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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

    Here are the next two chapters. This time it is more buildup than action, though. I hope you still enjoy it!

    Read parts 1+2 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2
    Read parts 3+4 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4

    Chapter 5 – Indecent Proposal

    It was already late in the evening when Aya and Katrin cuddled up in bed, recovering from another shared orgasm. Their breasts had shrunk back to their normal, yet still impressive size. They had been having fun together all day. First on the kitchen table where they had eaten Katrin's chocolates out of their bellybuttons, then on the living room sofa where they had eaten each other out. After a relaxing hot bubble bath which had included a lot of leg rubbing and toe sucking, finally in bed.

    After blowing off steam in the titfight, they didn't try to outdo each other like Aya and Elena had done just two nights before. They still teased each other a bit but most of all they enjoyed their fantastic bodies after being separated for so long.

    "Was it as good for you as it was for me?" whispered Aya in Katrin's ear.

    "It was mind-blowing. Sex with you is the best I've had since…" she hesitated for a moment, "a long time."

    "You mean since you broke up with Jolie," Aya suspected. Teasingly she asked, "How do I live up to her?"

    Katrin blushed. "No need to get jealous," she appeased her, "It's over between her and me. She did things I can never forgive her for."

    "Why would I be jealous?" whispered Aya, giving the brunette angel a tender love bite on the back of her neck as she inhaled her beguiling scent. "You know I beat her in a sex fight."

    "After I softened her up," Katrin noted, chuckling. "Too bad I was too out of it to witness much of the action."

    "Oh, I wish I could outfuck her again while you watched," Aya fantasized, "Would you like that?"

    "Of course. What kind of woman wouldn't want to see her ex and current lover duke it out?" Katrin run her hand along Aya's curves under the blanket until it came to rest on her hip. Her increased breathing rate revealed that the notion was indeed arousing her.

    "I would grind her feeble twat to dust and milk her oversized melons dry," Aya continued. "And afterwards I'd make out with you right in front of her to show her that you're mine now." She sighed "Too bad she's locked up and all of that will never happen…"

    "Maybe the opportunity will come sooner than you think," Katrin promised.

    "How so?"

    "Well, I haven't been completely honest with you," the angel confessed. "I didn't come just to see you. In truth, I also couldn't fully convince the High Command that you posed no danger…"

    Aya gave her a dismayed look. She had sensed that the other woman was hiding something, but this sounded way worse than expected.

    "But," Katrin hastened to continue. "I was able to convince them that a succubus can be of great use because of her unique abilities. I'm here on official duty, Aya, and I need your help."

    The Arabian beauty pouted. "I knew there was something you weren't telling me. So what are you up to and what does it have to do with Jolie?"

    "We've been trying to track down a particularly ancient and powerful succubus for a long time. Her name is Lilith."

    "Lilith is merely a myth," Aya said. "She is supposed to be the first succubus ever summoned. Many millennia ago, by the ancient Sumerians as legends tell. But even if that's true, it would be very unlikely that she survived that long."

    "She exists," Katrin objected. "Throughout history, she has wreaked havoc and chaos. Ever heard of Sodom and Gomorrah?"

    "The biblical cities that descended in sinfulness and were destroyed later on?"

    The Angel nodded. "She was behind that and did not stop there. During the following millennia she made kings, bishops and CEOs her pawns. On several occasions, cherubim have tried to take her down, but they've all disappeared without a trace."

    "No matter what she has done, I will not help you cut off another head," Aya made clear.

    "When the day eventually comes, we want to arrest her," Katrin explained "I've convinced the High Command that we can lock her up and keep her alive under humane conditions with Ramona's potion. But for now, we are only interested in gathering intel about her. She has a secret cult following her and her network stretches far and wide. Jolie had contact with a man from her inner circle and agreed to deliver him to us. And that's where you come in."

    "You want me to make him talk," Aya surmised.

    "That's right," Katrin confirmed. "A small feat for you but an invaluable service to us. The skeptics in the Bastion would be convinced and no one would question your integrity or mine anymore."

    "And what about Jolie?" the succubus asked suspiciously. "Why would she help us?"

    "Well," Katrin explained sheepishly, "She made one condition: She wants a sexfight with you."

    Aya smirked. Her nipples instantly grew hard. "I can grant her that wish." She let her right leg slide between Katrin's thighs. "Fancy another round? I want to show you what I have in store for her."

    "I think I know pretty well by now what you have in store for her," Katrin cooed, pulling the horny succubus closer to her.

    "You have seen nothing yet."


    The next morning, Aya awoke before her alarm clock rang. She had slept uneasily, with dreams of Jolie haunting her. The blonde seemed to be the woman everyone compared her to and if they actually fucked again, she would leave no doubt as to who was better at it.

    The quiet breathing of Katrin beside her, told her that the beautiful angel was still sleeping. They had made love until they had fallen asleep completely satisfied in each other's arms. She could hardly believe how much she was enjoying sharing the bed with the brunette. There was definitely more affection than rivalry between them now but still a little bit of friendly competition as well, which the succubus found very stimulating.

    She slipped quietly out of her bed, went to the kitchen, and then searched feverishly in her largely empty pantry for something to offer her guest for breakfast. As immortals, neither of them was dependent on food, but she wanted to surprise Katrin.

    She returned to the bedroom with a tray full of honey-spread toast and steaming coffee. As she turned on the light, Katrin blinked at her from sleepy eyes and yawned audibly.

    "Oh breakfast," she noticed with delight. "Is it really that late already?"

    "I have to go to the office," Aya explained regretfully as she sat down next to her and put the tray down on the bedside table. "But if you lock up, you're welcome to stay a little longer."

    "No, I should get ready as well," Katrin decided, "We have a lot to talk about." She picked up a piece of toast and bit into it with relish, only to pause immediately. After chewing for a moment and swallowing the bite, she said, "Aya, these toasts are dry as cardboard. How old are they?"

    The succubus looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "Probably too old. Sorry, I didn't find anything else."

    "It's okay, it's the thought that counts," Katrin comforted her. "Let's just stick to the coffee."

    She reached out and brushed a strand of hair from Aya's face. Both women looked at each other and smiled.

    They drank their coffee and chatted a little. When they finished and Aya took the tray back to the kitchen, Katrin asked if she could borrow a thong, since hers was pretty much ruined.

    "Sure," the succubus agreed. "Just grab one from the nightstand drawer."

    When she returned a moment later to make sure her guest had found what she was looking for, Katrin held Elena's red thong in her hands and eyed it suspiciously. "This one looks used. Is this one of yours?"

    "That one belongs to Elena," Aya explained, taking it from her hand. "She left it behind Friday night to tease me a little."

    Katrin grimaced as if she'd bitten into a sour lemon. "I thought she'd mastered her hunger. Why are you still sleeping with her?"

    Aya shrugged. "Same reason I sleep with Chris, and sometimes with Ramona: the sex is pretty good."

    "Oh really? Better than with me?" the angel pouted.

    "You didn't show up for ages," Aya justified herself. "Besides, there's no reason to be jealous. It's just sex. I'm not serving her breakfast in bed or anything like that."

    Katrin looked at her thoughtfully for a while. "Have you ever met a person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?"

    "You mean exclusively?"

    Her guest nodded.

    "No, a monogamous succubus is like a tiger in a cage. Sooner or later I would lose my mind. Why do you ask?"

    Katrin avoided her gaze. "Never mind, I was just curious. Time to get going."


    Elena was at the detective agency on time, as she was every morning. She shivered in her skin-tight, cherry-red leather outfit and turned on the small electric radiator first thing. The central heating had broken down last week and, according to the landlord, wouldn't be repaired until Thursday, so it probably wasn't going to get comfortably warm all day. The whole building was a real dump in her opinion, but if Aya refused to take money from her clients, as she did last week, they likely wouldn't be able to afford anything better for the foreseeable future.

    When her boss arrived an hour later, Elena immediately noticed that something was off. Aya was again wearing her black biker clothes, but her face was shining like the winter sun. For a Monday morning, her mood was suspiciously good.

    "Sorry for being so late," the raven-haired succubus apologized. "I'm afraid we lost track of time a bit in the shower."

    "We?" asked Elena curiously. "Did you have a little fun with Chris?"

    "Not exactly," Aya replied, grinning slyly. "You'll never guess who blew into my place yesterday."

    Very briefly, the other woman brought her up to date. Elena was shocked to hear that Katrin was back in town, but relaxed a bit when Aya assured her that she could keep her head. The angel would visit them at the office later, after she had consulted with her superiors.

    And while Elena was intrigued by the prospect of tracking down a mysterious demoness she only knew from legends, she was anything but happy that Jolie was involved. That bitch could go to hell. More than anything, though, she was jealous that another woman had suddenly returned to Aya's life, who rivaled Elena in beauty. Even more so one who in her eyes was nothing but an arrogant, hypocritical slut. Well, if Katrin wanted her slice of Aya, she would have to learn to share.

    Less than an hour later, the doorbell rang and Katrin stood in the doorway.

    "Come in," Aya welcomed her. "Another coffee?"

    "I'd love some. As long as it's hot. It's cold as hell in here."

    Elena had stood up from her desk and crossed her arms in front of her chest. Both women briefly examined each other from top to bottom and stared firmly into each other's eyes. Katrin was a sight to behold, she had to admit. Her warm winter clothes did a good job of hiding her feminine curves, but Elena was not fooled by that. She had already seen Katrin naked during her two-on-two sexfight with Jolie and even tasted her pussy. She knew this leggy vixen meant business.

    "So, you're back," the blonde succubus stated coldly, jutting her chin up.

    "And you're still here," the brunette angel remarked icily. "According to Aya, you've been a good girl, so I release you from your obligations to her. You can go wherever you want now."

    "Oh, how generous," Elena replied sarcastically, "I haven't been well-behaved in every way, though." She winked demonstratively at Aya. "And I quite like where I am right now."

    Aya cleared her throat loudly. Apparently the tension between the two women was not lost on her. "Elena, why don't you put the coffee on quickly," she suggested, "while I get our client a chair."

    Sitting together, they quickly agreed on how to proceed. Jolie would call her contact and arrange a personal meeting. There, one of the succubi would enchant him for a following interogation. He was likely to be under Lilith's spell already, which would make things difficult but not impossible. They were both confident they could break the other demoness' influence if they had to. If he really could provide any useful information, Aya would hold up her end of the bargain and give Jolie what she wanted. It was amusing to Elena that her former mistress held such a grudge against her partner but not surprising. Jolie was not a woman who was used to losing.

    When they were finished, Katrin stood up, took two steps back and asked them to keep their distance. She took a hand-sized metal cross from her purse, with a blue jewel set into it.

    "I don't think prayers are going to get us anywhere right now," Aya joked.

    "This is a homing device," Katrin explained. "When I push this button," she pressed her thumb on the jewel, "they know in Bastion that the area is clear."

    "Clear for what?", Elena asked suspiciously, when she was suddenly blinded by a bright flash of light. There was a cracking sound and a short but fierce gust of wind that blew some sheets of paper off the desk. When her vision returned, two women were standing next to Katrin. One of them was a stunning brunette of the same athletic, tall stature as the beautiful angel, except that her hair was a shade darker and only shoulder-length. The other was, of course, Jolie.

    A bit shorter than her company, but a tad more voluptuous, she was a goddess through and through. Her long blond hair fell in wide waves over a luxurious fur coat. Underneath she wore a turquoise dress that showed a considerable cleavage. Elena knew that her tits were probably the biggest in the room and the rest of her body didn't need to hide from any of the other beauties gathered here either. Expensive, brilliant-studded earrings jingled as she looked around with pursed lips. Her gaze met Elena's with a mixture of pity and disgust.

    "So that's the filthy hole they put you in. What a comedown."

    Cunt!, thought Elena, preparing to reply accordingly, but Aya beat her to it and was in the blonde's face in an instant. "I can't wait to put something in your filthy hole. Besides, I didn't know there was a Gucci store in your prison."

    Jolie smiled smugly. "I maintain a certain style. If I show up to the meeting dressed like a common whore," she made a gesture referring to Aya's outfit, "my contact will know something is wrong."

    Aya growled angrily, but Katrin quickly slipped in between the two of them, preventing them from starting a fight right here and now.

    "Save it for later," she admonished, then turned to Jolie's companion, who saluted her briefly. The two brunette angels could certainly pass for sisters, Elena thought, even their style of dress resembled each other: elegant but discreet.

    "This is warden Rahel Stern," Katrin introduced the newcomer. Then she gestured to the succubi. "These are Aya Al-Sabi and Elena Lyons, the private investigators I told you about."

    "I know," Rahel explained, eyeing them with suspicion. "And just for the record, I have grave concerns about dealing with demons and I think this whole arrangement is very inappropriate."

    Great, Elena thought. And they both had the same stick up their asses.

    As Katrin explained, Rahel wore a bracelet on her wrist that was magically connected to a counterpart on Jolie's ankle. It prevented the prisoner from moving more than twenty meters away from her or using her powers. Rahel would thus accompany them wherever they went.

    They handed Jolie a phone, which she used to call her contact. She arranged to meet him during his lunch break at a café downtown. They would have to leave soon, but still had a little time to coordinate details. Elena stayed in the background, ruminating on the situation. It felt like Aya had completely forgotten that she existed. And the fact that she actually gave a damn about it annoyed her even more.

    At one point, when she noticed Rahel eyeing her from the side, she responded harshly and hissed, "What are you looking at?"

    "Nothing," Rahel whispered dismissively. "I just always thought demons of lust were a little more… stacked."

    Elena frowned angrily and replied just as quietly, "At least I don't look like a cheap copy of my superior officer."

    The angel sucked in her breath indignantly, while Elena gave her the cold shoulder again. Instead, she fixed her eyes on Katrin. If you want Aya, you'll have to get past me first…


    In the café, they spread out over several tables to be less conspicuous. Jolie and Elena sat at one, Aya and Katrin at the next. Rahel sat a little further away in the back, where she could keep an eye on everything. The establishment was mainly frequented by hipsters and business people but only moderately busy at early noon. Now they waited for the target to appear.

    Noticing the grim looks Elena was giving Katrin and Aya, Jolie leaned over to her and whispered, "Looks like you're completely sidelined. What a shame. My ex can be quite possessive, I know what I'm talking about."

    "I didn't ask for your opinion," Elena snorted.

    "Listen," the angel replied nonetheless, "we didn't part on good terms, but I always respected your skills. Don't tell me you've lost your bite."

    Elena didn't feel like being lectured by Jolie, so she got up and went to the bathroom. In front of the mirror, she inspected her hairstyle and makeup once again. Everything was perfect. She was hot, she was desirable and a slut like Katrin could not hold a candle to her. Lost my bite? Hell no!

    As if she had summoned her, Katrin entered the room behind her. After checking briefly that they were alone, she casually stepped up beside her at the mirror.

    "I know Aya is too polite to tell you, but it is obvious your services are not needed here. Why don't you go back to the office and pack your belongings. She only offered you this whole detective job out of pity anyway. And to keep her warm for a while until I came back."

    Elena bared her teeth and fixed Katrin's reflection. "What Aya and I have is something special. Something that only succubi can share. Maybe you should pack your things, because once this case is over, we'll be so busy banging each another that she'll forget about you completely."

    Katrin grinned arrogantly at her in the mirror. "Aya brought me breakfast in bed this morning. We had toasts."

    Breakfast? Elena's Eyes went wide in shock. Aya had never brought her breakfast in bed! Katrin, however decided to rub salt into her wounds by adding, "They were delicious."

    Her expression must have revealed how devastated she was by the revelation, because the angel just smiled contentedly before turning away and strutting off.


    Meanwhile, in the café, Aya leaned backwards facing Jolie.

    "What do you actually hope to achieve with this sexfight? Do you think Katrin will fall for you again if you beat me?"

    Jolie gave her a disdainful smile. "Not at all. You two deserve each other. I want her to think of me every time she has sex with you and realize what she has lost. And I want you to remember every time that you'll never be able to please her as well as I could.

    Now it was up to Aya to give the fallen angel a contemptuous look. "Dream on. I'll break your pride and make you eat your words."

    "Oh, I'll make you eat a lot of other things once I tame you. And Katrin will be watching."

    Aya stared deep into her emerald eyes, searching for the slightest sign of uncertainty or weakness, but she found none. She couldn't wait to take on this gorgeous woman again, and this time destroy her completely.

    "She will certainly watch," the succubus confirmed with a wolfish grin, "but if she ever thinks of you again after that, it will be only out of pity."

    The return of Katrin and Elena from the restroom put an end to their brief conversation. The brunette angel looked happy.

    "What were you girls up to in there?", Aya asked them curiously.

    "Oh, nothing," Katrin waved it off. "Just talked about breakfast."

    They didn't have to wait long before Jolie's contact arrived: his name was Erik Svenson, a tall blond Swede who could have graced the cover of a Viking romance novel. By profession he was a lawyer but Aya guessed there were other reasons for which Lilith kept him around. He approached Jolie's table and the two greeted each other warmly.

    "This is Elena," Jolie introduced the succubus who was sitting at the table with her. "I believe you haven't had the pleasure."

    "No," Erik confirmed. "I would certainly remember that." He took Elena's hand and kissed the back of it. Elena giggled flattered by so much old-fashioned gallantry and gave Aya a look that seemed to ask only one thing: may I?

    Aya nodded at her encouragingly. She didn't mind if Elena took care of the guy. She had seemed a bit out of sorts all morning and should have a little fun, too.

    The blonde succubus' expression took on a sly look as she turned back to Erik and said, "You're welcome to call me Mistress."

    "I…I…" he stammered in anguish. It was clear that he was trying to resist, even if he only partially succeeded. Aya and Katrin stood up and pushed the giant with gentle pressure towards the restrooms. Even if he was unable to fight back at the moment, he would not give them any information in this condition. Elena disappeared with him into the men's room and asked Aya to make sure that no one disturbed them.

    While Jolie continued to enjoy her coffee unfazed, Rahel joined them and inquired what was going on.

    "My partner is going to break Lilith's influence and make our target accept her as the new mistress," Aya explained.

    "How long will that take?"

    "Hard to say. Depends on how strong the other succubus is and when she last saw him. Our control fades over time if we don't renew it regularly"

    "And how exactly is she going to do that?", the angel demanded to know.

    Aya shrugged. "She'll probably give him a blowjob."

    Rahel grimaced in disgust. "Why did I even ask?"

    Five minutes passed, then ten, and Aya began to feel nervous. She resisted the urge to check on her partner. She couldn't really help and just had to trust in Elena's skills. She also had to make sure that no one used the restroom for the moment.

    After fifteen minutes, an exhausted but satisfied looking Elena left the restroom, followed by her new and even more satisfied looking slave.

    "She's coming," Elena reported excitedly. "Tonight Lilith is coming to Berlin!"

    Chapter 6 – Change of Plans

    As they learned from Erik, who was now completely under Elena's spell, Lilith would be attending a charity gala that evening at the Nolda Hotel located right at the city center. A stroke of luck, because as it turned out, he otherwise mainly dealt with legal matters for his former mistress and occasionally delivered messages on her behalf. He was not privy to her plans and when he met her in person, it was usually because she wanted to have fun with him, as was planned for tonight.

    "This is a unique opportunity!" Katrin cheered when they got back to the detective agency. "Not only can we gather information about her, we can arrest her right on the spot!"

    "Are you just going to rush in there," Aya asked doubtfully, "with no plan and guns blazing?"

    "We don't need a plan," Katrin dismissed her concerns. "We have a succubus!"

    It was a little strange for Aya to be the voice of caution. She had a bad feeling about this, but Katrin's eagerness for action was contagious, and she had good arguments: The gala would be attended by some of the most influential men in the city and even some representatives of the federal government. It was quite possible that Lilith had her sights set on one or more of them. While the ancient succubus wouldn't be able to force them all under her spell - trying to control more than a dozen at a time would give Aya a headache - she could still do some damage if they didn't stop her. Thus, after a moment's hesitation, Aya gave in: she would attend the gala with her.

    A succubus could not hide her true nature from another of her kind. Aya would identify Lilith beyond doubt and as soon as the opportunity arose, Katrin would arrest her. Of course, Erik gave them a visual description, but they had to make sure.

    "Wait a minute!" protested Elena. "You said the next time we go up against a hot criminal, it's my turn."

    Aya bit her lip in shame. That was true, but she hadn't expected this criminal to be a dangerous, millennia-old demoness.

    "I know," she replied, "but this is too important. Besides, you need to get on with interrogating Erik. Any piece of information could be valuable."

    Elena made an aggrieved face. Aya hoped she wasn't too upset about it. And while she doubted her partner would get a whole lot of useful information from the lawyer, it was better than sending her off with Katrin. She had hoped that all would be well between them after Elena had kept her end of the bargain, but she could still sense some friction between the two women. For better or worse, she would have to deal with that later. Right now she needed to make sure they finished the job successfully. If only to convince the Cherubim High Command that not all Succubi were evil.

    But her decision was also met with disapproval from other quarters. "It was obvious that you would chicken out of our agreement," Jolie commented condescendingly.

    "I'm not chickening out!" Aya made clear. "Postponed is not canceled. You're due later tonight."

    Jolie acted distinctly unimpressed. "Promises, promises…"

    After a brief discussion, they came to the agreement that Rahel would rent a hotel room somewhere and wait for them there with Jolie. As they still had a few hours until the gala began, Aya and Katrin did what any sensible woman would do in their situation: they went shopping.

    If they wanted to attend a high society event, they had to dress accordingly to blend in. And in this case, that meant they had to stand out. Although Aya had an ample collection of cocktail dresses, each one shorter than the next, with Katrin offering to charge their undercover disguises as expenses, the opportunity was too good to pass up.

    And so they tried on the most elegant and daring dresses they could find, while devouring each other with hungry eyes. In the end, Aya opted for a short black velvet dress that was cut almost to the navel. She had a feather boa that would go perfectly with it. Katrin chose a cream-colored dress that showed a lot of skin on the back but was otherwise modest in comparison.

    "That's on purpose," the angel explained. "Lilith should be fully focused on you and preferably not notice me at all before it's too late."

    "So I'm playing bait?" Aya asked, pulling a pout.

    "Well, you can't hide your presence from her anyway, just as vice versa," Katrin explained her plan. "We might as well use that to our advantage. You have to somehow get her to a place with no people around where we can apprehend her without causing a stir. Can you pull that off?"

    Aya gave a sly grin. "That shouldn't be a problem. When two succubi meet, they don't do small talk for long. They go down to business and neither of them wants any spectators."

    Katrin nodded with approval. "And then I'll enter the scene and arrest her. We'll be back home for the evening program, if you know what I mean."

    Both of them giggled in anticipation.

    During the early evening, they arrived at the Nolda Hotel, where the gala was to take place. It was a time-honored six-story building from the early twentieth century. Like most of the others, it had been destroyed during the Second World War but was subsequently rebuilt true to the original with funds from an anonymous donor. The interior was baroque and opulent, the prices were staggeringly high.

    They had no invitations, but Aya easily persuaded the male concierge to put them on the guest list. They were early, but snacks and appetizers were already being served in the foyer.

    From a conveniently located bar table, they watched as the foyer gradually filled up. A host of rich and famous men arrived, along with their trophy wives, including a few who were dressed as revealingly as Aya and Katrin and could very well compete with them in terms of looks. If Lilith was after one of their men, they would still have no chance of keeping him. It would be an unequal contest.

    They didn't have to wait long before a woman entered the foyer whose beauty and sex appeal stood out even in this crowd. She wore a shiny black latex skirt and a tightly laced corset made of the same material, which struggled to contain her massive, heaving breasts. The dominatrix look was completed by thigh-high boots with dangerously high heels. Her most striking feature, however, was her impossibly long and voluminous hair of a dark burgundy color. Aya wondered if it was dyed but thought it unlikely. Where she had been summoned, women with this rare shade had been called desert roses.

    The stunning woman turned heads wherever she went. Sleeve-like tattoos on both arms, showing intricate, foreign patterns, gave first hints of her demonic nature, but they were not needed. Aya could sense her aura even from a distance. It was a tingling feeling that put her on alert as well as it aroused her. When two predators met, it was fight or flight. And Aya had no intention of fleeing.

    "Is it her?" Katrin wanted to know, having also noticed Lilith's arrival and staring open-mouthed at the other succubus.

    "Most definitely."

    "Wow," the angel had to admit. "I don't say this often, but I'm impressed. Are you sure you can handle her?"

    "Wait and see," Aya promised. She adjusted her black feather boa once more and checked that her dress was in place. "How do I look?"

    "Hot enough to keep the city free of snow in winter."

    Aya grinned with satisfaction and strutted off, swaying her hips. She wore the highest heels she could find and felt incredibly sexy as she approached her target. She also wore the collar with the little camera again so that Katrin could see everything on her phone.

    "Do you have a clear view?" she whispered into the hidden microphone.

    "Affirmative," the angel answered over the radio, "lure her out of the crowd, I'll follow you."

    Aya's hunting instinct was now fully awakened. Succubi were very territorial and this burgundy bitch was an intruder in her realm. An intruder who she would confront and rout.

    On the last few meters, she called herself to order. She was here for a reason and whatever she imagined she would do to her demonic counterpart once they were alone, it wasn't going to happen.

    The moment they met head-to-head, time seemed to freeze. When two equally beautiful women met, immortal beings or not, they always compared themselves to each other and oftentimes forgot everything else around them for the moment. The only important questions were who had the more tempting lips, who had the fuller breasts, who had the longer legs and who had the tighter ass. Whose looks were superior and who had to bow down to the other accordingly.

    Between two succubi, such encounters were even more intense. They were demons of lust, they defined themselves by their sexiness. Any challenge to it could easily lead to a highly sensual but ultimately lethal battle between them.

    Lilith noticed Aya immediately as she stepped out of the crowd. Striking amber eyes, accentuated with deep dark eyeliner gazed over every part of the dark-haired succubus' sexy body. Aya did the same and examined the other demoness up close for the first time. From just a meter away, she looked even more impressive, even more majestic. She had olive skin as well, just a tad lighter than her own. Her lips and fingernails were dyed purple, which harmonized perfectly with her hair color. She was a queen through and through, but there could only ever be one queen…

    Both of them instinctively put their hands on their hips and straightened their backs. They were both the same height, wearing equally high heels. Lilith's breasts, pushed up by the corset, looked like huge, juicy melons. It was hard to tell how big they really were, but Aya thought it possible that the other woman had a few centimeters more girth than she did. All in all she looked a little curvier than her with a few extra pounds in all the right places.

    If Lilith was surprised to find another of her kin here, she didn't let on.

    "Well, look at that," she remarked in a low, sensual voice. "They seem to let anyone in here. Did you get that dress from a second-hand store?"

    Aya grinned maliciously. She loved these games. "I think you got the house number wrong," she replied. "The brothel is two blocks down the street."

    Although they hadn't spoken aloud, they naturally attracted a lot of attention just by their appearance. Lilith approached her so closely that they were almost touching before she whispered in her ear: "If you know what's good for you, turn around and run. You're clearly outclassed."

    "This is my city," Aya replied just as quietly. "And I'm afraid it's not big enough for the two of us."

    "Oh, at least we agree on that point. How about we discuss it in my suite? It's only a short elevator ride away."

    "An excellent proposal," Aya agreed and followed Lilith, who led the way to the elevator. The redhead's ass wiggled seductively and seemed to beg Aya to grab ans spank it. She wondered what it looked like under that tight latex skirt and whether it could keep up with hers or Elena's. She guessed it could. Almost, at least.

    "Well done," Katrin praised in Aya's ear. "I bet this bitch is already really horny."

    That was probably true. The problem was that it was just as true for Aya. Moisture was starting to build up between her legs. Her pussy wanted nothing more at the moment than to pounce on Lilith's twat and prove her dominance. She had to focus!

    They entered the elevator one after the other. As soon as the door closed behind them, Lilith turned to her and pushed her against the wall. Their powerful tits collided, their legs rubbed against each other as they wrestled for the better stance. Their faces were suddenly very close together, the lush, slightly parted purple lips of the redheaded succubus only inches away from hers, her intense feminine scent filling Aya's nostrils. Taken by surprise, she growled menacingly, but did not fight back for now. The other demoness was stronger than she looked, and with her back to the wall, Aya had little leverage in her stilettos.

    She felt Lilith's left hand stroking her velvet dress and slowly moving down her hip towards her crotch as they stared into each other's eyes. She did the same and the latex fabric squeaked softly as she ran her fingers along it. Lilith grinned with amusement as they grabbed each other's crotches. Aya noticed with satisfaction that Lilith's thong was just as wet as hers.

    "This is going to be an interesting conversation," the ancient succubus mused. "I guess our pussies will do most of the talking."

    "My powerful pussy certainly has a lot to say to your feeble snatch," Aya promised. At that moment, the elevator stopped on the sixth floor and they disengaged from each other. As they got out, she made sure her camera caught the display panel so that Katrin could follow them easily.

    They walked down the corridor and entered Lilith's spacious suite. The interior was again baroque and luxurious, the ceiling three meters or more above their heads, with a soft Persian carpet covering most of the floor. Lilith placed her handbag on a dresser and went straight to the impressive canopy bed. She crawled onto it on all fours without taking off her boots and looked over her shoulder to see if Aya was following her.

    "I'm at the elevator," Katrin announced, "stall her a little longer."

    Aya grinned. She would do so with the greatest pleasure. Seducing her target and luring her away from the gala had been even easier than she had expected. Now she just had to keep the wriggling fish on the hook for a while.

    She also put down her handbag, stepped up to the bed and gracefully slipped out of her dress. She wasn't wearing a bra underneath and proudly presented her magnificent breasts, between which she provocatively rubbed her feather boa back and forth. Her long, stiff nipples pointed forward challengingly. Lilith licked her lips in anticipation.

    "So your tits want to be part of the conversation too," she concluded. "I think they should have a chat with mine. If they are brave enough, that is."

    She sat down on the opposite edge of the bed with her back to Aya. "Why don't you be a good girl and help me with the laces?"

    Aya crawled onto the bed and began to unlace the lascivious redhead's corset with nimble fingers. She'd be damned if she didn't at least take a look at Lilith's knockers before Katrin arrived. She absolutely had to know if they were really as big as they looked. She noticed a rolled-up whip on the bedside table. The other succubus obviously had very particular preferences.

    When she had finished, Lilith slipped the garment off and dropped it on the floor. Aya reached around her to grab her breasts, but the redhead suddenly stood up and moved a few steps away.

    "It would be rude," she reprimanded the surprised raven, "to start without your little brunette companion."

    Aya flinched in alarm. At the same moment, Katrin called over the radio: "Almost there. Wait, something's not right…"

    The last thing she heard was an indignant exclamation from the angel, then the connection was cut.

    "What does that mean?" Aya demanded to know and jumped off the bed. At least she tried to. In reality, however, she crashed into an invisible barrier and recoiled backwards between the pillows.

    Lilith turned around to face her and wagged her index finger. "I've drawn a banishing circle around the bed," she revealed, "under the carpet. You can enter it at any time, but you can't leave it without permission."

    Damn, her tits were huge! Perfectly rounded and almost unaffected by gravity, they rested on her chest, crowned by erect dark pink nipples. It was only with a second thought that Aya processed what she had just heard. A banishing circle? Apparently Lilith had occult skills that went far beyond her natural abilities. It seemed she had blindly fallen into her ancient adversary's trap.

    The door to the suite swung open and Katrin was roughly shoved in by a beefy thug who could have come straight out of a mail-order catalog for bodyguards.

    Aya immediately tried to invade the man's mind, but her magical probes failed to penetrate the banishing circle. Well, that was its purpose after all: to render demons harmless.

    "Careful!" Aya called out to her. "It's a trap. She's holding me captive with a spell."

    The angel took in the situation with a quick glance. Her eyes also lingered a little longer than necessary on Lilith's naked breasts, but considering the seriousness of the situation, she remained surprisingly calm.

    "What have you done to her, Lilith?" she demanded to know from the voluptuous demoness.

    "Nothing yet. But I'm going to have a lot of fun with her later." Lilith demonstratively took the whip from the bedside table.

    "You will keep your filthy paws off my girlfriend!" Katrin growled. With a strength that surprised even Aya, she rammed her elbow into the stomach of the bodyguard standing behind her. White-feathered wings shot out from her back. With a flap of those wings she launched herself into a high spinning kick and hit him on the head. The man staggered backwards against the wall and sank to the floor, knocked out. Choosing a backless dress had proven to be a wise choice. Katrin landed gracefully and stretched out her right arm. Flames suddenly engulfed her fist, condensing into a burning sword.

    To Aya, the gorgeous brunette had never looked more beautiful and dangerous than she did now, her hair slightly messy and the orange flames of her conjured sword reflecting in her eyes. More of an avenging angel than a guardian angel. Had she just called the captive succubus her girlfriend? Aya was damn proud to have conquered the heart of such a fantastic woman, but now it was time to slow her down a little.

    "Remember," she reminded her, "no decapitations."

    "Don't worry, I won't cut off anything that doesn't regenerate," Katrin promised.

    Lilith, however, did not seem intimidated at all. Rather slightly amused. With a swift movement, she cracked her whip. The leather strap wrapped itself around Katrin's weapon arm. The succubus uttered a single word in an unknown language and purple flames engulfed it up to the shoulder. The angel let out a shocked cry of pain and the sword in her hand faded from existence. Almost as if hit by a taser, she sank to her knees, her beautiful wings disappearing into thin air. Aya opened her mouth in terror.

    "Since you know my name," Lilith sneered, "you should also know who you're dealing with. I've had five thousand years to study every art there is, including magic and martial arts." She took a few steps towards the kneeling Katrin, who was struggling in agony to free her arm from the whip. "And yet it was child's play to lure you two from the gala and subdue you."

    Katrin, however, did not concede defeat yet. Somehow she managed to free her arm and immediately threw herself at Lilith with a battle cry. She managed to pull her to the floor with her and suddenly they were both rolling across the carpet, wrestling with each other. It was like watching an Mixed martial arts fight, except that both fighters were wearing high heels and there was a lot more scratching and hair pulling. After just a few moments, Katri'n cream-colored dress was hanging in tatters. Both snarled and growled at each other like savage animals.

    "Slut!" Katrin exclaimed. "I'll ruin you!"

    "Whore," Lilith screeched angrily. "You will obey me."

    Aya had been in a few hot cat fights herself, but was still amazed at the intensity with which the two women went at each other. The fight slowed a little when the succubus came to rest in the top position, wrapping her powerful thighs around the angel's waist. Toned muscles tensed as they tried to control each other's arms. Lilith was finally successful and pinned Katrin to the carpet. With a sadistic grin, she lowered her mighty bosom onto the face of the defiant woman beneath her.

    "Trouble breathing?" she sneered, moving her heavy globes back and forth with relish while simultaneously increasing the pressure from her thighs. Katrin's resistance flared up once more, only to finally fade for good. When Lilith stood up, the angel was breathing slowly and had her eyes closed. In a triumphant gesture, the victorious succubus planted her stiletto boot between her unconscious opponent's breasts. She was breathing heavily and a thin layer of sweat covered her naked upper body, but apart from that she seemed to have enjoyed the brief brawl. With horror, Aya faced the realization that both their lives were now in the hands of this indomitable goddess.

    Continue with Chapters 7+8 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    Our heroines seem to have severly underestimated their enemy. How will they get out of this? Let me know what you think!
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 12th, 2023 at 07:56 AM. Reason: added forward link

  2. #2
    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

    I’m getting some Maggie and Amber vibes from the tone of this story and jealousy between many of the girls. Lilith also reminds me of La Malvada from my own works. Can’t wait for more

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

    Yes, the jealousy levels are indeed pretty high right now. I'm glad that at least one person seems to enjoy the story so far . Don't hold back with comments and criticism!

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