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Thread: A Game of Espionage

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    A Game of Espionage

    A Game of Espionage Part 1

    Brooke let out a frustrated sigh as she tried the tight metal locks on her hands and ankles once again. Why did she feel like she was always getting captured? She was better than this, or well, she thought she was. It had been over two years since she had been introduced into the spy world, yet it did not seem to get easier. Maybe that was the life or maybe she just wasn’t cut out for it? She wasn’t sure. Once again, it felt like her future was up in the air, both her life and her profession because of this mission. It had looked so simple and now had escalated beyond anything she could have imagined.

    At least the prison this time was nicer than the old temple two years ago. She figured that under such a lavish hotel they had to keep up appearances in every aspect. But that also meant that the security was tighter, and the chances of escape were minimal. It also didn’t help that she wasn’t alone in the prison this time, with two other women tied up in similar positions to her left and right.

    “You seem to find yourself in this position quite often Brooke…I never should have teamed up with you two foolish little girls.” The trapped person on her left hissed breaking her line of thought. Brooke glanced her blue eyes at the platinum-wavy blonde-haired woman chained up like she was. She doubted that her co-prisoner was used to not being in control and was more frustrated than she or the other woman in their current predicament. Before she could respond a small laugh came from her right.

    “You are equally to blame. Withholding information from us, your ‘partners’ I remind you, is what got us into this mess.” The other woman hissed, her long single braided black hair resting on her shoulder while she grunted to break free once again to no avail. The blonde woman responded with a snippy comment of her own and the two snapped back and forth about who was more culpable with Brooke wedged in the middle of the spat. After a minute of bickering, they went silent and the spy in the middle huffed at the pettiness of them. It was true, their lack of teamwork was the reason they had ended up in this predicament, but how could she work with them? Both had ulterior motives and honestly, it felt like they would just as likely attack her rather than their enemies before this mission was completed. Once again, the world was at stake and Brooke felt like she was the only person who could save it.

    A week or so earlier….

    It has been a long year for Brooke. After her involvement in the Giant Women Incident, as it was now known, life had switched into fast gear. Overnight she had become the top spy in her field sent to deal with erotic women in the name of the Organization. This led her to practice and train in unorthodox types of fighting. Soon she had specialized and mastered a unique form of interrogation and punishment at the end of these jobs.

    The reality was often on her missions, she ended up nude, wrestling, and fucking other incredibly attractive women with the goal of dominating them sexually. Something she and Victoria had done on a whim in that valley turned out to be more common than she could have imagined, and it seemed that the natural rivalry that existed between the sexpots of the world made these encounters even more regular and intense. She had always been a natural beauty that people wanted to sleep with even before her spy life, but with her training, her stamina, and her endless sexual hunger, she had an edge over seemingly every woman who attempted to tangle with her.

    Of course, none of this would have happened if it had not been for her clash with her, in Brooke’s words, her true rival, Victoria...the ex-top spy of the Organization and ex-lover of Brooke’s boyfriend and fellow spy Brock. Their duel had shaken the ground and opened a new world for both women. No matter how many missions Brooke completed, how many women she dominated in bed, in her mind, it was always training for a destined rematch with the one-eyed spy. To her frustration, the Organization had ordered Brooke off the chase of her rival a few months ago, and she bitterly agreed to the order. Victoria was like a shadow, disappearing every time Brooke finally thought she had caught up. It was like the woman was taunting her from afar, defeating women in a similar fashion as Brooke and many times leaving her mark, a dark red lipstick kiss on the foreheads of her defeated sexfight victims.

    Getting called off was maddening because Brooke wanted more than anything to be the one to catch Victoria and bring her to justice. It annoyed her even further that she had been the one to win their last confrontation, yet she was the one chasing Victoria! She doubted the blonde would be willing to live with the shame of her defeat in their sexfight. But that led to the question that was always on Brooke’s mind. Why hadn’t Victoria hunted her down? Why was the ex-spy biding her time for their rematch?

    There was no question that things might have been different if they hadn’t been massive and drugged up during their island duel. She wondered if one of them could truly dominate the other sexually in a fair fight? Especially now that they both seemed to relish in this dirty type of confrontation and were far more skilled than before. The truth was it bugged Brooke more than she liked to admit that Victoria didn’t seem interested in coming after her for revenge.

    But she knew she couldn’t let it consume her, so she focused on her other missions for the Organization and her own perfection of her craft. But that’s where the trouble began. Once she was off Victoria’s trail, Brooke had more free time and that led her to being more aware of the growing signs of trouble around her. She started to see holes in the stories of the Organization and started to feel as though things were not always as they seemed. Maybe it was a slip of the tongue from one of her fellow agents, or maybe it was some of the targets that she was sent after and the ‘goals’ of her missions not making sense. Or maybe it was Victoria’s warning, that the Organization forced the blonde to betray it. Little by little drops of doubt filled her glass, but she pressed on, or pushed them down and away as best she could. For her new life, and her boyfriend.

    But the feeling of worry didn’t leave her, and as the signs became more frequent over the last month, Brooke began to worry. People in the Organization became colder, and she felt like an outsider…just like she had in her old life. Her missions also started to get even weirder, collecting artifacts, and information that did not seem like ‘saving the world’ notes. It seemed like she was the only person willing to question the motives of what the Director and her inner circle asked of the agents. Brooke wanted to bring her fears up to Brock, but after a night of lovemaking, his words about the Director didn’t make her feel any better. He spoke like the Director was divine, like she had something that Brooke didn’t. It was enough to make her jealous, even though there was no point. The Director was in no shape to fuck or compete with Brooke’s body for his affection.

    But the words…the way his eyes seemed to light up when she was mentioned, gave her immense pause. It seemed it was impossible not to feel alone in this world, and the words Victoria had spat at her in their duel “The organization makes you crazy!” rang in her head over and over. In the end, she decided she was going to bring it up personally to the inner circle. She had been building up the courage to bring up some of her concerns, but just an hour ago she had received an urgent mission request from the top. A private meeting with Director and her 2nd in command, which was quite uncommon, so she decided to wait till after this was completed.

    That is what led Brooke to walk down the halls of the hidden base, less familiar faces than ever around as she scanned down the white halls. Though it seemed even the new faces all knew her and would double glance to get a good ogle of her body as she walked by.

    Finally reaching the Directors’ office, she stood, letting the scans complete before it opened, and she stepped into the board room. At the present, there was a simple desk with two women beside it, one sitting and one standing. “Brooke, welcome, thank you for coming so quickly.” The Director spoke as the honey blonde sat down on the opposite side of the desk facing her.

    “Of course,” Brooke replied as her eyes adjusted to the light. The figures of the two women in front of her had been in the shadows, but now she could see them as clearly as they would allow.

    “Well done on that last mission, your status report was very detailed, just how we like it.”

    “Thanks, yeah it was very difficult…she was skilled,” Brooke commented, remembering the threesome of her last mission. Over the last year, she had been ordered to detail out every bit of her missions, and to include all details of the sexfights, even parts she wanted to leave out. But after being chastised twice by the Director herself, she added them in…every second and every sexual detail.

    A moment of a lull as the Director fingered through the documents and Brooke took this time to get a good look at her boss. Supposedly she was only a few years older than Brooke, but her body looked frail. Grey hair falling out, and thinner than a normal human should be. It was hard to imagine her as a babe, though Brooke could see the outline of what might have been. At the rate the Director was aging in the last year, Brooke was sure she wouldn’t be around much longer, and she wondered who would replace her. Her focus snapped back at the Director’s grey eyes met her stare.

    “You have been a very good spy for us Brooke, and now we must send you on one of the most important missions in the history of this Organization.”

    “Victoria?” Brooke enquired trying to hide the desperation in her voice, the ex-spy’s name alone from her lips made her almost shake in anticipation.

    “You always ask, and the answer is always the same. No, it’s not her.” The woman standing next to the director spat with a strict teacher-like tone. Brooke turned her gaze to the figure. Diane, the mean-looking secretary and the second in command of the organization. Unpleasant seemed to be her standard personality, and her strictness towards the rules was well known to everyone who crossed her path. She had sharp features with crystal green eyes and a small beauty spot on her upper right cheek. Her black hair was always in a bun, so it made it very difficult to guess the length or style if she ever wore it down, but Brooke doubted she did even when she was having sex…if the bitch ever did get laid.

    If you could get past the awful exterior of her personality, Diane’s body was a treat. Young, smooth slightly pale skin, long legs, and an incredible hourglass figure. She was the only woman in the organization that Brooke admitted was a match against her body-wise. Their chests could only be a millimeter apart at most and somehow the Secretary must have found time to equally hit the gym and training sessions as Brooke did. The dangerous vibes that seemed to emanate from her always put Brooke on edge, and it didn’t help that she had often imagined fighting Diane in the way she and Victoria had. Rumor was that supposedly Diane had been one of the most highly taunted proteges in the Organization right alongside Victoria a few years back. A rivalry between the two sexy spies was whispered in the halls, but then Diane removed herself from missions and became the Directors number two and personal assistant prior to Victoria’s betrayal.

    But Brooke would never really know for sure. Everything about Diane’s past was strictly confidential, and Brooke had no way of knowing how dangerous or sexual this woman really was. Sensing the tension between her number two and Brooke, the Director gave a slight cough, “Diane.” She warned, and the secretary went quiet. “No, Brooke, we promised we would give you the first shot at Victoria when she reappeared again, but alas she has been out of sight for the last few months.”

    Brooke hid her disappointment because waiting for Victoria was like hoping a poison was going to slowly kill you. Yet, she was addicted and could only again wonder how Victoria was resisting it. The Director spoke again in her normal flirty tone, “This mission is to deal with a threat to one of our most valuable investors and her collection.” She motioned with her head and Diane handed her a file that she then placed forward on the desk towards Brooke.

    “This is Countess McBrayer; a young heiress of a family that is the number one trader of ancient valuables. She deals with exotic items and has been helping us greatly over the last year in our growing science research.” Brooke looked at the young woman in the photo and was stricken with how beautiful she was, tanned, a college girl face, with a cheeky smile, and lush straight dark brown hair. You could photoshop her into any college party and she wouldn’t look out of place, though the puffy dress she was wearing in the photo looked more like an 1800s party.

    “We are led to believe there is a threat of robbery from one of the native people who are looking to reclaim their lost valuables. Funnily enough, you already have a special connection to this mission, as the valley in which you and Victoria fought was home to the native people in question.” Brooke gulped, she always knew that she and Victoria had destroyed more in minutes than some wars do in years, and the valley of their duel would never be the same.

    “It seems our dear Vladimir was so caught up in his own idea of growth and power that he ignored a lot of the hidden treasures to be unearthed in that temple, including this one.” A third picture appeared; a small sphere no bigger than the inner palm of her hand with runes in a language Brooke had never seen covering it.

    “This is what we believe they are after, and it is of the utmost importance to keep the Countess in our good graces while she is studying the artifact. Any danger to her or the collection is a direct threat to our research.”

    “Understood, but who is the threat?”

    A new picture was pushed in front of her. “This is the last remaining survivor of those people, Princess Sienna. We believe she was present at the valley where you and Victoria dueled. Over the last few months, we have been monitoring her movements and it is clear now she is determined to take back this object which we cannot allow.” Brooke viewed Sienna’s photo, another exotic beauty and Brooke was understanding why exactly she had been chosen for this mission. Her darker skin and almost black eyes were incredible, and the resting bitch face worked with her style. She looked in her early 20s at best, and her dirty dark black hair was in one long thick braid resting on her shoulder. Her body was incredible, and Brooke’s eyes danced back between the Countess and the Princess unable to tell whose breasts or waist was better with their outfits and from the pictures alone…but she was sure them standing next to each other would be quite a sight.

    “Our last records are roughly two months ago show her traveling to the isle where the Countess resides, but she disappeared into the masses and none of our security team have been able to locate her. It puts us in a difficult position, as though the Countess controls the island, she is at the whim of the investors and business owners. Our Organization can move in the shadows but those billionaires who run the many shops, clubs, and restaurants do not like her or us looking into their employees or money. Meaning Sienna may be even working right under our noses. All we assume is she is attempting to find a way to reach the Countess or more so her personal collection.”

    Now that the pictures were side by side, Brooke really understood why she had been chosen for this mission, “They both look….” Brooke wanted to say ‘like babes’, but that didn’t seem appropriate in front of her boss. “Attractive?” The Director responded, seemingly reading her mind and gigging, “They are, and young and feisty. I had the pleasure of meeting our dear Countess and she is not one to back down from a challenge to her…physical attributes. Though you would have to drag her away from her research prior to that.” The Director sighed, rolling her eyes slightly at the memory.

    “Really?” Brooke questioned, looking again at the hot Countess, struggling to imagine her in a lab coat.

    “Indeed, the Countess is considered somewhat of a genius while also celebrating her 22nd birthday. The Princess by our records is the same age, but we can’t know for sure, Sienna’s records are a bit dicey. Now, McBrayer’s research is one of our top priorities, so treat this mission as such. You won’t have any help from the security forces and will be on your own. You will visit the island, infiltrate, locate the princess, while keeping yourself out of sight, and take her out by any means necessary.”

    Brooke wondered if by ‘any means’ meant her way, and it was answered with a sultry nod from the tired-looking Director.

    “Making the Princess submit should be a simple task for a woman with your bodily qualities, do as you must.” The Director hummed, the shallow eyes doing a full up and down view of her employee’s lush womanly body. Brooke always felt like the Director was flirting with her, but often, it felt like the woman was far more interested in devouring her than hooking up. Comments about her skin, her face, her sexual prowess, and her body’s ability to control her lust just to name a few things that she often teased Brooke about. If the Director wasn’t as sickly, Brooke would think that she was even challenging the spy at times, but Brooke was sure if they ended up in bed, she would absolutely dominate the Director with little effort. This time, Diane let out a small cough and Director sighed, clearly taking the hint from her second in command, “Well, that is all, you are dismissed. Complete this mission with haste, and once you have captured or eliminated the Princess, you are to report to the Countess for the next steps.”

    “Understood,” Brooke replied getting the notion she was to leave immediately. This did not give her a chance to say goodbye to Brock…though it wouldn’t have mattered, he seemed far more distant nowadays anyway and a short conversation was not going to fix their issues. When she got back, she would make sure to spend some time with him or at least try to understand what was wrong. Only a few minutes later and she was on her way to the hangar led by Diane. Her gear, clothes, and other essentials she always had packed were loaded for her during the briefing. As Diane led her towards the plane, the Secretary handed her more documents to study on the flight in a single envelope.

    Brooke took them, but instead of opening the files and starting, she couldn’t help allowing her eyes to get a full view of the second in command walking in front of her. The woman was wearing a tight very short leather skirt, with black fishnet stockings with long closed toe black heels. Diane’s full-fat ass looked like it was bouncing just at the cut-off under the shiny material. The white blouse was tight around her thin waist, and from the side could even see the woman’s chest bounce and her nipples protruding out of her shirt. Diane didn’t wear a bra…that was a little bit of information she would store for later. Her eyes shot back up as Diane turned to face her reaching the stairs of the plane. “Finish this quickly and meet with the Countess, don’t waste our time or resources on the resort.”

    Now Brooke studied her face, and those green eyes hidden behind the sexy black square glasses. The Secretary always looked like she was judging you and Brooke pushed her chest a bit more forward to give her something to judge. Diane raised an eyebrow at her but did not take the bait…not backing down, but not giving Brooke a hint if she was willing to play along. They were not friendly, and the only reason seemingly was their bodies rivaling each other.

    But maybe there was more? Brooke knew that Diane wanted to be the one to take down Victoria maybe as much as she did. Brooke getting a victory over the ex-spy seemed to infuriate Diane, though the exact reason why she wasn’t sure. Brooke raised an eyebrow at the serious tone and implication of the order she had just received, “What? Just orders and no good luck? Common Diane, maybe we should hang out more.” She teased, drawing out the woman’s name as she took the envelope and began to ascend the steps of the plane, making sure Diane got just as good a view of her full ass as the Secretary had been giving her on their walk. If anything, she was always going to try and get the serious Diane to at least crack a smile or take the challenge. Everyone was always so serious recently and this woman most of all. Their work was hard enough, no need to be snippy at each other unless they were in bed.

    “Hmph, Good luck Brooke, you will need it,” Diane responded with a twisted smile toward the young spy just as the plane door closed in front of her. Brooke felt a sudden wave of insecurity that had been building in her stomach come rushing out. It just felt like another sign that something was up in the Organization, and that she was very much in the dark. Should she be worried? Yes, her senses and training as a spy had taught her that any indication of treachery was good enough to be on guard. But there was also the fact that Diane was a bitch, a fuckable one, but a bitch, nonetheless. She had been trying to push the bitch’s buttons, and maybe Diane just wanted to fuck with her before they ended up in bed. Still, the sense of doubt lingered, and she decided she would look more into this when she returned from this mission.

    The flight was long, over 13 hours before the plane landed on the Island of Carnage, named for a war battle that had taken place on the shores decades before but was now one of the most exotic and elite resorts in the entire world. As she read through the details of her mission, she realized it would be quite a challenge to locate the Princess and get her to submit. The place was massive, and if the security forces that ran the resort had been unable to locate Sienna for months. The Countess was the key, and if Sienna was attempting to get to her, then that would be Brooke’s best bet as bait. She memorized the photos of the women and key figures while also taking account of all the exit points and locations in the hotel until she just couldn’t store any more information. She attempted to relax but couldn’t let go of the tingle of warning in her body from her little comment from Diane.

    Infiltrate the resort and capture the princess, but why was this the top mission? Brock had warned her recently about asking questions, but that seemed like something only blind stupid followers would do, and that could only lead to corruption. The details of the mission also didn’t say much about the artifact or what the Countess was researching for the Organization. Usually, there was more, more she was given access to, and this only continued to make her wary.

    But she would have to come back to that later once she had completed it, as she put on her first of many disguises before exiting the plane. She was driven to the resort from the small airport after landing, the hot wet tropic air filling her lungs and quickly making her sweat.

    The building came into sight before anything else, and even she was awed by the size and grandness of the resort. The Hotel De Amor, where every desire you could dream of was reality. Check-in was easy, her fake name was already registered in a nice room as part of the grand hotel’s main building. The resort was on a small island dominated by structures and pool areas in general. There was still a decent section of forest that remained on the outskirts of the island but was all marked and walled off. It had taken quite a few tries to get a hotel to work on this isle but now it was established, it was the elite of the elite. The hotel itself was gorgeous, with almost 25 floors with rooms, and events, and built like a city. This month and basically every month it was fully booked, with thousands and thousands of guests filling the bars, clubs, and pools, because if you wanted it, you could find it here. This only made it easier for Brooke to slip in among the beauties of the rich and begin her search for the Princess. It honestly was hard to wrap her head around how much money must exchange hands every single day on this island.

    Right now, she was sporting a jet-dark hair wig covering her light brown smooth locks. Fake glasses and contacts to hide her blue eyes. She doubted anyone would recognize her, but she might need to change things up, so it was good to start with a random one. There was the fact that even after deleting all traces of who she was, there were always rumors of spies in the upper layers of the world and people were always nervous and looking.

    Once she was checked in, she got to her room she quickly set out her gear. An abundance of skimpy bikinis, some far more risqué than others. Tight, thin dresses for walking around the resort, and her favorite black latex spy suit that she had come to enjoy wearing. That was one thing that Victoria was right about, it was the most optimal for fighting, and even more so for seduction. Her preference was all black, but any color worked as long as she could show off her curves.

    She had slept well on the plane, so she had all day to start her mission. The first goal was to get some clue about where the Princess was hiding. But where should she start? A few seconds of indecision plagued her before she looked out one of the windows to one of the massive pools. Though she didn’t miss her old life at all, she did sometimes think how nice it would be to be back in school, on spring break with friends just relaxing in her swimsuit and playing around. Not like she got to do that back then, because she didn’t really have any friends. But with her newfound confidence, she felt a bit of regret and saw a chance to live it just for a bit.

    No, she had to focus on the mission she told herself, pulling her eyes away from the window. So, she started by exploring the hotel, meeting, and turning down the advances of the many men who eyed her with lust while she investigated. Many of the women here were hot, maybe not in her league but only a step or two away and a rare few might just have been her equal. A few that she wouldn’t have minded competing in her way, and some of the looks she got back meant they likely felt the same way.

    In the end, those were the two first days of her mission, an endless search in a maze like a mouse looking for the smallest piece of cheese. Fortunately, they went by without incident, and her low profile was easily kept, but honestly, it was a bit frustrating. She had zero luck and even got rejected when she attempted to flirt her way past the higher levels of security for more details. No sign of Sienna, no connection to the Countess, and if she didn’t know better, she thought she felt someone trailing her a few times. It put her on edge, and on the third day, Brooke had the urge to take at least a few hours to relax and even have some fun if she could swing it. It would give her time to regroup and rethink her strategy.

    Clearing her head was always a good tactic as a spy to refocus, and even with her unique sets of skills, it wasn’t often she got to have a mission in such an elite tropical destination. “Fuck it.” She said aloud, she earned a holiday mid-mission after all the work she had been in the last year.

    She picked out a very skimpy red two-piece bikini for this day, something she could really show off her body, and maybe make a few other women feel a bit inferior, just for the thrill of it. It covered her chest like a wrap and was a G-string tied on the sides. Grabbing a book and a towel, she skipped out of her room with a naughty smile on her face

    Maybe an hour later, as she laid out taking a little break from her mission to take in some sun, a waiter appeared dressed in a far too formal suit for the heat by the pool. Brooke’s eyes cracked open but sensed no threat from the man, and kept her cool, “Miss, apologies to disrupt you, but we will be commencing a little contest in the far pool for a fabulous prize, and our staff would like to offer you a spot in the said competition.”

    “Oh, and what’s the contest and prize?” Brooke responded with a flirty manner, playing the part of the hot girl lucky to be at the rich resort. She had already seen a few women and men eye her, but with lust and frustration that they weren’t with or looked like her.

    The man smiled, “The winner will receive a dinner ticket to dine with the esteemed owner of the hotel, Courtney McBrayer, and as for the contest, well it’s a contest for women and their ample features. I believe in English it is called a wet t-shirt contest if I can be so vulgar.”

    “Oh!” Brooke gasped with real shock at the revelation, but should she be surprised? This resort seemed to have a lot of women brought here for their bodies, and she was sure some of the rich men, and even maybe some of the rich women would happily want to compare who had the best physical company and assets. Confirming her thoughts, the waiter continued, “Yes, many men here and women here enjoy the flesh and find the most unique ways for them to compete and compare. Would you care to join today’s event?”

    The Organization would absolutely be furious if they found out she was participating in stuff like this, but they had been working her so hard. It wouldn’t kill them, and she wanted to have fun…she never got to do things like this back when she was a loner in college. She also liked the idea of really getting to show off and prove she had the best body here. Plus, the prize was a dinner with the Countess, so who knows, maybe the Princess would be around or at least Brooke could get some info from the McBrayer woman. Because from the photos Brooke had seen, Sienna too was a woman with features that could win a contest like this.

    Considering it for just another second, she smiled at the man, “You know, I think that sounds fun, I’m in.”

    The man returned the smile, “Wonderful, here is your contest shirt, you have 5 minutes to head over to the far heart-shaped pool, of course, only the shirt may be worn, and it must cover your breasts, oh and these bottoms are required, we want to make sure it’s fair between the contestants.”

    “Of course.” Brooke said, taking the small white t-shirt that was handed over to her along with the small simple green thong, ‘Wow.’ She thought the shirt was so small, it would be lucky that it covered her boobs at all. The thong made sense; it wasn’t a string style but revealed 90% of her ass like one she would wear to play in the ocean or sports in.

    She got up from her seat, and walked swiftly to the changing room, switching out her more releveling bikini for the competition thong. Then, she tossed her bikini top into her bag and squeezed into the small white tee. In fairness, it did cover her full chest albeit being very tight. It also only got about 3 inches down her stomach, making her belly button and smooth abs fully visible.

    Coming out, she made her way to the stage that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere near the deep large heart-shaped pool. The waiter from before smiled as she approached, somehow keeping his stare professional, and led her on the stage to the number 5 spot, next to a few other women. It seemed some other very pretty girls had been asked to join but only three were wearing the provided colored competition thongs, including Brooke. She guessed that meant that those wearing them were likely the favorites while the others were simply filler for the game. They stood in line, as a big cluster of people came to watch the sexy show, the good-looking announcer was behind his DJ booth smiling and laughing with jokes to the rich and powerful. Then it began, buckets of water placed behind the girl’s where a very sexy buff man was ready, the lucky person to pour the water on the women. The first two who got wet were pretty girls who looked embarrassed but laughed as they did little jumps and jiggled their nicely sized-breasts. But in the third sport was the first girl wearing a thong, a darker-skinned girl with an amazing body, and long silver hair, wearing a blue style with the same design as Brooke’s green little piece. She stepped forward confidently, with a big grin as if she had already won. Brooke’s slight distance from her blocked her view with them still in a line.

    But she was able to see her opponent get drenched, shaking her womanly body in all the right places as the clear liquid covered her and poured down her form. She licked her red lips at the mob while her dark areola became visible, and her brown nipples began poking out of the thin cover. She then struck a sexy pose, hands on hips, bending her knees in a low squat and slowly popping back up, with an extra jiggle on her breasts that got hoots and groans of desire. It looked like something a very good dancer could do and she was using it to the best effect. Continuing her sexy dance show, she rotated her head in a full rotation, pushing her visible tits out in the shirt, the little blue thong equally as soaked. Brooke admitted she looked hot, though her fully silver hair looked a little off for some reason. That, plus Brooke couldn’t tell if the woman’s darker skin was from a tan or natural. With her face turned, Brooke noticed the woman didn’t look as enthusiastic even during her moves as maybe the crowd wanted, but her little pout seemed to win the pack, or maybe it was her massive tits and incredible body. Either way, she got a big reaction, and the cheers would be tough to beat. Brooke watched her from the side of her, trying to get a better look but not able to as she stepped back.

    “Wow, wow, wow! Look at her move, contestant 3 is clearly the favorite so far, everyone loves a little native island girl!”

    ‘Native?’ Brooke thought, but the announcer was already moving on. “Next up is contestant 7!” A tanned redhead in the middle stepped forward, wearing an orange thong that she seemed to have pulled a little higher on her full hips making her hourglass more prominent. That was supposedly against the rules, Brooke thought, but it was too late to pull her own up. The crowd applauded as the bucket was dumped on the next woman and her upper body became exposed for the eyes to take in. Brooke was close enough to have some of the liquid land on her toes. Of course, it would be cold, Brooke thought, it would make their nipples protrude from their shirts even more.

    The redhead let out a loud moan and ran her hands through her dark red hair, and down her well-tanned body. Her tits looked full and suckable, pink areola visible, and Brooke realized that this orange bikini bottom girl and the number 3 girl in the blue thong were her only real competition for this little game.

    The middle girl started doing her own little show, putting her hands in the air where she shook her big wet tits at the crowd, while also sprinkling water on her rival’s faces Brooke was sure was being done on purpose. The redhead then turned, making sure all sides of the crowd got a good look at her taut breasts, and now her big, toned ass, which had water droplets rolling down the big full curves. She bent over at the hips, letting her ass be the center of attention before she too popped up with a good bounce of her visible chest and a little wave to the crowd as she stepped back.

    The crowd went wild, but it was impossible to tell if they had been louder for the orange or blue girl. “Hot! Hot! Hot! Now, Contestant 5!” Now it was Brooke’s turn, and she felt the excitement to win. Brooke had done her normal colored hair in cute long pigtails for this little disguise, and she was going to sell it. Even doing a little giggle, she twirled one of them in her fingers as the water was poured on her. It was chilly but more so refreshing in the tropical heat. She felt her shirt stick to her form and she threw her hands in the air with a little bounce on her feet. Then, she ran her hands down, took the bottom of the tiny shirt, and pulled it even tighter to her chest making her breasts look massive and full.

    “Hey!” The woman on her left yelled in protest, but no one else heard her. The announcer was too busy gawking at Brooke’s full chest to repeat the rules that the spy had ‘accidentally’ broken. But Brooke was living in the moment, showing off the body she had worked so hard for, and the gifts she had been given. She did a little stretch, spreading her legs wide before leaning down to touch the floor with her hands, her wet ass on display, and her full pussy lips almost visible behind the stretched green thong. When she shot up, she shook her pink nips and areola again and took hold of her pigtails, pulling them back like she was being fucked from behind with a moan. The mob went bananas at the sexual display, and Brooke grinned as she blew a kiss to them, while also feeling the glares from the other two women on stage that she had been a bit wilder than them. She stepped back with a huge cheer, her wet body still racking up points as she posed a bit with a bent leg and a hand on her full hips as she waited. By this point, a few girls had jumped down without getting wet and the others have given up before the winner was picked…leaving only the three up there.

    “Okay, okay, okay! What a show! These three girls are clearly our finalists, but only our voters in the crowd can decide! You have just 10 seconds to vote!”

    “Vote?” Brooke questioned, but as she noticed her rival’s posing, so did she, trying to look as hot as possible (which was not hard) and show off their assets. When a buzzer went off exactly ten seconds later, the announcer watching his screen. “Oh, and the results are in! The winner is…. Contestant 5 in the green!” The announcer bellowed and the mass cheered in agreement.

    Brooke let out a grin, feeling a rush of emotions, apart even relieved that her tits had withstood the opposition. Smiling to the crowd, she gave a little wave with her tits and areolas fully visible in her white tee. The competition had been tight, but it felt so good to win, it was satisfying knowing her body was better than ever and she had just proven in a way her old self never would imagine.

    The announcer then continued, “But oh my goodness! How close a contest this was! Our winner won by only one point over our two other finalists who will share second place! But that point matters and number 5 will take home the prize to dine with our lovely resort host!”

    The other two main competitors looked shocked they had lost, but all three of them remained which Brooke was sure for some fake friendly photos with the richest of guests.

    Brooke now had a chance to see the other two soaking women up close as they faced her. Both looked unhappy with the one in the orange thong looking more furious than the other. She studied them, but something about contestant 3 in the dark blue thong made her do a double take. Brooke’s own makeup and disguises were in top gear, and she had gotten decent at seeing through others' attempts to hide themselves. It took a second, but as she closely viewed, she noticed that the woman was indeed wearing a disguise, a good one, just maybe not as good as hers. When they locked eyes for a brief second, Brooke knew.

    It was her! Princess Sienna, she had been in the contest! But Brooke had already messed up and stared too long because now the other wet woman was looking back at her with equal scrutiny before her black eyes went wide. Brooke quickly realized that she wasn’t the only one who could recognize a less-than-perfect disguise after being soaked in water. The Princesses’ eyes narrowed, and she jumped off the stage into the crowd in a hurry. At the same time, with the contest over, the music started blasting once again and the rich viewers were no longer paying attention to the women on stage.

    Brooke jumped after Sienna as if she was running to join the music while also forgetting to collect her prize. Luckily, the announcer was hitting on the redhead contestant 7 who was still on stage standing there, yet she followed Brooke’s sudden departure with a pair of narrow eyes herself.

    Brooked moved through the mob of people, thankful that there were so many hot women around that her own beauty was able to blend in just enough that she wasn’t the center of attention even in her see through shirt. It took about ten seconds, but Brooke caught up to the escaping Princess who had gotten stuck trying to get past a bunch of drunk idiots.

    Brooke shot forward to reach her, but as she came behind the darker-skinned girl, Sienna threw a quick kick that Brooke just barely dodged side-stepping in the crowd. Brooke threw a kick in return, but Sienna had already moved behind another person and Brooke missed. The group had shifted almost causing them to be in a makeshift arena, and Brooke watched as Sienna took an aggressive stance. Their wet bodies started flinging water droplets everywhere as they did a sexy but indiscrete fight in the midst of a crowd wearing only a green and blue thong and soaked white shirts. They attempted throwing punches, kicks, and slaps through gaps in the bodies, while also making it look like they were just trying to reach for one another. But after almost 20 seconds, neither had landed a single blow and were starting to gather attention.

    Brooke knew she had to change tactics, and instead before their next engagement slipped behind a buff man and dove between his legs from behind, coming up in front of him with her near bare ass on his dick. He looked so shocked at where she had appeared from, but sadly for him, that was as close as he got to getting a dance from Brooke, who only winked at him for fun before sliding around another person to the left.

    Sienna had moved to anticipate where Brooke would be next, not realizing that the spy had gotten behind her from under the legs of the man. She froze when Brooke was not there and turned her head in panic, but it was too late. She froze as she felt arms wrap around her smooth stomach and felt Brooke pull her body in close.

    Brooke’s wet-covered tits crushed into the wet-covered back of Sienna, as the Princess pushed back into her almost acting as if they were dancing and keeping the eyes on them less unaware. “Got you bitch, now give up, I’m taking you back to my room,” Brooke growled, holding the sexy Sienna as tightly as she could.

    “Oh, yeah? And what’s gonna happen there, Brooke?”

    Brooke’s grip tightened her hold hearing her name from the sexy tone and heard Sienna snicker, “What? You didn’t think I knew they would send you, the number one sexpot whore to deal with a girl like me?”

    Brooke rolled her eyes, it seemed her reputation preceded her, “Yeah, they did, and that means you are coming back to my room, and we can figure it out.”

    “I don’t think so Brooke, I’m not going with you, and you won’t stop me. You, or your evil Organization.”

    “Evil? Please, you are the one that is trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you and stop scientific research that will lead to incredible medical advancements.”

    “Fuck off, don’t believe everything you hear. You are just a puppet in this, and I can do this alone…I have everything I need!” Sienna growled and wiggled her full ass into the front of Brooke’s thong front making Brooke lick her lips in desire.

    “I can stop you because I know just how to beat and control a woman like you.” Brooke hissed, trying to keep Sienna in front of her, as she put one hand to grasp the full bare ass of the Princess. The muscle was firm and thick in her hand, maybe only second to the feeling of Victoria’s booty, but maybe it was even better. She slapped the full muscle once, and Sienna growled getting the implication that it was an ass fight or more being offered.

    “Bitch. I can beat you in a fight like that any fucking day but I’m not about to get caught or waste time with that right now! You want a piece of me, it’s going to be a neutral location.” Sienna hissed, and twisted their bodies, knocking into a passing waiter who had been trying to separate the growing mob. The impact caused enough commotion and people slamming into each other for the Princess to break out of Brooke’s hold and spin away with a small hit on Brooke’s thigh.

    “Shit,” Brooke growled, it was far too crowded for a fight here, and making a scene with Sienna wouldn’t work out for either of them. The native girl was standing a few feet away facing her, the Princess’s tits much like Brooke’s, barely contained by the thin white marital and her brown nipples pointing at the rival nips of Brooke. It looked like Sienna was about to move forward and attempt to return a few ass slaps that Brooke had given her, or even suggest a neutral location for them to settle this. But just before she took the first step, Brooke noticed the black eyes of the princess flash at something behind her, and then she smirked. For a second Brooke didn’t understand, but then she was spun by her shoulder and found herself face-to-face with a different person entirely.

    “Hey!” The new woman standing in front of her hissed, as Brooke felt her full wet chest bump into two soft mounds of very similar density and wetness. She quickly realized it was the other second-place woman from the contest in the orange thong who looked furious as she stood face to face and chest to chest with Brooke in their white wet t-shirts and tiny thongs, “You cheated!”

    Brooke was still reeling from her little tussle with Sienna, but this comment made her flair and bristle. Half her brain screamed that Sienna was going to escape! But the other half, the more important half would not stand this woman challenging the fact that her chest did not just win the contest fair and square, “No I did not!”

    “Yes, you did! The Rules state you can’t pull your shirt any tighter once the water is applied.”

    Brooke laughed, “One, that’s a stupid rule and they clearly they don’t care cause they still voted me the best, two, you pulled your thong up higher before which is also against the rules, and three, and most importantly, don’t be mad that my boobs are better than yours. In fact, you should get used to it, because you were lucky to even get 2nd.”

    The other woman’s face went red like her hair, “Don’t compare your flat chest to mine.” And she bumped her tits into Brooke’s again, and that was it.

    “You want to go?” Brooke hissed as she bumped her back, the firm soft mounds bouncing against each other behind their wet shirts. She wasn’t exactly sure what she was challenging but this girl wasn’t going to get by just slapping her inferior breasts into hers.

    “I’m right fucking here, aren’t I? Yeah, I want to fucking go.” The other woman hissed, and they moved forward, visible nipples from their thin white shirts meeting just for a second. But the standoff between the 1st and 2nd place girls had even in the commotion caught a lot of attention including the announcer of the contest who picked up his mic and turned a spotlight on them.

    “Oh, boy ladies and gentlemen! Looks like we got ourselves a Titfight!” The announcer yelled, and suddenly both Brooke and this woman were being led to the pool and then onto a platform that was controlled and moved out in the middle of the water. “What the fuck?”, Brooke cursed under her breath shocked at how fast this had escalated. This was not keeping a low profile, but then again, the announcer seemed to know exactly what was happening between the two women…and they had a platform…maybe even THIS wasn’t so unusual at a resort of this magnitude.

    Brooke turned to face her opponent on their island who was already glaring right back at her. Their eyes darted to the full breasts that would settle this dispute still hidden behind the white see through cloth. Brooke noted this woman had to be roughly her age, with deep dark dyed red hair. She had a cocky look with dangerous blue eyes and her amazing body was well-tanned, but now up-close Brooke could tell that her breasts weren’t fully. The woman had small tan lines that kept her breasts milky white and likely appealed to many people. The wet t-shirt had hidden that from Brooke’s point of view. It didn’t matter because her body looked as good as Brooke’s, and that made this even more thrilling for the sexy spy. Ok, she didn’t care, she wanted to win this even more than the last contest.

    “Here are the rules ladies! Hands cupped behind your backs the whole time, tits on tits only, first girl on her knees or in the pool losses! Everything else in the confines of the rules is fair game! Oh, and let’s not forget, this is the one game we let the combatants go topless! So, let’s lose those shirts and get some skin-on-skin action!”

    Brooke nodded, as she waited for her opponent. The redhead smiled cockily at her like the fight was already over before going first. She crossed her arms and took hold of the small shirt struggling to cover her tanned tits, she peeled the wet cloth up and over her head, and her full chest bounced back into place, full and taunt, somehow looking firmer and bigger free. Even Brooke had to admit that the tan lines, though small were hot, and she could tell this redhead must have tanned specifically for them. Her milky tits and pink nipples were the center point of her body, and she knew it. She flipped her long dark red hair back and stretched, showing off the light abs behind the sexy stomach and muscled ass. “Want to back down?” She taunted Brooke.

    Now it was her turn, and Brooke did a similar move, reaching down and peeling away the tiny top from the front. It pulled her breasts up with it before they bounced back into place, high on her chest. The crowd cheered, and Brooke added a little flair palming her breasts to show their size compared to her hands and how deep she could hold them. “No chance.”

    The hot-tanned redhead looked unimpressed, taking a step forward that Brooke matched, their nipples a few inches apart, sizing each other up.

    “Wow, that shirt really added a cup size, didn’t it?” The redhead teased.

    “Oh, please, if you feel so insecure, why don’t you jump in the pool like a little girl before your small tits get embarrassed by my puppies.”

    It looked like a meeting of titans, the two very full chested women with sexy strong bodies facing off on the small arena. They tossed their wet shirts into the pool, leaving them only in their thongs alone on the platform, the redhead was in a tiny simple orange workout thong bikini, and Brooke in a green of similar style. It was funny, because even being surrounded by people watching with hushed breaths, right now for Brooke, only this sexy bitchy woman and her tits mattered.

    “Hands behind your backs girls, and titfight!” The announcer yelled and both women moved forward with no planned tactics and expecting an easy win on the first crush. Slap! Both Brooke and the other woman gasped as they connected their sexy bodies, their large chests compressing with a whack, and the crowd around the pool cheered as they watched their asses flex and boobs bounce against the other pair. Ok, this would not be an easy win, Brooke thought with surprise as the full heavy weight of their rival's chest matched her own.

    They grunted sexually as they backed off slightly from the first crush, keeping their breasts just lightly touching by the nipples before they worked their lefts into each other with turned shoulders and then their right globes shortly after, testing for weakness in the other’s full and warm chest. Blue eyes locked as they did so, taunting and hissing at each other, as their hot thong asses stuck out behind them flexing with their long strong legs braced. The music blared and the crowd wailed in excitement around them. Then the two fighters began to grind skin on skin, on the small platform bringing their lovely faces closer. Suddenly the redhead shot her head even closer and attempted to lick Brooke’s face, making the secret spy gasp and back up a few inches as the redhead tried to win with the sexy move, crushing her tits forward as the big pairs mushroomed.

    But Brooke countered, and swung her chest, flicking their nipples and causing the tanned tits to back off for a second to avoid the impact. They went face to face grimacing as they struggled breast on breast, perspiration already starting to open from their pours replacing the water. The redhead went for another sloppy lick, but Brooke was ready and shot her own tongue out, letting the two pink snakes flick outside their lips above their warring mountains of flesh. The other woman gasped in surprise across from Brooke’s open mouth, which allowed the spy to slip her tongue into the open maw and begin to wetly twirl.

    “Oh, they are kissing! Will tongue domination coincide with boobs?! Will contestant 5 finish her with this!?” The announcer yelled and there were claps of appreciation for the increasingly sexual nature of the fight. Their tits were still locked, the redhead’s nearly full tanned body besides her milky tits and Brooke’s lightly tanned body that had no broken lines.

    On the platform, they remained connected with their tongues and tits. The redhead seemed stunned her blue eyes shooting open in shock as Brooke’s tongue spread spit in her mouth, while the blond surged, her toned legs finally breaking the stance of her rival and pushing the redhead back a foot towards the edge with her tits. But just when she thought she had this bitch in the pool, the other woman twisted her body away from the side while keeping their mouths connected. She did this by sucking Brooke’s tongue hard deeper into her warm mouth and forcing the pigtail-haired woman to turn with her, until the rival let the pink muscle of Brooke slip free from her mouth with a string of spit snapping and placing them back to equal in the center of the platform.

    “What a move! And contestant 7 escapes with a little bit of tongue-sucking action of her own! Maybe we should get these two a room when they are done here!” Whoops and cheers sounded for that comment, but the two fighters were fully engrossed in each other to notice.

    Brooke was thoroughly impressed, this woman may not have been a spy, but her body, strength, speed, and sexual cunning were easily matching her. They also felt even when it came down to pound for pound in muscle and ounce to ounce in meaty breast fat. But that only thrilled Brooke more, and as she viewed the other woman’s eyes, clearly, she wasn’t alone. Winning against a woman like herself was a thrill like no other. In fact, she was happy her kissing plan didn’t work because that meant the only way, she would win was to overpower this bitch with her tits, the good old fashion way. That was more fun.

    They slapped again, their faces to the sky as they cried out in sexual frustration. The sexy tit duel went on for almost another full minute, crushing, slapping, and grinding as the women released hungry groans from the battle. Switching between light swinging back and forth and jabbing boob boxing was the theme, before following them up with full breast presses in which they symmetrically docked each other perfectly and tested their latest round of impacts. Their nipples became rawer, but more erect, as they slashed and speared the other globes, the aching getting more and more prominent. The collisions were more aimed and desperate as the crowd went insane watching these two queens lock up in their near-nude state.

    Brooke wanted to fuck this bitch with her tits and nipples for challenging her, and each time her boobs didn’t flatten the other soft pair mashing with her own it made her feel wild. Again, they ended up face to face, the redhead snarling, “You bitch.” Into Brooke’s ear, their breasts mushrooming.

    “Fuck you whore. I feel you going saggy every hit.” Brooke snipped back, as their nipples crossed and they hissed while they bent each other to the side.

    “No chance cunt, you are going to be flat soon, and maybe I’ll fuck you with my breasts later just for the fun of it.” The tanned redhead hissed, the sound of a dirtier challenge in the words, one that made Brooke groan.

    “Sounds like a date bitch! But only after everyone here see’s why my tits and my body are better than yours?” Brooke sneered back.

    The look of fury on the redhead’s features confirmed that Brooke had found a nerve. They kissed again, but this was more aggressive and private, trying to lightly chew the other’s lips raw behind the redhead’s thick hair. Mid-kiss, Brooke tried to readjust her feet but noticed just in the last second that the platform was getting smaller. Pieces around them were floating away and this was forcing them closer with less mobility. The two topless titfighers now did a final dance, stomachs grazing as they enclosed on each other, curving their backs to keep their balance and the weight on her rival. When, now desperate, and without any other options, Brooke slammed her tits forward and the other woman groaned as her nipples stabbed, into her soft full pair. Their eyes both closed in frustration and desire. Their breasts seemed to have molded, and a slick amount of sweat now dry from the pool made it hard for them to add any sort of friction.

    They seem to realize there was only one way to win and ensure it didn’t come down to just luck. Before the other woman could react, Brooke bent her knees and stuck her ass out, just as the other woman did as well, but luckily the spy was just a millisecond faster and undercut the woman’s slippery breasts. The woman hissed knowing Brooke’s plan as she tried to get back to even, but Brooke took a step forward to force them into sexier contact. The redhead tried to hook their knees but had to brace back with her free foot to stop from falling over.

    Yet, the tactic lost the woman just an inch, but that inch was no longer one she could give. Her foot slid off the now close edge and she was bent back with no footing. “No! Fuck!” She screamed while Brooke groaned with one last push with her breasts and the meaty jugs finally separated, pushing the redhead’s fat pair up. The redhead fell back her tits jiggling up and down as her hands shot out from behind her back as if she wanted to brace her fall into the water. But they shot forward and she attempted to reach out and pull Brooke with her by the pigtails, but she failed to get a hold and her hands slipped off Brooke’s smooth skin in a last-second attempt. She let out a cry as she landed with a loud splash in the pool, and the crowd went wild as Brooke grinned, losing herself for a few seconds as she shook her still-looking amazing wet sore tits at the crowd victorious.

    She watched as the woman she had just out titfought pushed herself out of the pool on the far side. Standing, dripping wet, topless, she adjusted her tiny orange bikini bottoms, while her obvious boyfriend, or at least some guy she knew, came rushing over to cover her with a white towel. But instead of thanking him the woman aggressively pushed him away and into the pool to a large amount of laughing from the crowd. She then turned her body back to face Brooke still standing on the platform, the woman’s creamy breasts looking as formidable as ever. She was glowering at the winner and Brooke glared back, sticking her victorious chest out, her nipples hard and poking as if they could tear free from the thin white material they had been wearing. It was an invite from Brooke, a dare, that round two was right here, without the gimmick of the platform but after a few seconds, long enough for Brooke to know that they hadn’t settled anything, the woman turned again and walked away from the pool. Another small cheer rang out as Brooke grinned and gave a wave to the crowd before jumping into the pool and swimming to the side. As she pushed herself a few people came to attempt to get her number or room apparently, but she declined everything. She had been lost in the moment, and now Brooke remembered her real goal and gave a groan thanks to letting her determination to be the hottest body in the pool distract her.

    She quickly scanned the pool area, but Sienna was long gone and that was a big failure on her part. “Fuck.” Brooke hissed as she disappeared into the crowd quickly trying to make herself less seen as people cheered for her a few more times until returning to their drinks and own lives. She couldn’t collect the prize for the dinner and wouldn’t be able to use this disguise again thanks to her sudden found popularity as the wet-shirt queen. She had to focus and had to get back on track to find this sexy princess once again for the sake of the world.

    Hi Everyone, and Happy new year

    Hope all is well. This is a sequel to the Magnitude duel, so I would check that one out first…though this is a bit more spying and less massive women lol.
    Umm, I owe a lot of people responses to private messages, so apologies for that, it was a weird year and I got lost in a lot of stuff. My bad but will slowly start going through them.

    Incredible the number of fantastic stories being posted and honestly, the motivation to write this came from yuri’s police series which I also owe a million comments on (they have been great).

    Anyway, this is part 1. Hope you enjoy it. I’m hoping not to leave this unfinished like Cold Chill2, I promise I’m making some progress on that as well, but this one was just easier to write. Umm, yeah, and the Sorority war has part 1 done, but I’m not sure how I want to go with it, so it’s at a standstill. Gonna post to Pixiv, rivals, and all the other sites (I think Freecatfights is the alternative now) too hopefully soon. Cool, catch ya later.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    Great to see you back! I'm looking forward to reading this - your "Magnitude/Spy" series has a lot of promise!


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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    This new story is off to a great start! Can't wait to see what happens next and which women (all of them?) Brooke takes on during the course of the story. And the underlying challenge from Diane lurking in the background adds another dimension. Great work!


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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    Alright, you’re back! I was starting to worry you’d gone AWOL on us. Can’t wait to give this a read!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Great start. I’m loving Brooke’s personality a lot more now that she has fully embraced her nymphomania. Glad I could be an inspiration. Truth is, I planned on Cops and Robbers being a one or two part thing at most but you and JB convinced me to keep it going and now it’s become my baby just like Maggie and Amber is to you.

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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    I'm salivating...getting ready to read this later with a glass of wine.

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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    Hail to the king, baby! I vaguely remember having read 'magnitude duel', but I'm not so much into giantesses. Good old spy action with catsuits and stuff better fits my taste and this one was good. Very good!

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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    Quote Originally Posted by herbert3000 View Post
    Hail to the king, baby! I vaguely remember having read 'magnitude duel', but I'm not so much into giantesses. Good old spy action with catsuits and stuff better fits my taste and this one was good. Very good!
    Do yourself a favor and check out his Maggie and Amber series. On Fights.Sexy, it’s labeled “The Maggie Saga”. It’s very long and very slow paced but it is also the single best series of stories I have ever read for this genre. It has everything. Great, erotic scenes, intense buildup and even a good amount of drama and character development. I cannot recommend it enough.

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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    On the positive side, I'm glad that the posted stories remain uncensored. I'm sure this will be fixed again, but I agree it should not be happening at all. It is frustrating to not know who to contact about this. Does anyone have information on who manages the board? Obviously, someone does and is fiddling around with it.


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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    On the positive side, I'm glad that the posted stories remain uncensored. I'm sure this will be fixed again, but I agree it should not be happening at all. It is frustrating to not know who to contact about this. Does anyone have information on who manages the board? Obviously, someone does and is fiddling around with it.

    I wish I did.

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    Re: A Game of Espionage

    The "help desk" function does not work so I sent a PM to Steven. I am sure others have done so, too. I have not heard anything back but, hopefully, he received it and is aware of the problem. In fact, I think we should assume the admins are aware of the problem and are working on it.


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