it so the others could listen in. Just like the first time they nailed Sabrina, one of them would be out in the field and the others would stay in the van and observe. Nicole was here from the start this time, so they didn’t have to worry about their live feed going out like before.

    “Okay, see if you can get her up into the penthouse.” Vanessa advised as Holly finished gearing up.

    “And now do I do that?” Holly asked.

    “You’ll probably just have to seduce her.” Vanessa said pleasingly.

    “I like the sound of that.” Holly said.

    “At least we’ll be able to watch the whole thing this time.” Nicole said as she tweaked the equipment.

    “Alright, let’s do this.” Vanessa said as Holly left the van and entered the ball room.

    As Holly entered the room, she saw Grace up on stage answering questions. Grace was even more stunning in person. Her long hair went down to her lower back and she wore a shiny red dress to match her strawberry looking hair. Holly eyed up Grace’s cleavage as she answered the questions, watching it bounce and jiggle around with each movement. Holly zoned out as she ogled Grace, who answered the questions exactly as you’d expect. Blah blah, I have nothing to do with any of it, blah blah, I condemn everything Sabrina has done, blah blah. Eventually, the conference was over and Holly knew what to do next. She did not wear an earpiece as she couldn’t risk Grace noticing it. Aside from Vanessa and Nicole watching through the security cameras, she was on her own.

    As the media left, Holly approached Grace and the redhead immediately took notice of the blonde herself. She had a seductive look in her eyes. Holly could tell that she wanted her and the feeling was quite mutual. The two sat down at a table as the last of the crowd made their exit. The two rich beauties shot the shit for a while, giving each other bedroom eyes. Eventually, Holly figured that she had Grace buttered up enough and decided to take this further.

    “You know, why don’t we take the rest of the conversation somewhere more comfortable?” Holly requested.

    “Like where?” Grace asked, flirtatiously.

    “Say…The penthouse?” Holly specified.

    “Oh, you just read my mind.” Grace agreed.

    The two then got up and Grace led Holly to the penthouse. Holly was surprisingly nervous but she was determined to do this. Not just for her pride as a cop, not just for her desire to prove herself to the squad but also to help Jasmine get out of her crippling rut. She regained her composure. Her wiretap was hidden in her jacket and was made just sensitive enough for Vanessa and Nicole to hear everything even if it was muffled by her clothes. Holly and Grace eyeballed each other on the elevator ride up to the penthouse. The same penthouse where Jasmine had her first confrontation with Sabrina and where Task Force 732 finished their first mission. The door opened and the two busty beauties entered the penthouse and sat down at another coffee table where they continued their conversation.

    “Well, now that it’s just the two of us…” Holly began. “Tell me, how do you actually feel about all of this?”

    “What do you mean?” Grace asked, seemingly playing dumb as Vanessa and Nicole paid close attention through the security cameras and wiretap.

    “Everything.” Holly answered. “What happened to your cousin, the media frenzy, all of it. Talk to me, woman to woman.”

    “When did you get all shrink on me?” Grace asked jokingly. “But okay. Anything for you.”

    Grace edged her chair closer to Holly’s.

    “To tell you the truth…” Sabrina began as she flipped her long, cherry red hair. “I really couldn't care less.”

    “Oh?” Holly said, not sure if she should be shocked by this coldness or not.

    “Yep.” Grace confirmed. “Why should I have to go through all of this just because she was my cousin? No skin off my bones. I mean, I’m not defending her but still.”

    “She’s bullshitting.” Nicole declared in the van.

    “Of course.” Vanesss agreed. “Why would she visit Sabrina so many times if she didn’t care?”

    Holly knew this as well but had caught Grace in a lie on top of a lie. She had to keep this going.

    “You feel absolutely nothing?” Holly asked.

    “Well, I do feel something.” Grace said. “Anger.”

    “Anger?” Holly asked. “At who?”

    “People who think I’m stupid.” Grace answered as she grabbed Holly by the collar and pulled her up close.

    Holly’s heart skipped a beat as Vanessa and Nicole saw and were ready to jump in.

    “I know a smear job when I see it, bitch.” Grace said, her mouth inches away from Holly’s. “Your family bought out my cousin’s stocks and now you want to add to that!”

    Holly and the others were a bit relieved knowing that their cover wasn’t totally blown but still, this situation was a tense one.

    “What the Hell are you on about?” Holly asked, angrily, her hot breath blowing against Grace’s lipsticked mouth.

    “Oh, come on!” Grace said. “You just happen to show up at my press conference and just happen to want to converse with me privately?”

    “If you think that, then why did you even invite me up here?” Holly asked.

    Grace then smiled and pulled Holly in for a sudden but deep and passionate kiss. Holly was shocked at first but quickly kissed back. Vanessa and Nicole were now even more interested in seeing how this sting would play out. After a full minute of tongue wrestling, they broke the kiss, leaving a line of drool from each other’s lips.

    “So, you just wanted to fuck me, huh?” Holly asked. “Can’t say I blame you.”

    “Oh, no, bitch.” Grace said. “This will be me fucking my revenge into you. Your family took advantage of my family’s humiliation and now I’m gonna use you as a cum dumpster all night long!”

    “Well, don’t expect me to just lie down and take it.” Holly said.

    “I wouldn’t want you to.” Grace corrected. “More fun this way. You trying to outfuck me will make it even more humiliating when I outfuck you. Now get naked, bitch!”

    The two sexy socialites stripped down. Holly was careful not to mess up the wiretap as she left her clothes on the table, hoping her partners could still hear her, which they thankfully could, unbeknownst to her. Grace revealed her nude form and Holly was enamored with her soon-to-be opponent. Her pale, flawless, shiny skin, her flowing, cherry-red hair and that arrogant mouth of hers, which Holly had already gotten a taste for. Holly has not won a single sexfight yet but she was still determined to see this through to the end. Vanessa and Nicole watched intently. As the two nymphos removed their last bit of clothing, they ogled each other for a little while, before Grace broke the silence.

    “Are you gonna keep staring at my superior body or are we gonna fuck?” She asked rhetorically.

    “Alright, you impatient bitch.” Holly said. “Let’s fuck.”

    And with that, it was on. Grace quickly wrapped her arms around Holly’s back and pulled her in, mashing their G cups together.

    “Uhh…” They both grunted at the delicious contact as Holly quickly pulled Grace’s mouth in for a lustful kiss. They cooed into each other’s mouths as their tongues passionately wrestled for Vanessa and Nicole’s enjoyment.

    “Damn, that’s hot…” Nicole commented. The horny redhead couldn’t help but caress Vanessa’s legs.

    “Easy there, tiger.” Vanessa said as she stopped Nicole’s hand. “We can celebrate after the bust.”

    Holly and Grace continued making out intensely. Their tongues swam around each other and tangled as they ran their hands through each other’s hair. They were just getting a feel for their opponent and enjoying themselves before making their next offensive. Their nipples penetrated each other, their buds being swallowed by their rival’s areola as their G cup tits jiggled against each other. They then broke the kiss, their hands squeezing each other’s firm ass cheeks as they stared at each other lustfully.

    “At least you know how to swap spit, bitch.” Grace admitted.

    “I know a lot more than that, cunt.” Holly bragged. “Why don’t we take this to the bed?”

    “Fine by me.” Grace agreed. “It will still end the same way.”

    The two then got onto the bed, which was thankfully right next to Holly’s discarded clothes on the table, so Nicole and Vanessa’s audio feed would not be compromised. Grace pounced on top of Holly, sending them both crashing on top of the bed, with Grace on top. The redhead then began licking Holly’s neck slowly and sensually as the blonde cop ran her fingers through Grace’s cherry hair.

    “That’s right, bitch. Lick me like candy.” Holly teased.

    Grace then licked down to Holly’s engorged right nipple and began suckling and tonguing it lovingly.

    “Ahh…” Holly moaned.

    Grace then took her right hand and then gently shoved her middle and ring fingers inside Holly’s juicy pussy. The sounds of sloppy fingering, lips popping and a slutty blonde moaning filled the room as Grace dominated her prey. Holly winced her eyes in pleasure as her redheaded rival orally and manually pleasured her. Grace then switched nipples and hands, now suckling the blonde’s left nipple and fingering her with her left hand.

    “Ohhh!” Holly groaned.

    Graced smiled into her suckling as she increased the speed of her fingering, knifing different combinations of fingers into Holly’s sweet, succulent twat fiercely. Holly moaned as she twisted and turned her head around in pleasure, her thick blonde locks fanning all over the pillows. Grace’s fingers penetrated her deeply and slowly. The pleasure was overwhelming. In and out, in and out, in and out, over and over and over again. Eventually, she could feel her orgasm approaching her.

    “Ah! Ah! Aggghhhh!!!” Holly cried as she splattered her sex fluids all over Grace’s hand.

    The redhead then took her hand out of Holly’s cunt and then licked some of it clean before putting it all over Holly, literally rubbing the orgasm into her rival’s face. Holly licked her own juices from Grace’s hand. Vanessa and Nicole looked on in concern at Holly’s predicament but knew that coming to her aid would only make their partner feel worse. They just had to trust her on this.

    “I hope you’re not done yet, because I have a whole lot more revenge to fuck into that sweet little cunt of yours.” Grace bragged as she gently ran her fingers along Holly’s outer labia.

    “The Hell’s your problem, anyway?” Holly asked through heavy breathing. “You should be mad at Sabrina for disgracing your family in the first place.”

    Grace tightly pinched and twisted both of Holly’s nipples in response to that.

    “Ow!” Holly yelped.

    “Well, why should my family have to pay for what she did alone?!” Grace yelled. “Especially when the cops that busted her all took advantage of her after she was busted!”

    Holly’s eyes went wide from what Grace just said.

    “Oh, that’s right, bitch.” Grace confirmed. “I knew who you were right from the start. I’m smarter than you think I am.”

    “Should we get involved now?” Nicole asked.

    “Not yet…” Vanessa said calmly, having confidence in her partner.

    “Sabrina wanted to take her revenge on each of you personally…” Grace said. “But I don’t think she’d mind sharing with me.”

    Holly then regained her energy and once again bearhugged Grace, pressing their breasts together into a squishy duel of female flesh.

    “I’d like to see you try!” Holly dared.

    She kissed Grace again, her tongue fighting back more fiercely than before, to the redhead’s surprise. Vanessa and Nicole grinned with satisfaction at seeing this turn of events.

    “Mmmm!” Grace moaned into Holly’s passionate kissing.

    Holly then pushed them both down, so that she was on top of Grace and she then aligned her pussy with the redhead’s for some tribbing action. Their lower lips kissed alongside their upper lips as Holly fucked Grace, bouncing and pressing their enormous milk buds together furiously. They moaned into each other’s mouths as Holly dominated the make out session passionately. Holly then broke the kiss and looked down on her rival both literally and figuratively as she held her against the bed.

    “Is that all you’ve got?” Holly taunted as she flexed her pelvis, tribbing hard into Grace’s pussy.

    “I was about to ask you the same thing, pig.” Grace shot back as she humped back up into Holly.

    “This is getting good.” Nicole commented.

    “I wish we brought popcorn.” Vanessa joked.

    The two rivals then grappled each other again and wrestled around the king-sized bed, their thick, flowing hair flying all over the place as they licked at each other, tongues jabbing and coiling in a battle of their own. Their hands tightly squeezed their opponent’s meaty ass cheeks as their cunts rubbed together, forcefully kissing and tribbing. Eventually, Holly got the upperhand again and cornered Grace into an L-shaped position. She then proceeded to pull her pelvis back and then viciously slam her cunt into Grace’s, rubbing it in slowly and sensually after each slam.

    “Ohhhhh!!” Grace cooed.

    “How do you like that, you spoiled little professional victim?!” Holly taunted as she tribbed her rival.

    “That’s it, princess.” Vanessa whispered to herself. “Teach her a lesson.”

    Holly reached down to fondle and knead Grace’s luscious G cups as Grace wrapped her legs around Holly’s waist to try and trib her dominator herself. Not a bad tactic. Holly, Vanessa and Nicole took note of that but it would not be enough. Their clits soon joined but Holly’s was still in a dominant position.

    “Aghhhh!!” Holly moaned.

    “Ohhhh!!!!” Grace grunted even more powerfully.

    Grace could feel her climax coming on and that that was little to do to stop it from her position. Holly could also tell from the look on her rival’s face that it was coming, so she pressed her advantage and slammed and rubbed harder and faster. Grace’s pulsating, pink pleasure bud completely submitted to Holly’s as Grace’s orgasmic pleasures overwhelmed her.

    “Ahhhhh!!!” Grace shrieked as her twat pumped her hot, soothing fluids straight into Holly’s dominant cunt.

    “I felt how powerful that was.” Holly bragged. Vanessa and Nicole had to resist the urge to get up and applaud. Something about witnessing their partner dominating an enemy nympho was incredibly cathartic to them.

    “You had enough yet, criminal?“ Holly taunted as she held Grace’s face up to hers by her hair and slashed her tongue across the redhead’s luscious lips.

    “Done?” Grace asked sarcastically through heavy breathing. “Why would I be done when I haven’t even gotten the chance to taste you yet?”

    Grace then dove downwards, wrapped her arms around Holly’s waist and used her grip as leverage to jam her tongue straight into Holly’s vaginal canal.

    “Agh!” Holly moaned in shock at this move. “Oh, you dirty cunt!”

    The blonde gripped the redhead’s flowing locks as Grace feasted on her womanhood ravenously and mercilessly. Holly tried to get away but Grace used her leverage to follow her so closely that she could not escape this assault of cunnilingus. Grace’s eating was so loud, sloppy and intense that Vanessa and Nicole could hear the sloshing sounds from the wiretap secured in Holly’s jacket on the nearby table. The sound was both turning them on and kind of terrifying them.

    Grace tasted the unique flavor of her own juices combined with Holly’s due to the latter tribbing her to orgasm just seconds ago. It was delicious and kinky. Holly’s face was flushed as her rival ate her out with all of her power. She laid against the edge of the bed, her long, blonde hair flowing down its side, sweaty and matted. Grace’s own hair fanned out around her, covering Holly’s outer thighs and the top of her shins, soaking them with sweat as she lustfully dined on Holly’s red, ripe pussy like a woman possessed. Holly wrapped all of Grace’s hair into her one hand and yanked hard but the nymphomaniacal redhead just wouldn’t budge. Nothing it seemed would stop her from finishing her meal. She licked in many different patterns, zigzags, figure eights, multiple different shapes, etc.

    Finally, she licked down towards the southern edge of Holly’s labia, only to drag her tongue all the way up to the blonde’s exposed clit and went to town.

    “Uggghhhh!!” Holly moaned as her opponent orally assaulted her pleasure bud.

    Grace licked left to right, up and down, even diagonally across the pulsating, pink organ. She loved to give it one big lick and then watch it shake all around like a cat playing with its toy. Grace then opened her mouth as wide as possible and gave Holly’s lower lips a giant, all consuming kiss. She stretched her upper lips so that they would match Holly’s lower lips, still focusing her tongue on the clit.

    “Agggghhh!!!” Holly screamed as her orgasmic electrodes swam throughout her slutty body.

    “Fucking BIIIIITTTTCCHHHHHH!!!!!” Holly shrieked as she ejaculated powerfully down Grace’s throat. Not a single drop was missed.

    Grace then got up and pinched Holly’s nose between her index finger and her thumb. Holly knew what she had planned but she couldn’t take the suffocation anymore and opened her mouth to breathe. That’s when Grace opened her own mouth and drooled Holly’s secretions and her own saliva down into Holly’s deeply inhaling mouth. It tasted like defeat. Grace then sealed Holly’s mouth off with her own, sharing the flavor even more. After thirty seconds of this humiliation, Grace finally released her rival to bask in her victory. Holly hyperventilated as her mouth was filled with the inescapable taste of her own pussy. Vanessa and Nicole were both wet and angry, seeing this.

    “Regardless of how this turns out, we’re still gonna fuck Holly when this is over, right?” Nicole asked, almost childishly.

    “Oh, of course.” Vanesa confirmed.

    Still, they knew not to interfere. They had a feeling that their partner still had more tricks up her sleeve.

    “How’s it taste, bitch?” Grace mocked. “Not as good as me, I know.”

    “Really?” Holly asked as she regained her breath. “Well, I’ll have to have a taste for myself to be sure.”

    Before Grace could respond, Holly pounced on her and brought her crotch right up to her face. She bearhugged Grace’s body to hers, her arms wrapped around the redhead’s toned belly as Holly dipped her tongue in her rival’s warm, wet twat and licked furiously.

    “Agh!” Grace grunted as Holly orally ravaged her.

    The redhead could feel the blonde’s sharpened nipples pressing against her lower back as she was held in this awkward position. Vanessa and Nicole smiled smugly at how the tables have turned. Holly hugged her prey tightly as she feasted lovingly, waving her tongue all around Grace’s beautiful pudenda before diving her tongue back in again, feeling it being constricted by Grace’s vaginal walls and her taste buds being tidal waved by Grace’s tang. Grace tried to wrap her legs around Holly’s head but the position made it impossible. She was helpless to stop this onslaught of cunnilingus.

    “You fucking whore!” She cursed as Holly continued eating her out.

    Holly’s tongue could just barely reach Grace’s clit from this position but it was enough for her tongue to just barely flick and bob at it enough to drive the redhead insane.

    “Ahhh!” Grace shrieked as Holly sexually tormented her pleasure bud.

    Grace was humping and jerking in a way that told Holly that her next orgasm was approaching her, so Holly responded accordingly by taking it up a notch. She reached down with one hand to gently slap around Grace’s G cups, using her other arm to secure Grace in this position as she licked harder and faster.

    “Agggghhhhh!!!!!” Grace screamed as her climax hit her like a truck.

    Holly let her go just enough to fully secure her upper lips to Grace’s lower lips, as Grace had done to her earlier. Grace spewed her fluids all into Holly’s slutty mouth, letting the flavor envelope her taste buds once again. However, the blonde was still not yet done with her revenge. She went up to Grace, hyperventilating as if she had just ran a marathon and with one hand, pinched her nose and the other, squeezed her face cheeks to pucker her lips. This was revenge in its most pure and honest form. Grace soon opened her mouth to breathe only for Holly to ooze the concoction of saliva and vaginal secretions from her mouth to Grace’s. She loved making her rival feel the exact same humiliation she had dished out on her just moments ago.

    Holly then sealed her mouth to Grace’s, swapping the sexual concoction between their slutty mouths as they made out lustfully. Vanessa and Nicole were getting really hot now and had to take out all of this desire eventually. They wished they could tell Holly to just finish Grace off already so they could finally celebrate. Holly then broke the kiss and once again pinched Holly’s face with her hands.

    “Why don’t you just admit it?” Holly asked rhetorically. “You had something to do with Sabrina busting out, didn’t you?”

    “Go fuck yourself!” Grace said through heavy breathing.

    “Why would I do that when I can just fuck you instead?” Holly mocked.

    “Okay, fine.” Grace said, catching her breath. “I paid off one of the guards to kill the cameras that night. Never even found out her name, so don’t bother with that but you’ll have no use for this info after I’m done with you!”

    “Still trying to act tough, eh?” Holly said. “Fine then, bitch. Guess I’ll have to punish you a little bit more.”

    Vanessa and Nicole now had a direct, unmistakable confession but they decided to let Holly have her fun before getting their bust. Before Grace could respond, Holly roughly turned her around, wrapped her arms and legs around Grace’s arms and legs to prevent her from escaping and spread her legs nice and wide before driving her hand down to relentlessly finger her opponent.

    “Ugh!” Grace grunted.

    Holly once again sealed Grace’s mouth off with her own, tonguing her down brutally. One of Holly’s hands knifed her fingers in and out of Grace’s cunts while the other lightly juggled the redhead’s tits, making them bounce around like gelatin.

    “Mmmm!!!” Grace moaned into Holly’s mouth as she was tongued.

    Holly fiercely swept her hand all around Grace’s smooth, luscious pussy as her nipples dug into the redhead’s back, being tickled by the cherry colored hair. Grace tried in vain to hump her ass into Holly’s pussy and while the pleasure was there, it did nothing to save her. Holly lightly smacked Grace’s clit as she finger fucked her viciously and soon, yet another orgasm would sweep over the evil redhead.

    “MMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!“ She screamed into the blonde’s mouth as she sprayed her juices all over like a sprinkler. And that was that.

    Holly released her, letting the unconscious redhead fall into the bed. Holly caught her own breath, just in time for Vanessa and Nicole to join the party.

    “Well, looks like you took care of things.” Vanessa said. “Never thought I’d say this but you did good, princess.”

    Holly smiled at being complimented by her former nemesis.

    “Good? She did amazing!” Nicole remarked. “Her pussy kicked some serious pussy!”

    Nicole then gained a sorrowful look on her face.

    “Sorry about what I said earlier.” Nicole said with a guilty tone. “You’re not useless at all.”

    “It’s fine.” Holly said.

    “Well, we have our confession recorded. Our next step is tracking down that guard she mentioned.” Vanessa said. “But first, I think blondie here should be rewarded for a job well done, don’t you?”

    “Hell yes.” Nicole answered. “Let’s celebrate the 732 way!”

    The three of them cuffed all of Grace’s limbs to the bed’s legs, leaving her on the mattress as they went into the shower to have their little celebration. It was mostly Vanessa and Nicole pleasuring Holly. She enjoyed it but their orgies just didn’t feel the same without you-know-who. That feeling of something missing just motivated them to track down Sabrina even more and make her pay.

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    Re: 732 Forever: Part 1

    Grace, cousin of Sabrina, a new rival for 732 girls.
    You need two more "bad" gals (bad but hot !) and then 4x4 , the great 8some !! LOL
    Hot chapter, I liked it !

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