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Thread: Jolanta and Jarmila

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    Jolanta and Jarmila

    Chapter 1: Jolanta Returns to Wallachia

    Jolanta looked out of the window as the bus approached Wallachia. She was trying to find her sister Jarmila, who was coming to meet her. More than five years had passed since Jolanta last set foot in her village. Her heart was filled with anticipation though she did not know for what. The nearly empty bus came to a halt and Jolanta stepped out, placing her small rucksack on her shoulders. The bus driver waved at her, and she waved back. A wave of heat enveloped her as she stepped out of the air-conditioned bus. Summer in Gdansk was not easy. She had loved it as a little child. She did not like it much as an adult. There was nobody at the bus stop. Oak trees lined both sides of the narrow road. There was no wind.

    Jolanta wiped off the thin film of sweat that had formed on her forehead and pulled at her sleeveless shirt so that it would not become wet because of her sweaty bosom. Now she wished she had worn a brasserie. Jolanta wished she could pull the tight shirt and jeans off her body and step into a nice hot bath. Jolanta did some stretches. Her muscles were stiff from sitting in the bus. Jolanta was a tall woman with a mesomorphic thorax that constituted a powerful chest, large hips, muscular arms, and long sinewy legs.

    Jolanta looked around but here was no sign of Jarmila. Jolanta felt a touch of guilt regarding her relationship with her sister, for they had not kept in touch after the death of their parents. It had been three years since they had last spoken, that too on the telephone. As children and even as teenagers, they had been close. They had nobody else, while growing up in the idyllic and isolated village of Gdansk. She remembered how their mother had enrolled them into a wrestling class when they were adolescents. They had been the only girls in their class, but they were so good at grappling that no boy in their class dared to wrestle them for fear of being humiliated by the two sisters. Wrestling had started off as a hobby, but the sisters soon came to love the sport. So much so that it had become their chosen profession. Jolanta was now a professional wrestler which was the reason behind her moving to the city. Strangely, Jarmila who had been as good a wrestler as Jolanta had chosen to become a wrestling coach rather than become a wrestler herself. She ran a school for wrestlers in the village.

    And then there was Petr, their handsome neighbourhood wrestling partner whom both the sisters adored and secretly coveted during their youth. On weekends Petr would visit them at their house and the two sisters would take turns wrestling him. The wrestling as one might have imagined was not always innocent with both sisters subjecting Petr to long pins so that Petr's slim, hairless, and muscular body would be entwined with their own. Petr the testosterone charged young man that he was, would happily oblige, surrendering his lean torso to the amorous groping which occurred behind the façade of wrestling by the sisters.

    This happened with the knowledge of their mother, a liberal minded woman who permitted the three youngsters to indulge in these harmless bouts of wrestling even though she was aware of the erotic nature of these contests. The one thing that bothered their mother was whether their love for the same man would create an enduring rift between her two daughters. She need not have worried about that at all. Though they were in love with the same man, not a shred of animosity existed between the sisters. They had a perfect understanding which allowed them to share Petr between them without conflict. It was a love triangle where all three of them understood each other perfectly, leaving no room whatsoever for selfishness and jealousy.

    Curiously, it was Petr who had deflowered both Jolanta and Jarmila. On separate occasions of course. In their youth, the acquiescence between the two sisters was such that they hoped Petr would marry them both and the three of them could spend their lives together. But this was not to be as the flirtatious Petr broke their hearts and married another woman in the village.

    Jolanta smiled as all these memories came flooding to her as she stood waiting for Jarmila. Jolanta believed that the heartbreak suffered through Petr's infidelity is what prevented her and her sister from getting married. This was unheard of in the Wallachian tribe to which their family owed allegiance. Spinsters who had crossed the age of thirty found it hard to find men to marry them. Not that her spinsterhood bothered Jolanta much, and she did not believe this bothered Jarmila either. The fact that Jarmila had still not come to meet her coupled with these memories and thoughts made her crave for her sister’s presence even more. Jolanta wondered how they could have stayed apart for so long. They had so much in common right from their love for wrestling and Petr to their voluntary spinsterhood.

    She stood there fidgeting impatiently when she felt a light tap on her shoulders. She turned around to see a smiling Jarmila with her arms wide open. Jolanta let her rucksack fall on to grassy knoll and the two women threw their arms around each other in a tight embrace. Like her, Jarmila was also dressed in a tight sleeveless shirt and jeans. Their breasts crushed against each other as they happily called each other’s names out. They cupped their faces in their hands and planted kisses on each other’s cheeks and rubbed noses which was the traditional Wallachian form of greeting. Then they held each other’s hairless arms and biceps. Both women felt the raw strength cultivated through years of training.

    “You have become so big and strong”, said Jarmila fondling Jolanta's biceps.

    “That was what I was about to say to you too”, said Jolanta, running her fingers up and down Jarmila's muscular arms.

    This was not just two sisters paying empty complements to each other. Both women had bulked up since the time they had last met. They were fitter and heavier as most women in the sport of wrestling tend to be. Their hips had grown, their thighs were as big as tree trunks, and they had both become full breasted mature women. Jolanta hugged her sister again and they threw their arms around each other. Once again, their full breasts came into contact, neither woman let go of each other for a full minute. Then, Jarmila disentangled awkwardly from her sister and led her to the car. She took her sisters hand in hers, enjoying the feeling of their callused sinewy palms clasped together as they walked.

    Chapter 2: Jarmila Does Squats

    Jolanta hit the bed early after the long bus journey from the city to Neptun. She woke up to the sound of the surf. She got out of bed, stretching herself and swiftly performed some mobility exercises for her muscular legs. She looked at her watch. It was 6:30 am in the morning.

    Then she walked out to the balcony. She could see the beach in the distance. The Romanian riviera in all its glory. It was a hot day. She put on a shirt and jeans and went down the stairs. The stairs led straight to the large dining room of the Wallachian manor. On the walls were pictures from Wallachian history and framed pictures of men in her family who all looked like Vlad the Impaler. Jolanta did not see Jarmila anywhere, so she headed to the backyard.
    Jolanta was not prepared for the sight that greeted her in the grassy backyard of the manor. Jarmila was performing squats in a small brassiere and skimpy thongs. Her body was covered in sweat. Every squat she performed invited Jolanta’s attention to the muscularity of her sister’s legs. Those shapely calves must have experienced thousands of raises with weighty kettlebells. The bulky quads had two notable and distinct lines of sinewy muscle. The hamstrings and glutes were as sinewy as her calves and quads. Jolanta just stood there, enthralled by the sight of her sweaty scantily clad sister, working out in the backyard.

    Then suddenly Jarmila stopped her squats and turned to where Jolanta stood watching her.

    “Jolanta Dragozani! You are awake, my dear sister. How long have you been standing there watching me? Why didn’t you call me?”, said Jarmila cheerily. Dragozani was their family name.
    “Oh ….. er I did not want to disturb. My, how you have bulked up, Jarmila. You are a proper wrestler now. Our Wallachian ancestors would be proud of you. Vlad the Impaler would recruit you into his army to fight the Ottomans”, said Jolanta.

    Jarmila laughed and walked towards where Jolanta stood. Jolanta could not help but notice her sister’s powerful shoulders and sinewy arms. Her body was shiny with the early morning sun shining down on her. Jarmila closed the distance between them and hugged Jolanta. Jolanta reluctantly hugged her back, her shirt and hands became covered with Jarmila’s sweat. Jolanta was enveloped by the pleasant smell of her sister’s sweaty aroma.
    They disentangled and went inside and Jarmila fixed Jolanta a coffee and some bread and cheese.

    “Any news of our ex-lover Petr”, asked Jolanta as they sat down to eat.

    “Ha! That son of a bitch! It seems his wife left him, and he became an alcoholic. It’s a good thing we did not marry him”, said Jarmila as she took a sip of coffee.
    “You miss him?”, taunted Jolanta.

    “Ah! No, my dear sister. Though if we had married him, you would have been here with me, and we could run the wrestling school together and live in this ancient manor like two queens. You left me and went to the city, dear sister”, said Jarmila, half in jest, half accusatorily.

    “I am back now, Jarmila Dragozani”, said Jolanta loudly, but felt a tough of guilt. It was true that Petr leaving them had broken a bond that they shared with each other.

    The women gulped down their breakfast, washed it down with the coffee and then Jarmila said they should go the beach for a swim. Jolanta went up to her room and changed into a bright red bikini. She checked herself out in the mirror, slightly conscious whether she had a body as good as her sisters. She thought she looked nice. She was just a year younger than Jarmila. But they were about the same medium height but powerfully built.

    Chapter 3: Jolanta and Jarmila Go for a Swim

    Jarmila waited downstairs for her sister to come down. She wondered to herself about how she had caught Jolanta staring at her while she did squats.

    Then she heard Jolanta coming down the stairs and turned around. It was Jarmila’s turn to be surprised that morning. The woman who walked down the stairs in a skimpy red bikini was an Amazon. Sinewy legs like tree trunks. Powerfully built shoulders and chests with quite a few veins popping out.

    “My god Jolanta Dragozani, you have grown. How you have bulked up, my dear sister”, said Jarmila ogling at her semi-naked sister. She gulped a bit, unable to take her eyes off Jolanta.
    Jolanta sensed that her body had excited Jarmila.

    “Shall we head to the beach?”, Jolanta asked nonchalantly, savouring the impact she had on her sister.

    The sisters headed out. It was a hot day and Jarmila was still perspiring. Jolanta also felt sweat break out on her muscular body.

    The Sfantu Gheorghe beach on the shores of which their manor was built was the last of the pristine Romanian beaches. It was not frequented by annoying tourists and was deserted for most of the year. Its beautiful white sand was spotless. In the distance, the pristine blue of the sea shone like a diamond.

    The sand was hot under their bare feet. There was no wind and the two sisters walked swiftly to the sea, eager to jump in. Thin films of sweat began to form on their muscular bodies as they walked. Jolanta felt happy that she and Jarmila were alone on the beach.

    The sand ended and the surf touched their feet. The women waded into the water together. The waves enveloped their body. They swam easily with their muscular bodies. Two fit women swimming side by side. They swam deep into the ocean until their feet wouldn’t touch the ocean floor any longer. Jolanta stopped and floated in the surf and Jarmila also stopped when she realized that Jolanta had stopped swimming. She swam back towards Jolanta.
    The two sisters faced each other, far away from the shore. The water was so pristine that both women could see their bodies down to their legs in the clear blue.

    “Its so nice to have you back, Jolanta Dragozani”, said Jarmila.

    “Its so nice to be back with you, Jarmila Dragozani”, said Jolanta.

    The women grinned and their eyes met. Something stirred inside both women. Jarmila looked towards the shore. Not a soul in sight. Just the whole beach and the sea for the two of them to frolic in. Jarmila closed the distance between them and hugged her sister. Jolanta was surprised but a tingle ran through her body at the rubbing of naked flesh against flesh. A moment later, Jolanta hugged back, and their semi naked bodies lingered together in the middle of the ocean, upper bodies locked together, feet rubbing briefly against each other, before the two sisters disentangled and swam back to the shore.

    They sat side by side on the sand. They confessed to each other that they were both single. Jolanta opened about her male wrestler buddy whom she would meet whenever she wanted to get laid. Jarmila spoke about a younger male wrestler who was her student. They had dated for a while before he left for the city. Both women were struck by how they both depended upon the wrestling world for sexual partners.

    They bonded over the next two weeks, in their ancestral Wallachian manor and spending time on the vast secluded Sfantu Gheorghe beach. They would spend most of the day in their bikinis, walking around the hot beach, talking, and exploring every nook and corner of the Sfantu Gheorghe.

    They would go jogging together in the beach sand, early in the mornings, sweating it out, side by side, enjoying each other’s aromas. They spent so much time on the beach in their bikinis that the sisters developed a mutual admiration for each other’s shapely well exercised bodies.

    After a week, they began to work out together in the backyard after their early morning swim. Jolanta realized that her sister had become an extremely attractive woman just like herself. There were times when Jolanta caught herself ogling at Jarmila. And there were many times when she caught Jarmila ogling at her.

    Their work out attire of sleeveless vests and loose beach shorts revealed their powerful muscular bodies to each other and intensified the ambivalent feelings the sisters had for each other. Spending so much time in close proximity to each other’s semi nakedness naturally aroused feelings in both women.

    If only they had not been sisters, it would have been only a matter of time before one of them propositioned the other. They were not lesbians, but in the course of their careers they had both had relationships with other women. Lesbian relationships were common in the galaxy of Polish female wrestling even between women who were normally straight. The intense body to body contact and beautifully muscled bodies had turned many a straight woman into an occasional lesbian. However, during their first two weeks together after a long time, the two Wallachian sisters, restricted their mutual admiration to amorous glances during their work outs.

    Chapter 4: Jarmila Propositions Jolanta

    Then one day, after an intense and sweaty workout and jogging session, the two sweaty sisters were lying on the sand. They lay side by side, arms behind their heads, talking to each other. Not another soul on the large beach. They looked up at the big empty skies. Both wore sleeveless tops and loose shorts. Jolanta could smell the aroma of patchouli that emanated from her sister's slightly hairy armpits. On her part, Jarmila was mildly amused by the odour of sweat from Jolanta's body. Jolanta belonged to the old school of wrestlers who did not approve of masking the odour of one’s bodily fluids. Jarmila herself supported this school of thought but most of her students rubbed patchouli on their bodies during wrestling bouts or workouts, as it involved such close physical contact. So even she had conformed to this modern practice. But she had read that ancient Wallachian women would use the aroma of their sweat to sexually turn on and weaken their opponents during wrestling bouts.

    A mild wind blew over the beach. The sweat on their bodies began to dry.

    “I have a tournament next month”, said Jolanta.
    “Which one is it?”, asked Jarmila.
    “An important one. The trials for the Championship in Danube”, Jolanta replied.
    “You should be practicing instead of being on a holiday”, said Jarmila seriously.
    “I know, but I do not have a wrestling partner. I will start when I go back to the city in two weeks” said Jolanta.
    “Two weeks is a long time. You should start immediately”, said Jarmila.
    “But who will I wrestle and train with?”, asked Jolanta.
    Jarmila was silent for a few moments, thinking to herself.
    “You can wrestle me”, said Jarmila, reluctantly.

    Jolanta did not reply to her sister’s proposition. It was strange but even though they had both grown up wrestling other boys, they had never wrestled each other. Jolanta had wrestled many women in the gym in the city. Jarmila had wrestled many of her students, most of them women. But the stars had never aligned when it came to the two sisters wrestling each other. She felt strange to even think about the two of them wrestling.
    “Are you serious?”, Jolanta asked after taking a while to think about it.

    “Why not? Do you think I am not good enough to wrestle you? I have wrestled many women in the last few years”, said Jarmila, with fake nonchalance. But even she felt strange when she thought about wrestling her sister. Working out together was one thing. Wrestling was an entirely different ball game.

    “It is not that. We have never wrestled each other before. It could be quite interesting”, said Jolanta sounding interested.
    “Then it is a deal. Tomorrow morning, we head to my wrestling school and start training together”, said Jarmila excitedly.

    “I am game”, said Jolanta sounding equally excited.
    “I think you are a good match for me. Remember that I will give you no consideration that you are my sister. This is going to be an intense wrestling match between two professionals”, said Jarmila in mock challenge, to ease the tension she felt building up between them. She sat up, resting her elbow on the sand.

    “I am not expecting any consideration my dear sister. In the ring there is no room for sisterly love. Everything goes”, said Jolanta. She also sat up, resting her elbow on the sand.
    The two sisters faced each other, beautiful muscular bodies lined up on the soft beach sand.
    “Then so be it. What kind of attire do you recommend?”, asked Jarmila.

    “The usual. Sleeveless vests and rope thongs”, replied Jolanta.
    The air of nonchalance and mock challenge had given way to serious wrestling talk. Wrestling was serious business.
    “Very good. Anything else that we need to discuss?”, asked Jarmila.

    “Yes. In the morning neither of us will take a bath. And you will wear no perfume whatsoever. We will wrestle like our Wallachian ancestors did”, said Jolanta seriously.

    Jarmila smiled. Jarmila wondered if this was a “signal”. A “signal” in the galaxy of Polish female wrestling meant that the opponent desired to indulge you in bouts of wrestling that were characterized by distinct sexual overtones. Though this was not always the case. As an old school wrestler, it was possible that her sister was turned off by her opponent’s perfume. Only time would tell if this was what Jolanta had in mind.
    “Agreed. Let’s go home and go to sleep early. I am sure we will need all the energy we can use tomorrow”, said Jarmila.

    With that the sisters got up and walked back to the car. Jolanta took her sisters hand, and they clasped their large hands together. They both felt a bit strange and excited about their competition the next day.

    Chapter 5: Jolanta and Jarmila Wrestle Each Other

    The women woke up early the next morning and reached Jarmila's wrestling school. The school was located over a secluded rock formation, facing the sea. They quickly changed into wrestling attire. Both of them wore small but tight rope thongs which would give their muscular legs plenty of flexibility. Their sleeveless vests left little to the imagination. They did ample justice to the muscular upper torsos of the women. Neither woman wore shoes. They both liked to wrestle bare feet. There wasn't much to separate the two women. They were evenly matched and equally experienced. They both knew this would be an even contest.

    “Ready?”, Jarmila asked her sister.
    “Yes!”, Jolanta replied, tersely.

    They walked silently towards the wrestling ring, a large circular pit with its outskirts adorned with rubber tubes. The pit was about fifty feet from the seashore. The sound of waves hitting the rocks, early in the morning gave the setting an idyllic ambience.

    The combatants stepped into the wrestling ring, the pit was made of clay and mud. They stretched for a minute or two, warming up their muscles and then they stood up, facing each other. They smiled as they hunched down and began circling around each other like a couple of jungle cats. Both women raised their hands simultaneously as they came closer, as if anticipating an attack any moment.

    Jarmila leapt at Jolanta getting a firm hold of Jolanta's arms with her own. Jolanta matched the move and the two women struggled for a few seconds each one trying to get a hold of the other’s biceps. They threw their arms around each other’s necks and went into a huddle; each women trying to exert her strength on the other. The women pushed and shoved as they tried to get a grip on the clay with their feet for leverage. Both were impressed by the powerful muscular biceps possessed by the other woman.

    The muddy surface coupled with the fact that they were pushing each other with their hands and shoulders made it impossible for either woman to get a firm hold on the ground. The two sisters pushed each other back and forth as they both danced around the wrestling ring without breaking their huddle. Jarmila suddenly increased the intensity with which she pushed and caught Jolanta slightly unawares. Jolanta almost toppled over but managed to regain her balance at the last moment and instantly wrapped her hands around Jarmila's hips. She found herself on top of Jarmila as her large vest covered breasts pummelled onto her sister’s well-muscled back. The back of Jarmila’s head rested on Jolanta's flat stomach even as she felt Jolanta's strong arms around her hips.

    Jolanta now had a slight upper hand as she tightened her grip around her sister’s hips. Jarmila tried to topple Jolanta by wrapping her hands around Jolanta’s legs, but they were as strong as tree trunks that refused to be easily uprooted. Jolanta tightened her grip around her sister's hips and Jarmila let out a small cry of pain. Jolanta could feel her sister trying to pull at her legs, but she arrested the move by moving around on the clay pit without relaxing her own grip around her sister’s hips. As Jolanta's strong upper torso weighed down on her, Jarmila realized that she needed to do something else to get her sister off her back. Pulling at Jolanta's legs was not working so Jarmila pushed up with her back, trying to loosen Jolanta's grip around her stomach. Jolanta stopped moving about as she realized what her sister was trying to do. Jolanta pushed back with her body, not letting Jarmila get any leeway. Grunts escaped both women as they pushed. Jarmila used Jolanta's legs as a leverage to push up. For a moment Jolanta hands loosened but only for a split second which allowed Jarmila to wrap her hands around Jolanta's thighs.

    As she tried to turn around, the side of her head was buried in her sister’s rope thong. She pushed her head between her sister’s legs and tried to lift her off the ground using her neck and shoulders.
    Jolanta lost her grip over Jarmila’s hips but managed to tighten her arms across Jarmila's breasts. For a moment she was entranced by the size and shape of her sister’s breasts. If this had been a private practice match with one of her girlfriends, Jolanta would have given those enticing breasts a nice hard squeeze. But this was her sister, so she refrained from making moves with sexual overtones.

    As Jarmila pushed harder trying to lift her sister off the ground, Jolanta felt her own grip on Jarmila loosen. Jolanta knew she was in trouble. Jarmila could feel her move was working. With one final heave she lifted Jolanta off the ground and threw her on the ground over her head. Jolanta fell with a thud and let out a small cry.

    But she was up on her feet immediately and stood face to face with her sister. The women relaxed for a few moments. Jarmila felt pain around her abs and around her neck which she had used as the fulcrum to lift Jolanta up. Jolanta’s back ached from the fall she had just taken. But neither woman would allow these minor niggles to stop their contest for long. After a few stretches, they faced each other again.

    This time Jolanta raised her hands in the air towards Jarmila. Jarmila raised her own hands, and the two women clasped their palms together and entwined fingers. They immediately started pushing and this time their enormous breasts jostled and flirted with each other as they fought. The combatants allowed this to go on for a few seconds, both of them enjoying the feel of their breasts against one another. Jarmila felt a bit strange that they were indulging in this “breast play”. It would have been normal with any other female wrestler. But Jolanta was her sister. Nonetheless she enjoyed this meeting of breasts and made no move to break away from it.

    And then, Jolanta in an aggressive move disentangled her fingers from her sisters and threw her hands around her sister's neck. Jarmila felt the side of her cheeks brush her sister’s nipples and then her abs. She herself threw her hands around her sister’s neck and the two women once again went into a huddle. This time a sideways one. They both tightened their grips simultaneously as the sides of their breasts brushed against one another. Once again neither woman made an immediate attempt to break free from the meeting of breasts. They were aware of the sexual feelings that had crept into their contest. They would have welcomed this if their opponent was well known to them and liked such sexual combat. But since neither woman was aware of the others preference, they would both have to wait for more “signals” in the course of their contest. Also, the fact that they were sisters meant that both women would be more discreet than they would normally tend to be.

    They danced around the pit with hands around each other’s necks like drunken lovers, breasts still touching. Then Jolanta lost her balance and the two of them fell in a heap onto the clay floor. Jarmila wrapped her hands around her sister’s neck and pulled her face towards her bosom. This was an iron grip and Jolanta's face was bunched up against her sister’s breasts. Though the pain in her neck was unbearable, Jolanta found the softness of her sister's breasts strangely enjoyable. Jolanta's lower body was behind Jarmila while their faces were close.

    Jolanta could do nothing except helplessly flay her hands around in the air. It was no use trying to loosen Jarmila's grip around her neck with her hands. She knew she had to use her legs. She slowly moved her lower body towards her sisters and wrapped a leg around Jarmila's body. Jarmila tightened her grip around her neck and now Jolanta's face was completely buried in her sister’s breasts even though Jarmila's slightly sweaty vest prevented any skin contact. Jolanta had one leg fully wrapped around Jarmila's abs now.

    Now she tried to slowly shift Jarmila towards her so that she could wrap her other leg around her body. She achieved this by giving a slight bite to Jarmila's breasts. Jarmila let out a small cry of surprise and relaxed her grip for a moment. Jolanta used this to her advantage and within a second, she had both her legs wrapped around Jarmila.

    “That's not fair”, said Jarmila. She was angry.
    “Anything goes”, said Jolanta defensively.

    Their faces were close together and they were blowing hot breaths into each other’s faces. Jolanta got a whiff of the aroma from Jarmila’s sweaty armpit.

    “Anything?”, asked Jarmila.
    “Yes”, Jolanta grunted out as she wrapped her legs around Jarmila's lower abs.

    Jarmila wondered if this was the signal that she had been waiting for. Her sister had just said “anything goes”. In the wrestling arena that could mean a lot of things.
    The women were in a bit of a stalemate now. Jarmila had her strong muscular hands around Jolanta's neck while Jolanta had her strong muscular legs wrapped around Jarmila's thorax and neither woman was going to give an inch. This would be a test of endurance. Whichever woman could stand the pain for a longer period of time would have the upper hand.

    They grunted and yelled as they struggled on the ground. Jolanta was really feeling the heat now as Jarmila increased the pressure on her neck. She knew she had to do something soon to break this iron grip. Something extraordinary to break free from this seemingly no-win situation. In wrestling parlance, this was known as taking the contest to the next level.
    She slowly relaxed her grip around Jarmila's abs and instead entwined her legs with Jarmila's. Jarmila was taken aback for an instant at the rubbing of skin against skin as their bare legs and thighs came together. Jolanta entwined her legs with her sisters. Jarmila made no move to break free from their entwined legs.

    For a few moments, the sisters flirted with their legs, neither of them making a move to disentangle them. Both sisters were sexually aroused now, and they knotted their legs tightly to heighten the eroticism from the rub of bare skin against bare skin. They grunted into each other’s sweaty faces even as their beautiful sinewy muscular legs became hopelessly locked together.

    Jarmila made the next move. She cunningly unhooked a leg from their interlocked legs. She raised her feet towards Jarmila's groin. She inserted the back of her foot into her sister’s groin, her shins digging into Jolanta’s crotch. Jolanta knew what was coming. She should have known this would happen. But she was no novice to this game. She quickly threw an arm around Jarmila’s neck. It was Jarmila’s turn to get a whiff of the aroma from Jolanta’s sweaty armpit. With her other hand she grabbed Jarmila’s breast that was covered by the vest and gave the nipple a gentle pinch.

    Jarmila let out a cry that was a half laugh. She had thrown the gauntlet and her sister had taken it. Jarmila slowly slid her toes inside her sister’s rope thong. The skin there was wet with sweat and maybe other vaginal juices. She pushed down Jarmila's thong using her feet and rubbed her legs against her sister’s inner thighs. Jolanta let out a moan of pleasure.

    “So, this is what you had in mind”, Jolanta breathed into Jarmila’s face.

    Jarmila just smiled and rubbed her toes even deeper between her sister’s legs. Jolanta moaned again. She relaxed her grip around her sister’s neck and with her fingers rubbed Jarmila's nipple through her vest. Now it was Jarmila’s turn to moan. She rubbed her sister’s vagina with her toes fervently even as Jolanta pleasured her breasts. The women let out simultaneous moans as they pleasured each other’s private parts. Their eyes met and they were unable to speak.

    Jarmila continued pleasuring her sister's vagina and the women brought the side of their faces together, cheeks resting against one another. This continued for a few more seconds before Jolanta broke free from their erotic slumber. She disentangled herself from her sister and slapped her sister's foot away from her vagina. She stood up, pulled up her rope thong back onto her vagina and stretched in a distinctly erotic way which made it obvious that she was aroused beyond measure. Then she turned around to face her sister. Jarmila also stood up, slightly dazed by what had happened between them. She felt a slight wetness in her vagina and her nipples were rock hard.
    The wrestling bout had not gone as planned. The mutual body to body contact had aroused their pent-up sexual feelings. What had started off as a competitive bout of wrestling had taken on an erotic angle. But both of them knew this was bound to happen. From the time they had set their eyes on each other at the bus stop, the two sisters had been attracted to one another. Their workouts and all the time they spent together had awoken them to each other’s physicality. As women in the wrestling profession, they had both had affairs with other female wrestlers in the past. They both enjoyed coupling with females. But when your wrestling partner is your own sister, it is an entirely different matter.

    “Is that how you want to play this?”, asked Jarmila taking a step towards her sister.
    Jolanta was silent for a few moments and then she replied.
    “I wouldn't mind it. We are obviously attracted to each other”, Jolanta said it in a very matter of fact way. Like only a Wallachian could, in matters of sex.
    Their eyes met. Neither woman looked away.

    “But we are sisters. Born in the same womb of our mother. We are Wallachians. Our ancestors would not approve”, said Jarmila with a hint of hostility in her voice.
    “I know”, said Jolanta and they both looked away for a few moments.

    It was an unfortunate situation. “Preposterous” as some writers might have put it. Here were two muscular and mature women who were attracted to each other. It was their wish to pleasure each other. Explore each other’s sinewy muscular bodies. A mating between two mesomorphic bodies. The physically amorous sport of wrestling had set their cxnts on fire. There was nobody to stop the mating of these two beautiful creatures. Nothing except the years and years of conditioning that all humans are subjected to. That unspoken law which states that one should never hold amorous feelings for one’s own kin.
    “But there is nothing wrong in it, I guess. It doesn't mean anything. We are just two women who like each other’s bodies. The fact that we are sisters is secondary” said Jarmila suddenly, breaking the silence.
    “Aah! So, you want me as much as I want you”, said Jolanta excitedly.

    “Yes”, said Jarmila.
    “When did you start getting attracted to me?”, asked Jolanta.
    “From the time we met at the bus stop, I knew you were not the same. I lusted for you all the time we were working out together. I wanted to bath in your sweat”, Jarmila confessed, and her breasts heaved.
    “I lusted for you too when we worked out together and I wanted to bath in your sweat too”, responded Jolanta achingly.
    The women took a step towards each other.

    “Is that why we wrestled, because we wanted to have sex with each other?” asked Jarmila excitedly.
    “Yes, the wrestling was an excuse, just a cover for the unbearable physical attraction we felt towards each other. It was nothing but a way to feel each other up, a coming together of our muscular bodies apparently for combat but in truth for something more erotic. Both of us knew where a wrestling bout between us would lead to”, said Jolanta.
    “You put that very well my dear sister”, said Jarmila, now unbearably aroused at these mutual confessions.
    “So do you want me?”, asked Jolanta flirtatiously. She stuck her chest out at her sister. Her nipples were rock hard.
    “Of course, I want you”, said Jarmila, pushing her own chest out. Their breasts, still covered by sweat laced vests met each other.
    “I want you too”, said Jolanta.
    “We lust for each other’s bodies, but let us continue with the wrestling”, said Jarmila.
    “You mean, a sexfight?”, asked Jolanta.
    “Yes. Have you ever been in one?” asked Jarmila sensuously.
    “Numerous times”, replied Jolanta.
    Their nipples found each other and rubbed together as they spoke.
    “Ah! So, we are both experienced”, said Jarmila.
    Their erect nipples were piercing into each other now.
    “Why don't we take off these wretched vests and allow our mammaries some more air”, said Jolanta.
    “Let’s do it together”, said Jarmila.

    With that the two women took a step backwards, stripped off their sweat soaked vests, revealing their twin set of enormous breasts to each other.
    Their breasts were sweaty and glistened in the sunlight. Rock hard nipples pointed at one another as if anticipating the erotic combat that was about to ensue. The women breathed heavily which made their breasts heave up and down. Slowly and suggestively, they moved towards each other, stopping when they were only a foot apart from each other. Their breasts were tantalizingly close to each other. The nipples had grown in size and were almost touching. They had their hands on their hips. Their rope thongs were the last bit of clothing on their semi-nude bodies. Though it was only a matter of time before such sartorial discretions such as rope thongs would be torn away from the combatant's groin. There was no place for clothing during erotic combat between two women.

    “Are you sure you want to go ahead with this?”, asked Jolanta seductively.
    “I think we are both neck deep in this to turn back now. It is too late, my dear sister. We are both desperate to mate with each other” said Jarmila.
    “All right then”, said Jolanta and took a step towards her sister closing the distance between them.
    Naked flesh met naked flesh as their breasts came into contact. Neither woman was in a hurry. They just played with each other’s breasts slowly in a sensuous manner, nipples rubbing against one another and the flesh of their breasts jostling and playing.

    Jarmila wrapped her arms around Jolanta's body and pulled her closer. Jolanta did the same and the sisters were locked in a tight embrace with their sweaty breast plastered against each other. The women gasped as their bodies came closer, unable to bear the eroticism of their mutual body embrace. Their knees touched and they played with their feet as they longed for every inch of their bodies to be in contact with each other.

    Their faces were close together now and they stared deeply into each other’s eyes for a few moments. They rubbed noses and then they brought out their tongues licking each other’s tongues first tentatively and then more passionately. They kissed passionately as they licked and licked. Saliva was exchanged back and forth as they enclosed their mouths upon each other. Lips were locked and hot breaths were blown into each other’s faces in the split seconds that their mouths lost contact with one another. The arms were for rubbing each other’s backs, as if they were telling each other to calm down. That they had all the time in the world.

    The kissing continued, with their hot saliva drenched mouths taking on an almost animal passion. They went on and on like that sucking passionately on each other’s mouths and tongues. And then they stopped. As if they had both had enough of each other, at least for the moment.

    “Should we not be wrestling?”, asked Jarmila, unable to control her sexual arousal.
    “Yes, let us not forget that this is a sexfight”, reminded Jolanta.
    With that they disentangled from each other. Neither of them wanted this bout to lead to sex straightaway. That would be boring. It was the erotic semi naked combat between their evenly matched muscular bodies that they both craved for. Both sisters wanted some foreplay before the final act of coitus between them.

    The women stretched once again as if trying to shake off their amorous feelings so that they could concentrate on this topless wrestling bout.

    Then they faced each other once again and this time as if by mutual understanding threw themselves at each other. Their bodies met and for the second time they had their arms around each other’s heads, once again in a sideways huddle and this time their naked breasts bumped into each other. Then Jarmila tripped Jolanta, and they both went tumbling down onto the clay floor. Jarmila fell on top of Jolanta, but before she could make a move Jolanta had her legs around her hips in a tight leg lock. Then Jolanta wrapped her arms around Jarmila's neck so that Jarmila's face was buried in between her sweaty breasts. Jarmila on her part wrapped her hands around her sisters back while her legs flayed helplessly. The women struggled, as they lay side by side on the clay ground, bodies locked around each other. Jarmila kept trying to break free from this dead lock, but Jolanta held her down perfectly. Grunts and moans escaped the women as they struggled against each other’s incredible strength.

    Jarmila's face was slicked with the sweat on Jolanta's naked breasts. She snaked her tongue out and licked her sister's dark rock-hard nipples, Jolanta let out a cry of pleasure. The nipples tasted salty, but it seemed to have no effect on Jolanta who had anticipated this move. After all, they were in an erotic combat now.

    Jarmila continued licking her sister's nipples and after a few licks she felt Jolanta's grip around her neck loosen. Jolanta lowered her breasts on to her sister's face. Jarmila let out a muffled groan. But her legs were still tightly wrapped around Jarmila's abs, she had no intention of letting her sister escape easily. Jarmila embraced Jolanta even more tightly. Jolanta stretched her arms behind her to disentangle Jarmila's arms from around her back. But Jarmila held on and in the meantime continued to try to arouse her sister by licking at her nipples. Jolanta moaned but still did not break her leg lock which was really starting to hurt Jarmila now.

    Jarmila bit hard on her sister’s nipples. Jolanta let out a small cry of pain and pulled at Jarmila's hair. Cries of passion and pain escaped the two women as they fought. Then Jolanta relaxed her grip around Jarmila's abs and lowered her breasts onto Jarmila's breasts so that their sweaty breasts were plastered against each other. Their breasts jostled again. The touch of sweaty flesh against flesh made the women forget the violence of a few minutes ago. Their muscular legs locked together as they lay down together, side by side. Thighs and toes rubbed against each other. Sinewy arms were wrapped around each other’s rock-hard bodies. The women embraced for a few seconds, exploring each other. Heads were buried in each other’s shoulders as they wrapped their scantily clad bodies together. They gazed dreamily at each other’s sweat drenched backs even as they ran their fingers up and down the bountiful muscular flesh.

    And then Jarmila slid her fingers into Jolanta's thongs, getting a good hold of her tight fleshy well worked buttocks. Jolanta's buttocks were covered with a thin film of sweat. Jolanta matched the move and the women enjoyed feeling each other’s slippery rock-hard buttocks for a few moments. Jarmila pulled at her sister’s rope thongs as if asking her to remove them.

    “Let’s take them off”, breathed Jarmila into Jolanta's sweat drenched face.
    “Do lets”, said Jolanta into Jarmila’s sweat drenched face, eager to take this contest to the next level.

    With that the two women disentangled themselves from each other and got to their feet. They slid their wet thongs down their legs and threw them aside. Their combat from here on would not involve any sartorial discretions such as their thongs. Without waiting a second the sisters pounced on each other like two lusty jungle cats. This time they locked together in a tight bear hug. They swayed around, intoxicated with lust and passion. And then they fell together onto the clay floor in a heap. Naked sinewy bodies rolled around in the mud as both women tried to get the upper hand.

    Finally, Jarmila managed to pin Jolanta to the sand. A split second was used to regain her breath after which she rammed her crotch into her sister’s crotch. Both women gasped as wet and aroused clitorises met each other for a split second.

    “This is it”, said Jolanta staring up at her sister’s beautiful gleaming sweat drenched muscular body.
    “Are you ready for it?”, asked Jarmila, staring at her sisters equally sweat drenched muscular body.
    “Oh yes, I am. Don't forget that I am very experienced”, challenged Jolanta. Drops of sweat from Jarmila’s face fell onto her own face.
    “We will see about that. We will find out in the next few minutes”, challenged Jarmila.

    With that Jarmila raised her hands towards Jolanta. They entwined fingers. Both women smiled knowingly as this was the usual practice before the final stage of a sexfight was about to begin. The combatants would entwine fingers so that they could get better leverage to hump each other’s cxnts.

    Jarmila once again brought her cxnt close to her sisters. This time Jolanta was ready. They rubbed together and as their engorged vaginas met again, the women moaned with pleasure.
    They entwined fingers even more tightly, sweaty palm clasped against sweaty palm, in anticipation of the sexual tension that was about to reach a crescendo. They lined up their cxnts and started to pound them into each other. Muscular legs were stretched for better contact even as their wet cxnt flaps met with increasing frequency. The idyllic setting was filled with the cries and moans of pleasure that escaped the two sisters.
    Jarmila moved her sweaty face down towards Jolanta. Jolanta was ready and they locked lips even as their cxnts pounded against one another. Juices were exchanged both through their mouths and their cxnts. Naked sweaty bodies glistened in the early morning sun as the sisters gave full vent to their amatory feelings towards each other.

    Time stood still as they humped each other towards a volcanic orgasm. Waves of lust and passion surged through their naked muscular sweating bodies. The cries from the two women grew in volume and frenzied intensity. Then they both exploded into each other’s crotches in what was the greatest orgasms of their lives. The sun shone down on them. The waves beat over the rocks, but the women were oblivious to the nature around them. Their amorous cries of lust and passion calmed and finally subsided. Jarmila lowered her body onto Jolanta’s. Sinewy bodies united. Sweat and vaginal juices mingled and glued their naked sinewy bodies together until the two sisters were one big mass of muscular flesh. Jolanta and Jarmila Dragozani, clung onto each other for a very long time.


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    Junior Hostboard Member mrwipii's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    Glad to se you're back to writing. This was no exception from your other stories, once again a masterpiece.

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    Quote Originally Posted by mrwipii View Post
    Glad to se you're back to writing. This was no exception from your other stories, once again a masterpiece.
    Thank you, mrwipii. This story is a "remake" of my old story "Two Women".

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    I had missed your great sexfight stories between two women Kama !
    Welcome back !
    Very hot ! I liked it !
    Last edited by Giannis-CB; August 4th, 2023 at 04:41 PM.

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    Junior Hostboard Member catfightfan1989's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    Welcome back Kama, I really enjoy all your stories. Did you finish 'The Cousins' story or are there only 4 parts in it ?

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    Senior Hostboard Member kamafight's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    Quote Originally Posted by catfightfan1989 View Post
    Welcome back Kama, I really enjoy all your stories. Did you finish 'The Cousins' story or are there only 4 parts in it ?
    Never got down to finishing it, catfightfan.

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    Junior Hostboard Member twinfanatic's Avatar
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    Re: Jolanta and Jarmila

    Kamafight, another amazing story, you have there. Fights between twins/clone/doubles/duplicates etc of any kind gets me every time.

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