Okay, so looks like the site has changed again. There are no longer any buttons, so no more liking or thanking comments. That’s annoying but I can live with it. What I can’t live with is that the trick to get past censorship no longer works! You could copy and paste it and that would be it but now it’s gone! I just posted a new story I was excited about and now I have no way to uncensor it! Who even asked for this?! It defeats the purpose of the entire site! At this point, I’ve had enough. Get rid of the censorship entirely! Until the copy and paste trick is at least brought back, I will not be uploading anymore stories.

I’m sorry but my patience is at an end for this. We shouldn’t have to stand for it. Figures this would happen when I’m on a surge of inspiration. In the mean time, I’ll continue writing, so that my stories will be uploaded on mass when and if this is ever fixed. Also, bringing the buttons back will be nice too. (Groans). Sorry, everyone. Looks like Tamara’s exams will have to be put on hold.