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Thread: Conjugal Visit

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Conjugal Visit

    About a month had passed since Jasmine and Vanessa’s titanic sexual battle against La Rubia and La Morena, thus reuniting Task Force 732 and making them more tight knit than ever. Since then, the girls have become inseparable and their horniness for each other has reached an all time high. Jasmine relaxing her rules on Ben even further had also taken the pressure off of everyone immensely. Especially Ben himself. A man can come home to four naked goddesses fucking each other every day only so many times before his balls fall off from lack of release. As Jasmine said, the girls could play with Ben whether she was in the room or not, although she very much preferred to watch. She had to admit that watching her Husband with the other girls turned her on quite a bit.

    Granted, she wasn’t ready to go full cuck queen just yet. The rule of there being no penetration whatsoever was still in place and all of the girls themselves actually wanted that, as they found the idea of fucking Ben to be much more rewarding if it was right after finally besting the squad’s greatest carnal warrior. Jasmine was still the undisputed muscle of 732, even if Vanessa was the undisputed leader. However, her loss to the sicarias had been plaguing her mind a bit. True, they only defeated her after incapacitating Vanessa and teaming up on the raven but it was still an unquestionable loss. That was why she was here today. She needed a nice victory to ease her thoughts of her loss and who better to give her this victory than her arch nemesis herself?

    Well, that and Vanessa losing to said arch nemesis, thus forcing Jasmine into this rematch anyway were the reasons why she was here at St. Lilith’s Correctional Facility. Despite the ugly argument that started at the time, Jasmine was actually feeling grateful for that right now. It would give her a convenient excuse for being here. She marched through the doors with a purpose and was quickly greeted by the captain of the prison guard, Olivia Brooks.

    “Good afternoon, Officer.” Olivia greeted.

    “It’s actually Corporal but thank you, Captain.” Jasmine corrected. “I assume you know why I’m here?”

    “Yes, ma’am.” Olivia answered before handing Jasmine the keys to the cell.

    “My friend, Holly, took care of my bill for this visit.” Jasmine explained. “But if you’d prefer, I can pay in an…alternative way.”

    “Sorry, ma’am but the facility needs that money.” Olivia said. “And while I certainly wouldn’t mind you at all…Madam Red’s “skill assessments” keep my hands full as it is.”

    “Suit yourself, babe.” Jasmine said. “Now, where is that cell?”

    “Please follow me, Corporal.” Olivia instructed.

    Jasmine’s heart began to race as she anticipated what was about to happen. She was very much looking forward to it in all honesty. She loved fucking her teammates and would never ever get even the least bit tired of doing so, however, there was always a certain…thrill missing. Sexfighting someone you hate has a very different and noticeably more adrenaline-charged feel to it in comparison to sexfighting someone you love and with this bitch in particular, Jasmine needed that rush that she and only she could give her.

    “Here we are.” Olivia said. “You can stay in there for as long as you like. Even all day if you wish. That is what you paid for.”

    “Thank you, Captain.” Jasmine said.

    “Of course.” Olivia said. “There is a small button right next to the inside of the cell door that pings the guards to let you out when you are finished.”

    “Just one more thing to get out of the way.” Jasmine said. “Are we allowed to bring any…Items that might add to the experience?”

    “Yes, Corporal.” Olivia answered. “You are the customer. What you say goes.”

    “Where has this place been all my life?” Jasmine asked jokingly.

    “If that’s all, ma’am, please enjoy your experience.” Olivia said.

    “Oh, I will.” Jasmine said. “And may you enjoy your experience with Madam Red.”

    “I always do.” Olivia said matter of factly.

    The Captain unlocked the door and left Jasmine to enjoy herself. She opened the cell door gently and closed it just as quietly. She saw her nemesis, Sabrina Phillips, napping peacefully against the padded wall on the opposite side of the room. She decided to be discreet and surprise the ginger. On the right side of the door, she saw the button that Olivia mentioned to summon the guards to unlock the door and let her out when she was done. On the left side was a small door that resembled a glove compartment from a car. She assumed it was for visitors like herself to store their things, so she took her purse and stripped off her clothes, shoving all of it into the surprisingly roomy compartment.

    She was now in her birthday suit, her shapely ass and beloved G-cup breasts that her squad was named after on full display. She tiptoed over to her napping nemesis. Jasmine hated to admit but she actually looked kind of cute sleeping like that. She reached for Sabrina’s face and stroked her fiery locks back behind her ears. Sabrina began to stir as her groggy eyes made out the sexy image right in front of her, she gained a surprised look on her face.

    “No, bitch. You’re not dreaming.” Jasmine mocked. “My teammate lost fair and square and a good cop doesn’t back out on that. Now get naked and let’s get this over with.”

    “Anyone would be taken aback waking up to your ugly mug.” Sabrina shot back. “And since this is on my terms, I wanna take this nice and slow.”

    “You missed me that much, huh?” Jasmine asked as Sabrina got up and stretched.

    Truthfully, Jasmine’s heart rate went up just from the sight of her. She and Sabrina had not seen each other since that epic last match in the penthouse balcony pool. It was hands down the greatest sexfight of her entire life. It felt like a dream and she only wished she could feel that kind of adrenaline-charged pleasure again.

    “You wish, bimbo.” Sabrina said.

    “Well, you agreed to that bet Vanessa made, what am I supposed to think of that, fire crotch?” Jasmine argued.

    “It was either this or stare at a wall all day.” Sabrina excused. “You’re better than nothing but only slightly.”

    Jasmine rolled her eyes.

    “Besides, you easily could’ve blown me off but you didn’t.” Sabrina pointed out. “Sounds like you’re the one missing me.”

    “Only in your wildest dreams, cunt.” Jasmine cursed.

    “Actions speak louder than words, whore.” Sabrina shot back.

    “Like I said, I’m a cop and I don’t break my promises.” Jasmine argued.

    “It wasn’t your promise, though.” Sabrina pointed out. “It was that brunette bitch’s. She dragged you into this without telling you beforehand.”

    “Her name is Vanessa.” Jasmine said, annoyed. “And it doesn’t matter. A promise is a promise.”

    “Did you fuck her to teach her a lesson or did you feel too bad after she already lost one match?” Sabrina teased.

    “Shut up.” Jasmine said.

    “Oh, I see…” Sabrina said. “You lost to her, didn’t you?!”

    “You wish!” Jasmine yelled. Thankfully the cell was totally soundproofed.

    “Are you mad that I fucked her better than you did?” Sabrina mocked.

    “We didn’t have a match at all!” Jasmine pointed out. “We did get into a bad fight, though…Really, bad.”

    “Oh?” Sabrina asked.

    “Yes.” Jasmine said. “And then we all had hours of make-up sex on your old bed.”

    “You mean after you took on those cartel bitches, right?” Sabrina asked.

    “Huh?” Jasmine asked. “How did you know that?”

    “You had them sent here, genius.” Sabrina mocked. “Your squad is starting to develop a bit of a reputation.”

    “Is that so?” Jasmine asked. “Whatever. Did I come here to talk or to fuck you down?…Again!”

    “Alright then, I can only handle a naked girl in front of me so long before I drag her to the floor anyway.” Sabrina said. “Let the tiebreaker begin.”

    “What?” Jasmine asked.

    “Well, we both consider that first match in the penthouse null and void, right?” Sabrina asked.

    “Yes…” Jasmine said, starting to realize where Sabrina was going with this.

    “So, I beat you and then you beat me. This is our real third match.” Sabrina asked.

    “Whatever helps you sleep at night.” Jasmine said. “Now, are we gonna get started or what?”

    Sabrina just gave her a disappointed expression.

    “What now?” Jasmine asked, annoyed.

    “Well, water has always played a part in all our matches.” Sabrina said. “But this cell is as dry as a desert. It just doesn’t feel complete without it.”

    Jasmine sighed. “I figured you’d say that. I got us covered. Pun intended.”

    Jasmine walked backwards and opened the compartment next to the cell door. She would’ve just bent over to open it but didn’t trust her nemesis being able to control herself with Jasmine’s naked ass bent over in front of her. The gorgeous raven pulled out her purse and reached into it, pulling out two bottles of vegetable oil.

    “Ah, you came prepared.” Sabrina commented.

    “I wasn’t sure how long this would be, so I got six bottles. Three for each of us.” Jasmine explained as she handed a bottle to Sabrina and held one herself. “Anything else you want, your royal bitchiness?”

    Sabrina just gave her a teasing grin.

    “Now what?” Jasmine asked, annoyed.

    “This proves it.” Sabrina said. “Why don’t we both just admit that we wanted to fuck each other again?”

    “Fine, if it’ll get you to shut your cunt-licking sewer!” Jasmine cursed. “I wanna fuck you again! There! Happy?!”

    “I’ll be happier once I milk your pussy dry like I did your partner.” Sabrina said.

    “Just shut up and get naked, slut.” Jasmine ordered.

    Sabrina rolled her eyes and began to strip like Jasmine demanded. She pulled off her prison jumpsuit, letting her thick, orange hair fly around and releasing her luscious G-cups. She tossed her clothes to Jasmine, who caught them and stuffed them into the compartment along with her own clothes. The sight of her nemesis naked was having a profound effect on Jasmine. It had been so long…Neither of them showed it but at that moment, they were just as hot for each other as the night that they first met in Sabrina’s now former penthouse. The sight of each other naked was bringing back all too familiar sexual animosity.

    They could not handle the tension anymore and as if communicating telepathically, they charged into each other. Their G-cups compressed and their nipples gently but euphorically penetrated their areolas. They were already grunting and gritting their teeth before quickly wrestling each other to the padded floor, their limbs tangling together as they were both desperate to get the upper hand. Their smooth, creamy legs pushed against each other as they held hands and tried to push their rival’s arms back. It was then that they realized something…They forgot the oil. They suddenly came to a complete stop and pulled apart, glaring at each other.

    “I can’t believe you forgot the oil, bimbo.” Sabrina insulted. “After we were just talking about it.”

    “Oh, shove it up your cunt!” Jasmine cursed. “You were more than happy to get down and dirty with me without it yourself!”

    The two were beginning to sound like catty teenage girls at this point. The two got up and realized that they had dropped their oil bottles on the floor.

    “What are you waiting for?” Sabrina asked.

    “What are you waiting for?” Jasmine asked.

    Neither of them wanted to bend down and leave themselves open. That short but heated wrestling session honestly had their pussies already burning with desire. So, they both bent over to pick up their bottles at the exact same time, slowly and not taking their eyes off of the other nympho for even a fraction of a second. They uncapped their bottles and then realized that another dispute was about to begin.

    “I’ll oil you first.” Jasmine said.

    “Like Hell, I’ll oil you first!” Sabrina argued.

    “You expect me to trust you, skank?” Jasmine asked.

    “I beat Vanessa and won you fair and square!” Sabrina yelled.

    “You won a rematch! You didn’t get me as your sex slave!” Jasmine yelled.

    “Oh, like you don’t want me to put my oily hands and fingers all over your slutty body.” Sabrina argued.

    “And like you don’t want me to smear oil in every nook and cranny of your bitchy form!” Jasmine shot back.

    “Just shut up and let me coat you in the stuff, already!” Sabrina ordered.

    “Oh, you mean like this?” Jasmine asked sarcastically as she aimed her bottle at Sabrina and squeezed it, spraying oil all over her toned, smooth belly.

    “No.” Sabrina said. “More like this!” Sabrina did the same with her bottle, spraying Jasmine’s G-cups with the stuff.

    You can see where this was going. The two glared at each other before they quickly got into an oil squirt gun fight. In a matter of seconds, both babes were completely covered in the stuff from head to toe, letting it run down their long, thick hair, already giving them that sexy, disheveled, primal look. Their hot bodies shined from the substance. It wasn’t long before the bottles were empty. The girls kept trying to spray each other when that distinctive sound of empty bottles sucking in air filled their ears. They tossed the empty bottles aside.

    “No more games!” Sabrina demanded. “Let’s fuck right here and right now!”

    “Finally, something we agree on.” Jasmine said.

    The two charged into each other again and quickly resumed wrestling. Their oily, matted hair flew everywhere and splashed the stuff all around. Eventually, Jasmine ended up on top, their tits pressed together again and their faces inches away from each other. Their noses were touching as they panted hot breathe in their enemy’s face. Jasmine’s oil-soaked hair falling down in front of their faces. Sabrina grabbed the back of Jasmine’s wet head and brought her mouth down on her own. For the first time in so long, the two bitter enemies kissed each other. The feeling was beyond euphoric and overwhelming. They flashed back to their first kiss in that balcony pool with their wet bodies and hair. Their tongues lustfully wrestled in each other’s mouths, hardening their nipples against each other as they wasted no time in opening their own legs and immediately grinding pussies.

    “Mmmmmmm!!!” They moaned into their opponent’s mouth.

    They felt like their insides were on fire with pleasure as their lower lips kissed. They felt the other girl’s soft, smooth skin, made slippery and wet by the oil. They already felt as if they were about to faint from the sheer pleasure. It was as if they were in heaven. Their clits already came unhooded and quickly fused themselves together, adding to the pleasure. They just humped and fucked each other, still kissing passionately as they slowly rolled over each other, alternating between who was on top. After just a few minutes of this, the girls were now even, side-by-side when suddenly, their orgasms came and burst out into each other’s hot, pink pussies.

    “Ahhhhh!!!!” They both yelled as they broke the kiss.

    They were so caught up in each other, they didn’t even seem to notice that they were about to cum. They panted like the bitches in heat that they both were as they stared at each other’s attractive forms before catching their breath.

    “I hate you.” Jasmine said.

    “I hate you more.” Sabrina shot back.

    They then resumed wrestling, finally realizing why it was that they couldn’t resist coming back to each other. Jasmine already knew it before but this truly made it sink in. The hatred. Their hate for each other was what made this all so hypnotizingly, irresistibly hot. Jasmine used to think it was just a nice little kink but it was far more than that. It was the secret ingredient in their delicious, endless sexual rivalry. Jasmine knew that Sabrina felt it too. They loved to hate each other and now they didn’t care who knew or what they thought of it. Right now, nothing else mattered except fucking their soul nemesis until she incapable of fucking back anymore.

    They continued to wrestle until this time, Sabrina ended up on top. She grabbed each of Jasmine’s supple, oily legs and rested them on her shoulders, leaving her cunt wide open for a barrage of tribbing. Sabrina pulled her pelvis back and then smashed her twat straight into that of her nemesis.

    “Ugh!” Jasmine grunted.

    “You like that, bitch?” Sabrina teased.

    “I can take it all day, cunt.” Jasmine shot back.

    “You asked for it.” Sabrina said.

    She slammed into the oily raven slut once again, this time rubbing her own cunt nice and hard into her rival’s. They were so horny that they could both feel the heat resonating off of each other’s nether regions but if asked, they would certainly claim that it came from the other nympho. Jasmine was off her rocker feeling Sabrina grind into her so ferociously as their juices coalesced. It was a feeling that none of her other rivals, not even Vanessa, La Rubia or La Morena could give her. Only Sabrina. The evil ginger then reached down to grope and fondle Jasmine’s oil-drenched, jiggly jubblies. Her fingers quickly sank into the squishy milk bags.

    “Ohhhhhhh!” Jasmine cried like a pornstar. Music to Sabrina’s ears.

    “That’s right, you hot bitch.” Sabrina teased. “Scream your slutty little heart out.”

    Jasmine wished she could turn this around but Sabrina had her legs nice and secured. No escape from this overwhelming pleasure. Sabrina flexed her lower half left and right to rub even more into her nemesis as she held the raven’s legs up in place. It was not long before Jasmine felt another climax surging through her body and quickly making it to her cunt before she could even brace herself.

    “Agggghhhhh!!!” Jasmine yelped as she blew her load straight into Sabrina’s open pussy lips, shooting her warm fluids up her vaginal canal.

    Sabrina lightly, almost inaudibly moaned as she was filled with her nemesis’s cum before the two separated and laid on the padded floor, next to each other, hyperventilating. Their long, thick hair fanned out behind them on the floor and mixed. As they began to catch their breath, they turned their heads and stared into their rival’s desire-filled eyes. What they just felt was incredible and unlike any of their previous fights. This time, there were no stakes. No arrests to be made or avoided, no kidnapped Husbands and no squadmates to either rescue or sexually enslave respectively. No distractions to get in the way of their glorious, addictive, toe-curling fight.

    The enemies brought their lips together and kissed passionately and lovingly, wanting to savor every moment of the intoxication of their rival’s tongue pushing against their’s. They moaned as their lips popped and they took turns sucking the other hot babe’s tongue. Her wet, springy, warm, slippery, spit-filled tongue tasted and felt so good in her mouth…Jasmine wished she could replicate this feeling when she had sex with her girlfriends but once again, the hatred was what made it what it was.

    They pulled their lips apart but still lapped at each other’s tongues just outside their mouths before bringing their bodies closer together with their enormous tits once again pushed against each other, compressing. They reached behind their rival and sank their hands into the other nympho’s big, bubbly ass. They felt their fingers become absorbed and surrounded by the meat of their enemy’s cheeks, feeling the warm, oily flesh all over their fingers as they continued to use their tongues to slash at the other girl’s tongue. They then stopped and stared into each other’s lustful eyes.

    “My cunt wants to kiss your cunt again, whore.” Sabrina challenged.

    “I can do this all day, bitch.” Jasmine shot back.

    They then pulled apart and got up before getting back down on their back and positioning themselves correctly for a nice, heated scissoring session. They slowly inched closer and closer until their sweet, burning, juicy, oiled up pussies fused together once again.

    “Ahhhh!!” Jasmine cried.

    “Ohhhh!!” Sabrina moaned.

    They flexed their lower bodies to grind themselves further into their nemesis, feeling each other’s heated fluids exploring their cunts. Once again, their clits came out to play and quickly came together themselves for a little sword fight at the top of their battling genitalia.

    “Your pussy is so soft and weak, cunt.” Jasmine mocked.

    “Do you always make noises like this when fighting a weak opponent?” Sabrina asked rhetorically.

    They then humped into each other more intensely and violently, making their oil-shined G-cups and damp, matted hair fly all over the place. It was like the heat they were feeling both in the room and inside themselves would just never die down. One girl would push into her rival only for her rival to push back into her like a pair of dueling magnets. Their pulsating, little, pink pleasure buds were vibrating and pinging volts of pleasure throughout their respective bodies with even the smallest, most insignificant amount of delicious contact. They wished it would never end and honestly, it was beginning to feel as if it wouldn’t. Soon, they both felt another orgasm mutually approaching them both at the exact same time again.

    “Ohhhhhhh!!!” Sabrina screamed.

    “Ahhhhhhh!!!” Jasmine screamed.

    They both came in a powerful blast of secretions into the other girl’s red hot cunt. The feeling was overwhelmingly euphoric. Suddenly, it felt as if time had come to a stop and the two rivals had actually passed out without even realizing it. The pleasure was just too much for their nymphomaniacal bodies to handle. Sometime later, they both woke up, also at the exact same time. They really were two peas in a pod.

    “What happened?” Jasmin asked, a little groggy.

    “We passed out. Both of us.” Sabrina answered.

    “Really?…Shit.” Jasmine said.

    “Does that make this a draw?” Sabrina asked.

    Jasmine pondered the ginger’s question. Under most other circumstances, or rather, just one, if they were fighting practically any other bitch, the fact that they both passed out at the same exact time would in fact make this a tie. However, neither of them were even close to wanting this to end, especially without an unarguable winner.

    “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Jasmine asked mockingly. “Afraid of losing again?”

    “I could ask you the same thing.” Sabrina shot back. “How do we know you didn’t just get lucky last time?”

    “Lucky?!” Jasmine asked in an angry tone. “I kept getting up no matter how many times you fucked me!”

    “Maybe it was just a good day for you.” Sabrina said condescendingly.

    “Maybe the match before that was a good day for you.” Jasmine shot back.

    “Why don’t we find out for sure right here and right now, bitch?!” Sabrina dared.

    “You just read my mind, slut.” Jasmine replied. “How long were we out?”

    “I dunno.” Sabrina said. “Feels like at least a couple hours.”

    “Still plenty of time for me to ream your pathetic little twat.” Jasmine insulted.

    “Go ahead and try.” Sabrina said as the two began to position themselves for more scissoring.

    “Actually…” Jasmine interrupted. “I’m a little tired of tribbing.”

    “What do you suggest then, your highness?” Sabrina mocked. Jasmine gained a devious smile.

    “Let’s eat each other, you fucking bitch.” Jasmine ordered.

    “I thought you’d never ask, you goddamn cunt.” Sabrina said.

    The two enemies then got back down on the matted ground and positioned themselves accordingly. Jasmine was aimed in the direction of the door while Sabrina was positioned with her head pointed towards the back wall. Their faces were now directly in front of the other nympho’s beautiful pussy. Without needing any signal to start, they slammed their mouths and tongues into each other’s cunts, again at the exact same time. It was like these two were mind readers for each other.

    “Mmmmm…” They both moaned as they licked each other ravenously.

    The powerful heat of their rival’s cunt was intoxicating and only added to the primal nature of their 69 duel. Jasmine remembered how Vanessa was overwhelmed by La Rubia during their 69, as it happened just before she was taken out of the battle. She had to make sure not to repeat her partner’s mistakes. At the moment, the two girls were just enjoying the pleasure of their mutual cunnilingus. Their taste buds were being tidal-waved with the distinctive tang of their nemesis. The nymphos loudly cooed, moaned, slobbered and slurped, wanting their opponent to hear just how much they were enjoying this. It was only natural after all. Your opponent’s cunt is always the primary focus of the fight, so it makes perfect sense to be drawn to it and take pride in pleasuring it to the max.

    They still licked each other in that horizontal position, making the leveling completely equal as Jasmine’s thick, oil-drenched dark hair ran across Sabrina’s legs while Sabrina’s equally thick, oil-soaked orange locks ran across the raven’s legs. Their saliva was beginning to mix with their opponent’s rapidly flooding juices, to the point where it was hard to tell the difference between the two. The oil wasn’t quite perfectly replicating the feeling of the water that they were craving, the feeling that had become a trademark of their sexual rivalry but it was a decent enough substitute. The dampness was still there and the slipperiness made it a little trickier to get a grip on the other girl, thus adding to the thrill. Any slip of one girl’s skin from the other girl’s grip gave the former girl a golden opportunity to turn the whole match around and it was exciting.

    The raven and ginger’s pink, pulsating pleasure buds soon came out to play once again and both bitches immediately orally pounced on them. Their lips audibly popped as they kissed and licked at their nemesis's clit mercilessly. They then brought their fingers into the mix. Jasmine knifed her index and middle finger straight into Sabrina’s labia while herself used her own index and middle finger in an underhand, clawing motion against Jasmine’s lower lips. The results were overwhelmingly effective.

    “Uhhhhh…” They both groaned into each other’s muff.

    Eventually, they got bored of this horizontal, even position and began to roll around, wrestling again for the top position. Sabrina’s cell was quickly getting completely covered in oil. Their full, luscious lips did not leave the other girl’s pussy for even a fraction of a second. They had actually had quite a few orgasms from the 69ing up to this point, which were all swallowed and muffled by their rival’s cunt. Their faces and hair quickly became smeared with the other nympho’s fluids but the oil made it impossible to tell the difference.

    “I’ll suck your pink dry, bitch!” Sabrina mocked before immediately resuming her meal.

    “Not if I drown myself in your tasty juices first!” Jasmine shot back.

    The trash talk lit even more of a fire under the two battling beauties and their licking went from being smooth, slow and sensual to being fast, intense and heated. The two were now practically motorboating each other’s pussy lips, smearing their faces and spitting into the hot, pink orifices. They rolled around some more, feeling their rival’s oily hair blanketing the skin of their legs when their respective opponent gained the top position. They licked in various patterns. Jasmine would lick Sabrina in an S shape thoroughly while Sabrina would lick Jasmine like a dog, sticking her tongue in and out against the raven’s delicious twat.

    This would soon prove to be too much and both babes soon felt a major climax coming on. By pure coincidence and surprisingly not intentionally, the two rolled back into their original, horizontal, yin-yang position when their orgasms finally hit them, once again at the exact same time. The raven and ginger really were trapped in a perfect dichotomy. Opposites yet always in tandem with each other.

    “AHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Jasmine screamed.

    “OHHHHHHHHH!!!!” Sabrina shrieked.

    Once again, both of their faces were blasted with their nemesis’s secretions, seeping into their oily locks and once again, the two lose consciousness simultaneously.

    They woke up again sometime later to the immediate sight of their rival’s pussy. They were still in their yin-yang 69 position. They rolled apart, moaning from their wake up.

    “How long were we out this time?” Sabrina asked.

    “Another couple hours, it feels like.” Jasmine said. “This has to end at some point. Just stop resisting and let me make you cream. We both know that’s what you really want.”

    “Why don’t you just give up and let me have my way with you? Make it easier on both of us.” Sabrina shot back.

    Jasmine sighed at her rival’s stubbornness but honestly, she knew this wouldn’t be anywhere near as enticing as it was if she would surrender so easily and she knew Sabrina felt the same way about her. As they got up and stretched, they both noticed that they had now sweated off the oil in their sleep. They couldn’t continue like that.

    “More oil.” Both said at the same time.

    “Stop copying me!” They both yelled at each other.

    “You stop it, bitch!” They both cursed.

    Jasmine rolled her eyes and got up to go get two more bottles of oil. As she bent over to open the compartment, Sabrina eyed up her firm, bubbly ass cheeks and exposed pussy. She was tempted to just pounce on the raven right then and there but she didn’t want to give Jasmine any excuse for losing. Plus, again, they needed the oil. Jasmine pulled out two more bottles of vegetable oil and sat down next to Sabrina, handing her a bottle. For a moment, they just sat and stared at each other, almost in a trance from the sight of their beautiful nemesis looking so disheveled, sweaty and overwhelmed. They took pride in making their rival look like such a mess. The raven and ginger snapped out of it and uncapped their bottles before staring into each other’s lustful eyes again.

    “How are you still so good at this?” Jasmine asked, not unwilling to acknowledge her rival’s skills.

    “The guards sometimes make us sexfight each other for their kicks.” Sabrina answered. The supermax wing was a relatively recent addition to the prison, so there weren’t very many inmates just yet.

    “Did you fight either of those sicaria bitches?” Jasmine asked.

    “Not yet but I’m undefeated so far.” Sabrina said.

    “Almost.” Jasmine reminded her.

    She wasn’t sure why she was conversing with the evil ginger like she was just another one of her girlfriends back at the penthouse. With such a delicious rivalry though, it’s hard not to form some kind of bond with the other girl.

    “I heard those junkies whipped your pussy, though.” Sabrina mocked.

    “It was two against one.” Jasmine excused. “Besides, Vanessa crushed them right after that.”

    “Did she, now?” Sabrina asked. “Well, tell her I’ll be here if she wants another shot at the title.”

    “Just promise you won’t drug her if you start losing again.” Jasmine mocked.

    “Shut up and oil me, slut.” Sabrina ordered.

    Jasmine smirked mockingly and proceeded to do just that. She uncapped her bottle and poured some oil into her hands, before rubbing her hands together like soap. Sabrina dropped her bottle and opened her arms, signaling her submission to the raven’s oily hands. Jasmine smiled and of course, had to start with the ginger’s G-cups.

    “Ohhh!” Sabrina cooed from the touching. Jasmine lustfully groped her rival’s funbags.

    “Don’t worry, fire crotch.” Jasmine teased. “I’ll let you oil mine all you want once I’m done.”

    “My life is now complete.” Sabrina said in the most sarcastic voice a human being could conjur.

    Jasmine squeezed her tits harder.

    “Ah!” Sabrina grunted.

    Jasmine sank her fingers into the jiggly girl mounds, covering every inch with oil, making Sabrina twitch her eye and grit her teeth. The raven loved seeing her nemesis react that way to her skilled hands. She finished with the breasts and proceeded to walk behind Sabrina, staring at her meaty ass. However, she had other plans for now. She held the bottle high up, above Sabrina’s head, turned it upside down and squeezed, pouring the stuff all over her.

    “Oh!” Sabrina cooed as the substance seeped through her fiery tresses.

    “You look way hotter with wet, matted hair anyway.” Jasmine said. “I mean, all girls do.”

    “I’ll keep that in mind, Jazz.” Sabrina said threateningly.

    “I wouldn’t do this to you if I didn’t want you to do it to me, Brina.” Jasmine said firmly.

    Jasmine used the last of the oil on Sabrina’s bulbous ass, once again squeezing her hands into the two squishy meatballs before rubbing the oil into Sabrina’s hair like shampoo, running her finger through her thick, bright red locks. Finally, she finished and walked in front of her nemesis, ready for her own oiling.

    “Okay, bitch, you’ve been patient enough.” Jasmine said confidently. “Go ahead and let me have it.”

    “Be careful what you wish for.” Sabrina said evilly.

    The sinister redhead poured her bottle of oil into her hand, smiling grimly. She rubbed her hands together before immediately and without warning grabbing Jasmine’s G-cups, fondling, rubbing and squeezing harshly.

    “Ow!” Jasmine yelped. “What are you trying to do, cunt?! Rip them off?!”

    “If they weren’t so much fun to abuse, I would!” Sabrina said. “Now hold still and take your molestation like a woman!”

    Jasmine glared, not wanting to show any weakness as her nemesis manhandled her. Sabrina would pull on them only to slap them back together like they were her toys. The oil made it a bit softer for Jasmine though. She pinched the raven’s nipples with her index fingers and thumbs, making her rival wince.

    “Pathetic.” Jasmine mocked. “Nikki is rougher with me on her bad days.”

    Sabrina growled quietly.

    “Let’s see how you like this then!” The ginger declared.

    She walked behind Jasmine and yanked on her long, black hair, holding it in the air with one hand.

    “Agh!” Jasmine groaned in pain. “You cunt! I should've given you a good yank!”

    “There’ll be time for that later, you hot slut.” Sabrina said.

    She took her oil bottle and used her free hand to squeeze it and pour it all over Jasmine’s suspended hair. She then poured the rest of it all over the raven’s ass before using one hand to shampoo the oil into Jasmine’s hair and the other to knead it into her fine, meaty cheeks. Sabrina finished her oiling of her nemesis and walked back to stand in front of her. Both nymphos were now shining with the stuff and their hair looked nice, damp and matted.

    “Next time, I get oiled first.” Jasmine said.

    “Fine. We’ll alternate every match.” Sabrina agreed.

    The two stared daggers at each other and were about to resume their glorious war of fornication when the speaker next to the door suddenly beeped.

    “Corporal?” Olivia asked. “Is everything okay in there?”

    “We’re fine.” Sabrina answered. “Don’t interrupt again.”

    “I didn’t ask you, inmate.” Olivia said sternly.

    “It’s all good. Thank you, Captain.” Jasmine answered. “Why do you ask?”

    “Well, you’ve been in there for 12 hours.” Olivia said.

    “Did you say…12 hours?!” Jasmine asked, shocked. Sabrina’s eyes went wide too.

    “Yes.” Olivia answered. “I’m required to check on our conjugal visitors every 12 hours. I’d also like to remind you only paid for a day. If you are in there for another 12 hours, your bill will double.”

    “Good to know.” Jasmine said. “Is that all?”

    “Yes, ma’am.” Olivia answered. “Enjoy the rest of your stay.”

    The Captain then hung up.

    “Alright, bitch.” Jasmine said to Sabrina. “You’re not worth any more money than I’ve already spent, so let’s finish this.”

    “Don’t you mean money that Holly spent?” Sabrina asked mockingly. “But I agree. This has gone on too long. I’ll make you bukakke all over me right here and now!”

    “Bring it on.” Jasmine dared.

    They sat down and came together, silently deciding between the two of them to bring this amazing night to an end with a fingering standoff. They pulled their arms back and then quickly brought them down on their rival’s pussy like the wrath of God.

    “Agh!” Jasmine grunted.

    “Ugh!” Sabrina groaned.

    Their arms shook and vibrated like machines as they viciously fingered each other, their teeth gritting and their lips just barely touching. Jasmine’s left tit mushroomed into Sabrina’s right tit. They slapped and jerked off their opponent’s meaty, wet pussies as the room filled with the sound of smacking lower lips and two hot bitches in heat moaning and grunting. They began to pant, huffing and puffing as their pleasure centers were mercilessly attacked. They soon brought their lips together, silencing each other’s sexual noises with their own mouths. Their tongues wrestled on the inside. Orgasms quickly came and went but all it did was slow them down.

    However, their overpowering climaxes were beginning to catch up to them. Each one felt more powerful and exhausting than the last. They then used their thumbs on each other’s clits, making them wince their eyes and moan even louder into each other’s mouths. They each used their one free hand to grab and pull the other hot bitch’s long, thick hair, although the oil made it a bit hard to maintain a grip. This just made them moan harder, still muffled by their heated make out session.

    More climaxes would come again and again and the two were rapidly becoming weaker. At this point, their desire to outlast their nemesis was the only thing keeping them going. They would sometimes break the kiss both to breathe easier and to lap at each other’s tongues in mid-air. They were just so caught up in what they were doing that they once again began to lose track of time. Their tiredness was now beginning to take effect and they both felt their consciousness rapidly starting to fade. Still, they pushed on. They didn’t want all these hours of passionate, heated, oily sex to be for nothing.

    However, even the most dedicated and stubborn nymphomaniac cannot overcome the limitations of the human body forever. As hard as the two soul nemeses tried to fight it, their exhaustion finally began to overpower them and they both fell to the floor. Fingers still in each other’s cunts, hands still in each other’s oil-drenched hair and tongues still in each other’s mouths. They passed out yet again, for the third time that wonderful night. It would be quite a sight for anyone to walk in on. They had no idea how long later but they woke up next to each other. Despite this one being the longest nap yet, they both still felt tired and groggy upon waking up. Their eyelids still felt heavy and they still felt like they would lose their balance if they got up and tried to walk.

    “How long…was that?” Jasmine asked through slow and slurred speech.

    “A few more hours, I think…” Sabrina answered, also slurred.

    “Holl will be really mad if I drive up the bill anymore.” Jasmine said. “You wanna just call it a draw and try again another day?”

    “Alright…” Sabrina said weakly. “Same time tomorrow?”

    “Nah.” Jasmine said. “It wouldn’t be as special if we did it all the time.”

    “I guess you’re right.” Sabrina said. “Don’t forget those two leftover oil bottles.”

    “I won’t.” Jasmine said. “Holl uses them for cooking and she didn’t like me taking them.”

    Jasmine got up, stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes as Sabrina lay on the floor.

    “Today wasn’t a good day…” Sabrina said. “Try again another day.”

    “Yeah…” Jasmine said weakly.

    The exhausted raven got up and took the last two, unused oil bottles out of the compartment, along with her purse and clothes. As she was about to leave, she turned to look at her ginger nemesis one last time.

    “I hate you.” Sabrina said.

    “I hate you more.” Jasmine shot back.

    The raven then opened the door and closed it behind her, before turning around to see Vanessa and Olivia waiting for her.

    “There you are!” Vanessa said. “You realize you’re naked, right?”

    “Oh, Nessa…” Jasmine said. “It’s not like this place isn’t used to nudity.”

    “She had a point, Officer.” Olivia said.

    “It was so amazing…” Jasmine said. “It was so…I can’t really remember but it was so…wonderful…hiccup…”

    “What’s with you?” Vanessa asked.

    Jasmine then stumbled, landing face first into Vanessa’s cleavage.

    “Ah!” Vanessa yelped in surprise. “Jazz, you’re getting oil all over my new top!”

    “Nessa, your tits are so soft and pillowy…” Jazz said as she rubbed her face in.

    “I can explain.” Olivia said. “She’s cum drunk.”

    “What?” Vanessa asked as Jasmine began to fondle her ass through her jeans. “Stop it, you perv!”

    Jasmine giggled.

    “Cum drunk.” Olivia repeated. “It’s quite rare but it happens when a nympho pushes herself to her absolute limits. She’s drunk off of her own pleasure.”

    “Wow.” Vanessa said. “She won’t puke on me, will she?”

    “No, ma’am.” Olivia answered. “That’s caused only by regular alcoholic intoxication. Other than that, the symptoms are the same. Loss of balance, slurred speech, dizziness, hiccuping and loss of inhibitions.”

    “She doesn’t have many inhibitions when she’s sober.” Vanessa said.

    “I love you, Nessa.” Jasmine said weakly.

    “I recommend driving her home.” Olivia said.

    “Now that I think about it…” Vanessa said. “She was like this after her last match with Sabrina but she just crashed right into a lawn chair.”

    “That match was probably more intense than this one.” Olivia said.

    “You have no idea.” Vanessa said. “Can you at least let her use a private shower or something? She’s covered in oil.”

    Jasmine pulled her head up and started to kiss Vanessa’s cheek lovingly, making the brunette wince.

    “We are building a private shower for our conjugal visitors but it’s still under construction.” Olivia said.

    “Guess I’ll just have to take her home then.” Vanessa said as Jasmine began to fondle her breasts.

    “A wise choice.” Olivia said.

    “She’s been gone over 15 hours. The others are getting worried.” Vanessa explained.

    “15…Hiccup!…hours?” Jasmine asked.

    “Yes, Jazz. You left at 7:00 AM. It’s past midnight.” Vanessa clarified.

    “Ohhh…” Jasmine moaned. “I had another seven hours to fuck that bitch beforr the bill went up.”

    “Wait, what do you mean?” Vanessa asked. “You didn’t beat her?”

    “Nah. Hiccup.” Jasmine said. “We kept falling asleep, so we just called it quits for tonight….“

    “That’s surprising.” Vanessa said.

    “I imagine the inmate is also cum drunk.” Olivia said.

    “So soft and silky, like Brina’s…” Jasmine said as she played with Vanessa’s hair.

    “Thanks, Olivia.” Vanessa said. “I better get her to bed.”

    “No…” Jasmine said. “I’ll get…Hiccup!…car sick…Just let me sleep here…”

    “Don’t argue with me, Jazz. Let’s go. You’re lucky the leather in my car seats is super absorbent.” Vanessa said.

    “I want a rematch…” Jasmine said as Vanessa helped her walk away, wrapping a towel around her naked body.

    “You just had your rematch.” Vanessa said.

    “No…Hiccup…With you…” Jasmine said.

    “We’ll talk about it later.” Vanessa said, sighing.

    ‘Why do I always have to be the responsible one?’ She thought to herself.

    She took Jasmine outside and helped her into the passenger seat of her car.

    “What about…my car?” Jasmine asked, still slurring.

    “We’ll just have to come get it tomorrow morning.” Vanessa said.

    “I still want that rematch…” Jasmine said.

    “Just rest, okay?” Vanessa said.

    The brunette was honestly tempted to take up that offer but that would be taking advantage of her friend. Her drunk, naked, oily, smoking hot, horny friend.

    “I wanna…Hiccup!…fuck…you…” Jasmine said. “And this time..No one else involved…No Ben, no Nikki, no Holl..Just the two of us…And no stakes either…Nothing on the line. And I want the whole penthouse to ourselves…Hiccup!…As long as it takes…Just you and…me…”

    Vanessa loved the sound of that but she wondered if her sexually wasted friend was actually being serious. The idea of her and Jazz just fucking all by themselves until one gave in without any strings attached…

    “We’re on vacation starting tomorrow…” Jasmine pointed out. “Let’s do it, Nessa…Hiccup!…I want your pussy so bad…”

    “I wish we could.” Vanessa said.

    “Why…not?…ugh…” Jasmine moaned.

    “Tamara called while you were out.” Vanessa said. “She’s staying with us all week.”

    “Why?” Jasmine asked.

    “Her neighborhood has a serious COVID outbreak and the Chief can’t risk getting sick.” Vanessa explained. “And she said it would give her a chance to “bond” with us.”

    “Okay…” Jasmine said. “We’ll fuck…Hiccup!…Another day then…”

    “I promise we will, Jazz...All day and night if that’s what it takes…” Vanessa said.

    Jasmine then finally dozed off as Vanessa drove them home.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Hi Yuri,

    I absolutely loved this story- it was right up my alley! I hope that Sabrina and Jasmine have many more "conjugal visits" (both on and off the page) in the future! Great stuff.


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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Hot !
    I read carefully the way Sabrina and Jasmine face one another...
    I start to sense that finally Sabrina turns to a "frenemy" for Jasmine and Vanessa, mostly for Jasmine.
    Focusing more to the enemy part - OF COURSE ! - but not completely.

    They have a strong s3xual bond. Er0tically speaking, they respect one another as a s3xfight rival of a high level.
    But is this only ? S3xual motives only ? There is something in the air between them. But I may guess wrong.
    I do not know if it is mutual or simply Jasmine likes her a little more (just a little) than she should (regarding their position).
    Sabrina may also be that way or she simply takes advantage of it. Again, I may be wrong.
    Oh... women and their so complicated feelings ! LOL

    Yes it was hot and I liked it !

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Hot !
    I read carefully the way Sabrina and Jasmine face one another...
    I start to sense that finally Sabrina turns to a "frenemy" for Jasmine and Vanessa, mostly for Jasmine.
    Focusing more to the enemy part - OF COURSE ! - but not completely.

    They have a strong s3xual bond. Er0tically speaking, they respect one another as a s3xfight rival of a high level.
    But is this only ? S3xual motives only ? There is something in the air between them. But I may guess wrong.
    I do not know if it is mutual or simply Jasmine likes her a little more (just a little) than she should (regarding their position).
    Sabrina may also be that way or she simply takes advantage of it. Again, I may be wrong.
    Oh... women and their so complicated feelings ! LOL

    Yes it was hot and I liked it !
    Indeed. I might as well clear the air right away though. Jasmine and Sabrina will never be friends. If they were friends, it would ruin their hate kink. Plus, Sabrina almost ruined Jasmine’s life and Jasmine actually did ruin Sabrina’s. Far too many wounds on both sides. They respect each other as sexual rivals like you said and Sabrina is indirectly responsible for 732’s existence more than anyone else. She’s basically like Joe Chill or Uncle Ben’s killer in that regard. How one act of evil led to the creation of a tremendous good.

    The two hellcats at best see each other as worthy adversaries and as a great way to continue testing their skills. Plus, Sabrina doesn’t have much else to do in prison. Their battle of wits is over and Jasmine is the undisputed winner but that doesn’t mean they can’t still have fun with each other and enjoy humiliating each other. Yeah, women and their complicated feelings indeed.

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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    You really put these stories out like a machine gun! The ending is so cute again, though I always scratch my head how people are supposed to go at each other for hours and hours without ever drinking something or using the restroom

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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    You really put these stories out like a machine gun! The ending is so cute again, though I always scratch my head how people are supposed to go at each other for hours and hours without ever drinking something or using the restroom
    Sheer willpower and focus on the fight, I’d say.

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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    You really put these stories out like a machine gun! The ending is so cute again, though I always scratch my head how people are supposed to go at each other for hours and hours without ever drinking something or using the restroom
    I've thought about this -with supernatural stories, it's less of an issue. With "real people" I argue this is the writer's perogative! A good fantasy should never be spoiled by unpleasant or awkward realities! But let's call it willpower!


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    Re: Conjugal Visit

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I've thought about this -with supernatural stories, it's less of an issue. With "real people" I argue this is the writer's perogative! A good fantasy should never be spoiled by unpleasant or awkward realities! But let's call it willpower!

    Funny you mention supernatural stories…I’ll be doing my first one of those once I’m done with Exams(The story, not actual exams, thankfully). Yeah, my ideas just won’t stop right now.

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