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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Game of Espionage Part 2

    A Game of Espionage Part 2

    Over the next two days, Brooke doubled her efforts, furious that she had let Sienna slip through her wet fingers. It had now been five days and four nights since she had arrived at the island and so far, Brooke’s search had been for naught. The resort was just too big, and the schedules of the workers and clubs were too random or secret. She had explored the shows, the strip clubs, and the restaurants, but like she had been warned by her superiors, they were far too inclusive, and the hotel kept denying even the simplest of requests. She was sure Sienna wouldn’t be foolish enough to appear again as she had at the pool earlier in the week, even if the prize was meeting with the Countess, so Brooke couldn’t wait for that either.

    Annoyingly as well, Brooke also now had an enraged social media model looking for her, and twice had to duck out of the hall when the tanned redheaded girl from the pool was walking by. Somehow, Brooke’s best disguises didn’t matter to this woman; because this one woman could just tell by a single glance at Brooke’s tits who the spy was and made a beeline for her both times. It hurt Brooke’s pride more than anything having to run away from this apparent challenge but getting distracted into a tit rivalry was the last thing she could do right now. Sure, Brooke could have hidden her puppies…but no, she wouldn’t conceal two of her favorite features, so dodging the woman was necessary. Even if it meant pushing down the sexual urge and primal instinct to subjugate the bitch again.

    Feeling like she was running out of time, she decided to visit one location she had only briefly reviewed, and that was the upper rooms of the Gold Casino, the biggest and most expensive area of the resort. Honestly, she had avoided it for the sole reason that burning through cash was the fastest way to receive a boring talk from Diane or one of the other pencil-pushing bureaucrats of The Organization about funds. But with few places left to search, she knew the high roller area would be a great hiding place for a Princess keeping a low profile. Brooke quickly realized that the easiest way for her to infiltrate without wasting money was to dress up as one of the scantily clad waitresses and pose for the night. She had avoided doing this on the mission thus far because it would eventually raise questions from the management team if a random waitress they had never seen before worked one night, but she had no other options.

    She made her way toward the casino that night, but after taking a few turns in the halls her spy senses started to tingle. Without sending any sign, she noted that three people were following her. This wasn’t the first time; Brooke had noticed a similar tail the last two days as well but brushed it off as people just trying to get her into bed. This time, it was more obvious and three days in a row was a bit too much. Two men and a woman in casual resort gear, doing well to keep their distance but not enough for someone of Brooke’s training. ‘Hm.’ She wondered what their association was and how they had found her. She was wearing standard workout gear that wasn’t out of place in this part of the resort and her disguise made her into a platinum blonde with a few other details to throw people off. Taking a few quick turns and using her skills to ‘disappear’, she threw the trail. Once she was confident they were gone, she continued but had a shiver of worry because that meant the other tails earlier in the week likely were from the same group. If a rival association was on the isle that could cause trouble, but she would worry about that later however because she finally reached the casino. Ironically, flirting and confidence got her past the guards to the women’s changing rooms easily, and she quickly found an outfit in one of the lockers.

    “Really?” She sighed, as she pulled the clothes out. It wasn’t surprising but she couldn’t help rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness. It was a French maid costume and a scantily clad one at that. A big puffy black and white wide skirt that wouldn’t even cover ass standing still let alone walking in the black heels provided. The top was a cross stitch corset that squeezed her already perfect tits together for an even more alluring sight while her legs would be covered in white high-leg stockings held up by a white garter belt. Under it would be tiny white thong panties that were not much bigger than the bikinis she had been wearing at the pool. It also came with lace elbow-high gloves and a black choker around her neck. The final gift was a feathery duster for show and a little headpiece. Not letting it throw her off, she slipped into the little uniform, noting in the mirror that she did look good in it. Wishing herself luck, she took a serving tray, and moved out and into the gambling floor with a sultry walk.

    She entered the loud huge chamber and was quickly overwhelmed by the sights. It was filled with poker, roulette, and other games to light and appease the senses of the very rich. Dancers in cages were hanging on the ceiling while erotic music emanated out of the walls. Brooke quickly began to make rounds around the patrons, noticing that there was no real schedule or area any of the waitresses were assigned and unlike many of the other clubs, all the women were dressed differently. Though they were all wearing costumes of a sexual nature. There was a police officer, firefighter, nurse, cheerleader, and even an air stewardess, the list went on. The women here were all above the attraction levels of the other clubs, though Brooke still stood above the rest, and with a glance, she only found one that could really compete with her.

    Making her next sweep, she playfully went up to an older-looking patron, leaning over to make sure her breasts were right near his face. “A drink sir?” Brooke asked sweetly. She had already done a quick scan of both the women and guests and did not find any sign that one of them was the Princess in disguise. She doubted Sienna would have many covers like the one she used at the pool, and that confirmed that the Princess so far was not here. That meant she needed to play the role a bit and try to find any other info from the patrons or guests.

    The man looked up, eyes widening at the maid. He then nodded and felt up her perky ass as she moved to the bar for his order. She gave a fake little giggle and promised she would snap his neck later if she had a chance. At the bar, the line was a few people long, so it gave Brooke a chance to let out a sigh of frustration. Where was Sienna!? No one here seemed to be talking about her, while every other super-hot bimbo including herself and that model redhead were the talk of the town. Three times she heard about the titfight at the pool, and the other waitresses didn’t remember anyone that would resemble Sienna working here. Brooke needed help, a clue, something to get her going in the right direction or she would have to report her failure! But as luck would have it, one was walking into the high roller room at that very second.

    The doorman at the entrance picked up a microphone and spoke clearly to the speakers set around the room, “We welcome the esteemed owner of our hotel, Countess McBrayer to our humble casino.”

    The doors opened, while Brooke slunk into the shadows of the bar. The young woman the spy had studied only from photos entered the room, but surprisingly she looked nothing like what Brooke expected. Unlike the elegantly dressed men and women playing the games, or the sexy waitresses in their costumes, the countess looked…weirdly normal. Like she had just come back from the gym or was hanging out in her college dorm with friends. She was roughly Brooke’s height and was wearing tight light blue gym leggings along with a baggy white sweatshirt. Her dark auburn brown hair was in a messy bun that looked like it had been thrown in up the last second. Her face was even prettier up close with light brown eyes, a cute nose, and a bright smile with a lip ring. Though she did have some dark bags under her eyes from apparent lack of sleep. She was also reading something on a bright pink tablet and had small headphones in her ears, actively ignoring all the people standing to greet her. Regardless of her attire and attitude, she was very easily the hottest woman in the room besides Brooke and that one other waitress.

    At this time, and in her current outfit Brooke did not want to make contact with the owner; not before she found the Princess. But her curiosity and sexually deviant side to learn more about the mysterious Countess led her to move closer and listen in…and get a better view of the rich sexpot she had read so much about.

    It turned out getting close wasn’t needed however because the Countess spoke in such a loud tone that anyone could have heard if they had one ear. “I don’t want to be here, I’m closer than ever at another breakthrough on those artifacts AND my planet studies! I finally get to study what I want.” She loudly complained taking out just one of her headphones but did not look up from her tablet.

    “You had to make an appearance; the customers spend more when you are around…even with your current state of dress.” The older butler who had come in with her stated, but she barely looked at him and continued reading on her pad.

    “Whatever. I still need that Princess captured, is that sexy spy they sent anywhere close?”

    “We have been tracking the spy as ordered, though she was able to slip away from us for the first time today…we reported this as per their order and are waiting for a response regarding what action to take. We expect she will return to her room, however, and have no worry she…”

    “You lost her!?” The young woman yelled after a few seconds almost bouncing on her feet and even under her baggy shirt Brooke could see the girl’s tits jiggle for a flash. “Oh great, now we have to find both of them.” She groaned rubbing her temple.

    “Don’t worry we will find…”

    “Ugh, shut up, you’re annoying.” The Countess interrupted finally looking up at him. She was quite tan for a shut-in, Brooke thought, but she figured living in the tropics would do that.

    “One of THEM is already here, and the other is on the way. And you know I don’t want THEM in the way of my research AGAIN, so find me the Princess without risking the artifact or files.” The young woman ordered, her sexy face scowling and her brown eyes glowing. For the first time since her entrance, Brooke felt the dangerous energy coming off the Countess as she gave this order and knew that there really was a sex queen hidden behind this chill and relaxed look.

    But now the pause gave Brooke a chance for her brain to make sense of what had just been said. Her breathing had picked up and her heart started going crazy. That sounded like the Countess was very much aware of who she was…and why she was here. The fact that they had been tracking her, meant they knew which disguises she had been wearing. More than anything it sounded like she was a target. But that couldn’t be…sure there had been a few trails but that wasn’t a big enough sign. It obviously was a rival spy group…right? Then, all the thoughts and worries she had before this mission about the Organization came rushing back like a punch in the gut.

    “I’m leaving. Don’t bother me again until they both are here, or if you capture the Princess. I’ll be back in the lab…once I get some sleep.” The countess yawned, and before the man could protest again, she had popped her air pods back into her ears and was already walking back towards the exit. Brooke watched the woman’s big ass in those tights seem to recoil with each step she took. A motion Brooke had only seen a few other women’s behinds including her own perform with just walking.

    But Brooke shook her head from the thoughts, trying not to think of sexfighting the Countess and breaking her fantastic ass with her own. There was something much bigger going on and she had to re-group and try to understand the statement that the Countess had just spoken. But, while she had been focusing on that conversation, some intense gambling and another conversation were taking place just across the room. Near one of the highest-hand poker tables, an old woman and a young man were in a ‘friendly’ argument. “How the hell did you beat me 10 times?!” The man now with a very loose tie and a lot of sweat coming from his forehead asked the old woman sitting across from him.

    “Oh, just old luck.” She shrugged, her wrinkles putting her in her 80s at the youngest. “I think a drink would suit me before we continue though.” Before she could make it to the changing room, Brooke was motioned over to the table by the dealer to take orders for both. Wanting to keep her cover and not make a scene, Brooke quickly went over and then back to the bar for the beverages. She had gathered that the man had just lost 50,000 to the woman in less than 10 minutes and did not have the personality to walk away.

    “Double or nothing?” The man demanded suddenly, “But instead of cards…let’s use this resort with how it was meant to be used and bet on something a bit more real.”

    “Real? Do tell an old lady what you mean?”

    “Well, this place isn’t beyond a little sex, or so I hear. And why should we be the only one’s having fun? Let’s put a show on for some big money, I suggest that both of us pick one of the waitresses, and have them compete in a little blowjob contest, I’m sure the casino can provide some men?”

    “Of course, sir. You aren’t the first to have this idea.” The dealer replied and gave two nods to the security team who disappeared behind a curtain.

    The woman gave a crackling laugh, “Oh, a young man like you with such a dirty mind, but I’m very much interested. I’m very confident I can pick out a young…slut if I can use that word in this company, out of a crowd very easily.”

    “Oh, I love that you are so open-minded lady, I bet you were a fox yourself back in the day.”

    “Oh, stop it, flattery won’t help your girl win…but as such as such a gentleman, I have to assume you will let me pick first.”

    He nodded, and the old woman didn’t even hesitate, she pointed right at Brooke from across the room getting drinks from the bar, her yellow teeth beaming. “That one for me.”

    Before she could make any type of escape Brooke was surrounded by men in black suits leading her back to the poker table, the drinks were forgotten at the bar. The spy tried to play it cool but couldn’t believe for the second time in 72 hours she was set to compete in some sex game at this freaking resort. And she doubted this time that she had a choice and wondered if this type of game was part of the contract when workers applied here.

    “Oh, the French maid? Good choice. Well, then I will have to go with the nurse.” As he pointed at a woman who was brought forward as well. He had selected in Brooke’s opinion arguably the second hottest woman working and as her competition approached…Brooke studied her sudden opponent.

    Her skin was very dark, two if not more shades darker than Sienna's. Her incredibly curly black hair was up in a high bun with twirling strands escaping down her gorgeous face. Her nurse outfit was as erotic as the maid one, red stockings to her mid-thigh, the white almost plastic-looking material covering down to her mid-ass where the red thong-style panties were still visible. The upper part of her dark breasts was pushed together like Brooke’s, and they looked as big and formidable as the maids.

    Brooke felt the challenge radiating off the nurse, similar to the one the redhead had given off at the pool, this woman was a challenger, and Brooke knew the two of them would have found a way to match up even without this game. Even with all the info now in Brooke’s head, getting this woman to feel inferior in some sex games suddenly felt like a priority, her nympho body and mind overwhelming her reason. Not that she or even the hot nurse needed any more motivation once they noticed each other, but the dealer then said to the both of them, “The winning waitress will also get 10,000 the loser…500. Good luck and may the best mouth win.”

    The man smiled, “Good, I’m sure that will make them very enthusiastic.” And the old woman nodded, though her stare did not leave Brooke.

    Two men were brought in and placed next to the two women a few seconds later. They were very in shape and clearly meant to be eye candy for the women in the audience. Brooke and the nurse were turned to face each other, and even if they didn’t have to do a little stare-down, they did. Anytime the spy found herself facing another woman like this like she had many times in her short sexpot career she couldn’t help feeling the thrill and desire to dominate this bitch. Money or not, she wanted to win. They went down to their knees and were turned and pushed back until they were almost touching.

    Meanwhile, the men stripped and presented themselves, to nods of appreciation. They both had large dicks, far thicker than average, and already going erect thanks to Brooke and the nurse on their knees in front of them. From the audience's standpoint, the scene was incredible. Many of them thought after seeing the girth of the two dicks that at least one of the women would have backed down from the challenge, but no, in fact, it only thrilled the girls. While everyone was focused on the sloppy sucking about to occur, another battle was already taking place between the buxom women. Because the men had placed the maid and the nurse nearly back-to-back, their toned full asses skin had brushed and sent sparks down to their wetting cunts. Brooke knew from that slight contact that this race would be decided on two fronts, her sucking and her way to press this rival ass back to distract her rival. In fact, the way the man was panting in desire in front of her, she had a feeling this was going to be a very quick and tight match.

    There was a slight pause, before the dealer clicked a small stopwatch, “You may begin.”

    Brooke took the thick dick into her mouth instantly while both her hands went up to the base of the shaft. She performed one deep throat swallow where she almost gagged herself to wet the whole dick in a single move. There were murmurs of appreciation, but Brooke didn’t know that the nurse had accomplished the same slutty trick as if they were mirrors of each other without knowing it.

    The maid popped it out and began to stroke it aggressively with both hands while her mouth continued working the head with a bobbing motion. Just 10 seconds in and she felt her ass slammed into by an equally firm mound of muscle. It almost broke her concentration, but she remained focused and rammed her own thick bubble ass back, causing a clapping sound from the two booties crushing. From under the skirts, the smooth skin slapped twice more before they tried to press each other’s sexy muscle flat. Gym-built booties gave no ground as the two held a tight press, powered by their strong thighs and hamstrings. But if one of them stopped resisting, that woman would lose precious seconds…and be secretly humiliated of course as the ass war raged.

    Brooke noted rival’s ass was solid, matching her well as they locked a cheek between the other’s cheeks and began to grind up and down. The sexual pulses caused her and the nurse to both moan, increasing the panting from their mouths and the pressure of their lips on the dicks. But that fight was only the distraction from the dick-sucking that had increased in ferocity. The poor but lucky men had no chance, not allowed to cum for a week before this game, selected to ensure its end quickly…though even the dealer was surprised at how fast they seemed to fall. There was no teasing, no taunting, it was a desperate wet race, and the men were already groaning as Brooke and the nurse sucked harder, and their asses ground firmer. Maybe they should have blindfolded the men because having the hot dark nurse and creamy-tanned maid in their sight may have had them cumming even without the blowjob. The boys also had the best view of every one of the two women rubbing and fighting with their asses. They watched the white and red thongs grinding against the other’s skin until they backed up and clapped ass to ass again.

    Brooke didn’t waste a second because she could just tell this nurse was as slutty as she was, and she was right. The other woman had followed a nearly identical pattern, fully swallowing the dick for a few seconds before she began to suck with long strokes of her hands, her red lips moving up and down the head at an erotic speed.

    Both men let out loud moans and the race sped up to a breaking pace, the maid and nurse sucking and slurping as hard and as fast as possible to prove they could satisfy more efficiently. Only 40 seconds into the contest and with a perfect suck on the head with a thrust with her spit-covered hand on the shaft, Brooke felt the dick in her mouth surge and her blue eyes flashed in victory.

    He was just about to cum, and Brooke hadn’t even used half her talent. The first emotion she felt was frustration because the ass fight happening between her, and the nurse was just starting to get good but a win was a win. Brooke gasped as she popped the large dick out of her mouth just in time for it to explode on her face and tits. The spurts came out in large, long bursts and though the line first hit her mouth and chin, Brooke successfully aimed the final 4 shots down onto the top of her breasts, coating the melons with robes of white cum. A polite clapping came from the observers watching and appreciating the erotic display of skill. This was followed by a second round of clapping just two seconds later in which Brooke was sure the nurse had just finished and was being roped by the strings of cum at the same time.

    “And the winner is the French Maid.” The dealer noted in a calm voice, and a third round of light applause was overshadowed by a groan from the man who had made the bet. Brooke didn’t even have a chance to look up at the man she had just blown before he was pulled away. But a little grin came to her lips, as she again proved on this resort, she was the best sexpot and woman around. Unable to stop herself she smirked and turned around to look at the nurse, “Looks like I’m better bitch, nice try with your weak ass though.”

    The nurse’s face turned with a raised eyebrow at the maid, not about to let a comment like that slide, “Are you fucking joking?” She hissed turning around fully on her knees to her ‘full’ height in that position. Brooke matched, her hands folding under her impressive chest while she shifted forward till they were a centimeter apart, both sets of bulging tits coated with cum.

    “Backdown, bitch. Unless you want to be embarrassed again.” Brooke hissed, thrilled that the assfight hadn’t just been for show but not tolerating this woman thinking they were on the same level as her.

    “No way, whore. Not sure where your attitude is coming from. Winning a race suck-off like this is nothing special and doesn’t mean anything when it comes to real sexual skill.”

    “Nothing special? You couldn’t do it, so I guess I’m more special than you.” Brooke deadpanned with zero friendliness, but she did push out her chest a bit more.

    The woman frowned and shifted forward and Brooke let her come up until their covered chests met on their knees, their skirts riding up further from the shuffling, the nurse’s tiny red panties versus Brooke’s own white set of similar lace in view. The top of their breasts bulged even higher as Brooke’s lightly tanned tits clashed against the mocha-colored bust of her sudden rival, each pair desperate to escape the bounds of the costume holding them back. The people around them watched with glee, it was rare a contest like this continued after the main show, especially with women like the two involved now. The dealer raised a hand to the security and other waitresses coming over to halt them, he would see how this would play out until it became too obscene for the audience.

    “You talk a lot; I think I owe you a real lesson when it comes to sex.” The woman hissed into Brooke’s face, then she lifted a hand and slapped Brooke’s full ass harder than what would be considered playful.

    “Oh, and I think you need more medicine,” Brooke replied sarcastically, and she too reached behind her rival, but instead of spanking the nurse's equally strong and full ass, she felt it roughly and then pulled the little red panties up turning them even more into a string thong into the woman’s ass crack.

    “Grr. Bitch.” The hot nurse spat as her outfit was used against her, her ass being split by the lacy material. Her lips were only an inch from Brooke’s, but they didn’t kiss. Instead, the spy moved to the woman’s ear and whispered, “You lost bitch, and if you want a chance at a rematch against me, you are going to lick my tits clean of this cum.” She ordered, and her rival’s dark green eyes flashed in anger before she did as she was told. She lowered her head and did three long licks on Brooke’s upper chest, doing a poor cleaning job but getting the good thick stuff into her mouth. With a flick of her tongue, she finished but didn’t back off, bringing her mouth directly in front of Brooke’s once again, their chests pressing behind the nurse and maid outfit.

    “Once we are backstage, we will settle this like real women.” The nurse-dressed woman hissed, then slammed their mouths together into a searing cumswapping kiss, returning the discharge she had just licked clean off Brooke’s full tits. The maid didn’t hesitate, kissing back, their soft full lips moving at a slow but aggressive pace. The nurse’s tongue broke through their lip connection a second later, entering Brooke’s sweet mouth. The invasive pink muscle was forceful, and Brooke felt her own muscle strain as it met the invader, matching it lick for lick until they twirled into a nasty cummy knot between their conjoined lips.

    Brooke wanted to take this kiss further, deepen it, but it was not to be. Blue and dark green eyes glared as they snapped the wet kiss thanks to the hands of people gently pulling them apart. “Fuck you.” Brooke spat into her rival’s face at the last second, but she knew in the back of her head that for the second time on this mission, she would have to postpone this sexual fight. The details couldn’t be discussed however because the other waitresses had separated them, and they stood up and apart breathing heavily.

    All the while, the old woman’s face seemed neutral as she watched the after-contest bonus show, while the young man groaned at his ‘champion’s loss’ but was still thrilled from the sight of what had happened on the floor between the nurse and the French maid.

    “What a fun game.” The lady quipped a second later, “You can send the winnings to this account.” She added lightly smiling and passing a card to the dealer of the game, “Right away ma’am.” He responded robotically. Standing feebly from the table, she then motioned a good-looking worker over to take her arm. “Thank you.” She sighed, leaning in on him. Meanwhile, Brooke stood there in her slightly awry French maid costume …next to the other woman dressed still in her nurse outfit, both gasping with their faces covered in cum after their little kiss. Being nearly nude in front of people was something Brooke was far more accustomed to nowadays, but she was not used to giving a public blowjob in any state of undress. The other woman looked equally as annoyed, but more so because of what had transpired during it. There were a few people between the two sex queens which Brooke was sure so they didn’t end up catfighting and dragging each other backstage in front of the guests…though she doubted they would oppose. After a few seconds, she noticed the old woman was moving towards her and the spy turned her head to meet the glance.

    “Well, that was good for my bank account. Thank you, dearie, your body and skill are almost as good as mine.” She said towards the spy. ‘As good?’ Maybe she was fully senile, Brooke thought at the weird comment, but whatever, right now she had been exposed in the open too long, especially now that she was fully aware that there was something very much up…and that the Organization had lied. Lost in her own thoughts, she hadn’t noticed the old woman still approaching her until she was standing right beside the spy. Brooke turned her head again as the lady motioned her closer, then into her ear whispered in a completely different voice than the old woman had been using all night, “They are coming.”

    Brooke’s blue eyes went wide, but by the time she could form a sentence, the woman was already back on the young man’s arm, being led away without a look back. The French maid was frozen in space because that voice that had just come from those old lips…it was a much younger, alluring, and even taunting tenor. A voice that sent a shiver down Brooke’s spine and there was only one person in the world who could have such a profound effect…Victoria. But…that couldn’t have been the ex-spy the whole time…couldn’t it? If that was a disguise, it was more sophisticated than any of the Organization. Had she been fooled by her rival and forced to compete for Victoria's entertainment and money?

    Combining that with the information the Countess had spoken made everything seem less important. Now separated from the sexy nurse, her mind was becoming clear again, and a wave of worry filled her soul. She stepped back into the corner of the casino room, as more eyes returned to the games now that the show was over. The dark woman in the hot nurse outfit had already begun moving towards the changing room looking back at Brook with a challenging stare, daring her to follow her, yet Brooke forced herself to ignore it even as her primal instincts raged.

    She had a million thoughts now, and her heart was beating at an accelerated rate. Her own self-preservation came flooding forward like an animal instinct. She had to get out of the Casino and contact The Organization and get some of the questions answered as soon as possible. Or should she? If that old woman had really been Victoria, should she follow that warning?

    Before security could begin to ask questions about her, Brooke moved, but instead of the woman’s changing room, she went to the men’s room to avoid the confrontation with the nurse…no matter how much it killed her inside to run from what she presumed would be a nasty hot sexfight. Quickly she slipped out of what was left of the French maid dress and concealed herself with all she could find she was able to return to her room 10 minutes later, locking the door behind her. Maybe it had been a mistake to come back here, they would know, but she needed her gear no matter what happened next so there really had been no choice.

    There was just too much going on in her head. She was furious, horny, scared, and frustrated. Victoria! She was here…or was she? And if it had been her, why would Victoria of all people warn her? What did she mean that ‘they were coming’? Why would Victoria be here in the first place, unless maybe she was back with the Organization? But if that was the case, why had she been in a disguise? Unless that was a play…to lure Brooke out alone. There was too much she didn’t understand. She put off reaching out to the Organization, trusting her gut that it was the right call so she could be on more solid ground before she reported anything.

    She quickly showered and cleaned herself up from the cum and spit hardening on her body. Then in just a robe, she took hold of the notebooks she had filled with intel on the people at the resort. As she reviewed her last five days, she began to notice that things didn’t line up. She had to accept that she could no longer ignore the irregularities of this mission and all her previous worries. Step by step she worked to break it down before she went crazy.

    It had felt like there were people here watching her, and now she knew it was true. But was it HER Organization tracking her? Yes, it had to be because they clearly knew what disguises she would be in each time she left her room. She was simply using the list the Director and Diane had given her, but this had never happened before. They had trained her too well in the process of making connections, and now she was starting to see through the façade. The questions, the looks, many of them coming from key workers who should have no idea who she was unless they were tipped off or warned in some way.

    Could it have been the Princess? No, Sienna would be outnumbered, and the Countess had too many people for the native girl to move in the open or lead a group. It had to be…the Organization, it was the only explanation that fit into every query she had. Maybe they had decided to fire her because she hadn’t caught the Princess yet? No, you don’t get fired here…you get killed.

    What the hell was going on? She opened her notebook for what felt like the 100th time and began to review, trying to connect the dots again and again, this time looking even further back.

    Noting instances when certain spies had failed missions they shouldn’t have, operations becoming more tight-knit, and her own missions starting to look more and more like personal errands rather than world-saving or help fighting evil. Even her lover, Brock, seemed to have changed in tune with these. He had become more closed off to her personally, and his multiple private meetings with the Director had become daily. His making of weird comments about the future that Brooke couldn’t understand had become the customary talk of their late-night conversations.

    As she started to come to some conclusions, she collapsed on the soft bed. “What the fuck.” She said alone to the ceiling. These people following her were part of the Organization and had been desperately trying to hide that fact from her. Only a mistake on their part and seeing the Countess had given her this heads-up. Without it…she didn’t want to think about that. Brooke sat up still in her robe and looked at the map, she still had no leads on the princess, who might be able to answer a few of her growing questions.

    The only part she couldn’t connect was her sexfighting missions. What were the points of those? How the hell were those connected? Nope, she didn’t have time to figure that out because honestly, they didn’t matter. She went back to her notes, Diane’s comments, and the general attitude of the director. It all came back to the same conclusion…something had changed, and they were treating her like a target.

    A ping on her main consul made her shoot up from the bed to her feet. Did they know she was looking into them now? No, she had triple-checked if the room was bugged. She opened the message, reading the simple line, ‘Mission change. Remain in the hotel room tonight, new updates will follow in the morning.’

    That was it, that was all they gave her. The tingle she had felt when for so long was now a full-blown shiver. This was all wrong, the Countess had accidentally given her the key, there were people around here that were part of ‘her’ Organization but were pretending not to be, and Victoria was here for some reason. And now she was ordered to stay in her room for the rest of the night. She knew that whether it was a trap or something else, Victoria’s warning was true; someone was coming for her.

    Calming her nerves, she accepted that there was a new number-one priority on her mission. She needed to get out of this hotel and away from the resort as quickly as possible. They wouldn’t attack her in the open, they couldn’t risk the run-in, so she decided to do one more walk around the hotel ‘for food and drink’ and this time she noted the many eyes and camera’s following her every move. When she got back after her quick tour, she marked on the map the area of all the cameras and confirmed there was a sweet spot where the camera’s moved away giving her a chance to slip out of her room from the balcony at night and escape. She quickly began to destroy everything she had except the main things she could fit in her backpack, her spy gear, some tiny bikinis, and her one silver spy catsuit which she put on for the first part of her plan. She would have one chance starting at dusk, and she needed to take it.

    As the sun descended, she made one final play. She bugged her room with a hidden camera near the TV so that she could monitor from afar from her computer. Then with a good luck wish to herself, she slipped out of the glass door and began to move across the balconies of the rooms right at 7:02.

    The descent down the walls of the resort took almost thirty minutes, as she continually had to wait for people to pass under her or return to their rooms. The path she took was to avoid all the visible cameras, but again that added desperate minutes to her escape and she kept expecting someone to yell out, see her, or worse, put a bullet in her head.

    Finally, she was on the ground and turned a quick corner towards some bushes to change…only to come face to face with two people from the Organization that she recognized. They clearly didn’t expect her and there was a second of frozen silence as the man and woman stared at the cat suit-wearing Brooke. Then Brooke attacked just as they reached for their guns. In a quick motion, she launched on her heel into a spinning kick, slamming on the man’s jaw and sending him into the woman and then to the ground groaning. The other woman falling failed to pull the weapon from the hoister thanks to the impact. Brooke flipped into a handstand, her ankles latching around the woman’s neck. She gasped before Brooke used the momentum of her body to fling the woman’s head directly into the brick wall next to them with a thud and the organization lackey was out cold. Brooke released and cartwheeled to her feet as the man got up, but he had no chance. She dodged his dazed punch and sent another flexible kick into his jaw from the bottom, her body an arrow with the splits. This second hit crumbled him, the whole fight taking 15 seconds and Brooke gracefully returned to her natural stance next to the now knocked-out pair.

    “Fuck.” Brooke hissed at the collapsed bodies. She guessed they forgot that even though she may have been the best sexpot, that didn’t mean she didn’t lack combat skills and had improved massively over the last year. Both of her opponents were unconscious and would be for a few hours she figured with where she had hit them. She could have killed them right then, but Brooke couldn’t, she didn’t know how much they really knew and honestly avoided killing most of the time anyway. Instead, she pulled them into some bushes, gagged, and tied them up.

    Satisfied, she covered her catsuit with some normal clothes as there were too many people to simply hide moving across the pool area, but she remained out of the line of security and the cameras in the crowd. After almost another 30 minutes, and luckily not having to fight anyone else, she reached the edge of the resort and the border of the wild forest surrounding it. With one last look at the hotel, she hopped the fence and disappeared into the brush.

    She moved across the island at a brisk pace, worried that they would be after her, and wondering how long till they noticed she had escaped. After walking for almost 45 minutes, she decided she had to set up a camp. She found a massive tree in which the branches were large enough for her to safely lay horizontal and put her spy gear. She climbed up for a good vantage point and fastened a small hammock that she brought.

    Satisfied that she was safe for the moment, she turned on her computer and connected to the camera in her old room. No movement, it was dark and empty, and after watching for a few minutes, a wave of exhaustion hit her. She fell asleep a few minutes later, setting the comp to ping if the camera picked anything up. Her sleep was restless in her makeshift leaf bed as her thoughts raced about what was happening and how it all connected. But the worst part was that she was afraid, more than ever before. Being a spy meant she was always in danger, but she had always had allies and a purpose until now. What would she do?

    As she forced herself again to close her eyes, a ding from her computer meant the camera had picked up motion. She shot up from her hammock and turned to the screen, quickly adjusting a few settings, allowing the camera to pick up heat signatures. She groaned as the system showed four figures stealthily enter her room from the balcony. She had been right. Three of the figures immediately surrounded her bed while the other moved into the bathroom and closet, all with their guns drawn. After a few seconds, the front door opened and a fifth person walked in, flicking on the lights as they entered.

    Brooke quickly set the settings of the camera back to regular sight, and now she could see them, five total people, four of them identically wearing night vision masks but the fifth person that had come from the front door was clearly a woman judging by the tight white spy latex suit she was wearing similar to the one that Brooke had dawned just an hour ago. “Victoria.” She hissed, it had to be after their little run-in. Who else could pull off a spy suit like that?

    “She’s not here.” A man’s voice said from behind one of the masks, and Brooke shook her head, her ears ringing, and a knife shot into her heart. ‘It couldn’t be…’

    “How did she get away?” Another man’s voice, one Brooke did not know. “The cameras have been on her doors and balcony the entire time, including our long-range one. It was confirmed she returned to her room and didn’t leave either exit point.”

    “Long-range? Brooke said aloud. There would have been no way she had gotten past that unseen and she had not dodged it in any way. So, either it must have been deactivated or malfunctioned, a stroke of luck…though Brooke didn’t believe in luck.

    “Get someone to check the security system for bugs, if someone hacked the system it may have given the target a chance to slip away.” The figure of a woman said, and Brooke’s head tilted. That wasn’t Victoria’s voice it was…she didn’t even finish her thought as the woman pulled off her mask. A long amount of shiny black wavy hair descended past her mid back and her face without the glasses looked far more deadly and dangerously beautiful than Brooke had ever seen her. It was Diane, in a latex full body white cat spy suit. The woman looked like every bit the spy and assassin, the rumors had whispered about, her own incredible body now on full display. She may have been a few years older but looked every bit as sexy and fuckable as herself. Diane wore her suit fully zipped up, showing less skin but no more modest in terms of hiding any of her curves and what kind of body that woman possessed.

    “What the hell?” Brooke muttered to the quiet forest around her, almost wishing someone would answer her question. It was true…the Organization was trying to kill her. All the pieces of this puzzle fell into place, the comments, everything came flying into her head. She was the target, Diane or all of them wanted to eliminate her…but why? Had Diane gone rouge like Victoria? She focused, she had to pick up as much information as possible, any form of a hint, everything was crucial now.

    Diane sighed on the video. “It’s no matter. There is no way off this island. We have all exit and access points under our control. If she tries, we will eliminate her.” Then a ringing sound appeared from her wrist, and Diane answered immediately, “She’s gone.”

    A voice came from Diane’s wrist and Brooke strained to hear it through the two forms of static caused by the double transmission. “Interesting…I wonder how she figured us out…maybe we trained her a little too well.” A lovely laugh and Brooke knew it was the Director by the way she spoke…but it didn’t sound like her…it sounded like…no she couldn’t put her finger on it with this much static. She again focused as the next comments were far more important, “Find her, and eliminate her, but do NOT make a scene. Many of these guests here are part of our new order, so let’s keep this quiet and them happy until we complete our hunt of her and the Princess.”

    “I don’t know why we didn’t just kill her before this mission. Keeping her alive and sending her here was foolish.” Diane hissed, as the men around the woman shuffled in what Brooke could tell was fear of the dangerous administrator.

    “If the procedure had failed, I would have needed her alive, but now she is no longer required because it worked…perfectly. But of course, that does not mean we will now give up on Plan B. I’m quite interested in the Countesses’ original research, and I look forward to discussing it with her when I arrive.” A long sigh came from the wristband, “Though I will admit that you are right as always Diane, I just thought it would have been nice to kill two birds with one stone, but I guess we will have to eliminate them both separably.”

    A small smile came to Diane’s lips and Brooke could tell she was very pleased with the compliment, “The procedure worked…I see, well I’m glad it was successful…very glad.” Diane breathed in her wrist, and Brooke was sure she picked a sense of lust and admiration in her voice towards the Director. “And when do you arrive?”

    A light chuckle came from the speaker, “You should be glad, after my previous mistake I was in quite a bind but now our plans will be able to go forward. I shall see you on the island tomorrow morning, the king suite has been booked for me, but you may sleep there tonight. I had invited Countess as well, but she declined, though please feel free to spread the good news to her if you do see her.”

    Diane smiled, “Wonderful, I look forward to spending a night with you soon, and you're new...” But she stopped mid-sentence and Diane’s eyes seemed to narrow.

    ‘New…new what?’ Brooke murmured to the forest desperate for Diane to continue.

    But Diane did not resume her sentence, her smirk turning into a frown. Then, in a fluid motion, she pulled a small gun from her hips, aimed, and shot the hidden camera that Brooke had set up ending the transmission with a static buzz in Brooke’s face. “Fuck.” The spy breathed out as the error sign came up on the screen and there was nothing she could do would correct it. They knew that she had heard the conversation, and that would make them hunt her mercilessly. Now her head was spinning, Diane and the Director were looking to start a new order…whatever the hell that was, and now the entire Organization was after her…including Brock. His voice was clear as day as one of the men who had come to her room to kill her. Her heartbreak would have overwhelmed the old Brooke, but now she pushed it down. Victoria’s warning, “The Organization makes you crazy!” flashed into her mind, and Brooke had to wonder if she had been on the wrong side the entire time.

    But she wouldn’t despair. That also was the old Brooke, the one who would have given up without a fight, running away like a coward. No, she would figure this out, and if the Organization was as evil as it appeared, she would find a way to stop them. That was her job, and she would not back down.

    Firstly, she had to think of a strategy, but that meant she needed more information. Fighting or escaping a group as big as the Organization would be impossible with her lack of intel. Going back to the resort was risky but it was the only way to move forward. Luckily, what had been her biggest problem was now her biggest plus. The hotel was massive, and her own surveillance had proven that the Organization and the Countess's direct security was less than .0001% of the people there. It also helped that if ran into any of them, she was confident of her abilities to neutralize the threat.

    She had also brought a few disguises that she didn’t report on her mission details, a tip that Brock had given her when she first became a spy, a tip she bet he forgot or regretted telling her. If she remained near the pools in one of her disguises it would be near impossible for them to determine it was her. She laid back down in her hammock, trying to calm her breathing and force herself to sleep. Being fully rested was important and there was no point in asking why this happened. She had wanted more than anything to escape her boring solo life back before she had been recruited. A wish that had been granted but boring was the least of her worries now. With no friends or allies, it was hard not to feel more alone than ever.

    To be continued.


    Okay, that’s part 2. The game begins! Or well, begins again. I enjoyed writing this part and the idea of a sexy nurse and a French maid competing has me wanting to do a short Halloween story with some other characters. Amber as Harley quinn, Maggie as a sexy witch, Bianca as a cheerleader. The list goes on. Need to think of more.

    Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this part and please let me know your thoughts if you are willing. Part 3 and 4 aren’t as close to done so might be awhile. I’m really enjoying Brooke and this story. Hope everyone else is and wants it to continue.


    JB! Thank you, and yes, who WILL BROOKE fight? More to see.

    Yuri, I feel ya there. Sometimes the chacaters just stick with ya, and you just want to write more about them and their hot fights.

    Ahh AP- hahaha, I hope you can continue enjoying wine with these.

    Herb- Thanks! Yeah, Magntiude duel was pretty divisive, I got a lot of messages saying nah on it, and that they expected spies. This is a bit more that way. Hope everyone likes where it’s going.

    Ight, that’s it. Thanks again all. Cya later.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    You never disappoint. This just keeps getting better. And I also love the idea of a Maggie and Amber Halloween special.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    HI King,

    This is shaping up to be another magnum opus. At this point, Brooke has (at least) four or five women as potential adversaries - the redhead from the pool, the princess, Diane, the nurse-waitress, Victoria and the director - who has obviously been sexually/physically restored! If you put her into a sexfight with all of these I can easily see this story going over 100 pages. Is that your plan?

    I really enjoyed this story and the setup, even though where it is going is not clear. I hope we get a few sexfights before too much longer, however.

    I am looking forward to Brooke vs. Diane the most. Already, the director's assistant strikes me as particularly dangerous and her clear dislike of Brooke adds a nice touch of tension.

    Great work, hope the next chapter is up before long!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    HI King,

    This is shaping up to be another magnum opus. At this point, Brooke has (at least) four or five women as potential adversaries - the redhead from the pool, the princess, Diane, the nurse-waitress, Victoria and the director - who has obviously been sexually/physically restored! If you put her into a sexfight with all of these I can easily see this story going over 100 pages. Is that your plan?

    I really enjoyed this story and the setup, even though where it is going is not clear. I hope we get a few sexfights before too much longer, however.

    I am looking forward to Brooke vs. Diane the most. Already, the director's assistant strikes me as particularly dangerous and her clear dislike of Brooke adds a nice touch of tension.

    Great work, hope the next chapter is up before long!

    In addition to that, I also think that Brock was brainwashed somehow. It seems incredibly OOC for him to turn on Brooke out of nowhere like that.

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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Yuri*****Lover View Post
    In addition to that, I also think that Brock was brainwashed somehow. It seems incredibly OOC for him to turn on Brooke out of nowhere like that.

    Maybe he was brainwashed but maybe not. The suggestion in the story is that "The Organization" has always been corrupt and that Victoria realized this long ago and that is why she turned against it. Brock may have been a willing participant all along and has turned on Brooke as she has gotten closer to the truth. Anyway, we'll find out!


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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2


    Even though there is not much sexual action in this chapter I get the feeling this is the calm before the sexfighting storm. I like the mystery here and Brooke gets to showcase her abilities sans much sexfighting (though she seems primed to pop with an opponent for an intense one on one with someone). This story has “espionage” in the title and you have not disappointed in providing the intrigue. I agree with JB57, there are a number of opponents for Brooke to go up against. I have a feeling Victoria will be more an ally than a foe as she has helped Brooke out and warning her here and in “The Magnitude Deal”, where she even saved her life. Perhaps she feels some type of lustful kinship – or would that be sexship – with Brooke that the latter has not really figured out yet. I can seriously see them working together but still having issues with each other like Inge and Conchita in JB57’s stories or Amber and Maggie in your stories before the epilogue. That would still allow them to sexfight each other intensely. If I am right I would think Diane would go up against Victoria (based on Diane’s reactions to that character in the first chapter) and Brooke against the Director. She has had to hots for Brooke if her earlier, lack-of-subtle actions are any indication. When it comes to Brock I am on the fence between YuriLesboLover and JB57. That character could go either way. Anyway your next chapter could not come soon enough!

    By the way, I agree with Yuri and you a Halloween story with those characters would be a treat!


    - - - Updated - - -


    Even though there is not much sexual action in this chapter I get the feeling this is the calm before the sexfighting storm. I like the mystery here and Brooke gets to showcase her abilities sans much sexfighting (though she seems primed to pop with an opponent for an intense one on one with someone). This story has “espionage” in the title and you have not disappointed in providing the intrigue. I agree with JB57, there are a number of opponents for Brooke to go up against. I have a feeling Victoria will be more an ally than a foe as she has helped Brooke out and warning her here and in “The Magnitude Deal”, where she even saved her life. Perhaps she feels some type of lustful kinship – or would that be sexship – with Brooke that the latter has not really figured out yet. I can seriously see them working together but still having issues with each other like Inge and Conchita in JB57’s stories or Amber and Maggie in your stories before the epilogue. That would still allow them to sexfight each other intensely. If I am right I would think Diane would go up against Victoria (based on Diane’s reactions to that character in the first chapter) and Brooke against the Director. She has had to hots for Brooke if her earlier, lack-of-subtle actions are any indication. When it comes to Brock I am on the fence between YuriLesboLover and JB57. That character could go either way. Anyway your next chapter could not come soon enough!

    By the way, I agree with Yuri and you a Halloween story with those characters would be a treat!


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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    I love playing online games.

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    Hostboard Member Garibaldi's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 2

    If we talk about the choice of games, then I am very picky about this. But I can definitely say that you will not be disappointed if you download fnf mods online game. This cool game is called Friday night funkin and probably many have heard about it. Personally, I play this game whenever I want to have fun and listen to cool music. Believe me, this music is worth your attention.

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