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Thread: Legal Stoush

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    Junior Hostboard Member nastybutnice's Avatar
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    Legal Stoush

    It's been a while since I last popped in, even longer since I posted an actual story. It took me around 13 years to get round to finishing this so it may be a bit stop/starty but anyway, hope you enjoy.

    Legal Stoush Part 1

    It was a slow and hot Friday afternoon at the office for Sophie Reese. She was reclining in her leather chair and sucking on the end of a pen. She had kicked off her high heels and her feet were resting on her desk. Her auburn hair was pulled back in a tight bun, a thin sheen of sweat gleamed on her pale and freckled skin in the late January heat. Her emerald eyes stared blankly at the two resumes on the desk.

    The 40 year old had worked hard to get to were she was. Sacrificing friends, relationships and love but it had been worth it. She was now a partner in a large law practice which rented an entire floor of office space in the high rise the practice was located in. She was an attractive woman, long legs, small but firm breasts, high cheek bones, a small delicate nose, freckled, and full bow shaped lips that suited the rest of her face.

    She was located in a corner office that was situated between a conference room and a small stationery room. The office had originally been larger but it had been separated with a partition wall to create the stationery room. The other partners considered it a below ordinary office and Sophie being the youngest and newest partner had been assigned that room. It did come with a useful tidbit, if you held your ear up to the partition wall you could hear quite clearly in the room. Amazing how people assumed if you can’t see a person, they can’t hear you.

    Access to the stationery room required getting a key from the Sophie’s Executive Assistant. Thus when people entered the stationery room they could lock the door and assume a private conversation. Consequentially she was up to date with the gossip, who was sleeping around, cheating on their wife, rivalries, what people thought of her. That last point was always fascinating to hear; dyke was common, cold, heartless, frigid, only became partner because the firm needed to be seen as ‘diversifying’. Yes she was a lesbian but that wasn’t really the whole story. Sophie loved fights. Two rivals locked in a bitter intense struggle with a hated opponent, or fighting with her own rivals, is what really got her hot and flushed. It was what had driven her to law, a profession which allowed her to indulge her passion… she certainly wasn’t the only female in law with the same peccadillo…

    Years ago at a different firm, she had been approaching the completion of her PLT along with another female, a brunette called Susan Saxton, also working there. The firm was offering one new starter position and competition for these roles was fierce. Whilst both out on work experience assisting a barrister at court there’d been some issue with a legal document they were supposed to provide on the day, Sophie couldn’t really remember who was responsible but it had been the excuse both had been itching for to get it on. They’d been so eager to fight they’d proceeded to the women’s toilet during the lunch break, and were set to lock themselves in a stall to settle thing when the presiding judge, an elderly woman (elderly it seemed to Sophie at the time, she was probably only in her late 40s) entered the toilets as they were entering the stall. She seemed to be aware of what was about to take place and had instructed them to come to her chambers after court closed. The remainder of the day had dragged and their tempers grew fouler and fouler. Finally post 4:30pm, the judge, still in her robes and wig (which were still worn by judges back then) invited them into chambers. The judge proceeded to explain that sometimes young female lawyers tempers fray and that if they wished to settle their little dispute, they wouldn’t have been the first to have done so in those chambers. Somewhat embarrassed with the Magistrate looking on, but both women were still irate enough that Sophie and Susan eagerly stood face to face, without removing any clothing, and put their hands down the others pants and proceeded to pull, pinch, tug and scratch in the narrow confines their pants allowed them to move. Dancing slowly around the office after a time, the tugging and squeezing turned to fondling, caressing and probing. Chins resting on shoulders the two had finger banged the other to a shuddering orgasm. Separating they couldn’t help observe the judges hands emerging from beneath her own disheveled robes and a flushed face.
    They weren’t the only ones to have reached an orgasm.
    The judge had directed them to a Chemist she knew, tell her Judge Mary Cullen sent you and she’ll give you a special ointment, no questions asked. She’d then dismissed them.
    Things had cooled between Sophie and Susan and they’d driven to the Chemist together, laughing and speculating about the judge’s behavior, what might have occurred in those chambers over the years, and how oblivious the barrister had been. They’d proceeded to have a relationship which lasted about a year, both women constantly vying to be the ‘top’ the relationship had mostly revolved around sex, the power dynamics fluctuated constantly depending on who would win their personal sexfights.
    Sophie had eventually gotten the position at the firm and Susan had moved away and they’d lost contact, gone but certainly not forgotten.

    Her eyes drew back to the two resumes on her desk, applications for a new junior position in family law that would be working closely alongside her. Both applicants were excellent, having come to the firm at about the same time as graduates. They were ruthless in achieving the best outcomes for their clients and were on the career fast track, stepping on others as they worked their way up the legal ladder. It was no secret these two despised one another. They had slandered the other constantly over the five years they had worked there, Sophie with her ears to the wall had been party to much of it. Now that they were both up for this position the air had been thick with tension and the stationery room had become a rumour mill as a particularly nasty smear campaign had begun.

    She juxtaposed the two CVs on her desk. She needed to make a decision fast on this, there was too much friction in the firm and as much as she enjoyed it; it was making others uncomfortable.
    ‘You’re a Sheila, you decide’ one of the male partners had laughed, tossing the resumes on her desk earlier that day.

    On the left side she had Veronica Vidgren, tall, tanned, long blonde hair, blue eyes, toned skin, ample breasts. Almost the look of an angel were it not for the glint of steel that Sophie saw in her eyes, and a cruel sneer when displeased. On the right side she had Simone Morelli, also tall, toned, long black hair with natural brown skin, generous bosoms, brown eyes, a beauty to behold, again there was a sheer determination and a don’t get in my way attitude. Each in turn was supremely confident in their abilities and they had the trait successful lawyers need, they simply had to win, regardless of client.
    They brought the male clients coming back and were smart enough not to have had any dalliances with workmates or clients. Neither was in a relationship which was excellent because Sophie needed someone who could work back with her long hours and weekends. She had no idea how she was going to choose…

    Sophie’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard the stationery room door being opened, the sound of two people entering and then the door shutting and the click of a lock.

    “Ok you cunt I am sick to death of your fucking shit.” Sophie instantly put a face to the raised voice, it was Simone.
    “Aww poor baby, ready to call it quits” was the catty response; Sophie’s heart beat faster and the blood dropped to her crotch as she recognized Veronica’s voice.
    “We both know who’s going to get this job and who the better lawyer is so why don’t you take your skinny, spray on tan, fake blonde ass back to whatever shit poke bogan town you came from,” hissed Simone.
    “Uh huh, we both know who’s getting that position and it’s certainly not the one with a moustache and fat ass. How about you take some of your own advice and go back to the whore house you grew up in,” spat Veronica.

    Sophie could picture the two women’s faces as they traded barbs. Veronica’s lips locked in a sneer of contempt for her foe, nose wrinkled in disgust, blue eyes blazing without a trace of fear or hesitation. And Simone staring straight back, lips curled slightly showing a glimpse of sharp white teeth, eyebrows fixed in an angry frown, brown eyes devoid of fright and uncertainty. Sophie new their pissed poses well enough and guessed they were probably face to face. She pictured their mouths and little globs of spittle flying out hitting the other in the face as they swapped gibes with this rival cat.

    Sophie knew, as she’d known when she first heard their voices that this conflict was about to get physical. Even though she couldn’t see them she could feel it in the air. This wasn’t about to be some hair pulling, slapping, scrag fight between two girls to get some attention either, these were mature women, with a real grudge, alone together, and it was going to be nasty.

    “Don’t you fucking stick your hairy finger at my chest bitch” warned Veronica, “or I’ll stick my fist up your loose cunt”.
    “I’ll stick these fingers where I want sugar” snapped Simone.
    Sophie could hear light shoving now and more epithets from both women. More than a few bumps against the walls, getting louder each time as Sophie pictured them standing in a corner, pushing the other back into the wall in turn.
    “Ok slut, enough of this school yard shit, are we going to fight or not?” proposed Simone.
    “Oh I’m going to fucking destroy you bitch but we need to set some rules first,” retorted Veronica.
    “Aww you scared cunt, need some rules to make sure I don’t kill ya.”
    “In your dreams. When I’m finished with you I’ll have to return to the office with some semblance of normality, so I propose no contact above the neck or below the dress line.”
    “Agreed, I wouldn’t want to go back into the office with my face or legs looking like yours do already BITCH!!”
    “So, we’re agreed, anything that can’t be covered by clothing is off limits, all else is fair game,” snarled Veronica.
    “I’ll fucking ruin you!” finished Simone.

    The insults stopped for a minute or so, Sophie could hear what sounded like shoes being kicked off, and then items of clothing dropping to the floor. She sat up, her face was flushed already, picked up the phone and dialed her EA and told her in her most steady voice possible to hold all calls and ensure absolutely no interruptions or else. She then locked her door, drew the blinds, stripped out of the black pants she was wearing then removed her green blouse so she was clad in only a black bra and panties. She rushed back to her executive chair, took the phone off the hook, emptied her glass of water and wheeled the chair as close to the wall as possible and put the glass up to her ear and against the wall.
    It sounded as though they had removed the last items of their clothing and Sophie guessed she heard them kicking the clothing to the side of their small arena. Sophie shivered with delight and wondered if they were naked or still wearing undergarments. As if she knew what she was thinking Veronica then said.
    “Smart idea to remove your bra and panties cunt, because I would have ripped them to shreds.”
    “Well same to you bitch,” snapped Simone. “Gees get a load of those flabby pasty things, were your breasts donated from a pig?”
    “Talk about a saggy pair of udders, are you fresh from winning the best cow in show?”

    Things proceeded to go quiet for a few seconds as Sophie pondered what could be happening. Then she heard what sounded like a slap, pressing her ear close to the glass, the noise came again. It was a meaty sounding slap, more of a clap actually. Sophie had participated in quite a few playful titfights, and a few serious ones to recognise this particular sound. The two hussies were slapping their breasts together in a regular fashion now. Like the start of a rain storm it started light and slow and then began increasing in frequency and weight. Sophie wondered whether they were embracing, holding each other close and ramming those tits together or whether they were standing a little apart, arms behind their backs and thrusting together with greater weight then close proximities would have allowed. Judging from the volume and regularity they were doing the latter. The two women were gasping lightly with each meaty smack. Sophie felt her own clit engorging just as the combatants own tits must be swelling from battle. Gathering a pen from her desk she used the blunt end to rub circles around her clitoris as the tit fight raged on. Listening intently she was able to guess from the meatiness of the slaps whether they had aligned their breasts well and thrust together in harmony. A duller slap she guessed meant the aim was slightly off and breasts smooshed into sternums. The pattern continued, Sophie envisioned each slap in her head, picturing the breasts rushing together, spreading and flattening, nipples burying into her rivals, withdrawing, regaining shape and volume only to be thrust again.

    There was a pause for a few seconds.
    And then slapping again, not as meaty as previously but still chunky. They occurred with almost a metronomic frequency; Sophie guessed they were slapping single breasts now. Right breast against right breast, withdraw, left breast against left breast. Repeat. The beat changed now and then, perhaps on occasion they chose to continually bash the same breast before switching back to the pattern. Sophie found herself squeezing her clit in time with the rhythm. After a time the tempo changed again, the slaps became more frequent but not nearly as fleshy as before, it almost sounded like applause. She guessed they had moved in closer together now, possibly with arms around the others back, keeping chests in tight proximity and butting their breasts together, possibly swinging from side to side, trying to break the dead lock. They were chatty as well, only whispering but it was constant.
    “Manky whore.”
    “Festy slag.”
    “Give Up.”
    “You give up.”
    It was at this point Sophie experienced her first orgasm that afternoon, it was short but sweet, the first in a wave of orgasms she could feel approaching. Her panties were wet and she peeled them off.
    Good thing leather is easy to clean.

    A sigh of resignation from the two warriors.
    “We could do this all day but I do have to get back to work at some point so I’m just gonna pull those sow tits of your chest with my hands and end this” gasped Simone.
    “I’m gonna squeeze those cow tits till your milk spills out” replied Veronica.

    Louder gasping now, that was all Sophie could hear but she could imagine both women with their hands buried knuckle deep in the others bosom. Squeezing, pulling, tugging in ways which breasts were not designed to be. It was too painful for either woman to come up with any wordplay now, only gasps from both contenders and occasional bumps against the walls. The groans varied in volume as each woman would deliver a particularly painful wrench. Sophie was unable to distinguish between grunts, she only knew that neither could go on like this for long and it was unlikely to produce a winner.

    With that the groaning abated, replaced mostly by panting as the two women sucked in breaths.
    “I see you’ve had enough” growled Veronica.
    “You wish, you pulled away first, I win” snapped Simone.
    “Not on your life, you withdrew first. Look at you cowering there covering those cow tits up”
    “Puhhllease bitch, hiding in the corner there, come here and fight me if you think I’ve quit.”
    “I am going to twist those nipples off your chest” promised Veronica.
    “At least I have nipples, I’ll barely be able to get a hold of those little bee stings” responded Simone.

    The gasping and grunting began anew as the two women engaged in mutual nipple cripples. Sophie was still using her pen to prod at her own fat clit, her other hand removed her bra and began squeezing at her own sensitive but undamaged nipples. She tugged and pinched just as she imagined Veronica and Simone were doing to each other’s, albeit in a much gentler fashion. A second more powerful orgasm bloomed and spread warmth around her crotch and made her toes curl just a little.

    “How do you like that you pig, can you feel me twisting those nipples 360 degrees.”
    “Cow, what does it feel like to have your teats coming loose from your udders?”
    “Can you feel it whore, those are my nails digging through your nips”
    “Look at your nipples now! I’ve stretched them so far I could tie them in a knot”
    The sniping ceased for a period but the caterwauling continued as the nipple war persisted. The cries seemed to vary in volume, sometimes it seemed as though they were grunting into the wall, at other times it seemed further away. Sophie speculated they were literally pulling each other around their tiny arena by the nipples, or alternatively backing away as their opponent pursued them. Ultimately they must have found their way back to the corner of the room again as she could hear them bumping against the walls again.

    Ultimately the moans of anguish began to dissipate as they must have silently agreed on an armistice. The two women panted for breath for a few minutes, neither talking. Sophie took a moment to glance at the clock on her PC, she estimated they’d been fighting for no more than 15 minutes but it felt like a life time. She pondered where the fight would go next, would it stay focused on the chests or, with a delicious shudder, whether it might go south.

    “Ready to give up bitch!” queried Veronica.
    “Not on your life bitch, I’ll fight you all day if I have too” replied Simone.
    “I doubt it! I don’t think those cow tits could take another mauling, you could trip over your own nipples as they are now.”
    “Take a look at your own piggy tits. You could sling those droopy things over your shoulders. You’re finished admit it.”
    “You wanna suffer more pain, I’m gonna slap those titties black and blue.”
    “You’re going to be bleeding from your teats when I’m done with them.”
    “Let’s finish this once and for all then. I slap you once first, you take the next two slaps and then I get to slap you twice and so on. If one of us takes longer than a minute to complete our own two slaps then they lose. Agreed?” asked Veronica.
    “Agreed” replied Simone, “how will we time it?”
    “I have a fitness app on my mobile, we’ll use that, it will beep for the final 3 seconds before a minute is up, We’ll each reset the timer after we’ve completed our own slaps”

    Sophie paused for a moment and set aside that useful pen on the desk. They all waited whilst Veronica was presumably setting up the app. For this final leg of the fight Sophie began tugging and squeezing gently on her clit and fingering herself with her other hand.

    “Ok, I’ll set my phone on the floor between us and start the app. I’ll go first.”
    Sophie waited with baited breath…
    A yelp of pain from Simone.
    Slap!! A whimper. Crack! The second slap and another groan from Veronica.
    She didn’t have to wait long before Veronica responded.

    Sophie’s hands were working furiously on an encroaching third orgasm.
    And so it continued, Sophie pictured the women’s breasts in her head, bruised, blotchy, reddened and swollen. Each slap must have been agony. The periods between slaps were getting longer now. Pushing closer and closer to a full minute before each assailant completed their cycle. The app had beeped a few times in the last few minutes.
    “Give up bitch, the only thing holding you up is that wall” gasped Simone. This followed by a stinging slap.
    “Had enough, your legs are buckling. I can see” taunted Veronica and chased that with a second clap.
    “It’s over for you bitch, you’re finished here” Simone gasped, heavy breathing from both women and then crack as Simone continued.
    A pause and Simone’s second clap followed.
    More sobbing and gasping from both women.
    “Look at you, you can’t even stand up to fight me. I’ve won.”
    “Never!!” Veronica slapped back.
    A cry from Simone.
    “This is it” choked Veronica, “the slap that breaks the cows back”
    Gasp. Whine. Sobbing.
    “Not a chance” quaked Simone. “you’re done for now”
    And so it continued…
    Sophie was at the point of no return now, she couldn’t hold back this orgasm any longer, like a burst dam it swept over her, her toes curled, lips parted sucking in air. She was oblivious to everything for the next minute or so. As the orgasm subsided her ears focused again on the fight.
    “You lose!” crowed Veronica, “a minute passed before your second slap, the app beeped 3 times.”
    “Lying bitch!” spat Simone, “it was your turn to slap, you’re so far gone you don’t what’s happening.”
    “Cheating cunt, I should have known you’d do something like this.”
    “Rotten cunt, you’re lying because you’ve got nothing left.”
    “I’ll show you nothing left” growled Veronica and must have launched herself at Simone, the two women crashed so hard into the wall Sophie thought they might come smashing through it. More thumps as Simone pushed back, Sophie could hear stationery tumbling off shelves as the two pinballed around the stationery room. Sadly it was time to end this fight before someone else happened by.
    Sophie managed to stand up, her legs felt like jelly after that last orgasm. She made it to the door before realising she was still butt naked. Grabbing a handful of tissues she wiped up her come where it had dribbled down her thighs and between her buttocks, tossed the tissues in the bin, redressed as quickly as she could and unlocked the door and stepped out of the office and across the hall into her EA’s office. The ditzy girl had her head phones on and didn’t even register that Sophie had stepped in the office.
    “Could I get the keys to the stationery room please Mel?”
    Melanie twisted in her seat, face red as though she’d been caught browsing something she shouldn’t.
    “Umm… stationery keys… umm.”
    She rummaged through her drawers for a second.
    “Here’s the second set, Simone borrowed the other set about… gee 25 minutes ago now. I wonder what’s taking her so long.”
    “I’ll check it out and see” said Sophie and winked and flashed Melanie a smile.
    Confused, Melanie hesitantly smiled back and put on her headphones and turned back to the internet.

    Hands shaking, Sophie checked the hallway to see if anyone was approaching.
    The office was always quieter on a Friday afternoon, people snuck off to the pub or had gone home early to beat the traffic. The coast was clear, she unlocked the door, stepped in and gently closed and locked the door behind her. She took a moment to survey the room, stationery was scattered across the floor, pens, pencils, letterhead paper, thumb tacks. In the corner, grunting and groaning whilst rolling back and forth slowly across a carpet covered in thumb tacks were Veronica and Simone. The two combatants were so mutually engaged in one another they failed to even notice Sophie had stepped into the room. They rolled to their sides and stayed locked in that position, eyes glaring deep into their enemies. They were trying to force the other flat onto her chest so they could force her rivals aching bosoms into the tacks which lay strewn beneath them. Sophie was unsure what to do and simply stood there watching for a time. Should she act surprised, angry, should she strip off and start masturbating? Oh so tempting.
    Perhaps she could direct things that way. With a plan formulating she stirred into action and approached the two gladiators, who remained oblivious and writhing together. Kneeling down she lay a hand on each of their shoulders and said.
    “Okay ladies that’s enough.”
    Gasps of surprise as both ladies looked up at Sophie, expressions changing from the raw hate they had been channeling into the other to embarrassment and shame. Each expecting they would probably be fired. They began disentangling themselves from the other and slowly stood up, tacks tumbling from their bodies where they had pierced skin.
    “She started it, I was only defending myself” pleaded Simone.
    “She lured me in here and attacked me” accused Veronica.

    For the first time Sophie got a full frontal view of both women. Her eyes were drawn straight to the implements of destruction in this brutal fight. Both women’s breasts were swollen, Veronica’s were blotchy and reddened and already beginning to bruise. Simone’s were similar, albeit with her darker skin they did not appear reddened but she was still able to observe darker bruising beginning to bloom.
    Both sets of nipples were distended and weeping.
    Sophie’s eyes briefly drifted down to the crotches of both women, both of which appeared untouched.

    “Get dressed now and come into my office” stated Sophie.
    “You can’t fire me! I’m the best lawyer in this firm” implored both women.
    A fresh look of cat hate was quickly exchanged between Simone and Veronica.
    “No one’s getting fired, just put your clothes on and we’ll discuss how we can solve this little… spat.”
    Sophie assisted both women gather up their clothes and belongings and get dressed. It was too painful for either woman to put their bra back on so Sophie had to assist them with buttoning up their blouses over their uncovered breasts, Sophie held onto their bras. When they both presented at quick glance a sense of normality, Sophie, opened the door, peeked down the hallway again, still all clear, and led both women into her office, tossed the bras onto her desk and told them to wait. She quickly returned back to the stationery room, did a quick clean up, locked the door and gave both keys back to Melanie.
    “What took Simone so long?” Melanie queried.
    “She fainted” lied Sophie.
    “That’s terrible” a look of genuine concern on Melanie’s face. “Is she ok?”
    “Yeah, it must be this heat. I’m going to take her home, Veronica will help me get her there so we’ll be out for the rest of the day. Just hold any calls please. Oh and she knocked over some shelves when she fainted so could you tidy it up when you get a chance please. Thanks. See you on Monday”

    Back across the hall to her office, upon opening the door it was obvious she’d interrupted them again during a heated exchange of words. The fronts of their blouses looked slightly damp where the nipples were weeping through the cloth. She returned to her seat, panicked slightly when she saw a wet patch remained there and hoped the ladies had been too distracted to notice. She opened one of her desk drawers and pulled out some moisturiser with aloe.
    “Here put some of this on your breasts, it might help a little.”
    As both women removed their blouses and began applying moisturiser Sophie laid down the law like a judge handing down a sentence.
    “I can’t have this lingering tension in the office. You’re both equally qualified for this position and I need it filled quickly.”
    She paused, the two women again stood juxtaposed. She couldn’t help but compare them; they were both still now, waiting for Sophie’s verdict.
    “Clearly…” Sophie motioned her hands towards their breasts. “You’ve stared something and I think it needs to be finished. I don’t think your breasts could handle another stoush so…” Sophies eyes dipped and her hand casually dropped to her hips but she didn’t say anything. “You need to settle this some other way and quickly.”
    “If you are willing you can accompany me back to my place and resolve this today. The winner will get the position.”
    “YES!!” both women agreed, breasts and heads nodding with enthusiasm. They sneered at each other.
    “You’re dead bitch.”
    “I’m going to finish you.”
    “Okay okay, save it for later. Put your blouses back on, here use some tissues to clear your make-up a little, I suggest you pad the insides of your bras as well as it might help.”

    As they dressed Simone asked if the loser would be sacked, both women paused looking hopefully at Sophie.
    “You’re too good at your jobs to fire one of you… I guess the loser will just have to suck it up and accept who’s the better woman.” Then added, “And act professionally at work”.
    Both women looked disappointed with the response but didn’t say anything. She didn’t really believe it herself but… smiling inwardly she thought she could deal with that.

    The End.

  2. #2
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    Legal Stoush

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    Re: Legal Stoush


    Although I have no idea what "stoush" means, I laud your use of "peccadillo."
    I also enjoyed the story.


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member Hoborobo's Avatar
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    Re: Legal Stoush

    Welcome back! Your story Revenge is one of my favorite stories of all time.

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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: Legal Stoush

    Lovely story

  5. #5
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    Re: Legal Stoush

    THANK YOU for the beautiful story!

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