I've been a silent fan of 'Perfect Pair' since it was first posted back in 2006. It was one of the first stories I'd ever read in this genre. It's remained in my top 10 ever since, and one I've always come back to every once in a while. While I definitely enjoyed 'Four of a Kind', I remember missing the interactions between Holly and Michelle.

Imagine my surprise when I come to find that you've written a second sequel with their full reunion! I read it in one sitting, enjoying every word. You, good sir, are a legend. I loved it so much, in fact, that I had to come out of lurking for the first time ever just to thank you for writing such a perfect and satisfying sequel to an already classic story.

I know you mentioned that only have a few stray ideas of where to go next with this series, but if and when you do, I cannot wait to see them realized.