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Thread: Triple Threat: Part 2

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Triple Threat: Part 2

    She was out for she didn’t even know how long and then suddenly, Christina felt a splash of water hit her, startling her into a sudden awakening. She coughed a bit from the water she unintentionally swallowed and slowly opened her tired eyes to find herself totally naked and in a dark room. She tried to get up but both her hands and feet were cuffed into a chair that was bolted into the ground. She jerked around in a panic.

    “Don’t even bother.” A voice said from the right.

    Christina turned her head and saw June, equally stark naked. Her dark, Indian skin contrasted with her indigo hair. Her breasts were easily a G-cup and her beautiful pussy on full display. It was then that Christina’s memories came flooding back and she began getting good and pissed.

    “You cunts!” Christina cursed. “You drugged us! Where are the others?! Let me out of here and fight like a woman!”

    “All in good time.” June said. “For now, I wouldn’t be too bitchy with me.”

    “Why the fuck not?!” Christina asked furiously.

    June then walked away and into the darkness before flipping a lever and turning on the bright lights of the room. Christina winced her eyes before they adjusted. It was then that she noticed that she was in a basement like room, fully matted except for the chair she was bound to. She looked over and found Ben unconscious, gagged with duct tape and bound to another chair on the opposite side of the room. Christina’s jaw dropped.

    “If you hurt him…” She said with tranquil fury.

    “I would’ve done that already if I wanted to.” June argued.

    Ben suddenly began to stir, groaning until he opened his eyes and realized where he was and the predicament he was in. He began grunting in panic.

    “Easy there, tiger.” June advised. “I won’t hurt either of you…unless you give me a reason too.”

    “Just stay calm, Ben.” Christina advised. “Where are Hol and Nikki?”

    “With my partners. I got dibs on you and him after drawing straws.” June answered.

    “What the Hell do you crazy putas want from us?” Christina asked. “This can’t be about him rejecting you.”

    “Not entirely.” June answered. “That’s just a bonus.”

    “You know we’re all cops.” Christina reminded her.

    “Oh, I know plenty about you, Christina Alvarez.” June said. “I know you were spying on Las Brujas for the feds. I know you got two of Malvada’s top sicarias busted and I know that Las Brujas has not only put a huge cash bounty on all of 732’s heads but also promised any woman that takes even one of you sluts down full membership in the cartel.”

    Christina growled, trying to be intimidating but deep down inside, she was terrified. She knows what the Brujas do to traitors. She’ll be sent to La Malvada’s BDSM dungeon to live as a toy for her darkest fantasies for God knows how long.

    “April and May will be playing with your friends bound like you are.” June explained. “But I have something special in mind for you after you bitched at us like that, you little turncoat.”

    “What are you going to do to him?” Christina asked.

    “Whatever we want.” June answered. “And as for you, I don’t want to give you the satisfaction of thinking I had to keep you bound to teach you a lesson.”

    “What are you getting at?“ Christina asked.

    June walked over to a cabinet and took out a remote control looking device and pressed a button. Suddenly, the bindings on Christina’s chair were undone and she was free. She looked up at June, confused and suspicious.

    “I want you at your best when I fuck that bitchy ego right out of your backstabbing cunt!” June declared. “Then, when you’re broken both physically and mentally, I’ll send you to La Malvada and your punishment will have only just begun.”

    Christina just glared silently, clearly not trusting a single word that came out of this kidnapping whore’s mouth.

    “Come on.” June said. “I already had you trapped. What trick could I possibly pull by doing this?”

    Christina sighed, realizing that she was making sense. She got up out of the chair and stretched.

    “Where are we, anyway?” She asked.

    “You don’t need to know that.” June answered.

    Christina looked over at Ben, her expression changing to a gentle one.

    “Just sit tight, handsome.” Christina said. “I’m gonna fuck this bitch into the next dimension and get us all out of here.”

    Ben began to relax. He didn’t know Christina for very long but she was a part of the family now and he had faith in her.

    “How precious.” June mocked. “Now get over here so I can show our captive audience how a real woman fucks.”

    “You’re so fucking lucky that Jazz and Nessa aren’t here, slut.” Christina shot back.

    The feisty Mexicana focused her attention back onto her soon to be opponent. If Ben’s story wasn’t enough to convince her already, she was now sure that these calendar bitches were supremely, fatally arrogant and overconfident. June had Christina and Ben at her mercy and now was giving her a chance to turn everything around on not just her but possibly even her two friends as well. It would be her downfall. She took a long, deep breath before allowing her anger and fear at her current situation to subside and letting her mix of lust and hatred for June to take control and give her focus. The two nymphos stared powerfully into each other’s eyes before slowly but nail bitingly approaching each other across the matted floor until their sharpened, brown nipples were mere centimeters apart from coming together.

    “You want to be in Las Brujas, do you?“ Christina asked. “Well, let me show you what they’re all about.”

    “Why don’t you stop yapping and start…” June was trying to say before she was interrupted by Christina’s tongue slamming into her cocky mouth.

    The purple-haired slut was shocked and embarrassed that she didn’t see this coming but quickly snapped out of it and began fighting back with her own tongue. The two naked, dark-skinned babes began making out passionately. One hand was buried in their opponent’s thick locks while the other sank its fingers deep into the other nympho’s meaty ass cheeks. Despite the terrifying situation he had been placed into, Ben found himself already enjoying the show, if the bulge in his pants was anything to go by. He did wish that Christina had taken the tape and gag out of his mouth before she started the fight, though. Meanwhile, Christina and June began pushing their bulbous, brown breasts together viciously, their nipples sliding all over each other as they did so and their tongues continued to wrestle audibly and passionately until they broke their kiss in a pop of saliva strings being broken off.

    “Is that the best you can do?” Christina asked mockingly through her mild panting. “If you want to get in the cartel, you’ll have to do a lot better than this.”

    “Ask and you shall receive.” June shot back.

    The purple haired wannabe narco pushed her mocha skinned opponent down into the matted floor and crawled down towards her. What followed was a vicious, catty wrestling match with the two nymphos both trying to gain an advantage over the other. One would try to pin the other to launch their attack and the other would try to slip away and turn it back on her opponent. Just from the atmosphere being given off by these two, Ben could tell that he was watching Christina in a serious fight for the first time. Her fight with Jasmine was heated and intense for sure but it was more so for Christina wanting to face the raven at her best. This was very different. She was fighting with actual, genuine hatred of her opponent and Ben was as enthralled and aroused as he was intimidated. Eventually however, it proved to be June who would end up on top. She pinned Christina in an L shaped position with the Mestizo beauty’s right leg resting upon the Indian girl’s shoulder, cunt to cunt and aroused clit to aroused clit.

    “Don’t think I’m good enough for the Brujas, do you?!” June asked rhetorically. “Well, I guess I’ll have to change your mind the hard way!”

    June slithered her hand down towards Christina’s bouncing right tit and began humping away with everything she had.

    “Ugh!” Christina grunted as she jerked up in reaction. “You goddamn whore!”

    June smiled in an almost cartoonishly evily way as she fucked her opponent. Christina felt the other slut’s clit bash into hers and her labia being dominated by June’s. It was clear to everyone at this point that Christina had underestimated June and that the purple haired wannabe narco knew what she was doing but so did Christina and she would not make the same mistake again. She did her best to fuck her opponent right back but June had the superior position. The room filled with the sounds of flesh smacking, feminine grunting and moaning and the occasional squeaking of the mats. This was and would continue to be a truly vicious carnal confrontation. June squeezed Christina’s hard, dark nipples in between her index and middle fingers of both hands. She tweaked and played with them tauntingly, more or less rubbing in Christina’s face that she had the short end of the stick, at least for the moment. While none of them showed it at the time, Christina snapping at them before had angered all three of the Calendar Trio deeply and June was happy that she lucked out in being the one to punish her for it.

    “You think you can just come into our place of business and snap at us like that?!” June asked angrily. “Once I’m done fucking you into submission, all three of us will take that man of yours whether he likes it or not! By the time we’re done with him, he’ll never want to go back to that hag of a wife of his or any of you whores ever again!”

    If Ben could tell June to go fuck herself, he absolutely would but all he could do right now was hope for Christina to turn this around. Those arrogant and spiteful words made Christina no less furious than Ben but she was simply in no shape right now to get revenge. June was fucking her like a football player on steroids pounding the pussy of the most popular cheerleader in school. The two were already drenched in sweat, their long, thick hair disheveled and matted to their skin when it wasn’t flying everywhere from the humping and no one had reached orgasm yet, although that was about to change. Christina felt her pleasure building up higher and higher each and every time she felt June’s cunt push up against hers and her clit press into hers. She began to feel her climax closing in on her more and more with each passing moment until finally, it happened.

    “Agh! Ugh! Fuuuuuuccccccckkkkk!!!!” Christina shouted as she came powerfully.

    June let out a blissful and victorious moan as she closed her eyes and felt Christina fill her up with her womanly fluids. Christina took advantage of her opponent’s brief distraction to use what little post orgasmic energy she had left to slip away, peeling her pussy off of June’s. She laid out on the matted floor, her hair a mess and fanning out all over the place as she huffed and puffed loudly. June grinned condescendingly as she looked at her opponent, happy that she had drawn first blood.

    “Okay…” Christina said as she caught her breath and flipped her sweaty hair out of her face. “You’re better than I thought…but you still haven’t felt what it’s like to get fucked by a true Bruja, you cocky puta.”

    “Then why don’t you come over here and try to show me?” June dared.

    “I thought you’d never ask.” Christina said confidently.

    The fight was back on. The two nymphos quickly and powerfully marched right back into each other until they reached another collision and immediately began scuffling with each other again. They grit their teeth, grunting and groaning with effort and pleasure until this time, Christina was the one who managed to pin June to the ground. She grinned deviously before dipping her head down towards her opponent’s enormous brown tit and began vigorously chewing on the other slut’s hardened nipple.

    “Oh!” June cried. “Little two-faced skank!”

    She buried her hand deep into Christina’s wet, black tresses and pulled as her milk bud was nibbled. Christina turned her gaze up towards June’s condescendingly and began tribbing her from this unorthodox but effective position. She slowly but viciously ground her pussy into the Indian’s as she swirled her tongue around the nipple, lightly tickling her opponent. With her other hand, June reached around Christina and began fingering her from behind. Pushing and pulling out her index and middle fingers at rapid paces and different patterns. This made Christina decide to change things up a little. Still holding June down, she stopped suckling her nipple and got up just to more or less sit her crotch down on top of the other nympho’s and began grinding away from there.

    “Agh!” June grunted.

    “What’s wrong?” Christina asked tauntingly. “Can’t take the heat? I doubt you’re Bruja material if that’s the case. I hope your two slut friends are better than you. At least Hol or Nikki might be able to face a challenge.”

    “Shut up, you arrogant cu-ohhhh!!” June groaned, interrupting herself.

    Christina slid her lower lips across those of June, overwhelming her. She lowered herself to where she was face to face with her opponent, her raven hair curtaining their faces. June glared defiantly at the feisty Latina as she was fucked. She slipped her slutty tongue out just to slash it across her opponent’s brown, full lips. Christina returned the favor, swiping her own tongue alongside June’s lips. They kept at this until Christina finally brought their ravenous mouths together and they began a lustful tongue wrestling match yet again. They moaned into their heated kissing session. Realizing that Ben didn’t have a good view of this, Christina flipped her hair all the way to her left side so that he could fully see her domination of this bitch. She genuinely loved the idea of Ben watching her fuck her enemy like this, especially given the history he had with these three whores.

    “Mmmmm…” They both moaned into each other’s mouths.

    Christina flexed her thick Mestizo ass as she fucked June’s pussy with her own. Their labia sealed together in a hypnotically powerful kiss and their clits popped out only to brush together intoxicatingly. June wrapped her legs around Christina’s waist to bring her in even tighter. It simply was not possible for these women to get anymore conjoined. June knew that she had the inferior position and that she had gotten overly confident after drawing first blood but she planned on fighting back as much as possible before she inevitably lost this round. Christina knew this and was simply enjoying exploiting her kidnapper’s admittedly sweet, juicy cunt for everything that it was worth. It was not long however, until June began to feel those all too familiar electric volts, signaling her oncoming climax closing in at breakneck speeds. Christina was perfectly aware of this herself and laid on the pressure, fucking her with her mouth, tongue, breasts, nipples, cunt and clit all at the same time.

    “Mmmmmmmm!!!!” June shrieked into their kiss as she came.

    Just as she made Christina do to her just minutes ago, Christina had now made June cum inside of her powerfully, shooting her womanly fluids straight up the Mexicana’s vaginal canal. Once June’s orgasm at last subsided, Christina finally popped her mouth off of her opponent’s and rolled off of her to the side as both nymphos hyperventilated. Christina looked over at Ben, realizing that she should have ungagged his mouth and rolled her eyes at herself but he gave her a calm, confident look, showing that he had faith in her. He nodded his head at her, basically telling her to see this through to the end. She nodded back, signaling her clear intention to do exactly that.

    “THAT is how a real Bruja fucks her opponent.” Christina lectured, emphasizing the word “That”.

    “So, why did you turn on them then?” June asked through her huffing and puffing.

    “A psycho like you would never understand.” Christina argued. “There’s more to life than animalistic pleasure but at least I face my opponents directly without drugging their goddamn food!”

    “We were gonna challenge you three to a match right then and there.” June explained. “Until you had to open your bitch mouth. Then we wanted to teach you a lesson. The other three were just in the way.”

    Christina’s heart dropped realizing this. She thought they had planned on drugging them from the start. Still, she maintained her resolve. If she really had gotten her team into this, it was her responsibility to get them out of it. She focused back on the fight and turned herself over to tackle June. They wrestled again until Christina cornered June up against the wall, just next to the chair that Christina had been bound to at the start of this. She pulled herself and June up to the point where they were both standing up fully and pinned her between herself and the wall. The two glared at and growled at each other.

    “Guess I have to fix the mess I made then.” Christina said.

    “I dare you to try!” June said defiantly.

    They sealed each other’s mouths off again as they fucked each other against the wall. Ben’s eyes focused on Christina’s amazing, thick, Mexican ass as they did before June tightly sank her fingers into that same amazing, thick, Mexican ass, squeezing in a vice grip. The two battling beauties then spread their legs wider, allowing both of them to trib the other. Being squished in between her opponent and the wall, it was obvious to everyone that June was at a disadvantage at the moment but she would not let it last forever. Still, she was physically and mentally overwhelmed, feeling the Latina press into her so tightly. Her lips, mouth, tongue, breasts, nipples, pussy and clit all being assaulted by those of her opponent. She took one of her hands off of Christina’s shapely rear end and instead used it to pull on the other slut’s hair in an attempt to control her. In response, Christina pushed against her and tribbed her even harder. She also reciprocated the hair pull. Ben had to admit that he was mesmerized. More so than usual when he watched the girls fight. Something about the pure, primal intensity and occasional viciousness of the way Christina fucked her opponents was just so enthralling. June was beginning to feel the heat. Each and every one of her erogenous zones were being overwhelmed and she simply had no means of escape. She began to feel her next orgasm rising up and knew that it would only be a waste of time and precious energy even trying to hold it back.

    “Mmmmmmmmm!!!!” She screamed into Christina’s mouth as she came powerfully, drenching both Christina’s pussy and her own.

    Christina released her opponent and let her fall to her knees as she panted like a dog in her post orgasmic exhaustion. Christina herself was feeling rather winded as keeping June secured up against the wall was a bit more exerting than she would have thought. June took notice of this and the gears in her lustful brain began to spin.

    “Surely now…” Christina said through her own heavy breathing. “You must have realized that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew…All three of you. Why don’t you just give up and maybe take a plea bargain?”

    “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” June asked mockingly. “You think the three of us are just some rookies? You think we haven’t fucked more bitches like you than we couod even begin to count? Why do you think we started a place where nymphos could come and fuck each other to their heart’s content?”

    “You seemed scared to take on Jazz even though it would have been three on one.” Christina pointed out. “If you’re all so experienced, why don’t you prove it to me once and for all?”

    “Be careful…” June said in an almost sinisterly quiet voice. “What you wish for!”

    Before Christina could react, June grabbed her by her ankles and pulled her back, causing her to fall back first onto the matted floor. Despite Christina’s squirming, June got up and pulled her towards the wall until June was now the one facing her. However, Christina was facing the opposite direction with only her lower body up against the wall. June made her spread eagle, showing off her ripe, brown cunt before sitting her own ripe, brown cunt on top of Christina’s face as June sent her mouth and tongue to town on the feist Mestizo’s pleasure center.

    “Mmmmm!!” Christina groaned into June’s pussy.

    This unorthodox, sitting up 69 duel was awkward but proved to be devastatingly effective. Christina felt her opponent’s weight crushing down on her, knowing that escape was impossible. All she could do was eat June out back as best she could but it was clear that June had the superior position. She held Christina’s pussy wide open and slid her tongue all across her lower lips, dealing out excruciating pleasure onto her helpless opponent. In comparison, Christina was at a disadvantage as June sat on her face, giving her tongue less room to explore and do damage. Still, she had to fight back. She stuck her tongue out and soon realized that the best way to go about this was to just keep popping her tongue in and out of June’s twat like a sextoy. Ben became concerned but somehow, he just had a gut feeling that Christina was going to find some way to turn this around.

    “Let’s see you try and talk shit now, you high and mighty little cunt!“ June cursed as she continued lapping at Christina’s pussy.

    She soon reached the Mexicana’s brown, pulsating pleasure bud and focused the brunt of her oral assault on the defenseless little organ. Christina groaned as she responded to the onslaught of pleasure by sliding her own tongue all along the insides of her opponent. She grabbed and tightly squeezed June’s ass to hold her still as she did so. June retaliated by tightly squeezing Christina’s own ass in return. Still, it was a losing battle at the moment and both girls and Ben could easily tell. Christina began to feel her climax approaching her and her body began to jerk around in response to the towering pleasure, signaling to her opponent what was about to come. She responded in kind and pressed her attack. Using her lips, tongue and even a little teeth on Christina’s clit until she finally erupted.

    “Mmmmmmm!!!!” Christina cried, muffled by June’s pussy.

    The Latina came into the Indian’s mouth and all over her face and purple hair. June swallowed as much of it as she could before at last releasing her opponent, dropping her to the floor, huffing and puffing like she had just ran a marathon. June felt rather winded herself but she was still proud of what she had done. The two nymphos were disheveled messes. Their hair soaked in sweat and cum, their bodies shining from sweat and their faces red with pleasure and exhaustion. This battle would not go on for much longer. The two turned towards each other and stared at each other with tired but still determined expressions on their beautiful faces.

    “Stubborn bitch.” June cursed through her panting.

    “Pot, meet kettle.” Christina shot back through her own panting.

    “Is this really all that the legendary Task Force 732 can do?” June asked tauntingly. “I know you’re just the new recruit but still.”

    “This has gone on too long.” Christina said angrily. “I’m gonna shut your cunt licking sewer up right fucking here and right fucking now!”

    Christina focused all of her remaining energy on pouncing on June and once again holding her up against the wall, this time in a bent over position with her face against the wall. Christina held her waist still with one hand, pulled her alexandrite colored locks with the other and used both as leverage to slam into June from behind, effectively fucking her doggy style.

    “Ohhhh!!” June groaned. “Goddamn insatiable whore!”

    “You’re goddamn right, I’m insatiable!” Christina said back. “Comes with joining a cartel full of nymphos with clits for brains! And I’m especially insatiable for cowardly little whores who drug me and my friends instead of facing us like real women! Now I’ll do what Jazz should’ve done to you back in College and fuck your bitchiness right out of your pathetic cunt!”

    Christina slammed into her over and over and over again with incredible speed, smacking into her bulbous, brown ass cheeks each and every time. Once again, June was caught between a rock and a very hard place and once again, Ben was mesmerized by both Christina’s pure sexual prowess and by her thick, shapely ass jiggling. Even Christina herself was surprised by how hard she was fighting despite how drained she felt just moments ago. It was like something had crawled up inside of her and rejuvenated her. Maybe this was how Jasmine felt near the end of their pool fight. Regardless, she certainly wasn’t complaining. The rush she was feeling right now was unlike anything she had ever felt in her life and that is no small statement.

    “Ahhhh!!” June cried helplessly. Music to her opponent's ears.

    Christina was in heaven as she dominated June, dishing out her sweet revenge for all the grief these three calendar bitches had put not just her but also Ben, Nicole and Holly through. If she hated them this much, she could only imagine how Jasmine would react after finding out what they had done. Christina took her one hand off of June’s waist and used it to grope and maul June’s luscious G-cups, further adding to the domination, even pinching and prodding her brown nipples. June knew that it was as good as over for her. She felt her orgasm coming on and could feel that it would be the last of this battle. Defeat was now a certainty.

    “Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!” June shrieked as she came for the final time.

    Christina felt the warm fluid burst all alongside her own pussy as June finally passed out, falling out of Christina’s grasp. Christina released her and smiled in her victory. It was over. She had won and saved herself as well as the others. She was feeling more than a little proud of herself but her adrenaline had worn off and she was on the verge of fainting herself. She then remembered that Ben still had to be freed and regained her composure. She rubbed her eyes and stretched before she walked over to the cabinet and pulled out June’s remote control. She pressed a button and Ben was finally free from his bindings. He removed his gag and got up out of the chair, stretching.

    “Yeah, I know. I should’ve taken that off earlier.” Christina said.

    “It’s okay.” Ben said. “That was amazing.”

    “Glad you enjoyed the show.” Christina said.

    She then noticed the massive tent that Ben was pitching.

    “I wish I could take care of that for you but…” Christina said.

    “Don’t worry about it.” Ben said. “Now let’s find Hol and Nikki.”

    “Yeah…” Christina said, tired. “Wait a sec…”

    She looked at the remote and noticed two more buttons on it, assuming they were for Holly and Nicole’s own chairs. She pressed them, hoping she was right and that the two were now free.

    “There. They can handle the other two sluts themselves.” Christina said.

    “I’m sure they can.” Ben said. “Should’ve figured those three would never change but I didn’t expect…this.”

    “We’ll all get out of here and then…and then…” Christina said before she slumped over in Ben’s arms, out like a light.

    Ben decided it was best to stay here with her. He grabbed June’s unconscious body and put her in one of the chairs, using the remote to bind her in, giving her a taste of her own medicine. He then sat down next to the passed out Christina and cuddled up next to her. It took all of his willpower to resist his urges with a naked babe slumped up next to him but he would not break his promise to Christina and Christina would not want him to anyway. Still, after today, Ben found himself respecting the feisty Latina a great deal. She was truly amazing. Maybe he could talk to Jasmine about loosening up the rule…


    Jasmine and Vanessa were talking to the dry clean shop owner about the surveillance tape showing where Nicole’s car went. The man was being difficult.

    “Sir, we’ve already explained this.” Vanessa said in an annoyed tone. “Four people are missing. Three of them, cops. We need this video evidence.”

    “And I’ve already explained that you don’t have a warrant.” The owner argued.

    “We don’t have time for this!” Jasmine yelled. “Is there something you’re hiding from us?”

    “That is a good question.” Vanessa said. “Why are you being so stubborn about a simple surveillance tape?”

    “Alright, fine.” The owner sighed. “Just take what you need and go.”

    “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” Jasmine asked mockingly.

    The two cop babes waited and were soon handed a flash drive containing the evidence they needed.

    “Mission accomplished.” Vanessa said with a sigh.

    “Until we have to convince some other douchebag to give us what we need.” Jasmine said.

    “Will you relax?” Vanessa asked. “I’m worried about them too but we need to do this like cops.”

    “I know.” Jasmine said with another sigh.

    “Unless you already have an idea where Nikki might have been trying to go.” Vanessa suggested.

    “Let’s just look at the video and work from there. I’ll think about it.” Jasmine said. “And when I find whoever is responsible for this, I will make them wish they were never born!”

    “No argument with that.” Vanessa agreed.

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Triple Threat: Part 2

    Very good !! I liked it !
    The match Chrisina - June was very hot ! Lot of steaming trib !!
    It have some trash talking lines, it needed more, but here my personal taste speaks.
    I start to think that Christina and Ben start to get closer, dangerously close. maybe one more reason for Christine to face problems with Jazz.
    Of course I may be wrong, i know.

    Why you did not finish the chapter before to start talking for the searches of the rest 2 ? You simply added 1-2 parqagraphs and you stopped.
    Like you had in mind to go on but you finaly couldn't.
    You could delete these paragraphs and to start with the search at your next chapter.
    Not a problem but a rather abrupt end.

    Well done anyway !! recommended to the trib fans !!

  3. #3
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Triple Threat: Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Giannis-CB View Post
    Very good !! I liked it !
    The match Chrisina - June was very hot ! Lot of steaming trib !!
    It have some trash talking lines, it needed more, but here my personal taste speaks.
    I start to think that Christina and Ben start to get closer, dangerously close. maybe one more reason for Christine to face problems with Jazz.
    Of course I may be wrong, i know.

    Why you did not finish the chapter before to start talking for the searches of the rest 2 ? You simply added 1-2 parqagraphs and you stopped.
    Like you had in mind to go on but you finaly couldn't.
    You could delete these paragraphs and to start with the search at your next chapter.
    Not a problem but a rather abrupt end.

    Well done anyway !! recommended to the trib fans !!
    It will make more sense once the next parts come out.

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