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Thread: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Dear Board,

    Here is a brand new story in "The Lost World" series - which, I now realize, has only one other story! You can find it on Rival's website, if it is too difficult to find here. It is called "Latischa in the Lost World." I have another "Latischa" story on the go and I might post it soon, but this story requires a bit of explanation.

    First, it is a prequel to the "Latischa" story that I actually started writing quite a while ago. I just dusted it off this morning, realized how close it was to being done, and decided to finish it off and post it. Second, this story can be regarded as complete. It really is not - it is only part one of what I see has a 3-4 part story -but, for now, as you will see, it does end right before the events of "Latischa". Right now, I feel fairly inspired writing this story so I will probably have the other parts of it up fairly soon.

    Before I go any further, yes, I know I still have a few stories on the go, particularly "By the Light of the Moon." I have not forgotten that and it will be up/completed soon. But, I have to go where inspiration takes me and if this story has inspiration behind it, it makes sense to follow that!

    A bit more backstory here: like the first "Latischa" story, this story is based on "The Lost World" series that was published in Penthouse Comix ages ago. In this story, Libby is the main character. She is a blonde society woman who gets trapped in the dinosaur world. She is actually the main character for most of the Penthouse Comix stories and Latischa is only featured in one long story. But, for me, Latischa is the main character of my "Lost World" series. However, this story will be (especially in the later parts) more about Libby. In the PC original stories, Latischa and Libby are rivals and I build on that here. I plan to build on it a lot more going forward.

    Anyway, please enjoy this story and let me know what you think. I'll try to have up part two (and more of "By the Light of the Moon") by next week.


    Libby in the Lost World

    Part One: Latischa vs. Libby: A Mid-Air Collision

    The giant airplane cut across the Pacific sky. It was still many hours away from its destination in Australia, but the private flight had gotten off to a raucous start. On the top level, in the plane’s largest cabin, a group of football players were an hour deep into an orgy with a group of five or six gorgeous flight attendants, many of whom had been hired for their willingness to keep the players entertained. The rest of the plane had very few passengers, but those who were aboard were all incredibly rich or part of the wealthy passengers’ entourages.

    Latischa did her rounds, visiting the different compartments and making sure that the VIP guests were comfortable. Her uniform was a cross between a regular flight attendant’s uniform and the sexy modifications that the private airline promoted. Her skirt stretched tight across her wide hips and rode high on her lush thighs. It fit sumptuously on her taut, round ass. Her blouse strained against her buxom chest. The top three buttons of the shirt were undone, allowing a generous display of chocolate-colored cleavage and it was impossible to miss that she was not wearing a bra as her massive breasts shifted freely under their thin cover. The hint of her dark brown areola under the white cloth left no doubt.

    Latischa had already visited most of the private compartments with a drink cart. Now she was just doing follow-up before she headed upstairs to see what was happening with the football team.

    Latischa had come to the luxury airline industry a bit late in her career. She had a degree in business and had started studying psychology at a university in Miami. She had been working her way through school as a stripper at one of the local high-end men’s clubs. It had been a lucrative profession but one of her clients had suggested that she look into the flight attendant position at a private airline that catered to the wealthy. Latischa had always wanted to travel and the salary for the flight attendant position was extremely good. As an attendant on these flights, it was understood that she might offer the passengers a bit more than the usual, but Latischa was alright with that. She had no problem with nudity; she was an incredibly beautiful and voluptuous woman who had an extremely healthy libido. As long as her bosses did not object to it, having sex with clients and, possibly, getting some fringe benefits out of it was not something that bothered her. Besides, she did not have to do anything she did not want to do. She had been in this position for more than a year and, so far, had visited many interesting places and had many memorable experiences. She did not regret her decision at all.

    Of course, being in the service sector often meant dealing with unruly and irritating customers and this flight had presented her with one of the biggest assholes she had yet encountered. Her nemesis was a woman, a beautiful and incredibly curvaceous blonde who had come aboard as the companion of an Arab sheikh who was involved in financing the football team. The man was middle-aged and quite quiet, which surprised Latischa and appealed to her. The Sheikh was handsome and fit and a bit standoffish, but not in a cold or offensive way. He seemed strangely shy, even a little bashful around the beautiful women, an oddity given his traveling companion. Latischa decided to pay him a little bit of extra attention. Unfortunately, this put her immediately on the wrong side of his blonde mistress, Libby.

    Libby Horowitz was a Park Avenue, Jewish-American princess and, quite possibly, a high-class whore, though Latischa could not be certain of that. What was certain was that the woman was incredibly obnoxious and even abusive. From the moment she had come on board the plane, she was demanding, rude and insulting to the flight attendants. She appeared to feel threatened by the plentitude of spectacularly beautiful and voluptuous women on the plane – a perfectly understandable reaction for a mistress, despite the fact that Libby’s physical qualities easily rivaled any of the other woman. She was tall, blue-eyed, gorgeous and incredibly stacked. Her body was a symphony of spectacular curves and bulging breasts. She was dressed to the nines in expensive clothing, including three-inch stilettos that showed off her powerful, sculpted legs to their advantage, and a tight blouse, open almost to her navel, that allowed her incredible tits to bounce around unencumbered. She was practically dripping in jewelry and furs.

    Libby also had a very well-developed sense of threat and she somehow detected Latischa’s passing interest in the blonde’s meal ticket. From the moment that the plane took off, Latischa and Libby had been at each other’s throats. The micro-aggressions, at first, had been subtle. Rudeness and snarky remarks from Libby, mostly, which Latischa tried to bear stoically. Latischa retaliated by paying even more solicitous attention to the Sheikh, making sure to bend low and give him a clear view of her considerable breasts and delicious cleavage, a response that drove Libby up the wall. The women’s mutual hostility was going strong just a couple of hours into the flight.

    Latischa was halfway through her rounds when she got to the door of the sheikh’s spacious cabin. She hesitated, not wanting to get into another confrontation with her blonde passenger. On the other hand, she was not the kind of woman to back away from a fight and the blonde had been pushing her buttons ever since the flight started. “Fuck that,” Latischa muttered under her breath. She rang the bell to the room and, when there was no answer, turned the knob and pushed the door open.

    “Sheikh Ahmad?” Latischa called out. “Is there anything I can get for you, sir?”

    Latischa realized she had made a mistake the moment she opened the door. The Sheikh was sitting in his chair, its back to the cabin door. Libby was sitting in the sheikh’s lap. Her blouse was completely open, most of her jewelry (except for her necklace) was off, and her breasts were bouncing freely as she worked her hips. She was riding the man’s cock, and doing an excellent job of keeping him incredibly hard and stoked. The rutting couple had not heard the bell or Latischa’s call because they were making too much noise. Latischa had not been able to hear their grunts, groans and cries over the hall noise and the rumble of the plane’s powerful engine.

    The Sheikh was turned away from Latischa when she entered, but Libby was facing her directly. The blonde woman’s gorgeous face immediately lit up with fury on seeing the flight attendant.

    “You fucker!” Libby screeched. “Can’t you see we’re busy? Don’t you knock? You stupid whore!”

    Latischa was taken aback, but she was also not someone to take these gratuitous insults passively. “Who are you calling a ‘whore’, you dumb slut?” she snapped. “If you don’t want people walking in on you, lock the fucking door!”

    Libby pulled herself off of the Sheikh’s dick with a sucking pop. Latischa noticed the blonde was still wearing her shoes and, surprisingly, her thong, which she had pushed to the side when she was riding the sheikh. The woman slipped her thong back over her clean-shaven cunt as she stood up. She crossed the cabin to Latischa in an instant, her big tits bouncing out of her open shirt.

    “You’re the hired help, you cunt!” Libby screamed. “Don’t talk back to me! Just do your fucking job!” Amazingly, she reached out and grabbed Latischa by her thick black hair and her big tit and began pushing the beautiful flight attendant out of the cabin.
    Latischa could barely believe she was being assaulted by this Park Avenue bitch. “Let go of me, you cunt!” she screamed. She retaliated by yanking at Libby’s thick blonde locks and pushing the bitch on her chest. Latischa’s free hand overflowed with Libby’s titmeat as she shoved back.

    “You fuck!” Libby shouted as they stumbled out into the hall, their high heels unable to keep balance. The struggling women crashed into the far wall, still squeezing the other’s tit and pulling hair.

    The chief flight attendant and one of the plane’s senior male attendants happened to be passing by, deep in conversation about technical questions related to the plane’s supplies when Latischa and Libby flew out into the hall, screaming and clawing at each other. The more senior staff members rushed up to pull the shouting, cursing women apart.

    “Latischa, calm down,” warned Peggy, the chief attendant. “Miss Horowitz, you please calm down too. Please stop this at once!”

    Peggy pulled Latischa away. Latischa did not resist. Roger, the male attendant grabbed Libby around the waist, careful to avoid touching her bouncing tits (which was next to impossible) and restrained her.

    “I want this bitch fired, I want her gone!” Libby screamed, pointing at Latischa.

    “She attacked me!” Latischa shouted. “She pulled my hair and pushed me first, because she didn’t lock the door and was giving the Sheikh a lap fuck!”

    “OK, OK,” Roger said. “Ms. Horowitz, did you attack Latischa?”

    “The bitch walked in on us! She’s been stalking Ahmad since we got on this plane!”

    “Fuck you, you jealous bitch! It’s all in your imagination! I can’t be held responsible for your paranoid fantasies!”

    Latischa and Libby were nose to nose, screaming at each other, being held back by the people gripping them from behind.

    “That’s enough!” Peggy barked. “From both of you! Ms. Horowitz, get back in your cabin. We won’t tolerate any of our guests attacking our employees!” She gestured at the other attendant. “Roger, please see Ms. Horowitz to her room.”

    The man nodded. Gripping Libby from behind by her biceps, he turned her around and marched her back into the cabin and kicked the door shut behind them. Libby’s angry voice could be heard through the closed door.

    Peggy released Latischa. “She attacked me, Peg,” Latischa began.

    Peggy waved her hand. “Yes, I know. That woman is a bitch. She’s flown with us before and was a problem then, too. Just don’t let yourself be caught alone with her.” Peggy smiled, a wicked grin. “Why don’t you go up to the football players’ cabin and see if you can help out there? I’ll deal with Ms. Horowitz here, calm her down.”

    “Thanks Peg.” Latischa walked off, still fuming. That blonde bitch had attacked her, insulted her and tried to get her fired. She was not used to walking away from a fight, but she decided to let this one go, even though it left her with a sour taste in her mouth. Latischa decided not to check out the orgy on the top deck. She just did not feel in the mood to get fucked from a dozen different directions. She continued on her rounds. When she next saw Peggy, the head flight attendant assured her that she had calmed Libby down with a combination of threats and promises.

    “I warned her that if she kept this up, she would not be able to fly with us again. I also promised her I would look into your conduct, but don’t worry about that, that’s just blowing hot air. This incident is not going beyond this flight. You just try to stay away from her. All of the passengers on this flight will be flying back with us in five days, so she’ll be on the plane then, too. I’ll make sure you get an assignment that doesn’t involve interacting with her on the way back.”

    “Thanks, Peg, I owe you one.”

    “No problem, babe. By the way, aren’t you going to check out the top deck? Things here are quiet and we’ll be entering the sleep phase soon, so there won’t be much to do. I’ll probably be heading up there shortly.”

    “No, I’m going to skip this time. I may just go to sleep in our quarters.”

    “OK, but I guarantee you’ll get lots of attention if you come up! In fact, I hear some of the players have been asking about you.”

    Latischa smiled. “Let them ask. Maybe I’ll catch them on the way back.”

    Peggy and Latischa parted company. Latischa completed her rounds and took care of some more odds and ends around the plane. About a half-hour later, she was preparing to head to the flight attendants’ quarters when she noticed the Sheikh walking down the hall, heading in her direction. She wondered if he was just out for a walk. His private cabin had its own bathroom, complete with a shower, and he could get anything he wanted by pushing a button. She smiled to herself as the thought crossed her mind that maybe Libby’s disgusting personality had driven him from the cabin.

    “Sheikh Ahmad?” Latischa said, walking towards the man on her stiletto heels. She was looking forward to doffing her heels and getting into her bare feet, but that would need to wait. “Can I help you, sir? Are you looking for something?”

    “Actually, Miss Latischa, I was looking for you,” the gentle-spoken man began. He looked worried but also very embarrassed. “I want to apologize for my traveling companion’s conduct. She can be a very difficult person. She had no right to scream at you and push you and try to terminate your employment. What happened was clearly an accident and I hope you can forgive her for her behavior. I promise you that nothing will come of it.”

    Latischa smiled warmly. She liked the man even more. “I appreciate your apology and your effort to come here and tell me yourself. I was not worried, but I think it was very considerate of you to be concerned about my feelings.”

    The man almost blushed and Latischa wondered, again, how such a bashful man could occupy such a powerful position. As she smiled at him, two thoughts entered her head. The first was that she really did like Sheikh Ahmad and her initial attraction to him, that Libby had detected, was growing quite intense. The second thought was that Libby Horowitz was an absolute bitch and it would serve her right if Latischa did something to confirm her fears.

    Latischa’s smile took on a predatory cast. “In fact, I’d really appreciate it if you would allow me to show you my appreciation,” she purred.

    The man detected the sudden shift in tone and expression and he blushed even more. He began to stammer a refusal, but Latischa was not in the mood to take “no” for an answer and she was very confident in her ability to convince the Sheikh to see things her way. They were standing near one of the spacious bathrooms available to the other passengers who did not have private rooms. On this flight, there were only five people fitting that description and all of them were in the middle part of the plane, far from where they were now. Latischa swung open the bathroom door and pushed the Sheikh by the lapels of his suit into the closed space. As he backed into the far wall, Latischa entered the room after him and slid the bolt into place. Latischa turned back to the Sheikh, who was watching her with a look reminiscent of a deer in the headlights. She found his bewildered look even more endearing and smiled wider.

    Latischa pulled off her suit jacket and hung it from a hook on the door. Her massive tits shifted easily on her chest, the thick brown orbs bouncing enticingly, the luscious rounds of her breasts fully visible in her nearly open shirt.

    “You know, your bitch of a girlfriend isn’t entirely wrong. I do find you very, very attractive. I want to show you how attractive I find you. Is that alright?”

    Again, the Sheikh stammered out an incoherent response, but Latischa was not waiting for an answer. She smiled wolfishly, unbuttoned the last few buttons, and slipped her shirt off her shoulders, exposing her entire torso. Her magnificent tits bounced free. The man gulped audibly as he stared, transfixed, at Latischa’s incredible rack and her smooth, beautifully muscled belly. Latischa reached up under her skirt and, a moment later, slid her bright red thong down her thighs and let it fall to the ground. She pushed the man onto the closed seat of the toilet. He did not resist. He reached out, almost in a trance, to touch Latischa’s hard-nippled tits. He felt her breasts, squeezing and weighing them in the palm of his hands. Latischa pushed his hands more deeply into her tits, encouraging him to squeeze and caress her meaty rack. After a few moments, she pushed his hands off her chest and dropped to her knees in front of him. She undid his belt, his pants zipper and the pants clasp. She slid the garment down his legs to his feet. His huge erection bulged into his underwear.

    “Hm, what’s this?” Latischa teased, stroking the solid prick under the white cloth. “It looks like you may want to play with me after all!” She yanked at his shorts. The Sheikh raised his buttocks off the seat and Latischa nimbly slipped the underwear over his ass, down his thighs, to his calves. The Sheikh’s cock leaped out. It was a formidable size. Latischa was quite impressed. “Oh, this is nice,” she cooed. “Let me show you what I can do with your cock, my dear.”

    She ran her hands along the thick shaft, stroking gently, using her thumb to roll around the sensitive penis hole. The Sheikh groaned, his prick growing even thicker, throbbing with heat. He felt his belly tighten with lust and excitement. He prayed that he did not shoot off prematurely. What this incredible woman was doing to him was exquisite.

    Latischa gripped the cock in both hands, squeezed and stroked its full length, slowly and carefully. She kissed the shaft right on its tip. Her tongue entered the pee hole, sending a spark of pure heat through his balls, down his prick, and into his torso. The Sheikh shuddered and groaned uncontrollably. Latischa took the head of the shaft in her mouth and began sucking, slow but hard. She teased his balls with her fingers. She stared into the Shiekhs’s eyes as she slid his burning shaft all the way down her throat, another hot, wet, erotic tunnel, covering it in spit.

    Latischa sucked the man for some time, using her expert skills to gauge when he was on the verge of cumming, then backing off, using her fingers and even her teeth to partly deflate his erections before starting again. The Shiekh’s moans soon turned to cries of near ecstatic agony as his body shuddered beneath Latischa’s ministrations.

    “OK, baby, let’s go to the next level,” Latischa thought. She released the man’s erection with a suck and ran her tongue over its length until she reached his balls. She carefully, gently sucked each ball in his scrotum. She backed up, took his erection in hand, and slid the turgid shaft between her thick, hot, massive tits. “It’ s time for a titty fuck, baby,” Latischa growled seductively, pressing her mammary meat around his slick, hard shaft. The Shiekh moaned in pleasure, his eyes fixed on the erotic sight of his prick sliding in and out of Latischa’s deep cleavage. He basked in the incredible sensations as his most sensitive bodily organ was enveloped by the heat, pressure and sweat of thick, dense titflesh, then released, only to be enveloped again. It was like a different way of slipping his shaft in and out of a woman’s tight cunt and it carried him almost to the edge of cumming.

    Under ordinary circumstances, the man would have cum long before now, but Latischa made sure that he stayed on the edge without quite going over. She wanted him to remember what she did to him tonight and she wanted him to compare her skills to Libby’s efforts. While it was not really her goal, if Latischa succeeded in spoiling the Sheikh’s relationship with the blonde bitch, that would be icing on the cake. Even better, Latischa thought, would be if the Sheikh dumped Libby for her. She had no intention of accepting an offer of being the man’s mistress, if it should come, but it would do her ego good to know that it was a possibility.

    These thoughts flitted through Latischa’s mind as she worked her tits around and around the Sheikh’s vibrating member. She thought about letting him cum on her tits and her face, but she decided that she wanted to give him a taste of everything she could offer. That meant finishing him off inside her pussy.

    She lowered her head and kissed and then lightly sucked the head of Ahmad’s dick, where it emerged, red and swollen, from between her massive tits. She sucked harder, eliciting a gasp of pure pleasure from the helpless man. He groaned. Latischa could feel his whole body trembling and she decided it was time for the coup de grace.

    “OK, baby,” Latischa purred. “Time for the main event. Just hold on a bit longer and I’ll treat your cock to the most pleasure it’s ever had.”

    “Unnnnggghhh,” was the only reply.

    Latischa stood up. As the Sheikh watched through bleary eyes, she removed her skirt and put it on the side counter. She stood straight and tall before the man, completely nude except for her three-inch heels, and ran her hands down her lush, perfect, chocolate-colored body. She started at her magnificent tits, tweaking her hard nipples, then traced her hands down her powerfully muscled torso, caressed her wide, womanly, hips, then slid further down her columnar thighs to her beautiful, curved calves. The Shiekh groaned again, his lust for this incredible creature at a fever. Latischa stood back up to full height. She brought her hands to her succulent, clean-shaven, cunt, which was glistening with moisture, the red slit hot and inviting, and smiled at the Sheikh, a full predatory grin. She pressed her swollen pussy lips apart, and her slowly-growing clit emerged.

    “I’m going to take you inside of me, Sheikh Ahmad,” she whispered. “I’m going to squeeze and play with your cock using my pussy. I’m going to make you feel things you never imagined. Then I’m going to milk your balls until there is nothing left.”

    Sheikh Ahmad looked at Latischa, his expression a combination of fear, awe, and unbearable lust.

    Latischa smiled again as she approached him and placed her hands on his shoulders. She smiled at him, looking down at him from between her massive tits. “Why don’t you suck on my nipples, baby?” she purred. “I guarantee you’ll enjoy it, and so will I.” She moved forward and pressed the man’s face into her bulging, perfect tits. Eagerly, the Sheikh fondled the massive glands, then began sucking hard on her nipples, then started chewing and biting gently, as he immersed himself more and more into her massive rack. Latischa threw back her head and groaned lustily, smiling. She rolled her back a bit, rubbing her tits into the man’s face, enjoying the delicious sensations. Her pussy began to drip and she decided it was time for the final act. She pushed her hips forward, positioned her cunt directly over Sheikh Ahmad’s throbbing cock. Holding it with her hand, she lowered herself onto his prick. The man’s member sank deep into Latischa’s wet, hot flesh, immersing itself in the paradise of her tight, scalding cunt. The Sheikh cried out as he penetrated Latischa and reached around to fill his hands with her round, perfect ass. Latischa bucked with her hips and slid up and down his shaft. The Sheikh was far from the biggest man she had ever had inside of her, but his member was a respectable size and her enjoyment of having him inside her was greatly enhanced as she thought about getting her revenge on Libby, that blonde fuck.

    Latischa raised and lowered herself on the man’s cock, squeezing and massaging him with her inner vaginal muscles, gripping and releasing, making it feel almost like an exquisite hand job, but better, as she enveloped him completely in her tight wetness and heat. The Sheikh continued to lick at Latischa’s hard nipples until she leaned back, giving her tits room to bounce. The man watched the bouncing meaty orbs, mesmerized. Latischa angled her body in a way that pulled the Sheikh’s cock down and blocked his ability to release his cum. She continued working over his prick, squeezing and gripping, even as she slid him up and down inside of her, using her hips. The Sheikh threw back his head and cried out as the explosive orgasm building inside of him was cut off from its escape. His cock burned hotter and hotter as the woman’s erotic movements lifted him to higher and higher levels of pleasure. Latischa kept working the man’s prick, using it to rub against her clit, feeding her delicious sensations, until she felt her own orgasm coming on. Her pleasure would not be explosive, but it would be very satisfying. She leaned up, relieving the pressure on his cock, and pulled the Sheikh in for a hard kiss. Her tongue explored his mouth. The Sheikh suddenly felt on the verge of ejaculation.

    “Now, baby,” Latischa whispered, her eyes glowing with heat. “Time to let go.”

    The Shiekh cried out as he ejaculated powerfully, releasing like a fire hose. Latischa gripped his prick with her vagina and cut him off, then let him go, doing this again and again, prolonging the force and intensity of his cumming. Latischa felt the flare of intense pleasure radiate up from her swollen clit. She cried out, exaggerating a bit for the benefit of the Sheikh, and felt the delicious release of exquisite tension.

    The man and the woman panted in the aftermath, the Sheikh’s prick doused in juices, the top of the toilet seat wet with their secretions.

    “That was incredible,” the Sheikh finally managed.

    “Better than Libby?” Latischa asked playfully.

    “Um, yes, I think so,” Ahmad responded hesitantly. “I am sorry, but it is hard to say with honesty. The things Libby can do with her body, with her pussy, are truly incredible. But I think that what you just did easily matches the best she has ever done to me.”

    “Well, I’ll take that, then,” Latischa smiled. She stood up, pulling herself off of the Sheikh. A string of cum linked her red, hot cunt to the man’s spent prick. It snapped as she pulled away and picked up her skirt off the washroom counter. Latischa hooked the miniskirt back around her hips and pulled on her shirt, buttoning up the lower three buttons, but leaving her wet tits practically falling out. She pulled on her suit jacket. She felt wet and hot. The sex had been good for her, not spectacular, but good enough.

    Still, it had produced some sweat and other emissions and she was looking forward to getting to the flight attendants’ quarters and a hot shower. She bent down to pick up her red thong. She was about to pull it on, then hesitated. The Sheikh had been watching her get dressed, mesmerized by the sensuous movements of her gorgeous body. As he watched, Latischa lifted her skirt and rubbed her thong into her hot, wet pussy. She grinned as she handed him the tiny scrap of cloth.

    “Something to remember me by,” she smiled. “A little memento of our time together. Don’t let Libby see it.” Latischa unlocked the door and turned to leave, before looking back over her shoulder. “If you need me again, just ring the buzzer.” She winked and left, closing the door firmly behind her.

    Latischa headed to the front of the plane. She felt elated. Libby might never know what Latischa had done, but Latischa felt like she had one over on her blonde enemy. She hummed happily as she climbed a hidden ladder into the crew’s quarters, and began to strip down, ready for her shower.

    About two hours later, Latischa was stirred from sleep by the alert board. The alert indicated that one of the luxury cabins was calling for assistance. She realized that none of the other flight attendants was answering the call. Latischa was a bit irritated. She suspected that all of her colleagues were now taking part in the orgy. Part of her felt it was very unprofessional for no one to stay back to ensure that the other guests received attention, but the plane was in the sleep cycle and providing the kind of services that the other flight attendants were currently providing was one of the secret perks of their airline.

    Latischa sighed and rolled out of her berth. She always slept in the nude, even on the plane, but it took her only seconds to pull on her shirt, snap on her skirt, slip into her heels. She did bother putting on a thong. She ran a brush through her hair. Her makeup was still good. She pulled on her jacket as she made her way to the security board. Her heart leaped when she saw the room calling was the one belonging to Libby and Sheikh Ahmad. She wondered if the Sheikh was calling her in the hope of going for a second round. She allowed herself a triumphant smile. On the other hand, maybe it was Libby, calling to harass and insult her some more. She frowned. She would like to avoid that, if possible, but if she was the only flight attendant available, she did not have much choice but to answer the call.

    Steeling herself, Latischa marched down the plane to the cabin. She pressed the room’s doorbell and waited. After a moment, the door opened. The inner room was dark but, in the muted light from the hallway, Latischa could make out the Sheikh’s naked, unconscious body sprawled on the bed, under a sheet. The Sheikh was asleep and, from the looks of it, had been fucked into a coma.

    Libby stood in the doorway. She was wearing nothing but a short, terrycloth robe, one provided by the airline. She was also wearing her three-inch heels. Otherwise, she was naked. The front of the robe was hanging almost completely open and her massive tits threatened to spill out. The loosely tied belt was the only thing keeping the robe from revealing her genitals. Libby smiled viciously when she saw Latischa.

    “Ah, good. I hoped it would be you.”

    “What do you want, you bitch?” Latischa hissed. She was through trying to be polite to this whore.

    “Well….’Latischa’ was it? and I seem to have a bit of an issue. We seem to be competing for the same man.”

    “I’m not competing for anyone and you’re the only one who has an issue,” Latischa snapped. “Just stay away from me and we will be fine.”

    “That’s the thing,” Libby said, as she stepped into the hall. She closed the door behind her. Her sudden move forced Latischa to move until her back was against the opposite wall of the narrow corridor. “My instincts on this are never wrong. I know when another woman is after my man. I intend to do something about you before you become a problem.”

    “You know,” Latischa snapped. “Even if I wasn’t after your man before, your entire attitude almost makes me want to make a play for him, just to fuck you up.”

    Libby smiled wider. “You lying little cunt. I could smell your stink all over him after he got back from his ‘walk’. And I found that stinking red thong. As for ‘fucking me up’…”

    Libby closed the small distance between their lush bodies. The women’s eyes locked and Latischa felt a sudden, powerful surge of sexual desire roll through her voluptuous body. She felt her nipples swell and her pussy tighten. Still holding Latischa’s gaze, Libby reached out and began to undo the few remaining buttons on Latischa’s already mostly unbuttoned shirt. The flight attendant was braless, of course, and when Libby pulled her shirt open, Latischa’s massive, perfect tits spilled out.

    Almost against her will, Latischa reached up and pulled Libby’s robe wide. The blonde woman’s magnificent tits bounced free. The loose belt holding the lower part of the robe closed released and Libby’s naked body was fully exposed. Libby held Latischa’s lapels; Latischa held the collar of Libby’s robe. The women’s eyes never wavered. They both knew exactly what they were doing and where this was going. They pulled each other in. Their swollen nipples lined up perfectly. They met tip to tip and released a spasm of electrical, erotic energy. Burning nipple holes sucked and sealed, sending a pulse of intense heat through their matching, swollen glands. The women gasped in concert then could not restrain themselves any longer. Powerful arms snapped around voluptuous bodies and pulled the other in tight. Their naked, meaty tits crushed hard, dense flesh yielding until the thick tissue compressed into hard balls. Their tits throbbed and exploded with heat and sensual energy. Their flat, smooth bellies clapped together, abdominal muscles rippling and matching. Latischa and Libby gasped and moaned, but a moment later they locked their hungry mouths together and kissed savagely, pink tongues thrashing and struggling within their sealed mouths. They pulled hair and pushed hard as each woman tried to overwhelm the other with her erotic power. They pushed back and forth in the hall, slamming into the walls. After a minute or two of hot, passionate kissing and hair-pulling, they broke apart. A string of spit connected their lips. Both women lapped it up with their tongues.

    Latischa and Libby continued glaring at each other, but the fire in their eyes was now purely erotic. They had challenged each other, one woman to another, erotic power against erotic power. They both knew what they had to do to resolve their dispute.

    “Come with me,” Latischa ordered. She turned on her heel and began walking back down the corridor, towards the front half of the plane. Libby followed closely. They were breathing hard with building sexual excitement. Latischa came to an empty luxury cabin, five units down from the Sheikh’s cabin. The adjacent rooms were vacant. It would give them the privacy they needed for their confrontation.

    Latischa opened the door and stepped into the cabin. Libby stepped in after her and the flight attendant closed and locked the door. A large double bed was immediately to their side. A small bathroom with a shower was across the room, behind Libby. The lights in the room came on automatically, but the sleep cycle meant they were dim. The women continued staring at each other, allowing their bodies to prepare for the struggle to come, allowing their raging libidos, their full sexual power, to manifest.

    Libby reached down and pulled off her high heels. Latischa did the same. Then, she took off her jacket and threw it behind her. She reached down and snapped off her miniskirt and tossed it on the coat. Latischa was wearing nothing under the skirt. In an instant, both women were naked except for Latischa’s open white shirt and Libby’s open white robe. The women let their eyes roam over the other woman’s voluptuous body. They took in the heavy, rounded tits, that jiggled gently with each breath. Their eyes strayed down strong, taut bellies to rest on wet, naked cunts. Both women’s pussies were dripping and their clits were swollen out of their pussies.

    Their eyes locked again. In one motion, the women reached up and swept their tops off their shoulders. The garments fell at their feet. The rivals stood completely nude in front of each other, their voluptuous bodies, their dripping cunts, their throbbing clits, ready for battle.

    Libby and Latischa stepped towards each other. Libby’s arms wrapped around Latischa’s upper back, Latischa slipped her arms around Libby’s smooth, muscular hips and then pulled her in by the lower back. The women gasped as their swollen tits met, nipple searing to nipple, areola lining up and flaring with heat, thick titmeat crushing and throbbing as the meaty masses mated. The women pushed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, and stared into each other. Their bodies pulsed with heat and pure lust.
    “I think that Ahmad deserves the best cunt he can get,” Libby murmured, staring deep into her rival’s eyes.

    “I totally agree,” Latischa whispered back, her dark eyes matching Libby’s blue gaze.

    “Then let’s see which of us is the better cunt. Cunt to cunt, clit to clit, we fuck until one of us gives up or can’t go on. Loser eats the winner. Agreed?”

    “No. As much as I’d like spending the next few hours here fucking you into a coma, I have work to do. If you want to settle this woman to woman, then the first one to cum is the loser.”

    “Fine by me. But if we tie, we keep going until one of us wins. And the loser eats the winner.”

    “Agreed, you bitch. I’m going to fuck your brains out, Libby.”

    “No, you’re going to be sucking up my jizz when I’m done cumming all over your face, Latischa.”

    “Let’s fuck, bitch.”

    Of the same mind, the women’s angry mouths snapped together. Their tongues lashed out, twisting and tangling inside the wet, hot arena of their locked maws. At the same time, the women spread their legs, tilted their pelvises forward, and thrust with their hips and asses. Their naked, wet pudenda slapped and they grunted within their mouths, swallowing their mutual cries, as a spike of pure ecstatic pleasure radiated from their struggling genitals. Their swollen clits stroked and stabbed, sending another shockwave of even deeper, more intense pleasure roaring through them. The women broke their kiss and cried out.

    “Fuck!” Libby gasped. “Oh fuck!”

    “Jesus Christ!” Latischa moaned. “Fucking God!”

    Latischa had been in sexfights before, and she had seen several between the strippers in her club. But it had been a long time since she was last in one and the intensity of the clit to clit contact with Libby was greater than anything she remembered. It felt incredibly, unbelievably good and she hoped she could hold out.

    The women locked mouths and tongues again. They spread their legs wider, tilted their pelvises forward even harder, grabbed the other woman’s powerful, round ass, and touched clits head to head. Their incredible bodies shuddered uncontrollably as their swollen clits stroked and thrust and tangled, each mutual blow unleashing a spasm of ecstasy. Their hard bellies undulated, flesh rippling on flesh, deep navels sucking and releasing with each powerful thrust. Their throbbing, aching tits lit on fire and pulsed with tension, their jousting nipples burned. Their bodies were soon dripping sweat and their cunts dripped juices as the battle engaged. The women’s tongues moved in concert with their stroking clits. Latischa and Libby moaned and screamed into each other’s mouths as their voluptuous bodies battled it out, sex to sex, clit to clit, womanhood against womanhood, each striving to prove to the other who was the better woman, the better fuck. They sank their fingers into the other woman’s flexing ass and met thrust after thrust, riding each other mercilessly, trying to force much more pleasure on the other woman than her body could take.

    The struggling women broke the kiss and threw back their heads to moan and cry out in rage and ecstasy. Their bodies moved automatically, grinding and grinding as hard as they could.



    “You dirty, fucking whore!” Libby moaned, her body trembling with pleasure. She could not believe that she and this gutter bitch were now locked clit to clit, fucking each other viciously. But a part of her, the wild, animalistic part that was growing ever more powerful with every erotic encounter, loved it. This was exactly what she wanted to do with her body, exactly the kind of thrilling erotic spectacle that she had secretly grown to love. From the moment she had first seen Latischa, from the moment she had sensed the flight attendant’s attraction to Ahmad, Libby had secretly wanted to get the bitch into exactly this position and she was overjoyed that fate had conspired to help her achieve this end. Now she was locked clit to clit and tit to tit in a fuck to the finish with another beautiful woman, and nothing could give her greater pleasure or excitement. Nothing could prove her own feminine superiority than humbling and breaking another sexually voracious woman with the instruments of her body.

    For her part, Latischa had not wanted this, but she had not backed down either. And now that she was locked up tight with this blonde bitch, she could not deny the intense pleasure and lust wracking her body. She wanted to win this battle, she needed to prove she was the better woman, that her body was the superior vessel. Her pride, her will as a woman demanded it.

    The women gasped and moaned, growled and screamed, as the fucking grew more and more intense. Their clits were locked and grinding relentlessly, pounding pure ecstasy into every cell in their bodies. Their muscled thighs were steaked with cunt juice and a puddle of erotic emissions was forming on the floor of the cabin between their legs. They scratched and slapped at firm asses, each hoping to give the other the sudden shock of pleasure needed to push her over the edge into a submissive orgasm. Their writhing, thrusting bodies grew slick with sweat and the room filled with their hungry pants and the smell of hot, animal sex.

    Latischa and Libby’s legs gave out. Trembling with pleasure, weak with overstimulated muscles, the women slowly fell to the floor, first onto their knees, then onto their asses, forcing them to separate their clits and cunts. On the floor, they spread their legs, aimed their burning genitals at each other, and thrust together with a hard jerk of their powerful hips. Their mutual penetration was exquisite and both women howled in ecstasy as their lower cunt mouths sealed tight in an unbreakable, meaty lock, merging their lush bodies.

    Latischa and Libby grabbed each other’s asses, legs spread wide, cunts sucked and sealed, and resumed their all-out fuck, their hips and asses rippling and thrusting in a scooping motion as they rubbed pussy to pussy, clit grating on clit. They sat on the floor, their bodies completely aligned, and fucked relentlessly. Their mouths sealed and they resumed the tongue to tongue struggle. Their bellies clapped with each thrust, their tits crushed and rolled and pushed, struggling for space on their thrusting chests, their nipples burned with friction. The fucking went on and on and on until, suddenly, the sensual assault was too much for the women to take.

    Libby broke their deep, relentless kiss. “Oh Christ, you fucking whore!” she sobbed. She knew she could not last another moment.

    Latischa was crying with tension, with unbearable pleasure. “Dirty, fucking cunt!” she screamed.

    The women wrapped their arms around the other’s voluptuous body and held tight as their pussies clamped on each other hard, squeezed, squeezed like vises, and then erupted in concert as their clits exploded in a release of intense sexual pleasure. The women screamed in unison as they shot jet after jet of hot ejaculate into each other’s cunts, onto each other’s bodies, soaking their lower torsos. Libby and Latischa shuddered and screamed through one orgasm after another before they finally released each other and fell flat on their backs. They writhed, hips bucking high, grinding and grinding deep into each other, rubbing clits relentlessly, forcing orgasm after orgasm, until they nearly passed out, too sexually overwhelmed to continue.

    For several minutes, the cabin was quiet except for the heavy panting of the two exhausted fuckfighters. Latischa floated on a cloud of sexual bliss. It had been a long, long time since she had been fucked like that. She had to admit that Libby was good. But now she hated the woman even more. The women lay still for several more minutes, feeling their swollen clits throbbing against each other. There was no more intimate way for two women to rest, but each moment of intimate sexual contact only made them hate each other more.

    Latischa finally stirred. She pushed herself up and looked between her massive tits and down her sweat-streaked body at her rival.

    “That was a tie,” she said.

    Libby pushed herself up on her elbows and glared at Latischa. “Then we keep going until we break the tie. No one is leaving this room until this is settled.”

    “Fine, you fuck,” Latischa snapped. She pulled herself away from Libby, sucking their throbbing genitals apart. She climbed to her feet, and then crawled onto the bed beside them. “Let’s have round two.” Latischa glanced at the clock on the wall. She and Libby had been fucking for almost 35 minutes. The blonde had stamina. She had hoped she could just tire the cunt out, but it was becoming clear that Libby was no ordinary Park Avenue slut.

    Libby crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees, her heavy tits swinging on her chest, then sat on her ass and spread her legs. Latischa did the same, aiming her cunt at Libby’s clean shaven fuckhole. As the women prepared for the next round, they felt their bodies ramping up, their powerful libidos kicking in, their sexual energy returning for the next stage in their fuckfight. They smiled at each other, savage grins of mutual hatred, and then slid across the bed, legs spread wide, cunts aiming for cunts. They slammed together, fuckmeat slapping to fuckmeat, hot, slick cunt slits spreading and locking tight. They thrust with their hips, penetrating each other, sealing their genitals in a powerful fuck kiss.

    “God, oh GOD!” Latischa screamed as her pussy exploded with heat and electricity, as her rock-hard clit collided full-on with Libby’s equally rigid clit. The women writhed, twisting their hips to drill even harder, deeper into each other.

    “Fuck you, FUCK!!” Libby screeched, throwing her head back to howl in pleasure and rage. Her body was her pride and joy, she was certain she could defeat any woman in a sexual contest, but this whore of a flight attendant had matched her completely so far.

    Slotted together in a scissor fuck, the women seized the other woman’s sweaty thigh and began thrusting in concert, ramming their cunts together, locking their genitals and grinding clit to clit, pounding ecstasy into one another. Their hips and asses jerked in rhythm as they fucked viciously. They wrapped a thigh around each other’s hips and held themselves in place. They pushed closer and closer, tighter and tighter, until their bouncing tits crushed. Their angry, beautiful faces drew close.

    “You dirty, fucking whore,” Libby gasped. “I’m going to teach you to keep your filthy hooks out of my man.”

    “You fucked-up little cunt,” Latischa moaned back. “I’m going to show you why ‘your man’ prefers my pussy to yours.”

    Libby’s eye blazed. “You diseased twat.”

    Latischa sneered. “You fucking slut.”

    Their mouths sealed, tongues twisting and shoving. Their hips bucked violently. Their clits warred ceaselessly, electric nerve on nerve, pounding pleasure and pleasure into the women, pushing them higher and higher towards an orgasmic finish, until their perfect, voluptuous bodies were trembling like leaves.

    Latischa broke their furious kiss, gasping with passion and pleasure, and bit Libby’s neck. The blonde immediately returned the fuck bite. The women’s perfect bodies were soaked with sweat, their torsos dripping with sexual secretions. Their chests were squashed tight but their gyrations kept their meaty glands rubbing and massaging each other constantly. Their nipples stabbed and grated, buried deep inside their sensitive titflesh. Their hands gripped the other woman’s jerking ass tightly. Erotic pleasure suffused their bodies, sending waves of heat and electricity pulsing through them in time with every delicious thrust.

    The women pressed nose to nose, forehead to forehead, their hot breath mixing, their cries and moans of pleasure growing louder and more intense. Their muscles trembled with repressed tension as Latischa and Libby struggled to hold back the tidal wave of orgasmic pleasure beating at their walls, threatening to overwhelm their defenses.

    “Oh god, I fucking hate you,” Libby grunted, “You filthy fucking cunt…”

    “You dirty spoiled slut,” Latischa moaned. “I’m going to put you in your fucking place if I have to fuck your cunt raw…”

    The pleasure suddenly surged inside of both women, filling them to overflowing, setting their clits on fire, filling every nerve in their luscious bodies with electrical intensity.

    “FUCKING GOD!!” Libby howled.

    “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!!” Latischa screamed.

    The women sank their fingers into the other’s muscular ass and held on desperately as their perfect bodies convulsed in ecstasy. Their swollen, inosculated cunts closed on each other, vaginal muscles trembling and squeezing, then released with incredible force. Latischa and Libby ejaculated into each other like fire hoses, their hot fuck juice mixing and churning into a scalding broth of cum that filled both of them, bubbling up their vaginal canals, filling their sexual cores. They screamed again and again as their bodies shuddered through several more devastating orgasms. Sweat poured from their lush bodies as they trembled in each other’s arms. They held each other up, leaning into the other’s body, heads resting on shoulders, their bulging chests compressed tightly and heaving in unison, their feverish panting filling the cabin, along with the intoxicating scent of woman cum and sweet sweat.

    For several minutes, they floated in erotic bliss, both women too spent and dazed to move, their nerves jangling with the intensity of the pleasure they had shared. Finally, Libby pulled her head off of Latischa’s shoulder. Latischa pulled back too, and the women glared at each with bleary, sex-drunk eyes.

    They had given each other unbearable pleasure. As they stared into each other’s eyes, the same thought played in the rivals’ minds: they had not been fucked this well in a very long time. The fact that a woman they despised so much was the source of such incredible sexual pleasure only made their mutual hatred worse.

    Suddenly, Libby’s eyes flashed. Through sheer will, she pulled herself out of her daze. She had to beat this fucking whore, she had her meal ticket at stake. She would not tolerate another woman challenging her access to the wealth and privilege she deserved.
    Leaning back slightly, disengaging her upper torso and her massive tits from Latischa’s chest, Libby braced her body with one arm. With her free hand, she wound up and slapped Latischa as hard as she could across the woman’s gorgeous face.

    Latischa cried out at the sudden shock of pain. Her head whipped to the side and she lost her balance. She toppled over, flat onto her back. Her legs, one of which had been wrapped around Libby’s hip, flew up into the air. The pain cleared the flight attendant’s head but, in the moment it took for her to get her bearings, Libby mounted her supine body.

    The beautiful blonde dropped her heavy tits onto Latischa’s matching rack, their massive glands mating with a thick slap. The women’s nipples met head on and fused as they pushed each other deep into dense titflesh. Libby’s smooth, muscular belly clapped to the gorgeous African American woman’s equally firm abdomen. Their deep navels sucked deliciously at each other. Libby’s hips eclipsed Latischa’s and her powerful thighs forced the other woman’s legs further apart, opening and exposing Latischa’s hot, pink cunt and her still-hard, throbbing clit. Libby lined up her fuck mouth with her rival’s dripping, juicy snatch. Snarling with hate, Libby jerked her hips, her perfect ass flexing, as she drove her steaming twat hard and deep into Latischa’s vulnerable pussy. Libby moaned in joy as she felt her long, thick fuck finger drive deep into Latischa’s fuck slit, sliding into her wet, hot labia, before stabbing hard into the woman’s tumescent clit.

    The women threw back their heads and moaned in shared ecstasy as intense heat spread through their mated genitals, fusing their aching, hungry fuckmeat into one seething mass of pleasure.

    Libby closed her eyes and cried out, jerking in pleasure, as the delicious sensations filled her nether regions and suffused her writhing body.

    “God, fucking god, yessss,” the blonde bitch gasped. She worked her hips and ass around and around in microscopic circles, grinding and grinding her steaming cunt as deep and hard into Latischa’s juiced up fuckmeat as she could. Her perfect body trembled with joy as the intense sensations coursed through her from the ends of her hair to the tips of her curling toes.

    “Christ, fucking Christ…” Latischa grunted as the sensual pleasure of Libby’s lush body weighing and writhing on top of her body filled her senses, as her pulsating cunt was overwhelmed with the heat and electric sensations of the erotic violation taking place between her legs. Latischa reached around Libby’s wasp waist and gripped the blonde’s flexing ass with both hands, pulling the blonde down and into Latischa’s cunt even harder. She twined her powerful legs with Libby’s legs, immediately locking their muscular bodies into a straining, trembling test of strength. Libby looped her arms under Latischa’s shoulders and grabbed the flight attendant by either side of her head, yanking hard at the woman’s hair.

    Fully intertwined, the two women writhed and moaned, their bodies moving like mating snakes, every inch of skin and every muscle plastered to its counterpart on the other woman. They wriggled and quivered in an undulating, full body fuck, their hips and asses jerking in a hard rhythm. Their hungry mouths sealed, they tongued each other furiously, in time with the stroking of their aching, electric clits.

    For 10, 20 minutes, the struggling women fucked and fucked, riding each other up the pleasure curve, holding back the intense erotic sensations filling their cells. Their bodies were shining with sweat and other secretions when, finally, Latischa suddenly hit her limit. Being on the bottom of the endless grinding fuck, having to resist the exquisite sensuality of Libby’s perfect body sliding and slipping and burning into her own, was finally too much. Her clit was jousting with Libby’s trembling sex horn when, suddenly, it hit its limit. Latischa’s clit felt like it swelled to ten times its normal size, every nerve in the deliriously sensitive organ exploded at once, and a devastating orgasm roared out of the beautiful woman’s core.

    Sinking her fingers deep into Libby’s ass, bucking her hips high and raising the blonde off the bed, Latischa shrieked in ecstasy as she came hard, her overstimulated cunt suddenly clamping, then releasing a hot, hard jet of ejaculate right up into Libby’s triumphant pussy.

    “AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!” Latischa screamed.

    “Oh god, yes, yes, YESSSSSSSS!!” Libby screeched. She could not hold out an instant longer. A moment after she felt the unbearably delicious flow of Latischa’s hot cum flowing into her womb, she released her own body-shaking orgasm. She ejaculated powerfully into Latischa, reveling in the flow of cum between their inosculated cunts.

    For several minutes, the fuckfighting women quaked and trembled in each other’s arms, their bodies quivering as their muscles locked and strained against each other in the paroxysms of orgasmic ecstasy. After several more orgasms, they finally lay still, their bodies entangled in an erotic mess of hair, sweat, cum and gleaming flesh.

    Several minutes later, Libby finally rolled off of Latischa. The women lay side by side, their bulbous chests heaving and jiggling, their perfect bodies glistening with sweat and cum, their hair unkempt and damp with sweat.

    “I won,” the blonde croaked. She felt exhausted but elated. She had just won the hardest, most pleasurable sexfight of her life. Her pride in her power as a woman was overpowering.

    “Fuck you,” Latischa grunted. She was angry and dejected. She had rarely felt so humiliated and angry at herself. She knew that she could beat Libby. She had just let down her guard and the blonde cunt had taken advantage of the opportunity.

    “I won,” Libby repeated, more strongly. “Do what you promised to do, you losing fuck.”

    Latischa turned her head to glare at her nemesis. “Bitch,” she snarled. Even so, she wearily pushed herself to a sitting position, then turned around and crawled down her rival’s luscious body, before turning around to place her face directly over Libby’s red, dripping twat. Libby smiled as she spread her legs wide, inviting her defeated enemy into her welcoming cunt.

    “Lick it out good, baby, and save the jizz when I cum all over your face. I’ll want it back.”

    Latischa said nothing, but she stretched out on her belly and buried her face into the blonde’s pink, naked fuckmeat. The humiliated flight attendant had to admit that the woman’s twat was absolutely delicious. It smelled like nirvana and it tasted like ambrosia. She sucked out the mixed cum filling Libby’s fuck hole and used her tongue to probe and explore the delicate, fleshy petals of the woman’s labia. Latischa teased and stroked Libby’s hard, pulsing clit, playing around the edges of the sensitive fuck horn, sending tantalizing sparks of erotic tension rippling through the woman’s body, before she finally wrapped her lips around the aching fuck finger and sucked and chewed in earnest. Libby screamed and writhed, she buried her hands in Latischa’s thick black hair and pushed the woman deeper into her aching, quivering pussy. Latischa’s fingers stroked and explored Libby’s inner vaginal walls. She sent a hot middle finger deep into the blonde’s tight asshole, causing the bitch to buck hard. Latischa paid the price of her defeat, doing her best to make her hated foe lose control of her body so that Latischa could regain some of her own pride.

    After nearly 15 minutes of sucking, licking and torturing Libby’s cum-saturated cunt, the blonde arched her back and howled in erotic bliss as she ejaculated over and over into Latischa’s beautiful face. The flight attendant eagerly fixed her mouth over Libby’s convulsing fuckhole and took as much of the hot cum into her mouth as she could.

    Libby collapsed, gasping and moaning, her overstimulated body twisting slowly on the soaked sheets. Latischa crawled up the spent woman’s body, pressing her lush form down onto every matching inch of her rival, until she was face to face with the spoiled mistress. The women glared at each other through half-closed eyes.

    “Give it to me,” Libby whispered.

    Latischa lowered her mouth to Libby’s, sealed their lips together, and released the cum and spit mix in her mouth into Libby’s eager, hungry maw. The blonde took it gratefully. The women’s combative tongues mixed and sloshed the hot mixture back and forth, their mouths sealed in a deep, hate kiss that went on and on, until they had both swallowed back most of the mixture except for what had dribbled out from their mouths and onto their faces.

    Latischa broke the kiss. The women licked at the other’s face, then glared into the other’s eyes. Libby’s blue eyes shone with smug triumph and womanly pride. Latischa glared down at her nemesis with barely contained rage and humiliation. Libby reveled in the other woman’s wounded pride.

    “Never forget which of us is the better woman, Latischa. Never forget which of us is the better cunt.”

    “Like fuck,” the flight attendant growled. “You got lucky, cum bucket.”

    Latischa sat up on the bed, kneeling on her haunches.

    “This isn’t over between us, Libby,” the wounded woman snarled. “We’ve got a long way to go in this flight and, in five days, you’ll be back on this jet. I think I can find the time for a rematch.”

    Libby sat up and smiled viciously at her defeated enemy. “Any time, any place, you fuck slut,” the blonde sneered. “I enjoyed making you cum all over me and I’ll do the same thing to you any time we cross clits. You need to recognize a superior woman when she fucks your cunt raw.”

    The women exchanged one final, hateful glare. Libby got off the bed, picked her robe off the floor and pulled it on over her shoulders. She tied it loosely, then picked up her stilettos, dangling them from two fingers.

    “Don’t forget this, fucker. Stay away from my man.”

    “Fuck you whore.”

    Libby opened the door and, barefoot, stepped out into the hall and slid the door to the cabin shut. She walked triumphantly down the hall, her muscular hips swaying in victory. She had never felt more powerful as a woman. It helped that the fucking she had given and taken from the furious flight attendant was some of the best she had ever experienced in her life.

    Latischa remained kneeling on the bed for a few minutes after Libby left. Her mind was a cauldron of rage. She hated losing at the best of times, but to lose a fuckfight to a cunt like Libby was one of the most humiliating and enraging experiences of her life. She knew that she could beat that bitch and she swore to herself that she would get her revenge and set the scales right as soon as she could – maybe even later in this same flight.

    Latischa cleaned herself off in the room’s bathroom, then dressed. She stepped out into the hall. The sting of losing the fight gnawed at her. She smiled grimly and began walking down the hall to the front of the plane and the staircase that would lead up to the second level and the orgy still going on there. Nothing would restore her pride as a woman more than being lusted after and vigorously fucked by some stud.


    In another universe, Latischa and Libby may well have settled their grudge later in the flight, in a bathroom or a spare cabin, testing their bodies, testing their cunts, against each other in a renewed bid to settle who was the better woman. Maybe they would have battled each other five days later, locking themselves into a cabin to release their shared hate and lust on each other for the entire flight back. But fate intervened again. A few hours later, when Latischa was fully engaged in the orgy on the upper deck, the plane entered a dimensional portal and crashed in the Lost World.

    As far as Latischa knew, she was the sole survivor. She walked away from the plane, wearing only a skimpy, leopard-print bikini, and soon found herself having sex with a wild jungle man followed by an incredible erotic battle with Mananda, followed by her leadership of a village of people who looked up to her. She forgot about Libby, only thinking of the blonde once as she walked away from the plane into the forest: “At least that cunt is dead.”

    Unbeknownst to Latischa, Libby was just fine. After her angry and devastatingly erotic encounter with Latischa, the blonde beauty had gone to the bathroom in the cabin she shared with the Sheikh. Armed with her biggest, thickest vibrator, she was in the process of fucking herself senseless when the plane crashed. Being in the enclosed space saved her life. She woke up in the bathroom, emerged shortly before the plane exploded, and ran into the forest wearing only her robe and a thong she had managed to salvage. The heat and brambles of the jungle soon stripped away her robe. Barefoot and desperate, luck went her way. She was soon found by the warriors of a nearby tribe and taken to their village. She ingratiated herself with the head priest by giving him a blowjob that convinced him she was an emissary of the gods. He spent every night after that between her legs and sucking on her tits, having his beliefs ecstatically confirmed.

    After nearly two years in the Lost World, Latischa and Libby had settled into very different lives from what they had enjoyed in the “civilized” world. Neither knew of the other’s continuing existence. However, fate was soon to intervene again to and bring these two rivals together to resume a bitter enmity that would have dramatic ramifications for both.

    To be continued.

  2. #2
    Hostboard Member Dego_Lankar's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Thank for the post! Thanks for all your work!
    Love ME!

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Solid prequel. Looking forward to the rematch.

  4. #4
    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    as always a great story from the master. thank you. i especially liked that unlike usual, this time the main character does not win.

  5. #5
    Hostboard Member dwcole8's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    A very, very good hot unexpected story, a prequel, to another exotic JB57 story.
    I wish other writers on this board would go back and write prequels to some their own well-loved smoking hot stories.

    Love the why and how Latisha amd Libby had to meet woman to woman and settle things the way they did.
    Was hoping for a threesome before the plane crashed- OH' WELL. Still a really hot story.

    Looking forward to seeing how Libby survives the crash, and what she has to go through.

    Thanks, JB, for yet another cool location for two smoking hot women to sex fight, and why.


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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by dwcole8 View Post
    A very, very good hot unexpected story, a prequel, to another exotic JB57 story.
    I wish other writers on this board would go back and write prequels to some their own well-loved smoking hot stories.

    Love the why and how Latisha amd Libby had to meet woman to woman and settle things the way they did.
    Was hoping for a threesome before the plane crashed- OH' WELL. Still a really hot story.

    Looking forward to seeing how Libby survives the crash, and what she has to go through.

    Thanks, JB, for yet another cool location for two smoking hot women to sex fight, and why.

    Thanks DW,

    To be honest, this story -like the original - was inspired by the original Penthouse Comix story that the first "Latischa" story is based on. If anyone wants to have an idea of where this story is going - at least in its very general outlines - they could look up that story. However, I am changing it a lot, so the original is just the inspiration, not the guide.

    I have been working, off and on, on the next part and I hope to have it up in a month or so. Thankfully, this story can be seen as a standalone, so I don't feel any huge pressure to continue.


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    Junior Hostboard Member ACertainZest's Avatar
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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Awesome story! It appears that Libby will be a difficult and well matched foe for Latischa if their next encounter is like their first. I like the structure of this story where it can be a stand alone or, as you have said, the first chapter of a new story. It reminds me of the last Pat and Marsha story you did. Question: I think with the last Latischa story you mentioned you plan on having her encounter Inge eventually. Is that still a story for the future? Also will there be another story with Inge versus Martina (or Domino) in the (near) future? Thank you for all your great work! I look forward to the next chapter for this story and for "By the Light of the Moon".

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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Quote Originally Posted by ACertainZest View Post
    Awesome story! It appears that Libby will be a difficult and well matched foe for Latischa if their next encounter is like their first. I like the structure of this story where it can be a stand alone or, as you have said, the first chapter of a new story. It reminds me of the last Pat and Marsha story you did. Question: I think with the last Latischa story you mentioned you plan on having her encounter Inge eventually. Is that still a story for the future? Also will there be another story with Inge versus Martina (or Domino) in the (near) future? Thank you for all your great work! I look forward to the next chapter for this story and for "By the Light of the Moon".
    Hi, ACertainZest,

    I don't have any immediate plans to bring together Latischa and Inge's worlds/stories. However, I probably meant that I now have a way to do so. Having Latischa and co. meet Inge and co. strikes me as a good idea but it will be some time before that happens.

    I am trying to come up with other pairings between Inge and the other women in her life that strongly inspire me to write a full story. I am still working on that.

    Hope to have new chapters in "By the Light of the Moon" and this story relatively soon.


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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Always nice to see a mud wrestling story.

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    Re: New Story: Libby in the Lost World: Latischa vs. Libby

    Here is Chapter 3 of the story! Not any sexfighting but a lot of sex! Chapter 4 should be up pretty soon.


    Libby in the Lost World, Part III: Libby Makes a Deal:

    Libby kneeled and completely immersed herself in the slow-moving water of the creek. She held her breath as she let the clear water flow over her bronzed skin. She stood up abruptly, the depth of the creek now coming to nearly the top of her thighs, and whipped her head back, sending an arc of water spraying across the pond. Her voluptuous tits jerked and bounced with the sudden movement. She cupped her treasured glands and rubbed them with her hands, cleaning off the sweat and grime of the past day. She used some of the silt at the bottom of the pond as an abrasive to help scrub herself clean.

    Sighing, the blonde beauty waded back to the edge of the pond and sat down on a protruding, table-flat boulder. She let the sun caress her tanned skin and dry her naked body as she contemplated what to do next.

    After she had lost the fight to Latischa, her tribe had gathered around her and taken her back to their campsite. Most of the men and women supported her and Umma-Nar was gentle and solicitous. He knew how much her pride was wounded by her decisive defeat. Perhaps he also had an inkling that Libby was out of practice because she had been largely restricting her bed partners to him. However, the chief of the Ubabo was not as forgiving. Libby had lost a major fight in front of the entire confederation. She was clearly an enemy of the grouping’s powerful war queen. If she had won, the Ubabo would have been exalted by their peers. Now that she had lost, however, the chief feared that her disgrace and weakness would come to be associated with the tribe. He spoke to the other Ubabo leaders. Umma-Nar pleaded on Libby’s behalf, but his word did not have the weight that it might have had because he was so clearly in love with her. In the end, the Ubabo asked Libby to leave. She was quickly ejected from the compound into the rough jungle beyond.

    Being thrown out of the Ubabo tribe had been an unexpected and cruel blow. She had many friends in the tribe and, while she had not loved Umma-Nar, she did bear the man a great deal of affection. More, the Ubabo had given her place and a sense of security in a dangerous and savage world. Now, all of that was gone. Though she understood this was not directly Latischa’s fault, she still blamed the Amazon woman and hated Latischa more than ever.

    Libby lay back on the hot rock, stretching her nude, magnificent body to the sun, and contemplated what had happened. She had lost because she was not ready for the level of sexual pleasure Latischa was able to give her. She had realized some time ago that something in this Lost World stoked the deepest, most primal of her animal instincts and appetites. Latischa had embraced that fully. The diseased cunt probably let herself get fucked raw by a train of men and women every night (in fact, Libby was not far off the truth in believing this). Libby had failed to indulge her sexual appetites out of sense of insecurity, out of the fear of being thrown out of the tribe if she could not count on the loyalty of Umma-Nar. Now, she had lost her tribe anyway and lost a battle to her hated rival. The truth was that she was out of practice at being a slut and it had cost her dearly in the most important slut-fight of her life.

    The blonde goddess sat up on the rock and considered what to do next. Once the chief had declared her expulsion from the Ubabo, she was forced to leave the encampment with no more than what she was holding and wearing, which was nothing. She knew that she had the survival skills to keep herself alive and healthy for some time, but she was not a loner and her chances of survival in this savage jungle were greatly increased if she could ally herself with another tribe or even find a few companions. She put these thoughts aside. Her first order of business was to make herself a weapon.

    Libby followed the trickle of water that fed the pond to the river that was a tributary of a much larger river that led to the sea. She found some sharp-edged rocks and set about fashioning a knife. That night, she climbed a tree and assembled a rough lean-to for protection. In the darkness of the night, she heard the drums and noises of the assembly. She could see the lights of the fires glowing into the night sky. She went to sleep angry and depressed, raging at Latischa, who was no doubt celebrating her victory.

    “I swear to god, you fucker,” Libby promised, “I am going to make you pay for this. I’m going to go to your village, fuck your brains out, and become queen. This is just beginning.”

    Filled with the need for revenge and seething with rage and humiliation, the blonde beauty fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, she awoke to the sounds of people moving beneath her tree. She recognized the column of nearly 200 people as one of the tribes that made up the confederation. The meeting had come to an end and now the member tribes were leaving to return to their own territories. Libby was glad that the procession below were not the Ubabo. That would have been even more sad and humiliating. She remained silent and no one noticed her in the thick foliage over their heads. She sighed. The passing procession reminded her, yet again, of the family and protection she had lost.

    Over the next several days, Libby familiarized herself with her surroundings. She knew that all of the territory she was traveling was claimed, in some loose way, by some member tribe of the confederation. But the territories were vast and she was certain she would be able to carve out some area that she could live in, relatively undisturbed. This was her second-best option. She still wanted to re-join a tribal group, but everyone now knew who she was, knew of her defeat by Latischa, and knew she had been ejected from her tribe. Her plan to take on Latischa and steal the woman’s crown began to look like more than just a scheme for revenge. It might also be the only way she could regain her place in some kind of society.

    A week after her defeat and exile, Libby was walking near a river, traveling to a deep pond she had found off the river that was a bountiful source of fish. She was completely nude and carrying a spear that she had fashioned herself. She was traveling along the edge of the river when, out of the corner of her eye, she detected a rapid movement. Her jungle-honed instincts saved her. She threw herself back and just dodged an attack from a massive crocodilian creature that had been lying in wait for prey on the edge of the stream.
    The massive dinosaur snarled in frustration and wheeled around, making another lunge for Libby.

    “Fuck you!” the woman screamed as she ran as fast as she could away from the water. She was lucky she had avoided injury and she hoped that the monster would not follow her into the forest. However, the creature was unwilling to give up relatively slow-moving meat. It plunged after her, crashing through the underbrush. Libby knew she could not outrun the beast. She ran for the nearest sturdy tree, one the animal would not be able to climb or easily push over. She spotted a massive mango tree and clambered up its trunk. She hauled herself up to the highest branches and looked down.

    The frustrated creature roared its rage from the base of the tree. Its claws scarred the bark and the entire plant trembled but the tree was far too large and deeply rooted for the beast to knock down. The dinosaur roared and gnashed its teeth. After a few minutes, it retreated into the forest.

    Libby waited. She knew that many predators were smart enough to set traps and it was possible this creature was just waiting for her to grow impatient. After about 30 minutes, she decided it was unlikely the monster was still around. Carefully, she dropped to the ground, still holding her spear.

    She had traveled about five meters away from the mango tree when she heard a crashing in the forest. Too late, she realized the crocodilian dinosaur had, indeed, been waiting for her. With a snarl, it dashed out of the woods, between Libby and the tree, cutting off her escape route.

    “Fuck me!” Libby screamed as she raced deeper into the woods. Finding another tree was not hard but the creature was too close on her heels. She did not have the time to jump to safety. Desperately, she turned to face the monster with her spear. If she could wound it or even delay it, that might be enough time for her to regain the safety of the treetops.
    Libby planted her bare feet and snarled and screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping to startle the onrushing crocodilian. The beast slowed down but it did not retreat. Instead, it began to stalk towards her, careful but inexorable, more terrifying with every step.

    “You Goddamn fucking piece of shit!!” Libby screeched, brandishing her spear. Her own rage and frustration over the recent bad turn in her life came boiling out. She had lost her home, lost her stability, been sexually defeated by her hated rival, and now she was about to end up in the belly of a monster, the kind of creature she had been so successful in avoiding until now. The past week had really been the absolute worst of her life and her life was about to end! She was determined to go down fighting.

    Just then, two massively muscular men dropped out of the treetops. One was bronzed, with long, dark hair and a tiny loincloth his only clothing. The other was black with short, cropped hair. He was also wearing only a loincloth but holding a thick-shafted spear with a heavy rock head. The other man was carrying a long, sharp knife.

    The men landed on top of the dinosaur and immediately began stabbing. Their powerful muscles put a force behind their thrusts that Libby could never have matched. As she watched, the terrifying beast was reduced, in mere seconds, to a bloody mess. Its roars of rage and intimidation became cries of anguish and pain. It was dead inside of a minute.

    The two men panted, their nearly naked bodies glistening with sweat and sheened with blood. Libby stood nearby, her bulging chest heaving as the adrenaline that had rushed through her body slowly dissipated. Finally, when all was quiet and it was clear the monster was dead, she slowly, tentatively approached the jungle men.

    “Uh…thanks very much,” Libby said in the Ubabo dialect. The men nodded, but Libby was not sure they really understood. It occurred to her that they might know English, given their proximity to Latischa’s village. “Thanks very much,” Libby repeated in English.

    The men nodded more firmly. “You are welcome,” the darker man said, his accent uncertain but his English clear.

    Libby smiled enthusiastically. “I was sure I was dead. My name is Libby. If I can do anything to thank you, please let me know.”

    Libby already had an idea of what she could do for these two men. They were both incredible hunks of manhood, their knotted muscles were very attractive, and she could see that both of them were swinging huge cocks under their inadequate loincloths. To Libby, the sudden surge of lust that hit her was welcome and delightful. Being so close to death had given her a tremendous desire to fuck. She was no longer holding back; she was allowing herself to fully accept and indulge the hot, voracious appetites of the jungle world that she had resisted for so long. She imagined what it would feel like to have one or both of the men’s fully aroused shafts driving into her hot, tight cunt and she felt her twat getting very, very wet. Her nipples tightened. She willed herself not to show her arousal too obviously.

    “I am Fannar,” said the black warrior. “This is my brother in arms, Rumon.” The bronzed man nodded and grunted. “His English is not as good as mine, but he is not as stupid as he seems.” Fannar said this jokingly as Rumon shot him a look.

    “My English is fine,” the dark-haired man snapped. “I just don’t have much need to use it.”

    The men walked away from the mangled dinosaur and towards the river. Libby followed closely, intent on keeping the protection they provided. She realized that these warriors provided the potential to greatly improve her chances of survival in the Lost World, so long as they could work out some mutually advantageous relationship. Other ideas were circulating in her head as well. If she could learn to fight as well as they did, if she could fully master her physical power, she could use that against Latischa the next time she battled the whore.
    The two men stripped off their loin cloths and immersed themselves in the water.

    “Do you live near here?” Libby asked. She admired their nude bodies and paid special attention to the massive tools swinging between their legs. She licked her lips in anticipation and smiled as she felt her tits swell with blood and heat. Her pussy felt deliciously damp and hot.

    The blood and sweat covering the jungle men flowed away in the river, leaving their powerful, naked bodies gleaming in the morning sun.

    “Yes,” Rumon replied. “We live just a short distance from here, in a cave that we have made our home. But we travel the jungle widely. We are the protectors of the jungle and we go where we are needed.”

    “We heard your shouts,” Fannar continued, “but we were looking for this very beast. It attacked and killed a number of people from a nearby tribe over the past few weeks. It developed a taste for human flesh.”

    Libby nodded. The men returned to the river bank and stood before her. Their eyes roamed over Libby’s fantastic body. The blonde woman smiled as she felt the mutual heat and desire growing between all of them.

    “I want to thank both of you for saving my life,” Libby purred, a knowing smile on her gorgeous face. “I have an idea of how I could do that.”

    “We have an idea, too,” Fannar smiled. “My friend and I are in disagreement as to which of us has the bigger cock. I say I clearly do. He is unwilling to admit the truth. We need a fair judge to make the decision.”

    Libby smiled even wider. “I’d be happy to be the judge of that.”

    The men stood before her, their hands on their broad hips, and proudly displayed their flaccid dicks. She could see that both massive members were beginning to put on a bit of size as the sexual tension built between the men and the woman.

    Libby studied each prick closely, noting their girth and length. They were certainly longer and thicker than any cocks she had seen before. She got down on her knees before the two men.
    “I really don’t see any clear difference. They both look the same length to me.” She reached out and took each shaft in each of her hands. Her fingers could not reach around on either member. She smiled as she felt both rapidly swelling at her touch.

    “Why don’t we see how they compare when they are both fully aroused?” Libby smiled up into the men’s eyes. Fannar and Rumon grinned back, both men’s cocks rapidly growing even thicker, longer, stiffer. They went from flaccid to rock-hard in moments, their dicks standing up so hard and straight that Libby had to lean back to keep from being slapped in the face by the advancing pricks.

    Libby ran her hands up and down the cocks, rubbing and caressing, using friction to help heat the sensitive skin. She kissed each shaft on its head, then began licking and teasing with her tongue, her head bobbing from prick to prick. She paused to eject copious amounts of spit on each member then used her hands to spread the saliva up and down the shafts, lubricating them and making them even hotter and slicker.

    Rumon and Fannar were groaning and gasping, standing with their hands on their hips, moaning as the blonde devoured them. Libby dipped her golden head under the men’s shafts and fondled, stroked, then gently sucked each of their balls in their sacks. The men shuddered in ecstasy. She returned her attention to the heads of the shafts. She took the head of each prick into her mouth in turn, sucking hard. However, as Latischa had discovered with Rumon already, the men’s pricks were just too thick to fit into her mouth. She felt both of them growing even as she worked and she feared she would choke on one if she tried to deep throat them. She was disappointed. The art of a good blow job required that the man feel his shaft surrounded and by the heat, wetness and grip of a woman’s throat.

    “Oh well,” Libby thought to herself, “I guess I’ll just have to make up for it when I take them both up my cunt.”

    Libby licked and teased the length of both men’s pricks, her extraordinary sexual skills coming fully into play. She slathered the shafts with spit. However, working two massive cocks at the same time was proving a challenge even for her. She was running out of spit. Fortunately, she was getting more and more excited at the prospect of being penetrated to the very core of her being by each of these monster cocks. Her cunt was dripping juice onto the jungle floor, making the inside of her sleek thighs wet.

    Libby leaned back from the men’s enormous dicks and looked at them both critically. “Hm. Well, I still don’t see any difference,” she declared with false seriousness. “I think the only thing we can do is see how well they work when they’re put to the test. Who wants to shove his prick up my cunt first?”

    Fannar and Rumon looked at each other and smiled. “We have done this before,” Fannar replied. “We used to have a woman friend who lived with us and she would take both of us at the same time. If you’re willing to try, that’s the best way to go.”

    Libby’s head spun. She understood immediately what the man was suggesting. She looked at the massive pricks facing her and hesitated. Each seemed to be as thick as a tree trunk. As it was, she was not sure she would be able to fully take one of those enormous pricks all the way up her vaginal canal. To take another one in her ass at the same time seemed nearly suicidal. But, according to these men, another woman had achieved the task with regularity. Libby felt her competitive juices flowing along with her erotic juices. The full sensual power of the jungle was working on her. Her libido was hotter than ever.

    “How big was your friend?” Libby asked, wondering if this miraculous woman was a giant.

    “She was the same size as you,” Rumon offered. “Her body was as beautiful as yours and she was a fuck machine.” His eyes glinted with excitement and fond memories. Libby decided she could not lose out to a memory.

    “Alright, baby, get down on your back,” she said to Rumon. She turned to Fannar. “You can come up my ass once your friend is balls-deep.” Fannar nodded with excitement. He stroked his cock in anticipation.

    Rumon lay on his back on the grass, his massive shaft rising like a pillar. Libby placed her feet on either side of the man’s hips and squatted over his jutting prick. Her body was throbbing with heat. She had not been this sexually excited by the prospect of being penetrated by a man in the entire time she had been in the Lost World – and maybe ever in her life. Her thick lipped, bare twat hovered over Rumon’s cock head, near enough that he could feel the enticing heat radiating off the voluptuous woman’s genitals. Drops of cunt juice dripped down onto his cock, lubricating the head. Libby smiled down at Rumon and gripped his shaft. She lowered herself a bit more and pressed her fat, slick pussy lips onto the massive knob. Then she squeezed her cunt and a gush of pussy juice flowed out over Rumon’s monstrous manhood, lubricating his shaft almost halfway down to its root.

    Libby smiled. “Here we go, baby.” She reached down and gripped Rumon’s powerful chest, bracing her body as she pushed down with her hips onto his shaft. Rumon reached up and grabbed her muscled hips, pulling her down. Libby gasped as the massive round head pressed firmly into her yielding cunt. Her pussy lips opened and expanded, stretching to mold around the tip of the meaty shaft. Libby moaned in exquisite pleasure as her fuck hole stretched wide enough to completely fit the prick’s head. She pushed down and cried out in joy as the thickest part of the cock penetrated her twat and thrust the first few inches into her juiced up fuckhole. Libby slid Rumon’s meat spear deeper and deeper into her hot, soaking vaginal canal. She was practically gushing with lubrication, her incredible body somehow sensing the need and providing the juices necessary to ease the man’s enormous prick into its meaty, succulent sheath.

    “Oh my God,” Libby gasped, her face breaking into a rapturous smile. She threw back her head and moaned in ecstasy as she impaled herself deeper and deeper on the massive shaft. It filled her to the brim and, as her cunt expanded, stretched to its limits as she drew the cock further into her body, the delicious pain added even more to the overwhelming pleasure. She had never been penetrated by something so big and so far in her life and the erotic sensations were overpowering. Her engorged clit slid down the man’s shaft as her cunt devoured his cock, grating and burning with pleasure every inch of the way.

    Two thirds of the way down, Libby got stuck, just as Latischa had when the other woman had first been penetrated by the jungle man. Rumon’s prick was as deep inside of Libby as her cunt seemed able to handle. She refused to be stopped; she was determined to have Rumon balls-deep inside of her. Grunting, she grabbed Rumon’s shoulders, braced herself, and pushed her hips harder. Inch by inch, she fully impaled herself on his monstrous prick, driving him all the way in. She gasped and cried out as she felt the shaft spread and penetrate her right into the core of her womanhood. Rumon’s pubic bush tickled the slick, bare lips of Libby’s cunt, then crunched as her vagina finally closed the distance to Rumon’s groin. His entire massive shaft was now inserted all the way in. Libby’s cunt rested on his balls.

    Libby was sweating profusely, grunting with the strain, as the final penetration filled her to the brim. She shook with pleasure and moaned desperately, a powerful orgasm already pounding at her throbbing clit. Rumon filled his hands with as much of her massive tits as he could and squeezed and kneaded the dense, hot flesh, flicking her rock-hard nipples. Libby threw back her head and cried out in sexual joy. She ran her hands through her thick hair then, placing her hands on Rumon’s chest, began working his shaft with her deep vaginal muscles, massaging, squeezing and rippling the sensitive, rock-hard cock.

    Rumon moaned and writhed beneath Libby, his hips jerking. Libby lifted herself up on his cock, pulling out about a third of the way, before driving her body back onto the man, spearing herself on his shaft again. Libby rolled her hips, working Rumon’s throbbing prick with her deep internal vaginal muscles, grinding and grinding, as he squeezed and kneaded her taut titflesh. The rutting pair cried out in shared pleasure, gasping and grunting as they fucked hard.

    Fannar let the pair get into the rhythm of a good, hard fuck, before he decided to get involved. He came up behind Libby and sat on his jungle brother’s legs. Rumon had released Libby’s tits and gripped her flexing hips instead so he could guide her jerking thrusts. Fannar reached around Libby’s bucking body and grasped her bouncing tits, squeezing the pebbled nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

    “I’m going to go up your ass, Libby,” Fannar murmured into Libby’s ear.

    Libby turned her sweaty face to the powerful man at her back and smiled. She kissed and licked him, panting like a horse as she fucked Rumon with all her strength.

    “Do it, baby,” the woman moaned. “Fuck my ass! Fuck me hard!” Libby was almost delirious with pleasure, struggling to hold in the orgasm trembling in her clit and slowly filling her undulating body with heat.

    Fannar pushed Libby forward so that she was belly to belly with Rumon. Libby’s tits squashed onto the bronzed man’s chest and she drove her tongue into Rumon’s eager mouth, sharing spit and hot breath. Rumon grabbed her head, pushing her face and mouth more deeply into his.

    Fannar ran his hands over the contours of Libby’s wide hips and smooth ass and shoved a thumb up her tight, puckered asshole, readying the juicy hole for his pulsing prick. His member was huge, every bit as big as Rumon’s massive shaft, and he was going to try to fit it into a much tighter bodily orifice. If Libby had not been crazed with pleasure and lust, she might have reconsidered her offer.

    Fannar placed his thick dick up against Libby’s wet asshole and began to push powerfully but slowly, driving himself into the woman’s thrashing body. His massive shaft’s head spread the hole, his incredible strength an inexorable force powering his prick into the tight, hot opening. Underneath him, her body already wracked by pleasure, Libby grunted into Rumon’s mouth as she felt her ass spread and open, as Fannar’s monstrous meat spear stabbed into her lush body.

    “God, oh FUCK!!” Libby screamed, breaking the kiss with Rumon. The agony was exquisite, a surge of intense sensation that somehow became amazingly pleasurable as her ass opened and Fannar’s meaty shaft sank deeper and deeper into her. Libby felt stuffed and spread beyond endurance, the two shafts filling her orifices too much to bear. Yet, somehow, her body wanted more, her libido was enflamed in a way she had not experienced before.

    With a final thrust, Fannar sheathed his entire prick inside of Libby’s ass. The blonde woman groaned in a combination of agony and pure ecstasy as she felt the two shafts moving and thrusting into her deepest womanly core. She worked both dicks with her internal muscles, massaging Rumon’s cock with her rippling vaginal control, squeezing and teasing Fannar’s dick with contractions in her ass and colon.

    The men moved inside of her, both of them feeling the ripples of the other man’s prick as they thrust and ground. Rumon sucked at Libby’s tits and nipples, which pressed into his face. Fannar pulled Libby’s head around and shoved his tongue into her mouth, a kiss she happily and lustily returned. Sweat poured from all three bodies as the women and two men fucked and fucked, the men riding Libby like a horse, Libby doing her utmost to milk the cocks inside of her as dry as she could.

    Grunting, moaning, panting, their bodies thrusting and writhing in a sensuous rhythm, the fucking went on and on until, finally, the men could not take anymore. Their cocks throbbed and ached with heat, the tension in their groins was unbearable, they just could not hold out. Rumon went off first, crying out with a strangled moan as his prick erupted, releasing a gusher of cum deep inside Libby’s womb. The blonde woman squeezed his shaft hard, cutting off the ejaculation, sending a surge of electricity through his body. She squeezed and released several times, prolonging Rumon’s orgasm, leaving him gasping with pleasure when she finally let him go. Libby groaned in bliss as the man’s molten cum filled her insides.

    Moments later, Fannar cried out and erupted in ejaculation, filling Libby’s ass with cum. She used the same technique on him, prolonging his cumming, until he gasped in exhausted pleasure.

    When Rumon went off inside of her, Libby almost let herself go. The pleasure was intense and she hovered on the edge of a devastating orgasm. She held out just long enough to feel Fannar’s warm cum filling her ass, dripping down her inner thighs as the ejaculate overflowed. She finally had enough. Crying out, moaning deep in her throat, she let the incredible ecstasy of her orgasm wash over her in waves of growing pleasure.

    “Oh, Fucking God, YEEESSSSSS!!” Libby shrieked as she came and came, her vaginal ejaculate bubbling over Rumon’s lower torso.

    Libby collapsed onto Rumon’s chest, and Fannar collapsed onto her. For a time, the three lay together, their panting breath mixing, their hearts beating together, their limbs tangled up. Libby was the hot, cum-soaked meat in a messy, sweaty sex sandwich and she loved it.

    After several minutes, Fannar pulled his massive prick out of Libby’s ass. A surge of ejaculate trickled out and slicked the woman’s inner thighs and splattered onto Rumon’s legs. Moaning, Libby lifted herself off of Rumon’s still-hard cock. She slid herself off of the enormous shaft and rolled onto her back, between the two spent men. The three lovers lay quietly together for a moment.

    “I still can’t tell which of you is bigger,” Libby finally said, with a mischievous grin. She rolled towards Fannar and then, to his amazement, crawled on top of his body. She lowered her head and began to stroke and lick at his still-engorged member. “I think we should try this again, but with your positions reversed. It will give me more information to make my decision.”

    Fannar’s prick surged back to full size and hardness. On the ground beside them, Rumon’s dick similarly swelled and hardened. Libby smiled as she stood over Fannar then slowly lowered her distended, red pussy down onto his throbbing cock. She slid all the way down his shaft, her inner vaginal walls once again expanding to accommodate a shaft the equal of the one it had just devoured, her cunt lubricated by the copious amounts of cum Rumon had ejaculated into her. As her cunt swallowed Fannar’s prick, Libby moaned deep in her throat and closed her eyes in bliss. The huge dick felt every bit as delicious as Rumon’s cock. She felt Rumon mounting her from behind and his rough hands reaching around her body to grip and knead her heavy tits. His massive cock poked at her cum-dripping asshole. With a grunt, he thrust powerfully and penetrated her ass, then shoved hard, driving all the way into her core.

    Libby moaned in bliss, then smiled even wider. After a horrible week, her luck was finally beginning to turn.

    To be continued:

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