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Thread: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

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    Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    Here it is: prepare for shocking revelations and pages full of hot action in these final two chapters!

    Read parts 1+2 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 1+2
    Read parts 3+4 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 3+4
    Read parts 5+6 here: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 5+6

    Chapter 7 – From the Shadows

    Lilith beckoned to the bodyguard, who had meanwhile regained his senses, and ordered him to take the unconscious Katrin to the basement of the hotel and chain her up there. The man threw her over his shoulder and took her away.

    "What are you planning to do with her?" Aya demanded to know, trying to sound determined and not let her concern show too clearly.

    The ancient succubus stepped closer to the canopy bed and looked at Aya like a cat would look at a trapped mouse.

    "Oh, there's so much I could do with the life force of an angel," she mused. "Have you ever tasted it? Of course you have," she deduced from Aya's expression. "It's quite overwhelming the first time, but if you savor it very carefully, like a spicy food, you can get used to it and feed on it almost forever. Almost. At some point, these angels just lose the will to live." She grinned sadistically.

    "If you lay one finger on her…" Aya threatened.

    "Then what? Did you two really think you could just march into my hotel and kidnap me? I thought you were smarter than that, Aya."

    "You know my name?" She had never mentioned it to her captor and neither had Katrin. She had a feeling that Lilith had been more than one step ahead of them the whole time.

    "I know all about you," confirmed the other. "I know that you work as a private investigator and try to help other people. Every succubus goes through this phase at some point if she lives long enough. But it's just a phase. They won't appreciate it. Have you ever heard of the purple rose of Ur?"

    Aya denied, unsure where the conversation was heading.

    "That's what the ancient Sumerians called me. A benevolent goddess who protected her city from all harm." She sighed. "A long-forgotten legend. Everyone remembers Sodom and Gomorrah, though. Because some fool wrote a book about it and despite the fact that I didn't even destroy the cities. I only freed the inhabitants from the shackles of their hypocritical morals. Believe me, you're wasting your time with these mortals."

    Aya shook her head defiantly. "You don't know anything about me. I'm nothing like you."

    "Sweetheart, I've been watching you from the shadows ever since you burned down my convent. Who do you think told Jolie de Lac the name of the only witch who was able to produce her drug?"

    She smiled when Aya's eyes went wide in disbelief. "Yes, her goals and mine aligned. So I provided her with what she needed to progress them. Until you stopped her. When she surprisingly contacted Erik today, I knew you would show up here before long."

    "The Convent of the Purple Rose," it began to dawn on Aya. "The nuns were worshiping you!"

    Lilith gave an affirmative nod. "The abbess was one of my most eager students at the time. I told her to break your will in order to test you. Unfortunately, you failed. Or so I thought. In fact, you impressed me afterwards. Most succubi never learn to control their hunger before they lose their pretty little heads to a self-righteous guardian angel."

    "To test me?" Aya found it hard to believe what she was hearing. "Why?"

    "To determine if you make a worthy rival. Immortality makes lonesome, you know. No mortal even comes close to me. But every now and then I ran into one of our kind who had potential. I think you're one of them, and I wanted to give you a few centuries to grow. But lately you've been meddling in my affairs a little too often, so I had to act."

    "Too often?" Aya was confused. Sure, she stopped Jolie but what else was the other woman referring to?

    Lilith wagged her finger in front of her reproachfully. "I had ordered three young, beautiful women whose life force I could sacrifice for the ritual I have planned for tonight. But as I found out, my supplier got caught by the most famous private investigators in town. I'm afraid your angel friend will now have to make up for it and take their place. Well, I'm in a bit of a hurry, a blood moon doesn't come around that often and I purchased and rebuilt this house for exactly this purpose. We'll talk later, I have to show my face at the gala."

    In Aya's head, everything began to fall into place. P. R. - the initials of the mysterious buyer stood for Purple Rose. The blood moon - according to Ramona, it was tonight! Just like the gala! That couldn't be a coincidence. And now this cunning bitch wanted to sacrifice Katrin in some horrible ritual. She couldn't let that happen!

    "Wait!" she urged Lilith, who was already bending over for her corset. When she looked up, Aya was stretching lasciviously on the bed, her naked breasts and womanly hips on full display. "The gala goes on all night. Are you really going to leave me like this?"

    Lilith giggled arrogantly. "I know what you're up to. You think you can overpower me sexually, drain me of my life force and then force me to release you."

    Aya smirked. "Are you afraid I might succeed?"

    She could see the lust flaring up again in the other succubus' eyes. "I think I might have a little fun with you before I go back downstairs," she announced as she entered the banishing circle.

    Hypnotized, Aya watched as the busty redhead wriggled out of her skirt. She was wearing a skimpy purple thong underneath. She really seemed to fancy that color.

    "You're looking for a worthy rival?" asked Aya challengingly. "You've found one."

    "You're nothing but a little girl compared to me," Lilith replied haughtily and crawled over to her on the bed, still wearing her boots. Aya tried to sit up, but the other succubus pushed her down and straddled her. With a mischievous smile, she added, "I'll show you what a mature woman is capable of."

    Lilith threw back her hair and stretched her body. Her naked breasts swayed seductively back and forth. They looked truly majestic from below, like impregnable fortresses of femininity. The ancient demoness certainly was aware of the intimidating effect they had, and she might have been successful with other rivals, but Aya was fully determined to conquer them. Just like Lilith's pussy and every other part of her sinful body. She had to if she wanted to save Katrin. In a violent confrontation, she would be at a disadvantage, and even if she did gain the upper hand, her opponent could easily retreat from the banishing circle. But no succubus would run away from a sex fight.

    "Mature?" Aya teased back. "More like old and complacent. Every queen only reigns until she is trumped by a younger, hotter contender."

    Luring Lilith into a contest of sexual prowess was one thing, beating her at it was another story entirely. Aya didn't dare to imagine how many proud women she had dominated over the course of millennia, how many exquisite pussies she had tamed and subdued. It was a time span that seemed infinite even to her. Nevertheless, she was confident that she could take her on. In the months with Elena, she had learned an awful lot about what it meant to compete with others of her kin.

    Reaching out with her arms, Aya placed her hands on Lilith's hips. Slowly, scratching her soft skin gently with her fingernails, she moved her hands up the magnificent body of her adversary. She was rewarded with a deep, lustful moan. Just before she could reach the juicy pair of boobs hanging so temptingly above her, Lilith grabbed her by the wrists. Instead of pushing her hands to the side, however, she guided them directly to her fleshy globes.

    Aya wasted no time, but immediately began to feel them out and knead them tenderly. They weighed heavily in her hand and were definitely a little bigger than her own impressive breasts, she was now certain. All the more she marveled at their undeniable firmness.

    Lilith looked down at her with a cocky smile. "Tell me, have you ever encountered such perfect female breasts? I bet you haven't."

    "They're not bad," Aya played it down. "Pretty similar to Jolie's. And I outfucked that woman."

    The redhead on top of her giggled in amusement. "Jolie is nothing but a talented amateur compared to me. Let me show you."

    She let go of Aya's hands and now reached for the milk bags of the succubus lying beneath her. She began to fondle them with incredible dexterity.

    "Hmm, yours aren't too bad either," she praised. "I bet they're real champions in their weight class. And look at those perky little nipples."

    She took Aya's stiff brown nipples between her thumb and forefinger and began to twist and rub them, something Aya had not dared to do so far. A sharp gasp escaped the Arabian beauty's throat and she immediately retaliated in kind. The dark pink rods between her fingers were thick, long and stiff. The total package.

    "Oh yes, that's it," Lilith cooed. "Do them harder, you won't break anything, little girl."

    Aya moaned again and gritted her teeth in frustration. She had assumed she had a slight advantage over her opponent, but Lilith's nipple stimulation alone was enough to ignite an ever-increasing fire in her pussy. She had to get those hands off her breasts somehow. Deciding to take the experienced demoness at her word, she squeezed her boobies extra hard.

    "Argh!" Lilith cried out. "Looks like I've got a real hellcat on my hands. Time to tame you."

    As planned, she let go of Aya's breasts to free her own from the sexy raven's clutches. Their fingers entwined and for a moment they were interlocked in a test of strength. Lilith managed to spread Aya's arms, who allowed her hands to be pressed on the bed. This meant Lilith had to lower her upper body onto her and so their breasts collided for the first time without any protective fabric between them.

    They both moaned with pleasure. The redhead's heavy round boobs descended like bowling balls onto Aya's bulging pillows. Both pairs compressed a bit without either being able to crush the other completely.

    You got this, Aya encouraged her girls. Don't let this flabby bags bully you around. Meanwhile, her stiff, brown shafts sent out pulses of pleasure as they dug into the tender female flesh above them like spearheads. Only seconds later, they ignited a true firestorm of ecstasy as Lilith slid into position and they were suddenly confronted by their pink counterparts.

    A cruel smile appeared on Lilith's face. Her burgundy hair fell down around Aya's head, the intense scent she exuded threatened to intoxicate her.

    "What were your girls going to say to mine?" the succubus on top of her sneered.

    Aya had jumped from the frying pan into the fire. She could feel Lilith's nipples slowly gaining the upper hand and beginning to bend hers. They were so thick and hard, it was unbelievable. But her brave little soldiers had not yet surrendered. She adjusted her position slightly and thrust from a more advantageous angle. Now it suddenly was her rival's sensitive milk buds that were struggling to hold out.

    "They just wanted to show them how much sexier strong brown nipples are compared to weak pink ones."

    "How about I show you another pink thing?" Lilith asked menacingly, lowering her mouth to Aya's.

    The purple lips of the ravenous succubus pressed against her dark red ones like suction cups. Aya was in awe of how full and soft and juicy they were. The tip of her tongue immediately shot out to meet Lilith's pink muscle which was vehemently demanding entrance into her oral cavity. For a brief moment they fenced with each other and she was confident she could hold the intruder at bay or even drive it back. Then Lilith's incredibly long and agile tongue somehow wrapped itself around hers and pushed through.

    The battle raged on deep in Aya's mouth as their taste organs wrestled with each other like two angry constrictor snakes. Aya freed her hands and clawed her left into her opponent's red hair to relieve some pressure. Her right grabbed Lilith's phenomenal ass to cause a bit of distraction, but to no avail. Lilith grabbed her by the hair as well and playfully squeezed the back of her thigh in return. They both let out muffled moans, but there was no question that Lilith dominated their kiss almost from the get-go. Aya was forced to swallow a lot of saliva and when the redheaded succubus finally released her mouth with a loud smack and sat up, a shiny string of spit lingered between her lips.

    Aya struggled for breath while her captor looked down at her in derision. Never before had she experienced such a demanding and assertive kiss. She really had to fight the urge to surrender to Lilith here and now without resistance, to let herself be taken by this gorgeous queen like a willing whore.

    "Had enough?" Lilith teased her.

    "Hardly," Aya spat back. "I will fuck you until you release me and Katrin or I have devoured the last bit of your carnal energies.

    "Neither will happen," Lilith assured her with a mischievous grin. "I'm doing you a favor, believe me. A succubus and a cherub, doesn't work in the long run. Trust me. At least this way her life still serves a purpose."

    "What kind of twisted ritual do you have planned for her?", Aya tried to keep the conversation going. Even though they had barely started, she could really use a short break now to cool off a bit.

    "Just a little spell to permanently remove the moral inhibitions of everyone attending the gala. That was the original plan at least. However, fed by the life force of an angel, the effect should probably extend to the whole city.

    "You're creating a second Sodom?"

    Lilith nodded triumphantly. "I'm curious to see if your friends at the High Command have the guts to respond the same way they did back then. Don't you?"

    Aya looked up at her in shock. She couldn't believe that the cherubim would destroy a city of millions like Berlin, but even if they didn't, the spell would turn the city into a real hellhole. Although some believed that Berlin already was, this would be on a whole new level.

    "Why?" she breathed.

    "You ask a lot of questions, for someone who wanted to let her pussy do the talking," Lilith said instead of giving an answer. With that, she slid back down a bit and hooked her fingers into Aya's garter belt. "Let's see what it has to say."

    Propping herself up on her elbows, Aya watched as the other succubus removed the garment and then slowly pulled her thong down her legs. She examined the raven's exposed cunt with interest. "Oh yes, that naughty little cunt seems almost ready to explode with words."

    Aya gritted her teeth at the pointed remark. Her pussy really was almost ready to explode. The mere thought of what it would feel like if Lilith lowered her full lips onto her now and used her masterful tongue, which had conquered her mouth so easily, on it, made her shudder. But luckily for her, the experienced demoness had other things on her mind. After removing Aya's thong, she rose up on her knees with her legs apart, undid two ribbons on her own thong and slipped it off without having to pull it over her boots. Then she presented her glistening wet twat to her challenger in all its glory.

    "That's what a real woman's pussy looks like."

    A soft hiss escaped Aya involuntarily as she took in the womanhood of her adversary. It seemed that Lilith's lower lips were just as full and luscious as her upper ones. To her surprise, she was not completely shaved, but had left a small patch just above her slit which was perfectly trimmed in the shape of a rose blossom. Aya was determined to pick this flower.

    "Come here," she beckoned Lilith towards her. "Then my pussy will show your snatch who's in charge."

    "With pleasure."

    No further words were necessary. As if it were the most natural thing in the world, they interlocked their legs and scissored each other. They both inhaled sharply as their crotches met. Instinctively, they began a rubbing motion. Neither had a positional advantage, both were on equal footing.

    "Oh yes, that's it," Lilith moaned as their lower lips kissed with a smack. "Rub me harder, little girl. Impress me."

    "Try to keep up, old hag," Aya gasped in return. "As long as you can, at least. Oh fuck, yeah! Just like that!"

    Despite her feigned confidence, she could feel her orgasm approaching with every thrust of her hips. She resisted as best she could, but this red-haired she-devil was just too sexy, too skilled to hold off much longer. Her only hope was that Lilith felt the same way. She showed all the signs of a building climax. Her quickening breath, her glazed eyes… she even began to caress her left breast with her hand. If Aya managed to push the ancient succubus over the edge first, she might be able to drain enough of her life force to prevent her from retaliating. Desperately, she quickened the rhythm of her hip thrusts. Her clit emerged from its hood eager to join the fray. It could sense the presence of its rival close by but due to their angle they did not meet yet.

    "Fuck me clit to clit bitch!" Aya demanded in a guttural voice. If she wanted to win this battle, she had to force a decision and nothing was better suited for this than a duel between their most sensitive organs.

    "Yes," Lilith agreed. "That's just what we're about to do."

    The red-haired succubus readjusted its position and spread Aya's legs outwards. Then she mounted her. When their pulsating clits met head-on and began to slide along the entire length of each other, the explosion of pure sexual pleasure almost made Aya lose her mind.

    She shrieked with pleasure and immediately bit her lip.I have to make it. For Katrin!

    Sensually their engorged sex-organs fenced with each other, trying to bend their respective counterpart and push it back into its hideout. Lilith's clit was just as powerful and magnificent as any other part of her perfect body, yet Aya's ultimate weapon stood proud and defiant against it giving as good as it got. But either way, a decisive conclusion was inevitable.

    Lilith must have thought along the same lines. Almost simultaneously, they changed into their demon form. Horns began to grow, bat-like wings unfurled on their backs. In Lilith's case, they were of a majestic purple. And while Aya's horns - like Elena's - were short and stubby, Lilith's were long and curved, like those of an ibex.

    "Playtime is over," Lilith stated with a mischievous smile. Somehow she seemed to have regained her composure and no longer showed any signs that her orgasm was imminent. Did she play a trick on her to lure her out of reserve? Aya couldn't tell, she was too busy riding the waves of pleasure Lilith was sending through her body. The red-haired nympho pressed her hungry pussy down onto Aya's fusing their inner labia and creating a veritable suction. Aya felt as if her own sex organ was going to be turned inside out at any moment, every hump eliciting higher and higher pitched moans from her.

    "Can you feel it?" sneered Lilith. "Can you feel my superior pussy taking complete control? Let this be a lesson to you: no matter how good you think you are, there's always someone better. And that someone is me."

    Lilith finished Aya off by ramming her demonic tail into her unsuspecting anus. The outclassed raven still tried to fend it off with its own, as she had practiced with Elena, but the flexible organ proved too strong and nimble.

    "Oh god!" Aya screamed, "you fucking, arrogant cunt! You dirty tramp! I'm about to come! FUCK YES!"

    Her pussy exploded like a volcano with an earth-shattering climax and pumped a stream of hot pussy juice into her opponent's victorious cunt. At the same time, she felt Lilith digging her magical fangs into her and feeding on her. It was the greatest humiliation for a succubus to become the helpless prey of another, more dominant predator higher up the food chain, to feel her own womanhood being devoured by a stronger rivaling womanhood.

    Lilith didn't just take a small taste, as she and Elena used to do in their sparring sessions. She devoured a large chunk. But, to Aya's relief, she let go before it became life-threatening for her.

    The victorious succubus let out a deep, satisfied sigh and carefully detached her pussy from Aya's. A movement that almost gave her a second orgasm and made her weakly moan in pleasure.

    "That was fun, sweetheart," Lilith declared as she rose from the bed. Her purple wings folded up and went up in smoke as she stretched her limbs. "Normally I would take my time with you, but I really need to make an appearance at the gala now. Would be a shame if my illustrious guests got bored and left town before the eclipse."

    Looking back over her shoulder she gave Aya a lascivious smile. "Don't run away, we'll continue later. You'll have more than enough opportiunity to worship my superior body. If you’re good at it, I might even let you go and give you another couple of hundred years to improve."

    Without looking back, the winner strutted off, her perfectly rounded butt wiggling. She disappeared into the bathroom, leaving a crushed Aya alone. She felt physically exhausted and empty inside. Her head ached, as if from a hangover caused by the loss of her life force. Worst of all was the feeling of failure. She had not been able to defeat Lilith, thwart her plans and she failed Katrin. The five thousand years old succubus had not even fought unfairly. On the contrary, she had given her every conceivable chance. Aya simply wasn't good enough to beat her.

    The sound of a shower came from the next room, mixed with the occasional soft moan. Lilith undoubtedly celebrated her victory. Aya had to do something! There was still a little time left. If only she could get out of this banishing circle…

    With some effort, she sat up and looked around. Her handbag and therefore her cell phone were out of reach. But there was a landline phone on the bedside table. She reached out for it and hit an invisible obstacle just before she reached it. Damn! She was about to give up when an idea came to her. Her feather boa was still lying between the pillows. She took it, made a kind of loop out of it and tested whether she could use it to pull the phone through the magical barrier towards her. It worked! Casting a nervous glance over her shoulder, she picked up the receiver and dialed the first number she could think of.


    The small store for occult paraphernalia had already closed, but Elena knew that Ramona usually spent an hour or two in her alchemist's kitchen in the back room, preparing potions for the next day. In a gloomy mood, she knocked on the back door, and indeed, the young, red-haired witch opened it shortly afterwards. She was wearing tight, torn jeans and a colorful crocheted cardigan. A fashion disaster that nonetheless somehow suited her. Pleasantly surprised, she invited the succubus in, but her cheerfulness did not spread to Elena.

    The small witch's kitchen was lined with shelves full of bulbous bottles and glittering vials. On a table, numerous colorful liquids bubbled over various hotplates. Ramona really did seem busier than usual.

    "Sorry for the mess," she apologized. "I have to take advantage of the blood moon tonight. These potions will sell like Viagra on a strip night at a retirement home. What can I do for you?"

    "How much of your life sustaining potion do you have in stock?"

    The witch scratched her head in confusion. "Just one vial for emergencies. Why do you ask? Is your supply already used up?"

    "No," Elena denied. "But I'm leaving the city. And I won't be coming back any time soon."

    "What?" Ramona exclaimed in dismay. "But why? Aya and you are partners! You have each other's back! You fight evil together! Like Batman and Robin. Only… you know, sexier."

    "I guess she has a new partner now," Elena replied grumpily. "And I don't want to be the fifth wheel. This whole job wasn't suitable for me anyway."

    Elena had kept to herself for most of her life. She wouldn't miss anyone. Yes, Aya was a hot fuck, but she would find someone else. Let her and Katrin live happily ever after.

    The witch raised her eyebrows in surprise, then it seemed to dawn on her what was going on. "We're not talking just about work, are we?"

    "Since Katrin came back, Aya only has eyes for her," Elena blurted out. "As if I wasn't even there. What does she see in this big-nosed, stiff-arsed bitch?"

    Ramona gave her a sympathetic smile. "Katrin is really quite nice when you get to know her, she just needs a little time to warm to someone. And besides you shouldn't worry about her. She's not going to replace you. You and she have completely different roles in Aya's life."

    Now it was Elena's turn to show her confusion. "What do you mean?"

    Ramona replied with a counter question. "Would you want to have sex with only one person in your life?"

    Elena shook her head vigorously. "Of course not, that would be stupid."

    "Exactly. And neither does Aya.As my mother once said," Ramona explained, "A competitive woman needs two things for a fulfilling sex life. A lover and one or more rivals. Between Aya and Katrin, it's love. Well, a bit of rivalry too, but mostly love." She stretched out an imaginary scale with her hands. "About eighty percent. With you it's the other way around. You're her perfect rival."

    "You just said I was her partner," Elena expressed her doubts.

    "That doesn't matter!" Ramona explained excitedly. "Most rivalries arise in the workplace. And that's a good thing. Your mutual jealousy ensures that you both give your best."

    "Aya is jealous of me?"

    "You bet!" the witch affirmed eagerly. "Do you have any idea how she plagued me for the last few months, with Elena this, Elena that? She even asked me which of you had the better ass in my opinion."

    "What did you answer?" Elena inquired, trying to make the question sound casual.

    "That I would have to examine yours up close first," the witch replied, leaning forward and reaching out with her hand. "May I?"

    "Not now." Elena playfully brushed her aside with a smirk. Her mood had already improved considerably. She was a damn better rival for Aya than Katrin or anyone else would ever be.

    "Alright, smart-ass," she retorted, "then what are you to her?"

    "Her best friend, I guess." Ramona shrugged her shoulders. "With occasional benefits."

    At that moment, her phone rang. "Speak of the devil," the witch muttered after glancing at the display. When she answered the call, her face froze almost immediately.

    "Yes, she happens to be with me right now," she stammered. And after a short pause: " We're on our way."

    Chapter 8 – Blood Moon

    Aya sat up in bed as Elena and Ramona rushed into the suite. Lilith had gone downstairs a while ago and left her alone. Not that much time could have passed but it had felt like an eternity of shame.

    "Careful," she warned her friends. "There's a banishing circle under the carpet.

    Elena stayed behind at the door as a precaution, but Ramona hurried to her side undeterred. As an ordinary human, she had nothing to fear after all.

    "Aya, you're alive!" she exclaimed happily, hugging the naked succubus with relief. When she detached herself again, she added. "But you look terrible. Like you've been gang-banged by a drunken rugby team wearing sumo wrestling costumes."

    "That was Lilith," Aya replied thin-lipped, looking down at the floor in shame. "Are you able to break the circle?"

    "We'll see in a moment," the witch announced and opened a bag she had brought with her. "I've got vinegar in case she used pig's blood and oven cleaner in case it was bone ash."

    She stepped back a little and lifted the Persian rug. "Oh, chalk. The timeless classic. A damp cloth will do. This place needs a cleaning anyway, to be honest. I wouldn't rate this hotel five stars, if you asked me."

    Without further ado, the witch crouched down and began to remove the occult drawings. Elena, who had stepped up behind her, refrained from making any mocking comments. She gave Aya a look that seemed to say she knew exactly how the black-haired succubus was feeling. "How did that bitch get herself out of there?" she asked instead.

    "Probably because she created it herself and knows her stuff," Ramona explained. "Those are some pretty advanced runes. But there we go."

    Both women helped Aya to get to her feet and put on her dress. She felt dizzy and almost twisted her ankle, but Elena supported her in time.

    "She fed on you?" the blonde guessed correctly. Aya nodded weakly. "That bitch. If I catch her…"

    "She's too strong," Aya objected. "We have to get out of here. But first we have to free Katrin. She's held captive in the basement."

    Her partner sighed in resignation. "If we absolutely have to…"

    While leaving, Elena's gaze fell on Lilith's whip. Curious, she picked it up and weighed it in her hand. "Nice toy, I used to have one of those back in the day." Without further ado, she packed the torture tool into her handbag.

    They took the elevator down to the basement and looked around. After a brief search, they discovered a massive armored door that didn't look like it belonged in a hotel. There was no recognizable opening mechanism and even when the three of them braced themselves against it, it wouldn't move a centimeter. The problem was that they were running out of time. The lunar eclipse was imminent. Exhausted, Aya leaned against it with her outstretched arm. The brief exertion had already left her out of breath.

    "What now?" she asked as a series of previously invisible symbols suddenly began to light up on the door.

    "It's a magic seal!" Ramona realized with excitement. "You have to say some kind of password like open sesame."

    Aya thought for a moment. She only had one idea what it could be. Loudly, she spoke, "Purple rose."

    With the piercing squeak of unoiled hinges, the steel door swung open as if by magic.

    "Great," Elena commented. "If anyone's in there, they'll now know we're coming."

    Expecting a dark dungeon or at least a rusty bunker from the Cold War era, Aya was surprised to see how luxuriously furnished the premises on the other side of the door were. A few steps led them down into a large circular room reminiscent of an Imperial-era lounge. Light came from a pompous chandelier. The vaulted concrete ceiling did indeed reveal that this had originally been a bunker, but the walls were paneled with wood and the floor was lined with fluffy carpets and animal furs.

    "Not bad for a villain's hideout," Elena thought. "Still, I think mine had more style."

    With another squeak, the door closed again behind them.

    Several corridors branched off from the central room. The one directly ahead led into a second room, which seemed to be empty except for an altar in the middle, on which a naked woman was lying on her back.

    "Katrin!" Aya recognized her at once and rushed towards her.

    The second room lacked any furnishings. The floor and walls were bare concrete and there was no electric light here either. Instead, a few half-lit candles burned in the corners and a beam of pale moonlight fell directly onto the altar from above. When Aya looked up, she saw a light well, closed far above them by a circular window. The full moon was directly above it and it was slowly beginning to turn a reddish color, starting on one side.

    However, the succubus only had eyes for Katrin, whose naked body was chained to the altar and appeared to be asleep. She was about to hurry to her side and wake her up, but a warning shout from Ramona made her pause: "Don't move!"

    Aya followed Ramona's outstretched index finger and realized with horror that she was standing in the middle of a ritual circle. The floor around her was covered in strange chalk marks and weird geometric symbols.

    "Return to me with caution" Ramona urged her and Aya did as instructed. When it came to magical things, she trusted her friend.

    Elena had now caught up with them. "Is that another banishing circle?" she asked warily.

    Ramona shook her head. "No, it's something else. A huge spell, incredibly complex with many interlocking components. I've never seen anything like it. And it is already in progress, siphoning energy from Katrin. If we remove her without canceling it first in a controlled manner, it could kill her."

    "But you can do it, can't you?" asked Aya. "Like with the banishing circle above. Just wipe it away and you're done."

    The witch shook her head again. " First I have to find out how this spell works. Magic is a universal language. The patterns look familiar, but these symbols seem ancient. I need more time. If I erase the wrong line, it could do more harm than good."

    At that moment, they heard the squeak of the bunker door opening.

    "That's Lilith," Aya was sure.

    "Great timing," Elena snorted. "I'll go and deal with her."

    "Wait," Aya held her back. "She's too powerful. She beat the shit out of Katrin and outfucked me without me being able to force a single orgasm out of her. I'll go and buy us some time."

    The blonde put her hand on the raven's shoulder. "You're in no condition. Make sure Katrin gets out of here alive. I'll finish the job. I bet she's really horny by now and just waiting for someone to finally do her."

    With a look of grim determination on her face, Elena turned around and walked back into the lounge.

    "Damn," Aya whispered when the other succubus had left. "She won't last long. We need to break the spell as quickly as possible. What can I do?"

    "Not much," Ramona admitted as she studied the ritual circle. "Unless you can read Sumerian cuneiform or whatever that is." She frowned, but then her face brightened and she began frantically rummaging through her handbag. "Wait, I almost forgot!"

    When she found what she was looking for, she held out a vial of milky liquid to Aya "It's for emergencies, but I guess this is one."

    Aya's eyes began to light up. "You're the best."


    Lilith really was a sight to behold, Elena had to aknowledge as she faced the ancient succubus in the lounge. Such big, bulging breasts, long, firm thighs and full, juicy lips! Her eyes were drinking in every centimeter of the other demoness' sinful body. Of course, she kept her opinion to herself and instead put on her most disparaging expression.

    "So you're the slut who runs this place," Elena stated. "Didn't expect you to dress like a dollar-store dominatrix. And what's with that hair color. Did no one tell you that burgundy is the lamest shade of red?"

    "Says the stupid blonde dressed in leather from head to toe like in a kinky eighties bondage movie," Lilith shot back, not seeming the least bit surprised to see her here. "Nice to meet you in person Elena. I see you were a good recommendation for Jolie to subdue. Tough on the outside but submissive on the inside. Just waiting to be overwhelmed and forced into slavery by a more dominant woman."

    Elena hissed in reply. If what this whore was implying was true, that was all the more reason to kick her ass.

    Lilith smiled, pleased to have hit a sore spot. "Now get out of my way and leave or face the consequences. Rest assured I will not be as benevolent as your last mistress."

    Defiantly, Elena took Lilith's whip out of her bag. "I'm not going anywhere. Whoever fucks with Aya, fucks with me."

    "Oh, you found my whip," Lilith remarked, amused. "A dangerous weapon, in the hands of a capable…"

    Elena swung the whip and cracked it a centimeter from the other succubus' face. She had been quite good at whipping when she had practiced it regularly, and to her satisfaction, she hadn't lost her touch.

    "Listen, bitch," she made clear. "There are only two ways past me. The hard way or the hot way. Which one do you choose?"

    Lilith nodded in acknowledgment, reached behind her and began unlacing her corset.

    "I know what you're up to," she claimed. "You want to stall me until that little witch I saw on the CCTV frees the angel. She won't succeed. Not until the eclipse is over and the spell is complete. My sorcery is beyond anything that backyard potion brewer is capable of. I have all the time in the world to deal with you."

    "Good," Elena said. "Because I'm going to dominate you really thoroughly and then feast on you with relish." She threw her whip and handbag onto a nearby armchair. It might seem reckless to give up her only advantage, but although a whip could inflict pain, it was not a weapon that really posed any danger to a succubus.

    "I wonder how you're going to do that," Lilith mocked. "You look even flatter than Aya and she was no match for my sex appeal. Succubi these days just aren't what they used to be."

    Lilith removed her corset and challengingly presented her bare breasts. Elena gasped in disbelief, but accepted the challenge and took off her jacket and the top underneath. Bare-breasted, they slowly approached each other, hips swaying. Sure, the redhead had the bigger breasts, but that would just make conquering them all the more rewarding. Her own girls weren't exactly small either and knew how to hold their own.

    They stopped just centimeters before their stiff nipples touched each other. Lilith's intoxicating scent was already creeping into Elena's nose. Her erotic aura was overwhelming. She had only just met this vixen and already wanted nothing more than to fuck her brains out and sexually humiliate her. Partly because she had messed around in her life, partly because she had defeated Aya, something only Elena was entitled to. But mostly because she was just begging for it.

    "When I'm done with you, we're going to have a whipping session," Elena hissed. In her head, she could already see herself punishing this arrogant whore's fat ass while she submissively licked her feet in return.

    "Oh yes, we will," Lilith confirmed with a grin. "But in a very different way than you think."

    Lilith wrapped her tattooed arms around Elena and pulled her close. The blonde immediately did the same and their fleshy breasts fused together. Both moaned with equal amounts of anger and pleasure and immediately began grabbing the other's ass.

    "Yes, feel it," breathed Elena. That's what a truly gorgeous ass feels like, not one as fat and saggy as yours."

    In truth, Lilith had an excellent ass, from what Elena could feel. While it did indeed appear to be a little wider and less defined than her own, it was a real pleasure to knead it. She had always been fascinated by asses and was amazed every time at how varied a woman's backside could be.

    "You talk too much," Lilith whispered and kissed her on the mouth. Determined to show her who was in charge, she returned the kiss. A mistake, as quickly became apparent. Elena had never met such a long and agile tongue. Before she knew what was happening to her, she was hanging helplessly in Lilith's arms and being gently lowered onto the carpet.

    When the voluptuous seductress finally broke the kiss after what felt like an eternity, she immediately set about peeling Elena, who was struggling for breath, out of her tight red leather pants. More intimidated than she would admit, she let it happen and watched as Lilith removed her skirt and thong.

    "Nice haircut," she commented on Lilith's perfectly trimmed blossom-shaped patch of pubic hair. "Was that a fashion five thousand years ago?"

    Like a predator on the prowl, Lilith crawled on top of her. "Seems to me your naughty mouth hasn't had enough and wants a refill. Time to get serious."

    Lilith's horns began to grow as she spoke and purple wings unfurled on her back. Not wanting to be at a disadvantage, Elena shifted into her demon form as well. Then Lilith lowered herself full length onto her and every part of their bodies engaged in full scaled war. Tits rubbed against tits, toned bellies against toned bellies and thighs against thighs. Lips met and Elena's arousal rose like a storm surge.

    "Look how wet your cute little fuck slit already is," Lilith remarked smugly when their lips parted. "It can't wait to welcome its new mistress."

    In silent agreement, they started rubbing their crotches together in earnest. Already Elena's clit was swelling only to meet Lilith's sex organ head on, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Her opponent's hands were everywhere, tangled in her hair as well as gripping her ass, and Lilith didn't hesitate for a second to bring her tail into action and invade Elena's vagina. Immediately she tried to retaliate in kind, but to her astonishment her opponent's incredibly strong cunt tightened around her tail and held it in place.

    Damn, she now knew what Aya had been talking about. This woman was something else. How could she even hope to withstand such an onslaught?

    A shadow fell upon her. Black bat wings flapped and suddenly she felt the weight of an extra person on top of her.

    "Mind if I join?" asked Aya.

    "Fuck!" Lilith cursed in surprise, breaking the kiss. "You again."

    "Doesn't bother me in the slightest," Elena exclaimed in delight. "You look great."

    Indeed, Aya seemed completely recovered. Her naked form looked sexy and glorious as she towered over Lilith. Like a woman at the absolute peak of her sexiness"

    "I drank a whole flask of Ramona's potion," she revealed, "I feel better than ever."

    "Then let's bang this bitch like she deserves," Elena suggested and they both grinned sadistically.

    "You fools," Lilith warned them, "I can fuck you both at the same time if I want to."

    "We'll see," Aya replied and moved to action. She pulled the redhead down a bit from Elena so that her tail slipped out of her. Her head came to rest on the blonde's breasts and the raven now had better access to her cunt from behind. Wasting no time, she began to finger Lilith frenetically.

    "Oh, shit!" the sandwiched succubus moaned from between Elena's tits. "You insolent sluts!"

    "Shut up and suck on my tits!" Elena ordered, pressing her surprised opponent's head deeper into her bosom.

    Assaulted from all sides, Lilith's moans quickly grew higher and more desperate and it wasn't long before she finally exploded in a powerful orgasm. Both Aya and Elena rammed their magical fangs into the torrent of her life force and fed for all they were worth. To Elena's surprise, however, she did not manage to devour as much as she was used to. It was as if the two feasting succubi were hindering each other, like two dogs fighting over a bone. A puzzled look from Aya confirmed that she felt the same way. After a brief moment, Lilith's orgasm subsided and the source dried up.

    "What's wrong with you?" complained Elena. "Let me feast on her."

    "You let me feast on her," Aya countered.

    Lilith giggled between them. "Now you know why succubi are no pack predators. Let me demonstrate how it's done."

    Suddenly Elena felt at least three fingers penetrate her pussy. At the same time, the redhead started sucking on her left teat like no one had ever done before. Her skillful tongue played the piano on her areola and her teeth tugged wildly on her nipple.

    The blonde moaned loudly. She had completely forgotten how close she was to her own orgasm and now she had finally passed the point where she could stop it. Aya did her best to pleasure Lilith, but so soon after her climax she would not reach another one.

    Elena looked up at her partner with glazed eyes. "Feast on me", she moaned.

    "What? No way!" Aya refused.

    "Just do it!" she demanded. Her words transitioned smoothly into a lustful scream as her pussy exploded in a hot fountain and she was shaken by her orgasm. She could feel Lilith begin to feast on her released sexual energies, but Aya followed suit and contested her opponent's prize. Lilith growled in frustration as she was robbed of half of what she no doubt thought was rightfully hers.

    "You can't win," Aya announced triumphantly. "Not against the two of us."

    "I am as far above you as you are above mere mortals," Lilith growled. "I will show you how great the experience gap between us really is."

    She reared up and succeeded in throwing Aya off her. Elena was too exhausted to do anything right now. In fact her eyes must have closed for a moment, because when she opened them again, Aya was lying next to her on her back while Lilith was lying between her spread legs pleasuring her orally. The Arabian beauty's gasping breath and suppressed moans indicated that she was rapidly approaching an orgasm. It was an incredibly sexy sight, It was a sexy sight watching the raven squirm in absolute bliss, but it was Elena's prerogative to pleasure her like this. She braced herself on her knees and rejoined the fray, crawling onto Lilith from behind and beginning to finger her sweaty breasts with one hand and her wet pussy with the other.

    The stifled growl that the ancient succubus emitted was music to her ears.

    "That's right, I'm not done with you yet," Elena hissed, "All the experience in the world won't save you, if you cross the wrong bitch on the wrong day."

    Lilith's body reacted to her assault. Elena could sense that her opponent's next orgasm wasn't far off, but Aya came sooner. Her pussy exploded in violent spasms into Lilith's mouth and Elena didn't hesitate for a moment to feast on her, competing for as much life force as she could with Lilith this way. It was a dangerous game, but the only way to exhaust her dangerous foe.

    As she did so, she intensified her efforts. Lilith was in an unfavorable position from which she could hardly defend herself and she had to take advantage of this. The older succubus tried to roll her over but Elena supported herself with her wings, so that the ended up, lying on their sides, the blonde still clinging to the redhead's back.

    "You're a hot fuck," she whispered into Lilith's ear after a while. "But you should have brought a girlfriend. Now Aya and I have to share you and we're both very demanding mistresses. You'd better give in to it now, you'll need your stamina later."

    "On the contrary," Lilith growled in reply. "You will be two exquisite slaves. I wonder which one of you will submit first. I bet it's you. You'll disappoint Aya, just like you disappointed Jolie. No wonder she favors that angel."

    "Bitch!" Elena hissed. This skank really knew which buttons to push. She bit her roughly on back of the neck as punishment and penetrated her a little deeper with her fingers. Lilith moaned with pleasure, but her tight ass, constantly rubbing her crotch, was taking its toll. In addition, her tail kept lashing against the insides of her thighs and sometimes even against her twat. It couldn't penetrate her from this position, but she was slowly approaching another climax nonetheless.

    Fortunately, Aya began to stir beside them.

    "Elena has never disappointed me," she proclaimed. "She has exceeded all my expectations."

    With some difficulty, the black-haired succubus rolled onto her stomach and crawled towards the other two. "Ready to finish this bitch?" she wanted to know from Elena.

    "More than ready. Let's show her that this is our city and that it is under our protection."

    Aya grinned with satisfaction. Addressing Lilith, she demanded, "Give me that tongue again, you cunt-licking whore. I want my cum back."

    They kissed passionately and Aya's hand began to wander to Lilith's pussy, where it joined Elena's. Without the need for verbal communication, they began to rub the clit of their seemingly indomitable adversary between their thumbs.

    Lilith's body began to shake in pre-orgasmic convulsions. This time it seemed like it was going to be a big one.

    "She's all yours," Elena encouraged her partner.

    Aya broke the kiss for a brief moment to respond. "No, you deserve to take her down."

    Lilith resisted them for at least another five minutes. Her stamina was truly admirable. But her fate was inevitable. When her orgasm finally struck and her pussy erupted like a volcano, Elena devoured as much of her life force as she could. It wasn't enough to kill her, but enough to weaken her considerably.

    "Oh, you wicked little hussies," she murmured with her eyes closed as her minute-long convulsions slowly subsided and her body slowly slid down from her climax. "I gonna make you pay for this." Despite her threats, however, she seemed too exhausted for now to back up her words with action.

    "Let's get her up on her feet and carry her into the ritual room," Aya suggested. "She needs to break the spell before it is too late."

    "With pleasure," Elena agreed. "But afterwards, I get to whip her."

    Aya grinned at her. "I certainly don't want to miss that."

    Together, they forced the weakend succubus to her feet and took her between them. It was then that Elena felt a tingling sensation and got goosebumps all over her naked body. Powerful magic had been released not far from them.

    Lilith chuckled maliciously. "Too late. The spell has been completed. And for me, it's time to go."

    She spoke a foreign word and suddenly purple mist completely obscured their vision. Elena was pushed away and Aya also let out a cry of protest.

    Elena coughed and turned in circles, disoriented. She flapped her wings to clear the smoke, but it was ineffective. "What's going on here?"

    "Another spell!" Aya guessed, "Where did she go?"

    "We'll meet again," Lilith's voice sounded from somewhere. Shortly afterwards, they heard the squeak of the bunker door, but the echo made it difficult to determine the exact direction. Elena felt her way forward, and almost tripped over an armchair.

    The fog dissipated after just a few seconds, but there was no sign of Lilith.

    "She's gone," Aya said crestfallen.

    "What about Katrin?" Elena asked anxiously. Her death, she was sure, would break Aya's heart.

    An unexpected voice made them both spin around. "I'm fine, thank you."

    The naked angel staggered out of the ritual room, leaning on Ramona. "I didn't think I'd ever say this, but I'm glad to see you, Elena."

    "Katrin!" Aya shouted overjoyed and ran towards her to give her a hug. "I thought I'd lost you."

    While the two naked beauties cuddled up to each other in relief, Ramona stepped up next to Elena and poked her in the side. "See? Eighty percent love."

    When Aya finally broke away from Katrin, she turned to the witch. "How is that possible? We thought the spell had been completed."

    "Well, it did," she confessed. "I didn't have enough time to completely undo it, but I altered the time component. The effect is no longer permanent. Everyone outside this bunker will drop all inhibitions for a few minutes, but then come back to their senses. That's why it took much less life force."

    "You're brilliant!" Aya praised and hugged her friend too.

    Meanwhile, Katrin took a few awkward steps towards Elena. "I have to apologize to you," she admitted sheepishly. "I was a real bitch to you, and I'm sorry about that. I tried to drive you away because I wanted Aya all to myself, which was selfish. You two make a good team and I guess you're pretty okay for a demoness."

    Elena nodded thoughtfully. "I guess I have been pretty selfish, too," she admitted to her. "For an angel, you're not so bad yourself. I can see why you and Aya fell so madly in love with each other."

    Katrin blushed. "We're not…"

    "Tsk, tsk," Elena interrupted her. "Don't deny it. She made you toasts, that speaks for itself. So how do we share her? Do we take turns?"

    Before she got an answer Aya approached them. "How about we celebrate our victory together instead?" she suggested, spreading her arms and pulling both of them towards her.

    "Uh!" Elena exclaimed in surprise as one of her tits collided with Aya's and the other suddenly pressed into Katrin's. The triangle of three pairs of boobs between them was an incredibly sexy sight and they all giggled and gave their beauties a little shake. Suddenly Elena felt a hand on each of her ass cheeks and in turn grabbed the two butts to her right and left.

    "That's a good idea," Katrin agreed. Turning to Aya, she added. "As you know, I've always wanted my own private demon harem."

    "It seems," Elena chimed in, "that your girlfriend likes my ass. Just like your boyfriend does. I'd wager even better than yours."

    Katrin blushed. "Sorry, I couldn’t help, I had to compare those two."

    "Go ahead", her lover encouraged her amused. "Make up your own mind."

    "Ahem!" Ramona cleared her throat. "Aren't you forgetting the real heroine of this story? You know, the sexy witch who defused the spell and saved the day. Doesn't she deserve a reward too?"

    "Absolutely!" Aya confirmed and waved her over. The black-haired succubus and the angel took her between them. She looked a little out of place as the only one in the circle still wearing clothes, but that didn't seem to bother her at the moment. She was beaming all over her face.

    "You're in for a treat," Aya promised. "Sorry you missed the blood moon."

    Ramona shrugged her shoulders. "No big deal, the next one will probably happen as early as in thirty years or so."

    "Speaking treats," Katrin suddenly spoke up. "I have to call Rahel and cancel the planned sexfight. "There's no way I'd let you take on Jolie after a night like that."

    Aya nodded, "We'll have to reschedule. "Lilith really worked me over."

    Katrin borrowed Ramona's phone and dialed a number. After a while, she handed it back. "No one's answering. I'm afraid something's wrong."


    About half an hour later, the four women arrived all dressed in Rahel's hotel room. They were late, as there must have been about ten times as many traffic accidents as usual. Surely an effect of Lilith's spell. The door was unlocked, but it was dark in there except of some eerie red moon light shining through the curtains. When Katrin switched on the light, they heard a soft whimper from the bed. Rahel was lying there naked and spread-eagled between rumpled sheets, her magnificent body partially covered in cum. It was clear that she must have participated in some pretty wild sex here recently. The shackle Jolie had been wearing lay open at her feet. A dark premonition crept over Aya.

    Rahel was conscious, but only just. Katrin helped her to sit up, while Aya brought her a glass of water. Ramona contributed a headache pill and Elena fetched a towel from the bathroom and covered her nakedness with it.

    "What happened here, Warden Stern?" Katrin asked with a a trembling voice.

    "I'm sorry," Rahel reported, sobbing. "I don't know what came over me. I suddenly just wanted to fuck her, it was as if my brain had switched off. It's all my fault."

    "No," Katrin comforted her, "that was my fault. If I hadn't gone after Lilith, she would never have been able to cast that spell." She clenched her fist and punched the bed angrily. "I was such a fool. It could take me centuries to pick up Jolie's trail again."

    In a comforting gesture, Aya put a hand on her shoulder. "It's just as much my fault. But I have a feeling that Jolie will show her face again very soon. She and I have unfinished business."

    "Just like Lilith," Elena remarked. "I still have her whip. I bet she wants it back. Such a thing is a very personal item."

    "So what do we do about it?" Romana wanted to know. When all heads had turned towards her, she added. "I mean, I'm part of the team, right? If you're going to make enemies of powerful demon sorceresses, you need a witch on your side."

    "We're preparing," Aya announced. "We hone our skills, we stay on guard. And when evil returns, we'll face it head on."

    "And then we kick those bitches' asses," Elena added. "God, I'm starting to like this job."

    "Yes!" Ramona cheered enthusiastically. "All for one, like the three musketeers!"

    She held out her hand and both Aya and Elena took it. Katrin, however, hesitated. "I hate to be the spoilsport, but I have to report to my superiors and take responsibility. It's hard to say how they'll react. It's possible we won't see each other for a while."

    Aya bowed her head in sadness. "Not again. You've only just returned."

    "I know," Katrin sighed, "I'll be back as soon as I can. And I'll leave knowing that the city is safe."

    She stood up, pulled Aya into a hug and gave her a long, wet farewell kiss. "I just wish it hadn't all been for nothing."

    "It wasn't," Elena claimed. "Erik gave me a detailed list of contacts. It will take a lot of work, but we have some leads."

    The brunette nodded at her gratefully. When Rahel had collected her clothes, Katrin spread her wings. With a flash of light, the angels were gone.

    Epilogue – With all the Dust Settled

    Proudly, the two sexiest detectives in town admired the new sign on their office door: Al-Sabi & Lyons: Private Investigators – we solve any case.

    "I still think," Elena remarked, "that Lyons & Al-Sabi would have had a better ring to it."

    Aya laughed. "My pussy won, so my name comes first, we agreed on that."

    With pleasure, she thought back to the long and steamy sexfight in which they had decided this issue. As always, it had been very close between them. Knowing that Lilith was out there somewhere, they did everything they could to up their game.

    "Well," Elena conceded, "at least the heating is working again. That rat of a landlord couldn't get it fixed fast enough after Erik threatened to sue him."

    "It's always good to have a lawyer at hand," Aya confirmed. "But you need to release your spell from him soon. Remember, we're the good guys."

    "I did that long ago," Elena claimed.

    "Then why is he still following you around?"

    Her partner shrugged her shoulders. "He said he doesn't know anyone who can whip him as well as I can."

    "I think you'll have to teach me that whipping thing some day."

    "With pleasure," Elena agreed. "It's a delicate art and a lot of fun."

    "Why did you stop doing it?"

    "Well, been too busy, other interests… I guess it's the same as you and your guitar."

    Aya sighed. "Probably. Maybe I should dust it off."

    She looked Elena up and down in profile and couldn't help but admire how sexy she was. A spontaneous plan began to form in her head.

    "By the way," she said, "I'm meeting Chris at the weekend, why don't you come over and bring Erik along? I'd be curious to see how the boys get along and what yours thinks of my butt."

    Elena turned her head towards her and gave her a knowing smile. She was of course fully aware what Aya was up to. "Very well, my dear. But don't cry if I end up with two long, hard cocks inside me and you come away empty-handed."

    Aya returned the smile and gave her partner's buttocks a friendly slap. "As if that would ever happen…"

    All's well that ends well? Let me know your thoughts and feel free to ask questions!
    Last edited by herbert3000; December 12th, 2023 at 08:27 AM. Reason: formatting

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    Shame we didn’t get that celebratory foursome but never say never. Great stuff.

  3. #3
    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    Would have gone beyond the scope a little bit, I'm afraid . This project once again reminded me, how incredibly hard and time consuming it is to write in a foreign language. But maybe someday Ramona will finally get lucky . Thanks for your support Yuri!

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    Junior Hostboard Member ACertainZest's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    I had fun reading this second chapter in the "Succubus PI" series. I like where Aya and Elena (and even Katrin) end up in their relationship with each other and can't wait to see what happens with them especially with Jolie and Lilith still on the loose. Sexy and entertaining series!!

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    Quote Originally Posted by ACertainZest View Post
    I had fun reading this second chapter in the "Succubus PI" series. I like where Aya and Elena (and even Katrin) end up in their relationship with each other and can't wait to see what happens with them especially with Jolie and Lilith still on the loose. Sexy and entertaining series!!
    Thanks a lot! Comments like this are very helpful to assess what people liked or didn't like. At the moment I can't really confirm if and when there will be a sequel, as other (non-erotic) writing projects have priority. The more feedback I get, the more likely it is, I will get my ass up and start to work on it, though

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    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Story: Succubus P.I. - The Purple Rose Part 7+8+Epilogue

    I have not had a chance to read this story yet but I am downloading it and hope to get around to it in the next day or two. I'll happily provide feedback once I do!


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