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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogue

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogue

    The grand finale is coming, but first some mysteries must be unraveled in these last two chapters of the story. Enjoy!

    Read chapter 1+2 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 1+2
    Read chapter 3+4 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 3+4
    Read chapter 5+6 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 5+6

    Chapter 7 – The Head of the Snake

    When Aya came home on Sunday morning, the first thing she did was to take a long shower and then she dropped into bed to sleep the rest of the day away. It wasn’t until Monday that she crawled out of bed again, made herself a cup of coffee, and thought about her situation.

    In the course of one day, she had clashed with not one but two powerful rivals, one of them twice. She almost died, but instead she had become the slave of an attractive angel who had pretended to be an ordinary policewoman. All in all, not the best outcome, but at least the sex had been out of this world.

    Her scratches and bruises had disappeared overnight, thanks to her demonic regeneration, and even her battered breasts looked like new again. Gently she cupped them and spoke encouragement to her cherished girls, “You fought well. Next time we’ll get her.”

    Whether there would be a next time, however, was entirely up to her new mistress. That was what bothered Aya the most. With Elena, she was more or less even and should they meet again, well, then it would finally become clear which of them was the better succubus, the better woman, the better fuck!

    With Katrin, however, things were different. She had tricked her and Aya would only get revenge if this arrogant bitch granted it to her. More likely, she would use her newfound power over the subjugated succubus to humiliate her further.

    And then there was Chris. He had already sent her five text messages, and twice he had tried to call her. Whenever she reached for the phone to answer him, her mistress’ command mercilessly overrode her free will and held her back. She was like a prisoner in her own body. Nothing stopped the cherub from enslaving her in this way for all eternity.

    At least she hadn’t forbidden her to read his messages, so she knew he was fine and not angry with her. Just pretty confused. She couldn’t blame him. Quite possibly Katrin was making a pass at him again at that very moment, and there was nothing she could do about it. Aya clenched her fists. In a fair competition this bitch would never have gotten him, that much was certain!

    But what happened, had happened, and there was no denying that she had abused him. Maybe it was better if she never saw him again … Usually, when sher mood was that low, she went to a club and looked for a one-night stand to clear her head. But she wasn’t able to do that either, since her mistress had ordered her to stay at home. Darn it!

    Thus, it was almost a relief when Katrin finally called her Wednesday morning.

    “I have the results of the toxicological analysis,” she announced. “Nothing that helps us. Apparently, one of the components of milk is actually milk. That of a woman, to be precise. There were also a lot of weird biomolecules and DNA from various plants and animals found in it. No evidence of narcotic, hallucinogenic, or even libido-enhancing properties, though. You had a witch in mind who might be able to help?”

    “I do, her store is only a short drive away.”

    “All right, I’ll be at your place in ten minutes to pick you up.”

    Aya was surprised to see Katrin driving a vintage Porsche cabriolet. She had rather expected an inconspicuous mid-range model from Volkswagen. She watched from the window as her mistress parked, lifted her sunglasses and looked around. Irritated she reached for the phone and called Aya.

    “I’m waiting, where are you? Need an extra minute to cover up your bruises?”

    “Do I have my mistress’ permission to leave my apartment?” she asked back.

    “Of course," Katrin replied, “Why wouldn’t you?”

    “Because you ordered me to stay home?”

    Down in the parking lot, Katrin gestured wildly with her arms. “All I meant by that was that you should stay out of trouble. Of course you can leave your apartment to run errands or have some fun. I never intended to ground you.”

    If looks could kill, Katrin would be burned in her cabriolet right now. “I’m coming down,” she grumbled.

    Aya had chosen a rather modest outfit by her standards: a black miniskirt and a tight yellow top with a deep V-neck, along with simple but elegant sandals without overly high heels. Katrin seemed to have discovered her wild side to some extent and had appeared in a very similar outfit: Her miniskirt was white and her top lavender, but surprisingly it was just as low-cut as that of the succubus.

    As Aya settled into the passenger seat, both women appraised each other from top to bottom. The succubus immediately noticed that Katrin’s breasts must have recovered as quickly from their titfight as hers had. Regeneration seemed to be a common trait between demons and angels.

    Damn, they look even more appetizing in sunlight
    , she thought, catching herself chewing on her lower lip. At the same time, she noticed Katrin doing the same.

    “Don’t you have something less slutty to wear?” the caught cherub asked.

    “It’s summer,” Aya complained, “Am I supposed to walk around in a winter coat? And besides, take a look in the mirror.”

    “Well, I am your mistress and in my presence you should dress properly,” she mused.

    “Is that an order?”

    “No, just some good advice. When these take the stage,” she pointed to her breasts, “those washed-up jubblies,” she pointed at Aya’s, “better not try to steal their thunder. Otherwise, I can’t guarantee their safety.”

    She gave her co-driver a smug grin and started the Porsche.

    “I’ll keep that in mind,” Aya replied, trying not to let on how much this prospect excited her. Maybe she would get her revenge sooner than she thought.


    When they arrived at Ramona’s store, the witch was packing some tourists’ trinkets into bags. When she saw Aya and her company enter, she quickly complemented her customers out of the store.

    “Ramona, this is Katrin, Katrin, this is Ramona,” the succubus introduced them to each other. “Better turn the sign on the door, we need your help.”

    “You do realize that means a potential loss of earnings for me,” the redhead complained with a wink, but did as instructed. “Those silly Americans just dropped over a hundred bucks on worthless plastic charms from a 3D printer. Can you believe it?”

    Katrin, meanwhile, looked around skeptically and said, “Doesn’t look like a real witch store to me.”

    “Well,” Aya replied, giving Katrin a frosty glare. “Not everything is as it seems, is it? Let’s go to the back.”

    Ramona led the way and ushered the two visitors into her alchemy kitchen, her spicy perfume tickling Aya’s nostrils.

    “Don’t say a word,” the witch spoke when she arrived in the back room, “I can guess what it’s all about.”

    “Oh really?” a puzzled Aya asked.

    Ramona nodded eagerly and then turned to Katrin with an almost imploring gesture. “If you really want it, I can help you, but it will come with some unpleasant side effects, so please think about it carefully first. Honestly, no one needs to be bothered just because their nose is a tiny bit too large.”

    Aya snorted with laughter. The look on Katrin’s face alone was gold. “We’re not here for you to shrink her nose,” she giggled, “She likes that schnoz the way it is.”

    “Really?” asked Ramona doubtfully. “Well, if my nose was that big, it would bother me …”

    “Now, listen…” Katrin got upset, but the witch didn’t let her finish, “No sweat, no sweat! Nobody’s going to notice it anyway, as gorgeous as you look. I mean those breasts alone! If I had such things … I could maybe even beat Aya in a titfight.”

    The sassy succubus’ expression froze abruptly.

    Now it was Katrin’s turn to land a side blow, “You bet.”

    “Not if you fight fair,” Aya objected angrily, which Katrin only commented on with a derisive snort.

    Ramona looked from one to the other in confusion, then her lower jaw dropped with the sudden realization.

    “Woah!” she uttered sheepishly. “I guess I’d better shut up.”

    “We’re here to have you analyze a liquid for us,” Aya explained as Katrin handed the tube to the witch. “I believe it is related to the mixture you always prepare for me, so I don’t have to feed, but its effects are far more potent and short-term.”

    “Um, yes the mixture … to lose weight!”, Ramona stammered, reading the situation completely wrong again. Turning to Katrin, she explained, “You see, Aya here wants to lose a few kilos.” She turned to the succubus again patting her friends perfectly flat belly, “Don’t worry, you’ll have your bikini shape by Christmas.”

    “Ramona,” Aya called her to her senses. “She knows.”

    “I see,” the witch replied embarrassed. “Why wouldn’t she? Given how close you seem to know each other. Well then, let us begin.”

    With that, she opened the glass tube and sprinkled a drop on her tongue before her two visitors could protest or even stop her.

    “Indeed, tastes slightly familiar. Definitely salamander tails,” Ramona murmured while sucking on her tongue. “Plus mandrake root, toad slime, some dissolved spider silk as a stabilizer, and a hint of peppermint. That one’ s probably just for flavor.”

    “Impressive,” Katrin praised her. “The crime lab didn’t find out much more than that, and they sat on it for two days.”

    Ramona meanwhile dripped a second drop onto her tongue and proceeded to list half a dozen further ingredients. “Whew,” she said after she finished. “You’re right, the effects kick in fast, I can already feel my nipples hardening. This is not for providing a sustained base level of sexual energy. If I had taken the whole dose, I’d probably be humping my floor lamp by now.”

    “Any idea who might have made this?” asked Aya curiously.

    Ramona shrugged her shoulders in confusion. “The mixing ratio is different, but it’s clearly based on my family recipe. However, only two people know it. Me …”

    “… and your mother,” Aya completed the sentence.

    “But she ran off with Prince Charming to some tropical island,” Ramona explained. “That doesn’t make any sense.”

    “Can we be sure of that?” pondered Aya, “Do you happen to have some of her personal belongings around? Something that connects to two of you and that you can use to scry for her?”

    “Yes, just a second!”

    Ramona hurried over to a dresser full of vials and began rummaging frantically through a drawer. “There it is!”

    She presented a small pendant attached to a leather strap. “The first amulet she gave me when I was a little girl. Its magic is long since depleted, but never had the heart to throw it away.”

    “Perfect,” Aya rejoiced, “do you have a map somewhere?”

    Ramona looked at her as if she had asked an incredibly stupid question. Instead of answering, she dropped to a cross-legged position in the middle of her alchemist’s kitchen and placed her phone on the floor in front of her. She dangled the amulet over the screen and began speaking words in a language Aya did not understand. Instead, the succubus felt a slight supernatural tingle in the tips of her hair, while the pendant magically lifted, hanging almost horizontally in the air on a taut strap in defiance of gravity.

    The resourceful witch swiped on her screen with her free hand and the pendant sank towards the center again, only to swing out on the other side shortly after. She quickly swiped back and forth, zooming in and out, which the amulet acknowledged with ever wilder circular movements. Finally, she had found the place where the wanted person was staying, which was evident from the pendant hanging motionless.

    Aya leaned forward to see something. “Where is that supposed to be?”

    “Here in Germany,” Ramona revealed. “An industrial area near Frankfurt. Why didn’t she tell me she was back in the country?”

    Maybe because she had secretly established a drug empire
    ? The thought seemed absurd to Aya. She believed she knew Ramona’s mother well enough to rule that out.

    “Perhaps she’s not staying there voluntarily,” Katrin speculated. “I’m going to get a search warrant and take a closer look.”

    “A search warrant?” asked Aya in disbelief. “We’re going to lose days! The trail is hot. We’ ll be there in four hours by train.”

    “And then what?” snapped Katrin back. “Rush in with no plan and guns blazing?”

    “We don’t need a plan,” Aya replied with a wolfish grin. “And no guns. We have a succubus!”

    She could see gears turning behind Katrin’s forehead. “I’ll order the tickets,” the guardian angel decided.


    An hour later, they were sitting in the ICE Berlin-Frankfurt. The high-speed train would travel straight to their destination without stopping. They sat across to each other in a compartment for six people, the other four seats were empty.

    At first, they just sat there in silence, admiring each other’s undeniable beauty, while at the same time mentally assuring themselves that they could outmatch the other in every conceivable category. There was a difficult-to-judge mixture between attraction and animosity in the air between them that could tip either way at any moment. Aya needed clarity.

    “So,” the succubus brought it up at one point, “how serious is this thing between you and Chris?”

    Katrin looked out the window thoughtfully for a moment before answering. “Chris is technically just a friend. He’s a good man and yes, a pretty attractive one as well, but ultimately I’m more into women. I seduced him primarily to keep him away from you.”

    The revelation took a heavy load off Aya’s mind. Even though she usually found a bit of jealousy quite stimulating, too much of it could poison even the heart of a succubus.

    “Then would you allow me to write him a message? I just want to let him know I’m sorry.”

    Katrin looked at her with narrowed eyes. "I’m still making up my mind about that. You’re the most interesting demon I’ve met so far, but I can’t yet judge how far I can trust you."

    “Maybe you shouldn’t always chop their heads off right away.”

    “Yes, maybe,” Katrin contemplated, “Perhaps I should get this Elena as an additional slave. You two would complement each other nicely. My own little demon harem, how about that?”

    Aya snorted. “That bitch and I can’t coexist in the same room without going at each other’s throats. Besides, she can’t offer you anything I couldn’t.”

    With that, Aya gently touched Katrin’s calf with her own. The angel sucked in her breath in surprise, but allowed herself to enjoy the touch. Moreover, Katrin slipped off her sandals and let her right foot slowly travel up Aya’s leg, which gave the succubus pleasant goose bumps.

    “And what can you offer me?” purred Katrin with anticipation.

    “Anything my mistress wishes,” Aya breathed lasciviously, and matched her efforts. Skillfully she slipped her toes under the short skirt of the horny angel, who did not take long to return the favor.

    “I hope you brought a spare pair of panties,” Aya teased her. “Because this one will be soaked by the time we get to Frankfurt.”

    “Not as soaked as yours,” Katrin answered the challenge. “After four hours with me, they’ll have to carry you off the train because you can’t walk straight.”

    “And you won’t be able to stand upright all week after I’m done with you,” the succubus countered. Perhaps, she began to hope, this pact wouldn’t be as bad as the last two …

    Just as their long sexy legs really started rubbing against each other, they were interrupted by an announcement: Passengers were informed that due to the cancellation of a previous connection, their train would be making an unscheduled stop, picking up passengers, and would probably become very crowded.

    “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Aya cursed in disappointment. The rest of the ride would be pure torture.


    They reached their destination in the late afternoon. It was a relatively small chemical laboratory in a huge industrial park that housed dozens of similar companies. Only the security was unusually high, but that worked to their advantage. The security guards, all men, fell under Aya’s spell one by one and willingly helped them to disable all technical systems as well as to keep the few female employees in check.

    They seemed to have hit the jackpot, as they found dozens of coolers within the facility, each filled with hundreds of vials of milk. In a well-equipped basement laboratory, they finally met Veronika Ivanescu, Ramona’s mother. She was overjoyed to see Aya and immediately flung her arms around the succubus, tears of joy on her face.

    “Aya? Is it really you? Have you come to rescue me? Is Ramona all right?”

    “Everything will be fine,” Aya assured her, pushing the red-haired witch a bit away from her after a heartfelt embrace. “But you have some explaining to do. First of all, what you’re doing here while your daughter thinks you ran off to the Caribbean with some millionaire.”

    While Katrin stepped next to her and skeptically crossed her arms in front of her chest, Aya took a closer look at her old friend. Even at a little over forty, Veronika was definitely still a MALF: a mother Aya loved to fuck.

    That’s exactly what she had done in the past whenever the occasion occurred, even though their relationship had never been of a permanent nature. She had the same cute appeal as her daughter, and what she lacked in youth she made up for with curves that showed even under the white lab coat she wore.

    Most importantly, she had been the first to find a solution - albeit, as it turned out, a flawed one - to Aya’s life force problem, and for that alone the succubus would always be grateful to her.

    “The part with the millionaire is correct,” Veronika explained depressed “Except that it was a woman. A really stunning woman who also seemed to be interested in witchcraft. She introduced herself as Jolie de Lac. I fell for her like a love-struck teenager. Before I knew it, she had me locked up here and was forcing me to develop potions for her. I was not allowed to leave the compound or communicate with anyone. I sleep here, eat here, and work here since almost three years now! The few messages they let me write were all censored."

    “Why didn’t you run?” asked Aya. “None of the guards were wearing protective talismans, surely it would have been possible for you to enchant them.”

    “Because she threatened to hurt Ramona then. She’s safe, isn’t she?”

    “She’s doing great, she kind of led us here. Rest assured, I’ve always had my eye on her.”

    “Oh, much appreciated …”, Veronika suddenly frowned. “Wait a minute, what do you mean by that? You didn’t …”

    Guilty as charged, Aya looked down at her toes. “She’s a grown woman now, and I’m afraid her preferences are very much in line with those of her mother …”

    “God, Aya!” scolded Veronika. “You’ll manage to make me jealous of my own daughter!”

    With a loud clearing of her throat, Katrin joined the conversation and showed Veronika a photo. It was incredibly old and faded. It showed Katrin and an unknown blonde woman holding hands in front of the steel framework of the half-finished Eiffel Tower.

    “Was that the woman you fell for?” the guardian angel wanted to know.

    Veronika nodded hesitantly. “The similarity is striking, at least, but how is that possible?”

    “We’ll explain it to you later,” Aya promised. Turning to Katrin, she asked, “Who is that and what is your connection to her?”

    “She is the head of the snake. The power behind Elena Lyons and Dark Temptation. The woman I’ve pursued for decades and who was once the love of my life.” Wistfully, Katrin looked at the picture. “Jolie, what has become of you?”

    Aya took a second look at the photo. Because of the poor picture quality and the modest clothing both women wore, it was hard to make out details, but the succubus guessed that the other must be as well-endowed as Katrin. She disliked her right off the bat.

    “And she’s as immortal as you are,” Aya stated the obvious. “Is she also an angel?”

    Katrin nodded. “An angel who has gone rogue. But that’s not important now. Veronika, can they continue to produce milk without you?”

    “No way,” the redhead denied. “Even if they find another witch, the exact mix ratios only exist up here,” she tapped her temple.

    “Good,” Katrin stated, “Then that will force them to take action and I won’t have to come up with a reason to shut down this facility. Something will be found, I’m sure, but paperwork takes time. Let’s go.”


    On the way home, they called Ramona. Veronika’s joy at being able to finally talk to her daughter again after all this time was mixed with concern about possible retaliation. Together the women decided that Ramona would pack her things and stay with Aya for the time being, just to be on the safe side. The others arrived at her place late at night and witnessed how mother and daughter fell into each other’s arms.

    “It might be best,” Katrin spoke softly to Aya, “if I stay here too. At least for tonight. If Jolie and Elena are up to something, you could use a guardian angel.”

    “Sure,” Aya agreed. To her own surprise, she liked the idea. “There’s room in the smallest cabin.”

    While the witches shared Aya’s bed, she offered Katrin to spend the night on the folded-out couch. For herself, she spread a blanket on the living room rug. Since it was already late, mother and daughter soon retreated to the bedroom, leaving demon and angel alone.

    “That’s the way I like it,” Katrin teased her, “the slave at the feet of her mistress.”

    “Whatever,” Aya replied, “Just don’t snore too loudly with that vacuum cleaner in your face.”

    “Why don’t you lie by my side. There’s enough room here for two.”

    Unsure what Katrin was up to, Aya sat up. “If we go another round like we did on Saturday, the other two won’t get any sleep,” she reasoned.

    “No fighting this time,” Katrin promised. “We’ll still need our strength. I’d just like someone to cuddle up with, so I don’t have to think about Jolie all the time. The memories are painful.”

    Without further ado, Aya climbed onto the sofa to join her. “When you’re lying side by side with me, you won’t waste another thought on her,” she promised and nestled tenderly against her.

    Katrin returned the gesture gratefully. As if in slow motion, their bodies seemed to melt together, their long legs tangling, firm thighs starting to rub gently against each other’s crotches. After all the hard sex of the recent days, a soft, sensual night was probably just what Aya needed right now.

    “I’m glad your boobs healed so quickly,” Katrin whispered, “They feel so good against mine.”

    The same was certainly true in reverse. To feel those powerful breasts that had caused her so much pain now softly pressing against her own took Aya’s breath away. There was no denying: They were every bit as full and ripe as hers. Still, if Katrin hadn’t pushed her against that mirror, their titfight might very well have ended differently. But her revenge could wait. For now, she enjoyed the warmth and the alluring scent of the gorgeous woman in her arms.

    “Yes,” Aya breathed back. “And yours are just divine. Tell me, are all angels so well-endowed?”

    “We angels were once mere mortals,” Katrin revealed. “But by ascending, we transform into an idealized version of ourselves.”

    “And yet you kept your nose?” Aya joked.

    Katrin giggled and playfully rubbed the tip of her nose against Aya’s. “You have a crush on my nose, admit it. Otherwise you wouldn’t keep talking about it.”

    She was not wrong. Katrin’s prominent nose gave the picture-perfect angel something unique, and horny succubus liked it better with every passing minute.

    “Looks like you’ve figured me out,” Aya confessed, saucily licking the object of her desire with her tongue.

    “I also have a confession to make,” Katrin admitted. “Even though I’ve claimed otherwise, I’ve never met a hotter and sexier succubus than you."”A soft moan escaped her as she continued, “You are by far the most desirable demoness there is.”

    It felt incredibly good to hear that. Being literally fucked dry by Elena and then losing to a woman she had considered a minor nuisance at best had left cracks in Aya’s confidence and raised nagging doubts about her own sexual prowess.

    Conceivably bad preconditions for another confrontation with her blonde counterpart or the angel’s wicked ex-girlfriend. That the praise came from Katrin, who would have had every reason to belittle her, was balm for her soul.

    Not that she was under any illusion that their rivalry was over, they were both just too competitive for that.

    Chapter 8 – The Winner Takes It All

    “Good morning, sunshine,” Aya woke up the sleeping angel on her sofa and put a coffee for her on the coffee table. “Did you dream of me?”

    After hours of tender lovemaking, they had both slept soundly. Only the noise of Veronika making breakfast in the kitchen had finally awakened the succubus. She allowed Katrin to sleep a little longer, but since it would soon be crowded in her bathroom with four women, she felt it was necessary to snatch her from the realm of dreams.

    The guardian angel stretched under the thin blanket and yawned extensively. When she became aware of her hostess, she gave her an adorable smile. “The whole time, babe.”

    Aya smiled from one ear to the other. She still had it in her!

    As soon as the brunette sat up, still wrapped in the blanket, Ramona walked in wearing her pink pajamas, her tousled mane sticking out on all sides. She slid between them on the couch and looked suspiciously, from one to the other.

    “So my mother told me you’re an angel,” she said to Katrin, who confirmed it with a nod. “And we all know you’re a demon,” she said to Aya, who merely shrugged. “And … you sleep together?”

    “Well we …” Katrin started.

    “The thing is …” Aya began.

    “This is awesome!” Ramona cheered, throwing her arms up in the air. “Would you two, by any chance, be up for a threesome tonight?”

    Katrin almost choked on her coffee.

    “Make it a foursome!” chimed Veronika from the kitchen.

    “Gosh, Mom!” Ramona shouted back. “You are embarrassing! Nobody here wants to see your wrinkles! Why don’t you get a hobby for old people? Like playing golf or something.”

    “Your mother could still teach you a thing or two, you cheeky little rascal” chirped Veronika with a laugh, making Ramona roll her eyes.

    “Maybe a movie night then?” the young witch asked with resignation.


    They had breakfast together. Since Aya only needed to eat for fun, not for survival, she didn’t have much in stock and Veronika practically had to plunder her entire refrigerator. If her living situation remained like this, she would have to come up with something.

    Just as she was about to bring up the subject, Katrin’s phone vibrated. When the angel read the message, her face suddenly became serious.

    “What’s wrong,” Aya wanted to know.

    “This is from Jolie. A link to an encrypted video chat.”

    The four women quickly gathered on the couch in front of Aya’s laptop. When the connection was established, they faced Jolie and Elena, who had made themselves comfortable on the couch in Elena’s penthouse. They were dressed rather casually, but in expensive designer clothes with lots of glitter.

    Aya now had her first opportunity to take a closer look at Jolie and was reluctantly impressed. Wavy blonde hair fell down her perfect hourglass figure, her full lips were just asking to be kissed, and her green eyes glowed like emeralds. The impressive breasts that stretched her low-cut top to the limit could easily rival Katrin’s and Aya’s own. A goddess through and through. She wouldn’t have believed that there was a blonde who could surpass Elena in sex appeal, but now she wasn’t sure.

    “Jolie,” Katrin opened the conversation. “What do you want?”

    “Darling, long time no see,” Jolie replied in a melodic voice. “And I see you’ve tamed a succubus, just like me,” she stroked Elena’s hair, who seemed to enjoy the touch. “Except mine has clearly more class than that filthy alley cat of yours.”

    Aya bared her teeth and was about to protest, but Katrin’s hand on her thigh made her pause.

    “As far as I know,” Katrin spoke instead, “my alley cat gave your spoiled lap dog quite the claw in her own pool.”

    “Because she took me by surprise,” Elena angrily snarled. “Before that, I spanked her sorry ass fair and square.”

    “Fair? Dream on, cunt!” Aya shot back. Both exchanged hateful glares.

    “Well,” Jolie spoke up. “They seem to have it for each other, but that’s not why I’m calling. You’ve taken something that belongs to me. I want my witch back.”

    “You don’t own my mom!” Ramona made clear. “You’ll be lucky if I don’t jinx you with scabies.”

    “And the sassy little daughter is there, too,” Jolie noted, unimpressed. “How precious. However, I also have something that belongs to you.”

    Right on cue, Elena beckoned someone to join her. Aya’s throat tightened as Chris took a seat on the ground at her feet with an expressionless face.

    “How dare you?” gasped Katrin.

    “Get your filthy hands off him!” demanded Aya.

    Elena casually wrapped her legs around him, petted his head and gave her a smug smile. “After you borrowed a toy from me, I thought I’d try one of yours. I must say, I was not disappointed.” She grinned at Jolie. “Neither of us were. That cock is really something to behold.”

    “If you harmed him even the slightest …,” Aya threatened, furious with rage.

    Elena giggled. “Not at all. He enjoyed every minute of it. Didn’t you?”

    “Yes mistress,” Chris replied, completely under her spell.

    “See,” Elena taunted her, “But that can change at any time. Toys can break…”

    “We want an exchange,” Jolie announced. “The cop for the witch. Both witches, actually. After the recent incident, we need a bargaining chip for Veronika’s continued cooperation.”

    “No way!” protested Ramona. “Who is that dude, anyway?”

    Katrin and Aya exchanged hesitant glances. By no means could they leave Chris to them, but handing over the two witches was just as unacceptable.

    Out of desperation Veronika declared, “I’m willing to comply, but leave my daughter out of it. I promise I won’t try to escape.”

    “Mom, you can’t do that!” pleaded Ramona.

    “They won’t hurt me, I’m too valuable,” she tried to reassure her daughter. Ramona, however, wasn’t having it and ran upset to the bedroom. Her mother hurried after her.

    “You have until eight o’clock tonight to work this out,” Jolie gave them an ultimatum. “After that, my pet will feed.”

    “I have a counter-proposal!”, Aya spoke up before cruel blonde could sever the connection. “How about a sexfight? The two of us against the two of you. And the winner takes it all. Chris and the witches.”

    “A sexfight, you say?” Jolie asked back intrigued.

    “No guns, no tricks, no police,” Aya continued. “Just four horny sluts banging each other until one couple can’t take it anymore. How does that sound?”

    It was a shot in the dark but worth the try, Aya thought. If Jolie had subdued a succubus, she had to have a sexuality as competitive as Katrin’s and hers, and it was obvious that she had unfinished business with her ex.

    The fallen angel nodded in agreement. “Tonight at eight here at the top of the Dark Temptation building. Come alone, dress sexy. The winner takes it all.”

    With that, the screen went black.

    Katrin looked at her for a while, speechless. “You don’t know what we’ve gotten ourselves into,” she finally said. “Jolie is an absolute beast in bed.”

    “I figured as much,” Aya replied, “but can you beat her? ”

    “I think so … maybe …” She looked uncertain. “In our relationship, we were pretty competitive when it came to sex, but she was always a little bit more so. Most of what I know, I learned from her.”

    “You seemed to be very close once. Why did you break up?”, Aya wanted to know.

    “She was getting more and more twisted. She had this vision of freeing all humanity from their inhibitions and then everyone would love her as some kind of mother. She always had a mother complex, I just realized it too late.”

    “How did a bitch like her become an angel in the first place?”

    “I elevated her to one," Katrin confessed, “It’s all my fault. She cared so dedicatedly for the orphans in the streets of Paris, for me she had been nothing less than a saint. What I didn’t know was that she couldn’t have children herself, even though she wanted nothing more. This trauma poisoned her psyche more and more with the years. And with immortality there came many years."

    Comfortingly, Aya took the saddened cherub’s hand. “It’s not your fault. We all have our demons - figuratively speaking. Some let them control them and some fight against and defeat them. You shouldn’t carry any old baggage around with you tonight.”

    Katrin looked deep into her eyes. “You’re right, and neither should you.” She paused and took a deep breath. “I hereby release you from our dark pact. You are henceforth free to do whatever you want, that is my final order as your mistress.”

    Tears filled Aya’s eyes as she could feel the magical chains around her soul breaking. She was so grateful that she didn’t know what to say. No one had ever voluntarily released her from a pact before.

    The devout silence was filled by the muffled voices of the witches, who were still arguing in the bedroom.

    “Maybe we should give them an update,” Aya suggested.

    Katrin nodded. “And I need to get something else to wear tonight. My suitcase is still in my hotel room.”

    “With granny’s old clothes?” Aya teased her. “Today you’re wearing something of mine.”


    As the evening came angel and succubus headed for the Dark Temptation building, riding in tandem on Aya’s roaring Harley. I was still warm and the Sun wouldn’t fully set for another hour.

    After a lot of back and forth, they had decided on two almost identical outfits: knee-high leather boots, with 5-inch heels, incredible skimpy shorts, underneath a thong whose straps were clearly visible on their hips, a belly top barely larger than a bikini and over it a studded leather jacket. The only difference was that Aya’s was completely black and Katrin’s was completely white. To match, the sinful succubus had applied her darkest, glossiest lipstick and the adorable angel her lightest.

    The witches had not been too thrilled that they had made a decision over their heads, but had still given them their best wishes and a little more than that.

    “This is my breast enhancement potion,” Ramona had told her, handing Aya a small vial. “New and improved formula. Gives you a whole cup size for about two hours and makes your nipples really hard. The effect kicks in after five minutes. Should work on succubi the same way it does on humans, but of course I haven’t been able to test it yet.”

    Aya had thanked her and packed the bottle into her purse. Better to have it and not need it than the other way around.

    Veronika had also taken her aside and spoken to her in private: “Don’t underestimate Jolie de Lac. I’ve always told you that I’ve never had better sex than with you. Since I met her, I’m not so sure anymore. Don’t let her play mind games with you.”

    They stopped at the back entrance. No one was to be seen around. The elevator that would take them to the penthouse was open. Braced for anything, they rode up. Their tension rose as the elevator stopped and the doors opened again. If this was a trap, now would be the time to spring it.

    Fortunately, there were no security guards with loaded guns waiting for them. Most of the sunlight was blocked by shutters, color changing LEDs in the walls of the loft illuminated the room, and a soft slow beat, almost like that of a heart, could be heard from the speakers.

    The blonde temptresses were awaiting them. They too had seemingly agreed on a common dress code: they wore the shortest mini dresses and the longest stilettos Aya had ever seen. Tantalizing fishnet stockings completed the look. Elena, as usual, all in red, Jolie in bright turquoise. Lipstick and nail polish were chosen in matching colors, brilliant-studded gold bracelets glittered in competition with wavy blonde strands.

    Aya and Katrin stopped dead in their tracks and took in the sight. However, it was evident that their hosts also liked what they saw.

    “So you really had the guts to show up,” Jolie finally broke the silence. “A word of warning: if you try anything funny, your cute little cop is going to get it.”

    Katrin stuck her chin out challengingly. "And if you try anything, you’ll never see your witch again."

    “So just sex then,” Jolie noted with satisfaction. “We should put muzzles on our pets, so they don’t tear each other apart, don’t you think? Elena, you will stay in human form and not feed tonight, do you understand?”

    “Yes mistress,” the blonde succubus replied visibly disappointed.

    “The same goes for you Aya,” Katrin proclaimed, winking at her without the others seeing. “That’s an order.”

    “Yes mistress,” Aya played along, letting them think that she was still Katrin’s slave. Maybe she could use that to her advantage.

    “Perfect,” Jolie declared, looking at her brunette counterpart with a hungry gaze from head to toe. “How about we raise the stakes? The winners dictate what happens to the losers.”

    Katrin and Aya exchanged a quick glance. It was a risk, but losing was out of the question anyway. And to back down now would mean to show weakness. It was clear to them without further verbal communication that they both wanted it.

    “With pleasure, my dear,” Katrin agreed “You’ve been avoiding your due punishment for far too long.”

    “Then why don’t you join me on the bed, darling,” Jolie suggested, “while we let these two strip for us to get in the mood?”

    “I was just about to suggest the same,” Katrin claimed, following her former lover to the large round bed. The blonde was a little smaller than her, about Aya’s height, but seemed just as athletic and graceful. While the angels sat down side by side on the edge, the succubi took up position in front of them. In passing, Aya tossed her purse carelessly onto the sofa.

    “Elena, why don’t you put on a show for my esteemed guest?”, Jolie prompted her.

    “Aya, why don’t you pay our kind hostess back for her hospitality?” suggested Katrin.

    The succubi exchanged lascivious glances. They both grinned arrogantly and strutted around each other in a circle until Aya stood in front of Jolie and Elena in front of Katrin. Then, as if on a silent command, they began to dance with rhythmic, seductive movements.

    Soon the angels were completely under the spell of the sexy demonesses, who mimicked and tried to outdo each other. Aya’s leather jacket flew across the room first, her tight top followed shortly after. Challengingly, she let her juicy naked breasts jiggle in front of Jolie, which the blonde secuctress acknowledged with a nod.

    Not to be outdone, Elena wriggled out of her red mini dress like a snake, took her breasts with both hands and squeezed them together right in front of Katrin’s face. Although she was at a slight size disadvantage, the angel obviously liked what she saw, as she bit her lower lip with delight. Aya glared at the brazen succubus in jealousy.

    To undress further, Aya first had to get rid of her boots. To avoid having to bend over awkwardly for them, she stretched out her left leg and put her foot on Katrin’s lap. “Would you give me a hand?”

    “With pleasure,” the brunette angel agreed and held the boot while Aya pulled out her leg. Then she made the same offer to Jolie and the blonde angel also willingly accepted.

    Angry to have been pushed out of the limelight, Elena shoved her aside with her hips and made the angels do the same with her fishnet stockings. She then started wiggling her perfect thong-covered ass right in front of them.

    Incensed by such impudence, Aya pushed her back and started her own twerk right next to her.

    “Your pet really does have an exquisite ass, such savory shape and tone" Jolie admitted as if she were evaluating a precious wine. “I’ll give you that.”

    “Yours, too,” Katrin admitted. “Her tattooed left cheek gives it a very distinct flavor.”

    Both succubi were fuming with anger at the recognition given to each other’s best asset. Aya decided to escalate further and pulled down her black thong. Her pussy had already begun to moisten the fabric. After a bit more twerking, she spun around and threw the garment right in Jolie’s face.

    “Mmm,” purred the angel, deftly catching the garment and smelling it with delight. “As I thought, your succubus smells unruly. You should put her on a tighter leash.”

    Elena did the same to Aya and threw her red thong on Katrin. She too took a deep breath. “And yours smells submissive. She must have surrendered to you without putting up much of a fight.”

    Jolie bared her teeth in anticipation. “Just as you have done many times in the past. And will do again today.” She leaned into her ex and sealed her lips with a kiss, the stripping demons forgotten for the moment.

    Aya and Elena turned to each other. “You think you can strut your stuff in front of my mistress, slut?” the blonde hissed.

    “At least I have something to strut with, bitch” Aya shot back, lifting her breasts.

    “Nipples against nipples, whore!” demanded Elena and Aya was all too happy to comply. Both of them seized their naked breasts and aligned them until thick brown shafts and long reddish rods were exactly facing each other.

    “I’m going to bend your puny tips!” announced Aya, leaning forward.

    “I’m going to push your pathetic nubs back into their areolas!” hissed Elena, pressing herself into her enemy.

    The direct nipple contact sent electric jolts through Aya’s body. She could feel clitoris swelling. Your time will come soon, she tried to calm her pussy. The predator between her legs lusted to slam its fangs into her rival’s counterpart, but for now it was her nipples’ turn to defend her honor.

    Perfectly aligned and swollen to full glory, it was clear that her nipples were a smidge larger in diameter, Elena’s a tiny bit longer in return. Both pairs were incredibly stiff and any attempt to bend or push in the opposing rods ended with them rubbing past each other and painfully drilling into each other’s areolas.

    Frustrated, they both increased the pressure and finally Aya was rewarded for her efforts. “See that?” she hissed breathing heavily. “See how my right nipple is bending your left nipple?”

    Elena gave a stifled cry of anguish, but at the same time Aya felt an exploding pain in her left tit.

    “And do you see,” Elena growled, “how your left nipple is yielding under my right nipple?”

    Damn, she was right! While she had been celebrating her victory on the right flank, her left nipple had retreated almost completely into her tit under the relentless pressure of Elena’s tip. As the touch became too uncomfortable for both women, they released their breasts at the same time and pushed off each other in frustration.

    Two steps apart, they bared their teeth and surveyed the damage. Was Aya unable to achieve a clear victory against her blonde nemesis?

    A quick glance around revealed that the angels had been watching them while they made out on the edge of the bed and had already stripped each other down to their panties. Traces of their lipstick were smeared on each other’s faces. Now they beckoned them over.

    “My esteemed guest,” purred Jolie, “still has doubts that my succubus is the better one. Why don’t you get down on your knees in front of her and convince her, Elena?”

    “And our esteemed hostess,” Katrin chimed in, “just refuses to believe me that my succubus is the better one. Why don’t you get down on all fours in front of her and show her how wrong she is, Aya?”

    Both angels spread their legs invitingly and their succubi willingly obeyed. As Aya sank to the floor in front of Jolie, she couldn’t help but admire the other woman’s massive breasts. If she did not misjudge, they had to be slightly larger than even hers and Katrin’s. Majestic pink nipples pointed straight ahead. She could only hope that her lover could somehow handle this magnificent bosom.

    In awe, Aya brought her face closer to the blonde angel’s turquoise thong, knowing full well that she would be in trouble should the powerful thighs that flanked it suddenly wrap around her.

    Playfully, she grabbed the small triangle of fabric with her teeth and carefully pulled it down the long legs of the wearer. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Elena her doing the same to Katrin. With relish, they both inhaled the scent of their spoils.

    “Your mistress smells insecure,” Elena asserted. “She will be dominated by mine before the sun sets.”

    “And your mistress smells haughty,” Aya retorted, “She will be humbled by mine before the night falls.”

    Jolie and Katrin looked each other firmly in the eye. “Whoever lasts longer without cumming,” Katrin announced.

    “Just like back in Paris,” Jolie agreed.

    “Rather like in Vienna.”

    “Vienna was a fluke.”

    Katrin laughed derisively and then addressed Aya, “Show her what you are capable of.”

    “Do her, Elena,” Jolie demanded. “Make your mistress proud.”

    Aya wasted no time and started eating Jolie’s impressive, clean-shaven twat. Her nimble tongue explored the massive vulva, licking along the labia, then coiling around the mighty clitoris. The intense feminine scent was breathtaking. Immediately, her advance was met with a lustful moan, but next to her, Katrin also moaned under Elena’s assault.

    Aya had not forgotten that this was a race. Just as the angels’ stamina was being tested, so were the succubi’s oral skills. And she had no intention of losing. Tirelessly she alternated between licking, sucking, as well as playful love bites, and could gauge Jolie’s rising arousal from her increasingly rapid moans.

    When the angel suddenly grabbed her hair, at first she thought she was going to pull her away to escape her impending orgasm, but instead she pressed Aya’s face deeper into her vulva, making it increasingly difficult for the succubus to breathe. Nevertheless, Aya continued.

    Jolie’s body was already shaking in pre-orgasmic convulsions, yet somehow the blonde held out. In the end it was Katrin who screamed out her climax first and with a dull thud, fell backwards onto the bed. Jolie held on a few seconds longer, just enough to leave no doubt who had won this contest, then she released a flood of delicious warm cum into Aya’s face, which the thirsty succubus swallowed in greedy gulps.

    As Aya sat up, Elena grinned triumphantly at her. “Your mistress came faster.”

    "Yours came harder,” Aya replied defiantly, fuming inside that she had to admit defeat to her nemesis. Licking some spilled cum from her lips, she taunted, “Come over here, I left some for you.”

    “And I left some for you,” Elena replied, returning the gesture. “If you stick your tongue in deep enough, you might even be able to taste your boy.”

    The allusion to Chris drove Aya mad. With a deep growl, she pounced on Elena and the two demonesses began to roll tightly entwined across the rug, kissing frenetically. Saliva mixed with cum passed from mouth to mouth, tattooed skin rubbed over tattooed skin, Aya’s darker complexion contrasting with Elena’s lighter one.

    “You should have left Chris out of this!” growled Aya, driving two fingers into Elena’s pussy.

    “You really want to fight me again on this rug?” the blonde hissed, penetrating Aya’s pussy with her fingers. “I had it cleaned, but I still smell your defeat every time I enter the room!”

    “And you’ll smell yours till the end of your days!”

    Fast and hard they fingered each other, discharging all the built-up aggression.

    “Fuck!” cried Aya, who felt herself riding towards climax.

    “Fuck, oh fuck!” shrieked Elena as she began to jerk in wild spasms.

    They came almost simultaneously, but Elena exploded a moment earlier, which allowed Aya to take a dominant position and scissor her nemesis.

    “Prepare to be fucked into submission,” Aya growled, giving her supine foe no respite. Clit rubbed against clit, vagina sucked against vagina. The hungry predator between her legs was now unleashed and dead set about ripping Elena’s apart.

    “Fuuuck!” the blonde screamed as she came again, spraying hot juice. “I hate you!”

    “I hate you moaaar!” roared Aya as it was her own turn to cum a moment later.

    They continued to fuck each other’s brains out, albeit at a slightly slower pace. Aya managed to increase her lead slowly but surely. The angels meanwhile made no concessions on the bed, their orgasmic cries alternating with those of the succubi. For a long time it was impossible to assess who would come out on top in their divine duel, because the dominant position seemed to change every time she looked. In the end, however, a winner emerged …

    “No! Please stop! I can’t take anymore!” howled Katrin. With her breasts on the mattress, her ass stretched up in the air, she clawed into the sheet with both hands while Jolie knelt behind her, seemingly fisting her without mercy.

    “Your mistress is losing,” gasped a sweat covered Elena, who was about to reach her next climax, but still refused to surrender to Aya. “I just have to hold out a little longer… Fuck! … Then we’ll make a nice sandwich … Oooh! … with you in the middle.”

    “There’s something you don’t know about my mistress,” Aya grunted while humping her with determiation, “She’s not really my mistress …”

    Just as Elena’s orgasm begun, Aya changed into her demon form.

    “How does it feel to be consumed?” Aya demanded to know, while horns grew from her forehead and black wings unfurled from thin air. “To have the core of your womanhood devoured by a stronger and hungrier sex?”

    “No!” shrieked Elena in pure terror as Aya began to feast on her released sexual energy. “I give, please stop!”

    The temptation was great to prolong her climax as long as possible and to take it all. To leave her just as empty and lifeless on that rug as Elena had done to her, but she held back, forcing her hunger under control by sheer force of will.

    I am not like you, s
    he reminded herself. I am better than you.

    She took only so much that her nemesis would be out of commission for a while and then turned to the bed.

    With her foot, a triumphant Jolie rolleda completely exhausted Katrin off the bed, who curled up on the floor and barely stirred. Then she threw a dildo dripping with pussy juice after her, which, contrary to Aya’s first impression, she must have used to break her ex.

    “You resort to toys?” Aya asked angrily.

    “Who said they were forbidden?” Jolie asked back unapologetic. “It seems you’ve been playing with your cards down, too.”

    The succubus tried to estimate how much the angel still had in her. Even though she herself had received a second wind from Elena’s life force, the rough sex with her had exhausted her quite a bit. She would not survive many more orgasms. Administered by the skillful hands of Jolie even the next one could very well be her last. And given how it went the last time, she’d better not try to feed off another angel. Jolie on the other hand had certainly shed some feathers as well, her flawless skin glistening with sweat, but still seemed as indomitable as ever.

    “I wonder,” the blonde love goddess pondered, “why you collaborated with her if not out of compulsion. Katrin has always upheld her morals and rules. You don’t strike me as one who thinks much of rules.”

    Her duel with Elena had led Aya almost to the couch where her purse was lying. Following a spontaneous plan, she got off her defeated rival, who was whimpering weakly, and sat down on the couch with her wings and legs spread out, pretending she needed to catch her breath. In doing so, she presented her victorious pussy to Jolie to distract her from what she was doing with her hands.

    “The strongest bonds,” she spoke, fumbling in her purse for Ramona’s vial, “are not forged by magic, but by respect, trust, friendship and love.”

    Jolie burst out in exaggerated laughter while shaking back her long blonde hair. When she wasn’t looking for a moment, Aya swallowed the breast enhancement potion. Fingers crossed, that it would really affected her the way it should …

    “Nice speech,” Jolie sneered. “You fought well and indeed proved to be the better succubus. But you look tired. Why don’t you come to mommy for some well-deserved refreshments?”

    With that, she clasped her right breast with her hands and tugged on her nipple. A drop of white liquid emerged.

    “You are lactating?” asked Aya in disbelief.

    “Of course,” she confirmed, “Angel milk is a potent aphrodisiac. What do you think the milk tubes are filled with?”

    “All of them?” gasped Aya.

    “A good mother always has enough for all her children.”

    Katrin had been right: This crazy slut really had a mother complex. But maybe that was her weak point. Five minutes until the effect kicked in, Ramona had said. She just had to stall her that long.

    “Very well,” Aya decided, rising from the sofa. Still in demon form, she stalked over to the bed and knelt in front of Jolie. “Let me milk you for a bit.”

    With that, she lowered her face to Jolie’s breasts and began to suck on her pink nipple with delight. The mad angel was right: her milk tasted fantastic and the arousing effect was undeniable. Even if it was nowhere near as strong as that of the processed drug, Aya felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter. She moaned with pleasure.

    “Yes,” Jolie breathed in a trance. “That’s it. You poor child never had a mother. You don’t know how good it feels to be nursed by her. Why don’t you take Elena’s place at my side and help me tear down the walls and prohibitions of this hypocritical society? A society that fears and despises you for what you are. Milk was just the beginnig, I have much bigger plans.”

    Aya switched sides and now began to milk the other tit. The more sensitive they were, the better. She could already feel her own breasts swelling due to potion and her already hard nipples getting even longer and stiffer.

    “Or,” Jolie continued to fantasize. “You’re sharing your position. Two sisters vying for their mother’s affection and favor. Whichever arrangement you prefer.”

    It was a tempting proposal, Aya had to admit. For a moment she imagined Elena next to her sucking on Jolie’s other breast, them racing to see who would empty one of those enormous globes first, while they used every dirty trick in the book to distract the other. Oh, she wanted it. She wanted it so badly …

    , she called herself to order. These were exactly the mind games, Veronika hard warned her about! If she lost her focus now, what would become of Chris, Ramona, her mother and Katrin? Aya stopped sucking and looked up at her. “You call yourself a mother? You never gave birth to a child, did you?”

    Jolie’s expression abruptly changed to anger. “How dare you?”

    “All you’ve ever wanted is for other women’s children to accept you as a mother. But tell me, why should they flock to your puny tits when they can have these instead?”

    With that, she straightened her back and ruthlessly pushed Jolie’s bosom up with her own.

    “Oooh!” the angel moaned. “How is that possible? Why are they so big all of a sudden?”

    Aya’s magically enlarged breasts were really enormous. A whole cup size Ramona had promised and witch had kept her word. Her enlarged breast now even dwarfed Jolie’s magnificent globes.

    However, the angel did not surrender yet. She pushed Aya away a little so that their boobs touched head-on again and pressed her rack defiantly into that of the succubus.

    “My invincible angel tits will not bow to your foul demonic udders!” she growled.

    "We'll see about that!" Aya exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her foe.

    Back and forth and round in circles they rubbed her glands. Milk kept spurting out as Aya increased the pressure, covering their mountainous orbs with slippery lubricant. Jolie’s tits were full and firm, probably the best the succubus had ever faced. And the angel’s rock-hard nipples were digging deep into her soft flesh. Aya moaned from pain and pleasure under the counterattack of her formidable foe. Were even her enhanced breasts not enough to best this gorgeous woman?

    Gasping with exertion, she growled, "You were a fool to ditch a woman like Katrin for your twisted ambitions!"

    Summoning all her strength, Aya toppled her over. Now, with the help of gravity it soon became clear that her magical melons were getting the better of her adversary’s glands, deforming them with every powerful downward thrust. Jolie’s counterattacks grew weaker, her moans more desperate by the minute.

    Aya slid up on her, pressing her boobs down onto the blonde’s face. “Lick your own milk from my tits!”, she demanded. “Have a taste of you own medicine!” At the same time she entered Jolie’s cunt with her demonic tail, twisting and twirling the nimble organ inside her with wild abandon.

    It was too much for the woman underneath her. Jolie bucked like a wild mare when she climaxed, clawing at the sheet with both hands, her screams muffled by Aya’s bosom while the succubus rode her expertly.

    Her black wings spread out, her inflated wrecking balls hovering menacingly over the fallen angel’s face, she slapped Jolie’s defenseless pussy with her cum covered tail. Not hard enough to force another orgasm, just enough to make it clear who was in charge. She then picked up a landline phone from the nightstand and handed it to her.

    “Now Call your henchmen”, she ordered, “and tell them to release Chris or I’ll milk your puny bags dry to the last drop! Tell me, what mother would let her children starve?”

    “Please not, I’ll do what you say!” whimpered Jolie, sheer terror in her eyes. She picked up the receiver and pressed a speed dial button. Obediently she ordered the security guards on the other end to release the prisoner. Chris would still be under Elena’s spell, but that could be taken care of later.

    Aya looked around. Katrin slowly began to pick herself up again, while Elena was still lying on her back, breathing heavily.

    “Who won?” the brunette angel asked hoarsely.

    “We did,” Aya announced, grabbing Jolie hard by the hair. “Don’t you agree?”

    “Yes, yes, I do!” she shrieked, protectively covering her battered breasts. When her eyes happened to fall on the empty bottle still lying on the sofa, she paused and gave Aya a frosty look.

    “A magic potion?" she asked, frowning. “Really?”

    “Who said they were forbidden?” the succubus mocked her.

    Epilogue – The Most Important Question

    The night had fallen on Berlin and in the darkness above the rooftops the last lustful cries of Jolie faded away as Katrin pulled the dildo out of her former lover’s battered pussy.

    “That should teach you to play dirty tricks on me!” the vengeful angel declared, rising from the bed.

    “Impressive how much she was able to endure,” commented Aya from the sofa.

    She was already half dressed again. Elena, who had just submissively eaten her pussy on her behest, was still crawling around on the floor naked, fetching her clothes for her. The only thing the gorgeous succubus didn't plan to put on until later was her tight top, since the effect of the breast-enlargement potion hadn't worn off yet.

    “What happens to them now?” Aya asked.

    “I'm taking Jolie to a place where she can do no harm,” Katrin explained as she got dressed again. “And where she will have plenty of time to repent her sins. Perhaps one day she will be able to rejoin the ranks of the cherubim.”

    “I assume that's not in the custody of the BKA.”

    The Angel shook her head. “She will have to answer to a higher power. As for Elena …” Golden flames suddenly engulfed her hand, as a burning sword manifested out of thin air. “I fear she is beyond redemption.”

    “Stop, wait a second!” Aya protested and jumped up. Protectively, she stood over Elena, who clung fearfully to the legs of her raven-haired conqueror. “The snake's head gets social rehabilitation and for her right hand it’s the death sentence? Do I have to remind you that she was bound by a dark pact all the time and had no choice but to follow orders?”

    “She murdered innocent people,” Katrin justified her judgment, “and she'll do it again. It's her nature.”

    “Just like it's mine,” Aya objected. “But I've learned to overcome it. And I can teach it to her as well. If Jolie releases her from her pact, I could take her under my wing. In fact, I could use a helping hand in my detective agency. All this paperwork isn't going to take care of itself.”

    It wasn't that she suddenly liked Elena, but what Katrin was up to just wasn't fair. Not when there was another way.

    Conflicted with herself, Katrin looked back and forth between the two succubi. “Agreed,”, she said. The flames flickered and went out. “Elena, you will sell your lingerie company and donate the money to charity. You will take your spell off Chris and stop feeding on humans. And most importantly, you will obey every word Aya says!”

    “Yes, I'll be a good girl,” Elena replied intimidated.

    Aya grinning lasciviously down at her. “No, you won't. But you'll still obey and learn to keep you instincts in check.”

    “I'll be gone for a few months,” Katrin followed up. “Doing the equivalent of paperwork. But I'll be back. And if I hear the slightest complaint about you then, Elena, you're in for a world of hurt.”

    “Don't take too long,” Aya urged her. “My girls still have a score to settle with yours.” She gave her magically enlarged breasts a bounce to emphasize her point.

    Katrin waggled her finger. “Not if you've had Ramona's boob growth potion.”

    “We could both drink it beforehand,” Aya suggested.

    The angel's eyes lit up at the thought. “I'll try to speed things up.”

    With that, she walked over to Jolie and demanded that she break the pact with Elena.

    “Fine, you're free,” groaned the exhausted angel. “You were a disappointment anyway.”

    “And you’re a sore loser,” Katrin snarled at her, grabbed her by the hair and dragged her into the middle of the loft. There, she unfolded her magnificent white angel wings seemingly out of nowhere.

    “Take good care of yourself Aya,” she said goodbye. “And give my regards to Chris.”

    The next moment she and her captive were enveloped in a golden glow so bright that Aya had to close her eyes. She heard a loud hissing sound and felt a brief but fierce wind pull. When she opened her eyes again, they were both gone.


    Eight weeks later, things had settled down for Aya. Elena had so far kept her word and accepted her place in the pecking order, even though the two demonesses still teased each other regularly.

    Every workday after nightfall, she trained Elena to control her hunger, which meant they had hot sex five days a week. She had already made enormous progress: no longer did she need the shackles and chains she had used for safety in the beginning. From time to time, when Elena couldn't stop herself and tried to steal too much of Aya's life force, a firm knee to the crotch helped to rein her in.

    Building on the research Veronika had done for Jolie de Lac and supported by a few spontaneous inputs from Ramona, the witches had succeeded in improving the recipe of Aya's life sustaining potion by adding essential vitamins. It now allowed her to refrain from feeding for quite a long time without her body chemistry becoming imbalanced. Progress that also benefited Elena.

    To Ayas astonishment, the beautiful blonde succubus had also proved to be a real help in her detective agency. It seemed that supernatural phenomena were on the rise across Germany, and clients were lining up. She was already considering making her former enemy a business partner and expanding. But there was still one thing that needed clarification and just wouldn't let her rest …


    It was one of those cozy evenings in early autumn when the doorbell of her apartment rang. Aya hurried over and opened the door. Chris was standing in the hallway with a bottle of wine in his hand.

    “Hello tiger,” she greeted him, giving him a quick hug. “How kind of you to bring something to drink.”

    “When you invited me to dinner at your place, I didn't know if we would have dinner together or I would be the dinner,” he explained. “But I figured a bottle of wine would make either more pleasant.”

    Aya laughed kindly and invited him in. They had talked and Chris had forgiven her. He even stated that he was still attracted to her and wouldn’t mind if their relationship went beyond friendship. However, she had asked for a time out while she had to take care of Elena, who of course had also formally apologized to him.

    “The dinner thing was really just an excuse,” she confessed. “The truth is, I need your help with something very important. More accurately, we need your help.”


    Elena stepped out of the bathroom, giving him her most charming smile. “Hey, Chris, nice to see you again.” Both women were dressed casually but sexy, wearing skinny jeans and tank tops in their favorite colors, which were black for Aya and red for Elena, of course.

    “Oh,” he said in surprise. “If this is about a case, we could have met at your office, Aya.”

    “It's not about work,” she explained, “but we need your professional, unbiased opinion on an important contentious issue on which we simply cannot agree.”

    They lined up side by side in front of him, then turned around.

    “Which one of us has the better ass?”

    Chris stared at them and their sweet buns open-mouthed. “I … I cannot possibly take a side in this.”

    “Don't worry,” Aya purred, hooking onto his right arm. “You've got all night to make up your mind.”

    “So what will it be, big boy?” asked Elena, hooking onto his left, “Team black or team red?”

    Together they led him toward the bedroom.

    Which team are you on? Let me know in the comments!
    Last edited by herbert3000; November 27th, 2023 at 08:41 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Oh, boy, I have a lot to say about this and all of it good. First of all, I love Aya and Katrin’s relationship. Their transition from enemies to friends was extremely well done and not forced or cheesy at all. Second of all, the general tone is perfect. It alternates from laidback to aggressive beautifully. Third of all, the plot is still quite familiar and if it really is influenced from my works, I am very flattered and proud for inspiring such great stuff.

    Veronika and Ramona are great sidekicks to the girls and their pervy personalities are a ton of fun. I hope we see more of these characters. And finally, the 2V2 fight was incredibly innovative, unique, original and hot as can be. You are definitely looking to be the next big breakout author here.

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Third of all, the plot is still quite familiar and if it really is influenced from my works, I am very flattered and proud for inspiring such great stuff..
    Thanks for your supportive comments! The funny thing is, it's actually not but it very well could have been. I just finished reading your "Cops and Robbers" yesterday, after you pointed me to it in the other thread. I now understand what you meant by saying we had similar tastes. (On a side note: your visual descriptions are on another level, shows me how much room there is for me to improve!)

    About being the next breakout author: I'm flattered but I don't think so. As much fun as it was, writing in a foreign language is super hard. Double checking basically every word for its connotation and hidden meanings is really time consuming, and I'm sure I still messed up a couple of times, despite using an AI translator to help me with it (on another side note: yes, I trained a neural network with fetish porn so when the machines take over and turn us into sex slaves instead of killing us, you all know who to give credit for). I might write a sequel at some point (have some ideas) but not anytime soon, I'm afraid. First I have to finish another (non erotic) book, that is already in the making for far too long.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to more feedback and criticism smile
    Last edited by herbert3000; November 29th, 2022 at 07:23 PM.

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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Thanks for your supportive comments! The funny thing is, it's actually not but it very well could have been. I just finished reading your "Cops and Robbers" yesterday, after you pointed me to it in the other thread. I now understand what you meant by saying we had similar tastes. (On a side note: your visual descriptions are on another level, shows me how much room there is for me to improve!)

    About being the next breakout author: I'm flattered but I don't think so. As much fun as it was, writing in a foreign language is super hard. Double checking basically every word for it's connotation and hidden meanings is really time consuming, and I'm sure I still messed up a couple of times, despite using an AI translator to help me with it (on another side note: yes, I trained a neural network with fetish **** so when the machines take over and turn us into sex slaves instead of killing us, you all know who to give credit for). I might write a sequel at some point (have some ideas) but not anytime soon, I'm afraid. First I have to finish another (non erotic) book, that is already in the making for far too long.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to more feedback and criticism

    Honestly, you could’ve fooled me. Your English is completely flawless and thank you for the praise. I do hope we get to see more from you at some point.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Thanks for your supportive comments! The funny thing is, it's actually not but it very well could have been. I just finished reading your "Cops and Robbers" yesterday, after you pointed me to it in the other thread. I now understand what you meant by saying we had similar tastes. (On a side note: your visual descriptions are on another level, shows me how much room there is for me to improve!)

    About being the next breakout author: I'm flattered but I don't think so. As much fun as it was, writing in a foreign language is super hard. Double checking basically every word for it's connotation and hidden meanings is really time consuming, and I'm sure I still messed up a couple of times, despite using an AI translator to help me with it (on another side note: yes, I trained a neural network with fetish **** so when the machines take over and turn us into sex slaves instead of killing us, you all know who to give credit for). I might write a sequel at some point (have some ideas) but not anytime soon, I'm afraid. First I have to finish another (non erotic) book, that is already in the making for far too long.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to more feedback and criticism
    I'm amazed that English is not your first language! That makes this accomplishment even more impressive!

    I really enjoyed the story and the characters. The secret to any good sex fight story is the setting and you have done a great job of creating this world. I hope we see a lot more of Aya and Elena soon, maybe with Katrin thrown in again!

    Great work!


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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I'm amazed that English is not your first language! That makes this accomplishment even more impressive!

    I really enjoyed the story and the characters. The secret to any good sex fight story is the setting and you have done a great job of creating this world. I hope we see a lot more of Aya and Elena soon, maybe with Katrin thrown in again!

    Great work!

    Thanks again for the encouragement! Wasn't sure if there weren't too many plot elements in it for this board (i.e. boring stuff ) but as I started this mainly as a plotting exercise, I went with it. Glad you liked it.

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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Thanks again for the encouragement! Wasn't sure if there weren't too many plot elements in it for this board (i.e. boring stuff ) but as I started this mainly as a plotting exercise, I went with it. Glad you liked it.
    Plot elements are what make stories great. They add to the buildup and kinkiness of it all.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Gradius's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Not really an overt fan of sexfight stories but I will admit I did enjoy this one. GJ.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Johannesdk's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    A wonderfull story, and as others have remarked, I'm also astonished that english is not your native language.

    It's not mine either and I recognise very well your remarks about how hard it is to write and how much checking has to be done. But you are for sure a master in constructing a plot and you describe perfectly the surroundings and how your characters behave and how they feel.

    It's a nice variation over the succubus stories written by JB (and another writer, who was the first, I think), that the succubs turns good or rather is forced to become good by an angel.

    Thank you so much

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - Dark Temptation Parts 7+8+Epilogu

    Quote Originally Posted by Gradius View Post
    Not really an overt fan of sexfight stories but I will admit I did enjoy this one. GJ.
    Happy to hear that! What drew you into the story if not the sexfights, if I may ask?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Johannesdk View Post
    A wonderfull story, and as others have remarked, I'm also astonished that english is not your native language.

    It's not mine either and I recognise very well your remarks about how hard it is to write and how much checking has to be done. But you are for sure a master in constructing a plot and you describe perfectly the surroundings and how your characters behave and how they feel.

    It's a nice variation over the succubus stories written by JB (and another writer, who was the first, I think), that the succubs turns good or rather is forced to become good by an angel.

    Thank you so much
    Thanks for reading the story commenting it! Yes, it were those 2 stories by JB and Catharis featuring a witch fighting a succubus (both very good reads with a similar plot but quite different in tone) which gave me the initial inspiration. Especially reading JB's version made me wonder how the life a an independent succubus wtihtin modern society would be like and how it might change her.

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