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Thread: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

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    New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    Hello! This is a new story featuring characters from a story I wrote ages ago. That was called "The Gypsy Duel" and was based on a story by another writer. I believe both are up on Rival's website so, if you are interested in Yolanda and Karen's first fight, please check it there.

    This story is a short story and is just basically pure sex. However, it is meant to be the first part of a much longer story. Even so, it can be a standalone and, as I have done with a few other stories recently, I'm putting it up as a standalone until the longer story is ready.

    As usual, comments appreciated.


    Queen of the Roma

    Part One: A Night Time Visit

    Yolanda woke in the middle of the night. She glanced at the clock beside her bed. It was 1 AM. She was sweating profusely, her body was hot and her silken skin was exquisitely sensitive. She felt like she had a fever. She always slept in the nude and she had already thrown off the covers from her magnificent body. She lay flat on her back and stared at the ceiling of her caravan. She examined her body with her mind. She ran her hands down her voluptuous curves. Her heavy, heaving breasts were hot and throbbing, her nipples were taut and thick, so hard they almost hurt. Her pussy was wet, leaving her muscular inner thighs moist and slick. Her clit was hard and swollen, not at its full size, but very aroused and agitated. It pulsed, sending electric shocks of pleasure through her lush body with every beat of her heart.

    Yolanda knew exactly what was wrong. She was unbelievably horny. Her body was craving a good, hard fuck. It needed the intense pleasure, the sensuous delight, of profound erotic release. She gasped as she went to work on herself. The fingers of one hand delved deep into her sopping cunt, caressing her slick, wet labia, stroking and teasing her swollen clit, stimulating it to new heights of pleasure. With her other hand, she kneaded and massaged her massive right tit, probing the dense, throbbing flesh, then pulled the meaty gland to her mouth and began biting, licking and sucking at the tight nipple and areolae. She tried to pretend that it was Karen who was sucking her tit and finger-fucking her pussy. She closed her eyes and used her imagination, trying to recreate the blonde woman’s erotic techniques.

    It had been nearly six months since Yolanda and Karen had gotten together in the blonde’s cabin and fucked each other senseless. It had been a very close battle but Yolanda had emerged victorious. After their commercial transaction involving Karen’s land was done, Yolanda had tried to put the blonde cowgirl out of her mind, but it had proven very difficult. The intense pleasure she and Karen had given to each other in the course of their hours-long fuckfight gnawed at the raven-haired woman’s mind. She was not always conscious of it but the erotic dreams she had been having for the past few months made it clear how much her body wanted and needed more of her blonde rival. Tonight, her mind had apparently decided that she had ignored it long enough and was forcing the issue.

    After several minutes of aggressively masturbating, Yolanda released her tit and pulled her fingers from her cunt with a frustrated groan. Her actions had made her body even more aroused, her lust even hotter, but she could tell that she would never be able to bring herself to a truly satisfying orgasm. The most she could do was take off a little pressure, but it would continue to build, growing more urgent and distracting. Her mind and her body would settle for nothing less than the real thing.

    Yolanda looked at the clock. It now indicated 1:30 AM. She lay in bed and considered a cold shower, but she knew that could only provide temporary relief, too. The fever kept growing. Yolanda made up her mind. She rolled out of the bed and grabbed a short, gossamer-thin red robe that barely reached the tops of her chocolate-colored thighs. She threw open the door to her caravan. She was still completely nude as she ran down the steps, barefoot, and began racing down the moonlit path through the heavy woods towards the main encampment, where the Roma tribe kept their horses. Yolanda’s personal caravan was in a special clearing, as a measure of the tribe’s respect for her role as their queen. She pulled on her robe as she ran and tied it as best she could, but it did little to hide her nudity and less to restrain her bouncing tits, swaying hips and flashing bare legs.

    Yolanda found her mount, a beautiful black stallion. She did not bother putting a saddle or rein on the great beast. She rode it bareback out of the stable, using the horse’s mane to guide it. The powerful animal’s rippling back, playing on her naked crotch, only stimulated her further. In no time, her own secretions made the horse’s back slick with pussy juice.

    The moon was bright, providing silvery illumination as the woman and horse sped through the night. After 35 minutes of hard riding, Karen’s ranch house came into view. The darkened structure rose out of the rolling field like a small monolith. By this time, Yolanda was in a sexual frenzy, her entire body on fire, her clit hard as rock, her massive tits thick and hot, stimulated by the continuous bouncing of the horse ride.

    Yolanda raced into the yard of the ranch house, slowing the horse to a stop. She leaped off the mount and ran across the dusty yard to the thick wooden door of the house. She pounded on the wood frantically.

    “Karen! It’s me, Yolanda! Let me in! Karen!”

    A guttering light went on in the back of the house, near where the bed was. The light became stronger as the lamp approached the door. There was a metallic clack as the bearer set the lamp on a table beside the door. A moment later, the locks on the portal began to come undone.

    Yolanda waited impatiently, her heart pounding with excitement, the lust and need in her body building even higher. Her mind shrieked at her that she was only moments from satisfying her overwhelming desire. Her luscious body trembled with tension. The sash of her robe had loosened long ago as she rode through the dark so her nude body was fully exposed by the open garment.

    The door finally opened. By the light of the lamp, Yolanda saw Karen standing in the doorway. The blonde’s long, golden hair hung down her back and around her head, messy and unkempt. Karen was wearing a short, thin robe, much like Yolanda’s. Also like Yolanda’s, the robe was untied, failing to conceal Karen’s magnificent nude body.

    “Yolanda, you bitch!” the blonde began. “What are you…?”

    Before she could complete her sentence, Yolanda reached out, slipped both her hands inside of Karen’s open robe, and gripped and squeezed the blonde woman’s incredible tits. Karen gasped but made no move to resist. Yolanda felt the blonde’s nipples tighten and expand under her palms and she smiled lustfully. Yolanda pushed Karen back into the house by her bulging chest and kicked the door closed. She released Karen, who backed up a few more feet. Yolanda turned around to bolt the door, locking the women in.

    Yolanda turned back to face Karen, who stood on one of the fur rugs thrown on the wooden floor of the cabin. The blonde woman looked angry and resentful, but Yolanda detected the hint of growing lust glinting in her rival’s eyes. The blonde’s gaze wandered over Yolanda’s voluptuous exposed body and she licked her dry lips.

    “What do you want, you slut?” Karen snarled, her hands on her wide, muscular hips, her buxom chest thrust out defiantly. Yolanda could see that Karen’s tightening nipples were tenting the cloth of the robe.

    Yolanda smiled seductively. She began to move towards Karen. She reached up and brushed the robe off her shoulders, letting the flimsy garment flutter to the floor. She stood completely nude before the other woman. Her massive tits thrust deliciously out from her chest, her coffee-brown nipples huge and hard. Her wide hips swayed enticingly. The thick thatch of dark fur between her legs was carefully shaped to leave her juicy pudenda and her wet labia free from obstruction. Her tight, taut belly rippled as she moved. Her body was on fire with lust. Her voice was thick and hoarse as she replied.

    “You know why I am here, Karen,” the dusky woman replied. “I’m here to fuck you until I drain every drop of cum out of your pretty little cunt.”

    “You whore!” Karen snarled. “Do you think I’m your fucktoy? That you can show up in the middle of the night to fuck me just because you’re horny? Fuck off! I don’t have to play your games.”

    Even as these resentful words left Karen’s mouth, Yolanda noticed the blonde had made no move to close her robe. By the flickering light of the lamp, Yolanda watched the shadows playing on the massive, thrusting hills of the woman’s magnificent tits, the lush, seductive curves of the blonde’s muscular belly, the deep and alluring indentation of her navel and a glistening of liquid on Karen’s exposed genitals, under the thick fur crowning her pussy.

    “No, you don’t have to,” the Roma queen purred. Her bare feet soundlessly closed the distance between the women. “I think that you want to. I think that you want to fuck me almost as badly as I want to fuck you.” Yolanda drew closer and closer to her prey. Her body was trembling with desire. Her cunt was on fire, her clit was throbbing like a drum. Her green eyes were shining with almost insane need.

    Yolanda was absolutely correct. Just as the Roma woman had fought off her building lust for the blonde for months, so too had Karen been desperately resisting the siren calls of her own body, the intense craving for Yolanda’s flesh, that haunted her sleep and seemed constantly in the back of her mind even during her waking hours. Karen knew that what was driving her was pure lust. The fucking she and Yolanda had administered to each other had been the most exquisite sexual experience of Karen’s life. She wanted more of it, despite her resentment at the humiliation she had suffered at Yolanda’s sex. Just before Yolanda had awakened her from her sleep by pounding on her cabin door, Karen had been in the throes of an intense erotic dream where she was locked in sensual delight with Yolanda. For the first few moments after she woke, she was not sure that she was still not dreaming. Now that she knew she was living in reality, her mind was screaming at her than she was only minutes, seconds away from having that sexual ecstasy again.

    Karen’s body ached with need. She tried to hide it, but the pulsing heat of her clit, the growing tension in her swelling tits and engorged nipples, was driving her crazy. As Yolanda closed the distance between their luscious bodies, Karen felt her will to resist evaporating. Staring into the Roma woman’s green eyes, shining with unbearable lust, she felt her own animal libido growing out of control. She had to have Yolanda’s body. She had to feel that luscious flesh rubbing and slapping and twining with her own. She had to feel the heat of Yolanda’s cunt locked and driving into her own, mating and merging, clits jousting and grinding in a sensual battle for supremacy.

    Yolanda paused only inches from Karen’s body, their bare toes almost touching, sexual electricity flowing between their bare nipples. The women stared into each other’s eyes, both seeing the intense desire in the other reflected back.

    The naked women reached for each other. Karen slid her hands over Yolanda’s smooth, curving hips. Yolanda wrapped her arms around Karen’s upper back, sliding them under the blonde’s meager robe, and pulled Karen to her. The women gasped in shared delight as their lush bodies came together. Bare tits met and crushed, swollen nipples stabbed and twisted into each other, hard bellies slapped tight. Both women thrust a bare thigh into the other’s succulent pussy. Their ravenously hungry mouths snapped together in magnetic lust.

    Yolanda almost screamed into Karen’s mouth as her deepest desires were finally on the verge of being fulfilled. She rejoiced in almost transcendental lust as her flesh met Karen’s flesh, as her unbearable needs were finally so close to being met. As she felt Karen’s tongue thrashing and twisting with her tongue, as she felt Karen’s hard yet yielding flesh mold to her own, her mind convulsed with an explosion of intense joy. She felt like she had died and gone to heaven. Nothing on earth could be better than this, except the orgasmic ecstasy that would come when her clit would knot and swell with Karen’s and finally release in mind-shattering pleasure.

    The women moaned and groaned frantically into the other’s mouth. Their bodies staggered on the fur rug, bare feet shuffling as they struggled to control and dominate each other, to get the other woman down so they could start fucking in earnest. They fell to the carpet on their knees and swayed back and forth, still kissing frantically. Yolanda pulled at Karen’s robe. She was determined to get the blonde absolutely nude before she fucked her. Karen released Yolanda’s body but kept their mouths and tongues locked as she tore off her robe, her own desire to have nothing between their bodies.

    Completely nude, the women wrapped their arms around the other’s naked body and squeezed with all their strength. Their tits compressed harder, their flat bellies fused and rippled. They screamed in joy into their locked kiss. Yolanda’s toes gained purchase on the hard wooden floor at the edge of the rug. With a surge of lust she powered into Karen and toppled their locked bodies to the rug. Instantly, the women twined their muscular legs into unbreakable knots and rolled from side to side on the soft surface. They finally broke the kiss, gasping and moaning, and cried out in pleasure as their naked bodies writhed and thrashed on the ground, muscles locking and straining. Karen and Yolanda deliberately undulated against each other, both women desperate to rub and grind their naked flesh, to feel the other woman’s heat and silken flesh against her own, to match muscle and tongues and breath, to grind tits and bellies. They both craved a complete lock up, a complete merging of aching, burning flesh.

    “Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, you fucking bitch, you fucking, fucking bitch,” Yolanda moaned into Karen’s ear. She bit the blonde passionately on the shoulder, a savage love bite, an expression of her need to consume the women she wanted so much.

    “You cunt, oh God, you fucking cunt,” Karen groaned back, returning the bite eagerly, clawing and gripping at Yolanda’s impossibly lush body as she gave in to her deepest desires.

    Their beautiful, perfectly equal bodies grew damp with sweat as their struggle continued. Finally, Yolanda succeeded in pinning Karen to the rug on her back and holding the blonde in place. Yolanda forced Karen’s legs apart with her powerful thighs and exposed the blonde’s burning pudenda. The blonde’s delicious fuckmeat radiated heat. It dribbled cunt lubricants down Karen’s taint to her asshole and then to the rug. Yolanda’s cunt was dripping too. Eagerly, she pushed her weight forward, holding Karen in place tit to tit. The women felt their rock-hard nipples stab and fuse, nipple hole to nipple hole. Yolanda raised her pussy above Karen’s drooling fuckhole. She could feel, even sense, Karen’s distended clit waiting for her own. She held the blonde by her hair on both sides of her head. Her black hair hung like a curtain on either side of Karen’s head. They were nose to nose, eyes fixed. Karen’s fingers dug into Yolanda’s ass cheeks, urging the raven-haired woman down and in.

    The women paused in that moment, to stare deeply into each other’s eyes, green eyes to blue. The moment they had both wanted for so long was finally here. They were finally going to mate, to join swollen, hungry cunt to cunt, to penetrate and violate each other, to become one aching, sweating, steaming, writhing hunk of fuckflesh. Yolanda contracted her cunt and sprayed her juice on Karen’s supine twat, marking the blonde’s territory as her own. Karen sprayed back, rejecting the claim, challenging the other cunt to a fight to the finish.

    “Fuck me, you cunt, fuck me with everything you have,” Karen whispered at Yolanda.

    “I will,” Yolanda promised, “Oh, fucking God, I will fuck you blind.”

    “Now…” Karen moaned.

    “Yes,” Yolanda whimpered.

    Yolanda cocked back her hips then thrust down with all her power. Simultaneously, Karen planted her heels and bucked up to meet her rival’s downward thrust. She also pulled on Yolanda’s ass, trying to increase the power of the Roma’s woman’s penetration of her steaming cunt.

    Cunt slapped to cunt, swollen clit met swollen clit head on, and the women’s eyes widened in shock as their bodies suddenly became one. A shockwave of pure ecstasy roared through Yolanda and Karen. The heat from their cunt to cunt fusion radiated through their perfect bodies. The women looked deep into each other, seeing their ecstasy mirrored in the other woman’s eyes and face, feeling intense pleasure so deep it defied description, pleasure they were giving to each other now.

    Their muscles filled with electric tension, every nerve firing, and their bodies bucked frantically as they tried to drive into each other even deeper, even harder.

    “GOD, OH FUCKING GOD!!” Karen howled. This was everything she had dared to hope and, even better, the night was just beginning. “Oh fuck,” she thought to herself as delirium took her, “Oh God, please let this last forever!”

    “Yes, yes, YYYEEESSSSSS!!,” Yolanda shrieked. The need she had been craving, the ache, the itch that her body so desperately needed scratched was finally being fulfilled. The joy she felt was indescribable.

    The women’s mouths snapped tight, they moaned and screamed into each other, as their bodies twisted and writhed, as they undulated like mating snakes as they engaged in a full body fuck. They pulled hair and scratched and clawed, gripping rippling, thrusting asses, pounding and grinding, fucking and fucking and fucking with wild abandon.

    They settled into a hard, hot rhythm, slowly and intensely grinding and grinding clit to clit, letting their fuck horns joust and play, stroke and caress, finally twisting them into one, allowing them to swell into an unbreakable knot of purest ecstasy. Their tits rolled and rippled, nipples fused and exploding with heat.

    Tears and sweat coursed down the women’s faces as they rested nose to nose, forehead to forehead. Their eyes were locked through half-open lids as they watched the exquisite, unbearable pleasure they were giving to each other, sharing, taking from each other, forcing the other to accept. Their fucking was hypnotic. Their universe became only the unbearable ecstasy radiating from their clits, the sucking merging of their locked cunts, the heat swelling their quivering tits, their eyes overflowing with tears of joy and pleasure and locked in intimacy.

    Finally, the end came. They felt it coming.

    “Oh God, oh fuck, I’m going to cum…” Karen moaned.

    “So am I, oh fuck, it’s almost here…,” Yolanda gasped.

    “Together,” Karen sobbed. “I want to feel your cum inside of me, I want to feel me cumming in you…”

    “Yes, oh yes,” Yolanda cried.

    The women signaled with their eyes and, together, they stopped holding back the tidal waves of ecstasy trapped in their cores. Their pussies convulsed and the women ejaculated into each other, their hot, viscous cum mixing and frothing as it filled them both to the brim. They cried out and then stifled their screams as they locked mouths and tongued each other desperately. Their nipples burned then ejaculated powerfully, tit orgasms rocking their bodies and adding to the overpowering sensations.

    Yolanda and Karen quivered, bucked and writhed through one devastating orgasm after another. For almost ten minutes, their perfect bodies shuddered and shook on the rug as they shared and exchanged orgasms and drained each other of every drop of cum they could take. Finally, their bodies twined in voluptuous knots, they lay still. Their hearts pounded, their twined clits throbbed, their inosculated pussies sucked.

    After some time, Karen gently pushed Yolanda off of her supine body. Yolanda moaned in exhaustion as she rolled to the side. The women’s naked bodies gleamed with sweat and cum in the dim light. Strands of ejaculate linked their swollen tits and their aching twats. They slowly cooled.

    Karen finally sat up. She got unsteadily to her feet, went into the kitchen, and poured herself a large glass of water. After she drank it, she staggered back to the door, passing by Yolanda, and picked up the lamp she had left on the side table. She walked across the room, her sweaty feet leaving imprints on the rough wood. She put the lamp on her bedside table and turned it down most of the way, to where it let off only a sullen glow.

    Karen crawled onto her massive bed, moved to the centre of the large, overstuffed mattress, and lay flat on her back. She pulled the heavy quilt over her sweaty body. She lay in the dark, breathing deeply, feeling her body. Every nerve in her voluptuous flesh was still jangling with erotic electricity. She felt like she had just gone through a divine experience, that she had attained a level of orgasmic pleasure that defied human capacity.

    Even as she lay in the dark, the moonlight filtering through the leaded windows, she felt her libido recharging, the intense sexual needs of her body rapidly coming back. She was not sated by what she and Yolanda had just done to each other. Instead, her ravenous appetite was whetted. She wanted more. She wanted so much more. She felt her spent tits swelling and getting thick and heavy, the nipples spearing into the cool sheets. Her pussy began to ache once more and grow damp. The tension in her belly began to flow in two directions: down into her burning twat and aching clit and up to her swelling tits and hardening nips.

    In the darkness, she heard Yolanda get slowly to her feet. The Roma queen padded into the kitchen. Karen heard the woman pouring water then drinking, probably from the same glass Karen had used. Then she heard Yolanda’s bare feet padding across the room, approaching the massive bed. Karen’s heart pounded and her tits grew even harder. Her clit pulsed.

    Yolanda pulled up the sheets and the heavy quilt and slipped under. She moved under the sheets across the bed. Without hesitation, the nude Roma woman eagerly mounted Karen’s naked body. As Yolanda’s sweat-damp, perfect, voluptuous form slid on top of her’s, Karen could feel that her rival was every bit as aroused as she was, every bit as ready for another round of all out fucking. Their swollen nipples mated, their massive tits crushed each other down, their hard bellies slapped and wriggled, navels aligning and sucking. Karen gripped Yolanda’s ass and spread her legs in welcome. The women whimpered in unison as their slick, hot cunts slid onto each other, as their aching clits caressed, sending a devastating shockwave of ecstasy coursing through them.

    The women rested, nose to nose, forehead to forehead, panting into each other’s mouths, their bodies electric with desire and ravenous hunger. Their tongues touched and teased and they moaned in sexual agony as they played games with each other, as they teased and tempted until the moment when they would start fucking like rutting rabbits.

    “How long do you have? How long can you stay?” Karen whispered and moaned to the raven-haired goddess. She had to know how long they had to give each other paradise.

    “All the rest of tonight and today. All of tonight. All of tomorrow. I have to be back with my people tomorrow evening. But until then, we can have each other.”

    “Good,” Karen moaned. Her eyes were bright as she stared up into Yolanda’s glowing green eyes, just an inch from her own. “We’re going to fuck each other raw, Yolanda,” the blonde whispered. “We’re not going to stop fucking. We’re going to fuck so hard neither one of us will be able to walk by tomorrow evening. Do you understand?”

    “Yes,” Yolanda moaned, her voice thick with unbearable lust. She kissed Karen, slow and deep and hard. The blonde returned the kiss with equal fervor. Then, in a sudden flurry of limbs and grunts, Yolanda found herself under Karen. It was she who was now mounted by the other woman.

    “You belong to me, you fuck,” Karen groaned as she moved her clit into position against Yolanda’s throbbing fuck horn.

    “No, you’re my fuck whore,” Yolanda grunted, her body shaking as the blonde began to thrust and stroke, as incredible sensations began to steal her mind away.

    Karen thrust down. Yolanda threw back her head and cried out. The women’s bodies began to move under the sheets in the undulating fuck rhythm that transported them to such ecstasy. Their mouths locked, their tongues caressed and twined, and they began enjoying each other again.

    True to their word, Yolanda and Karen fucked all the rest of that night, all of the next day and night, and all of the following day, until Yolanda had to leave to return to an evening ritual with her tribe. They stopped only to take care of bodily needs, eat and drink. Otherwise, they never stopped satisfying and feeding their insatiable hunger for each other’s bodies. They were sore and raw by the time they finally staggered out of the bed late the following afternoon. Their perfect bodies were covered in teethmarks and scratches and red blotches where they had slapped and gripped each other. Their pussies were red and sore, but they had discovered that the best solution to a sore pussy was a naturally well-lubricated one, aided by a bit of spit.

    Karen helped Yolanda prepare to leave. She gave the Roma woman a loose-fitting white blouse that would not put undue pressure on her aching tits. Yolanda tied the blouse into a halter that left her midriff completely bare and her tits almost spilling out. Karen also gave Yolanda some cut-off jeans and boots. Yolanda balled up her robe. She intended to put it between her legs to add some padding for her cunt so riding the stallion back to her camp would not be too excruciatingly painful.

    Wearing only her open robe, Karen saw Yolanda to the door of her cabin. The women said little to each other. Their bodies had communicated on a level neither could deny. At the door, Yolanda turned back to her lover and rival. Without hesitation, Karen stepped into the Roma women. They both moaned in pain as their tender tits compressed but it did not stop them from pulling each other into a tight, hot, probing kiss that went on and on. Several minutes later, after they had exchanged spit in copious amounts, they pushed apart. Resting forehead to forehead, they moaned in mutual need.

    “I don’t want this to end,” Yolanda finally whispered. “I need your cunt. I have to have your body.”

    “I need you too,” Karen admitted, grateful that Yolanda had made the first move. “I can’t live without fucking you.”

    “Good,” Yolanda moaned. Even now, she could barely tear herself away from this woman. “In two weeks, from today. Come to my caravan. Come in the afternoon. Be prepared to stay for two days.”

    “I will be there,” Karen whispered.

    Finally, the women pulled apart. Reluctantly, Yolanda opened the door. With a final glance back, she pulled it closed. She stepped into the yard and whistled for her horse. The great black stallion came trotting up. Gingerly, Yolanda climbed onto the beast’s back. Her pussy was aching and burning like it never had before and she knew the ride back home would be very painful. But it was easily, easily worth it. She stuffed her red robe between her legs then turned the horse toward home.


    Karen Swenson rode her chestnut mare into the Roma camp. The settlement was established a good way inside a forest on a large, wooded piece of land that she had recently sold to Yolanda. As soon as she entered the encampment, a number of Roma came from around the various tents and makeshift shacks and caravan campers that made up the small community. Most of the people looked quite young. They tended to be dusky-skinned and dark-haired, though there were a notable number of people of lighter complexion and hair. Karen had past experiences with the Roma people. She knew that they could be very mixed in their ethnic origins.

    Karen wore a checkered shirt that was tied into a halter and knotted just under the overhang of her massive, gently swaying tits. The shirt was mostly unbuttoned, displaying her impressive breasts, glistening with a light sheen of sweat in the early afternoon heat. Her jean shorts stretched low on her hips, allowing for acres of bare, toned midriff. Her bare, muscled legs gleamed against the chestnut coat of her horse. Her cowboy boots were secured in the stirrups. On her head she wore a black cowboy hat.

    A young man gazed at her appreciatively as he stood in front of her horse and put up his hand to stop her. Karen recognized the man as Aden. She had dealt with him on the sale of her property to the tribe.

    “Miss Karen,” Aden said, smiling widely. “It is a real pleasure to see you. How can I help you?”

    Karen smiled down on Aden. She found him attractive, though she had already decided she would not act on that. “Hi, Aden,” she replied. “Yolanda asked me to come here today. Didn’t you know about that?”

    Aden frowned. Apparently, he had not been informed. “No, I did not know. But Miss Yolanda has been a bit…distracted lately. She may have forgotten to inform me to expect you.”

    Just then, a teenage boy ran up from one of the shacks along what constituted the main thoroughfare for the community.
    “Sorry Aden,” the boy said, his voice a bit breathless. “I was supposed to tell you about this, but I forgot. I got the note and came back and it just slipped my mind.”

    Aden frowned at the boy. “That’s not good enough, Jesse,” he said, his voice hard. “If you want to be trusted with important work, you need to do better than this.”

    The boy hung his head. “Sorry, Aden,“ he repeated.

    Aden nodded at the boy. “OK. We’ll talk about this later. Is there anything else you’ve forgotten to tell me?”

    The boy shook his head. “OK. You can go, but stay close by in case I need you.” The boy nodded and sprinted back to the shack from which he emerged.

    Aden turned back to Karen. “Sorry, Miss Karen. Our mistake.” He gestured towards the end of the row and the thicker forest beyond. “If you just follow this path into the woods, it goes in about a 100 yards before it comes to a clearing. That is where Yolanda has her wagon. I guess she’s expecting you.” The man hesitated. “If you plan to stay awhile, you may want to leave your horse with us. I can guarantee we’ll make sure she’s well taken care of.”

    Karen nodded. “Much obliged.” Karen slipped off the horse’s back, patted the chestnut on the side, and turned the reins over to Aden. As he led the horse to the stable, Karen began walking towards Yolanda’s caravan.

    Karen proceeded down the makeshift lane and into the forest. As promised, the path was clearly marked, a ribbon of brown earth worn into the grass by the passage of many feet. She followed the path and, a hundred yards in, the forest opened up into a clearing. Sitting on the edge of the clearing was a large, ornately carved wagon. The wagon was painted a bright red with gold highlights.

    As Karen entered the clearing, the door to the wagon opened and Yolanda came out, standing on the top step of the entryway. Karen could not stop the spike of intense sexual tension that suddenly filled her loins and her aching breasts. Her thick nipples hardened instantly and her stomach grew hot with an intense energy that trickled into her aching pussy.

    The Roma woman had a long, thick mane of black hair that flowed in waves down to her mid-back. She was wearing a burgundy blouse, her shoulders bare, the garment low on her breasts and held in place only by the swelling of her magnificent tits, which were revealed in an impressive display of deep cleavage. Her midriff was completely bare and tightly toned, the mocha-colored flesh flashing in the afternoon sun. Her legs were covered by a long, black dress with a high slit that stretched across her hips and sat enticingly low on her naked belly. A gleaming, powerfully shaped, bare leg protruded boldly from beneath the skirt. She was barefoot.

    Yolanda gave Karen a secret smile, a smile that spoke of the passion and pleasure the two women had shared, that they intended to share now.

    “Karen,” the dark-haired beauty purred. “I am so happy that you have come.”

    “Yolanda,” Karen acknowledged.

    “Please come inside,” the Roma woman continued. She stepped back into the wagon, holding the door open for her voluptuous guest.

    Karen pulled off her cowboy boots. She knew enough about Roma customs to know that wearing shoes inside a person’s domicile was considered very rude. Barefoot, she climbed the cool wooden steps into Yolanda’s home. She brushed by Yolanda. Her bare arm and shoulder slid by Yolanda’s thick nippled tits. Both women shuddered a bit as the sexual shock passed between them. Their eyes locked and a surge of powerful erotic tension flowed between their luscious bodies. The women barely suppressed gasps of arousal. They exchanged hot, hungry smiles. Their equally huge tits heaved as their hearts began to pump harder. Both women felt the lubrication filling their pussies.

    The inside of the wagon was quite beautiful. Gleaming wood panels covered the inner walls. A huge, comfortable looking bed occupied almost the entire back of the large space, leaving only narrow passages on both sides. A sitting area with several chairs and a leather couch flowed into a well-appointed kitchen and dining area. A spacious bathroom was just off the bedroom area. A space towards the front of the wagon contained a small table and what looked like a crystal ball. Karen was not surprised that Yolanda might play the part of a fortune-teller, but she also wondered if there were something real to the dark-skinned woman’s mystical pretensions. To the best of her knowledge, this particular tribe of Roma did not engage in carnival acts.

    Karen put all of that out of mind. None of that mattered right now. None of that would matter for the next two days. Only one thing did matter: getting Yolanda flat on her back and fucking the raven-haired woman’s brains out. And that was only the first thing. After that, Karen looked forward to hours and hours, even days, of relentless clit to clit, cunt to cunt tribbing, cunt-sucking, fisting, ass-licking, ass to ass fucking and anything else that she and Yolanda had already done to each other and that they could imagine to do to each other’s incredible bodies.

    Yolanda closed the door and locked it. The inside of the caravan was dark, except for a lamp on a desk and another by the bed. Yolanda stood inside the door and regarded her guest with undisguised lust. Her eyes roamed ravenously over every inch of Karen’s luscious body. The Roma queen had been aching with anticipation for this day for the past two weeks and she planned to enjoy every second of it. She had come up with a number of positions and sex acts she intended to test out on the blonde. But, first, she and Karen needed to relieve some of the pressure that had built up.

    Yolanda smiled as she walked slowly towards Karen. The blonde woman smiled back. She removed her hat and placed it on a chair. She shook out her golden hair. Then Yolanda was on her. The two women wrapped their arms around each other and pulled each other in. Their massive tits squashed, enflamed titflesh spilling out of their halters, bare flesh sizzling to bare flesh. They felt their aroused tit bullets find each other and stab and suck at each other even through the cloth barriers of their blouses. Their bare bellies slapped tight and the women took a moment to rub and undulate their naked, muscular abdomens against each other. Their mouths locked in a deep, savage kiss. Moaning and groaning, Karen and Yolanda kissed deeply, passionately, both holding the other by the back of her head, fingers sunk into thick hair, and pushed their mouths more tightly together. Their desire to consume each other flared to overflowing.

    As they kissed, Karen pulled at Yolanda’s skirt. It was only fixed in place by an elastic that easily slid over the Roma queen’s hips and dropped at her feet. As Karen expected, the raven-haired woman was naked under the skirt and the blonde wasted no time in cupping and stroking Yolanda’s exposed genitals. The Roma woman bucked and moaned in their kiss. Karen smiled inwardly as her hand came away wet.

    Yolanda broke the kiss and yanked at Karen’s blouse, tearing it open, sending the one button that was buttoned flying, and threw it aside. The blonde’s gleaming golden breasts bounced deliciously. Yolanda lowered her head and eagerly sank her teeth into the succulent flesh, sucking and worrying the rock-hard nipples. Karen cried out and replied by shoving a finger between Yolanda’s exposed cuntlips. Yolanda groaned but only sucked harder at Karen’s tit. She undid the clasp of Karen’s jean shorts and pulled them down the blonde’s thick thighs. Karen was naked under the shorts and, as she stepped out of the shorts fallen to the floor, she was now nude.

    Karen grabbed Yolanda’s halter top. Like the skirt, it was elastic. Karen pulled it up. Yolanda raised her arms so the garment could come off her body. It pulled on her massive tits then released them, letting the gorgeous brown orbs bounce lustily as they fell back on the Roma queen’s chest.

    The women stood apart for a moment and examined each other’s nude beauty. Their eyes were burning with fever, their hearts pounded. Their bodies were fully aroused, their tits thick and swollen, their nipples hard and distended, their pussies dripping with cunt juice, their erect clits emerged from their hoods and standing sentinel over their bare, juicy cunt lips.

    Yolanda and Karen could not wait a second longer. They threw their naked bodies together and groaned in joyous pleasure as their taut, voluptuous flesh slapped. Heavy tits mated, bare bellies clapped tight. The women’s mouths snapped and locked together with magnetic lust. Both immediately used a hand to push the back of their lover’s head. Each woman put a hand between the other’s legs and began finger-fucking, stroking pulsing clits.

    Moaning and groaning, falling more and more deeply into the passionate kiss, their bodies aligning perfectly, Yolanda and Karen each seized the other woman’s rippling ass with both hands and began to exchange pussy punches. Soon, they were grinding and thrusting at each other and it looked like they were about to begin a stand-up fuck. Karen moaned desperately as she felt Yolanda’s clit stroke and corkscrew with her own.

    Yolanda suddenly jumped up and wrapped her muscled, mocha legs around Karen’s broad hips, crossing her ankles at Karen’s ass. Karen supported her by tightening her grip on the Roma queen’s ass. Karen carried Yolanda towards the massive bed. Crying out, she threw their bodies onto the bed and gasped in pleasure as her entire body covered and crushed onto Yolanda’s luscious form.

    The women writhed and wriggled on the bed, grinding and rubbing their naked flesh, enjoying the sensuous feel of the other woman’s body. Karen settled between Yolanda’s legs, spreading the Roma queen’s lush thighs, lining up their aching cunts for the delicious thrust that she had been eagerly, breathlessly anticipating for two weeks. Yolanda seized Karen’s powerful ass and sank her fingers into the taut meat, preparing to pull her lover deeper into her, to seal and suck their aching cunts even more completely.

    Tit to tit, nipple to nipple, belly to belly, the women prepared themselves for the ecstasy to come. Karen’s blonde hair hung down over their faces. Karen and Yolanda smiled at each other, their feverish grins revealing the pure lust, the raw hunger, that was consuming them both.

    They touched tongues.

    “Fuck me, Karen,” Yolanda whispered, her green eyes shining with desire. “Fuck my brains out.”

    “I will, baby,” the blonde promised. “I’m going to fuck you so fucking hard…”

    “And I will do the same to you,” the Roma queen promised. “Now – let us begin.”

    With rapturous smiles, Karen and Yolanda penetrated each other, sealing their dripping cunts tight. Their clits stroked and fused, their pussy lips pressed and expanded, creating a powerful suction. Golden and mocha legs twined and locked and the women’s powerful hips moved in unison, keeping their cunts glued together. Their bodies undulated, every inch of flesh fucking every other.

    Crying out in joy, the lovers rode each other to ecstasy again and again and again, their fuck match just starting with the promise of unbearable pleasure and insatiable lust to come.

    The End

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    Hostboard Member spartwow's Avatar
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    Re: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    I went back and read Gypsy Duel. The strength contest and bearhug was so hot! The whole duel between their muscular bodies and how they matched each part together willfully was great. Both woman sought only to overcome her rival through her own strength.

    Then I read this story and it was more sexually focused which was great in its own right. The payoff from the first story was the girls realizing they could only get their much desired sexual satisfaction from each other. Their competitive nature and equally muscled bodies longed for each other. Then, when they decided to climax simultaneously, that’s how you know they’d been thinking of that moment for a long time. You rarely write rivals into lovers, but this one makes a lot of sense. I can only hope they maintain their desire to compete power vs power as well, because that was SO GOOD in the first story (I love equally matched women comparing their bodies in strength contests).

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by spartwow View Post
    I went back and read Gypsy Duel. The strength contest and bearhug was so hot! The whole duel between their muscular bodies and how they matched each part together willfully was great. Both woman sought only to overcome her rival through her own strength.

    Then I read this story and it was more sexually focused which was great in its own right. The payoff from the first story was the girls realizing they could only get their much desired sexual satisfaction from each other. Their competitive nature and equally muscled bodies longed for each other. Then, when they decided to climax simultaneously, that’s how you know they’d been thinking of that moment for a long time. You rarely write rivals into lovers, but this one makes a lot of sense. I can only hope they maintain their desire to compete power vs power as well, because that was SO GOOD in the first story (I love equally matched women comparing their bodies in strength contests).

    Hi Spartwow,

    Thanks for the comment. I did sort of underplay the muscularity and physical strength-aspect of the overall competition between Yolanda and Karen for this story. That was somewhat deliberate - obviously, I wanted to focus on the sex. In the original story by Emish, the women eventually end up in bed but he does not write about what happens there other than to indicate that their battle passes from being a contest of raw physical strength to one of sexual prowess. Obviously, my version of the story included both, with an emphasis on the latter as deciding the battle. I regarded that particular story by Emish, along with the original "Inge" story, as a primary example of a story that should have ended in a sex fight that, instead, ends far too early or just when things are about to get really good!

    Going forward, this story will involve Yolanda and Karen in a contest with two other women. I won't say more than that for now but the next chapter will make the reasons and nature of that contest clear.


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    Re: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Hi Spartwow,

    Thanks for the comment. I did sort of underplay the muscularity and physical strength-aspect of the overall competition between Yolanda and Karen for this story. That was somewhat deliberate - obviously, I wanted to focus on the sex. In the original story by Emish, the women eventually end up in bed but he does not write about what happens there other than to indicate that their battle passes from being a contest of raw physical strength to one of sexual prowess. Obviously, my version of the story included both, with an emphasis on the latter as deciding the battle. I regarded that particular story by Emish, along with the original "Inge" story, as a primary example of a story that should have ended in a sex fight that, instead, ends far too early or just when things are about to get really good!

    Going forward, this story will involve Yolanda and Karen in a contest with two other women. I won't say more than that for now but the next chapter will make the reasons and nature of that contest clear.

    Looking forward to it. Next to King, you write the best 2V2 fights of everyone.

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    Re: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    Great !
    A bit different than your ordinary style but I LOVED IT !!
    I like when the two women have feelings for one another.
    Not the first time you use this. I remember another great story of yours in wild west. You have written a few more that way.
    Well Done !!
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; June 9th, 2023 at 04:56 AM.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: New Story- Queen of the Roma -by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Great !
    A bit different than your ordinary style but I LOVED IT !!
    I like when the two women have feelings for one another.
    Not the first time you use this. I remember another great story of yours in wild west. You have written a few more that way.
    Well Done !!
    Thanks! I don't intend to abandon the competitive dynamic between Yolanda and Karen and I don't plan to make them fall in love or anything of that sort - at least for now. As the first part of the story emphasized, this is entirely about satisfying their mutual lust for each other. However, they can be friends and allies.


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