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Thread: Former Prom Queens

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    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Post Former Prom Queens

    Based on the story called Sex Wars of the Former Prom Queens, a short but sweet story that can be found at: Sex Wars of the Former Prom Queens – Fights.Sexy

    Former Prom Queens

    Orientation week was over, but Carmen still hadn’t even started to adjust to college life. Shuffling out of the lecture hall with the rest of the freshmen, she was finding herself missing her high school’s ringing bell.

    The sound of the bell wasn’t the only thing she was missing.

    Back in her hometown- at her familiar High School, she had the comfort of home, her lifelong friends by her side, and her place at the top of the social hierarchy.

    She had her reputation- her identity, of Prom Queen!

    But when she had resolved to follow her dreams and pursuit pursue in English with Creative Writing, she hadn’t understood what it meant to leave this all behind.

    Here…she was a nobody.

    She had her gorgeous looks, just as before. But now, she was just another face in the crowd, and having spent so long at the top of the social pyramid, she had forgotten how to live as one of the masses.

    Walking through the college campus to her next seminar, she could feel the eyes of the boys- the men, digging into her.

    Her long blonde hair complimented her soft feminine facial features, and trailing down her back it led eyes to her short plaid skirt, emerald green in color. The clicking of her leather pumps would announce the passing of a pair of long, beautiful legs wrapped in black nylon tights. With each step, her large 34G breasts would sway slightly through her tight black top.

    It was an outfit perfect for the fall weather and had always been one she loved to wear.

    Ever since her days on the high school cheerleading team, she had enjoyed the feeling of eyes on her legs and ass as the short skirt swayed with each step she took.

    Now though, with her posse around to provide back-up, and without her sky-high reputation…the eyes of the surrounding men felt less worshipping…and more lecherous…

    Her deep blue eyes shot back and forth as she scanned the building for her next classes, darting to the campus map on her phone when she felt uncertain as to where she was going.

    Room 126.

    -She had found it, that was one problem solved.

    Now though, she had to return to the real problem.

    Making new friends and clawing her way back to the top of the social hierarchy.

    Not that there really was one, as far as she could tell anyway.

    Unlike high school, where everyone knew everyone, here it seemed to be the opposite. No one seemed to know anyone outside their own bubble, and everyone had their own cliques, none of which seemed to conform to her understanding.

    The ‘nerds’ here would laugh and chat far louder than they ever would at high school, the ‘ugly’ girls had all had glow-ups, and yet she had no idea how to get herself an entourage…

    ‘I still have my beauty though- That hadn’t changed!’ She thought, and whilst the gazes she was attracting were rather gross, as she built up her reputation- somehow- this would change.

    Stepping into room 126, it almost felt as though she had gone back in time. Unlike the large lecture hall, room 126 felt more intimate and less intimidating.

    The room was set up for the seminar on short story writing, with four rows of tables- as opposed to desks, lined up horizontally to the front of the classroom.

    Most of the seats were already filled, and to her surprise, many students seemed eager to sit near the front. She had no choice as to where to sit, however, and quickly sat at the back of the room.

    The moment she sat down, however, she started to regret it.

    As she had prepared to shift her chair forward under the table, her eyes flickered down, and she noticed a long pair of beautiful legs wrapped in black nylon tights stretching under the desk…

    Her blue eyes trailing up, she saw a sapphire blue plaid skirt that kissed thick thighs and wide hips.

    She felt a two-pronged stab of annoyance and anxiety stab into her as she unconsciously started to compare her body to the other girl’s.

    Carmen’s eyes continued to examine the other girl and almost popped out when she saw a pair of enormous breasts behind a tight white top.

    Her heart was pounding for reasons she couldn’t understand, Carmen could feel her competitive juices starting to flow.

    After what felt like an eternity, but was only a few seconds, Carmen focused her vision on the girl’s face and felt a sudden shiver pass through her as she realized the girl, with long brown hair, was staring straight back at her with piercing green eyes.

    She felt a blush threatening to break out as she realized that she had been exposed, feeling a flutter of fear at the other girl’s intimidating beauty.

    But then, she noticed that a brief awkwardness seemed to flicker across the other girl’s face too…

    ‘S-She was checking me out too-!’ Carmen thought with a sudden burst of elation.

    She waited for the girl to look away… but she didn’t.

    The pair were still staring at each other. Blue eyes and green eyes locked together.

    Carmen felt a shiver run up her spine as it began to dawn on her that the other girl was just as proud as she was.

    Only, whilst Carmen’s pride was based on old glories…

    -Used to be popular,

    -Ex-cheerleading captain,

    -Former Prom Queen…

    This girl might actually have something to back it up!

    ‘I definitely don’t look worse than her! No, I absolutely look better than her, but I don’t know who she is. She must be popular, right? Must have loads of friends, maybe they’re even in this class! If they see me glaring at her like this-!’

    Carmen felt a burst of anxiety well up inside her as the other girl continued to stare. Once upon a time, these thoughts would never have occurred to her, but now, in this new environment, they wouldn’t stop hammering her heart!

    Her body betraying her, she suddenly broke their staredown in a silent submission!

    Forcing herself to face the front and pull her chair under the desk, she could feel her ears blush, Carmen’s heart pounding beneath her heavy tits.

    Only, as she replayed what just happened in her mind…

    ‘Wait…did she just…?’

    Carmen’s blue eyes darted back to the other girl, which caused her pupils to shrink to the size of pins!

    Once again, the girl was looking back at her, but this time, the brunette had tucked herself under the table, had blushing ears, and was giving her a confused side-eye!

    Carmen felt as though she had been struck by lightning!

    ‘T-this bitch is nothing but a poser! She actually… looked away at the same time as me! Why did I have to give in to her…!’ Carmen fumed internally, almost going crazy from annoyance.

    If she had held her nerve just a little longer, this aggravatingly similar girl would have given in to her!

    The gaze between blue and green eyes ignited into a furious staredown immediately as both girls had the same realizations, but just as Carmen was about to say something, anything, they were interrupted by the professor arriving.

    Forcing her focus away from the girl, Carmen listened to the lecturer introduce the seminar, only for the topic to shift to every college student’s worst nightmare…

    Icebreaker activities…!

    Carmen noticed a trace of amusement on the old professor’s face as the class collectively groaned. As if revelling in their suffering, however, they were then instructed to stand up one-by-one and briefly introduce themselves to their classmates!

    Neither Carmen and her new rival paid any attention to the introductions of their classmates, both too eager to continue intimidating the other.

    Since Carmen had effectively managed to force the other girl down once already, she had thought she’d easily be able to do it again. After all, the way the girl had quietly withered under her stare had revealed everything Carmen needed to know!

    ‘No friends, at least not in this class, and clearly, she isn’t as confident as she is pretending to be! Can’t blame her, even I was a little nervous about college after all, ha!’ Carmen thought to herself, her mood having done a 180.

    Only, she quickly realized that the other girl’s mood had undergone an identical shift, the brunette’s green eyes now full of arrogance and ego.

    Realizing that they weren’t getting anywhere with their staredown, both girls forced their chairs back, scrapping the along the floor. Carmen then started crossing and uncrossing her legs, forcing the girl’s attention to her long, seductive, nylon-wrapped legs.

    Carmen fumed, however, as the other girl did the same, and even started showing off her fat tits, interlocking her fingers and squeezing her arms together, causing the milksacks to protrude even further.

    Naturally, Carmen mirrored the girl’s movement perfectly, causing both of their faces to contort in agitation.

    It was only when the pair belatedly realized that their outfits were a complete match in everything except color that their faces darkened further, both girls practically grinding their teeth in jealous fury.

    The seminar class was small, however, and Carmen suddenly realized that it was her turn to introduce herself. Thankfully, she didn’t need to walk to the front of the class, she only needed to rise to her feet.

    Feeling the eyes of the class looking back at her, Carmen straightened her 5’7” frame, and felt an excited shiver pass through her.

    ‘Haha… bet that bitch is speechless seeing my tits and my ass like this…!’ Carmen thought to herself.

    There was no doubt that Carmen was gorgeous sitting, but only when standing could she show off just how spectacular her curvy were. Her enormous, perky tits that seemed to defy gravity. Her tiny waist and wide hips that got her as close to a Kardashian as genetics and hard work would allow. Her long seductive legs that she just knew the other girl was infuriated by!

    Even as she felt the girl’s green eyes digging into her curves, she continued to introduce herself. Showing off her past accolades like Prom Queen and Cheerleading Captain, as well as her interests like gymnastics, and tennis, she intentionally flexed on the other girl.

    Whilst she was doing this, her hands ripped a bit of paper out of her notebook. Quickly scribbling on it, she slid it along the table to the other girl before giving the green-eyed brunette her best ‘eat shit’ look.

    On the bit of paper were her three sizes. A perfect provocation.

    After finishing with a quick summary of why she chose her major, she sat herself down, feeling very smug.

    ’Talk about perfect. That bitch must be speechless right now, having realized how great I was. Plus, my new classmates will love me after that- now they know how amazing I am. I bet I’ll have loads of people wanting to befriend me after class now!’

    Her blue eyes overflowing with confidence, Carmen didn’t notice the atmosphere in the room, however…Rather than making a good impression, her introduction seemed to do the complete opposite…

    Oblivious to this, she sits down, and the girl next to her stands up.

    The infuriatingly beautiful girl introduced herself as Alexis, and as though matching Carmen’s introduction, she covers all the same points. Prom Queen, Cheerleading Captain, gymnastics, and tennis.

    Whilst furious jealousy and indignance was blazing out of Carmen’s blue eyes, at both the girl’s words and her jaw-dropping figure being forced into her face, the green-eyed Alexis slid her a piece of paper along the table.

    As Alexis started talking about why she chose to take this major, Carmen felt as though she was going to explode with unwillingness!

    On the piece of paper were her rival’s three sizes.

    …All identical to her own.

    ‘N-no way-!!!’

    Whilst Carmen was being overwhelmed by hate and jealousy, Alexis shot her a ‘eat shit’ look full of smugness in return, before finally sitting down.

    ‘This…this fucking bitch-!’

    Both girls were breathing heavily, anger and envy spilling from their eyes as their faces flushed and teeth clenched.

    Alexis, just like Carmen before her, was completely oblivious to the strange atmosphere spreading across the classroom following her introduction…

    Rather than being impressed, the general mood was…

    ‘What the hell is wrong with these two…?’

    Oblivious to this, however, the pair continued to infuriate each other as the seminar truly started, neither paying their lecturer’s words a single bit of notice.

    Carmen pulled her skirt up a little, whilst Alexis did the same.

    Alexis thrust her 34G tits out, whilst Carmen did the same.

    Both legs crossed and uncrossed their legs, their black tights hissing as their thick thighs rubbed.

    At one point, Alexis diverted her attention to her notebook, ripping out some paper and scribbling something down before pushing it along the table toward Carmen.

    Before Carmen could even read it, she was struck by how similar their handwriting was.

    If she hasn’t just seen Alexis writing it, she would have believed it was her own handwriting! Her face warping in discomfort, she forced herself to read the message.

    ‘You think you’re so fucking hot, don’t you, honey? Too bad you’re nothing in front of me!❤︎’

    The note got Carmen so agitated she could hear her blood pumping through her ears as her hourglass body trembled in anger. Shooting a venomous glare at the green-eyed girl, she quickly scribbled her own message, directly under the other girl’s.

    ‘My looks would beat yours any day of the week babe! Nothing you have is worth shit compared to me!❤︎’

    Carmen then slid the note back along the table.

    Watching Alexis like a hawk, she saw the girl’s face suddenly contorted in discomfort as she picked up the note, the other girl clearly realizing- just as she had, how identical their handwriting was.

    If not for the fact that Carmen had felt Alexis watching her write, meaning she had seen how effortlessly Carmen had written those words, she had no doubt her green-eyed rival would accuse her of intentionally copying her girly handwriting!

    Both biting their lips in hatred, their eyes clashed in a furious collision, before the duo each ripped a slip of paper out of the notebooks and started writing again.

    Moving in unison, the pair slid new messages along the table to each other, exchanging a bitchy glare before they picked them up.

    ‘Your tits are cute,☺but smaller than mine!❤︎’ -Read Carmen’s note.

    ‘Your boobs are adorable,☺but not as big as mine!❤︎’ -Read Alexis’s note.

    Both girls practically choke reading their rival’s message. Both had said the same thing in the same condescending tone, the messages identical even in their passive-aggressive smiley faces.

    Glaring at each other even as they flushed red with anger, the pair flipped the scraps of paper over and wrote new messages on the back. Moving in synchrony the duo then slid the scraps of paper back along the table.

    ‘Just quit now, babe. ❤︎☺Your legs are stumpy☺your waist is fat☺and you have no ass❤︎’ -Read Alexis’s note.

    ‘Just give up, honey. ❤︎☺Your legs are short☺your waist is huge☺but your ass is non-existent❤︎’ -Read Carmen’s note.

    Their heads snapped upwards in shared fury as they locked eyes, Carmen’s blue with Alexis’s green, each looking as though she were about to start spewing fire.

    ‘Fuck this bitch, how dare she say all this crap to me?’ Carmen seethed, biting her lips even as she saw the other girl doing the same. ‘These fucking smiley faces too…! She thinks she’s such hot shit-!’

    Carmen had never felt so angry in all her life, the blonde getting so agitated and so overwhelmed that she felt as though she were about to burst into tears of frustration!

    Thankfully, before she did, she realised that the professor was wrapping up the seminar which gave her the excuse to look away from her enemy without looking weak.

    Clearly going easy on them in consideration of their freshman status, they had been given a relatively fun assignment to complete before the next lecture, they had to write a short story, under a thousand words, based on a personal life experience. This work would then be marked by a peer, though only to let the students reflect on writing/grading at a college-level standard.

    The professor quickly paired the students up, and some cheered at the chance to write whilst others appeared awkward at having their work read by others.

    When Carmen and Alexis were inevitably paired up, the duo exchanged a bitchy glare, both knowing they would have the chance to go at it in their next creative writing seminar.

    Despite their hateful stare, however, neither girl could keep her face from flushing slightly, neither knowing whether it was from anger, agitation, or something else.

    All Carmen knew was that she was glad- relieved even, that Alexis hadn’t been paired up with someone else. And she could tell that Alexis felt the same, the green-eyed girl quickly eager to continue their rivalry next time.

    ‘I can’t let this bitch go until I’ve put her in her place!’ Carmen thought to herself, as the class shuffled out of room 126.

    “We’ll continue this next time, babe,” Carmen hummed, brushing shoulders with the other girl as they passed through the doorway.

    “So we shall, honey,” Alexis said in a low voice, sending Carmen a look she couldn’t decipher as she spoke.

    Whilst wondering if she had given her new rival an equally mysterious glance, she turned, walking in the opposite direction from the other girl.

    The duo’s first clash ended like that, with neither bringing up the fact that they had kept the taunting notes they had exchanged, both placing them quickly in their bags. Walking away, both looked forward to their next meeting, though neither realized how quickly it would come…


    Carmen’s day had ended with her final seminar, and she was free to go wherever she pleased. Rather than leaving the campus and hitting the town, however, she was instead making her way to the tennis building.

    Carmen had enjoyed tennis in high school, and whilst she had decided against trying out for the college’s competitive tennis team, there had been a recent push at college for intramural, or recreational, sports. So whilst Carmen had effectively failed her social debut in her dorm, and many of her classes so far, participating in the college’s intramural tennis sessions gave her the chance to make new friends, as well as exercise and have fun.

    ‘I saw a couple of the girls making plans after that seminar… I bet if that Alexis hadn’t got me so mad I ruined my introduction, they would have invited me along too!’ Carmen groaned to herself as she followed the map on her phone towards the tennis block.

    ‘I was so eager to rub her face in it, that I came off like a complete bitch…!’

    Finally, after clearing her head, Carmen noticed how off-putting her introduction was. Despite messing everything up and turning herself into a bundle of anxiety and over-confidence, Carmen didn’t become Prom Queen out of pure luck.

    It took a lot of effort and constant management of her self-image to finally win that crown, so normally she wouldn’t make mistakes like that.

    ‘It’s all Alexis’s fault-! Wearing the same clothes as me, saying that she’s even got the same sizes as me- no way she does, and even copying my handwriting…! God she’s so annoying!’

    Carmen fumed all the way to the tennis building, her green-eyed rival haunting her thoughts the whole way there.

    There should have been a congregation outside, but when she arrived and saw no one there, she realized what had happened!

    ‘Fuck I was even late getting here because of this bitch!’

    Carmen had actually planned out her route to the tennis block from Room 126, but, as it turned out, Alexis had actually been going that way…

    Naturally, Carmen found it a bit awkward to follow the girl after they had spent the class hissing at each other, so she forced herself to walk in the other direction…

    Causing her to miss the gathering outside…

    She quickly charged into the building, a part of the newly built sports complex, following the sound of laughing women to the expansive locker room.

    Quickly introducing herself to the important-looking girl waiting outside the locker room, and after being assured she wasn’t late, she moved inside to get ready.

    Only to be infuriated by what she saw!

    Inside the locker room, standing between two other girls and laughing happily, was Alexis!

    Still changing, she had changed into a white sports top that showed off the outline of her udders. Carmen felt a flicker of annoyance that she had missed the chance to go tit-to-tit with the other girl but was quickly distracted by the sight in front of her.

    Alexis had just dropped her blue plaid skirt, and started pulling her black tights off, flashing her blue panties and her bouncy, peachy-looking ass.

    Seeing the undeniably gorgeous brunette stripping out the outfit that practically mirrored her own, the girl flaunting her long legs and sexy curves at every opportunity, Carmen almost exploded from anger!

    ‘She followed me here just so she could make the first move on these little orbiting bitches? How dare she?!’ The blue-eyed beauty seethed. ‘She looks down on an alpha female like me, yet is chatting so happily with these little beta bitch??’

    If she let Alexis have her way, her new rival would soon be walking around the college campus with a hoard of cute tennis girls surrounding her! Worshipping her!

    Feeling horrible nausea in her stomach, as well as a sudden onset of burning jealousy, Carmen knew she couldn’t let this stand!

    ‘Absolutely not! Absolutely not!’

    She charged over to a locker near the newly formed trio, slamming it open as hard as she could!

    The three girls flinched in shock, as six eyes shot toward her.

    Four of those eyes scanned her before quickly moving on, but the remaining eyes, a piercing green pair, widened in shock!

    Her curvaceous body shivered in excitement as she felt her rival’s eyes practically bolted to her, and before she knew it, she had started stripping as seductively as she could! Peeling her black tights off revealed glimpses of a plump and peachy ass, whilst pulling her top off displayed her soft stomach and gigantic tits.

    And she revelled in pleasure for every second of her strip show- because she could feel Alexis getting more and more agitated.

    Sending the green-eyed girl a constant bombardment of taunting and teasing looks, her new rival was completely failing to keep up with the conversation of her new acquaintances. Constantly fumbling her words and failing to keep her eyes off Carmen’s seductive curves, Alexis was getting so mad even the girls on either side of her could tell something was wrong.

    It was only when Carmen dropped her green plaid skirt, standing only in her green bra and panties, that Alexis completely lost her temper with the two girls yammering in her ears.

    “Just…!! Fuck off!” She hissed, the girl clearly not thinking straight, “Get out of my way already!”

    Immediately the girls scattered, seemingly more pissed off than scared, though neither Carmen nor Alexis paid them any attention.

    Carmen was glad they were gone, so Alexis was only looking at her.

    Alexis was glad they were gone, so she could finally put Carmen in her place.

    “You couldn’t wait until the next seminar, so you followed me all the way here?” Alexis hissed in a low voice, she eyes dragging along Carmen’s curvy frame.

    Carmen could feel the jealousy in her rival’s stare, and had to stop her thighs from unconsciously rubbing together in excitement. Despite this, the girl’s words successfully provoked her-

    “Followed you?! Babe, you followed me- you creepy stalker!” She spat in an equally low voice.

    “Hah, you wish I was that into you! Besides, I was here first,” Alexis rebutted.

    “Oh, judging from how you exploded at those sluts just you could get a closer look at me- you’re definitely into me!” Carmen countered.

    Alexis recoiled, cringing and flushing slightly as if the brunette had only just realized her mistake.

    “I’ve always had temper problems,” Alexis spat, recovering quickly, “and clearly you have exhibitionist problems.” As she spoke, she dragged her eyes up Carmen’s body until her green eyes locked with Carmen’s blue. Only after she had chained their gazes together, did Alexis look away, pulling Carmen’s gaze with her.

    It was only when she did this, that Carmen realized that the girls remaining in the locker room were all side-eyeing her and whispering amongst themselves.

    Everyone else, even Alexis, had only half-stripped, before putting on their sports clothes, then stripping their other half. Only Carmen had decided to strip completely and strand around in her underwear.

    ‘Ah- in high school this is just what we did! Is it weird to do it at college?’ Carmen panicked as she felt her heart drop in anxiety.

    “You’re not in high school anymore, honey,” Alexis spat, cutting through her chaotic thoughts. “No one will be impressed that you have a few curves.”

    These words were the final blow. Carmen felt the gazes of the onlooking girls turn cold as they glared at her. There was only a fine line between ‘alpha’ and ‘outcast’, and Alexis’s words had pushed her onto the wrong side of it.

    Now, it was Carmen’s turn to cringe, her face taking the same shade that Alexis had been only moments ago.

    The only consolation for Carmen’s pounding heart was that her green-eyed rival’s verbal counterattack hadn’t saved the girl from her early mistake. They had only ensured it wasn’t Alexis alone attacking the dislike of the nearby girls.

    Sending each other hateful stares, the pair lapsed into a tacit silence, both letting their feud rest for the moment.

    Carmen quickly pulled on a pair of black leggings and a white sports top, before she pulled a pair of cotton ankle socks out of her bag along with her springy sports sneakers.

    She turned, making her way over to the nearby bench to sit down, only to realize that Alexis was doing the same, and that they were once again wearing the same thing! Alexis, after standing in her blue panties and scolding Carmen to her heart’s content, had pulled on a pair of black leggings identical to her own!

    Whilst in their seminar, the duo had at least differed in what colors their skirts were, now, the duo were even more identical, with the only difference between them being the brand of their shoes!

    Sensing the presence of girls nearby, Carmen, in a display of sudden stubbornness, refused to open her mouth again despite her boiling anger at their similarity. Alexis was being just as stubborn, so the duo sat side-by-side on the beach, only inching apart, before they started pulling on their cotton socks.

    She couldn’t help by eye Alexis’s feet as she did so. They looked soft and smooth, without the slightest blemish or trace of dead skin, showing that the girl took good care of them.

    ‘Pretty small…she’s… maybe a size 6, like me?’ Carmen thought to herself.

    She had always believed herself to have nice feet. She didn’t have a foot fetish or anything, so she’d never thought of them as ‘sexy’, but they were cute for sure.

    Maybe due to how closely her rival’s feet resembled her own, however, for the first time, Carmen found herself thinking the same about another girl’s feet!

    The girl who had caused her immense annoyance in the short time they had known each other!

    ‘Pretty cute…Pah, what am I thinking?!’ Carmen spat inwardly, her face suddenly shifting from appreciation to disgust.

    Strangely, Alexis, who had been staring at Carmen’s feet, had undergone the same transformation, though Carmen was too preoccupied to notice.

    With a huff, the duo quickly put on her trainers, before stood simultaneously, their hourglass figures looking like reflections of each other.

    Lightning crackling between their locked eyes, Alexis suddenly seized the opportunity to get the first word in

    “Stay out of my way out there… you don’t wanna go against me on the court.”

    Carmen didn’t even get the chance to respond before the green-eyed girl turned, strutting away. Torn between grabbing hold of the girl’s hair and yanking her back, or sinking her claws into the girl’s perky ass cheeks and ripping the leggings off her, Carmen soon lost the chance to do either as her new rival disappeared.

    ‘This…bitch…!’ The blue-eyed bombshell cursed to herself, before quickly following her opponent.


    Carmen was last out onto the court, whilst Alexis was second to last. What this meant, was that everyone else had already paired up before they got out there.

    This meant that much to their annoyance, they were paired together once again.

    Despite both girls cursing under their breaths, however, neither attempted to find herself a new partner…

    It wasn’t too long of a wait to get their turn on the court as the friendly games between amateurs went quickly.

    Soon, Carmen and Alexis sashayed onto the court, both sending the other smug, taunting looks.

    What neither expected, however, was for the game to drag on far longer than those they had spectated! Sweat dripped off them, and the spectating girls were cheering along, getting absorbed in the excitement.

    After a tense back and forth, however, one girl finally seized victory!


    ’Fuck! No!’ Carmen cursed to herself, as the other girl swaggered toward the net with her hand outstretched. Whilst any onlookers would think that Alexis was being a good sport, wanting a respectful handshake after a close game, Carmen could clearly see the smug look on the brunette’s face!

    ‘Arrogant bitch! You just got lucky!’ She thought as they locked hands, their sweat mixing together as each girl dragged her palm along the other’s.

    Carmen was forced to sit back down at the side of the court, forcing down her bellyful of anger. A few girls who missed the commotion in the locker room attempted to talk to her, but she was too full of indignance at her loss, and too full of hatred for Alexis, to pay them any attention.

    Luckily for her, however, since the games were moving so fast, she soon got another chance to play! After refusing the offers to swap partners, she stood before Alexis, hands on her wide hips.

    “Rematch. Now.”

    Alexis huffed in response, rising to her feet.

    “Fine, since that first lost wasn’t enough to show you who’s boss, maybe a second will.”

    Another tense game ensued, with the two rocking back and forth, each girl on the verge of defeat multiple times before turning it around.

    Then suddenly-

    Carmen won!

    Panting, her curvy body shaking, Carmen walked to the net as sexily as she could under Alexis’s hateful stare, before stretching out her hand for a handshake.

    Once again the duo dragged their sweaty palms together, before stomping over to sit down.

    ‘So what if I won, that was only an equaliser! I need to win once more!’ Carmen thought, sending her rival a competitive look. It was a look she received in return, her win had clearly destroyed any sense of superiority Alexis had.

    Disappointingly, however, the duo didn’t get another chance to clash on the court, as the session soon ended. Even though two of them protested, demanding a chance to break the tie, it didn’t get them a third game, and only earned them a few frowns instead…

    Back in the locker room, the two girls who had been orbiting Alexis had found somewhere else to change, which meant that each had a clear view of her rival peeling herself out of her sweaty leggings.

    Feeling frustrated at how she hadn’t beaten her rival in any meaningful way, Carmen’s eyes were glued to the girl’s sweat-soaked body, digging into her sensual curves in a way she couldn’t earlier as she searched for the slightest flaw.

    She could feel Alexis doing the same to her, which got her feeling even hotter than she already was.

    Feeling slightly breathless under the girl’s burning stare, she spat,

    “I guess we still haven’t settled anything.”

    Alexis gulped, her green-eyes dragging across Carmen for the umpteenth time.

    “We haven’t yet, but there’s still time.”

    The duo peeled their eyes away from each other, both scanning the rapidly emptying locker room.

    “I planned on having a shower,” Carmen spoke, nodding her head toward the half-a-dozen shower stalls at the end of the locker room.

    “Ha, you still wanna show off?” Alexis scoffed. Before Carmen argue, however, she continued, “I was planning on it too though.”

    As if to prove her point, she yanked a towel and a travel-sized bottle of body wash out of her bag.

    “And lucky for us… they lock the locker room on the way out. Any stragglers can leave out the fire door in the back. You’d know this- if you were on time.”

    ‘It was your fault I was late in the first place!’ Carmen seethed silently.

    Her rival’s words were correct though, as she saw the last group of girls, walking through the large locker rooms in the opposite direction to the entrance. She heard the sound of a metal bar being pushed and a door opening before the door slammed shut.

    She and Alexis were now alone.

    Rather than speak further, Carmen started stripping immediately, pulling her top off. Alexis followed suit, and the girls were then standing in their panties and bras.

    Both took a step forward, only their heaving tits were only a few inches apart.

    Carmen’s insides were knotting in jealous and annoyance as she checked out the other girl. Only when she looked in the mirror had she ever seen a physique so identical to her own, yet right now, there was a hot and sweaty, living reflection directly in front of her.

    Their hot breaths mixing and mingling between their snarling mouths, both girls had noticed an infuriating detail.

    Carmen was wearing green panties and a green bra. The same color as her rival’s eyes.

    Alexis was wearing blue panties and a blue bra. The same color as her rival’s eyes.

    An embarrassing coincidence that only made them angrier.

    Despite her brain screaming at her to attack the other girl, Carmen ripped herself away from the magnetic attraction between bodies, and strutted over to the bench in front of the shower stalls.

    Dumping her clothes on the bench, she turned to face the other girl, only to be surprised when her rival dumped her clothes directly on top of her own.

    “Bitch,” Carmen hissed, the word escaping her lips before she could stop it.

    “Bitch,” Alexis spat back at almost the same moment.

    Their eyes locked in a fiery clash of blue and green, and neither girl broke their stare as they both reached behind their backs to unclasp their bras.

    Carmen then sent Alexis a look that was half-teasing half-taunting, then put her bra on top of the clothes pile.

    “Don’t put your bra on top of mine, the cup size would be too big for you.” She said in a hot, sensual whisper.

    “Ahh…” Alexis groaned through gritted teeth, her face flushing slightly. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

    Saying that- she purposely placed her bra on top of Carmen’s.

    Both girls shivered slightly as the bras fit together perfectly, both evidently the same size.

    Alexis then continued to strip, pulling down her panties and placing them on top of the bras.

    “Don’t put your panties on top of mine,” Alexis said in a hot, sensual whisper. “I wouldn’t want them to smell of you.”

    “Hmmh… Don’t worry,” Carmen groaned back, her competitive juices really flowing now, “I’d be doing you a favour if you did smell of me.” Saying this, then then pulled her panties off and drop them directly onto her rival’s.

    Both stilled for a moment at the sight of their panties, both pairs still warm, pressing together atop the pile of clothes.

    Their eyes clashed, tangling together into a stare of confused emotions.

    Every fiber of Carmen’s being was begging her to break the stare, so she could ogle at the green-eyed beauty’s spectacular body, but her stubbornness left her refusing to lower her gaze.

    Her jaw clenched, Alexis was clearly enduring the same urge.

    Their busty, curvy bodies were both throbbing and twitching slightly. Each girl could feel the sweaty heat emanating from the other, as though their rival was a heater perfectly shaped to their body.

    ‘I could squeeze her fat fucking tits… or maybe spank her peachy little ass… That would put her in her place… yeah… it would…’ Carmen found herself thinking, her mind filled with rogue thoughts now the two were alone and naked.

    She could read the same thoughts in the other girl’s eyes.

    ‘Go on then, try it and see what happens!’ She dared, silently egging her mirror image on.

    Alexis seemed to be thinking the exact same thing, however, the girl’s green eyes flashing with a mix of goading and anticipation.

    ““Haaah…”” They panted simultaneously, both sounding like beasts about to jump on their prey.

    “What? You too scared to come at me?” Alexis spat tauntingly.

    Carmen’s emotions were a complete mess, but there was still a trace of undeniable fear lurking within her. She would never admit this though, instead spitting straight back-

    “Why would I be scared of someone like you? If you wanna go at, make your move already. I’m getting cold just standing here.”

    Alexis snorted in response but still didn’t ‘make her move’- whatever that would entail.

    “I’m getting cold too. Since you don’t dare to touch me, I’ll leave the curtain open, so let’s see if you dare to peek.” She hissed.

    “Funny, I was going to do that too.” Carmen countered.

    The duo then turned in unison, heading toward showers on opposite sides of the room- the only two, in fact, that were directly facing each other.

    The sound of two streams of water hitting the floor rang out simultaneously, and absent was the sound of the curtains being pulled across the rails.

    A shiver of excitement passed through Carmen’s curvy body as she wondered if the other girl had turned to look at her already.

    ‘Ha, I bet she’s already looked…’

    As though giving voice to her thoughts, Alexis’s voice rang out, saying the exact same thing-

    “I bet you’ve already looked at me…”

    “Haa, I’m over here enjoying the water… I bet you’ve already looked at me!” Carmen cried back.

    “Why would I do that? I’m just rinsing the sweat off my tits!”

    “Well- I’m just rinsing the sweat off my ass!”

    The duo lapsed into silence, Carmen’s mind filled with the image of Alexis rinsing her tits.

    ‘She’s not speaking, is she imagining me rinsing my ass? Or maybe she’s already looked?!’

    Carmen had to fight the urge to turn around, forcing herself to bend down and pick up her body wash.

    “I’m just getting all soaped up now, no peeking…!” She called out, her voice dripping with temptation.

    “Haa, me too,” Alexis called back, her voice no less seductive. “I gotta get it in between my legs.”

    “Mmmh, can’t forget between the ass cheeks…”

    “Mnnnnh, gotta go easy around the pussy…”

    “Yeah, gently… gently…”

    By this point, Carmen was reaching her breaking point. She had been going tit-for-tat with her rival, but the other girl was like a seductive succubus whispering in her ear, filling her head with evil desire.

    Carmen’s perky tits were heaving up and down whilst her legs were trembling slightly. Carmen was getting wet between her thighs, and it wasn’t because of the shower.

    ‘Just one look… just one. She wouldn’t know-she wouldn’t! I just want to see what she’s so proud of! To know if her body is really a match for mine. If we’re really that similar beneath the matching outfits!’

    ‘I should have just looked sooner.’

    ‘She won’t know if I’m quick.’

    ‘Just do it-’

    Giving into her intrusive thoughts, Carmen took a small glance over her slim shoulder, only for the blonde to suddenly tense as though struck by lightning!

    Above a perfect, plump and peachy ass, a set of wide hips and a narrow waist-

    Up a small, smooth back and past a petite pair of shoulders-

    Was Alexis’s green eyes! The girl looking over her shoulder, straight at her!

    ““Y-you looked!”” Both girls shrieked in synchrony.

    “I didn’t look! I was just checking to see if you were looking!” Carmen spluttered, her heart pounding a million miles an hour!

    “I wasn’t looking! I was just making sure that you weren’t looking!” Alexis stammered, her words echoing out at the same time as Carmen’s.

    ““Yeah, right!”” Both girls scoffed, once again speaking simultaneously.

    “You were so checking me out!” accused Alexis.

    “You were totally staring at me!” claimed Carmen.

    ““You still are!”” Spat the pair, in unison once again.

    This time, neither girl was lying. As they said, each girl was still looking over her shoulder at the other, unashamedly racking her eyes over her rival’s body.

    Blue and green eyes dragged from soft smooth skin all the way from feet up to shoulders, both girls greedily taking in her counterpart’s assets.

    Carmen felt her body growing hot under her rival’s blatant stare, her face flushing. Twinges of pleasure running down her spine, she had to resist the urge to rub her thighs together.

    “Mmph…! I can see you staring at my ass---” Carmen bragged, her voice coy and teasing. As if to push her rival, she grabbed hold of the rail in front her, and started bouncing on her tiptoes. Her firm but plump buttocks started bouncing too… up and down, up and down.

    “Ahhng…! I can see you staring at mine---” Alexis called back, matching Carmen’s movement instantly.

    Alexis was right- Carmen was absolutely staring, completely unable to pull her eyes away. Carmen hoped she was having the same effect on Alexis.

    “I’m gonna turn around- gotta rinse the back. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the view.” Alexis announced, her sultry gaze practically scorching Carmen.

    “Well, me too. Wouldn’t want to take too long and have a pervert start staring at me,” Carmen replied, her gaze no less hot.

    With that, both girls turned, their bountiful bodies doing 180s.

    Carmen trembled slightly as she finally laid eyes on her rival’s bare chest. The girl’s tits were huge, and ridiculously perky. She couldn’t help but feel a trace of jealousy as she took in the sight.

    ‘T-they’re not… small, at least.’ She thought, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

    The look on Alexis’s face- the green-eyed girl looking as though she had just swallowed a fly- told Carmen her rival was having the same thoughts.

    Glaring at each other in a display of red-hot female jealousy, the pair continued rinsing off, neither willing to break their stare but their eyes constantly rebelling to continue looking at the other’s curvaceous body.

    Eventually, the pair stepped out of the showers, and quickly started drying themselves off.

    Moving in unison to the pile of clothes, the duo were caught in an ambiguous silence, and neither was willing to break it.

    ‘Hmph, you’re left speechless after laying eyes on me then?’ Carmen thought, trying to view her foe’s stubborn silence through a charitable lens.

    Both girls reached out for their panties in unison, Carmen grabbing her green panties, and Alexis grabbing her blue panties.

    The duo then pulled them apart.

    ‘R-resistance?’ Carmen thought to herself, surprised at the feeling of the panties coming apart.

    Her eyes flickered to the underwear in her hands, only for the girl to suddenly tense as she noticed the cause of the resistance.

    ‘W-wet! I was so wet!’ She realized, a blush spreading across her face upon noticing the sticky state of her panties. ‘That’s…not just sweat…!’

    A sticky wet stain was directly where her pussy would be…

    She eyes flicked to her rival, wondering if the girl had noticed the resistance as they pulled them apart, only to see the girl staring straight back at her, sporting a matching blush.

    Carmen’s blue eyes darted to the blue panties in her rival’s hands, where she saw an identical stain of sticky wetness.

    ‘Ha, of course. I wouldn’t be the only one.’ Carmen thought, her lips twitching into a smug smile.

    Her eyes shot back to Alexis’s face, only to see the other girl had a strange smile too.

    Both girls blushed further after seeing the knowing look on the other’s face, each beauty realizing she had been exposed.

    In a display of understanding between enemies, however, neither girl said anything, with each girl focusing on getting her clothes back on.

    ‘Wearing these panties… ha, kinda… weird…’ Carmen thought to herself, pulling them up and feeling them caress her cunt. They were hers, so she shouldn’t feel strange, yet the scene of the two panties almost sticking together kept replaying in her mind.

    ‘L-like glue… I should be grossed out right now…’ Her thoughts trailed off, her face getting too hot.

    Glaring at Alexis, who glared straight back, the pair continued getting changed, before they crashed out of the locker room’s one-way side door.

    Breathing in the fresh air and hearing the door slam shut behind her, Carmen turned to Alexis, giving the girl a long look.

    Alexis did the same, looking straight back at Carmen.

    “Guess you’re not convinced that I’m better, since you’re looking at me like that?” Carmen said, finally breaking the silence between them.

    “I don’t think your convinced that you’re better than me either, what with the way you’ve been looking at me,” Alexis scoffed, crossing her arms.

    “What does that say about you- the girl who can’t stop staring at me- then?” Carmen countered.

    “Hmph, you wouldn’t have known I had looked at you in the shower if you hadn’t turned to look at me.”

    “Well by that logic, you wouldn’t have known I had looked at you if you hadn’t turned to look at me.”

    The pair fell into a subtle silence once again.

    “Well fine- we looked at each other, how about we admit that at least.” Alexis lightly, cocking her brow.

    “Fine, we both looked, so why wouldn’t we admit it.” Carmen conceded. “That’s all you’re getting out of me though, so don’t go thinking you’re better than me.”

    “Likewise, don’t think I’m admitting to anything else.”

    “Watch out, next time we met I’ll put you in your place for good. I could do with an orbiter like you.”

    “Ha, I need a girl to carry my bags, you look strong enough.”

    Their fiery exchange fizzled out there, as both girls started to move in separate directions.

    Just before they were about to split up, however, Carmen called out,

    “Don’t forget the writing assignment!”

    -Though she wasn’t sure why.

    “I won’t, you can give it a read soon,” Alexis said, her voice taking on a teasing, seductive tone.

    And with that, the pair split up for good, both heading off in different directions.


    Returning to her dorm room, Carmen couldn’t get Alexis out of her mind.

    ‘I’m better looking than her…I must be…!’

    ‘My body is better than hers… in every way, it’s better than hers!’

    ‘Yeah… her tits are kinda perky, and her butt is a little big… but I’m sure my body is better than hers…’

    Despite these self-consolations going around and around her head, she couldn’t suppress the overwhelming urge to challenge her new rival in every way possible.

    ‘I can definitely attract more eyes than her- make more friends than her.’

    I could have definitely beaten her at tennis if we had that third game, and next time we’re in the showers together, I’ll get her drooling over me! I won’t look at her once!’

    Replaying the day’s events in her head, Carmen’s lips twitched up into a smirk when she remembered all the times she annoyed Alexis before her face would then grimace as she remembered all the times Alexis annoyed her.

    Something she found especially annoying was how her rival seemed to like wearing blue, despite having green eyes. Eye color and favorite color didn’t have anything to do with each other, yet Carmen still felt like Alexis was intruding on her territory.

    ‘I don’t like wearing it, but blue is still the color of my eyes…okay?! Why are you wearing a blue skirt, blue bra and blue panties when you have such green eyes? They would suit me way more than you!’

    Admittedly, she had caught Alexis glaring at her choice of underwear, but then Carmen didn’t know if it was because she was wearing green, and that was provoking Alexis, or the girl was just jealous of her curves.

    She huffed and heaved, pacing around her room ceaselessly, before suddenly deciding to paint her nails.

    It would help calm her down, as well as make her feel cuter, so there was no reason why not.

    When deciding a color, however, Carmen paused.

    ‘Red would be hot and sexy…Purple would be a little bad and seductive…Blue would work with my eyes, cute for sure…’

    ‘But green…if that bitch saw them…I bet it would make her angry… right…?’

    ‘It would definitely get under her skin, to know that I wear the color green so well, even though it should really be her color.’

    “Hah!” Carmen snorted to herself, pleased with her idea. She quickly began painting, picturing Alexis’s reaction in her mind.

    The end result was that she had nicely painted nails, both fingers and toes, but she was even more amped up than before.

    Flopping onto her bed, Carmen couldn’t help but think back to the last time she was this worked up over another time. It was back in high school when Melissa, a new transfer student, arrived. Melissa had a huge attitude problem and was clearly used to being the top bitch wherever she went. This caused her to clash constantly with Carmen, who naturally wasn’t going to let this transfer walk all over her.

    Thinking back on this, Carmen suddenly shot up in bed.

    ‘I know- I can write my short story about how I put that little bitch in her place! About how I made her realize that I was the alpha woman!’

    Having decided on the topic, she now had to decide how she’d write it. She could write it on her iPad, like a normal student, or she could write it by hand. Thinking back on how similar- how identical- her handwriting was to Alexis’s, she knew it had to be handwritten.

    ‘I bet she’s gonna handwrite it too.’ Carmen thought. She grabbed both her iPad as well as a still unused notebook from her desk, the first to write her draft with, the second for the final copy.

    Writing about how she defeated Melissa- forcing the girl to cower before her, filled Carmen with a sense of confidence. Yet, at the same time, she couldn’t help but think that her fight with Melissa was a little… tame.

    Melissa and Carmen weren’t actually all that similar. The girl didn’t really look like her, with smaller assets and only a bigger attitude. They’d cursed and scolded each other in the corridors, and squared off at cheerleading but both always had friends but her side around.

    The feud never possessed the same intimacy that Carmen and Alexis already reached. Melissa and her had never worn the same thing, Melissa and her had never seen each other naked, and Melissa and her had certainly never ‘seduced’ each other.

    In fact, she had never really checked out Melissa at all, only having complete disdain for the girl.

    ‘Alexis, though…is far more exciting than Melissa…’ Carmen couldn’t help but think. ‘She looks so much like me…and she’s so…so--!’

    “Gaaah!” Carmen growled, feeling a tangled mess of annoyance, admiration and jealousy toward the other girl.

    ‘Our tits are the same-ah no, her tits are still a little smaller than mine,’ Carmen quickly corrected herself, ‘Her butt is almost as good as mine, we’re the same height, and have the same size feet too…’

    “Fuck, she’s so annoying…!” Carmen whispered under her breath, her face slightly flushed as her body started to heat up.

    With such seething and seductive antagonism between them, there was no wonder Melissa seemed tame in comparison.

    Despite thinking so, she carried on writing, making sure to express how impressive and ‘alpha’ she was in destroying Melissa.

    As she wrote, typing her draft on her iPad’s keypad, she suddenly noticed that she had started calling Melissa ‘Alexis’ by accident.

    ‘She really is-‘

    ‘Stuck in my head.’

    Carmen panted slightly, her mind constantly replaying the events at high school, only with Melissa replaced by Alexis.

    ‘Haa…if I’d known Alexis back then…things would have gone off the rails for sure…No way we’d have kept our hands to ourselves…’

    Having finished the draft, Carmen started hand-copying it. The short story wasn’t long at all, under a thousand words, so it didn’t take long.

    Or it shouldn’t have, anyway.

    Unable to control herself, Carmen kept moving the pen away from the paper…and instead to her pussy. Rubbing the length of the pen along her seductive slit, Carmen felt shivers run down her spine.

    ‘Haa fuck, concentrate Carmen… concentrate…!’

    But she couldn’t concentrate at all, the pen teasing her clit before running down to an increasingly wet patch on her green panties.

    “Haaa-” Carmen gasped as she remember how the pair of panties almost stuck together, her wet patch and Alexis’s wet patch acting like glue.

    Alternating between writing, and teasing her throbbing pussy, it took Carmen far longer than it should have to finish her writing…


    The next day, she had dressed up specially- wearing a pair of denim hot pants that showed off her long legs and perky ass, whilst a green top that she’d pulled tight before scrunching up and tucked into the back of her shorts flex her dangerous waist and bulging chest. An oversized zip-up hoodie stopped her from looking like a total whore, whilst a pair of green Vans with white ankle socks not only matched her top, but also left her looking sexy and stylish.

    Having put all that thought into her outfit, Carmen was disappointed to discover that she didn’t actually have any classes with her new rival. The blue-eyed blonde felt like her efforts had been wasted, souring her mood somewhat.

    Further lowering her mood, was that without the green-eyed girl around to distract her, Carmen was back to having issuing socializing…

    When she was alone, she felt anxious and awkward, yet when people would take the initiative to talk to her, she couldn’t help but become disinterested, wishing instead that it was Alexis sitting next to her. Making her disinterest too obvious, she would quickly end up alone again.

    A day of lectures and seminars rolled by without any chance encounters between her and the other girl.

    Yet another difference between college and high school, the campus was just too big, and the students’ timetables just too different, to allow for the pair to just ‘bump into each other’.

    There was no tennis today, with the college tennis team having the courts for training. Intramural tennis would naturally have to plan their sessions around the competitive team’s bookings, which left Carmen with nothing to do when her classes had ended.

    Despite not having much work to do, she found herself sitting in one of the campus libraries, wishing she had a cute pair of glasses to compliment her studious image. Clearly, others thought she looked studious too, as she soon attracted a pair of cute girls, the duo wanting to sit opposite her.

    Forcing herself to smile, despite neither of the two being the girl she wanted desperately to meet, she made pleasant small talk. It wasn’t hard when the duo were new and nervous freshmen just like herself.

    Keeping the chatter to a low murmur, the pair were soon laughing and smiling, with their words becoming vaguely flattering.

    ‘Hmph, I just attract followers wherever I go!’ Carmen hummed to herself, enjoying the feeling of being back in control. ‘If only Alexis was here to see this, eh-? Alexis?’

    Carmen’s thoughts were interrupted when the girl who had been stuck in her head actually appeared before her!

    The brunette was looking sexy and stylish, wearing a pair of denim hot pants that showed off her long legs and perky ass. Her bulging chest and narrow waist were accentuated by a blue top that she’d clearly pulled tight before scrunching it up and tucking it into the back of her shorts. Carmen would have called her outfit completely slutty, but an oversized zip-up hoodie that covered the girl’s hips and ass stopped her. At the bottom of Alexis’s long, seductive legs were a pair of blue Vans that not only matched her top, but also left her looking sexy and stylish.

    Carmen felt a strange twist of excitement mixed with anger as she realized that once again, she and her new rival were matching outfits in everything except color…

    ‘H… fuck! This bitch…! How does she do it? That’s two days and three outfits in a row!’ Carmen thought, as exasperated as she was impressed.

    She could see blazing anger on the girl’s face, but no surprise at the outfit match. Clearly, Alexis had clocked Carmen from across the building and charged over here.

    The girl slammed herself down at the table, drawing eyes from all directions. Carmen’s new worshippers seemed a little intimidated, the duo unsure about greeting their new arrival. The attempted to signal to Carmen that they could move tables, only to realize that they were being completely ignored…

    Carmen was staring at Alexis, her eyes racking across the girl’s body even as her rival pretended to nonchalantly read her book.

    ‘Ha, go on, keep pretending! Who knows how long you were glaring at me from across the room, getting all jealous that I wasn’t noticing you?’

    The arrival of the girl she had dressed up so nicely for completely diverted her attention from the unfortunate duo.

    Yet the pair didn’t seem to get the hint, the two continuously whispering and gesturing at Carmen. Very quickly, the blonde found herself losing patience with the duo.

    Reaching her breaking point, Carmen furiously slammed her hand down on the table!

    “Can’t you two take a hint? Get lost already!” She hissed venomously, attempting to keep her voice as low as possible. She wanted nothing more than for the pair to fuck off this instant, despite having been so pleased with their presence only minutes ago.

    The pair flinched slightly, before forcing themselves to scoff as they rose to their feet.

    “Ha, well that wasn’t nice at all, babe. It was actually a bit bitchy.” Alexis laughed smugly, cocking an eyebrow as she smirked across the table.

    Grinding her teeth and feeling her face flush, Carmen leaned forward across the table, her heavy boobs swaying.

    “Shhh honey… this is a quiet-study zone, you gotta keep your voice down or you’ll piss people off!” She whispered in response, placing her delicate finger across her soft red lips.

    Now it was Alexis’s turn to flush, the girl realizing how loudly she had just spoken. Carmen watched the brunette look around, flinching slightly as she saw how many of the surrounding students were glaring at her.

    “L-looks like you weren’t all that quiet yourself though?” The green-eyed girl whispered, rising to lean across the table as if to mirror Carmen’s posture. “Doesn’t seem like you left a good impression, kicking those girls off the table like that?”

    Carmen took a moment to scan her surroundings, and saw that Alexis was right. Many of the stares were actually focused on her.

    ‘Crap…guess I wasn’t as quiet as I thought…’

    “H-how about we move elsewhere?” Carmen said quietly, gesturing her head toward the rows of bookshelves nearby. On her way through the library, she had noticed a few two-person tables tucked away in the labyrinthian arrangement of bookshelves.

    “Fine by me,” Alexis spat back, quickly gathering her things.

    Carmen took great joy in leading the way, making sure to pull her hoodie up and wave her ass back and forth. She could feel her rival’s eyes digging into her firm ass and thick thighs.

    ‘What, you gonna finally come at me? You gonna do it?!’ Carmen thought to herself, her heart pounding in anticipation of the possible attack.

    Ultimately, however, they arrived at a quiet table without Carmen getting pounced, the pair sitting opposite each other.

    Isolated from the outside world by countless books, all either girl could hear was the sound of their overlapping breathing.

    Carmen could feel the girl’s green-eyed examining her face, and she was doing the same to Alexis. Taking in the girl’s soft and sensual features, her graceful brow, feminine nose and her plump pinkish-red lips.

    “Like what you see?” Alexis spat.

    “Hmm, it’s not bad,” Carmen replied casually. “You like what you see?”

    “Yeah, you’re not too shabby.”

    The table was small and circular, with barely enough room for the two girls. Despite this, both tucked their chairs in, causing their bare legs to brush together under the table.

    It was the first contact between them, and both girls knew it.

    Carmen watched as Alexis rested her hands on the table, her fingers nails tapping against the hard surface.

    ‘Haaa…this bitch…’ Carmen thought.

    Alexis had painted her nails blue, just like Carmen had painted hers green.

    “I see you like the color blue,” Carmen said gesturing to her rival with eyes full of jealous hostility. “You were wearing blue yesterday too, even your panties were blue.”

    “Oh, you remembered my panties? Cute,” Alexis spat back, her eyes equally venomous. “I just noticed you seem to like wearing green? Pretty sure you had green panties on yesterday.”

    “Don’t pretend like you don’t remember. You know I was,” Carmen countered. “I don’t know why, but something about you wearing blue…kinda rubs me the wrong way?”

    “I can wear what I want, but since you said that- you wearing green rubs me the wrong way too.” Alexis hissed, leaning forward on the table. “I’ve always liked my green eyes, so for whatever reason, seeing you dressed in green makes me feel a bit sick, you get me?”

    “Oh… I get you! Seeing you in blue… really pisses me off, and I think you know it.”

    “Hmm? Oh, I thought you’d like my nails? Are they making you mad?” Alexis taunted, continuing to tap her nails on the table.

    “Ha, only if mine are making you mad.” Carmen spoke in response, her tone teasing. She started to tap her fingers in response, both girls now looking as though they were plucking the strings of an invisible guitar.

    “Yeah…I’m kinda getting mad.” Alexis whispered, blowing her hot breath across the table.

    “Well done for being honest,” Carmen blew back. “I’ll do the same- yeah, you’re getting me mad.”

    “Look at us…such a pair of good girls…” Alexis panted, her face getting flushed.

    “Judging from the way you’re looking at me… I think you’re more interested in being a bad girl…” Carmen replied, feeling her face doing the same.

    “Baby, I’m just looking at you…the way you’re looking at me…” Alexis leaned forward as she spoke, her huge breasts only an inch above the desk.

    “Well, babe, I’m just looking at you the way you’re looking at me…” Carmen whispered back, not wanting to lose to Alexis, even if it meant going around in circles with her.

    The blonde matched her rival’s movement, suddenly bringing their faces, and their busts, closer together.

    “Hey, why are you so mad that I like wearing green…?” Carmen questioned gently, blowing her sweet breath toward her opponent’s burning-red ear. “You should be flattered that I’m wearing ‘your’ color…”

    “Hmmm, well… I guess for the same reason you’re getting so mad that I’m wearing ‘your’ color,” Alexis blew back.

    Carmen could feel her skin getting sensitive from her foe’s stimulating breath, shivers running down her arched back.

    Carmen’s green-painted fingers started creeping forward across the table, silently moving toward Alexis’s blue-painted nails. To her surprise, however, they almost immediately bumped into the other girl’s hands.

    Their eyes flashed with irritation, yet neither girl could hide the amusement and enjoyment of what was unfolding between them.

    Carmen was desperate to see what would happen between them if they kept pushing this antagonism.

    ‘I think you’re desperate to find out too.’ She thought, staring into Alexis’s green eyes.

    “I don’t like you in blue, it gets under my skin,” Carmen admitted, her fingers reaching out to intertwine with Alexis’s.

    “You in green… gets under mine,” Alexis said back, her fingers moving in unison with Carmen’s.

    The two sets of fingers quickly started to interlock, the pair holding hands like intimate lovers.

    Carmen could hear Alexis panting in her ear, the girl’s breathing hot. She had no doubt her rival could hear her own breath.

    “When I see you in blue-”

    “When I see you in green-”

    Both girls whispered in synchrony,

    ““It makes me want to rip it off you.””

    Saying this, and hearing her mirror image saying the same, Carmen suddenly flicked one of her fingers outward, intending to flick her foe’s fingernail.

    To her surprise, however, she finger had only made it halfway when it collided with another fingernail coming from the other direction!


    The pair leaned back in shock, four eyes darting to see their index fingers pressed together fingernail-to-fingernail.

    Both had struck at the exact same moment!



    Both felt their breathing quicken, and Carmen could feel her nipples getting hard and her panties getting wet.

    ‘Haa… Melissa could never give me this! Whatever ‘this’ is!’

    Carmen pulled back her other hand, watching Alexis do the same. Both girls rested their cheeks on their hands, staring across the table at each other.

    Making sure to maintain eye-contact, they then flicked at each other once again.


    “What, you think your nails are stronger than mine?” Alexis taunted, before-


    “-Or maybe you’re trying to peel the paint off me?” – continuing.


    “I said I want to rip the blue off you,” Carmen spat back-


    “-So that’s what I’m gonna do!”


    “I think your nails-”


    “-Will break before you get to do that!”


    “It’ll be your brittle nails that break!”








    Carmen was getting hotter and hotter as she glared at Alexis, feeling Alexis glare back. The pair were only clicking their nails together, but there was something about it that was really getting Carmen excited. Maybe it was the verbal back-and-forth, with neither of them backing down an inch, maybe it was their eyes being locked together, or maybe it was the fact that they kept flicking at the exact same moment, causing their nails to collide at the perfect center.


    She could feel that Alexis was just as into it as she was.


    The last collision felt different, which caused Carmen to snap out of her thoughts, and see that her rival seemed to be doing the same.

    The pair looked down at their fingers, only for both to tense their interlocked hands as they saw that they had chipped the paint off each other’s nail.

    Both shuddered slightly, their competitive gazes tangling together.

    “Well done, looks like you ripped the green off one finger at least,” Carmen panted, feeling a bead of sweat rolling between her tits.

    “Same to you,” Alexis gasped, “Do that nine more times, and maybe you can move onto my toes.”

    “Ha, funny,” Carmen snorted in response.

    Moving in unison, the pair pulled back their hands. Carmen inspected her scarred nail, as she saw her rival do the same.

    ‘Fresh on yesterday, yet already chipped…’ She complained inwardly, despite not feeling particularly angry about it.

    With the duo having sat back, their legs under the table started brushing against each other once again, their Vans sneakers tapping and touching.

    “What you said yesterday,” Alexis suddenly said, her soft words coming out of nowhere. “I hope you didn’t forget.”

    Despite the abruptness, Carmen understood what the green-eyed girl was talking about.

    She reached into her bag and pulled out her notebook and pen.

    “I didn’t forget, I even wrote it by hand- since you seemed to like my handwriting so much.”

    “Huh, that’s funny, because I wrote it by hand too.” Alexis spat back, reaching into her bag and pulling out a near-identical notebook and pen. “I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading it.” Having said that, she slid the notebook across the table, with the pen still on top.

    “I’m sure you’ll enjoy reading mine too.” Carmen immediately matched her movement, pushing her notepad and pen over to Alexis.

    Staring a hot glare, the pair then turned their attention to the short stories in front of them.

    After only a moment, however, the pair twitched as though struck by lightning.

    Carmen was dumbfounded to see that not only was their handwriting identical, so were their stories! From the first few lines, Carmen could tell that her brown-haired rival had the same idea she did!

    Alexis had set her story in high school and had just introduced a girl called Jennifer!

    “Jennifer, really?”

    “Melissa, really?”

    The pair spat in unison.

    ““This is meant to be based off a life experience, not a complete fiction!”” They accused in one voice, both girls flushed red.

    “It is real!” Argued Carmen.

    “It’s not fiction!” Argued Alexis.

    “Well let me guess, this ends with you ‘beating’ Jennifer?”

    “I know where this is going already, you ‘beat’ Melissa?”

    ““What a lie!”” They mocked simultaneously, before scowling at each other and saying-

    ““No, it’s not!””

    Her large chest rising and falling rapidly, Carmen forced herself to calm down.

    “Just read it and know that’s 100% true,” Carmen said indignantly.

    “Same to you,” Alexis spat irritably.

    Twirling her rival’s pen in her fingers, Carmen started to read the short story, only to be continually amazed at how similar it was to her own.

    Alexis framed herself as a strong and sexy alpha female putting a big-headed bimbo transfer student in her place, and the story featured some catty trash talk.

    ‘Hmm, okay, good… it’s not like she got physical with this ‘Jennifer’ or anything…’ Carmen thought to herself, relieved for reasons she didn’t understand that Alexis’s old rivalry was as tame as her own high school feud.

    Brushing the pen against her lips, paying no attention to the fact that it belonged to Alexis, she called out,

    “Guess you were a somebody back in high school, huh? Who would have thought?”

    Was watched as Alexis’s face warped in anger, the brunette shifting irratibly in her chair before she countered-

    “You’re one to talk. What I don’t get is, how come you used to be such a bad bitch, but now you’re a nobody?”

    Now it was Carmen’s turn to feel her insides twist in anger.

    “Oh- I’m a bad bitch! You’re just as tame as you always have been though, clearly!” Carmen hissed, slapping the notebook down on the table.

    “No tamer than you, babe!” Alexis hissed back, meeting the blonde’s slam with one of her own. “I could have done a lot worse to Jennifer, she just gave in before I went that far!”

    “Yeah? Well, I could have gone a lot further with Melissa, but she wasn’t able to push me that far.”

    “Ha. Are you sure you’re still talking about Melissa?” Alexis laughed, her face contorting into a sudden sneer.

    Carmen’s face was filled with confusion at the implication, that was, until Alexis spun the notebook around and pointed with the pen to a certain line:

    ‘…I stepped forward and pinned Alexis against the lockers, causing her to blush bright red…’

    “Alexis?” The brunette mocked, pressing the pen in her fingers against her cherry-red lips. “Guess you were thinking about me when writing this? How cute?”

    Carmen flushed, she had been thinking about Alexis.

    Unwilling to be humiliated one-sidedly, however, she spun Alexis’s notebook around and pointed using her rival’s pen to a certain line.

    ‘…So I left Carmen crying on her knees under the bleachers, the girl only able to stare as I walked away…’

    “Carmen, huh? I thought she was called Jennifer?” The blonde mocked in savage retaliation, pressing the pen in her fingers against her curled lips. “Maybe you got your fantasies mixed up?”

    Alexis flushed, clearly she had been thinking about Carmen too.

    ‘Ha, so what if I was thinking about…t-thinking…’

    ‘…thinking about her…and using that pen…’

    Carmen’s brain was starting to short circuit as she recalled exactly what she got up to last night. The places she touched and rubbed and teased…with the pen Alexis was now pressing against her lips…

    ‘Ah- I, ah! Crap!’

    Incoherent thoughts bolted through her brain, her face somehow getting even redder.

    ““T-that pen!”” She cried out in panic, only to realize that Alexis had cried out simultaneously.

    Immediately, Carmen’s focus shot to the pen pinched between her fingers and pressed against her lips, before they then shot to Alexis’s tomato-red face.

    ‘S-she was thinking about me too, did she also-?!’

    “W-what? This pen?” Carmen spat, trying to act calm. “What about it…?” She questioned, actually biting the pen slightly.

    “N-nothing!” The brunette hissed back, her eyes not leaving the pin in Carmen’s mouth. “You said something about a pen too…? This pen…?”

    The girl immediately matched the blonde, biting the tip of the pen between two rows of white teeth.

    ‘Y-you-!!!’ Carmen practically choked seeing this, ‘That was…! Get that out of your mouth!’

    “What, you want to swap back?” Carmen teased, whilst also trying to figure out if Alexis knew what she had done with the pen the night before.

    “Oh, it’s alright,” The brunette whispered back, her green-eyes watching Carmen like a hawk. “I like the smell… I mean feel.”

    Carmen felt as though she was struck by lightning, hearing Alexis’s words. ‘She knows! Does it actually smell?’

    Despite her inner chaos, Carmen would never let Alexis win, however, and she quickly counterattacked the other girl.

    “Mmh, I know what you mean, your pen has a certain taste to it…” Carmen practically moaned, dragging her long tongue along the pen’s length.

    There was a taste, slightly sweet yet slightly acidic in a way Carmen didn’t know how to describe. She didn’t even know if she was imagining the taste, or whether it was simply the taste of sweat and she was overthinking things.

    The brunette’s reaction told her otherwise though, the girl practically jumping in her seat.

    “Mmmh…yours too…” She moaned as embarrassment, competitiveness and annoyance blazed out of her green-eyes. “It has a kind of…naughty taste to it…”

    “Hng-! Not as… naughty as yours… I could get used to this…”

    “Mmh-! Me too… I wish I could…get more of it…”

    The pair went around and around, both gushing about the smell and taste of the pens and how naughty it was until both were panting hard and trembling slightly.



    Both were gasping for breath with sweat drops rolling down their bare thighs.

    It was at this sensitive moment, that Carmen’s left foot suddenly touched Alexis’s right foot. Both were wearing their sneakers, so the contact was by no means electrifying, but it gave the duo the chance to break the strange atmosphere between them.

    “G-get off me!” Alexis spat suddenly, putting the pen down on the table.

    “You get off me!” Carmen hissed back, tacitly agreeing to leave the topic behind by putting her pen down too.

    “You first!”

    “You first!”

    The two went in circles for a while, until Carmen felt that the strange atmosphere had been buried.

    Feeling her foot straining against the other girls, Carmen thought of a question she suddenly wanted an answer too.

    “So, you didn’t do anything like this with Jennifer?” She asked, gesturing under the table to their warring feet with a bob of her head.

    She didn’t know why this topic was so important to her, but she couldn’t let it go until she heard it from Alexis.

    “No, I didn’t,” The brunette spat.


    “Did you? With Melissa?” She continued.

    “No, I didn’t.”

    Alexis’s face didn’t give anything away, but Carmen wondered if the girl was happy about the answer.

    “These are new shoes, you’re going to scuff them,” The brunette suddenly complained.

    The complaint didn’t make much sense, as they were pressing the bottom of their shoes together, but Carmen was too stubborn to sidestep a chance to fight like that.

    “Yeah? Well, mine are new too, and you’re marking them!” The blonde whispered aggressively. She couldn’t help but think back to the view she got of the other girl’s feet in the locker room, when she sat on the bench checking them out.

    ‘They were only a little bit cute… but they did look kinda soft,’ Carmen mused to herself.

    “Hmm, if you care so much then just take them off,” Alexis growled, as though it was the most obvious thing on the planet.

    “Back at you,” bared Carmen, hoping things would go in the direction she wanted them to. “Unless you’re too scared?”

    “Ha, scared of what? Your little feet?” Alexis scoffed, her face contorted in mockery.

    Both girls pulled back, each interlocking her ankles to kick off her Vans.

    Carmen then kicked out her left foot again. This time her small size six foot was only covered in a white cotton ankle sock.

    She felt her heart skip a beat as the base of her foot collided perfectly with the base of Alexis’s right foot.

    She had never once wondered what it would be like to press her foot against another girl’s but now she realized it was far more comfortable than she would have ever expected!

    ‘S-soft!’ Carmen gasped, ‘And warm-!’

    Her cheek twitched slightly as she felt the soft ball of her foot press against Alexis’s, the two feet aligned perfectly as though pressed against a mirror.

    ‘So similar too! Her right foot matches my left better than my own…’ She couldn’t help but think. Every individual’s foot was unique, whether in length, width, toe shape, or arch. Even an individual’s two feet would have differences.

    Alexis’s foot, however, felt completely and perfectly identical to her own. As though she was pressing her foot against a soft, fleshy mirror.

    Thinking this far caused her face to feel hot, and her rival’s face looked it too.

    Both girls’ beautiful faces were flipflopping between expressions of amazement and annoyance at the perfect match between their two feet.

    Carmen readjusted her grip, holding onto the chair and leaning back as she pressed her foot forward into Alexis’s. Watching Alexis do the same, the blonde felt a shiver of excitement run through her, before her tense thighs throbbed slightly.

    ‘It’s not like it feels good… rubbing feet with her…so why I do feel so funny right now…?’ Carmen couldn’t help but wonder as her heart continued to pound in her chest, and she felt a familiar wetness between her legs.

    It didn’t feel ‘good’ and Carmen had never had any interest in feet, but despite this, she was getting more and more excited at the situation. Alexis seemed to be too, the brunette panting hard, her eyes overflowing with excitement.

    The pair rubbed and ground their feet together, from the soft padded balls of their feet to their delicate heels. The pair then started pressing their toes together, the duo still moving in perfect synchrony.

    Feeling her big toe pressed against Alexis’s, Carmen finally realized why her heart was pounding the way it was.

    ‘I never even let my ex-boyfriend touch my feet I found it too… weird, yet I’m doing this with Alexis? There must be something wrong with me…’

    By always covering them with shoes or socks, inadvertently, Carmen had started thinking of her feet as quite personal and private, despite not really having anything to be embarrassed about. Because of this preconception, pressing her foot against Alexis’s felt incredibly-

    …Intimate… In a way she wasn’t used to.

    Feeling sensations she wasn’t used to, in a situation would she wasn’t used to.

    Thankfully, Alexis seemed just as sensitive to the sudden increase in intimacy, the girl twitching and squirming in her seat just as much as she was.

    “Y-you…gonna quit?” The brunette gasped, clinging to her chair for support as she continued to grind her foot into Carmen’s.

    “N-no way, you first,” The blonde gasped back, trying to stop her body from shaking.

    “Then…?” Alexis began, her red flushed face possessing an incredible seduction.

    “…Yeah…!” Carmen agreed, her thick eyelashes fluttering slightly.

    With that tacit agreement, both girls reached out with their other feet, Carmen with her right foot, and Alexis with her left.



    The pair gasped in unison, as the strange, sensitive sensations suddenly doubled in intensity.

    Carmen felt another wave of annoyed amazement cascade across her hourglass body as she found that her right foot and Alexis’s left were just as similar as the other two.

    Carmen could feel her crotch getting even wetter, her panties rapidly turning into a hot and sticky mess.

    Perhaps it was the perfect symmetry between their two pairs of sensitive feet that was causing Carmen to feel so strangely excited. What could be more heart-poundingly intimate than pressing together their feet in a mutually embarrassing contact, than finding that despite the embarrassment, they were still deadlocked!

    ““Gah-!”” Carmen gasped, hearing Alexis do the same.

    ‘I wonder if our thoughts are just as similar as our feet…?’ The blonde mused, yet even that thought- that self-admission of similarity, sent a spike of unwilling pleasure through her.

    “Haaa…We- have another seminar tomorrow…” Carmen groaned, her nails digging into the chair as her legs shook.

    “Hnng… We…do…!” Alexis spat back, “You’ve had an early read of my story, how lucky…”

    “Haa…I think you need to work on it more…” Carmen hissed back through gritted teeth. “We’re on a creative writing Major after all… I think need to expand on our stories a bit more…”

    “Aaah… Makes sense…!” Alexis nodded, “I want to see how good you are at writing fiction… maybe you could expand on what happened with Melissa…?”

    “And you could… expand… on what happened with Jennifer…?”

    Carmen could feel her feet starting to sweat under the heat of their double foot friction, causing the strange intimacy of the situation to get even more intense.

    “You said…you and Jennifer never did anything like this… Well, maybe you could write about what would happen if you did…?”

    “And you could write about what might have happened with Melissa… what might have happened…if she’d put up a bit more of a fight…”

    Carmen’s body was shaking more and more, her feet starting to hurt from pressing against Alexis’s. Her upper body leaned forward as she strained, getting closer and closer to the table.

    It was a relief that Alexis was doing the same, the girl’s heavy chest pressed against the desk as she leaned forward.

    Soon, the pair were face-to-face, both ‘laying’ atop the desk staring into each other’s eyes.

    “You could write about all things you want to do with ‘Melissa’…” Alexis whispered, her hot breath caressing Carmen’s forehead.

    “And you can write about all the things you want to do with ‘Jennifer’…” Carmen tempted in response. “I’d…love to know what those things would be…”

    “Mmh…Me too…”

    The pair descended into silence for a moment, the only sounds either could hear were the grinding of their cotton socks and the clattering of their trembling knees.

    “We’ll stop this, then? I think we’ll sooner break these chairs than get a result.” Carmen offered.

    “Fine,” Alexis agreed.

    The duo separated their slightly sweaty feet, Carmen’s still secretly marvelling at how perfectly identical they were.

    Her unspoken appreciation was interrupted, however, by Alexis suddenly adding,

    “If we had longer, I would have won though.”

    Carmen didn’t know what ‘winning’ entailed when all they were doing was grinding their feet together, but she knew she couldn’t let that stand.

    “I think you mean I would have won.”

    “Ha, keep the fiction in your story,” Alexis scoffed, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear.

    “You too, keep your fantasising on paper,” Carmen countered, doing the same as she straightened up.

    The pair shoot each other bitchy glares, though, after everything they had been through, Carmen couldn’t help but feel that her green-eyed rival’s gaze was more flirtatiously competitive than purely combative.

    Keeping their eyes locked together, the two slipped their Vans back on, before sliding the notebooks back across the table.

    Carmen saw how Alexis hadn’t returned the pen, but then again, she hadn’t returned hers either.

    Making their way out of the library in lockstep, the duo exchanged a few more words.

    “I’ll see you tomorrow then, babe.”

    “You will, honey. I better see you at tennis, too.”

    “Hmph, you will. Write the rest of that story, I’m looking forward to it.”

    “I’m looking forward to yours too.”

    They reached the point of separation once again, the girls paths splitting.

    ““Oh, and by the way-”” They said simultaneously, sparks flying between them,

    “I’m wearing green tomorrow-”

    “I’m wearing blue tomorrow-”

    ““So just try to rip it off me.””

    Sharing a last glare, the pair then strutted off in different directions.


    Carmen marched back to her dorm, her face still blushing slightly and her feet still hot from Alexis’s touch, before kicking off her shoes ready to write more.

    Only, it was at this moment that she realized that what she kicked off weren’t her shoes.

    They were Alexis’s blue sneakers, not her green pair.

    ‘Ah-?! I walked the whole way back… without even noticing?!’ Carmen thought in disbelief, her thighs twitching as she stared down at the sneakers.

    ‘Ahha…that means, she didn’t notice either…right?’ Carmen felt a throb of pleasure between her legs as she thought of that-

    -Of Alexis and her glaring at each other, both of them putting on the wrong pair of shoes.

    -Of the two of them squabbling on their way out of the library, both still unaware.

    -Of the two of them threatening each other before storming away, still oblivious as to their ridiculous mistake.

    -Of Alexis staring down at the wrong pair of shoes just like she was.

    Carmen’s knee went weak, the blonde wobbling slightly. She felt so annoyed, so embarrassed and so infuriated at the situation.

    ‘But so turned on…’

    ‘Our feet are seriously…

    Way too similar…’

    Carmen got Alexis’s pen out of her bag, and sat down on her bed, just like she did the day before.

    This time, the writing process took even longer. For every one-minute Alexis’s pen spent adding to the story, it spent five more rubbing Carmen’s slit…


    The following day, Carmen was busy again, moving from class-to-class.

    She had been up late, still writing the fictional addendum to her story, but didn’t feel tired at all. If anything, she felt more energised than ever.

    She spent every moment counting down the seconds until her short stories seminar, to the point where she didn’t even mind the solitude she found herself in. Strangely enough, however, now that she had stopped stressing about making new friends, she seemed to be attracting more interest than before.

    Maybe the impression of a silent but confident beauty was a good one.

    All she cared about, however, was getting to see Alexis again.

    To fight, or flirt, or fight and flirt, or whatever it was they were doing to each other.

    Alexis was scratching an itch she never knew she had, and she just knew she was having the same effect on the other girl.

    And finally, after a day of waiting-

    It was time for the seminar.

    Making her way over to Room 126, Carmen felt her heart fluttering in anticipation.

    ‘What is she gonna be wearing? Are we gonna match again?’

    Now that she had gotten hooked on the fierce female rivalry between them, the pair pushing each other in ways neither had ever been pushed, Carmen was worried things would suddenly go tame.

    ‘Don’t turn into a Melissa…’

    Whilst Carmen had once looked forward to forcing her new rival into submission, now, she was enjoying the bickering and the arguing, and had no interest in ending it anytime soon.

    As she turned the corner, however, and finally saw Alexis once again, she knew-

    ‘It’s not ending anytime soon…’

    Alexis was wearing a pair of black nylon tights, just like the first day, which showed off her long, seductive legs in tantalizing detail, as well as a pair of tight shorts, similar to the second day, that hugged her plump ass and wide hips. She was wearing a white shirt, tucked into her shorts, through which she could see a blue bra hugging a large pair of perky tits. The contrast between top and bottom gave her a ’schoolgirl-gone-rogue’ vibe that got Carmen’s heart pounding, whilst the green Vans on her feet told the blonde everything she needed to know.

    It was an outfit that was oozing with sex appeal, the white shirt and blue bra fiercely competing with the black tights and tight shorts for any onlookers’ attention. Carmen almost wished she could grow a second pair of eyes, so one set could stare at the girl’s tits, and the other set could dig into her pantyhose-clad crotch.

    Carmen felt her lips threatening to break out into a smile as she walked closer and closer to the girl, even as she felt her rival’s burning stare and the gazes of bewildered onlookers.

    The reason for Alexis’s scorching stare was obvious, the girl’s green eyes were overflowing with a complicated mix of competitiveness, amazement, annoyance, female jealousy…and desire.

    The reason for the bewildered onlookers, however?

    Carmen was wearing the exact same outfit, from the sexy black tights that showed off her perfectly sculpted legs to the skin-tight shorts that hugged her thick ass and wide child-bearing hips. From the white shirt that showed off her narrow waist and tight stomach, to her large tits almost spilling out of the green bra that shone through the see-through shirt. The blue Vans on her feet completed her ‘schoolgirl-gone-rogue’ look, pushing her balanced blend of temptation and seduction to the next level.

    The only differences in their outfits, were the colors of their bras, Carmen’s green and Alexis’s blue, and… the colors of their sneakers.

    Carmen’s were blue, whilst Alexis’s were green.
    That was because they were wearing the other’s shoes.

    That was a secret only for them, however.

    “I thought you might copy my outfit again,” Alexis whispered, as they slipped into their seats in the back row of room 126.

    “Funny I thought you’d copy mine again,” Carmen hissed back, her curvaceous body brushing against the brunette’s as they squeezed into their seats.

    Despite their mutual accusations, Alexis didn’t seem particularly angry at their matching outfits, unlike the first day they met, and Carmen was much the same.

    “You brought it then?” Carmen whispered as the seminar began.
    “Obviously, did you?” Alexis muttered back.


    Carmen pulled the notebook out of her bag along with her rival’s pen. Alexis did the same, and then the duo slid them along the table.

    Before picking up the notebook, however, Carmen brought the pen to her lips with a teasing glint in her blue eyes. Alexis was doing the same with a knowing shine in her green eyes.

    “Baby, I don’t know what you do with this pen, but…” She whispered, her voice coy.

    “Honey, I did to your pen… whatever you did to mine…” Carmen blew back, her voice sultry.

    Carmen gave the pen an oblivious sniff, blushing together with Alexis as she watched the other girl do the same. Both girls then dragged their tongues along the length of the pens, their thick eyelashes fluttering as they did so.

    ““Hmmn…”” The rivals moaned slightly, Carmen trembling slightly when faced with her foe’s blatant seduction.

    Carmen then flipped open the book, getting a whiff of perfume as well as seeing pages of new writings.

    “I see you got lots of use out of my pen…” She teased suggestively, raising an eyebrow at the brunette next to her whilst she pressed the pen against her lips.

    “Oh yeah, I used it longgg into the night, baby—” Alexis whispered back, her green eyes filled with temptation as she rolled the pen across her tongue. “I can taste- aha, I mean- ‘tell’ you got some use out of mine too?”

    “Mmh… A little,” The blonde replied, before the duo diverted their attention to the stories in front of them.

    The pair started flipping through the pages, letting the professor’s words go over their heads.

    Carmen felt her nipples stiffen as she read about Alexis and ‘Jennifer’ pressing together tit to tit and gulped down a mouthful of sticky saliva as the ‘fictional’ fighters squared up in the locker room.

    As it was Alexis’s story, it was only obvious that she would come out on top after each off these clashes. Likewise, in the story the blonde had written, it was Carmen who narrowly defeated Melissa.

    What really got Carmen’s competitive juices flowing, however, was when the blonde read about Alexis and ‘Jennifer’ having a foot fight in the middle of class, under their desks.

    ‘Quite the coincidence… since I wrote about me and “Melissa” having a foot fight in class too…’

    Thinking this, Carmen began reaching out her left leg, the one closest to Alexis. Clearly, they both had the same reading speed, as the brunette was also snaking her right leg over to Carmen.

    Instantly, two nylon-wrapped legs began to coil together from the knee down, before locking together at the ankles.

    Their legs rubbed together, producing a faint hissing sound as their pantyhose ground against each other.

    Both girls leaned toward each other, Carmen supporting herself using the brunette’s chair, and Alexis supporting herself using the blonde’s chair.

    The duo then cooperated to kick their shoes off, Alexis kicking off Carmen’s, and Carmen kicking off Alexis’s.

    Now, with only their black tights on, the pair began their attempts to step on each other’s foot.

    Carmen would lower her size six foot onto Alexis’s, grinding her sole onto the top of her rival’s foot, eliciting a groan from the girl, before Alexis would yank her foot away before stepping down on Carmen’s foot.

    The perfectly identical left and right feet, wearing matching black tights, swapped between stepping and being stepped on again and again.

    Carmen would permit Alexis a few seconds of stepping on her before she would kick out from under her, and begin stepping on the brunette in return. Alexis would give the blonde a few seconds, before breaking free and returning the favor.

    All this constant back and forth did, however, was rile up the duo further. Their breathing got heavier and hotter as the pair swung back and forth between being dominating and being dominated.

    Eventually- the pair snapped at the same time.

    Carmen reached around Alexis’s waist and grabbed hold of the brunette’s wide hip, feeling her rival do the same to her. She then forcefully pulled the girl, as well as the chair she was sitting on, closer. Alexis did the same to her, causing both their wide hips and their chairs to crash together.

    Now the pair were pressed together not only from ankle to knee, but also from their thighs up to their shoulders. Carmen’s left tit was pressed against Alexis’s right tit, whilst their firm asses and plump thighs were squashed together.

    Carmen’s heart was pounding at their sudden and forceful change in proximity, but like a starving beast waving food waved in front of its face, she couldn’t endure the temptation anymore.

    Clearly, Alexis felt the same, the pair panting hot wet breaths into each other’s mouths.

    Carmen then pulled off her other sneaker, watching the brunette do the same, before both girls lifted their legs so their ankles were resting on their thighs, only an inch apart.

    Just by looking, Carmen could see how identical their feet were. Every curve and arch was a complete match.

    Just looking wasn’t enough for Carmen though, and she could tell it wasn’t enough for Alexis either.

    Using her spare hand, the blonde reached across, grabbing hold of the girl’s soft foot.

    ““Ah-!”” She gasped in tandem with Alexis, as she felt the brunette grab hers too.

    Sharing a glance filled with competitive excitement, the pair then pulled each other’s foot toward them, the minuscule gap between their toes closing in an instant!

    ““Mmmh-!”” The duo groaned in unison, both flushing red at the contact between them.

    Carmen had found their foot fight the day prior exciting enough, but this foot fight beat it by a mile. The blonde watched as their nylon-wrapped feet pressed and squashed together in perfect symmetry.

    They’d push down on the balls of their feet, rubbing the soft layer of padding together, before easing up and shifting to grinding their heels together instead.

    The only sound between them was that of their hot breaths colliding, and their black tights hissing together, yet despite this, the pair were cooperating perfectly, neither needing words to know what the other was about to do.

    Whilst they were rubbing the bottom of their feet together, their entangled legs hadn’t been forgotten. These legs, now pressed together from the top of their thighs until they locked at their ankles, were furiously grinding against each other even harder than before.

    Thick thigh grinding against thick thigh. Soft calf rubbing against soft calf.

    “Haaa… Are you trying to rip a hole in my tights…?” Alexis panted into Carmen’s ear, her voice filled with dangerous excitement.

    “Like you can talk…” Carmen whispered back, “Your grinding so hard you’re gonna start burning holes in mine…!”

    “If you hadn’t gotten so…distracted… and kept reading, you would know that ‘Jennifer’ loses and gets loads of holes in her tights…!” The brunette threatened.

    “Well if you hadn’t gotten so excited…and instead kept reading, you’d know that ‘Melissa’ also loses, and gets loads of tears in her tights…!”

    “Hmph…I’m not ‘Melissa’, baby, and I’m not gonna lose to you!” Alexis hissed, giving Carmen’s hip a tight pinch.

    “Well- I’m not ‘Jennifer’, so I’m not losing to you!” Carmen spat back, returning the pinch with one of her own.

    Despite spitting their taunts back and forth, Carmen could feel her nipples getting erect, her body thrumming with pleasure from both the body-to-body grinding, as well as their ridiculous situation.

    Her left nipple swelled, pushing against her green bra and starting to dig into Alexis’s tit, only for her blood-pumped dagger to be stopped by a counterforce from the brunette’s tit.

    It was Alexis’s nipple, just as erect as her own!

    “Hmph, in your story you didn’t get this excited…” hummed Alexis, having clearly noticed their nipple-to-nipple clash.

    “Ha, you didn’t either,” Carmen spat back. “You made it sound like ‘Jennifer’ had a foot fetish, but I think it’s you who get off on rubbing feet.”

    “You-!” Hissed the brunette, her face flushing red. “You made it sound like ‘Melissa’ was the one getting hot over going foot-to-foot, but I’m pretty sure it was you. You’re the one who wrote the story, after all!”

    “Yeah, I wrote it…” The blonde gasped, her face equally red, “But you wrote it too, and you were getting off with my pen whilst doing so!”

    “Ha! So, you wanna go there? I know you were getting off with my pen too, babe!”

    Bright red, the pair ground themselves together with increased ferocity, as though trying to take out their embarrassment on the other.

    “I don’t even know what you’re trying to say! What- I have thing for your feet?” Alexis spat furiously “I bet if I ripped those shorts off you and tore your tights open, I’d see a sticky wet mess right in the middle of your slutty little panties, then we’d see who’s getting off on this.”

    Carmen absolutely had a sticky wet mess between her legs, but she wasn’t about to let Alexis’s boast go unchallenged.

    “Fine, you wanna try it go ahead!” She hissed, full of false confidence. “You rip mine off, I’ll rip yours off too, then we’ll see who’s got the dripping wet panties, babe!”

    “It’d definitely be you!”

    “Ha, you’d definitely be wetter than me!”

    Whilst neither had noticed it, the pair had entirely sidestepped the issue of who was wet and who wasn’t, instead shifting the issue onto which one of them was wetter and making a bigger mess of her panties.

    “Fuck, I’ll unzip your shorts right now, see if I dare?” Carmen whispered as aggressively as she could into the brunette’s ear, whilst ramming her right hand between her rival’s open legs.

    “Fuck, do it then, I’ll unzip yours too, why wouldn’t I?” Alexis hissed straight back in the blonde’s ear, bringing her left hand dangerously closer to Carmen’s crotch.

    Panting into each other’s face, their soft cheeks almost pressed together, the pair were just about to follow through on their words, when they suddenly noticed a change in their warring lower halves.

    Carmen was dumbfounded to see the pantyhose on her left leg had practically fallen apart, countless rips and tears spreading across the nylon from her dainty ankle to her thick thigh, her soft flesh spilling out the holes.

    What sent spasms of conflicted pleasure across her body, however, was how the nylon on her rival’s right leg was in the exact same state, with the nylon pretty much ruined.

    Carmen could sense Alexis fall into a stunned state along with her, their panting overlapping as they took in the result of their war, only for the duo to suddenly gasp in one voice, their bodies twitching against each other in unison as they noticed something else!

    Both Carmen and Alexis had spotted that not only had their tights ruined each other, but the countless threads of broken nylon had tangled and intertwined, forming a dense net binding their left and right legs together!

    As Carmen’s left leg was only ruined on the side she had been grinding against Alexis, and Alexis’s right leg was only ruined on the side she had been grinding against Carmen’s, the tangled threads almost caused the remaining nylon to resemble one leg of pantyhose that the pair were sharing!

    “Y-you-!” They gasped in unison, sharing a hot glance filled with annoyance and undeniable arousal.

    “I guess we buy our tights from the same place too…” Carmen groaned, her face flushed red at yet another tie.

    “I guess we do…” Alexis panted, her face matching Carmen’s.

    The pair lifted the feet resting upon their thighs, only to realize that they were in the same state as their legs. They had unknowingly ripped holes in the other’s nylons, whilst their continued grinding had tangled the broken threads into a dense net of black ‘rope’.

    Carmen and Alexis examined their feet in amazement, neither able to hide their obvious excitement when they noticed that the holes were perfectly symmetrical.

    Even after all that grinding, their feet still looked like mirror images of each other…

    ‘Haa… that’s fine… even better actually… at least it means she won’t suddenly fall over in defeat… The more of a fight she puts up, the more satisfying it’ll be when I win finally win… yeah… that’s it!’ Carmen thought to herself, quickly justifying her excitement and arousal at the situation.

    “Guess this didn’t go how you envisioned it then, huh?” She spat, trying to leave behind her confused thoughts. “Not at all like your story.”

    “It’s not like yours either,” Alexis hissed back, seeming eager to continue the conversation. “Can’t imagine that ‘Carmen, the amazing Prom-Queen-to-be’ would ever end a fight with a draw.”

    “Not like ‘Alexis: the amazing Prom-Queen-to-be’ would ever end up like this either,” The blonde panted, before continuing, “This is a draw then, is it? Since we’ve ended up like this?”

    “I guess so, just like last time.” Alexis groaned.

    “Last time? I thought you would have won last time?” Carmen mocked,

    “I would have, but we ran out of time, so it was a draw,” Alexis explained hastily, “This time, it was a draw because our tights gave in at the same time.”

    “Yeah… they ‘gave in’ alright,” Carmen groaned, gesturing to the messy bindings pinned them together. “So, what, next time we buy make sure to buy different tights?” She added with a frown.

    Carmen joined in with the frown, the brunette visibly contemplating what the best way to settle it would be.

    “How about we buy a brand two-pack, then we put them on and fight? That way they’re brand new and the same brand. No disadvantage there.”

    “Yeah, makes sense, this must have happened because they… were worn or something!”


    Both casually accepting the fact they would have another foot fight at some point, the pair quickly started cutting themselves free, before class ended and they ended up getting really embarrassed.

    The pair proceeded to walk to the tennis session together, attracting plenty of stares as they did so. Not only were their outfits matching, but both girls were missing a leg of pantyhose, having decided to completely rip the ruined leg off.

    The pair were still perfectly symmetrical in their asymmetry much to their mutual annoyance(?).


    Having arrived a few minutes late, the pair had the locker room to themselves. Entirely alone, the pair could strip tease each other relentlessly before mercilessly mocking their rival’s soaking wet panties.

    Carmen had brought a cute and sexy tennis outfit along, specifically to impressed and awe Alexis, only for Alexis to bring the exact same outfit. Both wearing white polo shirts and skimming white skirts, the pair charged out the locker room ready for battle…

    …Only to be forced to sit on the sidelines whilst they waited for their turn…

    When it finally came, however, they made the most of it, playing a furiously close match for the rest of the session, with neither girl able to seize the ultimate of their one and only game.

    If not for the fact that they were clearly giving it their all, both girls dripping with sweat and on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, the girls waiting to play would have dragged them off the court for time wasting.

    When time was finally called, neither girl could even make it to the net for a bitchy handshake, both collapsing to the floor where the laughing girls left them.

    Perhaps their brutal match had been punishment enough for the girls they had angered during the prior session, as they received many sympathetic gazes on their slow walk back to the changing room. The pair arrived just as the last girls left, and the tennis club member running the session locked the locker room door behind them, on their way in, reminding them to leave out the back door.

    And with that, they were alone.

    Both slowly, and painfully undress, each beauty struggling to pull her sweat-soaked polo over her head.

    Left only in their green and blue underwear, however, the pair move over to the bench by the showers, where they began to dump their clothes on top of each other once more.

    Both had brought their plaid skirts to change into, as well as the torn tights, each only having one leg now. Each had prepared a fresh set of underwear to change into, but both had left them in their bags, instead insisting on slapping their used set together.

    Alexis’s stuffy and sweaty bra went into Carmen’s, whilst Carmen slapped her wet panties on top of Alexis’s. Struggling not to get lost in their other’s steaming and sexy flesh, the pair redirected their energy on reversing the arrangement of underwear.

    Carmen’s stuffy and sweaty bra was shoved into Alexis’s, whilst Alexis flipped the panties over, leaving herself on top.

    The pair did this a few times, both obviously provoking each other, before they settled for tangling their bras together, with one green cup sitting inside a blue cup, and one blue cup sitting inside a green cup. The panty feud was settled with the pair pushing them together, both girls pressing the panties against each other between their palms.

    Her nipples rock-hard and her clit getting harder by the second, Carmen could feel the sticky blend of their sweat and pre-cum leaking all over her hand, but she didn’t care and was even preparing herself to lick it if Alexis showed any signs of doing the same.

    She didn’t, however, so Carmen didn’t get a chance to prove how far she would go.

    Sharing a goading stare, that neither was willing to break, Carmen took a step toward the shower stall in the direct center of the row. A step Alexis matched with one of her own.

    Like this, the pair ended up showing together, teasing and tempting each other at every opportunity, yet neither of them ultimately crossed the final line between them.

    Carmen wanted desperately to put on her green outfit, and see Alexis put on her blue outfit so she could tear it off her, and she knew Alexis felt the same.

    After a mutually torturous shower, the pair stepped out of the stall, and began changing, each facing in an opposite direction.

    Carmen left the tangled panties on the bench, pulling the ruined pantyhose back on. Her left leg was entirely bare from the top of the thigh down, and the nylon on her right foot was filled with holes. She put her green plaid skirt on, ready for the brunette to rip off, before opting out of wearing a bra, and instead simply pulling the white shirt on. She could see her red nipples pushing against the see-through cotton, but she knew it would only turn Alexis on more.

    She turned around to see Alexis turning to look at the girl. As expected, they were once again wearing the same thing. Her rival was dangerously erect, and the girl’s curves seemed even more threatening than before.

    “I figured we’re past skirts at this point, but I put it on since you’re so interested in ripping the blue off me,” the girl said seductively.

    “Funny, I was thinking since you’re so desperate to rip the green off me, I’d let you try it, just this once,” Carmen teased in return.

    “I didn’t read too much of your story, I got kinda distracted,” Alexis laughed, batting her eyelashes. “But is this how you and ‘Melissa’ decided things?”

    “I didn’t write that far,” The blonde admitted. “You?”

    “Me neither.”

    “Why not?” Carmen asked.

    “Was getting kinda bored of ‘Jennifer’… I was thinking about writing about us.” Alexis admitted, before gesturing to Carmen. “You?”

    “Funny… I was getting bored of ‘Melissa’… thought you’d make for a more interesting story. I… was writing about you anyway,”

    “Ha, I know,”

    “I know you know, I just wanted to say it,” Carmen confessed, her face slightly flushed.

    “Well, I was writing about you too,” Alexis admitted in return, the brunette blushing too.

    “Ready to end the chapter?” Carmen taunted, cocking her hip.

    “Ha, are you?” Alexis scoffed in response, taking a step toward the blonde.

    Carmen matched this with one of her own.

    Only a single step separating them, the pair were perfectly aligned, tit-to-tit, toe-to-toe, and cunt-to-cunt.

    At last. They were alone, and about to go at it.

    Carmen reached down and grabbed hold of Alexis’s blue plaid skirt before violently ripping it off. The girl stumbled back slightly, but quickly grabbed hold of Carmen’s green plaid skirt and tore it off her hips in return.

    Both girls panting, they then ripped off each other’s shirts- sending the buttons scattering around the room.

    “You think… you’re so much better than me?” Carmen spat, feeling the excitement building up inside as she stared at the functionally naked brunette in front of her. “That your tits are better than mine? Your ass is better than mine?”

    “Haa…I do! Not only are my tits and ass better, my pussy is better too!” Alexis panted, the girls hourglass body trembling in excitement.

    “Prove it then, bitch! All you’ve done is draw with me, that doesn’t prove shit!”

    “What, and you’re saying you’re better than me? Two draws don’t prove that either, slut!”

    The pair taunted, both taking a fraction of a step forward as they continued to amp up the mood.

    “Two draws, sure, but I saw how wetter you were getting over me, and I tasted how you got off to the thought of me!”

    “You were just as wet, and I tasted your cunt on those pens too!”

    “So what? Two draws and we got off to the thought of each other? I’m still better than you!”

    “We could get off to each other every day for the rest of our lives and I’d still be better than you!”



    The pair growled in unison- both turned on to the point of insanity, before they suddenly closed that last remaining distance and slammed themselves together!

    Large G-cup tits slammed together, their burning hot nipples directly colliding!

    ““Ahh-!”” The pair cried in one pleasured voice as each girl’s nipples were crushed under her rival’s piercing rods.

    Alexis wrapped her arms around Carmen’s waist pulling her closer, whilst Carmen did the same to Alexis! Soft stomachs clapped together, whilst the duo wrapped their legs together.

    Carmen’s bare left leg wrapped around Alexis’s bare right leg, whilst Alexis’s nylon-clad left leg wrapped around Carmen’s nylon-wrapped right leg!

    The girls had tottering and teetering as they balanced on their tiptoes, each beauty trying to step on her rival’s feet as they spun and wobbled.

    “Omph-! My tits are better than yours…!” Carmen growled, the blonde attempting to push her tits down on the brunette’s.

    “Ooof-! It’s my tits…that are better than yours…!” Alexis groaned back, the brunette trying her hardest to get the height advantage on the blonde.

    Sadly for both girls, however, they were exactly the same height, and with identical tits, neither could get the slightest advantage.

    This meaning that despite their spinning, their throbbing nipples were still drilling into each other.





    The duo gasped and groaned as they squeezed themselves together in a brutal double bear hug.

    Carmen could feel her slowly hardening clit starting to rub against the other girl’s through their pantyhose, and she could feel Alexis’s sexhorn hardening in tandem with her own.

    “Fuck-! Stop spinning, and just fight me!” Alexis hissed into the blonde’s face, her face as annoyed as it was aroused.

    “You’re the one making us spin!” Carmen spat back, her face a mirror of her rival’s.

    In a display of tacit coordination, however, the pair released each other immediately, both girls taking a step back.

    “On the bench…!” Carmen commanded, gesturing toward the brunette.

    That’s what I was gonna say,” Alexis claimed, clearly unwilling to simply obey.

    The pair moved to the bench, both straddling it with one leg on either side.

    “Now I’ve got you right where I want you,” Alexis taunted, her eyes staring straight between Carmen’s spread legs.

    “You mean, I’ve got you where I want you,” Carmen bragged back, her blue eyes glued her rival’s cunt.

    Alexis’s slit was slightly swollen in arousal, her pink pussy lips pressing against the black nylon. She could see the girl’s erect clit, poking out of her petals, with wet nectar leaking from the brunette’s cunt.

    “You loved rubbing my tights to shreds earlier, let’s see if you can do it again,” Carmen taunted, putting her hands behind her back and thrusting her crotch forward.

    “Oh, you definitely enjoy ripping mine apart too. I wonder if you’ll find it so fun when we’re going pussy-to-pussy,” Alexis called back seductively, her cherry red lips carefully enunciating every syllable. The brunette then matched Carmen’s posture, putting her back behind her back and pushing her pussy forward.

    Exchanging looks that were half bitchy and provocative, and half sexy and seductive, the two push themselves closer until their aching cunts where so nearly touching.

    “Ready to go cunt-to-cunt with me?” Alexis whispered.

    “Are you ready to go cunt-to-cunt with me?” Carmen whispered back.

    Neither girl answered, instead both pushing their hips forward.

    Their legs meet once again, pressing against each other from ankle all the way up their thighs. Neither girl noticed this, however, not because it wasn’t pleasural or exciting, but instead because their pussies finally touched!

    Wet, throbbing sexes collided, separated only by thin layers of nylon-

    And the two instantly came!

    ““AaaaAhhhhHhh---!!!”” The duo cried out in sudden pleasure, their heads rolling back in shock as their legs spasmed against one another until their ankles locked around each other.

    Carmen had never tribbed before, so she hadn’t prepared herself properly for the pleasure first contact would bring. Not to mention the constant teasing and building of pleasure and sexual desire over the last two days had left her with a heat she couldn’t vent just by touching herself.

    The same was true for Alexis, and since the dup had gotten so wet just from grinding their legs together in class…

    It was no surprise that both erupted the second their pussies pressed together!

    ““Youuuu---!!”” Both girls slurred in pleasure drenched voices, as though blaming each other for the sudden climax!

    Despite the splatters of sticky girl-cum splashing out of their cunts, a shock to both of them, since neither had ever squirted before, both girls continued to push themselves together!

    Carmen and Alexis started furiously grinding their nylon-wrapped cunts together, both hourglass beauties leveraging their grip on the bench to apply more force!

    “I’m not… losing…to you…!” Carmen gasped, pleasure shooting through her core.

    “I’m…not losing…to you….!” Alexis moaned in response, her face warped by pleasure.

    Carmen was desperate trying to step on Alexis’s feet, but their locked lower limbs were in a complete stalemate, neither girl able to get the slightest advantage over the other.

    Their warring slits were in the same state. Carmen was attempting to clench down with her lower lips, but she couldn’t quite get the movement down, and the pleasure pounding against her pussy wasn’t making it any easier.

    Thankfully, Alexis was in the exact same state, the brunette a convulsing wreck from the pleasure Carmen was dishing out.

    “Stop trying to… squeeze down on me-!” Alexis complained, shooting Carmen a pleasure-drenched look.

    “I can feel you…trying to squeeze me too-!” Carmen spat back, her face attempting to show how annoyed she was but failing miserably.

    “I knew your weak cunt… couldn’t handle me…!” The brunette boasted with brave words, despite her spasming body.

    “It’s your pathetic pussy…that can’t handle me…!” The blonde moaned back, bragging without basis as she continued to convulse.

    “Get over here…!” Alexis commanded, stretching out one of her hands toward her opponent.

    “You get over here…!” Carmen commanded back, reaching out a hand of her own. Naturally, Carmen couldn’t just listen to the other girl…

    The brunette rolled eyes as best she could under the onslaught on pleasure, and the two grabbed onto each other, pulling themselves together.

    They wrapped themselves together in a tight hug, each girl’s chin resting on the other’s shoulder as their tits were pancaked together once more.

    “Hnnnnng…!” Carmen moaned, saliva spilling down her rival’s bare as her mouth hung open.

    “Ooooooh…!” She heard Alexis moan back, as she felt sticky spit running down her shoulder.

    “Stop…drooling down my back… and put it in my mouth instead…!” Carmen moaned irritability, as their uncontrollably clenching cunts continued to torment each other.

    “Haa…Mine…tastes way better…than yours…!” The brunette claimed, unable to resist the urge to make their upcoming kiss a competition.

    “It might taste…okay…but still not as sweet as mine…!” Carmen argued, equally as incapable of resisting a fight as her opponent.

    The boasts were silenced, however, as the duo grabbed each other by the back of the head and forced their cherry-red lips together.

    Lips locked and tongues tangled as the pair started invading each other’s mouths, neither hesitating even a single second before painting the inside of their rival’s mouth with their spit.

    Their arms wrapped around each other’s head in a tight hug, the duo pinning themselves together whilst their crotches continued to grind against each other, small squirts of girl-cum spraying out of their tightly locked twats.

    Synchronous moans continued to echo throughout the locker room, the girls screaming down each other’s throats as they exploded in simultaneous orgasm after simultaneous orgasm.

    Carmen’s tits were squashing Alexis’s tits forcing the brunette to cum, but also being squashed Alexis’s tits, which forced the blonde to cum too.


    Alexis’s nipples were crushing Carmen’s nipples pushing the blonde to climax, but also being crushed by Carmen’s nipples, which pushed the brunette to climax as well.


    Carmen’s clit was bending Alexis’s clit back sending the brunette into pleasure-induced spasms, but it was also being bent back by Alexis’s clit, sending the blonde into pleasure-induced spasms.


    Alexis’s cunt was clamping down on Carmen’s cunt, shooting mind-melting pleasure up the blonde’s spine, but it was also being clamped down on by Carmen’s cunt, shooting mind-melting pleasure up the brunette’s spine.


    Despite the pleasure rampaging through them- practically blasting the duo unconscious, neither was willing to fall back first, both clinging on for dear life as they continued to crush their crotches together.

    Eventually, however, the girls passed out from the unyielding sexual ecstasy, both collapsing backward onto the bench.


    ““Haaah…!”” The duo groaned in unison, both girls stirring at the same time.

    Propping themselves up on their elbows, both girls looked down their sweat and cum soaked bodies to lock eyes with their seemingly eternal rival.

    Whilst there was a trace of competitiveness still lingering in their locked eyes, both girls seemed dazed from the pleasure of their first real sex fight.

    “I’m guessing… that was a draw…” Carmen groaned, for once too tired to argue for a victory.

    “Yeah…for sure…” Alexis moaned back, the brunette just as tired.

    Both girls forced themselves to sit up, and they stared down at their crotches.

    ““Haa…!”” Despite the countless orgasms they had just given each other, neither girl could stop herself from twitching in pleasure at the sight in front of them.

    Just like their legs had torn the tights apart in their seminar, their pussies had done the exact same thing. Two large holes had been ripped open, right where their pussies had furiously fucked.

    The worn, severed threads of black nylon had yet again tangled together, binding their aching cunts into a tight kiss.

    “Urgh…you definitely owe me a new pair of tights...!” Carmen complained, despite the incredibly erotic sight of their pantyhose practically fusing together.

    “You owe me a new pair too,” groaned Alexis in response.

    As the two were staring at the cunt, still spread against each other, Carmen noticed something.

    ‘Eh-? A bulge on my navel? What the hell?’ She panicked inwardly, wondering if something was wrong with her. Wanting to check, she reached out with her hand, pushing down on the bulge.

    Before she even knew what was happening, she filled a gush of hot fluid rushing down her vaginal passage, before it sprayed out in a graceful arch…all over Alexis’s stomach…

    She didn’t have time to be amused, however, as the same moment she pressed down on navel, the brunette did the same…sending a stream of sticky spray straight onto her stomach…


    “What the hell did you just do?” The brunette screeched furiously, “Did you actually just pee on me?!”

    “What the hell, you did it to me too!?!” The blonde shrieked back, before adding with great sarcasm, “But do you even know where your pee comes from, babe? I just saw that come out your pussy, not your cute little pee hole.”

    “Shut it, I know where it comes from,” Alexis groaned. “And yeah, your little squirt came from your pussy too, so what was it- my cum or something?”

    “…Inside me…?” Carmen asked, not sure whether she felt annoyed or aroused at the thought.

    Her contemplation was interrupted was interrupted by Alexis’s foot, the one still wrapped in nylon, landing on her face.

    “What are you thinking so hard for? Where else would I cum, if not in you?” The brunette taunted, grinding her foot into Carmen’s soft face.

    “Well where would I cum if not in you?” Carmen spat back, immediately matching her rival’s movement and grinding her nylon-clad foot into the girl’s cheek. “What do I keep you around for, if not being my living cum-tissue?”

    “Oh- you little slut-!”

    “You’re the slut!”

    ““Round two!”” The pair cried out in furious embarrassment, before slamming their bound together pussies against each other once more.

    An action that immediately proved to be a bad idea, as both climaxed instantly, weak splashes of watery cum hitting their stomaches simultaneously.

    ““Okay…okay…it’s a draw…!”” The pair groan in unison, both cupping their aching cunts in their hands as they squirmed on the bench…


    Having pulled and pried themselves part, the two stood in the locker room, now with clothes back on, and their tore tights discarded for good.

    Left on their bench and currently being stared at by the duo, were their blue and green panties. The panties were thoroughly stuck together, every inch of fabric that could be stuck together, was stuck together.

    “I’m taking your panties, they’re my spoils of war,” Alexis announced, her hands on her hips.

    “Spoils of war? It was a draw, you didn’t win.” Spat Carmen, her hands also on her hips.

    “Yeah, well, I still fucked you senseless. So, they’re mine.” Alexis persisted.

    “Fine then, yours belong to me, since I fucked you just as hard.” Carmen reasoned.

    Alexis hesitated for a moment, before nodding in agreement.



    The duo then peeled the panties apart, both blushing slightly at the sight.

    “What are you gonna do with them?” Alexis asked, “Go home and sniff them?”

    “Urgh gross,” Carmen retched, “You can do that if you want, but I won’t.”

    ‘I’ll stick to sniffing your pen for now…thank you…’

    “I don’t know if you like flashing people, but I don’t,” she continued, gesturing to the skirt around the brunette’s panty-less crotch. Saying this, she then pulled the pair of blue panties on, trembling slightly as she did so.

    She felt as though she heard Alexis moan slightly, but by the time she looked at the girl, she was copying her and pulling up the green panties.

    Crashing out the locker room’s back door, the pair turned to each other.

    “Don’t let me catch you wearing green again…or you know what’ll happen.” Alexis threatened, leaning in close.

    “Let don’t let me catch you wearing blue… or the same outfit as me, or you’ll know what’ll happen.” Carmen hissed back, staring into her rival’s eyes.

    “Today might have been full of draws, but tomorrow won’t be… so watch out.”

    “Exactly, if I catch you wearing my color tomorrow… then it will be win the day I win.”

    “You mean the day I win.”


    The two went round and round until the time came for them to go their separate ways.

    Carmen had started her college life alone.

    By many counts, she still was.

    But now she had been dragged into a war that showed no signs to stopping anytime soon, with a girl more similar to her than she ever thought possible.

    She might be walking across campus alone, but as she wondered if a certain blue-clad girl could be waiting for her round the corner…

    She didn’t feel so lonely…

    [The End]


    On an average evening, within the quiet locker room of the college campus’ tennis building, if one listened carefully, they could hear the faint sound of panting and the creaking of metal…

    …Coming from one of the lockers…

    Then breaking through the uneasy quiet of the room-


    “Just give up already… you bitchhhh-!”

    “You first… you fucking slutttt-!”

    Within this tight locker not made for one person, much less two, were Carmen and Alexis.

    It had only been a few weeks since their first ‘fight’ in the locker room, but since then they had dozens more.

    Whenever they met in class or coincidentally on campus, both, of course, wearing identical outfits, they would target each other until they were furiously pressed body-to-body in some unseen corner of the college campus.

    Smashing their asses together in a bathroom stall, fingering each other at the back of a lecture hall, footjobs in the middle of the library- the pair were unable to keep themselves apart.

    It didn’t take long for the pair to tire of leaving their encounters to chance or timetabling, and the duo began sending each other seductive selfies over socials.

    Carmen would send Alexis a close-up of her cunt covered by a pair of green panties, only to receive one in return of the brunette wearing a pair of blue panties. Each girl daring the other to ‘come and rip them off’. Taunting back and forth like this, the duo would soon bring their fights to their dorm rooms, with Carmen frequently spending the night squeezed into Alexis’s bed, and likewise, Alexis began a regular guest in Carmen’s dorm.

    The rivalry between them continued to build over these weeks, with Carmen no longer needing to worry that the relationship would suddenly end when she won, turning ‘tame’ and ‘boring’.

    But now she didn’t have to worry about a single victory ruining the relationship, a new problem arose.

    She just couldn’t win.

    In the dozens of fights- ass, tits, legs, feet, lips, tongue, clits, pussy and any other body parts they got jealous and competitive over - Carmen didn’t manage to defeat Alexis once.

    Not even once.

    It was equally true that Alexis had never managed to beat Carmen, either, but the constant draws were proving to be a slow-acting poison for both girls.

    ‘I just need to win once! Just once!’

    Rather than get less bitchy with each other as they overlapped their convulsing and climaxing bodies again and again, they were actually getting more irritated and annoyed with one another.

    ‘Just once- I don’t care what it is… tits, ass, pussy, feet- whatever, I just want her to lose once!’

    The sexual attraction was still there and stronger than ever.

    But the fury that hadn’t been present in their eyes since the first day they met had returned after a slow build.

    ‘I don’t even care if she beats me in return afterward, it doesn’t matter! I just…want to get one victory…!’

    ‘That one tennis game three weeks ago can’t be the only time we didn’t draw!’

    It was with this frantic need for a victory that the pair began their ass fight in the locker room, cracking their thick and firm ass cheek together again and again until both girls were red raw, only for neither to be willing to accept the result!

    Carmen goaded Alexis into getting into the tight cramped locker, and Alexis provoked Carmen in to climbing into the narrow metal cage.

    Back-to-back, or ass-to-ass, the identical duo felt themselves be crushed against the hard wall by the other’s protruding curves, their tits flattened and their spine bent, but neither was going to back down!


    The pair gasped for breath, both feeling as though they were going to be snapped in two.

    Carmen’s proud ass cheeks, still sore from their early beating from the brunette’s butt, were being savagely crushed by her rival in the tight space. Spread apart and pushed in so hard- her perky and peachy ass felt like it was going to pop.

    Carmen’s only consolation was that she could feel her ass doing the same thing to Alexis, the girl’s bouncy and springy ass being forcibly squashed by her assmeat.

    ““Y-you-!!”” Carmen groaned- hearing Alexis do the same.

    Unable to move properly in their mutual imprisonment, the pair could only tense and relax their legs to generate a grinding force.

    Their long legs were stuck together from the top of their thighs to their calves, where their ankles were then locked around each other in a mutual bind. As was typical for Carmen and Alexis, they were each wearing a pair of black tights, both from the same pack to ensure neither had an undue advantage.

    This meant that with every tense and relax, alongside their pained yet arousal groans and moan, the sound of nylon rubbing together could be heard.

    “Ughhh-! Just…give…in…!” The blonde hissed.


    “Mmmng-! You…first…!” The brunette spat back.


    “I bet… your… ass feels like… it’s dying…!” The blue-eyed girl taunted. “Just…spare yourself…the pain…!”


    “Are you speaking…about yourself…? Because I don’t…feel… a thing…!” The green-eyed girl mocked in response.


    The pair tensed their bodies, causing their asses to push in and pinch down on each other, before relaxing, causing the plump fuckmeat to soften in place before they would then go taut once again.

    Like this, the duo had replaced their usually furious red-hot friction for a slow and minuscule grind. The look-alike beauties were slowly spreading the other’s ass with their own and gradually wearing down their rival’s nylons with their steaming flesh.

    What this meant, however, was that whilst Carmen was spilling her foe’s ass cheeks… she could do nothing about the fact that her own ass cheeks were being split in return.

    And naturally…neither girl was wearing panties at this point…

    ““Ooooh-! You bitchhhh-!”” The pair gasped in synchrony as their asses were finally crushed flat enough to let not only their pussies touch, but their twitching assholes too.

    This started an unrelenting barrage of orgasmic pleasure that beat down on the two tangled and intertwining girls without mercy.

    Sweat was already coating the pair like a lubricant, but now their crushed pussies added to the sticky mess as cum gushed out of them uncontrollably!


    Carmen and Alexis screamed together, their shared cry almost inhuman.

    As the two continued to grind and crush themselves into one mass of sticky seething flesh, their screams and moans escaped through the locker door, as a waterfall of hot girl-cum started to spill out of their metal cage.

    Neither had any sense of time as they continued to squash their bodies together, the scent of their sweat and fused cum filling their lungs.

    Carmen could only feel herself getting hotter and hotter, the pain fading whilst the pleasure grew to the point of being overpowering, her vision slowly turning white until-

    ““I give up--! L-let me gooo, you win--!!”” The word spilled out of Carmen’s mouth uncontrollably, the blonde not even recognising that the brunette had said the same thing.

    Working together, the pair pushed out the locker door causing their sweat and cum soaked bodies to splat out onto the floor.

    It was only as they lay there, catching their breaths, that each realized that the result was once again… a draw.

    “Ah…you…bitch…!” Alexis groaned wearily.

    “You… damn…slut…! Carmen coughed back.

    Forcing their heads off the wet floor, both craned their necks to look at the state of their asses… only for the result to be as they imagined.

    Their black tights had once again torn against each other because fusing into a dense nylon mess.

    It looked as though the duo had squeezed themselves into a single pantyhose that started splitting from the strain, as from their calves right up their thighs, their legs were pinned together, their soft, smooth, and sensitive skin pinched together by countless knotted threads.

    Carmen could still feel her pussy stuck to Alexis’s whilst their puckered assholes were still kissing deeply. Their tights had melted into each other across their asses and cunts too, trapping their spasming sexes together.

    “You…! I…!” Carmen gasped, breathless from the ordeal.

    “I…! You…!” Alexis panted back, her words failing her.

    Carmen moved what little of her body she could, her feet, and pressed them into Alexis’s. The brunette was doing the same, causing the one part of their pantyhose-covered legs that were stuck to each other, to stick to each other.

    “I won’t lose next time…!” Carmen rasped, forcing herself to glare at the other girl.

    “Well, I won’t lose either…! Alexis spluttered back, matching the glare with one of her one.

    “Well one of us has to lose!” The blonde hissed.

    “Ha- I’m pretty sure we both just lost!” The brunette spat back.

    Carmen felt their pussies tighten. They glared again.

    “Next time, let’s just get in the same pantyhose,” She suggested.

    “I was going to suggest that,” the other girl claimed, not willing to fall behind for even a moment.

    [Epilogue: End]

    IMPORTANT ATFERWORD: This is a remake, rewrite, or extension of the story ‘Sex Wars of the Former Prom Queens’, found here: Sex Wars of the Former Prom Queens – Fights.Sexy
    It was uploaded anomalously, but if I knew who the author was, I’d praise them to high-heaven. I thought this story was amazing, with so many fun aspects, like the tennis matches, the locker room trash talk, as well as both girl’s past relationships with ‘Melissa’ and ‘Jennifer’. I wanted to expand on all these things and try to write my own take on the story. That said I kept a few phrases I found fun, and enjoyed how the original story used the word ‘tights’ instead of pantyhose, it seemed fresh so I used it too!
    It was originally meant to only be a few thousand words, but I kept writing more and more until it bloated, lol. Hopefully, it was enjoyable, though!
    I originally planned for Carmen and Alexis to really hate each other, each blaming the other for ruining her college life and making friends etc, but as I wrote more, it felt like it made more sense for them to stop caring about that as they started focusing on each other.
    I feel like Carmen actually got a bit jealous and possessive when she saw Alexis surrounded by girls in the locker room, and Alexis got a bit jealous and possessive when she saw Carmen in the library. I thought I should allow them some privacy though, and didn’t necessarily make this explicit, haha.
    I wonder if you picked up on this too? Either way, thank you reading and I hope you enjoyed!

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    Hostboard Member luping-7423's Avatar
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    Re: Former Prom Queens


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    Hostboard Member ccfight's Avatar
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    Re: Former Prom Queens

    ‘Sex Wars of the Former Prom Queens’, I'll be darn I think this is my story from awhile back. Carmen and Alexis yes! I'm pretty sure I have a few more stories out there from years ago completely forgotten about. Seems to me there was another Former Prom Queen story by someone else. By the way Lotus9, love your version of the story. Thank you!

    Last edited by ccfight; July 18th, 2023 at 11:06 PM.

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    Senior Hostboard Member animefreak's Avatar
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    Re: Former Prom Queens

    This was amazing! Thank you Lotus!

    Excited for a continuation of the College Girl Fourway story but any story from you is so welcome

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Former Prom Queens

    I really enjoyed this story! It is well-written and the buildup is excellent. I like how it ended, too.

    I'm going to check out the original.

    Thanks for this!


  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member Lotus9's Avatar
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    Re: Former Prom Queens

    When reading it for the first time, I couldn't shake the thought that it could be one of your stories! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

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