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Thread: Divisions: Part 5

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Divisions: Part 5

    Holly and Nicole woke up to find themselves suspended up against a wall by four steel bindings like a Bond film. The room they were in was otherwise made out of pure black mesh and was rather large. They felt the soft, springy material on their naked backs as they looked around. They began to yawn from just waking up before noticing Christina at the other side of the room.

    “You’re awake!” She said in an excited whisper.

    “Where are we?” Holly asked.

    “You’re in the education room.” Christina answered.

    “That doesn’t sound good.” Nicole commented.

    “It’s not. At all.” Christina added. “My bosses plan to sexually brainwash you and have you join Las Brujas.”

    “As enticing as that sounds, get us out of here!” Holly begged.

    “I can’t.” Christina said. “Those bitches have the key to your bindings.”

    “Then get it!” Nicole said.

    “Gee, I never would have thought of that.” Christina said sarcastically.

    “Isn’t there something you can do?” Holly asked.

    “I don’t know…” Christina said dejectedly. “Wait…Your phones!”

    “Don’t the sicarias have them?” Nicole asked.

    “No!” Christina said excitedly. “They were so eager about punishing you that they never bothered cleaning up that room you fought in! Everything’s still there!”

    “That’s great!” Holly said. “Go get it! Send a text to Jasmine and Vanessa! Tell them where we are and that we need help!”

    “Got it.” Christina said. “I’ll have to wait until those two come back because I’m supposed to be guarding you right now but I’ll do that!”

    “Are we sure about this?” Nicole asked. “Those two aren’t on speaking terms right now and Vanessa quit anyway.”

    “I know Nessa and she’d never quit for real.” Holly said. “The force is her entire life.”

    “Well, at least we know Jasmine will come just to show off.” Nicole said before sighing with guilt. “I’m sorry…For getting us all into this…I just…”

    “We’ll talk about it later, Nikki.” Holly reassured. “Right now we have bigger problems.”

    “Yeah…” Nicole said sadly. The two cops both gave Christina their phone passwords and the spy committed them to memory.

    The three of them waited for a little while until Rubia and Morena opened the steel door, still naked as the day they were born. All three cop girls got chills.

    “Seems our little guests are finally awake.” Morena said. “They weren’t any trouble were they, Christina?”

    “No, ma’am.” Christina answered.

    “In that case, you’re dismissed.” Rubia said. “Sorry, chica but we’d rather have some privacy to work our magic.”

    “Yes, jeffe.” Christina obeyed and left, closing the steel door.

    “Alone at last.” Morena said. “Let the fun begin.”

    “What are you gonna do, torture us?” Holly asked defiantly.

    “Oh, you two should both know our organization better than that.” Rubia said. “Violence can be a necessary evil at times but this is not one of those times.”

    “All that grotesque shit is for men.” Morena added. “We all know how us women do things.”

    The two sicarias slowly and seductively marched towards their prisoners. Holly and Nicole’s hearts began to race. Even after everything, they still found themselves so encapsulated by the sheer sexiness of their captors.

    “Which one do you want, hermana?” Morena asked her partner.

    “I’ll take this one.” Rubia answered, pointing at Holly. “She said it herself. She loves to fuck other blondes.”

    “Suit yourself.” Morena said. “I loved taming the redhead anyway.”

    The two cop babes just gave their soon-to-be dominators defiant glares, not saying a single word. They did not deter the sicarias in the slightest. Rubia slowly walked towards Holly and Morena towards Nicole.

    “Just relax and enjoy being pleasured by the better nymphos.” Rubia said.

    “And don’t worry.” Morena added. “Once we get bored, we’ll switch partners.”

    Nicole spat on Morena’s face only for the narco bitch to lick it off herself. The smiling brunette then brought her mouth down on her redhead captive and began lustfully kissing her as she laid her body on top of her, moaning loudly, wanting everyone to hear how much she was enjoying this. Rubia quickly joined in by forcibly tonguing Holly’s throat down. The two captives tried to be as difficult as possible but their libidos were working against them at every turn. It was like the Brujas really were witches and had cast a spell on them.


    As soon as Christina was far enough away, she bolted through the basement and all the way to the top floor where the four nymphos had their showdown. Breathing heavily from all that running, she frantically looked around before finding Holly’s uniform. She had to try and remember what Holly’s password was but it came to her. She put it in and the phone opened. She opened the messages app and texted Vanessa and Jasmine. The message read as follows:

    “This is Christina, the spy! Holly and Nicole went after the sicarias and lost to them in a sexfight! They’re now being held captive and brainwashed by the narcos into becoming La Malvada’s next recruits! Come save them! The address for their hideout is 17682 Anderson Ave! They’re in a secret room in the basement, I can help get you in! Hurry!”

    A few minutes ago…

    La Rubia and La Morena continued to molest their prisoners lovingly when suddenly, they stopped and pulled off both of them. Holly and Nicole were shocked and admittedly a little disappointed at the end of the pleasuring.

    “What?” Nicole asked. “Are we too much for you?”

    “Maybe they want a rematch.” Holly suggested.

    “I think enough time has passed, hermana.” Rubia said.

    “Yes, I agree.” Morena said.

    The two then got up and began to leave the room.

    “Where are you going?!” Holly asked angrily.

    “What’s this about?!” Nicole demanded.

    “Oh, I think all THREE of you know what this is about.” Rubia said, emphasizing the word three as the two left the room.

    Holly and Nicole’s hearts nearly stopped at that realization.

    Back on the top floor…

    Christina typed up her message to Jasmine and Vanessa and hit send. Thankfully the reception was good enough. As she was about to get up and leave, she heard a voice from behind her.

    “Nosy, aren’t we?” Morena asked rhetorically.

    “Ah!” Christina yelped in surprise.

    “Why so jumpy?” Rubia asked.

    “Jeffes, I…I was just looking to see if those gringas had anything useful on them.” Christina lied.

    “And do they?” Morena asked.

    “I…haven’t found anything yet. I was going through the blonde’s phone.” Christina said.

    “How do you know that’s the blonde’s?” Rubia asked.

    “Because I picked the phone out of the uniform labeled “Holly”. That’s her name.” Christina said nervously.

    “They never said their names.” Morena said,

    “Well…I…I saw their labels before they took off their uniforms.” Christina said.

    “You seem to have quite the eye for detail.” Rubia said as the two sicarias encircled the spy interrogation style.

    “How did you crack her phone?” Rubia asked.

    “I…I interrogated them while you two were away.” Christina said, getting more nervous.

    “And how did you do that?” Morena asked. “I doubt they’d give up that info so easily.”

    “I…I just…” Christina stammered.

    “They just told you their passwords because you’ve been in league with those pigs all this time!” Rubia declared.

    “What?!” Christina said, heart pounding. “That’s ridiculous, where’s your proof?!”

    “This location is top secret.” Morena said. “Not even the other Brujas know it, besides La Malvada herself.”

    “So?” Christina said. “They could’ve tracked our phones or one of our customers was wired!”

    “Again, no one knows this place except us three and La Malvada.” Rubia said. “Plus, we ditch our phones after they become a burden.”

    Christina kept stuttering but she realized it was hopeless. She was caught.

    “What did you do with that phone, traitor?!” Morena demanded.

    Christina gained a defiant expression.

    “Go fuck yourselves, you narco cunts!” The Mestizo beauty cursed.

    “Time for you to join your friends downstairs.” Rubia said calmly.

    Today was a good day for the sicarias. They helped plant a great location for business, they caught two cops and one spy all in a single night. They were sure that La Malvada would be so pleased that she’d have them sexfight and the winner would get to take on La Cazadora for the chance to take her place as La Malvada’s new personal sicaria. Christina gave herself up and the two dragged her away down towards the education room. As they opened the door, Holly and Nicole saw that their spy was exposed but before they could say anything, Christina looked up at them, smiled and winked, signaling that she sent the call for backup. Holly and Nicole remained silent. Rubia and Morena bound Christina to the wall, right in between Holly and Nicole.

    “You putas have given us more trouble than you're worth tonight.” Morena said. “So, we think your punishment should be much more extreme.”

    “You wait here while we prepare our toys.” Rubia ordered. “You’ll know what true punishment is long before we’re done.”

    As soon as they left and closed the door, the three cop babes immediately started talking.

    “Did you send the text?!” Nicole asked frantically.

    “Yes!” Christina said. “Just seconds before they caught me.”

    “Let’s just hope to God that those two are light sleepers.” Holly said.

    Now all the three of them could do was sit and wait.

    Back at the penthouse…

    Jasmine was sound asleep next to Ben in bed when a sudden ding from her phone combined with the brightness of the screen made her stir. It was a text from Holly. What could that bitch possibly want at this hour? Jasmine rubbed her tired eyes and as soon as she saw what the text said, she sprung awake. Those idiots! What the Hell were they thinking going alone?! No time now. She had to act. She quickly got up, pulled on her police uniform and got dressed. Thank God Ben was a heavy sleeper. She bent down and gave her Husband a kiss on the forehead.

    “I’m sorry, baby.” She said softly. “Duty calls.”

    As she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered that text was addressed to Vanessa as well. She sighed. The awkward talk with her would be unavoidable. She had to try. She walked over to Vanessa’s room and opened the door, seeing the brunette lying in bed awake with a bitter expression on her face. The eye contact was even more uncomfortable than Jasmine had anticipated. The last time the two 28 year olds saw each other was when Vanessa slammed her badge on the floor and quit before storming off.

    “What the Hell do you want, bitch?” Vanessa asked coldly.

    “You saw that text, didn’t you?” Jasmine asked.

    “Yes.” Vanessa said, sighing.

    “And you’re just gonna lay on your ass?!” Jasmine asked angrily.

    “Why don’t you go and save them, Wonder Woman?” Vanessa asked sarcastically. “I’m not a cop anymore, remember?”

    “Oh, will you quit being such a damn crybaby?!” Jasmine yelled.

    “Why even ask me?” Vanessa asked. “You probably think you can just take those two bitches on all by yourself.”

    Jasmine was then reminded of what she said to Tamara right in front of Nicole after Vanessa stormed off. She then remembered Nicole’s sad expression as she said that. The realization hit her like a brick. She made Nicole feel unneeded, so she probably went off after the sicarias herself and Holly went with to give her back up and get revenge against the Brujas for Vanessa. Her angry expression changed to one of guilt and sorrow. How could she say that in front of her? Nikki was her best friend who had been with her through thick and thin. She now blamed herself for all of this and realized that the only way forward was to swallow her pride.

    “You were right, okay?” Jasmine admitted. “I was overly prideful and do have a huge ego…And now it’s driven our partners to this….I’m sorry…Please help me save them, Nessa.”

    Vanessa seemed genuinely moved and her expression seemed to be one of deep internal conflict.

    “I…I can’t…” Vanessa said. “I can’t face the Brujas again…Never again.”

    “Are you serious?” Jasmine asked. “You’re just gonna abandon them?”

    “I meant what I said when I said you could beat them yourself.” Vanessa said defensively. “Tamara was right. You’re more fit to be leader than I am.”

    “Listen to yourself!” Jasmine yelled. “The Vanessa I know was a badass cop babe who wasn’t afraid of anything! When I was at my worst, you told me that I wasn’t acting like the Jasmine you know! Well, now it’s my turn to say the same to you! Now get off your ass and help me save our friends!”

    Vanessa just looked away sadly.

    “Fine.” Jasmine said. “But even if I can save them on my own, you’ll have to face them after they find out you did nothing to help!”

    Jasmine walked away and slammed the door, leaving the depressed brunette all alone. As she left the hotel, the night sky began to turn to dusk, indicating that the sunrise was near. She quickly got in her car and drove off to the address provided by Christina. A few minutes later, she arrived at the abandoned warehouse. She quickly snuck in and creeped her way down into the basement when she saw the steel door that she knew had to lead to her partners. The beautiful raven opened the steel door, revealing Holly, Christina and Nicole bound to the wall, naked.

    “Jazz!” Nicole said excitedly.

    “Thank God!” Holly said.

    “How do I get you out of here?” Jasmine asked as she walked towards them.

    “The sicarias have the key.” Christina said.

    “You’re Christina, I presume?” Jasmine asked.

    “That’s right.” Christina answered. “Care to explain why you and that other chica didn’t join these two when they came here?”

    “Actually…” Nicole said shamefully. “I decided to come here without telling them and Holly only came to back me up after she couldn’t convince me not to go.”

    “What?!” Christina asked. “Why the fuck would you do that?!”

    “We can argue about this later.” Holly said. “Just get us the fuck out of this!”

    “I’ll try.” Jasmine said. “And Nikki…About what I said yesterday…”

    “We can make up as nice and long as we want after this, Jazz.” Nicole said.

    Jasmine smiled slightly at that thought.

    “Wait…” Holly said. “Where’s Vanessa?”

    “She’s not coming.” Jasmine said sadly.

    “What?” Holly asked in a genuinely hurt tone. “Why?”

    “I’ll explain later, okay?” Jasmine asked in an equally sad tone.

    Holly couldn’t believe that Vanessa wouldn’t come. Did she really mean it when she quit the force?

    “I’ll go snag the keys.” Jasmine said.

    “Oh, that won’t be necessary, chica.” A Mexican accented voice said from behind Jasmine.

    She turned around and saw the two naked sicarias standing in the doorway.

    “They just keep coming to us tonight, hermana.” Rubia said. “Like bugs into a zapper.”

    “Hand over the keys and come quietly and this doesn’t have to get ugly.” Jasmine demanded.

    “Oh, we were planning on making this the opposite of ugly ourselves.” Morena said. “You’re one fine piece of pussy for a pig.”

    Jasmine pulled her gun out and aimed it at them…Only to realize by the weight of it that she forgot to load it.

    “Shit!” Jasmine muttered to herself.

    “Not loaded, is it?” Rubia said, somehow knowing. Jasmine was so fractic in rushing over here that she knew she forgot something.

    “Seems you have no choice but to try and beat us at the game.” Rubia said. “And as your friends back there will tell you, we play for keeps.”

    Jasmine weighed her options. It was two against one no matter what she did. She didn’t see any other options available. Besides, just from the look of these bitches and what they did to her friends, she wanted to make them pay.

    “Alright.” Jasmine relented. “We’ll do it your way.”

    “No, Jasmine!” Holly begged. “That’s exactly how they got us!”

    “What other choice do I have?” Jasmine asked.

    “You have no idea who you’re messing with, cabrona!” Christina lectured.

    “And neither do they.” Jasmine shot back.

    “Are you sure, Jazz?” Nicole asked. “It’s still two against one and they moped the floor with us.”

    “This is me we’re talking about, Nikki.” Jasmine said. “Just sit back and enjoy the show.”

    “Then it’s settled.” Morena announced.

    “I hope you’re ready.” Rubia said.

    “I was about to say the same thing to you.” Jasmine said.

    The cocky raven began to strip out of her police uniform. The sicarias nearly salivated at the sight of her glorious nudity. Jasmine herself had to admit that she liked what she was seeing.

    “Before we begin, just one moment.” Morena said.

    The brunette Latina walked behind Jasmine towards the three prisoners and proceeded to duct tape each of their mouths shut.

    “What the…?!” Holly protested.

    “Oh, fuck o…!” Christina protested.

    “Don’t you da…!” Nicole protested.

    “We don’t want any distractions, now do we?” Morena asked.

    Jasmine just rolled her eyes.

    “Now then, shall we begin?” Rubia asked.

    Jasmine did not answer. She just stood there glaring at her soon-to-be opponents. The sicarias both shrugged their shoulders and began circling their prey slowly and sensually. They got closer and closer…

    “Oh, cut the shit, why don’t you?” Jasmine asked rudely.

    Rubia and Morena were confused.

    “You think I’m stupid?” Jasmine asked. “I know your game and I know this is how you wore down the others. It won’t work on me, so stop wasting all of our time and just get to it.”

    The sicarias were impressed. This raven seemed much wiser and more experienced than the other two. They were going to enjoy this.

    “Fine.” Morena said. “If that’s the way you wanna play it, you impatient coño.”

    The blonde and brunette gained more serious expressions on their lovely faces before closing in on Jasmine. Rubia mashed herself into Jasmine’s front, their gorgeous G-cups mushrooming together, while Morena pressed her own tits into Jasmine’s back, feeling her brown nipples being tickled by the cop babe’s jet black locks. Jasmine’s eyes winced at the contact. Watching this, the captives now realized the actual reason why Morena gagged them. It was to prevent them from warning Jasmine about their technique. Rubia and Morena loved sandwiching their opponents and now Jasmine was going to be subjected to it. The raven cooed as her front and back alike were massaged gently by the mocha-skinned breasts of her rivals.

    Morena reached up to pull Jasmine’s hair out of the way, using one hand to hold her dark tresses while she kissed the back of her neck and shoulders. Rubia then brought her mouth over towards Jasmine’s and unleashed her tongue to slash at her opponent’s mouth. Jasmine brought her own tongue out to slash at Rubia in retaliation and the two began to duel each other briefly before Jasmine sealed her mouth to Rubia’s and initiated a passionate, heated make out session. Jasmine could feel herself giving in more and more to these Latina femme fatales but she maintained control.

    “I hope you provide more of a challenge for us than your friends.” Morena said before quickly resuming her kissing of Jasmine’s soft skin.

    “I hope this isn’t the best you junkie bitches can do.” Jasmine shot back, briefly breaking her kiss with Rubia before resuming it.

    The sicarias increased the intensity of their foreplay in response to Jasmine’s taunts. Rubia began to press her pussy into the cop babe’s while Morena began to grind her own pussy against Jasmine’s plump ass cheeks.

    “Mmmm…” Jasmine moaned into Rubia’s mouth.

    The two sicarias then reached past Jasmine and wrapped their arms around each other’s backs before using them to initiate a tight bearhug, squeezing themselves and each other into their opponent even more. Morena then brought her own hot mouth up towards the kissing nymphos and joined in. The two slutty sicarias quickly began to orally dominate their helpless rival’s mouth as she groaned and grunted, jerking around in a feeble attempt to escape the sandwich. Rubia and Morena adapted to this and wrestled Jasmine to the bouncy, trampoline-like ground, still sandwiching her between the two of them.

    Holly, Nicole and Christina watched with mixed concern and intrigue at the sight of three hot naked bodies writing around on the floor for their viewing pleasure. Holly and Nicole wanted nothing more than to break out and help Jasmine, especially since it was their fault this was even happening in the first place. They felt so powerless and frustrated. La Rubia and La Morena continued to double team the helpless raven. They at last broke their threeway kiss and Morean grabbed Jasmine’s hair and yanked, pulling her head back, which therefore made her neck push forward for Rubia to lick at it.

    “Ugh! I’ll get you whores for this!” Jasmine promised.

    “I’m sure you will, chica.” Rubia joked as she continued to lick as Jasmine’s neck.

    “She’s quite the feisty one, isn’t she, hermana?” Morena asked her partner.

    “All the more reason to break her down for el jeffe.” Rubia said.

    The sicarias continued their domination of their opponent. Rubia licked downwards into her and Jasmine’s shared cleavage as Morena began to hump Jasmine’s ass from behind. Jasmine began to pant loudly and roughly while the sicarias just moaned in pleasure. It was not long at all before Jasmine felt her first orgasm of the night rapidly closing in on her pussy. She had absolutely zero hope of stopping it or even slowing it down as she was being fucked from every direction. All she could do was brace herself as best she could.

    “Oh! Oh! Ohhh…!!” Jasmine began to cry before being silenced by Rubia and Morena’s mouths once again.

    Her screams were muffled by two skilled, Latina tongues in her mouth before her climax subsided and she began to slow down and relax.

    “You think we’ve tortured her enough?” Rubia asked.

    “I think so.” Morena agreed. “Let’s give her a fighting chance.”

    The two gorgeous Mexican babes then released Jasmine as she quickly struggled to catch her breath. They looked down at the hyperventilating raven, seeing her bent over and her black hair covering her face. Jasmine shook herself to focus and looked up at her arrogant, grinning opponents. She couldn’t believe this. The last time she came that hard was her last match with Sabrina. It was then that she realized what it was that made these two such formidable enemies. As cliche as it was to say, it was their teamwork. The double-teaming wasn’t just for their own kicks and enjoyment. It was an excellent way to ensnare and overwhelm their prey. Tamara and Vanessa were not kidding when they said how professional and deadly the Brujas were. For a brief time, she began to lose hope. What could she do against them all by herself? Then, she looked back at her partners and saw the concerned and guilty looks on their faces. She shook it off and regained her determined glare.

    “Alright, bitches.” Jasmine cursed. “You took round one, I won’t deny that…But let’s see how you do in round two.”

    The raven slowly approached her two opponents seductively and menacingly. The sicarias remained silent with their cocky grins before slowly walking towards Jasmine themselves. Jasmine knew she had to avoid getting double teamed again, so she had to change her strategy and fast. Just as the two were about to pounce on her together again, Jasmine veered to the right and dove down onto La Rubia, tackling her to the ground. Jasmine quickly positioned her mouth in front of the blonde beauty’s lovely cunt and did not hesitate to begin feasting on her.

    “Ohh!!” Rubia yelped at the sudden pleasure.

    Jasmine loudly slurped and lapped at the Latina’s pussy as best she could. Rubia reached down to bury her hands in her opponent’s thick, jet black locks.

    “Ugh!” Rubia grunted. “She’s pretty good at this.”

    “Usually only I can make you make those noises.” Morena joked.

    Jasmine was planted firmly on her belly as she ate Rubia out, leaving most of her erogenous zones closed off to Morena…Most of them. The brunette Latina walked behind Jasmine, eyeing up the raven’s shapely ass. She began to reach down towards the plump, jiggly cheeks before Rubia brought her hand up to stop her. Morena knew her partner well enough. Rubia wanted to enjoy the cunnilingus just for now. At this point, both of them were positive that Jasmine had no chance of winning no matter what she did, so they might as well have some fun while it lasts.

    Jasmine licked, lapped, sucked, jabbed and nibbled as hard and fast as she possibly could. La Rubia’s clit soon came out of its folds to play and Jasmine immediately brought her mouth up to the pulsating, pink pleasure bud and then brought out her right index and middle finger into the attack, penetrating the sicaria’s lower folds.

    “Ohhhh…” Rubia moaned as Morena just stood and watched. “That’s so good, baby…”

    Jasmine began to worry. Those were not the moans of a nympho getting fucked within an inch of her life, they were the moans of a woman enjoying a standard, run of the mill, wam bam thank you ma’am lesbian sex session. She had to do something to turn up the heat. She brought her teeth out again and began gently grinding them against the hardened little clit.

    “Ugh!” Rubia grunted.

    That little reaction was a good indicator that she had the right idea going. She kept at it, wrapping her lips around it like a tiny cherry, still knifing her fingers in and out of Rubia’s pleasure center, feeling her opponent writhe and jerk around, reacting to the pleasure. Yes! This was just what she needed! She could feel that the blonde Latina had an orgasm coming on! She licked and fingered and licked and fingered and licked and fingered and then…it happened.

    “Ahhhhh!!!” Rubia cried, her fluids bursting out all over Jasmine’s sexy face as she came.

    The raven pulled back, looking down at her rival as she caught her breath…but she quickly got up and recovered much faster than Jasmine had anticipated. Her visibly shocked expression said it all.

    “How was she, hermana?” Morena asked.

    “Much better than those little girls from before, that’s for sure.” Rubia answered, looking back at their prisoners.

    The younger girls glared in her direction. Holly used her bound hand but free fingers to flip her fellow blonde off. Jasmine was both confused and now genuinely afraid. That orgasm seemed plenty powerful and draining but Rubia brushed it off as if Jasmine had never eaten pussy before a day in her life. She knew that Las Brujas were experienced and professional nymphos but this was way beyond what she had imagined. What the Hell are these bitches? Jasmine remembered that she couldn’t show any weakness and her expression turned back to strong and determined.

    “Care to have your turn now?” Rubia asked Morena.

    “I’d thought you’d never ask.” Morena answered.

    “I can do this all day and night, you twisted cunts!” Jasmine said.

    “You promise?” Morena asked mockingly.

    The Mexican brunette then pounced on Jasmine, startling her and wrestling her back to the ground with Morena on top. She grinned down at Jasmine, her flowing brown locks curtaining both of them. Jasmine glared at her defiantly only for the sicaria to lower her mouth down on top of the raven’s. As she furiously and mercilessly tongued her down, Morena used her own thighs to spread Jasmine’s thighs apart and mashed her pussy into her rival’s brutally. It was undeniable at this point that Las Brujas were absolute masters at the game. Every body part was a weapon for them and a weakness for their opponents. If sexfighting was a martial art, they’d be on par with the likes of Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. And to think, these two are just sicarias. There’s still La Cazadora above them and above her was La Malvada herself.

    “Mmmmm!!!” Jasmine shrieked into Morena’s mouth as she was viciously fucked.

    Morena flexed her ass as she tribbed into her helpless opponent, grinding her own G-cups into those of Jasmine as she did, their nipples lightly and gently penetrating each other. The Latina brought her hands behind Jasmine’s back, using them to push the raven into her even harder as her tongue loudly and thoroughly explored her mouth. Jasmine winced and groaned as she was dominated. Whenever she turned her head to try and escape the soul-sucking kiss, Morena’s mouth would follow hers, perfectly anticipating every move she made. Jasmine could not handle much more. She felt Morena’s lower lips fuse with hers harder every second and quickly felt her own climax beginning to show itself. Morena decided to give her a break and released her mouth just to hear her orgasmic screaming.

    “No! Agh! Ugh? Fuuuuuuucccckkkkk!!!!” Jasmine yelled as she shot her load straight up Morena’s cunt.

    The brunette closed her eyes and lightly moaned in euphoria as she felt her rival’s fluids swim up her inner walls. She then released Jasmine, who laid on the floor, tits up, panting like she had just given birth. Morena signaled her partner to come over here. They both looked down at Jasmine and then at each other, smiling, silently telling each other to enjoy their bounty together. Jasmine saw the two sicarias bend down right next to each other and pry her legs open once more. She was already on the verge of passing out. If these two double-teamed her again, she was as good as finished. They both stuck their tongues out and began licking at each other playfully before coming down on Jasmine’s red, ripe twat, both snaking into her lower lips.

    “Ahhhhhh!!!” Jasmine screamed as she was orally penetrated.

    Rubia and Morena held her down as they licked her all over, leaving not an inch of her beautiful pussy uncovered by their tongues. The three prisoners watched in horror and hopelessness but Nicole took it the worst. She knew Jasmine lost to Sabrina once but she didn’t get to see it herself. The sight of her best friend, the woman she idolized and fawned over about to lose was soul crushing…and it stung all the more for the redhead knowing that this was all her fault…She felt like she wanted to cry.

    ‘I’m sorry, Jazz…’ She thought to herself. ‘I’m so sorry.’

    The three prisoners closed their eyes, not wanting to watch the humiliating display any longer. Little did they know what they missed by doing so. They also could not hear what had just happened, as the sound was muffled by Jasmine moaning and groaning. The raven felt another orgasm coming and she knew she wouldn’t be coming back from this one. This was it. She was going to lose again. All she could think of was her teammates that she let down and how her ego drove Nicole to pull this stunt and she was about to think of a certain brunette when suddenly, the pleasure stopped out of nowhere. It was as if some mysterious force pulled the sicarias’ tongues right out of her.

    “Agh!” Rubia yelled.

    “What the fuck?!” Morena cursed.

    The two had their hair yanked by a figure that Jasmine could barely make out and they were pulled right off of her and tossed aside. Suddenly, her vision cleared and she saw something that could only be described as either herself dreaming or a miracle from God.

    “Get the fuck away from my squad, you cartel cunts!” Vanessa ordered.

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    Re: Divisions: Part 5

    Not a lot of trib but hot ! Well written (better this time) also !
    Now things turn interesting !
    I can hardly wait for ch. 6 !
    (BTW... where is a hard trib session with Tamara ? LOL)

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 5

    Looking forward to reading this! I'll comment once I do.


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Looking forward to reading this! I'll comment once I do.

    Good to hear. Part 6 will be very long.

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post

    “Get the fuck away from my squad, you cartel cunts!” Vanessa ordered.
    When I read this sentence, I somehow imagine the Avengers theme playing in the background

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Divisions: Part 5

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    When I read this sentence, I somehow imagine the Avengers theme playing in the background
    That’s pretty much exactly what I wanted that line to convey, so that’s great.

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