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Thread: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

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    Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade


    Ok, first off I'm sorry it took me forever to finish this part. It's been pretty hectic in my life, so I just haven't had the time. And when I would have had time, I haven't had the energy. I do have ideas on how to continue this storyline from here, but I'm making no promises as to when I might be doing that.

    As promised, there is a fight without Jessica and Annabel in this part, hopefully that brings back a bit of the excitement. As always, feedback and comments are welcome!



    Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Jessica had been driving almost non-stop to get to Annabel, only stopping to refuel and get some sleep when she got too tired to drive anymore. She had just wanted to get back to Annabel as quickly as she could, her nervousness and anxiety growing the closer she got. She wasn't sure how Annabel would react. She wasn't even sure how she herself would react. She kept remembering what Hannah had said, or rather what Hannah's grandmother had said, that we regret the things we don't do. She had to do this. No matter how much is scared her, she owed it to herself to at least give it a shot, to see where things would go with Annabel. She'd never let fear guide her decisions before, so why should she allow it now, she tried to reassure herself.

    As she arrived in town, her anxiousness got the better of her and she had to stop for a moment. She pulled up on a gas station and walked straight in the ladies room. She looked at herself in the mirror, at her dirty hair and dirty clothes, and let out a sigh. She looked terrible. She did her best to clean her face and straighten her red hair, but it was of little use. At least the cold water made her feel a bit better, though she still thought she looked like hell. She would have needed a long, hot shower and some fresh, clean clothes, but she didn't have time for that. Her stomach was full of butterflies, her mind full of swirling doubts, and if she didn't push forward, she might turn back. She had to go.

    She got back to her car and drove off the station and towards Annabel's place. It was getting dark as she pulled up at Annabel's driveway, seeing the place full of different kinds of fancy cars. Her mustang was covered in dust, looking out of place among the spotless and shiny vehicles. Jessica spotted a guy who she presumed was the valet and drove right next to him, stopping the car and getting up.

    "Hello miss, may I have your keys so I can park you car?" He asked, looking at Jessica in a suspicious way.

    Jessica looked around, noticing how the place had been decorated, with garden lights hanging around and music coming from the back of the house.

    "Miss?" The man asked again.

    "Oh sorry," Jessica apologized, "Sure, just be careful."

    "Of course, miss."

    "Is this how much she has missed me?", Jessica thought to herself, "So much that she decided to have a party?" She felt her stomach sink. Perhaps it was a mistake to come back. She looked around and saw two of stern looking guys standing on either side of the entrance to the garden, one had short blond hair, the other was older and his hair had shades of gray. There was a decorated arc built on top of the entrance, with live fire torches lighting the arc. Jessica made her way towards the entrance, and the guys kept a keen eye on her. They looked like professional security, but even so they had trouble keeping their eyes away from Jessica's massive chest. Her dirty, sweaty T-shirt was strained to the point of almost being transparent around her boobs, and the outlines of her areolas and nipples were very clearly visible through the shirt. As she got closer, the guys tore their eyes from the tits and managed to resume their professional duty.

    "I'm sorry, miss, but this is a private party and you need to have a costume and a mask to enter," the older guy said politely while blocking Jessica's way.

    "Do you have an invitation?", the younger guy asked, his eyes now roaming all around Jessica's body.

    "What?", Jessica asked, "No, I don't have an invitation."

    "You can't enter without an invitation, or without a costume, for that matter," the older guy said matter-of-factly.

    "What is all this anyway?" Jessica asked, gesturing around.

    "This is an invitation only masquerade," said the older guy.

    "Look, I have to meet Annabel," Jessica pleaded.

    "Why is that?" the younger guys asked, clearly interested in knowing, or imagining, what Jessica would do with Annabel.

    "It's none of your business," Jessica snapped, getting frustrated, "Just go and tell her that Jessica is here."

    Just then, Jessica spotted Annabel walking towards the house, holding hands and practically pulling a stunning blonde woman behind her. It was clear they were going in to have sex, that much was obvious. Suddenly, Annabel glanced towards the garden entrance and saw Jessica. Their eyes met, and Annabel stopped dead on her tracks, the blonde woman bumping onto her back. Even from the distance, Jessica felt herself almost floating as she looked into Annabel's beautiful green eyes. Everything she had felt, everything she had run away from, came rushing back, and her heart ached to feel Annabel's touch, to be with her.

    "Who is that?" Jessica heard Lillian ask, sounding a bit annoyed. But Annabel didn't answer, she didn't seem care about anything else right now, not even Lillian's presence beside her. She slowly walked towards Jessica, taking each step like she was walking through quicksand, trying to resist the pull of the earth. "Let her in," she said to the two guys. They nodded silently, stepping aside and letting Jessica walk between them.

    When Annabel stood face to face with Jessica, she forgot how to breathe. Her mind went totally blank, all she could think was: Jessica, you are here! You came back to me! Jessica looked at her with those sparkling green eyes, so much like her own, and smiled as her heart smiled. Then Jessica looked at Lillian, and her expression turned cold.

    "Who are you?" she asked, her voice cold enough to freeze your blood.

    "I was asking the same thing," Lillian replied, not intimidated by Jessica.

    Annabel quickly interposed herself between them, glaring at Lillian, "Don't be mean! Give me a second."

    Lillian seemed unapologetic. "You didn't introduce us," she said.

    Annabel tried to smile apologetically. She was still dazed by Jessica being here after all this time, and she had no idea how to handle this situation. Her feelings for Jessica were so intense it was overwhelming her. And then there was Lillian, standing next to her, glaring at Jessica in defiance, jealous of her presence. Annabel wanted them to get along, but it seemed they couldn't play nice with each other. But what should she do? She looked back and forth from Jessica to Lillian. She felt like the bridge between them would break if she said one thing or the other. And the silence between them grew and grew until Jessica finally spoke again.

    "It doesn't matter who I am, just leave us alone," she said with her voice low but firm.

    Then she turned to look at Annabel. "Hi," she smiled weakly.

    Annabel stared at Jessica, unable to speak. She hadn't prepared herself for this moment, and now that it was here, she found herself without a single coherent thought in her mind. It was like she was drowning as the overwhelming emptiness that Jessica's leaving had plunged her into suddenly came crashing back, and only her feelings for Jessica allowed her to surface once more. When she found her voice, the only words she could say were: "Jessica?"

    "Yes," Jessica said, still smiling a weak little smile.

    Lillian didn't seem amused at all by this interaction, "Who is that bitch?"

    "Who are you calling a bitch, you stupid skank!" Jessica growled angrily.

    "Stop! Both of you!" Annabel exclaimed, "Don't talk to her that way!" she scolded Jessica, while glaring at Lillian with a disapproving look. "Lillian's a guest to my party, and no matter what, I want her treated properly!" It seemed like Annabel finally was able to gather her wits about her. "You've been gone for weeks Jessica, you left me here alone." her voice trailed off.

    "I know..." Jessica said weakly, "All I can say is I'm sorry, it was a mistake to go." She looked so sad, so apologetic, and she sounded so sweet and sincere that Annabel wanted nothing more than to hug her tight. But as much as she wanted to forgive and forget, something in the back of her head was screaming to her not to trust Jessica.

    "What the hell is this?" Lillian said, "Listen Annabel, leave this... Jessica here, and let's go. I can make you feel better than you ever thought possible, believe me."

    "Over my dead body," Jessica growled. She turned around and faced Lillian. They stood face to face, glaring at each other with barely controlled rage. "She's mine, bitch! Don't get in my way!"

    Lillian's eyes flashed with anger and she got ready to pounce at Jessica, but Annabel grabbed her arm before she could act. "No fighting in front of the guests! Come on now ladies, show a little respect." she scolded both of them, giving Jessica a reproachful look.

    "Fine..." Lillian grumbled, "But I'm not giving up on you just because some old fling happened to come by. I guarantee you'll feel better with me Annabel."

    "You have no idea what you're getting into," Jessica growled.

    "And you don't know what you're up against," Lillian shot back, "You can't stop me from fucking her even if you tried." She glared at Jessica menacingly. Then she took a couple of steps closer and whispered in Jessica's ear, loud enough so Annabel could hear as well: "I've taken the best lovers of this world and made them beg for more." The two women locked their eyes, both looking deadly serious and intimidating, neither blinking or backing down.

    Annabel stood besides them, looking from one woman to the other. Lillian was challenging Jessica openly, while Jessica refused to be intimidated. But at the same time, Annabel felt drawn towards Lillian. She found herself intrigued by what she had said, curious to know how good she really was. "Let's all go inside now, ok?" Annabel suggested. She knew that she should do something to end the tension between them, but she didn't know what it was.

    Lillian turned to look at her. "Are you sure? This woman is no match for me."

    Jessica growled with frustration and rage. "If you care for her at all, you'll keep your dirty whore mouth shut." She looked into Lillian's eyes as she said those words. The blonde glared back at her coldly, showing no signs of fear or submission. Jessica found her unrelenting will refreshing. Perhaps more than refreshing, she admitted to herself. A part of her wanted nothing more than to rip those clothes off this blonde skank and fuck her hard in front of Annabel, right there at the gate. Just the thought made her cunt twitch.

    "That's enough!" Annabel said loudly. She took both of them by the hand and walked inside her villa, trying to diffuse the tension before someone did something they would regret. Inside, she let go of their hands, looking from one woman to the other. The moment she let go of them, Lillian and Jessica faced each other again, glaring at each other with hatred and lust written all over their faces.

    "I've driven days on end to be here, and I'm not going to let some blonde hussy stop me now," Jessica growled.

    "If you're really serious about what you just said then come after me. It will only make my victory sweeter," Lillian smiled confidently. She grabbed Annabel's hand once more and took her a few steps away from Jessica.

    Suddenly, Jessica snapped. "Just who the fuck do you think you are?" She pounced on Lillian, pushing her against the wall.

    "Do your worst," Lillian snarled back, not backing down.

    Annabel was taken by surprise. "Stop fighting!" she yelled, but neither woman paid her any mind. They were glaring at each other, staring each other down as they slowly pressed their bodies together. "Are you two fucking insane?" Annabel exclaimed, still yelling loudly. Jessica had pushed Lillian against the wall hard enough to almost knock the breath out of her, yet Lillian showed no signs of fear or pain.

    Both women ignored Annabel as she continued scolding them. "You're acting like a couple of idiots!" Jessica moved her hands from Lillian's shoulder to her big tits and squeezed them roughly, causing the blonde to gasp loudly. Lillian smiled maliciously, enjoying the feeling.
    "I'll show you my worst allright, bitch?!" Jessica snarled.

    "Fuck off! She's mine now, you can't take her!" Lillian grabbed Jessica's ass, kneading it roughly through the jeans. She had pinned Jessica against her own body, forcing her to stand on tip-toes as the blonde stared down at her defiantly.

    Jessica glared right back into her eyes, "Never." She used one hand to pull Lillian's pony tail and forced her mouth against hers. Annabel could only stare in astonishment, her face showing an expression of total bewilderment. Jessica was kissing Lillian savagely. Lillian smiled slightly as she responded to the kiss just as fiercely. They pressed their lips together roughly, even passionately.

    As Annabel watched the two women kiss in front of her, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. "Oh my god..." she muttered quietly, unable to look away from the sexy spectacle in front of her. She didn't quite understand how things had gotten to this point, but it was incredibly arousing to watch Jessica kissing another woman, especially as they were both fighting for her attention.

    Suddenly, Lillian pushed Jessica back and broke the kiss, causing a string of saliva to stretch out between them briefly. Both of their chests heaved out of breath as they stood there glaring at each other. Jessica licked her lips sensually, staring into Lillian's eyes.

    "I will never give up, I'm the one for Annabel so back off while you still can, whore," Jessica said defiantly.

    Lillian smiled, looking every inch the predator about to bring down her prey. "Is that a challenge?"

    Jessica narrowed her eyes and replied just as confidently: "Bring it on bitch."

    "Let me show you what you're really up against," Lillian cooed and started to open the lacings of her corset, smiling wickedly. Jessica watched intently, licking her lips eagerly as the garment slowly came undone, revealing the blonde's enormous tits one bit at a time. They bounced around enticingly as soon as they were free from their confines, her pale white skin so smooth and shiny, and her big nipples a perfect dark pink shade. They were hard too, long thick nubs sticking out perfectly, like two sweet candy on top of delicious cupcakes. Then, Lillian took off her leather panties and revealed her huge pussy that was completely bare, no pubic hair to be seen, only smooth moist flesh that looked irresistible, and a huge clit already peeking from between the plump glistening lips. Finally, Lillian untied her mask and tossed it aside, revealing her gorgeous face.

    Jessica licked her lips hungrily as she stared at Lillian's pussy. She found herself breathing heavily as she examined Lillian's cunt. It seemed almost as sexy as her own pussy, she admitted to herself. And this skank had Annabel's attention now. Not to be outdone, Jessica began stripping away her own clothes. "Not bad, bitch," she commented to Lillian, "But not good enough against me!"

    Jessica then grabbed the neck of her shirt and ripped it open in one sharp movement, the sound of ripping fabric echoing in the relative quiet of the hallway. Her huge breasts burst forth in all their glory, big round boulders topped by fat thick nipples, bouncing around with each of her movements. They looked so incredibly heavy and firm that Annabel couldn't help but stare at them in amazement. Those were the boobs she had loved to feel, the best boobs she had ever seen, equal to her own in every way. Jessica tossed the torn shirt away, kicked her sneakers off and unbuttoned her jeans, quickly taking them off. She wasn't wearing any underwear, so she just cocked her hips forward, displaying her pussy for Lillian to see. Annabel licked her lips as she looked at Jessica's pussy, her own pussy contracting and leaking juices as she remembered how amazing Jessica's pussy felt.

    "It is good to know you're impressed," Lillian replied and stepped closer towards Jessica, their chests now touching each other as they stared into the other woman's eyes. They seemed unable to look away from the other, both of them mesmerized by the other. Their pussies pressed together slowly. As they touched each other, Lillian let out a deep breathy moan. "Your tits are amazing... and your pussy..." she cooed and moved her hands downwards, touching Jessica's big breasts gently, "They feel perfect." Her voice was raspy, with a slight tone of lust to it. Jessica wasn't quite as verbal, but she moaned deeply as she felt Lillian's soft fingers caressing her boobs.

    "They are perfect, just ask Annabel," Jessica moaned. Her big firm tits were feeling heavy and full of sexual tension, and she felt like she was about to burst. She looked over Lillian's shoulder and saw Annabel staring at them with a hungry look on her face, licking her lips hungrily as she stared at their breasts touching each other. Suddenly, Jessica pushed Lillian backwards against the wall again, roughly this time. She forced Lillian to stand on tiptoes, and started kissing her again. The two women locked lips ferociously, passionately, rubbing their bodies together in a sensual dance.

    Annabel watched the kiss as if in slow motion. It was hot, so incredibly hot, she couldn't take her eyes off them. They were moaning loudly as they kissed each other. It looked almost brutal, their teeth clashing against each other as their tongues wrestled for dominance. Her body reacted instantly to the display of lust in front of her. Her nipples were so hard and big that they almost hurt. The fabric of her dress felt tighter and more restrictive all around her chest, causing her enormous breasts to press against it painfully. As Jessica and Lillian kissed each other fiercely, Annabel grabbed her own big tits through the green and silver fabric of her dress. She couldn't help but grope them, feeling them aching for release.

    As if in response to her feelings, Jessica broke the kiss and started kissing downwards, towards Lillian's big tits. When she reached them, she looked up at her and licked one of Lillian's nipples with her long tongue. Then she closed her mouth over Lillian's big nipple and began sucking it greedily, slobbering over it while Lillian gasped in pleasure. The blonde didn't waste a single moment either, grabbing Jessica's ass and grinding her pussy and big clit against hers fiercely. It didn't take long before both women found themselves moaning and trembling from pleasure.

    "Oh god!" Annabel exclaimed as she watched Jessica sucking on another woman's nipple. It was hot beyond belief, her pussy felt like it was on fire. She pulled her own nipples through the dress fabric roughly and squeezed them hard. But it wasn't enough, she wanted more stimulation than that. She unclasped her dress buckle behind her neck and let it fall to the floor, standing there in her panties, mask and jewelry. Now she could get more direct stimulation. She started massaging her boobs, feeling her rock-hard nipples poking into her palms. They were almost painfully erect. Meanwhile, she also saw Jessica grabbing Lillian's pony tail with one hand and pushing her cunt against the blonde's even harder. Annabel felt like she could watch them forever, they looked so hot together.

    Jessica heard someone breathing heavily and turned her head around to see Annabel massaging her naked huge tits. "That's it Annabel... fuck your big tits," she growled lustfully, "Pump those big jugs of yours." Her eyes followed Annabel's hands as they worked her big jugs furiously. They were incredible! Her big round boobs seemed to just beg to be squeezed, and Jessica knew exactly how they felt in her hands. She licked her lips hungrily as she watched Annabel caress herself.

    Lillian took advantage of Jessica's momentary distraction to turn and shove her hard against the wall, causing the other woman to cry out in surprise. She then forced Jessica to stand on tiptoes and began kissing downwards, towards her neck. She sucked on her skin forcefully, biting at it gently as Jessica groaned loudly in response.

    Annabel saw and heard Jessica moaning in pleasure as Lillian kissed down her neck. It was an incredibly sexy sight, but when the blonde went lower still, pressing her face between Jessica's huge jugs, Annabel felt a rush of jealousy. "Hey!" she exclaimed. Jessica turned to look at her again, panting heavily with lust. She shoved Lillian away from her tits and reached for the other woman's huge boobs, taking them both in each hand and squeezing roughly while her mouth clamped on Lillian's lips. Annabel gasped as she watched Jessica groping another woman's tits while kissing her mouth fiercely. After a moment they broke the kiss and glared at each other once more, their chests heaving with breathlessness.

    Jessica smiled wickedly at Lillian, and pressed her body even harder against her. Her pussy was burning with heat, she was so horny she felt like she might explode at any second. And she could see that Lillian felt just as aroused as well, she could smell her pussy. "Take this," she growled, grabbing Lillian by her ass and forcing her cunt hard against hers, pushing her big clit directly against Lillian's clit. Lillian groaned loudly as Jessica began rubbing herself against her roughly. Her eyes were closed and she had begun to shake slightly as she tried to steady herself, feeling lightheaded from the intense stimulation.

    Jessica smiled confidently as she saw Lillian moaning and shaking, unable to resist her attack. The blonde seemed completely vulnerable and totally out of control, like she was getting swept up in the moment. Suddenly, Lillian ground her big clit forcefully against Jessica's, making her gasp and moan. "Didn't think I was going to be that easy, did you?" she growled, licking her lips sensually. She then pressed her tits against Jessica's as hard as she could and wrapped one hand around Jessica's neck and began kissing her savagely.

    Annabel watched them kissing and fucking fiercely, Lillian trying to take over Jessica's mouth with her tongue while at the same time grinding her clit against Jessica's wildly. Her cunt twitched violently, she wanted them both so bad that she couldn't stop her hands from moving downwards towards it. She took off her mask and let it drop to the floor before she pulled the panties down with her other hand. Once the panties were on the floor, Annabel spread her pussy lips with both hands and started massaging it fast, rubbing her clit directly against her palm. The touch was too much for her, and within seconds she found herself panting as pleasure racked her entire body. "Oh god..." she exclaimed softly, her voice trembling.

    As if in response to her moans, Jessica twisted and pushed Lillian hard against the wall again, keeping her in place while the blonde glared at her defiantly. "I'm glad you're fighting back, bitch!" Jessica growled, "It will make my victory even sweeter!" She grabbed Lillian's ass and began kneading it roughly, squeezing and caressing it firmly. Then she moved one of her hands between Lillian's butt cheeks and reached for her asshole with two fingers, circling it around. "Do your worst!" Lillian growled and returned the favor by pinching Jessica's nipples hard, twisting and pulling them painfully.

    Jessica cried out from the pain, but also from the pleasure. Her nipples felt like they were going to burst as the blonde toyed with them cruelly. Lillian smiled wickedly and turned them, switching their positions and forcing Jessica against the wall. Then she slapped her hard across the face, causing Jessica to gasp in shock. Lillian's lips parted into a triumphant smile, she had caught Jessica by surprise once more. "Did you really think it would be that easy, bitch? You won't ever be able to control me!" she said and slammed Jessica against the wall even harder than before. Jessica could only cry out as her breath was knocked out of her. She realized she was losing control of the situation, so she wrapped one arm around Lillian's neck and locked her lips with her ferociously, kissing her fiercely while slapping her ass repeatedly. She forced her tongue inside the blonde's mouth and began wrestling with it for dominance, while at the same time rubbing her pussy against hers as hard as possible.

    "Oh yeah... slap my ass like you mean it!" Lillian moaned against Jessica's mouth.

    Jessica broke the kiss, breathing heavily from their fierce battle, "Take that!" she growled and slapped Lillian hard again, causing the blonde to gasp loudly in pleasure. Meanwhile, Lillian let go of Jessica's huge tits and grabbed her butt cheeks firmly, digging her nails into them painfully as she pulled the flesh roughly apart, exposing Jessica's asshole. Then she brought one finger to it and started pushing it in. "I'm going to make you mine, whore! I'm taking over your ass," she growled in triumph.

    Lillian smiled and pushed her finger inside the other woman. Her asshole was tight and warm around her digit, "It's so good..." Lillian purred, pushing her finger deeper inside, while Jessica's cunt gushed juices out as a response to being violated. It felt so good, she loved having her butt played with, but at the same time it made her angry too. She pushed back against Lillian's hand and shoved her tongue inside the blonde's mouth. When they locked lips again, Lillian began pumping her finger in and out of Jessica's ass, her pussy throbbing from pleasure as she imagined doing the same with her own asshole. The two women started moaning into each other's mouths as they continued their savage kiss. Their pussies were burning and they felt like they would explode at any second from all this stimulation.

    Jessica grabbed Lillian's pony tail hard, yanking on it. "You'll be fucking mine by the end of this!" she snarled, kissing Lillian's neck roughly, almost drawing blood.

    "That's what you think, bitch," Lillian gasped as she kept fingering Jessica's asshole, pushing her tongue deep inside the woman's mouth, her lips pressed against her cheeks as she sucked on her tongue. The kiss grew even more savage than before as Jessica kissed Lillian in a way that could only be described as bestial, like a wild animal trying to claim its mate. Lillian had never felt such intense feelings during a kiss before. Usually she used her kisses as weapons against her lovers, but now it felt like someone else was taking over. She fought back hard, using every trick she knew to take control of the situation. But when she tried to break the kiss to catch her breath, she found herself not wanting to end it at all. Instead, she pulled Jessica closer and began sucking on her tongue even harder. The taste of this woman's mouth was intoxicating.

    Annabel watched them kissing each other hungrily. Their hands were everywhere, grabbing each other and squeezing, pinching, spanking, groping and clawing wherever they could. The sounds of their lips smacking together filled Annabel with unbridled lust as she stared at them making out in front of her. Her cunt was sopping wet from watching Jessica kissing Lillian. She felt a mix of intense jealousy and arousal as she watched her lover make out with another woman. Yet the thought of those two fighting for her attention excited her beyond belief, and it made her desire them even more. They were hotter than she could have ever imagined! She just couldn't stop rubbing her pussy. As she watched Jessica shoving her tongue down Lillian's throat, she let out a deep breathy moan as she continued pleasuring herself furiously.

    Lillian felt Jessica's tongue force its way deep in her mouth. She fought against it with everything she had, but no matter what she did, she kept losing ground. She had never faced an opponent like Jessica, nobody could resist her kiss until now. She was unbeatable! But Jessica was so aggressive, so relentless, her tongue so long and powerful. The more she realized that Jessica could outmaneuver her tongue, the more aroused Lillian became. It only served to heighten her passion as she started kissing back as hard as she could. Her arms were locked around Jessica's ass as she gripped her ass cheeks firmly, pulling her cunt against hers even harder than before. They moaned into each other's mouths as they kept fighting over the dominance of this kiss, Lillian trying to regain control.

    As Jessica and Lillian continued battling for control, Annabel began panting and gasping for breath loudly. She had two fingers inside her soaking wet cunt while using her other hand to massage her clit rapidly. It felt so good, but she needed more! All the touching from before had left her desperate for direct contact. Then she saw Jessica break the kiss and pull her long tongue out of Lillian's mouth, Lillian gagging and gasping for breath, and she knew Jessica had dominated the kissing duel. It only fueled her desire, making her even hungrier for more pleasure than before. Annabel pulled out her fingers, licked them clean from all the juices on them and started sucking on her index finger lewdly, making a loud slurping sound as she did it, staring at Jessica and Lillian lustfully. Then she put her fingers back inside herself, stretching her cunt wide open with them, moaning softly as she added more pressure.

    Jessica smiled at Lillian. "Do you understand now what you're up against? You don't stand a chance, weak slut!"

    Lillian was still gasping for air, her mind reeling from Jessica's dominance in their kiss fight. But nobody called her weak! She launched herself forward, flexing her massive tits, hitting Jessica's boobs head on with a loud clap! Jessica staggered back from the hit, gasping as she felt to power and weight of Lillians boobs. Nobody had ever hit her tits as hard, it was like two cannon balls slamming into her chest. Annabel stared in awe, amazed that anybody could hit those big things so hard! As Jessica regained her balance, Lillian was already charging again, pushing her body against Jessicas while grabbing both her ass cheeks. Jessica pushed back at her and they stood face to face as they shoved their breasts against each other roughly, their cunts smashing together ferociously as their huge nipples collided head on. The two women began grinding their pussies together as they kissed once more.

    Annabel started rubbing her clit even harder as she watched the two women fighting for supremacy right before her eyes. It was incredible. She wanted them to keep kissing and fighting, just like this. But then she thought of everything they might do to each other, and found herself wanting to see even more. The idea of watching Lillian dominating Jessica turned her on beyond belief. Her pussy throbbed with desire. "Yes..." she said in a voice barely above a whisper, not quite believing what she was about to suggest to them, "Let's take this to the bedroom." She stood up from her couch, feeling incredibly lightheaded as she spoke, almost delirious with lust. "I want to watch you two fucking!"

    Lillian broke the kiss and grabbed Jessica's neck, glaring at her. "You are mine," she growled in a low tone.

    "I'll dominate your cunt just like your mouth, slut!" Jessica shot back.

    "Bring it on bitch, you're going down hard!" Lillian exclaimed and grabbed Jessica by her boobs, pushing her towards the bedroom as they continued kissing. They pushed each other hard against the wall roughly as they tried to shove their tits against one another, all the while devouring each other's mouths. Annabel could only stare with amazement at the display before her. It was so sexy! Lillian showed Jessica through the doorway with her tits, impressing Annabel who knew how incredibly hard it was to shove Jessica like that. She loved those tits more than any others, and seeing them pushed like that only added fuel to the fire of desire she felt inside her burning hot pussy.

    As Jessica fell onto the bed, Lillian pulled her hair hard and began kissing her again, shoving her tongue deep inside her mouth. Then they broke the kiss, locked eyes and stared into each other's souls defiantly. Their chests heaved with breathlessness from their battle against each other, both of them gasping as they remained in position, barely touching at all but still able to feel each other's body heat. "It's time I show you the power of my pussy," Lillian boasted as she sat on the bed opposite of Jessica. She lay back on the bed, pushing her pelvis up in the air and spreading her legs open wide, revealing her soaked gash completely. Jessica could only stare, entranced by the beauty of that cunt in front of her. Lillian did have a hell of a pussy, big and plump and ravenous, but the most striking things was her clit, throbbing and pulsing angrily between her wet lips, getting bigger and bigger. The sight of it made Jessica lick her lips hungrily as her pussy throbbed eagerly in response. "I'm going to make you mine," Lillian purred menacingly as she rubbed her fingers against her pussy lips, slicking them with her own juices.

    Jessica couldn't take her eyes off Lillian's massive cunt and clit. Her own pussy felt like it was on fire, her whole body burned with lust for the blonde skank before her. Without saying a word, Jessica moved towards Lillian on the bed. She opened her legs wide, letting Lillian get a good look of her ferocious pussy and massive clit. "You will beg me for mercy at my feet," Jessica growled. Lillian could only stare at Jessica's pussy in amazement as she licked her lips hungrily, breathing heavily through her nostrils. Both their pussies looked incredible, but Jessica's seemed even more ready for action than Lillian's. The lips were puffy, pink, slightly parted, showing off the glistening juices that ran from its center. And her clit was truly a majestic sight, fat and thick and long, bigger than any clit Lillian had faced. It stood out proudly between the meaty outer lips of her pussy, throbbing furiously. Her big boobs stood heavily on her chest as she lay there panting, staring right back into Lillian's eyes. They locked gazes, refusing to be intimidated by the other, neither one backing down from their challenge.

    Annabel watched them with rapt attention. It was the most intense, sexy show she had ever seen. Her eyes darted between their engorged clits, trying to see who was bigger, thicker, fatter! "That's it... rub your pussies together..." she whispered to herself, mesmerized by the sight before her.

    Lillian began moving her hand up and down over her clit. As she did so, her clit started twitching and grew even bigger, shining red with raw power. She moaned and gasped loudly, her mouth parted wide open in pleasure. Jessica put her hands on Lillian's ankles and spread them even wider apart, locking eyes with Lillian once again, the blonde's hand still rubbing her massive clit furiously. The sight of this woman playing with herself drove Jessica completely crazy with lust. Her nipples were rock-hard and she begun pinching them between her fingers repeatedly, squeezing hard enough to almost draw blood. Her clit responded to the nipple stimulus by growing even longer and thicker than before. "It's time for me to prove what I'm capable of, slut," she growled in a low, husky voice.

    Jessica then moved her pussy towards Lillian's while still looking into her eyes. Both of their clits touched each other and they let out a loud gasp at the first touch. Lillian was forced to lean back on one arm as she grabbed Jessica's leg with her free hand and started rubbing her cunt against hers, hard! "I'll take you apart piece by piece!" she exclaimed through gritted teeth. Jessica immediately began moving her cunt in tandem with Lillian, grinding it against hers as hard as she could, feeling like her own clit would burst any second. Lillian's was throbbing madly against Jessica's, the shaft pulsing angrily while the swollen head was shiny and slick with her own juices. It felt incredible, their clits were burning with pure sexual lust.

    "Yes! Harder!" Annabel cried out, watching the two women grinding their pussies together violently. Her heart raced in excitement as she stared at them moving their cunts against each other so desperately, both of their faces flushed with heat from their wild lust.

    Lillian gasped as her clit trembled against Jessica's massive sex horn. She couldn't believe how powerful it felt against her sensitive flesh. Never had she faced a clit this big or strong, never had one driven her to such arousal and desperation. It was like nothing she had ever faced. She began thrusting her pelvis harder against the other woman, causing her big tits to bounce wildly above her as she tried to put everything she had into the attack, forcing Jessica backwards towards the headboard of the bed. "Your pussy isn't good enough," she grunted between gasps, "And your clit isn't strong enough, slut!"

    Jessica smiled defiantly, trying not to lose control of her face and betray her immense pleasure. Lillian's big clit was beating furiously against hers, sending shockwaves of electric desire all through her body. The way Lillian's clit trembled and pulsated as it touched against hers was almost too much to handle. But she wouldn't let Lillian win! Instead, she focused on thrusting even harder, using everything she had in her power to outdo the blonde. If anything, she was fighting harder than Lillian! "You'll never take over me!" she growled, digging her nails deep into Lillian's thighs as she forced her cunt against the other woman's more forcefully than before. The sensation was beyond incredible, her clit throbbed painfully with pure sexual lust, so engorged and sensitive that the slightest touch sent waves of pleasure rushing through every nerve in her body. It hurt like hell, but she loved it. And by the looks of it, Lillian loved it too! Her face contorted in a twisted expression of absolute need. "This is mine, whore," she said, pushing her massive clit against Lillian's even harder.

    Lillian smiled wickedly, "I am going to make you cum so hard you'll regret ever messing with me!" she exclaimed, thrusting her pelvis as hard as possible against Jessica, trying to shove the woman back down on the bed. She closed her eyes and focused all her attention on rubbing her clit against Jessica's, feeling her own clit swell and pulse from all this stimulation. Her big nipples stood out like two thick bullets atop her enormous boobs, standing straight upwards as she strained her upper body forward, trying to maintain her position despite the powerful urge to just lie there and let the sensations take over completely. But it was hard for her to ignore that horny cunt! "You can never resist me! You'll give up this fight before I do!" she growled.

    Jessica started pinching her nipples harder and faster, breathing heavily through her nostrils as the intense pleasure racked her entire body. Her ass started twitching violently, sending waves of warmth coursing all the way down to her pussy. She felt dizzy and lightheaded from this ferocious stimulation. This was almost too much to handle, and it wouldn't be long before she'd lose it completely. It was only a matter of time before she succumbed to the orgasm Lillian's big clit was causing her. But she didn't want to give the blonde any satisfaction by letting that happen. "Not... going... to... happen," Jessica managed to spit out as her face contorted in pleasure, sweat now running down her forehead and chest, making her huge tits gleam in the bright lights of the room. "I will defeat you... and claim my victory... with Annabel!" she growled defiantly.

    "Yeah, yeah," Lillian panted between gasps, "It's not going to be so easy for you! You can try all you want, but I won't ever lose. I'm too strong for you!" She thrust her hips against Jessica even faster, trying to force the other woman backwards on the bed. She couldn't believe how this stupid bitch was still fighting back. All she had to do was fall under Lillian's domination and then it would be all over! There would be no fight left in the bitch at all. She could feel a massive orgasm building inside her, just from rubbing herself against that horny cunt of hers. Yet there was no sign of weakness anywhere in Jessica's face, only a steely resolve to continue the struggle for supremacy. "Damn you!" she exclaimed, as another surge of pleasure racked her body. Her pussy contracted around nothing, clenching desperately as her clit grew even fatter. Then, without warning, Lillian began thrashing wildly as she started cumming, trembling violently, unable to stop it. "Oh god... Oh fuck..." she cried out. Her own pussy flooded with juices, coating Jessica's cunt and thighs in thick globs of her sticky nectar. It dripped downwards over her lips, sliding down the length of her clit towards her asshole.

    Annabel stared at them furiously rubbing their pussies together. As much as she wanted to watch this battle of wills until the end, her need for release was growing stronger by the second. She stood up and walked slowly towards them. Then she saw Lillian cumming like a madwoman and that did it for her. Her pussy felt on fire! She sat down next to the two women as they kept moving their cunts against each other, moaning and gasping in ecstasy, their nipples engorged and erect with sexual arousal. Their big boobs were bouncing all over the place as they moved their pelvises against each other, the muscles in their thighs and asses flexing with every movement. It was the most beautiful thing Annabel had ever seen!

    "That's it, slut!" Jessica moaned, "Cum hard for me! Cum all over my pussy!" She was feeling dizzy from the sheer amount of stimulation she was under. She could feel herself getting close to cumming too, her whole body seemed ready to explode. But she would not give Lillian the satisfaction! She knew she could last a little while longer, even in the face of such overwhelming pleasure. Yet Lillian seemed so powerful, even in the throes of her orgasm her clit continued to twitch and pulse powerfully.

    "Oh god... I can't hold it back..." Lillian gasped, thrusting her pussy harder against Jessica's as if to emphasize what she said. It felt incredible! The spasms seemed to take over her entire body as she continued to lose control, trembling violently with pure pleasure. All she wanted was to fuck Jessica silly, she needed more than anything to claim this stupid bitch at Annabel's feet. As she thrusted her cunt against hers furiously amidst her orgasmic spasms, Lillian leaned forward until their huge tits were pressed against each other. In an incredible show of control, she brought her orgasm under control and began pressing her nipples against Jessica's nipples, rubbing hard and rough against the other woman's tits. "Give it up," she panted, staring straight into Jessica's eyes with a fierce intensity, "You will cum for me!"

    Jessica groaned from the feeling of Lillian's huge nipples rubbing against her own nipples. The sight of them grinding against each other was almost too much to bear! Lillian growled menacingly and aligned her mighty clit head to head with Jessica's thick pink shaft and moved against it slowly and deliberately, moving them against each other firmly while staring into Jessica's eyes. Jessica couldn't help herself anymore. It was time! Her orgasm exploded inside her as she gave in to the sensations of Lillian's clit pushing against her own. "Oh god..." she cried out as her pussy gushed juices all over Lillian's thigh. The pleasure was unbelievably intense. Her cunt spasmed over and over again violently, her whole body began trembling uncontrollably, gasping for air as her lungs refused to fill up. Everything blurred before her eyes, even Lillian seemed fuzzy as she continued thrusting against Jessica's clit, pushing her through one massive orgasm after another until it felt like her brain would explode from all this stimulation. She could barely stay upright. "Not... yet," she managed to say through gritted teeth as her mind reeled from the aftermath of her multiple orgasms.

    Lillian smiled triumphantly at the sound and sight of Jessica cumming. This is what victory tastes like! And Jessica had succumbed so easily to her attack. She would never let herself lose again, she wouldn't allow some stupid bitch like her to defeat her in this battle. There was no doubt in Lillian's mind that Annabel would be hers.

    Jessica groaned from the intensity of her orgasms and collapsed onto the bed. "Oh fuck..." she said weakly, "That was intense." She felt dizzy and lightheaded, her pussy throbbed with pleasure. The orgasms had been some of the most intense she had ever felt. Her nipples were sore and sensitive. Her body tingled from head to toe. But she wasn't done yet! Even Annabel hadn't been able to wear her out, and she wouldn't let some blonde cunt beat her! She smiled wickedly as she looked up at Lillian, panting heavily from their wild love making. Then Jessica grabbed her tits roughly, squeezing them painfully hard, "But not... good enough for Annabel," she said before beginning to grope herself savagely. As she squeezed her breasts harshly, she began pinching and pulling on her nipples viciously. The pleasure mixed with the pain caused her to groan in ecstasy.

    "You bitch," Lillian gasped, staring at Jessica intently. It took her completely by surprise that the woman was still so strong after cumming multiple times in a row, despite how much energy she had spent to make Jessica cum and submit to her. She pushed her pelvis forward against Jessica's big clit again, rubbing it against Jessica's ferociously. Jessica was gasping in pain, but her face betrayed how much pleasure this brutal treatment was causing her, "I will destroy you."

    Annabel watched them fighting for supremacy once again. The sight of Jessica struggling to regain control while being slammed into the bed by Lillian made Annabel even hornier. She loved how aggressive Lillian was, but deep down she realized she wanted Jessica to win. She wanted to see Lillian losing it completely as Jessica dominated her and made her surrender. The idea excited her more than anything! Her pussy twitched violently as the scene unfolded before her eyes. Annabel was so wet that her juices were running down the insides of her thighs, dripping onto the sheets. Her heart was beating fast in her chest, every beat sending tingles of excitement from her swollen clit. She had never felt this alive before. "Please don't stop..." she whispered breathlessly.

    As Jessica started grinding her cunt against Lillian's ferociously, her eyes began to glow with a mixture of hunger and fury. Lillian seemed determined to make her give up, but Jessica was just as stubborn. She wanted to fuck Lillian until she was begging for mercy at her feet. They struggled for the top position furiously as they pushed their cunts against each other's clits, groaning and moaning loudly, battling for dominance. As they fought, Annabel saw Jessica beginning to take over, feeling like the tide of the fight was turning back around again. Jessica forced Lillian to her side, then continued the roll. Lillian struggled with everything she had, stopping the motion, but she was unable to gain the upper hand. Suddenly, Jessica latched her teeth onto Lillian's long stiff nipple and bit it hard, causing Lillian to cry out in pain and surprise. "You bitch, get your teeth off!" she snarled, but it was too late. Jessica used the momentary distraction and pushed with her leg, managing to roll Lillian onto her back. She quickly mounted her, grabbing Lillian's wrists and pressing them on the bed with all her weight. Lillian struggled, pushing her pelvis up and trying to dislodge Jessica, but she didn't have the strength left.

    Jessica grinned wide, flashing her teeth as she looked down at Lillian, "Did you really think it would be that easy?" She put pressure on Lillian's arms, holding her down as tightly as possible. "Did you think you could drain my energy so easily?" she growled.

    "Fuck you!" Lillian snarled through gritted teeth, "You can never win."

    "No, you whore, now I will fuck you!" Jessica exclaimed, her pussy throbbing with anticipation of fucking the blonde. As she kept Lillian down, she angled her pussy and took Lillian's clit between her juicy, plump cunt lips. "Now you get to feel what my pussy can do," she purred seductively as she pressed her pussy against Lillian's clit head firmly, pushing the shaft inside herself while keeping her thighs apart to prevent Lillian from toppling her. She couldn't believe how strong and thick Lillian's clit felt between her pussy lips! It was pulsing powerfully inside of her. She licked her lips seductively, "Your clit feels ready for action."

    "It is..." Lillian hissed. The sensation of being inside Jessica's tight wet cunt felt incredible, even if it was against her will. All of a sudden, she gasped as she felt Jessica's cunt start to massage her clit expertly. Her clit instantly pulsed and throbbed in response, pleasure flooding her body, her own cunt contracting and leaking juices all over. Jessica continued, her hot pussy squeezing and massaging her clit rhythmically, and Lillian couldn't help but moan as more and more pleasure radiated from her swollen clit. She tried to block it, but it just felt so good! "Fuck you... I hate you!" she growled.

    "Don't fight it, whore," Jessica purred as she rode on top of Lillian, keeping the pressure on Lillian's wrists down against the bed. "Or I will have to get rough with you."

    "I'll never give up! Not to you!" Lillian shrieked defiantly. Despite how much she wanted this horrible bitch to fuck her brainless, Lillian refused to give in.

    "Have it your way, then," Jessica replied with an absolutely savage look on her face. She made a slight shift, angling her pelvis to get Lillian's clit as deep in her cunt as possible. She stopped for a moment, savoring the feeling of the massive clit pulsing inside her. She had to admit that Lillian had an amazing clit, almost as great as Annabel. But not quite.

    Without warning, she sucked Lillian's clit deeper into her pussy, squeezing it hard with her inner muscles. Lillian screamed as if she had been stabbed, the pain in her clit agonizing. Then Jessica relented for a moment, releasing the pressure and gently caressing the swollen sex horn with her pussy before sucking and squeezing it hard again. Jessica put all of her weight on Lillian, keeping the trashing woman from escaping from underneath her. Lillian's body was jerking violently, her legs kicking, trying to find some purchase on the bed, something to give her leverage to get away from the torment Jessica's pussy was dishing out. "Ughhhh... you fucking cunt!", she groaned, "Too scared to go clit to clit again," she sneered between moans as the pain in her clit intensified.

    "Ohhhh you stupid cunt, why would I be scared of your clit?" Jessica purred seductively, licking her lips slowly. She began humping Lillian's clit, riding up and down slowly at first. "I'm getting it ready, can't you tell?" Then she grabbed both Lillian's nipples between thumb and forefinger and pulled hard, causing the woman's whole body to arch off the bed and groan loudly in agony.

    Annabel watched in awe how Jessica had turned the tables around so fast, dominating the fight completely and sending Lillian into a frenzy. The blonde had been so cocky before that she could barely contain herself, but now she was whimpering with tears in her eyes. It made Annabel feel wonderful inside! She knew who was winning this match, and she knew whom she wanted to win. Still, she couldn't take her eyes off them as she continued stroking her clit.

    "Look at you, you poor thing," Jessica cooed with mock sympathy, "Should I give you some respite? You want to go clit to clit, is that so?" She thrusted her cunt against Lillian's clit with a sudden force, causing the blonde to scream and moan in agony, but it only served to make Jessica grin wide. This was exactly what she wanted to see. As she pushed and squeezed, Jessica made sure to angle Lillian's clit in exactly the way she liked. She still held Lillian's wrists firmly, not giving the blonde any chance of escape. "Oh yes, you want that more than anything else, don't you? You want to fuck clit to clit, don't you?"

    Lillian's face contorted into an expression of utter desperation. She nodded furiously as if to answer Jessicas question, unable to form a coherent response. The pain was indescribable! It felt like Jessica was using her pussy as a weapon. And yet it felt incredible at the same time, her cunt contracting repeatedly in response to the ferocious stimulation. But Lillian refused to show it, she refused to admit what Jessica was doing to her. Instead, Lillian stared back with defiance and rage as tears began flowing down her cheeks. Jessica only grinned even wider, knowing full well the effect she had on Lillian.

    Suddenly, Jessica stopped. "OK, I'll give you what you want. Clit to clit, on equal terms. Let's scissor, bitch!" She let go of Lillian and backed off, sitting on the bed with her legs spread open. Annabel stared at Jessica's ferocious pussy lustfully, licking her lips eagerly as she saw that massive pink clit throb so wildly between Jessica's puffy pink lips. As she continued rubbing herself frantically, she imagined how that thick pink shaft would feel inside her cunt. It made her dizzy with desire.

    Annabel knew that was exactly what she wanted. She wanted Jessica.

    Lillian gasped in surprise as she felt the weight of Jessica get off, her wrists finally free again. She breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed her wrists, trying to get the blood flowing again. She couldn't believe Jessica had given up her dominant position. Now, she was hungry for revenge. "You just made the biggest mistake you've ever done, stupid slut. Your clit can't stand up to mine!" Lillian exclaimed with absolute certainty. She propped herself up on the bed and scooted her ass forward, ready to scissor Jessica. She looked at the voracious cunt in front of her, trembling with excitement. As much as she didn't like the woman, there was no denying the fact that Jessicas clit was huge.

    "We shall see," Jessica said calmly. As they faced each other, their pussies were aligned perfectly, throbbing right before Annabels eyes. They moved together slowly at first, adjusting the angle of their bodies and positioning themselves on top of the bed. As soon as the head of Lillian's massive clit touched against Jessicas thick shaft, both women hissed and gasped in pleasure. Their faces contorted as they grabbed each other's shoulders and started fucking their pussies hard, holding each other firmly as they moved back and forth. Both women closed their eyes and groaned as they thrusted harder and harder. It felt incredible, much more intense than before. It felt like pure bliss to have their cunts grinding against each other, their pussies clapping together viciously as the two mighty clits struggled for dominance between them.

    Jessica reached her hand towards Lillian's boobs and squeezed one of her nipples harshly as she fucked the woman with everything she had in her, trying to overpower Lillian by sheer will alone. "Your clit can't match mine," Jessica snarled, "I will destroy you!" She let go of Lillian's nipple and reached her hands around to grab Lillian's ass, holding her pelvis in position as she began slamming Lillian's pussy even harder into her own, trying to make the other woman fall apart underneath her.

    "I... won't... give up..." Lillian grunted through gritted teeth, moving her pussy as hard as she could against Jessicas, struggling for supremacy against the red haired woman.

    Annabel watched them fucking each other mercilessly with a horny smile on her face. They were both so incredibly gorgeous as they fucked! She knew it wouldn't be long until one of them would cum, and she couldn't wait to see who'd lose control first. Maybe it would be Jessica? Or maybe it would be Lillian? The idea excited her more than anything. Just thinking about it made Annabel shiver with delight, rubbing her clit fast and furiously, driven insane by how intense this moment felt. "Don't stop, fuck each other," she whispered.

    Lillian began riding Jessica faster, moving her hips back and forth wildly as she thrusted their pussies together ferociously. "Ugh... Fuck..." she moaned, digging her nails into Jessica's thighs. The sensation was unbelievable! Never before had she faced someone who could challenge her the way Jessica did. As much as it was frustrating at times, it only served to arouse Lillian even further, making her pussy contract repeatedly with raw need. It throbbed powerfully, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her entire body.

    Jessica hissed and groaned as she held on for dear life. Her cunt felt like it was going to explode. The head of Lillian's clit head rubbed against her own, sending wave upon wave of pleasure rushing through every nerve in her body. It was so big and so powerful, but she knew her clit was even more powerful, and she would prove it! She started squeezing with her cunt hard, holding Lillian's cunt against her own as the blonde tried to escape the pressure. But Jessica held her firmly as she fucked her own pussy harder against Lillian's cunt, pushing against her ferociously with all her strength. "That's right bitch, keep fucking my pussy. I can feel how much you want to lose control of yourself," she growled menacingly, staring straight into Lillian's eyes.

    Lillian tried her hardest to fight off the pleasure that racked her entire body, but it was impossible to ignore. Everything seemed fuzzy as she groaned, sweating and gasping for breath, desperately trying to maintain focus despite being driven insane by all the stimulation. It was so intense! Her nipples stood erect atop her swollen boobs, hard and throbbing from the sensations. Her clit was pulsing and throbbing feverishly, so swollen and taut that she felt the skin could tear any moment. She fought against the ferocious power of Jessica's cunt, struggling to free her pussy from underneath Jessicas, but it was hopeless.

    "I will destroy your clit!" Jessica growled, grabbing Lillian's ass and holding her tightly in place, fucking her ferociously with her massive sex horn, "My pussy is too strong!"

    Lillian cried out as a wave of pleasure overtook her. She felt herself getting closer and closer to cumming, but she didn't want to give in! Even as much as her own pussy was betraying her by throbbing and twitching madly as she lost control, Lillian wouldn't give in to the power of this horrible bitch. "No you won't... You can never break me!"

    Jessica groaned loudly as another surge of pleasure raced through her body. Her legs began shaking uncontrollably. It was hard for her to focus, but she tried her best to stay strong as they fucked each other viciously, battling for dominance with their cunts. Jessica pounded Lillian's clit harder than ever before, driving the woman insane. She grunted and moaned as her orgasm built, getting closer with every thrust. Lillian fought back valiantly, moving her cunt against Jessicas relentlessly, but she knew it would only be a matter of time until one of them lost control completely. She felt the incredible power of Jessica's clit as it thrust against her own clit head repeatedly, hitting every sensitive spot on her sex horn in the most delicious ways possible. She could feel that Jessicas clit felt was getting even bigger and stronger. The pressure against her clit seemed unbearable, making her whimper and groan. "N-No... I'll never let go..." Lillian managed to say between gasps, trying her hardest to ignore the powerful sensations rushing through her entire body, but it was becoming more and more difficult to resist the pleasure that radiated from Jessicas huge clit. Her face began contorting in pain, twisting with agony as she felt Jessica pummel her big clit relentlessly, sending shockwaves of ecstasy throughout her pussy.

    Jessica smiled viciously as Lillian struggled to hold onto her self control. She could feel Lillian's clit begin to weaken under the relentless pounding it took from her powerful cunt. It twitched and throbbed against her own clit head, which responded by pulsating in a similar manner. Jessica knew that her clit had reached its full size, and it was only a matter of time before Lillian would surrender to its sheer power. All that remained was the moment of truth! She thrusted harder than ever before, slamming Lillian's cunt against her own clit violently, pushing harder and harder with each stroke as the pleasure grew. Both of their faces contorted into an expression of absolute agony as they fought desperately, trying to remain in control despite the intense amount of stimulation they were getting from this ferocious fucking.

    Lillian felt like she couldn't take any more of this! It was unbearable. She felt her clit beginning to lose its power ever so slightly. Frantically, she started squeezing her huge nipples hard, focusing all of her willpower into strengthening her clit. "No... you can't break me..." she mumbled, shaking her head furiously as she tried to force her clit back to full strength. The pain in her nipples was almost too much to bear, but it served as a reminder that her clit needed to be stronger than ever. This wasn't over yet! As Jessica thrusted her cunt harder and harder, Lillian focused even more on the pleasure her nipples provided. She could feel her clit swelling again, regaining its strength and filling with blood at an astounding rate, growing more and more powerful. Her nipples hurt like hell, but she wouldn't stop!

    "Damn it... Just give up already," Jessica growled. She fucked Lillian over and over, wanting to push her opponent completely over the edge. Her pussy gushed juices all over Lillian's pelvis as she kept attacking Lillian's massive clit head viciously. Her entire body felt ready to explode from the intensity of this battle of wills, her lungs gasped for air as she continued fucking Lillian's clit mercilessly. Jessica knew that any moment now, Lillian would give up, surrendering herself completely to the power of her cunt. It would be absolute defeat, and Jessica wanted it so badly!

    Lillian cried out loudly, fighting the battle of her life against Jessicas ferocious attacks, determined not to let go before Jessicas cunt surrendered first. The sensations were overwhelming! She felt dizzy and lightheaded as her heart raced like mad in her chest, thumping so hard she could hear it. Sweat was running down her face and chest, pooling on her belly and navel. The taste of salt was sharp in her mouth, making her lips sticky. Yet the pain in her nipples distracted her from those sensations, instead heightening the pleasure between her legs. She screamed as the pain grew even stronger. Her clit was throbbing against Jessica's clit, pulsating violently. Yet it seemed impossible to break through Jessica's defenses! "Fuck you... I am not giving up... Never!" she screamed through gritted teeth.

    Jessica moaned and gasped with each stroke, her pussy tingling and pulsating, full of need. It took all her concentration not to cum while still fucking Lillian over and over, using everything she had to stay strong until the blonde would submit completely. The woman was a fighter, that much was certain! And her clit just refused to yield! But Jessica was determined to win this match, and she would make sure that it happened! She looked over at Annabel, seeing her masturbating furiously, pure lust in her eyes, looking so beautiful and sexy. It reminded her of why she was here, why she was fighting Lillian. To be with Annabel again.

    "Ughhh... Don't stop," Annabel groaned breathlessly, her legs shaking from the pleasure she felt. Her big tits bounced back and forth violently as she moved her pelvis, fucking herself harder and harder with her fingers while staring straight into Jessica's eyes.

    The sight of Annabel masturbating made Jessica feel even hornier, and her orgasm grew closer with every second she spent watching her. She kept attacking Lillian's clit mercilessly, keeping up her pace as the two women fought viciously. Lillian was panting and gasping uncontrollably, still squeezing her nipples for dear life to keep her clit in the fight. Suddenly, Jessica knew what she had to do. She grabbed Lillian's wrists and pulled her upright, slamming their tits together while still grinding their clits together. She held Lillian there, squeezing their massive boobs together tight, feeling her nipples seek out Lillian's nipples deep within the compressed breast flesh. Their nipples were hard and throbbing, almost touching each other. "Let me give you some nipple stimulation, bitch," Jessica purred seductively, staring straight into Lillian's eyes. She eased the hug slightly, aligning their nipples head on, then she squeezed their tits together again, hard.

    Lillian gasped as she felt Jessica's rock hard nipples push against hers like two daggers. Her body trembled violently as pleasure racked her entire being, feeling like a hurricane of pure bliss that refused to let go! She felt Jessica's nipples pulse and throb against her own, and it only increased the pleasure she felt flowing into her taut tits. It was like Jessica was filling her up with sexual energy through her clit and nipples, the pleasure flowing in her and filling every fiber of her being. She started moaning urgently, then the moans turned into cries of ecstasy as she got closer and closer to her orgasm. Her pussy was throbbing uncontrollably, gushing juices everywhere as she tried desperately to stop it, but she couldn't control it! She looked in Jessica's eyes, expecting to see smugness or malice there, but instead she saw only lust and need as the red haired woman fucked her clit even harder, "Fuck you..." she whispered breathlessly before her whole body spasmed with violent convulsions as she gave in to the powerful orgasms that coursed through her. She thrashed her head back and forth, howling at the top of her lungs as her cunt went wild between their pussies.

    Jessica groaned from the sheer intensity of seeing Lillian cum so hard in her arms. The feeling of the blonde woman's nipples pressed against hers felt incredible! But she couldn't let herself go, not yet, not with Lillian. She needed to make sure her victory was certain, she needed Lillian to accept it. She kept holding Lillian, squeezing their huge tits together, keeping their nipples together firmly. She moved her clit around Lillian's clit, sending her off again and again, draining her in multiple orgasms just like Lillian had done to her. Lillian screamed and howled in pleasure, trashing her head wildly as the orgasms wracked her beautiful body. Her toes curled and her fingers squeezed the bed, her eyes fluttering closed as the sensations became too much for her to handle. "Fuuuuck..." she cried out, barely able to keep herself upright from all the pleasure she was feeling, but still trying to stay conscious. Her entire body was tingling with aftershocks, shaking violently from head to toe. It felt like every single nerve ending in her body had been electrified!

    Finally, Jessica sensed Lillian couldn't take any more stimulation. She had drained Lillian completely, leaving her a helpless heap of pleasure in her arms. She let go, and Lillian fell back on the bed, barely able to move or keep her eyes open. Annabel watched in awe at Jessica. It looked like she was glowing with power, looking more beautiful and sexy than ever before. Jessica looked at Annabel and smiled happily. Annabel stood up and offered her hand to Jessica, who took it and stood up on the bed. They were face to face, standing next to Lillian who laid on the bed, still panting from exhaustion and trying to get some breath back into her lungs.

    "Annabel...", Jessica started, but Annabel cut her off, kissing her tenderly. She felt like she would melt as they kissed each other. She hugged Annabel tight, feeling her skin against her own, feeling Annabel's heart beat in her chest as they kissed deeply, passionately. Jessica felt all her emotions suddenly break free, all the fear and anxiety she had felt, all the longing inside her, everything came pouring out and she started crying uncontrollably in Annabel's arms. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

    Annabel wiped the tears away with her hands gently. She stroked Jessicas cheeks and then their lips touched again. It wasn't a kiss of lust and desire, it was a tender and loving kiss. "I'm glad you came back Jessica," Annabel said softly, "I missed you terribly."

    Jessica smiled and kissed Annabel back, passion rising in her, even though the tears were still streaming down her face. She hugged Annabel tighter, wanting to feel as close to her as possible. Their naked bodies fused together as Annabel and Jessica just stood there, inhaling each other's sweet scent, kissing tenderly. Lillian started to slowly recover from her post orgasmic haze, unable to believe that Jessica had won. She forced her eyes open and looked at Annabel and Jessica holding each other and kissing. She felt a pang of jealousy as she realized that they shared something deeper than just a sexual attraction. Weakly, she started to crawl away, alerting Jessica and Annabel to her presence.

    "Oh my..." Annabel gasped as she saw Lillian crawling on the bed. Despite being thoroughly fucked out of her mind, Lillian still looked stunning. She was all covered in sweat, her blond pony tail sticking to her back and she got on all fours unsteadily. Even Jessica had to admit that Lillian was hot. She was defeated, but looked glorious in her defeat. Annabel offered her hand to Lillian, who gladly accepted the help. Little by little, Lillian seemed to be regaining some of her strength. "You probably should take a shower," Annabel suggested, looking at both Jessica and Lillian, "I'll fix us some drinks while you two freshen up." She gave each one a quick kiss, then left the bedroom.

    Jessica stared at Lillian intensely, watching how the woman moved on her shaky legs. Her skin glistened with sweat, giving her a glow. "You are one hot bitch," Jessica said and grinned, staring straight into Lillian's blue eyes, which glared back at her with anger and humiliation.

    "Fuck... you... cunt..." Lillian replied, clearly struggling to speak coherently. She glared daggers at Jessica, wanting nothing more than to attack her. But she was too weak now, she knew it. As much as she hated to admit it, Jessica had beaten her. "This isn't over," Lillian managed to say in an intimidating tone, before leaving the room for the bathroom, feeling Jessica's piercing gaze on her ass all the way there.

    Annabel could barely contain her joy when she walked into the kitchen. She was so happy that Jessica had come back. She looked out the window into the garden where the party was still going, people were dancing and having a great time. She heard water running in the bathroom where she assumed Lillian was showering. She poured three glasses of champagne for them, then leaned against the kitchen counter. Jessica came in the kitchen, walking towards Annabel, looking sexy in her wet red hair. Annabel gave her the champagne and they drank while gazing into each other's eyes. They both felt incredibly horny, but it wasn't just sexual lust. They couldn't help but smile at one another as their lips met for a long sensual kiss. They kissed passionately and touched each other lovingly, forgetting about the party outside, completely absorbed by one another's presence.

    Jessica looked into Annabel's big blue eyes. "I missed you," she said, caressing Annabel's face gently with her hands. "I tried to run away from my feelings..." she said apologetically, "But no matter how fast I drove, I far I got, I couldn't..." her voice trailed off.

    "I know," Annabel said softly, "I was scared of what I was feeling, too." She softly caressed Jessica's hair. "When you went away, I realized that I wasn't whole anymore." Her lips parted slowly.

    Jessica could feel a lump in her throat as tears welled up in her eyes. "Annabel... I don't know how to express what I am feeling right now. I'm so happy you are here and you feel the same way."

    "I think we have to take this one day at a time," Annabel said.

    "I met a woman who told me to always listen to my heart." Jessica said.

    Suddenly, the door to the garden opened and the sounds of the party invaded the kitchen, reminding both Annabel and Jessica that there were people around having a good time. Annabel looked who it was, and saw Melanie standing in the doorway, dressed in her sorceress outfit, though it had noticeably lost quite a few pieces, displaying quite a bit of Melanie's incredible body.

    "Hi Annabel," Melanie said, locking her eyes with Annabel. "Last time I underestimated you, but it won't happen again." She raised her eyebrows, waiting for Annabel to react.

    Annabel smiled softly at Melanie. "Melanie..." she replied, trying not to smile too much, "I saw you earlier having fun with two women. Great outfit, you really look the part, though it looks like you're missing some pieces."

    Melanie shook her head. "They were very distracting!" She laughed.

    Lillian came out of the bathroom and wrapped a towel around her. She felt refreshed and – surprising even herself – incredibly horny. She knew Jessica had won fair and square, but she felt her clit and cunt throbbing with the need to fuck. She heard some voice and walked into the kitchen, seeing Annabel talking to a brunette woman with a slightly puzzled expression on her face.

    "So Melanie, I take it you're not happy how things ended between us last time?" Annabel asked.

    Lillian leaned against the wall next to the kitchen, watching the two women talking and staring at one another intently.

    "Like I said, I underestimated you that time." Melanie replied, looking very serious all of a sudden. "But I won't make the same mistake again!"

    "Hey!" Lillian shouted. "If you want her, get in the line!" She looked at Annabel with hungry eyes.

    Melanie turned around to look at Lillian. "Who the hell are you?" she asked.

    "I'm the one who's in line before you," Lillian replied, smiling wickedly.

    "Why the fuck should I care?" Melanie snapped back. "Fuck off bitch!"

    Annabel laughed out loud at the scene unfolding before her eyes. This was getting more and more interesting!

    Lillian could feel her clit swelling between her legs again, growing even bigger in response to Melanie's challenge. "You don't talk to me like that you cunt!" she barked.

    Melanie took a few steps closer until she was standing right in front of Lillian. She looked at the towel around Lillian's body with an expression of disdain. "Yeah? And what will you do about it?" Melanie taunted.

    Lillian puffed her chest up proudly. She felt a strange power overcoming her, something unfamiliar but also arousing as hell. As much as she tried not to admit it, Jessica had defeated her and humiliated her. Now it was time for some payback! The more Melanie challenged her, the hornier Lillian got. Her pussy dripped, making a wet spot underneath the towel.

    "What the fuck is your problem?" Melanie snapped, getting annoyed by how Lillian acted like she owned the place. "I came here because I wanted a rematch with Annabel."

    Lillian smiled broadly. "Fight me instead!" she purred menacingly.

    Melanie chuckled. "Are you serious?"

    Lillian reached down under her towel and rubbed her clit with two fingers. She closed her eyes as she started masturbating right before them, enjoying herself immensely as she felt the pressure growing within her. As much as she hated to admit it, Melanie turned her on.

    "You look so desperate..." Melanie said with a wicked grin. "Poor thing. But you'll have to wait, I want my revenge first."

    Lillian smiled broadly. She stopped rubbing her clit and tossed aside the towel before Melanie, exposing her gorgeous body fully. Her nipples stood erect atop her swollen boobs, aching to be touched. Her pussy glistened wetly, leaking with need. "As I said, get in line. I was here first, bitch!"

    Melanie stared at the brunette's huge tits, swallowing hard. "You think you can stop me?!" Melanie asked, eyes fixed on Lillian's nipples.

    "I don't think so, I know so?" Lillian replied confidently, playing with her cunt.

    "You don't know what you're getting into!," Melanie snarled as she grabbed Lillian by her hair, pulling the blonde against her body while rubbing their huge breasts together firmly.

    Lillian gasped as Melanie grabbed her, enjoying the rough handling, loving how assertive Melanie was. As their bodies collided, Lillian felt something poking at her thigh, pushing against her skin. Looking down, she saw it was Melanie's huge clit! It was clearly visible through Melanie's outfit, and it was pulsing wildly, twitching back and forth. "Oh my... You're a monster..." she purred in response, excited by this new challenge.

    Melanie grinned maliciously at the sound of Lillian's voice, hearing the excitement in the other woman's tone. "Yeah, you want me to make you scream, don't you?" Melanie growled into Lillian's ear. She slid her hand downwards, tracing the line from Lillian's neck, through her tits, along her tummy and finally into the blonde's wet pussy. She had to stifle a gasp as she felt Lillian's massive clit throbbing and twitching powerfully as she teased Lillian's entrance. She paused for a moment to take off her sorceress' outfit, revealing her perfect, naked body, before resuming her advance on Lillian.

    "Mmm..." Lillian purred. "I like the way you do things, I like how rough you are. Just give me everything you got," she said confidently.

    "You better not disappoint me," Melanie replied as her fingers slid inside Lillian's hot, wet cunt. Lillian was soaking wet already, and Melanie felt herself grow even more horny in response. She started moving her fingers up and down inside Lillian's slick sex, fucking the blond hard with her digits. Her clit pulsed almost painfully between her legs as it rubbed against Lillian's smooth skin, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body.

    "Damn... Fuck... Harder..." Lillian whimpered urgently, forcing Melanie's fingers deeper inside herself, wanting to feel every inch of the brunette woman's hand moving in and out of her soaking wet cunt. Her own hands traveled along Melanie's sides, grabbing Melanie's ass and squeezing it hard before groping the woman's huge tits, massaging them slowly while moaning loudly, "Ugh... Oh fuck yeah... Don't stop!" She kept begging Melanie for more, using her body to force Melanie's fingers even deeper into herself. The pleasure was intense! Lillian groaned hoarsely, gasping for breath as she felt her cunt twitching repeatedly around Melanie's fingers.

    "You better get ready, bitch!" Melanie snarled, adding a third finger to the mix and fucking Lillian faster.

    Lillian grunted as she took a step towards Melanie. Her tits squished against Melanie's massive boobs as Lillian slid her arms around Melanie's shoulders. "Let me show you how it's done, cunt," she growled and suddenly pushed her hand between Melanie's legs. She grabbed hold of Melanie's pulsating sex horn, which stood rock hard and firm as Lillian wrapped her fingers tightly around the swollen clit head, feeling it throb between her fingers. She moved her fingers up and down rapidly around the shaft of Melanie's clit. Her mouth found its way to Melanie's neck, nibbling the sensitive skin there and moving further upwards, finding the soft spot under Melanie's earlobe.

    Melanie couldn't stop the surprised gasp that escaped her lips as Lillian attacked her in this new way. She couldn't help but get turned on by how forceful Lillian was being with her! It felt incredible to feel those slender fingers rubbing against her swollen clit horn, squeezing the thick shaft as Lillian's touch slowly became rougher and rougher. She gasped and moaned as the pleasure rushed through her body, every fiber of her being trembling from this unexpected attention. Suddenly, Lillian thrust three fingers inside Melanie's tight hole and started fucking her fast and hard, sending wave after wave of intense pleasure throughout her entire body. "Fuck!" Melanie cried out in response, leaning heavily into Lillian's arms.

    Lillian smiled wickedly as she felt Melanie getting even more wet in her arms. But her joy was cut short as Melanie resumed her attack and slammed her fingers deep inside Lillian's wet cunt, curling and twisting her fingers, searching for the sensitive spots. "Did you expect me to roll over, bitch? I'm going to show you how to properly finger fuck!" she barked aggressively. She fucked Lillian faster with her fingers, taking every opportunity to twist them inside the other woman's pussy, hitting her G spot with every thrust of her digits.

    Annabel watched Melanie and Lillian fighting it out. Their bodies glistened with sweat and they moved their hips frantically back and forth as their hands fucked one another. She saw Lillian grab Melanie by the ass and squeeze the firm cheek hard, using her grip to grind her cunt against Melanie's thigh. Annabel's nipples stood erect atop her swollen tits as she bit down on her lower lip hard. "Oh my," she gasped. Seeing Lillian and Melanie like this made her even hornier, if that was possible! She reached over to Jessica, who was watching the two women just as intently as Annabel. They kissed passionately, Annabel enjoying the feeling of their breasts pressing together, nipples pushing into one another as they embraced. "Let's go upstairs," Annabel moaned softly, "I think these two don't need us, and I need you Jessica."

    Jessica nodded silently, not wanting to disturb the dueling duo. Both of them smiled at Melanie and Lillian as they left for the upstairs master bedroom. As they walked up the stairs, they heard screams of pleasure coming from downstairs. Lillian and Melanie were really going at it, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed in the house as the blonde and brunette fought savagely to claim dominance between them. Jessica and Annabel grinned, both knowing what Lillian and Melanie were going through.

    Annabel pulled Jessica by the hand and guided her to the bedroom. As they entered the room, Jessica turned to lock the door. "I think we've had enough interruptions for tonight," she sighed, "I just want to be with you, Annabel."

    Annabel nodded slowly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. She patted the spot next to her, inviting Jessica to sit down. "Come here," she said softly. As Jessica sat next to her, Annabel pulled her in for another tender kiss. She breathed in, savoring the scent she had missed all the time Jessica had been away. They kissed gently and lovingly while caressing one another, enjoying the closeness. The party outside faded into background noise as they embraced. Annabel felt an enormous sense of relief, realizing that her heart was finally at peace. Jessica looked deeply into Annabel's eyes as they kissed. "Promise you won't leave again, Jessica." Annabel said, looking deep into Jessica's green eyes.

    Jessica nodded, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She wanted to promise Annabel that she would never leave again, but she knew that she would need some space for herself. "I won't leave. But we have to take this step by step. It's difficult for me to stay in one place, but it's even worse being away from you," Jessica confessed, staring into Annabel's big green eyes. "When I came here earlier today... I didn't think this could ever happen again. I was afraid I had ruined everything. And then I saw the party, and you with Lillian... I honestly thought you'd already moved on."

    "The whole reason for this party was to give me something else to think about. It was my friend's idea, Ben. You should meet him, he's really great." Annabel said.

    "Ben? Who is he?" Jessica asked, a jealous tone in her voice.

    "Oh silly you," Annabel laughed, "He doesn't like women, not like that."

    Jessica seemed to ease a bit, but she was still a bit wary. "I know it was wrong of me to go. But now that I'm here, I'm not going to let anyone come between you and me." Jessica reached out for Annabel's hand, caressing the back of her hand gently. She could feel something growing between them.

    "Yeah, I could see that," Annabel grinned, "I've never had anyone fight over me, and I have to say you were so hot Jessica." Her voice trailed off as she blushed, then looked away and chuckled nervously.

    Jessica cupped Annabel's chin with one hand, lifting her head gently so that their eyes met. "Look at me baby," she said softly. Annabel met Jessicas gaze with a deep hunger in her eyes. The sight of Annabel's lips parting ever so slightly stirred up something inside Jessica. She leaned in and kissed her deeply, feeling the passion rising within her, fueled by the sensations that coursed through both of their bodies. Jessica wanted Annabel so much it hurt! "I want all of you, Annabel," she whispered into Annabel's ear while her hands explored the gorgeous redhead's body.

    Annabel sighed softly as Jessica touched her like that. Her nipples stood erect atop her huge breasts as they embraced one another.


    Downstairs in the kitchen, Melanie and Lillian screamed as they both cum for the second time from their mutual finger fucking. Their bodies trembled and shook as they held on to each other to keep from falling, their huge tits pressing together, fighting their own battle. Cum gushed from their spasming pussies, dousing their hands and dripping on the kitchen floor. As they came back to earth, they stood panting and gasping before one another. "Damn you are a sexy bitch," Melanie purred, looking down at Lillian's dripping cunt, "I'm going to enjoy breaking you!" She licked her fingers clean, moaning as she tasted Lillian's sweet juices.

    "Oh no baby... It is you who will be broken by me!" Lillian laughed. She leaned in closer, kissing Melanie deeply while her tongue probed the brunette woman's mouth, searching out Melanie's tongue, which fought back hard. As their mouths collided, they grabbed one another's boobs with their sticky fingers, fondling them while feeling those hard nipples push into their hands. Melanie grabbed Lillian by her pony tail and yanked hard, forcing the blonde to get on her knees in front of her. "I am not your bitch," Melanie growled. "Get ready, cause I am going to show you who owns who!"

    Lillian's pussy dripped wet as she looked up at Melanie's massive, rock hard clit. She could see it twitching and pulsing, begging for attention. And the more Lillian saw Melanie's throbbing member, the hornier she got! She felt her own clit throb and pulse in response, swelling even bigger between her legs. Her mouth watered as she moved in closer, looking up at Melanie. She reached out with her finger and touched Melanie's cunt lips gently, teasing them softly. "I am going to make you scream," she said wickedly, then ran her tongue up Melanie's thigh, licking up the brunette's juice that trickled from her cunt.

    Melanie gasped at the feel of Lillian's soft lips against her skin. "You fucking bitch... I'm going to fuck your brains out!" She yanked Lillian's hair back, forcing the other woman's face into her sopping wet cunt. "Suck me!"

    "Mmmm..." Lillian moaned loudly in pleasure, as much as it was due to Melanie's rough treatment of her. The brunette forced Melanie's legs apart with her hands, spreading those thighs wide before she attacked Melanie's sweet pussy, devouring it ravenously. She shoved her tongue deep inside Melanie's twat, enjoying how Melanie tasted and felt. Her fingers found their way to Melanie's tight asshole, probing it deeply, exploring its depths while sucking on the other woman's clit horn with a steady rhythm.

    "Damn, I love the way you suck me," Melanie said, "I hope you don't get tired."

    Lillian snorted and grabbed Melanie by the ass, squeezing it hard. "Bitch, I just got started..." she growled while flicking her tongue against Melanie's hot clit head.

    "Hah! You're such a cocky bitch... Just wait till I am done with you!" Melanie replied confidently as she felt herself grow more and more turned on, every fiber of her body begging for more stimulation. Her huge clit pulsed and throbbed from Lillian's skillful oral ministrations, getting even harder. Lillian attacked her clit horn mercilessly with her fingers and mouth, using her tongue to push Melanie towards another orgasm. Melanie leaned heavily into Lillian's head, moaning loudly while trying to stay upright as the pleasure coursed through her entire being.

    "Come for me, cunt," Lillian growled in a deep, rough tone. "I want you to cum all over my face!" As she said that, Lillian pushed three fingers inside Melanie's hot, soaking wet cunt. She kept licking and sucking the brunette woman's clit horn faster and harder, keeping pace with the thrusting of her fingers as she fucked the brunette's sex. She curled and twisted her fingers deep inside Melanie's pussy, pressing her thumb against the underside of Melanie's clit, massaging the sensitive flesh while pushing deeper inside Melanie's hole.

    "Fuck!" Melanie cried out, bucking her hips to fuck herself against Lillian's hands. She pulled Lillian's head even tighter against her pussy as the blonde pushed her tongue hard against the length of Melanie's clit, teasing and tormenting Melanie while she sucked it like an animal. The feeling of Lillian's mouth on her swollen clit sent shockwaves through Melanie's body as her cunt muscles began to tighten up, spasming around the invading digits deep inside her twat.

    Lillian couldn't believe how responsive Melanie was to everything she did. Her huge nipples stood erect on top of her swollen tits, throbbing and aching from need. She felt her own massive clit swell and pulse between her legs as she brought Melanie closer to her orgasm. As Melanie pushed her face further into her soaking wet sex, Lillian opened her mouth wide and forced it down into Melanie's folds as far as possible. She found Melanie's hot asshole with her tongue, probing and licking around the rim of Melanie's butthole, teasing and tormenting the brunette woman even more.

    "Oh yes! Fuck... Make me cum you bitch!" Melanie snarled, moaning in a deep tone as her hands grabbed hold of Lillian's head and rolled her hips back and forth, fucking herself against Lillian's fingers as she ground her pussy hard against the blonde's face. She felt her cunt contract powerfully, squeezing and milking Lillian's thrusting digits while Lillian assaulted her cunt hole with her tongue. Her clit felt so hard, so swollen, so powerful, more than she could ever remember. She yanked Lillian away from her cunt and just stood there, her massive clit throbbing in its majestic glory. "I'm going to fuck your pathetic clit, you bitch! I'm going to break it with my huge clit!"

    Lillian sat back on the kitchen floor, stunned by Melanie's threat. She looked up at the brunette who had both her hands on her monstrous clit horn, rubbing it furiously while staring down at Lillian. The blonde swallowed hard as she saw how big Melanie's clit was, pulsating and twitching back and forth. Lillian opened her legs and spread her cunt lips, revealing her own massive, monstrous clit in challenge, throbbing wildly with need and anticipation. "Bring it, baby!" she snarled defiantly.

    Melanie charged, jumping onto Lillian like a wild beast, straddling the blonde on the kitchen floor and pinning Lillian down against the tiles. "Oh yes... Fuck, I love being on top," Melanie purred, "Let me fuck that clit of yours! I am going to make you my bitch." Her mouth found Lillian's ear, licking it slowly as her hand slid down between their bodies and took hold of Lillian's swollen clit. Despite her bravado, she was amazed by the size of Lillian's monstrous clit. "I'm going to grind your clit to nothing!" Melanie roared in challenge.

    Lillian grinned broadly. She moved her hands behind her head, holding it up as high as she could as she looked into Melanie's eyes. Her breathing grew heavy, anticipation building within her. "I can't wait to feel your huge clit fuck me hard," she purred.

    "Fuck..." Melanie moaned loudly. The blonde's words and confidence turned her on! "You really want me to fuck you?" She began pumping her fingers up and down the swollen shaft of Lillian's massive clit, getting even more aroused feeling how big and hard it was. But her own enormous clit felt invincible, so hard and full of power! This was going to be fun, she thought. "You have no idea how powerful my clit is, but I'm going to show you! I'm going to crush your clit! "

    Melanie propped herself on top of Lillian and lined her clit up against Lillian's clit head. The two monster clits touched for the first time, sending shockwaves of pleasure through their entire bodies. They gasped and moaned as their huge clits throbbed and pulsated back and forth. Melanie increased the pressure, determined to really crush Lillian's clit with her own powerful sex horn.

    Lillian looked into Melanie's eyes. She smiled and grabbed the brunette by the ass and pulled her hips towards hers, forcing their clits to grind harder against one another. "Oh god... Fuck yeah!" she grunted. Lillian enjoyed how hard Melanie was fucking her clit, trying to match the thrusts as best as she could, pushing her own hips up to meet those of her opponent. Both women were so wet they leaked from their pussies all over the kitchen floor.

    "Oh yeah, take it baby..." Melanie growled, "Take it like the bitch you are!" She put all her weight behind her hips, slamming herself against Lillian's body. Their huge nipples pressed together as they embraced while trying to crush each other's clits. Lillian had her hands on Melanie's ass cheeks now, digging her fingers in deep while keeping a tight grip, pulling Melanie against her. "Fuck yes! Don't stop!"

    Melanie increased the speed of her grinding, feeling the massive head of Lillian's clit hammering against her own horn. The pleasure was intense as they fucked harder and faster, moaning out loud at the same time, their voices mingling together to become one long scream. Melanie's clit felt so fucking hard, more powerful than she'd ever felt before. "This is it slut, I am going to make you my bitch!"

    Lillian's breathing grew heavier. She could feel the toll of her battle with Jessica, she'd spent a lot of her sexual power, and Melanie was relentless in her attack, pounding and grinding her massive clit against her clit. She gritted her teeth and fought back with everything she had, squeezing Melanie's ass with both hands and pulling their clits together as hard as she could. If she could just make Melanie cum first, she could turn the tables. Her entire body ached from the exertion. Sweat dripped from her face onto the floor while she kept her head up proudly, determined to win this fight! "Ugh... Ugh... Oh yeah baby, you are such a bitch..."

    Melanie bit down on her lip hard. She couldn't believe Lillian was still fighting back! How the hell could the bitch resist the power of her mighty clit? The two massive clits raged against each other, and Melanie felt her body filling with pleasure, getting closer and closer to a massive orgasm. She felt her hips thrusting out of control as the pleasure was becoming too much to handle. "Fuck... Fuck! Oh yeah..." Her whole body trembled and shook violently as the pleasure increased in intensity.

    "Cum for me you bitch!" Lillian snarled, keeping the pressure high as she pulled Melanie against her body. She forced Melanie's hips forwards even harder, slamming their swollen clits together as hard as possible. Their huge tits pressed together as they struggled for dominance between them.

    Suddenly Melanie's entire body went stiff as her orgasm washed over her. She moaned loudly, her breath catching in her throat while she trembled and shook as waves of pleasure coursed through her entire body. Lillian wasted no time and bucked with all her might, toppling Melanie to her side and off of her. She groaned from the exertion as she rolled herself on top of Melanie, who was still in the throes of her orgasm, her limbs twitching uncontrollably. "Oh fuck! Ugh! Ugh!" Melanie cried out loud while pushing her hips upwards against Lillian's thighs.

    Lillian slammed down hard onto Melanie's clit head, causing the brunette woman to cry out once again in ecstasy. "I'm going to milk your pussy dry," Lillian threatened while continuing to fuck Melanie fast and hard, matching her rhythm with that of her own monstrous clit. She couldn't believe how sensitive her clit was, the pleasure was so intense she had to fight back her own orgasm. But she was determined to push Melanie over the edge again.

    "Fucking bitch..." Melanie growled between moans. Her hands grabbed Lillian by the hair and yanked her head, forcing their eyes to meet. She pulled Lillian in for a long, deep kiss while they rutted their bodies together on the kitchen floor, trying desperately to outlast the other woman as their huge tits rubbed against one another. As they kissed, Melanie bit down on Lillian's lower lip, sucking and biting softly before letting go again. Lillian returned the favor by nipping at Melanie's tongue, sucking it deep inside her mouth, thrusting into it repeatedly with her tongue while fucking the brunette's pussy hard and fast.

    Lillian knew she had to weaken the brunette, she had to drain her energy. She rubbed her massive clit all around the brunette’s clit, attacking it with all her skill and power. She took her time teasing Melanie's clit horn, massaging it slowly and deliberately while adding pressure. Her lips found their way to Melanie's ear, nibbling the soft skin there as she breathed heavily in Melanie's ear. “Give up and I’ll spare you the embarrassment of losing. But keep fighting and I will make you my bitch!” Lillian growled menacingly.

    Melanie's hands slid from Lillian's hair down to her ass cheeks. She groped those firm, plump butt cheeks hard while pulling Lillian's hips down against hers, slamming her monstrous clit into Lillian's pussy harder and faster. "Oh yeah... That's it baby... Fucking do it!" Melanie snarled, biting her lower lip in anticipation as the pleasure coursed through her entire being.

    Lillian smiled as she felt how Melanie bucked and writhed beneath her. She felt herself getting close to an orgasm but managed to hold back. She had to keep on top at any cost! "Oh god..." she moaned softly, "I am going to break your cunt, baby." She groped Melanie's round tits, squeezing them and kneading the firm flesh until she put her weight on her arms and pushed Melanie's big round boobs against her ribcage. Amazingly, the huge tits resisted the pressure, caving in but not flattening. Melanie couldn't help but whimper as Lillian was abusing her boobs so cruelly. Still, Melanie fought back and grabbed Lillian's nipples, squeezing them between her thumbs and forefingers with as much force as she could muster, causing Lillian to first yelp and then gasp.

    Melanie realized the unintended side-effect of her nipple torture as she felt Lillian's clit surge powerfully against her own monstrous clit. "Oh fuck!" she cried out as the blonde's clit rammed against her clit harder and stronger than before. "Oh yesss," Lillian moaned, "Feel my power!" The pleasure from their clits being pressed together made both of them move their hips faster, bucking and grinding their massive sex organs harder, wanting to crush one another. "Cum! Cum you whore!" Lillian pleaded, fighting to keep her own orgasm at bay. She thrust her massive clit head on against Melanie's clit, grunting with exertion as she continued to fight for dominance.

    Lillian saw Melanie closing in on a massive orgasm, judging by the twitching and spasming of her giant clit. Her own monstrous clit was throbbing and pulsating hard, desperate to cum after having had to fight so long for control of Melanie. It was almost impossible for her to keep her orgasm from overtaking her, but she could not stop now! She had to win this battle! "Take my fucking clit! You take it bitch!"

    "Oh god... I am... Ugh... Ugh..." Melanie struggled to find the right words as she bucked against Lillian with everything she had. She knew her own orgasm was imminent and Lillian was close too. There would be no stopping them, they both needed an overwhelming climax. She stared into Lillian's eyes defiantly while seeing the challenge in those eyes as Lillian looked back at her. They were going to fuck each other into submission! Both of their bodies shook and trembled as they fucked and rutted their cunts together on the floor, both refusing to yield to the other.

    "I fucking hate you bitch!" Melanie suddenly snarled as her massive clit twitched uncontrollably before exploding, sending shockwaves of pleasure all over her body. The brunette woman's back arched as a powerful orgasm rushed through her body, coursing from head to toe. As Melanie's body spasmed, she tried to thrust upwards, slamming her clit hard into Lillian's twitching clit horn. But the blonde held herself in place, doing her best to keep Melanie beneath her, refusing to give up her position on top. She felt her own orgasm approaching fast, but refused to move. "Cum baby, cum for me!"

    Pleasure overcame Melanie and made her groan loudly. She tried to hold on to the floor as her toes curled hard. "Ohhhhhhhh fuck!" she screamed as her pussy contracted, spraying her womanly juices against Lillian's cunt. Lillian nearly came too, but somehow she managed to hold on and remain in control. The sight of Melanie squirting her own pleasure all over the floor made Lillian even hornier. She laughed evilly and grabbed Melanie's legs at the knees and bent them up and towards Melanie's tits, leaning and putting her weight on them, locking Melanie in place, her pussy pointing almost straight up, open and vulnerable. Melanie was too dazed to fight back, and Lillian wasted no time, determined to draw every orgasm she could out of Melanie. "Ugh... Ugh..." Lillian grunted softly as her clit head pulsated against Melanie's throbbing sex horn, growing ever closer to its climax.

    "Oh god!" Melanie cried out again as the pressure between her legs grew unbearable. It felt like her body was on fire! She thrust upwards, slamming her pussy hard against Lillian's clit while trying to grind her own massive clit head hard against Lillian's sensitive flesh. But Lillian had the advantage, and she expertly avoided Melanie's attacks while delivering devastating blows of her own. "Fuck... fuck... ohhhh fuck..." Melanie gasped as Lillian's clit was grinding and swiping against her own clit from all directions. She couldn't take it for long, the pleasure was unbearable, but still she tried to resist. "Oh fuck you bitch!"

    "You lose slut," Lillian said in a low voice, delivering a devastating blow with her massive clit, ramming it head on with Melanie's clit. "Ohhhhhhhh fuckkkkk!" Melanie screamed as she exploded in a chain of orgasms, her pussy squirting copious amounts of juices between their hungry cunts. It sprayed and leaked everywhere, dripping down her exposed butt and onto the kitchen floor. On and on she came, Lillian doing her best to keep their clits pressed together head on even while Melanie writhed under her. She was determined to wring every orgasm out of Melanie's pussy until she was totally spent and she could crush her clit. But after fucking so hard for so long, her own orgasm crept up and overwhelmed her. "Nooo..." she moaned in distress as her clit throbbed uncontrollably, sending overwhelming waves of pleasure all over her body. "Oh god..." She looked into Melanie's eyes as they both gasped from the power of their massive clits ramming against one another. They orgasmed in unison, writhing and twisting together in mutual ecstasy.

    They both tried to stop moving but neither could control themselves. The two monster clits were still twitching and pulsating violently between their swollen lips as their massive tits squished together. Lillian focused all her power into her clit, forcing it against Melanie's clit, trying to crush it. She hoped Melanie would be weakened from her multiple orgasms, but no matter how hard she tried, Melanie's clit wouldn't yield. It pulsed and throbbed stubbornly, angrily even, staying ever so hard and strong throughout the orgasms coursing through Melanie. "Damn you bitch! Give up already!" Lillian demanded between heavy breaths while thrusting her hips forcefully.

    "Never... Fuck..." Melanie snarled in response as she continued to cum. Her whole body shook violently while she reached behind Lillian, groping her ass cheeks, squeezing them hard and pulling Lillian towards her, refusing to allow her clit to be broken by the blonde's powerful sex organ. She smiled defiantly, her eyes showing confidence as she stared straight back at Lillian, who could barely move now after fighting for so long. Their huge nipples met as Lillian pressed her tits together, and they both screamed loudly as a huge orgasm washed over them again.

    "Fuck ohhhhhh fuck fuck no you cunt!" Lillian screamed as she felt her clit beginning to weaken. Desperately, she pulled her tits away from Melanie's and started squeezing her nipples hard, focusing all her energy into her clit, like she had done against Jessica. It worked, but only momentarily before Melanie slammed their clits together again, pushing even harder than before. Lillian let go of her massive boobs and put everything she had left into ramming her clit head down against Melanie's throbbing clit horn. The pleasure was excruciating, but she wasn't going to lose to a slut like Melanie! "I will break your fucking clit bitch!"

    Melanie didn't reply. Instead, she started slamming her clit harder and faster than ever, thrusting her hips upwards violently. She smiled as she saw how exhausted the blonde had become, still unable to move much as Melanie fucked their sex organs together in unison, the power of her orgasms continuing to flow through her. As they squirmed together on the floor, Melanie could feel Lillian's clit grow weaker and weaker, and she knew she had the upper hand. "That's it baby, I am going to make you my bitch."

    "I don't think so," Lillian replied between moans, "You will lose you stupid cunt!" She attacked Melanie's clit with everything she had, desperate for just one more orgasm to break the brunette woman. But even though she had all she could possibly muster up inside her massive clit, Melanie's clit managed to overpower it and force Lillian's into submission. Her clit exploded against Melanie's and her body shook and convulsed so hard she fell on her back on the kitchen floor. Melanie grabbed her leg and scissored Lillian, ramming their pussies together forcefully. "Nooooooooooooooo!" Lillian cried out in a deep tone as the last of her strength drained away.

    The sight of the blonde lying on the floor sent indescribable waves of pleasure through Melanie's body, and she allowed herself to enjoy it. She exploded in a massive victory orgasm, her eyes rolling in her head as she drifted on the edge of consciousness. As she lay there on the floor gasping for breath, she looked into Lillian's eyes as they both came. She felt powerful, victorious. And Lillian was staring at her like she wanted to devour her. "This isn't over, you bitch! You only won because I fought Jessica before you!"

    Melanie laughed menacingly. She sat up and rubbed their pussies together faster, fucking them even harder. She grabbed Lillian by the hair, pulling her up for a long, deep kiss while still fucking the blonde woman mercilessly. "You lost, your clit couldn't stand up against mine!", Melanie growled between kisses.

    "Fuck..." Lillian replied, trying to bring some life back to her legs so that she could fight back. The pleasure was unbearable, she could no longer focus, and Melanie knew exactly what she was doing. She kept pressing her clit head on against Lillian's, driving it further and further back into its hood. She moved her hips up and down rapidly, wanting to crush Lillian's clit and destroy all fight in the blonde. "I... will... break... your cunt!"

    Lillian screamed loudly and her clit exploded once again as an orgasm overtook her, sending waves of ecstasy through her entire body. She was completely spent, her clit shrunk down inside its hood, and her whole body went limp. "Nooo," she cried out in distress. Losing twice on the same day, and the sight of Melanie fucking herself while coming so powerfully broke something in her psyche. Losing was unacceptable. She felt rage welling up inside her as her body came alive again. This slut wanted to take everything away from her? No fucking way! Her hands were on Melanie's massive tits, groping and squeezing them hard as she she felt her clit stirring, coming back to life. Determination filled her once more as she fought for every ounce of strength left within her. The brunette bitch was going down! "Take this!" she snarled before ramming her clit against Melanie's hard.

    The pain sent waves of pleasure through Melanie's body, causing her to grunt softly in a deep tone. As their clits rammed against one another, both women thrust harder, wanting to break the other, to fight and conquer the other. Lillian was fueled by her rage alone, her hatred of losing sending power and determination into every fiber of her being. Her clit throbbed and ached as it grew harder and harder, regaining its immense size and power despite Melanie's clit pressing against it. They kept on fucking faster and harder, desperate to break the other woman first. Their massive tits were mashed together between them, adding to their sexual fury while their huge nipples throbbed wildly against each other, trapped within their titflesh.

    Lillian put all of her remaining strength into ramming her clit against Melanie's clit. "Cum bitch!" she roared angrily as they fucked their sex organs together, both women panting heavily. She couldn't believe how stubborn Melanie was being, she couldn't believe how powerful Melanie's clit felt. But with every thrust from the brunette, Lillian pushed back harder, refusing to be beaten. Determination coursed through her, willing herself not to stop until Melanie was completely beaten!

    Despite her physical strength and endurance, Melanie felt drained. She just needed a little bit more, then she would break Lillian once again and force the blonde bitch to submit. Her clit felt so swollen it ached deep within her pussy, straining to break free. She refused to stop fucking until she saw Lillian begging for mercy! "Uhhhh... Uhhhh..." Melanie groaned, thrusting her hips forwards with as much speed and power as possible. She couldn't believe how Lillian had made such a comeback! She had already won, Lillian was defeated. How could she still be fighting? How could her clit be so fucking strong again?

    "I will break your fucking clit!" Lillian cried out in anger. She squeezed Melanie's ass cheeks hard, digging her fingers into those firm globes of flesh as they fucked one another desperately. All other sounds were drowned out by their moaning and the sounds of their wet cunts squishing together while they continued to push against each other on the floor of Annabel's kitchen. They stared defiantly into each other's eyes, growling and grunting like beasts. "Take this!" Lillian roared before ramming her clit again as hard as possible, causing Melanie to gasp loudly and arch her back from the intensity of it. "Cum slut!"

    Melanie shook her head furiously. Her clit was starting to hurt and twitch! "No no no..." she desperately replied. She tried to slow down and take control but Lillian didn't allow it. The blonde woman pulled Melanie against her body, rubbing their clits together as fast as she could, refusing to give up even a fraction of ground. She kept up the pressure, using all the power of her anger to keep thrusting their massive clits together. "Ugh... Ugh..." Melanie moaned in frustration while trying to keep up with Lillian. "You.... stupid.... whore..." Lillian growled between thrusts, knowing she was beating Melanie to orgasm. All that mattered now was destroying the brunette woman!

    "Fucking bitch... Take this..." Lillian snarled while pushing hard into Melanie's hips angrily. Her clit throbbed violently from the pressure, but she refused to yield. Her muscles screamed from the fatigue, her whole body ached in pain, her clit was almost bursting as Melanie's monstrous clit pressed against it. But she couldn't stop! This cunt was not going to defeat her!

    Melanie continued to fight back with everything she had. Her own massive clit was aching and on the edge of bursting too, but she refused to lose either way. They were both so exhausted they could barely breathe. Her body felt numb, the pleasure was unbearable. She felt like she was reaching the limits of her strength, her clit was nearing its limit under the relentless pressure from Lillian's sex horn. "Fuck... I am going to break your fucking clit you stupid cunt!" Melanie grunted while doing her best to match Lillian's pace and rhythm. The more she pushed back, the closer she was getting to losing control. "Cum bitch!"

    "Do it! Cum you stupid cunt!" Lillian demanded while continuing to push her hips forwards as fast as possible, hammering their clits against each other mercilessly. But then the brunette slut shocked Lillian by attacking. As Lillian pushed forwards again, Melanie pushed her clit forward at the same time and their clits collided harder than ever before. Both women gasped breathlessly as the incredible pleasure shot through them, shocking their bodies in an orgasm that seemed to have no end. Lillian and Melanie grabbed each other tight, squeezing so hard their fingers left marks on their bodies, their muscles spasming as they were completely overwhelmed by the pleasure that filled every part of their being. Their pussies contracted and convulsed together, shooting out their sweet juices in powerful sprays that spread in all directions. Their clits remained locked together head on inside their pussies, throbbing with overwhelming pleasure as orgasm after orgasm chained through them. Slowly, Lillian's clit began to shrink as Melanie's victorious clit kept pushing against it, pulsing and throbbing in orgasmic bliss. Both women were on the brink of losing consciousness.

    Lillian passed out, on her face a look of desperation, while Melanie passed out with a smug look of satisfaction. She knew she had won in the end, and Lillian knew she had lost.
    Last edited by barata77; December 14th, 2023 at 04:19 PM.

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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    This story got kinda buried in the huge pile of new posts last week but I will get to it eventually. I promise.

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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Finally got a chance to read this. Loved it. Lillian is a feisty one and the heated, catty nature of her fights is great.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Hoborobo's Avatar
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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Very nice chapter! Eagerly awaiting the next update.

    There's a bit of a disconnect between the end of part 5 and the beginning of part 6. Last part ended with Lillian walking with Annabel and they see Jessica outside the gate, and this part begins with Jessica and Lillian fighting with no explanation as to why.

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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Dear Barata,

    Really, really fantastic story! It's just up my alley: some incredibly beautiful, voluptuous and erotic women battling each other in all-out sexual warfare! The rivalries were incredibly well done. I love the detail of your fights and, most importantly, your focus on what is happening inside the minds and bodies of these incredible women as they struggle to overpower each other sexually and with pleasure! Great stuff!

    I was really, really hoping that Lillian would win, or at least tie with Melanie. I thought their fight was ending in a tie until the last paragraph, to be honest. I am going to assume that Lillian lost because she had already fought one epic battle with Jessica that night. I really, really hope that she continues her rivalry with Melanie and gets a rematch, when she is fresher.

    I also hope that Melanie gets her rematch with Annabel and wins this time. In fact, that is the one objection I have to this series, which I think I have noted before: Annabel and Jessica are just too powerful. It's not really suspenseful if neither of them can be beaten by other women. I was really hoping that Lillan would beat Jessica and she certainly gave Jessica a run for her money but, in the end, Jessica really dominated. Again, I think it works much better if the leads actually have a chance of losing. Thus, my hope that Melanie wins her rematch with Annabel -then, maybe loses against Lillian! Having a group of women who may actually be each others' equals/rivals would be really interesting.

    Anyway, really great stuff. I can't wait for your next chapter and I hope we see a lot more of Lillian and Melanie, including their rematch.

    I also thought that I had missed a chapter when I started reading. I had to go back to check and see if that was the case.

    Please keep up the great work!


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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Quote Originally Posted by Hoborobo View Post
    Very nice chapter! Eagerly awaiting the next update.

    There's a bit of a disconnect between the end of part 5 and the beginning of part 6. Last part ended with Lillian walking with Annabel and they see Jessica outside the gate, and this part begins with Jessica and Lillian fighting with no explanation as to why.
    Thanks for pointing that out, there has been some error while I copy-pasted the text here. There is a part missing from the beginning, I’ll try to fix that.


    - - - Updated - - -

    Thank you for your kind words JB, it really warms my heart to know you are enjoying my stories.

    I have now edited the story to add the missing parts to the beginning, my apologies for not spotting that in the first place.

    You're right about Lillian, her loss to Melanie really was because of her earlier fight with Jessica. But she will get her chance at a rematch, that's for sure. And then, if they are both rested, it should be anybody's game really. Melanie had also had a bit of fun with the two women Annabel saw with her earlier in the party.

    I know and agree that Jessica and Annabel are overpowered, and have said so earlier. It's just that that was the whole premise when I started writing this series, and it's really difficult to "kill your darling" even when you know you really should. However, I'm now pondering different directions for Jessica and Annabel: on one hand, they finally have a chance now to be happy with each other, but on the other hand I feel that they need to find a new equilibrium to have the freedom that they both so clearly need. No idea how their story will turn out yet.

    I've actually started writing the next chapter, but then your superb story Earth Girls are Easy really inspired me, as I love science fiction. So, I started another story and it has been progressing well so far, and I have a better understanding of that storyline so it might be that I finish that one earlier than the next chapter of this story.


    Quote Originally Posted by JB57 View Post
    Dear Barata,

    Really, really fantastic story! It's just up my alley: some incredibly beautiful, voluptuous and erotic women battling each other in all-out sexual warfare! The rivalries were incredibly well done. I love the detail of your fights and, most importantly, your focus on what is happening inside the minds and bodies of these incredible women as they struggle to overpower each other sexually and with pleasure! Great stuff!

    I was really, really hoping that Lillian would win, or at least tie with Melanie. I thought their fight was ending in a tie until the last paragraph, to be honest. I am going to assume that Lillian lost because she had already fought one epic battle with Jessica that night. I really, really hope that she continues her rivalry with Melanie and gets a rematch, when she is fresher.

    I also hope that Melanie gets her rematch with Annabel and wins this time. In fact, that is the one objection I have to this series, which I think I have noted before: Annabel and Jessica are just too powerful. It's not really suspenseful if neither of them can be beaten by other women. I was really hoping that Lillan would beat Jessica and she certainly gave Jessica a run for her money but, in the end, Jessica really dominated. Again, I think it works much better if the leads actually have a chance of losing. Thus, my hope that Melanie wins her rematch with Annabel -then, maybe loses against Lillian! Having a group of women who may actually be each others' equals/rivals would be really interesting.

    Anyway, really great stuff. I can't wait for your next chapter and I hope we see a lot more of Lillian and Melanie, including their rematch.

    I also thought that I had missed a chapter when I started reading. I had to go back to check and see if that was the case.

    Please keep up the great work!


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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    Hi Barata!

    I'm looking forward to your sci=fi story! Great to hear! I'm hoping to get back to work on "Earth Girls Are Easy" this weekend and, hopefully, finish it off.

    I hope you don't stay away from Lillian, Melanie and the others for too long, however. ;-)


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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    HI Barata,

    Just a comment on your point about how difficult it is to "kill your darlings." I do appreciate that difficulty. However, I am pretty sure that if you can do this, you will end up creating a much more interesting and exciting series.

    I have an actual example of this, pertaining to AngelDawn's magnum opus, "The Adventures of Angelica: Private Eye". I'm sure she would not mind my sharing this story.

    Early on, when Angel was writing her series, she would sometimes send me early drafts to comment on. I had the same criticism of her early work as I do of your current story: she made the main heroines of her story basically invincible. Two of the leading characters in the story were Wendy (a heroic figure) and Michelle (a villain). In the first sexual encounter between them, Angel had Wendy beat Michelle very soundly and in a humiliating way. My comment was that this made for a much less interesting story. I pointed out that what really made a heroic story work was the quality of the villains and that if the villains really had no chance of winning then the whole story lost the tension and suspense so necessary for it to work.

    I suggested that she make the outcome of the fight much closer or maybe even end in a tie (I admitted my own obvious preferences were coming through). Angel took this advice to heart, but even went a step further: she actually had Michelle win. I think that, in the course of that series, Wendy and Michelle fought at least one more time and Michelle won both times. The end result of Angel's decision was that her story became much more exciting and Michelle became a truly worthy villain. She did end up losing a couple of times to other women, but the fights were always very close and could have gone either way. In fact, if I recall, both times she lost, the other characters did something (deliberately or inadvertently) that weakened Michelle and/or left her unable to bring her full power to bear. The battles that Michelle was involved in ended up becoming (to me, at least) the most exciting of the entire series.

    So, if you can bring yourself to "kill your darlings" I'm pretty sure you would find your story growing and expanding in a similar way! If you can bring yourself to put Lillian and Melanie, at least, on the same level as Annabel and Jessica, a lot of other possibilities open up!

    Looking forward to more,


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    Re: Lady of the Sexfighting villa 6: the (un)masquerade

    I agree. Early on in my 732 series, Jasmine was practically unstoppable until she lost her second match against Sabrina. In the third match, it was much closer and Jasmine very nearly lost again many times in the fight.

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