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Thread: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

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    Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade


    It's been a difficult journey to get this part out. Actually, this is only the first half of what I planned to be this part, but I've struggled to get the second half to where I want it to be. So, I decided to cut this part in half and post this one now, and hopefully I can finish the rest in the not too distant future. I have it in pretty good order, but I've been too busy with my work to concentrate on writing lately, and AI can't unfortunately help with that. This story picks up from where part 4 started, when Jessica leaves, but tells things from Annabel's point of view.

    Anyway, I hope you give me feedback, it really matters a lot.


    Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    Annabel stood there, unable to move. She watched as Jessica drove away, feeling devastated. She couldn't understand how she could feel so strongly. She had only known Jessica for a few days, but they had been the best days of her life. She stood there even after Jessica's Mustang disappeared from sight, maybe hoping that she would turn around and come back. But she didn't. She was gone.

    Like a zombie, Annabel walked inside, feeling suddenly very very tired. She collapsed on her bed, tears in her eyes. She grabbed the pillow that Jessica had used and hugged it tight, feeling her heavenly scent. She pressed her face in the pillow and cried hopelessly.

    Annabel had never felt so alone, not even when she was a teenager and her parents had died. What she felt now was different. She couldn't really understand it, but Jessica had come into her life, and for a moment she had felt truly happy. Now that happiness was no more, and it felt worse than anything she had felt before. She had long yearned for happiness, to feel like she felt with Jessica, but now she cursed herself for falling so easily, for leaving herself so vulnerable.


    Two days passed since Jessica had left town. Annabel spent every second thinking about her. She found herself going over all the little moments they shared together, savouring them as though they were sweet delicacies. It made her realize how much she craved being with Jessica, how much she wanted to be touched by her. Was is just sex, she thought? She had never met anyone who could give her so much pleasure, and who could take all she had to give. But was that all there was to it?

    No, she had to admit. Jessica made her feel more than just sexual pleasure. She made her feel good, happy. For a long time, Annabel had kept building an armor around her. Since she always wound up disappointed whenever she tried a relationship, she had stopped even trying. She refused to get attached to anybody, because it just lead to pain. But Jessica had managed to find cracks in her armor, and now she was paying the price. Once again.

    "Damn you Jessica", she thought to herself. "Damn you for getting to me, and double damn you for leaving me!" Then she remembered the last things Jessica had said, and she knew that Jessica had been just as scared of her feelings as she was. "This is too much," she had said. Before that, on that fateful morning, Annabel had been having similar thoughts. She didn't know what she was feeling, she just knew it scared her. Sexually, she could take everything that Jessica could give, but emotionally? They weren't even trying, and yet they overwhelmed each other's emotional defenses, cutting right through them like they weren't even there. At that moment, it had felt too much to endure. But now, without it, its absence was too hard to bear.

    Annabel knew she had to do something, anything, to distract herself. Moping around, wallowing in her thoughts would only make the pain worse. Perhaps she should try going for a boat ride? She hadn't done that in awhile, and it always helped get her mind off other things. Her custom built power boat was a real beauty, but it demanded a lot from its captain. One momentary lapse could spell disaster. It would be perfect to keep her mind occupied, Annabel thought. She just needed to stop by the marina to fill her up, and then she could keep on riding the waves for the whole day.

    Annabel got herself ready, wearing a skimpy green one piece swimsuit that barely covered her nipples and pussy. She put on a tank top and microshorts for a bit of modesty for when she hit the marina, although with her huge boobs and curves she looked borderline obscene. Annabel prepared some snacks and sandwiches, packed a few bottles of water, and she was ready to go. She got on her boat, stopping for a moment to admire the scenery. The sun was shining, there were no clouds anywhere to be seen, and the water within the cove sparkled like it was made of diamonds. Annabel felt a bit better already. Jessica hadn't even been on the boat, so there was nothing there to remind of her. Annabel started the boat and untied the mooring ropes, jumping on the boat with the last rope in her hand. Off to the marina, she thought and took her boat out of the cove and on to the open waters.


    As Annabel approached the marina, she saw it was bustling with activity. There were dozens of yachts of different levels of grandeur moored there, and a few more were coming in. She navigated towards the fuel pier, noticing a beautiful, sleek power boat getting fueled. Luckily, the fuel pier had many pumps, so she wouldn't have to wait in line. Skillfully, she maneuvered her boat to the pier and tied the mooring ropes. Handling such a big boat alone was not easy, but Annabel had done it so many times it was like second nature to her. She set up the pump and thought about what to do. It would take awhile to fill her boat up. She wondered who owned the other power boat. She hadn't seen anyone on the boat yet, so the owner or owners were probably inside the marina restaurant. She didn't feel like eating anything now, so she decided to just relax and do some sunbathing on her boat.

    Annabel took off her top and shorts and put on her sunglasses. Then she lay down on the sofa seat at the back of her boat, soaking in the sun. She made sure she had a good view of the other boat, so she could spot whoever came to it. Yachts were really common, but such sleek power boats were quite rare, and she wanted to know the owner. If all fell in place, perhaps they could even race a bit?

    After some time, Annabel noticed two women walk about the restaurant and towards the power boat. One woman had blonde hair, the other had dark brown hair. It was clear that both of them were stacked, their shirts and shorts doing little to conceal their ample curves. As they go closer, Annabel suddenly recognized the blonde: she was the same woman she had fought with some weeks ago on the pier. Well, thoroughly beaten would be more apt description of the events. The blonde still looked stunning, but now Annabel knew she was no match for her. The other woman Annabel didn't know, and her discerning eyes were scanning her body from head to toe. She was every bit as stunning as the blonde, or perhaps even more so. Were her boobs even bigger than the blonde's, stretching her shirt tighter? Annabel tried her best to gauge that. Good thing she had her sunglasses on, so nobody saw her ogling at the brunette.

    As the two women got closer, Annabel was certain that the brunette had the blonde beat in boob size, and she was overall looking more curvy and sexy. Quite a feat, considering how hot the blonde was. But the brunette managed to outdo her. The two women were chatting like two friends, and as they got to the power boat, Annabel could hear them. She slinked lower on the sofa seat so that the blonde would not recognize her. She could hear the blonde speak to her friend.

    "So I told my old friend about her, sent a pic of the business card. She's always looking for challenges." the blonde said.

    "Oh really?" Annabel heard the brunette speak. She had a dark, sultry voice.

    "Yeah," the blonde replied, "And I don't know anybody better equipped to handle that ginger intruder."

    "Well, you know me. Why didn't you call me?" the brunette questioned. "I could have handled her."

    Annabel quickly realized they were talking about her. She was the 'ginger intruder'. She almost giggled hearing that. It sounded so innocent, not at all conveying what she truly was.

    "Sorry hun, I should have thought it through more. You just moved back here, and I didn't want to bother you." The blonde apologized.

    The brunette laughed in response. "What are you saying? I love going on adventures!"

    "You're still living your life right," the blonde joked.

    "Don't make me beat you up again," the brunette warned playfully.

    Annabel knew exactly how much power that woman had, and she couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

    "Why did you send this card to her then?" the brunette asked.

    "I wanted to get some kind of payback. And my friend, well, she's been doing this for quite some time. And she never loses." The blonde explained.

    "So what does she say now?" the brunette asked.

    "Well, we haven't heard back from her yet. I don't know if she went there, or if she's still on the road somewhere." the blonde said, "She just drives around the country on her Mustang."

    That last bit confirmed what Annabel already thought, that the friend the blonde was talking about was Jessica. After all, Jessica had said she heard about Annabel from the blonde.

    "Do you still have the card?" the brunette asked. "I'm thinking I should go and pay a visit. This ginger sounds interesting."

    "I don't know about that, Melanie" the blonde hesitated. "Maybe it's not such a good idea."

    "Why not? Do you think your friend can handle her, but I can't?" Melanie asked.

    "No, no! It's not that. It's just..." The blonde stuttered.

    "Just what?" Melanie inquired.

    "Nothing. You're right. We need to even the score," the blonde replied.

    Melanie giggled. "Then maybe you should send me the address?"

    The blonde nodded. "I will. But really, be careful with her. She's dangerous."

    "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry so much. I can be dangerous too." Melanie said in a dark tone.

    "I should get going home now," the blonde said. "I'll send you the pic then."

    "Don't you have it on your phone already?" the brunette questioned, "I'm starting to feel like you're trying to prevent me from meeting her."

    The blonde had that deer in headlights look on her face, "Oh yes, how silly of me. I'll send it right away, "she said apologetically and got her phone from her purse. She fiddled around it for a moment, "Ok, there it is, I sent it to you," she sighed, sounding resigned. "Now I really need to go. Be careful with your boat, I don't want to read any headlines tomorrow."

    "Yes mom," Melanie said mockingly. "I'll call you later."

    The blonde walked away, and Melanie started to prep her boat for leaving. Annabel was curious, really curious. Melanie wanted to come and meet her, to even the score for the blonde. She didn't know that she was right there, but Annabel was going to let her know. She stood up on her boat and stepped on the pier. "Excuse me," she said, "Your name is Melanie, right?"

    Melanie turned around, her eyes widening as she saw Annabel. Her green swimsuit left practically nothing for the imagination, and the brunette couldn't hide being impressed by what she saw. "Who are you?" she asked, surprised.

    "I'm Annabel," she replied. "I think you know me as the ginger intruder," she smiled devilishly.

    "Oh really?", Melanie asked. "You know, eavesdropping isn't nice. But then again, my friend said you're not nice."

    "She's an ungrateful loser, your friend," Annabel said. "She should thank me, I made her cum harder than she's ever cum, until she couldn't take it anymore." Annabel said calmly, her green eyes locked on the brunette's brown eyes. She wanted so see what kind of reaction she would get out of the brunette.

    Melanie looked stunned at first, but then a smile started to form on her lips. "Really now?" she asked in a playful tone. "Then why don't you tell me more about it? It sounds interesting."

    Annabel took a few steps closer to Melanie, staring right into her eyes. The brunette had a slight look of surprise on her face as Annabel invaded her personal space. "Why don't we talk somewhere else?" Annabel asked. "You have a nice boat, I have my boat. We can find a nice private spot to continue our discussion."

    Melanie didn't need to think, she just nodded. "Okay," she agreed. "Just let me turn off the gas pump first." She went over to the power boat and turned the gas pump off. As she did, Annabel could see that her boobs jiggled heavily inside her tight shirt. She quickly pulled down the lever to disconnect the fuel hose from the boat, and then walked back to Annabel, eying Annabel all the time.

    "My tank's getting full also," Annabel said and disconnected the gas pump and brought the hose to the pump, making sure Melanie got a good view of all her assets. She walked back to her boat and untied the mooring lines, jumping on the boat. "Let's go! Follow me, if you can!" she shouted as she started up the engine.

    Melanie hurried to her boat and started it up too, following Annabel out of the harbor. They sped away towards a secluded cove that few people knew about, passing through the open sea until they entered the little protected natural harbor. Annabel slowed down and lowered her anchor, waiting for Melanie to do the same.

    Once their boats were secured, the two women climbed on the deck of Annabel's boat and looked around. There was nobody else in sight, only the wind rustling through the leaves of the palm trees behind them. The blue water seemed so inviting, reflecting the sky above them.

    Annabel turned to Melanie, "You have an excellent boat," she complimented. "Not many can keep up with me."

    "Thanks," Melanie smiled back at her. "It's my baby. I love this thing."

    "I noticed," Annabel replied, smiling seductively. "So, should we get back to our discussion?" Annabel licked her lips. "What do you want to know?"

    "Oh yes, please continue," Melanie said as she sat down on one of the seats. She took off her t-shirt, revealing a tiny green bikini top underneath. It did nothing to hide her mammoth boobs, which stood high and firm on her chest. "Like what you see?" she asked.

    "I do." Annabel replied, "I knew you're bigger than your blonde friend."

    "I most definitely am," Melanie said proudly, "I'm more woman than her in every way you can imagine. And then some."

    "I like your... confidence," Annabel said teasingly, "You friend was a disappointment, to be honest. All bark and no bite."

    "I'm sure you'll find I can bite," Melanie smiled confidently. "I've never bitten off more than I can chew."

    "We'll see about that," Annabel laughed. "You might find I'm more than a mouthful."

    "Is that so?" Melanie said playfully, "I guess we'll have to see."

    "Do you want to see?" Annabel asked, "Let me show you."

    Melanie nodded, intrigued. She watched as Annabel walked over to the front of the boat and took off her shirt and shorts, revealing her itsy bitsy green swimsuit. The wind picked up slightly, playing with Annabel's fiery hair. Her large tits looked even bigger now, bouncing ever so slightly inside her swimsuit. She leaned forward, looking out at the sea. Then she reached behind herself next and undid the know that held the swimsuit up, letting it fall on the ground. She held her long red hair aside and faced Melanie, who had gotten up from her seat and was standing right in front of her.

    Annabel stood there proudly, displaying her naked body to Melanie. Her huge round breasts were fully exposed, jutting out prominently from her chest. Her nipples were stiffening, and Melanie's eyes widened as she took in the sight. Annabel's creamy skin seemed to glow in the sun, accenting her natural beauty. Melanie knew Annabel was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. And yet, despite all that beauty, Melanie knew that this woman could be truly dangerous. There was a feeling of strength about her, something that spoke volumes about what she could do.

    Melanie didn't say anything, just stepped forward and grabbed Annabel's tits firmly. They felt soft and supple under her touch, yet heavy and incredibly firm. Annabel closed her eyes and let Melanie explore her boobs, squeezing them softly before moving downwards towards her stomach. As Melanie caressed her belly, Annabel pushed back against her hand, encouraging her to go further.

    "You like having your belly rubbed?" Melanie asked with a smile.

    "I love it," Annabel replied, "It turns me on."

    Melanie traced Annabel's lower abdomen with her fingertips, leaving a trail of goosebumps along the way. She touched Annabel's sensitive spot right above her pussy, and Annabel moaned softly. The sound encouraged Melanie to move even further south, reaching Annabel's bare pussy. She slowly circled Annabel's clit with her fingers, getting rewarded with another moan. Annabel had been excited ever since they got into the cove, and as soon as Melanie touched her most sensitive spot, she felt herself start to moisten.

    "Mmmhhh... you know just what to do," Annabel said in a deep tone.

    Melanie did not reply, but instead continued teasing Annabel's pussy with her fingers. She spread Annabel's juices around her slit, using her other hand to grab one of Annabel's huge tits. She marveled at their size, mentally comparing them to her own. It was no surprise that Annabel dominated her blonde friend, although she wondered how experienced the redhead really was. The thought of going head to head with this gorgeous woman made her hornier than ever.

    Annabel pulled Melanie closer by her shoulder, bringing her lips close to hers. As they were standing almost toe to toe, it was easy for Annabel to reach out and cup Melanie's heavy boobs through her shirt. They felt nice and firm under her hands, and Annabel massaged them expertly. She kept fondling Melanie's big tits as she stuck her tongue into the brunette's mouth, swirling it inside, exploring every inch of it.

    They stood there like that for awhile, kissing passionately while Annabel played with Melanie's massive jugs through her shirt and Melanie fondled Annabel's pussy and clit. Melanie was impressed by the level of self control Annabel showed. Most women were putty in her hands, but Annabel had resisted so far. That just made Melanie more determined to break her resolve. She broke off the kiss and pushed Annabel on the deck of the boat, kneeling down beside her. Then she took hold of Annabel's thighs and spread them wide open, revealing her glistening slit. It looked delicious, and Melanie knew exactly what to do with it.

    She wasted no time diving face first into Annabel's cunt, licking and sucking away at her juicy pussy. Annabel welcomed Melanie's mouth, she wanted to get some release, to vent out her frustrations. And even if she didn't want to admit it, she also wanted this woman, all of her. Part of her felt like she was betraying Jessica, but a stronger part of her just wanted to fuck Melanie.

    Annabel reached down and grabbed a handful of Melanie's long brown hair, pulling on it gently as the brunette licked her pussy. She could tell that Melanie had experience, because she knew exactly what to do. Her long tongue licked her pussy expertly, lapping up every last bit of juice from her slit. Annabel loved having her pussy eaten, and Melanie seemed to have an uncanny ability for it.

    "Oh yeah... eat my pussy baby," Annabel moaned loudly, "That's it! Lick my fucking clit!"

    Melanie obliged, circling Annabel's swollen clit with her tongue before sucking it inside her mouth. Annabel responded by pressing Melanie's head harder against her crotch, encouraging her to suck more vigorously. She wanted Melanie to really bring her clit out, to make it big and stiff. As if sensing what Annabel wanted, Melanie pushed one finger inside Annabel's cunt while using her other hand to rub her clit. The combination was too much for Annabel to take, and she felt herself cumming right in Melanie's face.

    Annabel rode the wave of her orgasm, moaning as Melanie kept licking away at her pussy. Her long slender fingers kept tugging Melanie's dark brown hair, keeping her mouth glued to her pussy. Finally, after riding out the entire orgasm, Annabel relaxed and let go of Melanie's hair.

    "Mmmh... you did good," Annabel smiled, "I needed that."

    Melanie didn't respond, but looked up at Annabel with a wicked smile on her lips. She stood up and wiped off her chin, then started unbuttoning her shorts. They fell to the ground, revealing a skimpy yellow bikini bottom underneath. She grabbed the hem of her shirt and started pulling it up, revealing her belly and abs. Her toned body was amazing, and Annabel couldn't help but admire it as she helped Melanie get rid of her clothes.

    Once they were all undressed, Melanie spread Annabel's thighs wide open again, staring at her wet slit. It looked like a delicious treat, and Melanie had no intention of denying herself this pleasure. She wanted to give Annabel more orgasms, one after another until she was exhausted. But first, she wanted to feel what Annabel could do for her.

    Melanie knelt down next to Annabel and pressed her naked body against hers, wrapping her arms around Annabel's waist. As their massive boobs squished together, Annabel felt the brunette's stiff nipples press against her skin. Their big jugs rubbed against each other, sending shockwaves of pleasure through both women. They continued kissing passionately while rubbing their tits together, creating an overwhelming sensation in both women.

    Annabel took hold of Melanie's big, round ass, grabbing it hard and digging her fingers into her taut flesh. The softness of Melanie's butt gave way to firm muscles that rippled under her touch, making Annabel even more horny than before. She licked Melanie's neck and ran her tongue all along her collarbone, driving Melanie wild.

    "I love your huge fucking tits," Annabel said breathlessly, "and I want you to ride my face."

    Melanie smiled at Annabel, "I'd love to."

    Annabel lay on her back, gesturing Melanie to straddle her face. "Come here, I want to taste your cunt."

    Melanie did as she was told, getting on top of Annabel with her pussy right above her face. Her giant boobs hung down like a pair of ripe fruits, heavy and full. Annabel admired them for a moment before reaching up and cupping Melanie's tits in her hands. They felt so soft and supple, and Annabel couldn't resist squeezing them softly. As she massaged Melanie's tits, the brunette placed her hand on Annabel's head and started grinding her pussy against her mouth.

    Annabel stuck out her tongue and licked Melanie's wet slit, enjoying the way it tasted. It wasn't long before Melanie grabbed her red hair and pressed her crotch harder against Annabel's face, using her other hand to rub her clit. Annabel complied by licking faster, attacking Melanie's cunt with gusto. The combination of feeling Melanie's big jugs in her hands and smelling her sweet pussy was intoxicating. She sucked Melanie's clit inside her mouth and kept playing with it with her tongue.

    Melanie moaned and gasped as Annabel pleasured her pussy. She had never been licked so skillfully, and she knew that Annabel would make her cum like this. But she wanted more than just a simple orgasm, she wanted Annabel to give her an amazing fuck. "Oh yeah," Melanie said breathlessly, "Suck my fucking clit you whore! I love being eaten!"

    "I know you do," Annabel replied between licks, "Now ride my face until you can't take it no more."

    Melanie obeyed, but not because Annabel ordered her to. She started moving her hips up and down, grinding against Annabel's mouth. Her massive tits bounced in rhythm with her movement, swaying heavily from side to side. The sight of them made Annabel horny, and she wanted to give Melanie an experience she wouldn't forget. Annabel grabbed Melanie's ass with both hands and squeezed hard, pulling her cunt tighter against her mouth as she feasted on her clit. Melanie gasped, her head spinning from the pleasure. Somehow Annabel knew just the right pleasure points, and knew just the right time and force to inflict maximum pleasure. Melanie's clit throbbed inside Annabel's mouth, her sweet juices practically flowing out of her pussy right into Annabel's eager mouth.

    Melanie was getting more and more excited, her orgasm growing deep inside her, the pleasure expanding and filling her pussy and clit and flowing into her tits and nipples. She moaned constantly, getting ready to cum. Just when she was about to cum, Annabel abruptly stopped sucking her clit. "What the..." she gasped, her voice trembling, "Don't stop you cunt, make me cum!"

    "Oh I will," Annabel said wickedly and suddenly plunged two fingers inside Melanie's sopping wet pussy whilst pinching her clit from the base with her other hand. Again, she knew just how hard to pinch, how to mix the pain and pleasure, causing Melanie to scream as her orgasm suddenly overtook her. Annabel kept squeezing her clit, pumping her fingers in and out of Melanie's tight, convulsing pussy. Then, when Melanie reached the peak of her orgasm, Annabel sucked her whole clit in her mouth, her tongue swirling around the throbbing rod. Melanie screamed and cum violently, her body jerking uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

    Melanie screamed again and again, riding out her orgasm on Annabel's face. Her big tits swung up and down heavily as her body undulated in the throes of her massive orgasm. Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, she pulled back and crawled off Annabel's face. She lay beside Annabel, catching her breath. "Oh my God," she panted, "you made me cum so hard."

    Annabel laughed, "You liked that didn't you?"

    "Hell yes!" Melanie replied, "I need more though. I want to get fucked like crazy."

    "Well then, let's see what we can do about it," Annabel smiled devilishly.

    She stood up and looked at Melanie, who was still sprawled out on the deck of her boat. Her huge tits were firm on her chest, pointing up, rising and falling slowly with each breath she took. Her legs were spread wide open, giving Annabel a perfect view of her glistening slit. It was drenched in her juices, which dripped down between her round asscheeks. The sight made Annabel even hornier, and she wanted to fuck this woman right here and now.

    Melanie could sense Annabel's excitement, but she also knew that she had to be careful. It was clear that the first "round", though still very much just feeling each other out, Annabel had made her cum much harder than she had made Annabel cum. Despite the playfulness, Annabel was a dangerous woman, one not to be taken lightly.

    Suddenly, Annabel jumped off the boat and into the warm waters of the cove. The water was so clear you could see the bottom of the cove, and all the little fish swimming around. After a few seconds, Annabel surfaced and started swimming towards the sandy beach. She took a few strokes, then turned on her back and looked at Melanie, "Are you coming or what?"

    Melanie hesitated for a moment, considering if she should give in to Annabel's demands. Then she decided that if she wanted to find out who was stronger, she needed to challenge Annabel. So she got up and jumped into the water, following Annabel to the shore. They waded ashore and lay down on the sand, sunbathing nude as they waited for their skin to dry off. The sand was incredibly fine, soft and warm against their bodies.

    "Do you want to go again?" Annabel asked, looking at Melanie.

    "What do you mean?" Melanie replied.

    "I don't know about you, but I still have energy to spare," Annabel said with a grin. "But if you're done, we can stop."

    "Do I look like I'm done?" Melanie asked and grinned.

    "Well, you did cum quite hard a moment ago," Annabel noted.

    "Yeah, thanks to you," Melanie admitted, "You are amazing."

    "That's nice to hear," Annabel giggled. "Now come here so I can show you how amazing I really am."

    Melanie nodded and got closer to Annabel, laying on her side facing her. They both smiled and kissed tenderly, gently caressing each other's faces. As their kiss intensified, they wrapped their arms around each other and pressed their bodies together. Their tits squished against each other, making them both moan softly.

    They stayed like that for awhile, exploring each other's body with their hands. Melanie took hold of Annabel's big boobs and groped them hard, enjoying the way they felt under her palms. Annabel loved having her tits fondled, and she moaned as Melanie played with her sensitive nipples. She was very sensitive there, and just the touch of a finger made her pussy wet.

    "Oh yeah... play with my titties you slut," Annabel urged. "I fucking love that."

    Melanie moved from Annabel's tits to her stomach, tickling it lightly with her fingertips. It drove Annabel wild, and she pushed Melanie away before turning on her back. Then she spread her legs wide open, inviting Melanie to do anything she wanted to her.

    Melanie crawled closer and put one hand between Annabel's thighs, spreading her lips apart with two fingers. Her pussy was dripping wet, and Melanie stared at it for a few moments. The sight of Annabel's big clit excited her more than she thought possible, and she lowered her head and licked Annabel's slit slowly.

    Annabel moaned as Melanie started eating her pussy again, not forgetting the most important part: licking her clit. She couldn't wait any longer, so she placed one leg over Melanie's shoulder and pressed her crotch tighter against the brunette's face. "Make me cum hard this time!" Annabel demanded.

    Melanie reached up with one hand and groped Annabel's tits while rubbing her clit with the other. She knew how to manipulate Annabel's body, and she used that knowledge to push Annabel further towards orgasm. As soon as Annabel got close, Melanie stopped sucking her clit and moved downwards, penetrating her with two fingers. She pumped them in and out of Annabel's cunt, curling them upwards inside her vagina. Her fingertips kept pressing against Annabel's G-spot, making the redhead moan loudly.

    "Oh fuck! I love having my pussy eaten... and fucked," Annabel said breathlessly. "I love feeling your fingers deep inside my cunt."

    Melanie responded by diving at Annabel's clit, sucking and licking it feverishly, causing the redhead to squirm on the sand. The waves were gently splashing against the shore, washing over their bodies every once in a while. It added to the erotic atmosphere, but neither woman paid attention to it. They were too wrapped up in their own pleasure to care about anything else.

    Annabel was getting closer and closer to cumming, and Melanie could feel it. So she removed her hand from Annabel's tits and slipped one finger inside Annabel's asshole, fucking her ass slowly with it. This drove Annabel insane, and she screamed as she started cumming violently.

    "Oh fuck yes baby!" Annabel moaned loudly, "That's it! Eat my pussy you whore!"

    Melanie didn't stop lapping away at Annabel's clit until she rode out her orgasm, only then pulling back and sitting up. She licked her lips seductively, staring at Annabel who was still breathing heavily. "What do you say? Round two?"

    Annabel nodded weakly, trying to catch her breath. Her long red hair was plastered to her head, sticking to her skin. She reached for Melanie's hand and pulled her close, kissing her passionately. Their big tits squashed together, creating an overwhelming sensation between them. The warmth of their naked bodies added to the intensity of the moment, and they knew this time would be no different from the last. They were so turned on by each other that neither one wanted to stop.

    "Mmmh... you are a good kisser," Annabel said with a smile.

    "Thank you," Melanie replied, smiling back at her. "Now let's see if you can handle more."

    She leaned forward again and kissed Annabel softly, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. Then she pressed her soft titflesh against Annabel's stiff nipples, which hardened even more as soon as they felt Melanie's firm breastmeat. It made both women gasp in pleasure, and they started caressing each other's breasts. Annabel squeezed Melanie's jugs harder, not wanting to forget about them. As they fondled each other's tits, Melanie slid her hand down between their bodies and began rubbing Annabel's swollen clit. The redhead gasped loudly at the sudden touch, but Melanie just continued kissing her. They licked each other's lips slowly, exploring each other's mouth.

    Melanie stopped kissing Annabel for a moment and put one of her boobs into Annabel's mouth, thrusting it up towards her face. Annabel sucked on her nipple greedily, kneading her massive tits with both hands. She enjoyed having Melanie's big melons in her mouth, sucking as much of the flesh in her mouth as she could. Melanie loved how Annabel reacted to her body, and she couldn't resist taking control again. So she broke off the kiss and pushed Annabel down on the sand, hovering above her.

    Annabel let out a small whimper when Melanie pulled away from her, but smiled nonetheless. "That was nice," she said, looking up at Melanie.

    "I know," Melanie replied, "and I plan on making you do more than that."

    She sat back on her haunches and moved further downwards, spreading Annabel's thighs wide apart. Then she spread Annabel's pussy lips with two fingers and began licking her slit slowly. Her tongue pressed against Annabel's clit, flicking it every once in a while. She made circles around her swollen nub, driving Annabel crazy. As she did this, Melanie reached underneath Annabel's ass and played with her asshole, teasing it lightly with one fingertip.

    Annabel started moaning uncontrollably as Melanie continued to eat her cunt. The combination of feeling her pussy being licked and her asshole being teased was almost too much for her to take. Melanie looked up at Annabel, who had her eyes closed and her head thrown back. She kept licking away at Annabel's slit, sticking her tongue inside her pussy from time to time. Finally, she wrapped her lips around Annabel's clit and sucked it inside her mouth, causing the redhead to scream out loud.

    "Yes! Yes! Lick my fucking clit you whore!" Annabel moaned, "Keep sucking on it like that!"

    Melanie obeyed, sucking Annabel's clit deeper into her mouth while rubbing her other hand against Annabel's sopping wet cunt. She could feel Annabel's pussy juices dripping down her chin, and she loved knowing how turned on Annabel was by what she was doing. Her own pussy was burning with desire, but she wanted to please Annabel even more than herself.

    Annabel came violently, screaming as her orgasm washed over her. It was a massive one, bigger than the one before. Melanie didn't stop eating her pussy throughout the entire thing, driving Annabel insane. Then, when Annabel reached the peak of her orgasm, Melanie shoved two fingers inside Annabel's ass and began finger-fucking her tight little ass. This drove Annabel over the edge again and she screamed louder than before as another massive orgasm overwhelmed her.

    "OH FUCK!" Annabel yelled, "I'm cumming again!"

    She rode out her orgasm until she felt like she couldn't take it anymore, then pushed Melanie away from her. She sat up and tried to catch her breath, shaking uncontrollably. The pleasure had been almost too much for her to handle. Her big round boobs heaved up and down heavily on her chest, and she wrapped her arms around them, holding them close. They felt incredibly heavy right now, but in a good way.

    Annabel looked at Melanie, who was sitting there with a satisfied grin on her face. "Damn you can really eat pussy," Annabel said, smiling weakly.

    "Yeah?" Melanie asked, "It looks like I did my job."

    "Mmmh... yeah you did," Annabel replied, "But what about your own pussy? Are you still horny?"

    "Hell yes I am," Melanie smiled, "I want more."

    "Well then, we better make the most of this day," Annabel said as she got up and offered Melanie her hand.

    Melanie took Annabel's hand and let her pull her up on her feet. As soon as they were standing, Annabel grabbed Melanie's tits and pressed her mouth against hers, kissing her hungrily. It didn't take long before their kiss grew even more intense, tongues swirling around each other's mouths. They embraced tightly, breasts pressing together, grinding their sopping wet pussies together. The sound of their kisses made Annabel even hornier, and she pushed Melanie down on the sand again. She spread Melanie's thighs wide apart and knelt between them, staring at the brunette's drenched pussy. Then she stuck out her tongue and began licking Melanie's cunt slowly.

    "Ohhhh yessss," Melanie moaned as Annabel licked her slit. "That feels so good."

    Annabel ignored Melanie's moans, intent on making her cum just like this. So she wrapped her arms around Melanie's thighs and plunged her face into the brunette's pussy, sucking her clit inside her mouth while pushing two fingers inside her tight little cunt. She kept eating Melanie's pussy with gusto, not giving the brunette a chance to breathe. It didn't take long before Melanie was ready to cum, but Annabel pulled away from her crotch and moved back up, straddling Melanie's chest instead.

    Melanie had never seen anything sexier than Annabel's dripping wet cunt above her face. The redhead reached down between her legs and spread her pussy lips apart, revealing her engorged clit. "See this big clit, bitch?" she asked in a dominant tone. "Take a good look, 'cause I'm going to fuck you with it!"

    Melanie nodded weakly, trying to get some air into her lungs. Her mind was spinning, and she couldn't wait for Annabel to start fucking her. She took hold of Annabel's hips and tried to pull her closer, but Annabel resisted.

    "Uh uh... no baby," Annabel said firmly, "I'm going to do the fucking."

    Annabel slid down on Melanie's body until their pussies were lined up, almost touching. Then she grabbed Melanie's hands and pinned them against the sand above her head. "You're going to stay like that while I fuck you," Annabel said sternly, "and you're not allowed to move your hands from here, got it?"

    Melanie nodded obediently, too horny to care anymore. She wanted this badly, so she relaxed as best as she could and let Annabel position her pussy over hers. As soon as they made contact, both women moaned loudly. It felt incredible, so much better than Melanie had imagined. The brunette kept her hands in place, just as Annabel ordered her to do.

    Annabel grabbed Melanies's leg and lifted it up and spread Melanie's lips apart with two fingers, exposing her wet cunt. Then she started grinding her pussy against the brunette's slit. Their pussies were rubbing together, getting covered in each other's juice. Both women gasped at the intensity of the sensation, moaning loudly as their clits rubbed against each other.

    "Oh fuck..." Annabel breathed, "Your pussy feels so good."

    "Yes... mmmhhh... it does," Melanie moaned, "It feels amazing."

    Annabel leaned forward slightly and pressed her big tits against Melanie's boobs. Her nipples were painfully stiff, and she wanted to grind her breasts against Melanie's jugs for as long as possible. They fit together perfectly, creating an unbeatable combination of pleasure.

    They kept grinding their pussies together while they kissed passionately. It was a hot, steamy kiss, tongues swirling around each other's mouth. Annabel continued pressing her huge tits against Melanie's boobs, feeling the softness of her skin underneath her own. She loved being on top of this brunette, using her body to dominate her. And from the way Melanie was kissing her back, she knew that the woman under her enjoyed it too.

    Annabel had no intention of stopping anytime soon. She wanted to ride Melanie's pussy all day until both of them were exhausted. So she changed her angle slightly and began fucking Melanie with her clit, making the brunette gasp loudly. "Oh yes," Melanie moaned, "that feels amazing."

    Annabel smiled down at Melanie, who stared back up at her. The redhead placed one hand on Melanie's hip and held her in place while she continued fucking her with her clit. Their pussies made lewd sloppy sounds as they moved against each other, sliding over each other's cunts. Annabel looked down between their bodies, marveling at the sight of their two pussies connected together. It turned her on even more, and she pushed herself harder against Melanie's crotch.

    "Yeah... ohhhh yeah," Melanie moaned, "Don't stop baby!"

    They kept fucking like this for a couple of minutes until Annabel felt Melanie getting close to orgasm. The brunette reached up with one hand and grabbed Annabel's ass, pulling the redhead even harder against her pussy as she started cumming violently. She screamed loudly as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

    "That's it... mmmhhh... scream you whore," Annabel said dominantly, "Cum hard for me baby!"

    Melanie obeyed, cumming even harder as Annabel kept riding her pussy. Annabel watched Melanie intently as the brunette shook beneath her, screaming out in pleasure. Seeing her like this drove Annabel over the edge too, and she screamed as well before finally collapsing on top of Melanie. They both lay there for awhile, breathing heavily and holding each other tight. Finally, when their breathing had returned to normal, Annabel propped herself up and looked at Melanie. The brunette stared back up at her, eyes wide with lust.

    "That was great," she said between breaths, "But I'm not done yet."

    Annabel smiled down at Melanie, feeling confident that she would eventually defeat the brunette. "I'm glad you aren't," she replied, "My pussy is hungry for more." She got up and offered her hand to Melanie, "I want to fuck in the water, cunt to cunt and clit to clit," Annabel said as they stood up.

    Melanie followed Annabel as she walked in the gentle waves, swaying her ass seductively. They sat down in the shallow water and spread their legs to each other, staring into each other's eyes. The ocean water was warm against their skin, and it felt wonderful on their tired bodies.

    "Well let's get this started then," Melanie smiled as she took hold of Annabel's waist. She moved her legs until she could wrap them around the redhead's waist, crossing them behind her butt. This allowed them both access to each other's sopping wet pussies. Then she started kissing Annabel softly, massaging her breasts tenderly.

    "Mmmhh... yeah baby," Annabel moaned between kisses, "Touch me... make me cum."

    Melanie didn't have to be told twice. She reached down with one hand and began rubbing Annabel's clit as she kissed her harder. Annabel responded by moving her hand downwards and rubbing Melanie's clit in return. She pressed her tits against Melanie's, making the woman moan softly.

    They continued playing with each other for awhile, fondling and rubbing their pussies while kissing passionately. The ocean water provided a natural lubricant, and Annabel could feel her pussy getting wetter every minute. Melanie really was good, she had a natural gift for pleasing women. In fact, only Jessica's touch had felt better, and Annabel didn't really know if it was because Jessica was better than Melanie, or because she had feelings for Jessica. Either way, Melanie was touching her in ways that made her feel amazing.

    Annabel moaned excitedly, and that made Melania more confident, more daring. She started rubbing Annabel's clit faster, thrusting two fingers inside the redhead's cunt while rubbing her clit with her thumb. The sudden change surprised Annabel, but she loved the feeling of being fucked by Melanie. Feeling emboldened, Melanie reached for Annabel's nipple and pinched it hard, making Annabel gasp out loud.

    "Yes baby!" Annabel said breathlessly, "I want you to fuck me."

    Melanie continued fingering Annabel's pussy, pushing the woman towards orgasm. "I'm going to make you pay for what you did for my friend, you whore!" Melanie threatened.

    Annabel moaned and smiled. "Oh yesss... your friend was easy to beat, she was too weak," she taunted Melanie, who took the bait.

    "Ohhhh I wouldn't call her weak, you stupid slut." Melanie said angrily.

    "Ahhhhh well I would," Annabel taunted back. She was goading Melanie on purpose, egging her into fucking her harder. The redhead wanted to ride Melanie like crazy before making her cum.

    Melanie sped up her rubbing of Annabel's clit as she talked. "So you think you're stronger than her?" She asked in a low voice.

    "I know I am. She didn't have a chance against me, and neither will you!" Annabel replied with certainty.

    The words stung Melanie deeply, and she was about to lash out verbally. But then she decided to shut the redhead up by pulling out all the stops and pushing her over the edge with a massive orgasm. So she put her arms around Annabel's waist and held on to her tight as she increased the pressure against her swollen clit. As she fucked Annabel with her fingers, Melanie started sucking her neck roughly. Annabel gasped at this new sensation, and Melanie took advantage of that moment to thrust a third finger inside her pussy. This pushed Annabel over the edge, and she came hard.

    "OH FUCK! Fuck me you cunt!" Annabel screamed out loud, "YESSSS... make me cum! Make me scream!"

    Melanie continued rubbing Annabel's clit while fingering her hole relentlessly, fucking her as hard as she could. The ocean waves were splashing up against their bodies every once in a while, and Annabel looked at them through her bleary vision. They reflected the sun back into her eyes, making her even more dizzy and disoriented.

    Melanie saw Annabel's gaze start to drift and increased the pressure on her clit. It didn't take long before Annabel was crying out for release. "YES! Oh yes! I'm about to cum again! Fuck my cunt hard, I love it!" Annabel shouted as she rode the waves of pleasure that flooded her body.

    She closed her eyes and felt the hot rays of the sun on her skin, contrasting with the water around them. Suddenly, she felt herself cum violently. Her entire body shook uncontrollably, and she had a feeling she might pass out. Melanie kept fucking Annabel even after the redhead began shaking from the intensity of her orgasm. Annabel screamed from the top of her lungs as her climax intensified, reaching new heights of pleasure. The combination of the sun's heat and Melanie's skilled fingers was almost too much for her to handle, and she went nearly crazy from the sensations. When her orgasm finally ebbed, she leaned back in the water and rested on the soft sand. She breathed heavily, trying to regain her composure.

    "That was amazing..." Annabel said breathlessly, "Now it's your turn."

    She lifted herself up a little and grabbed Melanie's pussy with two hands, pressing her palm against the brunette's clit while rubbing her cunt slowly. Melanie moaned, but didn't say anything. Instead, she lowered one hand down between their bodies and started rubbing Annabel's clit in return. They resumed their kisses and fondling of each other's pussies as they ground together. The warm water felt good against their naked bodies, and they both loved being close to each other like this.

    Melanie began fingering Annabel's pussy again, using three fingers this time. She fucked her fast, wanting to get her off as soon as possible. Annabel reached down with her other hand and rubbed Melanie's clit, wanting to get her off. Then she slid two fingers inside Melanie's cunt, making the brunette moan loudly. Melanie gasped at the sudden penetration.

    "Oh yeah..." Melanie moaned, "Fuck me you slut."

    Annabel ignored Melanie's dirty talk and kept fingering her pussy while rubbing her clit faster. Melanie responded by increasing her own speed, fucking Annabel with three fingers. But this time, Annabel wasn't moaning as much as before. Melanie felt she was falling behind. Annabel's fingers felt magical, rubbing her clit and fucking her pussy, touching all the most sensitive spots on her body. It made Melanie's skin crawl, and her breathing quickened. Slowly, Annabel felt Melanie's hand in her pussy slow down as the pleasure started to overwhelm her, making her unable to focus on fucking Annabel's pussy. She smiled wickedly. "That's right, bitch, I feel your body give in to the pleasure. Don't fight it, just enjoy it," she whispered in Melanie's ear.

    The words hit Melanie like a slap in the face. Annabel was taunting her, trying to push her buttons again. Suddenly, Melanie felt Annabel stop fingering her cunt and take hold of her hands. She pushed Melanie on her back in the shallow water and brought her cunt above Melanie's, their majestic clits just inches apart. "I'm going to fuck your clit now!" Annabel growled, "and you will cum harder than you ever have before. I want you to know who is stronger!"

    "Ohhh... yes... do it you whore!" Melanie moaned defiantly. She lay back against the warm water and let Annabel rub her clit with hers. Annabel took her time, sliding her clit against Melanie's slowly, purposefully. She lined their clits against each other, side by side, letting Melanie get a good feel how massive her clit was. "Yessss bitch, feel how big my clit is," Annabel taunted.

    Melanie truly felt it, she had never faced such a massive clit. Annabel's clit was slightly bigger than her own, and Melanie realized she might lose to her. That was something she couldn't afford to happen. She started moving her hips, trying to match Annabel's rhythm. But then Annabel switched her game, and began moving her clit in circles around Melanie's clit, keeping them all the time connected, all the time caressing the length of Melanie's clit with her own clit. Melanie had never felt anything like it before, Annabel's clit was assaulting her clit with almost unbearable pleasure. She moaned urgently as her orgasm was growing in her clit, ready to explode at any minute.

    "Mmmhhh... that's it baby... you're going to cum when I say so." Annabel stated and Melanie could only protest weakly. "Ohhhhhh... noo... fuck no you bitch." She twisted her hands free and grabbed Annabel's buttcheeks and squeezed them hard. "You're not gonna make me lose, you slut!" She shouted while trying to keep the pace going.

    But her struggle lasted only for a moment. The redhead kept circling Melanie's clit with hers, stimulating it so much it felt it would tear from raw sexual pleasure. Somehow, Annabel knew just how fast and hard to move to bring the brunette to the brink of her orgasm and then keep her there, not allowing her release, keeping the pleasure building and building. Melanie was feeling delirious as her pussy began to throb with so much pleasure it mixed with pain. She needed to cum, she desperately needed to cum.

    "Ohhhh... don't... no... please!" She moaned again and again, unable to resist.

    "Now baby," Annabel purred into Melanie's ear, "You will cum for me harder than ever before."

    Suddenly, Annabel slid her pussy up and sucked Melanie's throbbing clit inside her tight cunt, using her powerful muscles to caress it in ways Melanie had never felt before. Her clit felt like it suddenly swelled double, the raw uninhibited pleasure kept filling it until Annabel's pussy gave it one final squeeze. The unimaginable pleasure swept through Melanie like a tsunami, filling her whole being, filling every cell of her body. Melanie wanted to scream, but she couldn't make a sound, her body spasming erratically in the throes of her orgasm, her eyes turning in her head. Annabel felt Melanie's pussy squirting out hot streams of cum. She could feel the heat even in the ocean water around them. She kept working her pussy, caressing Melanie's clit with it, drawing out as much pleasure as possible, making her cum again and again.

    Melanie felt her mind drift towards blank, towards total bliss, and she fought to keep herself conscious. The unbearable and heavenly pleasure was all that she had, it was her entire existence. The only thing she could focus on was her clit, thrumming with pleasure at the beat of her heart. But it kept her conscious, it kept her from totally blacking out, and finally her orgasms started to subside as her clit began to feel numb. She blinked a couple of times, trying to clear her vision and focus her gaze. Slowly, reality seeped back into her mind. The first thing she saw was Annabel, who was watching her intently, a smile on her face. Then Melanie realized she was lying back against the shallow water, and that Annabel was on top of her. Her long red hair fell around her shoulders and covered part of her chest, looking so seductive.

    "You came harder than I thought you would, baby," Annabel said, "You screamed without any sound. That was new even for me," she smiled.

    "That was... intense..." Melanie whispered, unable to form more words. She couldn't believe how powerful her orgasm had been, it felt like it had lasted forever and ever. She felt like her body had been emptied of all its sexual energy, leaving her totally drained. And somehow she still felt like cumming again, even though she had no energy to do anything at all.

    Annabel seemed pleased with her accomplishment, and she stared at Melanie's eyes for awhile. "You know what this means, don't you?" she asked in a low voice. "I am the winner."

    "I haven't conceded yet," Melanie mumbled weakly. She had underestimated Annabel, somehow the redhead had taken all the pleasure she had dished out and still kept on going. She didn't know what else she could do to win, and right now she really didn't have the energy to fight anymore. She needed some time to recover, she needed something to buy her time.

    "Then maybe I will have to make you give up," Annabel threatened as she moved her pussy above Melanie's, once again connecting their two swollen clits. "That would be so fun," she said while moving her hips in circles, rubbing her clit against Melanie's.

    "N-n-no..." Melanie stuttered. Her clit was still sensitive from the previous orgasms, and Annabel's rubbing felt good but too intense at the same time. She tried to move away from the redhead's cunt but couldn't manage it. If she didn't find some way, the redhead would definitely wear her out in no time. Her clit was aching and throbbing with an almost unbearable sensation. She needed to get Annabel off her, to give her clit time to recover.

    But before Melanie could even start to think of something, Annabel did it for her. Suddenly she increased her speed, making circles faster than before, rubbing her swollen clit against Melanie's like a maniac. She leaned down and pressed her boobs against Melanie's, grabbing hold of them from the side, squeezing hard with both hands. Melanie's breasts were still tingling from all the attention she had gotten, but now they seemed to wake up again and respond to Annabel's hands as well. She felt the redhead pinch her nipples, tugging at them roughly. It felt good, too good, and all Melanie could do was moan out loud as Annabel fucked her clit mercilessly. The ocean waves splashed over their bodies from time to time, but neither one cared. Annabel started moaning louder and louder, riding the wave of her pleasure.

    "Ahhhhh... yeah baby!" She moaned, "I'm about to cum." She thrusted her pussy harder and faster against Melanie's cunt, forcing herself to the very edge. Melanie couldn't help but match her rhythm as well, her pussy throbbing madly in anticipation of yet another massive orgasm. She had lost count of how many times she had climaxed, and she felt like she didn't have any more strength to spare for such an intense pleasure. But Annabel was rubbing her clit with unbelievable intensity, drawing out the experience, making her feel the full brunt of her orgasm before allowing herself release. Melanie began feeling dizzy again, unable to think coherently as her whole body started shaking uncontrollably.

    "Ahhhh..." Annabel moaned, "Cum with me! CUM YOU WHORE!"

    Annabel began screaming loudly as her pussy exploded. Her eyes closed tightly while waves after waves of pleasure washed over her, sending her into a euphoric state. Her hips rocked against Melanie's clit without any sense or reason as she rode out her orgasm, moaning like a slut in heat. Then suddenly her eyes flew open and she leaned down on top of Melanie and held herself still, pressing her boobs hard against Melanie's chest as she caught her breath. The sensation of Annabel's heaving tits against hers was too much for Melanie to handle. She began moaning out loud as well, feeling her body shaking from the force of Annabel's orgasm. All the stimulation proved to be too much for her tired body, and her clit throbbed intensely as her own orgasm crashed through her being. This time she really screamed, unable to hold it in. It was a scream of ecstasy and agony, as her pussy and clit throbbed and burned with unbearable pleasure. She never thought orgasm could be painful, but now she felt like she was being drained of something she didn't have anymore, like her insides were being pulled out. "No.... no.... no.... stop.... please stop..." she begged Annabel.

    When their orgasms finally started to subside, Annabel lifted herself up slightly, gazing down at Melanie. They stared into each other's eyes while they breathed heavily, their chests rising and falling slowly as their bodies calmed down from their orgasms. "Do you concede now, baby?" Annabel asked, trying to hide a triumphant smile. She knew she had won, there was no question about that.

    Melanie didn't reply. She simply blinked weakly, not able to move or speak. The afterglow of her massive orgasm still lingered on her skin and in her veins. She didn't even try to fight back when Annabel laid on top of her and grabbed both sides of Melanie's head, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Annabel kissed her deeply while pressing her big tits hard against the brunette's body. Her hands slid down from Melanie's cheeks to her neck and shoulders. Then she took hold of Melanie's huge breasts and caressed them tenderly.

    "You were amazing, baby," she cooed, "Don't feel too bad about it. It's no shame to lose to me." She leaned in and whispered in Melanie's ear, "You have a beautiful pussy, Melanie, and I love eating your juices." She licked the outer shell of Melanie's ear, making the woman gasp loudly. Annabel giggled softly, continuing to play with Melanie's tits. She squeezed them lightly while pinching their nipples, causing them to harden. "And these big juicy jugs are incredible," she said, letting out a satisfied sigh, "It feels so good when they rest against mine. They fit together so well!"

    Melanie was breathing heavily as she stared up at Annabel. She couldn't believe what was happening, all this had been her plan, except the other way, with her on top, but somehow things had gotten turned around. Now she lay beneath Annabel, unable to speak or move. She felt her pussy getting wet again, just from having her big tits caressed and played with. The feeling was delicious and surreal at the same time, like nothing she had ever experienced before. She had truly underestimated Annabel, and she knew she had lost this time. She had no intention of losing in the future.

    Annabel got up slightly and gazed down into Melanie's eyes. "Thanks for this, I really needed it." she looked up at the sun, "There's still plenty of daylight left, and I feel like driving around. You can follow me if you want." She winked at Melanie and got up and walked deeper into the water, her big round ass swaying seductively back and forth. She turned around and beckoned for Melanie to follow her with one hand.

    Melanie remained in place, letting the warm water envelop her body. She watched Annabel for awhile, mesmerized by the way she walked. Her smooth, silky legs and curvaceous hips drew her eyes towards the redhead's perfect booty, and she was almost hypnotized by the view. The sunlight reflected off the ocean water around them, creating a sparkly shimmer around Annabel as she stood there waiting for Melanie.

    Finally, she pushed herself up and followed Annabel deeper into the water. As soon as they entered the deeper waters, Annabel stopped and turned around and grabbed the brunette's breasts, pulling her into a passionate kiss. Melanie kissed her back with just as much passion, wrapping her arms around Annabel's waist. They stood there in the waist deep water, kissing each other for awhile before parting their lips.


    Hours later, Annabel returned to her villa and moored her boat. She and Melanie had enjoyed driving around, racing their boats at high speed through the coastal waters. Finally, when the sun began so set, they parted ways and each set course to their homes. Now, Annabel was thinking about her encounter with Melanie. The sex had been amazing, and it helped improve her mood. Still, she could not push Jessica out of her mind. As good as Melanie was, and she was really good, she couldn't satisfy her like Jessica. Not sexually, and definitely not emotionally.

    But Jessica wasn't around. She had left her, and even though she thought she understood why she had gone away, it still hurt. Annabel didn't know how to deal with her feelings, how to deal with the hole that Jessica had left in her. The only thing she knew was to try to fill that hole with sex, with dominating other women. But even though Melanie was one of the toughest opponents she had faced, it still wasn't enough. The hole was still there, perhaps even bigger than before. Annabel went upstairs and showered, letting the warm water wash away some of her sadness. When she felt a bit better she sat down on the couch and watched TV, trying to distract herself from thinking about Jessica.

    Annabel kept staring at the screen, but she was not paying attention to what was playing. She couldn't stop thinking about Jessica and their time together, and as the hours passed by she started feeling sad again. She wondered what Jessica was doing, where she was, was she ok? Was she with someone else? Annabel felt jealousy rear its ugly head. "She can do whatever she wants," she told herself, "she owes me nothing!" She got up and went outside to lie in the hammock, hoping a change in scenery would improve her mood. But even there, in the warm evening weather and with nothing but crystal clear ocean around her, Annabel felt sad and lonely.

    "Fuck this..." she said to herself, getting up and going inside the villa. It was already late, but she hadn't eaten anything proper for ages. She didn't feel like cooking anything, so she ordered some chinese food and sat down to wait for it. She needed something to keep her mind occupied, something that would focus her away from Jessica. Something fun, so that she wouldn't get bored with it. She decided to call her friend Ben, he would know what to do.

    After a couple of rings, Ben picked up the phone. "Hi Annabel, how are you doing?"

    "Not great I'm afraid," Annabel replied, hints of sadness in her voice, "I need your help."

    "Oh dear! Then just sit tight and I'll be right over!" Ben said, not hesitating even for a second. But that was Ben, he was a sweetheart. And, best of all, he was 100% gay, so there was not even a hint of sexual undertones in his relationship with Annabel. He was just a great friend.

    "I just ordered some chinese," Annabel said, "We can share if you're hungry."

    "Just hang on there darling, I'm getting an Uber right now. And you can tell me everything, I can hear you're not all right."

    As soon as Ben got in the door, Annabel spilled her heart out to him, telling all about her time with Jessica, and how she and Jessica had started falling for each other. And how they they had then gotten scared of their feelings, and Jessica had left. And now Annabel couldn't get Jessica out of her mind, she missed her terribly. Ben listened to everything Annabel said, offering his support the best he could. He had never seen his friend so down before, she always knew what to do when someone got upset. But it seemed that this time around she really had no idea how to handle things.

    Ben didn't want Annabel to be alone in this, and so he promised to keep her company until morning. Then they watched TV and played some cards while eating Chinese food together. Finally, after a long evening full of conversation and distraction, they both fell asleep on the couch. They woke up in the same position, still close to each other, with a blanket covering them. When they opened their eyes, it was already early dawn and Ben smiled at his friend.

    "Good morning," he said happily, "I hope you had beautiful dreams."

    "Thank you Ben," Annabel replied quietly, smiling at her friend.

    He looked at her tenderly and squeezed her hand under the blanket. "Don't worry Annabel, I am here for you," he said, "We are going to figure this out together, I promise."

    Annabel gave him a weak smile as she began getting up from the couch. "Let me help you," Ben offered. He helped her to her feet and got up from the couch as well. Then he took her hand and walked with her to her bedroom.

    "Go ahead and sleep some more, I'll get us something to eat."


    The next few days were pretty much the same, Annabel spent them in bed recovering, while Ben was always there with her. They spent most of their time on the couch, eating food and watching TV or playing cards, but there wasn't a moment where Annabel felt lonely. Even so, her mood was still pretty dark and Ben could see it. He tried cheering her up whenever he got the chance to, but nothing seemed to help. Finally, Ben came to Annabel with an idea, "I've been thinking, you should throw a party. And not just any party, a masquerade!"

    "You think that's a good idea?" Annabel asked.

    "Yes I do. It will give you things to do and think about, and I'm sure it will cheer you up."

    "Maybe you're right," Annabel reluctantly admitted, "I haven't had a party in ages. But who should I invite? Who will be the guests?"

    "Leave that to me dear," Ben said and smiled, "I know just the right people to invite."

    "As long as it's not just your gay friends," Annabel laughed.

    "See, you're already laughing!" Ben said enthusiastically, "This is going to be so much fun, we're going to have the best masquerade anyone's been to in years!"


    Ben set the ball rolling, and Annabel had no choice but to go along. But it worked, she had a thousand things to take care of and decide, and it didn't leave her time to think about Jessica much. Only at nights when she lay on her bed and held Jessica's pillow close to her and felt her faint scent did she feel the hole inside her. She fell asleep thinking about Jessica and what she was doing, hoping that she would return.

    Days passed, and the preparations went on. Annabel still didn't know who Ben had invited, but he assured her the guests would be spectacular. They had decided on a theme for the party: a steampunk meets high fantasy setting, where one half of the guests would masquerade as steampunk and the other half as high fantasy. They got a band for live music, top notch catering, and circus artists and other performers to really set the stage of the party. The party would be at Annabel's garden, it had plenty of space and they had also rented tents and set up food courts outside. All the decorations were painstakingly designed, some of the tents were steampunk styled, others high fantasy, and some were an elaborate mix of the two styles. Annabel really got in deep with organizing the party, and she spared no expense. She wanted this party to be the best anyone had seen.

    Of course, she also spent a fair amount of time thinking about her own dress and mask. She would be high fantasy, so she naturally took the role of a dark elf queen. Her incredible body and long flowing red hair made it really impossible to hide her identity, but she did her best. She ordered a green and silver dress for herself that made her truly look like an elf queen, and her mask completed her look, making her practically ooze sensuality. She looked absolutely stunning in her outfit. The dress had a neckline cut so low it went down almost to the top of her pussy, and her huge boobs were proudly in display, with strips of cloth going behind her neck and down the front, covering the nipples and areolas, but leaving the sides of her boobs completely visible. Her back was completely bare, and the dress clung tightly around her bubble butt. The dress covered her legs, at least in theory, but it had two long slits on either side that revealed her sexy, shapely thighs and calves every time she moved. In short, it was a dress that was superbly sexy, but at the same time not at all trashy.

    To complete her looks, Annabel had a red leather mask with rubies embedded in it, and red high heels with also rubies embedded in the straps. When she showed Ben her outfit, he could just stare in amazement. "Oh my God..." he said breathlessly, "You look incredible!"

    "You like it?" Annabel asked teasingly, doing a little twirl and making sure to let Ben have a good view of her jugs and booty.

    "I'd be out of my mind if I didn't," Ben smiled while his eyes roamed over Annabel's body, "Are you ready to go yet?"

    "Almost... can you help me with my ruby necklace and bracelets?"

    Ben nodded, taking the necklace and putting it on Annabel. Then, he helped with the bracelets, finishing Annabel's outfit. The ruby necklace fit perfectly around Annabel's neck, its long chain draping across her chest down towards her big jugs, and one big ruby nestled right where Annabel's deep cleavage began. The rest of the rubies were embedded in silver bracelets that were kind of a mesh that covered Annabel's arms up to her elbows. Ben stepped back and gazed at Annabel with admiration. She truly looked like an elf queen, he thought, she had outdone herself this time around. He couldn't wait for the party to begin.


    Ben had done an amazing job with the invitations Annabel thought as the guests started arriving. People had really put in some effort to look their part, and there were sexy steampunk chicks with leather and lace bondage outfits, along with guys dressed as characters from every fantasy novel or movie you could imagine. And everybody had their mask on, so Annabel was trying to guess who was inside each costume. She didn't have much success, and Ben didn't help either, refusing to let her know who he had invited. But it was clear that he had gone the extra mile to invite the sexiest people around, and Annabel found herself getting hot just looking at all the sexy women in their skimpy costumes, each dressed to seduce and show as much as they could without being crass. Of course, Annabel was the undeniable queen of the party. With all the other ladies in sexy outfits, she looked positively amazing. Her huge boobs filled out the top of her dress beautifully, and she knew the long slit on the sides showed everyone her incredible legs.

    As the band started their gig, Annabel smiled widely and watched the music while drinking champagne from her crystal glass. She was feeling good about this party, she couldn't stop thinking about how sexy all the guests were, and how unbelievably horny she felt from all the eye candy. And she wasn't the only one feeling that way, she noticed people getting together in pairs or small groups and dancing together, rubbing their bodies in ever increasing excitement. She was scanning the party to find someone who would be interesting, someone who she could take to her bedroom and ravage. She thought she spotted Melanie in the crowd, dressed as a sexy sorceress, but it looked like she was already busy with a couple of sexy women, and she decided to be a gracious host and let them have their fun.

    All of the sudden, Annabel spotted a woman she hadn't noticed before. She was standing in the sidelines, scanning the crowd, perhaps looking for someone interesting, just like Annabel. The woman was beautiful, from what Annabel could see, but most of her body was covered in a steampunk style long leather coat. I couldn't hide all over her curves, though, and Annabel licked her lips. The woman had long golden blond hair that was tied on a pony tail, flowing around as she moved her head. The long shiny locks reached all the way down her back, almost reaching her protruding ass. Annabel knew at that moment that she had found what she was looking for. She emptied her champagne and made a beeline for the woman, leaving the empty glass to a waiter on her way. She had barely started moving when the woman spotted her, and locked her blue eyes with Annabel's green ones. There was an instant spark between them, and the woman licked her lips seductively as Annabel approached her.

    "Hello," Annabel said, "I hope you're enjoying the party."

    "Hi," the woman replied in a soft, melodic tone, "I am now. I was hoping to find someone interesting tonight, but it wasn't looking good until you came."

    "Oh really," Annabel said, "So far you haven't seen anyone who interests you?"

    "Not until just now," she replied smiling, "So what is your name?"

    "Call me Annabel," she smiled at the blonde, "And what can I call you?"

    "Lillian," the woman replied, "I'd like to dance with you, if you don't mind. But first I have to take off my coat, it's getting quite hot in here," she said with a wide grin.

    "Not a problem at all," Annabel agreed as Lillian undid her coat and handed it to a butler. Underneath, she wore a black leather corset that was adorned with silver studs. The corset made the blonde's huge tits practically pop out, and Annabel couldn't help but lick her lips again. The rest of Lillian's outfit was sexy and revealing as well. She had black leather boots that reached up mid thigh, and on her hips she had a white leather belt with a holster that held a prop gun, steampunk style of course. Her skirt barely covered her ass, and showed off her long shapely legs, and it was decorated with more of those tiny silver studs. When she started dancing, Annabel's gaze travelled to her chest. The corset that Lillian was wearing pushed her big breasts upwards so that they practically spilled out. The blonde's huge tits were almost bursting forth from their confines, and they bounced in such a hypnotizing way that Annabel couldn't look away from them for even a second.

    Annabel took Lillian's hand and led her into the middle of the party, where there were some space cleared for couples to dance. When they began moving to the music, Annabel could see that Lillian was an amazing dancer, her moves were graceful and sensual at the same time. But perhaps most amazing were her tits, they kept bouncing around so perfectly it looked like they were controlled by puppet strings. Annabel found herself breathing heavily, feeling aroused beyond belief as she watched Lillian dancing in front of her. The blonde was turning Annabel on so much that she just wanted to take her right then and there.

    Annabel began dancing with Lillian, rubbing herself against Lillian, trying to show off her own body. They didn't speak any more, only stared into each other's eyes while their bodies swayed in time with the music. Their bodies were grinding together as they moved to the music, each making sure their big boobs rubbed against the others. Ben smiled as she noticed Annabel and Lillian dancing together. If Lillian couldn't get Annabel's mind off Jessica, nobody could, he was certain of that.

    Suddenly, Annabel grabbed Lillian and pulled her close and started kissing her hard. She pushed her tongue inside the blonde's mouth, robbing her of her breath and causing her to moan softly. Lillian kissed back just as fiercely, giving as much as she got. She grabbed Annabel's ass with both hands, digging her nails into it through the fabric of the dress, kneading the meat of her big bubble butt. Then she slid her hand down one of the slit on Annabel's dress, rubbing the back of her leg. Annabel let out a deep moan in response.

    "Do you want to go inside?" She asked breathlessly.

    Lillian didn't reply, but the look on her face made it clear that she couldn't wait another moment. Annabel took the lead and walked briskly towards the back door, pulling Lillian behind her.

    Suddenly, she stopped on her tracks, causing Lillian to bump into her. There, at the garden gate, was Jessica. Dressed in a dirty T-shirt and jeans, yet she looked more beautiful than she ever had. Annabel felt her heart flutter. Their eyes met, and Annabel felt she was drowning in Jessica's green eyes.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    Great stuff. The fight with Melanie was very well done. And don’t worry. Take your time with the next part

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    This is really excellent - well-written, compelling characters, and a fantastic cliff-hanger with lots of possible developments going forward! The encounter between Melanie and Annabel was fantastic, though I do hope that Melanie gets her rematch and does better against Annabel in the future. I think I said this in a comment on the last part of this story, but having the protagonists be a bit more challenged in their sexual encounters would add a lot to the suspense. Lillian looks like she might be a good match for Annabel, but now we have Jessica back in the mix! Can't wait to see what happens next. Will Lillian quietly retire and let Jessica get together with Annabel? Will Melanie have her opportunity for a rematch? Is there a fourway in the future or possible a threeway?

    You've done a good job of adding depth to the characters as well. Again, though, it would be good to have Annabel and Jessica encounter other women who can actually match them and maybe even beat them!

    Great work! Really looking forward to the next part, but take the time you need. Given what you've done so far, it should be fantastic!


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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    Very well written !! Very hot, it may be the chapter i liked more till now (even if all the chapters till now are very hot).
    I can hardly wait to read what comes next.

    As JB also said, I would recommend to enrich your plot with more people, if possible, or to describe fights between some women of the story who have not sexfight each other yet.
    Just an idea, you keep the pen, you decide.
    Take all the time you need and go on that great way !!

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    Hostboard Member barata77's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    Thank you for the encouragement and feedback Yuri, JB and Giannis!

    There will be a fight in the next chapter that doesn't involve Jessica or Annabel, and strange as it may seem, I agree that Jessica and Annabel are, to borrow a gaming term, "overpowered." When I started writing, I had the rough outline of the first 2.5 chapters, but the story has taken me in some unexpected directions. So, I can't really say what lies ahead. However, to address Melanie especially, she fully intends to get a rematch and if/when she does, she won't underestimate Annabel again. I won't say that Annabel got lucky this time, or that Melanie was unlucky, but I think she has the potential for more and we haven't seen all of her yet.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting Villa, part 5: the masquerade

    Quote Originally Posted by barata77 View Post
    Thank you for the encouragement and feedback Yuri, JB and Giannis!

    There will be a fight in the next chapter that doesn't involve Jessica or Annabel, and strange as it may seem, I agree that Jessica and Annabel are, to borrow a gaming term, "overpowered." When I started writing, I had the rough outline of the first 2.5 chapters, but the story has taken me in some unexpected directions. So, I can't really say what lies ahead. However, to address Melanie especially, she fully intends to get a rematch and if/when she does, she won't underestimate Annabel again. I won't say that Annabel got lucky this time, or that Melanie was unlucky, but I think she has the potential for more and we haven't seen all of her yet.

    Hi Barata!

    I'm really delighted to hear that we have not seen the last of Melanie's sex fighting prowess against Annabel! I'm also glad you agree that the main protagonists are "overpowered." I was a bit reluctant to make that point. I'm not necessarily saying that they have to lose but, so far, I don't think either of them have been at any real risk of losing to anyone else. This is especially the case in the Annabel-Melanie battle, where Annabel is always in control of the fight. The suspense is much greater when both parties have a real chance of beating the other. People sometimes mistake my stories for not having winners. That is actually not the case - most of my stories have one combatant coming out on top. But they are always set up to be so close that it could have gone either way and may well do so the next time. I am not trying to foist my preferences on you, however, but offer what I hope is constructive criticism.

    I'm intrigued by the idea that the next part of the story will feature a fight between women who are not Annabel or Jessica. I imagine one of the combatants is Lillian but I get the sense from your comment that the other one may be a character yet to be introduced.

    Really looking forward to the next part!


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