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Thread: Storming the Castle: Part 5

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Storming the Castle: Part 5

    Vanessa had sent her team off in different directions before venturing off herself. She knew what was about to come and her pulse pounded out of her bountiful, nude chest. She wasn’t sure if it was more nervousness or fury. The woman who made her want to become a cop had been playing her like a fiddle all this time. She remembered first meeting Brooke at her high school job fair. Vanessa grew up in a very rough and poor neighborhood, which caused her to become depressed and bitter about it. Brooke had told her not to just pout about it and actually take action if she thought she could. To do whatever it took to make the world a better place. Vanessa was inspired by these words and signed up for the police academy straight out of high school with Brooke as her mentor. Vanessa had taken her advice a little too well and was brash, trigger happy and overzealous. A far cry from the professional, no nonsense cop babe she is today. Still, Brooke never gave up on her when the rest of the precinct thought of her as nothing but a loose cannon. That all changed however, when reports of La Cazadora hiding out at an abandoned mansion. What happened that day hardened Vanessa considerably and now she knew it was all based on a lie. Her blood boiled for revenge for the humiliation and manipulation Brooke put her through but seeing her again after so long and under such horrible circumstances also made her a bit anxious.

    Nonetheless, she took a deep breath, exhaled and continued down her hallway. The thought of fighting Brooke made her nipples harden and pussy boil with desire. She had always wanted to fuck Brooke but back then, she did not have the same extreme libido that she does now. She kept walking down the hallway, her heart shaped ass swaying as she did so until she came across a large, matted room. On one wall of the room was a cell. She did hear that Madam Red had planned on expanding the prison. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from the opposite hallway entrance and somehow, she just knew who it would be and tensed up. Each click of the footsteps felt like a jolt to her heart until Brooke finally showed herself and stood in front of her former protege with a cocky grin on her beautiful face. She then scoffed. The silence only lasted a few seconds but felt like an eternity. Vanessa’s face was as cold and emotionless as stone despite the deep emotional turmoil burning inside of her as memories of that fateful day flashed in her mind.

    Years ago:

    “Nessa…” Brooke said with a groan.

    “Don’t “Nessa” me!” Vanessa complained. “I’m not just gonna sit on the sidelines while you go after La Malvada’s number two!”

    “You haven’t even been out of the academy for a year.” Brooke argued. “Do you have any idea how dangerous Las Brujas is?”

    “That’s why I won’t let you do this alone!“ Vanessa protested. “There has to be something! Anything I can do!”

    “You’re just a kid…” Brooke said.

    “I am not! I’m 19!” Vanessa argued. “And if I just wanted to do nothing but hope for the best, I would’ve stayed in civilian life.”

    Brooke sighed.

    “Okay…Just let me think of something you can do.” Brooke said. “And you have to be lowkey about this or you could get us both fired. Understand?”

    “Yeah, of course.” Vanessa said, calming down.

    “For now, we’ll both have to get back to work.” Brooke said. “I promise I’ll find something useful for you to do, okay?”

    “Yes.” Vanessa said. “Thank you, Brooke.”

    “Heh. You finally stopped calling me “Sergeant”. Brooke pointed out.

    “I guess so.” Vanessa said.

    Present day:

    “Well…If it isn’t my little ball and chain all grown up.” Brooke said condescendingly.

    They both looked quite different since the last time they saw each other. Vanessa had let her hair from the ponytail she always used to wear and had replaced her glasses with contacts. Brooke, in contrast to the authoritative but sexy cop look she used to have, now looked like a miniature La Malvada. Purple makeup and her long, brown hair flowed downwards instead of the bun she always used to have while on duty. Vanessa still said nothing and just stared Brooke down. If looks could kill…

    “What? Cat got your tongue?” Brooke asked. “I guess I shouldn’t complain. You never could shut up in the old days.”

    Vanessa still did not respond.

    “And here you are…Running your own squad.” Brooke said. “You’ve caused us no small amount of trouble, you know? If you expect me to tell you I’m proud of you, you’ve got another thing coming.”


    “Oh, come on.” Brooke said, getting annoyed. “You must have some things on your mind. The Nessa I know would have…”

    “Shut your cunt licking mouth, you worthless piece of criminal shit.” Vanessa said in a totally deadpan voice. Brooke was visibly taken aback.

    “So, she can talk after all.” Brooke said.

    “I understand it all now…” Vanessa said. “That day…You didn’t not want me getting involved for my safety…It was to cover your own ass. You were planning on going there alone and destroying all evidence you were there but you couldn’t do that if I was there.”

    “Quite the detective, aren’t you?” Brooke asked mockingly. “I knew that even if I didn’t relent, you’d try to tag along behind my back anyway.”

    “So, you came up with a plan to disappear without blowing your cover.” Vanessa finished.

    “You were smart…But not smart enough, Nessa.” Brooke bragged.

    “Stop calling me that!” Vanessa demanded angrily. “Only my real friends who aren’t two faced cunts get to call me that!”

    “And yet one of your girls was a spy within my organization.” Brooke argued.

    “Don’t compare yourself to Chrissy.” Vanessa said coldly. “She spied to put monsters behind bars. Not for her own personal gain like you did.”

    “Have me all figured out, do you?” Brooke asked.

    “I know all I need to know.” Vanessa said. “The rest can wait for interrogation.”

    “Your overconfidence hasn’t changed at all.” Brooke said. “Just like you haven’t changed where it really matters.”

    “Talk is cheap, “La Cazadora”.” Vanessa said with venom.

    “Nothing more to say?” Brooke asked.

    “Only three words.” Vanessa answered. “You’re under arrest.”

    Brooke gained a more serious expression as she began to undress. Vanessa began to get excited. She had forgotten how incredibly well endowed Brooke was and had never actually seen her naked. Her H cups were truly salivating. A part of Vanessa suspected that she would be so disgusted by Brooke that she wouldn’t have any sexual desire for her and would be disgusted by touching her…but she was very wrong. Her desire for vengeance and sexual gratification burned hot. She wasn’t sure which of the two was more powerful. She was now beginning to truly understand how Jasmine and Sabrina felt about each other. Brooke finished stripping down, her voluptuous form on full display. Vanessa took a single step forward followed by Brooke doing the same. This continued until eventually their enormous assets finally came into delicious contact. The two brunette bombshells bit down on their bottom lips to suppress moans. Their pink nipples slid over each other repeatedly before finally pushing straight into their rival’s areolas. Their breathing had already become strained and disjointed.

    “I’ve wanted to fuck you ever since I first laid my eyes on you.” Vanessa admitted.

    “Well, since we’re both letting all our secrets out, the feeling has always been quite mutual.” Brooke shared. “You may have been only 18 when I first saw you at that job fair but I could already tell that you were a fine piece of ass…and looking at you now…I hope La Malvada lets me keep you all to myself.”

    “I know Ms. Colby will let me keep you too.” Vanessa added.

    They then placed their hands on each other’s shoulders and began scuffling with each other, trying to pin their bitter enemy to the floor and secure a dominant position but both remained stiff and unmoving. Eventually, the physical strain became too much and they had to get down to their knees. Their lustful, focused eyes never once lost contact. Their grunting devolved into panting before Brooke tilted her head to the side and forced her mouth on top of her former protege’s mouth. As they both came to expect, the kiss was heated and vicious.

    “Mmmmmmm!!!“ They both frantically moaned into each other’s mouths.

    Their tongues wrestled each other ferociously and deeply explored the other nympho’s mouth. Vanessa was able to enclose her full lips over Brooke’s and began sucking away at her tongue. Brooke then buried her hands deep into Vanessa’s dark brown hair followed by Vanessa doing the same to Brooke’s. The two really could pass for sisters. Brooke then started sucking on Vanessa’s tongue passionately before sealing her mouth back onto the younger brunette’s. They pulled each other’s hair nice and tight, eventually resulting in them finally breaking the hateful mouth war with a string of saliva being left behind.

    “When I own you, do you have any idea what I’m going to do to your pathetic, lying cunt?!” Vanessa asked rhetorically through her gasping and panting.

    “I’m sure you’ll tell me anyway.” Brooke said plainly.

    “I’m going to take all the rage, guilt, sadness and bitterness that your little trick caused me and I’m going to fuck all of it into you over and over and over again until you never walk again! And then I’ll fuck you some more until your mind bails and you become nothing but my obediant little fuckbitch! Just like your cunt of a boss does to her concubines!”

    “You’ve gained quite a sadistic streak.” Brooke said, sounding impressed. “You wouldn’t be a half bad Bruja.”

    “Like shit!” Vanessa spat.

    She then began forcefully kissing the older brunette again, pushing herself into Brooke until she fell forward with Vanessa on top of her. Suddenly, their burning, soaking wet twats finally came together and it was even more electrifying than either of them had expected it to be.

    “Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!” They both practically shrieked into each other’s mouths.

    Brooke tried to roll away to potentially turn this into a catball but Vanessa had her pinned and wasn’t letting go. She then began flexing her thick, round ass, thus pumping her cunt into her former mentor’s as she broke the kiss again.

    “How do you like this?!” Vanessa asked with a shout as she began humping Brooke even faster and harder.

    “Aghhhh!!” Brooke groaned. “You little meddling whore!”

    “That’s what a cop’s job is but I guess you wouldn’t know!“ Vanessa shot back. “You ran off to Las Brujas because you couldn’t hack it as a real cop!”

    “Pompous little slut! Ugh!” Brooke cursed. “You think you know me inside and out, do you?!”

    “I do now!“ Vanessa said confidently.

    “You thought you did back then too!“ Brooke argued. “And guess what? You were wrong! Just like you’re wrong now!”

    Vanessa continued fucking Brooke with all of her might and power. Their tits, nipples, bellies and especially lower lips slammed at the younger brunette’s behest over and over and over again. Brooke could not deny that the arrogant little rookie she once knew was long gone. Replaced by an absolute carnal warrior. Surprisingly, she was starting to feel the all too familiar numbing volts filling up her insides, signaling what was to come. She knew it was best to just let it happen, so that’s exactly what she did.

    “Agh! Ugh! Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!” Brooke screamed as she climaxed.

    Vanessa winced one eye closed as she felt what she had been wanting to feel for over a decade. Brooke’s pussy gushing into her own. Back then, she would’ve been walking on air at this very moment and while it did feel satisfying both physically and mentally, it just fueled her desire for vengeance even further. Brooke kicked her off of her as both brunette babes were left huffing and puffing. The orgasm was something else. While Brooke never managed to satisfy her desire to take Vanessa to bed back in the old days and know for sure, she could tell that Vanessa was far stronger now.

    “So, I still don’t know you, do I?“ Vanessa asked through her heavy breathing. “Then enlighten me. Why did you do all of this? Why work for La Malvada?“

    “You wouldn’t understand.” Brooke said dismissively.

    “Fuck off with that cop out shit!“ Vanessa demanded. “Make me understand!”

    “You will when I break your body and mind down into my plaything.” Brooke shot back.

    Vanessa was frustrated. She just could not wrap her head around what made this monster in front of her tick. How could she have spent so long on the force and so long training her to be an upstanding law enforcement agent only for it all to be some ploy. Was she really just that much of a sociopath? Vanessa knew that it was probably a good thing that she couldn’t understand it as it meant that she was a good person and good cop. Or at least far better at both that Brooke was. Still, it did aggravate her and motivated her even more.

    “Have it your way.” Vanessa said. “You can explain yourself to the judge and jury instead.”

    Brooke did not respond and instead confidently marched towards the younger brunette, who stood still defiantly, waiting for another collision and then it came. Brooke tackled Vanessa back into the matted floor, leading to the two brown haired beauties rolling around in a catball, just as Brooke had tried to do earlier.

    “Sanctimonious bitch!” Brooke cursed through her grunts of effort.

    “Gaslighting cunt!” Vanessa shot back.

    The feeling of the other nympho’s warm, sweaty skin on their own, as well as their tits mushrooming together and flowing, silky hair whipping all around was truly heavenly. Eventually though, Brooke ended up securing the dominant position with Vanessa against the wall, her long, sweat drenched hair curtaining both of their pretty faces.

    “You can dish it but let’s see just how well you can take it.” Brooke announced.

    “Do your worst. I doubt you’re anything compared to Jazz or Sabrina.” Vanessa said defiantly.

    “In some ways, you really haven’t changed at all.” Brooke said.

    She then lifted up both of Vanessa’s legs and rested them on her shoulders, giving her plenty of room and leverage to fuck her former protege against the wall. Which she did.

    “Fuck!” Vanessa cursed through grit teeth as she was tribbed in this L shaped position.

    “Your pussy feels so smooth and leathery.” Brooke said. “I can’t wait to fuck it over and over and over again when you’re my pet.”

    Brooke then secured Vanessa’s legs to her body by hooking her elbows around them and proceeded to reach down and dig her hands deep into the cop babe’s G cups, fondling them roughly.

    “Goddamn you!” Vanessa cursed.

    Vanessa could immediately see why the older brunette managed to impress La Malvada enough to be made her right hand woman. The raw sensations of Brooke fucking her had surpassed even her old fantasies. Her pussy slammed into hers repeatedly, sending numbing shockwaves of pleasure throughout Vanessa’s flawless body. Being held up against this wall gave her very little, if any opportunity to trib Brooke back either. She looked up at her former mentor, fully taking in the sight of her beautiful face contorted with sadistic lust, her hair sweaty and disheveled at the sides of Vanessa’s face. She had wanted to be in this position for so long. She just wished it was under very different circumstances. The jolts being sent through Vanessa’s body with each and every slam were so powerful that they almost felt as if the younger brunette was being fucked by the older brunette with a strap on. Brooke smiled sadistically as she watched Vanessa’ face and body contort with overwhelming pleasure. Brooke herself was very much getting into it too as both of their faces were red as beets. Their clits soon came out of their hoods to join in the fight and Vanessa’s was utterly dominated by Brooke’s. Soon, it became clear to both of them that Vanessa could not take much more of this and the younger brunette braced herself for the inevitable.

    “Agggghhhhhhhh!!!!!” Vanessa shrieked as she climaxed.

    Just as she made Brooke do to her, Brooke made Vanessa cum inside of her, filling up her insides deliciously. Brooke loved the feeling. However, the tribbing had given her a bit more of a workout than she had anticipated. Vanessa had quite the stamina indeed. The older brunette pulled herself off of her enemy, peeling their lower lips apart from each other with a mutual groan as they both huffed and puffed. The orgasm was a devastating one. Easily rivaling if not surpassing the best orgasms given to her by Jasmine or Sabrina. Probably not Tamara though. Still, Vanessa could tell that bringing that climax out of her took more out of Brooke than she expected.

    “I hope you’ve…got more than that.” Vanessa taunted in between deep breaths.

    “Nothing shatters that confidence of yours, does it?” Brooke asked rhetorically.

    “Not anymore. No.” Vanessa said plainly.

    And she meant it. If she could bounce back from nearly tearing her squad apart and the emotional gut punch that was discovering Brooke’s true nature, she truly felt like she could bounce back from anything.

    “Well then…” Brooke said sinisterly. “Why don’t we really put that to the test?”

    “Anything you’re up for, I can turn it against you twice as hard.” Vanessa proclaimed.

    “Then let’s scissor. Right here and right now.” Brooke challenged. “In the middle of the room. No walls, no pins, even elevation between the two of us. A true test of our sexual endurance and offensive capabilities.”

    “Bring it on.” Vanessa said without hesitation.

    The two busty brunettes pulled themselves up and walked towards the center of the room with Vanessa not to subtly eyeing up Brooke’s shapely, swaying ass as the older brunette walked in front of her. They then shifted their positions so that they were facing each other before descending to the ground until they were laying on their backs. Their long, thick brown hair cascaded behind their heads and fanned out on the matted floor.

    “I hope you’re ready for this.” Brooke said confidently.

    “I was about to say the same thing to you.” Vanessa shot back.

    They then scooted their fine rear ends up towards each other before their lower lips finally reunited in an electrifying union.

    “Aghhh!!” Vanessa groaned.

    “Ughhh!!” Brooke groaned.

    As the raging nymphos pumped their pussies into one another, more memories came flooding back to Vanessa’s head. After Brooke’s supposed abduction, Vanessa took quite a bit of time off and very nearly considered quitting the force but in the end, she decided that Brooke would want her to stay. Or so she was led to believe at the time. After returning, she was hardened significantly, becoming the precinct’s toughest and most no-nonsense agent. Being the only woman now that Brooke was gone made her stand out even more. She was a complete ice queen. Preferring to work alone, barely speaking to others unless it was necessary and being very harsh on suspects but not to the point of risking being reported. She was always assigned to be the bad cop in interrogations, which she had no problem with. God help any male suspect that tried to hit on her. This continued for years until Chief Ames assigned Holly to her as a new partner, much to Vanessa’s chagrin.

    Ames believed that Vanessa’s strict professionalism would teach the then lazy, spoiled bimbo a lesson in responsibility and work ethic. He also believed that having Holly as a partner and watching her grow would soften Vanessa’s icy heart and help her finally move on from Brooke. In the end, he had no idea how right he would be. Helping out Jasmine and Nicole and busting Sabrina caused Vanessa to relax and Holly to mature considerably. After they busted La Rubia and La Morena, the four girls became truly inseparable and none of it would have happened if not for Brooke. Vanessa then realized that Brooke was both the best and worst thing that ever happened to her. Which only added to her pain and rage.

    They battled a war of sexual attrition, constantly alternating between Brooke pumping into Vanessa followed by Vanessa pumping into Brooke and rinse and repeat. This went on for they didn’t even know how long and both were beginning to get frustrated. They had both made each other cum once when they started scissoring and made each other cum many more times since but neither showed any signs of slowing down. Brooke thought she would crush Vanessa like a bug but that wasn’t happening. She was beginning to get concerned about what La Malvada would think of her performance. Even Vanessa herself was surprised by how well she was keeping up but she didn’t let it go to her head. They came inside of each other over and over and over again, pushing their bodies to their limits until they finally accepted that they wouldn’t progress the fight like this and peeled apart once again, hyperventilating.

    “You were…my hero.” Vanessa said bitterly through her panting. “I thought you were the most amazing cop and woman in the world. You were everything I wanted to be! And you just threw it away!”

    Brooke scoffed.

    “There’s a good reason I threw it away, Nessa.” Brooke said smugly. “I never wanted it in the first place.”

    Those words hit Vanessa like a brick.

    “I was La Cazadora before you even met me. Before I even became a cop.” Brooke explained. “La Malvada needed someone on the inside to start Las Brujas’ operations in the States. Old man Ames just attached you to me like a tumor. I thought going to that job fair would help sell the deception but if I knew it would lead to me getting stuck with you, I never would have agreed. Maybe then I could’ve kept my cover up to this day.”

    Deep down inside of her, Vanessa knew most of what Brooke was telling her already but that didn’t stop the words from hurting her. Still, she showed no emotion but determination and fury on her face. She knew Brooke was trying to rattle her and would not give into such basic psychological warfare.

    “Thought I was a crutch, did you?” Vanessa asked with tranquil fury. “Well, I hope you got used to it because I’ll make sure you live the rest of your miserable life as my property!”

    Suddenly, Vanessa gained a burst of energy and charged into Brooke, tackling her back into the ground before immediately positioning herself to where her face was directly in front of Brooke’s steaming, red, ripe cunt. The younger brunette then licked her lips and dove in with the entirety of her mouth and tongue.

    “Ohhhh!!” Brooke moaned. “You sneaky little slut!”

    Vanessa had finally gotten to taste Brooke and she imagined Brooke was just as anxious to taste her but for now, she had to make this as devastating as possible. There would be plenty of time to make Brooke lick her pussy once the older brunette was her sex slave. Vanessa feasted on her nemesis like a starving predator, loudly slurping and moaning as she wanted Brooke to hear how much she loved what she was doing. Brooke reached down and buried her hands into the younger brunette’s sweaty brown locks, pulling hard but it did little to slow Vanessa’s oral assault down. Their brutal scissoring session from just minutes ago had made Brooke’s twat nice and raw. Perfect for a good cunnilingus onslaught.

    “Fuck!” Brooke cursed as she yanked harder on Vanessa’s brown tresses.

    ‘Pull my hair all you want, bitch.’ Vanessa thought to herself. ‘It won’t save your pathetic pussy from my tongue.’

    Brooke’s clit soon came out of its hood from the assault her cunt was taking and Vanessa immediately seized the opportunity. She wrapped her horny lips around the pulsating, pink pleasure bud and went to town. She then put her hands to work, reaching upwards to dig her fingers deep into Brooke’s H cups while occasionally pinching and twisting her nipple while she knifed her other hand in and out of the lower folds of Brooke’s labia over and over again. Eventually, this proved to be too much for Brooke and she could no longer hold herself back.

    “No! Fuck! Aggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!” Brooke screamed like a banshee as she climaxed.

    The sheer catharsis that Vanessa experienced when she heard her former mentor wail and her hot cum wash over her face and hair was beyond description. She loved the idea of Brooke being humiliated, especially knowing that she was the one causing it. She was beginning to feel some of her desire for revenge being alleviated but it wasn’t nearly enough. As Brooke hyperventilated in her post orgasmic winding, Vanessa got up and mounted Brooke in a reverse cowgirl position, pulling her leg up and clinging it to her bountiful chest to use as leverage.

    “We have a long way’s to go before you’ve felt even half of the shame and humiliation you forced on me, you worthless soon to be cum dumpster!” Vanessa declared.

    “Fuck…you…” Brooke shot back through her panting.

    “If you insist.” Vanessa said mockingly.

    She then began grinding away at Brooke’s cunt.

    “Uhhhhh…” Brooke moaned.

    Vanessa knew more than anyone on Earth that Brooke was a master of deception, so she knew that it was entirely possible that Brooke could be purposefully exaggerating her reactions in a bid to make Vanessa drop her guard. She would not be tricked by La Cazadora a second time. Never again. So, she held nothing back but she also didn’t overexert herself. Brooke tightly winced one eye closed and bit down on her bottom lip to suppress her moaning. She then used her one open eye to look down, seeing Vanessa’s amazing ass flexing back and forth as her former protege slowly but sensually tribbed her. Brooke reached down to palm and squeeze one of Vanessa’s swaying ass cheeks as she dominated her former mentor. Vanessa was quickly getting addicted to the feeling of Brooke’s pussy submitting to hers. In a way different from any other woman she had ever faced. Like any nympho, Vanessa very much enjoyed the feeling of her cunt absolutely crushing that of her opponent’s but this was something else entirely. She felt full of life and vigor as she fucked Brooke. She now fully realized that this was indeed how Jasmine and Sabrina felt about their own sexual rivalry. No wonder they’re so incapable of staying away from each other. Vanessa and Brooke both felt each other’s clits come out and penetrate the lower folds of their enemy before Brooke eventually began to feel yet another orgasm rearing its ugly head. Brooke was as stunned as she was infuriated but she knew there was nothing she could do about it.

    “Fuuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!!!!” Brooke loudly cursed as she climaxed yet again.

    “Ahhhh…” Vanessa moaned euphorically as she once again felt the glorious warmth and wetness of Brooke blowing her load straight up the younger brunette’s vaginal canal.

    Vanessa was on Cloud 9 at this point. She hadn’t enjoyed a fight this much since her birthday match with Jasmine. Under normal circumstances, she wished she could just stay here and keep fucking Brooke for days, maybe even weeks but she knew she had a job to do. She could play with her nemesis all she wanted once Las Brujas was finally finished once and for all. Still, she knew this battle was far from over and she looked forward to extracting more and more sweet revenge from Brooke. Brooke herself was genuinely amazed by Vanessa’s performance so far. Her growth was not just physical. A part of her wished she had been there to actually guide the younger brunette herself into becoming such a skilled nymphomaniac but then she remembered her true mission. She tried to get up but Vanessa pounced on her again, using the full force of her hand and its palm to assault her pussy even further.

    “Agh!” Brooke grunted.

    “What was that about me still being that same little girl you once knew?“ Vanessa asked tauntingly.

    Brooke, at this point had had well and truly enough and wanted to turn the table right here and right now. She started by turning her head up towards Vanessa’s and initiating another passionate kissfight. Vanessa was more than happy to oblige. Their tongues battled inside of their sealed mouths but Brooke had further plans. She forced all of her weight into Vanessa and managed to push herself into her, sending them falling back into the ground but this time with the older brunette on top. Vanessa was surprised but quickly reacted and got back into the groove of the fight. However, it did little as Brooke now had the dominant position. Her long, flowing, thick and sweat drenched brown hair curtained over both of their faces, slightly mixing into Vanessa’s as Brooke slowly but surely began to dominate Vanessa’s mouth, tits and pussy with her own. She used her legs to spread Vanessa’s and like Vanessa had just done to her, she flexed her ass back and forth to grind into her former protege’s twat.

    “Mmmmmm!!” Vanessa groaned frantically, muffled by Brooke’s dominant mouth.

    Vanessa was impressed that Brooke was able to so quickly turn the match around despite all the pleasure the younger brunette had just dished out on her but it certainly wasn’t going to make her falter now. Vanessa did her best to trib back while also bearhugging Brooke in an attempt to turn this around but Brooke had her totally pinned. It seemed the older brunette was well and truly pissed now and eager to put her former protege in her place. Vanessa struggled to get free but that combined with the extreme pleasure being dished out on her made her body jerk around and her muscles spasm in response, just making it more humiliating as well as easier for Brooke to dominate her. It did not bother Vanessa too much, though. There was truly nothing Brooke could possibly do to her that could cause her any more indignity than what she had already done long ago. As Brooke’s pussy continued to devour Vanessa’s, the younger brunette soon began to feel her orgasm beginning to build up inside of her. This wasn’t surprising as Vanessa had worked herself up considerably from fucking Brooke just a few minutes ago.

    “Mmm! Mmmm!! Mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!” Vanessa screamed into Brooke’s mouth, which was still tonguing down her own.

    Brooke closed her eyes and exhaled in euphoria as she felt her nemesis fill up her insides with her feminine fluids. However, she had no intention of letting Vanessa go. She was playing for keeps now. Vanessa realized this herself when Brooke continued to trib her well after her orgasm had subsided. She was trying to trap her but Vanessa had no intention of just lying down and taking it like some common College slut. She knew Brooke would tire herself out eventually, giving her the opportunity to slip out of this but she had to choose her moment perfectly. Too early and she could end up wasting precious energy. Too late and Brooke will recover and keep fucking her until another opportunity arises but by then, Vanessa may be too drained to be able to do anything. Eventually, she got her chance when Brooke had to break the kiss to take a deep breath. Vanessa took her chances and used her leg to push Brooke off of her as both brunettes were once again left huffing and puffing.

    “Not so…high and mighty now…are you?” Brooke asked through her deep breathing.

    “I could say the same to you.” Vanessa shot back. “How did an overrated slut like you become La Cazadora in the first place?”

    “You were always a smartass little cunt.” Brooke said. “I missed that part of you least of all.”

    “So you did care.” Vanessa said sarcastically.

    The two got up, flipping their matted hair back as the lights of the room shone on their sweat drenched, drool inducing bodies. They then marched towards each other again like they did right back when the match began until they came together in an ecstatic collision of female flesh. G cups compressed into H cups as their mouths sealed into one, tongues exploring deeply. Their lecherous hands reached up each other’s toned backs before burying themselves nice and deeply into their rival’s sweat soaked brown tresses, pulling nice and hard. They sucked and slurped on each other’s tongues as they lifted their legs up to rub them against the other nympho’s pussy.

    “Mmmmm…” They moaned into each other’s mouths.

    They then realized that they were starting to enjoy this a little too much and remembered that this was supposed to be a fight. Brooke then began forcing herself forward, pushing Vanessa into a wall while never once breaking the heated make out session. As Vanessa’s back hit the wall with an audible thud, Brooke lifted Vanessa’s right leg high up in the air as if they were doing a trapeze act but both of them knew what her real reasons for doing that were. Brooke then repositioned herself so that she could bash her cunt directly into Vanessa’s, which she did with glee. The sudden blast of pleasure forced Vanessa to break the kiss and gasp out loud.

    “Aghh!!” Vanessa groaned as Brooke grinned sadistically.

    The older brunette then latched her mouth over Vanessa’s right nipple and began suckling away as she still tribbed her former protege viciously.

    “Fucking whore!” Vanessa cursed as she tried to pull Brooke’s hair to get her under control.

    While still suckling her nipple and audibly slurping over it, Brooke turned her gaze upwards towards Vanessa’s beet red face. Their eyes met hauntingly, causing another flashback.

    More than ten years ago:

    Brooke was sitting at her booth at a high school job fair looking for new recruits. It was slow right now, so she was mostly getting paperwork done when suddenly, she felt a presence in front of her and looked up to see a rather pretty girl with glasses and brown hair in a long ponytail. Brooke also couldn’t help but notice that the girl’s gaze was firmly on Brooke’s breasts in her rather tight uniform.

    “Can I help you?“ She asked.

    “I…” The girl said, stammering. “I want to be a cop!”

    Brooke scoffed.

    “Well, you’re the first girl I’ve gotten today.” Brooke said. “But certainly not the first to be ogling me.”

    “Well, when you wear a uniform like that, it’s hard to ignore.” The girl argued.

    “What’s your name, girl?” Brooke asked.

    “Vanessa.” She answered. “Vanessa Price.”

    “And how old are you, Ms. Price?” Brooke asked.

    “18.” Vanessa answered. “Just a couple weeks ago, actually.”

    “Well, Happy belated Birthday.” Brooke said. “And no offense but you don’t strike me as the law enforcement type.”

    “Looks can be deceiving, Officer…MacTavish.” Vanessa said, reading Brooke’s name tag.

    “True enough.” Brooke agreed. “And it’s Sergeant.”

    “Sorry…Sergeant.” Vanessa corrected herself.

    “But you can call me Brooke.” Brooke said. “I was actually the youngest agent in my precinct’s history to reach that rank.”

    “Wow. That’s amazing.” Vanessa said.

    “I suppose so.” Brooke said modestly. “And truth be told, it would be nice to have another XX chromosome at the station. Less eyes wandering all over me.”

    “Believe me, I know.” Vanessa said.

    “So, why do you want to be a cop?“ Brooke asked.

    “I grew up here.” Vanessa answered. “I like it but it does have a serious crime problem. Just last month, the convenience store I worked at got held up…during my shift.”

    “I think I remember hearing about that.” Brooke said. “I’m sorry you had to go through such a thing.”

    “Yeah…” Vanessa said solemnly. “I’m just tired of living in fear. It was a boring job anyway. I want a job where I know I can make a difference.”

    “A very admirable point of view.” Brooke complimented.

    “If I might ask…Why did you join the force?” Vanessa asked.

    “It’s complicated.” Brooke answered. “But to put it as simply as possible…I just wanted to make the world a better place.”

    “Sounds like we have a lot in common.” Vanessa said.

    “Indeed we do.” Brooke agreed. “Tell you what…I usually wouldn’t do this for someone I barely know…but something about you…I just have a good feeling.”

    “Really?” Vanessa asked, excitedly.

    “Yes.” Brooke answered. “I’ll see what I can do to get you enrolled in the academy.”

    “Thank you! Thank you!” Vanessa said happily.

    “Don’t go thanking me just yet.” Brooke said cautiously. “This won’t be easy. Not just the training but the career and the life ahead. The danger, the scumbags, the ungrateful masses…”

    “Believe me, I know.” Vanessa said firmly. “But anything’s better than just being a helpless victim and doing nothing.”

    “You certainly have the spirit necessary.” Brooke said. “I have a feeling you’ll have a bright future ahead of you, Ms. Price.”

    Present day:

    Brooke continued fucking Vanessa up against the wall as she unlatched her mouth from the younger brunette’s nipple only to seal it back over Vanessa’s mouth. The cop babe had next to room means of tribbing back due to her leg being suspended, therefore preventing her from accumulating the necessary momentum to bash her cunt back into Brooke’s. Eventually, this proved to be simply too much for Vanessa and she began to feel another orgasm washing over her.

    “Mmmmm!!!” She screamed into the older brunette’s mouth as she once again climaxed straight inside of her former mentor.

    Brooke then released her as she fell forward onto her hands and knees, panting frantically like a dog. Brooke got down next to her and moved her disheveled hair out of her face.

    “You know…I think I had you pegged all wrong right from the beginning.” Brooke said. “You certainly don’t have a bright future after all.”

    “Oh…” Vanessa said dismissively. “And yours is just as bright as can be, being La Malvada’s lapdog and cum dumpster forever.”

    “Better than working for a lost cause for shit pay.” Brooke argued. “Besides, La Malvada is the most amazing woman in the world.”

    “Oh, now I see.” Vanessa said. “That’s what this is all about? You went to all this trouble just for some pussy?”

    “The greatest pussy that walks the Earth!” Brooke said defensively. “And you’ve never even seen her, so you wouldn’t understand. I at least have more independence than her concubines do.”

    “Keep telling yourself that.” Vanessa mocked. “You’re just as much her slave as they are. Maybe even more. All they have to do is fuck her but you have to do her dirty work on top of that!”

    “I think you’ve run your smart mouth long enough, Ms. Price.” Brooke declared.

    “That’s Officer Price to you, dirtbag!” Vanessa said confidently. “And soon to be Sergeant Price after I haul your corrupt, treasonous ass straight off to the clink!”

    Brooke ignored her opponent’s taunts and then walked behind Vanessa and then sat all of her weight on top of the younger brunette’s back, causing her to fall flat to the ground, slightly elevated by her trademark G cups.

    “Ugh!” Vanessa groaned. “What are you doing now, you fucking whore?!”

    “You seemed to enjoy licking my superior pussy. Can’t say I blame you.” Brooke bragged. “But it’s only fair that I get the taste of your cunt I’ve longed for for so long too.”

    Brooke proceeded to grab Vanessa’s legs and pull them back as far as they could go until it resulted in the younger brunette’s cunt being directly in front of her face before wrapping her arms around Vanessa’s abdomen, securing her rival’s body in place.

    “Goddamn yoooouuuuuu!!!!!” Vanessa shrieked as Brooke’s tongue mercilessly explored her lower lips.

    Brooke moaned sensually and loudly slurped over Vanessa’s labia, wanting her nemesis to hear just how much she loved orally dominating her. Vanessa felt Brooke’s tongue bury itself deep inside her inner walls as Brooke felt the delicious taste wash over her tongue as her fluids smashed into her taste buds like a tidal wave. She then gathered a large amount of saliva over her tongue and used it as additional lubricant, further adding to the pleasure her former protege was experiencing from the ruthless tongue fucking.

    “Aghhhhh!!“ Vanessa groaned. “Go right ahead, bitch! Have your fun! It won’t make any difference! And this will be far from the last time you taste my cunt! Why don’t you just give up now and be my bitch instead of La Malvada’s?! Maybe I’ll even share your pussy with the rest of my squad!”

    Brooke responded by jamming a few fingers inside of Vanessa’s twat, adding yet another jolt of pleasure.

    “Fuck!” Vanessa cursed through her grit teeth.

    As the cop babe’s clit revealed itself, the sicaria then decided to slowly but devastatingly drag her tongue from the very bottom of Vanessa’s lower lips up to the top before using her tongue to brutally assault Vanessa’s poor, defenseless, pulsating, pink pleasure bud. This went on for about two more minutes before Vanessa could soon handle it no more.

    “Ohhhhhh!!!!!” Vanessa screeched as she came yet again.

    Brooke smiled and cooed into her twat as her nemesis splattered her load all over her face and hair but mostly into her mouth. She then released Vanessa’s legs, letting them fall to the ground as the euphoric sound of Vanessa huffing and puffing filled her ears yet again. Amazingly, Vanessa was still conscious and Brooke was genuinely baffled.

    “Stubborn little slut.” Brooke cursed. “Accept when you’re outclassed and stop fighting battles you know you can’t win.”

    “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” Vanessa asked rhetorically. “Well, guess again. A certain someone once told me to do whatever it takes to make the world a better place.”

    Brooke scoffed.

    “That person never existed.” Brooke said.

    “No. I guess she didn’t.” Vanessa said bitterly. “But the message remains the same.”

    “At least some things I taught you stuck.” Brooke said. “You’re as persistent as ever.”

    “I didn’t learn jackshit from you, La Cazadora.” Vanessa said with venom in her voice. “You may have gotten me into the academy but that’s where your charity ended. I learned everything I really needed to from my squad and Ms. Colby.”

    “I only let you into the academy to see you crash and burn.” Brooke said.

    “But that didn’t happen now, did it?” Vanessa asked confidently. “Here I am, running my own team and making life Hell for you and your boss, on top of giving you the fight of your life.”

    “Fight of my life?“ Brooke asked skeptically. “Please…La Malvada has put me through far worse than you could on the best day of your life.”

    “Keep blowing smoke out your ass.” Vanessa said. “But you underestimated me. Don’t even try to deny that.”

    “Perhaps I did.” Brooke admitted. “But I have no intention of doing that again.”

    “I’d certainly hope not.” Vanessa said.

    Immediately upon finishing her sentence, Vanessa charged into Brooke, tackling her into the matted floor, resulting in yet another wrestling catball. Their brown hair flowed in all directions as they rolled over each other before Vanessa ended up on top and in the blink of an eye, the younger brunette forced herself and her nemesis into a doggy style position with Brooke’s head up against a wall. Vanessa immediately seized the moment and began humping away at Brooke, making the sicaria’s jiggly, gelatin like ass ripple from being smashed into by Vanessa’s crotch.

    “Ahhhh!!” Brooke groaned.

    “Not so smug now!“ Vanessa said confidently as she fucked her former mentor without mercy. “What was that about not underestimating me again? Looks like you just did!”

    “Just wait until I get out of this, you cocky little skank! Ugh!” Brooke groaned.

    “Who says I’ll give you the chance to get out?” Vanessa asked sinisterly. “I’m gonna keep you here and fuck you until you pass out! Then I’ll throw you in that cell, reunite with my squad and we’ll all give your boss the fucking of her life!”

    “You have no idea who you’re fucking with!“ Brooke said frantically through her groans and grunts. “All six of you together would be lucky if you made her break a single sweat!”

    “Maybe. Maybe not, but you won’t be there to see it!” Vanessa said confidently.

    Slam slam slam. Over and over again Vanessa fucked her helpless opponent. She then took one arm securing her off of her waist and reached forward to grip Brook’s flowing hair and yanked as hard as she could.

    “Ohhhhh!!” Brooke groaned from the pain.

    “That’s it! Cry for me like the pathetic, smug worthless little cum dumpster you know you always have been!” Vanessa said.

    “Goddamn you!” Brooke cursed. “I was gonna share you with La Jefa but now, I want all the joys of teaching you a lesson myself! Besides, she already has more concubines than she knows what to do with!”

    “Does it look like you’re in any position to be making threats?!“ Vanessa asked rhetorically. “Just shut up and take it because I got plenty more where this came from!”

    Each and every hump to Brooke’s pussy and ass from behind sent powerful jolts of pleasure throughout her voluptuous body. They were so strong that they even made her monumental H cup tits bounce around and smack into each other like water balloons. The pain in her scalp from Vanessa’s hair pulling was also something else. She could tell how much her former protege absolutely hated her and enjoyed humiliating her and the feeling was growing more and more mutual with each passing moment. There was no longer any doubt about it. Vanessa was easily the strongest opponent Brooke had ever faced besides La Malvada herself. She fucked Brooke like a monster. A monster that Brooke had indirectly created. Eventually, the doggy style fucking was finaly starting to take its toll and Brooke simply could not hold herself back any longer.

    “Fuuuuuuccckkkkkk!!!!“ Brooke loudly cursed as she climaxed.

    Vanessa moaned in catharsis as she felt her former mentor’s juices splash against her own lower lips. She released Brooke, letting her fall forward back into the matted floor but she was by no means done with her yet. Vanessa walked over to Brooke and flipped her over onto her back like a pancake. As the older brunette hyperventilated, Vanessa smiled sadistically as she pulled Brooke’s legs up, suspending her lower body in the air and exposing her pussy nice and wide. Vanessa then positioned her own crotch directly above the sicaria’s and then slammed herself down on top of Brooke, grinding cunt to cunt.

    “Aggghhh!!” Brooke cried out.

    “I’ll never get tired of hearing you scream, bitch! Never!” Vanessa said with venom in her voice.

    Seeing what a raging, sadistic nymphomaniac Vanessa had turned into triggered yet another flashback from Brooke.

    About ten years ago:

    “Congratulations, Officer Price.” Brooke said with emphasis on the ranking as she pinned a police badge on a smiling Vanessa’s brand new uniform. “You’re officially an officer of the law starting today.”

    “I couldn’t have done it without you, Sergeant MacTavish.” Vanessa said happily.

    “Nessa, we’ve been over this. Call me Brooke.” Brooke requested.

    “So…This is where the fun begins.” Vanessa said, half excited, half nervous.

    “And the hard part.” Brooke said.

    “Do you have any advice?” Vanessa asked.

    “Really, all I can tell you is one thing.” Brooke said. “Just do whatever you can to make the world a better place. That’s really all anyone in law enforcement should do.”

    “I’ll remember that.” Vanessa said.

    “I expect you to.” Brooke said. “You stormed through the academy like it was nothing. I think we have a real rising star on the force.”

    “Well, someone did once tell me that I had a bright future ahead of me.” Vanessa said proudly.

    “And I think that certain someone is very proud of you.” Brooke said.

    Present day:

    “Worthless, lying cunt!” Vanessa said furiously as she fucked Brooke just as furiously. “I swear, I’ll make your pathetic life a living Hell from this day forward!”

    “Ugh!” Brooke moaned. “You always took everything so personally! Always a sad, little bleeding heart but really, it’s your own damn fault! You grew up in a rough neighborhood! You should’ve learned to read people by then!”

    “I sure know how to do that now!” Vanessa said with utmost confidence. “Now shut your cunt-licking mouth and get fucked like a good little whore!”

    Just under ten years ago:

    “So…This is the place?” Vanessa asked Brooke as they arrived at the abandoned mansion. “La Cazadora is hiding out here?”

    “If our intel is good, yes.” Brooke said. “Nessa…Are you sure you want to do this?”

    “Yes.” Vanessa said, shaking off her nervousness. “I didn’t bug you into letting me come to get cold feet now. Let’s bag us a narco bitch.”

    “Right behind you, Officer Price.” Brooke said with pride.

    The two approached the mansion, hands on their holsters as they slowly opened the door of the mansion to reveal nothing but complete darkness. They were about to put on their night vision goggles when suddenly, powerful lights lit up in the mansion. They were briefly blinded before their eyes adjusted, revealing them to be surrounded by masked sicarias armed with AR-15s from all sides. Their hearts skipped beats as they realized they were completely outnumbered and outgunned.

    “Congratulations, Policia.” One sicaria said. “You found Las Brujas.”

    The others laughed as the two cop babes held their hands up in surrender.

    “Where’s La Cazadora?” Brooke asked defiantly.

    “Wouldn’t you like to know?” The sicaria answered her question with a question. “Take them out back and put them in the van.”

    Vanessa’s heart pounded like a drum. She knew that she and Brooke were certainly going to become La Malvada’s playthings. She was on the verge of a mental breakdown right then and there.

    “Easy, Nessa.” Brooke whispered to her partner. “Just follow my lead. We’ll get out of this to fight another day.”

    Vanessa took a big gulp.

    “Okay…” She whispered back.

    Two sicarias pressed their guns against Vanessa and Brooke’s backs as they guided them outside into the backyard. They led the two cop babes towards an unmarked white van with no plates as another masked sicaria was waiting for them.

    “Gifts for La Jefa?” The sicaria asked.

    “Si.” Another one answered.

    “Bueno. Put the putas in the van.” She ordered.

    The sicaria opened the van’s back doors and were about to force the two brunettes in, when…

    “Now!” Brooke ordered.

    Suddenly, the two cop babes turned around and smacked the guns out of the hands of the sicarias. What followed was a brutal scuffle in which two sicarias were starting to gang up on Vanessa and were about to cuff her. Brooke noticed this and jumped in, pushing Vanessa away from the rest of them.

    “Puta!” One sicaria cursed. “Cuff her!”

    “Brooke!” Vanessa yelled frantically.

    “Run! Get out of here!” Brooke demanded.

    “But…!” Vanessa protested.

    “That’s an order! Go! Now! I’ll be fine! Fucking do it!” Brooke barked.

    The sicarias cuffed her and gagged her with tape before throwing her into the back of the van and shutting the doors. Vanessa ran away, realizing it was all she could do.

    “What about the other one?” A sicaria asked.

    “Forget her. This one’s higher ranked anyway.” Another sciaria said.

    They then drove off. Vanessa ran until she found a parking garage and hid there. She sat down and hyperventilated about what she had just gone through. Her partner, mentor and best friend was gone. She had no faces to track the sicarias and the van had no plates. There were simply no leads to try and find Brooke. She was gone…and Vanessa knew it was all her fault. If she hadn’t nagged Brooke to come along, maybe Brooke would have escaped. She wished this was all just a bad dream..but it wasn’t. She looked at her uniform and badge, ashamed to be wearing it, feeling she did not deserve it.

    “Dispatch, status report.” Her radio said. “I repeat, what the Hell happened?”

    “This is Officer Price.” Vanessa answered with shame and sadness in her voice. “We were led into an ambush…I got away but…but…”

    “Where is Sergeant MacTavish?” The radio asked.

    “The Brujas took her…” Vanessa answered, struggling to hold back tears. “Because she saved me.”

    “What’s your location?” The radio asked somberly.

    “A parking garage around 9th and J.” Vanessa answered. “Transmitting now.”

    “This is the reality of life on the force, Price.” The other officer said. “I’m sure you did your best.”

    “It wasn’t good enough.” Vanessa said bitterly.

    Vanessa wondered how she could ever move on with her life after this.

    Present Day:

    Vanessa continued pumping away at Brooke’s cunt until finally, Brooke began to feel her orgasm beginning to build up inside of her. There was no stopping it.

    “Ohhhhhhh!!!!!” Brooke screamed as she climaxed straight up and inside of Vanessa, who cooed as she felt the warm sensation penetrate her insides.

    She then released Brooke, letting her lower body fall back into the matted floor with a thud as both were left hyperventilating. While Brooke was the one who came, Vanessa found herself a bit more winded than she was expecting.

    “Had…enough yet, you narco trash?” Vanessa asked through her heavy breathing.

    “I could ask you the same thing.” Brooke said. “You sure you can keep this up?”

    “For however long it takes.” Vanessa said sternly.

    “Real chip off the old block, aren’t you?“ Brooke asked with a chuckle.

    “Don’t flatter yourself, cunt.” Vanessa spat.

    Brooke was suddenly reminded of the aftermath of what she did that day.

    Just under ten years ago:

    Brooke was visiting her boss La Malvada in her bathhouse, finding her doing what she did best. Fucking her concubines. The sound of feminine moaning and slurping filled the room as Brooke approached the raven haired lioness.

    “Jefa?” Brooke asked.

    “Ah, Brooke…” La Malvada said, pulling herself away from her concubines, who then proceeded to play with each other. “Here to follow up on your report?”

    “Yes, ma’am.” Brooke said. “It would have gone off without a hitch if it wasn’t for that meddling little slut, Vanessa.”

    “Oh, yes. That little recruit girl you mentioned.” La Malvada said. “She insisted on coming with you?”

    “Yes. She was stuck on me like glue.” Brooke answered. “I bet she would’ve snuck along anyway even if I told her no.”

    “I suppose it couldn’t be helped.” La Malvada said.

    “But thanks to her, I had to go AWOL on my cover.” Brooke said. “This is a major setback for our operations in the US.”

    “We’ll get there eventually.” La Malvada said nonchalantly. “But I just want to know one thing.”

    “Senora?” Brooke asked.

    “Why did you help her escape?” La Malvada asked with an annoyed tone.

    “To sell the deception, Jefa.” Brooke answered.

    “Yes but you know I always love to make additions to my collection.” La Malvada said.

    “It was too risky.” Brooke argued. “If two cops got taken away without a fight, it would look suspicious. Besides, she was a smart girl and she looked up to me. If she found out I was La Cazadora, which she would have if we took her too, who knows how she would have reacted or what she would have done?”

    “I suppose so.” La Malvada said. “You always take your work so seriously, Cazadora. You should relax more. Why don’t you join us?”

    “I thought you’d never ask.” Brooke said with a smile as she began to strip down. “At least I don’t have that little bitch clinging to me anymore. I’d say that’s worth celebrating.”

    “That’s the spirit.” La Malvada said. “Now get in here.”

    Present Day:

    As Brooke laid down on the matted floor, she saw Vanessa approach her and get on top of her, once again pushing their enormous assets together.

    “Stubborn slut.” Brooke cursed.

    “Stubborn doesn’t even begin to describe me.” Vanessa bragged. “Even if you somehow break out after I subdue you, you’ll never have a good night’s rest again because I’d chase you to the ends of the Earth! Across every single continent, including Antarctica! There is nowhere that you could run or hide where you’ll be safe from me!”

    Brooke sighed before suddenly realizing that by pure luck, she was positioned eight next to her discarded clothes. She then reached into her pockets.

    “I think this has gone on long enough.” Brooke said.

    “What are you…?“ Vanessa asked.

    Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck.

    “Agh!” She grunted.

    Brooke had taken a syringe out of her clothes pockets and stuck Vanessa right in her vein, grinning the whole time.

    “You fucking cheating…bitch…” Vanessa managed to curse out before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she finally passed out as she rolled off of Brooke.

    “It was a good fight.” Brooke admitted. “But I have a job to do. Trust me, Nessa. You’ll see things my way very soon.”


    Serena, Valerie and Olivia sat in their giant cell, waiting anxiously.

    “She’s been gone a long time.” Serena said.

    “You don’t think she’s getting bored of us, do you?“ Valerie asked.

    “I doubt it.” Olivia said. “That woman, if she can even be called one, is a goddamn animal.”

    Speaking of the devil, the three naked beauties suddenly heard someone walking into the room. Low and behold, it was La Malvada dragging another raven’s unconscious body behind her.

    “Hello, my pets.” La Malvada said as she greeted her prisoners. “Sorry but I had an infestation to deal with. But you do get a new cellmate out of it.”

    The goth cougar opened the cell and threw her unconscious enemy in.

    “Who’s this?” Valerie asked.

    “That’s Jasmine from Task Force 732!” Olivia said with shock.

    “Really?” Serena asked, having never met them before.

    “The squad of meddling bimbos thought they could beat me on my new home turf.” La Malvada explained. “Even her little girlfriend Sabrina turned on me.”

    “Sabrina?” Serena asked. “Why would she work with the team that ruined her life?”

    “She didn’t want me stealing her favorite toy from her.” La Malvada answered. “I threw her in her old cell to keep her from ever seeing her precious Jasmine again.”

    “You really are a piece of work, aren’t you?“ Olivia asked mockingly.

    “I hope you’ll enjoy watching me fuck Jasmine into submission alongside all of you.” La Malvada said sadistically. “Now, I’m off to find the rest of them. You sluts do whatever you please.”

    The raven haired demoness then left in search of more prey.

    “They’re really here…” Olivia said.

    “Yes…They are.” Serena added. “And the two strongest ones are already down for the count.”

    Jasmine was out cold. Valerie seemed rather enamored with her, stroking her black hair.

    “Wow.” Valerie said. “I heard they were hot but she’s absolutely stunning.”

    “Honey, what did I tell you about taking advantage of women you don’t know in their sleep?“ Serena lectured.

    “You never let me have any fun!” Valerie jokingly pouted.

    “You two can introduce yourselves once she wakes up.” Olivia said.

    “I wonder where Tammy is…” Serena said.

    “Wherever she is…She can’t get here fast enough.” Olivia said drearily.

    “Her squad needs her.” Serena said.

    “And we need her.” Valerie added.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Storming the Castle: Part 5

    Very hot !
    I notice that in the cell they are four now... Hmm... The door for some hot 4somes in pairs are here !! LOL
    Meanwhile, La Malvada searches for Tamara... I gues she will find her out in the next chapter !

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