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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 3+4

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 3+4

    As promised, here is the second batch. After a lot of setup Aya‘s adventure now starts in earnest. But is she prepared for the trials ahead?


    Read chapters 1 and 2 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2

    Chapter 3 – The Den of the Lioness

    Aya received the confirmation that she was booked by Dark Temptation via e-mail the next day, just one hour after the message confirming that she was registered at the model agency Chris set her up with. Whoever owed the policeman a favor, was on point. She still had two days to kill somehow, so she continued some unfinished paperwork. You wouldn’t believe it but even a sinful demon of lust had to pay taxes – at least if she wanted to make a living as private investigator. To her greatest relief she got her the broken air conditioner repaired, making it a lot more comfortable in her detective agency.

    “Don’t you dare to fail me again,” she muttered a warning at the machine, knowing full well that it fell on deaf ears. The next breakdown was only another heat wave away.

    She did call Chris a couple of times, pretending to have some questions about the case, but mainly to do small talk and find out more about Katrin. She learned that She and Chris met at a police seminar a few years ago and stayed loosely connected via social media. It was not until a few days ago, that Katrin approached him to ask for his help in her investigation against Dark Temptation. Apparently Katrin was a great marks-woman and a real sports fanatic.

    Aya did some research on her own and found out that her newfound rival almost made it to the national track and field championship once but didn’t attend because of some injury, she suffered a week prior. Other than that, her career seemed to be picture perfect. There was not much to be found about her private life. Her parents died in a car accident, no living relatives and, as she already suspected, Katrin wasn’t in a committed relationship.

    Aya frowned. Something about that woman clearly rubbed her the wrong way and raised her suspicion, but she couldn’t point the finger at it just yet. She wondered if it was just jealousy she felt. The thought seemed ridiculous, but maybe Ramona was right, and she was slowly loosing her inner balance. Well, pondering would get her nowhere, so she dismissed those musings for now.


    Saturday came, and she was supposed to take part in a model workshop taking place in an office building on the outskirts of the city. An hour before, she met Chris and Katrin waiting in a white van not far from the location.

    Aya indeed opted for a slightly less conspicuous outfit this time, with the emphasis on slightly. She chose a skimpy, skin tight black dress that perfectly matched her hair. It put most of her toned thighs on display as well as an ample amount of cleavage. The stunning effect of her legs was emphasized by high-heeled sandals. A gold trimmed purse completed the look. Besides her phone, her lipstick and all the usual stuff, it also contained Ramona’s magic potion, just in case the presence of a dozen young lingerie models gave her any ideas. She did wear a bra this time but went light on make up, expecting to be made up by a professional before the shoot anyway.

    As it turned out, she was not the only one changing her outfit. When Katrin got out of the van she made Aya stop dead in her tracks. The policewoman was wearing her straight light brown hair open this time, which almost reached down to her waist. Some tight-fitting white shorts were riding high on her hips accompanied by a sleeveless pink top with a deep v-neck. Damn, those legs looked just as toned as hers and seemed even longer, despite her only wearing sneakers with no heels at all! Much to Aya’s disapproval the detective’s cleavage made just as much of an impression. This woman really didn’t bring a knife to gun fight this time.

    probably just her sports bra pushing them up, the succubus tried to calm herself. She didn’t succeed. The mere thought of Chris looking at this plunging neckline and these endlessly long legs the whole day, while sitting next to that minx in the confined space of the van, infuriated her. She knew perfectly well how she would kill the time if she was in their place …

    “Good morning Aya”, the federal detective greeted her with faked friendliness, tying her lush mane to a loose ponytail, while at the same time stretching provocatively.

    When Chris jumped out of the van, the succubus didn’t hesitate to retaliate. “Come on, gimme a hug, tiger”, she demanded. It was their usual way of greeting each other but this time she shoved her boobs into his chest much more possessively, making sure he got a good feel of what she had in store for him. He was also dressed leisurely. Apparently both cops were expecting a long and boring observation. While she hugged him, she stared intensely at Katrin whose eyes were throwing daggers at her in return.

    That’s right
    , she thought. If you really want that boy, you have to step up your game even more, Miss FormerTrack and Field Champion.

    “Let’s hop in for a short briefing”, her friend suggested before the situation got any more awkward.

    Inside the van they briefly went over the details. Aya was supposed to infiltrate the lingerie company without raising any suspicion, keeping eyes and ears open. If she somehow got her hands on the new drug it would be of great help, since neither the local police nor the BKA had managed to obtain any samples yet.

    “You have completely free rein, as I know you prefer it”, Chris assured her. “We will stick around but won’t interfere unless you call us. I’d just ask you to wear this earring.”

    He handed an unimposing piece of jewelry to her. „It’s equipped with a homing device. To activate it, you just have to push it a little. It will signal us if you are in trouble. And please Aya, be careful. Their security is armed.”

    His worries were touching, however, bullets weren’t that much of a threat to her. Killing a succubus by violent means was no easy endeavor. The most effective means of ending her physical existence were starving her from sex for a prolonged period of time which would force her to return to the nightmarish realm she was summoned from.

    “All right,” Aya concluded putting these thoughts aside. “Would you be so kind as to help me with this earring?”

    She got up from her seat and bent down to Chris, granting him an unobstructed view on her cleavage. At the same time she was pushing up her rear as close to Katrin’s face as possible. She even pulled up her dress a little, making sure her black thong was showing underneath.

    Stick your big nose right in there
    little Miss Skinny Ass, I dare you.


    The photo shoot took place in the spacious studio on the ground floor of Dark Temptation’s company building. Apart from Aya, fifteen other aspiring models took part. All of them were young and pretty, albeit none of them was in her league when it came to looks. The event started with a small champagne reception. A really handsome guy in an expensive suit gave a short welcome speech to them. He introduced himself as Mark Diener, head of some corporate nonsense and promised to book some of them for the upcoming fashion show next month if company was satisfied with their performance.

    Aya certainly did not plan to wait that long, and if she got her hands on this handsome suit, she didn’t have to. Unfortunately, he disappeared in the elevator before she could approach him. To make matters worse, the photographer was a woman, so she couldn’t just force him to speed things up a bit. She had no choice but to play along for now.

    First she was elaborately styled and made up, together with the other participants. Most of the girls were nervous and excited. Some gave the hot succubus envious glances, but most of them were busy with themselves. For the next few hours Aya stood in front of the camera in her underwear, either alone or together with the other beauties, and she did her best to look sexy. Not that this required much effort. Again and again her thoughts wandered to Chris. If he and Katrin weren’t making out with each other by now, she would have to drag the uptight maiden to a sex therapist. Damn it, why did it even matter to her all of a sudden?

    During a break she overheard some of the girls talking.

    “Believe me or not, I know why they’re recruiting new models,” she heard one say. “Last month one of their girls was found dead again.”

    “Seriously?” asked another woman in disbelief. “Another overdose?”

    “Apparently,” confirmed the first. “I wonder if it was this new stuff? The one the call milk, I mean.”

    “Nah, it’s perfectly save,” claimed a third. “I took a tube of it recently and had the best sex of my life afterwards.”

    “Oh really?” scoffed another. “Like you had any before …”

    The conversation degraded into catty remarks and Aya stopped paying attention. Instead, she took her phone, went to a quiet corner and dialed Chris’ number. It took him an unusually long time to answer.

    “Am I interrupting something?”, she asked suspiciously.

    “N … no,” her friend spluttered. What’s up?”

    “I need you to do some research for me: How many murders and suicides have been reported among the models of Dark Temptation and what was the cause of death. Anything you can find. Send me the results on my phone as soon as you have them.”

    Hopefully this little homework would keep the cop busy for a while. She had decided to give Katrin a head start, but that didn’t mean she had to refrain from putting some obstacles in her path.

    She posed till afternoon before the workshop finally came to an end. Back in her dress, she didn’t went to the exit with the other models, but strolled tantalizingly over to the security guard standing in front of the elevator.

    “Hey big boy,” she addressed him lasciviously. “Had a long day?”

    The man looked at her and nodded, unsure what she was up to. While he stared at her breasts as if hypnotized, she probed his spirit with her mental tendrils, penetrated him and made him submissive. It was a matter of seconds before she had him eating out of the palm of her hand.

    “Is this the security card I need for the doors in this house?” she inquired as she pulled the electronic key from his pocket.

    “Yes, mistress,” he replied well-behaved.

    In praise, she tapped him on his broad chest. “Well done, sailor. Stay on deck for a while, I’ll return it later.”

    When the elevator doors opened, she asked, “Where can I find Mark Diener’s office?”

    “Sixth floor, on the right.”

    Following the description, Aya found her target sitting at his desk. Fortunately, it was late enough that his secretary had already left. She may have caused her some real trouble.

    Of course, he was surprised when she entered his office. Not wasting any time for explanations, she came straight to the point. Taking out her phone from her handbag and showed him the picture of Elena Lyons.

    “I want you to introduce me to this woman.”

    Her dark magic penetrated his mind. To her astonishment though, he stammered out an apology: “I… I can’t, she wouldn’t appreciate it.”

    What? He resisted her? How was that possible? She walked around the desk, threateningly. He tried to get up, but she told him to sit still. This time he obeyed, even though it was more out of fear. He seemed to her like a mouse trapped between a cat and a wall. He just did not know where to go. Aya sulked.

    “You disappoint me, Mark. Do you want to disappoint your mistress?”

    The rebuked man shook his head and nervously adjusted his tie. Beads of sweat stood on his forehead. At least he was under her spell deep enough that he did not attempt to escape. But he was certainly no real help in this state.

    Quickly she searched him for occult talismans and trinkets that could protect him from the power of a succubus. She found none. But what else could be the reason? Of course, not every man was as easily broken as the guard at the elevator. Some had a stronger will, and were harder to subdue. The most difficult were those who were deeply under the erotic influence of another woman, but for this case she was equipped with the right tools.

    With nimble fingers she opened his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Mark’s breath quickened, but he let it happen. Appreciative, she caressed his pecs and stroked his short brown hair, He was quite young and handsome for a head of something. Not as well-built and masculine as Chris but a nice boy toy nonetheless.

    “Is it her?” she asked, pointing towards her phone. “Is she the one you are devoted to?”
    He nodded. “Elena is my mistress.”

    In dispraise, she waggled her index finger, bent over him and breathed into his ear: “Not for much longer.”

    Aya took a step back, peeled off her black dress and threw her bra over his desk lamp.

    “Tell me”, she asked him, “does she look as desirable as me? Do you think she could satisfy you as good as I can?”

    “I… I don’t know.”

    This wasn’t the answer Aya usually got. There was only one explanation: Elena Lyons must have put her own spell on him. She must be a witch or at least equally versed in occult affairs. It didn’t matter, though. Aya was going to break that spell!

    To accomplish this goal she tied Mark’s hands to the chair with his tie. Pleased with her work she sank to her knees in front of him, unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled down his trousers. The bulge in his underpants revealed his horniness. She stroked it once, running her fingernails along the full length which gave him a pleasant shiver and then freed him from this confining garment.

    His cock was no disappointment in length and thickness. She could definitely understand why the queen of the lingerie empire kept him around. Purring like a cat, she slid between his legs and engulfed his hard member with her bountiful breasts. She cupped their sides, pressed them together and began stroking and massaging his manhood in a slow rhythm. Immediately she was rewarded with an audible moan.

    “Shh,” she breathed, sealing her lips with her index finger. “We don’t want to distract your employees from their work, do we?”

    He bit his lip, when she shifted to a faster, more demanding pace. Looking up to him she asked: “Did she ever to this to you?”

    He nodded, muffling another moan.

    “And was she as good at it as I am?”

    “Yesss,” he gasped. “I won’t betray my mis… aw god, you are so hot. Please don’t stop.”

    Aya grinned. Elena turned out to be quite a worthy opponent. She couldn’t wait to meet the blonde in person, but first it was time to get down to business. She slid down further, released his cock from his meaty prison for the moment and started to lick his balls, alternating with gentle love bites to his throbbing shaft and tickling tongue strokes to the head of his cock. At the same time she bend her back, pushing her amazing ass as high in the air, as she could, mesmerizing him with the rocking motion of her hips.

    In her mind she imagined Elena standing next to them right now, begging and threatening him to stay faithful, while calling the succubus names.

    Watch how I titfuck your boy
    , thought Aya. Witness how I give him the blowjob of his lifetime. You have no power over him. He is mine now and mine alone.

    When she felt him approaching the edge, she slowed down, prolonging his pleasure, by taking him between her jugs again.

    “Looks like your valiant little knight found himself surrounded”, she teased him. “Will he go down fighting for a lost cause, or will he pledge allegiance to his new queen?”

    Aya’s mental tendrils were sensing his last defenses crumbling. She took him in deep in her mouth when he came and eagerly swallowed his whole load. When his post orgasmic spasms ceased, she stood up and asked him again: “Who do you obey?”

    He looked at her with glassy eyes uttering the words Aya was expected to hear: “You, mistress. I await your orders.”

    Chapter 4 – Predators

    From the seduced businessman the succubus learned that Elena Lyons, the woman she was looking for, was not in the building right now. However, she was expected later that evening. Dark Temptation held a debaucherous party every month at their headquarters and today was the day. A lot of models and other guests from the fashion industry as well as some local politicians were invited. Her loyal slave didn’t hesitate to put her name on the guest list. The party would take place in the penthouse of the company building just one floor above her and the happy hour had just begun.

    On the way to the elevator Aya checked her phone once more. As it turned out, Chris had already sent her the results of his research half an hour ago. In fact, there had been unnatural deaths among the models of Dark Temptation for months with astonishing regularity. The cause of death was usually drug abuse. However, all further investigations had always been stopped before they really started. The precise time interval of one month, plus or minus three days and the fact that all deaths happened on weekends could not be a coincidence. The suspicion that it had something to do with these parties was compelling.

    The penthouse was well appointed. There was a bar, bar tables and several dimly lit corners with sofas. Disco lights danced through the room and rhythmic music boomed from hidden speakers. Modern art drawings decorated the walls, all inspired by the female anatomy. The predominant color was red. Models stood or sat together in small groups and chatted with each other. These were not the nervous little chicks from the junior workshop, this was clearly the A-team. Wherever Aya looked, her eyes fell on lascivious curves and alluring lips. Her curious looks were answered just as audacious. Some of these women devoured her with their eyes as if she was some sort of exotic dessert. There were also a couple of men among the guests. Most of them she had never seen before, but at least one she recognized as a Berlin prosecutor.

    The penthouse opened to a roof terrace with a large whirlpool. Despite the early evening hour, it was still summery hot outside. Just as she arrived, some of the girls decided to jump into the water with their cocktail dresses on. Drinks and snacks were served. It didn’t escape Aya’s notice that there was a closed door opposite the roof terrace, with two security guards assigned. She would have to investigate It later, as right now she got distracted when two steaming hot brunettes approached her.

    “Hi, I’m Silke, this is Petra,” one of them made the introduction. “We haven’t seen you around before, are you new?”

    “Brand new,” she confirmed. “I’m Aya.”

    “Oh, what a beautiful name,” said the other. “Sounds Arabic, like from One Thousand and One Nights. And what a beautiful body to go with it.” She shifted her weight, slightly touching Aya’s breasts with her own as if by chance. “Mind if we introduce you to everyone?”

    “Not at all”, rejoiced Aya. Had she pressed the wrong button in the elevator and arrived in heaven?

    Thanks to handshakes, cheek kisses, tender hugs and playful flirting, time flew by. It was already getting dark outside and Aya was lolling on one of the sofas with two other beauties when a waitress asked her if she wanted some milk.

    “No thanks,” she replied. “I prefer my bourbon straight.”

    "I mean, if you want some milk.” repeated the waitress, emphasizing the last word. She offered her a small glass tube with a screw cap in which a milky white liquid was sloshing around.

    “Oh”, Aya understood, “most appreciated.”

    This was the sample Chris needed. She took the tube, fetched her purse from under the sofa and stowed it safely.

    “You have to try this,” urged a dutch girl with bleached blond hair, who had been leaning on Aya’s shoulder for a while. “We’re going to have so much fun together.”

    The fair model opened her tube and swallowed the milky liquid in one go. In an instant her look flared up lasciviously.

    “Alright, why the hell not?” decided the succubus and waved the waitress over again.

    “Mine slipped between the cushions,” she apologized, took a second one and emptied it on the spot.

    The taste was slightly sweetish and reminded her vaguely of Ramona’s potions. She was curious how the drug would affect her. Most narcotics had a weakened effect on her demonic physiology – in fact it was damn hard for her to get drunk. In any case, she didn’t expect to feel much.

    How wrong she was! Already after a few seconds she felt a tingling sensation in her groin. It was a spark of lust that quickly escalated into a firestorm of desire. She hardly noticed the slim blonde already nibbling on her ear, when she scanned the room crazed by lust. The models left and right dropped all inhibitions and descended upon each other in a lustful frenzy. Aya felt filled to the brim with sexual power. All these young, tasty bodies around her! She would subdue them, one after the other and make this penthouse her queendom. And then … yes, then she would give in to her dark nature and feast on them till the break of dawn!

    No! The succubus pushed the lecherous lingerie model away and grabbed her temples with both hands. She could not give in to this dark craving. She had to keep her damned appetite in check!

    While Aya was still struggling with the drug, the guarded door, opened and Elena Lyons entered the party, which, of course, had meanwhile turned into a full-fledged orgy. She unerringly spotted Aya in the crowd and waved her over. Grinning with anticipation, the succubus fetched her purse, rose and followed her hostess into the private area of the penthouse.

    The first thing Aya noticed about the mysterious blonde was that the photo she had seen didn’t do her justice. Elena had the body of a goddess for sure. Quite similar in height and proportions to Aya’s it was scantly clad in a tight red dress, even skimpier than that of the succubus as it showed a neckline right down to the navel. Mirroring Aya, Elena’s left arm was completely covered with tattoos, and in addition was her whole left leg from waist to ankles. Hers, however, showed gothic patterns instead of arabian ones.

    When Aya followed her into her private room – a large loft apartment actually, with a round king-size bed, a couch, a soft rug covering the floor and a private elevator door – she was most impressed by the blonde’s exceptional ass. It swayed so seductively, red panties showing with each step, that the succubus could not help but gulp. It was so full, so round, so crisp, she had never seen anything like it aside of her own reflection. And not even that she was sure of anymore.

    The only reason why she didn’t hurl herself at the other women right there and then was that she immediately sensed the stygian aura surrounding her hostess. Suddenly everything made perfect sense: The surprisingly strong spell she had to lift from that stooge, the dead models and the unwillingness of law enforcement to do anything about it. It was all the work of another succubus!

    “So here we are,” Elena said. A barely noticeable Russian accent resonated in her voice. “Sorry to have you waiting, but I had to adjust the loyalty of one of my followers.”

    At a hint from her Mark trotted over, staring at his feet in guilt.

    “You can leave, but know that your punishment will be quite severe.”

    “Yes, mistress,” he murmured submissively and left, closing the door behind him.

    They were alone. Elena’s crystal blue eyes pierced Aya’s brown. Only an arm’s length separated the two women. The blonde’s lips curled slightly in disdain.

    Aya had very rarely met other succubi in her life and in most cases these encounters had been hostile. Her kin consisted of predators who did not tolerate competition in their territory, and she had the distinct feeling that this encounter would not end on friendly terms either.

    “So you call yourself Aya”, the lingerie magnate stated. “Did you think you could just walk in here, poach in my hunting grounds and take over my business? There is only room for one queen, slut.”

    Of course, she recognized the other Aya’s presence as a threat to her reign, and rightfully so. Succubi posed a lethal menace to each other, as if one managed to rob her adversary of her life force, the body of the inferior demoness would soon wither.

    “I’m not here to take over your business,” growled Aya. “I’m here to shut it down. Permanently. I know that you lure your prey in with this drug, only to suck their life out. I’ll make sure you won’t swallow any more innocent girls.”

    “Don’t act so self-righteous,” Elena spat. “You need to feast, just like me. The only difference is that over time I acquired an exquisite taste: I digest only the most beautiful young flowers. When they are just ripe for picking, they taste the best.”

    Elena strutted around her rival to take examine her from all sides. Aya let it happen, although she tightened, readying herself for a potential attack from behind.

    “You, on the other hand,” Elena continued, “look like an alley cat feeding on garbage. I don’t know what wayside wizard summoned you, but he clearly had no taste when it comes to women.”

    “And whoever brought you into being must have been quite distracted with other things.”

    Aya referred to their sizable tattoos of course. In fact, they were not created by injecting ink under a succubus’ skin. If they had, they would have vanished the next day. The images that covered both of their bodies were instead manifestations of random thoughts that had crossed their summoner’s mind during the conjuring. Had the photo shown Elena from her other side, Aya might have been warned early.

    “At least,” Elena shot back, “he had an idea of what a decent ass looks like.”

    She lifted Ayas black dress a little bit to get better view at her derrière, while the latter arched her back to make it pop out even more.

    Aya couldn’t see the blonde’s face but she heard her gasp. Despite that, Elena acted unimpressed. “I mean, this thing is alright,” she said and casually slapped Aya’s buttocks, eliciting a sharp gasp in return. After completely circling the raven-haired succubus, she presented her back to her, lifted her own dress and added, “…but it doesn’t compare to this showpiece."

    Aya could not hold back: she grabbed Elena’s butt and squeezed it hard with both hands. The firmness she felt was incredible.

    “Mmm, not bad”, she purred. “But certainly not as splendid as mine.”

    “Oh yeah?”, Elena replied haughtily. “What do you think would happen, if we rubbed them against each other right now?”

    “I think your puny butt would yield like jello to my superior ass.”

    “Wrong! Your wimpy buns would wrinkle in shame after being bested by my bodacious booty.”

    “Let’s find out”, Aya suggested. “But first let’s get all obstacles out of the way. I don’t want you to have any excuses.”

    She dropped her purse on the rug and her dress right after. Elena stripped down to her bra and panties as well. Apparently she was as obsessed with Aya’s butt as vice versa.

    Without further agreements needed, they lined up back to back and hooked their arms. Both growled when their greatest pride came in contact with its counterpart. They slowly started to rotate their hips in a circular motion, their red and black thongs, deeply pinched between their cheeks, occasionally brushing against each other. The horny women were eagerly watching for the slightest sign, that their adversaries rear was less crisp, less full and less firm, than their own. When they found none, they started to push harder and angrier against each other, desperate to prove their supremacy.

    It came as it had to come: Aya’s heel got stuck in the soft rug causing her to lose balance. A strong butt push from Elena made her stagger and fall onto the couch.

    “See?”, taunted her blonde nemesis. “I told you so. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the two hundred years of my life, it’s that you raven-haired hussies are all bark and no bite.”

    Aya was seething inside. Her mishap had probably more to do with her shoes than with anything else yet it gnawed at her self-confidence. Doubts were starting to creep into her mind. Had she finally met her match? Could the body of her rival really be better than her own? Angrily she kicked of her shoes, while Elana leisurely slipped out of hers.

    “Here is your last warning”, the blonde succubus threatened. “You strayed into a Lion’s den, kitty. Leave now, with you tail between your legs and only your pride will get hurt. Continue to interfere with my business and I will tear you apart.”

    Defiantly Aya rose again. “I’ve dealt with arrogant blonde bitches like you for more than four centuries,” she claimed. “I brought them all to heel.” She unclasped her black bra and threw it away. “So how about you issue your threats to these?”

    Snarling at the sight of her naked boobs, Elena took of her red bra as well. Her bare breasts looked formidable: Perfectly round and no visible sag. They were about the same diameter as Aya’s but didn’t seem to stand out as far. Probably half a cup size smaller, she estimated. I got her beaten at something at last!

    Elena’s reddish brown nipples however appeared to be every bit Aya’s equals. Already extremely stiff, they pointed menacingly at her. Still, Aya was confident her girls could handle them.

    “So you have two hundred years up on me, Granny,” the blonde purred. “Let’s see if you can make up for your inferior looks with practice.”

    The met halfway. The collision of their massive mounds sent electric jolts through their spines. Immediately they applied a tight hug, bringing as much of their bodies into contact as possible.

    Their Tits were mashing, their nipples scraping and their flat bellies bumping into each other. Their thong covered groins were brushing at one another and Aya felt hers moistening quickly. She had already been horny to the brink, when she had entered Elena’s sanctum and her body was aching for release. Not yet, she thought, gritting her teeth. If her rival managed to force to an orgasm she would surely start feasting on her.

    Their heads cheek to cheek, the sexual predators inhaled their foes alluring feminine fragrance.

    “Your odor is so weak”, murmured Elena into Aya’s ear.

    “Not as faint as yours,”

    “When I’m done with you, your remains, will have taken on my scent,” the blonde promised.

    “When I finished you off, this whole room will smell of me,” the dark haired demoness proclaimed.

    They loosened their mutual grip other just enough to stare into each others face, the tips of their noses gently touching. Aya searched for any signs of weakness in Elena’s crystal blue eyes, but they were as determined as ever. She had to shake up her confidence somehow!

    Sensing an opportunity to open a new front, Aya stretched out her tongue, brushing along her rivals crimson lips. A split second later Elena retaliated in kind. Eagerly the accepted the mutual invitation and embraced in a deep wet kiss, their battling tits still pressed together. Their tongues coiled around each other like serpents in their wet cavity of their mouths, each tried to control and subdue the other, seizing it’s lair. Aya considered herself an outstanding kisser, but so was Elena. After almost suffocating each other, the separated on equal terms, strands of saliva still connecting their mouths.

    “You kiss like an old nun”, Elena snarled.

    “You obviously know nothing about nuns,” Aya hissed back. “And if you had kissed me a little deeper, you might still have been able to taste your boy.”

    This blatant bragging about her prior deeds made Elena growl in rage. “I will teach you not to touch my toys!” she spat. Her left hand suddenly slipped underneath Ayas thong, inserting no less than three fingers at one into her slick vulva.

    “Ooooh!” moaned Aya, unprepared for the sudden penetration. There was no time for proper retaliation – her foe fingered her overexcited sex so expertly, she would come in seconds. Desperately she shoved Elena back, sending her crashing onto the couch. Although this time it was her, who lost balance, it still felt like a victory for the blonde.

    Lasciviously Elena removed her thong while Aya still tried to regain control of her arousal. She then spread her legs in front her raven-haired rival revealing a big glistering shaven cunt. Aya watched in awe, as Elena spread her outer cuntlips revealing her womanhood in all its majestic glory. Finally, she lowered her left hand, which was still dripping with Ayas juices and rubbed it into her wet sex.

    “My hungry little beast down there has tasted you blood”, she whispered. “Now it wants more.”

    “It will get more, than it can chew”, Aya promised. Seductively she stripped off her thong and revealed a pussy just as big and beautiful. She then threw the soaked garment at Elena.

    “Have a noose full of my own beast’s strong musk. It’s unleashed now and ready to pounce on you.”

    The blonde caught it and sniffed at it with delight. “Mmm, the scent of prey”, she teased, casually discarding the piece.

    Aya growled at the insult. This woman was really getting under her skin. But she was still confident, as had yet to meet a bitch she couldn’t fuck into submission.

    Moaning in anticipation she lowered herself down on the blonde, who readily accepted the bottom position and spread her legs wide. They did not waste any time: aligning their snatches carefully, the started to rock their hips in a frantic rhythm. Each sex organ tried to suck the other in, to swallow it whole, to force it into submission, but again they were too evenly matched. The lust crazed predators stepped up their game by fondling each other’s tit’s while uttering increasingly high pitched moans. Aya’s huge, hard clit emerged from its hood, joining the fray, just to be met by head on Elena’s large, swollen sex nub.

    The raven-haired demoness couldn’t remember ever being that aroused. Damn, she started this confrontation aroused beyond believe, thanks to that vile drug and it only went up from there. When the orgasm finally approached, her whole body started to tremble. She knew it was to late, she knew she couldn’t hold it back, but she could sense that Elena was close the edge as well, so she kept on pushing clinging to the last straw of sanity.

    It was not enough. Her vagina contracted and she started to gush uncontrollably. “Oh fuck! Oh fuuuuck!”, Aya cried. “You sexy bitch! I’m cumming, I’m cumiiiing!”

    Seizing the opportunity, Elena toppled her over, sending them both down on the soft rug. The blonde quickly reversed their positions, taking the top one and continued to grind her cunt eagerly. With her steaming juices Aya felt something else leaving her body. It was the dark current of her very life essence that was sucked out of her by the dominant succubus atop her. And as long as her orgasm lasted, she couldn’t stop her from doing so. It was a deeply humiliating feeling to get bested at her own game by someone who was even more adept at it. To get fed upon while she was supposed to be the apex predator.

    When she looked up to Elena, the other succubus had her eyes closed in bliss. Meanwhile, her body changed. In order to feed, a succubus had to reveal her true form. Two Short thick red horns about the size of a coffee cup were rapidly growing out of her forehead, a smooth tail, about the length of her forearm waggled behind her ass and huge red bat-like wings were unfolding on her back.

    “No! Oh no!”, Elena suddenly howled and Aya realized that she was coming as well. Hot lubricant was gushing back into her defeated cunt and with it came the opportunity to feed. She didn’t hesitate and took back what been taken from her and then some, growing her own horns, tail and wings, in her case all colored black.

    When their mutual orgasm subsided, so did the dark current between them. Both women lay on their backs breathing heavily.

    “Your life force tastes like stale wine, bitch”, Elena complained. “When did you feast the last time? Before the war?”

    “And yours tastes like cotton candy”, Aya returned. “Maybe you should spice up your flower diet with something substantial.”

    “Oh, don’t worry, cunt: I’m about to!”

    With that Elena interlocked her legs with those of Aya, pinning them both on the floor. Then her smooth agile tail slipped into the dripping wet pussy of her raven haired rival eliciting a surprised moan.

    “Get you filthy tail out of me” Aya demanded, “or my cunt will bite it off.”

    “My tail is not scared of your feeble twat!”

    The slippery intruder started to snake across her vulva gently whipping her clitoris and to dart in and out her vagina with ardent zeal. Aya’s cunt had so far been able to control every cock that dared to enter it but just couldn’t get a hold of this brazen interloper.

    Not to be outdone, Aya used her own tail to attack her enemy’s orifice. However, it soon became clear, that she was not as proficient with it. Not having fucked in this form for so long had put her out of practice and Elena was pushing her towards her next orgasm much faster then Aya did in return.

    “Your sexual prowess is most disappointing”, Elena taunted her. “You are a disgrace for our kin.”

    Aya desperately tried to delay the inevitable, to break free from her tormentors vice-like legs, but in her lust crazed state she just couldn’t muster the strength. The next orgasm swapped through her and this time her opponent did not expose herself.

    Like all succubi Elena was an expert in prolonging her prey’s climax in order to feed on it as long as possible. She devoured nearly all Aya had to give and didn’t take a break after. She rolled her exhausted victim around, mounted her from behind and proceeded to take her doggy style. While her nimble tail continued to caress her throbbing cunt, her hands groped Ayas sensitive tits and fondled them skillfully.

    There was nothing she could do. She was to worn out, to depleted from stopping the blonde ravishing her, who in turn rejuvenated herself with every bit of life force she took. Her Foe had proven to be the dominant demoness and Aya was going to pay the ultimate price for it.

    When she was completely emptied, all her vital power sucked away from her, the victress got up, planted a foot an Ayas naked butt and declared: “You’re done. Your body was no match for mine. Within an hour it will decay to dust and you’ll be gone from this world. Be grateful to spend your last minutes in the presence of a better woman.”

    Trough glassy eyes Aya watched her nemesis made her way to the bed, picking up a phone from the bedside table and dialed a number, her demonic features slowly disappearing into thin air as did Aya’s own.

    However, in her case the rest of her body would soon follow. Her once taut skin already started to wrinkle, her usually toned muscles turning flabby. Aya was about to accept her fate when she noticed her purse lying right next to her. A single thought rushed into her mind: Ramona’s potion! Bottled up sexual energy. Not enough to continue fighting, but enough to sustain her a little longer at least.

    While she stretched out her arm and opened the zipper with trembling fingers, Elena was talking to someone on the phone, her back turned towards her: “Yes, bring a large plastic bag. I want this filth and all her belongings removed from my rug. No you don’t have to make it look like an accident this time. Just drop her in the trash. Trust me, no one will find her. No one will even miss her.”

    A few minutes later some thugs appeared and carried out her mistress orders. They bagged a seemingly lifeless Aya took her downstairs with the elevator and threw her in the trash bin behind the building. Inside her dark sheath the battered succubus pushed the emergency button on her earring.

    Continue with chapters 5+6: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 5+6

    - - - Updated - - -

    The situation looks grim for our heroine now. Did she bit of more than she could chew? Will anyone come for the rescue in time? What do you think?
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 2nd, 2022 at 07:57 AM. Reason: added forward link

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 3+4

    Absolutely great work. The tone, premise and dialogue al make it seem like this is what a story collab between JB and myself would be like. The buildup is perfect and the action is well worth it.

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