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Thread: A Game of Espionage Part 3

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    Senior Hostboard Member kingofdapirates1's Avatar
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    A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Part 3

    The next day, near one of the far pools Brooke did her first level of reconnaissance. She trusted her skill that she wouldn’t be caught and was confident that her enemies would not cause a public scene anyway. She was also sure she could beat anyone in the Organization in a fight, physical, sexual, or both…except maybe Diane after seeing the Secretary in form…they might just be equal. After an hour of taking notes, she felt more self-assured that she was safe during the day and that her disguises were still enough to get through the first levels of security. There were just too many people at the resort, and she had already marked the routes the security team took along with some smaller details from her sunbathing chair.

    Maybe she could go deeper into the hotel, she thought, when suddenly a shadow covered her sun. She froze, ready to fight, ready to kill when the voice she least expected spoke standing above her.

    “Fancy meeting you here again…Brooke. I’m surprised you returned after your escape last night.” A sensual voice purred. Brooke felt every muscle in her body contract, the voice in question would have done that in any circumstance but being already on edge made it all the worse.

    “Victoria…I should have known you were still around…not interested in being an old woman anymore, the temperament suited you.” Brooke hissed as the ex-spy, her lover’s ex-girlfriend, was standing right in front of her in a bikini of her own. As Brooke looked over her shades at Victoria, she noted the blonde looked very different in one of her own disguises, with short red hair, and a skilled brush of makeup hiding her facial scar. The fake green eye in the socket looked far more real than any Brooke had ever seen, but that didn’t surprise her. Victoria was considered the best spy in her generation, and if she was behind all of this, it would be of little surprise.

    So many emotions flooded into Brooke, the strongest of which was lust, a desire to hold Victoria down and make her cum against her will. She wanted to make sure this bitch knew which of them was the better sexpot again and again. But she pressed those emotions down because this was not the time, and a scene between them could be life and death. Weirdly, the next emotion she felt was a relief. Seeing Victoria in a disguise meant the normally wavy platinum blonde was also hiding, and just maybe they had a similar motive or enemy. But most importantly, she needed to know how the hell Victoria had tracked her and located her at this pool; after almost a year apart, showing up two nights in a row was far from a coincidence. “How did you find me?”

    “Oh, I have been tracking you since you landed on this isle. You’re welcome for disabling that camera on your balcony, by the way, I’m sure that was helpful.” Victoria taunted in her better than you attitude and tone.

    Brooke seethed and that alone made Victoria smile before she pressed on, “Ironically my base is also in the forest and only a few minutes’ walk from your little tree. I’m truly surprised you still consider yourself a spy letting me follow you so easily. Tsk Tsk.” Victoria snickered and took a seat next to the near-nude Brooke in the lounge seat. The ex-spy was also in an equally skimpy black bikini. The top covered more of her breasts than Brooke would have expected, and the bottoms were sportier, like booty shorts that still showed off the lower end of her perfect ass. Maybe being a little less showy was part of it, it had to be…Victoria wasn’t one for modesty at the best of times. Them just sitting together brought more eyes around the pool to view them which was not ideal, and Brooke felt the urge to get up and walk away. It was impossible when two women with bodies like Victoria and Brooke were so close and engaged in what looked like a tense conversation.

    Brooke didn’t say anything, still somewhat unsure what Victoria was even doing here. Was she back with the Organization? It had been a possibility but now was unlikely after seeing her for the second time in disguise. Unless she had sold out Brooke for leverage, that would be very Victoria.

    The ex-spy seemed to be simply relaxing, soaking in the sun in her black bikini, so Brooke did the same for a few minutes, letting the air around them clear as people looked away. Then while still looking at the sky, the ex-spy spoke, “So, it seems like the new toy is now an enemy of the Organization, just like me. Hurts, doesn’t it?” Victoria mused; the ironic tone not lost on Brooke. “You didn’t even last two years before they decided to get rid of you. Far less than me.”

    “You quit. You betrayed them, not the other way around! You tried to take over the world!”

    Victoria simply shrugged, “Hmm, yes, that was a mistake on my part. I did love the idea of ruling the world and I followed a man as a scorned lover, wanting to burn everything in my path. I guess we both have that in common now thanks to Brock.” She glanced at Brooke and felt the pain that the spy was going through, but didn’t comment on their shared experiences, “Anyway, I work alone, or at least I work on top, everyone answers to me.”

    Keeping the illusion of their chat, Victoria popped open a bottle of sunscreen and began to lather her incredible body with the shiny material staring with her toned legs, a visual that Brooke watched and had to stop her hands from reaching out and rubbing places that Victoria missed. The secret blonde even turned her body away from other people but perfectly towards Brooke as she started to lather her large breasts, rubbing them up, her fingers dancing on the smooth skin, showing their softness, and fullness. Brooke’s hands twitched again when Victoria slide into her own bikini top to even lather her nipples.

    Shaking her head to clear the impure thoughts, Brooke continued, “So, you aren’t behind this? Color me surprised at that. Less so that you are as power-hungry as ever. What do you want? A rematch? I have far bigger problems than dealing with you right now.”

    Victoria stopped her little display and rolled onto her front, her ass taking in the sun now, and giving Brooke another tempting view to touch. “Yes, you do, and though I want nothing more than to hold your body down and finish you as you deserve; I also have bigger problems. Right now, a fight between us would be unproductive in this current climate. In fact, for me, circumstances have led to a very low point, and I feel the need to lower myself even further. I would like to offer a partnership between you and me for both of our sakes.”

    “I will not team up with you.” Brooke spat right back, not even considering the idea, “You always have another motive, I can assume you want whatever power the Organization wants is something you want to control.”

    Victoria rolled her eyes from behind her shades, “I have no interest in taking over the world, not now anyway.” Looking over and winking her good eye at Brooke, who couldn’t believe that Victoria had a humorous bone in her body.

    When Brooke continued to glare at her, Victoria sighed, “You are correct about one thing though, the Organization is after a certain type of power, and I need to get them off my back. If they obtain and keep this influence they are trying to unlock, I can promise you that it is basically a death sentence for me, and now you as well.”

    Brooke quickly tried to think of a retort, anything to use against Victoria who seemed ahead of her like always, but alas, there was nothing. If she declined, Victoria would be another enemy, and that was the last thing she needed. She waited a long time, soaking up the sun for a few seconds as she tried to control the desire in her body and think clearly. “If I was to consider teaming up with you, what would be your plan?”

    “No, no. Not here. Right now, all you need to do is agree to meet with me again. In the forest, another quarter of a mile north from your tree, is a cave, look for the moss shaped like a star and slip between the bushes on the right side. I have a base of operations there.”

    Brooke looked at Victoria again for a long time, switching between the blonde’s perfect ass that looked as good as ever and her cunning face. Victoria returned the stare and then smiled, “One other thing, I need you to bring the Princess too. She will be a thorn in our side if we don’t have her removed or better yet working with us.”

    Brooke’s eye twitched at the command. Her only interaction with Princess Sienna had been at the wet t-shirt contest, and that had not gone well. Finding her again seemed to be impossible and she almost groaned. “I have no idea where she is, and our last meeting went…poorly.” Brooke retorted under her breath.

    “The Golden Horse.” Victoria quipped back, and Brooke tilted her head in confusion which made Victoria almost lose her temper. “I swear you are so frustrating…It’s on the 8th floor, the most expensive Strip Club on the island, Sienna is posing as a stripper there. Though I guess I don’t blame you for not finding her, it took nearly all my resources to get the information from that club, and the security team of the Countess has also checked it 100 times, yet somehow, she alludes capture. To get her to appear, you will need to go tonight and use a code for a special type of dance. Listen carefully, you will ask for a private dance from Winter, her code name, say you want the oil, couple special, meaning you must have a man with you. She will be the dancer selected and you will get a chance to speak with her. I have just enough funds thanks to you last night to afford the dance. Speak quickly, because the private dance rooms are one of the few that are fully isolated in this damn resort, with no cameras, no microphones, and the only place I believe you will be able to have an open conversation with her…as long as you both don’t come to blows or start something else.” The ex-spy finished with a sultry gaze at her rival.

    Brooke now rolled her blue eyes, Victoria was as snooty as ever, and it would have given her great pleasure to ride this bitch to submission right here and now if she hadn’t felt like the world and her life were in the balance. “Why don’t you go and get her?”

    “Oh, she hates me, and wouldn’t even agree to a meeting if she knew I was involved. We had a run-in back in the valley before you and I fact, I would be careful even bringing up my name until she is in the cave.”

    “You really are not popular with anyone, huh?” Brooke snickered; the whole situation was ridiculous but, in the end, she had no choice but to agree to the terms. “Fine, I’ll find her and get her to meet with us.”

    Victoria nodded and was about to speak when Brooke continued with a sly grin, “I have to say, I was surprised you didn’t come after me after I beat you in our sexfight. I assume you were too scared to meet me again that way.”

    She watched as Victoria instantly bristled at that comment, and it felt good to finally get a crack into the ex-spy’s superior attitude. “You’re lucky I couldn’t come after you, but I’m sure you enjoyed the trail of sexually defeated women I left for you. A promise for what I’m going to do to you when this is all over.” Victoria growled under her breath, and Brooke turned her head, the two enemies locking eyes for longer than a second since their gun standoff on the island almost two years ago. The tension was still there, but not to kill each other like last time, but rather a desire to force a submission from the other, physically, and more importantly, sexually. That is how they would determine who was better, who could make the other cum with her body. They both wanted and even needed to settle this dirty little spy rivalry.

    The tense sexual moment was broken as a man walked by in front of their chairs, ogling the two beauties, who both turned and smiled at him. Only once he was out of earshot Victoria continued with a much lower voice, “It was a risk even coming here, the security is getting tight, and I only approached you because I can’t have you in my way.” Victoria sounded angrier, seemingly annoyed about losing her cool even for a second in front of Brooke. Then, she pushed herself up and off the tanning seat, slipping on her flip-flops smoothly. Brooke watched her and compared every inch of Victoria’s exposed perfect body to her own. Without looking back down at Brooke, Victoria spoke, “I expect you and the Princess both in the cave by 11 PM tonight or I will assume you have both been captured. If that’s the case, don’t even bother giving my location away, I’ll be long gone.”

    Brooke continued to glare at her sexy rival with disdain but there was little she could argue with as Victoria let out a sigh and continued when Brooke voiced her agreement, “The way I see it, you and I can only survive if we work…together.” The ex-spy finished with a flick of her long tongue as it seemed she struggled to get out the last word. Brooke still reeling from the offer felt the desire to ask a million more questions of her enemy, but it seemed Victoria was finished with this conversation and meeting. The now lotion-lathered-up bikini-wearing woman gave a nice stretch, her tits jiggling behind the small black triangles and her light abs showing behind her smooth stomach. If there was another wet-shirt contest, Brooke figured Victoria would be equal competition. Then, in the most unlike Victoria voice ever, the ex-spy beamed at Brooke, “It was nice to see you babe, hope to see you tonight!” Followed by a smooching air kiss that the people around them would simply smile at and think, ‘aww they are friends’.

    Brooke would have laughed too if it wouldn’t have drawn even more attention, and she guessed Victoria did that to ensure there were no follow-up questions and if someone was watching them…they would never think these two were Brooke and Victoria, two dangerous spies.

    Maybe it was good the meeting was ending because it also was starting to get difficult for Brooke to ignore her pussy leaking in heat behind the tiny pink triangle. Though, it threatened to become a gush again with her eyes glued to Victoria’s juicy firm ass in moving away. The hidden blonde said nothing else as she walked away from the pool and Brooke could only glare and frustratingly admire the toned fat ass that her rival possessed as it flexed and tensed each step, moving towards the exit.

    That night, Brooke dressed to kill, wearing a short stupidly tight red cocktail dress that basically hung off her nipples and showed off her hourglass figure. It did cover her full ass, and she chose some skimpy red lingerie panties to wear underneath. She used her final disguise, and just had to hope it was good enough to get her to the club. Black glasses, short raven hair, and a few other accessories. The strip club was deep into the hotel, so if she was discovered it would be close to impossible to escape before being swarmed. She had checked this one a few times, but never had seen a worker named ‘Winter’ or knew of a secret code to order dances. She wanted to question how Victoria had gotten this information but that was a question for a day when they weren’t being hunted.

    The first part of this side mission was finding a single man in which to accompany her to the strip club per Victoria’s instructions. It wouldn’t be difficult, and she headed to the nearby bar and lounge area just outside the joint to find a partner. Entering, the busy area drew many eyes to the new arrival and her incredible body. As she moved to the bar, all eyes followed Brooke wondering who this new girl was with black hair. But one pair followed with much more scrutiny.

    “Penelope…leave it.” The man next to the woman begged.

    “No. Watch my drink.” The long-haired redhead hissed as she put down her cocktail and adjusted her own short pink dress of a similar variety as the one Brooke happened to be wearing. Then she stepped off her stool and began making a walk towards the ‘raven-haired’ woman.

    “Hey!” The woman said loudly over the music, slowly moving to get through the crowd at Brooke.

    Brooke’s eyes flashed as she looked toward the voice before coming to a halt, her own eyes going wide. “How?!” She gasped; it was the wet T-shirt girl! How did she see through another one of her disguises, when no one, not even the Organization had!? Her theory seemed correct, this woman just has a sixth sense for Brooke’s tits and body. She hated knowing this random woman likely thought she was a coward running from a confrontation. Well, she didn’t have time for a fight right now, but…she just couldn’t let this bitch think she was running from her for another second.

    Brooke turned to face her approaching rival and even moved to meet her, clicking in her tall red heels. Penelope looked shocked that the pool girl wasn’t running this time, but it quickly left her face. She slowed to her own sultry walk, hips swaying until they stopped on the dance floor with less than an inch to spare between their bulging tits.

    Eye to eye once again, they took sight of each other, and accepted that the other was the only one in this room who could compete with their stuff. “You have been running from me.” The tanned redhead said, her long wavy hair down to one side of her shoulders, hanging just near her breasts.

    “No, I’ve just been busy, like I am tonight, so be a good bitch and go back to your seat.”

    “I don’t think so cunt.” Then, she looked up and down at Brooke, focusing on the black hair, far different than the honey-blonde pigtails from earlier in the week. “What’s with the new getup? Hiding from some crazy ex or something?”

    “No, I just like to change things up,” Brooke responded with sass, though she wished it was something as simple as an ex.

    “Well, you can’t hide from me, because you and I have some unfinished business.”

    “Do we? I thought we handled our business in the pool when I pushed you off that platform when my puppies overwhelmed yours.” Brooke hissed, looking down at the four mounds challenging each other once again. She could see and feel her own nipples poking out of her dress and saw the redhead’s pink nipples entering the same state of erectness. Adding to the challenge, Brooke closed that final inch and covered nips touched, sending shocks of pleasure down both women’s loins.

    “Winning a little pool game doesn’t mean anything and you know it. If we want to settle this, you know there is only one way for the two of us to go at it.” Penelope replied, flicking their nipples again and causing them to hiss, the ache to touch areola growing by the millisecond.

    “You want a sexfight slut?”

    “You know it bitch.”

    Brooke felt like she was having déjà vu, the redhead’s words eerily similar to the waitress from two nights ago. And the worst part? Brooke agreed with them both, the pool titfight, the blowjob contest, they didn’t mean much in the grand scheme of a woman’s sexual rivalry. She had to dominate these women in sex the right way or be dominated by them for it to be settled. And she desperately wanted it, this redhead…she could tell, just by her attitude that they would have a nasty fight. It always surprised her just how strong and sensual ‘normal’ women, as in not spies, could be in bed and some of her worse defeats had been at the most unexpected sources. She never underestimated a sex queen in bed.

    With their heads tilting in opposite directions, and lips moving tantalizingly closer, it only would take one little extra step to start something on the club floor. When suddenly the redhead was pulled back by the shoulder. “Penelope! What are you doing?” Brooke heard a man say as the redhead let out a yelp in surprise as her balance was lost on her heels. The separation of their bodies gave Brooke just a chance to remember her mission and not let her urges win out. She noticed it was the boyfriend from the pool and even though she hated it, she used the chance to jump back and disappear between the moving crowds.

    “Wait!” The redhead yelled, throwing off the hand and side-stepping a few people to follow her prey but the mysterious woman was gone, and Penelope muffled a scream in her palm. She back to face her man, a rage on her face he had never seen, “If you ever get in the way of me and a woman like that again, I will ruin you.”

    He began to apologize and beg, but Penelope wasn’t listening as a little grin came to her lips, the bitch may have gotten away again but it didn’t matter. They now understood their intentions of what would happen next time and if that woman was a worthy sexfight opponent, she wouldn’t be able to run away from their challenge. So, all she had to do was be patient which she COULD do, but…maybe some other prey could tide her over. She did one last glance around the room, but then ignoring her man, who was still begging, headed to the exit to find a toy to play with.

    Meanwhile, Brooke looked over at the woman from the corner of the room, out of sight. She was trying to control her pulsing sex, her rock-hard nipples, and the blush on her cheeks. She wanted more than anything to walk back up to this Penelope and slap their breasts together in the middle of the lobby. Maybe pull both their dresses down to reintroduce their babies that way. Then, she would slide her room key in between those inferior creamy mounds and press her lips into the dark red pair for good measure. Whisper her room number and a time, and head up to her room to prepare for a sex queen showdown.

    After a few seconds, she watched the pink-dressed woman leave and Brooke moved back out to the open to renew her hunt for a man. She kept an eye out for her rival returning and her other eye watching for the waitress from the casino, very aware of what would happen if she bumped tits with either of them. She doubted she could control herself again. Luckily, before that could it happen, she found her target. A young handsome man named, John Smith, likely a fake name but whatever, he would fall for her as long as Brooke really played her part well.

    When she approached him, he was instantly taken with her beauty and erotic style. She promised him a night beyond his imagination, and he was stricken with hope to fuck this hot woman. Within minutes he was offering her all the gifts in the world, and a view of his prince suite, one of the best in the hotel. But Brooke simply giggled and laughed, and then brought up going to the Golden Horse and getting a dance for him with herself and another woman. The poor man almost died of happiness at the thought. He got them there as fast as possible, and Brooke did as Victoria described, requesting ‘Winter’ with an oil sheen. The price was insane, but the man paid instantly, ‘Well at least Victoria wouldn’t get to complain about that.’ Brooke thought as the massive security guard led them down a hidden door that was clearly only for the most private and personal dances. They reached the small dance room a few minutes later, two velvet red seats already placed and a sole stripper pole in front of them. Brooke quickly ordered two drinks, and then toyed with the man, enjoying how much he wanted her, and reconfirming that her sexpot role was still her greatest talent.

    When the drinks arrived, she was already grinding on him, and he groaned with his eyes closed enjoying the sensation of her breasts rolling up and down his body. Her pussy was only a few layers from touching her hard dick. Without him noticing, she easily slipped a single pill into his beer and then brought it up to his lips. “Drink up, baby, want you nice and relaxed for the show.”

    “Ugh, this beer tastes funny.” He spoke as the liquid and pill poured into his mouth.

    “Yeah, don’t worry baby, I’m sure it’s just a new keg.” She said with a fake sexual moan as she pressed her body onto his hardened package. “Yeah…I’m…sure…that’s…it.” Was the last thing he spoke when he passed out just a minute after the pill had entered his system. “Sweet dreams…sorry you have to miss this show.” Brooke whispered as she quickly moved his body to the corner of the room when the door opened, and ‘Winter’ aka Sienna entered with a bottle of oil in her hands.

    Her dark eyes instantly fell on the man on the ground, “Oh, fuck, did he already pass out?” She asked exasperated, her voice ringing a bell to the same woman who had got third place in the wet-t-shirt contest a few days prior. Her own disguise was well done, though she looked more herself than at the pool, her natural black hair and tanned body on display. Brooke wasn’t sure this princess didn’t have some training of her own in espionage.

    “Yes, he did,” Brooke responded in her natural voice. She had to trust what Victoria had said and making a truce with Sienna was the only chance. In a quick motion, she reached up and peeled off her wig and mask, revealing her natural face.

    “You!” Sienna gasped with a look of shock, as Brooke stood for the first time in the hotel without any disguise. It was too late for Sienna to escape as the door locked behind the Princess sealing them in, one of the creepier functions of these private dance rooms Brooke noted. The already nearly nude native girl took a fighting stance in her skimpy stripper outfit, her top only a black fishnet mesh with her nipples poking through one of the fishnet holes, her bottom half covered in a thong, but a drape placed in front and behind between her legs, like a curtain that could easily be pulled to the side for hot access her amazing sex underneath and would sway with her dance.

    “Sienna, wait,” Brooke yelled, taking a similar hostile posture in her cocktail dress prepared to come to blows. They had tangled already on this island for the briefest of moments at the pool, and there was no guarantee it wouldn’t go that way again.

    “We need to talk.” She hissed before either of them launched their first kicks or punches.

    Sienna didn’t relax, her left hand still holding the oil and her incredible body on display in her stripper gear, but she didn’t attack just yet. “How did you find me?”

    Brooke shook her head, trying to stop herself from comparing her tits to the full firm boobs in front of her. Being a nymphomaniac was not easy. “That doesn’t matter.”

    “It does explain or I will raise the alarm.”

    “And screw us both?”

    “No, just you. I can escape while they hold you down.” Sienna muttered, though her eyes were already darting back and forth in what seemed to be panic.

    “Maybe that’s true, but I have to wonder why you haven’t hit the alarm yet?” Brooke reasoned knowing she had to get her words out fast. When Sienna didn’t respond she continued slowly, “It seems like you have been able to hide so far, but you haven’t been able to get to the Countess and I can tell you that time is running out…I can help you.”

    Sienna chuckled at the notion, “Oh, can you? The number one sexpot of that fucking Organization just turning coat after hunting me the last three days. I doubt that.”

    “It’s true, I’m not part of that group anymore. Why would I come here alone if I had finally found you?” Brooke said again, trying to get Sienna to see reason…even if she needed to bend the truth a bit.

    The Princesses’ black eyes narrowed, but it was clear she was taking in Brooke’s words, “I assume to challenge me…sexually” Sienna reasoned, glancing down at Brooke’s tight dress.

    “Okay, that’s fair, but that would mean you were fucked already because they would be waiting outside of this room. So, the only other option is to listen to me.”

    Sienna held her glare for a few seconds, “Fine, talk because your Organization has been trying to kill me for the last two years, and now one of their agents wants to help me, make it make sense.”

    “I don’t want to kill you, I never have, and I’m realizing that I have been on the wrong side the whole time, and I’m trying to make up for it starting with helping you.”

    Sienna remained quiet, distrust in her black eyes, her stare not leaving Brooke for long tense seconds. Suddenly, a shadow from outside the door caught her attention, and she released her fighting stance stepping forward with a sultry flair in her hips. For a split second, Brooke thought she was about to attack, but the Princess simply pushed her down lightly by the sternum and onto the soft velvet seat behind her. Then, the Princess mounted Brooke with her knees on each of Brooke’s hips, straddling her. “They can’t hear, but the bosses can sometimes see a lack of motion and will turn on the cameras. Plus they will notice if I don’t leave here oiled up, I hope you enjoy the dance bitch, now keep talking.”

    Even as the words left her mouth, Sienna began to move her body like an experienced erotic dancer, looking at Brooke with a stare that made the spy instantly wet. The native girl slowly pressed her tits into Brooke’s full pair before rolling her back in a slow grind much like how the spy had been doing to the man a few minutes prior. Brooke stuffed a groan down. She was already annoyingly horny, and this bitch grinding on her was not going to help her concentrate on getting through this impromptu meeting that was life and death for both of them.

    “Now please enjoy the oil, slut.” Sienna giggled, clearly enjoying the look of frustration on Brooke’s face that she was being forced to be humped without the thrill of humping back. The Princess poured the shiny liquid on her full breasts over the mesh top and even began to dribble some onto Brooke’s exposed skin that also hit the expensive red dress she had been wearing.

    Brooke’s skin was on fire, and she could feel the liquid ooze down her cleavage. “You, bitch. Feels like you are looking to get humiliated in a fight.” She hissed.

    “More like humiliating you, but clocks ticking Brooke…and I can promise you can’t afford me again,” Sienna replied, and slapped their chests together again, harder than one would expect and forcing a grunt of annoyance from the other woman.

    Brooke focused as she was teased with this hot body, her nympho side raging to fight, to match this woman’s sexual skill…but she pressed it down, and continued, “You want to get back that artifact they are using for research, right? I don’t know what it does, but for you to go this far, I assume it’s important.”

    “You don’t know?” Sienna asked backing up briefly with narrow eyes, even as she ran her hands up pulled Brooke’s red dress down, popping the spy’s braless firm breasts out, jiggling and begging to be touched. Before Broke could reply, Sienna dropped down, and gave a playful lick on each pink erect nipple before rubbing her mesh-covered breasts against them roughly.

    “Ugh, you fucking whore….ugh.” Brooke groaned, her body going crazy as she and Sienna touched. “No, I have to assume it’s something to do with a new world order they want to create…if that makes any sense to you.” She played her cards early, but she had to get this bitch on her side quickly.

    “So that’s their goal. Monsters.”

    “Is it something you know about? What does it have to do with a stupid little artifact?”

    Sienna had stopped her dance for a few seconds eyeing Brooke, then she flipped around, and pulled the small hanging curtain aside, revealing her perfect ass and a small, tiny red string thong. She pressed her behind into Brooke's lap, almost sitting on her in a reverse straddle, and leaned her head back on the spy’s shoulder. “My people are gone; I’m the last.” She spoke, and Brooke felt the weight of the words…that Sienna was just as alone as she was, but the Princess’s tone didn’t seem at all sad, “Funnily enough, I don’t blame you, or even that other whore who destroyed the valley, my people betrayed my family and did the unspeakable to allow your Organization in for the secrets and unnatural abilities we protected. But I have my duty as a historian and Princess, and I must get that item back to safety.”

    “And why that item specifically? Is it another growth serum?” She asked, but Sienna didn’t respond, continuing only to rub her ass into Brooke’s overheated body.

    “Listen, Sienna, I agree with you, the Organization is evil, and I want to stop whatever they intend to do with the mystical stuff they have found….”, Brooke groaned, wanting to spank the full ass that was now getting oil on it as well, “I fucked up. I was desperate to find my place in life and just jumped in, not asking what the big picture was or understanding who I was really working for. I helped them get on the path of controlling the world…and now I have to make up for it…please tell me what it does.”

    “Noble.” Sienna mocked, though there was a slightly less antagonistic tone in her words than Brooke had heard thus far. Okay, two could play at this game if Sienna wanted to play this game and see who could turn the other on like a bitch in heat. On the next grind, Brooke twisted her body forward and suddenly Sienna was the one sitting on the couch with Brooke on top of her. She aimed and pressed her exposed nipples into the mesh top, their nipples connecting at the tip and forcing two deep groans from their lips.

    “Fuck you. Your turn to take a little dance.”

    Brooke began to move and grind as Sienna had from the top, though the native girl didn’t just take it. Their muscles constricted as they both looked to claim the top spot. The struggle to continue their talk was becoming apparent, but it was a show that they could better control their urges. Hot oily skin was becoming more regular as the liquid moved past their compressed stomachs, down their legs, dripping in long strands each time one of the women flipped the other back into the velvet chair.

    Brooke finally claimed the top spot for more than a few seconds and pressed her pink lips to the woman’s ear, “If you want help to get back your artifact, then team up with me, if we work together, we can accomplish both our goals.”

    Sienna then reversed them again, a light struggle before they ended up back in the same position as before, Sienna sitting between Brooke’s legs but her back on Brooke’s exposed tits. But this time the spy reached in front of the dancer and cupped her ‘opponent's full breasts under the mesh, kneading the big balls that felt so good in her hands.

    “And what is supposed to convince me that you don’t want it.” Sienna moaned as Brooke used her own hands to fill with the full oily chest of the princess, the spies pointy fingers pinching the erect brown nipples and squeezing the full fat. Brooke squeezed the orbs, trying to make Sienna cry out, but the woman kept grinding her ass into her and they seemed to fall into a stalemate of sexual attacks panting like sluts.

    “How can I want it, if I don’t know what it fucking does?!”

    “Fine.” Sienna flipped back around and standing, leaned at the waist to run her tongue up Brooke’s exposed chest to her ear where she whispered, “The gift of immortality.”

    Brooke froze at the word and another piece of the slowly forming puzzle came into place. She slowly turned her head to the dark brown eyes looking at her, their foreheads nearly touching as she searched for any sign of deception from Sienna who gave the smallest shake of her head.

    “Yes, that’s what your fucking Organization wants, what the Countess has been researching. Inside that little stupid ball is an ingredient that can be modified to grant endless life or so the legend goes. But there is a cost…as you can guess…sacrifices.”

    This information might have been the only thing that was able to stop their little oil grind as Brooke looked at Sienna no longer in sexual combat mode. Immortality, a power to live forever, to rule the world from the shadows forever…that was the goal. That was it, that was a piece missing, and this ingredient was a key. But…the Director and Diane had said on the transmission that it was now Plan B…so whatever plan A had worked, but what was that? She would keep that tidbit of info to herself for now.

    “Do you want that kind of power, Brooke? Do you want to live forever as part of some endless order?” Sienna whispered as she ground their full chests oily together again in an obvious challenge, their nipples flicking in the mess that was their fully exposed breasts. Brooke growled as she flipped them again on the seat, pushing Sienna down into the pad and beginning to grind into her harder by their breasts while licking her sudden rival’s ear. She used one of her hands to pull the dress she wore up to her waist fully, making sure the small little cloth covering her pussy was able to glance at the matching shiny red material on the strippers’. Sienna let out a hiss as their red-clothed pussies touched and couldn’t help filling her hands with Brooke’s full ass, spreading oil on it and groaning at feeling the muscle that would try to dominate her in bed.

    “No, I don’t.” She answered honestly, “No one should have that power…and especially not those who would abuse it. But we won’t be able to stop it unless we work together.” She hissed as she moved from the native girl’s ear to breathe hotly into Sienna’s mouth, yet they didn’t kiss, only attempting to tease the other into a frenzy.

    “And how can you help? I can beat whomever they send…in any type of fight.” Sienna gasped, her body losing control.

    And they were back. Brooke couldn’t help it again, she pressed even harder down on Sienna’s sexy body and moaned into her ear, “No, you can’t. You couldn’t even beat me because my body is better than yours, and if comes down to stopping the Countess or her allies, you will need someone with a body and sexual like mine to win.”

    Sienna’s black eyes flared at the implication, “You bitch, keep…ugh…fucking dreaming. I’m the hottest woman at this resort, and the best sex anyone here could ever have.” She added with a snarl, and she was more than ready to prove it to the spy. Even in the middle of needing to save the world, the feeling of rivalry was unstoppable, and all Brooke wanted to do was assert her dominance to Sienna that she was the better woman when it came to sex.

    “You’re lucky there is a limit on this room, or I would be the one dancing on your fucked body.” Brooke groaned, her oiled tits and ass flexing as she tussled silently for the top spot, trying to hold the other’s head back by the hair and expose her breasts for sucking.

    “Please, if we had more time, I would be on top of you and making you beg for my touch.” Sienna moaned, their voices getting higher as she slapped her chest into Brooke’s from the top and finally forced the spy’s hair back, ready to suck the pink nipples into her mouth.

    There was no stopping this confrontation and sexual duel now. Sienna was beginning to grind fiercer, and Brooke was seconds away from ripping that little thong off her rival’s hot body when a loud buzz sounded in the room. Sienna froze clearly knowing what the noise meant, and then pressed her lips onto Brooke’s though it was not really a kiss and more a lip-to-lip talk, “The dance is over.” She mouthed, “Now where do you want to meet?”

    Success! Brooke almost didn’t believe it, yet quickly relayed the location that Victoria had given her, and then added a little lick to the red lips that almost broke the Princesses restraint. Sienna hesitated for a second, weighing the consequences of fingering Brooke right then, but instead pushed herself off a second later, in fear that the continuing of their little grind fight would lead down an inevitable path of a sexfight right then and there…and getting caught.

    “Thank you for coming to the Golden Horse, I hope your experience was pleasurable,” Sienna said in a sultry tone, squeezing her giant boobs together and almost daring Brooke to attack her again now.

    “11PM”, Brooke mouthed, trying to focus and not ogle the oily woman’s hot form in front of her even as she fondled her own chest. Brooke wanted to desperately fight her in a sexfight right now, but the dance was over, and the clock was officially on. Sienna cocked her hip, her young oily body was incredible, her light brown tits moving up and down, and her power legs like thick poles. Finally, she nodded and stepped forward again to pick up the small bottle of oil, but also whisper in Brooke’s ear, “I’ll be there and will listen to your offer. But if you slow me down or try anything, I’ll take you out just as fast as I would any enemy.”

    “Right back at you, and don’t think this little thing that just happened in this room is close to being over.” Brooke spat, and Sienna gave a single nod in agreement. Then, with a final glare of distrust and desire, Sienna slipped out of the private dance room. Brooke let out a breath she had been holding in. Her body was pulsing, and she wanted to cum, but more so she wanted to cum in Sienna’s arrogant face once she had forced an orgasm out of the Princess.

    At the same time, she had this feeling she needed to save her sexual energy. It felt like there was no one she could trust, stuck between two devils Sienna and Victoria, both were their own goals. She had no idea of Sienna’s plans or if a ‘legend’ was enough to go on and what would happen when the Princess found that their third partner was Victoria. There was little doubt that endless life was something the dangerous ex-spy would be seeking, Victoria didn’t mention that. But at least for now, it didn’t matter, Brooke had to stop all sides that were seeking something so dangerous, that was her job, and she would succeed.

    Leaving the strip club was easy but escaping the hotel oily and with a ruined disguise almost took an hour with all the new security. It was already 11:05 PM when Brooke finally reached the cave. She slipped into the clearing and froze as she found her two new ‘allies’, both with guns held up and in a deadly standoff.

    “Victoria.” Sienna hissed when her eyes glanced at Brooke appearing from the bushes. “So, Brooke, this is your other partner? Failed to mention that didn’t you? I should have known snakes slither together.”

    “You wouldn’t have come if I had told you the truth.” Brooke shot back whipping out her own hip guns which she aimed at both women. “Now lower your weapons both of you.”

    “Her first.” Victoria sighed, sounding far too bored for having two guns pointing at her head.” Her makeup was off, and her fake eye was out. Her scar and missing eye made her look even more dangerous.

    Sienna glanced at the new arrival with a huff. “No way, for all I know you both want the artifact and plan to synthesize it. I was reckless to trust you.”

    “I know what is in that stupid artifact and what it does or at least in theory what it can be used for.” Victoria snapped, making both other women face her. She took a step forward, gun still leveled between Sienna’s eyes, “I have no interest in it, the risk is far too great. I only want to stop the Organization from obtaining it, and also stop all their other ways they are looking into immortality.”

    “Other ways?” Brooke asked and Victoria turned the gun to her.

    “Yes, and I believe they may have already found one, though even with all my resources I have not been able to confirm what it is.”

    The admission that Brooke was also still in the dark let Sienna lower her gun slightly, “Tell us what you know. And what plan do you have? Why would you want to stop a group you were part of for so long?”

    “I’m not about to tell you with a gun pointed at my face, little Princess.” Victoria taunted, then exhaled, “But if you would listen, I can guarantee my plan involves all of us getting all that we want, but to work, we have to get along for at least 24 hours.” She finished, and then Victoria slowly lowered her gun, “See Sienna? You could kill me now, so stop acting like a spoiled brat and let’s use our words like adults.”

    Brooke glanced back at Sienna who rolled her eyes at the brat comment. Sure, Victoria was maybe 6 or 7 years older, but if they wanted to compare bodies, there would be no gap.

    Sienna huffed, clearly jibed at the insult but did indeed lower her gun as well as did Brooke, yet the tension was higher than ever. Eventually, they ended up sitting by the fire of Victoria’s base, and slowly Victoria explained, her idea, her plan, and how the three of them could reclaim both the artifact and destroy the main computer storage that would override all details of any current spies and data, effectively diminishing the Organization to a shell of itself and setting them years back. “And that is my plan. It will allow Brooke and I to delete our records fully and disappear and you to reclaim your artifact. With them not knowing what occurred as long as we all play our part.”

    “And you don’t want to fight them?” Brooke asked, knowing that was very unlike Victoria.

    Victoria laughed at the notion, “Oh, we could but it’s too risky and I don’t trust in either of your skills.”

    Brooke and Sienna glanced at each other, wondering if they should double-team Victoria right then and there. Victoria seemingly didn’t realize she was about to be jumped or didn’t care. “I concluded that there are three women as dangerous as us on this island from my reports and details about them. Countess McBrayer, Diane, and I’m going to include the Director…Quinn.” Victoria explained as Brooke looked at her with confusion at the last name.

    Victoria nodded, “Yes, the director's name is Quinn. You have seen her; she may look fragile but that is only after an accident 4 years ago. A study gone wrong from what I heard, and her body began to deteriorate to the shell you now see. Before that, people said she was one of the most beautiful women and sexy women they had ever seen, and that’s saying something in that Organization. Even in her weakened state as you saw her in…she is still a threat. She took over the Organization with her skill and her sex and now runs it with her guile. I can only assume she is after the artifact, but with what you told me, Brooke…” Victoria paused, “Hmm that doesn’t matter. Anyway, these women could match us, so we must be on our guard and avoid them.”

    “Now onto the resort, there are just two areas that I have not been able to get intel on. I have tried, but it is incredibly difficult with the level of security they possessed. But now we have an inside source, and I’m hoping you Princess could give us more details.”

    Sienna was quiet, watching Victoria with mistrust, but then sighed, she was already here dealing with these whores so there was no point hiding it. “I have been working here a few months, mostly as a stripper, but all my attempts to get to the Countess have failed. The hotel is a maze within itself. I’m sure you both have gathered that there is a dirtier side to this resort…the worst parts are funded in part by your very Organization. The wet t-shirt contests you and I were in Brooke are some of the most vanilla things that go on here. There are far worst events, mostly involving some form of slavery, or bribes. The lowest place is called the Pits in the deepest cellars, where people, mostly women fight in special ways for entertainment, many times in ways you and Victoria are quite accustomed to. But I have no idea how to get down there or what else is really involved. But I know men and women pay millions to be down there…and if we don’t end up dead, that is where we will end up. Forever.”

    Victoria took the information in, “Well, I won’t allow that to happen, at least for me of course.” Victoria finished with certainty. “I think that covers it then. And I believe we should be rested, so, I’m off to bed.”

    Brooke bit her lip because she felt like she was the only one of the three that didn’t have a personal goal except to save the world, were there really not that many good people in the world?

    “And the end goal?” Brooke asked, “What happens after?”

    “I need to get the artifact. I don’t care if I need to fight or can just steal it, doesn’t matter, as long as it is in my possession and off this island.” Sienna declared, “I’ll get it somewhere no one in the world will ever find it.”

    “I need to wipe my history and bring down the Organization. It will set them back decades and give me a fresh start to do what I will. Then I’ll be free to return to my own business.” Victoria repeated, her one green eye staring into the fire.

    “Ok.” Brooke responded, not adding anything else of her own goal, as the three rivals sat, nothing more to be said. After a few minutes sitting by the fire Victoria stood up and began to strip off her clothes to the lusty stares of Sienna and Brooke, “Tonight, as tempting as I am, we should rest, theirs a makeshift shower and restroom in the back of the cave. Tomorrow, we leave at 8 AM sharp for our mission.” Victoria finished standing in her bra and panties, and without another word to her new allies, moved to the hammock setup in the far corner.

    Sienna looked at Brooke but didn’t say anything. She slowly rose, and walked to the other side of the cave where Victoria had surprisingly setup two other beds for them to sleep. Brooke stayed by the fire for a few more minutes. It wasn’t the worse feeling, not being alone, even if the women around her were not her friends. Something was still not adding up in her mind, and the name Quinn burned in her thoughts. She did know that name…Brock…he had used it once when they slept together. He had told her it was a mission, and he was still in survival mode. What a pathetic lie, but it seemed so insignificant now, she was above it. Weirdly sleep came easy for Brooke even knowing that Victoria and Sienna were both feet away. They had to be a team, and at least for 24 hours, she needed to trust them.

    The morning came quickly, but Brooke had been able to get at a few good hours feeling fully fresh. In brisk of the very early morning, she showered after Sienna, watching the sexy princess’s silhouette from the behind the thin curtain. She wasn’t sure if Sienna knew she had an audience or just normally washed like a stripper but watching the princess shower was a show. Her curves looked flawless running her hands up and down her body, the water cascading down. When the princess finally exited, Brooke’s question was answered as Sienna taunted her in her short white towel, getting into Brooke’s face. “That’s two shows you have gotten. I’ll send you the bill.”

    “Whatever.” Brooke replied, as she stepped into the shower. Her clit was sending shockwaves to her core as she washed. So much teasing over the past week without enough sex. She was going to be insane with lust…her titfight, blowjob, dance, shower, seeing Victoria, holy fuck she had held it in so long. Masturbation the last few days had only taken off the edge but she pitted the woman who would end up with her alone.

    Finishing, Brooke pulled on her silver catsuit with nothing underneath, her favorite style and look. She took notice of herself in the full body mirror, looking sexier than she had ever imagined, her suit zipped down to right between her large chest. She had her hair in a long ponytail, the honey blonde strands full and thick. Her pink lips were moistened and then applied with a nice smooth layer of lipstick. She wanted to look her best because she didn’t know what was coming.

    She walked out of her small section of the cave to find Sienna finishing dressing as well. She was wearing a borrowed black catsuit that fit perfectly. Brooke almost snickered because she just knew that would have bothered Victoria so much. The Princess looked slightly uncomfortable in the latex as she adjusted it, though it was zipped down to a similar position as Brookes. But, at a second glance, Brooke noticed a line between the native girl’s tits, proving she was wearing a bikini under it. When Brooke questioned this, the Princess rolled her eyes. “Unlike you, I’ve never worn something like this, and I’m not wearing nothing underneath it…that would feel weird”

    Victoria walked out before Brooke could reply, the ex-spy in her classic bright red, zipped down below her belly button. It showed her smooth strong stomach, and she looked as good as she had when Brooke and she had fought in the temple two years ago. The platinum blonde took a second to look at both Sienna and Brooke, her one green eye taking in both forms. She then reached up and placed her fake eye in, but the way it moved looked so natural. Yet the silver thin scar was fully visible, and Victoria smiled when Brooke gave her a questioning look, “Oh, I love my scar now, but this little thing helps me in many ways.” She motioned to the fake eye. “Now let’s go and finish this quickly and smoothly.”

    Sienna, Victoria, and Brooke left the cave, walking side by side and not many could say they had seen a group of as dangerous and sexy women together. They moved swiftly, the sun just starting to rise as they reached the border and phase 1 began.

    “Here.” Victoria motioned to the ground, “This is it.” The blonde ripped up open a panel covered in vines and dirt. “We can follow this down to the mid-level basement. Once there, Brooke will head to the lobby and set off the alarm, the commotion will give Sienna and I a chance for our two objectives. Simple and easy, Brooke will meet as at the elevator.”

    The panel opened and the intel was good, five minutes later the three of them dropped into the full white hallway, no one around. They took two fast turns again meeting no resistance which worried Brooke, but she didn’t have time to think about it. They reached the vent that would lead her to the main hotel room, and an area to set the alarm. There was just one downside, she would have to travel through a lobby of normal people, and there was no other way.

    “Good luck Brooke,” Sienna whispered with sincerity and Brooke smiled at her, a sparkle of friendship created in the heat of battle.

    “Cut the sweet shit. Go!” Victoria hissed and Brooke nodded, slipping up the ventilator and now back into the main section of the hotel. It was quick and suddenly she pushed the panel free and stepped out into the lobby. She walked confidently, hoping that the thoughts of a show would hold. When a voice carried over the heads, “Hey.” Brooke turned, not sure why but knowing it was directed at her. And out of every person at the resort, it could be…it was her, Penelope the redhead. All Brooke had to do was just had to make it to the far vent, and she had hoped people seeing her, normal people that is, would just assume she was part of some exotic show. But this girl would get in her face, they all but promised from last time.

    The redhead was already walking towards her and wearing a tiny bikini top with a towel. But Brooke could NOT focus on that right now. She ducked behind a few other people pretending not to hear or notice, and successfully reached the other vent, but had nowhere else to go, except into the vent…and that would lead to questions or the redhead following her. She had to distract the bitch…but how?

    Yet, luck was on her side because as she looked for any sort of reprieve, standing just a few feet away from another woman Brooke recognized. It just so happened to be the waitress from the casino, dressed in a skimpy bikini, clearly on her day off. At that second, she turned, her dark eyes going wide. “You!” She said, almost dropping her towel around her waist. “What’s up, Nina?” Her male companion asked but the woman was already moving toward Brooke with a competitive expression. Brooke had no other options, but a strange idea. As the crowd shifted, she slipped into the vent as the two women approached her from opposite sides. At the same time, the two women increased their paces, desperate to engage with this ghost of a woman, but when they turned the corner instead of Brooke, they ran into each other, with a slap of exposed skin.

    “Hey! Watch it!” Nina hissed, trying to get around this new person in front of her.

    “You watch it!” Penelope spat, as they somehow ignored the type of person standing in front of them.

    The nurse and the pool girl looked around the person, both no longer seeing Brooke in front of them as if she had vanished.

    “Hey, did you see a girl in a catsuit? Honey blonde, big tits?” Penelope asked, glancing behind herself and the woman in front of her not knowing where that bitch had gone.

    “Umm, I did, but what do you want with her? I need to speak to her. “Nina questioned, her eyes inquisitively viewing the skimpily dressed redhead, though her own top was maybe only covered a few centimeters more of her skin.

    “Oh, well you can talk to her once I’m finished.”

    “Um, no, I don’t think so, you can go second.”

    “I don’t go second.”

    Suddenly the redhead and the black-haired woman took full notice of who was in front of them and who had been disagreeing. It only took one glance they both knew why the other was looking for that bimbo.

    “Between the two of us, you are definitely a second.” Nina giggled at the notion this woman thought she was better. She shifted forward, making sure this redhead knew who the top girl between the two of them was as her dark breasts moved closer to the milky jugs of this new woman.

    “That’s a catty comment, I must assume you are looking for that bimbo for the same reason…well back off. She is mine.”

    “And what gives you the right? I’ve got a very personal reason to meet with her…after she ran like a coward from our last fight.”

    “I do as well, and well, at least we can agree on that. But back off, I can tell you don’t have the body to tame that bitch, but I do.”

    Nina laughed, “You know, I didn’t think I would meet anyone this week who would piss me off more than that maid bitch, but you are trying your best.”

    “Honestly, in the last 10 seconds, I feel the same way. I assumed they only let one bitch in a week here but looks like I found another.”

    The redhead shifted forward and with the lightest glances, brushed their breasts together. Then getting right into the waitress’s face, “You know, I could use a little warm up…I have a private cabana booked for the day on the beach…why don’t you join me and we can talk about which one of us gets to deal with our mutual friend first, and who gets the sloppy seconds?”

    The other woman smiled with a cocked head, “Warm up? That is an idea, I’ll be there in one hour.”

    “Perfect. Cabana 51. Let yourself in.”

    They stared for a few more seconds, “Nina.” The nurse whispered.
    “Penelope.” The redhead whispered back, and then the two turned and walked away, an hour before they would ‘talk’ again and feeling the adrenaline already starting to flow.

    Brooke had watched the whole display just two feet away behind the vent and almost laughed, maybe she did believe in luck. Her two major mistakes on this mission had worked in her favor and the two women who may have been able to distract her or get her caught looked to be focusing on each other. She wondered which of them would dominate whatever they ended up doing in that cabana. The idea of them fighting was an alluring thought, Nina and Penelope, she would remember those names. Of course, she would end up fucking them both down regardless of the outcome of their fight once she was done with you know, saving the world. With that roadblock out of the way, the honey blonde had successfully reached the other vent, which she crawled in a few feet before dropping down once again, and just as Victoria had promised, found herself in front of a security console.

    She began to quickly enable the alarm and security of the hidden maze when the door opened behind her. She spun quickly to find herself face to face with Diane, wearing her white catsuit like she had been when she had come to murder Brooke in her sleep. Brooke took a fighting stance and watched as Diane placed the papers on the ground next to her.

    “I knew you would come back. So easy to read” Diane spoke calmly as she took a matching stance.

    “Yeah, I’m annoying like that,” Brooke replied equally as chill, then they both attacked. Diane and Brooke traded blows, showing incredible speed and skill but neither could gain an advantage and after a full rotation, they backed off. Diane looked surprised and Brooke felt elated, it showed just how far she had come from her temple tussle with Victoria. “Ready for more?” She asked Diane, who frowned at her.

    “Hmph, no. I don’t have time to beat you properly. I’m on a tight schedule.” She added, then clicked a button on her wrist. Suddenly, men and women appeared from the door, surrounding Brooke with guns, who rose her hands reluctantly. How fast they had switched and there was no way she could take them all. Diane walked up to her slowly, her own hot body oozing sex, “You are very lucky Brooke. Unlike a few nights ago, today I have been ordered to take you alive.”

    Brooke hissed, but had her arms bound behind her back, as Diane took her with the convoy out to the hall and away from the console. She may have failed, but she could only hope Sienna and Victoria had gotten anyway and she felt a wave of looked like their enemies had been ready.

    Meanwhile, Victoria and Sienna were sprinting down the far hall towards the elevator, still meeting minimal if any resistance. Victoria didn’t like it, but just maybe it was okay, she assumed they had gone after Brooke who should be able to slip free if she followed the plan. The elevator would be in sight in less than a minute, but a yell froze the pair in the tracks.

    “Sienna! Victoria! This way!” Brooke’s voice came out from the right hall and not the left. Confusion flashed on Victoria’s face, while Sienna looked at the blonde before yelling back, “Brooke? What are you doing back here already!?” Slowly, they did end up taking a right, and there down the hall was Brooke. She was standing there in front of them down the hall, but her hair was done differently, down, and silky. And the color of her spy suit was the color of pure bright gold, not silver. Victoria and Sienna came to a stop a few yards away, “Brooke?” Sienna whispered as Victoria looked behind them just in time to see the hallway close.

    “Nope.” This ‘Brooke’ cruelly smirked and shot a perfect straight kick right toward Sienna’s face, the princess just dodged with a shout and flipped into her fighting stance. “What the fuck!?” She hissed, but other things were happening. Suddenly men and women dropped from new holes in the ceiling.

    “Damn it.” Victoria hissed, but the first man had no chance as she shot her leg up, snapping his neck on such fast contact. The next three got hold of her and Sienna was tackled a second later, guns were drawn on them as they ceased struggling.

    “What the hell!?” Sienna hissed looking at the gold-suited woman. Her eyes were angry looking at her ‘ally’ and who she thought might have been a good person, “Brooke you traitor!”

    “Please…that’s not my name Princess Sienna.” The ‘Brooke’ responded lazily. She stepped away from the confused captures, showing off her amazing ass in the tight gold suit as a message came into her ear.


    Diane’s voice came from the other end, “We got her.”

    “Oh, wonderful, please her to detention room 1. I’ll have the Princess and Victoria sent there as well; it would be good to see them all tied up together. A masterpiece of sorts.”

    “Who are you!?” Sienna gasped, as they started to be led away, and the Brooke looked up once again.

    “Now that’s a fair question Sienna, I’m sure your partner here can give you a hint?”

    Sienna turned to Victoria who had been quiet the whole time, staring at the gold catsuit-dressed woman in front of them, her one real queen eye flashing in horror.

    On the other side of the hotel, Brooke was led down the hall by Diane and a bunch of masked-covered soldiers. The two catsuit-wearing models the center of the back, Brooke’s hands were bound while her tits bounced slightly on each step. After a few steps, Brooke turned her head to glance at Diane walking slightly behind her.

    “So, the whore in you comes out. I should have guessed the way you dressed in your little skirts. Are you hoping mommy gives you a spanking when you see her?” Brooke taunted, thinking of Diane’s relationship with the Director. She clearly hit a sore spot because stopped in her tracks, holding Brooke with her. When the others stopped, she gave them a little head nod.

    “Go on forward and prepare the prison. I need to have a little private chat with our new slave.”

    None of the men protested, and as soon as they turned the corner, Diane ripped Brooke’s bonds back and then forward until she smashed her roughly into the wall. “Ugh, bitch.” Brooke hissed; her tits squished behind their suit as she grunted in discomfort.

    “I think you like it slut.” The assistant breathed, as she placed her hand slipped into Brooke’s sliver suit and cupped her big left breast squeezing and pinching Brooke’s hard pink nipple at the center. Brooke gasped, her erect nub sending shocks of pleasure down her body. She tried to rub her ass into Diane’s body, but the woman slapped the latex glutes hard to keep her on the wall.

    “You flaunted yourself as the best sexpot in our world, but you didn’t even realize a superior one was standing next to you the whole time.” Diane growled as Brooke felt the big chest of her rival press into her back.

    “Fuck off, you have nothing compared to me.”

    Diane flipped Brooke to her front and pushed her back roughly against the wall again, though she was no longer holding her. Brooke studied the assistant; her long wavy black hair and her beauty mark emphasized her sharp and symmetrical features. She wore nearly purple lipstick and eyeshadow, a mesmerizing combination. Then she gave a huff as she reached to the bottom of her neck and unzipped her suit down mid-way, her massive chest appearing from the confines of their own little prison.

    Brooke was surprised, both that she had found a nerve, and at the size of the assistant’s mammeries. They looked as big as her’s and the other queen bitches around here. Rare that there was so many on a single island in the sea.

    “You should know just by looking that you are outmatched and not just here, but everywhere.” Diane hissed and Brooke laughed in her face.

    “Keep dreaming.”

    Diane’s face flared, and she reached forward, roughly zipping Brooke’s outfit down further and ripped her tits out in a similar fashion to hers. “You will learn your place, and I’ll happily teach you that lesson.” She smacked her tits into Brooke’s the full chests meeting on the wall. Diane quickly showed her advantage, using the leverage to squish Brooke’s tits back, thought the two big mounds held their own even at this state. Both girl’s nipples had gone rigid, stabbing, and hinting that they were more desperate to match up beyond just their breasts.

    “See, I’m already dominating you.” Diane hissed, her tantalizing mouth l

    “Bold of you to say with me tied up, let me free and we can really find out which of us is best?” Brooke spat, shifting her breasts harder into Diane’s as best she could from this position.

    Diane’s eyes flashed to the nearby closet and Brooke was sure for half a second that the woman was going to accept, but then the assistant just chuckled, “Tempting…but no, you are very fortunate I have orders and already have wasted far too much time.” Diane said calmly, though Brooke could hear the lust hidden in her wannabe superior tone.


    “I’ve been called worse.” Diane huffed, as she stuffed Brooke’s fat tits back into their suit and zipped the spy up roughly before adjusting and doing her own back up to her neck. She roughly pulled Brooke off the wall and began to lead her down the hall once again. It was only one more walkway before they entered the prison room, both women’s faces a little red from their little hallway standoff. However, the room was already occupied by two women chained up.

    “Brooke!” Sienna yelled in surprise seeing her other partner captured and even more confused that the honey blonde was back in the same silver spy suit she had been wearing when they left the forest. “I don’t understand, you didn’t betray us?”

    “What? Of course not!” Brooke gasped back as some of the men in the room tied her up and placed in her the middle of the two other women on the wall. Like three beautiful pieces of art, the three women were now captured and at the mercy of the Organization.

    “They did it.” Victoria breathed looking dazed and Sienna looked at her past Brooke with fierce black eyes.

    “You knew!” Sienna snapped at the ex-spy, “And you didn’t say anything!? What are you playing at!?” The Princess yelled but Victoria's attention had changed, Diane had noticed Victoria on the wall and was viewing at her with a deadly stare that the blonde returned with equal murderous intent.

    “I knew rumors. Not worth mentioning.” She spat, her green eyes not leaving Diane’s pair.

    “Not worth mentioning? Oh my god, fuck you Victoria…you might as well have killed us yourself!” Sienna yelled as she strained against the metal.

    “What the hell are you both talking about?” Brooke asked confused, but, they didn’t even have to answer because the door of the prison opened again, and a woman walked in…a woman Brooke had seen before a million times…in front of a mirror.

    “Well, well, well, this is so wonderful. The three of you captured, I’m surprised I got these two here before you, Diane.” This new Brooke teased looking at the sexy black-haired woman.

    “I got distracted, it won’t happen again.” Diane replied, but her stare did not leave Victoria.

    “You distracted…oh I’m sure I can guess why.” The other Brooke teased her golden spy suit shining in the bright lights. Brooke was speechless, the woman in front of her talking…was her? Sienna was looking back and forth between them like she was following a tennis match and then shaking her head as if to fix her vision. Even Victoria was quiet, her eyes dancing now between this new Brooke and Diane.

    Brooke got sudden flashbacks of being locked in the temple cage, but this time her one-eyed enemy was trapped with her, and these new enemies had a different type of blood lust about them. Not to mention…who the hell was this copycat of her?

    “What the hell…” She whispered under her breath, “What the fuck is this?”

    “Hello Brooke, it’s wonderful to see you again.” The duplicate of her spoke, her voice the same as the young spy, yet this new Brooke had a flirty tone mixed in. “I’m guessing you don’t recognize me, or well, I guess you do, at least my outer appearance.”

    A final piece clicked into place and Brooke blinked twice. “Director?” She whispered unsure if she believed her own words.

    “Bingo. Well done, you always did have very good intuition.” Quinn laughed from Brooke’s body or was it no longer her body?

    “It’s not possible.”

    “Oh, but it is! After so much time, and so many near disasters, I was fully able to switch into my new body and it feels so wonderful.” Quinn laughed, running her hands on her new form, her tight clothes showing every curve that was matched on the trap spy's own form.

    The three prisoners looked stunned, while Diane smiled lovingly at her boss, “It’s amazing to see you so full of life again, and even better it comes at the expense of the two most disappointing spies in the history of our organization.” She said, now glancing at the trapped Victoria and Brooke, “Victoria…oh how I wanted to be the one to kill you, but must admit, I do like the idea of watching you suffer in the pits for the rest of your pathetic life.”

    “You couldn’t kill me last time, and you won’t succeed this time.” Victoria hissed, an anger that even towards Brooke she didn’t have.

    “Hmm, yes, I did fail on murdering you, but your eye was a good condolence prize.” Diane grinned, running her finger over her left eye, the same color as the one Victoria was missing.

    Victoria's whole body went rigid as someone had just stabbed her, and Brooke looked over at her rival with wide eyes.

    “YOU BITCH! LET ME DOWN AND I CAN PAY YOU BACK RIGHT NOW!” The blonde screamed, straining at her chains as if to rip into Diane. Her voice going shrill a level of uncontrol only Brooke had seen in the passion of their sexfight, and not once before or since.

    “Victoria, don’t let her get to you!” Sienna yelled, surprisingly. “Calm down!” Brooke added, but Victoria was seeing red, seething like an animal with bared teeth at the professional beauty.

    Diane simply laughed at her longtime rival, “It’s okay, let one eye here live in her pain. Maybe I’ll request her drugged and fucked like a dog in a few days to ease the frustration she feels.”

    Suddenly, the door opened again and in walked the Countess in a lab coat and not much else if you guessed by her bare strong legs. She had circular big glasses on, and the coat showed off her full chest and shapely toned legs. She took in the sight of the prisoners smoothly, and even seemed to take the two Brooke’s in stride. “Hello everyone. Sorry I’m late.”

    “Courtney, again you are late to the summon. What happened this time?” Diane replied giving a glare at the new arrival who in turn basically ignored her, her brown eyes finding Sienna and sparkling.

    “Oh, sorry I was working in the lab but heard we caught the intruders! I was wondering if I could speak privately to…”

    But Quinn put her hand up, and Courtney stopped mid-sentence, but Brooke noticed a twitch in her eye, a sign that she was not one to take orders like that lightly.

    “We can review your requests when WE can speak in private.” Diane snapped at the young scientist in her white lab coat, and Quinn nodded at her second in command. “Yes, it can wait Courtney. We will put them in the pits, you can meet with anyone you want once they are drugged.”

    The sexy looking Countess pushed up her glasses, and then looked at Sienna who was glaring back at her. “Hmmm.” She mummed, but said nothing else, her brown eyes glancing at Sienna every few seconds.

    Now that the other conversations were done, Brooke had so many questions, but she could only get out the first that was on the tip of her tongue, “But why me?”

    “Oh, quite a few things really.” Quinn responded turning back to the trapped women. She brought a finger to her chin and paced back and forth in front of Brooke, her ass looking just as good in the gold as Brooke’s did in the silver. “Firstly, we are actually the most combatable, my old body and yours are nearly identical in terms of, blood, DNA, and peak performance. Obviously, I had other options, but ours made the most sense, and I’m a perfectionist. Secondly, and this might surprise you, but our sexual tastes are very aligned. My mind of course is my own, but your body was built for sexual skill. After reading and analyzing all your sexfighting missions, I was able to confirm it could be used for everything I need. I needed a body to enjoy and could use to get what I desired. Simply put, you were one of the biggest sluts, I have ever reviewed…though still a bit less than me admittedly.” She added at the end tauntingly.

    Brooke was speechless, her whole life as a spy looked more and more like a farce.

    “Now, before you ask, no, I’m not some robot, this is my body, and I’ve already started to make it my own, improve it. I already have surpassed yours honestly.” She added teasingly but Brooke felt the insult at both her sex and the core of who she was in general. If this bitch chose her body to copy for the reasons she mentioned, then there was a really easy way for them to determine who was better.

    “Prove it. Let’s have a sexfight, original versus clone. The winner locks the loser away for good!” Brooke hissed. There was no way that Quinn hadn’t considered it and seeing her pause for a second confirmed it for Brooke.

    “Clone? That is a slightly accurate interpretation but quite rude because I’m me, and you are you. We share bodies but not minds, so I think twins is a bit more accurate. And I’m 100% confident if we ever did tangle, you would be the one ending up thinking she is the clone.”

    Diane laughed at Brooke’s glare towards Quinn and kissed her lips at Victoria who seethed.

    Quinn shook her head, “We will never get the chance to really see anything between us, but don’t worry that is not because we are going to kill you three yet. You will all remain here, locked up as our toys and main attractions. We will drug you up and keep you on display for our games, and funding; thus is the life of the losers of this spy game we played.”

    Neither Victoria, Brooke nor Sienna spoke, the reality of their situation setting in. Diane was beaming, looking at Victoria, but Courtney was looking at Quinn with an interesting look that Brooke couldn’t place.

    Quinn giggled, “But since you asked, let me give you a taste of what would happen if you ever tried to compete with me.” She stepped forward to Brooke who squirmed seeing herself approach, like looking in a mirror though the eyes were less warm and had a darkness to them. She stopped standing right in front of Brooke, their tits just touching but separated by walls of clothes. Quinn tilted her head to the right, and Brooke did the same, both doing the natural motion. Then, Brooke kissed Quinn, closing the distance, and letting the matching pairs of soft pink lips caress. It was so soft at first, and a warning of danger shot through Brooke’s body. But she didn’t have time to compute this as the other pair began to move and so did hers. It was a still soft, light brushes before a groan and slip of a tongue, but which neither would admit.

    The two bodies of Brooke’s made out even with one still trapped to the wall. The original Brooke groaned in frustration with how amazing it felt to kiss herself, to feel the challenge of her own body already demanding to fight itself. Luckily, she seemed to not be the only one as Quinn was panting in equal heat in their wet kiss. Every time their lips separated, there were hot strings of spit as the kiss got sloppier, wetter, exploding around their lips. After almost 15 seconds, the kiss was ended by Quinn, as she brushed some of her honey-blonde hair out of the way and then did the same to Brooke. Their matching eyes blinked in surprise and their equal faces blushed red in passion.

    “Fascinating.” Quinn breathed between their still-touching pink lips, and then she stepped away. The rest of the women in the room looked very aroused watching the twin Brooke’s swap spit, their bodies equal down to every single cell. Before things got out of hand, Quinn fixed her hair and readjusted her clothes. She then eyed all three locked-up women. “Well, sadly, we will be leaving you here now. I will send the men in shortly to start the process of breaking your wills. It will not be a fun process for you.”

    “I won’t let you get away with this Quinn.” Brooke hissed, desperate to stop this bitch, and kiss her again if it started something far nastier between them.

    “Oh, sweet Brooke, this game is over. But don’t worry, you will still get to see me, with MY body living in this world from your little cage.”

    Quinn turned and walked with her hips showing off her perfect ass in the gold suit, left with Diane in tow from the prison. Courtney lingered a few seconds, eyeing Sienna a bit longer than anyone would expect before she too left, muttering something under her breath.

    10 minutes later, the bickering began, and Brooke snapped back to where she was now. It felt like the last week of her life had flashed before her eyes, and once again she tried to the locks on her legs as Sienna and Victoria fell silent, everyone out of ideas. It was hard not to feel the despair creeping into them. Even if they escaped, Victoria would be hunted forever, and in the end, she could not escape her past. Sienna had failed to protect the artifact, her promise broken, and the research out in the world unchecked. And Brooke, not only had she failed as a spy but now another person had stolen her body. Quinn was right, she was still far too naïve. She remembered growing up wanting a sister, it almost made her laugh now that it seemed she had a twin, and an evil one at that, just like the movies she dreamed of being in.

    But fuck Quinn. Fuck her for stealing her body and fuck all the other bitches who ran this group. She had come too far to be some sex slave for the rest of her life, she wouldn’t do it. She just needed a chance, a chance to get at Quinn because if her kiss told her anything, the bitch was very interested in having a one-on-one sexfight with her to the orgasmic end.

    “We need to get out of here,” Brooke growled, her rage seeping into her voice to the point both Victoria and Sienna glanced over at her in surprise.

    “Well, unless you have any tricks up your sleeve Brooke, we aren’t going anywhere. We failed and we will be lucky to get out of here in alive.” Victoria murmured; her defeated tone equally as unnatural from her mouth. Maybe it was Diane, or maybe it was the year on the run, but Victoria seemed like she had run out of steam.

    For some reason, hearing the ex-spy sound like that pissed Brooke off. This whole thing pissed her off, and she wasn’t going to let her longtime rival act like this before she finished breaking her will sexually, “Shut the fuck up Victoria. We are getting out of here because I’m not letting you think that our fight was a mistake. I’m going to fuck you into a coma as soon as I’m done fucking Quinn into a slave.”

    Victoria’s one good eye flashed, and she turned her head, “You bitch. Our first fight was a fucking warm-up, next time I’ll have you in every fucking way until you pass out.”

    “You can wait your turn. I’m going to fuck Brooke first, she and I have an oil massage to keep, and is the reason I am fucking trapped with you two sluts.” Sienna snapped, her black eyes glowing in anger.

    “Fuck off Princess. I’ll leave you in a puddle of your own cum after I finish Brooke.”

    Brooke grinned as the women hissed, at sexual threats and how they were gonna settle their issues as soon as this nightmare was over. It was as though their anger and desire overwhelmed their despair and would get them ready to fuck those three bitches down. Now she just needed to get them out of this fucking prison for just a chance at some of the nastiest sexfights that could happen.

    Suddenly, the bolts around their wrists and ankles unlocked and the three women shrieked in unison at the shortfall, though they landed gracefully on the prison floor. “What the hell?” Brooke whispered in shock, looking around, waiting for an attack. But instead, the door of the prison opened, but no one entered, and no guards were stationed to watch them.

    “Victoria? Another one of your surprises?” Sienna questioned on guard at both the ex-spy and now open door for whatever may come through.

    “No, this is not my doing, but I do not think we should let this opportunity pass us up.” The blonde replied, and Brooke nodded in agreement. Maybe they did have an ally, she thought…but if she never found out, it didn’t matter. She had to get to Quinn and end this Organization. If that meant getting Quinn and her own body to submit in her way, then she would do whatever was necessary.

    No longer hesitating, the three women sprinted out of the cell, following Victoria who was leading them to the elevator and where she was sure Diane, Courtney, and Quinn were located. Victoria, Brooke, and Sienna, now on the hunt, three incredible sexpots sprinting down the halls of the hotels wearing their skin latex suits and taking out any resistance they met with ease.

    As the three turned the final corner to the elevator, all three stopped in their tracks; standing at the front of the door was the young Countess still in her white lab coat. The dark brown-haired woman looked surprised, her eyes flashing between the three sexy women in front of her, but her brown orbs landed on Sienna the longest. “Wow, that’s not good.” She huffed, but then a little grin came from her red lips. She pulled out from behind her back the small artifact, waving it once at the three women before disappearing down a hall to the left and away from the elevator in a sprint.

    “I’m going after her,” Sienna yelled and Brooke could tell from the firmness of her voice she would not be swayed.

    “It’s a trap you fool.” Victoria hissed, her body on edge as she looked back at where they came from checking for more guards.

    “Yeah, but this is my only chance. I need to know how she found out the secrets of my culture. Good luck you two…I mean it.” Sienna yelled back already moving down the hallway and taking a sharp left the way the Countess had gone. She broke out in a sprint, desperate not to lose the trail of the Countess. It was doubtful the woman would hide in one of the rooms, and if she kept on this path, Sienna mapped that she would end up in one of the furthest pools on the western part of the island. She chased the trail of the Countess for almost 3 minutes worried that maybe she had lost her. But as she reached the final door to the outside pools, the white lab coat that the Countess had been wearing was on the floor discarded at the exit. It seemed she had decided to blend into the crowd that Sienna guessed was beyond the secret door thanks to the amount of noise coming from just beyond the exit. Running out there in her black catsuit would draw way too much attention, so she stripped down to her itty bity tiny string bikini that she was very thankful she wore underneath.

    She opened the door and closed it quickly, hit by the wave of heat in the tropics. The door was literally unnoticeable unless you knew it was already there. There was basically a party going on around her suddenly, such a weird change from the prison less than a few minutes ago. and a bunch of men and women were dancing and jumping onto the pool. Laughing like some college party, a thing Sienna missed from her time secretly studying abroad.

    Sienna made her way through, quickly drawing eyes and hoots of appreciation at her skimpiness. She continued to look, desperate the find the Countess or Courtney as she now knew her. She moved through towards the edge of the furthest pool and then froze. She saw her, the Countess was near the edge of the forest, and pool; right near the wall marked with signs to go no further. When Sienna locked eyes with her, the woman smiled, holding the artifact. She then turned, and Sienna hissed seeing the woman was wearing an equally tiny string bikini, her entire ass on display besides three little blue lines thinner than her pinky. But she only got a glimpse as the Countess jumped the fence and disappeared into the isolated forest, daring the Princess to follow her alone. Sienna moved across the party quickly, and then looking back at the hotel wondering if her allies of the day were okay, she hopped the fence and followed Courtney McBrayer into the dense muggy forest.


    Back in the hotel, and after ascending the fast elevator, Brooke and Victoria ran side by side in their catsuits, enemies united for at least now. They no longer were meeting any resistance now on the top floor. Per all their combined intel, there were only two rooms on this floor, and they suspected both their enemies would be there. Coming to what they thought was the second to the final door, it opened straight up, and they rushed in, hearing it close and seal behind them. Yet, they found it empty with a large, tiled floor with a single desk and a lone woman with long midnight black wavy hair sitting behind it.

    “Already? Ugh, that stupid scientist. I just knew we should have executed you three right away…slaves like you are far too troublesome.” Diane hissed, standing there in her white latex catsuit, the same size, color, and style as Victoria’s except the ex-spies was zipped down to her navel while Diane’s was fully closed.

    “Where is Quinn?” Brooke demanded and Diane’s eyes flashed in anger at the spy even speaking to her, “I won’t allow you to disturb her, you two both have a date in the pit.” She sneered, her green eyes flashing then at Victoria as the ex-spy felt her body react to just being a few feet from her.

    It all happened so fast, Diane had hit a button, and the entire floor started to crumble under Brooke and Victoria. But before Brooke could even think, she was kicked just hard enough for her to lunge forward and miss falling in the first hole. This gave Brooke a chance and she hopped and jumped milliseconds ahead of the openings towards the far door with Victoria trapped on the other with no way around.

    “Bitch!” Diane yelled, shocked that Victoria had shot Brooke forward instead of herself. From her own wrist, she launched a robe towards Brooke to pull her back, but before it reached the flung spy, Victoria had already shot her own twine, and the two strings twisted in an unbreakable knot. Victoria’s gear was more advanced and of the Organization’s design, shooting a surge of electracy into Diane’s own wrist launcher malfunctioning it for a moment. But that is where her tricks ended, and with a scream, Victoria fell through the growing hole in the floor in which she could not escape from. A desperate Diane screamed in surprise as she was hurled forward as she desperately attempted to disengage her wire or force off her launcher from her wrist to no avail.

    Brooke landed on her feet at the exit and whipped around just in time to see Victoria descend with Diane in tow. It was clear the room was built to have the floor come out from under them, meaning the people who fell ended up someone deliberate. But as she thought about the map, Brooke had no idea where Diane and Victoria were going to end up. She wanted to go after her, save her ally, but she felt like she could hear Victoria whisper in her ear, ‘Continue the mission…you bitch.’

    Unable to go anywhere but forward Brooke pressed on down the hall, with only a single door at the end. She was ready to hack the device again but there was no need. It opened invitingly, and she slowed down to a walk as she entered the king suite.

    Behind her, Diane pulled in Victoria who met her happily on the slick-oiled slide they ended up collapsing down on. They screamed as they tumbled, clawing at each other’s thin latex suits, their spy wristbands coming off, now completely useless from the impacts of the fall. After exchanging a few slaps, both women lost sense of the direction they rolled and seemed to grasp each other just to stop the spinning. They fell for another 10 seconds until she and Diane crashed onto what felt like a gym mat leaving the pipe. They gasped for breath, needing almost a few minutes to steady themselves from the dizziness.

    Finally, Victoria sat up and faced Diane who had just recovered as well. ‘Where the hell were they?’ Victoria thought, her intel not giving her a single hint, but Diane’s eyes looked stunned. Suddenly two lights were shown above them revealing were in a rounded cage circular cage all around them. The slides had already been removed and closed off. Slowly, the shock from Diane’s face faded when her eyes found Victoria, she licked her lips. Of all the places they would end up, this would be it.

    “Welcome ladies and gentlemen, thank you for responding so quickly to our summons…though we don’t blame you. We have these two prisoners here to settle their differences in the CUM PIT!”

    Victoria looked around at the cage, just tall enough to stand up if they were near the center but only about 8 feet wide, so they couldn’t get away. She then ran her hand on the sides of the cage, finding the material firm but soft, clearly made so that they couldn’t escape but also not hurt each other using it. “Fuck.” She hissed; did he say, ‘cum pit’…that wasn’t where she had planned to end up. It seemed Sienna was correct, the further you went down, the nastier it became to this point. It was mostly men around them, very attractive men but some women too, whose eyes looked almost admiring at the two sex goddesses now in the cage. She could only assume everyone here paid millions to be down here.

    Diane looked equally as annoyed but then her eyes fell on Victoria, and her lips curled into a cruel grin. Knowing there was no way out because she had set up these rings and events personally, that meant they were locked here. That was the rules of the Pits, something she and Quinn had created to fund millions of dollars in minutes. Not waiting, Diane began to slowly zip down her cat white suit, her massive tits slowly appearing, equal to the size of Victoria’s incredible chest. She wore no bra, and it seemed nothing over her nethers as well as it passed her navel and she peeled it off her arms.


    As Brooke walked into the final room of the hotel, she felt in awe of its vast and updated style. It felt like she had just walked into a top-line Manhattan apartment, aka her dream life. It had a full kitchen, an upstairs by glass stairs, and all glass walls, including the outside. It looked so incredible, and she wanted to explore, but there in the center by the far full glass wall was a massive California king bed…and the leader of the organization, Quinn was standing there in front, still in her gold catsuit. Quinn was reading some documents, and when she looked up her blue eyes widened in excitement.

    “Wow, you escaped…now this is a surprise, you are just full of them aren’t you, Brooke? I assume the Countess must have let you out? She was so desperate to talk to Princess Sienna, something about having some ancient duel with her. Very frustrating, but alas, now that her research is done, we can dispose of her.”

    “Allies are that disposable to you, huh?”

    “Of course, we play the game, everyone knows the rules.

    “I have had plenty of practice, you have been talking to a robot the last few weeks, disabled.

    I honestly quite hoped we could have another conversation before your demise, a compression between us is incredible. I’m guessing Victoria and Diane are now fighting? That will be interesting though I’m confident my raven-haired beauty will destroy your blonde-haired slut.

    “Doubtful, Victoria is the best fuck I have ever had. A prude like Diane has no chance.”

    “Hmm, I guess we will find out.”

    They were identical in every way and even more so, a perfect clone with a arguably even more dangerous mind. Brooke huffed pushing down all her dirty thoughts, “Give up Quinn. I’m taking you in.” She said with far more bravo than she felt. With no weapon and in the enemy base, she doubted she gave off much of a threat to Quinn of all people.

    “Oh, no I won’t be going anywhere. This is the beginning of my new hidden world order, built from the work of the Organization, the one you helped create.”

    “Yeah, and I’m here to make up for my mistakes, and I’m going start by stopping you.”

    “Oh, and how are you going to do that?” Quinn asked, her flirty tone back and amped up to the highest of levels.

    “Anyway necessary.”

    “Interesting…I can think of a few ways, and I’m sure your offer still stands from the prison? A little sexfight between us? Settle everything with our bodies?”

    Brooke simply glared, but then gave a nod. This is how it had to be, the underlying sexual implications between far too great.

    “Wonderful, because I just can’t have you running around the world, can I? Far too much DNA security nowadays and that means you can access everything I can.”

    “I guess being a pathetic clone has its drawbacks huh?” Brooke taunted and watched as Quinn’s face flashed in rage, and she slowly turned from the window, her face looking furious.

    “I let it slide in the prison thanks to your shock, but use that word again, and I will fuck you within an inch of your life. No quarter until you’re passed out in pleasure, eyes rolled. To the point that you think you are the clone between us.”

    “Touched a nerve huh? Good, because I want you angry and then I’m going to fuck you down nice and slow.”

    “You would know Brooke; we have the same nerves. Isn’t that right, twin? I’m very hungry for sex, and haven’t been able to use it this week as much as I would have liked.”

    Quinn reached up slowly and began to unzip her gold cat suit down to the top of her navel, nothing underneath. Brooke watched with hungy eyes as the copy of her and reached into her suit, down to her wet smooth cunt where she rubbed for a few long seconds. Then, she pulled it out her fingers dripping in white thick cum. She wiggled her fingers at Brooke and then started to lick them slowly her bright blue eyes looking insane with lust.

    Brooke followed suit with the host of the room, undoing her silver from the front and allowing her breasts to breath and her stomach to flex. Then she copied Quinn, reaching in to find her sweet pussy gushing, the week of masturbation while being around all these sexually heated women coming to a front. Penelope from the pool, Nina from the casino, the Countess Courtney, Diane, Sienna, and Victoria. All of it built up and now she was going to unleash it on the biggest slut and monster of all, risk it while using her greatest talent against a woman who thought she was better. A woman with her own body, and one she knew better than any. She licked her hands cum covered hands slowly, her blue eyes equally as crazed as Quinn’s, her lust at an all-time high. “Let’s fuck, clone.”

    Sorry all, this was way to long with not enough action. No more fucking build up. I really hope people aren’t bored and I’m sorry, but it is now here. 3 big fights are raring to go, Sienna vs Courtney, Victoria vs Diane, and Brooke vs Quinn. I’ve been enjoying writing each one cause they all feel a little different, but I’ll let yall be the judges of that. Well, I hope you all enjoyed this part. I Know it was stupid long and not enough real sexfight action. Thanks to all who sent the costume ideas form the last comment. Loved them. I really want to do more stories with the libarary girls and have started on both the bar fight and band fight, and the sorority girls. But I don’t know which one to focus on. I have a fun idea for all 3, which could be really fun to write. Or people are sick of these stories and I’ll fuck it off
    Bar War or Band War or Sorority war?

    I also found my old notes and an old story that made me laugh and I’ll prob post. Basically when I wrote a night alone with Marissa and Isabella, I had written two other stories about roommates fighting (though it wasn’t the same girls) So they are really short (llike a night alone but honestly I think they are still good, so will prob post those out.

    Anyway, let me know your thoughts if willing, and thanks for sticking with this story. The next ones will be shorter and better haha.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Don’t ever think you do too much buildup. You are the master of buildup more so than anyone else. And I will absolutely, positively never get tired of the Maggie and Amber series. I’d be amazed if anyone was. You have honestly never posted a bad or even average story before, so I look forward to anything that comes from you.

    Anyway, this was great. I love the frenemy relationship and sexual tension between the three. Your girls always have great chemistry and very compelling rivalries. I also love the idea of rivals teaming up against a common enemy as it allows for great banter and character interaction, as well as buildup for future confrontations, as we see here. Also, a fight between a hot blonde and her clone who has identical stats to her? Now, why does that sound so familiar to me recently?(Sarcasm intensifies)

    I look forward to all three fights and hopefully we get to see the fight between Penelope and Nina for a chance at Brooke too. That can just be an epilogue chapter, though.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Dear King,

    Great part 3 of the story! As Yuri wrote, and as I have said many times, no one does buildup like you do, but it always pays off! It's just a bit frustrating to get there. You've set up all the fight really well and now we have only to look forward to the actual showdowns! And don't forget Nina and Penelope. I hope that both of them do end up in Brooke's bed at some point, too!

    Great work, already looking forward to Part 4.


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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    FIRST OFF, no more beating yourself up over build up, world building, character development all that fun stuff. Your in that few that manage to make the trip as entertaining as the destination with these types of stories.

    Not like its been conflict free either. Had a titfight, blow job contest and.. a fight? Not sure what to call Sienna and Brookes oil tussle in chapter 3, was fun though. Also I think Brooke has set a record for number of fights picked in one story, hell she set Penelope and Nina together because she was to busy.

    Evil Twin Quinn was not on my list of how the story would play out, that'll be interesting. Along with the sex dungeon cage match and jungle tangle. Hope you got a laugh out of the Danger Girl comic I linked you. And looking forward to the rest of the story.

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Quote Originally Posted by kingofdapirates1 View Post
    Sorry all, this was way to long with not enough action.
    Finally managed to read this part and all I can say is: WOW! Don't apologize, this was hot as hell and the tension was high the whole time. Thanks for sharing it! Part 4 isn't posted yet, or am I too dumb to find it?

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    Junior Hostboard Member UltimateZeroStar's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3


    Great setup chapter. I think I'm most interested in Sienna vs Courtney because they're newer characters. I'm kind of impressed at how well each fight is set up. The twist with Quinn really took me by surprise too. I didn't expect the body change at all lol.

    Even if it was just set-up I really enjoyed the story. The next chapter is out already, so I'm going to keep this comment short.

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    Junior Hostboard Member pjaz12345's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Firstly, don't be so hard on yourself for the buildup , it adds volumes to your stories and makes your characters so much memorable and their actions much more meaningful.

    Secondly , I'm glad you considered my suggestion of Costume Sexfight though i must add that i mentioned "Cosplay Sexfight" since i thought it suits so well to Riley and Marissa given how both anime girls are into it and personally i even felt a little tease of it reading their
    private sexfight .

    Lastly "Sorority Wars" given how your recent findings of your old notes about other pairs of roommates fighting fits so naturally in this part of the saga. Sorority girls dueling all over the place sounds so tempting.Riley , Marissa , Isabella and more....
    Last edited by pjaz12345; March 28th, 2024 at 03:34 PM.

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    Hostboard Member Killian's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    There are many free sites that allow you to find people and find out a lot of information about a person. By going to you can find out other information about the person whose profile you find through the service. There you can find out if the person you know has a criminal record or if he or she has ever been prosecuted. Even if your acquaintance has moved from his previous address and not given it to you, this service will tell you exactly where he is today.
    Last edited by Killian; May 17th, 2024 at 05:37 AM.

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    Hostboard Member wrestlemanijak's Avatar
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    Re: A Game of Espionage Part 3

    Part 4...coming soon,cant wait any longer...Great story King,thanks a lot......

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