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Thread: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

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    Hostboard Member barata77's Avatar
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    Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

    A few weeks ago, someone posted here a question about AI generated titfights. There was a suggestion to try out NovelAI, and I did. The 50 generations you get on the free trial won't get you far, generally I'd say one text generation creates around 20 words, and often times they are total garbage. But it has potential. So, I shelled out for the paid version to test it better, and have been "writing" a few stories now for about a week. English is not my first language, and anyway I'm not a great creative writer, so it's been helpful for me to actually turn some of my ideas into something resembling a story. It does require a lot of trial and error, and a lot of AI generation and deletion and regeneration of text. I've been using it in a mode where you write some text, and the AI continues it with a suggestion. Then you either continue writing, edit what the AI produced, or just let the AI continue (which usually doesn't net you great results). So, it's kind of co-writing with the AI I guess. Anyway, here's something I have done with the AI.

    Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

    The engines of the custom made Fountain power boat roared. It was a boat full of power, yet sleek in lines. With effortless grace it cut through the waves, at times floating, other times flying atop the waters. But, as powerful as the boat was, it yielded perfectly to the wishes of its master.

    Red hair blew in the wind like a burning flame. Much like her boat, Annabel was full of power, yet more feminine than you could imagine. She enjoyed riding her boat, feeling the wind, feeling the wavy waters. It tested her, and she enjoyed being tested. But even more than that, she enjoyed coming out on top. The thrill and rush of adrenalin drove her on to seek the greatest, most difficult tests. She found them, and she always came out on top, every time stronger, more confident in her abilities to overcome all and everything.

    The sun was high on the sky. It was hot, even the blowing wind could not cool Annabel. But amidst the burning sun she felt a different kind of heat, a fire within. It was a fire she was both blessed and cursed with. Blessed to burn so hot and bright that it had taken her through the hardest of challenges. Cursed to forever consume everything, leaving her unable to enjoy lasting relationships, unable to ever be sated.

    The shoreline flew past Annabel. Luxurious, private mansions, one after another, each trying to overdo the others. Annabel could have any one of those mansions if she wanted. She was rich. So rich that she never had to think about money. And she never would have to, unless she chose so. That was her life, the way she chose to live.

    Speeding past it, one of the mansions caught Annabel's eye. It was not the mansion, actually. There was a white pier, and on that pier, there was a blonde woman sunbathing on a lounge chair. And the woman had huge boobs. Even from the distance Annabel could see that. Over the years, she had developed a very keen eye for spotting exceptional women. She slowed down and turned her boat around, heading for the pier. As she got closer, the blonde noticed the approaching boat and stood up. Annabel swallowed and licked her lips in anticipation. The blonde was really curvy, and her boobs were clearly in the same league as Annabel's. Everything about the blonde spelled sex.

    Annabel pulled her boat over to the pier, skillfully bringing the powerful beast to a halt. "I'm Annabel, and I couldn't help but notice you. You don't mind if I park here for a moment, do you?"

    "Actually, I do. Just what do you think you're doing? This is private property!" the blonde protested. But Annabel didn't listen, or care. She gracefully jumped to the pier and secured her boat.

    "Well, it just happens that I don't care. I saw you and your big boobs, and I'm going to smash you flat. I need to feel your tits yield to mine." Annabel stated as she approached the blonde.

    The blonde had been carefully scrutinizing Annabel the whole time. She wasn't the least bit surprised that Annabel wanted to titfight, she could see Annabel was looking for a fight the moment she saw her. But she was concerned. She didn't often meet women who rivaled her massive boobs, or her sexuality. But Annabel was there, and she could feel a kind of sexual power radiating from her, engaging her body well before they had even touched. She felt turned on, and her body reacted to it instantly. Her nipples swelled and crusted, pushing against her bikini top.

    "Don't think for a moment you can just come to my home and get away with it! If you're looking for a fight, you're going to get it!"

    Annabel smiled. "That's exactly what I'm looking for! I like a woman who's got balls, who's not afraid to stand up for herself. And when I saw your incredible rack, I knew we had to fight!"

    The blonde looked at Annabel suspiciously. She was surprised to be told the truth so quickly. The redhead was very straightforward. It didn't mean she would give up, though. She had been challenged, and she would have to meet that challenge.

    "You really think you can defeat me? I have seen bigger tits before!"

    "No one is bigger than me." Annabel stated confidently. "And you have no idea what you're getting into. But I'll show you!"

    Annabel did not lie about her abilities. Her giant boobs were bigger than the blonde's. The difference wasn't big, but it was clear to both women. The blonde had not been not prepared for a titfight, instead spending a relaxing day sunbathing, but she had never backed down from a challenge. And when it came to titfighting, she rarely lost. She had beaten boobs even bigger than her own formidable rack. She was confident that she could defeat Annabel's, and that the redhead would learn the futility of trying to top her.

    Annabel was as cocky as ever. She knew there was no way the blonde could defeat her. The blonde's tits were almost as big as Annabel's, but not as firm, she was sure of that. And the blonde likely was nowhere near as experienced as Annabel. Annabel was a seasoned titfighter. She had fought many of the biggest breasts, and had defeated all of them. She was undefeated, and she intended to keep it that way.

    They circled each other. Their breasts were huge, the difference between them almost non existent. Annabel acted first, quickly shedding her tiny bikini top and revealing her firm tits and already hardening nipples to the blonde. The blonde's eyes immediately widened at seeing the huge rack of the redhead, and especially her growing thick nipples. Her nipples had begun swelling rapidly, growing even bigger than the blonde's. She looked at Annabel's tits in wonder. She had never faced such powerful boobs before, and her confidence faltered.

    Annabel did not allow her opponent any chance to reconsider her choices. She attacked immediately, butting her huge tits against the blonde's big rack. "Ooohhh", the blonde gasped as the felt the weight and firmness of Annabel's tits slamming against her own pair. The blonde tried to match her strength, but the redhead was so much more powerful, so much more experienced and aggressive. She tried to stand up for herself, but she was overwhelmed. Annabel pushed the blonde's tits around her own, forcing the blonde's nipples against her own. The, she pushed forward, forcing her nipples head on against the blonde's.

    Annabel's nipples had been hardening quickly as the fight continued. But as she touched the blonde's impressive nipples, her nipples hardened even more, and she felt the pleasure from it almost like an electrical current running through her body. Her pussy instantly swelled with lust and wetness, and she felt herself getting even hornier than before.

    "Mmmhhh, you like my nipples, don't you?" the redhead mused as she continued assaulting the blonde's tits with her own. The blonde could only gasp and nod in response. Annabel knew exactly what she was doing, and she enjoyed it. The blonde's nipples were really amazing, almost equal Annabel's own nipples, but Annabel quickly figured out the perfect technique to make the blonde give in. She would touch her nipples, then back off and leave her nipples alone for a few seconds, then back on again. Then, she would increase the time the blonde had to withstand her huge, hard nipples pressing against her own. And after a while, the blonde's huge nipples started yielding to Annabel's big strong nipples, their firmness fading.

    The blonde was really caught by surprise by the titfighting. She almost always won her titfights, but she never felt so horny and sexually defeated before. Her nipples were not nearly as powerful as Annabel's, and the redhead easily pushed the blonde's nipples aside with her own, pinning the blonde's nipples against her own boobs. And as the redhead continued to play with her nipples, she felt like she was losing her mind. She couldn't hold on anymore, and she allowed the redhead's nipples to keep her own pinned down.

    Annabel could feel her victory, but she decided to go all the way and lined their nipples tip to tip. Then, she pushed forward. The blonde let out a whimper, and her nipples gave in. They stopped resisting and inverted into her soft boobs, just as Annabel's own nipples penetrated them.

    Annabel felt her pussy swelling and wetness covering her bikini bottom. She didn't even try to resist, instead she pushed her nipples even deeper. Her nipples pushed against the blonde's, pushing through her boobs. "Ohhhh fuck," the blonde moaned as Annabel's huge nipples fucked her defeated nubs, sinking deep into her pliant flesh. Annabel pushed harder, and her huge, hard nipples disappeared deep into the blonde's big tits. The blonde's boobs completely yielded to the redhead, and Annabel's nipples sunk even deeper into the soft flesh.

    "Oooowwww fuck stop it!", the blonde groaned, "Your tits won." She pushed against Annabel's massive chest, but it did nothing. The redhead had won, and now she would claim her prize.

    "Damn right they did, just as I said," Annabel boasted. Her cockiness really irritated the defeated blonde. How could the redhead just march in her home and attack her? She felt anger building inside her. Her tits were defeated, but she would fuck this intruder raw!

    "Ohhhh, your nipples are fucking amazing!" the blonde growled as she began stroking her pussy with her fingers. "But you're so fucking lucky to have won this fight. Your nipples are so much bigger and stronger than mine. But I bet you can't do this!" She dropped her tiny bikini bottom and thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy as hard as she could, fucking herself with her fingers.
    The redhead eyed the blonde's movements, trying to understand what she was doing. But then she saw it, the blonde's huge clit, engorging before her very eyes. The blonde was getting her clit ready for battle. "Ohhhh yessss, feels so good," the blonde moaned as her clit continued expanding. "My clit is so fucking huge! I bet you can't match my monster!"

    The blonde sat down on the sun lounger and revealed her big, ravenous cunt to Annabel, still playing with her pussy and clit. "Here it is, come and get it," she hissed, spreading her big pussy open with her fingers.

    Annabel approached the blonde and sat down beside her on the lounger. The blonde's pussy was really something to see. It was huge and ravenous, clearly capable of taking and giving a good pounding. Annabel quickly realized this pussy would be a lot harder to fuck than the blonde's tits had been. But that did not discourage her. She knew she could defeat this pussy, and she knew it would yield to her.

    "Let's see how this thing measures up." Annabel pulled her bikini bottom to the side, revealing her own ravenous cunt, and grabbed her huge tits and started squeezing her nipples, causing them to harden instantly. As her nipples swelled, her pussy swelled too. "This is gonna be fun."

    The blonde eyed Annabel's pussy as the redhead massaged her tits. The redhead's pussy looked so fucking huge and horny. The blonde's pussy immediately swelled, almost matching Annabel's own. She began stroking her clit to get it ready for battle, and started sucking on her nipples to help it grow.

    Annabel smiled and said, "My clit's already bigger than yours, and it's not even fully hard yet. I'm going to fuck you so fucking raw."

    The blonde was caught off guard by Annabel's cockiness. "Oh, I'll make my clit even bigger than yours!"

    "Bigger than mine?" Annabel snorted. "I doubt it. I can't wait to find out though."

    The blonde smirked. She did not want to admit defeat, even when she was defeated. She would prove herself to Annabel, she would make the redhead feel her clit, but the blonde could feel her confidence wavering. Her clit had never been as big as the redhead's. "This is gonna be a challenge," she thought, even as she felt her clit swell up even further.

    Annabel was getting excited by the idea of fucking a clit even bigger than her own. If the blonde could deliver, which she very much doubted. She stroked her tits and tweaked her nipples. She also stroked her pussy, causing her clit to swell. "Damn, this is gonna be so fucking fun!"

    The blonde tried stroking her clit, to make it grow even bigger, but she was fully erect already, not growing anymore. But the redheads clit was swelling bigger and bigger. Annabel tried to resist the temptation to fuck the blonde, but she couldn't help herself, she had to feel that clit against her own.

    "Ooooohhh yesssss." the blonde groaned as Annabel's huge clit came into contact with her own. Annabel pushed forward, rubbing their clits together. "You really have a fucking huge clit!" the blonde moaned.

    "Yeah, I've been told that before. And I'm not done yet."

    "Oh please, your clit's already fucking enormous. I don't think you're going to grow any bigger."

    Annabel snorted. "Really? You don't think I can make it bigger?" She squeezed her nipples and pressed her pussy against the blonde's cunt. "Well, I'll be glad to prove you wrong."

    Annabel smiled. "Now let me show you what you're in for!" She began fucking the blonde hard and fast with her huge clit, making the blonde whimper and groan. But she knew it was still not enough. She stopped the fucking and just rubbed their cunts together, making her clit expand.

    "Oh fuck, your clit is still growing! Damn, it's even bigger than before!" the blonde groaned as she felt the redhead's clit swell.

    Annabel laughed. "Yeah, it is. You're totally outmatched, and I can do this all day!"

    The blonde tried to fuck Annabel with her pussy, but the redhead fucked her back. The blonde was quickly reduced to a moaning mess, whimpering under Annabel's assault. "Fuck! It feels so good! Your clit is so fucking big, I can't believe it!"

    "I've told you already, didn't I?" Annabel boasted. "Now let's see what else I can do," she said and lined her ravenous cunt up with the blonde's pussy. "Here I come."

    She slammed her pussy against the blonde's, grinding their cunts together. Her pussy felt so fucking hot, and so fucking horny. It wanted to get deeper, to really fuck this blonde. The blonde gasped as she felt the redhead's huge cunt penetrate her pussy, the ravenous lips sliding deep between her lips. "Fuck, oh fuck ohhhhh!"

    Annabel didn't answer, instead she started thrusting her hips, fucking the blonde with her cunt. The blonde was trying to fight back, trying to make her pussy stand up to the redhead. But the redhead was so fucking horny, and so fucking big and experienced. The blonde felt Annabel's pussy open wide and start to engulf her pussy. She tried to fuck it back, but her pussy was soon totally engulfed, and her clit started being totally dominated.

    Annabel was disappointed by how easily she would defeat this blonde pussy. She could already feel it yielding to her. She started sucking the blonde's pussy inside her own hungry cunt, taking it deeper, feeling its resistance melt away. "Oh yeah, you're totally mine!"

    "Fuck no! Ohhhhh noooo!" the blonde groaned. She tried to resist, but her pussy was being sucked inside out. Her resistance was futile, and Annabel was totally going to fuck her pussy raw. She had never been so defeated in her life, but she still refused to yield. She tried to resist, but it felt so fucking good. She wanted to give in, but she couldn't, even as Annabel's pussy devoured her own. She fucked her pussy back against Annabel's cunt, but it was of no use.

    Annabel could feel her pussy swelling and contracting. She knew she was close to cumming, but she did not want to stop yet. She fucked the blonde harder, thrusting her clit deeper and harder. The blonde was whimpering and moaning, and Annabel felt her own cunt twitching and swelling as her climax approached.

    "Fuck I can't...I can't hold on anymore!" the blonde whimpered as her pussy came to the brink of orgasm, completely conquered by Annabel's powerful cunt. "You win," she added in defeat, "you win! I'm your pussy!"

    "Oh fuck yessssss," Annabel hissed as the familiar bliss of victory orgasm washed over her, her triumphant cunt squirting all over the blonde's defeated pussy. "Mmmmhhhhh yes, that's it. You're my pussy now." Her climax continued, and Annabel could feel her cum flowing in great amounts. It felt so good, so fucking good! The blonde was completely at her mercy, and she would fuck her raw.

    Annabel quickly disengaged herself from the blonde. "Okay, now I can really get started. You're not going anywhere." she said as she walked away, leaving the blonde's pussy exposed to the sun.
    The blonde didn't even try to move. She was completely spent, and all she could do was lay there, waiting for the redhead to return. Annabel reappeared from her boat with a big bucket of ice, some towels and a huge, shiny dildo. The blonde's eyes widened when she saw the redhead's equipment.

    Annabel smiled at the blonde's reaction. "Oh yes, I'm going to have my way with your pussy now, and I'm going to make it cum again and again. I bet you've never experienced a dildo this big, have you?"

    The blonde swallowed, but didn't answer.

    "Well, you're about to learn what it's like to experience a huge dildo being used to fuck your pussy raw. It's gonna hurt like a motherfucker, but eventually you'll come to see this is the most pleasurable feeling in the world. Might take awhile, though."

    The blonde had no answer to that.

    A couple hours later, Annabel was satisfied with her work. The blonde lay on the lounger, totally fucked and spent. Annabel picked up her stuff and got ready to hop on her boat and go home. Before she sped off, she dropped something on the pier for the blonde to find.

    Some time later, the blonde started to recover enough to stand up. She looked around the pier, but there was no sight of Annabel. Then, she spotted something on the pier where Annabel's boat had been. Slowly, with unsteady feet, she walked closer and picked it up. It was a business card with a phone number. "Lady of the Sexfighting Villa" the blonde read. It looked really expensive, and she smiled. She knew a person who would be really interested in this.

    Annabel's boat roared away from the pier, heading for the horizon. But somewhere, a phone beeped, and a message appeared. The Mustang convertible roared along the sun beaten road. Its driver's fire red hair flowed freely on the wind as she fished out her phone and read the message. Her giant boobs jiggled up and down firmly with every bump on the road. A huge, shiny, dildo lay snugly in between them, nestled perfectly, like it belonged there. And it did, it was there for one purpose and one purpose only, and she knew it would soon serve its purpose. And it would do so to perfection.

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    Hostboard Member Canary-'s Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

    Although I valued the work done by another person, it is still a very interesting experiment, thank you very much

  3. #3
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

    I think that this story is quite good and has a lot of potential to get much better, especially as the plot develops. I like the central premise of the main character randomly attacking another beautiful woman whom she just happens to be passing by. The next chapter -where, presumably, Annabel meets her match - has a lot of potential. Looking forward to the next part.


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    Hostboard Member barata77's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa

    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    I think that this story is quite good and has a lot of potential to get much better, especially as the plot develops. I like the central premise of the main character randomly attacking another beautiful woman whom she just happens to be passing by. The next chapter -where, presumably, Annabel meets her match - has a lot of potential. Looking forward to the next part.

    Thank you! Coming from you, that means a lot.

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