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Thread: Divisions: Prologue

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Divisions: Prologue

    Two days had passed since Vanessa’s third loss in a row to Jasmine and she found herself feeling much more sore about it than she anticipated she would. This time, Jasmine did not rely on her rage. It was gone. Even after Vanessa threatened to have sex with Ben, Jasmine still kept her cool and focus and once again came out victoriois. Now, all doubt had been erased and the case was closed. Jasmine was the better nympho. Vanessa tried not to be too bitter about it, especially since the squad had just gone through a great deal of turmoil but she could not help herself.

    If that wasn’t bad enough, Chief Rodrick Ames, having just turned 60, was retiring from the force. Vanessa found herself missing him, surprisingly. He had been Chief since long before Vanessa was even a cadet. He was a good man but he was also rather lecherous and Vanessa, being the only woman on the force until recently and also being drop dead gorgeous, had him wrapped around her little finger. Vanessa cared about her work and was a firm believer in doing the right thing but she wasn’t above using her looks to get him to do what she wanted.

    For example, Task Force 732’s methods and relationships amongst each other were…unprofessional to put it mildly but Ames turned the other cheek. Not only because the girls were all irresistible beauties but because he also knew that their methods worked and how good they are at their jobs. Hell, if it wasn’t for him partnering up Vanessa and Holly to investigate the burglaries, 732 would not even exist. Vanessa owed him for that and she knew it but he was gone now and she would miss him.

    His replacement was a woman. A 40 year old named Tamara Colby. That’s what the email said, anyway. Vanessa hadn’t seen what she looked like but she was already dreading the meeting. She worried that Tamara would be some strict, ballbusting drill sergeant and lecture Vanessa about her team’s unorthodox nature. Last thing she needed was some middle-aged bitch wagging a finger in her face. Vanessa may be a nympho but she was still a dedicated officer of the law and she would not tolerate anyone questioning her commitment to her job. She was summoned to the Chief’s office that day to meet her new boss. She took a big, deep breath before opening the door and finding the chair turned around the desk like some cliche movie scene. Vanessa closed the office door.

    “Have a seat, Vanessa.” A silky smooth, low and sultry voice said. It almost gave Vanessa chills.

    The brunette silently did as she asked, feeling like she was in the principal’s office, which she sort of was and the chair turned around, revealing Chief Tamara Colby in all of her glory. What Vanessa saw stunned her. This amazing specimen of beauty was 40 years old? She could easily pass for around Vanessa and Jasmine’s age of 28. 30 at the absolute oldest. She was a black woman. Dark, chocolatey skin, full luscious lips, long, sharp nails, piercing dark brown eyes with a sultry expression. She had long, dark, raven hair tied up in a stereotypical, secretary-like bun on her head and like Vanessa, she wore small, sassy-looking glasses on her sexy face. Her body was hidden beneath her formal uniform but Vanessa could just feel it in her loins that she had an amazing set under there.

    Vanessa had more than her fair share of encounters with beautiful women but something about Tamara just sent chills down her spine in a way she had not felt since she first scuffled with Jasmine in her rage mode. Something about her just felt…overwhelming. Like she was in the presence of a Goddess and going off of appearances alone, Tamara certainly fit the bill.

    “You wanted to see me about something?” Vanessa asked, trying to hide how shook she was.

    “Yes, dear.” Tamara answered sweetly. “You are the founder and leader of this “Task Force 732”, correct?”

    “That’s right.” Vanessa answered.

    “Oh, relax, dear.” Tamara said. “I’m aware of what your team does and I have no problem with it whatsoever.”

    “Really?” Vanessa asked, instantly relieved.

    “Of course not.” Tamara confirmed. “It’s an understatement to call your style unorthodox but you get the job done and it’s all perfectly legal. Some puritanical types might call it unprofessional or unbecoming of law enforcement but sometimes, cutting red tape is necessary.”

    “Well, I’m glad you see it that way, ma’am.” Vanessa said.

    “Well, it would be rather…hypocritical of me to criticize your methods, anyway.” Tamara said with a somewhat seductive tone.

    “Oh?” Vanessa asked. She had a feeling that this Goddess played the game.

    “Yes but onto other matters.” Tamara said, changing the subject. “I’m sorry to say but there are other concerns about 732 that I do have…Particularly concerning your partner, Jasmine.”

    “What about her?” Vanessa asked. “Is it about her criminal past?”

    “Oh, no.” Tamara clarified. “I know all about that. She was a victim from the beginning and she more than made up for what she did by putting away Sabrina not once but twice. Besides, any woman who would put herself through all of that for love is worth having on the force.”

    “What about her then?” Vanessa asked.

    “I quite frankly have nothing but good things to say about her.” Tamara continued. “She clearly carries the entire squad on her back…amongst other things.”

    Vanessa took slight offense to that. It was unarguably true that Jasmine has done a lot for the team but that comment felt uncalled for.

    “I’ll be frank.” Tamara said in a more direct tone. “I think Jasmine should be the leader of 732 instead of you.”

    “What?!” Vanessa asked defensively.

    “Easy, dearie.” Tamara said. “It’s amongst you girls to decide what’s best in the end but I just gave you my recommendation…As your boss, I might add.”

    “You may be Chief but you just got here!” Vanessa argued. “And 732 wouldn’t even exist if it wasn’t for me! It was my idea in the first place! I even came up with the name!”

    “True.” Tamara said. “However, your little blonde friend was the one to propose that you…”negotiate” with Jasmine and Nicole while you wanted to book them on the spot.”

    “Okay, so?” Vanessa asked with a flustered and angry look on her face.

    “My point is that Jasmine is quite clearly the best “negotiator” on your team.” Tamara said. “She truly just seems like the best girl for the job.”

    “And I’m no good?” Vanessa asked.

    “I never said that, dear.” Tamara argued.

    “No, you just said I’m not as good as Jasmine.” Vanessa said.

    “Am I wrong?” Tamara asked.

    Vanessa flashed back to her three fights with Jasmine all ending in humiliating defeats as well as her match with Sabrina in the tunnels that ended with the orange-haired cunt cheating and drugging her. Vanessa gained a sad look on her face.

    “Look, hun.” Tamara said in a sympathetic tone. “You’re a dedicated officer and your girls clearly seem to respect your leadership. Not to mention that you helped get Jasmine out of her rut but all four of you need to think this through and do what’s best. You’re police officers first and you need to get your priorities straight.”

    “Do you have any other point in saying this?” Vanessa asked.

    “Yes.” Tamara said. “I have a new assignment coming in for your team…and depending on how well you handle it, I may change my mind about you.”

    “Bring it on.” Vanessa said.

    “You may not want to get too cocky yet.” Tamara advised. “Your targets on this assignment are a group that you unfortunately are quite familiar with.”

    Vanessa was confused by this for a moment until the repressed memories began to come back and she gained a nervous and shocked expression.

    “You…don’t…mean…” Vanessa began.

    “Yes.” Tamara interrupted. “The Las Brujas.”

    Those words felt like a shot through Vanessa’s bountiful chest. Vanessa was very, VERY familiar with that name, no matter how hard she tried to forget. The Las Brujas, Spanish for “The Witches” are a Mexican, all-female drug cartel known for their unusual and succubus-like methods. They are renowned for being seductive femme fatales and nymphomaniacs with Libertine views on life. They are known for kidnapping girls and using them as sex slaves until they become just as hedonistic and twisted as they are. That’s their favorite method of recruiting. While they prefer seduction and sexuality as their primary weapons, they are more than happy to engage in violence when necessary. They are still narcos, after all.

    Their leader is a deeply mysterious and enigmatic woman known only as “La Malvada”. The Wicked. Rumors of her are plenty but no one knows who she is, what she looks like, where she came from or even if La Malvada actually exists or is just propaganda. The Brujas gained their name for their alluring, femme fatale personas but also their typical cartel ruthlessness. They are known all being very beautiful and voluptuous women that would drop any man’s tongue down to the floor. Even women who swear on their heterosexuality are known for being unable to resist their charms.

    Vanessa very much had a history with this group from long ago and no amount of booze has been able to make those memories go away completely. Now, she had to confront them once again and she wasn’t sure if she was ready for that. Tamara clearly wanted to test her, though and she would not back down. She would have to face some personal demons for this one but she knew she couldn’t keep running away forever.

    “What is this assignment?” Vanessa asked, sounding as tough and professional as she could.

    “Glad to see you’re on board.” Tamara said. “Our girl on the inside of the cartel says that two of Malvada’s personal sicarias are in town for something. We just don’t know what. It could be an alliance with another group, it could be a personal vacation or something else. Their names are La Rubia, The Blondie and La Morena, The Brunette.”

    “And you want us to bust them?” Vanessa asked.

    “That’s right, dear.” Tamara confirmed. “Until recently, you were the only woman here and no man can resist the allure of Las Brujas. I’m counting on “The G-Cup Brigade” to beat those whores at their own game.”

    “We’ll do it.” Vanessa said firmly. “Anything else?”

    “Nothing yet.” Tamara said. “Our insider will give me more info as time goes on and I’ll let you know when to strike. However, I feel I should warn you, Nessa…”

    Vanessa rolled her eyes at that pet name.

    “I know of your history with the Brujas and I know it’s a sore spot for you.” Tamara said in a surprisingly gentle voice. “I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times but…It wasn’t your fault.”

    “Yes…It was…” Vanessa said sadly.

    “Regardless, can I count on you to prove me wrong about you?” Tamara asked.

    Vanessa’s expression turned from regret to one of slyness.

    “Why don’t I prove you wrong right here and right now?” Vanessa asked rhetorically as she began to unzip her top and show off her impressive cleavage.

    Tamara just laughed.

    “Oh, dearie…” Tamara said condescendingly. “You have no idea how out of your league you are. Besides, this isn’t the time or place for that. Save yourself the embarrassment.”

    “What’s the matter, boss?” Vanessa asked mockingly. “Too afraid to put your money where your mouth is?”

    Tamara sighed and got up, sexily strutting towards the younger woman. With a closer look, Vanessa could easily tell that Tamara was a G cup at the very least. Tamara got up close to the brunette and in an inhumanely swift motion, the dark-skinned Goddess grabbed Vanessa’s face with both hands and slammed her mouth into Vanessa’s, forcing her tongue down her throat. Vanessa was caught totally off guard and within seconds, she could easily put Tamara as the best kisser she ever had. Even above Jasmine. As Tamara’s tongue violated her mouth, the brunette felt as if her very soul was being sucked out. Just ten seconds of dominant making out was enough to make Vanessa fall to her knees out of her chair, panting and hyperventilating just as hard as she was after her last defeat at Jasmine’s hands.

    She knew that Tamara wasn’t making idle threats. This woman was far beyond what she could ever have imagined. She looked up at the ebony beauty, who just smiled down at her just as sweetly as before.

    “If you want, sweetheart, we can do more sometime.” Tamara said. “For now, though, we have a job to do.”

    Vanessa got up and regained her control. Normally, she’d take up that offer but what Tamara just did shook her to her very core. She could tell that attempting to take her on was the equivalent of a fennec fox trying to bring down an elephant. This woman was pure nympho to her very bones.

    “Yes.” Vanessa said, still slightly flustered. “I’ll go home and tell the others about the assignment…Thank you.”

    “Anytime, Nessa.” Tamara said, sweetly as she smiled.

    Vanessa left the room, her mind and heart racing. This was just what she needed right now. She had to get it together for the sake of everything she believed in but she didn’t know how…And she was beginning to get desperate…

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    Senior Hostboard Member cc25's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Prologue

    Good continuing saga. Can't wait what happens next

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Prologue

    Looks really promising! To my shame, I did not read any prequel in this installment. What is the best place to start with?

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Prologue

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Looks really promising! To my shame, I did not read any prequel in this installment. What is the best place to start with?
    The order goes like this:
    Cops and Robbers
    Sun, Sand and Surf
    Rage VS Rage
    732 Forever
    Return of the Queen
    Ben’s Special Day

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Prologue

    Your new saga looks to be VERY good ! Excellent start !!
    It reminds me of the first chapter of the same saga. Not an erotic scene (only a kiss) but very well written.

    The only weak ((Imho) point :
    Vanessa challenged Tamara to a s3xfight and Tamara reacted by kissing her. Even if they were “too close” before Tamara to be the boss (they weren’t), it was not the time and the place for this behavior.

    However, I loved it!

    The chapter was a VERY well-written non-erotic scene, a very interesting prologue to what will happen next. It is a very promising start for a new saga of the 732.

    It may hide a surprise. But if I am right, I do not mention it. No spoilers ! besides, I may be wrong.

    I also hope ALL of them to have a s3xfight with Tamara, under different conditions. They have to meet the new boss but , also, in a hot way !! Their p@ssies have to meet Tamara's p@ssy ! LOL Just woman vs woman in a s3xfight. To also face the new villains in hot s3xfights.

    That’s all. You keep the pen. You decide.

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Prologue

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Your new saga looks to be VERY good ! Excellent start !!
    It reminds me of the first chapter of the same saga. Not an erotic scene (only a kiss) but very well written.

    The only weak ((Imho) point :
    Vanessa challenged Tamara to a s3xfight and Tamara reacted by kissing her. Even if they were “too close” before Tamara to be the boss (they weren’t), it was not the time and the place for this behavior.

    However, I loved it!

    The chapter was a VERY well-written non-erotic scene, a very interesting prologue to what will happen next. It is a very promising start for a new saga of the 732.

    It may hide a surprise. But if I am right, I do not mention it. No spoilers ! besides, I may be wrong.

    I also hope ALL of them to have a s3xfight with Tamara, under different conditions. They have to meet the new boss but , also, in a hot way !! Their p@ssies have to meet Tamara's p@ssy ! LOL Just woman vs woman in a s3xfight. To also face the new villains in hot s3xfights.

    That’s all. You keep the pen. You decide.
    I have the whole thing planned out. You’ll see.

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