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Thread: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

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    Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    Dear Board,

    Hi! A bit of an explanation: I have not been on the board in any significant way for a while because of work-related issues that have sapped most of my energy and attention. I still have to finish the "Libby in the Lost World" story and I am working on another Muuta story. I am also working with Ragnar0k on a sequel to "Queens of Antiquity" and that is, to be honest, my major priority.

    However, today, I was struck by a bit of inspiration and I decided to go with it. I started on an outline of this story a few months ago and today it just started to come together.

    Anyway, this chapter is the first part of a longer story. This is very much a teaser. Not much happens, but it sets the scenario for what will be coming. I don't know how long this story will be and I could take it in directions that make it much longer than I am currently planning. Right now, however, it is meant to be relatively short (at least for me) - no more than 20 or 30 pages. But we'll see how it goes.

    Again, this is just a teaser. I don't know when I will get around to the next chapters, but I hope people find this fun and are interested in getting more.

    This is, tangentially, part of my "Space" series, for obvious reasons. Right now, the story uses all new characters, but I might bring some characters from past "Space" stories into play, at some point. Again, I'll just need to see how things develop.



    Earth Girls are Easy- Part I

    Anita slowly returned to consciousness. Her head felt a bit fuzzy and her sense of balance seemed off. She sensed that she was not in her own bedroom. She opened her eyes slowly. She was lying on a soft surface in some place very unfamiliar. The space she was in glowed in a kind of pinkish light that seemed to emanate from the skin of the entire room, from the ceiling, floor and walls, but the entire structure was curved around her, like a kind of cocoon. She guessed the color was meant to calm her. She did feel calm, which surprised her. She had no idea of where she was or how she got there. Her last memory was of walking home after a night of clubbing. She remembered walking down the street, and then her mind went blank.

    She was covered in a very thin but comfortable sheet. She realized that she was completely nude under the sheet. She sat up and looked around. The space was devoid of any furniture. Even the bed she was lying on was an extension of the wall, a curved, almost organic protrusion. She looked more closely and saw that a neatly folded piece of cloth was sitting on a ledge that extended from the wall a few meters away.

    Carefully, Anita sat up and swung her bare feet onto the floor. She stood, completely naked. She could have wrapped the bedsheet around her nude body, but she was completely comfortable with her nakedness. Anita was a specimen of physical perfection. She was almost 1.83 meters tall. Her massive, double E breasts were taut, firm and perfectly shaped. They hung proud and unsupported on her chest. Perfectly shaped, thick brown nipples jutted from half-dollar sized areola. Her narrow waist curved into extravagant hips. Her round, tight ass rippled with each step. Her long, muscular legs tapered down to perfectly shaped feet. Her beautifully defined abdomen rippled and was indented by a deep, narrow slit of a navel. Her skin was a glowing, unbroken caramel. A rich, thick mane of lustrous brown hair hung halfway down her back. Her eyes were an emerald green, adding even more to her exotic beauty.

    Anita was proud of her incredible body. She made her living using it and putting it on display as a nude model, but she was a highly intelligent woman. She had an advanced degree in engineering and a lifelong interest in science. She evaluated the room around her as dispassionately as possible.

    Anita padded across the soft floor to the ledge and picked up the cloth. It was a single-piece garment, a short, sleeveless tunic. She slipped it onto her body. The hem of the tunic fell just far enough to reach the top of her thighs and provide some cover to her bare, shaved pussy. It was loose-fitting and completely covered her chest but did not restrain her bulging tits. It hung enticingly from her curvaceous hips.

    Anita examined the room. There were no doors or windows. The material from which the room was constructed felt warm and slick and had an organic feel, though it was clearly artificial. She realized that there was apparently nothing in the room equivalent to a bathroom and she wondered where she was supposed to go to relieve herself and wash.

    Just as this thought occurred to her, one wall of the room suddenly became transparent. On the other side were four strange figures. They were small, no more than a meter or so tall, and all dressed in a material similar to Anita’s tunic. Their uniforms seemed skintight. The beings’ heads were oblong and over-large for their small bodies. Their eyes were oval, black mirrors and set at an angle away from the double slits of their noses. They were humanoid in basic shape, with two arms and legs, but Anita saw that they had three highly flexible fingers on each hand.

    Anita’s mind raced. She dismissed the idea that she was the victim of an elaborate prank almost immediately. Everything she had seen and felt, so far, appeared very real. As incredible as it seemed, she realized that she was the victim of an alien abduction.

    Anita stared at the aliens. They stared at her. She assumed they were communicating to each other telepathically but, so far, they had made no effort to communicate with her. She walked up to the transparent wall.

    “Please let me go,” she said calmly. “I don’t know what you want with me, but I don’t want to be here. Please let me go.”

    The aliens seemed to respond as frantic head movements and gestures towards each other followed her words. Then the wall became opaque once more.

    Anita sighed. She walked around the room some more, then returned to the bed. She wondered if they were going to experiment on her. In the stories of alien abductions she had heard about, the victims were subjected to all manner of intrusive tests before they were set free. So far, her experience did not seem to be following that pattern, but that might just be a matter of time.

    She felt the urge to pee, her body’s response to the unexpected situation. In the far corner of her cell, a sudden swirl of motion attracted her attention. Something that was clearly meant to be toilet emerged from the floor. Anita walked over cautiously. She squatted over the toilet and relieved herself. She thought about washing her hands. Another swirl of motion and a basin sink extended from the floor. After she washed her hands, she thought about wanting to shower. A tube-shaped, closet-sized structure materialized from the floor, sporting what was clearly a shower arm and head. The room was attuned to looking after her needs. All she needed to do was think clearly about what she wanted.

    Anita concentrated on food. A pedestal gracefully grew out of the floor on the other side of the cell. Its head was formed into a bowl that contained a number of tablets. She took one and examined it. It was a nondescript round pill, about the size of a smartie. She considered it for a moment then popped it in her mouth. It dissolved quickly and Anita was struck with a surge of energy. It was remarkable, almost intoxicating in its intensity., Anita realized that she did not feel hungry, though she also did not feel uncomfortably full, either.

    Anita practiced arranging the room, using her mind to make the room form tables, chairs, couches. She raised a large bed out of the floor and even created a floor lamp and a table to put beside the bed. She concentrated on getting rid of the organic bed she had awoken on. The structure flowed back into the wall, disappearing without a trace.

    Anita realized that she was remarkably calm, given the situation. She was not someone prone to panic but this lack of anxiety was unusual, even for her. She realized that something in the environment was keeping her emotional state steady.

    Anita slid onto her new bed. The caramel-skinned beauty sighed as she lay back on the bed. After a moment, she sat up, pulled the tunic off her body, and threw it on the floor. She lay back, pulled the sheet around her gorgeous nude form and fell into a deep sleep. For now, she could do nothing but accept the situation. She had to have faith that some opportunity to escape, or at least to communicate, would present itself.

    Anita awakened to the sound of a chime. She immediately sensed that she was not alone. She sat up, the sheet clutched to her massive chest, and saw a man sitting in a chair about 3 meters away from her bed.

    Anita swung her legs to the floor. She considered reaching for the tunic but decided not to show any fear or vulnerability. She could tell, on closer examination, that this “man” was not really a man. His skin was too smooth, his features too bland. He was some kind of construct.

    The man and woman stared at each other for a few moments.

    “Who are you?” Anita asked.

    “I am Lester 145. It is my responsibility to explain to you your situation and answer all of your questions.”

    “Why am I here?” Anita asked. “What do you want from me?”

    “You are here to serve as a generator for some of the psychic energy that my masters need to survive. You will serve this function by engaging in sexual congress with other beings who are also serving this purpose.”

    “What?” Anita started. This entire situation sounded like an interstellar porn shoot. “Are you saying I have to fuck aliens so your ‘masters’ can get off?”

    “No, that is not entirely accurate. My masters require psychic energy for sustenance. The most intense psychic energy is generated by other beings in various acts of sexual congress. This creates the most intense pleasure that most beings can feel through natural processes and it is this pleasure that my masters need. Thus, they encourage other beings to have sexual congress in their presence so that they can feed. They do not derive any sexual pleasure from the experience. In fact, they are not capable of experiencing sexual pleasure.”

    Anita frowned. “Well, that’s even worse for them. Still, I guarantee you that having someone watch me fuck someone else is not going to generate a lot of ‘psychic energy’ when I don’t want to do it!”

    “My masters require that their subjects must be willing participants. The energy released would be unusable if that were not the case. Also, the pleasure produced cannot be artificially induced. It must come from natural reactions or the energy would be tainted. That is why care is taken in who is selected for this process. In your case, our measurements of your libido and sexual energy indicate that you are extremely sexually voracious. In fact, the levels of sexual energy we have measured in you are among the highest we have ever recorded on any planet. This indicates that you will be capable of experiencing acute sexual pleasure and producing enormous amounts of corresponding energy.”

    Anita considered this new information. It was true that she had an insatiable sexual appetite. That did not mean that she wanted to perform for aliens or that she was willing to be their meal. Though she had to admit that the prospect of spending an unknown amount of time writhing in sexual pleasure with other, sexually stimulated beings did appeal to her enormous libido. Still, she could not let her carnal appetites dictate her life. She had spent a lot of time and self-discipline making sure that she was more than just a fuck bunny in her own life and this situation was a step in the wrong direction.

    Anita shook her head. “No, I’m not just going to be some plaything for your masters. I admit that the offer is appealing but I don’t want to spend the rest of my life as some kind of fucktoy.”

    “My masters require only that you serve them for a limited time. Once you produce enough sexual energy for them, they will release you back to your world, with your memory erased.”

    Anita reconsidered. This situation appeared to be temporary, one that could be mutually beneficial to her and the aliens.

    Slowly, she nodded. “Alright, maybe this can work out. How long would I need to stay here?”

    “On average, subjects produce sufficient energy for my masters over the course of 60 of your Earth days.”

    “That’s the average?”


    Anita nodded again. If what “Lester” was saying was correct, she suspected she would be producing a lot more than the average. Even if she did not, two months of fucking was bearable. “Alright,” she said. “I agree to cooperate. When do we start?”

    “We will give you another day to adjust to your circumstances. In 24 hours, I will return and lead you to the staging area for your first sexual encounter. You are being paired with a Targian male.” Lester gestured and a computer console flowed up on a slim pedestal from the floor. “You can acquaint yourself with the species’ physical and sexual characteristics on this information processor. Do you have any other questions?”

    “No,” Anita replied.

    “I will return in 24 hours.” Lester suddenly seemed to turn to liquid. Like all the other organic structures in the room, he flowed into the floor and vanished.

    Anita crossed the room to the computer console. She willed the screen to become a portable computer pad. She took the computer back to the bed. She climbed onto the bed, sitting up, and pulled the sheet over her lower body. Her heavy tits hung down on her chest, jiggling gently.

    “OK, little friend, show me a ‘Targian male’.”

    The screen lit up with the picture of a huge, humanoid being. The creature had large fangs curving up from its lower jaw and it was massively muscled. Its skin color was a kind of olive green and its hair was a darker shade of green-black. It had four fingers and toes. Anita realized the being looked a lot like a fantasy depiction of an orc.

    She looked at the Targian’s measurements. It was a little over two meters tall but weighed more than 200 kilos – most of it solid muscle, from its appearance. The figure in the picture was nude. Anita’s eyes had been drawn immediately to the massive penis hanging between its legs. In the picture, the member was flaccid.

    “How long and thick is this male’s prick when he is aroused?” she asked the computer.

    It responded by suddenly projecting and inflating the penis in the picture.

    “Christ almighty,” Anita whispered under her breath as she gawked at the enormous shaft now jutting out from the alien’s groin. “How big is that?” she asked the computer. She could estimate but if it had exact figures, that would be good.

    Figures appeared on the screen. Anita whistled under her breath. The aroused cock was almost 30 centimeters long and 10 centimeters in diameter. She had never been penetrated by a man that large in her life, though some had come close. On the other hand, she did have some dildos at home that probably matched the Targian’s girth and she recalled taking them all the way in.

    Anita felt her body growing incredibly aroused. Her tits grew tight and hot, her nipples burned. A pleasant, familiar pressure built in her stomach that flowed into her rapidly heating pussy. She felt her nether regions grow wet. Her clit pulsed and thickened, slow and hard. Anita licked her lips in anticipation as she stared at the Targian’s prick. Her eyes glazed with desire.

    “Give me a closeup,” she said to the computer. The screen filled with the depiction of the aroused member.

    Anita slid onto her back under the sheets. Holding the screen up to her face, her hand ran over her body, caressing and teasing her tight, hard nipples, squeezing and kneading a thick, rounded tit, before sliding down her taut, smooth belly and burying its fingers into her wet, throbbing cunt. She found her clit and began to stroke and rub, allowing her mind to imagine what it would feel like to have that shaft driven all the way into her core, ramming her like a piston, what it would feel like to have the Targian’s massive weight crushing down on her body, flattening her thick tits to her chest, their tight bellies slapping and sliding as their bodies writhed in pleasure…

    She dropped the computer beside her and closed her eyes, her mind’s eye filled with the image of the swollen cock, her imagination running wild.

    It took some time, but Anita’s body finally arched in pleasure. She bit her lip as she held back a scream of pleasure. She let the delicious tension flow out of her body as her pussy ejaculated, as her legs went stiff and her hips jerked in ecstatic release.

    Smiling, she fell back on the bed. The anxieties of the day dropped away and she slipped into a deep sleep.

    To be continued:

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    Senior Hostboard Member Elza's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    I was literally just thinking a lot recently how much I missed your updates! Thanks so much for uploading, just to hear from you is so nice.

    Hope you're doing ok. Glad you've been able to shut off a bit and focus on the important stuff.

    Looking forward. Be well though <3

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    The sheer creativity of the premises of your stories never cease to amaze me. I like Anita as a character already.

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    Here is Part 2 of the story! I don't know when I will get Part 3 up, but it is in progress.


    Earth Girls are Easy, Part II:

    Anita woke a few hours later and slid out the bed. The sheet covering her was wet and so was the surface of the bed. She willed both to disappear into the floor, then willed them back as clean and dry. She was delighted when her experiment worked.

    She was sweaty and still felt extremely horny, but she resisted the temptation to relieve herself again. Being horny when she met the Targian in the flesh would probably be good for the results they produced.

    Anita showered herself clean and then imagined a fluffy towel she used to dry off. She imagined a hair dryer. An arm extended from the wall and reached to where she was standing in the shower. It released a comfortable flow of hot air. Soon, she felt fresh and clean. She imagined a brush, a dresser and a mirror and sat down to brush out her thick, lustrous hair. When she was done, she did not bother getting dressed in the tunic.

    Anita retrieved the computer, sat in a comfortable chair that she modeled on her favorite sitting place at home, and continued her research into the Targian male anatomy. She wanted to learn as much as she could about the massive alien’s erogenous zones and sexual pleasures and inclinations. Was his cock as sensitive as that of a human male? Were there particular parts of his body that could be stimulated to create more pleasure or, alternatively, that should be avoided? For the most part, it turned out that Targian males and human males were very similar. If anything, Targians were even more sensitive and, consequently, capable of feeling truly enormous sexual pleasure.

    “How much stamina does a Targian male have when he is having sex?” Anita asked the computer. She smiled as she received the answer. The average Targian male could last at least three to four hours before he was sexually depleted. This particular Targian male, the one for whom she would be spreading her legs, could last considerably longer. Apparently, his longest time in the saddle had been twelve hours. That was very good, much better than a human male, at least in Anita’s considerable experience. Despite her incredible libido (or because of it) she had never been satisfied in her encounters with men. They simply could not keep up with her and she usually ended a night in man’s bed by going home and finishing herself off with a sex toy, normally one of her giant-sized dildos. Even then, Anita was usually left with a desire for more.

    Anita most often got the greatest sexual pleasure from other woman. In her experience, nothing could beat rubbing hard, throbbing clits with another beautiful bitch all night long. Again, however, her experience had been that very few women could really match her body and her sexual hunger long enough to satisfy her. So far, she had only been rivaled in bed and libido by two women and even those experiences had not completely scratched her sexual itch.

    Anita continued to test the capabilities of the room. She realized that she could get the room to create a kind of mannequin of the Targian body that she could use to experiment. However, after only a few minutes, she willed the construct to disappear. It felt odd using a sex doll and she decided it made more sense to keep some mystery and anticipation before her alien encounter. Still, it was good to know that the room could provide her with some very realistic sex toys, if she needed them.

    To give herself a fuller picture of what the Targian would expect of her, she read up on Targian females as well. Again, they were very close to humans, having all the same secondary sexual characteristics. They seemed to be naturally voluptuous. Anita quickly determined that she was still considered very, very voluptuous even by Targian standards. Targian females also had well-developed clits and an extraordinary libido. Their average sexual stamina easily matched, and usually exceeded, that of the males.

    Anita understood that the aliens had to mate their captives with species with which they were sexually compatible and who they found attractive, or else their endeavor could not work. They were probably a limited number of humanoid species in the galaxy. She was amazed that humans and Targians were as close as they were and she wondered if they shared some kind of common ancestry. Maybe human life really did start in space, just in a much more direct way than some of the most speculative theories suggested.

    After a few more hours of study, she went back to bed to rest for the ordeal to come. If this Targian’s cock was as big and stamina was as great as the computer indicated, she was in for a long, hard ride. She drifted off to sleep, enjoying the sexual tension and anticipation building in her body. Again, she resisted the urge to masturbate herself to sleep.

    A chime brought her back to wakefulness. Lester was standing near the far curve of her room, his hands folded behind his back.

    “I am here to escort you to the staging area,” he said blandly.

    Anita nodded and slipped out of bed. “I just want to prepare a bit,” she said.

    She relieved herself. She was completely unconcerned about Lester’s presence. Her mind accepted that he was an artificial being. She washed her face, brushed out her hair, and drank a large glass of water. She took a deep breath. Her massive tits rose and fell, their swollen nipples aching with growing tension. Anita pulled on the tunic. She took another food pill and enjoyed the jolt of energy she instantly received. She turned to face Lester.

    “I’m ready.”

    Lester turned to the wall of the room. It flowed apart to open onto an organic pink corridor. This was like a tube, with rounded sides and a flat floor only where it needed to be flat to allow them to walk.

    “Will your masters be in the room as we fuck?” Anita asked Lester.

    “No, they will not be visible to you. They will be in an adjacent room, connected to a device that transmits the psychic energy of your sexual pleasure from the room where you are active to where they are. They will be feeding on some of the energy.”

    “Hmph. That doesn’t sound creepy at all.”

    Lester did not respond to her sarcasm. “The masters have found that their presence often dissuades their subjects from fully enjoying their encounter. There are some individuals and species who prefer to perform in front of an audience. If that is your preference, at this time or in the future, just inform me and I will make the necessary arrangements.”

    Anita did not respond. In fact, she had been to a few sex clubs in her time. One time, she had taken on five men at once, in the hopes of them satisfying her libido. They had come close, but still had not been enough. She and the men had attracted quite a collection of spectators before they were done and she did get a powerful thrill out of it. That experience had also convinced her that her raging libido was taking control of her life. She had not been back to a sex club since.

    They walked for some time and Anita wondered how large the alien ship was and where it was located. There was nothing that she saw or felt that actually indicated she was aboard a spacecraft. It seemed a reasonable assumption but she realized that there were other possibilities. Perhaps they were in some kind of adjacent dimensional pocket or some location on another planet. Maybe they were even in some secret location on Earth, though that seemed highly unlikely. She had no idea how long she had been unconscious and away from her home. She would need to ask this of Lester or her computer when she had a chance.

    Lester abruptly came to a stop and gestured at the wall. There was nothing in that spot that seemed any different from the long, pink corridor they had been walking through to that point – at least, nothing that Anita saw – but a hole opened in the wall. Lester stepped into the new room. Anita followed him, her heart pounding with excitement, anticipation, and a bit of fear. For the first time, it really dawned on her that she was about to fuck an alien. Was she the first human woman to ever do this? She doubted it, but it was possible. Something else to ask about later.

    The room was lit with earth-tone colors – varieties of brown, touches of red and yellow flowing in and out on the walls. The space was filled with a warm yellow light. The effect was comforting and, surprisingly, not disorienting. There was no furniture in the room except for a large square bed in the center of the room. It was covered in a sheet and had pillows and cushions, but nothing to indicate where the head was. Anita concentrated and, to her delight, a headboard flowed up behind the bed. She concentrated again and turned into a set of interlocking pipes that she could grip if she needed to hold onto something when she was being fucked. She considered getting rid of the structure until she needed it but decided it might be too hard to concentrate on conjuring something if her cunt was being reamed at the same time.

    Anita looked around for the Targian male but he was not yet present. Something occurred to her.

    “What is the name of this Targian male I’ll be fucking?” she asked Lester.

    “He goes by the appellation ‘Grimmar the Mighty’.”

    “Yeah, sounds like an Orc,” Anita murmured. She would need to make sure he did not maul her with his fangs while in the throes of passion. She had noted that Targian women did not have fangs, so that must be an aspect of sex that the race had already worked out. Or maybe they just got used to being bitten.

    The far wall of the room suddenly rippled apart and the room doubled in size. Anita realized that Grimmar had been present in an adjoining chamber that had now combined with the one she was in to form one large space.

    Grimmar turned around and faced Anita and Lester from across the room. The green alien’s muscles rippled on his perfect body. The Targian was massive and incredibly intimidating. Anita was surprised to see that he was already naked and she wondered if she was meant to be nude as well. She decided to keep her tunic on, for the moment.

    “I will leave you together. Please enjoy yourselves and take as long as you need. If you need anything that the space cannot provide you, just call my name and I will come.”

    Lester flowed into the floor and was gone. Anita gulped as her eyes locked with Grimmar’s glowing red gaze. Her stomach flipped over, a combination of fear and excitement. Her nipples grew hot and her pussy clenched in apprehension and building erotic tension.

    The Targian approached Anita slowly. She could see that he was trying not to frighten her and she immediately felt her fear drop away. Anita smiled at the approaching giant. He stopped about two meters away from her and let his gaze sweep over her curvaceous body. Anita could see the alien’s flaccid cock start to tighten and swell. Clearly, he liked what he saw.

    “Hello,” Anita said tentatively. “My name is Anita.”

    The Targian began responding in a guttural snarl. There was a sudden acoustic blur and then Anita could understand what he was saying. The room was translating for them.

    “I am Grimmar, the Mighty,” the Targian said. His voice was low and deep but also surprisingly gentle. “I am from the planet Targar. Where are you from?”

    Anita knew that the Targian must have had access to the same information about her that she had about him. He probably knew the answer to his question, but he was trying to make her comfortable. She appreciated the man’s effort to put her at ease. “I am a human woman from a planet we call ‘Earth’,” she explained. “I’m sorry, but this is my first time here, doing this, and you are the first alien male I’ve been asked to fuck. Have you been here long? Have you been performing for these beings for long?”

    “I have been here for about 100 days,” Grimmar replied. Anita realized the space was translating the amount of time into terms she could understand. She wondered if it was accurate and she wondered why Grimmar had not already left if 60 days was the average time for subjects to stay. Was he below average in the energy he provided? Had Lester lied to her?

    “That is what they tell me, at least,” Grimmar continued. “I can leave in another 15 days but I have decided to stay longer. I have already extended my stay twice.”

    Anita started at that. “Really? Why?”

    The Targian smiled. “Do you really need to ask, Earth woman? I am a man with a very powerful urge to mate with beautiful women. I am…extremely gifted, even among the males of my people, who are renowned for their sexual appetite. Here, I am being asked to do what I love to do the most with some of the most beautiful women from the most beautiful species in the entire galaxy. If I can stay even longer, I will.”

    The Targian’s eyes were glowing with lust. Anita gulped. She felt her libido rising, deep within her core. She glanced down and saw that Grimmar’s cock had swollen up to enormous size. Targian men lacked pubic hair, so the massive shaft looked even bigger and more frightening. It was jutting out from his groin, standing at attention, but she could see it growing and thickening even as she watched.

    “You make a very good case,” Anita smiled. She licked her dry lips. Her nipples tented the material of her tunic, as hard as rocks. Her breasts throbbed, on fire, swollen with arousal, a heavy, shifting load on her chest. Her pussy burned and pulsed and she feel her clit thickening into a hard, dense fuck finger. She felt almost feverish with desire. She could not stop looking at Grimmar’s enormous cock.

    “Oh god,” Anita thought to herself. “I want to feel that prick all the way up my cunt!”

    “I have fucked many gorgeous women in my time here, Anita,” Grimmar said. He stepped a bit closer to her. She was captivated by the erotic, musky smell that emanated from his powerfully muscled body. “You are among the most beautiful in face. I can see much of your body and it seems just as beautiful as I would imagine. Will you let me see all of your naked body now?”

    Anita smiled, her lips trembling with a combination of apprehension and lust. She stepped back, putting a bit more space between her and Grimmar. He did not close the gap, waiting to see what she would do. It was not unheard of for someone to run away from these encounters, to be frightened off by the enormous size of his member, but that was very rare. The aliens chose their subjects well.

    Anita reached down, crossed her hands at the hem of her short tunic, and slowly peeled the tight garment up her lush body. Her dripping pussy was revealed first. She saw Grimmar’s eyes fix on her naked pudenda, her dripping fuck slit, and watched ravenous hunger light his face. He licked his lips in anticipation. The garment slid over her wide hips and up her smooth, taut belly. The Targian man’s eyes followed its progress, drinking in every centimeter of Anita’s silken caramel colored flesh as it was slowly unveiled. The tunic slid up her massive tits, straining against the meaty glands and lifting them high up her chest as she pulled the cloth over her head. Anita’s tits dropped heavily as the tunic released them and bounced deliciously as they plopped back into place, jiggling and quivering as they settled.

    Anita threw her tunic aside and stood before Grimmar, completely nude. She placed her hands on her lower belly, on either side of her steaming genitals, and framed her clean-shaven, succulent cunt. Her cunt lips were wet and tiny drops of moisture dotted the floor at her feet. A trickle of juice ran down her inner thighs.

    “Are you ready to fuck, Grimmar?” Anita whispered. She could barely speak. Her throat was constricted with tension and lust.

    “You are magnificent,” the Targian growled. His eyes were shining with lust. His voice was hoarsened by his building desire.

    Grimmar reached out slowly and cupped Anita’s massive tits. Even his huge hands were not enough to contain the succulent glands. He kneaded them gently and ran his thumbs over her stiff nipples. Anita threw back her head and cried out as the intense pleasure surged through her entire body. She reached down and wrapped her warm hands around Grimmar’s monstrous, pulsing shaft. Grimmar moaned, then cried out and stopped moving, his muscles trembling as he was almost paralyzed with pleasure. Anita remembered the Targian prick was even more sensitive than the human male prick, so she stroked gently. She certainly did not want him going off too soon. She could feel Grimmar’s cock growing even thicker, harder, in her hands.

    Grimmar pulled Anita’s hands off his shaft. He held her hands gently as he closed his eyes and concentrated. Anita was surprised and gratified to see the Targian’s fangs quickly retract, slipping into a pocket inside his mouth. Grimmar’s entire face softened. He smiled at her. Anita smiled back.

    “Oh yes,” she murmured, happy now to have the world of kissing and tongue-play opened to them. Grimmar pulled Anita’s nude body to his own. Eagerly, the Earth woman threw herself into his arms. She moaned in joy as her thick tits crushed hard and taut to Grimmar’s barrel chest. Anita felt Grimmar’s massive cock pushing at her belly as it slid between their bodies, its hardness stabbing both of them. She wrapped her arms around Grimmar’s neck and he pulled her in a tight bearhug, squashing her tits to his chest. Their hungry mouths locked, their long, powerful tongues stroked and twisted, hot spit flowing between them like nectar. Grimmar’s hands explored Anita’s back eagerly, stroking and tracing her curved spine down to her round, firm ass, gripping and squeezing her perfect buttocks, a digit tracing the appealing crack of her ass.

    Anita hopped up and wrapped her powerful, slick thighs around Grimmar’s hips. She felt his monstrous prick pushing at her cunt lips, threatening to invade her steaming hot fuckhole. She wriggled her body against him, her bulging tits rolling and mashing on his chest, as she positioned herself with her cunt ready to be violated by his pulsing prick. She broke their kiss, gasping, out of breath.

    “Do it,” Anita moaned. “Shove it into me! Do it now! Fuck me!”

    Gripping Anita’s round, pear-shaped ass, Grimmar aimed his monstrous cock at the woman’s cunt and thrust with his hips even as he pulled Anita’s body down onto his meat spear. He penetrated Anita’s tight twat, his shaft burning into her as it spread and stretched her cunt lips. Anita cried out in pain and joy as the enormous prick forced its way deeper and deeper into her tight, hot twat.

    Grimmar spun around, supporting Anita, and walked the few steps to the bed. He threw their locked bodies onto the bed. Anita crushed under his enormous weight. She spread her legs wide and tilted her hips up, welcoming his deeper penetration. Grimmar gathered his strength, pulled his hips back a bit, then rammed into Anita in a single, overpowering thrust. His monstrous shaft drove into her like a meaty knife, filling her to the brim in an instant, spreading her tight cunt to its limits, spearing her all the way down to her womb. Anita whooped in ecstasy. The pain was intense, it felt like she was being split in two. In an instant, when he was all the way inside her and she felt her vaginal walls contracting around the intruder, gripping it and sucking at the massive prick, the pain transformed into pure ecstasy.

    “Oh yes, OH FUCKING GOD, YES, YES, YESSSSSS!!” Anita shrieked. She bucked her hips hard, actually lifting the incredible weight of the Targian man on top of her off the bed for a moment.

    Their mouths locked, their tongues knotted in passion. Grimmar’s ass pumped, pulling back and then driving forward, working hard, riding Anita’s juicy, convulsing cunt. Anita pulled in the opposite direction then thrust up, bringing their taut bellies together in a tight clap with every thrust, increasing the exquisite friction between their mating genitals. She gripped the Targian man’s ass tightly, sinking her fingers as best she could into the rock-hard assmeat, and moving with him and then against him, using her vaginal muscles to squeeze and tease, gripping and releasing, helping the tension and pleasure build and build. Her swollen clit rubbed relentlessly against the thrusting prick, until it felt like waves of fire were rushing through her trembling body with every deep thrust.

    Anita held her orgasm back, determined to make the alien stud ride her as hard and as long as he could. When Grimmar had mentioned to her all the other alien women he had fucked, he had awakened in Anita a competitive need. She wanted to be the best fuck he had in this place, the best fuck of his life. She was determined to make him cum inside of her, to drain him dry, to ride him until his prick was flaccid and weak.

    It was more than an hour of constant pounding and furious fucking until Grimmar finally came. The rutting pair were soaked in sweat, the room was awash in the scent of hot, driving sex, the air was filled with the grunts, moans and snarls of two sexually charged beasts. Grimmar threw back his head and howled, unable to hold back an instant longer. His prick contracted and he ejaculated with incredible force. Anita felt the hot, steaming cum filling her insides, erupting deep in her core like a fire hose. It was indescribably wonderful and she let herself go, releasing the pounding orgasm that had built in her core.

    The alien couple writhed and twisted, their beautiful bodies twined and locked, as they pulled several more orgasms out of each other, kissing hungrily, moaning and crying out as they shared intense pleasure. Finally, Grimmar collapsed on top of Anita, panting like he had fought a Targian tiger. Anita gasped desperately as she wrapped her limbs around his powerful body and held on, reveling in the delicious feeling of his hard chest crushing the tight, throbbing balls of her dense titmeat into her chest, of their sweat-soaked bellies flat and hot. Grimmar’s massive shaft pulsed inside of her, balls-deep, sealed inside of her, forming one body. She squeezed him hard and he bucked and moaned as he ejaculated again.

    After some time, Grimmar rolled off of Anita, his massive prick pulling out of the tight, hot sheath of her cunt with a sucking sound. A gush of his creamy ejaculate came with him, splattering all over the woman’s naked pudenda, trickling down to coat her inner thighs and upper belly. A string of cum linked the tip of Grimmar’s cock to Anita’s red hot fuck slit. Anita smiled as the cool air of the room kissed her throbbing tits. Her erect nipples flared even hotter. She rejoiced in what they had just done to each other. Her libido was far from satisfied, however. In fact, it felt more like Grimmar’s massive cum dumps inside of her womb had lit an intense fire. She wanted more. She wanted so much more.

    Grimmar turned his head to smile at Anita.

    “That was wonderful, human woman,” he grunted. “Your fire, your strength…I can tell right now that you will be among the most sought-after fucks in this entire place. The way you use your beautiful body is almost incomparable…”

    Anita frowned a bit. Grimmar was being far too cagey in what he was saying. Clearly, he was comparing her to other women he had fucked in this place and found her a wonderful lay but still not necessarily the best he had yet had. Before they were done here, she was going to change that. She remembered that Grimmar’s longest coupling here had been 12 hours. She wondered if that was how long it took to drain him dry until he could not get his prick to stand. Anita decided to find out.

    Anita rolled towards Grimmar, pressed her heavy tits into his arm and threw one perfect, muscled leg across his body.

    “Baby,” she purred, “Don’t even think about stopping yet. That was just the warm-up. We haven’t even begun to fuck.”

    Grimmar smiled. Anita climbed on top of the Targian, straddling him, her thighs on either side of his hips, her hands on his chest. She raised herself up and positioned her burning twat over his shaft. Grimmar’s cock had softened a bit after his last series of ejaculations, but it was still hard. As his sensitive prick’s head caressed the slick, hot canal of Anita’s welcoming cunt slit, intense sexual stimulation flooded his body and his shaft hardened into rock. He reached up to fill his hands with the Earth woman’s massive tits. Grimmar squeezed and kneaded the thick, taut balls of flesh, he played with her pebble-hard nipples. Anita powered her cunt onto Grimmar’s prick, slowly and inexorably impaling herself on his spear, sliding him into her, taking him in until her naked pudenda sucked tight to the smooth flesh where his hairless groin met his enormous cock. Their bodies were one mass of steaming flesh once again and she went to work massaging and working his prick. She rocked her hips and thrust up and down, beating unbearable pleasure into his supine body.

    Grimmar worked Anita’s tits hard, he pushed himself up, buried his face in her chest, and licked, suck and bit at the huge, firm glands. Anita kept riding her Targian lover, her hips thrusting back and forth, up and down, until his prick felt like it was on fire, until the fire filled his belly and fed delicious pleasure and tension into his muscles. Anita moaned and groaned. Her engorged clit rubbed and rubbed on the man’s cock, growing hotter and fuller with every thrust. She ran her hands through her thick hair, she held Grimmar’s hands tightly to her tits, encouraging him to keep squeezing, massaging, biting and licking the succulent glands. She clawed at his muscular chest, scratching and biting in passion and pure ecstasy.

    Grimmar erupted like a volcano, his body jerking in spasms as he shot load after load of hot cum deep into Anita’s ravenous twat. The woman threw back her head and screamed in joy as she felt the delicious juices filling her to the brim, then she let herself go and ejaculated powerfully, gushing her juices out onto Grimmar’s belly. She rocked and thrashed in the throes of exquisite agony before she collapsed onto the man’s chest.

    After a while, Anita slid herself off of Grimmar’s shaft and rolled onto the bed beside him. They were panting, sweating, their bodies vibrating with pleasure. Both wanted more. Grimmar rolled Anita onto her stomach. Anita instantly realized what he intended and got to her knees. She gripped the headboard that she had imagined into existence for exactly this purpose and spread her legs and arched her back to present her cum-dripping cunt and her pear-shaped ass to her alien lover. She looked back at him over her shoulder and smiled lasciviously.

    “Ass or cunt, baby, it doesn’t matter to me, just shove it in balls-deep,” she purred.

    Grimmar shoved a thick digit into Anita’s tight, hot asshole, loosening the opening, preparing it for his invasion. He aimed his rapidly rejuvenated prick at the dripping orifice. He gripped Anita’s muscular hips, placed the head of his massive shaft on the puckered mouth of her anus, and shoved hard. Anita screamed in agony and absolute erotic ecstasy as the rock-hard spear penetrated her asshole, driving deep and hard with one continuous stroke. Grimmar grunted and gasped as he found himself having to push harder to break through the tightness, but his hanging balls finally slapped on Anita’s ass and his shaft buried itself as deep into her luscious body as it could go. Anita gripped the headboard tightly, sweat dripping from her body, her lush brown hair hanging like a curtain over her face. Her beautiful face contorted in a rictus of agony and ecstasy. She panted raggedly, the intense pain of the penetration turning quickly into a surging pleasure, filling her to overflowing. Grimmar reached around and grasped her hanging tits, holding them like handles. He caressed and kneaded the thick glands. He pulled himself out of her asshole almost halfway, then thrust back in, hard. Anita moaned in pleasure, the overpowering sensations reverberated through her body like the impact of a bat on a drum.

    Grimmar ass-fucked Anita for another hour until his body went stiff in pleasure and he shot his load again and again into her anal canal. Anita trembled with pleasure as she released the intense orgasm she had been holding back. She sobbed with joy as her body quivered as waves of ecstasy washed over her.

    Grimmar pulled himself out of Anita’s ass then, immediately, drove himself into her cunt from behind. The beautiful woman moaned in bliss and took it again, took the pounding with unrelenting pleasure filling her to the point of explosion until she came over and over, accompanying Grimmar as he emptied more loads of cum into the human woman’s incredible body.

    Grimmar pulled himself out and collapsed on the bed. They had been fucking for more than five hours. Anita felt like a new door had been opened for her. Her libido seemed to be more charged than ever, further away from satisfaction than before. She wanted more and more and she was determined to get it.

    Anita slid onto Grimmar’s body, then down until she was face to face with his still-hard prick. Her teeth and tongue soon had the throbbing member hard as rock again. She took him as far down her throat as she could, controlling her gag reflex as his monstrous prick filled the warm, hot cavern of her mouth. She sucked and licked, nibbled and rubbed, torturing the Targian man’s incredibly sensitive member until he exploded in a series of trembling orgasms. As he came, Anita fixed her mouth over his ejaculating prick and took as much of his discharge as she could, swallowing most of it. What she saved, she drooled onto his prick, lubricating the turgid shaft.

    When Grimmar could move again, he rolled Anita onto her back, pinned her to the bed, and worked his way down her incredibly voluptuous body. He kneaded and sucked her massive, juicy tits, biting her nipples and titmeat ferociously. He licked her belly and traced her lush curves with his hands and fingers, he buried his face in her naked pudenda and teased her swollen clit with his tongue, until she was gasping and writhing, moaning and twisting, her powerful, sweaty thighs locked around his head. He sucked and nibbled on her clit, he tongued her fuck hole. His finger probed her ass and slid deep into her twat. It took him nearly two hours, but he finally brought Anita to a screaming orgasm. He happily swallowed back her ejaculate, pleased to have finally satisfied the insatiable vixen.

    To Grimmar’s amazement, Anita was not done. Their marathon fucking went on and on. They lay on their sides and 69ed, bringing each other to orgasm after orgasm. Grimmar rested Anita’s legs on his shoulders and fucked her like a machine, driving his shaft into her like a battering ram, doing all he could to exhaust her. When he had finished ejaculating into her pussy, he started again from the same position, but penetrated her ass instead.

    Hours later, Grimmar finally surrendered. He was lying on his back with Anita on top of him, pleasuring his shaft between her massive breasts, giving him a titfuck, her thick, dense glands rubbing and gripping his prick, overwhelming the sensitive flesh with intense stimulation. He ejaculated powerfully, cumming into her gorgeous face. Anita fastened her mouth to the tip of his shaft and eagerly took the rest down her throat.

    Grimmar fell back onto the bed. His prick was flaccid, lying like a slimy snake on his muscular thigh. Anita crawled up beside him. She slid her body next to his. His cum was leaking out of all of the orifices of her incredible body. Anita pressed her lush curves into Grimmar’s side, and reached down to stroke and rub his expended member. The quivering shaft stirred slightly, but could not grow any further.

    “What is this?” Anita cooed, smiling like a predator, her eyes shining with heat and desire. “Surely you’re not done yet, Grimmar the Mighty? Why is your little prick so soft?”

    Grimmar smiled, but he could barely move. “You are a demon, woman. Only one other woman in my life has managed to drain me dry, to the point that I cannot even harden my shaft. Before you, I thought she was the best fuck of my life. Now, I am not sure.”

    Anita frowned. “If you can get it up one more time, I’ll make sure you know that I’m the best fuck you’ve ever had.”

    “I cannot. I know when I am beaten. You have drained me completely. You have given me pleasure beyond almost anything I have had before. I hope you will be willing to do this again.”

    Anita fell back onto the bed, her massive tits bouncing. She was tired, her pussy was sore, so was her asshole. She could not remember the last time a man had fucked her so completely. Yet, she knew that she was still not satisfied. She had experienced more wonderfully intense orgasms than she could count, yet the fire deep in her core burned brightly. She pushed back the frustration. Her sexual appetite was betraying her. She turned her thoughts back to the qualified endorsement Grimmar had given to her sexual skills.

    “I’ll be happy to fuck you again, Grimmar. I can’t have you thinking that someone else is a better fuck than I am.”

    Grimmar smiled again. “I will be meeting the woman in question in the next few days, I think. I will be sure to tell her about you. I think she needs to know that she now has some real competition.”

    Anita started. For some reason, Anita had assumed the woman was no longer present. But, of course, Grimmar had only been a willing captive on this alien energy farm for a 100 days. The likelihood was that the woman was still around.

    “Who is this woman?” Anita asked, a bit sharply.

    Grimmar looked at her, catching her tone of voice, and smiled. “Not to worry, Anita. When I first saw you, I was shocked to see that you are every bit her equal. Your body is just as magnificent as her body, your cunt is just as tight and hot, your breasts are every bit as big and firm. The way you move your ass and your hips, all of these things rival her. And you have just exhausted me, something no woman had done before her. You have no reason to feel inferior to her in any way.”

    Anita felt a bit annoyed. She tried not to show it. “I don’t feel ‘inferior,’” she said sweetly. “I am just curious as to who this miracle woman is.”

    Grimmar smiled, his expression momentarily lost in pleasant memories. “Her name is Lanara. She is a great beauty from the planet of Denaran. Apparently, the alien masters here told her that she was the most sexually powerful specimen they ever caught. After lying with her, I can believe that. The woman is insatiable, a true goddess of sex. She is beautiful and voluptuous, her sexual skills are second to none, and her hunger for cock, her hunger for pleasure, is limitless.”

    He focused his eyes and smiled at Anita again. “But you can definitely compete with her in every category,” he repeated. Anita looked deeply into Grimmar’s eyes. She had the sense that, at some level, he did not think she could match this woman Lanara, from the planet of Denaran.

    Lester appeared, flowing up from the floor.

    “It seems that you have finished with each other,” Lester said blandly. “Thank you very much. The amount of energy your encounter produced for the masters was truly phenomenal. It was among the top six generators of energy that has been produced over the past year. That is a remarkable achievement for your first encounter, Anita.”

    Anita slid off the bed and picked up her tunic. Her legs felt a bit weak and her genitals and asshole were sore. They had taken quite a pounding over the course of the last several hours. She did not know how long she and the Targian man had fucked, but she suspected it may have been 12 hours. She would need to ask Lester. She pulled on her tunic.

    Grimmar was having problems standing. Anita smiled proudly when she saw that. He staggered back to the section of the room he had been in before their encounter started. He picked a tunic off a ledge and slid it on. Another Lester rose out of the floor to stand in front of Grimmar, apparently to take him back to his room.

    Grimmar turned to gesture goodbye to Anita. “Thank you for this, Anita,” the Targian man rumbled. “This has been a truly memorable experience. I hope that we have many more before one or both of us leave this place.”

    “It was great fun, Grimmar,” Anita replied. “You are one delicious fuck. Definitely the best I’ve ever had from any man. I hope we can do this again very soon.”

    The wall separating the two rooms flowed back into place. Anita turned to Lester, who was waiting for her.

    “Let’s go back to my room, Lester.”


    Lester led Anita down the hall. She was lost in thought. “Lester?”


    “How many more times do I need to generate energy for your masters before I meet my expected quota?”

    “If you continue to generate the kind of energy you did over the past 12 hours, you need only do it five more times.”

    “What? Just five?”

    “Yes. You are enormously sexually powerful, Anita. We knew this from the start. When we were scanning your planet for sexually powerful humans, your signal jumped out immediately. As I believe I told you, you had one of the strongest signals we have received in a very long time. Our present mission is very unusual because we had earlier picked up another extraordinarily powerful signal. To have two of you in place at the same time has never happened before.”

    It took a moment for what Lester was saying to fully register with Anita. “What? You’re saying this other super signal is on board right now?”

    “Yes. A woman from the planet Denaran. She has been part of our program for 150 days.”

    Anita frowned. This Denaran bitch again. She was not surprised. Her competitive instincts kicked into gear. “Is her signal stronger than mine?”

    “It is too difficult to compare. On the scale, it looks like you and she are roughly equal in raw power. How you use it may vary, however.”

    “Why has this woman been part of your program for so long? She must have passed her quota by now.”

    “Yes, she certainly has. Like you, she had the potential to meet that quota in six sessions and she did. However, she enjoyed our program and she has renewed her involvement several times. She refers to herself as ‘the best fuck in the galaxy’ and her partners seem to agree.”

    Anita bristled a bit, but said nothing.

    “Anita,” Lester said. “I have some information to impart to you regarding your sexual performance.”

    “Oh? I thought you said it was a very successful session?”

    “It was. However, we have noticed that you finished the session without attaining your own sexual satisfaction. While you clearly experienced a great deal and extreme intensity of pleasure, you were also far short of what you are capable of experiencing. Our readings on this were quite clear.”

    Anita considered this. What Lester was saying was not surprising. As toe-curling and delicious as her tryst with Grimmar had been, there remained a voracious sexual hunger deep inside of her. The encounter with Grimmar had been a very healthy, tasty snack but the hunger remained unsatiated.

    Lester continued. “If you can achieve your full potential, we believe that you will produce a quality of sexual energy that is very rare and extremely valuable. We encourage you to try your best to achieve this goal. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you.”

    They had reached Anita’s room, something she only realized when the artificial construct stopped and turned to the wall. The wall opened and Anita entered the familiar space.

    “The way you said that makes it sound like your masters are storing the energy we create.”

    “Yes, that is correct. This mission is designed to find and store as much energy as possible. The masters use that energy for their own nourishment, but their primary focus is on gathering. The quality of the sexual encounter produces energy of different quality. What you just did with Grimmar was very valuable but we know that you can do much more.”

    A thought occurred to Anita. “Does anybody else on board have this same problem?”

    “Yes. The woman from Denaran faces the same kind of ailment.”

    Anita smiled grimly. This woman from Denaran was getting on her nerves.

    “If you need anything, please call me. I will appear immediately.”

    “Thanks Lester. Goodnight.”

    “It is not night. We are in a non-contemporaneous subspace bubble. Time does not operate here in the way it does in regular space.”

    Anita started. “Does that mean that no time is passing on my world?”

    “For you, it does not have to. When you finish here, we will return you to the place we acquired you only a few seconds after you were taken.”

    Anita nodded. That made sense and certainly answered some questions.

    “So, are we in some kind of vessel?”

    “Yes. This vessel can travel through regular space and subspace. We spend most of our time in subspace in order to enable our subjects to be returned to regular space at whatever times are necessary.”

    Lester flowed into the floor. Anita considered this new information, but soon put it out of her head. She stripped off her tunic and took a long, hot shower. She washed off the cum and sweat that coated her extravagantly voluptuous body and her hair. She smiled. It had been fantastic sex and a truly wonderful encounter. She could not wait to get on the receiving end of Grimmar’s cock again.

    As she walked across the room to her bed, however, the reality that she was still not reaching her potential bothered her. What would it take to do that? What would it feel like to experience such intense pleasure? What she had experienced with Grimmar had been pretty incredible. What would it be like to feel pleasure so much greater, enough to truly satisfy her libidinal hunger?

    Anita popped another food pill and smiled as the rush of energy hit her. She realized that she no longer needed to sleep. She decided to sleep anyway. She needed to rest her mind, if not her body.

    “Tomorrow is another day,” Anita murmured to herself. She smiled. Not here, it wasn’t.

    To be continued:

  5. #5
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    Anita truly is an animal. I can’t wait for her to meet her match

  6. #6
    Senior Hostboard Member Hoborobo's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    Great start and very creative premise! Looking forward to the next chapter

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    Senior Hostboard Member Giannis-CB's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    I like it. Very well done !!
    Good moments of creatιve fantasy !
    I guess that Anita will be well prepared before to face Lanara
    I bet it will be a hot scene.
    But "Earth Gils are easy" ? Be careful ! Alliens may listen to you !! LOL
    They already did I guess !! LOL

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    Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    I love sci-fi stories, always do, and sexfight sci-fi stories even more

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    Senior Hostboard Member calla242's Avatar
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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    i hate it when you do that. first i see a thread of you, and then there really is a new story behind it. then i read and read and then this cliffhanger :/

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    Re: Earth Girls are Easy - by JB57

    Quote Originally Posted by calla242 View Post
    i hate it when you do that. first i see a thread of you, and then there really is a new story behind it. then i read and read and then this cliffhanger :/

    Sorry, but cliffhangers build tension! (As you know) ;-)


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