This is a story work based on another author's work. Please read my rambling introduction to understand the nuance of this work!

It has titfighting, nipple fighting, assfighting, catfighting, body modification, and lots of mutual attacking, whilst also including some back and forth. As well as it being my first translation effort, this was my first attempt at writing in first-person.

Please let me know if it worked for you, I hope it does, since the source material was such high quality.


This is a translation/rewrite of one of my favorite novels by the same name: 対滅.
It was true love the moment I read it, even though it was via machine translation software. Because of this love, I wanted to translate it into English and I wanted to stay accurate to the original, which I felt was already perfect, merely cleaning up the translation. This didn’t happen, at all! The machine translation ended at 9K words, whilst mine ended at 21K words!
If you want to check out the original yourself, this is the link: [R-18] #同一CP2022 #同一cp 対滅 - 柳の小説 - pixiv


I woke up with tears in my eyes, having dreamed of my mother again.

Caught between dreams and reality- I thought I could see the image of my mother’s back as she left that day.

The image of her graceful back was the last memory I have of her, because she never returned, and I was left alone.

The morning sun, shining through the cracks of the curtains, woke me, when I’d much rather have stayed dreaming.

The house was quiet, absent the sound of her footsteps as she got ready for the day.

Now it was just me.

“I’m heading off,” she used to say as she stepped out of the house, waving goodbye.

As young as I was, I’d charge up the stairs to watch out my bedroom window as she walked away. Her beautiful black hair, long and straight as though drawn with a straight line of ink would always contrast the bright morning sky.

Looking out of the window, I could almost see that scene once again. Her narrow back walking down the street, her hair swaying in the wind.

Maybe… if on that day, I’d banged on the window and cried out-

‘Please don’t go! Please don’t leave me alone!’

She would have turned around and come back to me.

Stayed with me.

I didn’t though, so now I can’t see my mother anymore.

It’s been ten whole years since that day.


After I had walked for a short while, on my way to the gathering point, I heard the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps.

I forced down a helpless groan yet plastered an elegant smile on my face as I braced myself for the impending annoyance.

“Mizuho Seeen-paiiii---!” An overly familiar voice cried out. “Good morning!”

“Kazuha-kun, good morning,” I turned to greet politely with a gentle nod of my head.

Kazuha-kun was a junior whose walk to the gathering point overlapped with mine. He was never rude and seemed to respect me a great deal, always being courteous- if not a little overly friendly.

Despite this I found Kazuha-kun to be irksome for two reasons.

The first-

“I didn’t sleep great last night at all, Mizuho-senpai! Did you sleep okay?”

I don’t want to talk about it.

“I had the tastiest orange for breakfast, Mizuho-senpai. What did you have?”

Did I ask about what you had for breakfast?

-was that Kazuha talked a lot. His mouth was like a machine gun firing relentlessly.

The second reason-

“That’s all you ate? Ahah, I thought you would eat more Mizuho-senpai, considering your…” He laughed, his words ending suggestively.

-was that I frequently felt his eyes roaming lecherously over my body. In fact, even as we walked toward the gathering point together, I could feel his eyes digging into my breasts and buttocks.

I had never brought it up, nor blamed him. After all, his eyes are his own and I was raised to be always polite and elegant by my mother. Perhaps she had foreseen that I would one day have a body that people find it hard to pull their eyes away from.

Whilst I have never blamed him, never scolding him or admitting to him that his perverted gaze is as clear to me as the morning sun… it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy him drooling over me.

We continued to walk as I tried to ignore both his gaze and his questions until he asked an important question.

“Mizuho-senpai, how can I become as strong as you? I want to fight with you, the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’, as soon as possible!”

Unlike his other questions, which I could answer without much thought, this question was not one I could take lightly.

As he said, I am Mizuho, titled: the Strongest Demon Hunter.

I was given this title because out of those who hunt Demons-

I’m the strongest.

Whilst many are unaware, Demons do exist. Lurking in the shadows as their influence harms the world and its people.

The reason the public can remain so blissfully unaware is because of the efforts of Exorcists like me, who exterminate Demons without anyone noticing.

As we walked, I performed my role as his senior Exorcist, carefully advising Kazuha on how he could get stronger, and soon we arrived at the gathering point for Demon Exorcists.

This gathering point wasn’t anything special, not hidden underground or in a gigantic facility. It was a simple and modest two-story house, almost unremarkable in every way.

The one thing worth noting about this house: was that it had a lovely front garden.

“Oho- good morning,” A gentle voice called out from inside the house’s colorful and creative garden. “You two are early this morning!”

The voice belonged to Azami-san, the elderly Exorcist in charge of this gathering point. Azami-san and I had known each other for… a long time.

Only back then- I was unaware of the true purpose of this house.

Opening the slightly rusted front gate, I stepped into the garden to see Azami-san on her knees, doing some gardening. Being too old for active duty, Azami-san had become the local ‘Coordinator’, the person in charge of tracking Demons and coordinating the local Exorcists.

Due to my position as the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’, the hierarchy between Azami-san and me was a little awkward- with my position actually being higher than hers.

Strictly speaking, she should refer to me by rank and perform a salute, but since we have known each other for so long, and she even worked with my mother, I referred to her casually as ‘Azami-san’, and she referred to me as ‘Mizuho-chan when we were alone.

“Good morning, Azami-san,” I said, stepping forward to help her get up. “I just happened to walk a little quicker today.”

“Good morning, Coordinator-Sensei.” Kazuha-kun bowed, referring to Azami-san by her designated rank, unlike me.

Despite him ostensibly greeting Azami-san, I could feel him seizing the chance to peep up my skirt. Whilst I dress my curvy body modestly, meaning his attempt to peep at my buttocks would fail, I still felt my cheek start to twitch in annoyance.

Azami-san, noticing this, shot me a smile, her wizened face showing great empathy for my plight. Her senses were as sharp as ever.

Despite having a hunched back and weak knees, Azami-san was also a curvy beauty in her younger days, as is normal for female Exorcists like us. I’m sure Azami-san had suffered her fair share of staring too.

“I’m sorry you two,” She said, brushing the dirt off her knees, “But we haven’t detected any otherworldly occurrence today, so I’m afraid you’ve made the trip in vain.”

“Ehhhh-?! So… we need to walk back, Coordinator-san?” Kazuha asked in shock.

“It’s just the way it goes, Kazuha-kun. It’s a good thing there are no Otherworlds appearing nearby.” I chided gently. His stare was invasive, but I still had to guide him properly.

Otherworlds’ are the manifestations of Demonic Energy, and the blights that Demon Exorcists like us must cleanse. These Otherworlds appear as small wormholes, hiding under bushes or in the mountains away from human sight. With no one ever seeing them appear, it would appear as if these strange wormholes were hiding in place all along. That is not the case, however, as from these Otherworlds, overflows a sense of eerie discomfort. At first, the range of this discomfort is small, and its effects are weak, yet the longer the Otherworld remains, and the more Otherworlds there are, the stronger this effect becomes.

A person within an Otherworld’s range may at first appear lethargic and dispirited, but if these Otherworlds are not taken care of… those affected soon die.

If unchecked completely, these Otherworlds could easily destroy a village, a town, and then even the country.

The method to destroy these Otherworlds is to send an Exorcist inside to destroy the Demon at the heart of the magical and demonic Otherworld.

“You’re right, Mizuho-senpai,” Kazuha bowed, taking the chance to drag his dirty gaze across my legs. I wonder if he had actually understood the error of his ways, or just wanted to look at my long legs.

“Since we aren’t needed here, how about we head off together?”

It was a suggestion I didn’t know how to refuse, but thankfully, Azami-san came to my rescue.

“Aha, sorry to ruin your plans, Kazuha-kun, but I will be needing to borrow Mizuho-san,” The elderly woman chuckled.

“Ah… Oh! How about I wait for you, Mizuho-senpai? I don’t mind!”

I minded though, so please don’t.

Thankfully, Azami-san once again shooed him away, forcing him out the front gate and waving him off as he walked back down the street.

“Thank you, Azami-san,” I said, bowing my head slightly.

“It’s no bother at all, Mizuho-chan,” She laughed. “I’ve always thought- just because we lady Exorcists use our beauty as weapons, it doesn’t mean people can look whenever they please!”

She then laughed again, before adding,

“Not that anyone wants to look at me now!”

I followed Azami-san inside the familiar house, attempting to convince her she was aging gracefully.

“I remember back when you were little though, back then you were so outspoken, you would never have tolerated being looked at like that!” The elderly Exorcist said, not interested in my platitudes.

I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable as the topic shifted toward the ‘old days’. My dream had left me reluctant to the idea of reminiscing.

“Azami-san… Thank you for getting rid of Kazuha-kun, but I really must be going-” I said, trying to quickly excuse myself, only for Azami-san to suddenly interrupt.

“I wasn’t just helping you out, Azami-chan. I really do need to speak with you,” The old woman sighed. “Take a seat, please.” She said beckoning to the cushion on the floor.

I sat down on my knees, my feet under my buttocks.

No one within the Exorcist Alliance could make me sit if I didn’t want to, much less someone only ‘Coordinator’ rank.

This wasn’t a command from any random ‘Coordinator’, though.

It was a request from Azami-san.

“You’ve…grown up, Mizuho-chan.” She said, as she slowly sat her creaking bones down opposite me.

“Following in your mother’s footsteps, you’ve… become a brilliant Exorcist. The best I’ve ever seen!”

“The Exorcist Alliance views you as its pride and joy, and you truly are the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’…I know this, I do.”

I could tell there was a ‘but’ coming.

“But… unlike them, I knew you back then… You were a far happier girl before you entered this world of Demons and Exorcists…”

“…Before your mother passed away.”

“She didn’t pass away,” I snapped reflexively, feeling indignant at her choice of words. “She went missing.”

When an Exorcist hunted the Demon at the heart of an Otherworld, it would disappear from existence, whilst the Exorcist would suddenly appear back in our world.

If an Exorcist failed in their duty- they would not return, and the Otherworld would remain, continuing to spread its influence.

When my mother, an incredibly skilled Exorcist, entered an Otherworld of unprecedented danger… she didn’t come back, yet, at the same time, the Otherworld vanished, signifying that she had completed her mission.

Something like this had never happened in the documented history of the Exorcist Alliance.

So, my mother’s disappearance was exceptionally strange.


She couldn’t be dead.

She couldn’t be.

She was just missing- maybe trapped in the otherworld, or captured by whatever created them.

“…Yes… as you say Mizuho-chan.” Azami-san said quietly, refusing to look me in the eye.

This is why I couldn’t help but hate it when Azami-san brought up the past. Our conversations always go like this, with me being subjected to her words of doubt and getting defensive.

“Azami-san, my mother is alive. I’m sure of it!” I say, slapping my hand against my thigh as my chest rose and fell rapidly. “I can feel it! She is alive! You know that’s why I became an Exorcist, so I can find her on the other side!”

Azami-san didn’t seem to hear my words, the elderly woman staring off into space.

“Yes, Mizuho-chan… You became an Exorcist… a great one too… but your mother never wanted you to-”

“Well, my mother isn’t here right now, and she needs my help, whether she wants it or not!” I yelled furiously, clenching my hands into fists.

It was only after doing this, that I realized how rude I had been. My mother didn’t raise me to yell and scream like this, and certainly never raised me to disrespect my elders.

I lowered my head as I muttered-

“Sorry, Azami-san. That…was rude of me.”

“Don’t say sorry, Mizuho-chan.” Azami-san sighed once more. “What a hypocrite I am… saying all that now. You are this generation’s ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’, just like your mother before you. Your resolute will has cut through countless Demons, so it was rude of me to question you. You have already surpassed your mother before you, both in accomplishments and…assets…”

I felt her eyes brush over my body as spoke that final word. Yet, rather than feeling offended by her gaze, for once I felt gratified. Azami’s eyes were appreciative in a way that only a female Exorcist’s could be.

It was my mother’s incredible beauty and powerful curves that played such a large role in her becoming as powerful of an Exorcist as she was, and with her blood in my veins, the same was true for me.

As Azami-san said, I had already surpassed my mother, my curves more dangerous, my chest even bigger, and my buttocks even plumper.

It was due to this potent Exorcist blood that those around me found it so hard not to stare, and why Kazuha-kun was so unrestrained in his gaze.

“Mizuho-chan,” Azami-san called out, her tone seeming to suggest that it was time to stop beating around the bush.

I couldn’t help but sit up straight.

“I lied earlier… when I said no otherworldly occurrence have been detected.”

I felt my heart skip a beat.

“The reason I lied is because-”

I gulped, hearing the blood run past my ears.

“-the signature of an incredibly dangerous Otherworld has appeared nearby. It… it has the same danger rating… a-as the one your mother closed before her…disappearance.”

I shot to my feet, wanting to immediately run to this Otherworld, wherever it was.

“It was on further inspection, Mizuho-chan,” She spoke slowly, gesturing for me to sit back down.

“-that we discovered that this Otherworld doesn’t just share a danger level with the Otherworld your mother closed, but it’s producing almost identical Demonic Energy.”

I stiffened, feeling like I had been struck by lightning. I had closed countless Otherworlds since becoming an Exorcist, but I’d never encountered one like the one my mother disappeared in!

“I do not know what this Otherworld with bring you in your search for your mother, Mizuho-chan, but forgive this old lady for what I must ask of you.”

I watched in shock as Azami-san bowed down to me, her head touching the floor.

“Strongest Demon Hunter- Mizuho-sama!” She cried out. “Please enter the Otherworld and destroy this Demon, for the sake of our world, and all the people in it!”

Azami-san’s stalling and her eagerness to reminisce, now made sense.

She was presenting me a mission from the Exorcist Aliiance, one she wasn’t sure I would return from.

I was just about to announce my acceptance of the mission, when Azami-san spoke once more, her voice thick with emotion-

“And come back alive, Mizuho-chan! You must come home!”

I knew these words belonged to her alone, the elderly Exorcist no longer speaking in her professional capacity.

“Yes! Coordinator-san!” I called out, addressing Azami-san by rank as I rose to me feet and performed a formal salute.

She then got up, her wrinkled face forced into a resolute expression, before leading me down into the basement where the equipment was stored.

Not worrying about Azami-san’s gaze, I stripped naked, my panties hitting the floor and changed into my bodysuit- a special outfit made for a female Demon Exorcist.

It resembled a racing swimsuit, the black material hugging my waist and squeezing my breasts, but it was a piece of special equipment tailored for excursions into the Otherworlds. It could help to defend against the attacks of Demons and provided resistance to the Demonic Energy within Otherworlds.

On my legs were a pair of black, thigh-high stirrup stockings. The tight material hugged my long legs whilst leaving my heels, as well as the balls of my feet and my toes bare.

“You… truly look just like your mother…especially when you’re dressed like that.” I heard Azami-san say sadly from behind me.

I’d always been told that. As I grew up, I’d frequently catch sight of my mother’s image only to realize that I was looking at myself in the mirror. Our faces were especially similar, so I cut my hair to try and differentiate myself.

Yet, I couldn’t stop my body growing, my curves getting sharper and my breasts getting bigger. Every time my body became a bit more womanly, I, resembled my mother more and more.

I turned to look in the mirror.

My breasts were truly enormous, each the size of my head, yet due to the Exorcist blood running through my veins, they never drooped nor did my back ever ache.

My waist seemed dangerously tight, even to me, causing me to often wonder how my body didn’t snap in half, and my hips were wide and buttocks thick. In a moment of uncharacteristic whimsy, I’d once balanced a can of soda on top of my backside and found it surprisingly easy to do so.

I had, indeed, surpassed my mother.

I was now stronger than her, and today was the day I’d bring her home.

Then- this suffocating emptiness will finally disappear.

“Mizuho-chan,” Azami-san called out, pulling my attention from the mirror.

She had a package in her hands, and she held it out to me. “It’s a new weapon from HQ- some sort of powder. It has a disorientating effect on Demons and Demonic Energy. Take it and use it in case of emergency.”

“Thank you, Azami-san.” I said. “I’ll see you soon.”

I waved goodbye, as I headed for the Otherworld.


The inside of the Otherworld was dark and damp, the air within filled with a strange humidity. At first glance, it resembled a cave, yet its walls were pinkish-red and seemed to be composed of a flesh-like substance. ‘Veins’ of red light ran through the meat walls, both lighting my way and leading me deeper.

The ground beneath my feet squelched with every step. It had taken me a long time to learn to walk without shoes on the slippery, mucus-covered floor, but it had been necessary to learn, nevertheless.

That said, whilst I could walk without slipping and had hunted countless Demons in many different Otherworlds, I still couldn’t get used to the creepy, alien appearance of these passages.

As I cautiously made my way down the spiralling passageway, I came across a slug-like creature the size of a cat. Acting on muscle memory, I kicked out with my foot, flipping the creature onto its back.

I then started rubbing my foot along its underside at great speed, flicking a certain spot with my big toe whilst the sole of my foot ground its belly. It let out a high-pitch squeal before a cloud of white liquid exploded from the twitching hole below its stomach, coating the underside of my foot.

The slug-like creature quickly started to disappear, whilst I felt a thrum of energy burst run through me, energizing me as I walk through the gloomy Otherworld.

This slug-like creature was a Demon.

Whilst many would think of Demons as great horned beasts or imposing monsters, this mere slug that I hunted with just a few strokes of my foot was indeed a Demon.

Naturally, it was only the lowest class of Demon, but there are many other forms too, such as tentacle-like beasts, starfish-like creatures, as well as Demons that take the form of carnivorous plants.

Regardless of what form they took, however, all Demons have one thing in common: they absorb the spirit of human beings. Our spirit is the source of our lives, and without it, we wither and die.

As it happens… spirit is closely related to sexual desire. A human’s sexual desire drives our ability to procreate and produce offspring, which in turn, could be argued to be our highest purpose in life.

As vulgar as it seems to suggest, it’s through our lusting… our breeding… and our mating, that our sexual desire- our spirit preserves our existence, and our existence continues our spirit .

It is because of this that Demons target our spirit via sexual desire.

Tentacle-type Demons target bodily orifices, penetrating mouths, anuses and vaginas indiscriminately. Starfish-type Demons suck on nipples, modifying and transforming them into sexual organs. Plant-type Demons swallow us whole, bathing us in potent aphrodisiacs. Slug-type Demons stick to every inch of skin they can find. These Demons drown their prey in pleasure, devouring all the juices they squeeze out of their victims to absorb the human spirit within.

There are countless other types of Demons too- all of which pose a great threat to unprepared Exorcists.

When I was still a recruit in the Exorcist Alliance, and I was told of the horror of Demons by my instructor, I had a question-

Since the Demons are so strong, and normal humans cannot hope to resist them- why don’t they come out of their Otherworlds? It would be far quicker for them to directly enter our world to attack.

At the time, my instructor told me that the Otherworlds can be understood as ‘pregnant mothers’. These ‘mothers’ take in the ‘nutrients’ from our world to feed their still-growing ‘babies’ within.

He had laughed, saying that it was ultimately just a theory, and we are still unable to discover the true nature of Demons and the Otherworlds. But I couldn’t laugh then, and I couldn’t laugh now.

As I experienced more and more Otherworlds, I gradually came to believe that my instructor’s theory was correct, though I would express it differently to him.

In my view, the Otherworlds are not mothers, but instead eggs, or ‘wombs’, with Demons inside fed the spirit absorbed passively from our world.

I don’t know what happens when these Demons are finally ready to be born. Is it truly the case that every single Demon been Exorcised- Not one has escaped?

Where do these wombs even come from, and where are the ‘mothers’ they belong to?

Is there another world- beyond these Otherworlds?

All of these questions fill me with dread.

My forebears in the Exorcist Alliance cannot offer answers to my questions, but they could provide me with the skills and techniques to find my own answers. It was from my teachers that I learned that Demons, just like humans, can be drained of their spirit by targetting their sexual desire.

And just like humans, when Demons are drained of their spirit, they wither away.

Demons can absorb the high-grade spirit from Exorcists to grow stronger, but likewise, Exorcists can absorb the high-grade spirit from Demons.

The many different Demons are all adept to bringing pleasure, but the powerful Exorcist blood running through my veins almost me the same. Touching a Demon with my bare skin allows me to bring them great pleasure.

It is because of this that Exorcists don’t go into battle wearing full body armor and instead wear skimpy clothes and bodysuits. Low-class Demons, like the Slug-types that have been appearing before me, can be easily defeated by a rapid-fire footjob, which is why I had to learn to walk without shoes. Even the specialised stirrup stockings I am wearing are an intentional choice, as they allow me to tease my prey with my bare toes.

If I was wearing shoes and normal socks, I would be forced to take them off before even trying to attack these Slug-type Demons, by which point I would have already been attacked.

It was this level of extreme commitment that earned me the title of the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’. After all, who else would want to walk on this slippery flesh-like floor wearing only stirrup stockings.

Whilst Low-class Demons are simple to destroy with just my feet, High-class Demons, however, require more skilled techniques and they don’t go down with a fight.

Therefore, it’s crucial that the Demon Exorcists who hunt these fiends have strong mental strength, great patience, and immense self-control to avoid being corrupted by lust and sexual desire.

It is the constant struggle of Exorcists like me to drain them of their cum without being tainted by lust.

Walking through the narrow passageway, I sensed a pack of Slug-type Demons ahead.

But it doesn’t matter how many Low-class Demons appear, I won’t let them touch me.

After all, I am the Strongest Demon Hunter.


How far have I walked? This Otherworld is larger than any I have seen before, its passageways like umbilical cords bringing me deeper into the otherworldly ‘womb’.

The very nature of Otherworlds is opposed to humans like me, slowly draining me of my spirit whether I am standing still or walking ahead.

If not for the skin-tight protective clothing I was wearing, the years of meditative training I had undergone to protect my spirit and the hordes of low-class demons providing me with their spirit, I would have long since started to tire.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of strangeness at this unusual Otherworld. Its size, and the density of Demonic Energy within, are both unprecedented. This difference was good, however, as I have never been so close to finding my mother before.

At last, I reached the end of the endlessly long passageway, the cave-like structure opening up into a large, wide space. I sensed instinctively that I had reached the heart of the Otherworld, where, using my analogy, the Demonic ‘embryo’ should be located.

My eyes following the walls, I saw that on the other side of the open space, there was another passageway, which was something I had never discovered in any of the Otherworlds I had destroyed before. There shouldn’t be a passageway, as this was the center of the ‘womb’.

I didn’t have time to ponder where it would lead, however, as my focus was stolen by a figure in the center of the open space.

My breath was stolen in an instant.

“Mother!” I cried as I broke out into a run.

My hard work in being an Exorcist and my determination that she still lived- it was all paying off at this moment as I was finally reunited with my mother.

I couldn’t see her face, but her back was exactly the same shape as that day, her hair still flowing like black ink. She was wearing an Exorcist bodysuit, something I’d only ever seen in photos, but I would never be mistaken.

This was her- my beloved mother that I had been dreaming of for years!

“Mom! Mom! I’ve missed you so much! It’s me, Mizuho-”


I gasped, having been tripped.

Something had tangled around my limbs, interrupting my long-awaited reunion with my mother.


There were wet tentacles suddenly growing from the ceiling and floor, locking around my wrists and ankles and tying me up!

I had been sloppy. Caught off guard by the unexpected sight like a complete amateur.

It was only as I struggled, calling out to my mother for help, however, that I realized a chilling detail.

How could my mother be all right, her back the same as I remember, even after all these years?

I had been persistent in my belief that she still lived, but even I wasn’t stubborn enough to think that she could survive in an Otherworld unaffected for ten years.

Rather than standing there, looking no different from the day she disappeared, she should have changed more.

Her back…Her back shouldn’t be the same as I remembered!

Nausea spread through my stomach. I knew that if I gave voice to my doubts that something inside me would break. That my hopes and dreams of reuniting with my mother would pop like a bubble.

But…I had no choice but to voice these doubts-

“You… aren’t… my mother…?”

My mother, or rather, the strange thing in front of me, turned to look me in the eyes.

It was my mother- her face, her eyes- yet the bewitching smile on her face was something I’d never seen before. It was sensual and sinister, and nothing like the mother I knew.

This woman was not my mother.

“What are you?!”

Ignoring my words, she started to walk toward me, her long legs wrapped in black stirrup stocking walking effortlessly over the slippery terrain.

“You…?” The woman said using my mother’s voice. Her eyes were disrespectful, her gaze roaming across my suspended body and digging into my curves in a way that no mother would ever look at her child.

“You called me mother? Are you that woman’s daughter?”

My heart felt like it was about to be shattered, the rapid rise from hope to despair torturing me. The fake mother seemed to take my silence as an affirmation, however, and continued talking.

“It’s so amusing… that a mother and daughter are both Exorcists,” She chuckled, stepping closer to me.

Before I could adjust to this new distance, the woman unexpectedly squeezed my breast, her fingers savagely digging into my tender flesh. My mother was the most precious thing to me, yet I couldn’t stop this imposter from using her image whilst defiling me, nor could I stop a squeal from escaping my lips.


As I was caught between heartbreak and humiliation, the woman began to mercilessly play with my chest, molding my breasts within her hands and pinching my hopelessly erect nipples. My bodysuit could offer resistance against the Demonic Energy in the air, but it could do nothing against this woman’s horrific touch.

She insisted on toying and teasing my nipples even as I glared at her, writhing against my bindings. Yet, just when I thought she was done, she began to run her finger down my stomach.

She started poking and prodding at my slim stomach, rubbing my belly button and spreading it with her vile touch. She then wrapped her arms around my hips and started to squeeze my buttocks.

Humiliation and fury coursed through me as she groped and squeezed, I felt as though I was a piece of meat at the market being inspected by a prospective buyer.

It was then that the woman pulled back, only for her fingers to suddenly head toward my crotch. She pulled my tight bodysuit out of the way, and then, whilst ignoring my protests, she pushed her fingers into my vagina.

I hated how I was already wet, but even my horror at this situation wasn’t enough to prevent my sexual desire from being unwillingly stirred.

Her long fingers explored my vagina, rubbing my folds and brushing against my cervix. My helpless vagina leaked excitement down this fake mother’s hand, yet she seemed unconcerned about the pleasure she forced upon me, as though she didn’t even care.

Then after, my insides had been so thoroughly examined, the fingers were pulled out.

“You have quite a nice body.” She suddenly said, licking my love juice off her finger. “You have bigger tits and ass than this woman, and more impressively, you’re even stronger than her.”

“All right,” She said with a grin. “You’re next.”

“What do you mean…?!” I cried, confused by her words.

As if in response to my question, the woman’s appearance suddenly started to change. Her skin, hair and clothes all turned pink, as her curves started to contort. The shape of my mother disappeared as the Demon before me suddenly resembled a blank mannequin.

Before I could feel relieved that it had abandoned my mother’s form, however, the thing before me started to transform once more. The head took shape, the breasts and buttocks start to form and the body lines started to reveal themselves.

“N-no way…!” I gasped in horror, a sickness settling in my stomach.

The skin took on the color of milk as she gradually reverted back to a human-like appearance.

Black hair cut just above the shoulders, huge tits that are each bigger than her head, a body devoid of useless fat and flab, an ass that is in perfect shape and long sexy legs that stretch out-

And the face…!

“You asked me what I am, let me tell you. I am the most powerful Demon, the Strongest Exorcist Hunter.”

She had become me- and was speaking in my voice!

The Demon, the ‘Strongest Exorcist Hunter’, now looked just like me, having abandoned my mother’s form in favor of mine.

“What is going on?” I cried out, thrashing against my bindings in furious horror.

“Hmph, I don’t need to tell you anything, but there is no harm in telling you.”

The demon who looked just like me, complete with the tight bodysuit that clung to her curves and the stirrup stocking pulled up to her plump thighs. She pointed at the ground, and from it rose a flesh-like block which she then sat on.

Her legs spread, revealing her, or rather, my tight slit. The other me having no regard for modesty.

It felt horrifying and humiliating, watching someone else strut around in my skin. Sitting in ways that I would never sit and showing off her crotch in a way I would never dare.

“I am the most powerful Demon- the strongest, and I’ve always been able to control lesser Demons, just like this.”

Wearing a bored, arrogant expression on the face she copied from me, she waved her finger up and down, prompting the tentacles that bound my wrists and ankles started to move in tempo with her finger.

“With this power, I was destined to one day rule the Demon Realm when I finally finished my incubation. But then… those disgusting ‘Exorcists’ appeared.”

She sent me a cold glare.

“They claimed, so arrogantly, that they had mastered the art of hunting us ‘Demons’, and started to hunt me relentlessly. I had no choice but to flee, I couldn’t hope to resist them at all.

But I never forgot the humiliation. And as I recovered from my near-death experience, I realized I had another ability. I could copy other’s, learning from the information contained in your weak human bodies.

Soon, as I hunted more and more of your Exorcists, I started to gain greater intelligence and even learned your language… and after that…? There was no reason for me to lose ever again.”

It felt strange and unnerving to have someone who looked and sounded just like me monologing right before my eyes. But there had never existed a record of a Demon with such intelligence, and from her, I could learn more about Demons, and more importantly- my mother!

“By coping the bodies of the Exorcists your kind sent after me, I became stronger and stronger. Whenever I took another’s form, they were destined to face defeat. How could then not, when I became the superior version of them, and they were reduced to being an inferior original.

Even that last woman, the one who was especially strong, eventually fell before me. Even though her stubbornness in resisting me forced me to recover for a long time after, I still proved to be the superior version of her!”

Her face which was identical to mine contorted in annoyance at the mention of my mother, something that filled me with hope. Since my mother was so strong, and left such grievous wounds on this horrible Demon, maybe she had managed to escape somewhere and was waiting for rescue.

“And that woman? My mother? Where is she now?” I asked, swinging my body forward.

Yet rather than showing frustration at letting my mother escape, the Demon’s face flickered with wry amusement.

“Huh? Hahaha. What do you think happened, since I’m standing right here?”

I felt my stomach drop, my head ringing with alarm bells. I wished I could free my hands to cover my ears, free my legs to run from the truth this cruel inhuman Demon was about to say-

No, she’s still alive. She escaped. She waiting for me somewhere-!

“Obviously she’s dead, haha.”


I could feel something collapsing inside me.

The mother I had been searching for all my life was gone. Dead.



Killed by this Demon.



All I had never wanted to do was find her, it had been my only hope.

Mother had taught me to be polite to others, so I had. Mother had taught me to forgive others, so I had. Mother had raised me to never curse, so I never cursed.

But now she was gone. Gone.

Gonegonegonegonegonegonegonegonegonegonegonegonego negonegone-


I w-o-u-l-d n-e-v-e-r d-r-e-a-m o-f m-y m-o-t-h-e-r a-g-a-i-n.


IwouldneverdreamofmotheragainIwouldneverdreamofmot heragainIwouldneverdreamofmotheragainIwouldneverdr eamofmotheragainIwouldneverdreamofmotheragainIwoul dneverdreamofmotheragain-

“Her body was pretty good, but I definitely like yours more.”

Her words cut through my messy thoughts like a hot knife.

“You bitchhhh--!!” I exploded, shrieking with manic fury. “I’m the Strongest Demon Hunter, bitchhh-! I’ll fuckingg kill youuuuu-!!”

The Demon didn’t care, however, simply laughing in the face of my rage and licking her lips.

With that laugh, my reflexive anger deflated like a balloon.

She was right to laugh.

I was nothing but a fly caught in her spiderweb. Why would she care about my anger, my fury, my grief.

I had no ability to resist at all.

My fate had long since been sealed.

“Hmm, you are the ‘strongest’ of all the pathetic Exorcists I’ve ever copied. I look forward to devouring your spirit.”

With a sneer on her face and those cruel, taunting words, the woman kneeled in front of me, her face before my crotch. I felt her breath hit my pussy, before-


She pressed her mouth onto my cunt and began sucking. My body spasmed helplessly as she licked my pussy, my entire lower twitching and thrusting forward against my will to meet her mouth. She spread her lips as though trying to swallow my labia before slurping and sucking the sticky wet love juice out of my throbbing slit.

I could hear her laughing, even as my nose ran and pathetic whimpers escaped my lips.

My lower navel- my womb, was pounding like a second heart, begging for pleasure. Maybe she heard it throbbing away, because she suddenly shoved her tongue into my pussy, her wet pink muscle twisting and turning inside me.

No, it wasn’t her tongue. It was ‘my’ tongue inside me. That depraved copy using my own tongue against me.

I’d never noticed it was so long.

“S-sstop--! Not that hard-!” I unconsciously cry out as I am attacked again and again by my own tongue, the wet pink muscle twisting and turning within my convulsing cunt.

All I got in return from the ‘me’ buried between my pussy lips was a smug, teasing look, before she said- her words vibrating against my slit-

“Strongest Demon Hunter? You’re nothing but the inferior original now, ha.”

Even as those degrading words fell upon my ears, I couldn’t help but be shocked that ‘I’ was capable of pulling… such an infuriatingly seductive face…and it was proof of my ever-worsening mental state that I got even more arousal from it.

Her tongue moved more and more violently, the Demon practically pushing her entire face into my twitching twat. Her nose was crushing against my clit, forcing me to sob from the pleasure, whilst my cervix descended lower and lower, coaxed by her teasing tongue.

The pleasure was spreading, and my head tilted back uncontrollably as my toes clenched.

“AaaaAhhHhhhh--! I’m cummmminggggg-!!” A scream escaped my lips, the pleasure smashing against my remaining rationality like a battering ram.

She didn’t need my announcement, as the cum was gushing out of my cunt like a boiling wave and going straight down her throat.

I heard her gulp once, then twice, then a third time.

It was only when then that her lips popped off my pussy and she let out a satisfied exhalation.

“It’s good cum.”

She said with contentment, smacking her lips together as if my cum, my spirit, was just a drink she was appreciating.

I couldn’t even bring myself to get angry at the disrespect, however, as the hopelessness of the situation was finally starting to sink in.

Because she had copied my body, she seemed to know exactly where I felt good. Every weak point that I have discovered over the years- she now knows. Every inch of sensitive flesh that can make me climax with just a touch- she now knows.

I was caught in her tentacles, and I’m going to be brought to climax again and again and again until every drop of cum is squeezed out of me.

Like I’m a sponge being drained of water.

Deep in the Otherworld, surrounded by Demonic Energy and losing spirit with each orgasm-

Held captive by this all-powerful Demon who looks just like me-

I would wither away and die.

Maybe I should just surrender to the pleasure she is giving me, abandoning my pride and my petty attempts to resist. It would be less painful, less scary, that way.

I imagine my mother had done that same thing too-


I suddenly thought.

-She had resisted!

No way my mother was ever at the mercy of this beast! Even this loathsome Demon had complained about receiving grievous wounds from my mother, about needed to recover due to her stubbornness!

So how could I just go down without a fight like this? My mother was gone, but her killer was right in front of me! If I didn’t avenge her there would be no point in everything I had done so far!

My determination had been shaken by the appearance of my ‘mother’ and everything that followed, but my powerful willpower was finally returning to me.

I am the Strongest Demon Hunter, and I can escape this situation!

I calmly assessed my situation. My hands and legs were bound by the tentacles, I coudn’t rip my bindings apart, and was only able to shake my body.

What could I do in this situation?

Lightning flashed through my mind-


The powder from Azami-san!

I had placed it between my breasts, lacking a better place to keep it, and the Demon was still unaware of its existence! If I used it, I may be able to escape these tentacles and reverse the situation!

I immediately put my plan into action whilst the Demon was still busy absorbing my spirit.

By swinging my body back and forth, by breasts started to sway up and down. Very quickly, my boobs large mass meant they gained even more momentum and were swinging even more violently!

“Ha? What the hell are you doing?” The Demon ‘me’ commented. “There’s no need to brag y’know? I have the same thing!”

As if to convince me, the Demon squeezed her breasts, both perfect duplicates of my own with a mocking smirk. Thankfully, she didn’t notice my plans.

The Demon was still groping and squeezing her tits as though trying to agitate me when the package started to poke out of my boobs. Moving quickly, I bent my head down, practically motor-boating myself as I bit the package between my teeth.

“The hell-?” The Demon said, still as slow in the head as ever.

I felt my teeth pierce the package, and I then whipped my head up, flinging the bundle of powder at my mirror image.

The Demon lashed out with her hand, crushing the package with extreme decisiveness.

Yet- that was the worst move she could have made, as the powder exploded violently, covering the nearby area in a thick cloud!

“What-? What is this?” She shrieked, waving her arms as she attempted to disperse the powder.

Her attempts only made it worse, however! The powder spreading faster and further as she waved her hands.

It defused in the air, coated the tentacles, and covered the other ‘me’ from head to toe.

I felt the tentacles slacken as I saw the Demon’s knee go weak.

“W-what did you do?!”

She shrieked in panic, but despite watching ‘my’ face contort in shock before my eyes, I didn’t slow my attack in the slightest.

I leap out of the bindings at my mirror image. The Demon, who likely never imagined I could ever escape, fell easily to the ground as I tackled her.

Her body had gone completely limb, the poison powder working even more effectively than I had ever imagined. I forced her trembling hands behind her back, holding them together easily with only one hand, before I used my other hand to hoist her up by her big ass.

With one of her legs strung over each of my shoulders, my face was directly in front of her dripping cunt, my breath colliding with the heat from her pussy.

“Let go of me!” She cried out, sounding both furious and embarrassed at the sudden reversal of fortunes.

“No! Now it’s my turn!” I growled, pulling the bodysuit out of the way before pressing my open mouth into her trembling twat.


I heard her scream as my upper lips met her lower lips.

I had already been forced to understand that every inch of our bodies being identical meant she knew all my weak spots, but now, it was time for her to learn the same lesson!

I dragged my tongue across her leaking pussy, coating her labia with my saliva before flicking her clit with my tongue. Everything, from the thickness of our pussy lips to the hardness of our clits, was identical. But because of this, I knew exactly how to make her scream.

“Nooo-?!?! Stop ittttt-!!” She screeched, her voice drenched in pleasure.

“No! I’m avenging my mother!” I growled into her pussy, prompting yet another scream as the vibrations forced her to cunt to convulse.

My tongue arched up her pussy, just like her tongue had arched up mine, licking and rubbing against the rough wet walls of her vaginal canal. I flicked my tongue upward as I started teasing her, or rather, ‘my’ g-spot.

It was a strange feeling, tongue-fucking what was effectively my own pussy, but making this Demon bitch moan and scream with my long tongue filled me with an ecstatic sense of conquest and superiority.

It was exciting, reclaiming my position was the real me, and forcing her, the ‘fake me’, to shriek and scream beneath me.

She thrashed about helplessly, unable to exert the slightest bit of strength as I sucked and swallowed the love juices from her throbbing pussy. I released her hands, knowing now that she couldn’t do anything with them anyway. I allowed her thick thighs to slide off my shoulders, her large buttocks bouncing on my lap.

I wasn’t showing her mercy, not one bit.

I grabbed the so-called ‘Strongest Exorcist Hunter’ by the back of her plump thighs, forcing her body backward until her weight was resting on her shoulders as I pressed my face further into her slit.

The impertinent Demon had even copied my outfit, her long legs covered in black stirrup stocking identical to the pair I was wearing. Her bare toes, uncovered by the long stirrup stockings, were twitching in the air down as she tried in vain to resist the pleasure.

I could see her watery eyes, if only barely, over her enormous tits, and I pulled the most arrogant face I could muster.

“You called yourself the ‘Strongest Exorcist Hunter’?” I laughed mockingly as I dragged my tongue along her swollen pussy lips. “You’re just an inferior copy that can’t do anything without those tentacles, right?”

I felt her body stiffen from the insult, one I took great joy returning to her after her earlier slight before her body continued to spasm and tremble even stronger than before.

She found my mocking just as humiliating as I did, yet her body got even more excited in response, her sexual desire escaping her control.

I could sense that she was able to cum because her state was identical to my own, only minutes prior. I tighten my grip on her thick thighs, as I locked my lips against her pussy, ready to suck up all her hot cum.

“AaaaAhhHhhhh--! I’m cummmminggggg-!!” She screamed, as a tidal wave of thick girl-cum rushed into my mouth.

Feeling the delicious squirt dancing along my tastebuds and filling my mouth, causing my cheeks to bulge, I had to swallow once, then twice, and then a third time, before I had finally finished the trembling demon’s heavy ejaculate.

I let her body drop, her weass cheeks sliding down my thighs until she was lying on the ground twitching. Remaining on my knees between her spread legs as I quickly started to absorb her spirit.

She was panting, gasping for breath after cumming her brains out, but the look on her face was one of humiliation, rather than bliss.

“I can’t believe that a shitty little Exorcist like you could make me cum…!” She spat indignantly.

“No matter how closely you copy me, a fake is still a fake, and a Low-class Demon is a Low-class Demon.” I taunted, addicted to the feeling of provoking this cruel Demon.

“You’re…so cocky…!”

Before I could stop her, she had thrown herself at me, knocking me onto the ground as we tumbled over each other.

“Catch her for me!” She screamed, motioning with her fingers. I saw the tentacles start to move again, and felt a twinge of panic as they got closer-

Only for both of us to be dumbfounded when the tentacles wrapped around her, instead of me!

“O-oi! Not me! Grab her- Her!” The Demon screamed furiously as she thrashed against the tentacles binding her wrists and ankles.

The tentacles, however, didn’t show the slightest sign of following her orders. The powder provided by Azami-san had confused the Demon so completely that it no longer seemed able to tell us apart!

With it, I had usurped the Demon’s place at the top of the chain of command!

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud. If a third party had been here with us watching this battle unfold, what was happening now would look no different from earlier. But for the two of us involved, the difference between now and then was as great as the difference between heaven and hell!

“Oh, how the tables have turned,” I mocked, rising to my feet and stepping closer to the helpless Demon.

“You did this, didn’t you?” She hissed furiously as she desperately tried to escape the tentacles. With her body identical in strength and form to mine, however, she was just as helpless toward the tentacles as I had been!

“What? You did this to yourself, didn’t you?” I laughed.

I was staring at the woman in front of me, the woman who looked just like me.

Everything about us was identical, from how we lashed out against the tentacles to how her furious face looked just like mine did. Likewise, just as she had once stood arrogantly before me, her face condescending and smug, I was now standing before her, wearing the exact same face.

Looking at ‘myself’, bound in such a pathetic and pitiful way before me, I felt a twinge of pleasure run through my crotch, whilst a flutter of sadism flickered in my heart.

Emotions of finding my ‘mother’, losing her once again, being captured and tortured only to turn the tables had all taken their toll on my mental state. Along with this, the Demonic Energy within the Otherworld was taking its toll on me, eroding my willpower and ability to resist corruption and sexual desire.

“Haa… I can’t play with you much longer, you pathetic fake,” I hum, smirking at her. “I’ll just squeeze you dry and head home.”

“Y-you! Let go of me, you inferior original! Tentacles! Tentacles!” She screamed hatefully.

“They don’t listen to you anymore, you- Eh-?!? N-no way!!”

My arrogant words were interrupted when a second batch of tentacles appeared out of nowhere and grabbed me by the wrists and ankles once again.

Once again, I was stuck as we were suddenly made equal, resembling perfect reflections of each other as we glared hatefully at one another.

“Tentacles?! Let me go!” I ordered, hoping they would obey my command.

They didn’t.

“Ha, you stupid Exorcist bitch, why would they listen to you?”

“You can’t say that about someone else when you’re trapped by your own tentacles, you stupid Demon bitch!”

“What the hell? It’s because you used some weird powder like a weakling that I ended up like this!”

“It’s because you decided to crush it like an idiot that you ended up like this!”

We thrashed against the bindings in unison, continuing to glare at each other.

“This is all because of you-!”

“This is all because of you-!”

Our overlapping voices caused me to flush red in rage, yet she still mirrored me, her face doing the exact same thing.

I was getting angrier and angrier at her and this situation we were in, but there is nothing I could do. I was relieved that whilst the tentacles didn’t want to listen to me, they didn’t want to listen to the fake me either, but like this, we were stuck in a deadlock, both of us thrashing helplessly.

I ground my teeth in furious humiliation, frustrated by the fact that I was trapped in such a ridiculous situation by a mere fake when I should have finished her off earlier. Despite my bindings and my identical opponent, however, the rules of this world were the same as always-

I forced myself to calm down, trying to think my way out of this hopeless situation.

Whilst she looked just like me and reacted just like me, she was still a Demon and I was still an Exorcist. If I defeated her, draining her of her spirit, then both she and this Otherworld would disappear, and I would finally be released. Whilst my wrists and ankles were bound together and my body strung up, I wasn’t too far from the other ‘me’- our matching bodies only two steps apart.

My hands and feet couldn’t do anything, but my most prominent part, my gigantic boobs, could still hope to reach her.

This pair of inhumanly oversized, attention-grabbing breasts had always frustrated me, forcing me to pay huge amounts of money for bras- but now they finally had a use!

The distance between my tits and my mirror image’s was far less than the rest of us, the distance between my tits and hers only being a half-step.

I started to shake my body, rocking it as though I were on a swing in the playpark. Rocking back and forth whilst suspended by the tentacles, I was gaining more and more momentum.

Despite this, I was still short of reaching her breasts with her own, my attack failing on the verge of success.

“What are you doing?!” The Demon hissed, ‘my’ face warped in panic. “Are you using the damn powder again?!”

I had been hoping to surprise the Demon with a sneak attack, but rather than waste my energy pointlessly, I thought it made sense to clue her in on my scheme.

“I don’t have anymore,” I’ve admitted. “I just realized how to get out of these tentacles is all.. I just need to defeat you!”

“Don’t make me laugh,” She scoffed, the face identical to mine shifting in mockery. “How are you planning on beating me in this situation?”

“I’ve had enough of seeing you, an inferior copy, wave my tits about, so I’m going to show you who’s real and who’s fake.”

I shook my body forward so that our bodysuited boobs almost touched.

I saw her realize what I’m trying to do, her face flaring up with the anger of being challenged.

“You’re ridiculously cocky for an inferior original, you Exorcist bitch!” She hissed furiously, falling for my provocation.

She began rocking her body too, her flawless copy moving back and forth.

“Let’s do it then, I’ll destroy you using your own tits!” The Demon taunted as we started to synchronise our rocking.

“I’ll prove that a inferior copy can never surpass the superior original, you arrogant Demon bitch!” I mocked back, not willing to give her even a moment of superiority.

“Ha, you and I are worlds apart, you Exorcist bitch, yet when you talk so arrogantly, we almost seem a little similar,” The Demon spat.

We were getting closer together, our movements almost entirely synchronised now.

“If you didn’t like my body so much that you wanted to copy it, you wouldn’t be saying that!”

We rocked back, glaring at each other furiously, before swinging ourselves forward.

My secretive scheme had now become an open, shared scheme.

I was confident that I could beat her as long as we got our boobs into contact, so I had provoked her into action.

She was confident that she could beat me as long as we got our boobs into contact, so she had provoked me into action.

I could tell what she was thinking, and she, no doubt, knew what I was thinking.

Neither of us cared though, because both of us were confident that we would prove the other wrong.

We finally collided, our identical tits making contact with each other.

Immediately I felt our perky boobs crush together whilst our areola rubbed as though they were nuzzling each other, separated only by our tight bodysuits.

The stimulation wasn’t strong, but as we swung back and forth trading taunts and boasts, our tits squashing again and again, I could gradually feel my nipples becoming erect, stiffening, and struggling against my bodysuit.

I suddenly felt a jolt of pleasure from my swollen nipples, when they collided head-on with the other woman’s equally erect nipples. As we swung back, I saw her nipples straining against her bodysuit so hard they looked as though they were going to rip through it.

“I can’t believe you’re getting erect from this,” I reflexively mocked as we swung together again.

“You can’t talk, your nipples are so hard it’s disgusting,” She hissed back.

“They’re this size to begin with!”

“You think you can lie to me like that- When I have your body?”

Before I could argue back, I was interrupted by the other woman when she dragged her nipples across mine, bending them out of shape as we crushed together.


Feeling humiliated and furious at the feeling of my nipples being assaulted, I counterattack on the next collision, stabbing her nipples with my own and forcing the straight to bend.


This time, it was her that was forced to moan.

We glared at each other, both of us clamping our mouths shut, unwilling to embarrass ourselves again. We then began to stab our nipples together as we swung forward.

Each time her nipples assaulted mine I felt a small twinge of pleasure along with a burst of humiliation, but I would always return the favor by humiliating her in return.

Though my sense of time within this Otherworld was blurred, it felt like we spent a long time doing this, rocking ourselves back and forth to rub our tits and nipples together.

I could see that I was making her feel good- helpless to the fact that she was making me feel the same- but it wasn’t enough for either of us to make the other cum.

Our shared scheme to determine superiority and inferiority using our nipples hadn’t worked at all, and all we had accomplished was riling each other up further with our constant nipple-to-nipple teasing.

“I thought my nipples would be enough.”

“Ha, you think you’re better than me?” The Demon taunted. “If it wasn’t for these tentacles, you wouldn’t have a chance.”

Perhaps the tentacles finally heard the woman’s thoughts, as they finally began to move once again.

Only, they didn’t move to free either of us, and instead started bringing us together.

“O-oi! What are you doing-?!”

“T-tentacles?! Stop it-!”

We both tried to stop them, but they listened to neither of us, the distance between us forcibly closed by the wet bindings.



Our breasts collided with a wet slap, our nipples stabbing together far hard than before. Maybe our previous swinging, our previous synchronisation- had been less perfect than we realized. It had been this slight difference that lead to our relentless tit-for-tat and our minor, petty victories over one another.

I had mistaken this slight difference for proof that somewhere, somehow, I was superior to her. Equally, I had seen over and over again how she thought this slight difference meant that she was superior to me.

With these tentacles now in control of our movements, however, I was forced to acknowledge how equal our tits truly were.

No longer could I stab her nipples with my own, forcing her to moan one-sidedly.

Our identical breasts, all four tits possessing the same firmness and perkiness were equally crushed, flattened together as though we were pressed against a mirror. Our four nipples, all equally pointed and erect, stabbed into each other, yet failed to achieve the slightest victory for either of us as both of her nipples forced mine back into my tits, and both of my nipples stabbed hers back into her tits.

As our boobs crushed each other, and as our nipples inverted each other, I felt a flood of pleasure rush from my oversized tits all the way up to my brain, as a shocked gasp escaped both my lips and hers.

The tentacles weren’t content to stop after one perfectly synchronized collision, however, as we were pulled apart then slapped together again.

Then again, then again.

We were like two identical toys in the hands of a child who didn’t know how to be gentle.

“Aah-?! D-do something already! It’s your stupid tentacle!” I complained as we were slammed together again, to the same result.

“Ooh-?! S-shut up! It’s your stupid powder that did this!” She wailed back as we were crushed together yet again.

Our breasts kept colliding and our nipples kept stabbing each other. Our collisions, and the friction between us, was so violent that I could feel my bodysuit beginning to rip and tear. The other ‘me’ had clearly replicated my bodysuit perfectly, as when we pulled apart I saw that her bodysuit was beginning to fall apart too, with large pieces of tit flesh starting to spill out the skimpy suit.

Whilst her skin should have been a milky white, the patches of her large tits that I could see were now a reddish pink, in what must be a reflection of my own boobs. The fabric around our tits was barely hanging on by a thread, our obscene, identical outfits somehow becoming even more lust-inducing.

Our nipples were barely covered, and yet just when a final collision would have shredded our last lines of defence apart, allowing our bare nipples to go at it, the tentacles stopped.

Both of us were panting, even more aroused than earlier from the non-stop mutual impalement.

“W-what is it now?!”

“L-let me go now! Tentacles-?!”

Suddenly we were turned around, and I was bent down at a 90-degree angle, my ass pointing at my inferior copy.

Before I realized what was about to happen, I was swung back and sent smashing into the other me.

A horrendous force reverberated through my body as our firm buttocks crashed together.

I couldn’t help but shriek as a mix of pain and pleasure erupted across my ass cheeks. It felt as though every inch of my ass had been spanked by a vicious hand, yet the infuriating softness of the other woman’s assmeat told me exactly what was going on!

These abominable tentacles were using her ass to spank mine, and using my ass to spank her! Just as before, the tentacles managed to swing us together with inhuman precision, both of us possessing the exact same momentum each time we smashed together!

This meant, that as just with our tits, our mutual ass-on-ass beating was completely equal! My ass was being squashed and dented by her ass, causing my mind to overflow with hate and humiliation.

My only consolation was that her ass was being squashed and dented by ass, which was humiliating and enraging her as much she was humiliating me.

“Ahh-! You Demon bitch!”

“Ohh-! You Exorcist bitch!”

We screamed and cursed at each other in agonising hatred for dozens of collisions, before we restarted our attempts to have the tentacles release us, both of us fighting for our identical voices to be heard.

“T-tentacles! Let me go!”

“N-no! Tentacles, let me go!”

“Tentacles! It’s me you need to let go!”

“No! Listen to me! It’s me!”

Despite our yelling, however, the tentacles continued to smash our asses together, wet slaps echoing out as our bruised and beaten ass cheeks pulled apart only to be swiftly reunited.

Eventually, after maybe hundreds of these collisions, we were no longer able to even speak, the pleasure infiltrating our brains and leaving us capable of only moaning.



Finally, after bringing us together one last time, the tentacles finally got tired of their repetitive actions and released us.

Our asses had lost their firmness long ago, and rather than causing us to bounce off each other as we were freed from our bindings, our plump buttocks cushioned our opposing momentum, causing us to fall into a tangled heap on the floor.

Now free, we lay paralyzed in a face-down, ass-up position.

It was humiliating, laying like this, as if I was ready to be taken from behind yet looking as though I were pressing myself against a mirror. Our stocking-wrapped legs were tangled and knotted together, whilst our tits were squashed against the ground, forced to act as cushions for our exhausted bodies.

My entire body was tingling from all the stimulation, yet aching with a need for more, because even after all that, I still hadn’t climaxed.

Laying there speechless, I couldn’t help but be disappointed.

Deep down, a part of me had been hoping that despite all the similarities, there would be some kind of superiority or inferiority between us.

Despite being aware that her body was exactly the same as mine, I thought it was impossible for me to lose to a fake in a completely even and fair fight.

As far as I could tell however, from her ragged breaths and her shaking, sweaty body that was pressed powerlessly against mine, just as mine was pressed powerlessly against hers…

…There was no difference between my ‘real’ body and her ‘fake’ body.

…Perhaps she was feeling equally upset that there was no difference between her ‘superior’ body and my ‘original’ body.

We lay there in a tangle of steaming, identical flesh until we started peeling ourselves apart. I felt strands of sweat connecting our sore and exposed ass cheeks and thick thighs, and thick bridges of sticky love juices trying to glue our bodysuit-covered crotches together, but crawling forward slowly, I managed to pull myself away from her.

Looking over my shoulder, we shared a furious glare, even with our throbbing asses still pointing at each other.

“You pathetic Exorcist, you’re nothing but my inferior original-!”

“You disgusting Demon, you’re nothing but my inferior copy-!”

We hissed as I forced myself to my feet, watching her do the same in a process that looked equally painful.

“I’m going to fuck the life out of you-!”

“I’m going to squeeze the cum out of you-!”

We spat at each other, both taking a step forward until our busts, practically spilling out of the bodysuits, were almost touching.

“Ha, how could you, the inferior Demon fake ever squeeze the cum out of me?!”

“How can you, the inferior Exorcist original ever fuck the life out of me?!”

Like mirrors of each other, our eyes were overflowing with shared fury. We had enough grudges to last a lifetime.

She, the vile Demon who took my mother from me and stole my appearance.

Me, another Exorcist trying to kill her, and the daughter of the woman who so nearly accomplished it.

All we had to do now… was go at it until only one of us was still standing.

““You bitch!”” We scream in unison, throwing our identical bodies together.

My left arm hooked around her neck whilst my right aimed for her pussy. Her right arm hooked around my neck whilst her left hand aimed for my pussy. Neither of us would show any mercy, we both knew our weak points.

Our bodies.

Our fingers.

Our pussies.

Everything was exactly the same. All that was left was our individual wills.

Whoever was more determined to win, whoever was more able to resist the pleasure, would be the ultimate victor.

My left cheek was squashed against her right cheek, the corners of our snarling lips pressed together as we glared straight into the other’s matching set of eyes. My left boob and her right boob were crushed together side-to-side, the two oversized meat bags grinding against one another.

Over the sound of our creaking jaws and our flattened tits, however, all I could hear was the sounds of my cunt being fingerfucked by my inferior copy.

In an empty space were only ‘I’ existed, the sounds of panting and the splattering of love juices echoed out ceaselessly.

“C-come on! You inferior fake…! Cum already…!”

“Y-you cum! You inferior original…! Just cum…!”

I move my fingers fasters and fasting, pumping her soaking wet cunt faster than she is pumping mine. Yet, it’s as though I’m merely masturbating rather than fighting to the death with another me.

The faster I go, the faster she goes.

The more pleasure I give her, the more pleasure I feel!

““Cum! Cum! Cum! Cumcumcumcumcum-!”” We gasp, as though trying to force a climax on each other through willpower and words alone.

I pinched her clit with my thumb whilst my fingers scrap against her g-spot, only to feel her do the same to me.

““HhhhHnnnNnngGg-?! Cummmminnggggg-!!”” We gasped as I squirted sticky cum across her hand and she squirted sticky cum across mine.

I could feel her dense, heavy cum soaking into my hand as I begin to absorb her spirit, yet just as I am absorbing hers, she is absorbing mine!

I could feel her legs trembling from the soul-stirring climax, and although my legs were trembling too, I tried to trip her and send her to the floor.


Unfortunately, she had the same idea, causing my left leg and her right legs to tangle together, resulting in us triping forward face first! Neither of us released the other, however, so we landed tits first onto the wet, mucus-coated ground.

We were back in the same position we collapsed in earlier, faces-down, asses-up, only now, rather than being pressed together ass-to-ass, we were now face-to-face, with our cheeks and breasts still grinding together. Struggling to reach past her boobs and down to her cunt with my right hand, I immediately decided to swap hands.

I released her neck and shifted my left hand down her back, starting to assault her cunt and ass simultaneously. My other hand shot across my body, and grabbed onto the few threads of bodysuit still clinging to her breasts, pulling her against me to prevent her from escaping.

Once again, she did the exact same thing, however, her long fingers wreaking havoc on my pussy and asshole, whilst her left hand grabbed my ruined bodysuit. Yanking ourselves together, our aching jaws scraped and ground against each other through our soft cheeks. Our faces were so close that even our eyelashes were tangling and knotting whilst the corners of our lips were squashed into a savage ‘kiss’, our hot pants colliding between our snarling mouths.

““Ooooh-?!”” We both squirmed as we launch a simultaneous assaults on our shared weak spots.

She teased my anus with her thumb, pushing it in and out as she crushed my boiling hot clit with her pinkie finger. Her other three fingers were kept busy as they pumped and stirred my convulsing cunt.

I was doing the same to her, but the pleasure I was receiving was too much for me to endure, especially so immediately after my last climax.

I could feel myself shaking, shudders of pleasure shooting down my spine straight to my brain. A flood of love juices was splattering out of my cunt, with every pump of her fingers causing my pussy to make the most embarrassing squelching sounds. Another orgasm was quickly approaching, yet, I hadn’t recovered from the last, nor finished absorbing the spirit I forced out of her.

My bare toes digging into the wet ground, I pushed myself along the fleshy floor like a snake in an attempt to escape her claws, yet she moved at the same time as me, her entire body stuck to mine as though we were dragging ourselves across a mirror.

The pleasure was shooting through my brain like lightning, my heart racing faster and faster even as I desperately pumped my fingers in and out of her trembling twat.

Hoping to avoid the impending orgasm, or even delay it by just a moment, I lifted my ass up as high as I could.

Only for her to do the same.

Our asses shot up with such speed that we actually lost our balance, almost performing accidental headstands.

We avoided this, with both of us landing on our shoulders, with our legs spread, much like the position I had her in earlier, yet this impact was too much for us, causing the build-up of pleasure to suddenly explode-

““Cummmingggg--!!?”” We screamed together, as twin streams of squirt burst from our identical cunts. With my cunt directly above my face, my hips still in the air, I squirted directly onto my pleasure-wracked face.

This was humiliating, but at least it meant I wouldn’t lose my spirit to my fake clone, as I could directly reabsorb the spirit she had just forced me to squirt out.

That was my plan, at least until I saw that she was squirting directly onto her face too. My hands lashed out before I could even think, digging into her spasming cunt and pulling her vagina folds in my direction. Like this, I diverted her explosion of cum to my open mouth and outstretched tongue, yet tragically, she did the same thing, her fingers digging into my sensitive slit and pulling it so that I sprayed cum into her wide mouth!

Our long steaming streams of cum barely avoided overlapping as we gulped down as much of each other’s squirt as we could before our asses collapsed to the ground. As if our buttocks bouncing against the wet fleshy floor was our starting signal, we then immediately started frantically fingerfucking each other.

I turned my face and looked directly into my reflection, who was staring straight back at me, her face one of humiliation and fury, and didn’t hesitate for a moment before trying to seal her lips with my own.

Our legs tangled together as we got one another in headlocks once again, our plump lips crushed as we fought to suck the squirt out of each other’s mouth.

It was as though we were performing oral sex on each other’s lips, both of us sucking and slurping as hard as we could, thirsting for any trace of cum left in the other’s mouth. We were fighting viciously- desperately- for the slightest advantage in our fight to the death.

Very soon, we came again, then again, as we writhed on the floor, catching each other’s cum with our hands as best as we could.

This brutal targeting of each other’s weak points had turned our fight into a degenerate mud-slinging contest, both of us squirming on the ground like mating slugs as we climaxed simultaneously again and again, covering the ground in our love juices.

I tried, over and over, to roll on top of her, but she kept attempting to do the same, which just left us pressed together from nose-to-toes as we lay on our sides. Our bodysuits had completely torn by now, our perky tits on full display and being brought together bare skin on bare skin.

Our arms brushed against each other we continued to fingerbang one another, the two of us crushing clits, clawing g-spots and teasing anuses whenever we could. Very quickly, our bodies tensed as orgasms tore through us in synchrony, thrashing and writhing, we rolled onto our backs, gasping for breath.

We were pressed together like two lovers, each resting our head on the other’s arm, our left and right tits pancaked and squashed, our erect nipples drilling into each other and our feet tangled around one another, yet neither of us could move in the slightest. Our faces were warped in equal shame and humiliation, flushed red and covered in saliva and cum, yet both of us were shattered and exhausted once more, neither of us able to pull away from this nauseating position.

Both of us hurriedly absorbing the cum coating our identical bodies, it was now a race to see which of us could recover first.

When I felt able to move once more, I rolled away from her, watching her do the same. Only… as I was about to pounce, and was expecting her to do the same, she didn’t.

“Y-you’re… a persistent one you know?” She panted.

Despite her ragged breath, I noticed her face had regained its earlier composure and felt a twinge of dread.

“You’ve noticed…that’s right, I’ve regained my strength, you shitty, small-fry Exorcist!” She spat arrogantly, baring her teeth at me. “Now it’s time for you to die- take this!”

She lunged at me with a strange syringe in her hand thrusting it at me like a dagger. She didn’t have it before, which meant it was some kind of manifestation of her Demonic magic.

Not knowing what it would do, I attempted to move back, but my legs were still weak from the countless climaxes and wouldn’t move as I wanted them to-!

“AaaaaaAaaahhhhhHhhhh---?!?!??” I screamed out in agonizing pleasure as the syringe stabbed into my breast. Immediately I felt as though every inch of my boob had become a sexual organ, no different from my cunt or clit. The puncture wound hurt, but instantly this pain was buried by an avalanche of sexual ecstasy.

My left tit was throbbing, aching, spasming and convulsing in pleasure I didn’t think possible. I could ‘feel’ my boob in excruciating detail, every inch of tit flesh burning with sexual ecstasy. My nipple was so hard it was going to explode, and it felt as though my entire breast was swelling.

“Eeeeggggghhhhhhhhhhh-!??!?!” A horrible, inhuman shriek escapes my lips as an overwhelming pleasure erupts in my left breast. I was cumming, but I didn’t even know why.

It was only when the sound of a slap reached my ears that I realized how little it had taken my Demon copy to make me climax.

I could feel tears spilling from my eyes, yet through my blurred vision, I could see a squirt of breast milk spraying from my nipple.

The hot fluid pushed its way through my burning nipple, I wasn’t even pregnant, but she had forced me to produce breast milk.

“Oooh—uggghhhhh-nnnoooooo-?!” I gasped and sobbed, feeling my nose run as I continued to leak from my tit and twat.

Desperately trying to breathe in air, I didn’t even have time to feel ashamed of my condition before her mocking voice echoed out.

“Haha, you look good, small-fry Exorcist. How about we make the other one match too?”

No! Just one is driving me crazy…! If she injects the other one too-

“N-nnnooooooo! Don’tttttttt--!” I wailed, yet all I received was a contemptuous smirk before she stabbed my other breast.


Whatever bestial scream escaped my mouth, I didn’t hear it as I collapsed, thrashing like a fish on dry land as I sprayed milk and cum across the ground.

Leaking breast milk.

Spraying more cum than I’ve thought possible.

So utterly devoid of pride and dignity.

Thrashing and screaming and cumming and leaking everywhere. I couldn’t think of anything but pleasure.

I could barely see, but I sensed the Demon ‘me’ turning her back on the ‘real’ me.

No, I wasn’t even the ‘real’ me anymore.

I had been beaten by the other ‘me’ and forced to become someone I didn’t even recognise.

She disdained to even look at me, to even be near me.

There was no more need to fight for cum with the other ‘me’ in an embarrassing battle of bodies… because I would cum myself to death within the next few minutes.

There were no more insults leaving her lips. I wasn’t worthy now.

There was no more equality, symmetry or identicality between us.

Maybe she even felt ashamed to share my image, as degenerate as I now was.

It was over.


There was nothing else I could do.

Unable to stand, unable to move, unable to do anything but cum.

My consciousness blurred, and all I could do was look at her back as she walked away.

In my hazy mind, the back of my mother and the back in front of me began to overlap.


I can see your back, just like that day all those years ago.

It was that dying thought, however, that sparked life back into me.

Why I am here?

Why did I become a Demon Exorcist?

Why did I rise to the top, becoming the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’?

It was for you, Mother!

And now your killer is… daring to walk away from me…!

“You dare-?!?!”

I scream like a banshee, possessed by an otherworldly fury as I threw myself off the ground and at the Demon ‘me’.

“You can still move?” She laughed arrogantly.

I w-i-l-l p-u-n-i-s-h t-h-a-t a-r-r-o-g-a-n-c-e ! ! ! !

“You cocky bitchhhh-!!” I shrieked as I threw myself into her. Despite my awful condition, spewing milk and cum everywhere, she fell surprisingly easily, losing her balance as we tumbled.

“Stop acting so toughhhh…! You shitty…! Fucking…! Demonnnn----!!” I scream as though bedevilled, mounting her even as I sprayed milk across her face.

I grabbed onto her forearm, the same arm still holding that accused syringe and started forcing it down into her breast!

“Y-you-!” She squeaked, her arm shaking as she attempted to resist, but for once, my will- my dying fury- proved superior to hers. Despite our identical bodies, I exerted strength past my limits-

-And slammed the syringe into her right breast!

“AaaaaaAaaahhhhhHhhhh---?!?!??” She shrieked as she was forced to endure the same pleasure she had forced so arrogantly upon me!

I punched her breast as hard as I could, causing an eruption of milk to splash out, drenching me from head to toe!


Her once prideful face was torn apart by pleasure, forced to match mine as tears poured down her cheeks and snot ran from her nose.

From her pussy came a torrent of cum that collided with the river escaping my own convulsing cunt, both of us spraying and gushing everywhere! Her hand dropped the syringe, and with my last bit of strength, I wrapped my trembling fingers around it and slammed it down on her other breast!


A horrifying scream escaped her lips, almost deafening me as her other boob erupted like a breast milk volcano.

I slapped it as hard as I could, attempting to make up for the time I had been forced to suffer alone, before my body went limp and I fell backward.

Our legs tangled together, we lay there, spraying milk into the air above our heads- our four identical tits like garden sprinklers, whilst our pussies sprayed cum directly between each other’s spread legs.

I lay there spasming, struggling to calm my throbbing body as I clung to my consciousness. As the spray of milk pouring from my breasts started to die down, I could see the pulsating flesh ceiling above me.

The Otherworld hadn’t disappeared yet, which meant that the Demon ‘me’ was still breathing, still clinging to life.

“You’ve done it now…!” The Demon hissed furiously.

“That’s my line, you Demon fake…!”

“I just made your tits… even better for you…! You inferior Exorcist…!”

“Ha…! Not as good… as I made yours…!”

I pushed myself off the ground, rising until I was on all fours, my swollen tits hanging down and almost touching the ground. She was the same, on all four and snarling at me like a mad dog.

The syringe is right there, directly between us.

“I’m gonna fuck you so hard you can’t do anything but cum!”

“You’re gonna cum your brains out, right there on the ground!”

Leaping forward like a pair of rapid dogs, we lunge for the syringe. I grabbed it first, but she seized my forearm in a tight pinch.

Before I knew what was happening, we were rolling over each other, our tits crushed together, nipples stabbing into each other and overflowing with milk. Our cunts are like two hosepipes blasting straight at each other, cum going everywhere as we tumble over each other in a struggle for the syringe.

I mounted her, only to suddenly be spun off as she mounted me. I then spun her off as I mounted her again, only for the cycle to begin anew.

I had the syringe then she had it then I had it again then she had it again then-

I felt like my brain was being blended and flushed out my bloated tits along with my constant flood of breast milk. I couldn’t bring myself to think or strategize, only able to roll about in a tangled cat-ball as I tried to gain control of the syringe.

We end in a sitting position, our legs wrapped around the other’s plump ass as we panted into our reflection’s face.

My right hand and her left hand were locked around the syringe, our fingers intertwined as though we were holding hands. Our tits were crushed together, both pairs too big to peacefully coexist in such a tight space.

I could feel our nipples inverting each other like they did earlier- mine pushing hers back into her oversized tits, but hers pushing mine back just as much. Only now, from our mutually inverted nipples and crushed tits came a steady dribble of milk flowing out of our throbbing chests.

“L-let go!”

“Y-you let go!”

We argued, our arms shaking from the strain.

Suddenly, I swung out with my spare hand, slapping her fat tit.

““AaaaaahHhHHhhh-!!!”” We screamed in unison, we both had the same idea.

A deluge of breast milk exploded from our crushed nipples- or rather, it should have. Instead, I felt the horrifying sensation of a river of milk pouring into my nipple and through my mammary glands!

Our nipples had unexpectedly drilled so deeply into each other that they had locked together to form a single passageway between my boob and hers! Using this, the Demon’s milk had forced its way inside my left boob, whilst my milk had forced its way inside her right boob.

I couldn’t comprehend how this was possible- how our respective milk flows could pass each other by so seamlessly. Maybe it was the perfect compatibility between two perfectly identical bodies, or maybe it was the dozens and dozens of mutual impalements between our nipples earlier.

It didn’t matter, however, neither of us could even move, with our legs clamped around each other’s ass in a mutual bind. I had a front row seat to her humiliation, and she had a front row seat to mine. Like this, we forced each other to suffer the humiliation of having our matching faces break down in pleasure right in front of one another.

Her face was a mirror of mine, and mine was a mirror of hers, as our noses ran and our tongues hung loose, spilling saliva everywhere. Even through this shameful exchange of equal humiliation, we persisted in glaring hatefully at one another, both desperate to tear each other to shreds.

In what I instantly understood to be yet another shared scheme, we worked together to swing down the syringe with our shared grip. Much like our earlier scheme, where we cooperated to smash our boobs tits together, both confident it would work out in our favor. This time, we were hoping that by some miracle we would manage to hit the other with the syringe, instead of ourselves.

Her thoughts were as clear as day to me, and mine were equally as obvious to her. Admittedly, both of us were gambling with our lives, but neither of us had any other choice.

This time, however, our mutual scheme worked out in my favor.

“HhhhhhaaaaAa-?!” She screamed, her head rocking back in pleasure as she sprayed cum all over my cunt!

I had done it- succeeded in stabbing the syringe into her left ass cheek!

“You fake copy- Mmmmnnnnnh-!??!”

I had only just started to mock her, however, when the pleasure my attack caused resulted in colossal jets of breast milk blasting into my boobs! Whilst my left boob was okay, as it had experienced a breast milk baptism already, my right boob was completely unprepared, and I had to endure the mind-melting feeling of milk flowing into me in reverse as the inside of my boob was painted in her color.

The pleasure almost made me collapse, and whilst my left immediately counter-attacked with its own jet of bubbling milk, the damage had already been done to my right boob! My right boob was clogged with her breast milk, mine unable to even try to escape!

Whilst I was caught off guard by the milk invading my mammary glands, my body spasming at the humiliation of having my boob filled with a fake copy’s milk, she- using our shared grip on the syringe- ripped it out of her ass and rammed it into mine!

“HhhhhhaaaaAa-?!” I screamed, my head flailing back at the unexpected pleasure as I sprayed cum all over her cunt!

In the same process my boobs went through, my right ass cheek suddenly exploded in a flurry of pleasure! It had been turned into a spasming sensitive sex organ, a nexus of nerves no different to my pussy or clit!

Whilst earlier we had endured being slammed together ass-to-ass dozens of times, I had no doubt that neither of us could even survive ten collisions between our right and left ass cheeks!

My body shook in pleasure, sweat rolling off me, but as this pleasure reached my boobs, they suddenly exploded with milk! This time, I was the one sending out a sudden breast milk assault!

“Inferior original- Phhhhaaaaaa-??!?!?”

Her mockery was interrupted by a sudden scream as my right boob unleashed a torrent of hot white milk, pushing back her invasive fluid before shooting down my nipple and directly up hers! She was forced to suffer the same humiliation I suffered, her left boob being pumped full of her enemy’s milk!

She had cum from her ass, causing me to cum from my boob, and now I had cum from my ass, causing her to cum from her boob.

We were as disgustingly and as humiliating equal as always, neither of us able to even mock the other properly without being drowned in shameful pleasure, our faces making us look like beasts in heat.

“I-I’m the Strongest Demon Hunter…!” I spat, tears rolling down my face as I tried my best to glare at her. “You… useless copy…!”

“I-I’m the Strongest Exorcist Hunter…!” She hissed back, her face forming a ridiculous grimace as she tried to frown despite her running nose and streaming eyes. “You… pathetic original..!”

Exchanging boasts even when our humiliation was laid bare, we once again cooperated to pass the syringe to our other hands, my left and her right.

Our eyes, chained together, were filled with crazed hatred. Both of us were willing to do anything- take any risk, if it meant getting the chance to destroy each other.

Our interlocked hands swung down, neither of us even bothering to slap each other’s tit.

My strength and will battled her strength and will as we strained and struggled to stab the syringe into each other’s other ass cheek.

This time-


-I lost the gamble-

-and she stabbed it into my left ass cheek.

In a repetition of the other side of our identical bodies, I climaxed with my ass, flooding her tits with breast milk and forcing her to cum with her boobs.


I seized the chance and stabbed the syringe into her ass, and once again, the roles were reversed. She came with her ass, flooding my tits with breast milk and forcing me to cum with my boobs.



We gasped as we glared at each other. In this middle of our mutually inflicted climaxes, the syringe had slipped out of our shared grasp, and I could vaguely see the it rolling away, across the flesh-like ground.

We were going round and round in circles, trading and sharing climaxes constantly. Neither of us was able to hold back our cum for even a few seconds after being hit by the other’s squirt, resulting in our thighs, stomachs and cunts completely soaked in each other’s cum.

My tits felt heavy and full.

They were filled with so much milk that had gone back and forth between causing them to swell and ache.

That the milk inflating my boobs was a disgusting fusion of my milk and her milk made me feel sick.

That we had been stuck in this non-stop back and forth for so long, completely unable to get the slightest advantage when fighting with an equal playing field made me so ashamed I was going to explode.

It shouldn’t matter that she was a perfect copy of me.

I was the true ‘me’ and should be capable- somehow- of proving that I am the superior Mizuho!

The fact our fluids had blended together was yet another humiliation on the long list of humiliations she had brought me, and strangely what made my shame feel even more frustrating was that she seemed to feel the same way.

It was as though even my wounded pride no longer belonged to me alone as she insisted on copying even my painful humiliation too.

Our already huge boobs had gotten even bigger, inflated by the fused milk that neither of us could get rid of. My nipples had plugged hers shut, and her nipples had plugged my shut.

“This is all your fault…you fake copy…!”

“This is all your fault…you inferior original…!”

We say, our hot breaths colliding between our scowling faces.

“You… a mere Exorcist bitch… actually pumped the Strongest Exorcist Hunter’s boobs full of your disgusting milk…?!”

“You… a mere Demon bitch… actually pumped the Strongest Demon Hunter’s boobs full of your disgusting milk…?!”

Our taunts were identical with the exception of only two polar opposite words, something that enraged her as much as it enraged me. I sat with her, feeling my insides twisting and turning in hatred. Despite this, however, I still wasn’t entirely devoid of rationality.

For every second we sat here, left legs over the other’s right legs, we were both recovering as quickly as we could. The mixed milk in our tits was simmering down, our spasming asses were beginning to still, and our pussies were free to suck up as much spirit from the other’s cum as they could. It was in a race like this that my potent Exorcist blood was a great blessing, as it allowed me to absorb twice as much spirit with half as much effort.

Because of this, I kept stalling for time, lashing out with the most humiliating insults I can think of.

“You keep calling yourself the ‘Strongest Exorcist Hunter’, but you can’t be very strong? You got chased around by a load of Low-Rank exorcists, then barely defeated my Mother, only to end up on death’s door. Maybe you should be called the ‘Run-away Demon Fake’ instead?”

I can only apologise to my mother in my heart for my disrespectful words.

My mother was anything but Low-Rank and this Demon living through their battle meant she was anything but weak. Despite knowing this, however, I can’t resist the urge to mock and taunt this vile Demon bitch, watching ‘my’ face contort in humiliation, even if it means disrespecting my mother’s memory.

“If I’m the ‘Run-away Demon Fake’, then what are you? You did nothing but kill a bunch of small-fry shits, and you started calling yourself the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’? You’re the biggest small-fry of them all, so you should be called the ‘Small-fry Exorcist Original’ instead?”

Now it truly is my face that was contorted in humiliation, this Demon whore hitting back just as hard as I hit her.

My left hand, the one that allowed the syringe to slip away from me, brushed limply against the floor as I slowly felt for the Demonic device. I remembered seeing the syringe rolling away, yet as I picture the scene in my mind and hoped for a miracle, I suddenly realized it had appeared back in my hand.

Forcing myself not to smirk at my good fortune, I tightened my grip.

“You think you’re so superior to me…? That copying me makes you better than me…? Since you said that then you’ll be even more humiliated when you’re destroyed by me- the so-called ‘Small-fry Exorcist Original’.

“I didn’t copy you, I surpassed you…! Being the original just makes you the weaker of us two… and since you’re so weak, you’ll be the one humiliated by me- the so-called ‘Run-away Demon Fake’!”

Her words are just as cocky as ever, but finally, I’m the one with the unfair advantage. She thinks the syringe has rolled away, yet here it is in my hand! If the syringe stabbing into our tits and ass could almost make us go insane from pleasure, then would it instantly kill her if I stabbed it into her clit?

“It’s the end, Demon slut-!”

“Time to die, Exorcist whore-!”

We screamed, our matching faces warped by malice. I swung down the syringe hidden in my hand-!

Straight at her clitoris!

It felt as though time was moving in slow motion as I stabbed the sensitivity-inducing syringe down, my face overflowing with vicious cruelty. Yet, I noticed her face still a mirror of mine…


My eyes darted to her hand, where I saw something impossible!

She was holding a syringe too!


Inhuman screams escaped our mouths, almost rupturing my eardrums as we stabbed each other’s clit with the syringes.

My entire body exploded in pleasure, as though every single nerve in my body was connected to my clitoris. Everything tensed, all my muscles and body fibers going taut as I exploded in a sudden climax.

I didn’t understand, I was supposed to have the syringe?


No- She could make them! I had already seen her do this.

But then, why did she look so shocked that I was holding the syringe? Surely she knew I could pick it up again---

My thoughts were interrupted, I’m cumming again. Or still cumming. I don’t know if I ever stopped.

Overflowing milk, tits too full. Cum everywhere, all over my pussy.

Legs spasming- pulling her closer.


-I don’t want us to get any closer together.


We shrieked, hating each other, and hating everything we had been forced to endure at the other’s hands.

We managed to pull out tits apart, drenching each other in mixed milk as we flung our bodies back. Only, this trapped my legs underneath her and her legs underneath me.

Our identical stocking-clad feet were digging into our identical asses and forcing our identical orgasms to even crazier heights.

Identical identical identical-!!

-identicalidenticalidenticalidenticalidenticalident icalidenticalidentical-

I h-a-t-e b-e-i-n-g i-d-e-n-t-i-c-a-l

I-d-e-n-t-i-c-a-l t-o y-o-u

S-i-n-c-e I a-m t-h-e o-r-i-g-i-n-a-l M-i-z-u-h-o

I s-h-o-u-l-d b-e b-e-t-t-e-r t-h-a-n y-o-u

S-o w-h-y a-m I n-o-t b-e-t-t-e-r t-h-a-n y-o-u ?

I bit my lips so hard they bleed, my hysterical fury at our disgusting, shameful symmetry so strong it felt like it was going to blow up my burning brain.

Soon, however, even this hatred was drowned under the waves of pleasure destroying me.

Cumming too much- all I could do is cum.

cumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcu mcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumc umcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcumcum-

A-l-l o-f m-e i-s c-u-m-m-i-n-g a-n-d I c-a-n-n-o-t s-t-o-p




We lay there, our legs wrapped under the other’s ass as our hips bucked and thrashed. Hot bubbling breast milk wouldn’t stop leaking from our tits and cum constantly gushed from our pussies as our clits pointed at the heavens like spears.

I wondered if the heavens were laughing at our agonizing humiliation.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tsunami of pleasure retreated somewhat.

My clit still felt as though its sensitivity had been increased by a 1000%, which left me unable to stop cumming as even the feeling of the air brushing against it was enough to make me cum. The pleasure coursing through me would have once left me out of my mind but now that my body had been forced to experience such soul-destroying ecstasy, this ‘new normal’ felt far more bearable.

My explosion of bodily fluids had been reduced to a small trickle now that the initial impact had worn off.

I had squirted out enough spirit to die ten, or even twenty times, yet she had too. In a tragic irony, the only reason she was still alive was that I sprayed my spirit-filled cum all over her and drenched her with my hot milk. Likewise, the only reason I was still alive was because she had done the same, soaking me in her cum and milk.

How humiliating- that I am only alive because of her.

How humiliating- that she is only alive because of me.

Sobbing tears of humiliation and hatred, and with mucus wetting our lips, we dragged our aching, spasming bodies away from each other. Untangling our legs and freeing our feet from the other’s heavy ass.

She had once looked so arrogant and smug, wearing expressions on my face that I never knew I could make. Even now, she was still making an expression I never knew I could make- one of raw hatred born of overwhelming shame and embarrassment.

…I knew I was making that same face.

Our inky black hair was mated and soaked in sweat and cum, sticking to our faces in a complete mess.

Our once beautiful eyes were puffy and bloodshot, crying uncontrollably.

Our supposedly elegant noses were running, spilling snot down our faces.

Our cheeks were red, both from the pleasure and our grinding them together.

Our plump, thick lips were contorted in half-snarls, yet due to the pleasure shooting through us, neither ‘me’ could close our mouths properly causing saliva to run down our chins.

“I-I’ll never forgive you for thisssss-!” She hissed, spasming as she spoke.

“I-I’ll never forgive youuuuu! I’ll hate you for the rest of my lifeeeee-!” I spat back, unable to control my own spasms.

“T-the rest of your life…?! You’re going to die here and now-!”

“Y-you’re the one who’s going to die, so why would I care if you don’t forgive me-!”

We forced our shaking bodies to stand, looking like mirrors of each other as we stood a few steps apart. The only piece of clothing still intact was our matching stockings, the bodysuit around our tits torn to shreds whilst the piece that should have covered our pussies had been clawed and stretched so much that it was hanging loose.

She was so weak, so near death, that I could taste her demise on the tip of my tongue.

I could kill her! I knew it and I could feel it!

I didn’t know how to go about it, killing her without being dragged into another mud-slinging contest, but vaguely, in the back of my mind, I had a trace of an idea.

Despite this, I couldn’t grasp it, nor did I know what it was. It was as though I had lost the chunk of brain matter that should have responsible for telling me.

Perhaps the constant climaxes had ruined my IQ.

“Let’s… end this…!” The other me said, forcibly composing herself.

“About time…we did…!”

I say back, matching her composure with my own.

She reached out her hand, as though beckoning something, her face just as arrogant as it was earlier. I felt alarm bells going off in my head as I scanned left and right yet didn’t see anything.

Whilst I looked around in panic, however, I felt the clouded idea slowly appearing in my mind, defogged by her arrogant gesture.

I saw her proud eyes gazing up toward the ceiling and followed them to see a horrific tube-shaped Demon hanging from above. It was opening its large wet mouth to reveal countless flesh folds inside.

I-it looked like the inside of a pussy, or maybe, like the inside of a fleshlight.

The fake copy of me was going to have me swallowed by this gaping maw. No doubt the fluids inside were a potent aphrodisiac.

It would grind and crush and suck and fuck me like a dick in a cock sleeve, and I would cum myself to death inside its stomach.

Strangely, however, I didn’t feel frightened, instead my breathing quickened as the idea… no, the impulse inside my brain got clearer and clearer.

It was insane… yet as clear as the Exorcist blood that has guided me through so many Demon hunts, the strange instinct that had suddenly appeared in my mind-

-Was telling me to reach out my hand, and command this Cock-sleeve Demon to swallow the other me.

I felt an arrogant expression spread across my face.

I had finally stepped on the path of victory.

After all of this humiliation and suffering…

I would finally win.

“Eh-? Have you finally gone insane? What the hell are you pulling that stupid face for?”

I answered my fake copy with a thrust of my hand and saw the living Cock-sleeve change targets.

“T-the fuck-?!” The fake ‘me’ spat. “What have you done-?!”

I didn’t know exactly what was going on, whether it was Azami-san’s powder at work, or something else. What I did know, however, was how to infuriate the Demon before me-

“Since you copied me, I copied you back…. You stole my body… I stole your powers…! I guess you aren’t so superior now?” I cackled, a grotesque smirk spreading across my face.

“You stole my powers-?! You cocky Exorcist bitch…! Oi, bastard! Stop being confused and swallow that bitch whole…!” She screams furiously, punching the air in front of her.

I was expecting the Cock-sleeve Demon to ignore her since I had now seized control, but it actually listened to her, pointing its dribbling mouth toward me instead-!

“N-no! Listen to me! You need to swallow that cocky Demon bitch…! Do it! Do it now-!”

My arrogant expression shifting to one of panic, I scream- trying to overwrite her command with my own as I stamp my foot and flail my hand toward her.

It turns back toward her, and to my relief, it launches itself off the ceiling, its slimy, mucus-coated body extending toward the Demon ‘me’!

“N-no! Her! You need to eat her!” She shrieks, and to my horror, the Demon once again listens, bending its body toward me!

“N-no! Her! You need to eat her!” I screech, forcing it back the other way.



The ceiling was high, but it was extending fast and getting closer and closer, snapping between its two targets- me and her.

I felt a spasm of terror run through me, I had been so confident that it would obey me, lead to believe it would never dare to disobey by the instinct that appear in my mind.

She felt this same terror, her face matching mine in panic.

““Her-! Y-you need to swallow her-!”” We screamed together, both pointing desperately at one another.

Our faces were contorted in a mix of fury and terror, only for our eyes to shrink to the size of pins in unison.

The Cock-sleeve monster’s mouth had suddenly spread open, going from two-foot in diameter to around five-foot.

It was almost upon me. Upon us.

It was trying to swallow both of us.

I felt a bomb of humiliation go off inside me despite the terror of the situation.

It was killing me… that after I had been so convinced that I had finally beaten my fake…we were back to being equal.

I had somehow replicated her power to control Demons, yet I still couldn’t beat her!

I could see she felt the exact same way, her face more indignant and humiliated that it was scared.

““No-!!? Not me! Just her- Ssssstoooopppp-!!!?”” We screamed in unison, but the living Cock-sleeve didn’t stop. Our identical bodies were frozen, neither of us even moving an inch.

Then, like a fleshlight swallowing a dick, its mouth swallowed us whole, our twin bodies trapped within its fleshy folds. The mouth snapped shut, with only our milky-white ankles free. I felt a sudden g-force in my stomach as the Cock-sleeve retracted back up to the ceiling before it then swallowed our ankles too.

Clearly it had run out of length before.

Immediately after, I felt the tight flesh walls contract, the Cock-sleeve rapidly returning to its normal size.

““N-nnooooooooo--?!!”” We screamed in fury, our faces overflowing with hatred. The contraction didn’t stop, however, as we were squeezed closer and closer together. This hole wasn’t even big enough for one person, yet now we were both stuck in it.

Our tits crushed into each other with such crush force that it made our earlier collisions look like a joke. It was painful, so painful, watching my tits get truly flattened, crushed and spread so badly that the top of my boobs were reaching my chin and the bottom of my boobs were reaching my belly button.

Or rather it should have been painful.

The two injections they had received as well as the aphrodisiac-laced mucus that was coating me from head to toe turned all the pain into equally potent pleasure. It was this same sticky fluid was quickly melting whatever was left of my clothes, soaking into my entire body.

I opened my mouth to scream, only for my face to be pressed into the Demon fake’s by the fleshy folds surrounding us. Our noses crushed together so hard they were going to break, whilst our lips locked together turning our screams into gagged moans.


I couldn’t feel pain, but I knew my nose was going to break if I didn’t try to move. I tilted it slightly, only for the other me to do the same. We ended up with our noses upturned and pressed together, I was giving her a humiliating pig nose and she was doing the same to me.

Our slim stomachs splatted together, as did our crotches and our long legs.

It felt as though I was being crushed into a mirror by an impossible weight, my reflection and I having every inch of identical flesh squashed together. The Cock-sleeve Demon had forced us together as tightly as it could, our asses flattened by its fleshy folds whilst our tits were pancaked by each other.

I had so much I wanted to say to her.

I wanted to stab her with my words, asking her who the ‘inferior original’ is now that I have ‘copied’ her powers and surpassed her completely.

I had planned to boast and bully her relentlessly, stepping on her defeated pathetic body and I would force her to admit that she wasn’t just a fake copy, but now the inferior ‘original’ too, now that I had copied what had once been a copy of me!

Yet now, when I opened my mouth to taunt or mock or scream, all I could feel was her tongue spilling into my mouth as mine fell into hers. I tried to look around, yet all I could see was her eyes practically touching mine.

My thick thighs and proud long legs are squeezed against hers. Our perfect plump thighs were squashed mercilessly, left twitching in pleasure, whilst our toes are bumped and brushed together as they helplessly clenched.

I tried to breathe through my nose, yet all I got was second-hand air and her snot shooting up my squashed nostrils. Our tits are destroying each other- our nipples inverted so badly I don’t know if they will ever make it out of our bloated tit-flesh.

Our clits are crushing each other so badly that they have practically become one, the blood-pumped appendages smashed so savagely that they had pretty much knotted together. I couldn’t tell if my clit had pushed inside her clit, or her clit had pushed inside my clit.

Probably both, somehow, as it felt as though our screaming nerves nexuses had fused so thoroughly they had become one.

And our pussies were completely sealed together without the slightest gap.

I had never once wondered how symmetrical my pussy was, yet in my forced battle against this other ‘me’, I had been forced to understand it. Our swollen, puffy pussy lips were squashed together perfectly, mine spread hers whilst hers spread mine.

Our cunts were splitting each other, our sensitive fuck meat squashed and crushed together with perfect precision. Every sticky, wet fold in my pounding pussy was pressed against an identical fold in her twitching twat.

Where my vagina was rough, hers was rough. Where her slit was slippery, mine was slippery.

Our urethra rubbed and sucked one another, opening each other and locking together like the rest of our identical bodies, whilst our vaginal opening gaped and gasped, both of our fuck holes panting cum-soaked breaths.

Cum is going back and forth, colliding within our sealed slits.

I’m draining her of her spirit, receiving every drop she squirts out with my gaping cunt, but she is draining me of my spirit, catching every gush with her pussy.

Like two sponges being squeezed together yet catching each other’s water.

I had no doubt that if Cock-sleeve Demon could crush us together anymore my descended cervix would push its way into her cunt. Maybe hers would do the same thing.

Every inch of our bodies was screaming with sexual desire, from our squashed noses to our bare toes. Just being forced together like this produces the greatest pleasure I’ve ever felt in my life, the best climax.

If we want to move, we can’t move.

If we want to leave, we can’t leave.

If we want to escape, we can’t escape.

If we want to make each other cum more, we can’t- because we’re pressed so tightly that we can feel our nerves spasming and shuddering in unison, every twinge of pleasure we receive is shared.

How embarrassing. How hateful. How humiliating.




The eyes locked with mine were overflowling with tears of hatred and humiliation.

Mine were too.

We both had the same flash of furious fighting spirit lurking within them though.

That’s right, no matter what situation we were trapped in, no matter what shame we were forcing on each other, no matter how good we were making each other feel-

-Nothing had changed. I just needed to defeat her. I needed to endure more than she can handle.

I strained to move my body slightly. It only moved a few fractions of an inch, but this small movement managed to create a big effect.


She moaned into my mouth as the stream of squirt pouring into my pussy explodes in a violent eruption. Opening my cervix with the extreme bodily control that only a High-Rank Exorcist would possess, I caught the cumshot in my womb, experiencing a small spike in pleasure as I did so.


She shook her body back, forcing me to moan as my nipples, my titflesh, my stomach, my thighs, my clit, and my pussy were all rubbed. This tiny stimulation is enough to break my defence as I’m forced to an excruciatingly pleasurable climax.

I squirted straight into her cunt.

That’s right…in this tiny space drenched with cum and aphrodisiac, there is no way to attack without being attacked in return.

We immediately begin twitching and writhing against each other within our tight restraints. Maybe from the outside, the shape of our crushed bodies would look like a huge cock within an even bigger fleshlight.

Cum. Cum. Cum again.

A-n-d a-g-a-i-n a-n-d a-g-a-i-n.

I didn’t know how much time had passed as we were stuck in our own personal hell.

Me, the ‘Strongest Demon Hunter’ forced to bend and break against her, the ‘Run-away Demon Fake’.

Her, the ‘Strongest Exorcist Hunter’ forced to bend and break against me, the ‘Small-fry Exorcist Original’.

We were slipping in and out of consciousness, passing out only to jolt back awake as our bodies continued to spasm. Our two bodies seemed to merge into one and I couldn’t tell where I ended and she started.

My heart was breaking, my pride as an Exorcist gone, my pride as the ‘original’ destroyed.

My self-doubt was mirrored in her eyes.

Her heart was breaking, her pride as a Demon gone, her pride as the ‘superior’ destroyed.

Seeing our innermost insecurities reflected in each other didn’t bring us closer, somehow ending our enmity. Instead it only made us hate each other more.

Hate that we are being ruined by such a weak, pathetic thing.

-So full of tears and snot and cum and insecurity.

T-h-i-s w-e-a-k , c-r-y-i-n-g t-h-i-n-g . . . d-i-d t-h-i-s

T-o m-e ? ?

She did this to me!


Everything is her fault!

Even as my delirious mind was being ravaged by rage and humiliation, I felt something awful- something terrible- rising from the depths of my body. A bolt of lightning was about to rip from my cunt to my brain.

Something violent was about to erupt within me, something beyond even the most violent and mind-shattering of orgasms.

If it erupted, I would die.

I would seriously die.

I needed to hold it back, hold it back hold it back-

-holditbackholditbackholditbackholditbackholditback holditbackholditback-

I n-e-e-d t-o h-o-l-d i-t b-a-c-k





When my fractured mind started to regain awareness, I had been freed from the horrific Cock-sleeve Demon. Lying on the ground, I was completely drenched in a sticky, slime-like mucus.

I was on my back, my legs bent above me as though I was presenting myself to be ploughed. My legs were still trembling slightly, my nervous system spasming with residual pleasure.

I knew I couldn’t hope to stand.

I could barely move my head, and even the feeling of the air around me was sending shivers up my spine.

I was still in the Otherworld.

I craned my sore neck, gazing over my perky boobs… only to see her looking straight back at me.

She was in the same ridiculous position as me.

““You’re still alive?”” We groaned in an identical voice that left our lips in unison.

The state of my body was terrible and my mental condition was awful. If it had been any other Demon I were facing, I would have attempted to escape immediately.

It was her, though.

The hatred I felt for her now, after all those back and forths- all those shameful situations and humiliations she had forced on me- had far surpassed my initial hatred.

The hatred of killing my mother.

I had no doubt she felt the same.

Her previous hatred of me, as the daughter of the woman who injured her so gravely, and yet another exorcist aiming to kill her was worth nothing now.

My mother had nothing to do with this anymore.

Demons and Exorcists had nothing to do with this anymore.

It was just us.

Two Mizuho who loathed each other with every fiber of our beings.

She stole my face and body and humiliated me with them, only to receive humiliation in return.

I somehow stole her powers and humiliated her with them, only to receive humiliation in return.

I was the Strongest Demon Hunter, and now I had her powers, I should have been even stronger.

She was the Strongest Exorcist Hunter, and now she had my body, she should have been even stronger.

Yet we just kept falling into this humiliating quagmire with every attempt we made.


We had so much hatred for each other we could drown the world with it.

I rolled over, forcing my broken body to crawl toward her as she crawled toward me.

We’re as identical as ever, each a reflection of the other more accurate than a mirror could ever give.

No difference from head to toe.

And now I had copied her powers in return, only for the result to be another perfect match, our equality felt even more offensive, even more shameful.

But I am the real thing.

The strongest real Mizuho.

And I will never be defeated.

Even by the strongest fake Mizuho.

We sat down in front of one another, our soft feet rubbing tenderly together as we spread our long legs. We then spread our pussies with our fingers, showing off our glistening cunt flesh.

Inside her steaming cunt, I can see her descended cervix throbbing, oozing cum as it gaped and twitched.

I can feel mine doing the same.

““I… will… win…!””

Our seething sexes were identical in shape, wetness, the number of folds and even identical on a cellular level. We, their identical owners, then slammed them together as we dragged each other into hell.




“Coordinator-san…!! No… Azami-san! Please… tell me where Mizuho-senpai has gone!”

“Ah…She- she…!” Azami stuttered, lost for words and out of excuses.

It had already been five days since Mizuho departed for the Otherworld.

Azami had kept an eye out for the girl’s return and had even visited her house to see if she had come back, yet hadn’t seen a single sign of the girl.

The reality that Mizuho might have lost… was becoming more and more possible.

Her various sensors were giving back confusing results, so Azami left her house and the concern Kazuha behind, rushing her old bones to the location of the Otherworld.

There was nothing there.

The Otherworld was gone, yet there was no sign of Mizuho.

Azami started to sob, realizing that the case of Mizuho’s mother had once again repeated itself. Once again, a brilliant Exorcist had disappeared, and all she could do is wonder what had happened.


Within an eerie otherworldy space, disconnected from both the human realm and the demon realm, two ‘Mizuho’ were lying still.

In a tangle knotted of limbs, with countless threads of sweat, cum and other bodily fluids connecting them, they seemed to be sleeping, their huge breasts rising and falling in unison.

Suddenly, both Mizuho twitched slightly, their long dark eyelashes fluttering before their eyes opened. At the same time, they start pulling themselves apart with practised movements, each girl peeling herself away from a girl who looked just like her.

Since they first met, they had fucked each other countless times, from oral sex and tongue fucking, to being bound by tentacles and bashed together, to furious finger banging, to cumming like crazy as they increased each other’s sensitivity, to getting swallowed by a living Cock-sleeve and treated like an erect dick.

None of these ridiculous situations helped them settle their battle, so they had spread their legs and forced their identical pussies together.

Mizuho fucked Mizuho and Mizuho fucked Mizuho, both girls screaming and crying and cursing in pleasure. Their pussy fuck-fight was forced to an abrupt end, however, when their gaping, throbbing cervixes descended lower enough to end up-

-Sticking together, forming a long pink passageway connecting their wombs.

This accidental fusion of flesh caused them to go catatonic with pleasure, both girls letting out incomprehensible screams and collapsing in opposite directions.

When they woke up and locked down between their overlapping legs, each Mizuho had pulled the other’s pussy inside out with their own, both girls prolapsing each other.

It should have been painful and scary, but their bodies were unable to feel anything but pleasure, whilst their crazed minds felt only humiliation and hatred, so they pair threw themselves together yet again.

They jerked off each other’s prolapsed pussy, causing them to shriek and sob, before violently fisting them back into the other’s cunt. They then tumbled into a ravenous 69, which then became a violent mutual-milking session, their tits crushed together. The two Mizuho then started brutally trampling on each other, their identical and milky-white feet crushing boobs and cunts.

Their cycle of mutual abuse and mutual torture went on and on.

Nothing was ever settled, causing the pair to become more and more crazed with humiliation and hatred.

“Slutttt----! Bitchhhh----!! I’m so tired of looking at your disgusting face!”

“Then fucking die alreadyyyyy----! Bitchhhh-----! I hate looking at yours too!”

The two Mizuho screeched at each other, both girls mirroring the other’s hatred.

“It’ll be you who dies…! I’ve recovered enough to bury you now, so enjoy it-!”

“Well, I’ve recovered enough too, so I hope you enjoy what I’ve got planned-!”

Both Mizuho shot out their hands with expressions of absolute arrogance on their faces.

Behind the two women appeared a horde of Low-class Demons. There were Slug-type Demons, Tentacle-type Demons, Starfish-type Demons, Plant-type Demons, and many more.

Within the dark and dreary Otherworld, there should have been an Exorcist and a Demon, yet now, there only existed two Mizuho that were neither.

The black-haired women had squeezed and drained each other’s cum so many times, and bathed in the other’s spirit so frequently, that their once opposing life energies had become indistinguishable.

Mizuho and Mizuho had become identical on the inside as well as the outside.

The process of having the fundamental nature of their spirits changed was so unlikely that it should have been impossible. Yet, the two Mizuho, due to their inability to decide their battle, had unintentionally accomplished it.

Mizuho’s spirit had been corrupted by Mizuho’s.

Mizuho’s spirit had been corrupted by Mizuho’s.

Their struggle is far from over.

The two Mizuho, both believing they are the real Mizuho- the superior Mizuho- will continue to destroy each other, not realizing that the more cum they mix and swap, the more similar they become.

Their shared loathing, hatred, pleasure and humiliation formed an endless cycle, both girls trying to force more on the other, only for the two of them to succumb to each other again and again.

If this isolated Otherworld, this alien ‘womb’, is ever discovered again…

Then who, or what, will it birth?

A human? A Demon?

A pair of Mizuho or only one?

Or maybe the womb will be empty, with nothing coming out at all?