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Thread: Exams: Prologue

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Exams: Prologue

    The next morning had passed after Jasmine’s inconclusive rematch with her arch-nemesis, Sabrina. Jasmine had pushed her libido so far that she ended up getting cum drunk from the sheer sexual pleasure and was now hungover. She had to stay in bed until the symptoms wore off, which usually lasted anywhere from eight to 24 hours. She had a splitting headache, was dizzy and nauseous and was sensitive to light and sound. It really sucked too because the whole house was on vacation starting today and they were all going to spend it here in their penthouse, swimming in their pool and relaxing. They needed something nice and lowkey after all the drama of the past week.

    Jasmine was particularly looking forward to Tamara coming to stay with them all week. The raven could not deny how bad she had it for her voluptuous, teasing boss and she knew her girlfriends all felt the same. However, she needed her rest. That stupid ginger cunt was making her miss out but she knew she had at least another six days to make up for it. They had burgers and hot dogs to barbecue on their balcony and the girls got their skimpiest bikinis ready to distract Ben as much as possible.

    It was early in the morning when Vanessa heard the doorbell ring. She already knew who it was. She didn’t know why her boss bothered with the doorbell when she already had a keycard to get in but she opened the door anyway, revealing Tamara in all her glory.

    “Well, good morning, dearie.” Tamara said in her usual dulcet tones.

    “Good morning.” Vanessa said.

    Tamara walked right in.

    “She’s here.” Vanessa shouted.

    Holly and Nicole came running while Ben walked. The blonde and redhead happily ran up to their boss and gave her a big, intimate hug, rubbing up against her.

    “It’s good to see you again, my lovelies.” Tamara said.

    “Let’s try and be quiet, okay?” Ben asked. “Jazz is hungover as Hell.”

    “Oh? Did she drink a lot last night?” Tamara asked as her young employees cuddled into her.

    “She certainly drank a lot of something.” Vanessa said.

    “Well, that’s a shame.” Tamara said as she stroked Holly and Nicole’s hair. “Would you mind if I paid her a little visit? I might be able to help.”

    “I’m sure she’d appreciate it.” Ben said. “By the way, where will you be staying?”

    “Well, Nessa is the only one without a roommate, so it looks like I don’t have much choice.”

    “Lucky bitch.” Nicole said.

    “I’d be happy to accomodate you, ma’am.” Vanessa said.

    “I’m sure you would be.” Holly joked.

    “Now girls, we have all week to bond.” Tamara said. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a hungover raven to visit.”

    Holly and Nicole reluctantly let go of Tamara as she walked towards Jasmine and Ben’s room, followed by Ben. The ebony beauty slowly and gently opened and closed the door as the two walked in to see Jasmine in bed groaning and wincing her eyes, trying to sleep despite her migraine and nausea. Tamara slowly and silently walked over to Jasmine’s side of the bed and got down on her knees, inches away from Jasmine’s blushing face. Feeling a presence in front of her, Jasmine began to speak.

    “Honey…” She said, mistaking Tamara for Ben. “Could you hand me the aspirin bottle?”

    Ben got the bottle from the cabinet and handed it to Tamara, who in turn handed it to Jasmine.

    “Thanks.” Jasmine said weakly.

    “You’re welcome.” Tamara said in a gentle whisper, which made her already low and sultry voice even more attractive.

    “Oh, Chief!” Jasmine said. “Ow! Sorry, I wish I could give you a better welcome.”

    “It’s okay, dearie. Just rest.” Tamara said. “Too much fun last night?”

    “Yeah…” Jasmine said weakly. “More fun than I’ve had in a long time.”

    “She visited Sabrina in prison.” Ben explained, also whispering.

    “Did she, now?” Tamara asked. “I assume you got cum drunk?”

    “Yes.” Jasmine confirmed. “It was worth it…”

    “You know the fight was good when that happens.” Tamara said.

    “It was way past good…” Jasmine said. “I’d love to talk to you all about it but can it wait until I’m better?”

    “Of course, honey. It’s no trouble at all.” Tamara said, gently stroking Jasmine’s jet black hair. “You can tell me everything when you’re good and ready.”

    “It’s quite a story, believe me.” Ben said.

    “Thanks, boss.” Jasmine said.

    “You’re very welcome, Jazz.” Tamara said sweetly.

    Tamara then closed her eyes, puckered her lips and gave Jasmine a big, loving and even a little bit of tongue-filled kiss. Jasmine was shocked at first but quickly sank into the older woman’s kiss, enjoying it.

    “I hope that made you feel a little better.” Tamara said.

    “It definitely helped.” Jasmine said.

    “We can do the rest later, hun.” Tamara said.

    Jasmine smiled at that proposition. Tamara left, walking seductively out the door. As she did, she saw Vanessa waiting for her right outside.

    “Why don’t I show you where you’ll be staying, ma’am?” Vanessa asked.

    Tamara could tell from her tone that the feisty brunette had something on her mind. She followed her employee to their now shared room. As she was led in, Vanessa walked behind Tamara and shut the bedroom door tight. She looked at the bed the two were about to share, enticed by the image of cuddling up to her employee. She looked back at Vanessa, who gave her a cynical expression.

    “What’s that look for, sweetie?” Tamara asked in a mock offended tone. “Don’t you want to be roomies?”

    “With all due respect, boss, how dumb do you think I am?” Vanessa asked.

    “Excuse me?” Tamara asked in a more serious tone.

    “Your entire neighborhood except you gets a COVID outbreak just as we’re all on vacation? That’s awfully convenient.” Vanessa pointed out.

    “Stranger things have happened, dear.” Tamara argued. “Besides, why do you care? The others are happy to have me.”

    “Of course, they are.” Vanessa said. “They’re not gonna question it when another hot girl wants to party with them all week.”

    “Do you not want me here?” Tamara asked.

    “No, ma’am, of course not.” Vanessa said. “You’re my superior and I respect that but I just don’t appreciate being lied to.”

    “You’re a sharp one, Nessa.” Tamara admitted. “Okay, the truth is that I’m here to test all of you.”

    “Test us? How?” Vanessa asked.

    “Take a wild guess.” Tamara said teasingly.

    Vanessa began to blush. She may have more self-control than her girlfriends but she was still very much a nympho herself and she could not deny how hypnotizingly fuckable her boss was.

    “Well…Why not just be upfront with that?” Vanessa asked.

    “That’s the nature of the game, dear.” Tamara explained. “Spontaneity. A sexfight could happen anywhere at any time. It can even start out as just girls having fun before turning to heated, sweaty grinding in the blink of an eye. I’m here to test not just your physical but reactionary and mental fortitude in the game.”

    “I see…” Vanessa said. “I think I understand.”

    “You caught me red-handed, hun.” Tamara admitted before changing her expression from her usual friendly, sultry grin to a dead serious glare.

    But that doesn’t mean I won’t come down on you like the wrath of God when it’s your turn…regardless of whether or not you’re ready…Tamara said in a totally different voice.

    Her typical easy-going, sultry tones were replaced with a cold, powerful and silky smooth feminine baritone to match her spine-tingling glare and predatory look in her eyes. The look and sound combined would be enough to make any nympho cream her panties in pure carnal terror. Vanessa’s eyes went wide and she had to stop her teeth from chattering as it felt like Tamara’s bone-chilling voice slithered over her like a snake. It was like her cheerful, flirty boss was possessed by a sex demoness just now. Vanessa shook it off and got serious again, knowing that she should not show any fear and that this was a part of her test. She took a deep breath.

    “I’ll be ready.” Vanessa said firmly. “Whenever and wherever you decide it needs to be done…I didn’t become leader of this squad for nothing…I will not falter!”

    In the blink of an eye, Tamara switched right back to her old self.

    “I look forward to it.” She said with her usual sweet tone and infectious smile. “And do try to enjoy yourself, dearie. You could use some loosening up.”

    Vanessa could usually read people like books. It’s a part of being a cop. However, Tamara was a complete anomaly. Holly and Nicole and especially Ben would probably get nightmares if they saw the bubbly, black beauty like that just now. Jasmine would probably be able to handle it, though.

    “Now, I hope you don’t mind if I get settled in a little.” Tamara requested.

    “You’re the guest, ma’am.” Vanessa said. “Go right ahead.”

    “Why, thank you, sweetie.” Tamara said.

    This was going to be an interesting week, no doubt about that…Let the exams begin.
    Last edited by YuriLesboLover; December 29th, 2022 at 02:17 AM.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Exams: Prologue

    Hm. For some reason, the system is not letting me leave a "like." Anyway, I liked this new start a lot. You are just churning out the stories at this point! Be careful not to burn yourself out! I love that Jasmine is so enamored of her battle with Sabrina. I assume Sabrina is dealing with the same after-effects. Hope there is a lot more of these two sworn enemies getting together!


  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Exams: Prologue

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hm. For some reason, the system is not letting me leave a "like." Anyway, I liked this new start a lot. You are just churning out the stories at this point! Be careful not to burn yourself out! I love that Jasmine is so enamored of her battle with Sabrina. I assume Sabrina is dealing with the same after-effects. Hope there is a lot more of these two sworn enemies getting together!

    Yeah. The new layout removed all of the buttons for some reason. I’d thank your comment otherwise. Hope they change it back, although I do like the new layout design wise. Honestly, I’ve had a lot of free time lately and my inspiration just keeps coming and coming. I don’t know if this will happen again but I’ll milk this lucky situation for all it’s worth.

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