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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Hey board,

    A while ago I decided to write a short sexfight story to overcome writer‘s block and, being a non-native speaker, to improve my english skills. The final result rather resembles a cheesy pulp fantasy novel that happens to feature a lot of sexfighting and titfighting. The story is finished and I plan post it one or two chapters at a time.

    Contains mostly f/f, some m/f sex, sexfights and titfights, (very) mild violence, drugs, occultism, the disturbing truth about catholic nuns, and lots and lots of (s)exposition.

    Big shout-out to all the writers here, thanks for inspiration!

    Enjoy and feel fee to criticize and comment!

    Chapter 1 – On the Case

    It was one of those hot, sultry afternoons in late summer when the phone on her desk suddenly rang, waking her from a vivid daydream. For a second she thought about ignoring it, fetching her stuff and leaving the office early. The air had been incredibly stuffy in here since the treacherous air conditioner surrendered two days ago, but it might have been a client, and she was a little short of work this month.

    “Aya Al-Sabi, private investigator,” she answered the call.

    “Hello, this is Christian Ritter,” a deep male voice reported.

    “Oh, Chris, it’s you,” she returned cheerfully. “How can I help?”

    “I was just about to head home. If you’re not too busy, l’d like to stop by your detective agency and give you a little follow up on your last assignment. Besides,” he paused just long enough to raise her curiosity, “I may have a new job for you.”

    “Great. See you soon, tiger.”

    Aya’s mood improved instantly. A new job was just what she needed right now and Chris’ company was most welcome, given the fact that he was the cutest cop in town. She got up from her chair, stepped to the open window and stretched out her bare arms. Lean muscles tightened. Her right arm sported a sleeve-like tattoo from wrist to upper arm showing squiggled arabian patterns and flower motifs. Similar, albeit smaller tattoos adorned her hips, just visible above her tight shorts. Yawning slightly she shook her straight black hair, which fell down as far as her waist, right now sticking a little to her sweaty back. Drops of sweat also glistered all over her impressive cleavage. A single button held her tight soaked blouse together, which could hardly contain her big, juicy tits.

    A pedestrian who happened to look up to her, would have been rewarded with an amazing view of her braless underboobs, but at the same time tragically missed her greatest asset: her incredibly firm, heart-shaped butt. A satisfied grin played around Aya’s lush, seductive lips as she loosened her toned suntanned thighs. Her brown eyes sparkled. She had a body that other women would kill for. A fact that surprised no one who knew her secret: Aya was of demonic origin, an otherworldly being who did not age by natural means and was feeding from carnal energies. According to christian nomenclature she was a succubus.

    Summoned to this world on the Arabian Peninsula at the dawn of the 17th century by a power hungry vizier to get rid of his male rivals, she was the embodiment of his erotic fantasies. After she had twisted the minds of dozens of men at his behest, and sucked the life force out of just as many, her cunning and great patience had succeeded in freeing herself from the magical pact binding her to her master.

    For a while she had lived on her own in the same manner without any remorse until certain events had made her change her mind. It was decades ago now that she had been feasting on a human with deadly consequences, as fortunately she had found other means to secure her prolonged physical existence.

    However, Aya had no scruples about using her special talents to earn a modest living. After traveling the world for centuries, she had returned to Berlin a couple of years ago, a city she had last visited when it was divided by a wall. Today it had become a mecca for startup businesses and adventurers with a vibrant culture and a strong international flavor. She had gone into business for herself as a private investigator and over time had built a reputation for solving even seemingly impossible cases. Even the drug department of the police, embodied by Chris, enlisted her unofficially at times.

    Well, this was not the moment to revel in old memories, she admonished herself when she saw his car approaching.

    Aya gave Chris a friendly hug when he entered and seized the opportunity to inconspicuously feel out his toned muscles. He was a really handsome young cop, whose striking chin sported a three-day beard. His spicy, masculine scent was very pleasant to her nose. She had been thinking about seducing him and having some fun with him for a while now, but she was on a sexual diet so to speak, which involved not using nice people as her personal toys all the time.

    But that of course didn’t mean she couldn’t tease him a bit: “You’re in good shape, tiger. Been hitting the gym a lot lately?”

    “Not nearly as often as you, it seems. I can’t imagine what you need to do, to keep that shape.”

    The truth was: not much at all. Her fitness level depended on other things than physical workouts for the most part, but of course Chris had no clue. For all he knew, she was just a stunningly attractive private investigator.

    “You’d like a beer?” she quickly changed the subject.

    “Sure, as long as it’s cold. It’s hot as hell in here.”
    You have no idea, she thought, while taking two bottles out of the fridge, which they toasted with before taking seats at the desk.

    “Your information was correct,” reported Chris. “We have enough evidence now to bust practically the entire biker gang. I have no idea how you achieved this so quickly. These guys usually don’t talk to anybody.”

    “I can be very persuasive,” she replied with an innocent smile.

    “No doubt about that,” Chris acknowledged. He accepted that she remained silent about her methods as long as she got results and did not break the law. And to her knowledge there was still no law in Germany that prohibited to use of dark magic to make men submissive.

    Twisting those thugs round her little finger had been an easy task. Their girlfriends, however, were a different story. Unfortunately her supernatural gift had no effect on the same sex, so she had to resort on other means. In this case she had found herself in a fierce catfight with a tough biker chick before long. Luckily Aya proved to be even tougher and after she slammed that nasty slut trough a pool table there was no dispute about her status within the gang ever again.

    “Now about this new job, I mentioned,” Chris spurred the conversation. “We have disturbing reports of a new liquid party drug. Within the scene it’s known as milk. Those taking it apparently lose all sexual inhibitions.”

    Aya listened up. This promised to be interesting.

    “I don’t need to explain to you what ugly things could happen if someone pours stuff like this into a young woman’s drink.”

    No, he didn’t have to, she could vividly imagine it. Wild, unbridled lust without regrets. Didn’t sound too bad to her ears, but of course he had a point.

    “Who puts it on the street?" she asked. “The Russians? The Italians?”

    “Neither,” he reported, shaking his head. “In fact, we’re not quite sure, but all clues point to a lingerie company owned by this woman here…”

    He put his phone on the table. The screen showed the blurred picture of a woman in a red dress: long blonde hair, slightly curled, lips at least as full as Aya’s and a body that, as much as she could tell, didn’t have to hide from anyone. Aya emptied her bottle in one go. Some cold beer was running down her neckline giving her goose bumps. This was getting better by the minute!

    “She goes by the name Elena Lyons,” Chris continued, “but that is probably made up. Her past is shrouded in mystery, and she is almost never appears in public. We believe that her fashion label, named Dark Temptation, is just a cover for the drug business. The BKA has been after her for some time, but so far all investigations have come to nothing. We believe she has connections within the federal police, so we’re going to bring in someone from the outside undercover. It’s not without risk, but…”

    “You got me, the moment you mentioned to prospect of sexual debauchery,” Aya interrupted him. “When do we start?”

    Chris sighed at her remark, shaking his head again. “Dark Temptation is having a photo shoot for young talents this weekend. We will create a fake portfolio for you tomorrow and place you through a modeling agency that works with us. If you make an impression, hopefully they will hire you permanently and you will get the chance to collect evidence. Keep a low profile and all will be fine. Have you ever modeled before?”

    “No,” admitted Aya honestly. In fact, she actively avoided being captured on camera since photography had been invented. A habit that made taking on a new identity every few decades a whole lot easier. Nowadays though, with easy image manipulation available to everyone, she worried a lot less, as she could always plausibly deny anything. “But I’m really excited to try it.”

    She threw her hair back and stretched in her chair, giving the police officer a full few on her lavish upper body all the way down to her bare midriff.

    “I bet you’ll turn out to be a natural,” Chris predicted, emptying his bottle in one big slurp. “See you tomorrow then. I’ll message you about the details.”


    The following day was just as hot and sunny but luckily a little less humid. Aya stopped her Harley right in front of a somewhat run-down photo studio, Chris had invited her to.

    She wore extremely short blue jeans that just barely covered her voluptuous ass, a red low-cut, belly top, a black leather vest and matching knee-high boots. She did not wear a helmet. Traffic accidents didn’t worry her too much, as du to her demonic nature, even severe injuries healed very quickly. She was wearing sunglasses, though, which she now took off to have a better look at Chris and his companion who were both waiting for her.

    Indeed, the policeman had not come alone: A woman stood beside him, half a head taller than Aya, her straight brown hair up in a tight bun. She wore a loose white blouse and matching trousers. Even without the holstered gun she was easy to recognize as a plainclothes cop. Despite the heat she wasn’t really showing much skin.

    “Aya, this is Katrin Weiß from the BKA. Katrin, this is Aya,” Chris introduced them to each other. “Katrin just arrived in Berlin and is on the same case as us.”

    It did not escape Aya’s notice that the other woman looked at her disapprovingly from top to bottom. Nevertheless, she reached out her hand to greet her. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Al-Sabi.”

    “Likewise. Just call me Aya.”

    To her surprise, the federal policewoman had an astonishingly firm handshake, which the succubus returned just as firmly. There was definitely a bit of hostility in the air despite the exchanged pleasantries.

    “Chris has told me a lot about you,” Katrin revealed. “Nice tattoos. From someone with undercover experience, though, I would have expected to choose a slightly more… inconspicuous outfit.”

    “Like yours?” Aya replied nonchalantly. “I’m afraid no one would buy the mousy girl from me.”

    Katrin pursed her lips in disdain. “Chris, are you sure she’s got what it takes for the job? They’re looking for a model, not for some wannabe porn star.”

    What was this bitch thinking? Before her friend could open his mouth Aya raised the stakes: “You don’t think you’d be better suited, do you?”

    She inspected the federal detective more closely. Lots of women despised her for her superior looks, not many of them had the guts to say it in her face, though. More so this police chick might actually pass for a model, she had to admit. Her face was that of a classic beauty, even if her nose was quite prominent, giving her the slightest masculine trait. Unlike Aya she had only applied the most necessary make-up. Her posture and movements were elegant and the succubus assumed she must be hiding quite a body under her loose clothing. More than anything else, the determination in her dark brown eyes told her that she shouldn’t underestimate this woman.

    Defiantly, Katrin put her hands on her hips. “Well, actually…”

    “Katrin,” Chris interrupted her. “We’ve talked about this. If our target does have connections to the police, it could compromise your cover. She on the other hand will fly completely under the radar."

    Aya looked up to the other woman with a triumphant smirk. “Trust him: I never leave my clients unsatisfied.”

    Katrin snorted in reply. “I can vividly imagine that.”

    “Wonderful,” said Chris with relief, probably thinking any differences between the two women were settled for good. “Let’s go in and take some pictures for the application.”

    Inside the studio Aya did her best to pull of a show for her bystanders, striking sexy pose after sexy pose, presenting herself from her best side, which were actually all of her sides. She mainly aimed at Chris, who tried valiantly to play cool but was betrayed by the growing bulge in his pants. Of course the frowning stares she got from Katrin were a welcome bonus. The policewoman stood right next to him, stiff like a stick with her arms crossed in front of her. Intentionally or not, she was sticking out her own boobs a little more that way and Aya could tell that her suspicion was justified: they were definitely bigger, than they had appeared at first sight.

    The detective indeed carr
    ied some concealed guns, she thought. Still, not of the same caliber as mine!

    Aya would also take bets that the other woman had at least a slight crush on Chris and was now fuming inside, having to watch the seductive succubus flaunting her stuff in front of him. It was then, that she finally decided to make her move on him soon. But not before Katrin made hers first. Relationships were so much more enticing, when a rival was involved and considering herself a good sportswoman she would grant her competition a head start. Of course, she had no intent of using her dark arts on Chris. First, because he was a friend, and second, because she was pretty confident, she wouldn’t have to.

    On a side note, Aya was quite impressed by the photographer, a bald guy, probably in his sixties with seemingly Turkish roots, who acted incredibly professional.

    “I have some nice shots on camera,” he announced at one point. “Let’s do a few more in bra and panties.”

    “Excuse me?” Aya asked back. So much for his professionalism.

    “Well, you want to apply as a lingerie model, don’t you? At least that is what your pal told me.”

    “You got a point there, old boy,” she realized. “The only problem is, I’m not wearing a bra …”

    Katrin rolled her eyes and sighed audibly. “Why am I not surprised?”

    “Well, I usually don’t need any,” Aya defended her unreserved habit.

    “Wait, I have an idea,” Chris announced. “Katrin, could you lend her yours for a moment? If she has to drive home trough all the traffic to get hers, it’ll take an hour or more.”

    “Are you serious?” the policewoman exclaimed.

    “Screw it,” Aya conceded, seemingly taking her side, just to put a knife into her back: “It would probably be too tight for me anyway.”

    Katrin’s face froze suddenly. “No, it’s ok,” she declared, “I don’t mind at all. Chris is absolutely right, we should at least give it a try.”

    She turned around and started to unbutton her blouse. Skillfully she loosened her bra and threw it over her shoulder for Aya to catch. Then she buttoned her blouse again. What a pity, the succubus thought. She would have loved to see what treasures were hidden underneath.

    Without wasting time the raven-haired demoness started to undress. Chris and the photographer were polite enough to turn around immediately. Katrin in contrast gazed at her very attentive and Aya made sure she had everything in view. Her proud tits rode high on her chest, seemingly unaffected by gravity. When they finally were exposed in all their naked glory, their thick brownish nipples perfectly on display, she gave them a nice bump to make them bounce provocatively.

    notes, little girl, she thought. This is what a real woman looks like.

    “Don’t worry,” taunted Aya as she put on the bra. “I promise, I won’t bust it.” To her surprise though, the garment was fitting alarmingly well. The slight strains she felt were more due to the unaccustomed shape than to missing space. It seemed her puppies felt quite comfortable in their foreign baskets. She snarled in displeasure.

    Now it was Katrin’s turn to smirk. “Not as small as you thought, eh?” she taunted her.

    “Well,” Aya admitted begrudgingly, “it’s sufficient, I guess. As long as I don’t have to wear it all day at least.”

    Despite the tangible friction between the two women, they managed to finish the shoot without further interruptions and went to a nearby café for the briefing. As it turned out Katrin was investigating Elena Lyons and her suspicious lingerie label for more than a year already. She knew that company as good as any outsider probably could and lectured Aya about it down to the smallest detail.

    The succubus however found it extremely difficult to focus. Her mind was o other things right now, like how it would feel to grab that busty detective by her hair, pull her across the table and show her, which pair of tits was the best around. What a spectacular show this would have been for Chris. Maybe some other day in a more private place she told herself.

    Concerning the mission, she didn’t really care that much about the intel the BKA had. She planed to grab the next best guy working there and make him bring her to that mysterious woman. From there on she would improvise. Simple as that. But before, she had to do some preparations, Chris and the police better not knew of …

    Chapter 2 – Occult Preparations

    Late in the afternoon Aya drove through the streets of Berlin again. The meeting with Katrin had left her horny. Hornier than usual that meant. But underneath this totally human emotion she felt something else lurking. Something deeply inhuman. A dark craving, a hunger for more than simple carnal pleasures. It was a need that she normally had under control, but which might quite likely complicate her mission if she didn’t tend to it in time. Fortunately, she knew someone who could help her with this issue.

    She stopped her motorcycle in front of a small shop. “Ivanescu’s occult offerings,” was written in ornate letters across the window. The entire shelves were filled with cheap junk. Souvenirs for tourists and guidebooks for hipsters, who felt incredibly smart about trying the latest fake magic potions at their cocktail party. Under the counter, however, Aya knew that really potent magic was sold to selected customers.

    A sign on the door told her that the shop was already closed. Nevertheless, she knocked loudly against the window. After a short while a young woman with curly red hair appeared and let her in, locking the door behind her.

    “Aya, nice to have you here,” the succubus was greeted. “What can I do for you? The same as usual?”

    “Thanks for your time, Ramona. You guessed it, I need a new potion.”

    “Well, let’s go to the back then,” the redhead invited her and went ahead. Her bottom was tucked into a pair of shorts, just barely longer than Aya’s own, and swayed seductively in front of her, while her lush, curly hair spread the scent of exotic herbs. Ramona Ivanescu was a witch and a potion-mixer, and for her young age of merely 23 years, a highly talented one. Moreover, she was one of the very few people who knew about Aya’s true nature, because her potions played an essential role in controlling her hunger. She was also very keen on experiments, both in terms of her mixtures and her sexuality. Needless to say that Aya got along with her very well.

    Ramona led her into the spacious back room, where she ran a small alchemist’s kitchen, among other things.

    “Do you intend to pay this time?” the witch asked. “ I mean with money. It always costs me a small fortune to obtain the ingredients.”

    Acting guilty Aya looked to the side. “I’ll get a paycheck soon. Until then I thought my girls could take care of the bill. She lifted her breasts with her hands and presented them to Ramona challengingly.

    The redhead snorted playfully, pretending not to be interested. “Come on,” she waved her aside. “Those old, saggy bags are clearly beyond their prime.”

    “Watch your mouth kid,” Aya shot back. “Unless you want them to come over to you and teach you some manners.” Oh, how she loved their little preludes. She could already sense the witch’s beginning arousal.

    “Think I’m afraid of your thugs?” taunted Ramona. “Let me show you the new sheriffs in town.”

    With that she shed her woven top to reveal her own pair of tits. Like Aya she was not wearing a bra and her beauties didn’t seem to need one either. She sported two round shaped, juicy looking D-cups crowned by pink nipples, remarkably long and stiff, which pointed dangerously at Aya. Her boobs even looked a tiny bit fuller than she remembered them.

    “You notice something?” Ramona asked with a smug grin.

    “That your girls are really happy to see mine?” Aya guessed, already dropping her leather vest on the soft carpet.

    “Gosh, I’m obviously referring to their size!” Ramona explained with annoyance. “My breast enhancing potion finally worked! They have grown at least half a cup size! Why else do you think I’m not wearing a bra?”

    Aya peeled herself out of her own top. “Cause you finally discovered your fashion sense?” she assumed. “Sorry missy, but they don’t look any more impressive to me than the last time my babies put them in their place.”

    Her own nipples stiffened in anticipation of the imminent confrontation. A nice rough titfight was just what she needed to shake of the stress. And while she had no doubt about the outcome, she knew from personal experience that Ramona was no pushover.

    “Hah! Let’s see how it’s going to turn out this time with my new and improved assets!” the witch rejoiced. “Granted, the effect is only temporary, but that is all I need to humble your cocky boobs.”

    They didn’t need more trash talk to get their contest started. Both took a step towards each other and smashed their naked breasts straight into their respective counterparts. Both pairs connected with an audible thud, the recoil forcing the women to stagger backwards a view small steps.

    “Ouch,” groaned Ramona, instinctively cupping her vulnerable boobs.

    “Oooh,” moaned Aya as well, resisting the urge to protect her cherished bosom. “Your bold little champs do pack some extra punch today,” she acknowledged. “But they are still boxing way above their weight class.”

    “Just you wait,” the witch threatened. “My girls are about to show yours who is boss!”

    With that they clashed again. This time they wrapped their arms around each other for a tight hug. Immediately they started a slow circular grind mashing their mounds of feminine meat together in an attempt to flatten each other out. Although Aya had the advantage in size and probably in firmness as well, she was amazed how incredibly stiff the witch’s nipples felt. They were poking into her areolas like tiny daggers, making her feel increasingly uncomfortable. She certainly didn’t remember them to be that much of a nuisance.

    “Argh, my teats …” she pressed out. “Your stiffos are hard as nails.”

    “Must be a side effect of my potion,” Ramona gasped. “I might as well poke deeper into these inflated balloons you call tits and make them pop!”

    The witch pulled her in even more tightly, resting her head on Ayas shoulder, her right hand grabbing the succubus’ incredible ass for leverage.

    “After I’m done with you overrated udders, I’ll give you a good spanking,” the redhead promised. “You’ve been a naughty little demoness for sure.”

    Aya had enough. The succubus didn’t mind a little sparing, but right now her friend got clearly carried away be her unjustified confidence. Time to set things straight! With her superior strength she pushed the witch just far enough off her, to slide her rack down below the redhead’s. She then tightened her grip again, pushing her adversary’s boobs upwards, while the young girl’s dangerous nipples were pointing helplessly towards the ceiling. To cut off any route to escape she shoved the young woman back first into a shelf. Some empty vials rattled and fell down onto the carpet, luckily none of them breaking.

    Ramona didn’t last long. “Nooo!” she squealed in despair. “I give, I give! You win!”

    Aya loosened her grip but remained in gentle skin-to-skin contact. She gave her friend a satisfied smile. Tossing a streak of her black her out of her face she asked: “Who is still boss?”

    “You are,” the witch conceded, only to add: “But wait till I refined my breast enhancing potion …”

    “You’d probably be the richest girl on the planet, if you manage to make it permanent,” Aya predicted. “Now about my reward …”

    “Sure.” Ramona slid past Aya giving her tits a last gentle brush. Still topless, she fetched a small perfume bottle out of a drawer and handed it to the succubus. It was filled with a semi-trancelucent liquid, similar to milk diluted with water. In fact, milk from a woman’s breast was one of the ingredients of the potion. It was much more than that of course. What she hold in hand was basically bottled up sexual energy. Enough to sate her dark hunger, at least for a while.

    “Use it at your own discretion,” Ramona advised. “I might have a second one ready at the end of the month. Salamander tails are hard to come by these days. The market is empty. Probably some posh witches from China buying everything the get their greedy fingers on.”

    Nodding her head, Aya gathered her top from the carpet. Three weeks with only one vial would be tough, but she should be able to endure it, if she delayed drinking it a little longer than originally planned.

    “Thank you,” she said. “I’ll hopefully have some cash by then.”

    Ramona tenderly put her hand on Aya’s shoulder. “You know this can’t go on forever. Sooner or later you’ll have to feast. This diet is giving you all the nutrients, so to speak, but some of the essential vitamins are missing. It wouldn’t surprise me, if your biochemistry – or rather demono-chemistry as I would call it – was already out of balance.”

    “I can take care of myself,” Aya assured. “The day might come where I can’t avoid it any longer, but that’s still far down the road.”

    “You can feast on me,” offered Ramona out of the blue.

    “Don’t even joke about it,” Aya rebuked her, pushing the witch’s hand aside.

    “No, I mean it,” Ramona insisted. “Of course, I don’t want you to kill me. But you don’t have to take it all. I know succubi can hold back and withdraw before fatal damage is done. That’s how you survived before my mother started brewing potions for you. I want to experience it! I want to know how it feels to be consumed, to have the core of your womanhood devoured by a stronger and hungrier sex.” She shuddered in excitement. “I’m also curious to see your true form. Does your kin really have horns, tails and wings?”

    “Listen up kid,” Aya demanded her attention. “First of all, Succubi in general can’t control themselves, when feeding. I at least couldn’t when I was summoned to this world. It’s like tasting the sweetest nectar and then pulling back with just one drop on your tongue. It took me five years of torture in a catholic nunnery until I could fully control my instincts.”

    Ramona’s eyes went wide. “What do you mean by that?”

    “Fine, I’ll give you the short version,” Aya announced. “It was in the early 18th century, when I had to disappear from the public for a few years. Seemed to be a smart idea to join a convent back then. Thought of me as a vixen in a hen house. Turned out, I rather hurled myself into a snake pit. Those fiendish nuns imprisoned me and turned me into their secret pleasure toy. Of course they had to allow me to feast to keep me alive, but obviously they didn’t allow me to harm them at the same time. They taught me the hard way to keep my appetite in check and it still takes a tremendous amount of willpower to do so.”

    “Wow, for real?" the bare-breasted witch exclaimed. “Who would have thought of nuns being that twisted?”

    “You have no idea. They made it into a kind of initiation rite. Feeding the devil they called it. But enough of that. The second thing you need to know is, that being fed on is not a pleasant thing.”

    Ramona raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

    “Well, it is in that very moment,” Aya narrowed it down. “But not afterwards. It’s a traumatic experience for some. I’ve seen it change people a lot of times and seldom for the better. I don’t want to do this anymore, especially not to my friends. Besides, I promised your mother not to harm you in any way.”

    “Screw her," Ramona waved off. “She hasn’t shown up here since she met some millionaire on a cruise three years ago. Doesn’t even answer her phone. The only thing I get from her are text messages. Can you believe it? Are we still living in the nineties?”

    Aya found this hard to believe, knowing her mother as someone who loved her child and raised an eyebrow. Ramona however, gave no further explanation.

    “You see,” she said, “I’m not a child anymore. I decide for myself what’s good or bad for me.”

    “Well, maybe one day,” Aya promised. “After you proved to be woman enough … by defeating my tits.”

    Ramona looked down at her reddened, beaten mammaries. “Fair enough,” she chuckled. “I’ll keep practicing. How about some pasta later at my place. And maybe some cuddling afterwards?”

    Given how their cuddle sessions usually turned out, Aya was tempted. The prospect of playing a little with those pesky nipples, that gave her so much trouble, was alluring. But to be honest, she wasn’t in any mood to cuddle right now. Being confronted with not only one but two potential rivals in short order had driven her in full competitive mode. And no matter what cutie of a girl Ramona was, she wasn’t what the succubus was after right now.

    “Sounds great, but not to today,” she let the witch down. “I have to prepare for a modeling career.”


    When Aya came home, the first thing she did, however, was to get rid of her sweaty clothes and start masturbating in the shower. As the lukewarm water ran down between her luscious breasts, she fondled them tenderly. They were still a little sore from their recent tussle, but thanks to her demonic regeneration, they would shine again in all their splendor tomorrow at the latest. Rubbing her nipples lustfully between her fingers, she conjured up the image of Katrin in her mind.

    "So you think you’re well-endowed, little Miss Detective,” she murmured. “I tend to disagree.”

    Of course, Aya had already met women with larger breasts than hers. Quite many to tell the truth. But most of the time they had been flabby and in bad shape. The occasions on which she had truly been outmatched, she could still count on her fingers after more than four centuries. Katrin was no different, she reassured herself. No doubt the tall, slender girl was ashamed of her weak tits. Why else would she hide them from all the world to see? And even if not, her skinny ass could never compare to Aya’s glorious bottom. No one could.

    The last thought conjured up the image of the other woman that the succubus just couldn’t get out of her head. Too bad they only had that one noisy photograph. It was hard to tell from the camera angle, but Elena Lyons seemed to have very similar curves to Aya. That alone made her interesting. And what better source of information about Dark Temptation was there than its founder herself? Seducing women was obviously more difficult for her than men, but nonetheless she succeeded in most cases. Practice makes perfect.

    While her left hand continued kneading her breasts, her right hand slid down into her crotch. Her Fingers skillfully parted her lush labia before entering the hot cavern of lust that was her pussy. Aya moaned in delight.

    Oh yes, she thought. The beast between her legs was on the prowl and her prey had better be on alert.

    Continue with chapter 3+4: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 3+4
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 2nd, 2022 at 07:49 AM. Reason: added forward link

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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Can't wait to read what happens next

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    REally well written and very intrigueing opening chapters! I hope we don't have to wait long for more!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    I absolutely love this setup! Creative, subversive and compelling! It’s beyond refreshing to see a succubus story where said succubus is actually the hero. And a cop too? Sounds like you and I have similar tastes. Aya is a babe and her frenemy relationship with Ramona is especially enticing. Man, so many great new writers lately…

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Thank you all! I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far.
    A praise vom JB is the greatest honor I could have hoped for. Your own succubus story, based on Carthasis work was a huge inspiration.

    I hopefully manage to upload the next batch tonight. Formatting the story for best readability on Hostboard turned out to be more work than expected, though...

    Also, does anyone know, if I can do edits, without the profanity filter ruining the text?

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Thank you all! I'm glad you enjoyed the story so far.
    A praise vom JB is the greatest honor I could have hoped for. Your own succubus story, based on Carthasis work was a huge inspiration.

    I hopefully manage to upload the next batch tonight. Formatting the story for best readability on Hostboard turned out to be more work than expected, though...

    Also, does anyone know, if I can do edits, without the profanity filter ruining the text?

    Dear Herbert,

    What I do is write my stories using a word processing program -in my case, Word. I then copy and paste the text into hostboard and then go through to put in the paragraph spacing. Often I miss one or two paragraphs, but that generally seems to work. However, you cannot alter the text after you do this. if you do, then the profanity filter kicks in and everything gets **** out.

    I hope that helps! Looking forward to more.


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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    I use online Google Documents. I just copy paste the whole text i suppose. Good luck.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Same. I use GoogleDocs

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Very well written and a very exciting set-up - looking forward to read next chapters, as I ca see they are already published

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannesdk View Post
    Very well written and a very exciting set-up - looking forward to read next chapters, as I ca see they are already published
    Thanks a lot! Yes, the story is completely posted now and after figuring out how to do it without breaking the text, I added forward links to each chapter for a smoother reading experience.

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