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Thread: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

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    Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Dear Board

    Here is a bit of a treat, something I wrote today. For some reason, I really wanted to write another story in the Hotel series, featuring Pat and Marsha. Inspiration got me and here it is. This story is relatively short. It is a stand-alone. I may or may not add more to the story later but, for now, it works as it is.

    What really drove this story was the image of two naked women, both wearing fur coats, boots and hats, and nothing else, having sex.

    Anyway, please enjoy this story. It's a holiday special. I probably won't make a habit of these, but who knows? ;-)


    Winter Retreat

    Pat tapped the table impatiently as her phone struggled to connect. After a few moments, she finally heard Robert’s voice and breathed a sigh of relief.

    “Sorry, babe,” her husband said. “It looks like this winter storm is going to be blowing through for the next few couple of days – maybe even three days. I won’t be able to make it up the state until then and then I’ll have to wait even longer to get up the mountain.”

    “No problem, babe,” Pat replied. “It’s warm and cozy here and we’re stocked up for the whole winter, if need be. Don’t worry about me, just take care of yourself.”

    They said their goodbyes, then Pat clicked off her phone. She stared out the window of the lodge at the whirling blizzard outside and sighed deeply.

    Pat and Robert had decided to go on a winter retreat as a special vacation to help spice up their marriage. Their plan had been to spend 10 days of the Christmas holiday vacation hiking winter trails, skiing in the back country, and soaking themselves nude in hot tubs and saunas. They had gone the extra distance and rented a small, private cabin nestled back in the forest with all the various amenities a short distance from the main lodge.

    Pat had arrived two days early. The plan called for Robert to join her after he completed a business trip. A massive, unexpected storm had intruded, however, and now he was stuck back in their home state and unable to make the trip until the storm ended and the roads were cleared. The storm itself might not blow over for a few days, then it would take at least another couple of days for the plows to do their work. She sighed. When Robert did eventually make it up the mountain, there would not be a lot of time left in their stay. As it was, she had a lonely few days ahead of her. The lodge usually had a good contingent of guests, but many people had cancelled when the impending storm first appeared and Pat was now one of the relatively small number of people who had either come up before the storm hit or had decided to ride it out.

    Pat was dressed warmly in a colorful sweater that hugged and emphasized her voluptuous curves, making her massive, DDs look even bigger and more formidable. Her wide, womanly hips were encased in skintight thermal yoga pants. On her feet were some flat-heeled, thick faux fur boots.

    Pat got to her feet and stretched, raising her hands over her head and standing on tiptoe. Across the lounge, a number of staff members, men and women, noted her bulging tits, long, muscular legs, and perfect round ass with considerable appreciation. Pat decided to return to her cabin. The way was well-marked by a lighted path.

    “Pierre,” Pat said to the concierge. “I’m going back to my cabin. I have a lot of food there, so I doubt I’ll need to come out. I’ll call in every day at noon to check in and let you know I’m alright. Will that be alright?”

    “Yes, Madame, that will be fine. As I said, however, if you wish to move here to the main lodge until your husband arrives, we will be happy to put you up in one of our luxury rooms at no added expense.”

    “Thanks, I do appreciate that. But I like the idea of waiting out the storm in my own cabin. I’ve got lots to read, some writing to catch up on, and I can catch up on some TV, too. Just so my being out there doesn’t inconvenience anyone…”

    “No, ma’am, we are here to enhance your experience. Please walk carefully and enjoy your time alone.”

    Pat wrapped herself in a thick, faux fur coat. She disappeared into the brown, glistening pelt. She was wearing a rounded fur hat and she looked for all the world like a Russian commissar. She was perfectly warm in the fur outfit. She trudged through the snow, enjoying the adventurous feeling of an Arctic explorer. As she marched away from the lodge, she saw the flashing headlights as a large bus arrived at the main entrance. This was the last group of guests who had been able to make it up the mountain. After this, the lodge would not be receiving anyone else until the storm and cleanup were over.

    Pat walked the hundred meters or so into the forest, grateful for the shining lights guiding her path. She admitted it was a bit dangerous. The snow was getting high and some of the lights might end up being obscured after a while. She climbed up onto the cabin’s porch, muscled open the door, and entered the small foyer that opened onto a winter paradise. A blazing fire was going in the big stone fireplace. The interior of the cabin was small and cozy. A huge, four-poster bed dripping with furs was pressed up against the far wall, positioned between two narrow, high windows. The snow churned outside the windows, feeding the impression of a fairytale refuge in the middle of a wintry forest. The fur rug in front of the fireplace was thick and soft and clearly designed for sex. A small kitchenette was in the corner, along with a small, craftsman wooden table. There was a sitting area with two leather couches and an armchair. A door opened into a luxurious, tiled bathroom. In the bathroom was a copper tub that was filled with steaming hot water. The cabin was illuminated by floor lamps that cast the entire space in a restrained, deep glow of yellow, warm light. The whole thing was like something out of a postcard.

    Pat smiled. The hosts of this hotel really went out of their way to accommodate their guests’ fantasies. She pulled off her fur coat, placed the coat and hat on the coat tree inside the door, and doffed her boots. She stripped off her sweater, pulling off the t-shirt she was wearing under it, as she walked across the floor in bare feet, approaching the bed. She was braless under the shirt and her massive, perfect tits bounced deliciously as she moved. She enjoyed the feel of the fur rugs and polished wooden boards on her bare feet. She sat on the bed and peeled off her leggings, then slipped off her thong. Naked, she padded across the room and into the bathroom. She lowered her voluptuous, naked body into the steaming hot tub and sighed in bliss.

    For about 30 minutes, Pat soaked herself, enjoying the warmth working its way into her muscles. She smiled as she listened to the wind howl outside. She really could get used to this. As much as she hated to admit it, part of her actually liked the idea of spending the next several days here by herself.

    Pat and Robert had run into some marital problems lately. Many of their issues revolved around the fact that Pat’s sexual adventurism had taken her into the realm of sexfighting other women. Roger did not mind that. He appreciated and enjoyed the idea of his wife getting intense sexual satisfaction and fulfilment from fucking other women into submission. What he did not like was that, for Pat, this was an intensely private affair that she really only wanted to share with the other women involved. Pat had tried to find some way to compromise, but she found that having her husband as a willing and eager audience only made her anxious and, even worse, had caused her to lose a couple of fights. That had fed further resentment and now they were struggling to work things out.

    Pat cast her mind back to how this had all started. A few years before, Marsha, a beautiful, voluptuous dark-haired vixen at Robert’s office, had forced her way into Pat and Robert’s hotel room as the married couple were getting ready for sex. One thing had led to another and soon Pat and Marsha were fucking each other senseless, each trying to outfuck the other and prove which of them was the better woman and whose cunt was better for Robert. They fucked all night, with Robert as an eager, oversexed spectator. For Pat, it had been the best sex of her life. For Marsha, it had clearly been something special as well because she began pestering Pat, demanding more meetings, more sex. Pat resisted for as long as she could, but one night she finally gave in. Again, the sex was incredible, absolutely mind-blowing, and she found herself shaken and confused by what she was discovering about herself. She tried to avoid Marsha and stifle her newly awakened appetites. It worked for a few months, until she had gone to a spa and found, to her chagrin, that Marsha tracked her down. The black-haired beauty forced herself into Pat’s room and the two women fucked each other’s brains out for the whole night. After that, the rest of her time at the spa turned into an erotic odyssey. When she returned to the city, she managed to resist Marsha’ entreaties for two months. But, one Friday night, when Roger was out of town, Pat finally followed up. Late at night, she went to the hotel where Marsha rented a room, let herself in, and mounted Marsha in the dark. They rode each other relentlessly for the rest of the weekend, grinding each other so hard that they could both barely walk by the time Sunday night rolled around. Once again, the pleasure had been incredible and Pat knew she could not live without the ecstasy she could only find between another woman’s legs.

    After that, she had diversified. She decided she needed to break her dependency on Marsha. She gave the black-haired beauty the cold shoulder but went out and used her contacts to work her way into a sexfighting ring. The anonymous sex was good, the sexual struggles against other gorgeous, voluptuous women were exhilarating, but she had to admit it was never as good as what she had with Marsha. She and Marsha were a perfect match, their luscious bodies almost physically identical and equally strong. They brought out intense hungers and rivalries with each other and, when they were together, they were fuck machines, able to fuck and fuck until they were both absolutely exhausted. They gave each other intense pleasure and their mutual animosity and antagonism added a flavor to the sex that nothing else could match. Even so, Pat avoided Marsha. There was too much at stake to risk getting caught up with that woman any further.

    Pat brought Robert in on what she was doing. He was an enthusiastic supporter but, as she had feared, his need to participate in some way spoiled the experience for her. Now, more than eighteen months since her last encounter with Marsha, she had begun to wonder if her marriage to Robert could survive the sexual appetites the bitch had unleashed in her.

    Pat sighed and settled back into the hot water. After a few more minutes, she rose out of the tub, patted herself dry with a thick, woolen, towel and walked, nude, back into the main room. She was glad she had eaten in the lodge. There was enough food in the kitchenette to last her several days and she did not want to force someone from the lodge to trudge through the blizzard to bring her a meal.

    Still naked, Pat climbed into bed and read for an hour. She eventually put the book aside, watched part of a rom-com on the in-house movie station, then called it a night. She turned out the lights but left the fire in the fireplace to continue its merry dance. It was behind a glass screen, so it would burn itself out safely during the night. Pat smiled luxuriantly as she snuggled under the warm, soft furs, basking in the sensual feel of the gentle down on her naked body.

    An hour later, the doorbell to her cabin rang, shocking Pat out of her deep sleep. At first, she thought she had to be dreaming, but then the bell rang again. It must be some kind of emergency, she thought to herself. She turned on the bedside lamp. “I’m coming!” she called out.

    Her naked body slipped out from under the covers. She needed a robe but, in her slightly sleep-fogged mind, could not recall where she had left her robe. Vaguely, she realized she had been walking around naked in the cabin since she got in. The robe was probably in the bath or in the wardrobe. Pat walked to the cabin door and pulled on her long, fur coat. It wrapped around her completely, leaving only her lower shins and bare feet exposed. This would have to do, she decided as she buttoned up the thick coat.

    The doorbell rang again. “Coming!” Pat called out. She stepped into the little foyer and opened the door. Standing right on the porch was a woman dressed in the same kind of thick, long fur coat as Pat, and also wearing the kind of round, fur hat that Pat had been wearing earlier. Her feet were covered in fur boots, to about halfway up her shin. The collar of the coat was pulled high on the woman’s neck to keep her warm, so Pat only caught the flash of the woman’s eyes under the brim of the hat.

    Without even waiting for an invitation to enter, the woman stepped into the foyer and pulled the door shut behind her. The howling of the wind had picked up and the blizzard had intensified. Pat had to wonder at someone who had risked walking through the storm to find her cabin.

    “What is wrong?” Pat asked. “Why did you come out here?”

    The woman stepped deeper into the cabin, her forward movement forcing Pat to take a step back. The woman stamped her feet, knocking snow off her fur-covered boots and lowered her collar. At the same time, she pulled off her fur hat and shook her long, black hair loose.

    “Why, I came out here to find you, baby,” Marsha purred. The black-haired beauty’s gorgeous face was lit with a predatory smile and her blue eyes blazed with barely-contained desire.

    Pat was stunned. For a moment, she wondered if she was dreaming. She had not seen Marsha in more than 18 months. She had deliberately cut herself off from the bitch. Yet, somehow, here the woman was now.

    At the same moment, Pat’s entire body exploded with sexual desire so intense that she almost gasped out loud. Whatever her mind thought of Marsha, her body had its own ideas and desires. Her thoughts racing, Pat realized that the aching pit of pure hunger and lust that was now radiating out from the core of her womanhood was the unsatisfied desire that she had suppressed for so long. She had not realized exactly how unsatisfying her sexfights with other women had been. Now, her body was telling her loud and clear.

    “Marsha,” Pat gasped, her voice instantly hoarse. “You bitch,” she grunted. “What are you doing here?”

    “I got the last bus in,” Marsha smiled. The woman began undoing the buttons on her thick coat. “I heard that you were stranded out here without Robert and I just couldn’t leave you abandoned here by yourself!”

    “How did you know that? How did you get in when Robert couldn’t?”

    “Questions, questions!” Marsha smiled. “How about we leave those questions for later?” She had unbuttoned her coat and now pulled the sides of the heavy fur cape wide. Marsha was completely nude underneath. Her incredibly voluptuous body gleamed in the firelight. The dancing flames traced the exquisite contours of her muscled abdomen that curved out deliciously into thick, rounded hips. Her cunt was completely clean-shaven and her fat-lipped pussy glistened with moisture, her fuck slit red and pulsating. Already, Pat could see the woman’s swollen clit fully exposed and twitching with tension at the crest of her vulva. Marsha’s long, muscular legs flexed and tapered down into the fur boots on her shins. Her massive, perfect tits rose from her chest like small mountains, the brown nipples hard and tight, jutting like knives. Marsha stood with her hands on her hips, putting her luscious body on full display.

    “Right now,” Marsha smiled, but her voice had grown suddenly hoarse and her eyes had darkened into pure lust, “right now, let’s fuck each other’s brains out.”

    Pat stepped back, her bare feet slapping on the hard wood. “Stay away from me, you cunt!” she said harshly. “I don’t want you! I want you to leave!”

    Marsha stepped closer, a half smile on her face. Pat inhaled sharply, but stood her ground. Slowly, carefully, Marsha reached out and began to unbutton Pat’s coat. Pat grunted. She moved her hands, momentarily planning to grab Marsha’s hands and stop her, but she stopped herself.

    All the buttons came undone. Carefully, Marsha pushed the coat open, exposing Pat’s hot, naked body. Marsha’s eyes slid hungrily over every inch of the nearly nude woman before her. Her glowing eyes took in every sign of Pat’s intense sexual arousal. Pat’s nipples were jutting like spears and looked as hard as rock. Her massive tits were swollen and red and heaving on her chest as she panted in excitement. Her abdomen was quivering, her bare cunt was gleaming in the light, a tiny trickle of cunt juice already inching its way to the floor. Her inner thighs looked wet. Pat’s clit was exposed, engorged and quivering with tension and need.

    Marsha nodded at the display before her. “You don’t want me, hm?” the black-haired woman smiled. “You should tell that to your body. You should tell that to your cunt.” Marsha reached down and caught the trickle of Pat’s fuck juice on her finger. She brought it up to her mouth and licked her finger clean. “Delicious,” Marsha whispered. She was no longer playing games. The incredible lust burning in her body was now free and clear and what she planned to do to Pat was obvious.

    Pat shuddered. She decided not to play games either. Her body would not allow it. She wanted this bitch. She wanted Marsha more than she had wanted anything in her life. Marsha saw Pat’s decision. She smiled ravenously, knowing that the other woman had decided to stop fighting her raging desire.

    The women stepped closer. Both still wearing their coats, they pressed their naked flesh together in the coats’ openings. Pat and Marsha gasped and grunted in unison as, for the first time in many months, their massive tits met and squashed, firm flesh mating and crushing, hot brown nipples sizzling as they met and fused, tip to tip. Their flat bellies slapped, their thick thighs caressed, muscle to muscle. Both women still had their arms in their sleeves but they slipped their arms around each other inside their coats and squeezed hard, crushing their nearly nude bodies tight. They writhed and wriggled in each other’s arms, rubbing and sliding aching flesh on flesh, letting their voluptuous bodies feel and reacquaint themselves after so much time apart. They groaned in harmony, their impossibly aroused bodies exploding with sensual fire and ravenous hunger.

    Pat’s bare feet shifted on the floor. Marsha’s boots scuffed as she shuffled. The women’s tongues touched, then they slid their mouths together, sinking into a deep, hungry kiss. They moaned deep in their throats as they kissed hard, passionately, their mutual hunger and lust growing to a raging fever. Strong tongues pushed and shoved, they sucked spit back and forth.

    Pat broke the kiss, gasping with feverish need. “Oh god, oh fuck, yes,” she moaned, “Fucking god, yes!”

    “I want your cunt, I want your clit, I want your whole body!” Marsha grunted. She pushed Pat back towards the fireplace. The women eased each other down to the ground. Pat slowly dropped to her knees and shrugged off her coat, freeing her arms, throwing the coat on the rug in front of the fireplace. Marsha dropped to her knees too and slid off her coat, tossing it aside. The women were now both completely nude, except for Marsha’s fur boots. They threw themselves together. Naked flesh slapped and writhed against naked flesh. Their mouths snapped together in magnetic lust, their overwhelming need to share tongues and spit, to wrestle mouth to mouth dominating their minds for a moment.

    Marsha pushed Pat back onto the coat and the rug and pressed her entire naked body down onto Pat’s writhing form. The women wriggled and undulated, grinding and grinding, rubbing bodies, enjoying the delicious sensations as their heavy tits crushed and rolled, as their solid bellies slid and their navels sucked. They pulled hair and clawed. Pat lay flat on her back and eagerly spread her legs wide, opening her cunt, tilting her pelvis up, inviting and demanding that Marsha fuck her, that Marsha drive into her and bring their ravenous cunts together.

    Marsha needed no encouragement. She spread her legs, pushing her slick, wet inner thighs down onto Pat’s inner thighs, and thrust with her hips and a powerful jerk of her trembling ass. Pat gripped her fuck partner’s ass tightly, her fingers sinking into Marsha’s taut muscle.

    The women’s fuck lips caressed, hot slits meshing and merging, slick, steaming labia melting together, fat, juicy fuck lips squashing and sucking. Their hips jerked as they thrust at each other, mashing their cunts, sealing and sucking each other in. Marsha rolled her hips and ass, mashing cunts, grinding and penetrating Pat’s fuckmeat, fusing their genitals together in an unbearably sensual grip.

    “Oh god, oh fucking god, yes, yes, yes!!” Pat cried out. She arched her back, driving her tits, belly and cunt even harder and deeper into Marsha’s luscious flesh, wanting only to become one body with the bitch on top of her.

    “Fuck, oh fuck, yes, yes, yes!” Marsha moaned, her eyes closed tight as she focused on feeling the incredible pleasure overwhelming every nerve. She reveled in the fire burning through every muscle, every cell in her delicious body. She groaned in pure pleasure as the fuck she had craved for so, so long was finally a reality.

    The women moved in an undulating full body fuck, fucking each other with every inch of their skin, refusing to separate, letting their bodies absorb each other. Their tits rolled and mashed deliciously, their hard bellies rippled. More than anything, their steaming cunts locked and sucked, two fuck mouths joined in an unbreakable fuck kiss. Nose to nose, eye to eye, Marsha and Pat touched tongues, but they did not kiss. Both wanted to feel and see the other woman, they both wanted to enjoy every millisecond of their fuck after being apart for so long.

    “Let’s make it last,” Pat gasped at Marsha. “Keep it going as long as we can….”

    “Yes,” Marsha moaned, “fuck, yes, yes, yesssss….”

    The women’s mouths locked hungrily, their hips rolled slow and hard, their bodies moved in a sensual, aching rhythm as they fucked and fucked and fucked. Their gently shuddering bodies were soon drenched in sweat and gleaming in the firelight. The cabin room filled with the deep moans and spiraling cries of pure ecstasy as they rode each other higher and higher and harder and harder. The intoxicating scent of hot sweat and pungent, sopping wet cunt filled the small space.

    Marsha and Pat’s clits scraped and thrust, jousted and stroked, caressed and twisted into knots of excruciating pleasure. The women trembled and quaked with barely contained sexual tension and intense pleasure as they fucked relentlessly. Pat twined her naked legs through Marsha’s legs. Her lower legs and bare feet rubbed against Marsha’s fur boots. Pat’s fingers explored and stroked and slapped Marsha’s slowly pumping ass. Marsha’s hands were fixed to Pat’s flexing ass, kneading and squeezing the dense meat, occasionally teasing the brunette’s puckered anus with a wet digit.

    For more than an hour, Pat and Marsha fucked and fucked, giving each other the intense pleasure they had denied each other for so long. After 90 minutes of constant fucking, they could not take anymore. Their bodies were trembling with sexual tension, their nerves were burning and quivering with erotic electricity, both women were on the verge of sexual delirium as the pleasure they were storing and struggling to control became unbearable. Clit moved on clit, stroking, stroking, rubbing, grinding, feeding the fire.

    Marsha knotted her clit with Pat’s swollen, twitching organ. As one, the women squeezed their cunts with all their strength, crushing their rock-hard clits with all their power. They exploded as one, their bodies going stiff, an incredible simultaneous orgasm roaring through their bodies in a wave of pure ecstasy. They convulsed, their bodies straining, as they ejaculated powerfully. Both women felt the delicious flow of molten cum flowing up their vaginal canals, mixing into a delectable froth, filling them to the brim. Pat had forgotten how incredibly delicious this feeling was and she rejoiced in the knowledge that, once more, Marsha was cumming deep inside of her even as she was cumming deep inside of Marsha. Nothing felt better.

    The women twisted and writhed, moaning and screaming out, as they fucked multiple orgasms out of each other. For almost ten minutes, they shook and shuddered in each other’s arms, ejaculating over and over, their nipples cumming, their pussies flowing. With a final shudder, they collapsed. The room fell silent, save for the ragged breathing of two women who had fucked each other senseless.

    For some time, Marsha and Pat lay sprawled together, their bodies wet and slick, Marsha covering Pat. After a few minutes, Pat stirred. She pushed Marsha off of her. The women lay side by side for a few more moments, floating in the afterglow of their intense sex. Pat finally sat up, looked down at Marsha, her eyes guarded but glowing with heat, and got slowly to her feet. She padded across the room to the bed. She pulled back the fur covers and then slid under the sheets. She did not bother to wipe off, even though her body was dripping with sweat and streaked with cum. She turned off the bedside lamp and settled down in the center of the bed.

    The fire in the fireplace had been slowly fading for some time. With the lamp off, the light in the cabin was low and dull. The room began to cool off. After another few minutes, Marsha sat up. She got on her hands and knees, then sat back on her ass. She pulled off her boots, freeing her bare feet. She got to her feet, for the first time completely nude, and padded across the room to the bed. She pulled back the fur coverings and slipped under the sheets into the warmth of the bed. She shifted herself along the mattress, approaching Pat where the other woman lay flat on her back.

    Without hesitation, Marsha mounted Pat’s nude body. The women moaned deep in their throats as their wet, hot bodies mashed and rubbed tight and hard. Swollen nipples found each other and fused tight, hot bellies slapped, slick, throbbing fuck lips caressed smoothly. Marsha pushed her aching twat deep and hard onto Pat’s slick pudenda. The women moaned gently as their genitals hissed in heat and wetness as they fused tight. Pat and Marsha kissed deep and hard. They writhed in each other’s arms, cunts sealing as they resumed their mutual fucking. Under the mountain of fur blankets, the rhythmic movement of two bodies fucking and fucking and fucking went on for more than another hour.

    Pat and Marsha screamed in unison as they orgasmed together. They came and came, ejaculating powerfully into each other, both relishing and basking in the delicious sensations of mutual penetration and mutual violation, of their cum merging and fusing and sealing their bodies into one. After some time, they finally stopped and lay together, floating in the afterglow. Their luscious bodies were drenched in sweat and cum.

    “We’re not going to stop fucking,” Marsha finally whispered into Pat’s ear. “We’re going to fuck non-stop. We’re going to make up for all the fucking we did not do for the past 18 months.”

    “That’s fine by me,” Pat whispered back. “We have enough food here to last for days, that storm will keep going. No one is going to disturb us. We’re going to do everything to each other, we’re going to grind clits and eat each other alive until we’re both too sore to walk. We’re going to fuck each other raw. Agreed?”

    “Agreed, you little cunt,” Marsha smiled. “Let’s fuck on it to seal the deal.”

    “Gladly,” Pat moaned. She opened her legs wide and pulled on Marsha’s ass. “Get in here, fucker,” Pat grunted. “I want to feel your clit on mine, I want to feel your cunt sucked with mine, I want to feel you cumming inside of me. No stopping.”

    “Oh god, yes,” Marsha moaned as she slid her twat hard and deep into Pat’s succulent cunt, as their juicy pussy lips mashed and sealed, as their hips rotated and they penetrated each other deeply, fusing into one. She shuddered with the anticipation of all the ecstasy to come and she began thrusting, fucking Pat with all her strength.

    The night was barely started and they had days and nights ahead of them. This was paradise, a Christmas miracle, and both women intended to enjoy every second.

    The End?

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Been a while since I’ve read the Pat and Marsha stories. Nice work. Personally, I hope that Pat gets over her anxieties and is able to fight while letting Robert or Roger or whatever his name is enjoy the show.

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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    Been a while since I’ve read the Pat and Marsha stories. Nice work. Personally, I hope that Pat gets over her anxieties and is able to fight while letting Robert or Roger or whatever his name is enjoy the show.
    His name should be Robert. I hope I caught all of that! I may need to take this story down and repost it as I caught some errors.

    I don't think that Pat will change to the point of letting Robert watch. I don't think that these are her "anxieties" - my thinking on this is that she has discovered something about her sexuality that is deeply personal and she does not want to "perform" it for her husband - and anything he does, including watching, would make her acts a performance.

    Anyway, I do plan to play around with this a bit more later. I may add another part or two to this story -I'm already thinking about the women together in the hot tub, sauna and bathtub - but that will be a while in the future, if at all. As I wrote, I think that this story works fine as a stand-alone.


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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    I read all of your stories, but sorry which series was Pat and Marsha from again? I cannot recall. I dig the scenario you put them in.

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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    I read all of your stories, but sorry which series was Pat and Marsha from again? I cannot recall. I dig the scenario you put them in.
    They are from "The Hotel" series. If you go to fights sexy, Rival's Rapture's site, you can find the whole series there.

    In fact, here is a link to my stories on RR's site. You can find "The Hotel" series by scrolling down

    JB57’s Stories – Fights.Sexy


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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Thanks! I need to just bookmark that site. It is easier to find old stories and I often forget about it.

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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    I had missed the perfect way you write erotic scenes !
    Excellent ! A short one (but not that short as you have mentioned) but it is very hot !
    You are right, it can be read as a stand alone story.
    As for Yuri's idea, to let men to get involved... I confess that here my taste is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT to Yuri's.
    When you write a woman vs woman sexfight, it is about TWO WOMEN ONLY. Imho. I know many people disagree, i respect their different opinion but i am a BIG fan of erotic scenes between two women WITHOUT any man's presence. Nothing to analyze it too much, it's simply a matter of taste.

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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    I had missed the perfect way you write erotic scenes !
    Excellent ! A short one (but not that short as you have mentioned) but it is very hot !
    You are right, it can be read as a stand alone story.
    As for Yuri's idea, to let men to get involved... I confess that here my taste is ENTIRELY DIFFERENT to Yuri's.
    When you write a woman vs woman sexfight, it is about TWO WOMEN ONLY. Imho. I know many people disagree, i respect their different opinion but i am a BIG fan of erotic scenes between two women WITHOUT any man's presence. Nothing to analyze it too much, it's simply a matter of taste.

    Thanks Giannis,

    I was re-reading some of the earlier stories in this series, especially the last one, and they/it are really hot -if I do say so myself! I had not re-read them before I wrote this one (except to get the basic plots) and I am glad now I did not- it may have made this story much longer! Which, BTW, may still happen, but this will be a stand-alone for now.

    I also far prefer that the combat between two (or more) female protagonists be kept just between them. My main reason for this is because I think that keeping the fight private makes it much more intimate, which is part of what I am striving for in my stories -to create the sense that the characters are fighting in a profoundly intimate, erotic and pleasurable way. The second factor is what I mentioned earlier - that the characters need to feel as though they are fighting for themselves, not performing for some man's entertainment.

    There are stories I have done where the women do fight in public (I am thinking here of two stories in the Kris series - Part Time Work and Oil Fight) but these stories always build up to a private battle where things are really decided.

    Take care,


  9. #9
    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    I just read the first and third parts on and I have to say it adds A LOT that her husband supports her sexfighting escapades with Marsha. It’s hard for me to get into the story if she’s hurting her spouse in the process, but the fact that he’s chill with it(and hands-off) is great!

    It is kind of sad though that Marsha is alone just waiting for her next pass at Pat. Maybe they can form some type of permanent arrangement.

  10. #10
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Holiday Special- Winter Retreat by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Thanks Giannis,

    I was re-reading some of the earlier stories in this series, especially the last one, and they/it are really hot -if I do say so myself! I had not re-read them before I wrote this one (except to get the basic plots) and I am glad now I did not- it may have made this story much longer! Which, BTW, may still happen, but this will be a stand-alone for now.

    I also far prefer that the combat between two (or more) female protagonists be kept just between them. My main reason for this is because I think that keeping the fight private makes it much more intimate, which is part of what I am striving for in my stories -to create the sense that the characters are fighting in a profoundly intimate, erotic and pleasurable way. The second factor is what I mentioned earlier - that the characters need to feel as though they are fighting for themselves, not performing for some man's entertainment.

    There are stories I have done where the women do fight in public (I am thinking here of two stories in the Kris series - Part Time Work and Oil Fight) but these stories always build up to a private battle where things are really decided.

    Take care,

    Thanks JB,

    Regarding the male presence in a s3xfight between 2 women I co-sign your thoughts in your reply to me. !
    You explained why you are against it, like me, in a perfect way.
    We agree 1000% at this point !

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