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Thread: Foreign contamination, part 1

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    Foreign contamination, part 1


    Inspired by JB57's incredible Earth Girls are Easy, I started writing a sci-fi story. This is the first part of it, and I've started the second part. I'm feeling really motivated to write this story, so hopefully the next parts will be up without too much delay. This does mean that the story of Jessica and Annabel will be on the back burner for now as I work to finish this story.

    This first part sets up the scenario. It's not particularly long, but it has some action in it. I do expect much more action in the following parts.

    I hope you enjoy this as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Any feedback is appreciated, as always.



    Foreign contamination, part 1

    "Welcome back aboard, captain Renara," the ship greeted the woman who stepped in from the airlock. That she had to use an airlock was a testament of the primitive level of the planet Ashalla, but it was necessary to maintain an appearance of being peers or near peers technologically. Normally, the ship would have just beamed her up from the planet's surface, which would have been much much faster, not to mention safer also. Transport using a crude shuttle barely capable of interplanetary travel would not have been Renara's choice, if she had had one. But the mission required that they maintained their disguise at all time, not letting the Ashallan's know how advanced they really were.

    "Good to be back, ship," Renara said, feeling genuinely happy to be onboard. Her two month mission on the surface of Ashalla had not been without its pleasures, but it had been work. Now she finally had a chance to relax. "Any word from captain Sholina?" she asked the ship, part of her hoping to hear that something bad had happened to her. She couldn't stand her. Renara was the senior officer on the mission, but Sholina had been promoted to captain only a week after Renara, and she had difficulties accepting Renara's command, to put it mildly. Some asshole at covert ops command must have thought it was a hilarious joke to put the two women on the same mission, knowing full well they wouldn't get along.

    "Captain Sholina is en route, ETA 12 minutes 33 seconds." the ship replied. Renara frowned. She didn't have much time to be alone.

    "Ship, initiate full biometric diagnostic scan." Renara commanded.

    "Full biometric diagnostic scan initiated. Scanning. Scan complete. Foreign DNA contaminations found."

    "What?!" Renara exclaimed. "Analyze results and give a summary."

    "I discovered foreign DNA elements in your reproductive organs. Analysis of their effects is incomplete. Recommendation is to proceed with standard decontamination procedure," the ship explained matter-of-factly.

    "Initiate decontamination procedure," Renara commanded, her mind wondering what was going on. As a covert ops captain, her body was enhanced with the most cutting edge technology humanity had and it should be nigh impervious to any DNA manipulations, let alone something altering her DNA without being noticed. Was there more to Ashalla than they knew? Or was some other faction responsible for it? "And scan the foreign DNA for traces of any known fingerprints."

    "Decontamination procedure starting." Renara felt the ship's force fields hold her in place while the procedure was ongoing. Even with their level of technology, DNA manipulation required great care and a still patient. "Decontamination procedure finished. Foreign DNA still present, unable to remove it. No similarities to any known DNA weapons found. However, there are some similarities to Ashallan DNA."

    "What do you mean unable to remove?" Renara asked, baffled.

    "Standard decontamination procedure is unable to remove the foreign DNA. It is behaving in an unexpected manner and exhibiting extremely advanced self-repair and decentralization behaviour. It is possible that the biolab at covert operations command can run a successful decontamination procedure, but at this time there is insufficient data to estimate the probability."

    Renara was stunned. She contemplated what she had just heard. Foreign DNA was in her, and she had no way of removing it. It had similarities to Ashallan DNA, the ship had said. Was it possible that the Ashallan's possessed biotechnology of such high level? And, was it possible that it had managed to remain a secret?

    "Run a full analysis of the foreign DNA combined with my own DNA, and estimate what are the likely effects of the foreign DNA?" Renara asked the ship.

    "I have already started that analysis, but given the sophistication of the foreign DNA, the analysis will take substantial time. I estimate I will have the preliminary analysis results in 46 hours, and the full analysis completed in 104 hours," the ship said.

    "Wow," Renara breathed. "That must be really sophisticated biotechnology."

    "As soon as captain Sholina arrives, run the same scan and analysis on her," Renara told the ship. "I want to know if this is an isolated incident, or more widespread. And send a subspace message to covert ops command and alert them that we have encountered a previously unknown DNA manipulation weapon. Tell them I suspect it's Ashallan in nature, but we don't have concrete evidence yet. There might be more to the Ashallan's than we know."

    Renara fell silent for a moment, thinking. "Ship, have any of your scans and monitoring of the Ashallan comms given any indication that they are in possession of advanced biotechnology?"

    "No captain, I have picked up no such indications. By all appearances, they are firmly a level 4 civilization. The only distinguishing characteristic they have is their highly sexual society and extremely well developed sexual physiology, both key reasons why you and captain Sholina were chosen for this mission. You were our best operatives to fit in the Ashallan society, and best accustomed to their sexual customs."

    Renara thought about what all of this meant. When the ship said she was best accustomed to the Ashallan sexual customs, and best fit to their society, it meant that she had the body to not stand out from the normal Ashallan physique, which was, for women, tall and slim with abundant curves and, especially, big and firm tits. She was used to always being the center of attention wherever she went, her perfect smooth long legs, thick and succulent thighs, and round and firm heart-shaped ass drawing stares and admiration from both men and women alike. Her most defining feature, the one she was most proud of, were her flawless, big, round and firm tits, sticking out from her chest like two cannon balls. She was proud of her shapely body because every curve on it was natural. Nothing had been enhanced by surgery or biotechnology. But on the surface of Ashalla she had blended in the crowd, and that had been mentally more difficult than she liked to admit. Her usual operations revolved around seduction as means of gaining entry, not stealth and being unseen. But she was trained well, and she had put her vanity aside to gather as much intelligence as possible.

    "Captain Sholina's arrival, ETA two minutes exact," the ship informed.

    Oh great, Renara thought, now I have to put up with her again.

    The reason why Renata disliked Sholina was due to two factors. One, she had the body to rival Renara. They were practically mirror images of each other, only with different facial features. And two, Sholina refused to acknowledge Renara's superiority, always challenging her decisions and acting like she was better. The trip to Ashalla had been grueling torture for Renara. Due to the nature of the mission, their ship couldn't travel at regular speeds, so the trip from the outer edges of the system to planet Ashalla had taken two and half months. Two and half months of Sholina grating on her nerves. Yes, they had had altercations during that time. Renara told herself it had been practice for the Ashallan customs, but in truth they had been fighting using their considerable sexual capabilities. She had done all she could to dominate Sholina with her raw sexuality, but the stupid bitch refused to acknowledge her superiority, thinking instead that she had the superior body and sexual power. It frustrated Renara to no end that Sholina questioned not only her seniority and decision making, but also her sexual prowess. Oh well, Renara thought, during my mission to Ashalla I learned many new things I can use on Sholina to prove my superiority without any room for doubt.

    The hissing of the airlock brought Renara out of her reverie. The door opened, and Sholina stepped in, looking at Renara with utter disdain.

    "Welcome onboard, captain Sholina," the ship greeted her politely.

    "Thank you ship," Sholina replied, then fixed her eyes on Renara. "Renara," she acknowledged the other woman, but didn't salute her, "I see Ashalla wasn't kind to you. Too much sex, perhaps? Did they wear you out?"

    Fuck you, Renara thought. "On the contrary," she said, "I feel rejuvenated. Sadly though, even the Ashallans couldn't sate my hunger. In that regard they are a lot like you: inadequate," Renara hissed, her voice full of venom.

    "Initiating full biometric scan," the ship announced, "Scanning. Scan complete. Foreign DNA contaminations found."

    "Fuck!" Renara gasped, "You too."

    "What do you mean 'you too'?" Sholina asked.

    "Shut up! Ship, run full analysis of the foreign DNA combined with her own DNA, and present your results when you have something to show," Renara commanded Sholina and the ship.

    "I estimate I will have the preliminary analysis results in 46 hours," the ship announced, "I can run the analysis of captain Sholina parallel to my analysis of captain Renara without it slowing the analysis down. The full analysis results are estimate to be ready in 104 hours."

    "What the hell, ship?" Sholina asked, "Just run a decontamination procedure and get rid of it."

    "Don't you think I already tried that?" Renata asked derisively, "It can't be removed, it's too advanced. Maybe at the lab at covert ops command, but even that is uncertain."

    "What the fuck?!" Sholina shouted, schocked by the information of having foreign DNA in her body that she couldn't get rid of. "What does it do?"

    "We don't know," Renara sighed, "I just found out about the contamination when I got aboard. Somehow it has penetrated our biotechnical defenses undetected. But the Ashallan's don't have that kind of technology, and neither do the Kroliens, for that matter."

    "You think it's a weapon of some unknown effect?" Sholina asked.

    "I think that's the most likely explanation," Renara said. She had a serious look on her face. "But I don't want to rule anything out yet, we just don't know enough. I mean, I suppose there is a possibility that it is of natural origin. Ship, do you have any data of similar types of DNA contaminations that were of natural origin?"

    "There have been a few recorded cases of similarly advanced DNA contaminations where the origin could not be determined. But none where it was confirmed to be of natural origin," the ship replied.

    "What do we actually know about the Ashallan's DNA?" Sholina asked. "There has to be something that explains why they all are so well endowed and capable sexually."

    I was going to ask that, Renara thought, feeling irritated that Sholina interrupted her discussion with the ship. "We have only rudimentary understanding of their DNA," she ship said, "Until recent times, there has been little interest in the Ashallan people in general, so more detailed studies have not been carried out."

    Renara made sure to speak up before Sholina had a chance to continue. "Ship, evaluate the following hypothesis: Ashallan DNA has natural properties that enhance the sexual capability. Over time, they have naturally developed a capability to inject and alter the DNA of their sexual partners."

    "That would be highly unusual, but not impossible," the ship replied. Renara, again giving to time for Sholina to get a word in, continued her questioning while keeping her eyes fixed on Sholina. "Hypothetically, how would such a capability effect the evolution of the Ashallan's?" Renara asked the ship with a smug look on her face that told Sholina in no uncertain terms to accept her position as Renara's subordinate.

    "Such a capability would increase the speed of the evolution of the Ashallan's, because DNA mixing would happen throughout the life of an individual. It would also lead to the hyperevolution of sexual traits that increase the likelihood of sexual encounters, " the ship concluded.

    "So," Renara continued, "the Ashallan DNA could be altering our DNA to hyperevolve our sexual traits. To make us more like the Ashallans," she said while looking directly in Sholina's eyes.

    Sholina understood perfectly what Renara was implying. If she was correct, their bodies would become even more curvy, more sexy, and their sexual power and stamina would increase. She liked the thought, but she was fed up with the way Renara thought that just because she was one week her senior, she was superior.

    "Ha!" Sholina laughed, "You just wish you could have a body like mine with the help of the foreign DNA. But it won't matter, because I will always have more of everything! You just can't stand that I have a better body now, without any enhancements, and if this new DNA does all that, I'll still be better than you in every regard!"

    Renara was fuming. Sholina was right, her body was almost as perfect as Renara's, without any enhancements or help from biotech. She had long shapely legs, a perfect heart-shaped ass and big firm tits. But Renara would never admit that Sholina's body was as perfect as her own. "That remains to be seen, bitch!" she said instead. "We have almost three months until we get to the covert ops command. Plenty of time to find out."

    Sholina grinned maliciously. "That's right," she agreed, "plenty of time for me to fuck you out of your mind."

    "In your dreams," Renara said, grinning back at the other woman. "Ship, take us out of orbit and set course towards the jump point. Maintain all countermeasures and make sure we seem like level 4 craft."

    "Course set, preparing to leave orbit at the next pass of optimal exit vector in 29 minutes. The Ashallan shuttles are re-entering atmosphere," the ship reported. "Captain Renara, I suggest now would be a good time for initial debriefing."

    Renara forced herself to focus on the mission, even though she wanted nothing more than to wipe the smugness from Sholina's face. "Right. We'll do individual debriefings first in our cabins. Then, prepare a cross-analysis of our findings and we'll debrief it together," Renara instructed the ship. She headed to her cabin, making sure to sway her round ass in front of Sholina as much as possible.

    The ship was quite spacious, and had large comfortable cabins for both Renara and Sholina. From the outside, it looked like most of the space was taken by the ship's engines, but that was only to make them appear level 4. Inside, the engines took only about a fifth of the ship's volume, so there was plenty of space for everything else. As a covert operations command craft, the ship had hidden armaments, enough to defend itself against most threats. However, to have to use the weapons usually meant that the mission had already failed. They were a back-up, a contingency for when things went south. What the ship really had in abundance was sensors: it could monitor the communications of an entire planet, and track millions of individual vehicles and persons from orbit. When the ship wanted to monitor a planet, little if anything could slip by undetected.

    The door to Renara's cabin opened automatically as she approached it, and closed behind her as she entered her cabin. She had been away on the planet surface for two months, and it felt good to be back in her cabin. "Ship, I'll take a shower first, and then we'll start the debriefing," she said and started undressing. "Show me a mirror," she asked the ship, and a full length mirror appeared on the wall of her cabin. Renara admired herself in the mirror, running her hands along the curves of her body. Did she look a bit curvier? she thought to herself, or her tits slightly bigger? For a moment, she contemplated asking the ship to give her measurements now and two months ago, but she decided against that. She would ask only if she was certain there had been some changes in her body. She stepped in the shower and let the warm water flow around her until she was relaxed. The shower then initiated the drying program and within seconds, her body was completely dry and her long blond hair was flowing in waves down to the middle of her back.

    Renara stepped out of the shower and got dressed in a thin but comfortable bath robe. Then she sat in front of the work desk and started her debriefing with the ship. Her mission had been to find out as much as she could about the power structure and political factions on Ashalla, and to identify individuals who could be recruited as informants, or who would be susceptible to outside influence. She also gathered information about the influence of other spacefaring factions on Ashalla.

    Ashalla, on the surface of it, wasn't that important or interesting a planet. They only had colonized their own system so far, and they didn't possess a large fleet of warships. However, they had very intimate relations with the Kroliens, a level 5 civilization, who had waged many interstellar wars in their recent history. If there was a way to get inside intelligence about the Kroliens and their plans via Ashalla, well, that would be very valuable. Even better if there were ways to influence the Krolien policy by feeding them information through Ashalla.

    Renara reported what she had learned about the Ashallan society and their customs, about the role sexuality and sexual power played in their political system, and how it could be used to gain access to both information and influence. She had also identified a number of interesting individuals for further study, in particular she had identified one individual who had direct access to the Krolien Prime Comissar. If they could build the necessary relationship with the individual, that could prove to be extremely valuable. She also identified the key success factor for any operational development on Ashalla: the operatives had to have a voracious sexual appetite, along with the physical capability to receive and give incredible amounts of sexual pleasure.

    "Ship, did you track me and captain Sholina while we were on the surface?" Renara asked, already knowing that it was standard procedure for any covert opp command craft on a mission.

    "Of course I did," the ship replied, "You should know it is standard procedure, to ensure the safety of our operatives. I monitored your actions and vital signs during your whole mission."

    Renara knew it, of course. As soon as she had become an operative, she knew her privacy was irredeemably lost, that she would be constantly monitored, whatever she did. Not by other humans, at least not most of the time, but by the ships. She'd learned to think of the ships as their partners, their protectors, but also completely not human. It was a weird relationship, but she had grown accustomed to the presence of the ships in her life at all times, in one way or another. She had also developed some exhibitionistic tendencies, at times enjoying knowing that she was being watched as she was practically showing off her sexual proficiency. Of course, the ships themselves never showed any interest in sexual matters: they were sentient machines, incredibly capable ones at that, but they did not possess many human qualities nor could they do the things humans could.

    "Do you have any optical surveillance data about me? Or about Sholina?"

    "Yes. I was able to intercept the Ashallan networks and record footage from their systems. Are you interested in something particular?" the ship asked.

    "Well, we should prepare for the debriefing with Sholina, and there is one particular encounter I would like to present to her." Renara said, grinning wide. She had figured a way to really show that bitch what she was capable of. "Show me the controls."

    The ship projected a set of controls on the desk surface, and Renara expertly operated them to find the encounter she was looking for: her sexual battle with an Ashallan by the name of Numira. Numira was exceptional even by Ashallan standards, with immense tits that stuck our from her body like melons, her body slimming down to a narrow waistline that then flared out to an incredible, curvy ass. Numira's pussy was naturally hairless, like most Ashallan women, with a very prominent mound and thick and long outer lips that concealed a clit that, when hard, was the biggest Renara had ever seen. Numira was in essence a beautiful, powerful sex goddess.

    "Ship, this woman is Numira. Create a recording of me with her, but only include the times when either one of us has an orgasm." Renara commanded.

    "Do you want to include only the exact times when either of you has an orgasm, or shall I include a bit of time before and after as well?"

    "Yes, do that." Renara said, already imagining how she'd make Sholina watch the video in their debriefing. She felt a familiar heat building up in her core knowing that sooner or later, she and Sholina were going to clash once again. Only this time, she would defeat her decisively, she would use all that she had learned in Ashalla, everything she had done and everything that had been done to her while having sex and battling with the men and women there. In just two months, she had learned unprecedented levels of self-control, both mental and physical, and that would be the key to finally conquering Sholina.

    "Ship, let Sholina know that we will meet for the debriefing in the rec room in fifteen minutes," Renara said, feeling the heat inside her expand and grow, her pussy starting to moisten and her thick nipples growing, reaching out from her bumpy areola. She thought briefly what she should wear, but then she decided the bath robe was fitting for the occasion. She was naked underneath so if Sholina wanted to test her, she was ready.

    Renara felt herself getting more and more horny as the minutes slowly ticked by. Without even thinking about it, her hands started squeezing her abundant bosom, fanning the flames inside her higher and higher. With one hand, she reached inside her robe and found her thick, stiff nipple and squeezed and pulled it while her other hand found its way between her legs. She opened her already wet folds to reveal her clit and massaged it between her index finger and middle finger, moving her hand back and forth. Pleasure shot through her, making her moan, and she increased the intensity of her clitoral stimulation while she brought her nipple to her mouth and sucked it hard. Her clit grew bigger and bigger as her arousal continued to rise every second. She moved her hand to her other tit and brought the nipple to her mouth, sucking it greedily. It felt so good! Her nipples and clit continued to grow more and more erect, getting longer and thicker and harder, the pleasure in her core building up, filling her tits and pussy with raw sexual power.

    As much as Renara wanted to continue, she knew that her time was up. It was time to go and meet Sholina for the debriefing. With a sigh, she let go of the nipple in her mouth and let her heavy orb fall down on her chest, settling on its position with practically no sag at all. She gave her clit one final squeeze, feeling how big and hard it had become, and then she closed her bath robe and tied the sash around her slim waist. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing how her erect nipples tented the robe. Yep, she was ready for Sholina, Renara thought to herself.

    Renara arrived at the rec room with just seconds to spare, her tits jiggling and her thick nipples stretching out the thin fabric of the bath robe. The ship was monitoring their biometrics, and as soon as the both of them had arrived, the door closed and a hologram was projected from the center of the room. A hologram of the planet Ashalla floated between the women, slowly rotating, with a few cities and other points of interest indicated. The planet had one supercontinent with three inland seas. The supercontinent covered about a fourth of the planet's surface, extending from the south pole to about 30 degrees latitude on the northern hemispehere. Operational guidelines put Renara near the eastern shoreline around the equator, while Sholina was tasked with the northwestern part of the supercontinent, where a lot of the planet's industry was located.

    "Ship, present the cross-analysis," Renara ordered.

    "Very well," the ship replied and started to present a synthesis of the information it had been able to collect through surveillance, and what Renara and Sholina had learned during their mission. For the most part, it was things that were already known, but there were additional important details that Renara and Sholina had been able to pick up. Their mission had also confirmed and reinforced the importance of not only sexual relations when dealing with the Ashallans, but how they used sex as means for resolving disputes and determining social standing. This meant that any operatives placed in Ashalla in the future had to be superbly capable sexually, otherwise they would be locked out from all but the lowest levels of the society. While Renara had not witnessed any direct Krolien military presence in Ashalla she had identified many important Krolien persons there. She also identified a woman who she believed had direct access to the Krolien Prime Comissar, which the ship was able to confirm through surveillance of her communications. This woman required special consideration, but Renara believed she could be turned into a very valuable asset with the right actions.

    Sholina, for her part, had witnessed Krolien military personnel visiting the Ashallan factories producing military hardware. She hadn't been able to determine whether it was a case of technology transfer from the Krolien to the Ashallan's, or if the Krolien were using or planning to use Ashallan factories for their own military production. This would be an important subject to study on a follow-up mission. She had gathered evidence that the Ashallan production capacity was some 30% higher than previously estimated, and that they were heavily investing in developing their capabilities and diversifying from the northwestern area to other suitable locations around the supercontinent.

    All in all, the mission had been a success and produced valuable information that the covert operations command would undoubtedly take into account in their analysis and scenarios. The co-operation between the Ashallans and the Kroliens could over time develop into a destabilizing factor in their sector of the galaxy, especially if left unchecked.

    "That is the conclusion of my synthesis," the ship informed. "I will send the results to the covert operations command immediately. Is there anything else you would like to add?"

    "Actually," both Renara and Sholina started at the same time, stopping and looking at each other annoyed. "I have something to show," they started again at the same time, getting more annoyed at each other. They had been able to conduct the debriefing in a professional manner but Sholina was getting more and more irritated by the way Renara was showing off her body, her big tits and stiff nipples clearly visibly through the thin fabric of the robe she wore. Sholina responded in kind, pulling her t-shirt tight over the bulging mounds and making sure Renara had a good view of her own nipples tenting the fabric. The tension between them was palpable, and the air was thick with their mutual hostility and underlying sexual frustration and attraction. The tension had been growing in the room the whole time, and the ship could detect the sharp rise of sexual pheromones and increased breathing rate and blood pressure in both women.

    "I'll go first," Renara said with authority. "I want to show Sholina here what I was able to accomplish on the mission. You have been monitoring me and know what I'm talking about." Renara commanded, and the room was plunged into darkness. The ship projected a hologram of a tall and strikingly beautiful naked Ashallan woman, with immense breasts and an incredibly curvy body. She was of indeterminable age, her smooth skin betraying neither age nor experience, yet she seemed to ooze sexual power from every pore of her being. Her clit was enormous, protruding from her hairless pussy and throbbing powefully. "This is Numira, a woman with incredible sexual power," Renara started to explain. "I encountered her on day 41 of our mission. I knew she had immense sexual power, but I did not realize at the time just how much she had."

    The ship started playing back the recording it had prepared, showing Renara and Numira experiencing orgasm after orgasm, locked in a heated struggle for sexual supremacy. Sholina could not hide how impressed she was by Numira, and seeing and hearing the orgasms caused her body to respond, spiking her nipples and making her pussy wet with arousal. She had to admit Renara was fucking Numira expertly, causing the Ashallan to explode in multiple orgasms. But the Ashallan was not just passively taking it, and she fucked Renara back just as hard, her gigantic clit throbbing against Renara's slightly smaller one, causing her to explode in a chain of orgasms. Even in the "orgasmic supercut" that the ship had propared, Renara's and Numira's battle took a long time, until finally Numira's greater size and Ashallan stamina proved too much for Renara, and she passed out after an explosive orgasm drained whatever power she had left.

    Sholina was impressed by the battle, and by the stamina Renara had witnessed, but she wouldn't let it show. Instead, she looked at Renara and laughed a fake laugh, "Hah! That's what you wanted to show me, how you lost and got fucked out of your mind?"

    Renara was seething with anger. Yes, she lost, but Numira was exceptional even by Ashallan standards. "Fuck you Sholina! I'd like to see you battle Numira, I bet you wouldn't last half as long! Ship, how many orgasms did we have?"

    "In the recording, Numira experienced 10 orgasms and you experienced 17 orgasms," the ship answered.

    "Your dried up pussy couldn't even come that many times," Renara spat at Sholina, "and your body could never handle someone like Numira. You'd pass out long before I did!"

    "That's a load of shit, Renara," Sholina said. "Ship, show her!"

    Sholina had already asked the ship to prepare a similar "supercut" of an encounter of her own. The ship projected a hologram of an Ashallan woman, easily just as tall and beautiful as Numira. Her tits were equally gigantic and firm, and her clit at least as big, and her body just as curvy as the Ashallan woman who had fucked Renara out of her mind. She too oozed sexual power, her aura exuding raw sexiness and sexual prowess. The woman's name was Dariana, and the ship projected her image between the two women, rotating slowly to give both a chance to appreciate her figure.

    "This is Dariana. As you can see, she is a sexual goddess, at least as powerful as Numira, if not more so," Sholina added just to rub Renara's nose in it. "I encountered her on day 43, and I had sex with her for 13 hours."

    Renara was impressed, 13 hours of fucking was indeed a testament of Sholina's stamina. Still, she would not admit it to her. "13 hours, you say? Nearly as long as my battle with Numira," Renara said instead. "Did she beat you too, did you lose and pass out after cumming only half as much?" Renara was clearly challenging Sholina with the intent to get under her skin, and Sholina took the bait.

    "Fuck you, Renara," she shot back at the other woman, "let's see it!"

    The ship started playing back the recording, and the room was filled with the sounds and sights of a sexual battle that was no less fierce or intense than the battle between Numira and Renara. Dariana had a similar capability for sexual combat as Numira, and she took Sholina's body through all kinds of pleasure that Sholina didn't even know existed. Her body, however, had no problem handling it, and she kept her mind focused to keep her own clit going as strong and steady as possible, never stopping to enjoy the incredible pleasures that Dariana gave to her. Sholina, to her credit, gave Dariana a real run for her money, and for almost all 13 hours their battle raged. But eventually Dariana's incredible sexual power became too much for Sholina to handle and she started losing ground, her clit unable to match the Ashallan woman's constant thrusts against it. She did her best to resist, to stay conscious and not to cum, but the pressure in her body and in her clit was too much and finally her body spasmed in an orgasm more powerful than any she had ever experienced. She was completely and totally spent, her clit drained of power, and she passed out and the recording stopped.

    "The analysis suggests you both had roughly the same stamina and ability, based on this data," the ship announced.

    "What?" Renara asked. "That can't be! It's clear that I did much better against Numira than Sholina did against Dariana!"

    Sholina stood up, agitated. "Dariana was clearly sexually stronger than Numira, anyone can see that! So, that proves that I'm better than you!" she spat at Renara.

    "You're delusional! I'm better than you, and you need to accept that fact!" Renara shouted angrily, the pent up frustration and resentment surfacing fully. She would show Sholina, she would make her cum so hard she would pass out! She felt her nipples hardening as her contempt for the other woman fueled her desire to put Sholina in her place once and for all. She took a step towards her, pushing her firm globes out like a ram showing off his horns. "Come here and I will prove to you how much better I am," she growled.

    Instead of backing down, Sholina pushed her own rack forward, her nipples threatening to burst through her t-shirt. "I'm not afraid of your weak tits," she hissed, "Or any part of your weak and flabby body!"

    Sholina was expecting more trash talk from Renara, but instead she roared and sprang forward, crashing her robe-covered tits straight into Sholina's pair, catching her by surprise. She felt the weight and firmness of Renara's tits as they hit hers, driving her breath away and causing her to stumble back, trying to stay on her feet. Renara didn't let up, following her to get a second hit in. Sholina's training kicked in and she grabbed Renara's shoulders and placed her knee on Renara's belly while she dove backwards, executing a successful albeit not technically pretty sacrifice throw. She fell down hard, but not as hard as Renara who flew above her, flipping mid air and landing on her back with a loud thud and groan.

    Sholina would have loved to pounce on the prone Renara, but her body wouldn't obey her commands fast enough, gulping in air to fill her lungs again. As she gathered enough strength to turn around and get up, she saw Renara getting up with a pained expression on her face. "Did that hurt, bitch?" she crowed. "You want more?"

    Suddenly, Sholina and Renara both felt unable to move. "Captain Renara, captain Sholina," the ship announced, "I'm obligated to intervene to prevent undue physical harm to either of you. Captain Sholina, I also need to remind you that physical violence against your superior officer is an offense punishable by dishonorable discharge. In this case, seeing that captain Renara initiated the violent behaviour, I will not report the incident to your superiors. Consider this your first and only warning, captains."

    Both women fought against the invisible restraints that the ship had placed on them, but it was futile. No matter how hard they strained, the force fields did not budge one millimeter. Renera suddenly felt something strange: it felt like something was very gently massaging her engorged clitoris. The feeling was so subtle that she thought at first she was imagining it. When the gentle massage continued, she realized it was real. She heard a soft moan escape Sholina's lips, and realized it was happening to her, too. "Ship, what are you doing?" Renara questioned, her voice half-moaning.

    The ship did not respond. Instead, it intensified the clitoral massage, causing Renara and Sholina moan, their pussies growing wetter and more aroused. "Ship," Renara moaned, "I demand an explanation. This is ahhhh command." The ship's force fields lightly squeezed both of Renara's nipples, and judging by the gasps coming from Sholina, she was receiving similar treatment.

    Suddenly, the ship spoke. "I have observed that your reactions to each other are primarily driven by sexual jealousy and desire to prove your sexual superiority. Although officer to officer sexual relations are not recommended, they are not forbidden either. On the way to Ashalla, you tried to resolve your mutual animosity through sex multiple times, without success. I do not know what will be the result now either, but your sexual competitions are allowed whereas physical violence is not. You need to resolve your issues without resorting to violence, and given your preferences I decided to prepare you for your battle." The ship paused for a moment, then continued, it's voice different, bashful even if such a thing was possible for a ship. "During these months of this mission, I have observed countless sexual battles and I have acquired a certain taste for them. I myself can not experience anything resembling your sexual pleasure, but I can appreciate the effects it has on you."

    "Fucking pervert!" Renara shouted, directing her anger at the ship, "Look what you've done, you stupid slut!" she barked at Sholina, "This is all your fault!"

    "My fault?!" Sholina screamed, her voice suddenly turning into a gasp as the ship squeezed her clit firmly with its force fields, "Ahhhhh... it's your hussy behavior, showing off your pathetic body!"

    Renara gasped and moaned as the ship increased the intensity of its delicate fondling. "Ohhhhh fuck," she cried softly as her excitement grew, heat radiating from her womanly core to every part of her body. "So you finally admit that I'm hotter than you," she said smugly, "I can make even a ship crave sex with me!"

    Sholina was about to retort with an insult, but her words never came out as she felt suddenly overwhelmed by the more firm and insistent ministrations of the ship on her clit and nipples. She gasped and moaned as her pussy gushed with juices, her clit throbbing with need. The ship kept going, rubbing and fondling both women and caressing their engorged clitorises until they were fully erect. The women moaned in ecstasy, their pussies leaking and swollen, their thick nipples erect and stiff, sticking out like pegs from the heaving globes of their boobs. They were breathing heavily, angry at the ship for violating them like this, but also incredibly turned on. Renara couldn't believe how skillfully the ship was touching her, assaulting many of her erogenous zones at the same time. She could not control her excitement, moaning and whimpering openly. Her only consolation was that Sholina was in no better shape than herself, constantly crying and yelping as pleasure threatened to overwhelm her.

    The women locked eyes, Renara's green ones to Sholina's blue, each seeking some kind of common ground as the ship ravaged them both. Instead, they found defiance and challenge. Somehow, they both blamed to other for what was happening, and their eyes burned with an icy fire, daring each other. Pleasure was building higher and higher, but each woman was determined to outlast the other, to not be the one who orgasmed first. It was getting more difficult to keep their composure as the ship tugged on their thumb-sized nipples and firmly caressed their engorged clits, feeling like someone was licking and sucking them expertly, the only difference being that the force fields lacked the warmth of a real tongue and lips.

    Slowly, the ship lifted the women off the ground and removed their clothes, baring their naked bodies. The women hung in the air in the middle of the rec room fully naked, their gorgeous bodies in full display. Renara couldn't tear her eyes from Sholina's incredible body, feasting on her big succulent tits and big hard nipples, the sight making her own nipples throb and her tits tighten. She wanted to slam their tits together, to force her big firm globes against Sholina's and flatten them against her ribcage. Her gaze drifted down, following the outline of Sholina's curvy body, until it settled on her swollen pudenda. Renara trembled uncontrollably within the confines of the force fields as she took in the sight of Sholina's engorged clit, standing majestically from between her puffy lips. She was desperate to grind her own rock-hard clit against Sholina's clit, to make her cum again and again until she was completely drained. She struggled against the force fields in vain, screaming in frustration and anger. "Stop this right now! Let me go! You can't do this!" But her screams had no effect on the ship, the force fields remained in place and the only sound in the rec room was the heavy breathing and moaning of the helpless and ecstatic women.

    Renara tried to think of her training. Had there been something that could be useful in a situation like this? But her mind kept wandering as red hot pleasure radiated from her throbbing clitoris, flowing through her body and filling her completely. She wanted to cum so badly, but she fought it with all her willpower. Her eyes found Sholina's eyes, and in them she saw the same burning desire and unyielding determination. Both women gritted their teeth and bore on against the sexual onslaught that the ship had unleashed on them. Looking at Sholina helped Renara focus her mind, but not on finding a solution to her predicament. The single thought in her mind was to hold on longer than Sholina, to not cum before she did.

    The grunts and groans of the women grew louder and more urgent as they both neared their limits. Renara tried to hold on, but the way the ship was caressing her was making her pussy gush and her clit throb incessantly. She felt her vagina contract uncontrollably, getting closer and closer to exploding in a thunderous orgasm. "Ohhh fuck!" she gasped as her excitement spiked even higher, her mind in a haze she was unsure how long she could hold on. The only consolation was that Sholina was gasping and moaning like a fish out of water, her eyes almost glazed out, struggling to resist.

    Without any kind of warning, the ship started moving Renara and Sholina closer together. Inexorably, the force fields moved the women and opened their legs wide, revealing their raging hot pussies to each other in all their majesty. The ship moved the women slowly closer and closer, placing them in a perfect scissor position until their engorged clits were only a centimeter apart. The women could feel the heat radiating from the opposing clit. Renara stared into Sholina's eyes as the ship moved their bodies closer together until the tips of their engorged clits pressed lightly together. Both women cried out in ecstasy as indescribable pleasure shot through them, instantly breaking any resistance that remained.

    "Ahhhhhh fuck ohhhh yesssss!" Renara screamed as her cunt exploded in a violent orgasm, spraying juices all over Sholina's pussy and thighs, some of it landing even on her belly.

    "Fuck yesss ohhhh fucking fuck!" Sholina screamed, coming uncontrollably, her cunt contracting powerfully and shooting out her juices all over Renara.

    The ship held the women in place, keeping their throbbing clits touching lightly tip to tip. The women screamed and whimpered as their first orgasm wracked their bodies. The ship allowed them a bit of freedom as their bodies writhed and convulsed suspended in mid-air, every movement sending electric shocks through their clits and coursing through their burning bodies. Their tits felt like they were ballooning as sexual energy filled them, causing their areolas to swell and their nipples to stiffen even more. Renara surprised even herself as her orgasm seemed to just keep on going, her body filling up with sexual energy until she was delirious, the orgasm growing in intensity. Her clit was still connected to Sholina's clit tip to tip, and she could feel the energy flowing between them, both feeding the other with her sexual energy, trying to overwhelm her capacity to endure the pleasure.

    "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck AAHHHHH FUCK YESSSSS!" Sholina screamed, her eyes barely open as she finally reached her limit.

    "Fuck yes ah fuck yesss OHHHHHH FUCKKKKK!" Renara howled as she succumbed to the incredible pleasure and energy filling her every cell.

    Both women exploded in the most intense orgasm they had ever experienced, the pleasure overwhelming them, eyes turning in their heads as they screamed and howled incomprehensibly. Finally, Renara and Sholina passed out together, their ecstasy reaching inconceivable intensity. Their limp bodies hung in the air, supported by the invisible force fields the ship projected. Slowly, the ship disengaged the women and brought them down to the floor. The women were still unconscious, but their vital signs showed nothing alarming, so the ship just let them lay on the floor and rest. It kept a close watch on both of them as the women recovered.

  2. #2
    HB Forum Owner JB57's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Off to a great start! I love the idea of the ship getting involved. Looking forward to more!


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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Not bad at all. Very creative and the ship getting involved was unforeseen and kinky. However, I do have one problem. Most probably wouldn’t even notice this but it is a pretty big pet peeve of mine in any story. Sholina’s hair color is never described. May seem trivial but it is an integral part of me forming an image of them in my mind. Other than that, great stuff.

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    Senior Hostboard Member Hoborobo's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Now I know what I want to be when I grow up: a sentient ship.

  5. #5
    Hostboard Member barata77's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Hi Yuri,

    Sholina's hair color is not described directly, but it can be inferred since she and Renara are mirror images of each other, except for their facial features. And since Renara has blond hair, so does Sholina. I hope this helps you form an image of her


    Quote Originally Posted by YuriLesboLover View Post
    Not bad at all. Very creative and the ship getting involved was unforeseen and kinky. However, I do have one problem. Most probably wouldn’t even notice this but it is a pretty big pet peeve of mine in any story. Sholina’s hair color is never described. May seem trivial but it is an integral part of me forming an image of them in my mind. Other than that, great stuff.

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Quote Originally Posted by barata77 View Post
    Hi Yuri,

    Sholina's hair color is not described directly, but it can be inferred since she and Renara are mirror images of each other, except for their facial features. And since Renara has blond hair, so does Sholina. I hope this helps you form an image of her

    Oh. Yeah, I probably should have inferred that myself. Sorry about that. You seem to have a thing for same hair color rivalries. Good taste

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    Senior Hostboard Member YuriLesboLover's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Oh and I forgot to mention that I really liked how the girls used their encounters with other women as a means to compete with each other. I wish more stories did that. JB did it a bit in Jungle Queens vs Cavewomen when the girls decided to see who could pleasure their partners better.

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    Hostboard Member herbert3000's Avatar
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    Re: Foreign contamination, part 1

    Great stuff! Really intriguing world building and a ship AI which is secretly pervy - sweet! We need more authors who boldly go where no one has gone before

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